Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-11 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Cesar Rincon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 07:16]:
 Well, I guess I am betraying you too, quite openly at that.  What now? 
 Am I evil and insane, too?  Would you like to enforce your laws on me
 and my family?
 You better make sure I don't survive the enforcing.

uh, careful what you say .. that's the plan ..

three quotes:

If violence isn't solving your problems, you're not using enough of it.
-- Misato Katsuragi

If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it
may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their
fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance
towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor;
for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and
violence we inflict upon our own natures.
-- Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss Psychiatrist)

No violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you! Consider the furniture!
-- Sherlock Holmes


... okay .. now, before we need peace keeping squads ourselves, we
should stop talking about politics here, for our own good.

talking about politics or religion (which isn't fit to hold a candle to
true faith) is tabooed in quite some coalescences, and we should stop
short of going so far as to require forbidding it (by mailing list
policy) as well. also, we should refrain from attacking each other, but
- if we have to do it at all - only attack the behaviour. otherwise, it
gets personal and emotional, and after a while, there's no place for

usually, if you put up a (verbal) fight with an idiot, they get you down
to their level in due time, and there they simply smash you with

that said, let's get back to debian security traffic, or no traffic at
all - anybody who agrees with me can show so by simply shutting the fsck
up about you-know-what ;) I'll do.

I think we should talk about palladium, thou. anybody got any idea how
we're going to face it, if we got a chance, and what is implied (I don't
wanna start)? shouldn't be off-topic at all.

Kind regards


P.S: I'm quite happy about the variety of people and mindsets which
shines through when discussion go like this - thanks for being there,
all of you! I live to learn - and you? :)

P.P.S: in case you're wondering: I poured oil on the topic, I may try to
take some heat out - don't you think?

Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

secure documents - Was: db2 and Debian

2003-03-11 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Tom Panning [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030312 03:13]:
 Solicitor/lawyer deposits a sensitive document on a server and only
 select ppl whom that lawyer selects can access or download that
 document. It must be secure, auditable and keep lawyers happy!

well, in case you don't trust https et all, use gnupg, combining pgp
symmetric encryption for the content, asymmetric encryption for
distribution of the symmetric key to selected people, and pgp
timestamping/logging of hash sums for auditing, combined with a nice
(web)frontend in php/perl/whatever ..


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-11 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Cesar Rincon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 07:16]:
 Well, I guess I am betraying you too, quite openly at that.  What now? 
 Am I evil and insane, too?  Would you like to enforce your laws on me
 and my family?
 You better make sure I don't survive the enforcing.

uh, careful what you say .. that's the plan ..

three quotes:

If violence isn't solving your problems, you're not using enough of it.
-- Misato Katsuragi

If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it
may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their
fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance
towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor;
for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and
violence we inflict upon our own natures.
-- Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss Psychiatrist)

No violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you! Consider the furniture!
-- Sherlock Holmes


... okay .. now, before we need peace keeping squads ourselves, we
should stop talking about politics here, for our own good.

talking about politics or religion (which isn't fit to hold a candle to
true faith) is tabooed in quite some coalescences, and we should stop
short of going so far as to require forbidding it (by mailing list
policy) as well. also, we should refrain from attacking each other, but
- if we have to do it at all - only attack the behaviour. otherwise, it
gets personal and emotional, and after a while, there's no place for

usually, if you put up a (verbal) fight with an idiot, they get you down
to their level in due time, and there they simply smash you with

that said, let's get back to debian security traffic, or no traffic at
all - anybody who agrees with me can show so by simply shutting the fsck
up about you-know-what ;) I'll do.

I think we should talk about palladium, thou. anybody got any idea how
we're going to face it, if we got a chance, and what is implied (I don't
wanna start)? shouldn't be off-topic at all.

Kind regards


P.S: I'm quite happy about the variety of people and mindsets which
shines through when discussion go like this - thanks for being there,
all of you! I live to learn - and you? :)

P.P.S: in case you're wondering: I poured oil on the topic, I may try to
take some heat out - don't you think?

Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

secure documents - Was: db2 and Debian

2003-03-11 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Tom Panning [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030312 03:13]:
 Solicitor/lawyer deposits a sensitive document on a server and only
 select ppl whom that lawyer selects can access or download that
 document. It must be secure, auditable and keep lawyers happy!

well, in case you don't trust https et all, use gnupg, combining pgp
symmetric encryption for the content, asymmetric encryption for
distribution of the symmetric key to selected people, and pgp
timestamping/logging of hash sums for auditing, combined with a nice
(web)frontend in php/perl/whatever ..


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Andreas Vitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 02:41]:
  Why do you think iraq will destroy your holy USA ?? Don't you think
  CAN attack any country on earth ??
  using missiles that reach 110 to 180 kilometers, the iraq cant't 
  the US. I don not know whom the iraq will attack but
  I think that they won't attack the US!!
 I don't think Iraq will destroy the US.  I think that Iraq might supply
 chemical and/or biological weapons to terrorists who would definitely
 attack the US.  i never said anything about the missiles.  chemical and
 biological weapons do not require missiles to deliver them.

oh, the Antrax which was mailed to various people after 9/11 didn't come
from US laboratories? the US doesn't have any chemical or biological
weapons which they give to other countries? let me think .. the iraq,
for example, when iran was 'collaborating' with the russians .. d'uh.

  USA wants to be a global player,okay USA is a global player, but
  plays a game that nobody wants to play!!
 and what game is that?

deception, disinformation, humiliation, paternalism - against US
citizens, the hole free democratic world (the US are a republic), etc ..

'oh what a tangled web we weave when we at first try to deceive' .. most
people in the US don't even get a chance to get their hands on
non-contaminated/censored educational material :( so they are made to
think everything's fine.

I'm definitely not contra-US, but the deception of large companies and
company-controlled governements baffles all descriptions - and the lack
of power over oneselves resulting in enforcing power over others (inside
and outside the US) is quite a shame.

  I agree that iraq shouldn be allowed to have biological/chemical or
  what ever - weapons. BUT the US shouldn't either. 
  NOBODY has the right to destroy/ or even harm anybody on this HOLY
 I agree with you on that.

so do I. holeheartedly. but look at the budgets .. and for what they are
used ..

  I agree that the force that the US-Army by there presence in the 
  gulf-region puts on Saddam Hussein is good. I don't belive without the
  presence of the Army sadam wouldn't do anything.
  BUT I hope that there will be NO need to fight a war agains Saddam,
  besides a  psychological  war !!
 right now it IS only a psychological war, but what will happen when
 saddam realizes that?  i don't think a psychological war will have much
 of an effect then!

I'm pretty sure he's quite aware of that, but he should be smoked out
psychologically, not with weapons, and not his citizens. so I say: more
time, more weapons inspectors, UN-controlled polls (preferrably in the
US, too), more destruction of weapons, less sanctions.

and less spoiled sons of oil barons.

... okay, now regarding debian-security:

I fear my system may be used for psychological cyberwarfare, i.e. I
might get e-mails messing with my brain. what can I do? ;)


P.S: something for the lawyers: are there any licenses explictly
disallowing the use of software in conjunction with war? would it be

Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Steve Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 03:11]:
 Since when did a bunch of Debian/Linux developers, maintainers, users
 become Politicians?  I must have missed that transitional period.  If I
 wanted to here this crap, I'd start watching the news!

you'd get less information there, than here.

and: if you don't turn in on politics, it will turn in on you. has
always been true so far. so, do the world a favour: go voting EVERY TIME
you can, even if you only want to show that none of the options left is
desireable by making your vote invalid.

as an open source user, I _insist_ on the right to choose .. and I
_insist_ on excercising it - otherwise, someone will sooner or later
take it away from me ...

.. another topic definitely touching security: if someone handles my
security for me, how about my security if he turns on me?

will debian run on TCPA/palladium systems?


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Andreas Vitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 02:41]:
  Why do you think iraq will destroy your holy USA ?? Don't you think
  CAN attack any country on earth ??
  using missiles that reach 110 to 180 kilometers, the iraq cant't 
  the US. I don not know whom the iraq will attack but
  I think that they won't attack the US!!
 I don't think Iraq will destroy the US.  I think that Iraq might supply
 chemical and/or biological weapons to terrorists who would definitely
 attack the US.  i never said anything about the missiles.  chemical and
 biological weapons do not require missiles to deliver them.

oh, the Antrax which was mailed to various people after 9/11 didn't come
from US laboratories? the US doesn't have any chemical or biological
weapons which they give to other countries? let me think .. the iraq,
for example, when iran was 'collaborating' with the russians .. d'uh.

  USA wants to be a global player,okay USA is a global player, but
  plays a game that nobody wants to play!!
 and what game is that?

deception, disinformation, humiliation, paternalism - against US
citizens, the hole free democratic world (the US are a republic), etc ..

'oh what a tangled web we weave when we at first try to deceive' .. most
people in the US don't even get a chance to get their hands on
non-contaminated/censored educational material :( so they are made to
think everything's fine.

I'm definitely not contra-US, but the deception of large companies and
company-controlled governements baffles all descriptions - and the lack
of power over oneselves resulting in enforcing power over others (inside
and outside the US) is quite a shame.

  I agree that iraq shouldn be allowed to have biological/chemical or
  what ever - weapons. BUT the US shouldn't either. 
  NOBODY has the right to destroy/ or even harm anybody on this HOLY
 I agree with you on that.

so do I. holeheartedly. but look at the budgets .. and for what they are
used ..

  I agree that the force that the US-Army by there presence in the 
  gulf-region puts on Saddam Hussein is good. I don't belive without the
  presence of the Army sadam wouldn't do anything.
  BUT I hope that there will be NO need to fight a war agains Saddam,
  besides a  psychological  war !!
 right now it IS only a psychological war, but what will happen when
 saddam realizes that?  i don't think a psychological war will have much
 of an effect then!

I'm pretty sure he's quite aware of that, but he should be smoked out
psychologically, not with weapons, and not his citizens. so I say: more
time, more weapons inspectors, UN-controlled polls (preferrably in the
US, too), more destruction of weapons, less sanctions.

and less spoiled sons of oil barons.

... okay, now regarding debian-security:

I fear my system may be used for psychological cyberwarfare, i.e. I
might get e-mails messing with my brain. what can I do? ;)


P.S: something for the lawyers: are there any licenses explictly
disallowing the use of software in conjunction with war? would it be

Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

Re: Peace is not off topic

2003-03-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Steve Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030311 03:11]:
 Since when did a bunch of Debian/Linux developers, maintainers, users
 become Politicians?  I must have missed that transitional period.  If I
 wanted to here this crap, I'd start watching the news!

you'd get less information there, than here.

and: if you don't turn in on politics, it will turn in on you. has
always been true so far. so, do the world a favour: go voting EVERY TIME
you can, even if you only want to show that none of the options left is
desireable by making your vote invalid.

as an open source user, I _insist_ on the right to choose .. and I
_insist_ on excercising it - otherwise, someone will sooner or later
take it away from me ...

.. another topic definitely touching security: if someone handles my
security for me, how about my security if he turns on me?

will debian run on TCPA/palladium systems?


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-08 Thread Andreas Kotes

this is off topic, but in case you've been wondering, too:

* Joost Beintema [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030308 04:47]:
  Your comment seems to lay blame for 9/11 on the intelligence community. 
  It's fair to say that they had major flaws at that time (and possibly 
  now as well). You could argue that this specific incident could have 
  been prevented if certain measures were in place. Keep in mind, the 
  perpetrators were a determined group that was willing to accept death in 
  the pursuit of their goal. That's a combination that is nearly unstoppable.
 All I hear is a war-yelling Bush but I haven' heared any good story (from
 politicians) about the WHY of attacks.

economic reasons:

- the oil price influences a HUGE part of the economy, having to pay the
  market price for iraq oil doesn't work
- the bush family is a not-so-small player in weapons industry as well
  as oil industry
- deficit/military/government spending is good for the economy (any
  economist can tell you that) .. the formula:

  GDP = C+G+I+X-Im
  GDP == Gross Domestic Product
  C   == Consumption
  G   == Government spending
  I   == Investments
  X   == Exports
  Im  == Imports)

  .. this very formular also explains tax cuts, the deficit, the hype
  against foreign products / Imports, etc.
- military spending:
  Irak:~ 20.0% of GDP
  USA: ~  5.5% of GDP (!)
  Germany: ~  3.5% of GDP
  .. reasoning goes that a raise of spending for weapons beyond a
  general percentage is a precursor for war - as it has always been

  the actual values don't seem to matter much - the fact that the US
  just have a _huge_ GDP does count a lot .. $400 _billion_ military
  expenses a year are 'only' 5.5% .. the ~$26 billion offered to turkey
  are interesting, too. far more interesting are the ~$15 _million_ for
  post-war refugee help (UNHCR). 

  another question: how could iraq to something decent using its money,
  considering the sanctions and the interweavement of countries these
- old ammunition and weapon technologies have to be -uh- put out of

political reasons:

- gaining access to he iraq oil fields would lessen the influence of
  OPEC, thus the oil price
- solving the palaestina/israel conflict would compromise israel
- disrupting europe unity means keeping relative strength

pyschological reasons:

- giving in to europe would mean losing face
- admiting one was wrong would mean losing face
- searching problems everywhere else but at home is far easier than
  facing reality
- powerlessness (e.g. regarding 9/11) of oneself usually results in
  applying power to others

.. just guessing. I'm pretty sure there are more in each category.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-08 Thread Andreas Kotes

this is off topic, but in case you've been wondering, too:

* Joost Beintema [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030308 04:47]:
  Your comment seems to lay blame for 9/11 on the intelligence community. 
  It's fair to say that they had major flaws at that time (and possibly 
  now as well). You could argue that this specific incident could have 
  been prevented if certain measures were in place. Keep in mind, the 
  perpetrators were a determined group that was willing to accept death in 
  the pursuit of their goal. That's a combination that is nearly unstoppable.
 All I hear is a war-yelling Bush but I haven' heared any good story (from
 politicians) about the WHY of attacks.

economic reasons:

- the oil price influences a HUGE part of the economy, having to pay the
  market price for iraq oil doesn't work
- the bush family is a not-so-small player in weapons industry as well
  as oil industry
- deficit/military/government spending is good for the economy (any
  economist can tell you that) .. the formula:

  GDP = C+G+I+X-Im
  GDP == Gross Domestic Product
  C   == Consumption
  G   == Government spending
  I   == Investments
  X   == Exports
  Im  == Imports)

  .. this very formular also explains tax cuts, the deficit, the hype
  against foreign products / Imports, etc.
- military spending:
  Irak:~ 20.0% of GDP
  USA: ~  5.5% of GDP (!)
  Germany: ~  3.5% of GDP
  .. reasoning goes that a raise of spending for weapons beyond a
  general percentage is a precursor for war - as it has always been

  the actual values don't seem to matter much - the fact that the US
  just have a _huge_ GDP does count a lot .. $400 _billion_ military
  expenses a year are 'only' 5.5% .. the ~$26 billion offered to turkey
  are interesting, too. far more interesting are the ~$15 _million_ for
  post-war refugee help (UNHCR). 

  another question: how could iraq to something decent using its money,
  considering the sanctions and the interweavement of countries these
- old ammunition and weapon technologies have to be -uh- put out of

political reasons:

- gaining access to he iraq oil fields would lessen the influence of
  OPEC, thus the oil price
- solving the palaestina/israel conflict would compromise israel
- disrupting europe unity means keeping relative strength

pyschological reasons:

- giving in to europe would mean losing face
- admiting one was wrong would mean losing face
- searching problems everywhere else but at home is far easier than
  facing reality
- powerlessness (e.g. regarding 9/11) of oneself usually results in
  applying power to others

.. just guessing. I'm pretty sure there are more in each category.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Arm it ..

Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030115 04:20]:
  Rolf == Rolf Kutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rolf * Quoting Joshua SS Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Cryptoswap?  Hmm sound like something I was thinking about earlier
  today.  Do you have a good resource for this?
 Do the kerneli modules (officially) work with encrypted swap?  I know
 loop-AES does, but I couldn't find anything about the kerneli
 (cryptoapi/cryptoloop) modules.  (For loop-AES, do a Google search for
 When encrypting swap, you need to make sure that you don't allocate new
 memory.  Otherwise, it may cause some swapping, which makes you do
 encryption, which may allocate new memory, ad infinitum.  loop-AES takes
 care of that explicitly, by preallocating memory, but I don't think
 cryptoapi/cryptoloop does, so you may be taking your chances with it.

FUD alert! I like loop-AES, too, and would REALLY love general inclusion
into Debian kernels, but this doesn't mean the authors of alternatives
are/may be idiots.

Please don't spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt without referring to
facts you're sure of. Leave that to Mickeysoft ;)

My EUR 0.02.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030115 21:33]:
  Andreas == Andreas Kotes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Andreas FUD alert! I like loop-AES, too, and would REALLY love general
 Andreas inclusion into Debian kernels, but this doesn't mean the
 Andreas authors of alternatives are/may be idiots.
 Andreas Please don't spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt without
 Andreas referring to facts you're sure of. Leave that to Mickeysoft ;)
 I wasn't trying to spread FUD.  See how my first sentence was a
 question, and my use of I couldn't find [information] and I don't
 think, all of which are asking for more clarification.


 If you can point me to an official statement, please let me know.
 Things to the effect of it works for me don't count, since the issue
 doesn't seem to be terribly likely to occur.  Since you have asked me
 not to spread FUD without referring to facts, I would ask that you
 return the same courtesy and not call someone on spreading FUD without
 referring to facts.

have a look at the sourcecode in e.g.

.. the only places where memory allocation occurs at all is during
initialization and when using a digest. for a read or write access
memory pointers are set up and are passed to the function implementing
the cipher algorithm. none of these do any memory allocation at all, but
work on existing memory.

no need to find a statment saying `the code does what the code says`.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Martin Hermanowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030116 01:18]:
 On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 06:26:32PM -0500, Hubert Chan wrote:
   Andreas == Andreas Kotes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Andreas patch-int is all of the above combined, for (optional)
  Andreas compilation into the kernel.
  That would have been my guess too.
  BTW, I've also grepped through the cryptoapi and cryptoloop sources, and
  they seem to be only allocating memory at initialization and in the
  digest functions too (which would be expected).  Yay!  I guess I'll be
  setting up encrypted swap soon!  :-)

(sure - patch-int is cryptoapi+cryptoloop+ipsec_tunnel - see

 Is it possible to use swsusp and crypto-swap? I'ld say no, because there
 is no way for the kernel to get the key before swsusp resumes.


 It there any other way to do this?

unless you use nvram or an external (cryptographic) token - no (storing
it on harddisk would be ridiculously stupid) .. I know of no current
implementation, but this could be done using e.g. Java iButtons,
SmartCards (e.g. Schlumberger Cryptoflex), USB Tokens and the like.
You'd want to authenticate against the USB Token on resume, thou.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030115 04:20]:
  Rolf == Rolf Kutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rolf * Quoting Joshua SS Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Cryptoswap?  Hmm sound like something I was thinking about earlier
  today.  Do you have a good resource for this?
 Do the kerneli modules (officially) work with encrypted swap?  I know
 loop-AES does, but I couldn't find anything about the kerneli
 (cryptoapi/cryptoloop) modules.  (For loop-AES, do a Google search for
 When encrypting swap, you need to make sure that you don't allocate new
 memory.  Otherwise, it may cause some swapping, which makes you do
 encryption, which may allocate new memory, ad infinitum.  loop-AES takes
 care of that explicitly, by preallocating memory, but I don't think
 cryptoapi/cryptoloop does, so you may be taking your chances with it.

FUD alert! I like loop-AES, too, and would REALLY love general inclusion
into Debian kernels, but this doesn't mean the authors of alternatives
are/may be idiots.

Please don't spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt without referring to
facts you're sure of. Leave that to Mickeysoft ;)

My EUR 0.02.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030115 21:33]:
  Andreas == Andreas Kotes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Andreas FUD alert! I like loop-AES, too, and would REALLY love general
 Andreas inclusion into Debian kernels, but this doesn't mean the
 Andreas authors of alternatives are/may be idiots.
 Andreas Please don't spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt without
 Andreas referring to facts you're sure of. Leave that to Mickeysoft ;)
 I wasn't trying to spread FUD.  See how my first sentence was a
 question, and my use of I couldn't find [information] and I don't
 think, all of which are asking for more clarification.


 If you can point me to an official statement, please let me know.
 Things to the effect of it works for me don't count, since the issue
 doesn't seem to be terribly likely to occur.  Since you have asked me
 not to spread FUD without referring to facts, I would ask that you
 return the same courtesy and not call someone on spreading FUD without
 referring to facts.

have a look at the sourcecode in e.g.

.. the only places where memory allocation occurs at all is during
initialization and when using a digest. for a read or write access
memory pointers are set up and are passed to the function implementing
the cipher algorithm. none of these do any memory allocation at all, but
work on existing memory.

no need to find a statment saying `the code does what the code says`.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

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Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030115 22:55]:
  Andreas == Andreas Kotes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Andreas have a look at the sourcecode in e.g.
 Thanks.  I'll take a look at that.  If you don't mind clarifying
 something for me, what is the relationship between patch-int, and
 cryptoapi and cryptoloop?

here's how I understand it:

the cryptoapi is the crypto infrastructure for the kernel, including
some ciphers .. this code can be used by other stuff, for example
cryptoloop (the loopback crypto device implementation) or ipsec_tunnel.

all of this can be compiled as a module, and loaded into (almost) any

patch-int is all of the above combined, for (optional) compilation into
the kernel.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

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Re: Cryptoswap -- was Re: raw disk access

2003-01-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Martin Hermanowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030116 01:18]:
 On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 06:26:32PM -0500, Hubert Chan wrote:
   Andreas == Andreas Kotes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Andreas patch-int is all of the above combined, for (optional)
  Andreas compilation into the kernel.
  That would have been my guess too.
  BTW, I've also grepped through the cryptoapi and cryptoloop sources, and
  they seem to be only allocating memory at initialization and in the
  digest functions too (which would be expected).  Yay!  I guess I'll be
  setting up encrypted swap soon!  :-)

(sure - patch-int is cryptoapi+cryptoloop+ipsec_tunnel - see

 Is it possible to use swsusp and crypto-swap? I'ld say no, because there
 is no way for the kernel to get the key before swsusp resumes.


 It there any other way to do this?

unless you use nvram or an external (cryptographic) token - no (storing
it on harddisk would be ridiculously stupid) .. I know of no current
implementation, but this could be done using e.g. Java iButtons,
SmartCards (e.g. Schlumberger Cryptoflex), USB Tokens and the like.
You'd want to authenticate against the USB Token on resume, thou.


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to get the current security updates on CD?

2003-01-06 Thread Andreas Kotes
* John Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20030106 23:53]:
 On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 04:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2) Set up a private ftp/http mirror of and update
the system from there before connecting it to the internet...
  Yes, this is what I would like to do, but I'm not clear on the
  mechanics of doing it.  Does any Howto describe how to do this?  Do I
  need root access for the mirror site?  Where can I find instructions?
 You could mirror the whole site via ftp or rsync as described elsewhere, but 
 if bandwidth usage and storage space are important to you, I'd recommend the 
 apt-move package as being the easiest way to mirror a specific arch/distro 

... or you could use apt-proxy (which gets package lists and caches packages
requested at least once on the local disk) and disallow incoming connections
before you got your system updated via it. this way, you only download and
store packages indeed used by your machines, and only transmit each paket
once from to your apt-proxy.

in case you're concerned about package integrity, consider using the
debsig/debsig-verify packages.

just my EUR 0.02 ..


Re: XFree86 4.2 bug in Debian Testing

2002-11-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* David Stanaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20021110 14:19]:
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 11:42, Joseph Pingenot wrote:
  xhost is for working with connections coming over tcp.  :0.0 uses
a named socket (/tmp/Xsomething), and Debian's X servers don't listen
in on a tcp socket by default (security.  No chance of someone sniffing
your password if nobody can connect remotely!).  Thus, xhost won't work.
 xhost + 'local:*'

not much better. this way, you 'only' give local users access to your
X-session to open (transparent, event catching, screenshoting) windows
and the like, not the hole world ..


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

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Re: XFree86 4.2 bug in Debian Testing

2002-11-10 Thread Andreas Kotes

* David Stanaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20021110 14:19]:
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 11:42, Joseph Pingenot wrote:
  xhost is for working with connections coming over tcp.  :0.0 uses
a named socket (/tmp/Xsomething), and Debian's X servers don't listen
in on a tcp socket by default (security.  No chance of someone sniffing
your password if nobody can connect remotely!).  Thus, xhost won't work.
 xhost + 'local:*'

not much better. this way, you 'only' give local users access to your
X-session to open (transparent, event catching, screenshoting) windows
and the like, not the hole world ..


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

Re: Closing ports...

2002-09-15 Thread Andreas Kotes

* Phillip Hofmeister [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20020915 23:23]:
 On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 at 06:15:04PM +0200, Markus Grunwald wrote:
  But I have configured junkbuster to listen only to my network:
 I have never used junkbuster before but I will give you my standard advise I
 give to anyone securing their machine.  Investigate iptables (ipchains in 
 This will probably be your best tool in locking down a machine.  There are
 plenty of how-tos out their with pre-made rules.  I do not endorse any of
 them.  Instead I combined several of them to make my own rules.

I endorse FIAIF (, which handles almost
everything I'll ever need, and more to come - the author is responsive
and feels responsible about FIAIFs qualitay .. have a look at the
feature list, it really helped me getting away from the syntax of
iptables / ip to telling the box what I want it to do with whats
happing on its 7 interfaces .. ;)


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

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