從 CLE 移植過來的新套件:qe-0.0.34 仿 PE2 文書處 理器

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
  从 CLE 移植过来的新套件∶qe-0.0.34 已经包装好,上传至 Debian 里面了,
尚在 Incoming 中。因为首 freeze 的 deadline 已至, qe 多不会纳入 Debian 2.2
里,但将会在 Debian woody (将来的 2.3) 版出现。感谢作者刘剑青和 SRPM
包装者小虫兄。  ^_^   有兴趣的朋友可以在以下网址找到 qe_0.0.34-1_i386.deb


Package: qe
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 204
Maintainer: Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 0.0.34-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.2), libncurses5, libstdc++2.10
 /etc/qe/qe.pro 481adef1f4fe8c2e601fea00ddeedb46
 /etc/qe/qe.hlp 0e20f35677a54ed2f6d89f0bbb5ac3d1
Description: A PE2-like text full-screen color text editor
 qe is a PE2-like full-screen color text editor.  It's called "qe"
 because the letter "Q" comes after "P".  Like PE2 on DOS, QE is a great
 editor for both English and Chinese (Big5 or GB) text.  Features include:
  * Optional Big5 Chinese interface.
  * User-definable macros and keyboard settings.
 Author: Jiann-Ching Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Home Page: http://www.cc.ncu.edu.tw/~center5/product/qe/  (Big5 Chinese)
 http://members.xoom.com/linux4tw/qe/   (English)

Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

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[ be errors during the conversion as this is not done by a human!   ]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 02:16:13PM -0700, Anthony Fok wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 09:13:57AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 是的,我正计画要改写 gen_inp, 看能否也加入行列 30 的这项需求。
> > 但我在想如果要写的话就写得完善一点,不要只是行列 30 just work
> > 就好了。目前还没有腹案,有人可以提供建议吗? :-))
>   我作了以下的 patch,基本上已经符合行列30 的「字」输入规格,
> 解决了 w[0-9] 符号输入和 "t" 键入「的」字、 "t1" 键入「随」字
> 等问题。不过可能有点不正规,不知您喜不喜欢,加上我的 C 编程水平
> 实在有限,祈请参阅指正。 ^_^  不过,现在用行列30打中文打得很顺就是了。 ^_^
> (gen_inp.patch 和 array30.patch)。(嘻嘻,I know,我正一自私鬼。 ^_^)

非常感谢! 我发现这年头要偷懒真的起来越容易了 :-)) 我会参考您的 patch

>   也许是时候向行列科技谈一下,问个清楚。去年多前弄的 array30.cin,
> 一直没有回报给行列科技,前几个星期赫然发现行列的下载区有配合 xcin 使用的
> array30.tab 下载,不过我猜是给 xcin2.3 使用的版本。也许可以跟他们说说
> 最新版本中 GNU/Linux 下对行列输入法的支援实情。

我见到您寄给行列科技的信了 :-)) 发现我不小心又偷懒了一次 :-))
真是谢谢 :-))

> > 至于其他的输入法我就不熟了,能否请熟悉的朋友帮忙追踪一下,然后再寄
> > 来给我?我都很乐意加入。
>   从 Unihan.txt 可以产出带调的广东话和客家话输入法,当然也可以无调的。
> 建议∶声调多半用 [1-9] (广东话九声,不过其实其中三声为入声,可以说是
> 重覆了,所以有人也说广东话六声),有时加个 "." 当轻声符号……嗯,如果
> 沿用 gen_inp 作这些拼音输入法,也许可以在 gen_inp 里加入「声调」的
> toggle,也就是只需一个带调的 *.cin 档,用户可以按 alt-ctrl-?? 键
> toggle 带调或无调输入模式。  ^_^  我自己很少用拼音式的输入法,不知
> 其他人意见如何?  ^_^

这个可以列如考虑,但不见得使用 alt-ctrl-?? 键,也可能就直接设定在
xcinrc 里头,看是否要开启声调模式。

所以,定义为「声调」的键,就一定是在一连串 keystroke 的最后那个键罗!

>   如果您想要这些可从 Unihan.txt 产出的输入法,我迟些有空时可以试试。
> ^_^

呵呵! 看来我又偷懒成功了! 谢谢您罗 :-))

> > 另外,我在想在 xcin 主程式中是不是一定要放入这么多的 .cin 档?是不
> > 是应该将大部分的 .cin 档抽出来另外做一个 tarball, 而主程式的那个
> > tarball 只放几个最常见的 table (如 cj.cin) 或根本不放任何 .cin
> > table? 大家可以给我意见吗?
>   也有道理。我贪方便,不想把 array30.cin 分出来。 
> 不过,有个想法,大可以设个 arbitrary 的 threshold 值,例如 1 MB,
> 如果 xcin 的 tarball 超过 1 MB,就把各个 .cin 档分出来,只保留其他
> 最常用的。

我看这样好了,要就全部抽出来,不要有的抽有的不抽,这样比较一视同仁 :-))

如G要弄的话,我可能等到 gen_inp 大修改之后,那时 cin2tab 也会修改,
.cin 的格式会改变,正是抽出来的时机 :-))

>   有道理。  ^_^  不知 TurboLinux Chinese 三剑侠(于明俭、方汉、陈向阳)
> 的 chinput 对这些问题的处理如何?听说他们有智能拼音的。其他功能我就不知道了。
> 只是他们的 .cit/.tit 档跟 cxterm 和 Emacs 里的一样,没有(也不能?)正确
> 排序,没有简码等等,打起来非常不顺。  ^_^

这几天我与 turbolinux 的一位成员 justiny 通 mail, 很抱歉我实在有
眼不识泰山,不知是那一位剑侠?他现在正在研究 IMdkit support multi-locale
XIM server, 就可以对各种 locale 的 client 输入,无论如何 xcin 一
定要走到这一步,如果这一点能够突破,那真是千万之喜 :-))

法,也是架构在 XIM 上的,听起来相当有趣 :-))

>   对了,我从 TLC 那里「借」了他们的 zh_CN.GBK 来用,虽然说是 alpha 版,
> 但似乎也相当不错,您们在 CLE 有没有兴趣加个 zh_CN.GBK 的 C 和 X locale
> 资料档?如果您不想麻烦找他们的 .src.rpm,我可以把那些 .src.rpm 里面相关
> zh_CN.GBK 的档案放上网页上。If so, please let me know.  ^_^  (I need to
> organize them first.  :-)

可以寄一份给我吗?我想玩玩看 :-)) 还有, X-Window 字型要用那一套?
有那个 xim client 可以显ç

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
|> ¡¡¡¡ÓеÀÀí¡£  ^_^  ²»Öª TurboLinux Chinese Èý½£ÏÀ£¨ÓÚÃ÷¼ó¡¢·½ºº¡¢³ÂÏòÑô£©
|> µÄ chinput ¶ÔÕâЩÎÊÌâµÄ´¦ÀíÈçºÎ£¿Ìý˵ËûÃÇÓÐÖÇÄÜÆ´ÒôµÄ¡£ÆäËû¹¦ÄÜÎҾͲ»ÖªµÀÁË¡£
|> Ö»ÊÇËûÃÇµÄ .cit/.tit µµ¸ú cxterm ºÍ Emacs ÀïµÄÒ»Ñù£¬Ã»ÓУ¨Ò²²»ÄÜ£¿£©ÕýÈ·
|> ÅÅÐò£¬Ã»ÓмòÂëµÈµÈ£¬´òÆðÀ´·Ç³£²»Ë³¡£  ^_^
|Õ⼸ÌìÎÒÓë turbolinux µÄһλ³ÉÔ± justiny ͨ mail, ºÜ±§Ç¸ÎÒʵÔÚÓÐ
|ÑÛ²»Ê¶Ì©É½£¬²»ÖªÊÇÄÇһλ½£ÏÀ£¿ËûÏÖÔÚÕýÔÚÑо¿ IMdkit support multi-locale
|XIM server, ¾Í¿ÉÒÔ¶Ô¸÷ÖÖ locale µÄ client ÊäÈ룬ÎÞÂÛÈçºÎ xcin Ò»
|¶¨Òª×ßµ½ÕâÒ»²½£¬Èç¹ûÕâÒ»µãÄܹ»Í»ÆÆ£¬ÄÇÕæÊÇǧÍò֮ϲ :-))

justiny Ó¦ÊÇÓÚÏÈÉú°É¡£

ÖÁÓÚÖ»ÓÃÒ»¸ö xim server ¾ÍÄÜ support ¶àÖÖ locale, СµÜÈÏΪ IMdkit
(»òÓ¦ÊÇ˵ XIM protocol) ºÃÏñÒѾ­ÓÐÕâÑùµÄÖ§Ô®¡£Ð¡µÜдµÄ lamerpad¡ª
Ò»¸öÊÖдÊäÈë xim server (ÔÝʱֻÊÇÍæƱÐÔÖÊ), ¿ÉÒòÓ¦ xim client µÄ
locale ¶øÊä³öÊʵ±µÄ×Ö·û¡£Òò´ËÒ»¸ö xim server ¿Éͬʱ¶Ô kterm,
crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µÈ×öÊäÈë¡£
²»ÖªÓÐûÓÐÎó½â¾ÓÊ¿»ò justiny µÄÒâ˼ÄØ? :>

p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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Re[2]: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread hashao
Hello thhsieh,

Thursday, January 06, 2000, 10:09:13 AM, you wrote:

tlot> 可以寄一份给我吗?我想玩玩看 :-)) 还有, X-Window 字型要用那一套?
tlot> 有那个 xim client 可以显示 GBK 内码的? rxvt 可以吗?

正确使用 xlocale ,XIM, Fontset or XOM 的程序在有 GBK locale, xlocale
和正确的字型后都可以支持吧□不用在 client 端特别改进。
现有的字型可能只有TLC的有GBK 字型吧□或者把 MS 的
TTF 直接拿来用。

rxvt 的 CJK 是 hack □可能目前不能很好的支持 GBK □但是
国际化的 GTK+ or Gnome 程序应该都没问题。

Best regards,
 hashaomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[ be errors during the conversion as this is not done by a human!   ]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:33:00AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> justiny 应是于先生吧。
> 至于只用一个 xim server 就能 support 多种 locale, 小弟认为 IMdkit
> (或应是说 XIM protocol) 好像已经有这样的支援。小弟写的 lamerpad―
> 一个手写输入 xim server (暂时只是玩票性质), 可因应 xim client 的
> locale 而输出适当的字符。因此一个 xim server 可同时对 kterm,
> crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb 等做输入。
> 不知有没有误解居士或 justiny 的意思呢? :>
> p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

正是。能否请问您,来自不同 locale 的 XIM client 的 request, 要如何判断
它是属于那个 locale?

谢谢您的回答。我会去抓您的程式回来参考 :-))


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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:43:17AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:33:00AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
|> justiny Ó¦ÊÇÓÚÏÈÉú°É¡£
|> ÖÁÓÚÖ»ÓÃÒ»¸ö xim server ¾ÍÄÜ support ¶àÖÖ locale, СµÜÈÏΪ IMdkit
|> (»òÓ¦ÊÇ˵ XIM protocol) ºÃÏñÒѾ­ÓÐÕâÑùµÄÖ§Ô®¡£Ð¡µÜдµÄ lamerpad¡ª
|> Ò»¸öÊÖдÊäÈë xim server (ÔÝʱֻÊÇÍæƱÐÔÖÊ), ¿ÉÒòÓ¦ xim client µÄ
|> locale ¶øÊä³öÊʵ±µÄ×Ö·û¡£Òò´ËÒ»¸ö xim server ¿Éͬʱ¶Ô kterm,
|> crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µÈ×öÊäÈë¡£
|> ²»ÖªÓÐûÓÐÎó½â¾ÓÊ¿»ò justiny µÄÒâ˼ÄØ? :>
|> p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz
|ÕýÊÇ¡£ÄÜ·ñÇëÎÊÄú£¬À´×Ô²»Í¬ locale µÄ XIM client µÄ request, ÒªÈçºÎÅжÏ
|ËüÊÇÊôÓÚÄǸö locale?

IMOpenStruct structure ÖÐµÄ member 'lang' (a XIMStr structure) ¼Ç¼ÁË
client µÄ locale¡£¿É²Î¿¼´¦Àí XIM_OPEN µÄº¯Ê½ XIMOpenHandler¡£

ÀÏʵ˵ÔÚ XIM µÄ·¶³ëÎÒ»¹ÊÇÐÂÊÖ, ÓдíµÄÇëÖ¸Õý¡£
»¹ÓУ¬¾ÓʿдµÄÓÐ¹Ø XIM ˵Ã÷Îļþ¶ÔÎÒ±àд³ÌʽµÄʱºò¸øÓèÁ˺ܶàµÄÖ¸Òý£¬
·Ç³£¸Ðл£¬·ñÔò¿ÉÄÜÏÖÔÚÎÒ»¹ÔÚÃþË÷ÖÐ :>

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË
¡¾ ÔÚ thhsieh. µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: ÕýÊÇ¡£ÄÜ·ñÇëÎÊÄú£¬À´×Ô²»Í¬ locale µÄ XIM client µÄ request, ÒªÈçºÎÅжÏ
: ËüÊÇÊôÓÚÄǸö locale?

ÔÚ IMdkit Àï, ÿ¸ö XIM_OPEN request µÄ IMOpenStruct ¡õÓÐÒ»¸ö½Ð
lang.name µÄ field, Ó¦¸Ã¿ÉÒÔ°ïµ½Äã :p

¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
[From: bbs.e-fever.dhs.org]

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xcin and libtabe

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
Hi all,

As xcin in Potato is, and libtabe is 0.1-pre8, by
refering to the following mail, should we (take the risk) to use the
development version of xcin?

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 10:37:11 +0800
Subject: Re: xcin 2.5.4

I think you are using xcin-2.5.1-4. Then you have to install
libtabe-0.1-pre5. Please note that you cannot use newer version
of libtabe. If you want to use newer version of libtabe, you
have to use the under-development xcin found in:


and please get the newest version of xcin.

- End forwarded message -

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
Hello everyone,

I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:


It contains 3 files, zh_HK, BIG5_HKSCS, XLC_LOCALE. To use them:

- make the directory /usr/lib/X11/locale/zh_HK.Big5, copy XLC_LOCALE into
  that directory, and edit /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.dir accordingly.

- make sure you have i18ndata installed

- compile the locale using localdef:
localedef -f BIG5_HKSCS -i zh_HK -u mnemonic.ds zh_HK.Big5

- try it by export LANG=zh_HK.Big5 / setenv LANG zh_HK.Big5 etc.

The main difference of this from zh_TW.Big5 (apart from NT$ -> HK$ :p),
is that the Big5 code range has been extened from 0xA040-0xF9FE to
0x8140-0xFEFE, which includes then ETen range, as well as the Hong Kong

Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
is this a right thing to do?
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: bbs.e-fever.dhs.org]

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread hashao
Hello ÃiÃiÂy¤H,

Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:

Ã> Hello everyone,

Ã> I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:

Ã> http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz

Great to hear that!

Ã> Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
Ã> characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
Ã> Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

I wonder what the license status for the HKSCS reference font. Since
it is provided by the Hong Kong SAR government, we have a chance to
use it as a free (Freedom) font. Then the font for the extended
charset could be extracted and ported to Linux. Maybe there should be
a seperated font class for the HKSCS in xlocale, this I am not sure.

Ã> However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
Ã> is this a right thing to do?

I think it is a good thing. One of our goal is to provide convenient
Chinese environment under Linux. A lot of HK users will benefit
from this locale right now. Beside, it will not be hard to
update to the standard later on.

my 2 cents.

Best regards,
 hashaomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:58:38AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> IMOpenStruct structure 中的 member 'lang' (a XIMStr structure) 记录了
> client 的 locale。可参考处理 XIM_OPEN 的函式 XIMOpenHandler。

感谢您与懒懒猎人的回答,如此一来大概没什么问题了 :-))


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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 02:24:35PM +0800, hashao wrote:
> Hello 懒懒猎人,
> Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:
> 鞣 Hello everyone,
> 鞣 I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:
> 鞣 http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz
> Great to hear that!

  糟糕,避无可避,今次想偷懒也不行。是时候再包新版的 locale-zh
了。(我可以偷赖几天吗?  ^_^)

  虽然 new-maintainer 尚未重开,但有兴趣作 Debian 中文软件维护的朋友,
请往下面填写资料,也许 Anthony Wong 和我可以 "sponsor" 您们。 ^_^


  (唉,东东,你包了几天的 .deb 就喊累,真没有耐力!真失败! ^_^)


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:36:56AM +0800, hashao wrote:
> rxvt 的 CJK 是 hack □可能目前不能很好的支持 GBK □但是
> 国际化的 GTK+ or Gnome 程序应该都没问题。

  so desu ka (??) 的确如此。附带一点,在 X 底下,不知怎的,
zh_CN 的 X locale 必须设


若为 True,则 GTK+/Gnome 不会显示 GB 字出来。我上星期用了 CLE 的
*.po -> *.mo 转了 GB 码,究竟中文字全不见,原来就是这个 use_stdc_env
在捣蛋。这个 tip 是 chinput 里的说明的(又要谢谢 TLC 三剑侠),
否则我真的毫无头绪。use_stdc_env 有什么功用?我更不知。  ^_^


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:09:13AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 非常感谢! 我发现这年头要偷懒真的起来越容易了 :-)) 我会参考您的 patch
> 改出一个更「正规」的版本出来。
> 我见到您寄给行列科技的信了 :-)) 发现我不小心又偷懒了一次 :-))
> 真是谢谢 :-))
> 呵呵! 看来我又偷懒成功了! 谢谢您罗 :-))

  最后一两天了!开学时又输到我偷懒了!  (New Maintainer 快重开吧!
我制 .deb 也有点累了,希望后生可畏,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,后来居上吧!
(哈,可以退休了。  ^_^)

> 这个可以列如考虑,但不见得使用 alt-ctrl-?? 键,也可能就直接设定在
> xcinrc 里头,看是否要开启声调模式。
> 所以,定义为「声调」的键,就一定是在一连串 keystroke 的最后那个键罗!

  也可以,这样也比较简单。 ^_^

> > 不过,有个想法,大可以设个 arbitrary 的 threshold 值,例如 1 MB,
> > 如果 xcin 的 tarball 超过 1 MB,就把各个 .cin 档分出来,只保留其他
> > 最常用的。
> 我看这样好了,要就全部抽出来,不要有的抽有的不抽,这样比较一视同仁 :-))
> 如果要弄的话,我可能等到 gen_inp 大修改之后,那时 cin2tab 也会修改,
> .cin 的格式会改变,正是抽出来的时机 :-))

  其实,我希望不抽更好,不过见到 http://input.foruto.com/
列出数十多种中文输入法,如果真的都移植上 xcin 来,那就真的非分不可。
快仓六也可支援 xcin 了,不过只有 smartcj6.tab 下载,是对应 xcin2.3
的,因为版权问题不明,所以他们没有放原 .cin 档出来。唉……

  话说回来,自然码也有自己的网站,似乎不是公开授权的,不知 xcin
里真的可以放 zhiranma 吗? (BTW, is it "ziranma" or "zhiranma"?)
抑或使用者自制的对照表,不受限制?(那就 Boshiamy 也可以放进 xcin 里面?)
不知这些公司是 copyright 了他们自己的 data 还是 copyright/patent 了
他们的输入法的 "idea"?

> >   有道理。  ^_^  不知 TurboLinux Chinese 三剑侠(于明俭、方汉、陈向阳)
> > 的 chinput 对这些问题的处理如何?听说他们有智能拼音的。其他功能我就不知道了。
> > 只是他们的 .cit/.tit 档跟 cxterm 和 Emacs 里的一样,没有(也不能?)正确
> > 排序,没有简码等等,打起来非常不顺。  ^_^
> 这几天我与 turbolinux 的一位成员 justiny 通 mail, 很抱歉我实在有
> 眼不识泰山,不知是那一位剑侠?他现在正在研究 IMdkit support multi-locale
> 的部分,这对大家来说是很重要的部分,因为它意味着我们只要启动一个
> XIM server, 就可以对各种 locale 的 client 输入,无论如何 xcin 一
> 定要走到这一步,如果这一点能够突破,那真是千万之喜 :-))

  让我想起……双桥、南极星、加盟等等随意转换编码那个工具箱。 ^_^
从 ZWinPro 的图片看到,他们已经有这个功能,也可以随意转换字型。
可惜,Anthony Wong 和我下载了回来,但可能包装错误,在 Debian 下使用
不尽成功,有涨灾v的功力实在……太逊了。 ^_^

justiny = yumj = 于明俭 Justin Yu
danf (?) = Daniel Fang = 方汉
seanc = Sean Chen = 陈向阳

  其实我也是最近才发现的,原来这几位中文化专家都去了「柘林思」工作了。 ^_^

> 至于智能拼音我是不知道,但他有提到他们好像要发展手写板之类的输入
> 法,也是架构在 XIM 上的,听起来相当有趣 :-))

Kanjipad -> Lamerpad?  ;-)  在 Debian 2.2 上有了,相信
Anthony Wong 会有更详尽的解释。  ^_^

> 可以寄一份给我吗?我想玩玩看 :-)) 还有, X-Window 字型要用那一套?
> 有那个 xim client 可以显示 GBK 内码的? rxvt 可以吗?

X Window... 暂时没有字型,也许要向 TLC 借了。(zh_pcf?) 在
ftp.turbolinux.com.cn 上似乎有一套,不过档案很大,我未下载回来。  ^_^
把可以转换 CMEX 那套,但比较麻烦就是了。

  zh_CN.GBK 的 C locale 已经安装在 Debian potato 的 locale-zh_0.9+0.05-1
版了。0.9 来自 CLE, 0.05 来自 TLC.  ^_^  暂时 hashao 的 zh_CN.GB2312
和陈向阳的 zh_CN.GBK 一起安装。陈向阳那个,在 gnomecal 里会把 Mon Tue
等写成 一 二 三 等,似乎稍为更中文化。  ^_^  C 那个 locale,我懒找,不寄了,
烦请 apt-get source locale-zh (如果 apt-get 版本够新),或者

或您就近的 FTP site,下载∶

合共三百多 KB。解开后,zh-localedata-0.9/localedata-zh-0.05/ 目录里面的
就是 TLC 所用的 C locales 了,有 GBK 也有 Big5 

Re: xcin and libtabe

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
  已经上传了!噢,我只给 Shao Zhang 回了信,没有在这里回报。 ^_^
以下是新版的 changelog.Debian:

xcin ( unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release: xcin-2.5-2103, which comes after xcin-2.5.1-4.
  * [debian/control]:
  - Depends on locale-zh.  Thanks to suggestion from Shao Zhang!
  - Revised font dependencies.
  * [src/Cinput/gen_inp/gen_inp.[ch]]: Added hack to improve Array30.
  (I know, I am *so* selfish.  :-)
  * [/etc/xcinrc]: Added settings for all the zh_CN.GB2312 input
  methods.  If you think the order of the hotkeys are non-standard,
  please tell me.
  * Added a symlink "pinyin_b5" to "pinyin" to temporary avoid namespace
conflict.  Thanks to Shao Zhang and Tung-Han Hsieh for advice.  :-)
  * Added some quick-and-dirty example scripts such as et24 and gb24
which I use personally to start up xcin-2.5 and rxvt-2.6.  Feel
free to adapt them to your needs.  :-) Note that eventually I would
like to consolidate them to one or two scripts instead of the many
that I have now.  :-)  (Added this paragraph to README.Debian too.)

 -- Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed,  5 Jan 2000 16:56:28 -0700

  配合 libtabe 0.1-pre8 使用,似乎一切正常啊!各个输入法
都打得很顺啊!(各个=行列30) ^_^  咦,为什么想用 alt-ctrl-6 时

xcin: 警告: bimsphone: TSI_FNAME: cannot open data file: /usr/share/tabe/tsi.db
xcin: 警告: 无法载入输入法: bimsphone, 略过。

  呀呀呀!我在 /etc/xcinrc 设错了路径!!!又要再 upload。
我不依!呜呜~~~  ^_^

  啊,改了 xcinrc ,一切没有问题,也算不幸中之大幸。
(东东,你再作状,我又要扁你的了!)不要打我!呀~  ^_^

On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 11:36:18AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> Hi all,
> As xcin in Potato is, and libtabe is 0.1-pre8, by
> refering to the following mail, should we (take the risk) to use the
> development version of xcin?
> - Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 10:37:11 +0800
> Subject: Re: xcin 2.5.4
> I think you are using xcin-2.5.1-4. Then you have to install
> libtabe-0.1-pre5. Please note that you cannot use newer version
> of libtabe. If you want to use newer version of libtabe, you
> have to use the under-development xcin found in:
> ftp://xcin.linux.org.tw/pub/xcin/xcin/devel/
> and please get the newest version of xcin.
> - End forwarded message -
> -- 
> Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË
Hi hashao,

¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (hashao) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: ÷· Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
: ÷· characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
: ÷· Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...

: I wonder what the license status for the HKSCS reference font. Since
: it is provided by the Hong Kong SAR government, we have a chance to
: use it as a free (Freedom) font.

>From http://www.digital21.gov.hk/chi/hkscs/download.html:
> ÌØÇøÕþ¸®²»±£Ö¤ÕâÈí¼þ»òµµ°¸ÔÚÆäÓÃ;ÒÔÍâµÄ¹¦ÄÜ¡¢±íÏÖ
> ºÍ¶ÔijÌض¨Ä¿µÄµÄÊÊÓÃÐÔ¡£³ý·¨ÀýÒªÇóÍ⣬Ò಻¶ÔÒòʹÓÃ
> »ò²»ÄÜʹÓÃÕâÈí¼þËù´øÀ´µÄÈκÎË𺦺ÍËðʧ¸ºÉÏÔðÈΡ£

That was all I could find. It's not very clear whether it's free...

: Then the font for the extended
: charset could be extracted and ported to Linux. Maybe there should be
: a seperated font class for the HKSCS in xlocale, this I am not sure.

Yes, the .TTE font provided by the SAR Government can be extracted as 
a bitmap font, or it can be used directly as a normal TrueType font.
To be able to do that though, HKSCS should be defined as a separate font
class, and xfs-xtt needs to be modified too..

: ÷· However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
: ÷· is this a right thing to do?
: I think it is a good thing. One of our goal is to provide convenient
: Chinese environment under Linux. A lot of HK users will benefit
: from this locale right now. Beside, it will not be hard to
: update to the standard later on.

That's true, all the data in the locale definition files were generated
by a few simple scripts :p

¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:21:48AM +, 懒懒猎人 wrote:
> However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
> is this a right thing to do?

  那个烂 Big5,本来就不是什么标准,而 Big5+ 又不知怎的没有人用,
Big5e 不知命运如何。至少 HKSCS 全港人仕都乐意采用,所了增加了 HKSCS
支援当然是好事。目前的问题和挑战,就是∶将来的 Unicode 3.0 或新版
用有这些字吗? zh_??.Big5* 仍暂时之计,长远还是希望用 Unicode。
Big5 有这么多种 varieties, BIG5toUCS 这类的转码表,我也不知道哪个才
算正统了。(Unihan 里的 Big5 没有任何倚天字或其他延伸码,我又不服。 ^_^)
不理啦,希望香港的语言及编码专家能积极把香港字集放进 Unicode 就是了,
否则 HKSCS 里的字会变孤儿……


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË
¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Fok) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 02:24:35PM +0800, hashao wrote:
: > Hello ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË,
: > Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:
: > ÷· Hello everyone,
: > ÷· I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:
: > ÷· http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz
: > Great to hear that!
: ¡¡¡¡Ôã¸â£¬±ÜÎ޿ɱܣ¬½ñ´ÎÏë͵ÀÁÒ²²»ÐС£ÊÇʱºòÔÙ°üаæµÄ locale-zh
: ÁË¡££¨ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ͵Àµ¼¸ÌìÂ𣿠 ^_^£©

ÄÇô¿ì¾ÍÄÃÈ¥°ü .deb? ÎÒ»¹Ã»È·¶¨ÊÇ·ñÓдíµÄà¸!

oh, ¶ÔÁË: XLC_LOCALE Àï ct_conversion ÄÇÐÐµÄ 9efe Ó¦¸ÃÊÇ 7efe :p

: ¡¡¡¡ËäÈ» new-maintainer ÉÐδÖØ¿ª£¬µ«ÓÐÐËȤ×÷ Debian ÖÐÎÄÈí¼þά»¤µÄÅóÓÑ£¬
: ÇëÍùÏÂÃæÌîд×ÊÁÏ£¬Ò²Ðí Anthony Wong ºÍÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ "sponsor" ÄúÃÇ¡£ ^_^
:   http://www.internatif.org/bortzmeyer/debian/sponsor/

ÈÃÎÒÈ¥¿´¿´.. :p
¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 01:08:36PM +, ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË wrote:
|Hi hashao,
|¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (hashao) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
|: ÷· Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
|: ÷· characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
|: ÷· Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...
|I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
|which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
|gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...

Oh... what happens if the version of glibc is < 2.1 ?
Besides, it's really a good idea if we can start to extend the Big5
module in glibc's gconv to include all the HKSCS chars.

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË
¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Fok) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:21:48AM +, ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË wrote:
: > However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
: > is this a right thing to do?
: ¡¡¡¡ÄǸöÀà Big5£¬±¾À´¾Í²»ÊÇʲô±ê×¼£¬¶ø Big5+ ÓÖ²»ÖªÔõµÄûÓÐÈËÓã¬
: Ö§Ô®µ±È»ÊǺÃÊ¡£Ä¿Ç°µÄÎÊÌâºÍÌôÕ½£¬¾ÍÊǡý«À´µÄ Unicode 3.0 »òаæ
: ÓÃÓÐÕâЩ×ÖÂ𣿠zh_??.Big5* ÈÔÔÝʱ֮¼Æ£¬³¤Ô¶»¹ÊÇÏ£ÍûÓà Unicode¡£
: Big5 ÓÐÕâô¶àÖÖ varieties£¬ BIG5toUCS ÕâÀàµÄתÂë±í£¬ÎÒÒ²²»ÖªµÀÄĸö²Å
: ËãÕýͳÁË¡££¨Unihan ÀïµÄ Big5 ûÓÐÈκÎÒÐÌì×Ö»òÆäËûÑÓÉìÂ룬ÎÒÓÖ²»·þ¡£ ^_^£©

*sigh* Õ⼸ÌìÎÒÔÚ¹«Ë¾¶Ôןü¸¸ö²»Í¬µÄ Big5 table .. ÓÐ Unicode µÄ, ÓÐ
X µÄ, ÓÐ M$ µÄ, »¹Óй«Ë¾±¾ÉíµÄ.. +_+

: ²»ÀíÀ²£¬Ï£ÍûÏã¸ÛµÄÓïÑÔ¼°±àÂëר¼ÒÄÜ»ý¼«°ÑÏã¸Û×Ö¼¯·Å½ø Unicode ¾ÍÊÇÁË£¬
: ·ñÔò HKSCS ÀïµÄ×Ö»á±ä¹Â¶ù¡­¡­

Digital21 ÄǸö ISO 10646 table .. ²»ÖªÊÇ·ñÕæµÄÊÇ ISO standard..
¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

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Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË
¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Wong) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 01:08:36PM +, ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË wrote:
: |Hi hashao,
: |
: |I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
: |which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
: |gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...
: Oh... what happens if the version of glibc is < 2.1 ?

This I'm not entirely sure .. but since too many things in potato are
linked against glibc 2.1 already (X, xfs-xtt, GTK, ...), I can't try it..

: Besides, it's really a good idea if we can start to extend the Big5
: module in glibc's gconv to include all the HKSCS chars.

I've briefly looked at gconv's source before I left the office today ..
it's not a simple array like in xfs-xtt :P But it shouldn't be too hard.
I'll try it tomorrow.
¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread informer

> ?? turbolinux ?? justiny ?? mail, ??
>  IMdkit support multi-locale
> XIM server,  locale ?? client ?? xcin ??
> ?? :-))


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About MD5 System Passwd Encryption

2000-01-06 Thread ¡î SPIRIT ¡ï
ÇëÎÊ Debian ÄÜ·ñʹÓà MD5 ×÷Ϊ System password µÄ±àÂ뷽ʽ£¿
¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
[From: 205user167.ctimail3.]

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Re: About MD5 System Passwd Encryption

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:03:28PM +, ¡î SPIRIT ¡ï wrote:
|ÇëÎÊ Debian ÄÜ·ñʹÓà MD5 ×÷Ϊ System password µÄ±àÂ뷽ʽ£¿

¿ÉÒÔ¡£Slink ²»Çå³þ£¬µ« potato ÊÇ¿ÉÒԵġ£

Anthony Wong.

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Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread ˯÷Ã\]ÍËÉ¢£¡
¡¾ ÔÚ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Wong) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
: ÖÁÓÚÖ»ÓÃÒ»¸ö xim server ¾ÍÄÜ support ¶àÖÖ locale, СµÜÈÏΪ IMdkit
: (»òÓ¦ÊÇ˵ XIM protocol) ºÃÏñÒѾ­ÓÐÕâÑùµÄÖ§Ô®¡£Ð¡µÜдµÄ lamerpad¡ª
: Ò»¸öÊÖдÊäÈë xim server (ÔÝʱֻÊÇÍæƱÐÔÖÊ), ¿ÉÒòÓ¦ xim client µÄ
: locale ¶øÊä³öÊʵ±µÄ×Ö·û¡£Òò´ËÒ»¸ö xim server ¿Éͬʱ¶Ô kterm,
: crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µÈ×öÊäÈë¡£
: ²»ÖªÓÐûÓÐÎó½â¾ÓÊ¿»ò justiny µÄÒâ˼ÄØ? :>
: p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

àÅÍü¼ÇÁË˵, debian package ÔÚ

Anthony Wong
¡ù À´Ô´ ¡õ e-Fever BBS £À bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡õ 
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[ and was forwarded to this list automatically. Big5 characters are ]
[ also converted to GB at the same time, Please note that there may ]
[ be errors during the conversion as this is not done by a human!   ]