Re: ClamAV and KMail

2004-09-15 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2004 20:13 schrieb Roland Wegmann:
> Does somebody of you know a howto about the combination ClamAV and KMail?

Easiest way: Use KMail 1.7 from KDE 3.3.0 - It has an anti-virus and an 
anti-spam assistant in the "extras" menu ;)
The only bad thing is, KMail's user interface blocks during spam and virus 
checking, which can make the gui unresponsible for minutes when checking your 
mail on mornings...

If you can't use KMail 1.7: is a script for piping like you do with Spamassassin. It writes 
into the header. If you set up Spamassassin by hand, you can surely do the 
same with

By the way, the web page explains how to use procmail with Spamassassin and 
clamav, so you can do it with fetchmail. That way, at least the user 
interface always responds. The blocking is extremely unnerving when composing 
mails ;)


Thomas Ritter

Scroll wheel page scrolling modifier key

2004-07-29 Thread Thomas Ritter
Hi all,

I don't find the damn setting for the scroll wheel page scrolling modifier. In 
KDE's listboxes, it's ctrl, as I like, but in konqueror, since KDE 3.2, I 
think, it's shift now. It was ctrl and I can't find where this is being 

The most disturbing thing is the different behaviour in konqueror html views 
and the rest of KDE. By the way, inside the konqueror dirtree it's ctrl...

Does anyone know where this is (I might be blind, but I looked several times)? 
Or is this hardcoded shit?


Thomas Ritter

mouse wheel

2004-05-06 Thread Thomas Ritter

I used to have ctrl as modifier, so that when I press ctrl and use the mouse 
wheel, I scroll pagewise up or down. This still works everywhere in KDE, 
except in Konqueror windows/parts. There, ctrl+mw resizes the font and 
shift+mw scrolls pagewise. That's very stupid.

I looked everywhere, but I cannot find the setting anymore in KDE 3.2.2/sid. 
Am I just blind or has some programmer gone dull? If it's gone, I'll post a 
bug report, but I want to make sure it's not my fault...


Thomas Ritter

Re: Pogo vs. Kicker?

2004-04-20 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Dienstag, 20. April 2004 21:19 schrieb Bob Tilley (AT&T):
> Does a project to optimize KDE exist or must I go the Gentoo route and
> build my own packages?

lol, the old discussion.

KDE gets faster and faster with every release since 1.0.

KDE isn't just a panel and some utils, it's a desktop environment with 
consistent look and behaviour and it's fun to use and to code kde apps. This 
comes at a price. If you prefer speed over functionality, you should switch 
to something smaller like XFCE, which you mentioned.

Nonetheless, compiling KDE with optimization for your processor should bring 
some speed. Try compiling KDE 3.2.2 with konstruct, which is a script to 
download and compile a complete KDE. You can even run this KDE next to the 
original debs.
Or download the deb sources and make optimized packages. Gentoo is a nice 
idea, but if you ever do an emerge world and see xfree86, kde and openoffice 
in the update list, you might consider booting from a knoppix cd and 
reinstalling debian - that could be finished much faster on your 600MHZ 
debian box ;)
I used to compile my own KDE packages with my P200. "Take a good book and 
start reading" I was warned. Actually, one book wasn't enough, maybe I should 
have used the time to read "The World as Will and Idea", that would have 
taken enough time, I think.


Thomas Ritter

KDE 3.2.1: more problems

2004-03-11 Thread Thomas Ritter

I dist-upgraded my sid box to KDE-3.2.1 and ran into some more problems than I 
saw on the list...

1. KDM login.

When I login via KDM as my usual user on my single-user system, X immediately 
crashes, regardless which windowmanager I choose. I can login (even to KDE) 
via GDM without any problems (even autologin) with this user.
A test user I created can login without any problems.
The usual user can do startx.
I moved away my .kde directory, no effect.
I deleted the account and created a new one with the same name and the same 
home dir, no effect. Does anyone have an idea?

2. krfb stopped working.

It closes the connection immediately, from localhost and from remote.


# xtightvncviewer localhost:0
xtightvncviewer: VNC server closed connection
# netstat -l -a -p
tcp 0 0 *:5900 *:* LISTEN 1365/kdeinit: kded
# dcop kded kinetd isEnabled krfb
# dcop kded kinetd port krfb

An idea, anyone?

3. Spell checking

Is there an option in KDE to turn spell checking off? I write half of my texts 
in german, the other half in english. Even if I didn't hate spell checking 
while typing by itself, I'd start doing so now...
Am I blind or should I file an urgent wishlist item on
But... after some copy/paste spell checking dies anyway. I searched the other 
two's bug archives, but wasn't able to list the spell checker plugin's bugs 

Please give me some feedback if I did something wrong, if not, I'll start bug 
reports, of course.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Re: ICQ programs for KDE

2004-03-05 Thread Thomas Ritter
> > I've tried them all too, and for only ICQ usage you're really best of
> > licq with qt/kde plugin.

This changed from time to time in the past and most likely will in the future. 
AOL bought ICQ and has the tendency to do unannounced changes to the 
communication protocol.
All free ICQ clients have a past of spurious lost messages, not working direct 
connections and availability data shown wrong. But most of the time, it's 

The Jabber ICQ support depends on the jabber server, as Jabber clients don't 
use ICQ (Kopete's native support for ICQ is full of errors, but over Jabber, 
it's okay.)
The problem is, Jabber Servers tend to be unstable and badly maintained, 
bringing disconnects and other things. Every Jabber client has a "Server 
disconnected without reason. This would mean the server is buggy" message. 
This is everything but a good omen...

Though (to get back to KDE), I think the most promising is Kopete, as it is 
under heavy and very active development and gets a lot of attention, so it 
will most likely come out as the best-maintained KDE client one day. 

LICQ was very good, but after the main developer gave up, the team showed a 
lot off effort, but some bugs never went away or it took a loong time.

If you just use ICQ, you'd probably make several Jabber accounts on different 
servers and when one server has "an unstable day", switch to another. The 
Jabber ICQ transport uses the online contact list. But it is a lot of work to 
clean up your contact list, as one ICQ contact starts as two contacts if you 
have two jabber servers with ICQ support. But you can put them together in 
one metacontact. I actually have up to five icons next to my contacts, for 
different connection ways.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: GUI Interface To KDM

2004-03-01 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Monday 01 March 2004 03:21, Robert Tilley wrote:
> Does a GUI interface to kdm exist?  The documentation for kdm instructs
> that the addition of new session types has changed in 3.2 but does not
> include examples.

Yes, in the KDE control center. You can't miss it...

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Source of much KDE 2.2 weirdness identified

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Thursday 15 January 2004 07:13, Ross Boylan wrote:
> Simply by toggling "Use Anti-Aliasing for fonts and icons" on in the
> Control Center | Look & Feel | Fonts I can make much of the bad
> behavior reappear (in particular, the infinite horizontal width
> problem).


that's an old problem and it's just partially KDE-specific. Some things have 
to be right to make this problem go away:

- KDE/QT Antialiasing (the setting you described)
- /etc/fonts/local.conf shouldn't interfere, look at it
- font databases built with fc-cache -f

Font support is always on the move (think of LCD displays which need other 
antialiasing settings than usual monitors) and this will always bring 
hazards. I think KDE/QT has its own support for antialiasing to make things 
easier, but this didn't always work out well.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Diappearing symbols on KDE 3.1.4

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Wednesday 14 January 2004 20:33, Justus Frisch wrote:
> 1. You will need to run kdcop (generally by typing Alt-F2 and then typing
> 7. After clicking ok the last time hopefully the icons will have returned.

Ermmm. That was a lot of text. And the reason why GUIs are just *sometimes* 

Paste or type

dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface setIconsEnabled false
dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface setIconsEnabled true 

into a konsole window ;)

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: KMail filter on attachments? (How to filter windows viruses.)

2004-01-10 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Sunday 11 January 2004 01:58, Antiphon wrote:
> I don't use POP. Plus, the KMail POP3 filters require confirmation. Very
> annoying if you leave your machine to autocheck.

yapp. but really, better use spamassassin and Both together get 
more than 99% of my spam (and clamav writes, for curiosity, the virus name 
into the mail header) and the only false positives I got so far were Bugtraq 
postings with exploit/virus details inside the mail.
Don't delete any mail unless it's a fun only account where people don't get 
mad if you don't answer their mails. Make kmail filters filtering on 
spamassassin/clamav header fields and make one SPAM and one VIRUS folder. 
Virus mails can even get marked as read. So you get your spam into the spam 
folder and it takes less than a second a day to see if there are any false 
positives there.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: remote control without timeout

2004-01-03 Thread Thomas Ritter
>  I want to be able to automatically start a kde session (easy) on the
> server at boot-up, and then be able to VNC to it without having to set up
> the 'allow remote user to view / control' thing each time (not so easy). 
> In no small part because it's really difficult to use the server's GUI
> directly.

Err, you want to first-time set up "the 'allow remote user to view / control' 
thing", you are talking of KDE Desktop sharing, I guess...

Two ways: Set up that at another computer and copy the config files or start 
KDE inside the plain old vncserver to set up KDE's own VNC abilities.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: What do we need arts for?

2003-11-18 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Tuesday 18 November 2003 19:36, David Bishop wrote:
> Then don't.  Go into the Control Center, under Sound & Multimedia, select
> Sound Server.  Uncheck 'Start at login', and then use non-kde multimedia

... and don't forget to set arts to kill itself after 1 second or so before 
you disable it, because whenever you start one of the crappy (because arts 
using) KDE media programs, it will start arts. I had even thought of deleting 
the arts binary and symlinking it to /bin/false ;)
Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Is this normal?

2003-11-05 Thread Thomas Ritter
I get 

--WARN-- [kis012w] Program kdeinit (pid 1321, parent 1164) is using a deleted 
file: 12695 245427 /tmp/kde-thor/khtmlcacheHjC6Ma.tmp (deleted)

a lot from tiger. What is kdeinit doing with those deleted cached files? Is 
this related to the fact that when I view a directory on a CD in konqueror, I 
cannot umount the CD until I do "killall konqueror"? This does include web 
browser windows I never viewed that dierectory in.
Does KDE forget to close some handles?
I get this since the first versions of KDE 3, I guess...

btw: It's a sid system.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: WTF?

2003-11-05 Thread Thomas Ritter
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:33, Amit Shah wrote:
> I don't see it; sid, kde 3.1.4, qt:

oh, I've got sid and the same version and I do have that file. 


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/qt-x11-free-3.2.1] find . | grep qtrc_it_was_me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/qt-x11-free-3.2.1] fgrep -nri qtrc_it_was_me *

shows nothing.

btw: That's the source package's tgz... 

But my qtrc_it_was_me is not from Feb 14, 2003; mine's from Feb 16. And it's 
not part of any package. Does anyone know where to find specific older 
versions of debian packages? I'm sure this has been part of an installer 
script, as it's not part of any package and cannot have been, as it wasn't 
deleted on update.
Sounds like someone had fun with the scripts. I'd like to see where it came 
from. If the older version (someone with a huge local apt cache directory 
could make an ls-l) doesn't have a hint to this as well, this should go to 

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: [OT] Re: Spam because of this list

2003-10-06 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2003 03:30 schrieb Antiphon:
> I don't have any faith in anti-spam legislation. There's no way laws can
> stop spam. It's like pornography, religions, drugs and guns. The more you
> try to regulate it, the less you'll succeed at stopping it. Spam is a
> problem created by technology that can only be solved by it.

Hm. Not really... it's more a social problem. Too many people react to Spam by 
buying the fscking product. 

Of course Mail Virii are a different problem, which is being called Microsoft 
Outbreak or similar...
By the way, why the hell do some stupid admins filter virii out of mails and 
_send_ the rest of that Virus Distribution Mail? Those are nearly the only 
mails dropping through my SpamAssassin / ClamAV combination and going into my 
inbox :((

PS: Now it's 600 MB of that one damned virus in 14 days, that's really really 
a dimension I've never seen before in my personal mail account. Without 
filters, I'd have gone mad clicking through M$ update fakes on my linux box. 
Could it just be the programmer of that virus did the whole thing to annoy us 
Linux users? (Just to make this thing seem on-topic for this list)
Or is that thing on the run like no virus has ever been before?

I wish it would be like ICQ... my years old ICQ number has seven digits and as 
it seems all ICQ SPAM senders start sending at higher numbers :)

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: smb printing

2003-09-28 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Montag, 29. September 2003 01:07 schrieb Peter Nuttall:
> network. Can I print from kde on debian and it come out of the windows
> printer?
> I am sorry if this is a little OT but I use kde and kde based apps (such as
> koffice) mainly and I just want kde to print.

Actually, the easiest way to print to Windows is by using CUPS as printing 
system (which is the preferred KDE printing system), and the easiest way to 
set up that is kcontrol. So this is not really off topic.
Go to devices/printer and simply add your printer, the KDE printing system is 
quite slick, so you can even set up remote printers as user as you should be 
used to from Windows.
To make nifty things with the printer, like setting up a booklet printer, you 
could re-share the printer using CUPS drivers from Windows.

Printing under Linux was complicated until KDE solved that ;)

But be careful about the printer drivers, there are multiple choices for many 
printer, with heavily varying quality (For example, one of the Laserjet 
drivers always choked when I used booklet/n-up printing, printing at what 
looks like 30 dpi or so... at least my Commodore MPS 802 had a better 

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: shortcut....

2003-09-21 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Sonntag, 21. September 2003 15:42 schrieb LeVA:
> I want to bind Ctrl+F9 to the 'mount /cdrom' command.

right-click the K menu, select "menu editor", add menu entries and put 
keyboard commands on them.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

[OT]: Re: I'm back

2003-07-28 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003 00:10 schrieb Chris Cheney:
> Hehe, my spam filter is fairly decent (SpamAssassin) but it appears I
> need a virus scanner as well, around 200 windows virus emails in my
> inbox :\

... we as a linux community could think about starting an outlook virus 
collection, you know... web galleries like stamp albums, with trading rare 
ones with other collectors, meeting in conventions and nerds collecting all 
media coverage for the collectibles and animating the netflow of virii in 
flash ...

On the other side, this vast amount of virii scares the hell out of me, there 
are s many of them, what if Windows would run out of vulnerabilities 
because of this exploitation flood? What would we laugh about?

[answers to debian-curiosa please]

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: KDE and Ctrl+Alt+Del

2003-07-15 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 20:12 schrieb Oswald Buddenhagen:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 08:49:22AM +0200, BiGgUn wrote:
> > How can i customize the menu displayed by KDE when i pressed
> > Ctrl+Alt+Del? I would like to add the 'Lock Screen' entry .
> you can't.

Err, yes, you can. GPL... If you can code C++, it's a simple dialog window 
with easy C++ Source. Add a button and connect it with a kscreensaver call. 
Maybe even the KDE team likes it and you wouldn't have to change every new 
version of KDE ;)

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Re[2]: How to install KDE with woody?

2003-06-14 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 00:51 schrieb Kay-Michael Voit:
> what about a window manager?

KDE comes with its own window manager. Typing startx is to check if X dows run 
at all. Without a window manager, you'll get a grey screen with an X shaped 
cursor and can start smiling.

You don't actually need X _running_ (and it's not even helpful) for KDE to be 
installed, but it's a good idea to look if X works before that for easier 
debugging in the failure case.

"apt-get install kdelibs kdebase kdm" will bring you some KDE 2 in woody.

If you want KDE 3, you'll need to put a line into your /etc/apt/sources.list. 
Find the deb line somewhere in this list... 
Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: kde crash

2003-06-08 Thread Thomas Ritter
Four things to try:

1. Check the font path.
2. export LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose before starting X by hand. GL/DRI etc is always 
a good candidate for a crash.
3. Try startx'ing as root and see if it makes a difference, the user rights 
4. Disable the xfree modules with #'s one by one and startx to see which one 
is the crashing one, especially the font things

One of these should bring you at least information about the error. Then you 
could at least ask the correct package maintainer or maybe even solve it by 
recompiling from clean source or so.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: KDE, Writing CD's, and Windows XP

2003-05-31 Thread Thomas Ritter

Nope, FastTrack has changed the network protocol and kza stopped working.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: KDE, Writing CD's, and Windows XP

2003-05-31 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Samstag, 31. Mai 2003 22:27 schrieb Robert Tilley:
> I did something which greatly surprised me recently:  I reverted to Windows
> XP.

*shudder* ;)

> I did so not out of nostalgia for the days of reboots.  Rather, this was
> done for the ease of CD writing and to use the Kazaa network.

Okay, kazaa is one thing, the older versions worked with wine, but for the 
newer ones you'd need VMWare or similar, maybe win4lin. Kazaa doesn't seem to 
be disturbed by being masqueraded like the donkey does...

Okay, CD burning... click'n drag does exist, I did that with k3b, it was 
relatively easy, but as I use to burn CDs and erase the data after being 
burned, I'm used to put data for CDs into one directory. With a simple script 
bound to inode/directory in konqueror, I right-click a directory and select 
"burn this on the fly". e voila. At least for the case of data being erased 
after burning, this is easier than under XP ;)

If you want a tool like nero, use k3b for data. It's as simple as anything 
under Windows.

If you find anything too complicated with that, you are surely used to a 
special feature not implemented in any linux burning program and you should 
start posting to their devel-Mailing lists.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: KDE 3.1.2???

2003-05-19 Thread Thomas Ritter
> No, he didn't. It doesn't have anything to do with prelinking or other
> things.

He surely didn't, as prelinking was gcc-2 stuff... gcc-3.2 does better by 
default ;)

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Odd pauses with KDE 3

2003-05-01 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2003 20:33 schrieb James Greenhalgh:
> On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 12:14, Craig Dickson wrote:
> > I have the feeling that this problem is ultimately some sort of odd
> > locking problem. It might be in Konqueror itself (though why, then, does
> > the whole system seem to freeze?), or in glibc, or the X server, or even
> > the kernel (though why, then, does only Konqueror cause it?). Funny.
> I'm pretty sure its konqueror itself.

This could be, as konqueror needs very long to display home directories when 
there are many hidden files. It seems to check all files and directories 
before filtering out the hidden ones :( Try starting konqueror within another 
home directory to see if that's it.

Or you are using some filesharing client like lmule and your disk is heavily 
fragmented. While reading/copying fragmented files, konqueror needs up to 
nearly a minute on my Athlon 1700 XP, while reading/copying unfragmented 
files this becomes never more than 5 seconds.
Don't forget that all linux filesystems like to have at least 10% of free 
space all the time.

KDE Apps tend to use the hard disk rather often, even when started. An example 
is KMail, where redrawing the mail window (change to the desktop with kmail 
on it) takes some seconds while the disk is heavily working. So KDE Apps seem 
to be more vulnerable to disk fragmentation.
Unfortunately there is no working defrag for ext3, and many dinosaurs say 
things like "Linux doesn't suffer from fragmentation" which was a nearly true 
sentence until file sharing programs were used to download several huge files 
in parallel over days/weeks.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: /.qt directory

2003-04-13 Thread Thomas Ritter
> Maybe kdm thought that "/" was it's home directory.  kdm wants to create
> .qt, .kde, etc in it's home directory.  It would be really nice if kdm
> could be changed to think it's home directory was something under /var to
> make a distinction between the root user and kde daemons running as root.

I'd rather suggest /etc/kde3 - that's the proper place for those things.

Thomas Ritter

Fight against TCPA -

Re: kwrite loosing mouse pointer?

2003-04-07 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Montag, 7. April 2003 14:22 schrieb James Stembridge:
> Yes, I've also witnessed this bug a couple of times with 3.1.1 on
> sarge/sid. Haven't worked out how to reliably reproduce it yet though.

It's also sometimes when you have selected the Terminal Window in konqueror 
and change directory, the mouse arrow disappears over the terminal window. 
But not now as I test it, so it must be sth. else.

Thomas Ritter

Fight against TCPA -

Arial 9pt

2003-03-09 Thread Thomas Ritter

after 1-2 weeks I updated my KDE 3.1 - sid yesterday. After having rebooted 
today morning, my Arial 9pt font is wrecked up. I checked the fonts.conf etc 
- the fonts get listed as they should and everything, even AA works.
But sadly, just in Arial 9pt (all other sizes are okay, but that is my 
preferred font size) the "o"s and "a"s are badly crippled - all other font 
sizes are okay.
I might have a slightly different setting from other people as my old 20" 
monitor isn't exaltly 4:3 and I told that to X. Up to the yesterday update 
everything looked fine.
Can Anyone tell what did this?

Thomas Ritter

Fight against TCPA -

Re: How Do I Burn CDs? AND: Context menu shell scripts

2003-03-03 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Montag, 3. März 2003 19:34 schrieb Fred K Ollinger:
> cdrecord -dev=0,0,0 -data myfolder.iso


Just a note: I made the following bash script and bound it in Konqueror to the 
MIME type of "directory", with "execute in an xterm" or however this option 
says in english.
Now I just have to right-click a directory and select "Burn directory 
on-the-fly" from the context menu and the burning process starts, as I don't 
care about CD names and so on.

mkisofs -r -J $* | sudo cdrecord -v -overburn \ 
-eject -isosize -data -
echo Please press ENTER.

It's simple and useful. You just have to configure your device in 
/etc/cdrecord/cdrecord, so all defaults are okay.

To all: I am sure many people made such easy scripts for various uses and 
bound them to mime types in konqueror (think about "wget this recursively"). 
How about collecting these and making a package from all this, 
"konqueror-helpers" or so... I am missing a lot of useful commandline tools 
from KDE and just starting them in an xterm should be a good idea.
This could even get a bigger project, with a kcontrol module to choose from 
many utilities.

To the .deb-specialists and KDE package maintainers: Debian has a MIME 
registry with filetype-program and filetype-action associations (like "view" 
or "edit"). Is there any reason not to write a script 
"update-konqueror-actions", making .desktop-files for all those mime types? 
It just would have to store whichh files are autogenerated to be able to 
remove them when the package is removed.
Or does apt have a directory for scripts executed after every 
install/update/remove action? This would be even better, then the 
.desktop-files would be always up-to-date.
There are even things like "needsterminal" in /etc/mailcap...

If anyone except me finds this useful, I will write it, that shouldn't be so 
much work in python or perl ;)

kappfinder does this the other way round, it maintains a small set of 
applications with hand-written .desktop files. With debian and apt and its 
mime registry system (which should be far more used my package maintainers) 
this should be handled smarter.

PS: There is no MIME type for "ISO-Image"? And CUE-Sheets?
Thomas Ritter

Re: DDPD - the Dangerous Debian Package Dump - Was: Re: KDE PIM in sid?

2003-02-19 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003 20:23 schrieb Yun-Ta Tsai:
> Still...using unofficial debs or compiling myself is temporary choice.
> (My opinion)

This is what I meant this for. Like the kdepim packages.
and... broken dependency? dist-upgrade lost its function? Sounds like every 
KDE upgrade I made on Debian ;)

Thomas Ritter

DDPD - the Dangerous Debian Package Dump - Was: Re: KDE PIM in sid?

2003-02-19 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003 16:32 schrieb Yun-Ta Tsai:
[exact build instructions removed]
Your packages seem to be smoother than mine.

Too many people build packages for themselves and do not share them. Maybe we 
should think about DDPD - the Dangerous Debian Package Dump, where users can 
dump packages and write messages about them in the mailing list. Surely 
without APT metainformation, as automatic updates from such sources would be 
more than stupid, and with file size limits and a mime checker script 
deleting all unwanted file types and overwriting of files disallowed.

If the uploader supplies the debian mailing list address where he posts about 
these packages as anonymous password, an autogenerated message could inform 
the list (or an own list) about removal of files.

What do you think?
Thomas Ritter

Re: KDE PIM in sid?

2003-02-19 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003 15:39 schrieb Matt Sheffield:
> I've looked on Chris's unofficial packages as well as the official sid ones
> but there doesn't seem to be a kdepim metapackage or any of its components.
> Has someone compiled it for sid?


I made kdepim packages for sid from the ktown source deb. I changed nothing, 
just bare bones, but it works. I was rather rude with the QT headers I 
thought would be missing (I copied the files from a woody system)... Yes, I 
know, I read the thread after they were finished ;) But that should be no 
problem at all.
I have 128 KBit Upload and even with the LARTC ADSL Wondershaper, full upload 
lets downloads drop to about half the speed, so if anyone could give me space 
to place a directory, I could set up an easy repository and upload it there, 
so if anyone could send me a personal mail...
It's 2.9 MB together, but with my donkey running, multiple uploads would be 
bad, this shouldn't hurt anyone without a DSL modem with stupidly large 
upload queues (without Wondershaper the ping drops from 70ms to about 5000ms 
with full upload).

Maybe someone will be interested in my knetmonapplet package (again, bare 
bones), which will display the upload UNDER the download, using the normal 
panel size.

By the way, did anyone manage to compile lyx-1.3 with the brand new QT 
interface on sid? I made a simple package, but just with the old (but as it 
is said - better) ... what was it? xforms? ... interface.
Thomas Ritter

Re: Konqueror: Embedding of packed documents

2003-01-08 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2003 21:29 schrieb David Pye:
> If it's gzipped, how can KDE/Konq etc know what is INSIDE the gzip without
> opening it? ie the mimetype will be the zip, not the pdf/ps file. So, it
> gets opened with Ark. I fail to see how else it could work to be honest.

gzip is a streamable format, so finding out the mimetype gzip, unzipping the 
first couple of bytes and finding out the mimetype for _that_ is not even 
If you want this feature, use the Bug Tracking System of KDE to issue a 
feature request. KDE Developers tend to adopt such thoughts ;)


Re: Problems with upgrading a fresh woody installtion to kde3

2002-11-16 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Samstag, 16. November 2002 22:30 schrieb Carl Nelson:
> In upgrading a fresh woody binary installation (the default 2.4 kernel
> installation) from the Debian 3.0 CD, the kicker panel is trashed. I no
> longer have access to the Applications/Start menu, desktop-pager, or
> windows. The only non-standard thing I am running is a matrox 450 dual
> head.

Have you tried a clean ~/.kde dir? When it comes to importing config files 
from another major KDE version, _some_ things work. I had to completely 
reconfigure nearly everything from KDE1->KDE2 and from KDE2->KDE3.

do a 
tar cvfz ~/kdesettings.tgz ~/.kde*
to make all changes undoable and "rm -rf ~/.kde*" completely. Re-login and see 
if it works. You have a complete backup of everything you need to reconfigure 
your KDE.
If it really works, you may want to restore the .kde-directories and delete 
things file for file, first the kicker settings, then maybe kwm settings...

If it doesn't work, just restore your old .kde-directories and search for a 
software solution. Look at the ML archive, there are plenty of KDE3-Versions 
for debian, 3.0.5 is on the way at the moment, maybe something is broken 
because of this.

Thomas Ritter

Re: umount problems with KDE

2002-11-14 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Donnerstag, 14. November 2002 13:45 schrieb Tomas Pospisek's Mailing Lists:

> root# lsof|grep floppy
> user$ kill [process number]

It's always konqueror, and lsof doesn't need to be run as root here.
I dunno, I had Nuremberg Windows (SuSE) once, that KDE hat "kdekillall", so 
kdekillall konqueror
was the thing, but on debian, I cannot find this

Thomas Ritter

Re: KDE 3.0.4 and aRTs

2002-10-27 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2002 16:45 schrieb Jarno Elonen:
> If I use plain OSS (alsa with emulation in fact), XMMS plays smoothly even
> with multiple compile jobs on the background. Is it a known
> bug/misconfiguration?

It's not a Bug, it's a feature (people say...) But Arts is a real monster, I 
brutally removed the artsd binary from my system to prevent this CPU-eater 
from being loaded, and it's not really a pity that KDE multimedia apps won't 
start without it - they're crappy anyway.

Artsd is a tool for musicians to have flexible control about mixing and 
filtering of sound data, but in the name of hell, it is definitely not a 
suitable tool for every day sound access, just to hear system sounds next to 
mp3 playing - it is far too huge!

Thomas Ritter

Re: compiling kde-apps without --prefix=/usr

2002-10-21 Thread Thomas Ritter

if I understand it correctly, you want to separate packages from self-compiled 
binaries, but KDE likes to have all these things in one place ;)
Just make a package. Go to the source dir of your app you want to compile and 
type "deb-make". A directory named debian/ is being created. Call 
"debian/rules binary" and your package will be created. Any configure options 
you want to set, you can set in the shell script debian/rules.

Thomas Ritter

Removal of KDE

2002-09-29 Thread Thomas Ritter

I just stumbled with installing KDE 3.1. Just inserting the apt.sources line 
and running apt-get dist-upgrade was way too brutal for apt to handle. While 
clearing up all the mess (I hadn't done a dist-upgrade for some time and apt 
downloaded more than 300 packages, also trying to upgrade my KDE 3.0.3 
version.) I deinstalled all my KDE packages by typing apt-get remove kdelibs, 
getting a looong list of unmet dependancies and building a long apt-get 
remove line. Then I installed kde-3.1 and it worked. But removing those 
packages was really a pain...

Reading apt-get's manpage I found no option to remove the given package and 
all packages depending on that. Does such a thing exist?

Something like "apt-get --with-all-depending-packages kdelibs" would be a 
great help.

(This should be at least loosely related to debian-kde as it is for removing 

Thomas Ritter

Re: Problems with kdm at woody stable

2002-08-02 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Freitag, 2. August 2002 09:14 schrieb Soenke von Stamm:
> - 3rd (?) lightweight theme

My licq didn't work until I dropped using that style. Everything other seemed 
to work. TRy another style!

Dependendcy problem KDE3/wine

2002-08-01 Thread Thomas Ritter

after installing KDE3 from the well known apt source, I am unable to install 
debian wine, as libwine depends on libarts, where KDE3 installed and needs 
libarts1. Has anyone resolved this yet? Installing libarts would uninstall my 
whole KDE3...

Thomas Ritter

Re: configure error on debian woody kde 2.2.2

2002-07-27 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Samstag, 27. Juli 2002 19:17 schrieb gerhard:
> Sorry:
> After apt-get install  kde-devel ./configure can find the
> kde-headers now, but not the OpenGL headers, although libqt2
> libqt-dev are the newest packets of my installation.


Install auto-apt:
apt-get install auto-apt
Update the auto-apt database:
auto-apt update ; auto-apt updatedb ; auto-apt update-local

Go to your Source directory and execute:
auto-apt run ./configure

or to build a debian package, run (in the source directory)
(package debmake, if you don't have it) and
auto-apt run debian/rules binary

If configure tries to access any file you don't have on your system, but which 
is available in the repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list, you will be 
prompted if you want to install that package.

This is not longer really kde-specific (merely generic package compilation), 
so please ask further questions on more generic mailing lists.

- the file INSTALL in nearly any source package

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE 2.2.2 doesn't honor $HOME or ~ in config files

2002-07-26 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Freitag, 26. Juli 2002 22:40 schrieb Brad Felmey:

All those are text-configfiles, so use for example sarep, which will 
recursively change /home/defaultuser to /home/realusername if you want 
through all ~/.kde. If you spotted a program not honoring $USER or ~, please 
use to tell the developers.

This should be an ugly but automatable short-term-solution and a 
long-term-solution, as the KDE bug database is being taken seriously.

Thomas Ritter

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE 3.0.2 printmgr error

2002-07-26 Thread Thomas Ritter
Am Freitag, 26. Juli 2002 17:54 schrieb Regnat Nikolaus:
> I'm using the unofficial debs of KDE 3.0.2 and encountered a problem
> regarding the printing configuration. When I start the KDE Control Center
> -> Printing Manager I get the following Error: client-error-not-found Can
> someone tell me what's wrong with that?

You have selected cups as printing system, I guess... Either your cups 
installation is incomplete or you just haven't added a printer yet. 

Thomas Ritter

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]