Re: Boost.Python: providing libs for both Python 2.4 and 2.5.

2008-03-21 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
"Steve M. Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This allows extension builders to select either the default Python
> version, or a specific version, without knowing the Boost
> and GCC versions [2].

Yep; so far so good.

> I'd like to ask about intended behaviour if a bad action is supplied.
> Or if an unsupported python version is given.  I chose to exit with an
> error message and status 1.  Now I'm a little worried that will break
> some Python installs and generate the hate mail.  What's the
> recommended behaviour here?

Good question.  I'd favor exiting with non-zero status, per the
proposed implementation; if you're really concerned about potential
disruption, you can always add "|| true" to the prerm's invocation so
that users can at least readily pull libboost-python-dev from their
systems until you resolve the breakage.

I do, however, see a couple of concrete issues with your script:

> if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
> debug=-d
> shift
> fi

Shouldn't you fix that at build time à la $version?

> rtupdate)  rtupdate $1 ;;

More critically, AFAICT you want to pass $2, not $1.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |[EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: python-docutils 0.4-6

2008-03-21 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Simon McVittie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.03.20.2216 +0100]:
> Could someone (madduck?) please upload python-docutils (r4865) from
> python-modules-team svn? It fixes build failure with the current
> python-central version.

Does it address #472046?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"der glaube an den kausalnexus ist der aberglaube"
   -- wittgenstein

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Boost.Python: providing libs for both Python 2.4 and 2.5.

2008-03-21 Thread Steve M. Robbins

I wrote about three weeks ago [1] that I'm trying to get Boost's
Python extension helper library building with multiple Python
versions.  Several very helpful suggestions were made, for which I am

I have been plugging away, very slowly, ever since.  I'm hoping to
upload it later today and I'd appreciate have some second opinions on
what I've done.

I settled on creating libraries with suffix "-py24" and "-py25" using
the available Boost mechanism of "--buildid" since that ensures the
SONAME also has "-py24" or "-py25".  The shared library files thus
coexist peacefully.

For the link libraries, I chose to retain both the fully-decorated
forms including the "-pyXY" suffix, as well as create symlinks (with
no suffix) for those who just want the default python version.  These
symlinks are maintained by an "rtupdate" script as suggested by a
couple of people.

Focusing only on the simpler, Debian-specific, library names,
the intent is that the following link libraries are availble:

libboost_python-py24.a -> libboost_python-gcc42-1_34_1-py24.a ->
libboost_python-py25.a -> libboost_python-gcc42-1_34_1-py25.a ->
libboost_python.a -> libboost_python-py24.a ->

The rtupdate script (attached) will replace the last two libraries

libboost_python.a -> libboost_python-py25.a ->

This allows extension builders to select either the default Python
version, or a specific version, without knowing the Boost
and GCC versions [2].

I'd appreciate any feedback on the above, and especially on what

I'd love some folks to look over the attached rtupdate script.  My
understanding is that this gets run when the Python default version
changes.  If so, I guess that a bug in the script will cause the
Python package install to fail.  I'd like to avoid the hate mail
generated if that happened; so if you've got a moment, have a look at
the script.

I'd like to ask about intended behaviour if a bad action is supplied.
Or if an unsupported python version is given.  I chose to exit with an
error message and status 1.  Now I'm a little worried that will break
some Python installs and generate the hate mail.  What's the
recommended behaviour here?

Note that my libboost-python-dev postinst script calls it
to populate the symlinks initially:

/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost-python-dev.rtupdate \
rtupdate none $(pyversions -d)

I also use it in the prerm to remove all the symlinks:

/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost-python-dev.rtupdate \


#! /bin/sh
# Update link-library symlinks after a Python default runtime change

set -e


die() {
echo "$@" >&2
exit 1

update_linklibs() {

cd /usr/lib
for thread in "" -mt; do
for gcc in gcc41 gcc42; do
ln -s -f 
libboost_python-${gcc}${thread}${debug}-${version}-${py}.${suf} \
ln -s -f libboost_python${thread}${debug}-${py}.${suf} \

remove_linklibs() {

cd /usr/lib
for thread in "" -mt; do
for gcc in gcc41 gcc42; do
rm -f libboost_python-${gcc}${thread}${debug}-${version}.${suf}
rm -f libboost_python${thread}${debug}.${suf} 

rtupdate() {
case "$1" in
python2.4)  py=py24 ;;
python2.5)  py=py25 ;;
*)  die $0 unknown python version $1 ;;

update_linklibs $py a
update_linklibs $py so

remove() {
remove_linklibs a
remove_linklibs so

if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then


case "$action" in
pre-rtupdate)  ;;
post-rtupdate) ;;
rtupdate)  rtupdate $1 ;;
remove)remove ;;
*) die "$0 called with unknown argument '$action'" ;;

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Candidatura rete agenti | Life - Bellaria

2008-03-21 Thread Life | Rete Agenti

Documento senza titolo

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Operiamo da 5 anni in diversi settori e abbi= amo conseguito ottimi
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è quello di entrare in = collaborazione con voi e guadagnare
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I nostri servizi senza costi fissi:

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Grazie al nostro softw= are di gestione degli ordini, ogni agente ed
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modo della gestione della rete commerciale, m= a solo di definire le
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Life desidera offrirvi un servizio realmente utile. La nostr= a
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proporre i vostri prodotti;

ricevere e gestire gli ordini;

definire le strategie di mercato;

gestire gli agenti;

controllare i fatturati;

pianificare l'agenda agente \ partner;

Avrete un pull di operatori che lavorano per voi e soprattutto
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3. Ricerca partner:

Per quelle aziende che non necessitano di una rete agenti oppure hanno 
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porteranno il vostro prodotto o servizio a conosce= nza del cliente
finale. Anche qui il nostro guadagno risiede in una perce= ntuale
sulle vendite. Ogni attività necessaria: dalla ricerca 
allacontrattualizzazione del partner sarà a nostro carico salvo
diver= si accordi fra le nostre parti.

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abbiamo pensato ad una= soluzione senza costi fissi, la quale mantiene
la stessa filosofia di gu= adagno sul fatturato. Realizzeremo un
e-commerce inserendo i vostri prodo= tti a cui potrete accedere per
implementare prodotti e servizi in ogni mo= mento, controllare gli
ordini e sviluppare autonomamente il vostro busine= ss su internet.
Questo servizio può essere associato successivamen= te a
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