Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-17 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 04:22:27PM -0500, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
   In these cases where there are grey areas, I wouldn't really trust our
   opinions to be all that valid.  Just as we might not trust a lawyer's
   advice on how to implement a technical issue, maybe we should consider
   having a lawyer looking at something that falls under their area of
   expertise before we go off half-cocked.
  Quite right.  I believe this step has already been taken.
 You wish.  =3D
 RMS has commented on the opinions of the FSF lawyer(s), but that's the
 extent anyone has really looked into the matter other than individual
 dists asking their lawyers will distributing this get us sued?  

So David Walton said someone should ask a lawyer.

I said I believe someone *has* asked a lawyer.

And you first: say you wish as if nobody had asked a lawyer, and
then second: describe what two different groups of lawyers said in
response to some questions on the subject.

As I said, someone has.

And the answer is:

1) Illegal
2) The KDE people probably won't sue.

Mind you, if they had taken *my* GPL'd code and were linking it with
QPL'd code, I very well might consider a lawsuit.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-17 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Marc van Leeuwen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 By the way, I assume that Microsoft does not forbid distribution of binaries
 for programs that run under MS Windows (that would certainly decrease the
 popularity of their platform). Is this because they explicitly gave
 permission, or simply because their permission is not required? I honestly
 don't know, but I would bet it is the second possibilty. Does anybody have
 more definite information on such issues?

As a general rule, the people who make those runtime libraries give
away certain rights in the license.  You usually get it with the

Typically, when you by some proprietary compiler+libraries, you will
find an explicit license where they have agreed to let you distribute
linked programs using their library; typically you might be able to
distribute linked binaries without limitation as long as it's
non-profit.  If you are making a profit, then sometimes the library
author wants a cut too, though different compiler-package-vendors


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-15 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:03:38 -0500, Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Are you now claiming that it's legal to distribute kghostscript?
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 03:21:44PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:  Yes,
 definitely, if you are distributing sources; from your remarks I  conclude
 that even you would agree to this. One could include scripts to  compile
 and link (say statically, just to get the worst case) those  sources onto a
 complete executable; since all the tools necessary to do  that could also
 be (and are in fact) legally distributed by the same  distributor, the
 effect is that this executable will be identical, bit by  bit, to an
 executable that the distributor could assemble. So the exact  same effect
 is achieved, although slightly less efficiently, as if the  distributor had
 directly distributed that executable file. But, we agree,  the latter would
 certainly not be permitted.
 If the exact same affect is achieved -- if no user intervention is required
 -- then there's no legal protection gained by automatically building the
 executables for the customer on their machine. You'd still be distributing
 executables, you'd just be using a different technology to deliver them. 
 [...] There's a difference between simply distributing GPLed sources and
 distributing the sources as a part of a system which automatically builds
 working executables. In the latter case it's pretty obvious that you are
 distributing executables.

In fact I wasn't necessarily thinking about generating the executables in a
100% automated way (although that might be a possibility), just about ensuring
that the executables will be 100% identical to what the distributor has.

But your remark reveals an interesting line of thought, one that would never
have occurred to me. It considers any inconvenience, caused to the recipients
by having to distribute sources, not as an inevitable by-product of having to
abide by the conditions of the licence, but rather as a condition that in and
by itself is necessary for the legality of the distribution. This raises the
further question as to how much inconvenience is necessary for that legality.

Obviously having to wait a couple of minutes for gcc to complete doing its
thing is not sufficient. Why, the user might even be enjoying a cappucino at
the same time! Would it suffice to have to click on a button labelled Compile
and install the program (some consider something similar sufficient to enter
into a legally binding contract, so why not)? Nah, too easy! Although you
would have to come dangerously close to your computer, you could manage to do
that without even putting down your cappucino. To have to type Y to a prompt
Do you want to install the program [y/N]? . Same difference! Having to type
make? Here I would personally put down my cup, but I guess with some
practice, it can still be done without; it's still too easy! Having to read
through a README file to find that the proper incantation is to type: I would
like to compile and install this program now, please. (exact spelling and
punctuation required, the README could be in pdf to prevent cheating by
cut-and-paste)? That ought to do it: even if you do manage to do that while
holding on to your cup, it would be cold by the time you finished.

Of course I'm being silly here. The real measure of inconvenience has nothing
to do with coffee. The inconvenience just should be great enough to allow the
conclusion therefore there is just no way that we can include KDE in Debian.
As long as conclusions are being used to find the arguments, no wonder people
can't ever seem to agree on those arguments.

  Now apart from distributing sources and distributing a statically linked
  executable, there are other methods to give users access to an executable,
  varying in the amount of work do be done at the recipients end. Offhand I
  can think of distributing compiled but unlinked object files, or
  distributing dynamically linked object files; maybe other possibilities
  exist as well.
 Please take a look at for a
 historical example of shipping unlinked object files.

I had almost cited that case (of NeXT and Objective C/gcc) in my original
message to show how opinions can vary in these matters, but had decided not to
do so because that case is dual to KDE/Qt (non-GPL on top of GPL rather than
GPL on top of non-GPL), and therefore does not quite match the example.

Marc van Leeuwen
Universite de Poitiers

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-15 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 12:00:51PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 But your remark reveals an interesting line of thought, one that would
 never have occurred to me. It considers any inconvenience, caused to
 the recipients by having to distribute sources, not as an inevitable
 by-product of having to abide by the conditions of the licence, but
 rather as a condition that in and by itself is necessary for the
 legality of the distribution. This raises the further question as to
 how much inconvenience is necessary for that legality.

It's not inconvenience that's relevant.

What's relevant is what the distributor intended to distribute, and what
decisions are available to the end user.

If the distributor intends to distribute a working copy of kghostview and
the end user has only one option -- which involves libqt -- in receiving
that working copy, in that case there's not much of a legal question
about what's going on.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-15 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:10:57 -0500 Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's not inconvenience that's relevant.
 What's relevant is what the distributor intended to distribute, and what
 decisions are available to the end user.
 If the distributor intends to distribute a working copy of kghostview and
 the end user has only one option -- which involves libqt -- in receiving
 that working copy, in that case there's not much of a legal question
 about what's going on.

Do you mean that distributing sources of kghostview, not for the purpose of
literary enjoyment of reading the sources, and in practical absence of any
alternatives for libqt, would be equally illegal as distributing binaries,
even without automated building of exectables?

Marc van Leeuwen

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-15 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 04:16:07PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 Do you mean that distributing sources of kghostview, not for the purpose of
 literary enjoyment of reading the sources, and in practical absence of any
 alternatives for libqt, would be equally illegal as distributing binaries,
 even without automated building of exectables?

I can't say without knowing more of the specifics of the situation.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-14 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 12:34:29 -0500, Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 05:26:47PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  Nobody in this discussion is claiming (as far as I can see) that
  by some subtle shuffling of pieces you can get a (composite) program
  from A to B without requiring permissions from all copyright owners.
 It seems to me that that's exactly what people are saying when they
 claim that it's legal to distribute kghostscript.
  The point is that the complex conditions in the licences, in partcular
  GPL, may lead to a situation where such permission may be obtained for
  some particular method of distribution, but not for some other method.
  For instance, you may distribute in source form (and under GPL) a
  GPL-ed an application that links to Qt (because then there is no
  requirement to distribute complete sources), while also distributing
  Qt (in source and binary) under QPL; the recipient could compile and
  link an executable program which does not happen to spring into
  existence, and which was the goal of distributing the GPL sources,
  yet which could not have been legally distributed directly.
 Certainly: it's only if you distribute executables or object code that
 there's any requirement to distribute the complete source for the program.
  I think you put forward yourself another example (a Solaris-linked
  GPL binary and Solaris itself), where the components might be legally
  distributed separately (assuming permission from Sun) but not
 Right: that was an example of a situation which takes advantage of the
 special exception in section 3 of the GPL.
  So please don't suggest any more that people are trying to evade
  copyright law when in fact they are trying (maybe by jumping through
  hoops) to abide by the conditions put forth in the licence(s).
 Are you now claiming that it's legal to distribute kghostscript?

Yes, definitely, if you are distributing sources; from your remarks I conclude
that even you would agree to this. One could include scripts to compile and
link (say statically, just to get the worst case) those sources onto a
complete executable; since all the tools necessary to do that could also be
(and are in fact) legally distributed by the same distributor, the effect is
that this executable will be identical, bit by bit, to an executable that the
distributor could assemble. So the exact same effect is achieved, although
slightly less efficiently, as if the distributor had directly distributed that
executable file. But, we agree, the latter would certainly not be permitted.

Probably your question was about another method of distribution than in source
form. But instead of diving for the umpteenth time into matters about which we
(and many others) have already amply demonstrated to have differences of
opinion, let me just restate that on which we do seem to agree. If our goal is
to give users access to an executable version of kghostscript, then there is a
reliable method of doing that (distributing sources) that satisfies all the
requirements in the relevant licences, while there is another method
(distributing the statically linked executable file directly) that does not
satisfy all requirements, in particular not those of the GPL. We arrived at
this conclusion not by trying to evade copyright law, but merely by reading
carefully the conditions of the GPL.

Now apart from distributing sources and distributing a statically linked
executable, there are other methods to give users access to an executable,
varying in the amount of work do be done at the recipients end. Offhand I can
think of distributing compiled but unlinked object files, or distributing
dynamically linked object files; maybe other possibilities exist as well.
Somewhere in this range of possibilities there is a dividing line between
legally possible and not legally possible. If you ask me where I personally
would put the line, then I would say: probably between the dynamically and the
statically linked files; I arrive at this conclusion not by general
considerations of copyright law, but by carefully reading the text of the GPL.
I will accept that differences of opinion can exist here, in particular since
it would seem that the GPL (and LGPL) was formulated without the distinction
between static and dynamic linking in mind, making it highly unlikely that it
was intended that one case be covered but the other not. But even if an
advocate of legally possible would give up the position of dynamically
linked executables (did anybody ever give up a position in this discussion?:-)
he could still maintain that of unlinked object files with fresh arguments
(such as: GPL 3 starts with You may copy... the Program... in object code OR
executable form and later For an executable work, complete source code
means... which apparently does not apply to unlinked object code). And then I
don't even mention the possibilities of actually modifying the kghostscript

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-14 Thread Raul Miller
   So please don't suggest any more that people are trying to evade
   copyright law when in fact they are trying (maybe by jumping through
   hoops) to abide by the conditions put forth in the licence(s).
  Are you now claiming that it's legal to distribute kghostscript?

On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 03:21:44PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 Yes, definitely, if you are distributing sources; from your remarks I conclude
 that even you would agree to this. One could include scripts to compile and
 link (say statically, just to get the worst case) those sources onto a
 complete executable; since all the tools necessary to do that could also be
 (and are in fact) legally distributed by the same distributor, the effect is
 that this executable will be identical, bit by bit, to an executable that the
 distributor could assemble. So the exact same effect is achieved, although
 slightly less efficiently, as if the distributor had directly distributed that
 executable file. But, we agree, the latter would certainly not be permitted.

If the exact same affect is achieved -- if no user intervention is
required -- then there's no legal protection gained by automatically
building the executables for the customer on their machine.  You'd still
be distributing executables, you'd just be using a different technology
to deliver them.

 Probably your question was about another method of distribution
 than in source form. But instead of diving for the umpteenth time
 into matters about which we (and many others) have already amply
 demonstrated to have differences of opinion, let me just restate that
 on which we do seem to agree. If our goal is to give users access
 to an executable version of kghostscript, then there is a reliable
 method of doing that (distributing sources) that satisfies all the
 requirements in the relevant licences, while there is another method
 (distributing the statically linked executable file directly) that
 does not satisfy all requirements, in particular not those of the GPL.
 We arrived at this conclusion not by trying to evade copyright law,
 but merely by reading carefully the conditions of the GPL.

There's a difference between simply distributing GPLed sources and
distributing the sources as a part of a system which automatically builds
working executables.  In the latter case it's pretty obvious that you
are distributing executables.

But I will grant that this is not a technique which linux distributors
are currently using to distribute kde executables.

 Now apart from distributing sources and distributing a statically linked
 executable, there are other methods to give users access to an executable,
 varying in the amount of work do be done at the recipients end. Offhand I can
 think of distributing compiled but unlinked object files, or distributing
 dynamically linked object files; maybe other possibilities exist as well.

Please take a look at
for a historical example of shipping unlinked object files.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Anthony Towns
(please don't drop debian-legal from the Cc list)

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 08:39:13PM +1100, Don Sanders wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Anthony Towns wrote:
   Third, I challenge you to find a relevant case that says a program is the
   same work, for copyright purposes, with a dynamically loaded library
   when it is not running.
  *shrug* So show me some precedents for considering them separately. This is
  pretty much a null argument.
 MS windows programming is a good example of that. Programming on Windows 
 requires linking to MS dlls.

Note that `MS windows programming' is not a court case.

And again this is completely irrelevant: it's not an issue for the GPL
because the GPL exempts these as being distributed with major components
of the OS; and it's not an issue for anyone writing software for Windows
because Microsoft specifically gives you permission to redistribute it.

   course, if that were the case, then every single MS Windows program would
   be a derived work of MS Windows dlls and would require the consent of
   Microsoft to be distributed.

And just to clarify: whether Microsoft's consent is required or not doesn't
particularly matter: Microsoft have *given* their consent.

That is, it didn't differentiate between statically linked executables
(which clearly makes a combined work under copyright law), and
dynamically linked binaries (which is less clear).
  I should add: and as such, there's probably a reasonable chance that a
  court would be willing to extrapolate the existing terms to cover a new
  possibility that wasn't considered explicitly.
 No comment. But see the list archives.

Let me guess: Andreas Pour thinks differently, and as a KDE supporter is
an authority in the matter?

Please, feel free to cite a case (a court case, not a kde-licensing
debate) where it was ruled that a license that didn't consider a
technique or technology that became common a few years later, but had
considerations for a somewhat analogous technique or technology could
not be extrapolated. It doesn't have to be related to computers at all.
Anything will be fine.

Now with dynamically liked GPL software we have three cases:
(c) A GPLed binary linked against a GPL-incompatible library
(dynamic linking in all cases)
We'll note that in no case is the library a derived work (in any sense)
based on the binary (it doesn't include any code from the binary, it's
perfectly usable without the binary having ever been written, and so
The final case, (c), which is what KDE fits under, doesn't have as
easy an out, though.
   This assumes that Qt is GPL-incompatible.  I may or may not agree with
   that, it could really mean a wide range of things.
  It means that it can't be distributed under the terms of sections 1 and
  2 of the GPL. It means you can't make a statically linked binary linking
  to it and distribute it. Etc.
 The important question is when applying the GPL to a KDE application is QT 
 part of the Program (and please see the definition of the Program given in 
 Section 0). If is then QT can't be distributed under the terms of sections 1 
 and 2. If QT isn't part of the Program then it can and must (if you believe 
 QT is as part of the complete source) be distributed under the terms of 
 Sections 1 and 2.

Erm, what? ``If Qt isn't part of the Program then it can and must be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2'' ?

Are you trying to say that since Qt doesn't have `GPLed' labelled on it
somewhere, then it's not the Program and since terms 1 and 2 only apply
to the Program, they don't apply to Qt, even when term 3 says it does

ie, are you trying to say that section 3a is technically meaningless,
because the complete source code won't be labelled GPLed, and hence won't
be distributable under sections 1 and 2? And because it's technically
meaningless it can be completely struck at and conveniently ignored?

Or am I reading too much into a typo somewhere?

Qt *cannot* be distributed under terms 1 and 2 of the GPL: term 2 gives
your more freedom in how you make your modifications than the QPL permits.
Only Troll have the right to give that extra permission, no one else does.

If the GPL *requires* you to distribute Qt under terms 1 and 2 of the
GPL in order to do something (distribute binaries, eg), then you *can't*
do that someting because you *can't* distribute Qt under terms 1 and 2
of the GPL.

 See also the Xfree license issue. It's highly relevant.

There is no `Xfree license issue'. I'm allowed to distribute a program
using code under both licenses as long as I:

* conspicuously and appropriately put an appropriate copyright notice
  and disclaimer of warranty somewhere
* keep the GPL and disclaimer of warranty intact
* i may charge a fee
* if i modify it, i have to add notices
* i have to make sure everyone can use it according to the GPL


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Richard Stallman
Around 1989, NeXT wanted to release the Objective C front end as just
object files, and tell the user to link them with GCC.  Since this
would clearly be against the goal of the GPL, I asked our lawyer
whether we had grounds to object.  He said that what NeXT proposed to
do would be tantamount to distributing a larger program which contains
GCC, and therefore would violate the GPL.  I conveyed this to NeXT,
and they released the Objective C front end as free software.

An executable in which the GPL-covered code is linked as a shared
library or dynamically linked is an even stronger case.  The point is
that the users are being told to run the non-free code in combination
with the GPL-covered code.

If, on the other hand, two programs don't need to be linked together
and are distributed for use separately, and a user decides on his own
initiative to link them together and run them, the GPL permits that
because the combination is in no sense being distributed.

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Don Sanders
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Anthony Towns wrote:

  (please don't drop debian-legal from the Cc list)

 On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 08:39:13PM +1100, Don Sanders wrote:
  On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Anthony Towns wrote:
Third, I challenge you to find a relevant case that says a program is
the same work, for copyright purposes, with a dynamically loaded
library when it is not running.
   *shrug* So show me some precedents for considering them separately.
   This is pretty much a null argument.
  MS windows programming is a good example of that. Programming on Windows
  requires linking to MS dlls.

 Note that `MS windows programming' is not a court case.

I'm not going to cite a case, but there is a precedent. If linking a Windows 
program to an MS dll makes the program a derived work of the MS dll then all 
3rd part application vendors on the MS platform are guilty of copyright 
violation. (As they distribute those derived works without permission from 

 And again this is completely irrelevant: it's not an issue for the GPL
 because the GPL exempts these as being distributed with major components
 of the OS; and it's not an issue for anyone writing software for Windows
 because Microsoft specifically gives you permission to redistribute it.

course, if that were the case, then every single MS Windows program
would be a derived work of MS Windows dlls and would require the
consent of Microsoft to be distributed.

 And just to clarify: whether Microsoft's consent is required or not doesn't
 particularly matter: Microsoft have *given* their consent.

Wrong. Microsoft are very choosy about which dlls they allow 3rd part 
application developers to distribute. 3rd party MS windows developers can 
only distribute a few MS dlls that MS chooses. There are dlls that MS allows 
developers to link against but not to distribute.

But this argument wasn't about distribution it was about whether linking a 
program to a library makes the program a derived work of the library. These 
are seperate issues.

 That is, it didn't differentiate between statically linked
 executables (which clearly makes a combined work under copyright
 law), and dynamically linked binaries (which is less clear).
   I should add: and as such, there's probably a reasonable chance that a
   court would be willing to extrapolate the existing terms to cover a new
   possibility that wasn't considered explicitly.
  No comment. But see the list archives.

 Let me guess: Andreas Pour thinks differently, and as a KDE supporter is
 an authority in the matter?

 Please, feel free to cite a case (a court case, not a kde-licensing
 debate) where it was ruled that a license that didn't consider a
 technique or technology that became common a few years later, but had
 considerations for a somewhat analogous technique or technology could
 not be extrapolated. It doesn't have to be related to computers at all.
 Anything will be fine.

Which portions of KDE were written when dynamic linking was not common.

If there are none then I don't think this is relevant. *But I could be wrong*.

 Now with dynamically liked GPL software we have three cases:
 (c) A GPLed binary linked against a GPL-incompatible
 library (dynamic linking in all cases)

 We'll note that in no case is the library a derived work (in any
 sense) based on the binary (it doesn't include any code from the
 binary, it's perfectly usable without the binary having ever been
 written, and so on).

 The final case, (c), which is what KDE fits under, doesn't have as
 easy an out, though.
This assumes that Qt is GPL-incompatible.  I may or may not agree
with that, it could really mean a wide range of things.
   It means that it can't be distributed under the terms of sections 1 and
   2 of the GPL. It means you can't make a statically linked binary
   linking to it and distribute it. Etc.
  The important question is when applying the GPL to a KDE application is
  QT part of the Program (and please see the definition of the Program
  given in Section 0). If is then QT can't be distributed under the terms
  of sections 1 and 2. If QT isn't part of the Program then it can and must
  (if you believe QT is as part of the complete source) be distributed
  under the terms of Sections 1 and 2.

 Erm, what? ``If Qt isn't part of the Program then it can and must be
 distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2'' ?

Yes, because Qt is part of the complete source code, section 3 requires the 
complete source code to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 
(of the GPL).

 Are you trying to say that since Qt doesn't have `GPLed' labelled on it
 somewhere, then it's not the Program and since terms 1 and 2 only apply
 to the Program, they don't apply to Qt, even when term 3 says it does

You're almost there. distributing the complete source code under Sections 1 
and 2 of the GPL does not 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Raul Miller
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 01:20:22AM +1100, Don Sanders wrote:
  Qt *cannot* be distributed under terms 1 and 2 of the GPL: term 2 gives
  your more freedom in how you make your modifications than the QPL permits.
  Only Troll have the right to give that extra permission, no one else does.
 I disagree.

However, section 6 of the GPL conflicts with sections 3b [plus 4c]
of the QPL.  You can't legally distribute code which has all of these
restrictions placed on it.

Sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 of the GPL are important in understanding why
kghostview has all of these restrictions placed on it.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Andreas Pour
Anthony Towns wrote:

 (debian-legal brought back into the Cc list)

 On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 04:02:35PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Anthony Towns wrote:
For an executable work, complete source code means all the
source code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
compilation and installation of the executable.
   Emphasis yours.
   The intention of the authors (GNU and rms) is fairly clear, and they make
   their interpretation fairly clear in the LGPL's (written by the same 
 When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
   a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
   combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
   General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
   entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. [...]
   As such, I'm not really sure how you can say ``But that's not what RMS
   meant, coz that's not what he wrote, see, this is what the dictionary
   says and everything!'' and expect to be taken seriously.
  First of all, what RMS thinks is not relevant [...]

 But what you think is, of course.

To the extent I try to comply with relevant legal obligations, what I think is 
relevant.  But anyway that's not the issue.  My interpretations are only as 
convincing as my
reasoning and my explanations.  RMS' reasoning and explanations can of course 
be convincing
as well.  The problem with your quote is, there was no reasoning or 
explanation, just a
conclusory assertion.  I would expect my conclusory assertions not to convince 
anyone either.

Basically it's a matter of epistemology.  I gain little knowledge from 
pronouncements from
the mountain top.  I learn from debate, reflection and critical analysis.

 Do you not concede that RMS is something of an expert both in relation
 to software in general, and in relation to the GPL?

The former, yes.  The latter, I am not sure.  My take on it is that he has a 
view about what
he wants/wanted it to say, that most heavily guides his interpretation of what 
in fact it
does say.  In other words, I do not believe he is objective in interpreting the 

FWIW, I very much respect RMS as a programmer, and as an evangelist, but not as 
a lawyer.  In
fact I still hope that something positive can come out of this debate -- that 
loopholes/mistakes in the GPL can be fixed.  Why is it that you appear to be so 
admitting the problems with the GPL and fixing them?

 As such, do you not think he might understand some of the nuances in the
 language of the GPL better than, say, the authors of your dictionary?

Absolutely not.  When a court tries to interpret the license (since you agree 
it's a legal
document, in the end only a court's interpretation matters) the court will look 
to a
dictionary -- this is a quite common practice when courts interpret legal 
agreements.  That
will be evidence in the case.  RMS will not.  His testimony will not be 
allowed, most likely
(things being different if his code is in fact at issue).  This is for the 
exact same reason
that when the meaning of a statute is in question Congressmen are not called in 
to testify as
to its meaning.  The contract is generally interpreted objectively (and if any 
component comes in it is that of the licensor -- the code author -- rather than 
the lawyer or
organization that did the drafting).  Using a dictionary to interpret a license 
is objective
-- using RMS' opinion (or mine or anyone else's) is not.

 it not seem even with the realm of possibility that it might be the case?

Does it seem even within the realm of possibility that I know what I am talking 

 Your second and third points are just restatements of this.

  Third, I challenge you to find a relevant case that says a program is the 
  same work,
  for copyright purposes, with a dynamically loaded library when it is not 

 *shrug* So show me some precedents for considering them separately. This is
 pretty much a null argument.

Are you sure?  At least I have obvious reasons for considering them separately. 
 First, they
are not in fact part of the same work.  It is no different than if you write a 
book, and then
I write a book reviewing yours.  My book depends on your book, yet it is a 
totally different
work (assuming I only make fair use of excerpts from your book).  Same holds 
true for
software.  My program (kghostview) is a totally separate work from Qt, 
*especially* in source
code form.

Second, everyday practice confirms my point.  Obviously MS prohibits people 
from distributing
Windows DLLs w/out their consent.  Yet tons of companies and individuals 
distribute libraries
linked to their DLLs w/out their consent.  Under your theory, Apache would need 
the consent
of MS to distribute Apache for NT, as would all other GPL'd 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-13 Thread Zdzislaw A.Kaleta

Date forwarded: 13 Feb 2000 11:23:26 -
Date sent:  Sun, 13 Feb 2000 04:23:21 -0700 (MST)
From:   Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject:Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)
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 Around 1989, NeXT wanted to release the Objective C front end as just
 object files, and tell the user to link them with GCC.  Since this
 would clearly be against the goal of the GPL, I asked our lawyer
 whether we had grounds to object.  He said that what NeXT proposed to
 do would be tantamount to distributing a larger program which contains GCC,
 and therefore would violate the GPL.  I conveyed this to NeXT, and they
 released the Objective C front end as free software.

I am not an expert in comon law, I only knew something about 
continental law but the case described above look for me as difrerent 
from the one which is discussed here. In the NEXT case the proprietary 
license was linked on GPL. In Trol Tech case we are talking about 
GPL linked on non-fully-free licence. For me this is totaly diferent 
story. If I am right?

navigare necesse est even on the web

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph Carter
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:53:02PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
   Either the program uses readline or it doesn't.  If it does use readline,
   and it's distributed with readline, then, strictly-speaking, it contains
  I disagree..  If it was not built using one piece of readline (ie, none of
  readline's headers) it does not contain readline until it is run.
 The GPL doesn't say that a program has to be built using headers.

You're right, it doesn't.  I just don't see how the GPL has the right to
affect use of the software (as opposed to development) given that use of
software is beyond the GPL's scope.

The GPL has no power to apply to non-GPL'd works which are not derivative
in source or binary form from GPL'd works.  We have already established
this as true else the GPL would have failed the DFSG.

In order for you to apply the GPL's terms to this hypothetical program you
must first establish that a derivative work is being distributed.  In the
case of a GPL'd KDE app that's easy.  In the case of an app linked against
GPL'd headers, that's easy again.  An app which is not GPL'd and does not
fall into either of the above categories is a bit more difficult---I don't
see the derivision.

 Your claim would mean that if, for example, I use a hex editor on a program to
 alter the libraries it uses, that I would be able to build programs that
 are built on GPLed code but which aren't bound by the GPL.

I may not fully grasp the connection here, so let me extend this example
to be sure I do actually understand your point:

Instead of very late binding as mentioned previously, you would use late
binding (ie, dynamic linking) by #include'ing say myreadline/readline.h
or whatever files and have -lmyreadline in the makefile's LDFLAGS...

This would produce a program linked against which happens
to share GNU readline's ABI.  Then to make it instead use GNU readline you
would modify it such that would load the equivalent,
much as I modified the pre-source release glquake binary to use
in place of

You are saying that this would not sit well with the GPL on GNU readline
and be considered infringement.  You might be right---I could not even
begin to guess at how this would be handled.  It's IMO right on the
borderline and without a legal decision (it wouldn't have to be case law
necessarily as this discussion is academic more than it is legal being
that we're not lawyers) I'd say it's too close to call.  If you've got a
reference to a decision I'd love to read it though.

In the case of very late binding, it seems to be a little bit past that
line IMO..  I think it would have to be decided by a judge on a case by
case basis until there was some case law which firmly considered very late
binding to be the same as dynamic binding (which clearly is the same as
static binding because of the GPL'd API and the ABI symbols read from the
shared object library..

I am curious how you think the BSDish readline would stack up in these
examples.  The BSDish readline replacement uses the name libreadline.  It
also places its headers in where GNU readline would.  Essentially, they
are two different libraries which do share a common interface in terms of
API, ABI, and soname.  I believe it can even be built as a wrapper for the
BSD equivalent of readline to provide almost full feature compatibility.

This is a case where there are two alternatives for a library.  One is
GPL'd and is usually found on Linux systems, the other is not and _can_ be
found on Linux systems but probably wouldn't be.  It may or may not be
found on other systems.

  The GPL can't control usage, only distribution.
 True.  Which is why I pointed out that it matters how the program is
 being distributed.


  I am of the opinion that static vs dynamic linking is irrelivant
  because in Qt's case the inclusion of Qt happens before linking.
 I'm of the opinion that it doesn't matter because working copies of
 the program are being distributed, and those working copies contain
 both QPL and GPL licensed code.

Even in a late binding situation the ABI symbols and headers are linked
in.  If you replace the headers you still have the symbols.  If you
replace the shared lib, well you have a more complex situation.  libGL for
example, if the API and ABI are the same for all Linux GL implementations,
the fact that some of them may be under the GPL or other licenses cannot
force binaries built against the generic API/ABI to be GPL'd.  That'd just
be seriously overreaching.

 The GPL doesn't care how the program is built -- that's not something
 that matters to the GPL.

Agreed.  However the GPL has no say (whether it would care or not) if
there is no derived work being distributed.  It seems that very late
binding would screw that up because there is never a derivision, not even
headers or symbols.

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-11 Thread Raul Miller
 On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:53:02PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
Either the program uses readline or it doesn't.  If it does use 
and it's distributed with readline, then, strictly-speaking, it contains
   I disagree..  If it was not built using one piece of readline (ie, none of
   readline's headers) it does not contain readline until it is run.
  The GPL doesn't say that a program has to be built using headers.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 06:41:11PM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
 You're right, it doesn't.  I just don't see how the GPL has the right to
 affect use of the software (as opposed to development) given that use of
 software is beyond the GPL's scope.

 The GPL has no power to apply to non-GPL'd works which are not derivative
 in source or binary form from GPL'd works.  We have already established
 this as true else the GPL would have failed the DFSG.

Are you claiming that a working copy of kghostscript is an example of a 
non-GPL'd work which is not derivative in source or binary form from GPL'd

If not, what relevance is the above line of thought?

 In order for you to apply the GPL's terms to this hypothetical program
 you must first establish that a derivative work is being distributed.
 In the case of a GPL'd KDE app that's easy. In the case of an app
 linked against GPL'd headers, that's easy again. An app which is not
 GPL'd and does not fall into either of the above categories is a bit
 more difficult---I don't see the derivision.

The distinction between compile time and run time is artificial -- it's
technology dependent.  Build a new language, or maybe a new environment,
and you have a new set of distinctions to work with.  There's nothing
fundamentally relevant to copyright law in this sort of distinction.

If you somehow manage to decide that you have a way of coming up with
a working copy of a program which is never distributed, you could apply
the same underlying principle to any other copyrighted work.  

If a work only exists when the program is running, but millions of copies
of that work exist in the hands of millions of users, do you really think
that a court of law would accept the sleight of hand argument that those
copies were never distributed -- that they just happened to spring into
existence, by coincidence?

  Your claim would mean that if, for example, I use a hex editor on a program 
  alter the libraries it uses, that I would be able to build programs that
  are built on GPLed code but which aren't bound by the GPL.
 I may not fully grasp the connection here, so let me extend this example
 to be sure I do actually understand your point:
 Instead of very late binding as mentioned previously, you would use late
 binding (ie, dynamic linking) by #include'ing say myreadline/readline.h
 or whatever files and have -lmyreadline in the makefile's LDFLAGS...
 This would produce a program linked against which happens
 to share GNU readline's ABI.  Then to make it instead use GNU readline you
 would modify it such that would load the equivalent,
 much as I modified the pre-source release glquake binary to use
 in place of
 You are saying that this would not sit well with the GPL on GNU readline
 and be considered infringement.  You might be right---I could not even
 begin to guess at how this would be handled.  It's IMO right on the
 borderline and without a legal decision (it wouldn't have to be case law
 necessarily as this discussion is academic more than it is legal being
 that we're not lawyers) I'd say it's too close to call.  If you've got a
 reference to a decision I'd love to read it though.

Making the modification is fine as long as you don't go about distributing
the result.  If you're distributing lots of these the technical
details about how you did it are irrelevant.  The point is that you're
distributing modified copies.  The details of how you accomplished the
modifications are irrelevant.

[Unless you accept the idea that you can build technology to build distribution
channels which are beyond the reach of copyright law.]

 In the case of very late binding, it seems to be a little bit past
 that line IMO.. I think it would have to be decided by a judge on
 a case by case basis until there was some case law which firmly
 considered very late binding to be the same as dynamic binding (which
 clearly is the same as static binding because of the GPL'd API and the
 ABI symbols read from the shared object library..

If a document only exists when it's being displayed, but millions of users
get a copy of that document, would copyright law apply to it?

 I am curious how you think the BSDish readline would stack up in these
 examples. The BSDish readline replacement uses the name libreadline.
 It also places its headers in where GNU readline would. Essentially,
 they are two different libraries which do share a common interface
 in terms of 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-11 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
I'll give it just one more shot...
Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:
 On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 06:41:11PM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
  The GPL has no power to apply to non-GPL'd works which are not derivative
  in source or binary form from GPL'd works.  We have already established
  this as true else the GPL would have failed the DFSG.
 Are you claiming that a working copy of kghostscript is an example of a 
 non-GPL'd work which is not derivative in source or binary form from GPL'd

Of course not, he was discussing an example of the dual situation, a non-GPL
program linking to a GPL-ed library (readline); this point was brought up for
comparison in Anthony Towns' excellent post of 9 Feb. It is that case in which
the question is relevant whether or not copyright law requires GPL's
conditions to be respected (i.e., whether or not there is a GPL-derived work).

 The distinction between compile time and run time is artificial -- it's
 technology dependent.  Build a new language, or maybe a new environment,
 and you have a new set of distinctions to work with.  There's nothing
 fundamentally relevant to copyright law in this sort of distinction.
 If you somehow manage to decide that you have a way of coming up with
 a working copy of a program which is never distributed, you could apply
 the same underlying principle to any other copyrighted work.  
 If a work only exists when the program is running, but millions of copies
 of that work exist in the hands of millions of users, do you really think
 that a court of law would accept the sleight of hand argument that those
 copies were never distributed -- that they just happened to spring into
 existence, by coincidence?

Yes, a court of law would accept that those copies were never distributed,
even thought they did not just happen to spring into existence either. In
particular, in the case where Galoob sold patches (Galoob's Game Genie) to
Nintendo cartidges, lots (maybe millions) of users were running patched copies
of the Nintendo software, that were as such never distributed: the court ruled
that Galoob did not infringe Nintendo's copyrights. In this case Galoob must
obviously have been using the original Nintendo software in order to create
the patches, yet I suppose the patches themselves were free of any Nintendo
code. No subtleties about licences here, a simple no copying policy. Nor any
question that using the Galoob's Game Genie required purchase of a Nintendo
cartidge. ``Having paid Nintendo a fair return, the consumer may experiment
with the product and create new variations of play, for personal enjoyment,
without creating a derivative work.'' (

On the other hand, if all parts of the final program are being distributed by
the same distributor, as would be the case for a QPL library and a GPL
application, there is no question of evading copyright issues for part or all
of that program: permission for distribution of all copyright owners must be
obtained. By setting your subject to New ways to evade copyright law in some
other branch, you suggested that I was doing just that; while this has already
been refuted by me and others, I'll do so again here. Nobody in this
discussion is claiming (as far as I can see) that by some subtle shuffling
of pieces you can get a (composite) program from A to B without requiring
permissions from all copyright owners. The point is that the complex
conditions in the licences, in partcular GPL, may lead to a situation where
such permission may be obtained for some particular method of distribution,
but not for some other method. For instance, you may distribute in source form
(and under GPL) a GPL-ed an application that links to Qt (because then there
is no requirement to distribute complete sources), while also distributing
Qt (in source and binary) under QPL; the recipient could compile and link an
executable program which does not happen to spring into existence, and which
was the goal of distributing the GPL sources, yet which could not have been
legally distributed directly. I think you put forward yourself another example
(a Solaris-linked GPL binary and Solaris itself), where the components might
be legally distributed separately (assuming permission from Sun) but not
together. So please don't suggest any more that people are trying to evade
copyright law when in fact they are trying (maybe by jumping through hoops) to
abide by the conditions put forth in the licence(s).

Marc van Leeuwen
Universite de Poitiers

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-11 Thread Raul Miller
On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 05:26:47PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 Nobody in this discussion is claiming (as far as I can see) that
 by some subtle shuffling of pieces you can get a (composite) program
 from A to B without requiring permissions from all copyright owners.

It seems to me that that's exactly what people are saying when they
claim that it's legal to distribute kghostscript.

 The point is that the complex conditions in the licences, in partcular
 GPL, may lead to a situation where such permission may be obtained for
 some particular method of distribution, but not for some other method.
 For instance, you may distribute in source form (and under GPL) a
 GPL-ed an application that links to Qt (because then there is no
 requirement to distribute complete sources), while also distributing
 Qt (in source and binary) under QPL; the recipient could compile and
 link an executable program which does not happen to spring into
 existence, and which was the goal of distributing the GPL sources,
 yet which could not have been legally distributed directly.

Certainly: it's only if you distribute executables or object code that
there's any requirement to distribute the complete source for the program.

 I think you put forward yourself another example (a Solaris-linked
 GPL binary and Solaris itself), where the components might be legally
 distributed separately (assuming permission from Sun) but not

Right: that was an example of a situation which takes advantage of the
special exception in section 3 of the GPL.

 So please don't suggest any more that people are trying to evade
 copyright law when in fact they are trying (maybe by jumping through
 hoops) to abide by the conditions put forth in the licence(s).

Are you now claiming that it's legal to distribute kghostscript?


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Chris Lawrence
On Feb 08, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Now, please explain how the executable work which I am
 distributing (kghostview which is dynamically linked to Qt) has in
 it, holds, encloses or includes, has the capacity for
 holding, or is equal or equivalent to, the Qt library.  Sure, the
 Qt library can later be added to it -- like sugar to the gallon of
 water -- but is not contained in it.

A dynamically-linked kghostview is completely non-functional without
the Qt library.  Qt is irrevocably bound up in that executable,
whether or not any of Qt's code is actually contained in kghostview.
(Besides which, some of Qt's code will be contained in the executable,
due to Qt's slot concept which [IIRC] requires preprocessing of the

Hypothetical: I build something under a proprietary license, and then
use the dl*() calls to access a GPLed library (let's use Readline for
example).  Even though my software doesn't strictly-speaking contain
Readline, it doesn't function without it being present.  I'm clearly
going beyond mere aggregation or using a fork-exec.

 That's why when you distribute a dynamically-linked kghostview you
 don't have to distribute Qt source code.  Now of course this
 executable work no more contains Qt if it is distributed on the same
 CD.  (However, in case it is on the same CD, the special exception
 would not apply.)

Qt is normally distributed in the same kit as KDE in a Linux
distribution; whether or not it physically resides on the same disk is
irrelevant.  You're distributing the one with the other.

The only way around this is to require people to pick up Qt from
someone else and/or at a different time.

 If you don't like that result, I suggest you talk to FSF about changing the
 language of the GPL.

The result doesn't follow logically from your premises.

 Two flaws in this analysis.  First, you don't have to distribute a
 working copy of kghostscript; in fact it would defeat the idea of
 dynamic linking to do so.  Kghostscript will not work w/out libc,
 libstdc++, libX and a bunch of other libs which generally are
 distributed separately, unless of course you are the OS vendor.  In
 case you are the OS vendor, of course, you are subject to the

Any Linux distributor is, by definition, the OS vendor; this means you
can't distribute the infringing component and the GPLed software

 Second, insofar as you do not distribute a working copy, you don't
 have to distribute the source code to the working copy.  The source
 code, as I quoted above, is only to the executable work you are
 distributing.  That's why if you distribute just, say, The Gimp, you
 are under no obligation to make the X and libc source code available
 (in case you want to argue that you are, then I will point out then
 that virtually *everybody* violates the GPL, w/out protest from the
 FSF, and that's been going on since the GPL was first released, so
 its a pretty untenable argument).

If you distribute the Gimp in binary form, you are obligated (by the
GPL) to provide the source for the Gimp if anyone asks for it.  Since
X and libc6 are covered by the XFree86 license and LGPL respectively,
they do not contaminate the Gimp binary in any meaningful way.

However, if someone specifically asks for the source to GNU libc, you
have to give it to them (since it's LGPLed).  You are under no such
obligation with XFree86, though it's probably on the same source CD
you're using to fulfill the GPL and LGPL requirement anyway.

Now, if you linked the Gimp against Readline (a GPLed library), and
distributed that modified Gimp, you would have to provide the source
for both the Gimp and Readline.

 Actually, all it says is that you don't have to distribute the
 source code.  It doesn't say anything about not having to be
 licensed under the GPL.  If in fact Section 2(b) requires you to
 license the full source code under the GPL, this would apply to the
 component as well -- the special exception only relieves you of
 the obligation to distribute the source code, not of any other
 obligation the GPL has with respect to that component.

Section 2(b) requires the combined work to be usable under the terms
of the GPL.  It does not require the individual components to be
licensed under the GPL, but it does require that the aggregation (end
product) be subject to the terms of the GPL (and no terms that
contradict the GPL).  By aggregation, I refer to the common sense
definition of aggregation (sticking things together to create a bigger
thing; linking, if you will), not the GPL's mere aggregation (which
is being distributed on the same media).

For example, I have written some software that is licensed under an
extremely liberal license (the Python license).  I have created a
front-end to it that uses Readline (GPLed).  Since I have permitted
people to modify and/or use the software for any purpose, with or
without modification, the front end satisfies the requirements of
2(b), even though the front end ITSELF is 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Joseph Carter
On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 08:51:03PM -0600, Chris Lawrence wrote:
 A dynamically-linked kghostview is completely non-functional without
 the Qt library.  Qt is irrevocably bound up in that executable,
 whether or not any of Qt's code is actually contained in kghostview.
 (Besides which, some of Qt's code will be contained in the executable,
 due to Qt's slot concept which [IIRC] requires preprocessing of the

I'll agree with you here.

 Hypothetical: I build something under a proprietary license, and then
 use the dl*() calls to access a GPLed library (let's use Readline for
 example).  Even though my software doesn't strictly-speaking contain
 Readline, it doesn't function without it being present.  I'm clearly
 going beyond mere aggregation or using a fork-exec.

I don't agree with you here.  The GPL doesn't say that.  This is one of
those cases where you're deliberately trying to work around the GPL and in
this case it is my (non-professional layman's) opinion that you would have
succeeded.  Of course you do that and we'll have to lynch you or
something because we're at times a militant lot and you'd be doing
something the GPL's spirit condemns, even if its letter permits..

There is a BSDish readline clode whose interface matches readline's..  If
you wrote your dl*() access of libreadline using that non-GPL'd interface
definition, you would have succeeded in circumventing the GPL.

Now if you pulled something like that with a M$ EULA (much harder to do,
they cover all bases better) you'd get sued anyway because M$ would know
that you would run out of money first.  And even if you didn't, they could
argue that you were essentially doing what you were---trying to find a
loophole to allow you to do something you are not permitted to do.  They
would argue your intent makes you guilty of violating the EULA whether you
violated its letter or not.  They'd have a chance at winning it too, even
thouch contract law pretty much says quite the opposite (ie, that if their
contract DOESN'T provide for such a case, it's their own fault, etc)

The law is not applied universally in this case.  A lot of lattitude is
granted to computer industry companies to protect their software that
doesn't apply to Copyrights on books or anything else for that matter.
You or I could not sue someone for violating the spirit of a license and
win, but someone like M$ could.  (I pick on them because they're an easy

It doesn't have to make sense..  I am talking about US law related to
computers and technology.  The people making the laws are clueless.  The
people upholding the laws equally so.  It is almost always a case of best
lawyer wins, regardless of the laws on the books.  A sorry state of

I could delve further into your message, but the primary point I need to
address is that there are no points for violating the spirit of the GPL
here.  We're not big software companies so we're not going to have much
leeway to claim a violation of the spirit means anything except that the
GPL doesn't cover the case in question properly.

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

I am ecstatic that some moron re-invented a 1995 windows fuckup. 
-- Alan Cox

Description: PGP signature

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 08:51:03PM -0600, Chris Lawrence wrote:
  Hypothetical: I build something under a proprietary license, and then
  use the dl*() calls to access a GPLed library (let's use Readline for
  example).  Even though my software doesn't strictly-speaking contain
  Readline, it doesn't function without it being present.  I'm clearly
  going beyond mere aggregation or using a fork-exec.

Either the program uses readline or it doesn't.  If it does use readline,
and it's distributed with readline, then, strictly-speaking, it contains

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 09:28:29PM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
 I don't agree with you here.  The GPL doesn't say that.  This is one of
 those cases where you're deliberately trying to work around the GPL and in
 this case it is my (non-professional layman's) opinion that you would have
 succeeded.  Of course you do that and we'll have to lynch you or
 something because we're at times a militant lot and you'd be doing
 something the GPL's spirit condemns, even if its letter permits..

 There is a BSDish readline clode whose interface matches readline's..  If
 you wrote your dl*() access of libreadline using that non-GPL'd interface
 definition, you would have succeeded in circumventing the GPL.

Here, the biggest issue is: what's being distributed?

If the program is being distributed with the BSDish readline, and not the
GPLed readline, then there's no issue.  But if the program is distributed
with the GPLed readline, and not the BSDish readline, then it's pretty
obvious that there's an issue.  If the program is being distributed with
both, then it comes down to which the program is configured to use.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Joseph Carter
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:22:47PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
   Hypothetical: I build something under a proprietary license, and then
   use the dl*() calls to access a GPLed library (let's use Readline for
   example).  Even though my software doesn't strictly-speaking contain
   Readline, it doesn't function without it being present.  I'm clearly
   going beyond mere aggregation or using a fork-exec.
 Either the program uses readline or it doesn't.  If it does use readline,
 and it's distributed with readline, then, strictly-speaking, it contains

I disagree..  If it was not built using one piece of readline (ie, none of
readline's headers) it does not contain readline until it is run.  The GPL
can't control usage, only distribution.  This is different than the KDE
and Qt situation in which Qt's headers are included and compiled in the
traditional manner.  I am of the opinion that static vs dynamic linking is
irrelivant because in Qt's case the inclusion of Qt happens before

  There is a BSDish readline clode whose interface matches readline's..  If
  you wrote your dl*() access of libreadline using that non-GPL'd interface
  definition, you would have succeeded in circumventing the GPL.
 Here, the biggest issue is: what's being distributed?
 If the program is being distributed with the BSDish readline, and not the
 GPLed readline, then there's no issue.  But if the program is distributed
 with the GPLed readline, and not the BSDish readline, then it's pretty
 obvious that there's an issue.  If the program is being distributed with
 both, then it comes down to which the program is configured to use.

The hypothetical program above is one which was built using unformation
from (but not source code for) a BSDish readline replacement, but would at
run time (not link time) find GNU readline and bind do it using the dl*
functions.  The GPL doesn't even consider such a thing possible.  There is
almost no difference in what is done here between dlopen() of GNU readline
and Corel's package front in forking a dpkg binary controlled through its
command line interface---something we have agreed (I hope) is beyond the
GPL's scope.

The fact that this can be used as a convoluted way to circumvent the GPL's
control over readline's linking does not automatically mean that a judge
would find this a GPL violation.  In fact, I think a judge would determine
this to be outside the scope of the GPL since there is no logical way in
this example for one to conclude that the program was derived from
readline before the user ran it and the program took steps at runtime to
bind readline's functions.

This is part of the reason it is possible to create a GPL'd netscape
plugin, for example.  If you do this, netscape does not suddenly become a
derived work of that plugin which AOL must suddenly release full GPL'd
source code for.  The fact that in this example's program the author would
have specifically intended for their program to use GNU readline is almost
irrelivant because the license just doesn't say anything about it.  I
could be wrong, but I don't think a Copyright license could---you'd have
to go to a shrinkwrap style license.  I consider those immoral and
possibly illegal if you ever got a judge with a fraction of a clue...

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

2.3.1 has been released. Folks new to this game should remember that
2.3.* releases are development kernels, with no guarantees that they
will not cause your system to do horrible things like corrupt its
disks, catch fire, or start running Mindcraft benchmarks.
-- Slashdot

Description: PGP signature

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Raul Miller
 On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:22:47PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
Hypothetical: I build something under a proprietary license, and then
use the dl*() calls to access a GPLed library (let's use Readline for
example).  Even though my software doesn't strictly-speaking contain
Readline, it doesn't function without it being present.  I'm clearly
going beyond mere aggregation or using a fork-exec.
  Either the program uses readline or it doesn't.  If it does use readline,
  and it's distributed with readline, then, strictly-speaking, it contains

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 09:47:44AM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
 I disagree..  If it was not built using one piece of readline (ie, none of
 readline's headers) it does not contain readline until it is run.

The GPL doesn't say that a program has to be built using headers.

Your claim would mean that if, for example, I use a hex editor on a program to
alter the libraries it uses, that I would be able to build programs that
are built on GPLed code but which aren't bound by the GPL.

 The GPL can't control usage, only distribution.

True.  Which is why I pointed out that it matters how the program is
being distributed.

 This is different than the KDE and Qt situation in which Qt's headers
 are included and compiled in the traditional manner.

It's not that headers are a non-issue, but they're not the only issue.

 I am of the opinion that static vs dynamic linking is irrelivant
 because in Qt's case the inclusion of Qt happens before linking.

I'm of the opinion that it doesn't matter because working copies of
the program are being distributed, and those working copies contain
both QPL and GPL licensed code.

The GPL doesn't care how the program is built -- that's not something
that matters to the GPL.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:22:47PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
 If the program is being distributed with the BSDish readline, and not the
 GPLed readline, then there's no issue.  But if the program is distributed
 with the GPLed readline, and not the BSDish readline, then it's pretty
 obvious that there's an issue.  If the program is being distributed with
 both, then it comes down to which the program is configured to use.

What if it's distributed with neither of them, and it just build-depends
on the readline API?

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

 (John Cage)

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Raul Miller
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:22:47PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
  If the program is being distributed with the BSDish readline, and
  not the GPLed readline, then there's no issue. But if the program is
  distributed with the GPLed readline, and not the BSDish readline,
  then it's pretty obvious that there's an issue. If the program is
  being distributed with both, then it comes down to which the program
  is configured to use.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 08:09:41PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
 What if it's distributed with neither of them, and it just
 build-depends on the readline API?

That sounds like an artificial situation.  Who is going to distribute
non-working executables?  Why?

Most likely, this would really represent working copies -- take a look
at the working copies to see what's really happening.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 03:13:22PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 08:09:41PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
  What if it's distributed with neither of them, and it just
  build-depends on the readline API?
 That sounds like an artificial situation.  Who is going to distribute
 non-working executables?  Why?

Ah, you were talking about executables, not source.  Sorry about that.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

 (John Cage)

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-10 Thread Raul Miller
On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 10:34:52PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
 Ah, you were talking about executables, not source.  Sorry about that.

Of course.

There's no requirement that you consider the program as a whole if you're
not dealing with executables/object code.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Raul Miller
This is an expanded version of my original response to this 
message.  Andreas indicated that he didn't understand why
what I was saying was significant.

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 07:10:32PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
  this point?
 It's not that the program accompanies itself. The paragraph of
 Section 3 in question deals in terms of components and modules,
 not entire executables.

The GPL uses the term module exactly once, and component and
components once each.  Here's the paragraph where this happens:

  The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
  making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
  code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
  associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
  control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
  special exception, the source code distributed need not include
  anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
  form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
  operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
  itself accompanies the executable.

Note that this paragraph follows a couple clauses which require the
complete corresponding source code for an executable before you
can distribute the executable:

  Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

  a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
  source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
  1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

  b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
  years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
  cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
  machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
  distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
  customarily used for software interchange; or,

If you bother to read that, you'll see that

(*) The source code must be complete.
(*) The source code must correspond to the machine code.
(*) Source code must be provided for every piece of the

(*) There's a special exception for a proprietary libc if that libc
accompanies a major component of the operating system which is not
distributed with the GPLed program.

The requirement that the source code must be complete conflicts with the
idea that you can distribute a working copy of kghostscript yet fail to
distribute all the source code for a working copy of kghostscript.

I suppose that Andreas imagines that kghostscript being split up
into multiple files somehow makes a difference.

So, when Andreas says:

 So in the hypothetical case we discuss, libc is a component
 (although statically linked, the library is a separate binary inside
 the executable, if I understand the linking process correctly) which
 accompanies the GPL'd component inside the executable.

I must assume that he's misread the GPL, because libc is not a component
in the sense that the GPL uses the term.

And (looking at the phrase GPL'd component) the way the GPL uses the
term, a component wouldn't be licensed under the GPL.

In the terms of the GPL, a proprietary libc would be an anything that
is normally distributed with a major component of the operating system.

There's really no point discussing the logic of this sentence that
Andreas wrote -- it just plain doesn't relate to the GPL in any
meaningful fashion.  If I rewrote it so that we called libc a module
which accompanies the GPLed module inside the executable, then the
sentence would make sense.  But in that case it doesn't make any
interesting points...

Andreas goes on to say:

 In any event, as I look up the definition of accompany in Webster's
 New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983), I get:
 (1) to go with or attend as a companion or associate on a journey, a walk,
 etc.; as, a man *accompanies* his friend to church, or on a tour.
 (2) to be with, as connected; to attend; as, pain *accompanies* disease.
 Syn: attend

I have no disagreements with this, and am only quoting it so that
Andreas can't claim that I've ignored it.

 And attend means (taking the only relevant definition):
 (3) to accompany as a circumstance or result; to be consequent to, from
 connection of cause, as fever *attends* a cold; a measure *attended* with ill

Likewise I have no problem with this as a definition.

 Looking to the first definition of accompany, I think it fair to
 say that the libc goes with or attends as a companion the GPL
 executable as it is distributed.

No problem there.  But why would this be relevant, and to what?

The answer to that question seems to reside in Andreas's confusion
about what a major component of the OS is that the GPLed program

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

[ ... ]

 On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 07:10:32PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
   What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
   this point?
  It's not that the program accompanies itself. The paragraph of
  Section 3 in question deals in terms of components and modules,
  not entire executables.

 The GPL uses the term module exactly once, and component and
 components once each.  Here's the paragraph where this happens:

   The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
   making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
   code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
   associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
   control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
   special exception, the source code distributed need not include
   anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
   form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
   operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
   itself accompanies the executable.

 Note that this paragraph follows a couple clauses which require the
 complete corresponding source code for an executable before you
 can distribute the executable:

   Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

   a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
   source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
   1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

   b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
   years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
   cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
   machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
   distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
   customarily used for software interchange; or,

 If you bother to read that, you'll see that

 (*) The source code must be complete.

Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the definition of 
the complete source code is.  This is provided in the second sentence of the
ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides

For an executable work, complete source code means all the
source code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
compilation and installation of the executable.

The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*, rather than all
modules which may at run-time be linked to it.  To substantiate the point, I 
refer to my Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and 
contain, quoting the relevant definitions:

(1) to have in it; hold; enclose or include.
(2) to have the capacity for holding.
(3) to be equal or equivalent to; as, a gallon *contains* four quarts;

Now, please explain how the executable work which I am distributing 
which is dynamically linked to Qt) has in it, holds, encloses or includes,
has the capacity for holding, or is equal or equivalent to, the Qt library.
Sure, the Qt library can later be added to it -- like sugar to the gallon of 
-- but is not contained in it.  That's why when you distribute a 
kghostview you don't have to distribute Qt source code.  Now of course this
executable work no more contains Qt if it is distributed on the same CD.  
in case it is on the same CD, the special exception would not apply.)

If you don't like that result, I suggest you talk to FSF about changing the
language of the GPL.

 (*) The source code must correspond to the machine code.
 (*) Source code must be provided for every piece of the

Of course this depends on how you define program.  As Section 3 defines it,
Program is the GPL'ed work, and work based on the Program would be 
(but not Qt, since that is not a work based on ghostview).  If this is 
bear in mind that the Program refers only to source code -- the ghostview 
code in
the example is source code, and it has been modified by adding some more code, 
Qt has not been added to it.  For copyright purposes, kghostview source code is 
a derived work of Qt, any more than the Yahoo directory is a derived work of 

 (*) There's a special exception for a proprietary libc if that libc
 accompanies a major component of the operating system which is not
 distributed with the GPLed program.

Lbc *is* a major component of the OS.

 The requirement that the source code must be complete conflicts with the
 idea that you can distribute a working copy of kghostscript yet fail to
 distribute all the source code for a working copy of kghostscript.

Two flaws in this analysis.  First, you don't have to distribute a working copy 
kghostscript; in fact 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Joseph Carter
On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:14:55PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the
 definition of what the complete source code is.  This is provided in the
 second sentence of the ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides
 For an executable work, complete source code means all the source
 code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated interface
 definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and
 installation of the executable.
 The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*, rather
 than all modules which may at run-time be linked to it.  To substantiate
 the point, I again refer to my Webster's New Universal Unabridged
 Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and look-up contain, quoting the relevant

If I may pick a nit:

For an executable work, complete source code means all the source
code for all modules it contains, *plus any associated interface
definition files*, plus the scripts used to control compilation and
installation of the executable.

So a dummy library would indeed fill this requirement.  However such a
dummy library would be an open admission there's a problem.  As such, I
suspect we'll never see one.

This overglorified legal language pissing contest has gone on long enough.
Everybody arguing at this point is pretty much repeating themselves.
Right or wrong, the others arguing back are no longer listening if ever
they were.  And at any rate, it seems this list's audience is much smaller
than it was.  Due to misconfiguration or whatever else I cannot say--I've
had people tell me they're on this list (kde-licensing) and have still not
seen this thread appear there.

Specifically representatives from Troll Tech are not present to my
knowledge.  In other words, you're all arguing syntactics and semantics
for your own benefits, rather than the benefit of KDE, Debian, Troll Tech,
or the Free Software community.

Give it a rest people.  This issue is not going to be resolved here in
this forum.  You're all wasting your breath on all sides and only adding
fuel to the fires.  Keep it up and someone is going to burn down the

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

* Knghtbrd crosses his toes
Knghtbrd (if I crossed my fingers it would be hard to type)

Description: PGP signature

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Don Sanders
I share similar views to Mr. Hutton. Allegations have been made that KDE is
responsible of GPL abuse and copyright violation. The fact that the GPL is
generally misunderstood has served to amplify these allegations. It took me
a considerable amount of time to find Andreas Pour's arguments in the sea of
confusion that surrounds this issue. Now having found them and being
convinced by them that no GPL abuse or copyright violation exists I feel that
instead of being silenced he very much deserves to be heard.


On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, Steve Hutton wrote:
 On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Joseph Carter wrote:
  This overglorified legal language pissing contest has gone on long enough.
  Everybody arguing at this point is pretty much repeating themselves.
  Right or wrong, the others arguing back are no longer listening if ever
  they were.  And at any rate, it seems this list's audience is much smaller
  than it was.  Due to misconfiguration or whatever else I cannot say--I've
  had people tell me they're on this list (kde-licensing) and have still not
  seen this thread appear there.
 Nobody else is listening, therefore the posters should quit arguing with
 each other?  Interesting hypothesis and conclusion :-)
 I for one have rather enjoyed Mr. Pour's eloquent and reasoned
 analysis.  The GPL is one of the most vague pieces of text of
 I've ever read, and the fact that these arguments about what it
 means go on for so long just underscore the point.
 I find it particularly amusing when people continually declare the
 GPL says this or that, and Mr. Pour points out that the license
 in fact contains no such language.  More humorous are the frequent
 implications that the GPL is some kind of mutable license, subject to
 grow and change depending upon what its author says he meant
 when he wrote it.  I take that back.  It's more sad than funny.

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:14:55PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the definition of 
 the complete source code is.  This is provided in the second sentence of the
 ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides

Could you please limit your line lengths to around 75 characters? Anything
else makes it painful to read and awkward to quote.

 For an executable work, complete source code means all the
 source code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated
 interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
 compilation and installation of the executable.

Emphasis yours.

 The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*, rather than 
 modules which may at run-time be linked to it.  To substantiate the point, I 
 refer to my Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and 
 contain, quoting the relevant definitions:
 (1) to have in it; hold; enclose or include.
 (2) to have the capacity for holding.

What does (2) mean?

``This bucket contains four gallons of water. No, it doesn't have any
  water in it, but it has the capacity for holding four gallons, so
  therefore it contains four gallons.''

That doesn't make sense at all in this context as far as I can see.

Leaving that aside, though...

The intention of the authors (GNU and rms) is fairly clear, and they make
their interpretation fairly clear in the LGPL's (written by the same authors)

  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. [...]

As such, I'm not really sure how you can say ``But that's not what RMS
meant, coz that's not what he wrote, see, this is what the dictionary
says and everything!'' and expect to be taken seriously.


Actually, that's not entirely the whole story.

The LGPL (Library GPL) version 2, dated June 1991 (which is the same as
the GPL), had the following text in the preamble:

  The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
program and simply using it.  Linking a program with a library, without
changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
analogous to running a utility program or application program.  However, in
a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
treats it as such.

That is, it didn't differentiate between statically linked executables
(which clearly makes a combined work under copyright law), and dynamically
linked binaries (which is less clear).

Now with dynamically liked GPL software we have three cases:

(a) A GPLed binary linked against a GPLed library
(b) A GPL-incompatible binary linked against a GPLed library.
(c) A GPLed binary linked against a GPL-incompatible library

(dynamic linking in all cases)

We'll note that in no case is the library a derived work (in any sense)
based on the binary (it doesn't include any code from the binary, it's
perfectly usable without the binary having ever been written, and so on).

It's probably arguable whether the binary is a derived work based on the
library or not. At best, it may contain portions of the library's interface
definitions (header files and what-not), however these are probably not
copyrightable [0].

Now, for (a) presumably we don't have any issues at all, and everyone's
happy. Of course, it would only apply to KDE if there was a (L)GPLed Qt
clone about.

Now (b) is clearly not the case for KDE. However it's probably the most
questionable one. Clearly, there aren't any issues with distributing
the library on its own. As far as distributing the binary is concerned,
it seems to me that you'd have to make one of the following arguments
to get the GPL to apply:

(1) the dynamically linked binary is a derived work (under
copyright law) of the library, as well as the binary's source
code, because it includes portions of the headers in the
resultant binary. (section 0 of the GPL)

(2) the dynamically linked binary is a derived work (under
copyright law) of the library, because it doesn't work without
the library.

(3) static linking is obviously bad, and since dynamic linking
is just the same as static linking except for a command line
option, and some random techincal things, both must be bad.

(4) while it's okay to distribute the binary and the library,
once you've got them you're not allowed to 

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:14:55PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  (*) The source code must be complete.
 Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the definition of 
 the complete source code is.  This is provided in the second sentence of the
 ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides
 For an executable work, complete source code means all the
 source code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated
 interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
 compilation and installation of the executable.
 The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*, rather than 
 modules which may at run-time be linked to it.  To substantiate the point, I 
 refer to my Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and 
 contain, quoting the relevant definitions:
 (1) to have in it; hold; enclose or include.

What about the Qt header files, which are included at compile time?

 (2) to have the capacity for holding.

(I am not sure if I get all details of the english language correct,
but the kde exectuable has the capacity to hold the qt libs).


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Andreas Pour
Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:14:55PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
   (*) The source code must be complete.
  Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the definition 
  of what
  the complete source code is.  This is provided in the second sentence of the
  ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides
  For an executable work, complete source code means all the
  source code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated
  interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
  compilation and installation of the executable.
  The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*, rather 
  than all
  modules which may at run-time be linked to it.  To substantiate the point, 
  I again
  refer to my Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and 
  contain, quoting the relevant definitions:
  (1) to have in it; hold; enclose or include.

 What about the Qt header files, which are included at compile time?

Right.  And those are distributed in source form.

I think you are taking this debate a bit out of context.  Raul is trying to 
convince me
why a statically linked kghostview is not OK but a statically linked ghostview 
Solaris is.  What you seem to be addressing here is the question of whether a 
binary can satisfy the GPL at all, which was a whole other debate.

To bring the point home, it is also true that proprietary libc header files are
enclosed in a Solaris ghostview (or pick another GPL'd/proprietary libc 

  (2) to have the capacity for holding.

 (I am not sure if I get all details of the english language correct,
 but the kde exectuable has the capacity to hold the qt libs).

I don't think you got this right -- this doesn't mean the theoretical capacity 
but the
actual.  Otherwise you could say the sun contains Andreas since theoretically 
it can,
but that would not generally be considered a correct statement.



Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Raul Miller

Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
  What about the Qt header files, which are included at compile time?

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 09:08:16AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Right.  And those are distributed in source form.

Not under terms which satisfy the GPL.

The GPL requires that there be no proprietary restrictions on
the modification and redistribution of the source for any 
part of the program.

The QPL requires that Troll can put whatever proprietary restrictions
they like on the distribution of future modified versions of the

 I think you are taking this debate a bit out of context.

Then again, the above issue has been pointed out to you many times,
yet you choose to ignore that particular issue whenever you feel like it.

 Raul is trying to convince me why a statically linked kghostview is
 not OK but a statically linked ghostview on Solaris is.

Well, yes, that's one point I'm currently trying to make.  But, I'm
begining to think that I couldn't convince you that paper can burn,
even if I had unlimited time, unlimited dry paper, unlimited dry air
and unlimited dry matches.

 What you seem to be addressing here is the question of whether a
 KDE/Qt binary can satisfy the GPL at all, which was a whole other

And if you light a match and hold it up to a piece of paper, which
is sufficiently dry, and hold it there long enough for the paper
to catch -- which isn't usually more than a few seconds, though I'm
sure you could come up with some papers that wouldn't burn -- it's
possible for the paper to catch on fire.

 To bring the point home, it is also true that proprietary libc
 header files are enclosed in a Solaris ghostview (or pick another
 GPL'd/proprietary libc program).

   (2) to have the capacity for holding.
  (I am not sure if I get all details of the english language correct,
  but the kde exectuable has the capacity to hold the qt libs).

 I don't think you got this right -- this doesn't mean the theoretical
 capacity but the actual. Otherwise you could say the sun contains
 Andreas since theoretically it can, but that would not generally be
 considered a correct statement.

See program.  See program run.  Run program, run.

I think that if you examine an operating program -- not any specially
modified program, but the sort of program which any random user of
kghostscript might have -- and you took a look at what copyrightable
works comprised that program -- you'd have a pretty good idea of what
went into that program.

Of course, some people have raised the objection that the GPL doesn't
care how you use the program.  Which means that it would be legal to run
the program if it was being distributed legally.  But the only way to
believe that the program was distributed legally is by pretending that
a working copy of kghostscript is just some coincidence -- not something
that's being distributed.

Of course, once you've made that leap of fantasy (that working copies
of kghostscript are not being distributed), I suppose that it's pretty
easy to deny the meaning of any contradictory legal language.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:14:55PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Right, but for the analysis to be complete you must include the
 definition of what the complete source code is. This is provided in
 the second sentence of the ultimate para. in Section 3, which provides

 For an executable work, complete source code means all the source
 code for all modules it *contains*, plus any associated interface
 definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and
 installation of the executable.

That's part of the definition -- it's not reasonable to claim that this
somehow excludes any other definitional material from the GPL (or, for
that matter, any other definitional material from common english usage).

 The key part being the reference to all modules it *contains*,
 rather than all modules which may at run-time be linked to it.

This is a distinction you've introduced, not something that's ever
stated in the GPL.

 To substantiate the point, I again refer to my Webster's New Universal
 Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983) and look-up contain, quoting the
 relevant definitions:

 (1) to have in it; hold; enclose or include. 2) to have the
 (capacity for holding. 3) to be equal or equivalent to; as, a
 (gallon *contains* four quarts;

 Now, please explain how the executable work which I am distributing
 (kghostview which is dynamically linked to Qt) has in it, holds,
 encloses or includes, has the capacity for holding, or is equal
 or equivalent to, the Qt library.

I don't know which copy of kghostscript you're distributing, but let
me ask you this:  do you expect that copy to work?

 Sure, the Qt library can later be added to it -- like sugar to the
 gallon of water -- but is not contained in it.

We're not dealing with laws about the distribution of sugar water. We're
dealing with copyright laws in the context of a work which was designed
to include material licensed under the GPL as well as under the QPL.

And yet you continue to hold that it's just a coincidence that a running
copy of kghostscript is going to just happen to include the QPL licensed

 That's why when you distribute a dynamically-linked kghostview
 you don't have to distribute Qt source code. Now of course this
 executable work no more contains Qt if it is distributed on the same
 CD. (However, in case it is on the same CD, the special exception
 would not apply.)

I presume that by contain you're not refering to any sort of physical
topology.  After all, it's just bits represented on a piece of plastic.
There's no inside or outside in the physical sense.  You've got a
few bits over here which happen to represent (to an informed person)
this concept of a filename.  Near those bits are a few more bits that
happen to indicate some other region of bits which happen to represent
the contents of a file.  And, on that CD, there are literally thousands
of these collections of bits which we think of as files.

But, the GPL doesn't make any sort of claim that only a single file is
considered to be the program.  Whenever it refers to files, it's very
clearly refering to multiple files.

But somehow you've gotten this idea in your head that the program
kghostscript is exactly the same thing as the file which happens to
have the name kghostscript.  But you've never offered any evidence for
that belief.

Please present some evidence that that one file represents the whole


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

 Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
   What about the Qt header files, which are included at compile time?

 On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 09:08:16AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Right.  And those are distributed in source form.

 Not under terms which satisfy the GPL.

Says you :-).

 The GPL requires that there be no proprietary restrictions on
 the modification and redistribution of the source for any
 part of the program.

 The QPL requires that Troll can put whatever proprietary restrictions
 they like on the distribution of future modified versions of the

  I think you are taking this debate a bit out of context.

 Then again, the above issue has been pointed out to you many times,
 yet you choose to ignore that particular issue whenever you feel like it.

I don't ignore it, I disagree with it.  I have spent lots of e-mails
explaining why.

  Raul is trying to convince me why a statically linked kghostview is
  not OK but a statically linked ghostview on Solaris is.

 Well, yes, that's one point I'm currently trying to make.  But, I'm
 begining to think that I couldn't convince you that paper can burn,
 even if I had unlimited time, unlimited dry paper, unlimited dry air
 and unlimited dry matches.

The feeling is mutual.  So let's agree to disagree, OK?  And I won't respond
to what you wrote below -- you get the last word :-).



Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-09 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 04:02:29PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Then again, the above issue has been pointed out to you many times,
  yet you choose to ignore that particular issue whenever you feel like it.
 I don't ignore it, I disagree with it.  I have spent lots of e-mails
 explaining why.

Yet every one of these emails has contained significant errors.

You've claimed that these errors are inconsequential, but I've
yet to see you post an explanation that didn't contain errors
of fact.

What I want to know is: if all those errors are so inconsequential,
why did you bother writing them in the first place?


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-08 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 06:14:15PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Where does it say that (in the GPL, that is).  It only says you have to make
  available the complete source code to what you are in fact distributing.

 I don't think we're disagreeing on this point.

 However, I think that you are imagining that people are distributing
 kghostscript executables and not distributing Qt.

 That's certainly not what Debian would do, if Debian included kghostscript
 in main.

So don't put the binary in main :-); it's not so hard to have users compile 
2-3 apps that fall within the KDE developers borrowed GPL code from another
project category.

  The next sentence reads:
  However, as a special exception, the source code distributed 
  not include anything that is normally distributed (in either
  source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
  kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the 
  runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

 Ok, so you are aware of the part of the GPL which lets the proprietary
 libc be used.

  This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static

 Eh? You can link the proprietary libc statically and this special
 exception would still be just as applicable.
No, it would not, b/c then you would actually be distributing the
executable proprietary libc, and the next clause kicks in (the
exception (unless . . .) to the special exception) to require the
source code to be distributed for the libc part as well.
   Yes, you would be distributing the proprietary libc.  But that's legal
   if (1) the libc would also be distributed with a major component of the
   operating system, and (2) that major component of the operating system
   would not accompany the GPLed executable.
  Right, but if it's statically linked by definition it does accompany the

 it meaning the GPLed program?


 If so, why do you use the phrase accompany the executable?  Aren't you
 talking about the executable of the GPLed program?


 What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
 this point?

It's not that the program accompanies itself.  The paragraph of Section 3 in
question deals in terms of components and modules, not entire executables.  
in the hypothetical case we discuss, libc is a component (although statically
linked, the library is a separate binary inside the executable, if I 
the linking process correctly) which accompanies the GPL'd component inside the

In any event, as I look up the definition of accompany in Webster's New 
Unabridged Dictionary (2d ed. 1983), I get:

(1) to go with or attend as a companion or associate on a journey, a walk,
etc.; as, a man *accompanies* his friend to church, or on a tour.
(2) to be with, as connected; to attend; as, pain *accompanies* disease.
Syn: attend

And attend means (taking the only relevant definition):

(3) to accompany as a circumstance or result; to be consequent to, from
connection of cause, as fever *attends* a cold; a measure *attended* with ill

Looking to the first definition of accompany, I think it fair to say that the
libc goes with or attends as a companion the GPL executable as it is

If you look at Section 3, it refers to For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all *modules* it contains, with an exception
for anything that is normally distributed . . . with the major *components* . 
. .
of the operating system . . . , unless that *component* itself accompanies the
executable.  OK, so you need all source code to all modules except for modules
normally distributed with the major components of the OS, unless that component
accompanies-- goes with -- the executable.  In our hypothetical, the module 
libc.  Hence, you need the source code to libc, except if libc is normally
distributed with the OS and it does not accompany -- go with -- the 

The problem with your reading of accompany is that a lesser cannot accompany a
greater.  However, this is not the case:  I can accompany my family, 
although I
am part of my family, a component of my family.  Similarly, when you have a 
of components/modules, any one can accompany the others, even if they are all
linked together.  This is even more the case with GPL, since it is in copyright
universe, and certainly if you have a book composed of essays you can say each
essay accompanies the book, although each essay forms part of the book it is

Under your reading, even the OS vendor could get away distributing GPL'd code 
a static proprietary libc or other system library, so long as there is no 
libc (and perhaps, depending on your reading, no program which is non-GPL'd 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:46:45AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 (a) copyright law prevents copying of protected works without
 permission from the copyright holder; (b) that permission to copy can
 be given in a document, whether it is called a license or a
 permission notice or whatever, so long as in substance it permits
 copying; (c) if someone grants such permission, you can only copy in
 compliance with the grant of permission; (d) XFree grants permission
 to copy the code subject to the following conditions: The above
 copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 copies or substantial portions of the Software. (e)  The reference
 to this permission notice in the above quote is to the license,
 called a permission notice in the XFree source code files, which
 permits copying XFree in the first place.  (f)  By requiring you to
 include the license in the XFree code you distribute, that means that
 license applies to the XFree code (but not any additional code) which
 you distribute.  (g)  XFree code, or substantial portions thereof,
 can only be redistributed under the XFree license.  (h) If someone
 adds code to XFree, they are free to license it under whatever terms
 they choose, including a proprietary license, since XFree does not
 have any requirements for code added to XFree by a third party.  (i)
 Point (h) above does not, however, change the license of the XFree
 code, it only changes the permissions on the combined code.

All correct, with the nitpicky point of s/XFree/XFree86/.

But how you get from here to the XFree86 [MIT] license is incompatible
with the GPL is quite beyond me.

Kindly explain in words of one syllable, and please make an effort to keep
your reply under 100 lines.

And, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, please get your line lengths under

G. Branden Robinson| To stay young requires unceasing
Debian GNU/Linux   | cultivation of the ability to unlearn
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | old falsehoods. | -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-08 Thread Raul Miller
On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 07:10:32PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 So don't put the binary in main :-); it's not so hard to have users
 compile the 2-3 apps that fall within the KDE developers borrowed GPL
 code from another project category.

We're not putting it in main.

  What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
  this point?
 It's not that the program accompanies itself.  The paragraph of Section 3 in
 question deals in terms of components and modules, not entire 
 executables.  So
 in the hypothetical case we discuss, libc is a component (although 
 linked, the library is a separate binary inside the executable, if I 
 the linking process correctly) which accompanies the GPL'd component inside 

Component, in the GPL, refers to major component of the operating
system.  The word is only used twice, and both occurrences are in the
same sentence (this sentence is part of the special exception which
lets GPLed code be used on proprietary operating systems).  And, the
GPL explicitly gives the kernel and the compiler as explicit examples
of what it means in that context.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-08 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

It's not that the program accompanies itself. The paragraph
of Section 3 in question deals in terms of components and
modules, not entire executables. So in the hypothetical case
we discuss, libc is a component (although statically linked,
the library is a separate binary inside the executable, if I
understand the linking process correctly) which accompanies the
GPL'd component inside the executable.
   Component, in the GPL, refers to major component of the operating
   system. The word is only used twice, and both occurrences are in
   the same sentence (this sentence is part of the special exception
   which lets GPLed code be used on proprietary operating systems).
   And, the GPL explicitly gives the kernel and the compiler as
   explicit examples of what it means in that context.

 On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 04:26:32PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Does non-sequitor mean anything to you?

 Weren't you the one that said, 'libc is a component'?

 Or are you trying to suggest that this wasn't in the context of the GPL?

Your curt replies to detailed, reasoned arguments just leave me guessing as
to what you mean, which is why I will stop wasting my time and this thread.



Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
On Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 12:04:52AM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 If you insist... I hope I get the details right though.
 So the scenario is: kghoststript is being distributed as executable of a
 GPL-ed source dynamically linked against the Qt object library; the
 distributors read all the source code for all modules it contains to mean
 all the source code for kghostscript proper (not the library), and they
 dutifully accompany the executable by this source, both with the GPL licence;
 they also distribute Qt as usual in source and object format, both with QPL
 licence. The sources for kghostscript are the exact ones used to build the
 executable, so CFLAGS does not contain -static.

Except that by your logic, the kghostscript executable won't execute.
Who do you think you're fooling?


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 12:39:51AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Making that change under the scenario described by Marc would violate
 the GPL, but so would lots of other things, such as linking a GPL
 program with a proprietary libc.

Nope, because there's a special exception in the GPL that allows people
to use a proprietary libc.  This exception is limited (you couldn't 
by the proprietary libc in conjunction with the GPLed program, nor could
they ship together), but it does exist.  Just search for special exception
in the text of the GPL.

 I note in this regard that Section 3 of the GPL defines complete source 
 code as:
 For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code
 for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition 
 the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the 
 Notice that it lists only modules it *contains*, not all modules it 
 contains or
 links to or all modules it contains during execution (the latter being 
 b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers to the
 executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists at run-time).

You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with kghostscript
that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

 The next sentence reads:

 However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
 not include anything that is normally distributed (in either
 source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
 kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
 runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

Ok, so you are aware of the part of the GPL which lets the proprietary
libc be used.

 This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static

Eh? You can link the proprietary libc statically and this special
exception would still be just as applicable.

 Normally you would distribute the major component w/ the executable
 only if it is statically linked, in which case you are required to
 include the source of that component; but if dynamically linked, you
 are not required to distribute the source.

Even if it's statically linked you're not required to distribute the
source for a proprietary libc. As long as libc is distributed with the
kernel or the compiler for the operating system, and as long as the
kernel or the compiler is *not* distributed with kghostscript, there's
no problem with also distributing some of that proprietary libc with

 I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.

It doesn't even use the term linking in the terms of the license.

 As to your -static flag, I think you agree, from your past postings,
 that someone can distribute a GPL'd program dynamically linked against
 a proprietary Solaris libc, but that this person could not compile
 it statically by adding the '-static' flag and then distribute the
 program. So really I don't see how your kghostview example is any
 different from what is already allowed and done.

I did not agree to any such thing.  It's perfectly legal to distribute
a GPLed program which is statically linked against a Solaris libc.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread William T Wilson
On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Raul Miller wrote:

  b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers to the
  executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists at run-time).
 You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with kghostscript
 that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

The executing program isn't relevant because the GPL doesn't specify the
conditions the program can be run under.  It only specifies the conditions
the program can be distributed under.

  I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.
 It doesn't even use the term linking in the terms of the license.

I think it does, by implication if not directly.  If you link statically
with a proprietary library which is not part of the operating system then
you cannot distribute under the GPL.  But you can if you link dynamically,
because you aren't distributing any proprietary code at all.  You're just
assuming that the required proprietary code will already be on the target

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
 On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Raul Miller wrote:
   b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers to 
   executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists at run-time).
  You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with kghostscript
  that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 12:53:51PM -0500, William T Wilson wrote:
 The executing program isn't relevant because the GPL doesn't specify
 the conditions the program can be run under. It only specifies the
 conditions the program can be distributed under.

The GPL is what gives permission to distribute that program.

The GPL only gives permssion to distribute the program if you also make
available the complete source code for that program (where that source
has to be available under terms and conditions that satisfy the GPL).

You're claiming that the complete source code doesn't contain a part
of the program which is necessary for it to run?

   I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.
  It doesn't even use the term linking in the terms of the license.
 I think it does, by implication if not directly. If you link
 statically with a proprietary library which is not part of the
 operating system then you cannot distribute under the GPL. But you
 can if you link dynamically, because you aren't distributing any
 proprietary code at all. You're just assuming that the required
 proprietary code will already be on the target system.

Ok, so your assertion is that code which is necessary for the program
to run -- which is included in the executing program -- is not a part
of the program?


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
   b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers to 
   executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists at run-time).

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Raul Miller wrote:
  You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with kghostscript
  that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 12:53:51PM -0500, William T Wilson wrote:
 The executing program isn't relevant because the GPL doesn't specify
 the conditions the program can be run under. It only specifies the
 conditions the program can be distributed under.

That's fine: as long as you give the complete source code for the
executable program you can execute it under whatever conditions you

But linking with Qt isn't some random example of some unusual
circumstances for running the program.  Linking with Qt is the only way
you can have a complete copy of the program.

And you have to distribute the complete source for the program even if
you're not distributing all of the object code.  And, of course, that
source has to be distributed in a way that meets the terms of the GPL.

   I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.
  It doesn't even use the term linking in the terms of the license.
 I think it does, by implication if not directly.  If you link statically
 with a proprietary library which is not part of the operating system then
 you cannot distribute under the GPL.

Linking statically with a proprietary library is perfectly legal if
(1) the library is distributed with the OS, and (2) the GPLed program
is not.

Linking dynamically doesn't give any additional permissions.

 But you can if you link dynamically, because you aren't distributing
 any proprietary code at all. You're just assuming that the required
 proprietary code will already be on the target system.

Distribute with/without code only matters for that special exception
that lets people link (statically or dynamically) with a proprietary libc.
And even there you've not understood the requirement.

Except for that special exception, you have to distribute the complete
source for the program under the GPL even if you're only distributing
part of the object code yourself.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Jeff Teunissen
William T Wilson wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Raul Miller wrote:
   b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers
   to the executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists
   at run-time).
  You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with
  kghostscript that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?
 The executing program isn't relevant because the GPL doesn't specify the
 conditions the program can be run under.  It only specifies the
 conditions the program can be distributed under.

The program as _distributed_ contains portions of Qt, even if dynamically

Macros. Data structures. Method definitions. All are parts of Qt
necessary for compilation, and which are included in the final

   I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.
  It doesn't even use the term linking in the terms of the license.
 I think it does, by implication if not directly.  If you link statically
 with a proprietary library which is not part of the operating system
 then you cannot distribute under the GPL.  But you can if you link
 dynamically, because you aren't distributing any proprietary code at
 all.  You're just assuming that the required proprietary code will
 already be on the target system.

Dynamic linking has been the exception rather than the rule for most of
the history of computing. Most libc's, even proprietary, allow
distribution of static binaries.

| Jeff Teunissen -=- Pres., Dusk To Dawn Computing -- d2deek at
| Disclaimer: I am my employer, so anything I say goes for me too. :)
| is a black hole for email.Use my Reply-To address.
| Specializing in Debian GNU/Linux

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
  You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with
  kghostscript that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 05:17:56PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Well, this is funny indeed. When it suits your desired interpretation,
 you can change words rather freely; yet at other times you insist on
 strict reading of the words. Although it is obvious, I will repeat
 myself: I said executable work, as used in the GPL, not executing
 program. The reference to executable work in Section 3, which I
 quoted above, must be the Program . . . in . . . executable form
 mentioned in the beginning of Section 3 (why? b/c the quoted sentence
 is defining the term). In short, the term refers only to what is
 being copied and distributed, rather than what the user ends up
 executing. If you read Section 3 with a fair eye I think you will
 see what I mean.

It's true that you do not have to distribute in object form everything
that's going to go into the complete program.

However, it's also true that you must distribute the source for the
complete program.

I'm asserting that kghostscript without Qt is not the complete program.

You do not appear to be disagreeing with me on that point.  Instead,
you appear to be quibbling that the GPL doesn't require that the entire
executable be distributed.

   The next sentence reads:
   However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
   not include anything that is normally distributed (in either
   source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
   kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
   runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
  Ok, so you are aware of the part of the GPL which lets the proprietary
  libc be used.
   This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static
  Eh? You can link the proprietary libc statically and this special
  exception would still be just as applicable.
 No, it would not, b/c then you would actually be distributing the
 executable proprietary libc, and the next clause kicks in (the
 exception (unless . . .) to the special exception) to require the
 source code to be distributed for the libc part as well.

Yes, you would be distributing the proprietary libc.  But that's legal
if (1) the libc would also be distributed with a major component of the
operating system, and (2) that major component of the operating system
would not accompany the GPLed executable.

There's nothing in that exception which says that libc can't accompany
the GPLed executable.  The requirement is that the GPLed executable
can't be accompanied by the major component of the operating system
which includes the cannonical copy of libc.

Stated even more informally, that exception says: you can use a
proprietary libc if everyone already has it, but then the the OS vendor
(who stuck everyone with this proprietary libc) can't distribute the
GPLed program.

The underlying idea is that the OS vendor ought to have the capability
to fix the license on the proprietary libc, but users of that OS wouldn't
be able to fix the license.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

   You're claiming here that even though Qt must be linked with
   kghostscript that the executing program doesn't contain Qt?

 On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 05:17:56PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  Well, this is funny indeed. When it suits your desired interpretation,
  you can change words rather freely; yet at other times you insist on
  strict reading of the words. Although it is obvious, I will repeat
  myself: I said executable work, as used in the GPL, not executing
  program. The reference to executable work in Section 3, which I
  quoted above, must be the Program . . . in . . . executable form
  mentioned in the beginning of Section 3 (why? b/c the quoted sentence
  is defining the term). In short, the term refers only to what is
  being copied and distributed, rather than what the user ends up
  executing. If you read Section 3 with a fair eye I think you will
  see what I mean.

 It's true that you do not have to distribute in object form everything
 that's going to go into the complete program.

 However, it's also true that you must distribute the source for the
 complete program.

Where does it say that (in the GPL, that is).  It only says you have to make
available the complete source code to what you are in fact distributing.

 I'm asserting that kghostscript without Qt is not the complete program.

 You do not appear to be disagreeing with me on that point.  Instead,
 you appear to be quibbling that the GPL doesn't require that the entire
 executable be distributed.

That for sure it does not -- the only complete requirement pertains to source

The next sentence reads:
However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
not include anything that is normally distributed (in either
source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
   Ok, so you are aware of the part of the GPL which lets the proprietary
   libc be used.
This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static
   Eh? You can link the proprietary libc statically and this special
   exception would still be just as applicable.
  No, it would not, b/c then you would actually be distributing the
  executable proprietary libc, and the next clause kicks in (the
  exception (unless . . .) to the special exception) to require the
  source code to be distributed for the libc part as well.

 Yes, you would be distributing the proprietary libc.  But that's legal
 if (1) the libc would also be distributed with a major component of the
 operating system, and (2) that major component of the operating system
 would not accompany the GPLed executable.

Right, but if it's statically linked by definition it does accompany the

 There's nothing in that exception which says that libc can't accompany
 the GPLed executable.

Of course it can, but then you have to include the source code.

 The requirement is that the GPLed executable
 can't be accompanied by the major component of the operating system
 which includes the cannonical copy of libc.

 Stated even more informally, that exception says: you can use a
 proprietary libc if everyone already has it, but then the the OS vendor
 (who stuck everyone with this proprietary libc) can't distribute the
 GPLed program.

I don't see any reference to OS vendor, whether explicit or implicit, in the
language of Section 3 of the GPL.  The only distinction on the system component
exception is whether the system component accompanies the executable or not:
if not, you are excused from including the source code for that component, if
it does, you are not excused

 The underlying idea is that the OS vendor ought to have the capability
 to fix the license on the proprietary libc, but users of that OS wouldn't
 be able to fix the license.

While I may agree that this is a nice theory, it is not reflected in the
language of the GPL.  This only goes to prove how poorly the GPL is drafted, as
we can disagree even on this relatively elementary point.



Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-07 Thread Raul Miller
On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 06:14:15PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Where does it say that (in the GPL, that is).  It only says you have to make
 available the complete source code to what you are in fact distributing.

I don't think we're disagreeing on this point.

However, I think that you are imagining that people are distributing
kghostscript executables and not distributing Qt.

That's certainly not what Debian would do, if Debian included kghostscript
in main.

 The next sentence reads:

 However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
 not include anything that is normally distributed (in either
 source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
 kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
 runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
Ok, so you are aware of the part of the GPL which lets the proprietary
libc be used.
 This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static
Eh? You can link the proprietary libc statically and this special
exception would still be just as applicable.
   No, it would not, b/c then you would actually be distributing the
   executable proprietary libc, and the next clause kicks in (the
   exception (unless . . .) to the special exception) to require the
   source code to be distributed for the libc part as well.
  Yes, you would be distributing the proprietary libc.  But that's legal
  if (1) the libc would also be distributed with a major component of the
  operating system, and (2) that major component of the operating system
  would not accompany the GPLed executable.
 Right, but if it's statically linked by definition it does accompany the

it meaning the GPLed program?

If so, why do you use the phrase accompany the executable?  Aren't you
talking about the executable of the GPLed program?

What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
this point?

If it doesn't mean the GPLed program, what is it that you say would
be statically linked?

  There's nothing in that exception which says that libc can't accompany
  the GPLed executable.
 Of course it can, but then you have to include the source code.

Sure -- you not only have to include the source code, but you have to
make sure it's distributed under GPL terms... but then we wouldn't be
talking about that proprietary libc.

  The requirement is that the GPLed executable
  can't be accompanied by the major component of the operating system
  which includes the cannonical copy of libc.
  Stated even more informally, that exception says: you can use a
  proprietary libc if everyone already has it, but then the the OS vendor
  (who stuck everyone with this proprietary libc) can't distribute the
  GPLed program.
 I don't see any reference to OS vendor, whether explicit or implicit,
 in the language of Section 3 of the GPL. The only distinction on the
 system component exception is whether the system component accompanies
 the executable or not: if not, you are excused from including the
 source code for that component, if it does, you are not excused

It seems to me that you'd call someone distributing major components of
a proprietary OS an OS vendor.  I'm sure you could construct examples
which are exceptions to that rule.  But I made it very clear that I was
talking informally -- I was talking about the usual case, not trying to
be so general that I was covering all potential issues.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-06 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:31:48AM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  That point is: why does GPL section 3 not say something like the
For object code or other kinds of executable work, complete source code
means the full source text for all executable code that will be executed 
a direct consequence of executing the work, and whose presence on the same
computer as the work is a prerequisite for proper execution of the work; 
addition it includes any associated interface definition files, plus the
scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

 That wouldn't work -- you've just defined the executable code as the
 source code.

 Meanwhile, I've not gotten any real feedback on whether adding -static
 to CFLAGS is legal, let alone any of the more complicated changes
 I proposed...

Making that change under the scenario described by Marc would violate the GPL, 
so would lots of other things, such as linking a GPL program with a proprietary
libc.  In the latter case, it does not even require chaning any Makefile, simply
the fact of having a different libc on the compiling system will result in the
violation (of course only to the extent a static binary is distributed).

I note in this regard that Section 3 of the GPL defines complete source code 

For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code
for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files,
the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

Notice that it lists only modules it *contains*, not all modules it contains 
links to or all modules it contains during execution (the latter being 
b/c executable work as written in the quoted sentence above refers to the
executable work as it is being distributed, not as it exists at run-time).  The
next sentence reads:

However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not
include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

This sentence can easily be read to support the dynamic/static distinction.
Normally you would distribute the major component w/ the executable only if it
is statically linked, in which case you are required to include the source of 
component; but if dynamically linked, you are not required to distribute the
source.  I.e., the GPL does distinguish b/w dynamic and static linking.

As to your -static flag, I think you agree, from your past postings, that 
can distribute a GPL'd program dynamically linked against a proprietary Solaris
libc, but that this person could not compile it statically by adding the 
flag and then distribute the program.  So really I don't see how your kghostview
example is any different from what is already allowed and done.



Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-05 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Raul Miller wrote:
 Meanwhile, I've not gotten any real feedback on whether adding -static
 to CFLAGS is legal, let alone any of the more complicated changes
 I proposed...

If you insist... I hope I get the details right though.

So the scenario is: kghoststript is being distributed as executable of a
GPL-ed source dynamically linked against the Qt object library; the
distributors read all the source code for all modules it contains to mean
all the source code for kghostscript proper (not the library), and they
dutifully accompany the executable by this source, both with the GPL licence;
they also distribute Qt as usual in source and object format, both with QPL
licence. The sources for kghostscript are the exact ones used to build the
executable, so CFLAGS does not contain -static.

Now somebody receives this distribution and for some reason adds -static to
the CFLAGS, as properly is his right, and rebuilds. He finds himself with a
substantially bigger object file than in the distribution, but otherwise no
dramatic changes occur. The change is highly unlikely to flow back to the
first distributor, but even if by some accident their source distribution
would have its CFLAGS altered, it would just mean that these sources no longer
correspond exactly to the distributed binaries. No illegality yet.

Now the recipient makes a more substantial improvement to the kghostscript
sources and decides to share it with the world; he puts his modified sources
on his ftp server (GPL-ed, as always). Now anybody downloading these improved
sources will have their executables built too large by default, if they don't
find out and remove the -static; that's a pity but no disaster. Next thing,
our hacker becomes so popular that demand arises for distribution of binaries.

At this point he may have forgotten that his binaries, unlike the
original ones, contain parts of the Qt library and simply put them up for
distribution, with the GPL licence, just like his sources. This is illegal,
and he could be sued. Whether he can be sued by Troll is not entirely clear to
me: while the binary is certainly derived work from Qt in the copyright sense,
it does not seem to classify as modified version of Qt in the sense of QPL
(which systematically distinguishes modified versions and third-party
application programs based on Qt) so QPL4a (requiring a QPL notice) and QPL4c
(requiring modifications (all of kghostscript?) to enjoy the permissions of
QPL) probably do not apply; in any case QPL6 is not violated because it merely
requires sufficiently free sources, not the precise permissions of QPL. But
our forgetful hacker can certainly be sued by the author of kghostscript,
since he cannot guarantee the GPL permissions with respect to the Qt sources
(which he does not distribute, but which are definitely nowhere distributed
other than with QPL); in particular recipients of his binaries have no right
to modify and redistribute the Qt sources (QPL3, like QPL5, is giving no
permissions for things that require permission). It is not quite clear what
suing would achieve though (certainly not release of Qt under GPL); more
likely the kghostscript author, if at all bothered about the situation, would
urge for reversion to distribution of dynamically linked executables.

On the other hand our hacker may think wait, I'm becoming a serious
distributor, let's check the licences. He reads GPL carefully, understands
that he must release all sources under the terms of the GPL, checks that his
binaries include the Qt library, fetches its sources, reads the QPL and
understands by QPL2 that he must leave the QPL notice in. If he understands
the situation well he may give up here and decide that he cannot satisfy GPL
this way, and refrain from distribution, or revert to distributing dynamic
execs. Or he may naively plant the GPL flag next to the QPL licence, and leave
it to his recipients to figure out what their rights are. This is pretty bad.


I'm sorry, maybe it's because I'm not much of a story teller, but I still
can't figure out how to get to the part where the Evil Troll emerges from the
shadows, and wields the powers bestowed on it by QPL3b to mercilessly rip an
originally GPL-ed piece of kghostscript (or Gimp) out of this software for
abuse in its own proprietary software, while enjoying immunity from being sued
by the respective authors for copyright infringement. Maybe somebody else can

Marc van Leeuwen

Re: New ways to evade copyright law (was Re: Vicarious liblity (was: KDE not in Debian?))

2000-02-05 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Raul Miller wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 01:30:50PM -0500, Brian Ristuccia wrote:
  Distributing two separate works for which you have authorization, on
  the other hand, is perfectly ok even if you don't have permission
  to distribute the combination of the two. Any combination of those
  works would be done by the end user. Only if the end user chooses to
  distribute the result would they (not you) be in violation of the
 But the only reason you have permission to distribute a GPLed executable
 is if you're distributing the source under appropriate terms (terms that
 let you modify and redistribute that source code with no restrictions
 beyond those imposed by the GPL).  And that includes the source for any
 needed modules.

No, as I recently observed in another post, that is not what the GPL says. It
says: all the source code for all modules [the executabe work being
distributed] contains. To contain is something different from to need. While
statically and dynamically linked executables eventually will need the same
set of modules, they don't contain the same set. I agree that what the GPL
seems to want to say is the modules needed, and that the FSF gives it this
interpretation, but in fact the GPL doesn't say it. Now I am not advocating to
use this weakness of the GPL to ignore the problem that QPL does not permit
what GPL requires; however other distributors will (and do) do just that, and
if any GPL author would ever try to press charges against them, those
distributors will have no difficulty pointing out this subtlety in court.
(Alternatively they could argue that Qt is normally distributed with the
kernel of the operating system, and not with the GPL-ed appliction, which
could well be true in their case.)

What I do not understand is that when I make an attempt to suggest a stronger
definition, specifically

   For object code or other kinds of executable work, complete source code
   means the full source text for all executable code that will be executed as
   a direct consequence of executing the work, and whose presence on the same
   computer as the work is a prerequisite for proper execution of the work;

you just dismiss that by saying I've just defined the executable code as the
source code. (Where did I define executable code? I'll gladly admit my
formulation is not perfect and maybe I've goofed up completely by overlooking
something, but I did try to define complete source code as all sources
needed for a working program.) So what is your position? On the one hand your
analysis of the situation hinges on an interpretation of one clause of the
GPL, but you object to changing that clause to more unambiguously support that
interpretation. This leaves me a bit puzzled.

Marc van Leeuwen

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-04 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 I wrote:

 So in this case distribution of non-GPL-ed source code must still be subject
 to [GPL section 2], if that source is part of the complete sources of the
 binary distributed, and the exception for OS components does not apply.
 I suppose that a program dynamically linked against a library does not
 contain any of the code of that library, so does the source for that library
 count as part of the complete source for the dynamically linked
 executable? GPL says
   For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for
   all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files,
   plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the
 Possibly the letter allows exclusion of the sources for the library in this
 case, because the binary does not contain any modules of the library, and
 even the interface definition files for the library may be considered to not
 be associated to the modules that are included in the binary (even if they
 are used by those modules). However, such reading does seem to violate the
 spirit of the GPL, since (1) the term complete sources itself does not
 suggest this reading, (2) it rests on a somewhat technical distinction
 between dynamically linked and statically linked executables, (3) what would
 the purpose of requiring inclusion of scripts be, other than to allow using
 them to recreate a modified binary after changing the sources, requiring at
 least access to the interface definition files of the library, and (4) such
 reading makes the exception for OS components mostly unnecessary (do
 executables usually contain modules that also classify as anything that is
 normally distributed... with the major components... of the operating system
 on which the executable runs?). As for reason (2), how would the intent of
 the GPL, which is clearly to ensure that anybody using GPL-derived programs
 is able and free to improve the sources and redistribute, be served by
 allowing dynamically linked binaries where it forbids statically linked
 Yet, why has nobody recently put forward this way of resolving the KDE/Qt
 issue? I've seen drastic bending of the meaning of much more unambiguous
 parts of the GPL. Maybe this was discussed and resolved long ago, or maybe
 I'm just too blind too see the obvious? Anybody please explain.

To which David Johnson replied:

 I have put this opinion forth (that Qt is distinct from the application and
 not a module) in the past, but [...] I have become gun shy and have
 refrained from stating what I see as obvious.

Then Raul Miller responded: [...]

 So copyright law grants some fairly broad protections. Without broad
 protections, you could never prove copyright violation. [Which, some people
 might argue, is a good reason for getting rid of copyright laws -- but
 that's a whole different discussion.]
 And, at least in the U.S., you don't actually have to make the illegal
 copies to be guilty of copyright violation: you just have to make it easy
 for the illegal copies to be made.
 So treating unlinked code as independent works doesn't cut it, not when
 the usual practice is to use these independent pieces together on the
 target machine.

I would like to note that the discussion has by now made a strange turn. I was
discussing the interpretation of complete sources in GPL section 3.
Everybody agrees that one has to meet the conditions of GPL in order to
distribute an executable built from GPL-ed sources; the ordinaray protections
of copyright law will guarantee that. So section 3 could require whatever it
likes, and define complete sources in any way it finds suitable. My only
observation was that the language it uses taken literally does not seem to
include sources for the library in the case of distribution of dynamically
linked executables. Now I know this is not what the FSF wants it to mean; I
already noted the interpretation seems to run contrary to the spirit of the
GPL, and on, the FSF says:

  Since the QPL is incompatible with the GNU GPL, you cannot take a
  GPL-covered program and Qt and link them together, no matter how.

That is an overstatement since the GPL itself admits: Activities other than
copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they
are outside its scope. But again that is besides the current point. That
point is: why does GPL section 3 not say something like the following?

  For object code or other kinds of executable work, complete source code
  means the full source text for all executable code that will be executed as
  a direct consequence of executing the work, and whose presence on the same
  computer as the work is a prerequisite for proper execution of the work; in
  addition it includes any associated interface definition files, plus the
  scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

That would 

Vicarious liblity (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-04 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 12:38:51PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  I maintain that unless the distribution of dynamically linked binaries
  itself is considered a copyright infringement, there's no vicarious
  liability either. And to come back to the static/dynamic distinction:
  an obvious and relevant difference with distribution of statically
  linked binaries is that the user can execute those without also having
  the library object file.
 Ok, let's pretend for a minute that distributing kghostscript is legal.
 What does that mean?
 Well, for one thing, it should be legal to make trivial changes to the
 source and redistribute.  For example, adding -static to the CFLAGS in
 the makefile and redistributing should be perfectly legal.  You've granted
 this right under the GPL.

I'll stop the example here because I think we are talking at cross purposes. I
do not want to discuss whether or not QPL'ed code enjoys the permissions that
the GPL demands for complete sources. Even less do I maintain that one could
distribute Qt with a GPL licence or kghostscript with a QPL licence. And
interpreting the example would at the very least require an interpretation of
complete source as defined in GPL section 3 with respect to dynamically
linked executables; I've just discussed that in another message.

The discussion in this branch of the thread (can one say that?) had, as far as
I could see, taken a different angle, namely whether statically and
dynamically linked binaries are different from the point of view of copyright
law, and if vicarious liability play a role there. Your example is too full of
distracting details (and unclear on some relevant ones) to single out those
questions very well. I'll just make this one comment.

If your point is that a distribution that in itself is not infringing on
anybody's copyright, could be considered vicariously liable of such
infringement because, after tweaking the makefile a bit, and then using it to
create an executable that is essentially different from anything present in
the original distribution, recipients could infringe copyright by distributing
that executable, then I must say this interpretation of vicarious liability
seems unacceptable to me. By the same token distributing source code of a very
plain GPL-ed C program would be vicariously liable of copyright infringement,
because (even without changing the makefile) users could compile and link it
on a platform with a proprietary libc, to create an executable, whose
distribution would not only violate the GPL of the C source, but the copyright
of the author of the libc as well. (The point I think should be clear:
creating and running the executable is fine, distributing it is not.) The fact
that the GPL grants you permission to modify and redistribute under certain
conditions does not mean you are allowed to do so if that is illegal for other

I'll give an example that illustrates my point clearly, even if it is a bit
extreme. Suppose a company FdSE[*] distributes from its WWW-server a program
QRS in source form with the following copyright notice

  Copyright 2000, Fin du Siecle Entreprises
  All rights reserved.

  Copying or redistributing this software, in source or binary, in original or
  modified form, in any form, by anybody other than Fin du Siecle Entreprises,
  are NOT authorised, and are prohibited by copyright law.

  This prohibition does not affect your freedom to handle this copy in any way
  you please within the confines of your personal equipment. See the README
  file for some suggestions.

The README file says something like

  You can use the C program as test input for your compiler; some dummy header
  files are provided for this purpose. You may find more enjoyment however if
  you procure yourself the Qt library, which is distributed by Troll Tech
  ( and many independent redistributors. If you do not
  already have this library installed, but you have Internet connection, you
  can achieve this by typing make download-Qt. Then you can then compile and
  link QRS by typing make with-Qt. If after playing around with QRS you find
  you get tired of retyping the same input again and again, you may want to
  try adding the marvellous readline library developed by the Free Software
  Foundation to your program. Again this library is available for free from
  many independent redistributors. To make it easy for you, you can download
  it automatically by typing make download-readline. Then you can build a
  new version of QRS by typing make with-Qt-and-readline. Please remember
  that while you can play with them as you like, you may not transfer the
  resulting programs beyond the confines of your private equipment; you would
  be infringing the copyrights of FdSE and others if you did. If you want to
  take a copy elsewhere you must transfer a new copy of the sources directly
  from the FdSE server and recompile.


Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-04 Thread Raul Miller
On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:31:48AM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 That point is: why does GPL section 3 not say something like the
   For object code or other kinds of executable work, complete source code
   means the full source text for all executable code that will be executed as
   a direct consequence of executing the work, and whose presence on the same
   computer as the work is a prerequisite for proper execution of the work; in
   addition it includes any associated interface definition files, plus the
   scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

That wouldn't work -- you've just defined the executable code as the
source code.

Meanwhile, I've not gotten any real feedback on whether adding -static
to CFLAGS is legal, let alone any of the more complicated changes
I proposed...


Re: Vicarious liblity (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-04 Thread Raul Miller
On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 03:52:31PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 If your point is that a distribution that in itself is not infringing on
 anybody's copyright, could be considered vicariously liable of such
 infringement because, after tweaking the makefile a bit, and then using it to
 create an executable that is essentially different from anything present in
 the original distribution, recipients could infringe copyright by distributing
 that executable, then I must say this interpretation of vicarious liability
 seems unacceptable to me.

Of course, that particular example is only relevant in the context of
the GPL, it's not relevant for copyrights in general.

 By the same token distributing source code of a very plain GPL-ed C
 program would be vicariously liable of copyright infringement, because
 (even without changing the makefile) users could compile and link it
 on a platform with a proprietary libc, to create an executable, whose
 distribution would not only violate the GPL of the C source, but the
 copyright of the author of the libc as well.

No, because that would be a different program which contains different

 (The point I think should be clear: creating and running the
 executable is fine, distributing it is not.) The fact that the GPL
 grants you permission to modify and redistribute under certain
 conditions does not mean you are allowed to do so if that is illegal
 for other reasons.


However, this particular change does *not* alter the source code, or
the introduce any new components which would not already be present.
It just alters their form.

The fact is: when kghostscript is running, it contains QPL and GPLed code.
Pretending that that's not what's happening is a fraud.

The -static example is merely an illustration.


New ways to evade copyright law (was Re: Vicarious liblity (was: KDE not in Debian?))

2000-02-04 Thread Raul Miller
Apparently, some people think that the introduction of some new
distribution mechanism will confuse the people who enforce copyright
law think that distribution isn't happening.

So, let's say that I come up with a new way of distributing text:

I'll send all the vowels in one file (it will be downloaded from the
web), I'll send all the consonants in a set of different files (one per
consonant -- they will be emailed), and I'll send the punctuation in a
third file (it will be posted as news).

And, let's say that I include enough meta-information in these files
such that they will just happen to combine themselves to create the
original text.  No one file, taken individually, could be mistaken for
a copyrighted work -- only by taking the files as a group which would be
pieced together by individual effort could I be said to be distributing
a copyrighted work.

Do people think that would be legal?

If not, why not?


Re: New ways to evade copyright law (was Re: Vicarious liblity (was: KDE not in Debian?))

2000-02-04 Thread David Graham
There is one way you can redistribute copyrighted works within the law.

Paraphrase them, and cite them.

Its done in schools every day and is perfectly legal.

If you take a paragraph of a book, and rewrite its meaning, cite the
original source in a bilbiography, and pass it on, that is perfectly
within the law. Similarly, you could take written software code, write the
specfications down, and send that instead of the original code (to get
around any liscensing issues). 

Trying to claim random chance as a reason for a copyright violation is a
little like saying you had ten chimps randomly type up Hamlet in one week.
While theoretically possible, noone would take you seriously, and law is
all about being taken seriously. Similarly, you won't convince twelve
jurours that sendmail accidentally sent out 50,000 emails, which when put
together in reverse order and rot13'd, for example, inadvertently became
Applied Cryptography.

David Graham
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] administrator, administrator, frosh, BComp
This .signature is dynamically rebuilt 1440 times a day.
At Group L, Stoffel oversees six first-rate programmers, a managerial
challenge roughly comparable to herding cats.
-- The Washington Post Magazine, 9 June, 1985

On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Seth David Schoen wrote:

 Raul Miller writes:
 No, because the law concerns itself with judging intent.
 If you distribute random data which _truly accidentally_ could be
 interpreted to violate some law, then that's no problem; but if you
 had the intent to violate copyright law by a _series of related
 actions_ -- no one of which violated a copyright -- then it might
 easily be established that the overall design and pattern of your
 activity was a deliberate violation.
 Someone could argue in court about the probability that it was just
 an accident.  In most cases in which you actually violated a
 copyright on purpose, it's not very likely that it would end up
 looking like a plausible accident (if you intended for some other
 person to be able to reconstruct the original information, then a
 court can probably reconstruct it, too, especially given any
 instructions that you or someone in concert with you happened to
 give out).
 Using statistical arguments to estimate probabilities that copyright
 violations are accidental is not a new idea.  In fact, the whole point
 of digital watermarking is simply to make that easier, and make it
 dramatically less likely that you can realistically claim that a certain
 similarity is merely co-incidental.
 So, what about the situation in which 5,000 people distribute something
 which they would otherwise not be allowed to distribute by taking
 random excerpts?  E.g. I say At offset 8354, value 0x98c4076d, and
 post that in some public place.  Well, if some of these people actually
 intended that the result of their joint activity would be the
 effective transmission of whatever they were not allowed to transmit,
 they could be accused of conspiracy.
 Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And do not say, I will study when I
 Temp.  | have leisure; for perhaps you will
 down:   (CAF)  | not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-03 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
 On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:49:10PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  And run-time is post-distribution while compile-time is
  pre-distribution, in the case of distribution of dynamically linked
  binaries. And no copyright-based licence has anything to say about
  what end users can do with the code they legally obtained (except
 We're not talking about an isolated personal action here.  We're talking
 about many thousands, if not millions of copies which are distributed
 by people who know what the end result is going to be.
 To see what that means, check out

Yep, I checked it out. Here it is


  Direct participation in infringing activity is not a prerequisite for
  infringement liability, as the Copyright Act grants to copyright owners not
  only the right to exercise the exclusive rights, but also the right to
  authorize the exercise of those rights. The inclusion of the right to
  authorize was intended to avoid any questions as to the liability of
  contributory infringers -- those who do not directly exercise the copyright
  owner's rights, but authorize others to do so. [...]

exercise the copyright owner's rights means basically copying and
distributing the copyrighted material. But my main point here is that
dynamically loading into virtual memory an executable image from a legally
obtained copy of a library object file and an application executable that was
(by the distributor) dynamically linked against a copy that same library
object file and thereafter legally distributed to the user, does not infringe
the copyright owner's [of the library] rights. We're talking about libraries
that can be publically distributed, or maybe about libraries that are not free
but which the user has purchased. Really the act of loading is not in itself
illegal. It would be if the end result would be distributed without permission
from the author of the library, but that is not the case. And a million times
no copyright infringement still makes no copyright infringement. I repeat my
question: could Microsoft forbid our tax the distribution of binaries that
are executable under MS Windows?

To complete the quote:

  If someone has the right and ability to supervise the infringing action of
  another, and that right and ability coalesce with an obvious and direct
  financial interest in the exploitation of copyrighted materials -- even in
  the absence of actual knowledge that the infringement is taking place --
  the supervisor may be held vicariously liable for the infringement.
  Vicarious liability is based on a connection to the direct infringer (not
  necessarily to the infringing activity).

infringing action, infringement, infringer, infringing activity, its
clear that without infringement there's no vicarious liability.

  The best known copyright cases involving vicarious liability are the dance
  hall cases, where vicarious liability was found when dance hall owners
  allowed the unauthorized public performance of musical works by the bands
  they hired, even when the owners had no knowledge of the infringements and
  had even expressly warned the bands not to perform copyrighted works without
  a license from the copyright owners.

I maintain that unless the distribution of dynamically linked binaries itself
is considered a copyright infringement, there's no vicarious liability either.
And to come back to the static/dynamic distinction: an obvious and
relevant difference with distribution of statically linked binaries is that
the user can execute those without also having the library object file.

Marc van Leeuwen
Universite de Poitiers

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-03 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Marcus Brinkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:49:10PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  By the way, I assume that Microsoft does not forbid distribution of binaries
  for programs that run under MS Windows (that would certainly decrease the
  popularity of their platform).
 If they run without using Microsoft code (for example libraries), Microsoft
 has no say in it. However, no serious windows program does.
  Is this because they explicitly gave
  permission, or simply because their permission is not required? I honestly
  don't know, but I would bet it is the second possibilty. Does anybody have
  more definite information on such issues?
 Your question is answered by looking at the relevant licenses in MS
 development kits.
 For example the Visual Basic runtime library has a very restrictive
 license. You are allowed to distribute it with a VB program only. Of course,
 you must not reverse engineer etc.

Thanks for the information (though I haven't any development kits to look at).
Unfortunately it doesn't answer my question, or more exactly, shows that my
question wasn't the one I was really after. If MS really is able (or think
they are able) to bind people to a contract before they can even begin to make
a Windows application, then they don't need to invoke copyright law, and so
their position does not illuminate the possiblities of that law. I was
thinking of a program that was freely developed and compiled to run under
Windows (i.e., with the Windows API), but which does not require any other MS
product (like the VB runtime library) to accompany it. Maybe such programs
cannot legally exist, and the question becomes meaningless. Unless there is
maybe some other proprietary platform, where users can actually get to own
their copy of the software...

Marc van Leeuwen

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-03 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 01:03:35PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 Thanks for the information (though I haven't any development kits to look at).
 Unfortunately it doesn't answer my question, or more exactly, shows that my
 question wasn't the one I was really after. If MS really is able (or think
 they are able) to bind people to a contract before they can even begin to make
 a Windows application, then they don't need to invoke copyright law, and so
 their position does not illuminate the possiblities of that law.

Well, this is not what I was saying, but read on.

 I was
 thinking of a program that was freely developed and compiled to run under
 Windows (i.e., with the Windows API),

How can you use the Windows API without including for example Window header
files? You can't if you don't have a fully compatible replacement library,
which is not only API compatible, but also ABI compatible, so you don't need
to recompile (eg a program which can be linked to Windows DLLs at runtime
without using any MS licensed source code).

As Ideas can't be copyrighted, only patented, under such circumstances MS
would have no way to forbid redistributing such a hypothetical binary.

It is really the same discussion as with a non-GPLed readline replacement.

 but which does not require any other MS
 product (like the VB runtime library) to accompany it.

There is no legal difference between VB runtime libraries, header files and
DLLs. It does matter how you produced your binary. If you can write a binary
that can make use of the VB runtime lib without being compiled with Visual
Basic, the situation is the same as above.

 Maybe such programs
 cannot legally exist, and the question becomes meaningless. Unless there is
 maybe some other proprietary platform, where users can actually get to own
 their copy of the software...

Those programs can exist, but are difficult to produce. You would have to
avoid carefully any reference to other peoples copyrighted material as
header files etc.

However, I can't see how this point is of interest in this discussion.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-03 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 13:56:07 -0500 Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my opinion, the biggest conflict isn't 6c (though 6c could be a
 problem to someone doing a local distribution in a third-world country).
 The biggest conflict is the combination of 3b and 4c.  3b says that Qt
 is proprietary to Troll (they own the code and can re-release it under
 any license whatsoever).  4c makes 3b a restriction on distribution.

Just a tiny precision to avoid any confusion. As almost everybody except
Andreas Pour seems to agree, the condition in GPL 2b that every part of the
complete sources be licensed.. to all third parties under the terms of this
License means that third parties should have all permissions given by the GPL
with respect to them, not that they couldn't possibly also have more or
broader permissions. Similarly QPL section 4c:

4. You may distribute machine-executable... provided that: 

 c. You must ensure that all modifications included in the
 machine-executable forms are available under the terms of this license.

only says that you may not deny any of QPL's permissions when distributing
executables. The fact that you may not grant any additional permissions either
(e.g., by removing restriction 3b on modifications) is simply a consequence of
the fact that as Troll owns copyright on the executables, you cannot lift the
conditions they place on distributing them. So 3b alone gives your conflict.

Marc van Leeuwen
Universite de Poitiers

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-03 Thread Raul Miller
On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 12:38:51PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 I maintain that unless the distribution of dynamically linked binaries
 itself is considered a copyright infringement, there's no vicarious
 liability either. And to come back to the static/dynamic distinction:
 an obvious and relevant difference with distribution of statically
 linked binaries is that the user can execute those without also having
 the library object file.

Ok, let's pretend for a minute that distributing kghostscript is legal.

What does that mean?

Well, for one thing, it should be legal to make trivial changes to the
source and redistribute.  For example, adding -static to the CFLAGS in
the makefile and redistributing should be perfectly legal.  You've granted
this right under the GPL.

Now, let's say that I take this modified version of the sources for
kghostscript and decide to chop out some of Qt, add in some code in
from the Gimp, and in the process wind up creating a Qt variant where
any display element will renders postscript.

Imagine that, after a couple years of development, the resulting widget
set is extracted out of the program and achieves great popularity.

So Troll decided to exercise their rights, takes a copy of that widget
set, cleans it up, and sells it under their professional license.

Would you agree that each of these steps would be legal as a consequence
of kghostscript being licensed under the GPL?  Would you agree that this
would be legal as a consequence of kghostscript being licensed under Qt?
If not, why not?

[By the way, I'm not trying to predict the future here -- feel free to
treat kghostscript, Gimp and postscript as metasyntactic variables.]


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Chris Lawrence wrote:

 If you have something to say, say it to the lists.

Sorry, I was trying to get you to respond to the particular issues I had made
rather than continue to make the generalized statements It just isn't so or
The GPL requires this w/out bothering to indicate where in the GPL this is
required.  But, alas, I have failed :-(.  While I could respect your different
reading of the GPL, I cannot see how your reading of the GPL allows linking with
XFree code but not Qt code.  To date, nobody has explained this to me, except by
claiming that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL.  When I went through
a thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my post bearing
Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has responded, perhaps b/c
you agree that I am right.

So you really have a dilemna here:  how can you read the GPL to permit linking
GPL code with X code while at the same time preventing linking GPL code with QPL

 (This will be my last post on this topic, barring egregious factual
 errors that need correction---mine or those of others.)

  You haven't required it, AFAIK, from Gnome or other programs that
  link with X.  And under your reading of the GPL (at least if you
  agree with the others I have been debating this issue with), if Qt
  is incompatible with the GPL, so is XFree.  Oh right, it would
  really suck if you couldn't distribute XFree, so you can just ignore
  that transgression.  Or am I missing something?  (Please respond to
  my post with Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I don't
  have to drown this list in repeating it).

 XFree is not distributed under a license more restrictive than the
 GPL.  Qt is.  That's it.  End of story.

Hmm, the problem I have is that I do not see language in the GPL that says
anything about code being more restrictive being a criteria; you wishing it to
say that does not make it so.  If you refer to Section 6's requirement that you
impose no additional restrictions, here again is the language:

Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based
on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license
from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the
Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not
impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of
the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing
compliance by third parties to this License.

Now, let's look at this closely.  The provisions kick in when you distribute the
Program or any work based on the Program.  The former part would be
distributions under Section 1 and the second part distributions under Section 2
(and of course both could apply to Section 3, depending on whether changes were

Now what happens when you do this?  The recipient gets a license from the
Program author (i.e., for the GPL'd code) to copy, distribute or modify the
Program, subject to the terms and conditions.  This would not include the added
part, as is obvious since the original licensor cannot grant a license w/r/t the
added part, not being the author.

Next, it says you cannot impose further restrictions on the rights granted
herein.  My question is, where does Qt impose further restrictions on the rights
granted herein?  Well, that boils down to this question:  what rights does the
GPL grant with respect to the added code?

This is where the heart of this debate is.  Some people see Section 2 as
requiring that the modified part be licensed under the GPL.  However, as I have
pointed out in my other e-mails, and which  nobody has credibly disputed, XFree
code cannot be licensed under the GPL.  Thus, if you read Section 2 thus, you
cannot distribute X code with GPL code.  However, Debian does this.

The other way to read Section 2 is how I do, that it only requires that the
source to the modified code be made freely available to all third parties and
that no charges be made for redistributing the modified code.  Both Qt and X
code comply with these requirements.

So I am interested to know, even if I agreed with the statement, why it is
relevant that XFree is not distributed under a license more restrictive than
the GPL. Qt is.  Even if that is true, you have not given any reason why that
would make a difference under the GPL.

I realize this license exercise is not simple.  If you don't understand how all
this fits together, that's OK.  But in that case you should not criticize others
for their reading of it, or claim that they are doing something wrong.

 From section 2 of the GPL:

 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
 identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
 and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
 themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
 sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
 distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
 on the 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 08:16:36PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 While I could respect your different reading of the GPL, I cannot see
 how your reading of the GPL allows linking with XFree code but not Qt
 code. To date, nobody has explained this to me, except by claiming
 that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL. When I went through
 a thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my
 post bearing Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has
 responded, perhaps b/c you agree that I am right.

The basic issue is that the XFree code doesn't impose any restrictions
on the resulting program that the GPL doesn't already apply while Qt
does impose some additional restrictions.

Your first paragraph in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] message said:

   I think you stated at some other point that if a right is not granted
   you don't have it.  I think we agree that under copyright law you
   normally do not have a right to make copies and redistribute.  The BSD
   license says you can redistribute.  To go from that to say you can
   redistribute under any terms, rather than continuing to distribute
   under the original terms, you want is IMHO a stretch.  Maybe a court
   would rule so if the situation arose, but as you appear to be concerned
   about the threat of a lawsuit and/or complying with a social contract
   I would think this uncertainty would trouble you as well.

The point is not that BSD code is being redistributed under any terms,
but it's being distributed under terms which don't grant any rights beyond
those which were originally present.  Likewise, for the GPLed case, no
rights are being asserted beyond those which were originally present.
And (this is particularly important when talking about the GPL), the BSD
license does not *remove* any of the rights which are available for the
GPLed code.

[This last issue doesn't matter for the BSD license by itself -- I've
got BSD code running which I can't get the source for because it's
being distributed under terms which don't give me a right to access the
source code.]


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread David Johnson
Raul Miller wrote:

 You don't see what the problem is.
 You *refuse* to accept even bug fixes that are GPLed, but you don't see
 what the problem is.
 I take it that there's no basis for your refusal then?

I think we're talking two languages here. I would have to refuse any
GPLd bugfix since it would be applied *inside* my application. I would
be forced to distribute my own application according to your terms. This
is legally untenable. To accept a GPLd bugfix is to change my license.
Accepting a modification that resided only in a separate source file may
be a different matter though, and I would be open to discuss such a
scheme with a submitter.

Would you accept a QPLd bugfix to a LGPL library?

The KDE/Qt situation is much different. Qt is outside of KDE. They have
distinct copyright holders. They only make contact through dynamic
linkage. The QPL does not impose its own license terms upon applications
that link to it (only that they be open source). Accepting a QPLd bugfix
to Qt does not suddenly make KDE a QPLd application. If Troll Tech
chooses to only accept bugfixes assignable to Troll Tech, it affects
nobody but Troll Tech.

David Johnson

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Joseph Carter
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 10:07:37AM -0800, David Johnson wrote:
  My belief is that the provisions that might require you to
  give your source code to Troll, even if the binary code is not
  distributed to others, were the most egregious (the GPL only obligates
  you to give source code to people you give binaries to; if you don't
  give someone binaries, you don't have to give them source either).
 Section 6c, which talks about giving a copy to Troll Tech, only applies
 to section 6, which is concerned with distribution. Basically, if and
 only if you distribute such a program, then Troll Tech also gets a copy
 if they ask. The QPL is completely silent on personal uses, disallows
 private distributions, and is hunky-dory with public distributions.

Troll Tech indicates it is their intention to catch people who are not
distributing code to cough up a copy.  Stark contrast to what you claim
here.  Their intent seems to be about 9/10 of what a license on a piece of
software means in the US at least, based on what little case law there is
on the matter.

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

If we want something nice to get born in nine months, then sex has to
happen.  We want to have the kind of sex that is acceptable and fun for both
people, not the kind where someone is getting screwed. Let's get some cross
fertilization, but not someone getting screwed.
-- Larry Wall

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread David Johnson
Joseph Carter wrote:

  Section 6c, which talks about giving a copy to Troll Tech, only applies
  to section 6, which is concerned with distribution. Basically, if and
  only if you distribute such a program, then Troll Tech also gets a copy
  if they ask. The QPL is completely silent on personal uses, disallows
  private distributions, and is hunky-dory with public distributions.
 Troll Tech indicates it is their intention to catch people who are not
 distributing code to cough up a copy.  Stark contrast to what you claim
 here.  Their intent seems to be about 9/10 of what a license on a piece of
 software means in the US at least, based on what little case law there is
 on the matter.

The only thing I am claiming is what is written in the license, since I
have nothing else to go by. But I am curious, how do they intend to find
out which people are not distributing code? How could they possibly
know? I think what they are attempting to do with Section 6c is to
eliminate private distributions. The Corel beta test comes to mind.
IMHO, it's a lot less irksome than those freeware licenses that say for
personal use only.

David Johnson

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Joseph Carter
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 07:06:04PM -0800, David Johnson wrote:
   Section 6c, which talks about giving a copy to Troll Tech, only applies
   to section 6, which is concerned with distribution. Basically, if and
   only if you distribute such a program, then Troll Tech also gets a copy
   if they ask. The QPL is completely silent on personal uses, disallows
   private distributions, and is hunky-dory with public distributions.
  Troll Tech indicates it is their intention to catch people who are not
  distributing code to cough up a copy.  Stark contrast to what you claim
  here.  Their intent seems to be about 9/10 of what a license on a piece of
  software means in the US at least, based on what little case law there is
  on the matter.
 The only thing I am claiming is what is written in the license, since I
 have nothing else to go by. But I am curious, how do they intend to find
 out which people are not distributing code?

You pose an interesting question, one I think has been asked.  I don't
recall if there as an answer, much less if it was a good one.  =

 How could they possibly know? I think what they are attempting to do
 with Section 6c is to eliminate private distributions. The Corel beta
 test comes to mind.  IMHO, it's a lot less irksome than those freeware
 licenses that say for personal use only.

Right, but it's still a GPL compatibility contention as written.  It can
be REwritten to say exactly what you interpret it to say without
conflicting with the GPL.  I'll offer language which I believe would do
that if it'll actually be given a fair reading...  (and I also want people
to check it for GPL compatibility in case I miss something...)

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

* Culus fears perl - the language with optional errors

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 06:06:13PM -0800, David Johnson wrote:
 Would you accept a QPLd bugfix to a LGPL library?

No more than I'd accept a Qt support patch to a GPLed program.

 The KDE/Qt situation is much different. Qt is outside of KDE. They have
 distinct copyright holders. They only make contact through dynamic

So?  When the program is running, both the GPLed code and the Qt code
exist together in the same virtual memory image.

Ultimately, there's no difference between run-time linking and
compile-time linking except that run-time linking happens at run time
while compile-time linking happens at compile time.

I don't know why you pretend ignorance of this.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Lynn Winebarger
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

 Chris Lawrence wrote:
  If you have something to say, say it to the lists.
 Sorry, I was trying to get you to respond to the particular issues I had made
 rather than continue to make the generalized statements It just isn't so or
 The GPL requires this w/out bothering to indicate where in the GPL this is
 required.  But, alas, I have failed :-(.  While I could respect your different
 reading of the GPL, I cannot see how your reading of the GPL allows linking 
 XFree code but not Qt code.  To date, nobody has explained this to me, except 
 claiming that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL.  When I went 
 a thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my post bearing
 Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has responded, perhaps b/c
 you agree that I am right.
   Scanning through your posts, all indications are that you refuse to
listen.  It is certainly possible to distribute XFree86 (and any
derivatives) under the GPL or practically any license (as long as it
preserves the copyright notice) under the sublicensing permission.  In
particular, the XFree86 copyright notice's permissions only apply to (a)
copies you get without another license, and (b) to the original work (not
derivatives).  The fact that it permits copying of their code is a waiving
(mostly) their copyright protections.  It doesn't invalidate any
other agreements you may entered regarding the code.  It also doesn't
invalidate different licenses on derivative works, particularly those with
sufficient copyrightable content to be protectable.  Furthermore, it is
perfectly legal to distribute the exact same expression under multiple
copyright licenses.  I don't have to re-license all currently existing
versions of the code to comply with the GPL on a version that includes or
is derivative of some GPL'ed work.  I only have to distribute that version
under the GPL.  
   You should really either (a) consult a lawyer, (b) do some legal
reading on IP/contract law/torts, and/or (c) take some law classes.
If you insist on continuing to debate what many of us consider obvious
(e.g. that X licensed code may be redistributed under a proprietary
license) then it would be best for you to post (in a relatively short way)
your basic assumptions that are leading you to your conclusions.  My wager
is that we'll disagree with one of your assumptions, so maybe we'll get
somewhere more fruitful (no guarantees though).


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Joseph Carter wrote:

[ ... ]

  Section 6c, which talks about giving a copy to Troll Tech, only applies
  to section 6, which is concerned with distribution. Basically, if and
  only if you distribute such a program, then Troll Tech also gets a copy
  if they ask. The QPL is completely silent on personal uses, disallows
  private distributions, and is hunky-dory with public distributions.

 Troll Tech indicates it is their intention to catch people who are not
 distributing code to cough up a copy.

Well, if that were the case, why does Section 6 kick in only when there is a

  Stark contrast to what you claim
 here.  Their intent seems to be about 9/10 of what a license on a piece of
 software means in the US at least, based on what little case law there is
 on the matter.

That may be, but it's not their inner thoughts that count, but their intent
*as evidenced by the language chosen in the contract.  So since Section 6
clearly indicates there must first be a distribution, that's their intent.  No
shortage of case law on that.



Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Lynn Winebarger wrote:

 On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

  Chris Lawrence wrote:
   If you have something to say, say it to the lists.
  Sorry, I was trying to get you to respond to the particular issues I had 
  rather than continue to make the generalized statements It just isn't so 
  The GPL requires this w/out bothering to indicate where in the GPL this is
  required.  But, alas, I have failed :-(.  While I could respect your 
  reading of the GPL, I cannot see how your reading of the GPL allows linking 
  XFree code but not Qt code.  To date, nobody has explained this to me, 
  except by
  claiming that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL.  When I went 
  a thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my post 
  Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has responded, perhaps b/c
  you agree that I am right.
Scanning through your posts, all indications are that you refuse to
 listen.  It is certainly possible to distribute XFree86 (and any

 derivatives) under the GPL or practically any license (as long as it
 preserves the copyright notice) under the sublicensing permission.

The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license in any copies 
redistribute.  I suppose you might argue there is no reason for that and we can
safely ignore that rather critical condition.  In that case it is you that 
not to listen.

 In  particular, the XFree86 copyright notice's permissions only apply to (a)
 copies you get without another license, and (b) to the original work (not

Wrong, it says you need to include the notice with any substantial portion of 
code.  Notice that this license applies to each *file*, not the entire XFree 
tree.  So including any substantial portion of any file (however much that is),
requires you to include their license.  And since Debian redistributes 
basically all
of their files untouched, there is no question that Debian has to include the 
copyright notice and the XFree license (which is referred to as the permission

 The fact that it permits copying of their code is a waiving
 (mostly) their copyright protections.

Wrong.  Go learn about copyright law, then come back.

 It doesn't invalidate any
 other agreements you may entered regarding the code.  It also doesn't
 invalidate different licenses on derivative works, particularly those with
 sufficient copyrightable content to be protectable.

No it does not, and I have never claimed it does.You can license additions to 
code under your own license, and when someone distributes the combined work 
they have
to comply with the XFree license and your license.  The XFree code, however, at 
times remains under the XFree license.

  Furthermore, it is
 perfectly legal to distribute the exact same expression under multiple
 copyright licenses.

For the author, sure.  For a recipient under a particular license, absolutely 
Otherwise I could take my MS Word and distribute it under the GPL, couldn't I?

 I don't have to re-license all currently existing
 versions of the code to comply with the GPL on a version that includes or
 is derivative of some GPL'ed work.  I only have to distribute that version
 under the GPL.

What does that mean?  You can't distribute any version of the XFree code (i.e., 
you copy a substantial portion of it) under the GPL, it remains under the 
code license.

You should really either (a) consult a lawyer, (b) do some legal
 reading on IP/contract law/torts, and/or (c) take some law classes.

I can assure you that I don't need to, but thanks for asking.  BTW, have you
considered doing these things?

 If you insist on continuing to debate what many of us consider obvious
 (e.g. that X licensed code may be redistributed under a proprietary
 license) then it would be best for you to post (in a relatively short way)
 your basic assumptions that are leading you to your conclusions.  My wager
 is that we'll disagree with one of your assumptions, so maybe we'll get
 somewhere more fruitful (no guarantees though).

(a) copyright law prevents copying of protected works without permission 
from the
copyright holder;
(b) that permission to copy can be given in a document, whether it is 
called a
license or a permission notice or whatever, so long as in substance it 
(c) if someone grants such permission, you can only copy in compliance with 
grant of permission;
(d) XFree grants permission to copy the code subject to the following
conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be 
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
(e)  The reference to this permission notice in the above quote is to the
license, called a permission notice in the XFree source code files, which 
copying XFree in the first place.
(f)  By requiring you to include the 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Lynn Winebarger
On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

 Lynn Winebarger wrote:
 Scanning through your posts, all indications are that you refuse to
  listen.  It is certainly possible to distribute XFree86 (and any
  derivatives) under the GPL or practically any license (as long as it
  preserves the copyright notice) under the sublicensing permission.
 The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license in any 
 copies you
 redistribute.  I suppose you might argue there is no reason for that and we 
 safely ignore that rather critical condition.  In that case it is you that 
 not to listen.
   No.  I'm saying the X license allows other interests to be attached in
the form of licenses, and the X copyright notice only notifies you of
their (the copyright holder's) permissions.  

 Wrong, it says you need to include the notice with any substantial portion 
 of the
 code.  Notice that this license applies to each *file*, not the entire XFree 
 tree.  So including any substantial portion of any file (however much that 
 requires you to include their license.  And since Debian redistributes 
 basically all
 of their files untouched, there is no question that Debian has to include the 
 copyright notice and the XFree license (which is referred to as the 
The notice has to go in.  However, the original authors cannot give
permissions for modifications of the code - they don't have the sole
copyright interest in derivative works.  The copyright notice also does
not claim it is the sole license for the code.
   For example, author A distributes his work W to person B.  Now B gives
a copy to C with a license that has additional restrictions X, Y, and Z.
Now, the X license gives the permission of A for person C to exercise the
rights of the copyright monopoly.  That, however, does not invalidate the
additional restrictions B has placed on the license for the copy.  Only B
can waive those restrictions.  I don't see anywhere in the X license
claiming that it contains the sole terms of the license to C. Quite the
opposite in fact (... including without restriction the rights to ...
sublicense ...).
While I don't know whether a court would enforce such restrictions on
the unmodified code without the intervention of the author, the X license
certainly allows such additional restrictions.  
   Here's an example of how such a sublicense might appear:

   You may not copy, modify, or distribute this software.
 XYZ Software Co.
Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X

X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.

   There is no contradiction.  X grants you their permission, XYZ denies
you theirs, as is their right under the X license.  This sublicense won't
apply to other copies you get (unless they carry the same sublicense, of

  It doesn't invalidate any
  other agreements you may entered regarding the code.  It also doesn't
  invalidate different licenses on derivative works, particularly those with
  sufficient copyrightable content to be protectable.
 No it does not, and I have never claimed it does.You can license additions to 
 code under your own license, and when someone distributes the combined work 
 they have
 to comply with the XFree license and your license.  The XFree code, however, 
 at all
 times remains under the XFree license.

   No, the permissions explicitly allow you to attach a license to the
unmodified code.  You can enter agreements with respect to that code,
completely unmodified.  You can license the whole of any derivative work
you create as you want (subject to the minor conditions of the X license).
The X license 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour

Lynn Winebarger wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

  Lynn Winebarger wrote:
  Scanning through your posts, all indications are that you refuse to
   listen.  It is certainly possible to distribute XFree86 (and any
   derivatives) under the GPL or practically any license (as long as it
   preserves the copyright notice) under the sublicensing permission.
  The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license in any 
  copies you
  redistribute.  I suppose you might argue there is no reason for that and we 
  safely ignore that rather critical condition.  In that case it is you that 
  not to listen.
No.  I'm saying the X license allows other interests to be attached in
 the form of licenses, and the X copyright notice only notifies you of
 their (the copyright holder's) permissions.

Agreed  -- the XFree license applies only to the XFree code.

  Wrong, it says you need to include the notice with any substantial 
  portion of the
  code.  Notice that this license applies to each *file*, not the entire 
  XFree build
  tree.  So including any substantial portion of any file (however much that 
  requires you to include their license.  And since Debian redistributes 
  basically all
  of their files untouched, there is no question that Debian has to include 
  the XFree
  copyright notice and the XFree license (which is referred to as the 
 The notice has to go in.  However, the original authors cannot give
 permissions for modifications of the code - they don't have the sole
 copyright interest in derivative works.  The copyright notice also does
 not claim it is the sole license for the code.

It is the sole license for the XFree code, but not for a derivative work.

For example, author A distributes his work W to person B.  Now B gives
 a copy to C with a license that has additional restrictions X, Y, and Z.
 Now, the X license gives the permission of A for person C to exercise the
 rights of the copyright monopoly.  That, however, does not invalidate the
 additional restrictions B has placed on the license for the copy.

I don't see how they are enforceable.  The copyright holder, A, has said C can 
do certain
things, B can't change what A has permitted C to do.  But in the event this is 
not clear
enough, XFree code specifically says you can sublicense XFree code, but only if 
include the XFree license.  If that were to mean that B can change the license 
however B
wants, what would be the point of forcing B to include the XFree license?  This 
ir not critical condition -- in fact about the only condition -- to 
sublicensing is not
going to be read to mean nothing by any fair-minded reader, but your reading 
makes it mean nothing.

 Only B
 can waive those restrictions.  I don't see anywhere in the X license
 claiming that it contains the sole terms of the license to C.Quite the

 opposite in fact (... including without restriction the rights to ...
 sublicense ...).

Right, but the right to sublicense is subject to the obligation to include 
the X
Copyright and the X license in the copy B distributes.  Again, if the License 
nothing, and in fact C cannot deal in the Software without limitation (as the 
X license
provides), what is the point in including the license in the copy that's 
Please explain that to me.

 While I don't know whether a court would enforce such restrictions on
 the unmodified code without the intervention of the author, the X license
 certainly allows such additional restrictions.

I don't see where it does.  The fact that X license does not explicitly 
prohibit changing
the license does not imply a right to change it.  The fact that the X license
affirmatively requires copies of the code to include the license is more than 

Here's an example of how such a sublicense might appear:
You may not copy, modify, or distribute this software.
  XYZ Software Co.
 Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium

 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
 to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 the rights to use, copy,
 modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
 Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
 so, subject to the following conditions:

 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Lynn Winebarger
On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

 Lynn Winebarger wrote:
 I don't see how they are enforceable.  The copyright holder, A, has said C 
 can do certain
 things, B can't change what A has permitted C to do.  But in the event this 
 is not clear
 enough, XFree code specifically says you can sublicense XFree code, but only 
 if you
 include the XFree license.  If that were to mean that B can change the 
 license however B
 wants, what would be the point of forcing B to include the XFree license?  
 This important
 ir not critical condition -- in fact about the only condition -- to 
 sublicensing is not
 going to be read to mean nothing by any fair-minded reader, but your reading 
 makes it mean nothing.
   They may be enforceable to the extent that A has told B they are
enforceable (by allowing sublicensing without limitation).  Unless you
have case law references, it's fairly useless to debate whether or not
it's enforceable.  There are valid arguments both ways (when it comes to
unmodified works).

 Right, but the right to sublicense is subject to the obligation to 
 include the X
 Copyright and the X license in the copy B distributes.  Again, if the License 
 nothing, and in fact C cannot deal in the Software without limitation (as 
 the X license
 provides), what is the point in including the license in the copy that's 
 Please explain that to me.

   The purpose is to indicate that party A gives you permission, not to
say that every party with an interest has given you permission.  You'll
notice the statement starts with Permission is hereby granted not A
license is hereby granted.

 I don't see where it does.  The fact that X license does not explicitly 
 prohibit changing
 the license does not imply a right to change it.  The fact that the X license
 affirmatively requires copies of the code to include the license is more than 
   It explicitly allows sublicensing.  If you can't understand this point,
then there's not much point in continuing.

 Here's an example of how such a sublicense might appear:
 You may not copy, modify, or distribute this software.
   XYZ Software Co.
  Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
  the rights to use, copy,
  modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
  Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
  so, subject to the following conditions:
  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not
  be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
  dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X
  X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.
 There is no contradiction.  X grants you their permission, XYZ denies
  you theirs, as is their right under the X license.
 I don't agree.  Where does the X license specifically grant the right to 
 alter the
 license?  It doesn't --you imply this rather powerful right to sublicense 
 under any
 terms you want from the mere absence of an explicit prohibition against doing 
 that, all
 the time ignoring the purpose of the requirement that the sublicensor include 
 the original

   You must have missed it:

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:

   I have not implied a thing: it's right there. 
 license.  Note, incidentally, that the X license does not require the 
 sublicensor to
 include the dislcaimer of warranty, only the License.  Why is this so?

   I would guess they believe any 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Lynn Winebarger wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Andreas Pour wrote:

  Lynn Winebarger wrote:
  I don't see how they are enforceable.  The copyright holder, A, has said C 
  can do certain
  things, B can't change what A has permitted C to do.  But in the event this 
  is not clear
  enough, XFree code specifically says you can sublicense XFree code, but 
  only if you
  include the XFree license.  If that were to mean that B can change the 
  license however B
  wants, what would be the point of forcing B to include the XFree license?  
  This important
  ir not critical condition
 -- in fact about the only condition --
 to sublicensing is not

  going to be read to mean nothing by any fair-minded reader, but your
 reading precisely

  makes it mean nothing.


They may be enforceable to the extent that A has told
 B they are

 enforceable (by allowing sublicensing without limitation).

Enforceable by B?On what basis?  The license is not a contract -- it's a 
license.  It is a
grant of permission from an owner to do something that otherwise is prohibited. 
 For B to be
able to enforce anything against C, there must be a right of B that C has 
violated.  If C
violates the no-copy provision B put there and B sues C, wh

 Unless you have case law references, it's fairly useless to debate whether or
 not it's enforceable.  There are valid arguments both ways (when it
 comes to unmodified works).

Well, there certainly is no case law reference that Qt is incompatible with 
GPL, is there?  I
thought the uncertainly is what bothers Debian.  Looks like at best we have 
thick uncertainty

  Right, but the right to sublicense is subject to the obligation to 
  include the X
  Copyright and the X license in the copy B distributes.  Again, if the 
  License means
  nothing, and in fact C cannot deal in the Software without limitation (as 
  the X license
  provides), what is the point in including the license in the copy that's 
  Please explain that to me.

The purpose is to indicate that party A gives you permission, not to
 say that every party with an interest has given you permission.

What interest does B have?

And, moreover, why is it relevant that A has granted this permission, if 
someone else took it
away and thus you in fact don't have that permission?  I hardly think that 
providing this type
of information warrants the only condition to redistribution and copying, do 
you?  I mean, you
really have reduced it to nothing more than, Oh by the way, this was the 
original license,
though it doesn't apply to you, even though of course it doesn't say that, yet 
including this
meaningless phrase is, under your reading, the sole condition to copynig and 
redistributing the

So if I am the person writing this license, I must be thinking, here's all this 
great code I
wrote, I want to give it away to everyone.  To do that I am writing this tiny 
little license.
Now I will let everyone go and change the code all they want, but I won't let 
them change the
license, and I will make them include it in each copy!  But don't worry, the 
license doesn't
mean anything, since anyone can change the license however they please, but I 
am so darned
proud of that tiny little license, I want everyone to be able to see it in its 
splendid glory.

Perhaps the author of this license was the tooth fairy.

 You'll notice the statement starts with Permission is hereby granted not A
 license is hereby granted.

Let's not get caught up in magic words.  You don't have to say the magic word 
(e.g., a ticket to a movie is a license, as is a stay in a hotel, but it does 
not say license
on the movie ticket or the hotel key).  Bear in mind that if in fact the 
permission notice is
not a license, not even B could copy the code.

  I don't see where it does.  The fact that X license does not explicitly 
  prohibit changing
  the license does not imply a right to change it.  The fact that the X 
  affirmatively requires copies of the code to include the license is more 
  than enough.
It explicitly allows sublicensing.  If you can't understand this point,
 then there's not much point in continuing.

Again, there is a huge difference between allowing sublicensing, and allowing 
it on any terms
you see fit.  Moreover, XFree requires you to include its license.

  Here's an example of how such a sublicense might appear:
  You may not copy, modify, or distribute this software.
XYZ Software Co.
   Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium
   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
   copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
   to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
   the rights to use, copy,
   modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
   Software, and to permit persons to whom the 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Andreas Pour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I cannot see how your reading of the GPL allows linking with XFree code but
 not Qt code. To date, nobody has explained this to me, except by claiming
 that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL. When I went through a
 thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my post bearing
 Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has responded, perhaps
 because you agree that I am right.

Did you read my rather long message On interpreting licences? Maybe that was
no explicit response to the message you cited, but it does contain implicitly
the explanation you talk about. Let me try to make this very clear.

I do agree with you that XFree (source) code cannot be licensed under the GPL,
in the sense that nobody can impose the conditions of the GPL on distribution
of XFree (except its authors, who obviously don't). All identical copies of a
work are the same intellectual property, and only the author gets to state
conditions for permitting distribution.

Now suppose we want to distribute an executable that is obtained from a GPL-ed
application App compiled and statically linked against an XFree library.
Separation of the X and App parts of the binary being impossible, both the
GPL-author and XFree86 get to state conditions on its distribution. Those of
XFree86 are easily met by including their licence in the binary distribution,
obviously indicating that their conditions are not the complete set
applicable. Now the GPL conditions, which are more subtle. The immediately
relevant part reads

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
  under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
  Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

  a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
  source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
  1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange;

So we must accompany the binary with the sources of App and X (or do something
equivalent by alternatives b,c). Moreover that distribution must be under the
terms of GPL sections 1 and 2. Which does not mean that X be relicensed under
GPL, but that the conditions sections 1 and 2 impose on distribution must be
applied to this particular distribution of App and X (as I have said, a
distributor can be bound by more conditions than stated in the licence of the
product distributed, and for this X source distribution, that is the case).

So we must see if the App and X sources can be so distributed, in order to
allow our binary to be distributed. GPL section 1 says copyright notices must
be conserved; that's OK. Section 2 says distribution of modifications or work
[based on the Program] is subject to conditions, of which the most relevant
one is

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

Or work is the complete... source code of the binary, which we were
required to distribute by section 3, so we _must_ consider it to be a single
whole here; that whole contains App so that this clause applies. The
explanation following indicates explicitly that the terms apply to sections
of the work [that] are not derived from the Program, and [that] can be
reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves if (and
only if) those are distributed as part of a whole which is a work based on
the Program. This is the case for the X sources we are going to distribute,
as the complete source code for the binary obviously is a work based on App.

So we must cause the App and X sources to be licensed as a whole at no charge
to all third parties under the terms of this License. I've already commented
on the word cause; in the ordinary sense of cause and effect this is not
possible: as distributor, being author of neither X nor App, we have no say in
third party's rights to the App and X sources. But those rights being fixed,
we may check whether third parties do in fact receive the licence formulated
in the GPL. For the App sources this is clear; for the X sources third parties
in fact have licence to do anything the X licence permits, but since this
includes all permissions given in the GPL, and not with stricter conditions,
we may conclude that third parties receive full GPL licence with respect to
the complete sources, and condition 2b is satisfied. So we can distribute the
full sources and therefore the binary and everybody is happy.

N.B. This analysis does seem to imply that we have to accompany the binary
with complete sources as a whole, possibly by reference (3b,c). Strictly
speaking it will not do to give individual references to App sources and X
sources. But this is not going to cause any fundamental problems.

Now you may do the same 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Marc van Leeuwen wrote:

 Andreas Pour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I cannot see how your reading of the GPL allows linking with XFree code but
  not Qt code. To date, nobody has explained this to me, except by claiming
  that the XFree code can be licensed under the GPL. When I went through a
  thorough exercise of showing why this in fact can't be done (my post bearing
  Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]), nobody has responded, perhaps
  because you agree that I am right.

 Did you read my rather long message On interpreting licences? Maybe that was
 no explicit response to the message you cited, but it does contain implicitly
 the explanation you talk about. Let me try to make this very clear.

 I do agree with you that XFree (source) code cannot be licensed under the GPL,
 in the sense that nobody can impose the conditions of the GPL on distribution
 of XFree (except its authors, who obviously don't). All identical copies of a
 work are the same intellectual property, and only the author gets to state
 conditions for permitting distribution.

 Now suppose we want to distribute an executable that is obtained from a GPL-ed
 application App compiled and statically linked against an XFree library.
 Separation of the X and App parts of the binary being impossible, both the
 GPL-author and XFree86 get to state conditions on its distribution. Those of
 XFree86 are easily met by including their licence in the binary distribution,
 obviously indicating that their conditions are not the complete set
 applicable. Now the GPL conditions, which are more subtle. The immediately
 relevant part reads

 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
   under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
   Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

   a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
   source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
   1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange;

 So we must accompany the binary with the sources of App and X (or do something
 equivalent by alternatives b,c). Moreover that distribution must be under the
 terms of GPL sections 1 and 2. Which does not mean that X be relicensed under
 GPL, but that the conditions sections 1 and 2 impose on distribution must be
 applied to this particular distribution of App and X (as I have said, a
 distributor can be bound by more conditions than stated in the licence of the
 product distributed, and for this X source distribution, that is the case).

 So we must see if the App and X sources can be so distributed, in order to
 allow our binary to be distributed. GPL section 1 says copyright notices must
 be conserved; that's OK. Section 2 says distribution of modifications or work
 [based on the Program] is subject to conditions, of which the most relevant
 one is

 b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
 whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
 part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
 parties under the terms of this License.

 Or work is the complete... source code of the binary, which we were
 required to distribute by section 3, so we _must_ consider it to be a single
 whole here; that whole contains App so that this clause applies. The
 explanation following indicates explicitly that the terms apply to sections
 of the work [that] are not derived from the Program, and [that] can be
 reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves if (and
 only if) those are distributed as part of a whole which is a work based on
 the Program. This is the case for the X sources we are going to distribute,
 as the complete source code for the binary obviously is a work based on App.

 So we must cause the App and X sources to be licensed as a whole at no charge
 to all third parties under the terms of this License. I've already commented
 on the word cause; in the ordinary sense of cause and effect this is not
 possible: as distributor, being author of neither X nor App, we have no say in
 third party's rights to the App and X sources.

Right, but you forget about Section 7 of the GPL.  It says there that if for
whatever reason -- including patent law -- you cannot comply with the GPL, you
cannot redistribute/copy.  Since you cannot cause it to happen, you can't

If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of
patent infringement or *for any other reason* (not limited
to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether
by court order, *agreement* *or otherwise*) that contradict
the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from
the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so
as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License *and any other pertinent obligations*, then as a
consequence you may not distribute 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Andreas Pour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
  So we must cause the App and X sources to be licensed as a whole at no 
  to all third parties under the terms of this License. I've already 
  on the word cause; in the ordinary sense of cause and effect this is not
  possible: as distributor, being author of neither X nor App, we have no say 
  third party's rights to the App and X sources.
 Right, but you forget about Section 7 of the GPL.  It says there that if for
 whatever reason -- including patent law -- you cannot comply with the GPL, you
 cannot redistribute/copy.  Since you cannot cause it to happen, you can't
 redistribute: [...]

The part about complying is obvious, this is the base of everything I've been
saying. Yes, if you take cause to mean to take some action that achieves the
stated effect and without which that effect would not have been achieved, then
this is impossible, and the condition cannot be satisfied. But that would mean
it can NEVER be satisfied, because the you in 2b does not own full copyright
to the work; if he did there would be no need to abide by the GPL in the
first place. So yes I do give a non-obvious meaning to this phrase. I did
state that I was not happy with the formulation. Do you actually read what I
write? I only bend the meaning here because the more obvious reading makes no
sense: if the GPL is to contain conditions that can never be satisfied, it is
useless, and that was not its intention. So I am entitled to try a reading
that is maybe a bit less obvious, but which makes sense out of the GPL.

Besides, I wonder if my interpretation is so non-obvious. If by some chance I
run into the obligation to cause the sun to rise in the morning, wouldn't a
judge find that I have fulfilled this obligation if in fact the sun did rise,
without requiring me to demonstrate that I could have done anything to prevent
it? Really this is all I've done, replaced a causal relationship by just a
verication that the required effect does indeed take place.

  But those rights being fixed,
  we may check whether third parties do in fact receive the licence formulated
  in the GPL. For the App sources this is clear; for the X sources third 
  in fact have licence to do anything the X licence permits, but since this
  includes all permissions given in the GPL, and not with stricter conditions,
  we may conclude that third parties receive full GPL licence with respect to
  the complete sources, and condition 2b is satisfied.
 Everything was going so well until you hit this point.  In particular, the
 statement since [the X license] includes all permissions given in the GPL, 
 not . . . stricter conditions, we may conclude that third parties receive full
 GPL [license] with respect to the complete sources.

As I have made abundantly clear I interprete the verb license as giving
permission under conditions and the noun licence as conditional
permission (I've even tried to maintain the conventional British difference
in orthography, but this subtlety was probably wasted on you); just to be
clear I've also added (permission) after licence at key points. The upshot
is that I can give you a particular licence (permission) implicitly by in fact
giving you a broader licence (permission). This is were the no stricter
comes from, not from any particular words in any licence. So if I give you
permission (license you) to distribute under the conditions of the X licence,
I implicitly give you permission (licence you) to distrubute it under the
stricter conditions of the GPL.

 First of all, they do not in fact receive a full GPL license; if that were the
 case, then they would not be able to make a binary-only distribution of the X
 code which is distributed as part of the package, which they can under the X
 license (which you agreed applies to the X code).

How can having permission to do something (make binary-only distribution)
prove I did not receive some other permission (full GPL)?

 As I see it, the phrase licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties
 under the terms of this License can have only two possible meanings.  One is,
 the whole must be licensed completely under the GPL.  We both agree that does 
 work with XFree code.

OK you've managed to completely piss me off. I won't reply to or even read
your messages any more, don't bother even to write them. I've spent some
considerable time to give a very detailed description of how I read that
phrase, and you elect to completely ignore that and just stick to your two
readings of which the second is so absurd that I can't even start to
understand it.

 The other is, only the terms that apply explicitly to the entire whole apply 
 the added code.  One of those terms is in Section 2(b), which requires
 distribution of the whole at no charge to all third parties.

Not distribution at no charge, not even the GPL requires that. Being
licensed (obtaining permission) at 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 08:38:07AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Everything was going so well until you hit this point.  In particular, the
 statement since [the X license] includes all permissions given in the GPL, 
 not . . . stricter conditions, we may conclude that third parties receive full
 GPL [license] with respect to the complete sources.
 First of all, they do not in fact receive a full GPL license; if that were the
 case, then they would not be able to make a binary-only distribution of the X
 code which is distributed as part of the package, which they can under the X
 license (which you agreed applies to the X code).

The license allows everything that the GPL requires.

You seem to be overlooking the part where the GPL states that the separately
licensed software can be distributed under the original license without any
of the GPLed protections as long it's being distributed by itself.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Marc van Leeuwen wrote:

 Andreas Pour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
   So we must cause the App and X sources to be licensed as a whole at no 
   to all third parties under the terms of this License. I've already 
   on the word cause; in the ordinary sense of cause and effect this is 
   possible: as distributor, being author of neither X nor App, we have no 
   say in
   third party's rights to the App and X sources.
  Right, but you forget about Section 7 of the GPL.  It says there that if for
  whatever reason -- including patent law -- you cannot comply with the GPL, 
  cannot redistribute/copy.  Since you cannot cause it to happen, you can't
  redistribute: [...]

 The part about complying is obvious, this is the base of everything I've been
 saying. Yes, if you take cause to mean to take some action that achieves the
 stated effect and without which that effect would not have been achieved, then
 this is impossible, and the condition cannot be satisfied. But that would mean
 it can NEVER be satisfied, because the you in 2b does not own full copyright
 to the work; if he did there would be no need to abide by the GPL in the
 first place. So yes I do give a non-obvious meaning to this phrase. I did
 state that I was not happy with the formulation. Do you actually read what I
 write? I only bend the meaning here because the more obvious reading makes no
 sense: if the GPL is to contain conditions that can never be satisfied, it is
 useless, and that was not its intention.

Of course it can be satisfied.  It's more difficult, obviously, when using a 
party's source, but if you are modifying a GPL'd program and the modifications 
yours this does not present a problem (you cause your own code to comply by 
it under an appropriate license and you cause the GPL code to comply by 
it, which by virtue of Section 6 of the GPL grants the appropriate rights).
Incidentally, you can also cause it to be true with third-party source, by 
whatever action is required by the third party (which may be sublicensing, 
distributing the third-party work or whatever) to cause the statement to be 
However, I accept your interpretation, since I agree it is enough if the 
is true regardless of your efforts.

 So I am entitled to try a reading
 that is maybe a bit less obvious, but which makes sense out of the GPL.

 Besides, I wonder if my interpretation is so non-obvious. If by some chance I
 run into the obligation to cause the sun to rise in the morning, wouldn't a
 judge find that I have fulfilled this obligation if in fact the sun did rise,
 without requiring me to demonstrate that I could have done anything to prevent
 it? Really this is all I've done, replaced a causal relationship by just a
 verication that the required effect does indeed take place.

   But those rights being fixed,
   we may check whether third parties do in fact receive the licence 
   in the GPL. For the App sources this is clear; for the X sources third 
   in fact have licence to do anything the X licence permits, but since this
   includes all permissions given in the GPL, and not with stricter 
   we may conclude that third parties receive full GPL licence with respect 
   the complete sources, and condition 2b is satisfied.
  Everything was going so well until you hit this point.  In particular, the
  statement since [the X license] includes all permissions given in the GPL, 
  not . . . stricter conditions, we may conclude that third parties receive 
  GPL [license] with respect to the complete sources.

 As I have made abundantly clear

Guess it wasn't abundant enough -- where did you make it 'abundantly' clear?

 I interprete the verb license as giving
 permission under conditions and the noun licence as conditional
 permission (I've even tried to maintain the conventional British difference
 in orthography, but this subtlety was probably wasted on you);

Bloody right, as I'm not British, nor do I speak British English.

 just to be
 clear I've also added (permission) after licence at key points. The upshot
 is that I can give you a particular licence (permission) implicitly by in fact
 giving you a broader licence (permission). This is were the no stricter
 comes from, not from any particular words in any licence.

OK, so you did make it up.  It's not in the GPL.

 So if I give you
 permission (license you) to distribute under the conditions of the X licence,
 I implicitly give you permission (licence you) to distrubute it under the
 stricter conditions of the GPL.

I thought we agreed we cannot change the license of the X code.  Where is this 

Just to be clear, to distribute the X code under the stricter conditions of 
the GPL
means you have to forbid the recipient from doing a binary-only distribution 
example) of the X code.  So, as an 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:46:45AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license in any 
 copies you

So does the GPL, for the cases where a GPLed program includes XFree licensed


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Pour
Raul Miller wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:46:45AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
  The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license in any 
  copies you

 So does the GPL, for the cases where a GPLed program includes XFree licensed

Right, b/c both require the code (whether it be XFree or GPL) to remain under 
license:  GPL requires you to include the GPL b/c the GPL'd code remains under 
GPL when you redistribute, and XFree requires you to include the XFree license 
b/c the
XFree code remains under the XFree license.  Makes sense to me, I'm glad you 
agree now



Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 06:21:07AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Well, there certainly is no case law reference that Qt is incompatible
 with GPL, is there? I thought the uncertainly is what bothers Debian.
 Looks like at best we have thick uncertainty here.

The problem isn't uncertainty so much as the problem is the lack of
explicit permission.

Good author relations says hands off if the author isn't up front and
direct about wanting us to distribute their code.  If the author doesn't
give us DFSG code (where we all have legal permission to maintain and
distribute it), then we don't distribute it.

Note that generally we'll refuse to distribute code, even if we have a
legal right to, if the author asks that we not distribute it.  In the
long run, this solves a lot of problems.  [This is particularly important
for beta software, but it's also relevant for other transition times.]

In the case of KDE, unfortunately, there's too many contradictions
for us to be happy about distributing the code.  There are many, many
authors for KDE software, and these authors do not seem to agree on the
distribution conditions they want for their part of the programs.

However, it appears that many KDE authors do want us to distribute their
code, so when these licensing issues get straightened out we should be
able to distribute the code written by those authors.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 08:38:07AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
   Everything was going so well until you hit this point.  In particular, the
   statement since [the X license] includes all permissions given in the 
   GPL, and
   not . . . stricter conditions, we may conclude that third parties receive 
   GPL [license] with respect to the complete sources.
   First of all, they do not in fact receive a full GPL license; if that 
   were the
   case, then they would not be able to make a binary-only distribution of 
   the X
   code which is distributed as part of the package, which they can under 
   the X
   license (which you agreed applies to the X code).

Raul Miller wrote:
  The license allows everything that the GPL requires.

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 10:20:01AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Which would be what?

Unless you're concerned about some specific issue, I'd have to recommend
that you read the GPL.

  You seem to be overlooking the part where the GPL states that the separately
  licensed software can be distributed under the original license without any
  of the GPLed protections as long it's being distributed by itself.
 No, I am not overlooking that.  But isn't it you who seems not to tire of 
 me that the provision of Section 2 to which you refer does not apply if you 
 distribute the other work together with the GPL'd code?, which Debian does 
 with X.

Er.. for most provisions of Section 2, it's not if ... with but when ... 

However, if you're talking about the exception which lets GPLed software
be distributed to run on proprietary operating systems, then yes, that
might be me.  [Where you have to link with a proprietary libc, or whatever.]

But that particular exception doesn't make any sense in this context:  X is not 
operating system, and it's not proprietary.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So?  When the program is running, both the GPLed code and the Qt code
 exist together in the same virtual memory image.
 Ultimately, there's no difference between run-time linking and
 compile-time linking except that run-time linking happens at run time
 while compile-time linking happens at compile time.

And run-time is post-distribution while compile-time is pre-distribution, in
the case of distribution of dynamically linked binaries. And no
copyright-based licence has anything to say about what end users can do with
the code thay legally obtained (except redistribution). Despite what some
licences pretend (e.g., QPL section 5). Nobody is going to distribute a
post-dynamic-linkage virtual memory image, so its composition is rather
irrelevant. If a dynamically linked object file contains no actual code from
the library (which I am assuming; I'm no expert at this) then the copyright of
the library does not directly affect the object file's distribution any more
than the copyright of a web page I am linking to affects the
(web-)distribution of my web pages. The copyright of the library (sources) may
still come into scope indirectly via section 2 of the GPL (or some similar
clause of a different licence, if that applies), but that is a slightly
different issue that I don't intend to discuss here. The point is, there is a
good basis for making the distinction between static and dynamic linkage, in
some cases.

By the way, I assume that Microsoft does not forbid distribution of binaries
for programs that run under MS Windows (that would certainly decrease the
popularity of their platform). Is this because they explicitly gave
permission, or simply because their permission is not required? I honestly
don't know, but I would bet it is the second possibilty. Does anybody have
more definite information on such issues?

Marc van Leeuwen
Universite de Poitiers

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-02 Thread Lynn Winebarger
On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:

 Scripsit Lynn Winebarger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There's a difference. You'd have to do some work to show me that in all
  cases a function call is equivalent to a footnote - footnotes you don't need
  to see to understand the text, a non-standard API I need to know at least
  the documentation for the library implementation (which probably describes,
  but not defines, the API).
 Uh? Where does copyright law talk about meaning and understanding? If I write
 a book about (say) The Rolling Stones or Microsoft Windows one can't really
 understand the text without accessing (or having had access to) their music
 respectively software, but that does not give them any copyrights to my book!
   Well, let's look at the case of fiction.  If you use a character from a
copyrighted text, your work may be derivative of that.  Why?  Because
you're relying on the work of the author of the first text to provide the
meaning/context for this character in your book.  You're not just using
the name as a reference.  The question is not whether copyright law
explicitly says such and such will constitute being derivative, the
question is what will a judge/jury decide after seeing the two texts.  
Yes, I know software isn't fiction.  But fiction does set the stage
for an argument based on meaning and context.  In nonfiction, generally a
reference is given not to provide meaning to a statement, but to provide
extra detail concerning a statement.  With software, the reference is the
statement, and is meaningless without knowing the function's code or
And no, I don't think you need access to the Rolling Stones music or
MS Windows in order to read and understand a book about them (this may
depend on the quality of the text).

 So portable code is unaffected by any implementation's copyrights but
 non-portable code is affected? This would be quite interesting (and absurd).

Depends on what you mean by portable and non-portable.  Using
readline, for example, doesn't make your code non-portable, though it does
make it derivative of the readline library.
While it may be absurd from a technical viewpoint, I don't believe it
is so if you're looking at the code solely as a form of expression (as the
copyright has 0 to do with any functionality it may have).
There may, of course, be restrictions on how an OS vendor may apply
any copyright interest they may have in application from antitrust law.

 An example that you might be more familiar with is the WWW. Think of what it
 would mean if linking to a webpage would give the (intellectual) owner of that
 page copyrights over that page containing the link. And of course by extension
 to any page linking to that page, etc. Well I'm pretty sure it would mean I
 have copyrights over the entire WWW (and so would you). Yet it remains even
 more true than for function calls that one cannot determine the meaning of a
 weblink without following it.

Nonsense.  A link is simply a reference - there is no need to look at
it for the referring page to be completely meaningful.  


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
  So? When the program is running, both the GPLed code and the Qt code
  exist together in the same virtual memory image.
  Ultimately, there's no difference between run-time linking and
  compile-time linking except that run-time linking happens at run
  time while compile-time linking happens at compile time.

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:49:10PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 And run-time is post-distribution while compile-time is
 pre-distribution, in the case of distribution of dynamically linked
 binaries. And no copyright-based licence has anything to say about
 what end users can do with the code thay legally obtained (except

We're not talking about an isolated personal action here.  We're talking
about many thousands, if not millions of copies which are distributed
by people who know what the end result is going to be.

To see what that means, check out


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:46:45AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
   The XFree license also says you have to include the XFree license
   in any copies you redistribute.

Raul Miller wrote:
  So does the GPL, for the cases where a GPLed program includes XFree
  licensed code.

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 10:22:09AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
 Right, b/c both require the code (whether it be XFree or GPL) to
 remain under its license: GPL requires you to include the GPL b/c the
 GPL'd code remains under the GPL when you redistribute, and XFree
 requires you to include the XFree license b/c the XFree code remains
 under the XFree license. Makes sense to me, I'm glad you agree now

The problem in the case of GPLed code + Qt is that there are contradictory
requirements.  Which means that not all of the requirements can be

Which means (see section 7 again), that the GPLed program can't be
legally distributed.

[Um.. let me guess.. you already knew I was going to say this and
you're just trying to see if I'm so sick of repeating myself that
I'm not going to post anymore?]


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:49:10PM +0100, Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 By the way, I assume that Microsoft does not forbid distribution of binaries
 for programs that run under MS Windows (that would certainly decrease the
 popularity of their platform).

If they run without using Microsoft code (for example libraries), Microsoft
has no say in it. However, no serious windows program does.

 Is this because they explicitly gave
 permission, or simply because their permission is not required? I honestly
 don't know, but I would bet it is the second possibilty. Does anybody have
 more definite information on such issues?

Your question is answered by looking at the relevant licenses in MS
development kits.

For example the Visual Basic runtime library has a very restrictive
license. You are allowed to distribute it with a VB program only. Of course,
you must not reverse engineer etc.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian Check Key server 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNUhttp://www.gnu.orgfor public PGP Key 

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-02 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
sorry, it needed debian weekly news to get this message:

If the KDE folks would make a reasonably solid statement of permission,
[something that counts as a legal grant of permission] we could probably
distribute most of KDE (last time I checked, there were only six packages
which had problems -- nontrivial packages, but only six of them).


we discussed this with several kde core developers, and kame to exactly the
same conclusion:
 - lgpl is not a problem
 - gpl´ed but written by kde people: a statement that linking with qt is ok,
   and it can go in.
 - gpl´ed but written by someone else: don´t put it into debian. try to get
   the same statement from everyone involved into the program, then maybe
   try again.

this was about nine months ago at the linuxtag in germany. 

the kde people gave all necessary statemtens as far as i can see, but
if you want something special: you name it, you get it.

so please, tell me how i can help to get kde into debian.
i´m a gnome fan. but most parts of kde are open source software,
and i want the user to have the choice to use those.

regards, andreas
former debian developer for kde. anytime again if you need me.
stuck in debian new maintainer queue.

Re: Was Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-01 Thread David Johnson
Raul Miller wrote:

 If all the relevant authors sign off on the statement, there would be no
 problem.  But if some authors don't sign off then that would be a problem.

But this doesn't explain why kdelibs are not (or will not be) included.
The license in question here is LGPL instead of GPL. And once they are
included, non-GPL KDE apps can be included as well, such as a lot of
KOffice, Cervisia, etc. Why has this stuff been left out?

David Johnson

Re: Was Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-01 Thread Raul Miller
Raul Miller wrote:
  If all the relevant authors sign off on the statement, there would be no
  problem.  But if some authors don't sign off then that would be a problem.

On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 04:14:56PM -0800, David Johnson wrote:
 But this doesn't explain why kdelibs are not (or will not be) included.
 The license in question here is LGPL instead of GPL. And once they are
 included, non-GPL KDE apps can be included as well, such as a lot of
 KOffice, Cervisia, etc. Why has this stuff been left out?

I don't know anything specific about the kdelibs package.  You'd have
to ask the package maintainer.


Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-01 Thread Chris Lawrence
If you have something to say, say it to the lists.

(This will be my last post on this topic, barring egregious factual
errors that need correction---mine or those of others.)

 You haven't required it, AFAIK, from Gnome or other programs that
 link with X.  And under your reading of the GPL (at least if you
 agree with the others I have been debating this issue with), if Qt
 is incompatible with the GPL, so is XFree.  Oh right, it would
 really suck if you couldn't distribute XFree, so you can just ignore
 that transgression.  Or am I missing something?  (Please respond to
 my post with Message-ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I don't
 have to drown this list in repeating it).

XFree is not distributed under a license more restrictive than the
GPL.  Qt is.  That's it.  End of story.

From section 2 of the GPL:

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote

There are no provisions of the XFree license that stop XFree code from
being aggregated with GPLed code (the result being GPLed).  By
contrast, the QT FREE EDITION LICENSE (which is what Qt 1 is
distributed under) specifically forbids the modification of Qt:

  Your software does not require modifications to Qt Free Edition.

Nothing in the X license forbids modification of X by third parties.

You are also forbidden from distributing modified versions of Qt1;
nothing in the XFree license prohibits distribution of modified
versions (see, for example, xfs-xtt, which is based on XFree's xfs

As far as the QPL (Qt2) license goes, I leave the discussion to Joseph
Carter, who actually helped Troll write it (with the specific intent
of allowing Qt2 applications to be pure GPL) before the lawyers got
involved.  My belief is that the provisions that might require you to
give your source code to Troll, even if the binary code is not
distributed to others, were the most egregious (the GPL only obligates
you to give source code to people you give binaries to; if you don't
give someone binaries, you don't have to give them source either).
For example, if I modify Emacs, RMS can't demand that I give him my
changes unless I give him a binary of my modified Emacs; however, if I
make a modified Qt2 (to create my own whizz-bang desktop that only I
use), or even a program based on Qt2, Troll can demand a copy of it.
That seems more restrictive than the GPL to me; I'm amazed it even
meets the DFSG.

Anyway, if you've followed this thread, you know that Debian has also
thrown out (or not let in) other software with ambiguous license
terms.  XForms and Motif-based programs have gotten the same
treatment (as have Qt-based programs from people other than KDE).

|Chris Lawrence | Get rid of Roger Wicker this year!|
|   |   |
|   Debian Developer|Are you tired of politics as usual?|
| ||

On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-01 Thread Marc van Leeuwen
This is partly in reply to messages of Andreas Pour [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
Fri, 28 Jan and of Jeff Licquia [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, 30 Jan. But mainly 
is about interpreting licences in general and in particular the GPL. This is
not an easy matter, and if differences of opinion arise this is most likely a
consequence of that difficulty, rather than of the other partly being a moron
or simply unwilling to understand the obvious, so I will avoid to make such
implications. I would also like to note that it is not my intention to attack
or defend KDE or Debian or whoever, just to sort things out for myself. One
may note that at some points I express ideas that contradict what I have said
before; don't hold this against me, it just indicates that the enormous load
of words poured out over me this weekend wore not entirely wasted.

My concern is to try to find a way I can read licences that allows me to
answer questions about issues concerning them in a somewhat systematic way.
The first point is the status of licences. As I have said:

  A licence is just a statement from the copyright holder conditionally
  lifting the default prohibition of copying of copyrighted material.

That's simple enough. But let me make some definitions to simplify the
discussion. I'll call a copyright holder the author, the copyrighted
material his work, somebody who wishes to copy and distribute that work the
distributor, and the person who is to receive such a copy the user. I'll
assume the author wishes to allow the distributor to do so under certain
circumstances, to which end he gives a licence that gives permission to make
and distribute copies under certain conditions. Note that in principle the
user is no party in the licence. What complicates matters, at least in case of
the GPL, is that the conditions themselves mention the users, and in part are
concerned with allowing them to become distributors. This also makes terms
like restrictive ambiguous; for instance in order to guarantee certain
freedoms for users (and possibly future distributors), the GPL has to be
restrictive with respect to (current) distributors. I'll try to avoid
complications by talking only of obligations of distributors, directly
prescribed by the conditions of the licence.

For the sake of simplicity let us assume this permission is not given
exclusively to a specific distributor, but to the public in general (all
licences considered here use generic language like Redistribution and use...
are permitted... or You may copy and distribute... without mention of
specific names). One may infer that the author wishes to grant the same
permission to whoever possesses a legally obtained copy of the work: for
copyright law all different copies of the work are embodiments of just a
single item of intellectual property owned by the author, and although the
copyright pertains to the right to multiply those physical copies, it does not
really matter which instantiation serves in the duplication process. The
identity of the distributor is important only to the extent that it is the
person responsible for the conditions being met. [Consequently, I don't agree
with the idea of a licence being an attribute of some copy of the work.]

Firstly, from this it follows that _only_ the author has the right to define
the terms of the licence. Nobody can arbitrarily modify the licence by adding
or removing conditions; in this sense relicensing is not possible. Secondly
it follows that anybody having a legally obtained copy of the work receives
the same conditional permissions formulated in the licence, without the need
of an explicit act to that effect; in a sense these permissions were already
given before he received that copy. The fact that many licences state that the
licence has to be preserved when making the copy is therefore logical, in
order that the recipient know his rights, but it is not an act of _giving_
those rights to the recipient (like it is not the copyright notice itself
which makes the work copyrighted). On the other hand it does not follow that
the distributor is bound only by the conditions of the licence; there may be
other conditions, legal or otherwise, that he has to satisfy and that can
affect his possibility to distribute.

A more difficult situation arises when works with different authors are
combined into a single work. It is a situation not really treated in much
detail in copyright law (certainly not with the complications particularly
relevant for computer software in mind), but it is clear that every original
author still has some copyright in the combined work. A case explicitly
addressed by law is that of a compilation of works (not in the computer
sense), where each author contributes some clearly identifiable portion and
the editor only holds copyright on the way these are combined; in software
however things may not be as easy to separate (like when someone rewrites
pieces of existing code, or in case of an executable built from

Re: KDE not in Debian?

2000-02-01 Thread David Johnson
Chris Lawrence wrote:
 My belief is that the provisions that might require you to
 give your source code to Troll, even if the binary code is not
 distributed to others, were the most egregious (the GPL only obligates
 you to give source code to people you give binaries to; if you don't
 give someone binaries, you don't have to give them source either).

Section 6c, which talks about giving a copy to Troll Tech, only applies
to section 6, which is concerned with distribution. Basically, if and
only if you distribute such a program, then Troll Tech also gets a copy
if they ask. The QPL is completely silent on personal uses, disallows
private distributions, and is hunky-dory with public distributions.

David Johnson

Re: On interpreting licences (was: KDE not in Debian?)

2000-02-01 Thread David Johnson
Marc van Leeuwen wrote:
 Yet, why has nobody recently put forward this way of resolving the KDE/Qt
 issue? I've seen drastic bending of the meaning of much more unambiguous parts
 of the GPL. Maybe this was discussed and resolved long ago, or maybe I'm just
 too blind too see the obvious? Anybody please explain.

I have put this opinion forth (that Qt is distinct from the application
and not a module) in the past, but each and every time I have met with
immense disagreement and vile language, so that I have become gun shy
and have refrained from stating what I see as obvious.

David Johnson

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