Re: Long application startup time

2001-04-23 Thread Mircea Luca
Jens Benecke wrote:
 I wonder if any of you have the same problem (perhaps on comparable
 hardware: AMD K6-2 500, 192 MB RAM, SCSI hard disks, /home via NFS).
 When I run KDE, *every* *single* *applicaion* (be it xterm, konsole,
 konqueror, or whatever) needs at least 3-5 seconds MORE time to start up
 than with e.g. IceWM.
 I.e. I type Alt-F2 + xterm. CPU jumps to 100%. 3 seconds nothing happens.
 then xterm pops up and CPU goes down.
 I type alt F2 and e.g. gg:foobar. Sometimes 10 seconds elapse before a
 konqueror window pops up and shows me the results.
 Does anybody have a similar problem here?

 Pretty much but it's not that bad.It takes about 2-3 seconds for a
small app to
start and it jumps up to 35%-50% CPU when starting a KDE
.xterm starts-up instantly and jumps about 3%.
 My system is a K6-2/500 with 256MB RAM (no NFS).This is with
samba,ominorb,netscape and 3 konsoles running .

Re: lisa and dist-upgrade

2001-04-01 Thread Mircea Luca

Thanks for the replys

as I said,I did solve the problem at the time.:-)

I was just pointing out the error as a curiosity.
What got me was that dist-upgrade didn't remove it.Now I would've
understand it from a apt-get upgrade ,but apt-get dist-upgrade should've
done it IMHO.
Ofcourse I could be mistaken.:-)

Re: kppp dials and no go

2001-03-24 Thread Mircea Luca
paul taylor wrote:
 I changed /etc/ppp/options to noauth.
 I dial in. The modems seem to connect, but then neither lynx or netscape
 can locate the start up page.
 This is very discouraging


Welcome to the world of Linux and dial-up.:-)
Try this as root

route del default
route add default gateway ppp0

I've seen this happening with some ISP's.No pattern though so I have a
in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d that does this.
As I said,it's the same box and with some ISP's will set-up the default
to ppp0,for others it won't.

Re: At a loss with kppp

2001-03-23 Thread Mircea Luca
Victor wrote:
 After having used kde 2.01 on a redhat box for a year or so, I've installed
 the latest release of kde 2.1 stable for debian potato on my new PC and go on
 using kmail as my favourite mail reader.
 Unfortunately, kppp doesn't run correctly both as a user and as root. After
 dialing the phone number, it connects giving info about the connection but
 immediately stop declaring pppd died unexpectedly - exit status 1 (I had a
 look at man pppd but this is an extremely generic error) . Neither is
 /var/log/messages more helpful: it says : terminating on signal 15.
 I had a go at chmod u+s /usr/bin/kppp and at giving all the users the same
 dip group. No success.
 Could you please help me with it?

Try giving the noauth option either in kpp or in /etc/ppp/options

Re: anyone having problems with noatun?

2001-03-21 Thread Mircea Luca
Tim Kelley wrote:
 On Monday 19 March 2001 20:30, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
 Hmm ... I just did an apt-get update/upgrade just in case (nothing)
 running 2.4.2 / P700 256MB here.  It should kick butt!
 I'm getting my kde2 from one of the mirrors ...
 deb potato main crypto optional
 I don't know how far beind they are ...
 Hiya Tim,

OK,so I tried an mpg :  noatun file.mpg .noatun starts.takes up 30% of
the CPU then drops down to 10.It won't play it though,just stays there
.mp3's work fine
though clue. I'm running the latest unstable veersion of
(latest dist-upgrade from sid as of yesterday from

Re: anyone having problems with noatun?

2001-03-19 Thread Mircea Luca
Tim Kelley wrote:
 I'm running the ltest KDE2.1 with potato.
 Lately (I can't remember after which update) whenever I try to play a file
 accosiated with kde media player (noatun) my cpu goes straight to 100% and
 nothing else happens.  I've tried playing files from the terminal to see if
 anything useful ... I get this:
 noatun ./blah.mpg

on my system,playing an mp3 works fine, 8% CPU time but I haven't
updated since
2.1 went final,so it's not kde related I'd say.(I don't have any mpg on
my system)
I'll update tonight and see  what gives.

Re: Fonts

2001-03-01 Thread Mircea Luca
Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 28 February 2001 23:16, Mircea Luca wrote:
  Can somebody please point me to a man page,doc,wahtever to restore mack
  my old fonts and console settings.After the new upgrade they suck.The
  control center
  setting for fonts won't see my ttf's (xfontsel does) ,mc in a console is
  like half of the charcaters and the overall look is crap.
  I'm willing to read but I like to know what.Where was that setting for
  AA fonts anyway ?Couldn't find it anywhere.
 it is very simple: read the emails in this mailing list
 the issues you mention are discussed there.
 you might be the Nth person to ask with N  1
 for example here is an email sent by ivan but
 you might want to read a few others
 On Wednesday 28 February 2001 20:18, Ivan E. Moore II wrote: with input from folks and whatnot here are some tips.
  1: Turn off AA support (it's enabled by default...grr, I'm fixing that)
  2: If you want AA, be sure to install true type fonts...
  3: Check out xfs-xtt
  4: read back through the archive for more tips
  5: Install xfonts-scalable .  If you don't have any type1 fonts (true type)
 to begin with, it'll crash as AA is on by default...and if it can't find
 any fonts it won't be happy.  This is most likely the cause of most of
 crash on startup faults.
 and try looking in the Control Center - LookNFeel-Style (AA support is 
 enabled there)
 - --

Thanks,after I played a bit with the 3 fonts I have I managed to see the
text to
disable them.As for the rest I'll read the archive.:-)

Re: Debian-KDE FAQ...

2001-01-27 Thread Mircea Luca
Jaime Robles wrote:
 Hello all!
 The List FAQ is going to be started so... the first thing is to
 decide ALL the questions that the FAQ should try to answer...
 Maybe it could start with:
 1.-Question: Is there a list for KDE  Debian users?
 2.-Q: How can I subscribe the
 3.-Q:Where are the Release schedules?
 4.-Q: What's avail and what's not?
 5.-Q: How do I install it...I can't find a package called kde?
 Those are only suggestions the main idea, i think shoud be that we
 all make the FAQ... so please, reports!
 Un saludo,
 Jaime Robles
 Coordinador KDE-ES

Q:What are the packages installed by task-kde and what are the others I
have to install one by one.?

Re: Debian-KDE FAQ...

2001-01-27 Thread Mircea Luca
Bruce Sass wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Mircea Luca wrote:
  Jaime Robles wrote:
   Those are only suggestions the main idea, i think shoud be that we
   all make the FAQ... so please, reports!
  Q:What are the packages installed by task-kde and what are the others I
  have to install one by one.?
 lemme take a crack at this one...
 A: For offline viewing do apt-get update, then use dselect,
 console-apt, aptitude, etc.  Online, use
 to see what is available, then either download and do dpkg -i ... or
 use apt-get ...
 Could you setup ?

I didn't ask myself,I know how to find them-I use apt-cache search ,but
I can see
it as a question and it would be nice to just have the answers instead
of having one do the whole process of search and compare which takes
some time(granted not much).Well IMHO that's what a FAQ is for.I'll post
an answer later today when I get to it.

Thanks anyway.

kicq problem

2001-01-06 Thread Mircea Luca

I have a small problem with kicq.If kicq is running my system won't
from kde.I have to shut down kicq first then logout.I have restore
session enabled.What's weird it will startup by itself after I login as
that user.
Anybody else experiencing this or should I dig in my
a pointer would be nice.



2000-12-31 Thread Mircea Luca

I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
2.2.18 and without devfs

Any ideas welcome

Please reply

2000-12-30 Thread Mircea Luca

For some reason  for 2 days now I don't receive anything from the
list.Can somebody please CC'me with
a reply if the message made it to the list.I want to check my



2000-12-30 Thread Mircea Luca

Thanks to everybody who replied.Suddenly after the first reply I started to get
the mails from the list as well.Weird.

Thanks again

Re: Installation from local files?

2000-12-23 Thread Mircea Luca
Denis NICOLAS wrote:
 I've downloaded the KDE2 packages for potato (from
 But as I'm new to Debian, I don't quite know what to do with them now...
 I've messed around for a while with apt-get (a Packages file seems to
 be missing), dselect and dpkg, to no avail :-(
 Could anyone please help me?

dpkg -R /home/foo

should install all deb packages in the directory foo.
While I haven't tested it it should work according to dpkg --help
Alternate would be to install package by package with dpkg -i foo.deb
hunting for dependencies (ugh !) .
For apt or dselect you need to create the packages.gz file in the
You can do that with dpkg-scanpackages .

Also you can add the relevant line in /etc/apt/sources.list

deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps

do an 
apt-get update

then to avoid redownloading all pacakges again just copy them from where
they are
to /var/cache/apt/archives
apt will check the dependencies and download only what you don't have
But you have to do the update first so apt knows what those packages are

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. 
 Alan Saporta

Re: Konsole and pam-solved

2000-12-17 Thread Mircea Luca
Mircea Luca wrote:
 Everytime I try to su from konsole I get a pam_authentication
 from kterm
 or a vt works fine.Does anybody experience this or is just something
 Storm specific and what may it be ?

Well ,the latest upgrade from yesterday solved this problem.Still don't
know why

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. 
 Alan Saporta

Re: vote

2000-12-16 Thread Mircea Luca
Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
 ok... Potato users be heard (woody users are stuck with what I give you) :)
option 1:  upgrade potato .deb's to 2.1-beta1+ (ie..move from stable to
   cvs snapshots as I am doing with woody)
option 2:  create a seperate repository on for kde 2.1 potato
option 3:  wait for 2.1's release to do potato debs
 (note...when I start making 2.1 debs for potato I will no longer be able
 to make 2.0.1 debs)
Due to my network snafu I ended up being a day behind in uploads for 
 which actually ends up being a good thing. :)  (at least IMO) the 24hrs
 to follow beta1 a bunch of bug fixes have been made including one very 
 one with email configuration. (plus 24hrs more of me cleaning things up)
 so..your choice.
I vote for option 2 but 3 will do.

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. 
 Alan Saporta

Konsole and pam

2000-12-16 Thread Mircea Luca

Everytime I try to su from konsole I get a pam_authentication
from kterm
or a vt works fine.Does anybody experience this or is just something
Storm specific and what may it be ? 


The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. 
 Alan Saporta