Re: Compiled list (STIG for Debian)

2022-03-02 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 3/2/22 10:54, Jeremiah C. Foster wrote:

Cannot speak for it's provenance, but there's this;


Thanks, that actually looks like more of an SRR (System Readiness Review[0]) 
evaluation checker for applicable STIGs.

As it states, it uses the RHEL7 STIG as a baseline for the tests.

While old (2017), it might still prove useful if it can identify CAT I issues 
quickly with few false negatives as a *starting point*

[0] i think DISA stopped making these scripts due to the burden of keeping them 
upto date.   3rd parties now do that for 

Re: Compiled list

2022-03-02 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 3/2/22 07:43, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:

STIGs are maintained by DISA, not by Debian


On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 9:42 AM Stephanie Hall>> wrote:

Good morning,

Do you have an excel version of a STIG for Debian 9 & 10 that you would be 
willing to share?

Thank you in advance!

The DISA STIGviewer (a Java app that runs just find on Debian), can import a 
STIG  file and export to CSV

However, there is no STIG specific to Debian that i'm aware of.
Your best bet is referencing the Ubuntu ones:



Re: DSA-3708-1 mat -- security update (What are MAT users to do)?

2016-11-13 Thread Stephen Dowdy
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 5:47 AM, intrigeri <> wrote:
> Robert Haist:
> > For PDFs you can use exiftool from the libimage-exiftool-perl to remove
> > metadata:
> >   exiftool -all= example.pdf
> > This works for me.
> Does this address the problem (metadata in embedded images) that
> triggered us from removing this functionality from MAT?

Assuming the documentation is correct, the manpage for exiftool states:

>3) Changes to PDF files are reversible because the original
information is never actually deleted from the file.  >   So
ExifTool alone may not be used to securely edit metadata in PDF files.

that sounds like a "NO".  :-(


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Feature request: security-tracker website: add data columns indicating affected releases and/or issue creation time

2015-12-11 Thread Stephen Dowdy

"Automatically generated issue names"

could really benefit by having additional data columns such as:

- date of issue creation (unfortunately, the full info page
doesn't even seem to have that)

- affected Debian releases

"Packages that may be vulnerable but need to be checked (undetermined
issues)" section

at least has affected releases listed.

This would help users when scanning to quickly see if something might
look relevant.

But in general, the specific issue pages would really benefit by
creation date addition.
(yeah, i can click on the associated bug-reports to see times, but
it'd be nice to have
it immediately accessible)


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Re: Security EOL within Debian Stable

2015-02-05 Thread Stephen Dowdy
On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Michael Gilbert wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Stephen Dowdy wrote:
 So, if a user installs said package, but fails to notice any EOL DSA
 on it, the package gets left in place in a potentially VULNERABLE
 state.  I.E. if a known exploit comes out, and the package is still
 installed, the end-user could get a nasty surprise thinking that
 because they've added security support to apt-sources and regularly
 update, that they are protected.   This is a non-optimal and undesired

 The debian-security-support package somewhat addresses those concerns
 [0], but it is not currently installed by default.  There was some
 discussion to make that happen, but hasn't been followed through.

Ah, that's useful to know, and that would be a a reasonable solution.

However, that package depends upon being current and having the
endedlimited support db files updated

$ check-support-status -V
 version 2014.09.07
$ grep chromium /usr/share/debian-security-support/*  || echo Chromium
not listed
Chromium not listed

It's been less than a week since 'chromium' support was EOL'd, so hopefully
soon 'debian-security-support' will get that updated info.

To me, that's a satisfactory solution, again, depending upon it being
maintained.   I'll ensure that our default FAI config includes that package
from here out.
(additionally, a site administrator could, using those DBs manage package
de-installation / deactivation or security-alert wrapper scriptage even
automatically from it)

 Note that chromium is in 'main' -- not 'contrib' or ..., so there's a
 valid expectation that its security support won't just silently stop
 -- unlike the other FAQ entry that says there's basically no security
 support or contrib, non-free..

 I'm not sure where you get the silently concern from, but this topic
 is already discussed in wheezy's release notes [1].  The problem with
 that of course you'll point out is that users often don't read that...

By silently, i mean that the package would continue to operate w/o
warning that it's possibly vulnerable (sans any external info such as
checking DSAs or having an updated 'debian-security-support' package and
independently running it to identify the problem).   I've often injected
shell-script wrappers around problematic packages to warn users via
dialog/kdialog/simple-message that the package is vulnerable/problematical,
etc -- until the problem's rectified.

Yeah, it's hard to read (and brain-store) multiple hundred page manuals for
all the stuff a sysadmin is responsible for on a regular basis.  That's why
i appealed to folks like you to set me straight ;)

 Best wishes,



Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Security EOL within Debian Stable

2015-02-04 Thread Stephen Dowdy
(after contemplating a possible 'chromium'  thread hijack, i figured
this should be a new thread)...

I see a definite problem with the way that package security support
gets end-of-lifed in Debian-Stable.
Not just chromium and other browsers, but the JDK/JRE packages,
historically, as well.  I'm not trying to point fingers or criticize,
i legitimately want to know if there's something i'm missing, or if
something could be done to handle package deprecation for security EOL

So, if a user installs said package, but fails to notice any EOL DSA
on it, the package gets left in place in a potentially VULNERABLE
state.  I.E. if a known exploit comes out, and the package is still
installed, the end-user could get a nasty surprise thinking that
because they've added security support to apt-sources and regularly
update, that they are protected.   This is a non-optimal and undesired

Now, i'm sure some will argue about Personal Responsibility (keeping
track of all the DSAs, etc), but leaving packages vulnerable in the
Stable release seems to fly in the face of:
Q: How is security handled in Debian?

A: Once the security team receives a notification of an incident,
one or more members review it and consider its impact on the stable
release of Debian (i.e. if it's vulnerable or not). If our system is
vulnerable, we work on a fix for the problem. The package maintainer
is contacted as well, if they didn't contact the security team
already. Finally, the fix is tested and new packages are prepared,
which are then compiled on all stable architectures and uploaded
afterwards. After all of that is done, an advisory is published.

Note that chromium is in 'main' -- not 'contrib' or ..., so there's a
valid expectation that its security support won't just silently stop
-- unlike the other FAQ entry that says there's basically no security
support or contrib, non-free..

Is there some mechanism that currently exists that could be used to
flag such security EOL packages?
   this could be done by putting out a FINAL EOL security channel
package update that did something like:
  - minimally change the package metadata Description to
  - made the package transition and made it depend on the newly
named package ${package-name}-security-eol
  - add a version suffix like ${package} version: ${version}-security-eol
(e.g. chromium  37.0.2062.120-1~deb7u1-security-eol )
  - create a new repo component called 'security-eol' to
complement main,contrib.non-free...

It would be quite rude to automatically remove installed packages that
were known vulnerable, obviously, but, maybe that would solve the
problem, and anyone who wanted to willingly keep a package installed
that was EOL/vulnerable, could apt-pin it.  Similarly, a security-eol
update could simply remove the executable bits from vulnerable
applications, requiring end-user manual intervention.  Still a
shocker, but IMHO a better solution than leaving users vulnerable.

Any comments, ideas, pointers to the reference that answers my
question or points out my confusion...  are welcome.


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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Re: are unattended updates a good idea?

2015-01-31 Thread Stephen Dowdy

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Re: Efficient way to keep track of security updates

2015-01-28 Thread Stephen Dowdy
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:59 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Tiberiu Popescu wrote:
 You could install and configure the unattended-upgrades package
 instead of using apticron. Please note that you still need to do
 reboots after Linux kernel updates and relevant restart processes
 after library upgrades. You can use needrestart (jessie and later) or
 checkrestart (from debian-goodies) to find out which processes to

ISTM, this libc6 update should have triggered a
/var/run/reboot-required creation, but it didn't. (yeah, it's
debatable, but for the average person, you probably want them to
recognize a reboot is safest after a significant 'libc' security
update -- else more savvy users can figure out to restart critical
daemons if needed)

Here's a script, 'apt-whatsup', i use for showing me what patches are
outstanding (packages that are upgradeable and current and upgradeable
versions).  It operates similarly to 'aptitude's 'versions' argument,
but in a more concise layout.  It allows selection of security-only
updates via a '-s' option.

AFAICT, a *security* update is only a security update because of where
it comes from (sources.list) by convention/decree.
It's just the same as any other package (the package metadata does not
contain anything identifying the package as a security update).

So, my script may need some adjustment for your environment if your
Debian-Security 'deb' source doesn't look like mine.  Or, if you're
using 'squeeze-lts', which is presumed to be 'security only' updates
(Release file 'Label' field won't have Security in it), or if you
have 3rd party security repos, or a multi-release (e.g.
stable+testing)...   In that case, you should probably re-architect to
have an /etc/apt/source.list.d/security-updates.list  that contains
all your security repos which my script will use directly (if it
exists), rather than trying to ascertain which sources are security
sources and creating a temp sources.list.

If anyone has more insight, let me know.

# Get help
# ./apt-whatsup -h
apt-whatsup [ -d ] [ -n ] [ -s ] [ -k | {search-pattern} ]

This program reports all the outstanding Debian Package Updates
for this system.

-d  debug
-k  display kernel only updates pending
-n  don't do 'aptitude update' phase
-s  display security updates only
{search-pattern} any apt-regex search pattern
   e.g. cups, ^apache2$

# See what packages and versions (current/upgradeable) are in play for
upgradeable packages
# ./apt-whatsup
Warning, no aptitude update performed, results may be inaccurate...
apache2-mpm-worker  2.2.22-13+deb7u3
apache2-utils   2.2.22-13+deb7u3
apache2.2-bin   2.2.22-13+deb7u3

# How many upgradable packages are outstanding (use '-n' to avoid
aptitude update, since
# we already did that implicitly in the previous invocation)
# ./apt-whatsup  -n | wc -l
Warning, no aptitude update performed, results may be inaccurate...

# How many upgradable packages are from security repos
# ./apt-whatsup  -s -n | wc -l
Warning, no aptitude update performed, results may be inaccurate...

# see if we have a glibc/libc6 security update available
# ./apt-whatsup -s -n '(glibc|libc6)'
Warning, no aptitude update performed, results may be inaccurate...
glibc-doc   2.13-38+deb7u6
libc6   2.13-38+deb7u6
libc6:i386  2.13-38+deb7u6
libc6-dev   2.13-38+deb7u6
libc6-i386  2.13-38+deb7u6

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -
Description: Bourne shell script

Q: Best Practices for 3rd party APT sources for security considerations?

2015-01-22 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Q: Can a registered 3rd party repo spoof critical packages (e.g.
libc6) and have them installed on apt 'upgrade' operations?
Q: What are the best ways (configuration) to help manage 3rd party
repos to constrain their capabilities?

I have a growing number of users who want all sorts of 3rd party stuff
installed on their desktops (a few hundred), including things like
google chrome|earth, dropbox, etc.   Keeping packages updated implies
adding sources.list entries, but...

Is it possible for a 3rd party repository/source added in
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to compromise a system by spoofing a new
(higher) version of a critical package, such as 'libc6'?
(aptitude update  aptitude upgrade   = here, let me install
that new 'libc6' from '')?
What within apt prevents a spoofage of this nature?  (it's unclear to
me that there's any builtin protection against this)

Ultimately, this question is kind of moot, as the mere act of trusting
a 3rd party source for a package installation (or dpkg -i {file})
makes us all sitting ducks, opening your system up to ANY root
activity being performed via a '{pre,post}inst' scripted action or
malware contents -- including having an arbitrary package flat-out
replace a whole lotta faith is being put into that 3rd
party being benevolent, being security conscious in protection of
signing keys, and not ever getting hacked. (is this big elephant in
the room part of why there seems to be a dearth of any detailed Apt
configuration security best practices?)   (debsums after the fact
might be a good thing to have configured just to warn when something
does get borked, but in the case of dynamic lib SOs -- nothing stops a
symlink diversion to an alternate .so either, which wouldn't get
reported, since the symlink is dynamically created outside the package

But, my real question is about how best to configure Apt for when you
*do* make the leap of faith to add a 3rd party source.

There's some question of whether not adding the PGP keys of the
source/package signers and having to manually intervene in the Apt
install warnings is a good idea to keep from accidentally
automatically installing something suspicious.  (breaks
unattended-upgrades, obviously) Anybody do this?

Does it make sense to configure APT Preferences to allow only
DESIRED/KNOWN packages from that source to be installable.

I do that for Redhat/Yum via something like:
# Only let CFEngine be installed from EPEL
kwriteconfig --file /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo --group 'epel'
--key 'includepkgs' 'cfengine'

E.G.  for Google packages, something like:

deb stable main
deb stable main

Package: google-earth-stable
Explanation: Allow google-earth-stable to be installed/upgraded
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 100

Package: google-chrome-stable
Explanation: Allow google-chrome-stable to be installed/upgraded
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 100

Package: *
Explanation: Disallow all other packages from
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: -1000

lists# apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable
  Installed: 39.0.2171.99-1
  Candidate: 40.0.2214.91-1
  Package pin: 40.0.2214.91-1
  Version table:
 40.0.2214.91-1 100
   -1000 stable/main
amd64 Packages
 *** 39.0.2171.99-1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

AFAICT, this preferences setting *should* disallow ''
from ever being able to offer a spoofed system package such as
'libc6', allowing that source to only provide the packages
'google-earth-stable' and 'google-chrome-stable'.  It would also
prevent the possibility of that source offering a new package that
might accidentally get installed by 'typo' ( new package 'lib6c', hyuk
) or by an administrator who mistakenly sees a package show up
(aptitude search...) that looks useful, thinking it's part of the OS

But, is this worthwhile -- does it actually protect you from something
that Apt wouldn't allow anyway?

lists# apt-cache policy libc6 | sed -e 's=\(https\{0,1\}\|ftp\):[^
  Installed: 2.13-38+deb7u6
  Candidate: 2.13-38+deb7u6
  Version table:
 *** 2.13-38+deb7u6 0
990 URI-REDACTED wheezy/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2.13-38+deb7u4 0
990 URI-REDACTED wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages

So, i don't have a 3rd party repo defined for libc6 (just site caching
repos).  But what is to stop '' from offering 2.15 of
libc6 and 'aptitude upgrade' installing it?


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator

Re: FW: has received bounces from you

2014-11-25 Thread Stephen Dowdy

Since our organization's infrastructure moved from internally managed to
Google Apps for Government (GAG) i have started receiving those
occasionally.  (sigh)
(GAG will abort delivery BEFORE you can even tell it you've whitelisted the
sender, which definitely sucks)

I personally think they are a GOOD thing -- as NONE of the messages GAG has
aborted delivery on was spam in any way, and i'd have never known i was
missing them.
Having the temporary cache managed by this mailing list software available
for you to view is a nice touch -- so count me a fan.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Tim Burke wrote:

 Anyone else receive this message? The aforementioned bounce message was a
 phishing message that our spamfilter caught.

 No big deal of course, just seemingly unnecessary email noise. :-)

 Tim Burke
 Systems Administrator
 Steadfast - Managed Infrastructure and Cloud Services
 Office: 312.602.2689 x237 |

 -Original Message-
 From: Debian Listmaster Team []
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 17:45
 Subject: has received bounces from you

 Dear subscriber,

 We've encountered some problems while sending listmail to your

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2267-1] perl security update

2011-08-23 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote, On 08/23/2011 09:43 AM:

 is there any way to find out which Debian packages use Perl’s Safe
 module? What damage could a local attacker have caused by exploiting the
 Safe modules’s security flaw?


# Debian Package File Search
$ dpfs() { lynx -dump -nolist -width=999${1}mode=filenamesuite=stablearch=any;
 | sed -ne '/File[[:space:]]*Packages/,/ _/{x;p}' ;}
$ dpfs

 File Packages
 /usr/share/perl/5.10.1/   perl-modules
   /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Locker/ spamassassin
   /usr/share/perl5/Test/Trap/Builder/ libtest-trap-perl
libtext-micromason-perl appears to be delivered (in squeeze at least) in 'perl-modules'
(unless i'm looking at the wrong thing)

Do a dependency search on anything you have installed that uses that:

  $ aptitude search '~i~DDepends:perl-modules'

leave out the '~i' if you don't want to limit to just what you currently
have installed.

Of course that only tells you packages that have metadata indicating that
they depend on 'perl-modules', there could be other things that use it
without notification.  (then you're into running global finds looking
for 'use' and 'require' statements, whee!)


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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