I've screwed my net access

1997-03-12 Thread Richard Morin
Hi listers, I'm having some major probs and I was hoping someone could
help me. diald no longer works, same for fetchmail, and other net things
Trying to connect via telnet localhost 25 fails with some output about 
a refusal to connect.  If I try the machine name of joanrich, I get an 
error from in.smtpd  about joanrich!=joanrich.durhamnews.net.  My named 
must be screwed.Can anyone point me in the right direction.  I think 
it might have something to do with my hosts.deny and that parnoid entry.

Rich M


Debian Linux

1997-03-12 Thread Robert Rourke

I am interested in creating a bastion server using Linux on a spare 386
25 mhz 32 bit machine.  I want to learn how to set up firewalls. I will
be doing this in my house.  I will be using Linux to run the software
required to download files from the internet, access files from my NT
server remotely. I am a student of the internet.

Thank you.

Bob Rourke


1997-03-12 Thread Pete Poff
I have a problem with term.  I downloaded it and installed it, 
and at first it would not work, because I didn't have libc4, so I 
downloaded and installed it.  It installed fine, but it said it couldn't 
find lib.  Then when I tried running term, it say Term version: 2.3.5, 
then just stops and halts my computer.  Anyone know what might be wrong?


 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address:   telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000

List mail was delayed

1997-03-12 Thread Bruce Perens
The mailing lists were stalled for a few hours, apparently due to some
gateway work at Novare (but I'm not sure). Mark at Novare is working on
the problem as I write this. I transplanted a qmail queue to Pixar so that
it would get delivered while the problem was being resolved.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Lexmark Printer

1997-03-12 Thread Matthew Tebbens

Anyone using a Lexmark printer with Debian ? Specificly an Optra E ?
I can't get Debian to print anything...are there any web pages or
documents I can look at. I read all the man pages but it didn't help.
Maybe someone can post the steps I would go through to get it working.


Re: Term

1997-03-12 Thread Bruce Perens

I think we de-supported term a while back. I think it was after SlIRP
(the SLIP emulator) came out. The point was that a large number of
applications had to be term-ified, and if you used SlIRP instead, your
system just acted as if it had a slip connection and nothing on your
side had to change.

I'm not aware of how to find the server-side version of SlIRP, but if
you can't find it I'm sure someone on debian-user will help.


Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

xdm : always reply login incorrect

1997-03-12 Thread Mathieu LEGRAND
I just installed Debian Linux 1.2 from Infomagic Pack.
I have a problem I can't fix, maybe you will help me :
  When I start Linux, xdm starts with the graphic banner 
login but I can't log in from it : it always replies
login incorrect. I have then to log in text mode and
to enter startx... Do you have any idea ?



1997-03-12 Thread Miciovici Robert-Velisav
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, trio wrote:

 On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, James W. Lynch wrote:
  -  Received message begins Here  -
   The most brilliant mind has his website:
  An attempt to access this site killed netscape, so be careful.  This
  may be a trojan horse and surely hasn't anything to do with Debian that
  can be determined from the subject or contents of this message.
I tried the page with Netscape from my NT box and found a sarcastic (i
 think it was :) shrine to Larry Ellison. (My personal review: i thought
 it was slighlty amusing, but not really worth the download.) I agree it
 has nothing to do with Debian or any other Linux and should be ignored.
 But i don't think it's dangerous (unless you actually LIKE pompous CEO's
 universero trio... [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://tio.net/~trio
 Learn and use The International Language Esperanto!

- If we are still talking about LARRY ELLISON's page ... I have a
question for all of you guys. How is it that possible that a html finds
out my browser's name and version and my OS version and he knowa that I am
in XWindows and my XWindows version ... as you can see on the LARRY
ELLISON 's page ... If some of you got the html (or whatever) script or
cgi or whatever is that determines those things, I would like that you
send it to me. 


    Bye, Roby (ROOT, SUPERVISOR)   
   SysAdm LCJDAP   
  PAPIU Highschool Network Manager 

   Harmony is all that matters !

Phone/Modem: 40-64-432002

Re: Adaptec 2940 UW

1997-03-12 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If I recall the rescue disk is simply a msdos disk with a custom boot
 loader? Meaning mount the disk and copy your kernel image to it.

It is an msdos filesystem, and the kernel is in the file linux. The root
filesystem is a gzip-compressed Minix RAM disk in the file root.bin .
You might have to run the shell script rdev.sh (also on the disk), but I'm
not sure. You can edit special command-line flags into syslinux.cfg for

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: xdm : always reply login incorrect

1997-03-12 Thread Bruce Perens
It sounds like a key-mapping problem. Some of the more X-knowledgable will
no doubt tell us how to fix that.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Intresting problem (and diald WARNING)

1997-03-12 Thread Lars Hallberg

First a smal warning about diald: If Your etc/diald.ip-up script for some
reason is 'hanging', then will diald keep the link up (this is probably
documented behavior, but I was suprised anyway...). I noticed this
becose my ip-up script was 'hanging' on a pipe to /dev/xconsole. I got
diald work as expected by making /etc/diald.ip-up just bakgrund another
shellscript (doing all the 'real' work). Sadly, that do bring up other
problems... This is the script i do background from /etc/diald.ip-up:

 /etc/diald.fetch-up --
# Fetch and send mail
# Run by diald.ip_up  when diald have conected to internet
# Got 30 sec to complete before killed by diald.fetch-kill!
echo -e `date`: Running /etc/diald.fetch-up\\r  /dev/tty8 
echo -e `date`: Running /etc/diald.fetch-up\\r  /dev/xconsole 
echo `date`: fetchmail run from diald.fetch-up  /root/mail-log
# Stopp fetchmail if alredy runing (probably a bug).
/usr/local/bin/fetchmail --quit -f /root/.fetchmailrc -L /root/mail-log
# Starta fetchmail in deamon mode and send qued mail.
/usr/local/bin/fetchmail -f /root/.fetchmailrc -b 10 -L /root/mail-log -d 600 
-t 300
-- end /etc/diald.fetch-up 

Some subprces of this script is hanging, probably the subproces
started by the line:

echo -e `date`: Running /etc/diald.fetch-up\\r  /dev/xconsole 

I suspect this line becose the problem do have something to do with
/dev/xconsole as it only hangs when the xconsole loging is broken.
I don't know what's braeking the xconsole but it happen in the first
day of system uptime (and is OK after a reboot). I do suspect the
cron.daily scripts. More intresting is the side-efects of this
process hanging on xconsole. For some reason cron-jobs starts to
hang when this process hangs. I can't login as root when this happens
but ther's no problems in using existing root-shells. User login is
OK to. If I kill the proces hanging on xconsole all cronjobs do finish
and the system is back at normal (exept xconsole who is still broke).
If I don't kill it the cronjobs keep piling up until the system load
craches the mashine :(

I do work-around this problem by leting /etc/diald.ip-up also
background this script:

-- /etc/diald.fetch-kill -
# Kill ev. 'hangin' diald.fetch-up
# Started by diald.ip_up  when diald have conected to internet
# Give diald.fetch-up 30 secs to complete
sleep 30
# Then kill any remaining diald.fetch-up *twice*!
kill `ps -x | grep diald.fetch-up | gawk -- {print \\\$1}`
sleep 1
kill `ps -x | grep diald.fetch-up | gawk -- {print \\\$1}`
sleep 2
# Mean kill any diald.fetch-up *stil* remaining!
kill -9 `ps -x | grep diald.fetch-up | gawk -- {print \\\$1}`
sleep 1
kill -9 `ps -x | grep diald.fetch-up | gawk -- {print \\\$1}`
# Hope this is enuf. Don't dear kill anymore as diald might have a new
# *real* conection comming up soon... If You use ISDN it is probably
# far to lait already
 end /etc/diald.fetch-kill ---

This is (so far) keeping my system from craching :) but it is an
ugly work-around. I can live with an broken xconsole but I still
want to know wats realy is wrong with my system. Do You have any

o Why is xconsole broke? lsattr /dev/xconsole (when it's broke) give:
  lsattr 1.06, 7-Oct-96 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on /dev/xconsole
  (dont know what it gives when xconsole is working, and I don't
  want to reboot as I am trying to find out if this 'fix' can keep
  my system up for a 'long' time).
o Why is root login broken when an proces is hanging on the broken
  xconsole and why is cronjobs hanging at this time?
o Any sugestions on what to read or what to investigate on my system
  is welcome.

All the cron.daily script on the machine is as installed by Debian
(the standard script has some find ... rm lines commented out whit a
referens to a security hole. The other scripts do find ... rm call.
Any reason to worry? Where can I read about this security hole?)

I do know this is unexact questions but it is the best I can do. I
had this problem with Debian 1.1 kernnel 2.0.0 and I upgraded to
Debiann 1.2.6 and kernel 2.0.27 in hope it was an 2.0.0 related
problem but the problem did not go away... I use the prebuilt Debian
'install' kernels (no kernel compile). All the cron.daily script on
the machine is as instaled by Debian (the standard script has some
find - rm lines comented out whit a referens to a security hole.
The other scripts do find - rm call. Any reason to worry? Where
can I read about this security hole?)

This problem has become more 'intresting' and less 'frustrating' as
I don't need to do bad reboots avery day any more

Ask if You need to know anything more.

Sorry for my poor english and TIA /Lars
   /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg 


1997-03-12 Thread Britton

   - If we are still talking about LARRY ELLISON's page ... I have a
 question for all of you guys. How is it that possible that a html finds
 out my browser's name and version and my OS version and he knowa that I am
 in XWindows and my XWindows version ... as you can see on the LARRY
 ELLISON 's page ... If some of you got the html (or whatever) script or
 cgi or whatever is that determines those things, I would like that you
 send it to me. 

Annoying isn't it?  Browsers can do a lot of things like this apparently,
a fact which their makers arn't advertising.  Profiling = big money I
guess.  Anyway, I just read an article in comp.os.linux.announce
describing a progrom JUNKBLOCKER or something with JUNK in it that will
block a lot o this kind o stuf, filter ads (saving you download time),
etc.  I thought you might be interested.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
  -- Thorin Oakenshield 

X installation problems

1997-03-12 Thread meierrj

Thank you in advance from a newbie.  Any help in installing X would
be appreciated, especially regarding

o booting to a login screen

o configuring the mouse for left-handed use

I have been trying to install
Debian 1.2
from theInfoMagick Dec 1996 6cd set
using   dpkg
on aDell Dimension XPS133c
withNumber Nine FX Motion 771 graphics accelerator
and Trinitron D1526TX-HS Ultrascan monitor
and PS/2 3-button mouse

dpkg did not complete installation the first time, and would not allow
reinstallation, configuration, removal, or purging because it was already
installed or in a bad state.  I finally used dpkg --force-dependencies
to purge xbase and reinstall it.  After running xf86config, I could run
startx to begin an X session but the screen was unusable.  After copying
(and editting) XF86Config from my slackware installation, I was able to
run startx and use the windows.  After hand-editting /etc/inittab, and
/etc/rc4.d/S99xdm, xdm is started as a deamon at boot.  Unfortunately,
though xdm remains running (as seen by ps -ax), no login screen is presented.

I have read /usr/doc/HOWTO/HOWTO-X11R6 and man [xdm xinit startx ...]
but have been unable to find any way to cause or inhibit presentation of a
login screen when xdm starts.  My understanding is that when xdm starts,
it runs the setup script and then presents a login screen to all hosts
that access it.

What configuration do I need so that debian boots to a login screen?

What configuration (change to XF86Config) is needed to reverse the
button assignment (left-handed instead of right-handed use)?

Ideally, I would like the following run level assignments

0 - shutdown
1 - single user
4 - multi user (no xdm daemon)
5 - multi user (xdm login screen)
6 - restart

Robert Meier

FANUC Robotics North America, Inc.  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: 1-810-377-7469   Fax:  1-810-377-7363

Re: Using a proxy server...

1997-03-12 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can anybody please point me in the right direction (hints, docs, 
  links, etc.) as to how I could tell my Linux box to use a Proxy server 
  for outbound connections (http *AND* ftp). They just put a Proxy 
  server on the ftp protocol, and my ncftp stopped working.

What kind of proxy server? TIS? Socks? 

If it's TIS then NCFTP will not easially work with it, if it's Socks,
you'll have to find some way to socksify ncftp.


Re: Adaptec 2940 UW

1997-03-12 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Bernd Kreimeier wrote:

 I simply tried creating a 2.0.0 kernel image and pasting it with dd
 on the Debian rescue disk, attempting to replace the kernel image
 while leaving the root image intact. IIRC 350K is the size limit
 for the kernel image. My attempts failed, the disk did not load at
 So it breaks down to: what am I doing wrong, how can a Debian base
 rescue disk be modified by replacing the kernel image?

If I recall the rescue disk is simply a msdos disk with a custom boot
loader? Meaning mount the disk and copy your kernel image to it.

If that fails, download root.bin and loadlin then use from a dos

loadlin mykernel initrd=root.bin root=/dev/ram 

and it will boot the rescue disk from a ram disk.


List of changes...

1997-03-12 Thread Mark Lever
Hi all,

Is there a list of changes from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7?  I just got my
tri-Linux CD and it is based on 1.2.5.  I have installed 1.2.7 from
ftp.debian.org but the installation didn't go smoothly.  I want to
start from scratch from the CD to get an idea of the best way to
install the various packages and then once I understand the nuances,
get the latest 1.2.7 differences from the ftp site.

If there were a list of all the differences, it would make my life a
little easier...



Applied Digital Access, Inc.
San Diego, CA 92121

Re: Term

1997-03-12 Thread Shaya Potter

I use slirp, and all you need is to find the source, sorry I don't have it
anymore, and compile it.  You then run it as a user proccess as the last
thing in your connect script, and tada you have a slirp or PPP connection.
I have used it with both Trumpet Winsock and Linux PPP without a problem.


On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

 I think we de-supported term a while back. I think it was after SlIRP
 (the SLIP emulator) came out. The point was that a large number of
 applications had to be term-ified, and if you used SlIRP instead, your
 system just acted as if it had a slip connection and nothing on your
 side had to change.
 I'm not aware of how to find the server-side version of SlIRP, but if
 you can't find it I'm sure someone on debian-user will help.
 Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
 PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Ignore this [test]

1997-03-12 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Alain Nadeau
Just a quick word of thanks and congratulations to Christoph Martin for
his porting Thomas Esser's TeTeX to Debian. One word: superb. It was the
one thing I missed from my pre-Debian days. Thanks also to Craig Sanders
for his purge  install script! It did the trick.


Medieval Studies Institute, 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland


1997-03-12 Thread Alain Nadeau
James W. Lynch wrote:
 -  Received message begins Here  -
  The most brilliant mind has his website:
 An attempt to access this site killed netscape, so be careful.  This
 may be a trojan horse and surely hasn't anything to do with Debian that
 can be determined from the subject or contents of this message.

Well, it certainly happened to me... I'm not particularly proud, but it
certainly killed Netscape, and my whole X session with it.


Medieval Studies Institute, 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland


1997-03-12 Thread Miciovici Robert-Velisav
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, James W. Lynch wrote:

 -  Received message begins Here  -
  The most brilliant mind has his website:
 An attempt to access this site killed netscape, so be careful.  This
 may be a trojan horse and surely hasn't anything to do with Debian that
 can be determined from the subject or contents of this message.

- No ... I checked it out and it works ... there's no trojan horse

 Jim Lynch, System Engineer,  SGI/Cray Research, Inc. / ARS: K4GVO
 Federal Business Systems, Phone: (770) 631-2254, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Suite 270, 200 Westpark Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269

    Bye, Roby (ROOT, SUPERVISOR)   
   SysAdm LCJDAP   
  PAPIU Highschool Network Manager 

   Harmony is all that matters !

Phone/Modem: 40-64-432002


1997-03-12 Thread Mathieu LEGRAND
Find out your browser's name and version and your OS version
from an CGI script is simple : you just have to print some
variables from a shell script.
  For exemple, try this script : essai.cgi
| #!/bin/sh
| echo Content-type: text/plain
| echo
| echo CGI/1.0 test script report:
| echo
| echo argc is $#. argv is $*.
| echo
The web is not anonymous. You can try something like
if you want to surf hidden.


Re: List of changes...

1997-03-12 Thread Guy Maor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Lever) writes:

 Is there a list of changes from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7?




1997-03-12 Thread MR DAVID C STEIN
I have some ethernet cards that came with a used machine.  I don't 
know what they are (which type of ethernet) how can I get them 
running under debian linux?  I also have some ethenet cards that I 
know what they are Novel NE2000 compatible, how can I get those 
running under Linux? they came with dos drivers?  Also, If I have 1 
ethernet card on a Dos machine running Novel can it talk to a Linux 
machine running ethernet?  how?  Also, If I was to purchase the red 
hat cd rom would the stuff on it be compatible with debian linux or 
does it take a debian os to run debian stguff and red to run red hat? 

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-12 Thread Bob Clark
Here are two ways I know of:

1) echo set editing-mode vi  ~root/.inputrc

2) exec bash -o vi


James W. Lynch wrote:
 -  Received message begins Here  -
 This subject brings up a question I've had for a long time.  Bash appears
 to be the shell that I get when I log in as root or do an su command.
 I'm from the old school and perfer vi editing of commands, but I have
 yet to be able to make bash use vi as root.  I've set EDITOR and FCEDIT.
 I've set editing-mode vi.  I can't seem to get root to use anything
 but emacs editing mode.  Is this a diabolical plot by the Linux developers
 to force emacs on the world? 8^)
 Bash works as expected, described and designed when I'm a normal
 Can I do it? How?
 Jim Lynch, System Engineer,  SGI/Cray Research, Inc. / ARS: K4GVO
 Federal Business Systems, Phone: (770) 631-2254, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Suite 270, 200 Westpark Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269

Re: Ethernet

1997-03-12 Thread bhaal

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, MR DAVID C STEIN wrote:

 I have some ethernet cards that came with a used machine.  I don't 
 know what they are (which type of ethernet) how can I get them 
 running under debian linux?  I also have some ethenet cards that I 
 know what they are Novel NE2000 compatible, how can I get those 
 running under Linux? they came with dos drivers?  Also, If I have 1 
 ethernet card on a Dos machine running Novel can it talk to a Linux 
 machine running ethernet?  how?  Also, If I was to purchase the red 
 hat cd rom would the stuff on it be compatible with debian linux or 
 does it take a debian os to run debian stguff and red to run red hat? 

Well as for the redhat - debian question, if U run debian, U purchase a
debian cd..  thats the logic I would use but hey who am I to compare my
logic with others...  U may notice that Debian packages end in .deb, where
as redhat end in .rpm or sumfin like that...  Those are my thoughts

Silicon Graphics and Sun Worksation Giveaway
Check out -- http://www.squirrel.com.au  For more information.

 Living is just a state of mind...

The Lord Bhaal...

Re: I've screwed my net access

1997-03-12 Thread bhaal
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Richard Morin wrote:

 Hi listers, I'm having some major probs and I was hoping someone could
 help me. diald no longer works, same for fetchmail, and other net things
 Trying to connect via telnet localhost 25 fails with some output about 
 a refusal to connect.  If I try the machine name of joanrich, I get an 
 error from in.smtpd  about joanrich!=joanrich.durhamnews.net.  My named 
 must be screwed.Can anyone point me in the right direction.  I think 
 it might have something to do with my hosts.deny and that parnoid entry.
 Rich M

Is your inetd running? if not type inetd as root...

Silicon Graphics and Sun Worksation Giveaway
Check out -- http://www.squirrel.com.au  For more information.

 Living is just a state of mind...

The Lord Bhaal...

testing from me

1997-03-12 Thread Pure Energy

/ \  _-'  `-_  /\   
  _/|  \-''- _ /  \ _ -``-/ |\_   
 __-' { |  \  / | } `-__
-/  \ Rob MacQuarrie / \-
 /   o.  |o }  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  { o|  .o  \   
 |\ ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , /   |  
\_ \   __\   ProvisioNet Distributions  /__   / _/   
  ''-_\.//   @timberwolf.provision.net  \\./_-''   
/ '-'  @panther.provision.net`-` \   
   /  \  
  |   This is OFFICIAL WRITTEN notification that I want to be REMOVED   |
  |   from ALL commercial mailing lists.  EVERY message sent from this  |
  | account has had this request posted. ALL UNSOLICITED ADVERTISEMENTS |

Re: rsh don' t work?!?

1997-03-12 Thread Michel Beland
 I want to use rsh, but I found:
 $ rsh localhost ls
 Permission denied.
 What I must change (for example in hosts.allow) to run it?

Add your hostname to the file /etc/hosts.equiv and this will work.

professionnel de recherchetel: (514)369-5223  fax: (514)369-3880
CERCA (CEntre de Recherche en Calcul Applique)
5160, boul. Decarie, bureau 400(423), Montreal (Quebec), Canada, H3X 2H9

rx vs regex.. Which one?

1997-03-12 Thread Nicolás Lichtmaier

 There are two regex packages... and there seems to be regex support in
libc5... which one should I use?

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-  | From Buenos Aires,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Argentina!


1997-03-12 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mar 03, 1997 at 02:51:48AM +0100, Mathieu LEGRAND wrote:
 Find out your browser's name and version and your OS version
 from an CGI script is simple : you just have to print some
 variables from a shell script.
   For exemple, try this script : essai.cgi
 | #!/bin/sh
 | echo Content-type: text/plain
 | echo

Okay, but how about this one. I'm on hamishpc.rising.com.au,
accessing a web page (http://www.silcom.com/~tonkin/pointless/),
but I'm IP masquerading via silly.rising.com.au, which isn't
really called that at all because I'm on via my ISP who's
given my a dynamic IP, so I'm really dialin-a1-30.melbourne.internex.net.au
or similar, and then I've via proxy cache proxy1.mel.connect.com.au,
but that page still knows I'm from hamishpc!

I do CGI but can't see how they do this one.


Hamish Moffatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Melbourne, Australia.
Student, computer science  computer systems engineering. 3rd year, RMIT.
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt CPOM: [  ] 40%
PGP key available from web page above.

Re: xdm : always reply login incorrect

1997-03-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997 01:38:45 +0100 Mathieu LEGRAND 

 I just installed Debian Linux 1.2 from Infomagic Pack.
 I have a problem I can't fix, maybe you will help me :
   When I start Linux, xdm starts with the graphic banner 
 login but I can't log in from it : it always replies
 login incorrect. I have then to log in text mode and
 to enter startx... Do you have any idea ?

You wouldn't have installed the shadow passwords package, would you ?
If it's not the problem, as Bruce pointed out, it could be a key mapping 
Form your name and your email address (salut, bienvenue au club), I suppose you 
have a French keyboard. You must run xmodmap when xdm starts...
Some questions:
 1) How is the mapping when you log on the console and then startx ?
 2) How is the mapping under xdm (you can type the characters when asked Login: 
and see what you get) ?
 3) Did you take special provisions during the install for a French keyboard ?
Which ones ?


Re: maximum mount count

1997-03-12 Thread Thought
Can you just 'touch /fastboot' to ignore that?

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Martin Stromberg wrote:

  I need to reboot my PC once or twice a day. Lately, I had a boot message 
  displaying '/dev/hda3 has reached the maximum mount count. Checked 
  I found no option to deselect this mount count check in the mount man 
  Does anybody knows ?
 If it's an ext2 file system then you are looking for tune2fs -i 0.
  JP L

Re: maximum mount count

1997-03-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:12:44 PST Thought ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Can you just 'touch /fastboot' to ignore that?

This will work only once, the boot process removes this file...



1997-03-12 Thread Thought
What does chmodding a directory u+s do?  And why is /floppy chmod g+s?

Re: Intresting problem (and diald WARNING)

1997-03-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:04:04 +0100 Lars Hallberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

 First a smal warning about diald: If Your etc/diald.ip-up script for some
 reason is 'hanging', then will diald keep the link up (this is probably
 documented behavior, but I was suprised anyway...). I noticed this
 becose my ip-up script was 'hanging' on a pipe to /dev/xconsole. I got
 diald work as expected by making /etc/diald.ip-up just bakgrund another
 shellscript (doing all the 'real' work). 

Yes, diald 0.14 wait until the completion of ip-up to coonsider 
initialization ok. The latest version 0.16-1 backgrounds the ip-up...

 Some subprces of this script is hanging, probably the subproces
 started by the line:
 echo -e `date`: Running /etc/diald.fetch-up\\r  /dev/xconsole 

Yes, /dev/xconsole is a FIFO (aka a named pipe).
It is normally read by a xconsole process started by xdm, but if this 
process isn't running, the FIFO fills up... When a FIFO is full, any 
process write()ing to it hangs, until someone reads it and makes 
The FIFO is written by syslogd (if you've got the standard 
distributed /etc/syslogd.conf), and almost every message that goes to 
the /var/log logfiles also gets dumped there.
You can also read it by cat /dev/xconsole...
Note that once it's emptied up, it's empty (redoing the same cat will 
just show nothing).

 I suspect this line becose the problem do have something to do with
 /dev/xconsole as it only hangs when the xconsole loging is broken.
 I don't know what's braeking the xconsole but it happen in the first
 day of system uptime (and is OK after a reboot).

Yes, because after a reboot the FIFO is empty. It fills quickly after 
a few hours of uptime.

 More intresting is the side-efects of this
 process hanging on xconsole. For some reason cron-jobs starts to
 hang when this process hangs. I can't login as root when this happens
 but ther's no problems in using existing root-shells. User login is
 OK to. If I kill the proces hanging on xconsole all cronjobs do finish
 and the system is back at normal (exept xconsole who is still broke).
 If I don't kill it the cronjobs keep piling up until the system load
 craches the mashine :(

Let me take my teacher's hat (actually while digging out this, I 
learnt some stuff too).
Only one process at a time can write to a FIFO.
If a process already has a writing file descriptor on a FIFO, an 
other process willing to open the FIFO in write mode will hang in 
So what happens is that:
 1) The FIFO is full
 2) Your echo commands have the FIFO opened write, but the write() 
hangs because the FIFO is full.
 3) Syslogd tries to write something to the FIFO and hangs in open().
Strangely enough :-), a root login will get logged by syslogd. Cron 
jobs start and end times get logged by syslogd (they don't actually 
appear in the log file because of the syslogd configuration, but cron 
calls syslogd).
And as syslog is hung, the calling process are also hung (login, 
cron, etc...).
Your whole system seems to be broken because of this little innocent 
sneaky echo to a FIFO !

Note that syslogd is clever enough to know when the pipe is full. 
Once opened (assuming it doesn't hang on open()), it does a 
non-waiting write(), which returns 0 characters written when the FIFO 
is full, and syslogd doesn't get hung.
Your problem is a one because syslogd hangs in open(), where it 
doesn't expect.

 I do work-around this problem by leting /etc/diald.ip-up also
 background this script:

IMHO, this is ugly.
Try using the logger program. It's a shell interface to syslog. It 
will do all the hard work for you, will nicely deal with 
/etc/xconsole, and you'll also get your stuff in the system log files 
in addition to /dev/xconsole.
Read (1)logger.

 o Why is xconsole broke? lsattr /dev/xconsole (when it's broke) give:
   lsattr 1.06, 7-Oct-96 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
   lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on /dev/xconsole

I don't know why lsattr returns this error message. Actually, it fail 
on any special file... Maybe this is intended... Any ext2 specialist 
around here ?
As lsattr is only useful for regular files, it makes sense to return 
an error on a special file.

I hope I was clear enough. This is rather hairy...


Re: Chmod

1997-03-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:33:32 PST Thought ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 What does chmodding a directory u+s do?  And why is /floppy chmod g+s?

A setuid directory means nothing currently.
A setgid directory means that any file created in this directory will 
take the group ownership of the directory (assuming you mounted the 
ext2 fs with the default options, see (8)mount for the gory details).

Why is /floppy g+s ?
Good question !


Re: Using a proxy server...

1997-03-12 Thread Carey Evans
Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 What kind of proxy server? TIS? Socks? 
 If it's TIS then NCFTP will not easially work with it, if it's Socks,
 you'll have to find some way to socksify ncftp.

If it's one where you do (e.g.) USER [EMAIL PROTECTED], PASS
[EMAIL PROTECTED], I have a patch (or hack) to make it work.  I
don't need it anymore, but I'll send it to anyone who wants it so you
can try it out.

Carey Evans  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux and Linux-like systems such as UNIX(R) and FreeBSD...
- Yggdrasil Computing, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rx vs regex.. Which one?

1997-03-12 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:

  There are two regex packages... and there seems to be regex support in
 libc5... which one should I use?

The one in libc5 allowed Debian fileutils and textutils to be much
smaller. See the debian/rules file of these packages for details.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Alain Nadeau
Christoph Martin wrote:
 Alain Nadeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Just a quick word of thanks and congratulations to Christoph Martin for
  his porting Thomas Esser's TeTeX to Debian. One word: superb. It was the
  one thing I missed from my pre-Debian days. Thanks also to Craig Sanders
  for his purge  install script! It did the trick.
 Ups... Did I miss this script? Where did he send it? I'm just trying
 to get upgrade smoother.
 Could you send it to me?

Well, perhaps I overstated what I meant. There was a bit of a confusion
right after the package was released as to what the correct install
procedure was, ie: purge the old TeX/LaTeX first, and only then install
TeTeX. Craig just posted the following as being a correct way of doing

dpkg --purge --force-depends amslatex amstex babel bibtex dvipsk
kpathsea kpathsea-dev latex latex2e-doc ltxmisc ltxtool makeindex
mfbasfnt mfdcfnt mflib mfnfss ps2pk psnfss texbin texi2html texinfo
texlib texpsfnt textmf xdvik

Then use dpkg or dselect to install the tetex packages.

(assuming you have a mirror of debian mounted at /debian:)

cd /debian
dpkg -i bo/binary/tex/tetex-base_0.4pl6-2.deb

I called it a script (perhaps wrongly), maybe procedure would have
been more to the point. In any event, it had made clear to me (not a
dpkg scholar) how to smoothly get the thing done.

Thanks again for TeTeX,


Medieval Studies Institute, 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Alain Nadeau wrote:

 Christoph Martin wrote:
  Alain Nadeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 dpkg --purge --force-depends amslatex amstex babel bibtex dvipsk
 kpathsea kpathsea-dev latex latex2e-doc ltxmisc ltxtool makeindex
 mfbasfnt mfdcfnt mflib mfnfss ps2pk psnfss texbin texi2html texinfo
 texlib texpsfnt textmf xdvik

should i have some trouble using tetex with any of my latex files, that
is, is the change suitably smoth? any known problem? what is missing, if
any, regarding latex packages (they are many !) ? 

   Mario O.de Menezes mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/SP  BRAZIL | 
 | http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario  |
 There will be a day when every PC on the world will be a
host, not a 'MyComputer'! - myself!


1997-03-12 Thread Jonas Bofjall
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Britton wrote:

 Annoying isn't it?  Browsers can do a lot of things like this apparently,
 a fact which their makers arn't advertising.  Profiling = big money I

Of course their makers are advertising! They say that it conforms to the
CGI 1.0 specifications. Now what that is, is up to you to find out.
And it's not hard, Yahoo has every link you need. Ignorance is no excuse.

Would any of you mind telling a clueless person like myself, who this
Larry Ellison is? And what is so special about this page?
There was mostly links to itself... I didn't run that Java program though..

  // Jonas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2:201/262.37]

Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Christoph S.H. Martin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

Well, perhaps I overstated what I meant. There was a bit of a confusion
right after the package was released as to what the correct install
procedure was, ie: purge the old TeX/LaTeX first, and only then install
TeTeX. Craig just posted the following as being a correct way of doing

Ok I saw this one. I'm just in the process of releasing a new version
of the packages which search for old packages and give a hint like
this in it. But... this procedure does not allways work.

If dpkg deinstalls mflib and/or xypic before latex, deinstallation of
latex will fail because install-fmt-base is missing. So you have to do
in two steps as supposed in my preinst script.

dpkg --purge --force-depends amslatex amstex babel bibtex dvipsk
kpathsea kpathsea-dev latex latex2e-doc ltxmisc ltxtool makeindex
mfbasfnt mfdcfnt mflib mfnfss ps2pk psnfss texbin texi2html texinfo
texlib texpsfnt textmf xdvik

How to reconfigure packages

1997-03-12 Thread Peter Weiss
Hello Debianusers,

the question I thought about:

Is there another way to configure .deb packages without purging/
reinstalling them?

E.g. I get new printer and like to configure the apsfilter package
without removing it.

TIA -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
-- Slow has got 4 letters so has calm; speed has got 5 letters so has death --

Re: Can't nfs mount Debian box

1997-03-12 Thread David M. Cooke
 I'm having trouble nfs mounting a Debian box from other machines... 'ps
 -aux' indicates rpc.portmap, update, nfsiod (4 instances), kerneld,
 inetd, bootpd, rpc.nfsd, rpc.mount, rpc.ugidd.  Other processes seem to
 be working well (apache, netscape, in.telnetd, bash, emacs)...  Still a
 variety of machines (linux, NeXT, Sparc) can't mount correctly configured
 /etc/exports (i.e. '/   trusty(rw,no_root_squash)...
 What can I do to ferret out this problem?  Any immediate clues as to
 what's going on?

I don't know if I can help but here's an attempt.  I have about 30
Debian systems some SGIs and a few Suns at work with NFS running well.

When you edit your /etc/exports file on a Linux system you need to
tell rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd to re-read it.  You do this by sending
them a HUP signal.  I use this command:

   killall -HUP rpc.nfsd rpc.mountd

Rebooting should work too but is much slower.  If this doesn't work,
carefully check your /etc/exports file while reading the exports man
page to be sure it's correct.

Good luck...

Re: How to reconfigure packages

1997-03-12 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Peter Weiss, you wrote:
 Hello Debianusers,
 the question I thought about:
 Is there another way to configure .deb packages without purging/
 reinstalling them?
 E.g. I get new printer and like to configure the apsfilter package
 without removing it.

Go to /var/lib/dpkg/info, and find the postinst scripts. For your
apsfilter, you would run apsfilter.postinst to get it reconfigured.


 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
You may be right, I may be crazy
Billy Joel
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Cannot get full speed download on ppp

1997-03-12 Thread Paul Chau

I don't what i have done to my system. Recently i found that my 
download speed from our server at most can give me 2.6k byte/s ftp.

After an ftp session, ifconfig tells me that ppp0 has 'n' rx errors and
'n' dropped where n can be 5, 6 or 7 etc  ( the bigger the file 
download the larger n is. During downloading, i carefully looked at
the modem RD lamp. I saw it flashing all the time and when i hear
hard disk access, the RD lamp then stops for a part of a second and
continues. It appears to me that when there is disk access the system
will miss some data pumping in from the modem. I used to be able to
get 3.1K bytes/s downloading  compressed file.

There have been a few changes to my system:

1. a few debian packages update (but i cannot remember what).
2. an upgrade of video adapter from et4000 to S3 pci adapter.

Current system running:

debian 1.1 with some package update ( libc5.4 ).
kernel 2.0.27
amd586 133Mhz with 16M ram
1G /dev/hda and 345M /dev/hdc (secondary ide channel master ) - this
has not been changed for many months. 

Could anybody shed some light on my problem?


Re: mh problem

1997-03-12 Thread Frank Swasey
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Steve wrote:

 This sounds like what I want to do. My system is refusing SMTP
 connections, although not because of load. I tried adding the mta:
 sendmail line to my ~/.mh_profile, and I also tried a servers: line
 with the name of my mail server. No change with either option.
 What am I supposed to do? I wasn't sure about the mta option, but I
 figured that the servers line would work. Is the ~/.mh_profile file
 ignored or do I have these options in the wrong place?

~/.mh_profile is the wrong place.  The mta: sendmail option would go in
the config file that is used when MH is compiled.  The servers: line
would go in the mtstailor file -- I'm not sure where this file goes on a
debian system (unfortunately, I don't have debian installed right now). 

 BTW, I'm running sendmail (with only the -q option) instead of smail,
 if that makes a difference.

That doesn't make any difference.


X crashes when switching from VC

1997-03-12 Thread Brian K Servis
Hi all,

Occasionally when I switch from a VC back to X(alt-f7) and try and use
the mouse immediately X crashes and exits.  If I don't use the mouse
for a couple of seconds it does not crash.  I am running xdm but have
had it happen when just starting X using xinit.  I am running gpm on
the VC's.  The error message when it crashes is:

Fatal server error:
 Cannot open mouse (Device or resource busy)

 xdm error (pid 226): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1

Gpm is started with the distributed init.d/gpm script and my /etc/gpm.conf
file has the following lines in it.


The pointer section of XF86Config is:

Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse

/dev/mouse is a soft link to /dev/psaux
0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root5 Jan 11 16:54 mouse - psaux

My graphics card is a Diamond Stealth 64 with a S3 Trio64 chip and 2M
Dram running in 8bit 1280x1024 mode(which by the way I can't even get
Win95 to do!).

I know that if I don't use the mouse right away it won't crash but I
don't think that should be the solution. Any helpful hints ideas on
what is going on?


Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://widget.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

Where is modutils? bind syntax error

1997-03-12 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

I'm installing a new Debian server downloading the latest versions from
unstable. Everything was ok except for two problems:

1. modules version 2.1.23-1 depends on modutils. Where is modutils?
   I couldn't find it.

2. While setting up bind version 4.9.5-1 I get the following error:

   Setting up bind (4.9.5-1) ...
   /var/lib/dpkg/info/bind.postinst: line 120: syntax error near
   unexpected token `done'
   dpkg: error processing bind (--install):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2

   There seems to be a done instead of something like echo done.
   I changed this but I got an error then on line 125 so I decided
   to stop looking into it. Has this been fixed in another version?

Thank you,

Pedro I. Sanchez

Re: xdm : always reply login incorrect

1997-03-12 Thread David Gaudine

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Mathieu LEGRAND wrote:

 I just installed Debian Linux 1.2 from Infomagic Pack.
 I have a problem I can't fix, maybe you will help me :
   When I start Linux, xdm starts with the graphic banner 
 login but I can't log in from it : it always replies
 login incorrect. I have then to log in text mode and
 to enter startx... Do you have any idea ?

This is a long shot compared to the other responses, but;
I once had the same problem because my password was more than
8 characters.

Re: Where is modutils? bind syntax error

1997-03-12 Thread Lawrence Chim
In a previous message Lawrence Chim said:
 These are the files in modules_2.1.23-1.deb.  It seems that all
 binaries and manpages are missing.

modules_2.1.23-1 is a dummy package used when upgrading from modules to
the newer modutils. Unfortunately modutils has not been installed yet.


Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
 I'm installing a new Debian server downloading the latest versions from
 unstable. Everything was ok except for two problems:
 1. modules version 2.1.23-1 depends on modutils. Where is modutils?
I couldn't find it.
 2. While setting up bind version 4.9.5-1 I get the following error:
Setting up bind (4.9.5-1) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/bind.postinst: line 120: syntax error near
unexpected token `done'
dpkg: error processing bind (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
There seems to be a done instead of something like echo done.
I changed this but I got an error then on line 125 so I decided
to stop looking into it. Has this been fixed in another version?
 Thank you,
 Pedro I. Sanchez

Strange network problems

1997-03-12 Thread Brian Freeze
Greetings to the list.

I have installed the latest version of debian on a pentium 166 system 64 meg
of ram. I installed to a second hard disk on the unit with win95 on the 1st
disk. I have no problems with the win95 boot and usage.

I have an etherlink 3Com PCI card installed.

This is the problem:  

If I telnet out or ftp out I wait long periods of time for the username to
be excepted then the passwd. From there it is the same for ls or any other
command. For example. System www2.deltastar.nb.ca is the system with the new
debian release on it and www.deltastar.nb.ca is the my main system with
debian 1.2 on it. BTW both systems have the same hardware as in system and
ethernet cards.

I telnet or ftp over to www.deltastar.nb.ca and it takes forever to login
and do anything. If I login into the www2 system from www it is real fast
and know problems. Every ftp or telnet site I try from www2 takes forever to
get into and get anything done.

One other strange thing is when I telnet or ftp from the www2 system to www
system I tried pinging back at the same time I was logging in. When I do
that the www2 system can get onto www fine real fast.

I was thinking this could be related to DNS and the install of a caching
only name server on the www2.deltastar.nb.ca system but I am not sure. Both
system have valid ip's and valid DNS lookup.

Any help on this would sure be apreciated.
Brian Freeze
Deltastar Communications Ltd
Belleisle Cr.  
New Brunswick, CA
E0G 1E0
Voice (506) 485-2541
Fax  (506) 485-2129

Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Christoph S.H. Martin wrote:

I haven't ever seen anybody mention what to do if you have Lyx
installed. Will TeTex replace everything that lyx requires?
Or maybe lyx users won't notice and don't need the improvement
in the TeTex packaging?


Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Christoph Martin
Rick Macdonald writes:
  On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Christoph S.H. Martin wrote:
  I haven't ever seen anybody mention what to do if you have Lyx
  installed. Will TeTex replace everything that lyx requires?
  Or maybe lyx users won't notice and don't need the improvement
  in the TeTex packaging?

lyx needs to be relinked with tetex-dev (libkpathsea.a) to run with
tetex. The current lyx won't find the tex files within tetex. I
submitted a bug report on lyx because of this.


latex and times fonts


Somebody knows why when I write a latex french report with babel, it s
impossible for me to obtain the accents if I use the times fonts?

Thanks a lot


Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-12 Thread Tomislav Vujec
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (James W. Lynch) writes:
 This subject brings up a question I've had for a long time.  Bash appears
 to be the shell that I get when I log in as root or do an su command.
 I'm from the old school and prefer vi editing of commands, but I have
 yet to be able to make bash use vi as root.  I've set EDITOR and FCEDIT.
 I've set editing-mode vi.  I can't seem to get root to use anything
 but emacs editing mode.  Is this a diabolical plot by the Linux developers
 to force emacs on the world? 8^)
 Bash works as expected, described and designed when I'm a normal
 Can I do it? How?

I use vi as a root, and vi editing mode, but in zsh. Yes my root shell
is zsh. Now days when zsh runs autoconf configure scripts I am even
thinking to put it for /bin/sh instead of bash... heard that zsh
developers do that.

P.S. As a normal user I use xemacs, but of course in viper mode :-)

Tomislav Vujec   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion...

Re: Lexmark Printer

1997-03-12 Thread Norris Preyer
We need a lot more info to figure out what's wrong!  I've got an Optra
R+ which works beautifully with Debian.  The problem is much more
likely to be with your setup of lpr/lprng, apsfilter/magicfilter, etc.
Can you give some more details?  Specifically, do you have it attached
to a parallel printer port or do you have the network card in it?
Which flavor print daemon do you use?  Any extra filtering?  And what
happens if you do something like ls  /dev/lp1 (as root)?

The Printing-HOWTO file (/usr/doc/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO.gz) should give
you enough info to get started debugging your setup, and I'll be glad
to compare settings on the lexmark control panel.

Good luck!

Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon State College[EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Re: X crashes when switching from VC

1997-03-12 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
I have noticed almost the same behaviour. When I change from a VC back to X 
and right after that use the accelerator keys (Alt-Left, Alt-Right) to change 
between virtual desktops I usually get thrown back to a VC. Though not always 
the same VC I changed to X from. I have this gut feeling that it still tries 
to change VCs even though it should be running under X, but I'm only guessing 

As far as I remember X has never chrashed. I also won't get thrown back to VC 
if I _move_ the mouse. After I move the mouse the accelerator keys work just 

I use Matrox Mill. 4MB with 24bit 1280x1024 and SVGA server version 3.2A. The 
exactly same things happened with the 3.2 server too.

My mouse is a cheap 3-button logitech model in ttyS0 (COM1) and I use gpm.

Brian K Servis wrote:

 Occasionally when I switch from a VC back to X(alt-f7) and try and use
 the mouse immediately X crashes and exits.  If I don't use the mouse
 for a couple of seconds it does not crash.  I am running xdm but have
 had it happen when just starting X using xinit.  I am running gpm on
 the VC's.  The error message when it crashes is:

 Fatal server error:
 Cannot open mouse (Device or resource busy)

I'm sorry I have no explanation or solution but I think we have something in 
common going on.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: Cannot get full speed download on ppp

1997-03-12 Thread John T. Larkin
 I don't what i have done to my system. Recently i found that my 
 download speed from our server at most can give me 2.6k byte/s ftp.

You should try two things:
1) Use hdparm to optimize the performance of your disks.  I recomend
   the '-u' option to unmask the IRQ for data transfers.  Be careful
   with this, as it (supposedly) has been known not to work on some
   systems and causes severe data corruption.
2) Use irqtune to give the serial port the highest priority.

 I used to be able to
 get 3.1K bytes/s downloading  compressed file.
I really don't know why you used to be able to get this performance,
but no longer (unless you just happened to hit a really busy time of
day, and your ISP couldn't get data fast enough).  My 386-40, with an
old 8250 uart and external 28.8 modem, can get thru-put of 2.8ish for
transfers.  This generates about 6000 interupts per second, and pretty
much pushes the limits of the old hardware (a newer 16550 uart would 
help by greatly reducing the number of interupts).  
I'm slightly confused by your situation, because you really should
have no problems with a p-133 and internal modem or 16550 uart on the
serial port.  
Anyway, try it, and if it helps

Good luck,
- John Larkin   
- http://aij.st.hmc.edu/~jlarkin

Can't get NFS with ugidd working

1997-03-12 Thread Maarten Boekhold

I'm using NFS here at home to share stuff with a room-mate, and we're 
both using different uid's and gid's onthe systems, but the same names. 
So I thought: ugidd.

I enabled it in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs, editted /etc/hosts.allow and 
/etc/hosts.deny, and have added 'map_daemon' to the export-lines.

But I still get numbers or 'nobody' and 'nosuchgroup' or something like 
that. I don't get it. Isn't this the way I should get this working?


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL|

Re: Can someon help me configuring X?

1997-03-12 Thread Daniel J. Mashao
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Barbara Cel wrote:
 I'm tired of 4th day of configuring debian (what a bitchy system,
 friends are advising me to buy Red Hat) and I still haven't X-windows
 configured. I've been instaling this few times from the very beginning
I too have been frustrated a couple of times, so I can understand what you
are going through. First of all the fact that your X is not configured has
nothing to do with the distributions ( at least not between RH and Debian,
corrections are in order). Secondly you could try asking the
comp.os.linux.x group (or something to that effect). The group deals with
a lot of X-windows problems. Thirdly try running the xf86config as root
and check the resulting file. Fourthly try to find out if anyone has the
same combination of monitor and video card or just the video card and see
you can use it as a first step.
 and i had lots of strange error messages (i'm using S3 64 V+ card and
 I installed X server for this card). After configuring with xf86config
 the most intriguing errors were:
 no screens installed
How do you start X, and this could be due to incorrect frequencies for
your monitor. 
 and (this I have now)
 PEX extension module not loaded
Check the FreeX86 FAQ questions about why the PXE module is not loaded. I
think you need a section that loads this module. This is not critical for
  XIE extension module not loaded
 there are more of this and when I'll be running linux next time i'll
 copy it all. Now I changed to DOS (win95) which partition I have no
 idea how to mount - I tried to set it as /dev/hdc without reason,
 nevermind. If someone will help me with X i'll be greatful...!
That may be the time you read the HOWTOS and FAQ and man pages. Or
consider asking your friends about 'mount'. Someone with a better and
rclearer answer concerning mount??


Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-12 Thread Thought
I set my system shell to zsh as well, and replaced all the /bin/bash in
/etc/passwd to /usr/bin/zsh, but when I tried to move /bin/sh to point to
/usr/bin/zsh, all of the /etc/init.d/* scripts blew up.  Most of their
scripting is done in bash format, so unless you want to either make zsh
bash-compatible before running the scripts, or you want to rewrite every
script made for bash, I'd just leave /bin/sh pointing to /usr/bin/bash (I
moved my /bin/bash to /usr/bin/bash just for consistancy...)

Just a newbie's opinion :)

On 12 Mar 1997, Tomislav Vujec wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James W. Lynch) writes:
  This subject brings up a question I've had for a long time.  Bash appears
  to be the shell that I get when I log in as root or do an su command.
  I'm from the old school and prefer vi editing of commands, but I have
  yet to be able to make bash use vi as root.  I've set EDITOR and FCEDIT.
  I've set editing-mode vi.  I can't seem to get root to use anything
  but emacs editing mode.  Is this a diabolical plot by the Linux developers
  to force emacs on the world? 8^)
  Bash works as expected, described and designed when I'm a normal
  Can I do it? How?
 I use vi as a root, and vi editing mode, but in zsh. Yes my root shell
 is zsh. Now days when zsh runs autoconf configure scripts I am even
 thinking to put it for /bin/sh instead of bash... heard that zsh
 developers do that.
 P.S. As a normal user I use xemacs, but of course in viper mode :-)
 Tomislav Vujec   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion...


1997-03-12 Thread Peter Bodnar

I tried install new samba package ver. 1.9.16p11-2 and this exit
with error, because this pack. is depend on libpam0 library.
Can anyone tell me, where I can found this lib?



Troubles with blt debian package

1997-03-12 Thread Mike Miller
I'd been using BLT for a while when I noticed that there was a
debian blt package.  So, I installed it only to find that it does
not include a blt_wish binary.  In addition, in interacts badly
with my earlier installed blt_wish, resulting in core dumps.
After purging the debian package, I'm back to my old

Has anybody used debianized blt successfully and if so, can you
tell me how to access it from tcl scripts?  I am a tcl novice -
is there something I should know about to access the blt library
from scripts?  Or should I report the lack of a blt_wish as a
feature request?


Re: TeTeX for Debian

1997-03-12 Thread Alain Nadeau
Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

 should i have some trouble using tetex with any of my latex files, that
 is, is the change suitably smoth? any known problem? what is missing, if
 any, regarding latex packages (they are many !) ?
Mario O.de Menezes mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/SP  BRAZIL |


I can only describe how it went in my particular case. If by latex
files you mean text files you wrote in LaTeX, then of course there is
no problem whatsoever. If you mean additional macros, styles etc. that
you have added by hand to your installation, then you will have to check
out whether they are included in teTeX (it includes A LOT, much more
than the old standard Debian LaTeX). How (and where) one adds additional
macros etc to teTeX is explained in TETEX_FAQ (a must-read, as always,
as well as TETEX_doc.dvi). Learning the ins and outs of the texconfig
interface is also recommanded. Nothing up to now is missing. The
change was very smooth indeed. 
The FAQ also explains how to subscribe to the tetex mailing list, which
I recommend strongly.

Don't hesitate to write directly if you need more details,


Medieval Studies Institute, 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland

1.1 - 1.2

1997-03-12 Thread jghasler
Well, I upgraded, from 1.1 to 1.2 (Cheap Bytes CDROM).  I did the base
first, and that worked fine.  The rest, however, did not go quite so well.
Tcsh refused to upgrade: I'll figure out what's wrong there one of these
days.  I'm fairly sure I did not mark maelstrom for removal, but it's just
a game.  I'm certain, however, that I did *not* mark popclient for removal.
I restored it from tape.  My customized mail crontab was replaced, though I
answered N to all requests for permission to alter configuration files.  I
suppose I'd better look through all the crontabs to see what else changed.
Smail choked on a checkpaths command in the stock directors file.  I
suppose I should report that as a smail bug.  The first time I tried to use
most in an xterm, I was told Terminal not powerful enough for SLang.
SLang is undocumented.  I restored most from tape.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

was: I screwed my net access

1997-03-12 Thread Richard Morin
Afternoon listers, 
Well it seems I have a little more information now to present in the 
hopes someone can point me in the right direction.

Someone (the message in in windows right now...sorry) asked me if rpcinfo 
-p  gave any info.
Well here is what it says.
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC. Remote system error -Network is 

Someone else asked me if inetd was running, and it appears to be so by 
looking at the output from top, and ps -aux.  

I've also  noticed an error which tells me that /proc filesysytem is not 
mounted.  I'm looking for the package to re-install on another vt right 
now, I hope this will cure this little prob.
(Yup, I used less on one of the files, didn't read about the zero 
filesize of these files till the damage was done) two lashes with a wet lart.

Man, I've made a mess of things this time.  I actually had diald up and 
running for two whole days, then I re-booted to M$ to put some files on 
disk for someone, that oughta teach me...lol!

The strangest thing in all of this, is that I can, now at least, connect 
with minicom and start pppd manually, which is fine, but I can't get my 
mail with fetchmail.  It seems that the remote system is querying my 
machine for some reason, and my smtp port is not listening.  ftp works, 
nntp works, telnet (which I'm using now to write this from pine on my 
providers machine)

Take pity on me, I've spent way too much time reading to be 
objective about this anymore

Rich M

/bin/sh != /bin/bash ? [was Re: zsh vs bash]

1997-03-12 Thread Steve
 I set my system shell to zsh as well, and replaced all the /bin/bash in
 /etc/passwd to /usr/bin/zsh, but when I tried to move /bin/sh to point to
 /usr/bin/zsh, all of the /etc/init.d/* scripts blew up.

If those scripts actually require bash then why isn't the first line
#!/bin/bash? Is this a bug, or is it written in stone that /bin/sh and
/bin/bash are equivalent?

Re: /bin/sh != /bin/bash ? [was Re: zsh vs bash]

1997-03-12 Thread Craig Sanders

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Steve wrote:

  I set my system shell to zsh as well, and replaced all the /bin/bash
  in /etc/passwd to /usr/bin/zsh, but when I tried to move /bin/sh to
  point to /usr/bin/zsh, all of the /etc/init.d/* scripts blew up.

 If those scripts actually require bash then why isn't the first line
 #!/bin/bash? Is this a bug, or is it written in stone that /bin/sh and
 /bin/bash are equivalent?

/bin/sh and /bin/bash are not equivalent. bash is a superset of sh
functionality. bash behaves differently depending on whether it is
invoked as sh or as bash (at least the new version 2 does).

bash when invoked as /bin/sh is more posix compliant. when invoked as
/bin/bash, all the bash enhancements are available.

e.g. /usr/sbin/dwww-doc-index from the dwww package doesn't work at all
if the first line is '#! /bin/sh', but works correctly if the first line
is '#! /bin/bash'.

(reminds me, i should submit this as a bug report. nope, no need...it's
already reported as bug #7267 with a patch to fix it)


acct package, a bug?

1997-03-12 Thread Adam Shand
There seems to be a bug in the ac command that comes with the acct package.
 Either that or it seems to work in an unusual way... either way help would
be appreciated :)

We do solely time bases accounting and up until now we were using a version
of ac from sunsite (I think it was a long time ago).  When I went to change
over to the debian version that comes with acct I noticed that it skipped

[11:16am] phoenix(larry) ac.new -d -f /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2
Mar  5  total  220.88
Mar  7  total  426.77
Mar  8  total0.02

[11:17am] phoenix(larry) ac.old -d -w /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2
Mar   5 total   220.30
Mar   6 total   234.17
Mar   7 total   190.16
Mar   8 total 0.02

This would not be a happy thing for time charging.  While reading the man
page I noticed the -a command and this doesn't seem to help, nor does the
-z command make Mar 6 show up (there are heaps on login's on Mar 6 when you
use last).

However when I run it with the --complain switch it complains lots with
lines like (about 40 lines worth):

/var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:69: problem: missing login record for `ttyC12'
/var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:364: problem: missing login record for `ttyC10'

All I can think of is that somehow the way that we rotate the wtmp file is
corrupting it somehow, yet it works perfectly with the old ac we were using
and with debian last!

Thoughts/insites/help would be much appreciated.



- Earthlight Communications Limited 
P.O. Box 5301   Adam Shand (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New Zealand   Systems Manager(voice) +64 3 479 0303

Re: Can't nfs mount Debian box

1997-03-12 Thread Eric Delaunay
David M. Cooke wrote:
 When you edit your /etc/exports file on a Linux system you need to
 tell rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd to re-read it.  You do this by sending
 them a HUP signal.  I use this command:
killall -HUP rpc.nfsd rpc.mountd
 Rebooting should work too but is much slower.  If this doesn't work,
 carefully check your /etc/exports file while reading the exports man
 page to be sure it's correct.

You can also try:
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs reload

much more Debian's way ;-)

 Eric Delaunay | La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | En les supprimant. Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

Re: acct package, a bug?

1997-03-12 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Adam Shand, you wrote:
 However when I run it with the --complain switch it complains lots with
 lines like (about 40 lines worth):
 /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:69: problem: missing login record for `ttyC12'
 /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:364: problem: missing login record for `ttyC10'
 All I can think of is that somehow the way that we rotate the wtmp file is
 corrupting it somehow, yet it works perfectly with the old ac we were using
 and with debian last!

You are using Cyclades boards? I believe (in a FAQ somewhere) that the
device names can only be 2 chars, like ttyC0. If you go over C9,
you'll have to use Ca, Cb, etc.


 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
   Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
   Kansas - Dust in the Wind
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Re: Login Incorrect with xdm...

1997-03-12 Thread Mathieu LEGRAND
Just to thank you all and to tell you were right :
my keyboard was not well configured. My AltGr key on
my french keyboard doesn't work. Therefore, this is a
bug of the Debian distribution ;-). Does someone know
how to fix this bug ?


need help; Netscape 3.01; bus error

1997-03-12 Thread Eugene H. Sevinian

This version  of Netscape which I have installed recently works very 
bad. I am getting this error very often. 

Will be thankfull for any advice.

Eugene Sevinian

Cosmic Ray Division
Yerevan Phisics Institute
Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
375036 Yerevan 36

URL: http://www.yerphi.am/crd/prs/sevinian.html
Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
Fax: 374-2-350030

Re: acct package, a bug?

1997-03-12 Thread Adam Shand
 /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:69: problem: missing login record for `ttyC12'
 /var/adm/addtold/wtmp.2:364: problem: missing login record for `ttyC10'
 All I can think of is that somehow the way that we rotate the wtmp file is
 corrupting it somehow, yet it works perfectly with the old ac we were using
 and with debian last!

You are using Cyclades boards? I believe (in a FAQ somewhere) that the
device names can only be 2 chars, like ttyC0. If you go over C9,
you'll have to use Ca, Cb, etc.

Yes we are using Cyclades cards.  This rings a vague bell from linuxisp
about a year ago but why would this affect the new ac and not the old?  And
why would it cause an error like days missing?

Any ideas?



- Earthlight Communications Limited 
P.O. Box 5301   Adam Shand (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New Zealand   Systems Manager(voice) +64 3 479 0303


1997-03-12 Thread Rob MacWilliams
 On Mar 03, 1997 at 02:51:48AM +0100, Mathieu LEGRAND wrote:
  Find out your browser's name and version and your OS version
  from an CGI script is simple : you just have to print some
  variables from a shell script.
For exemple, try this script : essai.cgi
  | #!/bin/sh
  | echo Content-type: text/plain
  | echo
 Okay, but how about this one. I'm on hamishpc.rising.com.au,
 accessing a web page (http://www.silcom.com/~tonkin/pointless/),
 but I'm IP masquerading via silly.rising.com.au, which isn't
 really called that at all because I'm on via my ISP who's
 given my a dynamic IP, so I'm really dialin-a1-30.melbourne.internex.net.au
 or similar, and then I've via proxy cache proxy1.mel.connect.com.au,
 but that page still knows I'm from hamishpc!
 I do CGI but can't see how they do this one.

Maybe finger.  It seems you can CGI for the OS and if it's *nix run finger,
or just run finger and see what happens.  Check out www.digicrime.com, 
they have all kinds of interesting things there.

 Hamish Moffatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Melbourne, Australia.
 Student, computer science  computer systems engineering. 3rd year, RMIT.
 http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt CPOM: [  ] 40%
 PGP key available from web page above.


Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of it's students

Rob MacWilliams   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Second Hard Disk

1997-03-12 Thread Pete Poff
before I changed over to linux, I was MS-DOS and had two 
hardrives installed.  They both worked fine.  When I changed i didn't 
install the second hard drive and now I need to.  How can I.  I tryed to 
find some docs but couldn't.  Also after I do, how to get to that hard disk?

 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address:   telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000