how to unsubscribe.

2002-04-26 Thread Trancom

how to unsubscribe.

Best regards.
ph (248) 3-96-47
(095) 745-09-50

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to unsubscribe.

2002-04-26 Thread Mark Janssen

On Fri, 2002-04-26 at 09:58, Trancom wrote:
> how to unsubscribe.

> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look here 

Or Here \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

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RSA an easy crack?

2002-04-26 Thread DSC Siltec

I hate to say this, but I think I have reason to believe that PGP
 might actually be an easy crack.  Before now, it probably was 
only easy to those with access to specially designed analog computers,
which means that it really wasn't a problem.  But there is 
now in the public domain an algorithm solution method that will
generate a fast numerical solution for most systems of differential
equations, given an initial value.

That means that a digital solution is out there, and I think that
people within the security community need to check this out before
someone outside the security community does.

Specifically, I think that if you have the public key, and the 
encrypted data, and know (or can guess) what the unencrypted data
is, then you can quickly deduce the private key.

That's bad... unless steps are taken to eliminate this hole.

 --- before I go on, for responses please cc: me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Specifically, imagine a function that has a periodic nature at every
nth integer being 0, but being 1 at all other integers, and is in the
form of a broken triangular function.

__  ___  ___  ___  ___
  \/   \/   \/   \/   

Now, at one location, add in an upside down triangular function to make
the value 1 at that location.

__  ___    ___  ___
  \/   \/\/   \/ 

Also, define that the width of the triangle -- no matter what the
spacing --
is always, say +/- 0.25.

Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of 
a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.

If you can do all that, then you can generate a function that will drop
out all the primes and only primes.  That is, the value of the function
will be 1 whereever there is a prime, and zero everywhere else.

Now go research the Parker-Souchacki solution to the Picard iteration. 
It's actually a very simple, fast algorithm that will generate bits in
linear time for any or most systems of equations or differential
equations.  (Developed by Ed Parker and Jim Souchacki of James Madison
University in Harrisonburg, VA USA... some info available on the web,
enough to learn their method.)

I am pretty sure that their method can be used in this way to generate
primes.  More than that, if you link the primes algorithm to the known
input data and the known output data and the public key, then
concievably you could have an algorithm that simply drops the digits of
the private key out one by one in almost no time.

--> Proposed solution:  It may be necessary to shift to white-noise
encryption for truly secure documents such as financial transactions. 
There are combinations of white-noise + PGP that may offer moderate
security for "mostly secure" documents.  More than that, our attitudes
about the security of RSA and PGP may need to change.

  - Mike

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Re: disable RPC

2002-04-26 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 11:26:16AM -0400, Andrew Kaplan wrote:
> How do I disable RPC. I know the scripts can be removed from init.d But I
> know there's a command similar to "apt-get remove ???" or something similar.
> That removes is completely.



PS: If you do not find that informative feel free to bug me :)

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Re: Lost root password!!

2002-04-26 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 01:23:02AM +0200, Luis Gómez Miralles wrote:
> Hi,
> Simple. Do the init=/bin/sh trick. When you're booted, mount / -o
> remount,rw
> Then edit /etc/passwd and add this to /etc/passwd:
> root2::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> This should do the trick :)

If you want more detailed info take a look at the Securing
Debian Manual, section 11.1.9

Hope that's useful.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Robinson

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of 
> a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
> centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.

Consider the case of a 512-bit product of two 256-bit primes.  In this 
case, your "whole bunch of functions" is going to have a cardinality 
(if I read your pseudo-Sieve of Erathostenes idea correctly) on the order
of P * 2^128 (where P is the fraction of integers that are prime), or
P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 functions F.

Back to the drawing board, I would say.

-Michael Robinson

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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Robinson

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> Specifically, I think that if you have the public key, and the 
> encrypted data, and know (or can guess) what the unencrypted data
> is, then you can quickly deduce the private key.

I forgot to mention: in encryption scenarios with RSA (as opposed to
digital signatures), the "unencrypted data" is a randomly-generated
session key for a symmetric cipher, which is used to encrypt the actual
unencrypted data.  The session key is encrypted with RSA and then

Finding the "unencrypted data" in this case is equivalent to either
cracking the session key RNG, or cracking the symmetric cipher, the 
ability to do either of which obviates the need to deduce the RSA
private key in the first place.

-Michael Robinson

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IPtables and Connection Tracking

2002-04-26 Thread Thorsten Kruschel


today I saw something mysterious with IPtables. I had a little mistake
in my script. To test the funktionality. i pinged a host in the www and
changed then the wrong entries in my script. I looked with tcpdump if
the ping becomes a reply. But erverything i've done, no reply came back.

Then i pinged from another maschine in the same subnet and i've become a

Does the connection tracking hold the connections even if the firewall
was flushed?

If it is so, is it a bug or a feature?

Thanks to all


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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Michael Robinson wrote:

| Finding the "unencrypted data" in this case is equivalent to either
| cracking the session key RNG, or cracking the symmetric cipher, the
| ability to do either of which obviates the need to deduce the RSA
| private key in the first place.
No it is not equivalent, as finding the private key would also enable
you to digitally identify yourself as the key's owner, which is of at
least the same importance when we look at how many people use PGP/GPG
for digitally signing documents and mails.


- --
Passionate programmer
~(my GPG signature is here^^)
Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- C++ UL++ P+++ L++ E W++ N+ o-- K- w
O-- M V-- PS PE Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X+ R- tv++ b+ DI D+
G e h-- r y+
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: problem to translate DSA 125 in french

2002-04-26 Thread Andrew Pimlott

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 08:59:50AM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> What is a cross-site scripting type attack ?

One of the first analyses was published by Marc Slemko of the Apache
Group at .  You'll
probably have to read the CERT links on that page as well.  Marc
deserves most of the credit for the current spate of cross-site
scripting reports: He was reiterating the severity of the problem
before most people understood it.

If you're going to publish a translated explanation, I humbly
suggest you read the material two or three times, to make sure you
really get it.  It's subtle.

As for a translated term:  Marc's article admits that cross-site
scripting isn't all that great a name to begin with, so I'd say
you're on your own.  :-)


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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread eim

Hallo Brane,

I'm actually a K-13 student, and so in my 'strategic'
position I'm on both sides, admin of debian box and 3v1l cracker :)

No, well.. I was just kidding, I have really better things to
do than actually cracking Debian boxes in pubblic environments,
but anyway I what do you think about using https for .htaccess
authentication ?

With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
find out login and password because they're not sent over
the net in a clear way.

Consider using https.

Good work and protect your boxes !

 - Ivo

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 09:09:03PM -0600, Schusselig Brane wrote:
> Tom Dominico wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I have written some php-based internal systems for our users.  Users are
> > required to authenticate to access this system, and their login
> > determines what they are allowed to do within the system.  I am
> > concerned that their logging in with cleartext passwords is a security
> > risk.  I work in a K-12 school enviroment, and many of these students
> > are rather devious and resourceful (as I was at that age :) ).  My fear
> > is some bright student setting a sniffer up on my network and gleaning
> > passwords from it.
> > 
> > I am wondering if any of you have had similar problems.  What is a more
> > secure way for people to login?  Is SSL an option, and if so, how do I
> > go about using it?  Do I have to purchase a certificate?  Or is there
> > some other option?  Finally, should I be using .htaccess at all, or is
> > there a better way?  Thank you in advance for your advice.
> Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
> topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
> data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
> be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new
> equipment.
> Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
> side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
> in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
> sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
> with that in mind.
> -Will Wesley, CCNA
> To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode
> You".
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Dan Faerch

You should be aware, that when you use normal .htaccess protection, browser
never logout..With eg. Internet Explorer, all intances of IE have to be
closed to make the browser forget the login..

There are several tricks to make the browser forget the login, but none
really secure.. One is to make a logout link that links to eg.
https://logout:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/logout

In the "logout" folder you make a new htaccess file that uses another
htpassword file which contains a user called logout with a password called
logout, but keeping the same REALM.. (the realm is importent)..

This rewrite's the browser credentials for your realm with username and
password "logout".. (Make sure users in /logout have no vital access

The hard part is to get ppl to use the logout link and not just closing the
instance of the browser..

Second more, if your users are allowed to have pages on the same address as
the login system, the browser can, without much effort, be tricked into
giving away your systems username and password to a personal user page...


The subject on switches.. It is a general misunderstanding that switches
provide security.. There are several easy tricks to make a switch spill its
guts.. They were designed for performance and no one ever promised security


No you do not need to purchase a certificate.. Simply generate your own..

Yet, in an enviroment where users share the same pc, security is hard to
achive (i am assuming that youre runnig a windows enviroment), since varios
keyloggers can be installed on the clients, you have access to the cache and
the cookies. On this i have no wonderous advise :)..

(i didnt follow the thread, only the content of this mail, so i hope im not
repeating anything already said)

- Dan Faerch
A/S ScanNet

- Original Message -
From: "eim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Schusselig Brane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

> Hallo Brane,
> I'm actually a K-13 student, and so in my 'strategic'
> position I'm on both sides, admin of debian box and 3v1l cracker :)
> No, well.. I was just kidding, I have really better things to
> do than actually cracking Debian boxes in pubblic environments,
> but anyway I what do you think about using https for .htaccess
> authentication ?
> With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
> find out login and password because they're not sent over
> the net in a clear way.
> Consider using https.
> Good work and protect your boxes !
>  - Ivo
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 09:09:03PM -0600, Schusselig Brane wrote:
> > Tom Dominico wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello all,
> > >
> > > I have written some php-based internal systems for our users.  Users
> > > required to authenticate to access this system, and their login
> > > determines what they are allowed to do within the system.  I am
> > > concerned that their logging in with cleartext passwords is a security
> > > risk.  I work in a K-12 school enviroment, and many of these students
> > > are rather devious and resourceful (as I was at that age :) ).  My
> > > is some bright student setting a sniffer up on my network and gleaning
> > > passwords from it.
> > >
> > > I am wondering if any of you have had similar problems.  What is a
> > > secure way for people to login?  Is SSL an option, and if so, how do I
> > > go about using it?  Do I have to purchase a certificate?  Or is there
> > > some other option?  Finally, should I be using .htaccess at all, or is
> > > there a better way?  Thank you in advance for your advice.
> >
> > Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
> > topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
> > data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
> > be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new
> > equipment.
> >
> > Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
> > side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
> > in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
> > sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
> > with that in mind.
> >
> > -Will Wesley, CCNA
> > To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode
> > You".
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread DSC Siltec

Michael Robinson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> > Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of
> > a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
> > centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.
> Consider the case of a 512-bit product of two 256-bit primes.  In this
> case, your "whole bunch of functions" is going to have a cardinality
> (if I read your pseudo-Sieve of Erathostenes idea correctly) on the order
> of P * 2^128 (where P is the fraction of integers that are prime), or
> P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 functions F.
> Back to the drawing board, I would say.
> -Michael Robinson

Actually, the beauty of the Parker Souchacki method is that it would 
allow the simultaneous solution of a system of equations that has one
functional solution.  Which means that you only need one set of
and it solves for all values at once, 

Which means you might have only about 40 equations to solve, and when
you add the RSA algorithm, perhaps another 10-20.  The algorithm then
starts with a single known point (for example, the value at x=2 is y=1)
and then performs a simple operation on each function, cranking out one
term of the MacLauren series of one function for each simple operation. 
One of those output functions will be a function that is 1 at every
prime, and zero everywhere else.  If done correctly, though, another one
of the functions is y=[Solution key] that means that after 60 simple
math operations you get 1 bit of the solution.  Another 60 operations
yields two more bits.  Another 60 operations yields another 4 bits.  
*Again -- that is if you know the raw data.*

It's that bad.  

However, the double-layered encryption, which always takes a randomly
generated number as its "raw data", does sound secure, because the RNGs
are going to be practically unbreakable (we hope -- and that can be
improved with white-noise CDs recorded from your local waterfall.).  

The thing, then, would be to upgrade all security to double-layer, or
let it be understood that single-layer encryption is fragile -- if
indeed this algorithm works out.

 - Mike

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Mike Renfro

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 07:55:06PM +0200, Dan Faerch wrote:

> You should be aware, that when you use normal .htaccess protection,
> browser never logout..With eg. Internet Explorer, all intances of IE
> have to be closed to make the browser forget the login..

Actually, I think instances of IE that were each run from the desktop
or quicklaunch bar don't share authentication info. At least this has
been my experience with IE4 and 5.x. However, if you use File / New to
start a new window, that window will share authentication info with
the parent.

Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: connection refuse by tcp_wrapper

2002-04-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

First check if your reverse DNS is working, after that, try to put the line:


In your /etc/hosts.allow. 


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu em Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:18:14 +0700 (JAVT):

> Dear all,
> I am a beginner in linux os,
> I try to configure tcp_wrapper in myconfiguration like this :
> hosts.deny
> hosts.allow
> ALL :
> ALL :
> but when i try to connect from and 11 my server is allways
> give a message :
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> What is the problem with my tcp_wrapper ? anyone can help ?
> Thank all,
> Akoe Rymond
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Errar é humano, mas para se fazer uma monstruosa cagada é preciso um
computador. (autor desconhecido)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread martin f krafft

also sprach eim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.04.26.1757 +0200]:
> With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
> find out login and password because they're not sent over
> the net in a clear way.

never say impossible.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones."
-- oscar wilde

Description: PGP signature

Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Hubert Chan

Hash: SHA1

> "DSC" == DSC Siltec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DSC> Actually, the beauty of the Parker Souchacki method is that it
DSC> would allow the simultaneous solution of a system of equations that
DSC> has one functional solution.  Which means that you only need one
DSC> set of equations, and it solves for all values at once,

DSC> Which means you might have only about 40 equations to solve, and
DSC> when you add the RSA algorithm, perhaps another 10-20.  The

I think that Michael's point was that you'd need
P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 equations; not

BTW, why are you discussing this on debian-security, and not with some
real mathematicians?  (Not that there aren't any real mathematicians on
this list, but d-s is populated mostly with admins.)  Someone like
Schneier would be in a much better position than pretty much anyone on
this list to tell you whether or not you're right.  Even a professor
from a local University would probably know better.

DSC> However, the double-layered encryption, which always takes a
DSC> randomly generated number as its "raw data", does sound secure,
DSC> because the RNGs are going to be practically unbreakable (we hope
DSC> -- and that can be improved with white-noise CDs recorded from your
DSC> local waterfall.).

???  According to your proposal, an attacker only needs the public key,
the plaintext, and the ciphertext, all of which are easy to obtain.  The
public key is know due to it being public.  He can generate his own
plaintext, and generate a ciphertext "by hand," so the fact that every
PGP implementation uses a double layer encryption doesn't help.

Whether or not the digital signature on this message has been forged is
up to you to guess.  ;-)

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/71FDA37F
Fingerprint: 6CC5 822D 2E55 494C 81DD  6F2C 6518 54DF 71FD A37F
Key available at   Encrypted e-mail preferred.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread martin f krafft

also sprach Dan Faerch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.04.26.1955 +0200]:
> Second more, if your users are allowed to have pages on the same
> address as the login system, the browser can, without much effort,
> be tricked into giving away your systems username and password to
> a personal user page...


> The subject on switches.. It is a general misunderstanding that
> switches provide security.. There are several easy tricks to make
> a switch spill its guts.. They were designed for performance and no
> one ever promised security

true, and i love this one because it's the first thing everyone says
in response to hearing something said on 'sniffing'. uhm, every
previously not so exposed person as we are, i mean.

but have you tried your luck on one of the better cisco and
hewlett-packard switches? you know their algorithm against MAC table
overflow? if yes, then just think about it, and about how good it is.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"micro$oft productivity software"
  - see reductio ad absurdum, conclusions.

Description: PGP signature

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Schusselig Brane
Tom Dominico wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have written some php-based internal systems for our users.  Users are
> required to authenticate to access this system, and their login
> determines what they are allowed to do within the system.  I am
> concerned that their logging in with cleartext passwords is a security
> risk.  I work in a K-12 school enviroment, and many of these students
> are rather devious and resourceful (as I was at that age :) ).  My fear
> is some bright student setting a sniffer up on my network and gleaning
> passwords from it.
> I am wondering if any of you have had similar problems.  What is a more
> secure way for people to login?  Is SSL an option, and if so, how do I
> go about using it?  Do I have to purchase a certificate?  Or is there
> some other option?  Finally, should I be using .htaccess at all, or is
> there a better way?  Thank you in advance for your advice.

Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new

Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
with that in mind.

-Will Wesley, CCNA
To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Steve Mickeler

Trust not in switches.

They too can be easily manipulated unless you have locked them down at a
mac address and port level.

'apt-get install dsniff' ; 'man arpspoof'

> Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
> topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
> data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
> be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new
> equipment.
> Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
> side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
> in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
> sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
> with that in mind.
> -Will Wesley, CCNA
> To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode
> You".
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[-] Steve Mickeler [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

[|] Todays root password is brought to you by /dev/random

[+] 1024D/ACB58D4F = 0227 164B D680 9E13 9168  AE28 843F 57D7 ACB5 8D4F

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2002-04-26 Thread Trancom

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problem to translate DSA 125 in french

2002-04-26 Thread Martin Quinson

We have an ongoing effort to keep all DSA translated to french. But we have
a problem with the DSA125:

  Yuji Takahashi discovered a bug in analog which allows a cross-site
  scripting type attack. It is easy for an attacker to insert arbitrary
  strings into any web server logfile. If these strings are then analysed by
  analog, they can appear in the report. By this means an attacker can
  introduce arbitrary Javascript code, for example, into an analog report
  produced by someone else and read by a third person. Analog already
  attempted to encode unsafe characters to avoid this type of attack, but
  the conversion was incomplete. 
What is a cross-site scripting type attack ?

If there is some french speaking people on this list, could you propose a
translation ? If not, could you explain in english what kind of attack it is?

Thanks for all, Mt.

PS: keep us in CC, since we are not on the ML.

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how to unsubscribe.

2002-04-26 Thread Trancom
how to unsubscribe.

Best regards.
Администратор Сети ООО Транком Коробанов Сергей Иванович.
ph (248) 3-96-47
(095) 745-09-50

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Re: how to unsubscribe.

2002-04-26 Thread Mark Janssen
On Fri, 2002-04-26 at 09:58, Trancom wrote:
> how to unsubscribe.

> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look here 

Or Here \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

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RSA an easy crack?

2002-04-26 Thread DSC Siltec
I hate to say this, but I think I have reason to believe that PGP
 might actually be an easy crack.  Before now, it probably was 
only easy to those with access to specially designed analog computers,
which means that it really wasn't a problem.  But there is 
now in the public domain an algorithm solution method that will
generate a fast numerical solution for most systems of differential
equations, given an initial value.

That means that a digital solution is out there, and I think that
people within the security community need to check this out before
someone outside the security community does.

Specifically, I think that if you have the public key, and the 
encrypted data, and know (or can guess) what the unencrypted data
is, then you can quickly deduce the private key.

That's bad... unless steps are taken to eliminate this hole.

 --- before I go on, for responses please cc: me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Specifically, imagine a function that has a periodic nature at every
nth integer being 0, but being 1 at all other integers, and is in the
form of a broken triangular function.

__  ___  ___  ___  ___
  \/   \/   \/   \/   

Now, at one location, add in an upside down triangular function to make
the value 1 at that location.

__  ___    ___  ___
  \/   \/\/   \/ 

Also, define that the width of the triangle -- no matter what the
spacing --
is always, say +/- 0.25.

Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of 
a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.

If you can do all that, then you can generate a function that will drop
out all the primes and only primes.  That is, the value of the function
will be 1 whereever there is a prime, and zero everywhere else.

Now go research the Parker-Souchacki solution to the Picard iteration. 
It's actually a very simple, fast algorithm that will generate bits in
linear time for any or most systems of equations or differential
equations.  (Developed by Ed Parker and Jim Souchacki of James Madison
University in Harrisonburg, VA USA... some info available on the web,
enough to learn their method.)

I am pretty sure that their method can be used in this way to generate
primes.  More than that, if you link the primes algorithm to the known
input data and the known output data and the public key, then
concievably you could have an algorithm that simply drops the digits of
the private key out one by one in almost no time.

--> Proposed solution:  It may be necessary to shift to white-noise
encryption for truly secure documents such as financial transactions. 
There are combinations of white-noise + PGP that may offer moderate
security for "mostly secure" documents.  More than that, our attitudes
about the security of RSA and PGP may need to change.

  - Mike

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Re: disable RPC

2002-04-26 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 11:26:16AM -0400, Andrew Kaplan wrote:
> How do I disable RPC. I know the scripts can be removed from init.d But I
> know there's a command similar to "apt-get remove ???" or something similar.
> That removes is completely.



PS: If you do not find that informative feel free to bug me :)

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Re: Lost root password!!

2002-04-26 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 01:23:02AM +0200, Luis Gómez Miralles wrote:
> Hi,
> Simple. Do the init=/bin/sh trick. When you're booted, mount / -o
> remount,rw
> Then edit /etc/passwd and add this to /etc/passwd:
> root2::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> This should do the trick :)

If you want more detailed info take a look at the Securing
Debian Manual, section 11.1.9

Hope that's useful.


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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Robinson
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of 
> a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
> centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.

Consider the case of a 512-bit product of two 256-bit primes.  In this 
case, your "whole bunch of functions" is going to have a cardinality 
(if I read your pseudo-Sieve of Erathostenes idea correctly) on the order
of P * 2^128 (where P is the fraction of integers that are prime), or
P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 functions F.

Back to the drawing board, I would say.

-Michael Robinson

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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Robinson
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> Specifically, I think that if you have the public key, and the 
> encrypted data, and know (or can guess) what the unencrypted data
> is, then you can quickly deduce the private key.

I forgot to mention: in encryption scenarios with RSA (as opposed to
digital signatures), the "unencrypted data" is a randomly-generated
session key for a symmetric cipher, which is used to encrypt the actual
unencrypted data.  The session key is encrypted with RSA and then

Finding the "unencrypted data" in this case is equivalent to either
cracking the session key RNG, or cracking the symmetric cipher, the 
ability to do either of which obviates the need to deduce the RSA
private key in the first place.

-Michael Robinson

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IPtables and Connection Tracking

2002-04-26 Thread Thorsten Kruschel

today I saw something mysterious with IPtables. I had a little mistake
in my script. To test the funktionality. i pinged a host in the www and
changed then the wrong entries in my script. I looked with tcpdump if
the ping becomes a reply. But erverything i've done, no reply came back.

Then i pinged from another maschine in the same subnet and i've become a

Does the connection tracking hold the connections even if the firewall
was flushed?

If it is so, is it a bug or a feature?

Thanks to all


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Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Michael Robinson wrote:

| Finding the "unencrypted data" in this case is equivalent to either
| cracking the session key RNG, or cracking the symmetric cipher, the
| ability to do either of which obviates the need to deduce the RSA
| private key in the first place.
No it is not equivalent, as finding the private key would also enable
you to digitally identify yourself as the key's owner, which is of at
least the same importance when we look at how many people use PGP/GPG
for digitally signing documents and mails.


- --
Passionate programmer
~(my GPG signature is here^^)
Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- C++ UL++ P+++ L++ E W++ N+ o-- K- w
O-- M V-- PS PE Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X+ R- tv++ b+ DI D+
G e h-- r y+
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: problem to translate DSA 125 in french

2002-04-26 Thread Andrew Pimlott
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 08:59:50AM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> What is a cross-site scripting type attack ?

One of the first analyses was published by Marc Slemko of the Apache
Group at .  You'll
probably have to read the CERT links on that page as well.  Marc
deserves most of the credit for the current spate of cross-site
scripting reports: He was reiterating the severity of the problem
before most people understood it.

If you're going to publish a translated explanation, I humbly
suggest you read the material two or three times, to make sure you
really get it.  It's subtle.

As for a translated term:  Marc's article admits that cross-site
scripting isn't all that great a name to begin with, so I'd say
you're on your own.  :-)


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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread eim
Hallo Brane,

I'm actually a K-13 student, and so in my 'strategic'
position I'm on both sides, admin of debian box and 3v1l cracker :)

No, well.. I was just kidding, I have really better things to
do than actually cracking Debian boxes in pubblic environments,
but anyway I what do you think about using https for .htaccess
authentication ?

With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
find out login and password because they're not sent over
the net in a clear way.

Consider using https.

Good work and protect your boxes !

 - Ivo

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 09:09:03PM -0600, Schusselig Brane wrote:
> Tom Dominico wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I have written some php-based internal systems for our users.  Users are
> > required to authenticate to access this system, and their login
> > determines what they are allowed to do within the system.  I am
> > concerned that their logging in with cleartext passwords is a security
> > risk.  I work in a K-12 school enviroment, and many of these students
> > are rather devious and resourceful (as I was at that age :) ).  My fear
> > is some bright student setting a sniffer up on my network and gleaning
> > passwords from it.
> > 
> > I am wondering if any of you have had similar problems.  What is a more
> > secure way for people to login?  Is SSL an option, and if so, how do I
> > go about using it?  Do I have to purchase a certificate?  Or is there
> > some other option?  Finally, should I be using .htaccess at all, or is
> > there a better way?  Thank you in advance for your advice.
> Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
> topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
> data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
> be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new
> equipment.
> Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
> side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
> in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
> sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
> with that in mind.
> -Will Wesley, CCNA
> To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode
> You".
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Dan Faerch

You should be aware, that when you use normal .htaccess protection, browser
never logout..With eg. Internet Explorer, all intances of IE have to be
closed to make the browser forget the login..

There are several tricks to make the browser forget the login, but none
really secure.. One is to make a logout link that links to eg.
https://logout:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/logout

In the "logout" folder you make a new htaccess file that uses another
htpassword file which contains a user called logout with a password called
logout, but keeping the same REALM.. (the realm is importent)..

This rewrite's the browser credentials for your realm with username and
password "logout".. (Make sure users in /logout have no vital access

The hard part is to get ppl to use the logout link and not just closing the
instance of the browser..

Second more, if your users are allowed to have pages on the same address as
the login system, the browser can, without much effort, be tricked into
giving away your systems username and password to a personal user page...


The subject on switches.. It is a general misunderstanding that switches
provide security.. There are several easy tricks to make a switch spill its
guts.. They were designed for performance and no one ever promised security


No you do not need to purchase a certificate.. Simply generate your own..

Yet, in an enviroment where users share the same pc, security is hard to
achive (i am assuming that youre runnig a windows enviroment), since varios
keyloggers can be installed on the clients, you have access to the cache and
the cookies. On this i have no wonderous advise :)..

(i didnt follow the thread, only the content of this mail, so i hope im not
repeating anything already said)

- Dan Faerch
A/S ScanNet

- Original Message -
From: "eim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Schusselig Brane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

> Hallo Brane,
> I'm actually a K-13 student, and so in my 'strategic'
> position I'm on both sides, admin of debian box and 3v1l cracker :)
> No, well.. I was just kidding, I have really better things to
> do than actually cracking Debian boxes in pubblic environments,
> but anyway I what do you think about using https for .htaccess
> authentication ?
> With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
> find out login and password because they're not sent over
> the net in a clear way.
> Consider using https.
> Good work and protect your boxes !
>  - Ivo
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 09:09:03PM -0600, Schusselig Brane wrote:
> > Tom Dominico wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello all,
> > >
> > > I have written some php-based internal systems for our users.  Users
> > > required to authenticate to access this system, and their login
> > > determines what they are allowed to do within the system.  I am
> > > concerned that their logging in with cleartext passwords is a security
> > > risk.  I work in a K-12 school enviroment, and many of these students
> > > are rather devious and resourceful (as I was at that age :) ).  My
> > > is some bright student setting a sniffer up on my network and gleaning
> > > passwords from it.
> > >
> > > I am wondering if any of you have had similar problems.  What is a
> > > secure way for people to login?  Is SSL an option, and if so, how do I
> > > go about using it?  Do I have to purchase a certificate?  Or is there
> > > some other option?  Finally, should I be using .htaccess at all, or is
> > > there a better way?  Thank you in advance for your advice.
> >
> > Another option would be to run switches instead of normal hub or bus
> > topology. Switches tend not to allow other nodes on a network to see
> > data that is passing over it. However, it will more than likely prove to
> > be a PITA to convince budget makers to allow the expense of the new
> > equipment.
> >
> > Useless input, I know. But, I didn't see anyone else mention this. As a
> > side note, if your installation is new enough, switches may already be
> > in place, and you don't have much to worry about as far as stuff getting
> > sniffed off the network. That is, of course, if the network was designed
> > with that in mind.
> >
> > -Will Wesley, CCNA
> > To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode
> > You".
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread DSC Siltec
Michael Robinson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:18:16AM +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
> > Now, define this function to be F, and define P to be the product of
> > a whole bunch of functions F.  Now, define that a function F is to be
> > centered at any integer location where the value of the function is 1.
> Consider the case of a 512-bit product of two 256-bit primes.  In this
> case, your "whole bunch of functions" is going to have a cardinality
> (if I read your pseudo-Sieve of Erathostenes idea correctly) on the order
> of P * 2^128 (where P is the fraction of integers that are prime), or
> P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 functions F.
> Back to the drawing board, I would say.
> -Michael Robinson

Actually, the beauty of the Parker Souchacki method is that it would 
allow the simultaneous solution of a system of equations that has one
functional solution.  Which means that you only need one set of
and it solves for all values at once, 

Which means you might have only about 40 equations to solve, and when
you add the RSA algorithm, perhaps another 10-20.  The algorithm then
starts with a single known point (for example, the value at x=2 is y=1)
and then performs a simple operation on each function, cranking out one
term of the MacLauren series of one function for each simple operation. 
One of those output functions will be a function that is 1 at every
prime, and zero everywhere else.  If done correctly, though, another one
of the functions is y=[Solution key] that means that after 60 simple
math operations you get 1 bit of the solution.  Another 60 operations
yields two more bits.  Another 60 operations yields another 4 bits.  
*Again -- that is if you know the raw data.*

It's that bad.  

However, the double-layered encryption, which always takes a randomly
generated number as its "raw data", does sound secure, because the RNGs
are going to be practically unbreakable (we hope -- and that can be
improved with white-noise CDs recorded from your local waterfall.).  

The thing, then, would be to upgrade all security to double-layer, or
let it be understood that single-layer encryption is fragile -- if
indeed this algorithm works out.

 - Mike

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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread Mike Renfro
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 07:55:06PM +0200, Dan Faerch wrote:

> You should be aware, that when you use normal .htaccess protection,
> browser never logout..With eg. Internet Explorer, all intances of IE
> have to be closed to make the browser forget the login..

Actually, I think instances of IE that were each run from the desktop
or quicklaunch bar don't share authentication info. At least this has
been my experience with IE4 and 5.x. However, if you use File / New to
start a new window, that window will share authentication info with
the parent.

Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: connection refuse by tcp_wrapper

2002-04-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
First check if your reverse DNS is working, after that, try to put the line:


In your /etc/hosts.allow. 


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu em Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:18:14 +0700 (JAVT):

> Dear all,
> I am a beginner in linux os,
> I try to configure tcp_wrapper in myconfiguration like this :
> hosts.deny
> hosts.allow
> ALL :
> ALL :
> but when i try to connect from and 11 my server is allways
> give a message :
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> What is the problem with my tcp_wrapper ? anyone can help ?
> Thank all,
> Akoe Rymond
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Errar é humano, mas para se fazer uma monstruosa cagada é preciso um
computador. (autor desconhecido)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach eim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.04.26.1757 +0200]:
> With https data will be encripted and it's impossible to
> find out login and password because they're not sent over
> the net in a clear way.

never say impossible.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones."
-- oscar wilde

Description: PGP signature

Re: RSA not an easy crack

2002-04-26 Thread Hubert Chan
Hash: SHA1

> "DSC" == DSC Siltec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DSC> Actually, the beauty of the Parker Souchacki method is that it
DSC> would allow the simultaneous solution of a system of equations that
DSC> has one functional solution.  Which means that you only need one
DSC> set of equations, and it solves for all values at once,

DSC> Which means you might have only about 40 equations to solve, and
DSC> when you add the RSA algorithm, perhaps another 10-20.  The

I think that Michael's point was that you'd need
P * 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 equations; not

BTW, why are you discussing this on debian-security, and not with some
real mathematicians?  (Not that there aren't any real mathematicians on
this list, but d-s is populated mostly with admins.)  Someone like
Schneier would be in a much better position than pretty much anyone on
this list to tell you whether or not you're right.  Even a professor
from a local University would probably know better.

DSC> However, the double-layered encryption, which always takes a
DSC> randomly generated number as its "raw data", does sound secure,
DSC> because the RNGs are going to be practically unbreakable (we hope
DSC> -- and that can be improved with white-noise CDs recorded from your
DSC> local waterfall.).

???  According to your proposal, an attacker only needs the public key,
the plaintext, and the ciphertext, all of which are easy to obtain.  The
public key is know due to it being public.  He can generate his own
plaintext, and generate a ciphertext "by hand," so the fact that every
PGP implementation uses a double layer encryption doesn't help.

Whether or not the digital signature on this message has been forged is
up to you to guess.  ;-)

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/71FDA37F
Fingerprint: 6CC5 822D 2E55 494C 81DD  6F2C 6518 54DF 71FD A37F
Key available at   Encrypted e-mail preferred.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: A more secure form of .htaccess?

2002-04-26 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Dan Faerch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.04.26.1955 +0200]:
> Second more, if your users are allowed to have pages on the same
> address as the login system, the browser can, without much effort,
> be tricked into giving away your systems username and password to
> a personal user page...


> The subject on switches.. It is a general misunderstanding that
> switches provide security.. There are several easy tricks to make
> a switch spill its guts.. They were designed for performance and no
> one ever promised security

true, and i love this one because it's the first thing everyone says
in response to hearing something said on 'sniffing'. uhm, every
previously not so exposed person as we are, i mean.

but have you tried your luck on one of the better cisco and
hewlett-packard switches? you know their algorithm against MAC table
overflow? if yes, then just think about it, and about how good it is.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"micro$oft productivity software"
  - see reductio ad absurdum, conclusions.

Description: PGP signature