Re: Anfrage: Merchandise || Request: Merchandise

2024-04-17 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Markus,

this mailing list is English, so let me answer in this language...

Am 17.04.24 um 05:22 schrieb Markus Hiersche:
In the near future (summer 2024) I plan to share my knowledge (Debian, 
Wordpress and Python) in German and ÖGS (Austrian Sign Language) via 
YouTube and blog.

Great! Have fun producing these and feel free to send links to and share among the deaf 
community to gain some initial momentum on your videos.

Do you perhaps have a merchandise shop page to make Debian even more 

If so, may I ask you for the link?

Please check

Kind regards,

Re: Donations

2024-04-03 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Peter,

Am 03.04.24 um 15:09 schrieb Peter Valentin:

I'd like to continue to support you
BUT I do NOT want to continue to support Paypal !

one is mislead to assume it is possible to donate withOUT using Paypal
if one goes via »Click & Pledge«
BUT »Click & Pledge« is done via Paypal - in a shadow-manner !!!
- it's not clear before one can read the transaction at ones bank account

Debian France has its bank details published at

linked from

Please feel free to wire transfer a donation. That way we do not have to 
pay a intermediary fee either. Good for Debian, too.

Kind regards,

Re: Brief update about software freedom and artificial intelligence

2023-03-23 Thread Daniel Lange

From Paul Wise:

I note that fair use isn't a worldwide concept and other parts of the
world have the more varied and restricted concept of "fair dealing".

So, as much as possible, we should try not to rely on fair use.

The Wikimedia Foundation fellow and legal counsel Valentina Vera-Quiroz 
(CC) has documented her current expertise around ChatGPT and Copyright at

I just wanted to drop the link on this thread as it starts to be a good 
collection of references. We may need that some time in the future.

Re: Reimbursement rules for people traveling to a BSP

2023-01-22 Thread Daniel Lange

Am 21.01.23 um 22:34 schrieb Louis-Philippe Véronneau:
It used to be one could get an "automatic" (by this I mean, without 
having to ask for pre-approval) budget of up to 100 USD for traveling to 
a BSP.

That process has been suspended by .

There is a system development in progress to streamline the process as 
requested by Sam at the time*:

Currently please ask for pre-approval as with any other expense request:

* there are other reasons for this system development, too, as per

Re: Insanely frustrating finding older distributions

2023-01-11 Thread Daniel Lange

I find

useful as these have the Free and non-free (i.e. including proprietary firmware 
and drivers) installers for older Debian versions.

Additionally${CODENAME}/debian-installer/ has media links 
and errata per distribution.
${CODENAME} can be obtained from .

Re: Covering visa fees as part of flights+accommodation expenses for events

2022-06-27 Thread Daniel Lange

Am 27.06.22 um 17:34 schrieb Jonathan Carter:
I don't think this needs to be a GR per sé, but I'd like to hear the 
views of others on this, and I hope that we can garner enough consensus 
so that we can just go ahead and implement this in our future bursary 

I think covering travel Visa fees makes a lot of sense.

We had cases in the past that go (far) beyond just the official Visa 
fees though. E.g. a person wanted to fly LA <-> NY to pick up a Visa 
sticker. They asked for the flights plus a hotel night in NY. The team - 
at the time - recommended to use FedEx instead.

Thus I suggest a maximum fee for any Visa related activities, e.g. a 
default of USD 200, adjusted to inflation and (if necessary) relative 
Visa-cost insanity of DebConf hosting countries*. Because sometimes 
travel is required to just get a Visa, e.g. going to a larger city to 
apply in person. Of course - as with all our reimbursement - only the 
actual cost can be claimed with receipts.

* Visa fees are often reciprocal between countries. They are a political 
means much more than an administrative.

Re: 回覆: Debian boot entry won't generated after flash BIOS.

2021-10-07 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Alvin,

thank you very much for reaching out to Debian with this issue.

Am 07.10.21 um 11:18 schrieb Alvin Huang:
Beside the generate boot entry by manual. Does Debian will generate the 
boot entry automatic when the original boot entry disappeared? Because 
I’m confused the problem is cause by BIOS or Debian.

Kibi (Cyril Brulebois) mentioned
during a discussion on IRC we had about your mail.

I assume this wiki page details the issue you are seeing.
Windows installs a fallback EFI executable and Debian doesn't.
The rationale is that every OS would overwrite each others
"removable" EFI executable.
Best would be if your BIOS was preserving boot entries across upgrades
(BIOS flashing).

Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help you test things.

Kind regards,

Re: Bug#273323: scripting solution

2021-09-07 Thread Daniel Lange

This works reasonably well:

curl "; |\
sed '/^/,/^<\/div> /{//!b};d' |\
pandoc -f html -t latex -V geometry:a4paper,margin=2cm -o social_contract.pdf

Statements from the FSF board and Richard Stallman

2021-04-13 Thread Daniel Lange

The board of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) have issued a statement
regarding the election of Richard Stallman:

Richard Stallman has issued a statement as well:

Re: Cancel "culture" is a threat to Debian

2021-03-31 Thread Daniel Lange

Am 30.03.21 um 20:19 schrieb Steve Langasek:

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 06:56:49PM +1100, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:

Cancel "culture" arrived in Debian and it threatens the project:

for a much better piece on why cancel culture exists, where it comes from and 
what it does.

Re: How to Fix the apt-get install error: “Media change: please insert the disc labeled ...” in Debian 10.

2020-11-19 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Edgar,

Am 19.11.20 um 09:04 schrieb Edgar Villanueva Jr:
I was amazed by the description that Debian is robust and reliable etc. 
So I decided to install it. But when I try to install from terminal "Fix 
the apt-get install error: “Media change: please insert the disc labeled 
...” appears. I can't also install software thru discover.

The better mailing list for such requests is debian-user
( or a non-English version of it 
( if you prefer.

Debian-project is meant to discuss non-technical issues around the 
Debian project, e.g. organization or policy changes.

That said, you likely have a line starting with

deb cdrom: ...

in your /etc/apt/sources.list

comment that line out (as root) by prefixing it with a hash (#) mark:

# deb cdrom: ...

Save the file and that should fix things.

Kind regards,

Re: Creating a Salsa account

2020-07-08 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Shachar,

Am 08.07.20 um 18:05 schrieb Shachar Shemesh:

On 08/07/2020 18:58, Daniel Lange wrote:

Salsa support is alternatively available via as well. 

Guess what I need to do in order to open a new ticket. No, go on. Guess.

Creating another user with a working email or asking a friend?

Best regards,

Re: Creating a Salsa account

2020-07-08 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Shachar,

Am 08.07.20 um 17:50 schrieb Shachar Shemesh:

On 08/07/2020 15:07, Daniel Lange wrote:

I think the process has not changed since.

Except it isn't working for me :-(

I've tried clicking "forgot my password", but no mail arrives.

May be you can join #salsa on IRC (OFTC) and get more iterative help 
there? (Update: I see you already joined there a few minutes ago :))

Salsa support is alternatively available via as well.

Kind regards,

Re: Creating a Salsa account

2020-07-08 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Shachar,

Am 08.07.20 um 07:21 schrieb Shachar Shemesh:
With that said, I verified I still know that password by logging in to That password does not work on the Salsa server. I've 
tried both "shachar" and "" as the username.

The Salsa password is not related to any other. When this syncing was 
set up (January 2018), every DD was asked to send themselves a password 
reset email to set an initial password.

I think the process has not changed since.

Best regards,

Re: Question to all: Outreach

2020-03-18 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi 朱晟菁,

Am 18.03.20 um 09:43 schrieb Shengjing Zhu:

It's still not clear to me the difference between GSoC and Outreachy program.

GSoC is a Google program:

Outreachy is a SFC program (originally founded at GNOME):

Both are unrelated except for Outreachy not accepting interns that have 
already had a GSoC assignment and Debian choosing to run them both via 
the Debian Outreach team, cf. .

IIUC, GSoC interns are paid by Google, which I appreciate their generosity.


But who pays Outreachy interns? Is this the same that some companies
pay for it? like the companies logo on
However I'm confused that Debian is listed as sponsor on Why Debian sponsors other programs while
Debian needs others' sponsors?

Outreachy internships can be paid for by the sponsoring organization 
that also hosts the interns (i.e. Debian), by other organizations paying 
for specific assignments (i.e. the United Nations) or by sourcing from 
Outreachy's general fund.

As Debian can afford paying for its interns itself, we do.

Other organizations cannot and they are partially supported from our 
"share" that takes ($500 per intern)* and donations that gets awarded by other donors for granting internships 
and/or supporting its own charitable mission.

See for details.

* this also pays for the administrative work
staff are doing for the projects, managing the internships

Kind regards,

Re: Re: Announcing miniDebConf Montreal 2020 -- August 6th to August 9th 2020

2020-02-18 Thread Daniel Lange

Hi Jonathan

I haven't publicly said this before, but I believe it was a big mistake:

  * Not having a bid committee for that vote
  * Making it a private vote
  * Not announcing the the DCC would be the bid committee
nor that it would be a private vote

You have been part of the DCC at the time, just sayin' in case you forgot.

I've brought these up in various private discussions before, and
unfortunately it's too late to change that decision without further,
possibly worse consequences, but I think the current DebConf committee
should strongly consider setting up a bid committee again (even if it
largely or mostly overlaps with the DCC, that might just be natural) and
keep the bid decision public as it was in prior DebConfs. I've seen
people express this on IRC before and I hope they speak up on more
formal channels too.

Translation: I did not get the result I wanted, so I'd like a "bid 
committee" next time in the hope that decisions will be more in line 
with my personal convictions.

We held public review meetings for the DC21 bids. You did not care to 
show up for either of them.

On a purely personal note, I find it in rather poor taste to talk about
diversity in the context of having DC in a country with an active
apartheid regime.

Roberto gave you an answer to this already.

"active apartheid regime" is politically loaded lingo and shows where 
you stand.

Employing it disqualifies rational arguments, if you had any.
