Re: Back in Konqueror broken

2004-09-28 Thread kosh
On Tuesday 28 September 2004 2:09 am, Ian Eure wrote:
> Anyone else seeing this bug?

I don't see that problem here.

Re: kde 3.2 will not start after dist-upgrade

2004-03-10 Thread kosh
On Wednesday 10 March 2004 01:18 pm, Sean O'Dubhghaill wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 March 2004 7:42 pm, uwe Herion wrote:
> > Hallo
> > i make a dist-upgrade with unstable debian.
> > now i have kde 3.2:
> >
> > The new kde will not start.
> > An other displaymanger (icewm) starts.
> >
> > Can you help me what i have to do.
> > Thank's
> > uwe
> hi
> I had to delete my .kde directory in my home directory to make kde start
> again. Unfortunately you lose all your kde setting doing this.

That was probably unecessary. On several machines I tested kde would not start 
on an upgrade but just selecting kde in kdm as the environment to start fixed 
it. It would seem that some setting was damaged that pointed to the last 
environment you logged into and so just reselecting it fixes it.

Re: KDE 3.2.1 optimization?

2004-03-10 Thread kosh
On Wednesday 10 March 2004 05:14 am, Will Maier wrote:
> Hi all-
> I finally made the switch to 3.2.1 last night (from the offical apt
> repository). I am thoroughly impressed: 3.2.1 looks wonderful. For some
> reason, however, programs seem to be loading/running slower since the
> upgrade.
> There were some problems (had to force install kdelibs), and I am
> wondering if I have any 3.1.5 stuff that might be slowing everything down.
> I'm also wondering about klauncher, which I do not remember having under
> 3.1.5 and which is now using ~10% of system resources. I can't kill it,
> for some reason.

Run fc-cache as root and then login to kde again. On a few system it seems the 
font cache was out of data and it killed the performance on those also.

Also if you forced "anything" remove all of kde and install it again. Do not 
force the package system you just end up breaking stuff. Your slowdown may be 
a result of forcing the package. Also when I say all of kde I mean kde 3.1.5 
and 3.2.1 from the system and reinstall them so that the results of forcing 
are removed.

Re: Spam because of this list

2003-10-06 Thread kosh
On Monday 06 October 2003 12:59, Antiphon wrote:
> It looks like you're misunderstanding me. I am only talking about when
> posting the archives on the Web, not via e-mail. With email, you'd be able
> to hit your reply just the same.
> While it is possible to get around encoding, since few sites do it, it is
> not worth it for spammers to try to get around it since doing so would slow
> the rate at which pages are parsed.

> > I have talked with some people and I am assured that most spam crawlers
> > can deal with that also.

As I already pointed out the existing email harvesters already do this by 
default. You are not defeating anything. I think you overestimate how much 
time it takes to parse stuff like that. It problems takes more time to gather 
the data over the network connection then it takes to parse it.

Re: Spam because of this list

2003-10-06 Thread kosh
On Monday 06 October 2003 12:26, Antiphon wrote:
> Your example undermines your argument since no script could be written to
> get around all of the possible variations on the simple way I outlined.
> Good munging uses HTML entities to encode the relevant addresses so that
> each person's address is never actually displayed inside the HTML which is
> what the bots look for. Onscreen, it looks exactly the same.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] becomes in HTML:
> joe@user.or.j

I don't click on stuff I just hit reply for my email program. Also since you 
brought that format up. Also I have html mail disabled so if you send 
something like that it becomes unuseable.

import sgmllib
yourmungedstring = 
sgmllib.charref.sub(lambda x: chr(int(, yourmungedstring)

That gives '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

I have talked with some people and I am assured that most spam crawlers can 
deal with that also.

Re: Spam because of this list

2003-10-06 Thread kosh
On Monday 06 October 2003 11:47, Antiphon wrote:
> Munging does not mean only removing the domain. It can be simply a matter
> of making [EMAIL PROTECTED] into joe at user dot or dot jp. That's not too
> hard for someone to figure out.

If I have to figure it out then I won't reply. I get thousands of email a day 
and reply to some of them to help people. There are so many that I could 
reply to anyone that makes my life just a little more difficult will not get 
a reply. Also do you honestly think that the bots are not smart enough to 
deal with that?

'joe at user dot or dot jp'.replace(' dot ','.').replace(' at ', '@')

Paste that into a python interpreter and you will see that one line fixes that 
address just fine. It is silly to think that address harvesters don't have 
lots of ways of fixing email addresses. Only the complex ones will have much 
chance of working and only so long as lots of people don't use them otherwise 
it will just be programmed in as another type of email address to convert.

Re: Spam because of this list

2003-10-06 Thread kosh
On Monday 06 October 2003 09:19, Antiphon wrote:

> It is bad practice that the Debian listservs do not munge addresses. I
> realise that munging may not be implemented because people like to be able
> to respond to old threads privately but simply providing a mechanism as
> simple as spelling out domain suffixes and removing at signs would do the
> job nicely.

I disagree with this idea and I don't want the addresses munged. It is very 
useful being able to reply to someone and I will just hit reply to reply to 
someone. If the mail bounces I won't waste any more time contacting them. 
Overall not one list that I am on munges email addresses and when people do 
it to their own addresses they often end up getting no help at all. I see 
that on the python and zope lists a fair bit.

Re: KDE 3.1.1 Fast as root but slow as User

2003-04-08 Thread kosh
On Tuesday 08 April 2003 03:42 pm, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Dienstag, 8. April 2003 23:08 schrieb Patrick Dreker:
> > The X memory usage includes AGP mem. So if your card has 32 meg of RAM
> > you have to subtract this first. My X reports 290 megs used, but I have
> > 128 megs of that on my graphics board.
> 290-128=?
> That's too much ;)
> I'm pretty sure that X does not use that much.

X memory usage is evil black magic to figure out.
It also includes AGP mapped memory, pixmaps and stuff that programs have open 
get charged to X and damned if I know how much other stuff it has. At one 
point I had X showing it was using 1G of ram on a system with 256MB with no 
swap usage at all. The card had 64MB and I had left the bios at default for 
AGP size.

On this machine right now X shows it is using 140M. However 64MB is one card, 
4 MB is in another, who knows how much is in AGP memory space. Overall what 
it comes down to is that X does not use very much memory however the way it 
accounts memory causes people to think that it does. Also the more graphics 
you have on the screen the more memory X will take up with all of those 
images while the programs will not get charged with that. Try running twm in 
a default config and then kde and see the difference in X memory usage 

Re: KDE Usability survey

2003-03-12 Thread kosh
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 01:42 pm, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> Second, It may not be the design goal to run on the lowest end stuff (like
> a system built out of Linux, Dietlibc, TinyX and twm or something :-) ),
> but I hope it isn't the goal of the kde project to become as big as Windows
> Xp or something (exageration for the sake of demonstration).

I don't care if it becomes 10 times as large as Windows XP so long as it is 
using that to do something useful. For example the kde ioslaves save me a 
huge ammount of time since I can use just about any url protcol from any app 
transparently. I really don't care what load that puts on the system because 
frankly it is worth it. Memory is cheap and so is cpu power and for what I do 
(building custom web apps) the time saving of a system like that are worth 
the minor cost involved. For about $500 you can get an athlon xp 2200, a 
KT400 board and 1G of DDR333 ram.

It would be nice if kde where faster then it is now sure but I would not trade 
that speed for features that I use now and hope to get more of in the future. 
I would like it if I could embed kate in all   objects 
on the web so that I could use a real editor in them. If it uses up more 
memory to do that I don't really care because the gain would be worth it. The 
stuff could be made optional but I want the option to turn all of it on that 
saves me time. kioslaves save me a good 30 minutes or so day and that is 2.5 
hours/week or 125 hours/year. For 125 hours I can afford to sink a lot more 
into hardware if that is what it takes.

> Third, () the machine I named is low-end by todays standards,
> but by no means "extremely" low-end. It would be like a space shuttle ride
> for the majority of the worlds population.
> So I find the most important thing that KDE can focus on, snappyness and
> system requirements. And stability off course.

I would hope they focus on stability and features primarily. Hopefully by 
making things more modular they can make it faster and more featureful since 
if you don't use those features you won't take the speed hit.

Re: Excessive KDE mem usage

2003-03-07 Thread kosh
On Thursday 06 March 2003 12:03 pm, Casper Gielen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> KDE is using excesssive amounts of memory. Currently it uses over 800 mb
> after boot. Many KDE programms hover around the 80 megabytes (virtual)
> memory. After increasing my swapspace by a gigabyte I was able to get
> through startup, which took me 15 minutes. This might be related by the
> fontconfig problems have reported, but I have not had any trouble with that
> so far. (I have fontconfig 2.1.90 installed).
> When everthing is done loading, the system is usable. Some programms
> (notably kopete & kmail) keep slowly growing, but this seems to be due to
> "normal" leaks.

run fc-cache as root with kde not running and then login to kde and see if it 
still does uses up this much.

Re: Kdm startup time

2003-02-20 Thread kosh
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Michael Schuerig wrote:

> The new (i.e. KDE 3.1) kdm takes an inordinately long time to startup on
> my system. After the switch to X, there's a delay of 15 to 30 seconds
> until the login screen (kdm greeter) appears. During this time, there's
> heavy activity on the disk.
> My best guess is that kdm is exhaustively searching for some resource.
> This did not happen with earlier versions of kdm.

Could you run fc-cache as root and then logout and login again and see if
it still does it. That solution worked for me although I don't know why
the font caches are doing it.

Re: kde 3.* in sid will it ever happen?

2002-09-13 Thread kosh
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there any light in the tunnel for kde3 being uploaded in Sid some day,
> some year or so?
> I might be sounding a bit negative but haven't seen any progress or some
> sort of status from the maintaineres for some while now.. Is it still
> the transition to gcc 3.X that slows debians progress to be a useful desktop
> system?

Geez you can get the packages easily for sid. Even kde has the packages
hosted and did from the moment kde 3.0.3 came out and kde 3.0.1-3.0.2 has
been available for a while now and the locations have been publicized in a
number of locations. Just add the apt lines and install it. I have been
running kde 3.0.x in debian sid for a while now without any problems.

Re: kpackage 3.0.3 problem and solution

2002-08-28 Thread kosh
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Amir Tal wrote:

> Kpackage require librpm4 to run... :
> #apt-get remove librpm4 -s
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>   kpackage librpm4 rpm
> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 4  not upgraded.
> Remv kpackage (4:3.0.3-1woody1
> Remv rpm (4.0.4-10 Debian:unstable)
> Remv librpm4 (4.0.4-10 Debian:unstable)

The kpackage I have does not depend on librpm4 or any librpm I removed
then using apt-get remove and it did not complain at all and it still
launches. I have kpackage 3.0.3 from
I am running debian sid.

Designing and building web applications

Re: kpackage 3.0.3 problem and solution

2002-08-28 Thread kosh
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Amir Tal wrote:

> $ su -c kpackage
> Password:
> kpackage: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> is a part of librpm4, and guess what ? :
> # dpkg -l |grep librpm
> ii  librpm44.0.4-10   RPM shared library

Hmm I don't have any RPM stuff installed. If you don't need it try
removing it and then seeing what happens.

kpackage 3.0.3 problem and solution

2002-08-28 Thread kosh
When I start kpackage from kde 3.0.3 it complains about my not having I did some searching and found that I needed libdb1-compat.
It would be good if kpackage could be built so it did not need this
library or if it could depend on libdb1-compat.

Designing and building web applications

Re: kde3 debs do not work with libpng from sid

2002-06-26 Thread kosh
On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Michael Thaler wrote:

> Hello,
> o.k. one more thing:
> ldd /usr/bin/konqueror
> => /usr/lib/ (0x40e31000)
> O.K. it is oviously linked against the wrong libpng. I am wondering
> that noone else is experiencing this problem. Or do I do something
> wrong?

Okay now this will get stranger.

I have libpng2 and libpng3

libpng2 1.0.12-3
libpng3 1.2.1-1.1

from sid and I also have kde 3.0.2 and my konqueror is linking to and I have no problems on any of my systems here.

Figured I would throw in another data point. I also have XF 4.2 and
2.4.19pre10 kernel.

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what is it with all this hostility?

2002-04-15 Thread kosh
Overall I think the KDE3 packages will be ready when they are ready and
will live up to the higher standard of packaging I have seen in the KDE2
for debian. I have used KDE on many dists and have found that the debian
packages tend to be a lot more stable and less buggy.

Overall if you think you can do a better job then the current packages
then just do it. NOTHING gives you the right to abuse another person
because they are not moving fast enough for you. Even paying someone does
not give you the right to abuse someone no matter what you might have
learned. This attacking has got to stop and it needs to stop NOW!

As far as the packagers go I think they are doing a good job and encourage
them to keep up the good work and not worry about the time involved.

Designing and building web applications

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]