Re: broken line graphics in konsole

2004-07-12 Thread Tomas Hoger
 i have problem with line graphics in text mode programs (e.g. mc, elinks,
 dselect; see screenshot from mc in attachment) in konsole.  i tried several
 fonts, but all except linux has same problem.  xterm with same fonts works
 fine.  it's almost up-to-date testing box.  any ideas?

Finally I managed to find solution to my problem (but not explanation).
Recent upgrade of glibc removed my LANG settings from /etc/environment,
hence LANG defaulted to POSIX.  After I changed LANG to locale I usually
use (or other that uses same charset), it works fine again.


Re: broken line graphics in konsole

2004-07-07 Thread Tomas Hoger
  i have problem with line graphics in text mode programs (e.g. mc, elinks,
  dselect; see screenshot from mc in attachment) in konsole.  i tried several
  fonts, but all except linux has same problem.  xterm with same fonts works
  fine.  it's almost up-to-date testing box.  any ideas?
 Looks like you are not using a fixed-width font.

Name of the font I use (also shown on screenshot attached to my first mail)
is Fixed, so I believe I am using fixed-width font ;).

Any other ideas?


broken line graphics in konsole

2004-07-02 Thread Tomas Hoger
hi all!

i have problem with line graphics in text mode programs (e.g. mc, elinks,
dselect; see screenshot from mc in attachment) in konsole.  i tried several
fonts, but all except linux has same problem.  xterm with same fonts works
fine.  it's almost up-to-date testing box.  any ideas?

thanks a lot in advance!


ps: cc to my address is appreciated.

attachment: broken-konsole.png

Bug#246631: konsole: incorrect window title

2004-05-29 Thread Tomas Hoger
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 07:51:27PM +0200, Tomas Hoger wrote:
 There's report about this problem on KDE's bug tracking system.  See:

Status of this bug on KDE's BTS was changed to RESOLVED with resolution
WONTFIX.  According to comments to that bug report, vim is one to blame for
misbehaving, not konsole.


Bug#247217: konsole: exiting a session gives error message session exited with error status xxx

2004-05-17 Thread Tomas Hoger
On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 11:02:50PM +0200, Chris Vanden Berghe wrote:
 When I exit a session in Konsole (by typing 'exit'), I almost always get
 an error message saying that the session exited with error status xxx,
 where xxx is quite often '1' or '127'.  But also other numbers are possible.
 This is repeatable on my system:
   open a new konsole tab
   type a non-existent command
   get 'a command not found message from bash'
   type 'exit'
 This always results in such an error status message, but this is
 certainly not the only way to get one.  I never had this behavior with
 older versions of konsole...
 Any ideas?  Thanks,

I may be wrong, but I think this is *feature*, not bug ;).  I finally
realized after reading your report (especially description how to reproduce
it).  Konsole prints this error message each time program executed for
given session (typically it's shell) exits with non-zero exit status.
Shells exit with exit status of last executed command.  If you type
non-existent command, its exit status is 127, which is then used by shell
as it's exit status.

Anyway, I agree that it's quite annoying feature (at least sometimes / for
some users).  Maybe it should be configurable.  Try filing wishlist bug on
KDE's bug tracking system.


(strange) problem with fixed fonts in kde and konsole

2004-02-05 Thread Tomas Hoger

I have encountered strange problem with fonts on one sid machine with Kde
3.1.4.  Problem is, that font dialog in Control Center - Appearance 
Themes - Fonts for Fixed width fonts offers only one variant of fixed
font, which looks quite ugly in all sizes.  However font dialog for any
other font category (general, toolbar, menu, ...) show all available fonts,
both bitmap and truetype, even various fixed variants (elt, misc, sony,
...).  Same problem occurs in konsole.  When I try to choose Linux or
Unicode font in konsole, I get error message about non-existent font, which
also suggests looking into README.linux.console, which does not seem to be
in any debian package.  Other kde applications (kate, kile, ...) does not
seem to be affected.

This problem occurs for every user but one!  For that one user, everything
works flawlessly, font dialog in both konsole and Control Center shows also
other fonts.  I tried to create new user and use kde config files from
user, which works fine, but without success.  I also don't remember doing
any nasty changes in global config.  Any ideas?

While experimenting I realized, that on one other sid machine with Kde
3.1.5, font dialog shows only one Fixed font, not all variants (elt, misc,
sony, ...), however gtkfontsel shows them separately.  Can anyone explain

Thanks a lot in advance!


PS: Please, CC your replies also to my private mail, thanks.

Re: Update of libxrender causes relocation error on startup of KDE

2003-10-08 Thread Tomas Hoger
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 12:17:49PM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:
 These type of errors wrt relocation errors seem to be fairly common with
 KDE. However, I have never seen them on my own box. Perhaps you need to
 disable prelink completely for the error to go away? Even with the new
 libxrender1 I can still run KDE fine and get no error messages related
 to relocations in .xsession-errors

I'm not sure, whether this problem is related only to prelink.  I've had
prelink-ed few libs and binaries (openoffice suggested it during install),
but I completely removed prelink and reinstalled all packages, for which
md5sum did not match.  Now I don't have any prelinked (modified) files in
system (according to debsums), but problem still remains. ;(  Any other
suggestions (besides xreneder 0.8.2)?


Re: Update of libxrender causes relocation error on startup of KDE

2003-10-08 Thread Tomas Hoger
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 03:01:17PM -0600, Doug Holland wrote:
 So far, it doesn't appear to be very tragic.  Asside from the error
 dialog, KDE still appears to work fine.

It appears, but it does not work as it should. ;(  Some apps are not
started, most notably (at least for me ;) artsd and kxkb.
