Re: SILO won't load images

1999-06-07 Thread Chris Frost
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 05:01:18PM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> If the kernel is dynamically linked, that certainly sounds like a 
> problem!  

> cd /usr/src/linux && rm vmlinux && make vmlinux   
/usr/src/linux/vmlinux? That's it! I'm used to kernels being in
arch//boot, so I've been using vmlinux.o from there (I was wondering
why it left the .o there, but didn't think much else of it). (It's always
little things like this that troubles me...)

> to do the final linking again and see what command is being run for the   
> final link (something like "ld ... -o vmlinux").  
yes, it doesn't an ld -m ...

Aweseome, thanks so much!

Running 2.2.9 now,
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Re: SILO won't load images

1999-06-07 Thread Chris Frost
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:06:52PM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> Hm. It sounds as though there is something seriously wrong with your
> vmlinux. When you built it, did you have any unusual binutils
> installed, like a cross-compiler or something?
I'm just using out-of-the-box stuff off of an offical slink cd (though it
never asked for the seconds disc...).

> I would try comparing the vmlinux you made with Debian's vmlinux using
> nm, objdump, etc, to see if there is something obviously strange about
> it. Even "file vmlinux" might tell you something.
nm printed info for all three kernels (many, many pages worth), which
appears to be pretty much the same (though debian's kernel was gzip'd w/o
a gzip extension, so I had to give it one temporarily). The only
difference file reports is that my kernel is not statically linked, is
this a problem? (Also, none of the kernels are not stripped, is it safe do
so? How would you do so?)

> A SPARCstation 2, sun4c, is exactly what I have at home with only 32 MB
> memory; I built a 2.2.7 that worked, running slink. So I'm curious to
> know why yours isn't working ...
Yes, me too . . .

thanks for the help,
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Re: SILO won't load images

1999-06-07 Thread Chris Frost
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 10:13:39AM +0200, Davide Barbieri wrote:
>  You don't have to compress the kernel image.
Right, but they can be compressed. Anyway, I gunzip'd the kernel images
just to check again and the 700K kernel (with many things as modules)
became 2.2MB and gives the same error message. The 900K kernel (now 2.6MB)
spins for a bit, the says twice, "Fatal error: Image to large to fit in
destination" followed by "Image not found try again"

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