Re: Trusted Organisation status for DebConf15's legal entity

2014-04-27 Thread Andreas Barth
* martin f krafft ( [140427 08:31]:
 also sprach Andreas Barth [2014-04-27 01:09 +0200]:
  If you get money where you provide some value for (and sponsorship
  might fall into that category, if e.g. logos are shown somewhere),
  then this money is VAT-taxable (unless one of the exceptions of
  the Umsatzsteuergesetz is applicable) if it is more than a certain
  limit, and the amount of money debconf is using is well above that
 § 4 Abs. 22 röm. a) UStG is what I am aiming for:
   Von den unter § 1 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 fallenden Umsätzen sind steuerfrei:
   22. a) die Vorträge, Kurse und anderen Veranstaltungen
   wissenschaftlicher oder belehrender Art, die […] von
   Einrichtungen, die gemeinnützigen Zwecken […] dienen,
   durchgeführt werden, wenn die Einnahmen überwiegend zur
   Deckung der Kosten verwendet werden,

I know that one, I'm using it somewhere else.

However, one need to check if all of Debconf falls into that, or if
parts don't. Tax authorities don't necessarily consider one event
treated all as one, see e.g. page 39, nr 206 of

Sponsoring is sometimes considered to be Wirtschaftlicher
Geschäftsbetrieb, see Sponsoringerlass, BMF-letter from 18.2.1998, 
IV B 2 - S 2144 - 40/98 - IV B 7 - S 0183 - 62/98

That is why I said some more complexity. There is the possibility to
get a binding answer from tax authorities beforehand, and that could
be VAT-free, but that still keeps the point more complex.


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Re: [Debconf-team] Trusted Organisation status for DebConf15's legal entity

2014-04-27 Thread Andreas Barth
* martin f krafft ( [140427 11:00]:
 also sprach Andreas Barth [2014-04-27 10:53 +0200]:
  However, one need to check if all of Debconf falls into that, or if
  parts don't. Tax authorities don't necessarily consider one event
  treated all as one, see e.g. page 39, nr 206 of
 Yeah, I don't think it'll work as easily as I may have portrayed.
 Does anyone know a Steuerberater (tax advisor) who would be able to
 assist in this for free, or a low fee?

According to regularation for tax advisors (Standesrecht) this won't
be legal. However there are advisors who are specialized on
pro-bono-organisations, so I would recommend checking with one of
them (I know people who work with one of the most experienced one in
Munich, so I could check if I could get a contact there, but that
won't work on a weekend).

However, that doesn't necessarily prevent the creation of the legal
association now. As said before even though I disagree with some parts
of the by-laws, as long as it's a throw-away for debconf and the
debconf-organisers are happy, please go ahead.

Clarifying taxes before money actually flows is important, but not
necessarily prior to start of setup of the legal umbrella. (Also the
international parts make that a bit more complex, one e.g. has to
check whether §50a EStG is applicable - I would assume not argueing
that we don't pay money but just replace travel costs, but also that
should get into the picture.)

Another important thing with tax authorities is simplicity: Keeping
things simple prevents them from asking too many question, which in
turn prevents them to give answers one doesn't like. So, if you want
to setup things next weekend, I would strongly recommend to restrict
it to Debconf, keep your by-laws (or better: reduce it to minimum
length, i.e. remove anything not strictly necessary there), and setup
a Debian Deutschland at a later occasion. I think the time-plan for
setting it up is still possible.


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Re: Trusted Organisation status for DebConf15's legal entity

2014-04-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Richard Hartmann ( [140426 23:42]:
 * Debian Deutschland e.V.
 * DebConf Deutschland e.V.
 * DebConf15 Deutschland e.V.
 From our understanding, German tax authorities don't like
 throw-away/single-use non-profit organisations, but we have no proof
 of that, so please speak up if you have experience.

I'm running some throw-away non-profit organisations, and have not
experienced problems.

Debconf has a different tax situation than a normal TO setup
(especially given the amount of money might bring us into VAT if we
like it or not), so keeping those apart has some advantages to reduce
long-term overhead. Also, having that seperated, reduces the risks
from debconf on normal debian assets. For this reason, I would
recommend to have a throw-away legal entity for debconf, and
independendly form a debian-owned legal umbrella in Germany.

 Also, at least
 Ganneff and me would be willing to carry on the e.V. after DebConf15
 if this is deemed useful to Debian. Given FFIS' performance (the above
 isn't a one-time event only, it's been this way for a long time), this
 seems likely.

I think it would be a good idea to have a Debian Deutschland e.V., but
as written above it might be better to instantiate that independend of
Debconf15 e.V.

 Also, having Debian in the name can help with finding sponsors.

You can use that name independend of how the legal umbrella is named.
One of my legal umbrellas is named Trägerverein HST, but runs the
brand Horber Schienen-Tage. This naming has not caused any issues.
The relation between Debconf, the Debconf15 e.V. and Debian would be
similar - related but not the same letters.


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Re: Trusted Organisation status for DebConf15's legal entity

2014-04-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Richard Hartmann ( [140427 00:40]:
 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:29 AM, Andreas Barth wrote:
  I'm running some throw-away non-profit organisations, and have not
  experienced problems.
 Have the tax authorities been made aware of this in advance? For how
 long are those organisations running?

The most throw-away one is supposed to run 1-2 years, and is just in
startup (could actually only start when someone else starts complying
with law, but already accepted as non-profit; btw, it was founded by
another already accepted non-profit organisation for risk reduction
and to clean up the tax situation). Nobody put a big sticker on it
this will dissolve itself soon, but the by-law indicates so. (For
this reason, after some more thinking I wouldn't recommend to name it
Debconf15 e.V, but rather Debconf Deutschland e.V..)

  Debconf has a different tax situation than a normal TO setup
  (especially given the amount of money might bring us into VAT if we
  like it or not), so keeping those apart has some advantages to reduce
  long-term overhead.
 I fail to see how, please expand.

If you get money where you provide some value for (and sponsorship
might fall into that category, if e.g. logos are shown somewhere),
then this money is VAT-taxable (unless one of the exceptions of the
Umsatzsteuergesetz is applicable) if it is more than a certain limit,
and the amount of money debconf is using is well above that limit.
Additionable it could save money to be VAT-taxable because it might be
that you need to pay less VAT than you could substract from the goods
you buy. All of that is a bit more complex (and legally binding for a
couple of years) than a normal TO would need, and also needs binding
answers from the tax authorities before.

  Also, having that seperated, reduces the risks
  from debconf on normal debian assets. For this reason, I would
  recommend to have a throw-away legal entity for debconf, and
  independendly form a debian-owned legal umbrella in Germany.
 As this organisation will not hold non-DebConf Debian money or other
 assets at first anyway, I do not see any risk.
 And even if it does, I am still not sure what the actual risks would
 be unless you assume we will run DebConf15 deep into red figures.

Perhaps I'm just careful, but I have setup legal umbrellas in cases
where I already had a tax-exempt one for risk reduction and tax
simplification (even with the existing one as founding member of the
new organisation, so with a clear bound and approval of the board of
the existing one). It isn't expansive to do so, but makes sure you
don't need to keep up any of the debconf-specialities you do, that's
why I would just do that again.

Also, it would buy us time to get the (rather complex) things about
how to bind it to Debian done right, because that indeed isn't that
easy in the German legal system, and sort out a few other things.


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Re: Trusted Organisation status for DebConf15's legal entity

2014-04-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andreas Barth ( [140427 01:10]:
 * Richard Hartmann ( [140427 00:40]:
  On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:29 AM, Andreas Barth wrote:

   Debconf has a different tax situation than a normal TO setup
   (especially given the amount of money might bring us into VAT if we
   like it or not), so keeping those apart has some advantages to reduce
   long-term overhead.
  I fail to see how, please expand.
 If you get money where you provide some value for (and sponsorship
 might fall into that category, if e.g. logos are shown somewhere),
 then this money is VAT-taxable (unless one of the exceptions of the
 Umsatzsteuergesetz is applicable) if it is more than a certain limit,
 and the amount of money debconf is using is well above that limit.
 Additionable it could save money to be VAT-taxable because it might be
 that you need to pay less VAT than you could substract from the goods
 you buy. All of that is a bit more complex (and legally binding for a
 couple of years) than a normal TO would need, and also needs binding
 answers from the tax authorities before.

Please see,BILDxCLASS:Artikel,BILDxTYPE:PDF%29
for a few more details about which taxes need to be payed. It also
contains a short by-law template which is sufficient for being
tax-exempt (page 112ff).


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Kurt Roeckx ( [140302 12:23]:
 On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 11:01:16AM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
  Kurt Roeckx writes (Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init 
   This is probably going to require a 2:1 majority requirement as
  Do you agree that the intent can be achieved by something requiring a
  1:1 majority ?  If so, can you please say how.
  If you're going to say we need to replace the TC resolution is
  amended with something like we wish that instead the TC had decided
  blah, then please reconsider.  That would force the GR to avoid
  saying what its own effect is, which is unnecessarily confusing.
  Also, writing that text is very cumbersome.
 The text currently says it's using the TC's power to decide
 something, and so would fall under 4.1.4.  I think the intent of
 this GR is not to override the TC's decision about the default, so
 I'm currently not sure what to suggest.

I don't see why the text couldn't just say that the developers make a
position statement. As per 4.1.5 this could be done with a


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andreas Barth ( [140302 13:07]:
 Thanks for the reference to the auto-nuke clause in the TC decision.
 How about adding something along the lines To avoid any doubt, this
 decision does not replace the TC resolution to avoid invoking that
 clause and keep the current decision (because that is also what this
 proposal wants to achive)?

(and probably with this position statement, because that is what it


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Matthew Vernon ( [140302 17:41]:
 Andreas Barth writes:
  Thanks for the reference to the auto-nuke clause in the TC decision.
  How about adding something along the lines To avoid any doubt, this
  decision does not replace the TC resolution to avoid invoking that
  clause and keep the current decision (because that is also what this
  proposal wants to achive)?
 I thought my original text was reasonably clear that it wasn't seeking
 to change the default init system for jessie...?

It looks to me as the secretary doesn't fully agree with that, so
perhaps some extra clarifiaction. But well, as long as we manage to
have a common understanding what your text means it's ok for me.


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Paul Tagliamonte ( [140302 19:02]:
 On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 05:55:14PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
  Huh?  Ian explicitly says, as does the text itself, that this proposed
  GR *adopts* the TC decision on the default init system.  It doesn't
  overturn it.
 The fact there's a backdoor that was inserted that allowed him to
 overturn the TC decision with a GR that mentions the word init is

I don't know what you try to make about, but 

1. the proposed GR doesn't overturn TCs decision about the default
Linux init system, but holds that one up and adds something about
loose coupling of init systems and packages[1]

2. the possibility to overturn TCs decision was inserted *by*
*purpose* with our the common understanding of all TC members that if
the developers together want to overturn our decision they should be
able to do so with normal (1:1) majority. This was part of the
proposals with systemd as Linux default and also with upstart as Linux

[1] whether you think that's a good idea is something else, but this
was not part by the TCs decision of the default Linux system, and the
TC decided later on to not make a decision about that (yet). So I fear
I need to summarize your mails on useless escalation which I don't
consider helpful. Sorry.


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Bdale Garbee ( [140302 19:17]:
 Colin Watson writes:
  On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 12:49:22PM -0500, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
  On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 12:35:15PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
   As a consequence, the GR replaces the outcome of the TC vote.  The GR
   text explicitly adopts the existing TC decision on the default, and
   adds to it.
2) Dishonest (using an unrelated GR to turn over the default init
   decision made through a backdoor you put in)
  Huh?  Ian explicitly says, as does the text itself, that this proposed
  GR *adopts* the TC decision on the default init system.  It doesn't
  overturn it.
 The part I don't understand is why reference is made to any TC decision
 at all.  Unless the objectives include overturning the decision on the
 default Linux init system for jessie, I see no reason to invoke the GR
 clause in that resolution at all.
 Why isn't this just a standalone GR asserting a position statement
 about issues of the day on the coupling question?

I mostly agree on that (and would prefer to see it that way). With the
small exception that it would be good to explicitly state that this
position statement doesn't invoke the auto-nuke clause of our


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Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems

2014-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Iain Lane ( [140302 19:28]:
 The rest of the discussion notwithstanding, where do you think that
 On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 02:50:00PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
  That doesn't contradict the GR.  If the GR passes we have two
   11th Feb as modified by GR: sysvinit as default, loose coupling

 sysvinit comes from?

I think a qualified spelling error, and should read as systemd as
default, loose coupling.


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Re: TC voting and governance process

2014-02-11 Thread Andreas Barth
* Russ Allbery ( [140211 06:57]:
 Joey Hess writes:
  OTOH, if the ctte is still stuck in a procedural morass after the full
  3-4 weeks it takes to pass a GR, it could be a lifeline that lets it
  decide on a better decision making procedure. Even if that ends up being
  we decide by consensus and we have none re systemd.
 So, well, the only thing that I do feel obligated to say about this is:
 I have had people subsequently point out to me that this post is not being
 entirely fair to Wikipedia, and I apologize for that part, but I stand by
 the general principles that I posted there.  (And observe that the group
 size is not magic that leads to consensus *always* working.  We failed at
 consensus in a group of eight.)

Just a side note, I already failed to consensus in a group of two.
(However, it was not nearly as important as this issue, so it was more
easy to resolve - we ended up with delegating the topic to the tech
ctte, where we didn't end up with consensus either but with a

Also, I don't think we need to go for consensus. Consensus is good,
but I think what we should looking hard for is that everyone could
consider the winning option as acceptable, i.e. voting that above FD.
It's ok if an option wins which is just a bit better than FD for all.
Also, I don't think that in cases we have relevant different opinions
we need to hide them - having options explicitly voted down might be
healty because we are not hiding different positions but some just
don't get majority.

 Sometimes it really is better to have a decision you don't agree with than
 no decision.

That is a very true remark.

One important (and useful) part of well working procedures is that
even people who don't agree to the outcome can agree that the project
has decided this outcome. And if you can agree to the second, this is
good for future collaboration.


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Re: Updating the Policy Editors delegation

2014-01-06 Thread Andreas Barth
* Ian Jackson ( [140106 17:22]:
 Lucas Nussbaum writes (Re: Updating the Policy Editors delegation):
  .oO ( funny that this comes up now, given the same delegation text was
  already used in and
 Sorry I didn't spot it earlier :-).

Historically I think delegating a policy team started with


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Re: Please update the DSA delegation

2014-01-04 Thread Andreas Barth
Hi Lucas,

* Martin Zobel-Helas ( [131202 22:11]:
 Hi Lucas,
 I am pleased to announce that DSA has promoted Héctor Orón Martínez to a
 full member of the team.
 Please update the delegation for the Debian System Administrators

Did I miss the conclusion on this? Is Héctor Orón Martínez now part of
the delegated DSA team? Or do you have reasons to not make him a
normal DSA member? Or do you think that the delegation is auto-updated?

(Actually I think we should have our delegations so that if the
current delegates add someone new, inform the DPL and -project and
don't receive a veto within 6 weeks, the new person is automatically
delegated as well - but I don't think our constitution nor the current
delegations are explicitly allowing that, and so I would prefer an
official update.)


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Re: Please update the DSA delegation

2014-01-04 Thread Andreas Barth
* Lucas Nussbaum ( [140104 16:30]:
 On 04/01/14 at 14:04 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:


  (Actually I think we should have our delegations so that if the
  current delegates add someone new, inform the DPL and -project and
  don't receive a veto within 6 weeks, the new person is automatically
  delegated as well - but I don't think our constitution nor the current
  delegations are explicitly allowing that, and so I would prefer an
  official update.)
 I disagree with that, as stated in e.g. and . But that
 does not mean that you should not try to change the constitution to add
 this process.

Well, this doesn't convince me - but it's not important enough for me
to start an GR here, or even to continue discussing about that. I
could live with that. :)


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Re: DEP5: X-Autobuild

2010-09-15 Thread Andreas Barth
* Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt ( [100915 17:39]:
 Andreas Barth writes:
  * Charles Plessy ( [100913 16:25]:
   Is this a good way of doing that? The referred-to e-mail says that an
   XS-Autobuild header in the debian/control (not copyright) file is
   required. Is there a need for a particular header for this in
   debian/copyright? Would not the Disclaimer field be sufficient?
   I propose to remove the entire paragraph. If the consensus is against
   that, I propose we rename the field to Non-Free-Autobuild instead of
   using an X- prefix.
   - describe the fact that the package is autobuildable in debian/copyright,
  X-Autobuild was a poor choice. My current opinion is that, unless there
  is an interest to parse a specific field, it it better to use existing
  ones, in that case Comment or Disclaimer.
  We need both, the mail plus the field.
 This is only about the field in debian/copyright, not about the field in
 debian/control. We don't need the former, only the latter.

Oh, sure. Technically, we even only need something in Sources (but
that is derived from d/control).


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Re: DEP5: X-Autobuild

2010-09-14 Thread Andreas Barth
* Charles Plessy ( [100913 16:25]:
  Is this a good way of doing that? The referred-to e-mail says that an
  XS-Autobuild header in the debian/control (not copyright) file is
  required. Is there a need for a particular header for this in
  debian/copyright? Would not the Disclaimer field be sufficient?
  I propose to remove the entire paragraph. If the consensus is against
  that, I propose we rename the field to Non-Free-Autobuild instead of
  using an X- prefix.

  - describe the fact that the package is autobuildable in debian/copyright,
 X-Autobuild was a poor choice. My current opinion is that, unless there
 is an interest to parse a specific field, it it better to use existing
 ones, in that case Comment or Disclaimer.

We need both, the mail plus the field.

Reason for this is that we don't have an separate section in the
archive, so we need to make sure it's signed with every upload. On the
other hand, we want to manually approve each package - that's why we
need the mail.


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non-free Packages as build-dependency of contrib / non-free ones autobuilding

2010-04-02 Thread Andreas Barth

currently our policy says that main packages must only (build-)depend
on main packages, but contrib and non-free packages could use packages
from contrib and non-free.

In practice build-dependencies from non-free are not used by the
buildds for two reasons:

1. (mostly historical) we need to make sure that the packages are not
installed anymore while building packages from main - this can be
ensured via the lvm-snapshot type chroots however

2. we don't know (on an automated basis) which packages in non-free
can be used as build-dependency without violating copyright. For the
source packages we use the marker Autobuild: yes, but that won't do
for binary packages where we only want to have some packages
considered by apt/aptitude.

Some obvious solutions come to my mind:

1. Split non-free into non-free-but-useable, i.e. packages that can
be autobuilt, and can be used as a build-dependency (and where main +
contrib + non-free is self-contained, like main today already is), and
silly-non-free (the remaining packages).

2. Make a sub-disttree from non-free of the acceptable packages, and
put it somewhere only on ftp-master or a few hosts only (that's enough
for installing build-dependencies on buildds already)

Other ideas? Opinions?


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Re: I'm resigning as Release Manager

2010-03-14 Thread Andreas Barth
* Luk Claes ( [100314 18:05]:
 It's time to stop thinking I would be able to keep working as Release
 Manager in this climate, I hereby resign as Release Manager.

The release team is discussing how to continue (or rather: who should
become release manager next). For the moment, expect that we continue
the same way as we had while luk was on vacation.

As soon as we have some more new ideas, we will try to keep everyone
informed. But please give us some time for proper discussions. Thanks.


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Re: PTS subscription exposure

2010-03-03 Thread Andreas Barth
* Faidon Liambotis ( [100303 14:24]:
 Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
   For the same reason I don't play into facebook's hand with handing them
  all the linking informations they would like to know (even if some
  people seem to be personally offended when not being linked). People do
  contact random people that they find being attached to some package,
  even remotely.
   A clean example: I did the security upload for dokuwiki to backports
  because adn had some issues with his systems. Now random people come
  along and ask for this and that feature improvement and for sponsoring
  uploads of newer version, where I just were interested in closing the
  security issue for backports users in the first place.
 Νever happened to me but fair enough.

Happened to me as well, like why is your upload to -volatile not
present on security.d.o? (with the spamassassin 2010-issue).


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Re: PTS subscription exposure

2010-03-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Gerfried Fuchs ( [100302 12:09]:
 * Mike Hommey [2010-03-02 11:47:04 CET]:
  On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:40:20AM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
Alright, let's also expose list subscriptions along the same reasoning.
   Again, this is not your job to judge which lists I would be interested
  Any subscriber of a mailing list on alioth can see who is subscribed to
  the mailing list. This is a default feature of mailman, and has been
  such for years. Apparently, noone cared about that privacy issue.
  Erm, since when did alioth lists come into play? You are losing me. The
 alioth lists have nothing in common with the ones run on
  And it's a vast difference between something that is exposed from the
 start to begin with or something that is later adjusted to get exposed
 like it wasn't intended to in the first place and thus isn't expected to

 and without proper prior public discussion.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-27 Thread Andreas Barth
* Tollef Fog Heen ( [090827 21:05]:
 (I think I'm missing your point here, since you started quoting the RC
 policy at me essentially retelling me the same thing I said in my first
 message, and now you're doing it again.)

Sorry. If I think you're wrong, I would have pointed it out.

I was basically saying yes, what you said is (with a few minor
restrictions) the same as the RC policy says, to make an
end-of-discussion on what might packages change. Obviously I failed.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Tollef Fog Heen ( [090826 08:59]:
 ]] Alexander Wirt 
 | Luk Claes schrieb am Monday, den 24. August 2009:
 | *snip*
 |  Why would file-rc not work properly with dependency based booting?
 | you know what file-rc is doing? You have a configfile where you list
 | your services and the bootlevels. So we have a configfile here. I
 | would have to reorder the whole file for dependency based booting, but
 | how can I do this reliable? And even if I would be able to do this,
 | this would mean to change a user configuration file which is against
 | policy.
 No, it's not.  Changing configuration files is fine, as long as you keep
 any changes the admin has made.  I don't see why this would be
 particularly hard, if insserv has a way to override particular bits?

Our release policy tells in (please note the
difference between conffiles and configuration files)

3. Configuration files

Packages must not modify their own or other packages conffiles
programmatically. (The only correct way to modify a conffile is
the user running an editor specifically; if anything more automated
is required or useful, configuration files must _NOT_ be handled as

Packages must not modify other packages' configuration files
except by an agreed upon APIs (eg, a /usr/sbin/update-foo command).

Packages' /etc/init.d scripts must be treated as configuration files.
Packages' /etc/default scripts must be treated as configuration files.

Packages must not include files in /etc/rcN.d, but must instead use
update-rc.d to indicate when their init scripts should be run.


Changes to configuration files must be preserved during a package
upgrade. Configurations must be preserved on package removal, and
only deleted when the package is purged.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Tollef Fog Heen ( [090826 16:12]:
 ]] Andreas Barth 

 | Our release policy tells in
 | (please note the
 | difference between conffiles and configuration files)
 I don't see anything in section 3 that makes it a bug for file-rc to
 update its own configuration file, as long as the admin's changes are kept?

As long as that file isn't marked as conffile, that is correct. (Of
course, keeping the admin changes includes to me there must be no
information loss during the handling, which leads to there needs to
be a way to undo the change. And none of these sentences is specific
to file-rc or any of the other tools and packages discussed in this


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Raphael Geissert ( [090824 00:34]:
 Andreas Barth wrote:
  The local admin doesn't have any
  choice.  I need to admit that I disagree with this change at this

  #475478 insserv: uninstallation fails horribly if an init script has
  been removed.
  #538959 needs actually to be worked on. The current state is not how
  it should be.
 (which you later said it should be #511753)
 These two only seem to occur when insserv is removed, and since it is now
 pseudo-essential that should never happen, IOW: IMO they are not grave (I
 do agree that they should be addressed, though).

Eh. This translates to: it is ok that the admin cannot switch back
from insserv to oldstyle booting.

And that is a statement that I heavily disagree with. I think neither
our users nor our developers at large considers that a feature, but
rather a very grave bug.

We should definitly continue to support oldstyle booting, at least for
the time being.

  #538959 is really quite serious. We have cluebatted maintainers for
  quite some time to use update-rc.d instead of other methods. Breaking
  this by insserv doesn't get you support. So please fix this ASAP, but
  without breaking the traditional methods even more.
  Also I do admit that I'm a great fan of enabling our users to make a
  choice. For lots of server based systems having the oldstyle sysvinit
  scripts works very well. It's easy to understand, it's obvious, it's
  standard since quite many years. I don't see any reason to enforce
  dependencies on these people, and as you can see in #538959 quite many
  people don't want it.
 I think the missing point here is that insserv is just one of the ways to
 fix the problem of having to guess a correct start number, among many
 others; and any system that doesn't implement that is actually a
 regression. There are other tools similar to insserv that also do
 dependency-based booting (but AFAIK none of them are in Debian).

So you are telling us here that anyone who depends on the 20+ years
working method of ordering boot with decimal numbers is using a
regression? Sorry, but this is just plainly wrong. It is a regression
if you change stuff in a way that it breaks a working scenario for
many people.

Please do not break something that works. Please be conservative with
changes to essential stuff. Debian is not a sandbox nor your
playground, but used on many production systems. The trust that we do
mainly sane decisions is one of our most valuable possesions. And we
should make sure we keep that trust.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Raphael Hertzog ( [090824 08:54]:
 On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Andreas Barth wrote:
  We should definitly continue to support oldstyle booting, at least for
  the time being.
 Until what?

Until we know that the new method really works 100% correct, people
enjoy the switch and we noticed that in fact the old packages are
orphaned and not used anymore.

This is not the case. I don't know when this will be the case, but
don't expect it to be the case during the squeeze release cycle.
(1-2 stable releases I'd expect if everything works well.)

 They are relying on an inferior system and the fact that they are used to
 it doesn't change anything on its inferior design.

This is just your own personal opinion. Please do not try to enforce
your personal opinion on all of us. Thanks.

  Please do not break something that works. Please be conservative with
  changes to essential stuff. Debian is not a sandbox nor your
  playground, but used on many production systems. The trust that we do
  mainly sane decisions is one of our most valuable possesions. And we
  should make sure we keep that trust.
 That's granted but it's easier to say from your place instead of petter's
 place... I for one appreciate the work that he has put in all this and
 I would highly prefer that you help him instead of complaining about his

My proposal is to just undo the dependency for the moment. This would
take the pressure away.

 Because you're giving away the message that you don't care very much of
 Petter's work and that you prefer staying with the old system instead of
 fixing the new system to suit your needs, and that's backwards.

Can we please stay away from ad-hominem arguments.

So, please re-read my mail. I said more than once that I do appreciate
the work (and I really do, I think there are many scenarios where
dependency based boot will help us). I however do not appreciate
breaking working systems, that is correct. I just think that the new
system has not reached the point where it should be the default, and
definitly not the point where we should force people to use it.

(In other words, not all Debian systems are alike. That Debian allows
the variaty and we don't say uh, but all people use
(gnome|kde|whatever), this is not supported is one of our (almost
unique) selling points. For what reason should we do it different this
time, especially without being forced?)


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Re: OT: why is this thread not on -devel?

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Holger Levsen ( [090824 14:41]:
 the subject basically says it: why is this thread not on -devel? AFAICS this 
 is a technical discussion, while -project is for non-technical discussions?
 /me wonders if Andreas had a reason for this or if this is just what I 
 described in :-)

Because I don't see it mainly as a technical issue - but might be
influenced a bit by it.

Please note I sent at nearly the same time but I
received not so many comments yet.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Steve Langasek ( [090824 19:38]:
 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 04:34:56PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
  It's perfectly possible to make it the default *without* making it the
  only supported option.
 I'm sure the maintainers would welcome patches to fix the bugs in question.

The most vital bug that needs to be fixed currently is the new dependency
from sysv-rc on insserv. The patch to fix this is trivial. (I'm
refraining to open a new bug report on this for obvious reasons.)

If the current maintainers are not willing to continue the
maintainership of sysv-rc in a good way anymore, they should consider
orphaning the package.

 If people aren't willing to provide those patches, then that evidently means
 that supporting the downgrade path is non-trivial, in which case I think
 it's perfectly reasonable for the maintainers to focus their attention on
 other bugs that impact *adoption* of the new system.

I'm sure that the try to enforce us all to switch to insserv even if we
don't like is doing harm to the adoption of the new system.

Getting that fixed would be quite good.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Steve Langasek ( [090824 20:34]:
 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 08:03:59PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
  * Steve Langasek ( [090824 19:38]:
   On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 04:34:56PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
It's perfectly possible to make it the default *without* making it the
only supported option.
   I'm sure the maintainers would welcome patches to fix the bugs in 
  The most vital bug that needs to be fixed currently is the new dependency
  from sysv-rc on insserv. The patch to fix this is trivial. (I'm
  refraining to open a new bug report on this for obvious reasons.)
 I don't agree that this is a bug, and fixing this bug does nothing to
 help improve the default Debian system.

That's what this discussion about. It's obvious that we don't agree.

  If the current maintainers are not willing to continue the
  maintainership of sysv-rc in a good way anymore, they should consider
  orphaning the package.
 It's not for you to say whether they're maintaining it properly, though.

It didn't say they don't maintain it properly. Some of the reasonings
brought up in this thread include reasonings that sound like the
maintainers would actually like to get rid of sysv-rc, and if that's
indeed the case, I was just saying an obvious possibility. Sorry if
any of my words sounded like an accusation, that was not intended.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Wouter Verhelst ( [090824 20:51]:
 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:34:00AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 08:03:59PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
   The most vital bug that needs to be fixed currently is the new dependency
   from sysv-rc on insserv. The patch to fix this is trivial. (I'm
   refraining to open a new bug report on this for obvious reasons.)
  I don't agree that this is a bug, and fixing this bug does nothing to
  help improve the default Debian system.
 There is no need to make sysv-rc depend on insserv if the goal is to
 make it be the default. I have nothing against making insserv be the
 default for current or future Debian installations, and in fact support
 that goal.
 However, I *do* have qualms with insserv being the *only* option (if you
 want to use sysv-rc), which is currently the case. That is not the same
 thing as it being 'the default', and that is what I have a problem with
 (and, I believe, most people in this thread who oppose the change,
 though I'll readily accept that I might be wrong there).

I agree with that. For the default, for the time being it could be a
low-prio question in d-i that decides whether to install it or not
(and default to yes). That'd both be forward, allowing our users the
choices, and give us enough usage that after some more time it really
could be that we can drop support of other methods.


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Switching the default startup method

2009-08-23 Thread Andreas Barth
Hi Petter,

I appreciate that you're working on improving the experience of our
users during startup, e.g. by adding dependency information to the
init scripts. I think that will in the long run be good for Debians

However you recently added the dependency on insserv to
sysvinit-utils. By this change any computer with Debian on it will
pull in insserv on the system. The local admin doesn't have any
choice.  I need to admit that I disagree with this change at this
time. Even your own debconf templates still tell that insserv is
experimental and one should be carefull.

Please let me point out a few issues:

#475478 insserv: uninstallation fails horribly if an init script has
been removed.

I really think that this is not an acceptable behaviour for any
package that is essential (or pulled in by an essential package).
Debian has a strong record for totally rock solid packages and
upgrades, and I think we want to keep that.

#538959 needs actually to be worked on. The current state is not how
it should be.

#538959 is really quite serious. We have cluebatted maintainers for
quite some time to use update-rc.d instead of other methods. Breaking
this by insserv doesn't get you support. So please fix this ASAP, but
without breaking the traditional methods even more.

Also I do admit that I'm a great fan of enabling our users to make a
choice. For lots of server based systems having the oldstyle sysvinit
scripts works very well. It's easy to understand, it's obvious, it's
standard since quite many years. I don't see any reason to enforce
dependencies on these people, and as you can see in #538959 quite many
people don't want it.

Of course, for people who reboot often having something different is
also quite useful. So having the possibility for a dependency based
init system is a great addition to Debian, and getting the dependency
information right in the packages is something I support.

However, adding new packages to the minimum package space installed on
any system should be done only very careful, and after discussion with
and buy-in of enough people.

For this reason I propose that you undo the dependency, and keep on
maintaining and improving insserv, and convincing people by the good
quality of the package and its usefulness to install it (instead of
forcing it on the people by a hard depends).

Thanks for your work.


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Re: Switching the default startup method

2009-08-23 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andreas Barth ( [090823 10:40]:
 #538959 needs actually to be worked on. The current state is not how
That should read: #511753


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Re: New Technical Committee Members

2009-01-12 Thread Andreas Barth
* Kurt Roeckx ( [090112 18:39]:
 And Steve organised the vote to add Russ (which got approved),
 and propose Don to the DPL.
 Andreas said that with 3 of the 5 votes for proposing Don the vote
 is over.  But I think it's only 3 of 6 at that point, and the DPL
 still needs to approve it.

If you look at the timestamps of the 3rd votes, you might notice that Don
reached 3 votes in favour before the vote for Russ was finished. So,
according to the constitution, at that point the outcome was no longer in
doubt, and the vote was finished. I do admit that 36 seconds later Russ was
added to the tech ctte, but at that time the vote was already finished,
and I fail to find a regulation in the constitution that declares that the
vote reopens under such circumstances.


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Re: Hiding email addresses from spammers on

2007-08-03 Thread Andreas Barth
* Ben Pfaff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070803 18:26]:
 Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  However, I *strongly* object to any change that would munge, hide, put
  behind captcha, or otherwise make it difficult for people to see *my*
  e-mail address on the bugs that I report or on the packages that I
  maintain.  Please do *not* protect my e-mail address in some well-meaning
  but misguided desire to help me with my spam.  I already have tools that
  do that, and I do not want anyone to put any hurdles whatsoever in the way
  of people being able to contact me about any of my Debian work.
 I want to second this.  I post to Usenet, a lot, using my real
 email address.  I'd rather be accessible than spam-free.

Fully agreed. (And, BTW, my mailadress is burned anyways - I'm using it
for years in usenet now, and even posted to news.answers for a few years
- nothing worse can happen to any address.)


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Re: Did debian-release become a discussion list ?

2007-07-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Charles Plessy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070721 06:50]:
 Dear developpers,
 I just realised that a lot of things happen on debian-release, however,
 its presentation page says This list should not be considered a
 discussion list.
 I am in the process of subscribing to lists of a high relevance to
 active developpers. Is debian-release one of them ?

Debian-release is not and should not be used as a discussion list, but
of course lots of vital information about the release process is passed
on there.


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Re: soc-ctte discussion at DebConf7 [was Re: Social committee proposal]

2007-06-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Ian Jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070627 23:31]:
 Raphael Hertzog writes (Re: soc-ctte discussion at DebConf7 [was Re: Social 
 committee proposal]):
  AFAIR, the consensus was that:
  - by default, every 2 years the project has to reapprove individually each
member of the soc-ctte. This gives the project an opportunity to recall
members who are judged as no more representative or whatever.
Reapproving probably means having more ranking above NOTA than rankings
below NOTA. Maybe we should make that ratio 66%.
 I remember 1 year rather than 2 but it doesn't make much difference.

Actually, we had two different voting systems with different time

Either normal voting with 2 years (though voting every year, but only
on half of the people), or approval voting every year. Basically, voting
every year is ok, but we want to avoid having too large changes
happening to the people to keep the knowledgebase intact. (As with
approval voting, that goal is reached different, so we can vote every
year on everyone, and not only on half of the people.)


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Re: curl dependency problem in unstable

2007-06-25 Thread Andreas Barth
* Michael Banck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070625 18:35]:
 There's always tons of problems with packages in unstable not installing
 etc.  Unless you mean something else with `the unstable archive' I don't
 see how asking here about every apt-get install foo failing will work
 out - We've got dozens of people in #debian asking that everyday.

In *this* case however we will end up with a few uninstallable packages
in testing for a few days - currently working on fixing that during the
next days. (In case people ask about such issues in testing.)


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Re: Social committee proposal

2007-06-08 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andreas Tille ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070608 13:08]:
 On Fri, 8 Jun 2007, Andreas Barth wrote:
 I don't get the problem. We have two sets of people there in:
 - people elected in even years
 - people elected in uneven years
 Well, I don't think it is the best idea to discuss those issues
 via mail.  I just hope that many people will join
 which I registered for an open discussion about this topic.

Eh, why don't do it in the discussion about Debian governance?


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Re: Social committee proposal

2007-06-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* Ian Jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070601 11:59]:
  7. The initial Social Committee will consist of of five elected
 Developers.  The Project Secretary is requested to organise and
 hold an election, in a manner similar to that for Project Leader.
  8. The Committee shall be responsible for appointing new members,
 removing existing members, and varying its size, as and when it
 sees fit.

I think it would be better if the committee is re-elected from the
developers at large - perhaps half of their size every years for a two
years time (and doing the elections at the same time as the DPL)?


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Re: Public request that action be taken at whoever abused their technical power to remove me from the kernel team at alioth.

2007-05-29 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070529 13:58]:
 On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 01:40:55PM +0200, Joey Schulze wrote:
  Sven Luther wrote:
   Ok, but this was only the 'goute qui a fait deborder le vase', the
   bigger problem remains as a raw wound, for me, and for debian as a
  The - what you call - bigger problem has been discussed enough.  More
  mails won't change anything positively with regards to it and you.
  You should accept this.
 Then what will change it ?

Just leave Debian.


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Re: Public request that action be taken at whoever abused their technical power to remove me from the kernel team at alioth.

2007-05-29 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070529 22:05]:
 On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 08:26:20PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
  Please limit the number of posts per day to this thread.
 Lively discussion

Lively discussion and DoS is a different thing. You do DoS.


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Re: Another level of agression ?

2007-05-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Bastian Blank ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070528 11:18]:
 On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 08:38:24AM +0200, Joey Schulze wrote:
  I can understand the latter.  However, maybe it was just a mistake and
  waldi didn't want to remove Sven but accidently removed one line too much
  or something?  He'll probably speak up and explain things.
 I already said that I can't remember. I know there was something about
 dilinger and wli but not more.

In that case, why isn't svenl added back by you if we know now that you
removed him? It really seems to me you shouldn't have admin privileges
on the kernel svn if you cannot properly handle them.


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Re: Another level of agression ?

2007-05-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070528 12:14]:
 On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 11:17:39AM +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:
  On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 08:38:24AM +0200, Joey Schulze wrote:
   I can understand the latter.  However, maybe it was just a mistake and
   waldi didn't want to remove Sven but accidently removed one line too much
   or something?  He'll probably speak up and explain things.
  I already said that I can't remember. I know there was something about
  dilinger and wli but not more.
 Fine, so can you reactivate my access ?

It seems that waldi doesn't want to do it, and also not to give any
statement that he wanted to kick you out. I consider this a very bad
behaviour, at least. And not acceptable.

We had just an IRC-discussion (in German):
12:15  Ganneff waldi: wie siehts aus mit svenl wieder zum alioth
kernel zuzufügen nachdem er da wohl ungeplant flog?
12:15  waldi Ganneff: es hat eigentlich keiner lust sich mit ihm
abzugeben. ein teil ignoriert ihn komplett
12:15  aba waldi: *du* hast ihn entfernt. Dann bist Du auch fürs
aufräumen zuständig.
12:16  Ganneff waldi: dann schreib ihm entweder sowas als entscheidung
vom kernel team wenns die gibt oder füg ihn wieder zu. aber ignorieren
ist nix gut.
12:16  aba waldi: entweder sagst du offiziell, das du ihn draußen
haben willst. Oder du fügst ihn wieder hinzu.
12:17  Ganneff waldi: und es heisst svn zufügen, das muss nit
unbedingt wieder admin sein. solang er dran arbeiten kann - oder
alternativ halt weiss dass es nix wird weil $grund.
12:21  Ganneff waldi: so?
12:27  Ganneff waldi: im moment siehts eher so aus dass du deinen
access zu kernel (zumindest admin) verlieren solltest, nicht sven.
(and no answer from waldi up to now)

As you can see, there is no need for you to escalate it - other people
will take care of that. :)


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Re: Another level of agression ?

2007-05-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070528 12:28]:
 It seems that waldi doesn't want to do it, and also not to give any
 statement that he wanted to kick you out. I consider this a very bad
 behaviour, at least. And not acceptable.

After some more pressure on IRC, your commit access has been restored.


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Re: Another level of agression ?

2007-05-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070528 13:23]:

Sven, this whole thread is about that your commit access to the kernel
svn repro was revoked without anyone telling you. What then happened is
that the alioth admins published that waldi revoked the access, waldi
refused to comment to it, and was finally beaten by Ganneff and me to
reenable your access. So, you see, two people jumped up to help you to
get your access back, and were successful.

I can understand that you are annoyed/angry at waldi now, but please
consider that some people in Debian did efforts to help you to have your
access restored. (And BTW, I still think that waldi needs to send a
public apology for removing your access - as far as I can see it, it
really seems to me waldi shouldn't have admin access because his
behaviour is not how any admin should behave. But please stop muddling
everything together. Debian as a project is definitly not responsible
for waldis bad behaviour - and there is no correlation between waldis
bad behaviour and anything else, waldi is behaving bad to almost all and
not only to you.)


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Re: Change of the debian code-name base?

2007-05-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* Torsten Trautwein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070526 16:07]:
 I'm a long time Debian GNU/Linux user - both as a desktop and server OS.
 I've never been a big friend of the code-names of Debian, so I wanted
 to ask if it was possible to change the naming resource from Toy Story
 to The Simpsons?

I doubt the current Release Managers would switch to the Simpsons.


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Re: Debian Installer funktioniert nicht

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas Barth
[I'll redirect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Bitte bei Antworten auf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
beschränken. ]

* Alexander Mecklenbeck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061113 18:43]:
 Ich habe gestern Abend versucht, meinen Sun Enterprise 220r Rechner mit 
 Debian Linux auszustatten, doch leider hat das nicht funktioniert ?
 Habe das Sparc Paket Netinstall heruntergeladen, auf CD gebrannt und 
 dann eingelegt, stop+A gedrückt, dann boot cdrom eingegeben und er sagt 
 mir das er auf die CD nicht zugreifen kann ??? Haben Sie eine Idee ???
 Weiß auch garnicht, ob ich die richtige emailadresse erwischt habe  ?

Normalerweise sollten Fragen entweder auf Englisch erfolgen (und dann
wäre debian-sparc, siehe die
richtige Liste), oder auf der deutschsprachigen Mailingliste.

Welche Version des Installers? Was für eine CD-Rom-Laufwerk ist das


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Re: Debian Installer funktioniert nicht

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas Barth
Die Liste heißt debian-user-german, bitte bei den Antworten beachten.


* Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061113 18:51]:
 [I'll redirect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [ Bitte bei Antworten auf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 beschränken. ]
 * Alexander Mecklenbeck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061113 18:43]:
  Ich habe gestern Abend versucht, meinen Sun Enterprise 220r Rechner mit 
  Debian Linux auszustatten, doch leider hat das nicht funktioniert ?
  Habe das Sparc Paket Netinstall heruntergeladen, auf CD gebrannt und 
  dann eingelegt, stop+A gedrückt, dann boot cdrom eingegeben und er sagt 
  mir das er auf die CD nicht zugreifen kann ??? Haben Sie eine Idee ???
  Weiß auch garnicht, ob ich die richtige emailadresse erwischt habe  ?
 Normalerweise sollten Fragen entweder auf Englisch erfolgen (und dann
 wäre debian-sparc, siehe die
 richtige Liste), oder auf der deutschsprachigen Mailingliste.
 Welche Version des Installers? Was für eine CD-Rom-Laufwerk ist das


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Re: LSB 3.1 status for etch

2006-10-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jeff Licquia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061021 08:51]:
 The specific commit which touches msync.c (found in Linus's tree) is
 204ec841fbea3e5138168edbc3a76d46747cc987.  It depends on several of the
 other patches by Peter Zijlstra that precede it.  The whole group is
 reflected in the patch in Fedora's 2.6.18 kernel called
 linux-2.6-mm-tracking-dirty-pages.patch.  I have not specifically
 tested the patches, but as this is the only patch which touches the
 msync code in Fedora's package, it seems to be the likely culprit.
 So, it would seem, Debian has a few options:
  - Apply the Fedora patch to Debian's kernels.
  - Assume that etch will ship with 2.6.19 or later.
  - Write a small patch to undo the 2.6.17 change which caused the
 problem, and apply it to Debian's kernels.

Thanks for that detailed report. I assume we need to either apply the
Fedora patch, or create another patch by our own - shipping wit 2.6.19
sounds like a non-option to me.


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Re: How could we give away Debian CDs/DVDs for free?

2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jason Spiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 03:15]:
 What if we found some way to give away Debian CDs/DVDs to whoever wanted
 them for free through the mail, like Ubuntu does?

I would be happy enough if we could have enough CDs/DVDs to give away at

 Perhaps we could recoup the costs by somehow selling an IRC-, email-, or
 phone-based for-fee tech support service. Perhaps the service could be
 run partly or fully by volunteers. The service would be available in
 addition to our current free support offerings.

This is already done from companies, and I don't think that Debian
should turn into a company.


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2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Hubert Chan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 05:21]:
 On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 13:18:20 +0200, Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  There has been the idea to just publish all items on DebianTimes, and
  make a weekly summary of these items. If anyone has something
  interessted to be published, please just send a mail with the article
 I also appreciated the package summaries at the bottom of DWN.
 (e.g. these are new packages in the archive this week, these packages
 have been orphaned, etc).  Is there some other easy way to find that

It shouldn't be too hard to post that to DebianTimes automatically once
per week.


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2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andrew Donnellan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061015 23:49]:
 On 10/15/06, Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Andrew Donnellan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061015 12:15]:
  Since Joey has said he wants to spend less time on Debian has anyone
  else decided to take over/assist with DWN?
 There has been the idea to just publish all items on DebianTimes, and
 make a weekly summary of these items. If anyone has something
 interessted to be published, please just send a mail with the article to
 Seems like a good idea. I guess that would involve posting news items
 about discussions on the MLs as well, as that is something DWN does
 and Debian Times doesn't (yet).

Be welcome to write such news items.


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Re: How could we give away Debian CDs/DVDs for free?

2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Steve McIntyre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 11:09]:
 Maybe, maybe not. What I've seen at Linux expos is that people don't
 care about free things - a lot of free CDs etc. given away at shows go
 straight in the bin. If people have to pay something for them (even
 something really cheap), then they're more likely to take an interest.

Depending on the event, we ask for money (unless someone is really
interessted). But even then, you need to have CDs/DVDs. :)


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Re: How could we give away Debian CDs/DVDs for free?

2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* gregor herrmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 11:17]:
 On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:11:49 +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
  * Steve McIntyre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 11:09]:
   If people have to pay something for them (even
   something really cheap), then they're more likely to take an interest.
  Depending on the event, we ask for money (unless someone is really
 Out of curiosity: How much would/do the both of you charge for a CD?

Depends - we usually say: We require a donation for the DVD and
leave the amount to the person taking the DVD. If we see someone is
really interessted, we give it away for free as well - but most people
don't mind 50 Cents or 1 Euro.

It also depends a lot on the booth, where they're at the booth, how many
people are coming, ... On some events, giving away DVDs for free is not
a problem (or even recommended, in case we get lots of free DVDs from a
sponsor to hand them out), in other cases it is different. So, final
decision is always with the people at the booth.


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2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andrew Donnellan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 12:49]:
 I guess that several things need to be done:
 1) Publicise the Times a bit more; I would guess there are many more
 DWN subscribers than Times readers

Suggestions welcome.

 2) Make the procedure for submissions a bit more clear: DWN is simply
 dwn(at)debian(dot)org; is DebianTimes simply the publicity list?


 3) Possibly get some sort of team together (if there isn't one
 already) to work on reporting regularly. (If such team exists/is
 formed count me in :)

You're welcome. Such a team exists in parts, as Martin (zobel) and I are
currently responsible, but we definitly need more people. I'm happy to
give (more) people direct write access as soon as they're working
regularly on DebianTimes. If there is anything else you want, please
feel free to prod me directly. Anyone who is interessted in becoming
part of the team, please subscribe to debian-publicity and feel free to
propose articles and work on provided articles.


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2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 14:30]:
 also sprach Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006.10.16.1303 +0200]:
   2) Make the procedure for submissions a bit more clear: DWN is simply
   dwn(at)debian(dot)org; is DebianTimes simply the publicity list?
 ... and I thought debian-publicity was a general discussion/editing
 list for all kinds of publicity...

it is. DebianTimes isn't using that exclusively.


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2006-10-15 Thread Andreas Barth
* Andrew Donnellan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061015 12:15]:
 Since Joey has said he wants to spend less time on Debian has anyone
 else decided to take over/assist with DWN?

There has been the idea to just publish all items on DebianTimes, and
make a weekly summary of these items. If anyone has something
interessted to be published, please just send a mail with the article to


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Re: LSB 3.1 status for etch

2006-10-06 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jeff Licquia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061006 22:57]:
 On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 11:00 +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
  Is etch now LSB compliant?  Is it time to update policy to specify LSB
  3.1 instead of 1.3?
 I won't comment on the policy decision except to say that I'd love to
 see that happen.
 As for LSB compliance, etch i386 and amd64, at least, have been tested
 to be LSB compliant.  I'm currently in the process of re-running tests,
 which will include ia64 and powerpc.
 I'm fairly sure that, should the policy be amended in this way, any
 issues that come up should be fairly easy to resolve at this point.

I'm quite sure as well, but I need a few hours to write some things up
first. :)

Jeff, please continue with your tests.


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Re: The Sourceless software in the kernel source GR

2006-09-24 Thread Andreas Barth

* Debian Project Secretaru ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060918 20:56]:
 I have gone through the last couple of months of mail
  archives, and came up with the current state of the proposals we have
  before us.

As there has not been many new arguments lately, and the outcome of this
GRs is essential for the release of etch, I would like to go on to vote


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Re: The Sourceless software in the kernel source GR

2006-09-19 Thread Andreas Barth
* Debian Project Secretaru ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060918 20:56]:
 From: Frederik Schueler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:06:54 +0200
 Good signature from EA7ED2A341954920 Frederik Schüler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |   1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free software
 |  community (Social Contract #4);
 |   2. We acknowledge that there is a lot of progress in the kernel
 |  firmware issue; however, it is not yet finally sorted out; 
 |   3. We give priority to the timely release of Etch over sorting every
 |  bit out; for this reason, we will deliver firmware in udebs as
 |  long as it is necessary for installation (like all udebs), and
 |  firmware included in the kernel itself as part of Debian Etch,
 |  without further conditions. 

 Defer discussion about SC and firmware until after the Etch release
 | The Debian Project resolves that:
 | (a) The inclusion in main of sourceless firmware and support in Debian
 | Installer is not a release blocker for the release of Etch.
 | (b) For the release of Etch, the Release Managers are given discretion
 | to waive RC issues in other cases where the letter of the Social
 | Contract is currently not being met, provided there is no regression
 | relative to the Sarge release and that waivers are done consistently
 | and with proper consideration of past resolutions (e.g. GDFL) and
 | work already done on other (comparable) packages.
 | (c) Following the release of etch, the Debian Project Leader shall:
 |   i.   ensure that the Debian community has a good understanding
 |of the technical and legal issues that prevent the Debian
 |Free Software Guidelines from being applied to logos and
 |firmware in a manner that meets the needs of our users;
 |   ii.  ensure that project resources are made available to
 |people working on addressing those issues;
 |   iii. keep the Debian community updated on progress achieved
 |in these areas.
 | (d) Following the release of etch, the Debian Project as a whole shall
 | reopen the question of which commitments should be codified in the
 | project's Social Contract. This shall include both an online
 | consultation with Debian developers, users, Debian derivatives and
 | the free software community, and a public in-person discussion at
 | DebConf 7 in Edinburgh in honour of the 10th anniversary of the
 | original publication of the Social Contract on the 4th of July 1997.

I'm seconding both of these proposals.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Filibustering general resolutions

2006-09-19 Thread Andreas Barth

* Manoj Srivastava ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060919 17:57]:
 Due to a loop hole in the constitution, any group of 6 Debian
  developers can delay any general resolution indefinitely by putting
  up their own amendment, and every 6 days, making substantiative
  changes in their amendment (they can just rotate between a small
  number of very different proposals).

perhaps we should, independend of current GRs, consider how to change
the GR procedure so that it doesn't happen to be as painful as it is


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Re: LSB 3.1 status for etch

2006-08-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jeff Licquia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060807 15:12]:
 On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 22:07 +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
  How about the init-scripts? Does LSB say anything about them, or is that
  a rather optional component?
 Yes, I had forgotten those; there were conventions in 1.3, but they have
 changed slightly since then.

So, anything we need are forced to change in our init scripts?

Or, if I read the standard correct, is that only for conforming
applications, i.e. for applications that are deployed on Debian?


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DebianTimes launched

2006-08-03 Thread Andreas Barth

today, we launched a new service DebianTimes, Its
intend is to deliver larger and smaller nice items to developers and
interested users.

DebianTimes is available as html-page and rss-feed. It has been added to
PlanetDebian as well (except the syndicated weekly news). DebianTimes
is currently only available in english, but the infrastructure has been
set up with translation in mind (and we should add translation soon).

If you have any story/report/... you think could be on DebianTimes,
please feel free to contact the DebianTimes-team at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you like to become a regular
contributor, please subscribe to that list, and help us writing good
articles. If there are any other questions or issues, please feel free
to contact us.


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Re: LSB 3.1 status for etch

2006-08-01 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jeff Licquia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060801 16:53]:
 On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 11:21 +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
  [Jeff Licquia]
   Most of the current tests pass.  Of those that don't, most are
   recognized deficiencies.  In sum, there are two potential issues
   with Debian and the LSB: a possible bug in cpio, and an issue with
   the libX11 ABI that is common to distributions.
  If I got this right, we could fix one issue with cpio and claim Debian
  is compliant with LSB 3.1?
 Sort of.  We have to release etch first.  I doubt people want to support
 July's etch for all time. :-)
 But assuming the cpio problem gets fixed, it would seem that we will be
 able to certify etch once it's released.

That sounds really cool, thanks.


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Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Linux Magazin Germany, affecting Debian's image?!

2006-07-18 Thread Andreas Barth
* Radu-Cristian FOTESCU ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060717 23:28]:
 Companies like RHAT are defending vigurously their brand. It
 seems Debian has more lax approaches. Definitely, *their* lawyers are
 better than *yours*.

Perhaps Debian just has a different approach how to deal with other

Actually, I think you told us how you would deal with it, and your
latest mails didn't had any further input, so I suggest that you leave
it to us what we actually do. Repeating the same content over and over
doesn't really help.


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Re: RE : Re: Linux Magazin Germany, affecting Debian's image?!

2006-07-18 Thread Andreas Barth
* Radu-Cristian FOTESCU ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060718 09:38]:
 I'm the customer, being it a customer of a free product. If I'm a customer of
 Mercedes Benz, and I notice that a modified car is still labeled Mercedes
 (and *not* Ssang Yong, powered by Mercedes engines, but simply Mercedes),
 I'm affected that Mercedes doesn't care about that. And I'd stop using/buying
 from Mercedes, as long as they don't care to protect their mark.

Do you think Mercedes would tell you anything except Thank you for your
notice, we will follow up on it? We did way more, but you keep on
heating up these lists.

And, what do you actually want? Do you want that we all write you are
our new god, and you are totally right?? Or what is your aim? As far as
I can see, you are now only creating unproductive heat.

1. you delivered some informations, and, as some people might have
noticed, we already spoke with the vendor to make the CD label better
next time (i.e. we did some action to protect our policy);
2. all recent mails from your side are only a repetition of your
previous mails;
3. your recommended behaviour is well known by now - sue everybody;

Your first mails were definitly helpful. But now you insist in going on
and press and press and make things just insane, which is not helpful at
all anymore.

 For God's sake, it's labeled Debian Sarge, dammit!

Cursing doesn't help, my son.

And really now: Let's get back and do something productive. Like fixing
RC-bugs for etch. Because there is one thing I definitly don't want to
see: That this magazine creates another DVD based on sarge for next
year's CeBiT - independend of how they title the DVD. They should base
it on etch.


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Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Linux Magazin Germany, affecting Debian's image?!

2006-07-18 Thread Andreas Barth
* MJ Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060718 12:49]:
 Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Does that sound like a wrong thing only to me? I'm quite happy if we
  identify what could work better next time.  [...]
 As far as I can tell:
 1. Label the outside of the DVD Unofficial;

That has already been communicated to the Vendor (and is IMHO the by-far
most important issue).

 2. Make the changes available online in an easy-to-download form;
 3. Announce it so we know where to pass feedback.

I think that's just something the two DDs in question (Joerg and
Alexander) should take care better next time. Please note that any such
DVD production is a stressfull event, but - yes, one should try to do it
better next time.

 That seems to be about it.

Right. And so, the thread should be finished.


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cool stuff at EDOS - collaboration ideas

2006-07-08 Thread Andreas Barth

we (Enrico, Martin (tbm) and Andi (aba)) visited the EDOS workshop at the
Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL) on
Thursday and Friday. Besides giving talks about how QA and release
management work in Debian, and how easy it is to create Custom Debian
Distributions, we heard a good many talks about what has happened in the
EDOS project itself. Some funny things, some interesting and some
not-so-interesting things we were told.

One of the funny ones is the Debian weather, which represents the
installability status of the packages in the form of the current weather
(i.e. which percentage packages are uninstallable):
Some of the ideas we gathered about that was to combine that with RC bug
status, and/or to put it up as applet in desktop environments (or
perhaps also as something you can run at fortune time, or ...). Of
course, the current weather could also be included at the web page or
wherever. :)

Another nice thing was that they converted our normal dependencies
(which include conflicts, provides) to SAT, and put a normal SAT
resolver on it. One nice side effect of that was that one can measure
the SAT temperature, which means: how hard is it to resolve that
formula. Most packages are pretty cool, but we have some hotspots.
Actually, it might be interesting to use the sorted list as input to
some other tasks (just one idea we had was co-installability testing on
piuparts) - but there's definitly more to come. Or perhaps also
sometimes later as hints for apt to use? It might be possible to add
value from that to the testing scripts, status checkers etc - but that's
not the first step of course.

Also, they had some engine for package comparison and search (where the
weather was one of the side spin-offs from it). This could help us to
ask more question about package aspects, and they are waiting for inputs
from us to have questions more in the way we like. The interface is at: (and there is a more detailed CLI - but that
currently generates a bit of load, and of course all of that is still
alpha state). An extended package search is on

They also updated the debcheck package - now in the archive as
edos-debcheck. Probably we should consider to use that on the

The dependency check people also provided some code to check which
packages were co-installable in sarge and are no longer in etch. Please
expect some mail from me about the details soon. (Well, I'm waiting on
some mail from them, but they're apparently not in the office today. :)

Some other idea was an apt with integrated rollback functionality. Though
we were not so convinced how they did it (and, btw, they only did it for
apt-rpm), it gave us an idea to integrate apt with some VCS for etc (eg.
in order to role back configuration changes).

Another idea we made up on our own was to create a second Packages file
which could have minor information about packages - Bug status,
temperature, popcon data, ... Might be nice for playing around, and
we'll see how it's useful.

There was also a group presenting about distro testing stuff. We're not
as sure how far they are - but we'll try to give them some real life
task to resolve (which would be useful for the release as well :).

Ok, so much on what happened. The depedency people were very nice,
helpful and open to suggestions from us, and invited me (aba) to come to
Paris to continue discussion and integration. Perhaps someone else
should come also - we need to sort that out. They also have already
contact with Pierre (Madcoder). We definitly think there are good things
to come and help us, so we're enthusiastic about working together with

We encourage you to take a look at their web site and projects, and send
useful ideas, suggestions and questions to the list. We will forward
them to the EDOS people in order to start a discussion:

package exploration:
package search:
distro testing:
main page:

Andi, Enrico, Martin

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release team additions

2006-07-02 Thread Andreas Barth

We are happy to announce the addition to the release team of
Adeodato Simó, Bill Allombert, Luk Claes and Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt as 
Release Assistants.

We'd like to thank them and all others who volunteered, especially for the 
excellent work done on the tasks we set during the selection process.

Debian Release Team

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Re: Call for a new DPL mediation ... This will be the only thread i will reply to in the next time about this issue.

2006-06-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Chris Waters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060621 04:22]:
 On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 05:55:42PM -0700, Adam McKenna wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 05:09:10PM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:
   It doesn't matter!  The DPL has no authority in the matter!
  He seems to think he does.  At least, he has authority to stop abuse
  of the mailing lists if he thinks it's happening.
 I meant specifically the matter of SVN access.  Obviously the DPL has
 authority over the Debian mailing lists.
  Do you know for a fact that a majority of the team members
  are likely to quit, or have threatened to quit, if AJ (or a GR) restores
  Sven's commit access?
 AJ (or a GR) cannot restore Sven's commit access.

A GR can definitly override any decision, and restore Sven's commit

 I know nothing about the positions of the d-i team or Sven or AJ.  I'm
 simply saying that if AJ or the project tried to tell *me* who could
 have access to a repository under *my* control, I would tell them, in
 very specific terms, where to shove it and how fast to spin.  :)

If the repository is hold on a, it is definitly bound
by the rules of our constitution. If you don't like it, don't use debian


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Re: Call for a new DPL mediation ... This will be the only thread i will reply to in the next time about this issue.

2006-06-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Martin Schulze ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060621 07:56]:
 Benjamin Seidenberg wrote:
  AIUI (please, correct me if I am wrong) the D-I repository is hosted on
  svn.d.o, a machine belonging to the debian project. I don't see why the
  DPL would have authority over the mailing lists (hosted on a debian
  machine and maintained by the list admins) but not the svn repo (hosted
  on a debian machine, maintained by the svn admins (alioth team?) and
  access for that particular repo controlled by the project admins).
 Maybe because the team is using the resource on their own and needs to
 organise itself.  If some external third party (e.g. the DPL) screws
 up and orders something, they are probably damaging the team.  As a
 result this could end up in the team giving up or moving their work to
 a resource they have full control over so that such an incident does
 not happen again.  Both would not be the results you had intended, I

There are two different things:
- Is it helpful?
- Is it allowed?

I don't see why a GR cannot overrule the decisions of any team, or the
tech ctte (as long as it's a technical issue), and also the DPL could
redelegate the ongoing task to someone else. This is of course only the
can it be done-part of it.

Of course, in most cases, speaking with people is enough to resolve
issues. But our constitution gives rules how teams can be changed (i.e.
delegation for ongoing tasks), and how decisions can be overwritten
(though of course I'm happy that these rules are not used too often).


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Re: Call for a new DPL mediation ... This will be the only thread i will reply to in the next time about this issue.

2006-06-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Matthew Garrett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060621 12:08]:
 Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A GR can definitly override any decision, and restore Sven's commit
 No. A GR can override any decision made by the DPL, a delegate or the 
 technical committee. A GR can not override a decision made by an 
 individual developer or a team of developers.
 I guess you could argue that is adminned by a delegate of 
 the DPL, and a GR could force them to restore Sven's commit access. But 
 the d-i team could then move their svn archive somewhere else and refuse 
 to provide Sven with commit access.

They might move, yes. However, for some teams it might be less easy,
especially if they use d.o-resources elsewhere. Also, a GR could
influence what appears on the web pages.


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Re: Donations

2006-05-26 Thread Andreas Barth
* MJ Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060526 15:21]:
 Steve is an officer of a trader called the Debian-UK Society.
 It is not a charity.  Please make donations to SPI directly.

What's that? Can you *please*  stop throwing shit on Debian UK? Debian
UK was etablished following the Debian procedures. If you dislike it,
you're open to start an GR. Otherwise, please just shut up - especially
when it comes speaking to external people who want to donate money to


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Re: Debian-based miniVDR violates GPL (FYI)

2006-05-25 Thread Andreas Barth
* Mike Hommey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060523 12:23]:
 Do they distribute the binary version freely or is it that the binary

binary is free for download.


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Re: summer of code: what's next?

2006-05-02 Thread Andreas Barth
* Petter Reinholdtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060502 13:30]:
 [Baruch Even]
  Mentors should comment and grade proposals on
 Right.  I guess I should have a look then.  Just got 'Invalid user'
 when I had a peek now.

You need to be approved by Baruch (as well as I need that :).


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Re: About terminology for stable/testing/unstable

2006-05-01 Thread Andreas Barth
* Christian Perrier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060501 10:10]:
 However, when looking at various original documentation we have in the
 project about this, it appears that some more consistency could be
 achieved. distribution is sometimes used (as in but so is suite (for instance in
 most code) and sometimes version

I mostly read the stable distribution as an abbreviation of the
stable suite of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. So, it depends a bit
where you are: If you're only having one suite of the distribution in
your hands (perhaps even phyiscally, like a DVD), wording sounds more
correct if you speak about the stable distribution. If you however have
all suites together (like in katie), the term suite seems to suite

Your summary seems to be consistent with these ideas in my mind.


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Re: Reforming the NM process

2006-04-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060416 23:08]:
 Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  * Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060411 18:40]:
  2.1 Multiple advocates
  Ask for more than one advocate (at the moment, I'm thinking about
  two). This should get the number of people advocated with a Errr,
  I met him, he seemed nice down. At the same time, encourage prospective
  advocates no to advocate too fast.
  Basically, if there is an advocate who advoates people like this, he
  needs some serious cluebatting - or even refusing to accept him as
  advocate anymore.
 It sounds like a good idea, but has many drawbacks:
  * We have no clear guidelines for advocates. This should be improved,
I'll probably work on that in the next few weeks.
  * We have no process that allows us to take the right to advocate
people from DDs. Should I alone decide that? The nm-committee?
Someone else? Do we need to document it in public? Wouldn't that lead
to endless flamewars like we've seen with the expulsion process?

Both of this are not hard reasons why not, but just tell why not now.
I agree on them, but - as you said, this should be worked on.

  * Should there be a process to give the advocation rights back?

Well, basically like always - if there is a *very* good reason to
believe it will work better in future, yes. But mostly, if one is
out, he is quite out (unless the ban is for a certain time, like no
more advocations in the next half year).

  * After some time people will ask why only some people are allowed to
advocate, while others can't. All people involved are DDs, who are
supposed to be trustworthy. Why should I trust someone to sponsor
properly if I don't trust his advocation messages?

The second is of course a good question. Basically, if we notice someone
fails the guidelines (which don't exist right now, see above) in a
serious way more than once, one should really consider whether to trust
that someone enough for giving him basically root access on all machines
running Debian.

  Also, two advocates are not a problem for someone who should apply in
  the NM queue - if there is only one project member who's willing to
  advocate you, something is foul anyway.
  Oh, I shouldn't be here then. :)
 I know that the same two people who wanted to sponsor me would have
 sponsored you, so I don't see the problem, Andi :)

That was after I started IRC. As long as one doesn't IRC, it's hard to
get advocates. Afterwards, it's easy. But I think that even people who
don't IRC should get the chance to become DD.

  2.3 Separate upload permissions, system accounts and voting rights
  For the first stage, applicants need to identify themselves and speak
  about the Social Contract, the DFSG and a bit about Debian's structure.
  For package maintainers, an intensive package check follows. If
  everything went fine, these people get upload permissions for *these*
  packages (and nothing else). If they want to adopt new packages, their
  AM does a package-check once and fitting upload permissions are
  added. We may need to create tools to automate this, as it could become
  quite much work for the DAM.
  The question is: At which stage to add voting rights? I personally
  consider any active, permanent contributor to be eligble for voting -
  but well, one might disagree with that.
 I think only full DDs should get voting rights (yes, this contradicts
 what aj proposed in his blog).

This is already settled by the constitution: voting rights are by
definition exactly with the DDs.

The question is just: When do we consider people to be DDs? This is not
really defined, and we could make the gates more open (which I would
prefer), but also close them even more. In the end, there is no correct
answer, but just different preferences. Both directions are not wrong
in a strictly technical sense.

 ... and for flames. Sorry, like I was writing in another mail in this
 thread: The appeal of clear rules is that people can't argue with
 them. That lower reduce the frustration level quite a bit.

I disagree with that. Exceptions are something that are no rules. And I
think we really need to be able to say we make exceptions as we see
fit. This was always my approach in Debian and it has worked well.


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Re: Reforming the NM process

2006-04-14 Thread Andreas Barth
* Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060411 18:40]:
 2.1 Multiple advocates
 Ask for more than one advocate (at the moment, I'm thinking about
 two). This should get the number of people advocated with a Errr,
 I met him, he seemed nice down. At the same time, encourage prospective
 advocates no to advocate too fast.

Basically, if there is an advocate who advoates people like this, he
needs some serious cluebatting - or even refusing to accept him as
advocate anymore.

 Also, two advocates are not a problem for someone who should apply in
 the NM queue - if there is only one project member who's willing to
 advocate you, something is foul anyway.

Oh, I shouldn't be here then. :)

 2.3 Separate upload permissions, system accounts and voting rights
 For the first stage, applicants need to identify themselves and speak
 about the Social Contract, the DFSG and a bit about Debian's structure.
 For package maintainers, an intensive package check follows. If
 everything went fine, these people get upload permissions for *these*
 packages (and nothing else). If they want to adopt new packages, their
 AM does a package-check once and fitting upload permissions are
 added. We may need to create tools to automate this, as it could become
 quite much work for the DAM.

The question is: At which stage to add voting rights? I personally
consider any active, permanent contributor to be eligble for voting -
but well, one might disagree with that.

 Work done since finishing the first stage should be thoroughly
 checked. To get actually useful data for this, we could make it
 mandatory to wait 3 or 6 months between the first and the second stage.

Actually, there are (few) people right now who just go through NM in
almost no time at all - like for example Thiemo Seufert needed 6 days
for all the questions from his AM. I don't think that such people should
be forced to wait 3 months for the full account. (One might say
normally, you need to wait for at least 3 months - that leave space
for the exceptions.)


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Re: Reforming the NM process

2006-04-12 Thread Andreas Barth
* Michael Banck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060412 12:11]:
 On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 01:25:28AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  Could you report such sponsors, so we may take their
   sponsorship privileges away?
 There's no technical way to do this (yet), as far as I can see.

There is - if they don't check, you could revoke their upload


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Re: Reforming the NM process

2006-04-12 Thread Andreas Barth
* Michael Banck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060412 14:41]:
 On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 12:43:22PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
  * Michael Banck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060412 12:11]:
   On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 01:25:28AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
Could you report such sponsors, so we may take their
 sponsorship privileges away?
   There's no technical way to do this (yet), as far as I can see.
  There is - if they don't check, you could revoke their upload
 That would not be specific to sponsorship.

Yes. But why would you trust someone to do it better regarding upstream


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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-06 Thread Andreas Barth
* JC Helary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060406 16:14]:
 However true that technically is, it clearly does not contribute to  
 the well-being of non-maintainer contributors in the Project.

I agree to that statement - but that shouldn't make us replace the nice
term Debian Developer with a not-so-nice term. And, actually, it is not
a real show stopper. So, if someone has a good term, I'm all for using
that term - but until that, DD just works well (and of course, we should
keep the term DD anyways for the package maintainers, it's just a nice


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Re: Setting up

2006-03-28 Thread Andreas Barth
* Pierre Habouzit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060328 17:09]:
 Le Mar 28 Mars 2006 17:05, Margarita Manterola a écrit :
  I think it would be great if Debian had this service, since it
  would allow a _LOT_ of people who want to help Debian but lack the
  skills to participate and actually _help_.

Someone who is willing to do the work? I probably could offer some
initial space on a server for i18n.d.n until it is ready to move to


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Re: LWN subscription

2006-03-10 Thread Andreas Barth
* Isaac Clerencia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060310 12:41]:
 On Friday 10 March 2006 08:17, Florian Weimer wrote:
  Has Debian still got that blanket LWN subscription for all developers?
 Yes, although I don't remember how to get it :)

It's documented in the developers reference.


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Re: Reducing my involvement in Debian

2006-01-16 Thread Andreas Barth
* Matthew Garrett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060116 12:38]:
 Andrew Suffield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [0] Including assuming dictatorial power:
  The definition of 'dictatorial' given here is worth noting, even
  if you don't read the rest of it. quis custodiet ipsos custodes?=20
 The very definition of a dictatorship is a system that puts a ruler
 above the law. Just to clear up any conflusion, as is documented in the
 Debian constitution any decision made by the DPL or any delegates
 (including the mailing list admins) may be overruled by a simple
 majority in a GR. I'm not quite sure how that could be considered above
 the law.

Though of course some delegates of the DPL could influence who could
vote in that GR (not that I assume that the current ones would do that,
but this seems to be a flaw that the constitution doesn't regulate at
all how people can become and loose developer status).


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Re: Is volatile dead?

2005-11-21 Thread Andreas Barth
* Adrian von Bidder ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [051121 08:32]:
  * I've not received an answer to my announcement on the d-v mailing list in 
 a week, and investigation of the last three messages in the list archive 
 (re: spamassassin and f-prot-installer) indicate that receiving no comments 
 is nothing unusual.

 So, is the Debian volatile archive officially dead?  Now I don't care much 
 about random (== unofficial) services, but OTOH volatile is 
 mentioned in the release notes, so peolpe would expect it to work.

You mean, if there is a week where people are only available for
emergency services, an service is officially dead? Sorry, I disagree.


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Re: Debian UK

2005-09-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* Stephen Frost ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050907 14:02]:
 * Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 12:30:39AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
   The debian trademark policy says no businesses get to use
   the mark.  Why should this selling association, which ignores
   good practice, get a swift exception, while Ian Murdock's
   development association gets referred for negotiations?
  Because, quite simply, they are not a business, at least in the sense that 
  meant at the above.
 I'm not so sure I agree with this interpretation...  When we claim to
 not sell products, and therefore claim to be non-commercial, I'd have to
 say that I'd expect anything which does sell products or is commercial
 would be considered a business to us.

Well, I don't know how the british rules are, but at least here
(Germany) a non-commercial institution can do business, as long as the
business helps in reaching the institution's goals. And selling Debian
T-Shirts falls into that aspect IMHO. (Business because it doesn't
really always fall within the business laws.)

  I mean, take LinuxTag for example, there where guys there at the debian 
  selling t-shirts and stuff, don't know the detail, but nobody bashed them 
  doing business in debian name, and i believe as long as the money is not 
  out to share-holders, but is for debian (either as plain donation, or 
  for debian related stuff, like stock renewal and the ocassional yearly 
  then everything is fine and you are just silly in claiming the contrary.

 Either Debian's going to be a commercial entity or it's not.

Debian is not a commercial entity just because it _also_ sells T-Shirts
and other stuff.


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Re: Debian UK

2005-09-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* Anthony Towns ( [050907 15:02]:
 AIUI, that's been frowned upon in the US because actually selling
 things makes you liable for collecting/paying sales tax which is a huge
 nuisance. Giving stuff away and asking for a donation, meanwhile, doesn't.
 Different countries handle that differently.

For example in Germany, sales taxes don't need to be payed if you make
less than ~16000 Euro revenues per year with selling stuff (it's a bit
more complex, but - well, that's basically why this is not an issue).

 For reference, Australia
 allows certain companies to call themselves charities for tax purposes;
 but they're restricted to very specific purposes, none of which cover
 developing a free operating system to benefit humanity as a whole.

Within German law, Debian is even a chartiy, which goes nice for tax
purposes (however, being a charity doesn't help you with the sales tax
stuff at all here, but that doesn't matter because we're small enough in
financial terms). :)


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Re: Debian UK

2005-09-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* Stephen Frost ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050907 16:15]:
 In general I believe the practice *has* been that we don't
 sell things.

Actually, I have never seen any Debian booth where we didn't sell
things. With exception of fairs where the fair didn't allow it.

  It's long been the case that Debian sells CDs at European events. To the
  best of my knowledge, until now there has never been any real complaints
  over this sort of behaviour. It's hardly as if we've been hiding this -
  see for
  instance. I'd argue that this isn't something that Debian as a whole has
  an objection to, and that (as a result) the website should be changed.

 Alright, then let's change the website and let's put up a better
 explanation of our policies regarding selling things.  I'd rather that
 policy not be location-specific but it sounds like it'd have to be for
 what's currently happening to be accurately reflected.

To something like
Debian doesn't sell CDs via the Internet. However, at some events
Debian sells CDs (and other stuff), depending if the local applicable
laws make that possible without too much ado.


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Re: Debian UK

2005-09-07 Thread Andreas Barth
* MJ Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050907 16:32]:
 Andreas Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, I don't know how the british rules are, but at least here
  (Germany) a non-commercial institution can do business, as long as the
  business helps in reaching the institution's goals. [...]

 What is translating as non-commercial institution here?
 I'd regard a German e.V. or French association a buts non lucratifs
 as capable of being commercial, like a UK charity can be commercial.

usually a non-commercial instituation is a tax-chariatable e.V., which
means the amount of commercial things they can do is quite limited.

- founding-member of 4 such organisations -

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Re: Debian UK

2005-09-07 Thread Andreas Barth

* Philip Hands ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050907 12:09]:
 On reflection, I think we should ensure that the wording makes it clear
 that one has to express an interest in membership in order to be considered
 a member.  I'll start a thread to that effect back on the debian-uk list.

I know a local organisation here where all people that are default
members can become member with expressing that interest or taking part
in the organisation (like voting), and the quorums are made so that it
doesn't matter how many members there are - i.e. you can just start a
vote at the right place, and everyone who votes is member. (And same
for leaving the organization - their membership expires by itself.)

Of course, there are much more ways to do it right, and it's not my task
to decide which to take :)


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Re: What the DFSG really says about trademarks

2005-08-30 Thread Andreas Barth
* Steve McIntyre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050830 13:08]:
 Bully for them. Conference trips that have been paid for from Debian
 UK funds:
  * Debconf 3 travel (Scott James Remnant, as he already mentioned)
  * Dpkg conference (Scott again)
  * GNOME foundation meeting, representing Debian (Matthew Garrett)
  * Several DPL trips (Martin Michlmayr)
 All of these reimbursements were explicitly authorised by the DPL (tbm
 for the first 3, Branden for the latter). In each case, the money
 would have come from SPI funds but it's easier / cheaper to use money
 already in the UK.

And the same has happened with other Debian money hold by other
organisations for Debian. And that's IMHO a feature.


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Re: Delegation for trademark negotiatons with the DCCA

2005-08-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Michael Meskes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050824 12:54]:
  anyone. As long as it is clear that they are an external (commercial or
  non-commercial) entity, I would expect no problem to implictely or
  explicitely granting many more groups derived rights to the trademark
  Debian. Only the wording core used in combination with the trademark
  Debian, implies to me a very specific relationship to the project.
 But the word core is not meant as in core of Debian but as in core of 
 several distributions based on Debian.

I know that you didn't mean it as core of Debian. But it's easy to
understand it that way for people not too involved in DCC.


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Re: Why isn't queue/new world-readable?

2005-08-04 Thread Andreas Barth
* Steve Langasek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050803 00:10]:
 On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:55:01PM +0100, Jochen Voss wrote:
  Hello Steve,
  On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 05:38:39PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
   On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 12:43:48PM -0400, Joe Smith wrote:
Also, Based on another message I read (on this very list IIRC) Debian 
used by the government as an example of the propper way to export open 
source cryptographic software. [...]
   Er, please provide a reference; I've never heard anything of the sort, and
   google is no help.
  A similar claim was on this list two weeks ago: in
  Philip Hands writes
  This is because the current export regulations from the USA
  require all crypto software to be notified to the authorities.  It
  seems that when a new package is uploaded, regardless of what it
  might be, we inform them of the package name, and that it may now,
  or in the future, contain crypto.
  This (admittedly silly) procedure has apparently been adopted by
  them as the shining example of how to do it right.
 Ah, guess I missed that message, thanks.  Well, though the source is more
 credible, AFAICT this is still hearsay...  does anyone know where this
 assertion actually originated?

Bdale told that on the boat trip during Debconf to Phil and me (and
other peoples sitting around).


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Re: Debian Core Consortium

2005-07-25 Thread Andreas Barth
* Alexander Wirt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050724 12:58]:
 Florian Weimer schrieb am Sonntag, den 24. Juli 2005:
  How is Debian related to the Debian Core Consortium?  Why are they
  using the name Debian?
 Maybe you sould wait until its been more than a plan to do something before
 crying about names. 
 There isn't anything official yet about the Consortium.

If the quote
| A spokesperson for Xandros said, Xandros is actively working with
| Progeny on the Debian Core Consortium.,1895,1836184,00.asp

is correct, than there is something official, as Xandors has confirmed


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Re: Debian Core Consortium

2005-07-25 Thread Andreas Barth
* Thomas Viehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050725 22:32]:
 Stephen Frost wrote:
  * Thomas Viehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Maybe it would be great to come up with something that can be used by
 everyone interested. I'm thinking along the lines granting a license to
 use Debian derived as part of the name for products / efforts to
 create products derived from Debian, so that Debian derived trusted
 Gnu/Linux or Consortium for a Debian derived core would be covered.
 OK, now it's time to admit that I'm not a marketing expert and the
 examples offered do suck, but maybe it's a good idea. After all, we do
 like derived distros to reference Debian...
  This sounds like something reasonable to do in terms of a trademark
  policy but there's a couple problems with it.  If 'Debian derived'
  actually falls under trademark requirements at all (I'm not sure it
  does) and, if it does, then people still need to ask Debian/SPI for an
  official submark before using it.  Basically, that kind of a policy is
  fine, but doesn't remove the need for Debian/SPI to protect its

 Well, my idea was that it might be nice to have some general license
 (similar in spirit but likely not as liberal as free software license)
 for a submark to offer something to people deriving Debian and not
 create too much burden.

Just that trademark law is even more braindamaged and would make it at
least quite difficult to make such a general license.


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Re: Discussion of bug #311683, default kde install shows porn

2005-06-05 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050605 15:20]:
 On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 01:49:54PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
  Sven Luther wrote:
Not if we don't annulate the woody release and fix it in woody as well.

It's rediculous that a bug that is present in woody already which was
released nearly three years ago, suddenly is considered a valid release
blocker for sarge less than one week before it's release.
   Come on, we needed almost 3 years to be ready for the release, and now one
   week more or less is going to be such a change ? What happened to the we
   release when we are ready we were so proud of in the past ?
  Maybe you didn't notice, but I wasn't talking about postponing the release
  but about how ridiculous this thread and the behaviour of several people

 Notice that nobody was taking this seriously, people where only saying, how it
 is not so important, there is an easy workaround, let's just forget about

I can assure you, that is not true. We had some discussion within the
release team about this bug, we took it very seriously. However, there
were only two options: Release this weekend or delay it a further week.
We decided that in total releasing now was the better option. Please
note that this didn't say it is not a problem. But just that this issue
won't hold up the release. Actually, I personally consider some bugs
worse than this one, like the doc-debian package didn't make it to
sarge, samba has a bad bug, #311357 (problem with via-rhine in the
kernel).  But, one has just to say at some point now, we release.
Because there will be always a known issue.

And, I'm proud about Sarge, and that I had the possibility to be part of
the team working on Sarge. And I'm happy about the great support and
help by the Debian community for sarge and getting (almost) all parts in
shape. Thanks for that.


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Re: Discussion of bug #311683, default kde install shows porn

2005-06-05 Thread Andreas Barth
* Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050605 10:54]:
 So, we will ship a sarge release which will show porn to our kids by default ?

That is not true. By default, KDE is not used. And even with using KDE,
by default the random screen saver is not selected.


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2005-04-25 Thread Andreas Barth
* Jeroen van Wolffelaar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050425 11:40]:
 On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 11:15:57AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
  The snapshot service is very valuable when it comes to checking older
  versions of packages.  For example, it is a very, very good help for
  doing security work when older package versions need to be reviewed.

 Does that include the binary packages? I'd guess that binary packages
 are of lesser use because of library and other environmental changes,
 and it is mainly/exclusively the source packages that are of assistance
 in this matter.

I consider binary packages as extrem useful to check for dependency
changes etc, or for fixing issues in some core packages where you need
to take an older version for building a newer one.

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Re: Poll results: User views on the FDL issue

2005-04-22 Thread Andreas Barth

I usually ignore anonymous comments.

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Re: I'll be a son of a bitch.

2005-04-13 Thread Andreas Barth
* Ean Schuessler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050412 18:40]:
 I don't understand it and I'm not happy about it but I accept it. A market 
 almost always makes better decisions than an individual. If the majority of 
 the Debian project doesn't carry a grudge about the SPI accounting mishap 
 then I guess I can't either.

Actually, there are things I'm much more worried about. E.g. lully being
down for ages, and reads:
  Status: down - root fs drive died, no response from local admin

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