Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread BERTRAND Joël

andrew holway wrote:

just thinkin, I don't think a sparc32 chip has been released in more
than 12 years. Surely these cannot be energy efficient machines ;)

	And LEON processor ? A sparc V8 that can be written in a FPGA ? It runs 
with Linux. Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super 
computer that uses sparc32 too.


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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Josip Rodin
On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 07:39:31PM -0400, Robert Reif wrote:
 just thinkin, I don't think a sparc32 chip has been released in more
 than 12 years. Surely these cannot be energy efficient machines ;)
 Aren't the Sun Rays which are still shipping using microSparc IIep chips?

The clients themselves? Has anyone actually tried to boot anything else on
them other than their own integrated OS? I imagine it would require a fair
bit of hacking, having to disassemble them? And one would still have to
reimplement the server side of things and/or the protocol they use to

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Andrew

I think that this seems like a very sensible way forward.  The idea of
letting Sparc64 evolve without worrying about sparc (32) is a good one.  I
think having a specific sparc (32) port is the way forward.



On 16/07/07, David Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--Steven == Steven Ringwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Steven I joined the sparc32 list with the intention of
  Steven contributing. My surprise, and disappointment, is because
  Steven the first message that I saw regarding the architecture is
  Steven that it is going to be retired.

i'm not familiar with how Debian does these things, but here's an idea
of what i'd like to see happen:

- SPARC32 support for lenny is formally stated to be dropped, pending
  for 6 months.  this is *kinda* a replay of the last 4 months, but
  with an additional level of formality

- those who wish to contribute to the SPARC64 port can thus use the v9
  code generation options, etc

- those who care about continued support for SPARC32 need to form a
  community, learn/build the required skills to maintain the critical
  components, being at least gcc and the Linux kernel.

  i imagine this will require some wiki space, a separate mailing
  list, and (critically) some reasonablly capable hardware for build

- in 6 months, we review the situation: if the kernel and GCC/SPARC32
  have attracted a sufficiently capable and committed (time-wise)
  team, and suitable hardware is available, we petition for the
  dropped, pending status to be revoked.

  i think at that point we'd require a separate SPARC32 platform.  i'm
  not sure how that would be viewed by the wider Debian community,
  which i'd imagine is wary of additional platforms.

  alternatively, the SPARC32 port could operate on a semi-official
  basis, much like the x86-64 port did prior to etch?

i don't think it's fair that those in favour of continuing SPARC32
support hold back the SPARC64 effort.  those of us who care about
SPARC32 need a chance to get organised, and take over the maintenance
of the key components required.



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New Wikipedia Sparc (32) entry.

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Andrew


I have copied this as widely as I could, although I realise that I may get
bounced with the older addresses (Suse-sparc).

I have been reading the messages that are currently circulating regarding
the possible demise of sparc (32) Debian.  Whilst I am not in a position to
help with coding etc, I do like to use GNU/Linux on 32 bit Sun hardware.
For this reason, I would not like to see support dropped.  Enough has been
said about this already, on the debian-sparc

One thing that did seem to recur on the lists, was the lack of knowledge of
other GNU/Linux distros that supported the sparc (32) platform.  In order to
address this perceived gap in knowledge, I have created a (bare-bones)
Wikipedia.  This page is not intended to give information for sparc64,
just sparc.  The page will obviously need populating, so if anybody has any
ideas, then do what wikis are designed for and feel free to edit it.



Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Newport

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

andrew holway wrote:

just thinkin, I don't think a sparc32 chip has been released in more
than 12 years. Surely these cannot be energy efficient machines ;)

And LEON processor ? A sparc V8 that can be written in a FPGA ? It 
runs with Linux. Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super 
computer that uses sparc32 too.

Why does a Linux distribution need the latest bleeding edge kernel ?
With no new hardware to support it should be easy to put together a
distribution with the last known good kernel and the latest applications.

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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Chris Newport wrote:

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

andrew holway wrote:

just thinkin, I don't think a sparc32 chip has been released in more
than 12 years. Surely these cannot be energy efficient machines ;)

And LEON processor ? A sparc V8 that can be written in a FPGA ? It 
runs with Linux. Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super 
computer that uses sparc32 too.

Why does a Linux distribution need the latest bleeding edge kernel ?
With no new hardware to support it should be easy to put together a
distribution with the last known good kernel and the latest applications.

	The main trouble is there is no good kernel since 2.2 release. I use a 
lot of sparc32 hardware and :
- 2.4 randomly crashes with watchdog reset OBP message (on all SS20 I 
use) ;
- 2.6 is more stable, but only UP. SMP spinlock are broken (and I'm 
looking for volunteers to help me) ;
- HyperSPARC support is broken or not usable (I have tried to boot a 
2.4.32 with 4*RT626...) on 2.4 _and_ 2.6.

	That being said, if we work on a distribution with the last known good 
kernel, we can immediatly drop this distribution. To be alive, kernel 
has to be alive !


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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Chris Newport wrote:

And LEON processor ? A sparc V8 that can be written in a FPGA ? It 
runs with Linux. Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super 
computer that uses sparc32 too.

Why does a Linux distribution need the latest bleeding edge kernel ?
With no new hardware to support it should be easy to put together a
distribution with the last known good kernel and the latest applications.

If Gaisler Research want to ensure that the kernel is maintained (and tested) 
for v8 processors then they had better raise their head above the parapet, 
fast. I notice that the SnapGear distro they use has both 2.0 and 2.6 kernels 
(2.6.21 as of today), if they want 2.6 to survive on this platform then they'd 
better say.

Now as far as Sun is concerned... I had it put to me that Sun were unable to 
support open-source projects targeted at hardware older than the T1, because 
of their contractual relationship with SPARC International. Now that might 
have been oxdroppings, but the fact remains that if SPARC International have 
any interest in preserving v8 then they need to say so.

All of these- Gaisler, CyberGuard, SPARC International- are commercial 
players, and can reasonably be expected to have at least some interest in 
preserving the v8. If they want to succeed in that then they need to make some 
sort of commitment to offset Sun, who by now are quite unequivocal about 
wanting to sell new hardware rather than helping people exploit what they 
already have or can afford to tinker with.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super computer that uses 
sparc32 too.

Interesting- do have a URL for that?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super computer that 
uses sparc32 too.

Interesting- do have a URL for that?

No. Only this mail :

I have a feeling that the broken sparc32 SMP is related to
the CPU-specific SMP code, rather than the whole sparc32 port.
We have added SMP support for the leon3 (V8) processor to
linux-, and are happily running systems with 8 CPUs
in hardware and up to 16 CPUs in simulation. This is done
using cache snooping to synchronize processors, i.e. we do
NOT flush or disable data caches to keep the system running.

I would therefore appreciate if the sparc32 SMP code was left
in the kernel, and not removed because it does not work on
legacy Sun systems. Leon3/SMP will be used in several projects
(and products), including the UC Berkeley RAMP massively parallel
computer system. We will make an effort to sync our leon3
port to the latest kernel version (2.6.21 ?), and try (again)
to submit the patches for review and inclusion in the
mainstream kernel.

Jiri Gaisler.
Gaisler Research.



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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Berkeley university has a work in progress on a super computer that 
uses sparc32 too.

Interesting- do have a URL for that?

No. Only this mail :

I have a feeling that the broken sparc32 SMP is related to
the CPU-specific SMP code, rather than the whole sparc32 port.

Etc. Thanks, very interesting. My own experience with sun4d and (late) 2.4 
suggests that some versions of gcc might work better than others, but I don't 
have methodical notes.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: Retiring the sparc32 port

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Newport

 My own experience with sun4d and (late) 2.4 suggests that some
 versions of gcc might work better than others, but I don't have
 methodical notes.

Sun4d SMP has never worked. I spent many hours trying to figure out
why, and never managed to achieve a stable system. In the end I
concluded that the only viable strategy was to go back to the 2.3.x
release where sun4d/smp was first included, fix some bugs, and then
sync the evolving sun4m specific code into sun4d one step at a time.
This is unfortunately what happens when a minority interest system
is allowed to bitrot for so many years. Part of the problem is the lack
of Sun4d systems in the hands of kernel developers.

AFAIK Sun4m/SMP and Sun4c are currently in a reasonable state
and should not be difficult to keep going.

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invalid mac address

2007-07-16 Thread Karl Goetz

hi all,
I put a Linksys PCI network card in my Sunblade 150, running etch.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux horatius 2.6.18-4-sparc64 #1 Mon Mar 26 11:16:07 UTC 2007 sparc64

When restarting the network i get this output:
SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
Failed to bring up eth1.

Does this mean this card/all pci cards are not supported on sparc64?
nics not working is a killer for me - i want this to act as a
proxy/server system for my network.

Below is ifcofig and my interfaces file.

PS, is not having lspci expected?

horatius:~/horatius# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:BA:2D:33:EC
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  inet6 addr: fe80::203:baff:fe2d:33ec/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:3217 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2147 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:311274 (303.9 KiB)  TX bytes:400582 (391.1 KiB)
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xd000

eth1  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:1 dropped:1 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)


horatius:~/horatius# cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# Eth0 = public
# Eth1 = local
# Eth2 = airstream

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface (onboard, hostile network)
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
# allow-hotplug eth0
# iface eth0 inet static
#   network
#   gateway
#   address
#   netmask
#   hostname horatius

# Secondary network interface (pci, local connection)
auto eth1
# iface eth1 inet dhcp
# allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet static
# allow-hotplug eth1
hostname horatius

# Secondary network interface (pci, airstream connection)
# auto eth2
# iface eth2 inet dhcp
# allow-hotplug eth2
# iface eth2 inet static
#   network
#   gateway
#   address
#   netmask
#   hostname airstream-littlehampton


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Possibly building OpenAFS 64-bit for sparc

2007-07-16 Thread Russ Allbery
(I am not subscribed to debian-sparc, but I am subscribed to debian-devel.
If you don't cc debian-devel, please cc me.)

Hello folks,

OpenAFS (a distributed file system client and server with a fairly old
code base) has userspace client programs and servers that use its internal
lightweight threading library.  Upstream is working slowly on converting
this to pthreads for Linux, but we're not quite there yet.  In the
meantime, it needs to either know rather too much about the internals of
glibc data structures (which broke as of glibc 2.3) or it needs to have
getcontext/setcontext functions.

As of the upgrade to glibc 2.3, we've switched the OpenAFS packages for
all platforms over to using getcontext/setcontext.  The problem is that
these functions are not implemented for 32-bit SPARC, which means that the
client no longer works for Debian's sparc architecture.  This is a fairly
long-standing bug against glibc (Bug#295173) and it seems unlikely to me
that anyone wants to implement and maintain this code for 32-bit SPARC.

I've verified that building the OpenAFS userspace programs 64-bit instead
of 32-bit results in working binaries.

So, I'm looking for guidance at this point.  It seems like my alternatives
(other than convincing someone to implement these functions for 32-bit
SPARC) are to either drop the SPARC architecture for OpenAFS or to build
the OpenAFS packages 64-bit on SPARC, which I believe is against the
normal intention of the sparc architecture.  However, with the proposed
dropping of the 32-bit sparc kernel, perhaps building programs with these
sorts of technical requirements for the 64-bit environment is a reasonable
thing to do?

I welcome any advice.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Possibly building OpenAFS 64-bit for sparc

2007-07-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the meantime, it needs to either know rather too much about the
 internals of glibc data structures (which broke as of glibc 2.3) or it
 needs to have getcontext/setcontext functions.

 As of the upgrade to glibc 2.3, we've switched the OpenAFS packages for
 all platforms over to using getcontext/setcontext.

Bleh, sorry.  The breakpoint was glibc 2.4, not 2.3.  That was otherwise
going to be very confusing, given how old glibc 2.3 is.  I misread a  in
the code as =.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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