Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Klaus Hergerschiemer
No, Mr. Rightley is right.  At one time the cult guy called himself bo and
his partner peep, amoung other things.  I saw it on the CNN website!

Joseph Palicke

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote:

 Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 14:50:32 -0500 (EST)
 From: Jason Costomiris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Paul Rightley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: The ultimate fate of Debian
 Resent-Date: 2 Apr 1997 19:55:43 -
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown:;
 On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Paul Rightley wrote:
  Now, the leader of this group was/is (depending upon your beliefs) a man 
  who at
  one time called himself 'Bo'.
 Uh  He called himself Do.  Not Bo.
 Run, do not walk to the closet, put on your Nike's, get your shroud, and
 visit, and laugh.  Yes, .org, and not the .com
 site that belonged to those deranged losers.
 Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
 My employers like me, but not  | and genius.  We aim to erase that line
 enough to let me speak for them. |--Unknown

Re: BO

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Dale Scheetz wrote:
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Leon Castellanos wrote:

stuff deleted

 If you find this e-mail offensive please ignore it and  /dev/null or if
 that doesn't satisfy you please email bomb me or something :)  
Well, something anyway ;-)

With your long winded discussion there was, just barely, enough
information to determine exactly what you found as a bug. When you are
looking for help this is THE most important information you can provide.
The rest of your discussion was slightly interesting, but provided no
method of improvement that I could see. Since we can't go back in time and
correct the error on the current disks, our only recourse is to try and
fix them and get another disk set out. There should be a new disk set in
the next day or two, that will, hopefully, have this (and several bugs you
didn't see) fixed. This cycle of testing and repair is the norm for Debian
and though it tries some folks patience at times I think that it works
pretty well given the volunteer nature of the contributions.
If you are truely interested in contributing to the testing effor, please
contact me through private e-mail. We would be happy to have you join us,
we can use all the help we can get.

Waiting is,


I haven't run across this original msg yet, since I am re-configuring my system 
and am just now getting to read some email, but I would like to say something ab
out all the ppl that post to this list and do nothing but bitch about the curren
t state of Debian/Linux.  

I don't understand you fuc**ng ppl!  This is an os that is completely volunteer 
oriented.  These ppl have lives.  Most of the authors have full time jobs doing 
other things.  We should all BE GRATEFULL that they take time to put their talen
t to NON-PROFIT use for the rest of the world to enjoy.  If there is a problem w
ith a piece of work you can be sure that they will find and fix it.  They unders
tand more about the inner-workings of software than most of us ever will, and I'
m sure they have to do a little hokus-pokus sometimes just to get a concept to b
egin to work.

If you want the right to bitch and moan about software then go to the store and 
PAY MONEY FOR THE RIGHT by getting M$!!!

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem, or stay out of the Linux commu

_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 16:01:51
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: ppp loopback

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
It means the remote system echoed serial characters that PPP sent. This
happens when the remote pppd hasn't started and you are sending packets
at the login prompt or the shell prompt.

Run through the chat script by hand and see if it really gets you logged

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: BO

1997-04-02 Thread Dima
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

[ snip ]

  Note also, that you are overlooking 
the possibility of upgrading a 1.2 system to bo.  This is also a method 
that needs testing, and it doesn't depend on the installation disk 

Speaking of which, I've upgraded quite a few packages couple of days
ago and permissions on /dev/null got changed to crw--- 
-- I found the problem after a reboot -- lpd barfed -- and at that
stage I didn't remember which packages got upgraded.
mailto:emaziuk at and don't forget to relace  at  with @
The views expressed above (hereafter, views) are mine and ownership 
remains with me.  They are provided as is without expressed or 
implied warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of the suitability of the views for any purpose.


1997-04-02 Thread Tommy Lakofski
Has anyone successfully managed to get biff to work in debian? i know
there's some interaction with comsat, but i never worked out where comsat
got messages from (something to do with procmail? shudder). FYI, using
latest unstable sendmail as MTA.

Many thanks for any assistance.


RE: keeping multiple debian machines in sync

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Steve Hsieh wrote:

Having used debian for quite awhile now, I've really come to appreciate
the package system and it works great on an individual machine basis.  
But as soon as you have to start keeping many debian systems in sync with
each other, it starts to get time consuming using dselect.

How have others tackled this problem of keeping 10 or more debian linux
machines synced together?  I assume you don't go about running dselect on
each machine.  One alternative I can think of is to use dpkg
--get-selection to get the list of installed packages on a master machine,
and then use dpkg --set-selection on the rest of the machines to set what
is selected to be installed, and then to run dpkg over there.  Still in
that case, I still have to babysit each install process and answer the
same questions in the post-install scripts as I did on the master machine.

The other alternative seems to be using rdist or some similar program and
rdisting /usr and selected parts of /var to the other machines.  But in
that case, I break the package lists on the other machines since the other
machines will no longer know the correct list of packages already
installed, and it is conceivable that someone might want to add one or two
packages not in the standard distribution in which case it might fail.



Off the top of my head, I'd say the best choice is to do a backup prior to major
 mod's.  Once the first system is upgraded do a differential backup to a differe
nt archive.  Then do a restore/update to the other systems.

The system will have to be offlimits during upgrade to keep others from modifyin
g files other than the pkgs in question.

Write a script to make backups of config files that are different between the or
iginal system and the rest.  Maybe de-select those config's for restore/update.

For minor changes cp the dpkg database and debian sub-dir to the other systems b
efore going to the install phase of the d/l process.  You will ofcourse have to 
run dpkg --config --pending etc... on the other systems and answer the questions
 over again, but this is the minor update scenario.

Just quick thoughts.  Maybe Debian has an easier way.  Maybe they will change ds
elect to allow for network installation.

I know there's a program out there that updates all systems in a network but I c
an't think of the name right now.

Hope this sparks an idea.  Have a good one.

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 15:38:45
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: BO

1997-04-02 Thread Paul McDermott
You are partly right.  There could be bugs in the base installation 
problem.  I had a similar problem trying to install the stable 2.0.27 
kernal.  I was getting command errors related to my hard drive.  Linux 
could not get past the partition check. I thought it was the hardware 
that I was using, it turned out that the hard drive was trying to read 
the information before the install program had finished what it had to do 
with the hard drive.  I hope this does not confuse you.  Don't assume 
that it is the debian distribution's fault.

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Leon Castellanos wrote:

 Ok I downloaded BO to see if I could contribute to the debian effort by
 testing the packages and reporting bugs, but to my surprise it is so BETA
 that I cannot even install it.  I understand that debian is a volunteer
 effort and that what ppl do for debian is out of their own free will.
 Concerning the UNSTABLE release it is understood that there ARE bugs in the
 packages, but that does not mean that they should NOT, at least work! does
 it? I would imagine that if you maintain a package, you should at least
 test it yourself, and more importantly if its related to the main
 installation process (as with current problems with dinstall).  Alot of
 people may not know enough about coding, script, debugging to go into the
 installation script and check/fix the problems that it has, but they may be
 able to test packages and report bugs; of course they can't do that if they
 can't get through the BASE installation  :/
 I am NOT flaming or judging the intentions of the maintainer of dinstall,
 but I am a little disapointed because the problem that I have with the
 script is not something that is non-relevant to the overall installation,
 it is the part of the script that extracts the BASE system from floppy
 disks (needless to say this is a VITAL part); because of a simple variable
 it does not access the floppy drive device and cannot install. Now this is
 not a BIG or complicated problem to fix, but what it DOES mean, is that the
 maintainer DID NOT test the script prior to packaging or else he would have
 found the problem. It is not a one time occurance; it happens every single
 Once again my apologies if I offend anyone, specially the maintainer of
 If you find this e-mail offensive please ignore it and  /dev/null or if
 that doesn't satisfy you please email bomb me or something :)  
 I love all ya ppl working on Debian! I think that it represents, to THE
 BEST degree, what LINUX is all about. PLEASE keep up the good work :-)
 Leon Castellanos

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Rightley
This may have already been addressed, but back in the late 70's and into the
80's (I believe) the leader of the group did call himself 'Bo' and his sidekick,
Ms. Nettles or whatever, was called 'Peep.'  That was back when they spent some
time here in the great state of New Mexico.


On 02-Apr-97 Jason Costomiris wrote:
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Paul Rightley wrote:

 Now, the leader of this group was/is (depending upon your beliefs) a man who 
 one time called himself 'Bo'.

Uh  He called himself Do.  Not Bo.

Run, do not walk to the closet, put on your Nike's, get your shroud, and
visit, and laugh.  Yes, .org, and not the .com
site that belonged to those deranged losers.

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not   | and genius.  We aim to erase that line
enough to let me speak for them. | --Unknown

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Paul Rightley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I solemly hope that, with the release of bo, the entire Debian developers
 team does not use the same cosmic 'hlt' instruction!

Ugh. Let's not talk about those folks. I think Linux programmers have
more sense.

One of the features of the Internet is that where previously lunatics
were generally isolated lunatics, with the Internet you can find 40
other lunatics just like you spread around the world.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: biff(1)

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
The lady who wrote biff now works here at Pixar. Biff was named after
her dog (long dead).

Biff set an otherwise-unused execute permission bit on your terminal
device (/dev/tty??) which told comsat that you wanted to be informed
about new mail. Comsat did all of the work. I think that comsat just
ran stat(2) on your mailbox every minute or so, and if the mailbox had
been written since it had last been read it looked at the start of the
new data, parsed the message, and told you about it. It did not need to
interact with the mail delivery system at all except to read the spool

Biff has long been obsolete. One of the various ways of starting a program
in response to a mail message (procmail or mailagent can help with this)
can be used to perform its function.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
Well the next release is called hamm. The one before it was called buzz.
Given the mystical significance of bo, this means one of the following:

1. Bruce Perens is the antichrist and Debian really means Devil.
2. The code names are all characters in Toy Story.
3. It's a government conspiracy.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Bruce Perens, you wrote:
 Well the next release is called hamm. The one before it was called buzz.
 Given the mystical significance of bo, this means one of the following:
   1. Bruce Perens is the antichrist and Debian really means Devil.
   2. The code names are all characters in Toy Story.
   3. It's a government conspiracy.

Great.. now *everyone* knows


PS: :) for the humor impared..

You may be right, I may be crazy
Billy Joel
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Britton

The next release is really called bo?  Are we sure we want to do that?  N
offense to whoever this title may be honoring, but it just doesn't have
the ring that Debian does.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
  -- Thorin Oakenshield 

Fwd: silly computer engineer story (fwd)

1997-04-02 Thread Chad Zimmerman

People here need to lighen up ;)  Ok, take a look at this msg I was sent..
It's good for a laugh.


Chad D. Zimmerman

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:09:13 -0700 (MST)
From: by way of Jon E. Juarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: silly computer engineer story

This is obviously a computer-guy thing...

Micro was a real-time operator and a dedicated multi-user.  His
broadband protocol made it easy for him to interface with numerous
input/output devices, even if it meant time-sharing.

One evening he arrived home just as the Sun was crashing, and had
parked his Motorola 68000 in the main drive (he had missed the 5100 bus
that morning), when he noticed an elegant piece of liveware admiring
the daisy wheels in his garden.  He though to himself, She looks
user-friendly.  I'll see if she'd like an update tonight.

He browsed over to her casually, admiring the power of her twin 32 bit
floating point processors, and inquired, How are you, Honeywell?
Yes, I am well, she responded, batting her optical fibers engagingly
and smoothing her console over her curvilinear functions.

Micro settled for a straight line approximation.  I'm stand-alone
tonight, he said.  How about computing a vector to my base address?
I'll output a byte to eat and maybe we could get offset later on.

Mini ran a priority process for 2.6 milliseconds, then transmitted 8K,
I've been recently dumped myself and a new page is just what I need to
refresh my disk packs.  I'll park my machine cycle in your background
and meet you inside.  She walked off, leaving Micro admiring her
solenoids and thinking, Wow, what a global variable!  I wonder if
she'd like my firmware?

They sat down at the process table to a top of form feed of fiche and
chips and a bottle of Baudot.  Mini was in conversational mode and
expanded on ambiguous arguments while Micro gave occasional
acknowledgements although, in reality, he was analyzing the shortest
and least critical path to her entry point.  He finally settled on the
old line, Would you like to see my benchmark subroutine?  but Mini
was again one clock tick ahead.

Suddenly, she was up and stripping off her parity bits to reveal the
full functionality of her operating system.  Let's get BASIC, you RAM
she said.  Micro was loaded by this stage, but his hardware policing
module had a processor of its own and was in danger of overflowing its
output buffer, a hang-up that Micro had consulted his analyst about.
Core, was all he could say, as she prepared to log him off.

Micro soon recovered, however, when she went down on the DEC and opened
her device files to reveal her data set ready.  He accessed his fully
packed root device and was about to start pushing into her CPU stack,
when she attempted an escape sequence.

No, no!  she cried.  You're not shielded!

Reset, baby, he replied.  I've been debugged.

But I haven't got my current loop enabled, and I can't support child
processes, she protested.

Don't run away, he said.  I'll generate an interrupt.

No!  she squealed.  That's too error prone and I can't abort because
of my design philosophy.

But Micro was locked in by this stage and could not be turned off.  Mini
stopped his thrashing by introducing a voltage spike into his main
supply, whereupon he fell over with a head crash and went to sleep.

Computers!  she thought as she compiled herself.  All they ever
think of is hex!

Donald Silver  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don Silver Enterprises 415-508-8940

It's too bad stupidity isn't painful

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Wade
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

 Well the next release is called hamm. The one before it was called buzz.
 Given the mystical significance of bo, this means one of the following:
   1. Bruce Perens is the antichrist and Debian really means Devil.
   2. The code names are all characters in Toy Story.
   3. It's a government conspiracy.

If you add Bruce's PGP key to the ASCII sum for Debian and subtract the
name of the poster who started this thread, you get the pope's telephone

Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation
Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread m*
 On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:
  Well the next release is called hamm. The one before it was called buzz.
  Given the mystical significance of bo, this means one of the following:
1. Bruce Perens is the antichrist and Debian really means Devil.

i knew the dark forces were behind with this project...


The Shining One


1997-04-02 Thread Nicolás Lichtmaier
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

 Unfortunately, I feel that Debian must bear the cost of certification
 of maintainers and original authors. Unless I can tell someone I know
 where a program came from, no other security procedures can be trusted
 to have any effectiveness whatsoever.

 Yes, they are. Testing, and revising developers diffs. If you could check
package MD5 (someday we'll be able to do this =) ), you'll only need to
see the diff.gz to check for security problems (Asuming we can trust the
mainstream developer).
 The proble left is: The .deb uploaded can be generated by a source not
included in the source package. It would be great if gcc placed some kind
of signature in binaries... but it doesn't... So.. what can we do? I say:
let's make all developers upload only the source versions of their
packages! An automated script can compile all the packages in some trusted

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-  | Try visiting #debian in Undernet (
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The channel of the debian developers =)

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Rick


The current version is rex the next is bo.

Debian-buzz, Debian-rex, Debian-bo, Debian-thor, Debian-whatever.

Winbleeps 95-chicago etc...

On 02-Apr-97 Britton wrote:

The next release is really called bo?  Are we sure we want to do that?  N
offense to whoever this title may be honoring, but it just doesn't have
the ring that Debian does.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
  -- Thorin Oakenshield 

Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 17:36:29

Re: biff(1)

1997-04-02 Thread Tommy Lakofski

Thanks for the information. I don't suppose you'd know of anything which
would perform biff's function without my reinventing a wheel? I know it's
just a question of pressing 'enter' in my open bash terminal to see if i
have new mail, but it'd be nice to be able to leave a terminal open and
have async notification of new mail.

Many thanks for your help, and making Debian the platform of choice


Welcome to the Zoo!

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

Hello, McFly...

Debian-rex (current), Debian-bo (next), Debian-whatever...

On 02-Apr-97 Britton wrote:

The next release is really called bo?  Are we sure we want to do that?  N
offense to whoever this title may be honoring, but it just doesn't have
the ring that Debian does.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
  -- Thorin Oakenshield 

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 17:39:01
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: biff(1)

1997-04-02 Thread Eloy A. Paris

 Has anyone successfully managed to get biff to work in debian? i know
 there's some interaction with comsat, but i never worked out where comsat
 got messages from (something to do with procmail? shudder). FYI, using
 latest unstable sendmail as MTA.

I love biff. I do not like to press Enter in bash to get a new mail
notification. I like biff because it is asynchronous.

I also have sendmail as my MTA. By default, sendmail uses deliver as its
local delivery program. deliver does not notify comsat so biff does not
work if you use deliver.

You can use procmail (that's what I am using) and it'll work pretty well.
You have to make a minor change to the file, or better
to the file. Here is mine:

# This file is used to configure sendmail for use with Debian systems.

VERSIONID(`@(#)  8.7 (Linux) 3/5/96')
FEATURE(local_procmail, /usr/bin/procmail)
define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `procmail -Y -d $u')

## Custom configurations below (will be preserved)

define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `100')
define(`confTRY_NULL_MX_LIST', `True')
define(`confCOPY_ERRORS_TO', `postmaster')
R$*  @ $* .$m.  $*$#smtp $@ $2.$m. $: $1  @ $2.$m.  $3

Don't pay attention to the custom configuration stuff. It's just for my
site. The key lines are:

FEATURE(local_procmail, /usr/bin/procmail)
define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `procmail -Y -d $u')

If I remember right, the first line is needed because the default definition
has procmail in /usr/local/bin/ and Debian puts it in /usr/bin/.

After changing your /etc/mail/ file run sendmailconfig and
tell it to use the existing file, do not generate
a new one.

After this, you should be able to use biff as in other *unixes. Let
me know if you have problems. Good luck.



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

Re: Dump hangs on my system

1997-04-02 Thread Marcia Takagui
 My nightly backup script seems to be hanging in the middle of its first
   DUMP: estimated 14710 tape blocks on 0.01 tape(s).

dump is asking for another tape!
You will have to inform, in the command line, the size of your tape.
See the man pages.
Probably dump was first developed such a long time ago, that the
default tape size is very tiny!


% Univ Sao Paulo - Fisica - DFGE PHONE: (55) (11) 818-6811
% PO Box 66318, Sao Paulo, SPFAX:   (55) (11) 813-4334
% 05315-970 BRAZIL   == new zip code since Oct 22 96

pap and diald

1997-04-02 Thread Richard Morin
Hi folks,
I was wondering if anyone who uses diald could help me with pap 
authentication.  I've just changed ISP's and of course they are an Nt
shop who are changing over to solaris...

I was able to figure out my connection problems with minicom at my 
old ISP , but here, it gets to the point of telling  me the speed and stuff 
about the connection, and dies shortly after.  No login prompt, no 
cursor, nada...

How do I pass the info to the server?  or get it to tell me what it 
wants?  pap is something I haven't had to worry about till now

Rich M

xntp weirdness: system clock gets set 20 seconds slow

1997-04-02 Thread Randy Gobbel
[For anti-spam purposes, my email address does not appear in canonical form
in this message, but if you're not trying to sell me anything, I welcome
replies.  My username is gobbel, the name of myhost is -RG]

I've been trying to get xntp to work correctly on my system, so far with no
success.  No matter how I set up things beforehand (e.g., setting both date
and clock from Java clock on the NIST Web page), xntp, after talking to its
servers (any set of servers, stratum 1 or 2), sets the clock to be
approximately 20 seconds behind the correct time.  Given that NTP is
supposed to allow the system clock to stay within a few milliseconds of the
time standard, this is bizarre.

Has anyone else out there had this problem, does anyone have any clues
about what's going on here, and how to fix it?  Is there a FAQ or HOWTO
about this?


Re: finger from remote site will not list .plan

1997-04-02 Thread Karl Ferguson
At 03:44 PM 1/04/97 -0500, Colin Telmer wrote:

At the moment remote users who finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] are
told that I have no plan. However if I finger telmerco while logged onto
terrapin, I get to see my .plan (pgp key). I recall fiddling with cfingerd
and noticing that you could restrict remote users but cannot find any
documentation on allowing remote users with netstd's fingerd. Any ideas?

The finger daemon runs as user nobody and as such it must be publically
accessable.  Make your home directory chmod'd 711 and your .plan 644 -
should work fine - ie:

drwx--x--x  23 karl staff2048 Mar 31 19:31 /home/karl

-rw-r--r--   1 karl staff 364 Aug  4  1996 /home/karl/.plan


Karl Ferguson
Tower Networking Pty Ltd   Tel: +61-9-456- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
t/a STAR Online Services   Fax: +61-9-455-2776 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xdm Problem

1997-04-02 Thread Brian Denheyer
Well, I'm not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but 
with a RH4.0 set-up all I did was set the init level to 5 to start up 

Brian Denheyer


1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
Currently, we try to mitigate the potential for damage from malicious
packages by verifying the identity of our maintainers. We don't accept
anonymous software. It's a lot of work to check their identity, we are
planning to start using a commercial certification authority to help us
with this.

Note that Red Hat, Caldera, etc. are just as liable to pick up and compile
a package whose author built in a booby-trap. We are working on this problem
by establishing a standard for authors to use when signing their software,
and we will work to get authors into the PGP web of trust through our
certification authority or other means (like having a local Debian developer
check them out) so that we can trace software all the way back to the
original author.

BAN KEY ESCROW. Privacy is your right!
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

php-fi modules?

1997-04-02 Thread Solomani

Has anyone successfully installed the php apache modules and standalone
packages from unstable?

Im out like bell bottom trousers,


electric RAIN

The second rate soldier lives a life of medoicrety and dies with regret.
The first rate soldier lives a life of honor and dies with honor.

Dpkg gone haywire?

1997-04-02 Thread Kevin J Poorman
Hello I am new to this list and I am joining to hopefully recive help
with a realy strange error that I am getting from dpkg. so without
further wait here are the error messages 

This first error is from trying to configure all package's that where
pending. But as a side note gimp-smotif gave me the same error upon

Setting up gimp-smotif (0.54.1-5) ...
install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing gimp-smotif (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ax25-util:
 ax25-util depends on source; however:
  Package source is not installed.
dpkg: error processing ax25-util (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: error processing bash (--configure):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting configuration.
Errors were encountered while processing:

This error was reported when I tried to remove a package. 

Removing doc-debian ...
install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing doc-debian (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:

I am at wits end on this. I have tried everything I know to do includeing
trying to reinstall dpkg but to no awail... my last and final thougt is
that this is being caused by the /usr/info/ directory being locked for
some reason and there for unaccessable by dpkg/install-info.

Is there any way to unlock the directory or even to see if it realy is
locked ... I have exausted every Idea that I know of and still I get this
error. At this point I am tempted just to make a new filesystem and start

Any thoughts and or sugestions would be greatly appreciated.

-Kevin Poorman 
- End forwarded message --


1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
 Are there any plans to package KDE ( or any of it's

KDE will be packaged, and you will be able to use it, but Debian is
most interested in 100% free desktop environments, so we have to be a
bit careful with KDE. KDE itself is free, but the Qt toolkit upon which
KDE is free _only_when_used_with_X_. I think that Toll Tech, the
creators of Qt, made it free on X so that they could have lots of free
software to sell with their non-free versions under Windows, NT, etc.
We would like to have the freedom to use major Debian components with
other window systems than X (Berlin is one, but there are others on the
horizon as well), and even other operating system than Linux (there's
the Hurd, for example), which rules out the possibility that we would
make the core of Debian _depend_ on KDE.  You'll still be able to get
KDE from the non-free directory and run it.

Other interesting desktop projects include GnuStep
(, and FSF's own desktop project Teak, which
doesn't seem to be going yet (  Then
there's an entire replacement for X in Berlin
(, but of course they only have one
component of that in Alpha-test so far.


BAN KEY ESCROW. Privacy is your right!
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: shadow question

1997-04-02 Thread Larry 'Daffy' Daffner

It sounds like there is a problem with your .xsession script (if you
have one), or the file /etc/X11/window-managers. If you have a
.xsession script, everything should be started in the background,
except for the last thing (usually the window manager, could be an
xterm, though).  If not, make sure that at least one of the window
managers listed in /etc/X11/window-managers exists.


  Larry Daffner|  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect. - Mark Twain

Hayes ESP serial port

1997-04-02 Thread Mike Bernson
Are there any drivers to use the Hayes ESP serial card in it full
fifo (1k) mode. I would also like to use speed greater then 115200.

Any help where to look would be of great help.

xntp mystery solved: POSIX timezone brain damage

1997-04-02 Thread Randy Gobbel
[For anti-spam purposes, my email address does not appear in canonical form
in this message, but if you're not trying to sell me anything, I welcome
replies.  My username is gobbel, the name of myhost is -RG]

After digging around a bit more, I discovered that the 20-second offset is
due to overzealous compliance with a broken POSIX requirement in version
7.55 of the timezone package.  Apparently the POSIX committee, in a moment
of idiocy, decreed that POSIX time leave off the leap seconds that have
been added to UTC periodically since 1972.  There have been 20 of them,
leading to the 20-second discrepancy.  It appears that this breakage will
be remedied in the next release of timezone.  The interim cure is to revert
to version 7.48-3, in the stable distribution.


Re: Questions for some nice zsh examples

1997-04-02 Thread Roderick Schertler
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997 00:27:54 +0200, Alexander Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Could someone please mail me some [zsh] examples to start with?

See /usr/doc/examples/zsh.

Roderick Schertler

PGP compile error...Linux

1997-04-02 Thread Rick
To All:

This is also being sent to the Debian mailing list in case someone there can hel
p with this.

I D/L'd PGP 2.6 a few nights ago and got an error while trying to 'make linux'.

error starts here...
gcc -o pgp pgp.o crypto.o keymgmt.o fileio.o mdfile.o more.o armor.o mpilib.o mp
iio.o genprime.o rsagen.o random.o idea.o passwd.o md5.o system.o language.o get
opt.o keyadd.o config.o keymaint.o charset.o randpool.o noise.o zbits.o zdeflate
o zfile_io.o zglobals.o zinflate.o zip.o zipup.o ztrees.o zunzip.o  rsaglue2.o
_80386.o _zmatch.o   ../rsaref/install/unix/rsaref.a
crypto.o: In function `read_mpi':
/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:627: undefined reference to `P_SETP'
crypto.o: In function `signfile':
/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:864: undefined reference to `P_SETP'
crypto.o: In function `compromise':
/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:1044: undefined reference to `P_SETP'
/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:1052: undefined reference to `P_SETP'
crypto.o: In function `signkey':
/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:1202: undefined reference to `P_SETP'
crypto.o:/root/.pgp/pgp262/src/crypto.c:1351: more undefined references to `P_SE
TP' follow  
more of the same...

_zmatch.o(.text+0xb): undefined reference to `_max_chain_length'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x11): undefined reference to `_strstart'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x23): undefined reference to `_window'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `_prev_length'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `_good_match'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x5a): undefined reference to `_prev'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x66): undefined reference to `_window'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x6f): undefined reference to `_window'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x77): undefined reference to `_window'
_zmatch.o(.text+0x94): undefined reference to `_window'
_zmatch.o(.text+0xa4): undefined reference to `_match_start'
make[1]: *** [pgp] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.pgp/pgp262/src'
make: *** [linux] Error 2  

Well...more than one error.  Anyway.  This is what happened.  I made no 
mod's to the files.  I'm sure it's some linux source I'm missing or something.  
Can anyone tell me what will fix this?


Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 00:27:44

Re: PGP compile error...Linux

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Nelson

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Rick wrote:

 Well...more than one error.  Anyway.  This is what happened.  I made 
 mod's to the files.  I'm sure it's some linux source I'm missing or 
 Can anyone tell me what will fix this?

Try doing a make sysv

That worked for me (make linux did not work for me either).


Version: 2.6.3
Charset: noconv



1997-04-02 Thread edwalter

I guess I don't quite understand the purpose of the xconsole program.
I have put run-xconsole in /etc/X11/config and xdm starts xconsole in
the lower right corner.  It gets carried over when someone logs in,
but nothing ever appears in it.  What is supposed to end up there?  On
other workstations I have worked on, there is lots of stuff that shows
up in xconsole, namely errors, kernel messages that would normally go
to the regular console, etc.  This doesn't seem to be happening for
me.  Am I doing something wrong?

This is the line in Xsetup_0:

if grep -q ^run-xconsole /etc/X11/config
  xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed \
-exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole

Help please!


- --
  PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PGP Fingerprint: A5 AB 25 7D 7A FD 4D FE  BE 21 47 60 0C DC 67 9E
 ==-- _ / /  \ 
 ---==---(_)__  __   __/ / /\ \   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /__\ \ \ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3
Charset: noconv


Re: xconsole

1997-04-02 Thread Michael Tempsch
On  1 Apr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: I guess I don't quite understand the purpose of the xconsole program.
Re: I have put run-xconsole in /etc/X11/config and xdm starts xconsole in
Re: the lower right corner.  It gets carried over when someone logs in,
Re: but nothing ever appears in it.  What is supposed to end up there?  On
Re: other workstations I have worked on, there is lots of stuff that shows
Re: up in xconsole, namely errors, kernel messages that would normally go
Re: to the regular console, etc.  This doesn't seem to be happening for
Re: me.  Am I doing something wrong?


Check out /etc/syslog.conf - it decides what messages that go where.

I'm not on my Linux system now so I haven't got the exact incantation,
but it's not that complex to figure out. 
You want to send stuff to /dev/xconsole, so just add a line with the
type of messages to print in the xconsole and /dev/xconsole at the end.

One line from /etc/syslog.conf of the system I'm on right now (Solaris
2.5.1), just to get the idea:

*.err;kern.notice;auth.notice;user.none /dev/console
|Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out... |
|Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, TDGP#20 |
|   Cell.Phone:+46 705487554  URL:   |

RE: xconsole

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess I don't quite understand the purpose of the xconsole program.
I have put run-xconsole in /etc/X11/config and xdm starts xconsole in
the lower right corner.  It gets carried over when someone logs in,
but nothing ever appears in it.  What is supposed to end up there?  On
other workstations I have worked on, there is lots of stuff that shows
up in xconsole, namely errors, kernel messages that would normally go
to the regular console, etc.  This doesn't seem to be happening for
me.  Am I doing something wrong?

This is the line in Xsetup_0:

if grep -q ^run-xconsole /etc/X11/config
  xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed \
-exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole

Help please!


- --
 PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PGP Fingerprint: A5 AB 25 7D 7A FD 4D FE  BE 21 47 60 0C DC 67 9E
 ==-- _ / /  \ 
 ---==---(_)__  __   __/ / /\ \  - [EMAIL 
 --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /__\ \ \ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3
Charset: noconv


Make sure you have something like the following in your /etc/syslog.conf and rem
ember that it only logs errors or whatever it's set to log in syslog.conf.  Try 
opening a vt (alt-fn#) and logging in as root.  That should pop up in xconsole.

n;cron.none |/dev/xconsole

Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 01:22:19

Re: PGP compile error...Linux

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Paul Nelson wrote:

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Rick wrote:

 Well...more than one error.  Anyway.  This is what happened.  I made 
 mod's to the files.  I'm sure it's some linux source I'm missing or something
 Can anyone tell me what will fix this?

Try doing a make sysv

That worked for me (make linux did not work for me either).


I'll be damned...

It compiled using sysv.  I thought sysv was voo-doo on linux or I'd have tried i
t.  Thanks alot for the tip, Paul.  Now to see it work right...

Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 01:29:19

Re: Converting ascii to ebcdic, and vice versa

1997-04-02 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Walter L. Preuninger II wrote:

 I am looking for a library function to convert ascii to ebcdic, and/or
 ebcdic to ascii. For example, '0' = 0x30 in ascii, 0xf0 in ebcdic.
Try recode.  Look at the recode-info-pages.


Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel. Nr. 0331-46-1310

Re: dbview

1997-04-02 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Lacharme Jean-Paul wrote:

 has anybody used dbview ? There is no manual entry, no info entry and the
 dpkg --status output give no real information to use the command. 

I tried it out without any real success.  It truncates every field of
.dbf files I have tried to view.  I do not use it anymore.

I just typed dbview foo.dbf | less to view the files.


Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel. Nr. 0331-46-1310

help with named

1997-04-02 Thread Tim O'Brien
I know I've seen this somewhere, but now I can't find it. Here's the problem:
named is outputting what looks like logfile info to the console on one of my 
Linux boxen. And I can't remember how to get rid of the stuff. 

Anybody know how to fix it off hand? If it's any help, it started doing this
after an unsuccessful attempt to get a news server running. 


LINUX 2.0.8 i486 Because reboots are for upgrades!!
Please direct Email to: tjobrien(at)

Unknown host

1997-04-02 Thread Andreas Tille

i installed smail from the unstable tree. I havn't any idea how to
configre smail. When I installed Slackware half a year ago I configured
nothing and it worked. Now I answered the some questions while
installing smail, but any mail to any host (except on my own machine)
is returned to sender.

Would anyone be so kind to give me a hint, which document to read or
which file is responsible for the error which causes the following
reply on a Testmail:

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:08 +0200 (CEST)
To: e2od5
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:08 +0200 (CEST)
To: e2od5
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

|- Message log follows: -|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... unknown host
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by
id m0wCKff-1JC
(Debian Smail-3.2 1996-Jul-4 #2); Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:07 +0200
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:07 +0200 (CEST)
From: e2od5 (Andreas Tille)
Subject: April

Thanks for advise


Unknown host (more)

1997-04-02 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi once more,

I tested the other direction to send mail from an other host to
my machine and this was the result:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:05 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

|- Message log follows: -|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... unknown host
|- Message text follows: |
Received: from ([]) by
 with esmtp id m0wCLES-1JC
(Debian Smail-3.2 1996-Jul-4 #2); Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:04 +0200 (CEST)
Received: from localhost by with SMTP
( id AA294219062; Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:43 +0200
Posted-Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:43 +0200
Received-Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:43 +0200
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:17:42 +0200 (MESZ)
From: Andreas Tille [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: April
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Any hints


RE: Unknown host

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Andreas Tille wrote:

i installed smail from the unstable tree. I havn't any idea how to
configre smail. When I installed Slackware half a year ago I configured
nothing and it worked. Now I answered the some questions while
installing smail, but any mail to any host (except on my own machine)
is returned to sender.

Would anyone be so kind to give me a hint, which document to read or
which file is responsible for the error which causes the following
reply on a Testmail:

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:08 +0200 (CEST)
To: e2od5
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:08 +0200 (CEST)
To: e2od5
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

|- Message log follows: -|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... unknown host
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by
id m0wCKff-1JC
(Debian Smail-3.2 1996-Jul-4 #2); Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:07 +0200
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:41:07 +0200 (CEST)
From: e2od5 (Andreas Tille)
Subject: April

Thanks for advise


Is that a typo or did you intentionally send it to an IP address instead of a do
main?  I telneted to the IP and verified the user.  The problem is that smail is
 doing a name look up on an IP address and getting a bad response.  Send it usin
g the domain and it should go through.

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 03:43:07
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: help with named

1997-04-02 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim O'Brien) writes:

 I know I've seen this somewhere, but now I can't find it. Here's the problem:
 named is outputting what looks like logfile info to the console on one of my 
 Linux boxen. And I can't remember how to get rid of the stuff. 
 Anybody know how to fix it off hand? If it's any help, it started doing this
 after an unsuccessful attempt to get a news server running. 

I noticed this after removing INN from one box.  It looked like the
purge took some log files with it (nothing wrong with that), and
syslogd didn't like having entries for non-existent files.  Try
removing or commenting out the lines from /etc/syslog.conf referring
to the news log files.

Carey Evans  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Double, double, toil and trouble, /
   Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Re: PGP compile error...Linux

1997-04-02 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Rick wrote:
 I D/L'd PGP 2.6 a few nights ago [ ... ]

If I remember well, PGP 2.6 was not ELF-ready yet. Please, use PGP 2.6.3.
Follow the README.PGP symlink on the Debian archives.


Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



ncpfs module

1997-04-02 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have just installed kernel 2.0.29 from the package kernel-image.
All went apparently fine but the problem is that I cannot find the module
ncpfs neede to mount netware volumes. As my office is based on netware it
is very important for me to have this facility inorder to print and
transfer files. I am currntly trying to recompile the kernel but since my
previous efforts have not een very succesful I would be grateful if
somebody could tell where I could get the module ncpfs.o ( I need the
compiled version since I am not very comfortable  compiling it my self).
Thanks for any help.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS  

Re: Problems working with bash.

1997-04-02 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 01, 1997 at 10:24:30PM +0200, J.P.D. Kooij wrote:
 On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
   Gertjan == Gertjan Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Gertjan Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Open up your info reader;
  Gertjan   Don't get me started on info!
   Why not?  Elucidate.
 I think info sucks. It is obsoleted by html. Clear enough?

Same story here. The gnu info browser is too obscure, if you're
not an emacs user; you shouldn't need to do a tutorial to use
something as simple as a hypertext browser; lynx is far more
obvious to use, and has (TTBOMK) the same functionality ..
(although obviously for html vs info nodes.)


Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science  computer systems engineering.3rd year, RMIT. (PGP key here) CPOM: [  ] 40%

DosEmu corrupting console?

1997-04-02 Thread Remco van de Meent

I'm using a V7 Spea videocard, with a S3 Trio32 chipset.

When I want to run dosemu with 'graphics' in de optionline of the
videodefinition, my consolescreen gets corrupted when returning to Linux.
But it goes only wrong when using 132 chars/line. When I'm using 80x50 for
example, everything goes perfectly.

Anybody any hints?


// Remco van de Meent   
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www:
//Never make any mistaeks. 

Re: Dpkg gone haywire?

1997-04-02 Thread joost witteveen
 Setting up gimp-smotif (0.54.1-5) ...
 install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory
 dpkg: error processing gimp-smotif (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ax25-util:

 I am at wits end on this. I have tried everything I know to do includeing
 trying to reinstall dpkg but to no awail... my last and final thougt is
 that this is being caused by the /usr/info/ directory being locked for
 some reason and there for unaccessable by dpkg/install-info.
 Is there any way to unlock the directory or even to see if it realy is
 locked ... I have exausted every Idea that I know of and still I get this
 error. At this point I am tempted just to make a new filesystem and start

From /usr/sbin/install-info:

  if (!$nowrite  !link($infodir/dir,$infodir/dir.lock)) {
  die $name: failed to lock dir for editing! $!\n.
  ($! =~ m/exists/i ? try deleting $infodir/dir.lock ?\n : '');

So, yes, probably something really wrong with /usr/info at that point.
Probably not to do with dpkg.

You might want to try to reinstall the package that provides
/usr/sbin/install-info, dpkg (don't remove that!). 

Others on the list may have a better understanding of prel to see what
excactly is going wrong.

joost witteveen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I came, I saw, ..., well, it wasn't free so I left again. (LUA, 1988)

Re: Problems working with bash.

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Hamish Moffatt wrote:
On Tue, Apr 01, 1997 at 10:24:30PM +0200, J.P.D. Kooij wrote:
 On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
   Gertjan == Gertjan Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Gertjan Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Open up your info reader;
  Gertjan   Don't get me started on info!
   Why not?  Elucidate.
 I think info sucks. It is obsoleted by html. Clear enough?

Same story here. The gnu info browser is too obscure, if you're
not an emacs user; you shouldn't need to do a tutorial to use
something as simple as a hypertext browser; lynx is far more
obvious to use, and has (TTBOMK) the same functionality ..
(although obviously for html vs info nodes.)


Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science  computer systems engineering.3rd year, RMIT. (PGP key here) CPOM: [  ] 40%

Download the dwww package from  It fits the bill.  It will put all i
nfo,doc, and man pages into html to read with lynx.  Ofcourse the originals rema
in intact.  It works really well.  Has a small search engine also.

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 06:03:31
- --

Version: 2.6.2


RE: ncpfs module

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 G. Kapetanios wrote:


I have just installed kernel 2.0.29 from the package kernel-image.
All went apparently fine but the problem is that I cannot find the module
ncpfs neede to mount netware volumes. As my office is based on netware it
is very important for me to have this facility inorder to print and
transfer files. I am currntly trying to recompile the kernel but since my
previous efforts have not een very succesful I would be grateful if
somebody could tell where I could get the module ncpfs.o ( I need the
compiled version since I am not very comfortable  compiling it my self).
Thanks for any help.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS  

It's pretty easy to do, George.  cd /usr/src/linux (from X) run make xconfig (fr
om vt) run make menuconfig.  In X it brings up a GUI interface to the setup with
 help screens and all.  The vt version uses ncurses and also has help screens av
ailable.  Much better than using the straight config from the old days.

If you are still worried send me a list of the hardware/network requirements and
 I'll send you a kernel/module package.  Take about 10 min's.

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 06:09:39
- --

Version: 2.6.2



1997-04-02 Thread Lutz Mueller


where can I find the patch for debian to use shadow password?

Lutz Mueller

 , _ _  _RGA-NET (XLink-POP Remscheid)
/|/ / | _|   Lutz Mueller (administrativer Ansprechpartner)
 |  \_|(_|,  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
\_|  Tel.: +49 2191 909 418

RE: DosEmu corrupting console?

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Remco van de Meent wrote:

I'm using a V7 Spea videocard, with a S3 Trio32 chipset.

When I want to run dosemu with 'graphics' in de optionline of the
videodefinition, my consolescreen gets corrupted when returning to Linux.
But it goes only wrong when using 132 chars/line. When I'm using 80x50 for
example, everything goes perfectly.

Anybody any hints?


// Remco van de Meent  
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www:
//Never make any mistaeks. 

I have the same problem switching from X to vt with my TGUI9680XGI card in bpp 1
6 mode.  I use the SVGATextMode program to reset my screen when I go to text mod
e.  At least until I find out how it's done more gracefully.

You can get the package from  Once it's set up you just have to type
 stm in the dark and it will reset it.

If you hear anything let me know it might fix my problem too.  As a matter of fa
ct I'll post one myself while I'm thinking of it.

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 06:15:10
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Unidentified subject!

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

Hey All:

I have a Jaton video-57p with a Trident TGUI9680XGI chipset.  Three problems.

In order to run bpp 16 I have to set it to fast_dram (40 ns) when it has med_dra
m (70 ns).  When I use the correct setting the SVGA server tells me that the car
d only supports 40mhz clocks but needs 44.9.  I know it does support the clock s
peed since it's in the doc's and I'm using X at that dot clock now.  

When I switch back to a vt my screen is garbled as if the server isn't setting t
he card back to the correct timings for text mode.  Right now I'm using SVGAText
Mode to reset it each time but would rather have it done correctly.

Lastly.  This is related to the first problem.  I should be able to run bpp 32 a
t 640x480 but can't get beyond bpp 16 no matter what.  The server supports up to
 bpp 32 for my chipset but tells me the clocks are too low.  A glitch in the ser

A while ago there was a svga server for Trident but I haven't seen it.

Any suggestions?


- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 06:31:41
- --

Version: 2.6.2


ldconfig 1.2.8 troubles

1997-04-02 Thread Brian Skreeg

I`ve recently attained the iconnect 1.2.8 cd and was upgrading in
small steps my aging 1.1 (with bits of 1.2 and uinstable) system.
I upgraded ldso and now ldconfig gives errors like below.

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or 
directory), skipping
ldconfig: warning: can't open /lib/ (No such file or directory), 

I`m scared to turn my box off now incase it doesn`t boot again. 

;) Help!

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
\__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

modules to modutils

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Serice
I'm trying to upgrade from base/modules to base/modutiles.  I've made
it to the point where dpkg -l gives me the following:

ic  modules 2.1.23-1   Dummy package for upgrade to modutils
ii  modutils2.1.23-2   Linux module utilities.

Am I done?

Paul Serice

Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Stan Brown
Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?


Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

RE: ldconfig 1.2.8 troubles

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Brian Skreeg wrote:

   I`ve recently attained the iconnect 1.2.8 cd and was upgrading in
small steps my aging 1.1 (with bits of 1.2 and uinstable) system.
I upgraded ldso and now ldconfig gives errors like below.

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory
), skipping
ldconfig: warning: can't open /lib/ (No such file or directory), skip

   I`m scared to turn my box off now incase it doesn`t boot again. 

;) Help!

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
\__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

Sounds like the upgrade removed some lib's but left the links dangling.  If they
're not needed don't worry.  Maybe the rest of the install process will replace 
the lib's.

Another possibility is that your filing system is corrupt and eating away at you
r lib's.  Happened to me before.  Ugg!

I hope it's nothing.  Check to see if the files are gone.  libslang isn't needed
 to reboot, nor libXm.  So far your good.  Although libXm is a Motif lib.  Does 
this new program use Motif?

Anyway.  I don't really have an answer for you.  Just thought I'd throw a few id
eas your way.  

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 06:55:25
- --

Version: 2.6.2


RE: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Stan Brown wrote:
   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?


Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Are you talking about pgp-armor files?  If so you can get pgp 2.6.2 from

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 07:11:45
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

Stan Brown wrote:
   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?

Pine does it automatically.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
On Apr 2, Stan Brown wrote
:   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?

Pipe through MetaMail ... 
Use mutt as your mailreader ...

pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 

Description: PGP signature

GlimpseHTTP anyone?

1997-04-02 Thread Ken Gaugler
Is anyone using GlimpseHTTP as a search engine on their Debian
system?  I am having difficulty getting it configured to work
on my 1.2 system.  The folks at Glimpse
( ) have not been real helpful.

If someone has gotten this working, please email me so we can
compare notes on the installation process.


Ken Gaugler  N6OSK  Santa Clara, California
The life of a Repo Man is always INTENSE...

Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Alfons Juan i Ciscar

uudecode should work

Alfons Juan

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?
 Factory Automation Systems
 Atlanta Ga.
 Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
 Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
 (c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Dump hangs on my system

1997-04-02 Thread Pete Templin

My nightly backup script seems to be hanging in the middle of its first

  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Apr  2 00:11:29 1997
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda2 (/) to /dev/rft0
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 14710 tape blocks on 0.01 tape(s).
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]

ps listing:
root  722 92.1  0.6  1016   400  p3 R 00:11 464:07 /usr/local/sbin/dump

Any ideas, suggestions on how to fix?  There have been no recent changes
to the system, except for the removal of some development libraries via



Peter J. Templin, Jr.   Client Services Analyst
Computer  Communication Services   tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ncpfs module and kernel recompile

1997-04-02 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following my previous email and the reply on the list I tried to recompile
the kernel. The problems I had are as follws 

I can create the .config file using make config. No problem. 
Then I run the make-kpkg command from the kernel-package
I am in /usr/src/linux which is a symlink for /usr/src/kernel-2.0.29
The exact syntax I use is make-kpkg --zimage --revision custom-1.0
buildpackages . This runs apparently fine. I use he --zimage option
because from what I have in /boot the kernel must be in a file called
vmlinuz I assume that this means that the image must be compressed. 
Problem No. 1 When I use for pactise the .config file which comes with the
kernel-source I get a loop when the variable CONFIG_DLCI_COUNT
is processed It says something about maximal counts. OK so I edit the
.config file and unset the DLCI variables. I don't need them anyway
Problem  2
 Then the thing runs ( both for the standard .config and my own .config 
and gives
me a vmlinux file larger thatn 512 Kb and so lilo says it is too big
and will not include it in the boot record or whatever for booting. So it
is not compressing the image. I tried to gzip the thging myself. Probably
stupid,  at boot time it said Loading kernel .. 
and hung there. So I don't know what to do. I  need to compile my
own kernel since the sound module has disappeared from the modules section
too when I upgraded from 2.0.0 to 2.0.27
I would be grateful for any help and ideas.,


RE: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Dave Ross
man munpack 

(part of MIME).


Dave Ross, Senior Technical Specialist

-Original Message-
From:   Alfons Juan i Ciscar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, April 02, 1997 3:46 PM
To: Stan Brown
Cc: Debian User List
Subject:Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

uudecode should work

Alfons Juan

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?
 Factory Automation Systems
 Atlanta Ga.
 Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
 Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
 (c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

slight preoblem with man

1997-04-02 Thread G. Kapetanios

Lately I had a slight problem with man. I have man-db v 2.3.10-33 and 
manpages 1.15-2 installed from unstable. Whenever I install a new package 
and run man,  man says that it updates its database. Lately 
It produces warnings concerning dangling symlink. The problem seems to
concern mainly the file undocumented.7.gz  in .../man/man7 .However as
more pckages are installed more warnings come up when the man database is
updated. I reinstalled the man-db and manpages packages . The first time
only undocumented produced warning. Today I got the following

Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. warning:
/usr/man/man7/undocumented.7 is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/netscape.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/netscape.1: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: warning: /usr/man/man7/undocumented.7 is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/lclint.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/lclint.1: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request

lclint has come up befiore too. 

Can somebody tell if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS  

Backup procedure

1997-04-02 Thread Eloy A. Paris

backups!!! Backups have always been a mistery to me, a pain I should say.
However, I realize the importance of backups.

I am looking for a backup procedure to implement here at my company. We
have a couple of Novell servers, several Linux boxes (two of them are
production servers very important to our Information Technology structure)
and an H-P 9000 server running HP-UX. Each server has a dedictaed tape unit
attached (DDS, aka DAT.)

Right now we are making full backups from Monday to Friday so we can go
back only five days. We are not taking tapes off-site either.

I want to know about rotation methods (I've heard about
Granfather-Father-Son, 10 tape, Hanoi Towers but the information is not
clear), when to take tapes off-site, Debian backup utilities, etc.

Any URL will be appreciated. I am search Yahoo right now but without luck
so far.

Thanks in advance,



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645 Cel.: +58-16-234700

Where does this path lead? said Alice
Depends on where you want to go.  Said the cat
(Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll.)

Re: Problems working with bash.

1997-04-02 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

Open up your info reader;
   Gertjan   Don't get me started on info!
Why not?  Elucidate.
  I think info sucks. It is obsoleted by html. Clear enough?
 Same story here. The gnu info browser is too obscure, if you're
 not an emacs user; you shouldn't need to do a tutorial to use
 something as simple as a hypertext browser; lynx is far more
 obvious to use, and has (TTBOMK) the same functionality ..
 (although obviously for html vs info nodes.)

Please try tkinfo 1.3 in the unstable /doc/ directory or get it from
the tkinfo web page
It's _much_ better than using emacs, and I'm a huge emacs fan.


RE: slight preoblem with man

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 G. Kapetanios wrote:

Lately I had a slight problem with man. I have man-db v 2.3.10-33 and 
manpages 1.15-2 installed from unstable. Whenever I install a new package 
and run man,  man says that it updates its database. Lately 
It produces warnings concerning dangling symlink. The problem seems to
concern mainly the file undocumented.7.gz  in .../man/man7 .However as
more pckages are installed more warnings come up when the man database is
updated. I reinstalled the man-db and manpages packages . The first time
only undocumented produced warning. Today I got the following

Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. warning:
/usr/man/man7/undocumented.7 is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/netscape.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/netscape.1: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: warning: /usr/man/man7/undocumented.7 is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/lclint.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/lclint.1: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request

lclint has come up befiore too. 

Can somebody tell if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong ??


What's up, George:

What it seems to be is that the man-db update makes a change.  To fix it I just 
went to /usr/man/man7 and cp un...7.gz un...bak then gunzipped un...7.gz.  Probl
em fixed.  Ofcourse you can run symlinks -d -r /usr/man to delete the dangling l
inks and forget about it too.  That is just a man page that states that there is
 no doc's on the requested subject etc...  If you just delete the links it will 
just say man page not found like the others.

See ya.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS  

- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 09:18:09
- --

Version: 2.6.2


TkInfo versus Emacs/Info [was Re: Problems working with bash.]

1997-04-02 Thread Rick Macdonald

I thought it worthwhile to send this again with a Subject that might
attract the attention of more people.

Open up your info reader;
   Gertjan   Don't get me started on info!
Why not?  Elucidate.
  I think info sucks. It is obsoleted by html. Clear enough?
 Same story here. The gnu info browser is too obscure, if you're
 not an emacs user; you shouldn't need to do a tutorial to use
 something as simple as a hypertext browser; lynx is far more
 obvious to use, and has (TTBOMK) the same functionality ..
 (although obviously for html vs info nodes.)

Please try tkinfo 1.3 in the unstable /doc/ directory or get it from
the tkinfo web page
It's _much_ better than using emacs, and I'm a huge emacs fan.


RE: ncpfs module and kernel recompile

1997-04-02 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hi George:

I do my kernel builds a little differently however they always seem to work.

I'll assume that you ran the patch-kernel and got the updated modutils. I don't 
know if the modutils are an absolute requirement however the doc does say
these utils are for 2.1.18 and above.

After I run my make config or menuconfig or xconfig, I run make zImage. The
readme in linux says that If your kernel is too large for make zImage, use 
make bzImage.
I've used both, they work well.

Following that I do a make install. Everything seems to get copied into /boot.
My filenames are vmlinuz as well. When the install asks if I want to run lilo 
I answer yes.

Following that I go to the root directory rm the existing vmlinux and and re-link them to the newly installed boot image and map. ( ln -s 
boot/vmlinuz-2.1.29 vmlinuz and ln -s boot/ to 
Then I run lilo again and reboot.

I know this is not exactly what the documentation says to do however it always 
seems to work.



From:  G. Kapetanios wrote:

I would be grateful for any help and ideas.,


RE: ncpfs module and kernel recompile

1997-04-02 Thread Rick

On 02-Apr-97 Peter Iannarelli wrote:
Hi George:

I do my kernel builds a little differently however they always seem to work.

I'll assume that you ran the patch-kernel and got the updated modutils. I don't
know if the modutils are an absolute requirement however the doc does say
these utils are for 2.1.18 and above.

After I run my make config or menuconfig or xconfig, I run make zImage. The
readme in linux says that If your kernel is too large for make zImage, use 
make bzImage.
I've used both, they work well.

Following that I do a make install. Everything seems to get copied into /boot.
My filenames are vmlinuz as well. When the install asks if I want to run lilo
 I answer yes.

Following that I go to the root directory rm the existing vmlinux and
p and re-link them to the newly installed boot 
image and map. ( ln -s boot/vmlinuz-2.1.29 vmlinuz and ln -s boot/
29 to Then I run lilo again and r

I know this is not exactly what the documentation says to do however it always 
seems to work.



From:  G. Kapetanios wrote:

I would be grateful for any help and ideas.,


Hey Peteer:

Using make zlilo does all of that for you.  And if I remember correctly make 
bzimage is/was (it's been over a year since I've read about that command) for co
mpiling floppy images that are too large.  I have made kernels in the 800k range
 and never had to use any other command than make zlilo.
- --
Date: 02-Apr-97
Time: 09:52:53
- --

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread James W. Lynch
-  Received message begins Here  -

   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?
 Factory Automation Systems
 Atlanta Ga.

You can get a copy of mpack which includes munpack to decode base64
mime encoded files from

I don't know if there is a debianized version or not, but I installed from
mpack-1.5-src.tar.Z and it worked great.


Jim Lynch, System Engineer,  SGI/Cray Research, Inc. / ARS: K4GVO
Federal Business Systems, Phone: (770) 631-2254, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite 270, 200 Westpark Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269

Re: Backup procedure

1997-04-02 Thread Norris Preyer
Eloy A. Paris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want to know about rotation methods (I've heard about
 Granfather-Father-Son, 10 tape, Hanoi Towers but the information is not
 clear), when to take tapes off-site, Debian backup utilities, etc.
The man page for dump gives details of how to do this.  I use dump, and
with 10 tapes can restore to two months ago, one month ago, any Friday
of this month, or any day of this week.

 Thanks in advance,
 Eloy A. Paris
 Information Technology Department
 Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
 Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645 Cel.: +58-16-234700
Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

   Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?
Dispite all the very interesting suggestions so far, I think that what you
are looking for is the mpack package in the mail section. This package
provides mpack and munpack and they work fine. I use munpack from my news
reader to unpack base64 stuff all the time and it works great.


_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Re: ncpfs module and kernel recompile

1997-04-02 Thread Barrington King

This is a bit of a cop-out, but it works cleanly almost every time: If
bringing your system down is not a problem, it would probably be easier
(read: less time consuming) to reboot off the emergency disk (Debian 1.2)
or the Boot disk (Debian 1.1) and go through the setup again.  Instead of
repartitioning and re-initializing, mount your previously initialized swap
and root partitions, and configure the drivers again.  Under the driver
configuration menu, under file system drivers, is the ncpfs module.  Select
it for installation and add it to the kernel.

One caveat on using the ncpfs/ipx modules (and no disrespect to the
authors; they have done a great job of working around the non-disclosure
limitation from Novell): they are not full implementations, and cannot
sense disconnected sessions.  If your Novell server ends or disconnects the
logged-in account used to mount the volumes in mid-write/read, the ncpfs
module will hang and not be able to sync the mounted volumes.  I've been
able to kill the process conducting the write/read by using the kill -9
option if I catch it early enough, but leaving it unattended may result in
a memory-space full of uncleared zombie processes, eventually leading to a
failure of the entire system, cold reboot and filesystem repair.  I have
tried to limit this by keeping the Novell sessions short and handling
autonomous (crontab) processes through a central control script.

If anyone has an alternative way of mounting Novell servers (nfs maybe), I
would love to hear it.



BUG in dinstall script in BO IMPORTANT!

1997-04-02 Thread Leon Castellanos
There is a problem with the unstable installation script! a variable has
not been correctly defined for the installation medium and thus I cannot
install from floppy disks! I think that there are some other problems
besides that but I hadn't downloaded the base1_2.tgz so I could not
complete the installation process.

Please fix it


Re: BUG in dinstall script in BO IMPORTANT!

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
Please send full details to Sven Rudolph [EMAIL PROTECTED] . He is maintaining
the script. 

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: shadow question

1997-04-02 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Adam == Adam Shand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 when you say doesn't work, do you mean it appears a normal
 login is about to occur, the server flashes, and then the
 console login reloads?
 i've seen that and yes its a permission issue.

Adam Yep that's what happens... if I put in the wrong password it
Adam comes up with Login incorrect as it should but if I put in
Adam the right passwd it all but logs in and then goes back to
Adam the xdm login window...  I can login via telnet or virtual
Adam console so I doubt it's shadow... (though installing shadow
Adam does appear to be what broke it...).  I'm using afterstep
Adam pre4 if it matters.

 I had that happen too; what it turned out to be was that in my
~/.xsession script, everything got backgrounded, and when the script
ends, so does the X session.  You have to background everything but
the last program, which keeps the session open until you close it.

 For that, you can use the Window Manager, or something like
'unclutter' or 'xautolock'.

Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.29t
You tell me and we'll both know.

Re: pap and diald

1997-04-02 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Richard Morin wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I was wondering if anyone who uses diald could help me with pap
 authentication.  I've just changed ISP's and of course they are an Nt
 shop who are changing over to solaris...
 I was able to figure out my connection problems with minicom at my
 old ISP , but here, it gets to the point of telling  me the speed and stuff
 about the connection, and dies shortly after.  No login prompt, no
 cursor, nada...
 How do I pass the info to the server?  or get it to tell me what it
 wants?  pap is something I haven't had to worry about till now
 Rich M

On systems which do PAP rather than the standard login/password dialog,
they sometimes just wait there for PPP to start coming from your side
and if they don't get it within a certain amount of time they just 
give up and hang up. In this case you first need to change your diald
chat script so that it exits successfully after receiving 'CONNECT'.
This way pppd will start sending CONFREQs immediately. In order to get
PAP working you first need the file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. This file
contains the passwords which pppd will use. Which password is used
depends on the local and remote names. The local name will be whatever
your login account name is. Let's say I'm connecting to Joe's ISP with
pap, and my account login is FOO while my password is BAR. I will put
a line in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets like this:


I'm not sure that it matters, but since I've had trouble with
in the past, separate the tokens on this line with a tab, not spaces.
This line means that for any connection where my local name is FOO,
send the password BAR. I think the remote name is based upon the 
remote IP address or something, in any case don't worry about it.
The next thing to do is to tell pppd what your user name is (so that
it can find this entry in pap-secrets).  This is accomplished with
the pppd option 'user user name'. If you only connect to one 
account with pppd, you could put this option in your /etc/ppp/options
file. Peronally I don't, so the option must be put on the pppd 
command line. With diald, 'extra' options for the pppd command line
must be passed on the diald command line. And with Debian, since diald
is started in an /etc/init.d script, you must use the proper syntax
in /etc/init.d/diald to get this right. Here's a (slightly modified
to protect the innocent) excerpt from my /etc/init.d/diald file
(WATCH OUT for my mail-client's reckless wrapping of lines)

case $1 in
if [ $run_diald = 1 ]
  start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec /usr/sbin/diald --
/dev/ttyS1 -
f /etc/diald/diald.options -- user FOO

Notice how the bare -- appears twice? start-stop-daemon requires this
to tell
it that /dev/ttyS1 -f /etc/diald/diald.options -- user FOO are to be
as command line parameters to /usr/sbin/diald and likewise diald
the -- user FOO to mean that user FOO is supposed to be passed on as
command line parameters to pppd. Complicated? You bet. diald could have 
handled this in a config file, too bad it doesn't. Anyway just do it
this and you should be ok. If this stuff doesn't work, turn on pppd's
and post the event trace to the list or to me.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Converting ascii to ebcdic, and vice versa

1997-04-02 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Ralph Winslow wrote:
 Walter L. Preuninger II wrote:
  I am looking for a library function to convert ascii to ebcdic, and/or
  ebcdic to ascii. For example, '0' = 0x30 in ascii, 0xf0 in ebcdic.
 Check out the dd command.

Be *very* careful with the dd command, it pads out records with 
blanks and can really screw up your data. I've been bitten by this

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: BUG in dinstall script in BO IMPORTANT!

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Wade
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Leon Castellanos wrote:

 There is a problem with the unstable installation script! a variable has
 not been correctly defined for the installation medium and thus I cannot
 install from floppy disks! I think that there are some other problems
 besides that but I hadn't downloaded the base1_2.tgz so I could not
 complete the installation process.
 Please fix it
This one is definitely BETA.

I did an install yesterday and had to do a LOT of things by hand
afterwards! Fortunately, I was able to insmod, etc. to get networking up
so I could finish the install.

I just noticed that my timezone is even set wrong.

Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation
Linux CD's sent worldwide


1997-04-02 Thread meierrj

 Note that Red Hat, Caldera, etc. are just as liable to pick up and compile
 a package whose author built in a booby-trap.

IMHO, Red Hat, Slackware, Irix, SunOS, Solaris, HPUX are NOT AS
LIKELY to INSTALL a booby-trapped package.  Since extraction, compilation,
and testing are nominally done by an unprivelaged user (e.g. tool.bin)
before privelages are granted, a booby-trap has to be clever enough to pass
the fitness of purpose testing done by the tool manager.

Users, groups, and permissions are used like doors.  They separate
the bearer bonds (behind the safe door) from the silverware (in the fancy
chest) and the phone book (lying on the counter).  They separate the food
(kitchen) from the pesticides (garage).  Valuables like pap-secrets
are protected behind superuser privelages.  Good stuff (like internet
access) may be protected by user privelages.  The home page may be

 We are working on this problem
 by establishing a standard for authors to use when signing their software,
 and we will work to get authors into the PGP web of trust through our
 certification authority or other means (like having a local Debian developer
 check them out) so that we can trace software all the way back to the
 original author.

Author traceability is good, but a central certification authority
implies either a substantial barrier to entry (the cost of certification
process reliable enough for valuables), or a risk of forgery too high to
protect valuables.

Author certificates are like badges.  Without doors
(or with everything from the company advertising calendars to the payroll
cash in one room) they are useless.

Thank you,
Robert Meier

FANUC Robotics North America, Inc.  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: 1-810-377-7469   Fax:  1-810-377-7363

Re: Hayes ESP serial port

1997-04-02 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Mike Bernson wrote:
 Are there any drivers to use the Hayes ESP serial card in it full
 fifo (1k) mode. I would also like to use speed greater then 115200.
 Any help where to look would be of great help.

In the Serial-HOWTO, under '2.  Supported Serial Hardware', section
'2.4.  Intelligent Multiport Serial Boards' you find:

  ·  Hayes ESP (8 - 64 ports)
 contact: Andrew J. Robinson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 driver status: BETA
 driver location: and included in Linux
 kernel since version 2.1.15

Don't mean to sound mean, but did you *read* the Serial HOWTO? Did
you ask the author, Andrew Robinson?

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Dump hangs on my system

1997-04-02 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Pete Templin wrote:
 My nightly backup script seems to be hanging in the middle of its first
   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Apr  2 00:11:29 1997
   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
   DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda2 (/) to /dev/rft0
   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
   DUMP: estimated 14710 tape blocks on 0.01 tape(s).
   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
 ps listing:
 root  722 92.1  0.6  1016   400  p3 R 00:11 464:07 /usr/local/sbin/dump
 Any ideas, suggestions on how to fix?  There have been no recent changes
 to the system, except for the removal of some development libraries via

I'd try to run it with strace, piping the output somewhere so you 
can read it and find out where it's hanging.

Jens B. Jorgensen


1997-04-02 Thread Alair Pereira do Lago
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens) writes:

 KDE itself is free, but the Qt toolkit upon which
 KDE is free _only_when_used_with_X_.


 You'll still be able to get
 KDE from the non-free directory and run it.

Bruce, shouldn't it be the contrib directory instead of the non-free
directory?  I can see many packages which depends on Motif in contrib and I do
not see why should Motif be more free than Qt.

Alair Pereira do Lago  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

ppp loopback

1997-04-02 Thread mfrattola
Hi all,

last time I fired up ppp it connected to my ISP, but immediatly hung up. In
/var/log/daemon.log I find:

 Apr  1 21:05:30 zanzy pppd[351]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
 Apr  1 21:05:50 zanzy pppd[351]: Serial connection established.
 Apr  1 21:05:51 zanzy pppd[351]: Using interface ppp0
 Apr  1 21:05:51 zanzy pppd[351]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
 Apr  1 21:05:52 zanzy pppd[351]: Serial line is looped back.
 Apr  1 21:05:52 zanzy pppd[351]: Connection terminated.
 Apr  1 21:05:52 zanzy pppd[351]: Exit.

What does this mean?(*) What can I do to prevent it? I'm using ppp-2.2.0f on a
rather stable debian 1.1. With same hardware, but with old Slackware, it doesn't
Can somebody help me?

(*) is it a sort of 'Upgrade to ppp-x.y.z' ?

|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED]No is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!


1997-04-02 Thread Kristian Nylund

I've insalled the wg15-locale package, but I don't know how to
use it.. :) The README says something about recompiling libc?
I'd like to use the settings found in /usr/share/locale/sv_FI.
Anyone know how?




1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
 IMHO, Red Hat, Slackware, Irix, SunOS, Solaris, HPUX are NOT AS
 LIKELY to INSTALL a booby-trapped package.

Let's look at your assumptions.

 Since extraction, compilation, and testing are nominally done by an
 unprivelaged user (e.g. tool.bin)

That's a pretty big assumption.

 a booby-trap has to be clever enough to pass
 the fitness of purpose testing done by the tool manager.

The problem is that these other organizations have a smaller staff than
Debian with little time to spend on any one package. So you are assuming that 
a tool manager (only one?) would see something that one of 150 less-overworked
Debian developers would not.

Or, you are assuming that a Debian developer gets onto the project
using fraudulent ID, and then corrupts a package.

 Users, groups, and permissions are used like doors.

I have worked as a Unix systems programmer since 1981, you do not
need to explain this. I do not call myself a guru simply because
people have no right to call themselves gurus, it is a title bestowed
by others.

 Author traceability is good, but a central certification authority
 implies either a substantial barrier to entry (the cost of certification
 process reliable enough for valuables), or a risk of forgery too high to
 protect valuables.

I agree that non-privileged installation is interesting, although to do
it right you need a _separate_ ID for every package. Otherwise, you
lump 100 packages into the same non-privileged ID and that one ID has
too much power. However, anyone who can write a script that does
something bad at installation time can as easily write a trojan-horse
that runs at program execution time. Trojans are easier to hide than
installation actions because the installation actions are invariably
shell or perl scripts while the trojans are buried in the source of a
large program or its executable. Any time a user executes a program
containing a trojan horse the privileges of that user are added to the
trojan's tool kit.

I would like to see a proposal for reduced-privilege installation using
dpkg/dselect . Feel free to write one and make a test implementation.

Unfortunately, I feel that Debian must bear the cost of certification
of maintainers and original authors. Unless I can tell someone I know
where a program came from, no other security procedures can be trusted
to have any effectiveness whatsoever.



Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: Xdm Problem

1997-04-02 Thread Dennis Young
Am in the process of getting a new box up  running.  Am wondering if 
there is a simple (relatively so) x manager that I can use.  I plan to 
be at the clinic 3rd sat this month with the new unit and -hopefully- 
some stuff to load onto it.  Thanks in advance, Dennis

On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Jim Smith wrote:

 In several postings to these lists, I have asked many questions and
 gotten many very good responses.  The last major problem with this
 system concerns xdm. I have not been able to get xdm to properly start
 at boot time. Here is where I have gotten to.
   The last 3 lines in my /etc/X11/config file are thus:
   my /usr/X11/xdm/Xservers ends with this line:
   :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -verbose -bpp 24
   (my card supports 24bit)
 I believe these to be correct.
 At boot time, the screen shows the usual scrolling messages, then shows:
 Starting xfs
 Starting /usr/X11/bin/xdm.
 As soon as the Password: prompt appears, the display starts blinking
 rapidly as if going into an endless loop. I'm unable to login, change
 VC's or anything but the 3 fingers. Booting then from the Debian
 Rescue disk allows me to go in and rename Xservers to something else and
 restore my backup file to Xservers. The next bootup is normal and goes
 all the way to the Password: prompt where I enter the root password
 and proceed as normal. Question: does the login sequence begin with
 root pre-loaded in and can that be changed? It looks like once the
 login sequence is started it won't allow xdm to proceed. Since xdm
 provides its own login widget, thats where I would prefer to do my
 login. I wish to not log in as root unless absolutely necessary. I've
 found that su root in an xterm gives me all the flexibility I need to do
 system maintenance and I'm still really logged in as a user. Please, any
 and all help would be appreciated...
 Debian Linux! Where I REALLY went today!

Re: Decodeing base64 stuff

1997-04-02 Thread d1temp
On  2 Apr, Dale Scheetz wrote: 
 On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

  Is there a utility that I can use in Deban to decode base64 files?

 Dispite all the very interesting suggestions so far, I think that what you
 are looking for is the mpack package in the mail section. This package
 provides mpack and munpack and they work fine. I use munpack from my news
 reader to unpack base64 stuff all the time and it works great.

I don't think anyone's mentioned 'uudeview' yet, it automatically
detects and decodes XX, UU, Base64 and BinHex. 
For a newsgroup it's perfect to dump all interesting articles into a
single file and let uudecode loose on it (uudeview -i file)
(doesn't handle interleaved parts from different multipart files though)

'uuenview' can code to XX, UU and base64 (don't know about BinHex).

|Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out... |
|Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, TDGP#20 |
|   Cell.Phone:+46 705487554  URL:   |

A Qt alternative for KDE?

1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
Would anyone be interested in working on a GPL-ed clone of Qt? This would
make KDE entirely free. I'd like to hear sentiment on this before I take
any more steps.


Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 


1997-04-02 Thread Bruce Perens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens) writes:
 KDE itself is free, but the Qt toolkit upon which
 KDE is free _only_when_used_with_X_.
 You'll still be able to get
 KDE from the non-free directory and run it.

From: Alair Pereira do Lago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bruce, shouldn't it be the contrib directory instead of the non-free
 directory?  I can see many packages which depends on Motif in contrib and I do
 not see why should Motif be more free than Qt.

I don't have my talmudic hat on today (too tired, and getting ready
for Linux Expo). Check out the Debian Policy Manual and see what
it says - if it needs improvement on this please write to the policy


Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 


1997-04-02 Thread Leland Olds
  Are there any plans to package KDE ( or any of it's
 KDE will be packaged, and you will be able to use it, but Debian is
 most interested in 100% free desktop environments, so we have to be a
 bit careful with KDE. KDE itself is free, but the Qt toolkit upon which
 KDE is free _only_when_used_with_X_. I think that Toll Tech, the
 creators of Qt, made it free on X so that they could have lots of free
 software to sell with their non-free versions under Windows, NT, etc.

Just to correct possible mis-understanding of Bruce's statement...  

You don't have to buy Qt in order to run free Qt based software for
Windows, NT, etc. Anyone can distribute Qt based software for any
platform that Qt supports.  But someone would have to purchase a copy
of Qt in order to port or develop for Windows, NT, etc.  And the Qt
library sources can't be freely distributed with the software.

 We would like to have the freedom to use major Debian components with
 other window systems than X (Berlin is one, but there are others on the
 horizon as well), and even other operating system than Linux (there's
 the Hurd, for example), which rules out the possibility that we would
 make the core of Debian _depend_ on KDE.  You'll still be able to get
 KDE from the non-free directory and run it.
 Other interesting desktop projects include GnuStep
 (, and FSF's own desktop project Teak, which
 doesn't seem to be going yet (  Then
 there's an entire replacement for X in Berlin
 (, but of course they only have one
 component of that in Alpha-test so far.
 BAN KEY ESCROW. Privacy is your right!
 Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
 PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Lee Olds

The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Rightley
I know that there is great debate over the future of the various Linux
distributions.  Now I am seriously concerned for the future of Debian.

As we all know (or at least those of us up-to-date with the current news of the
US), a group of computer-literate people just killed themselves so that they
could 'hop' (an interesting combination of the name of the comet) on Hale-Bopp
(or at least on a spaceship associated with it). 
Now, the leader of this group was/is (depending upon your beliefs) a man who at
one time called himself 'Bo'.

Hopefully you can see my concern for Debian.  It must not be a coincidence that
the next release of Debian bears this name...that it will be release just as
Hale-Bopp hurtles away from the inner solar system.  I solemly hope that, with
the release of bo, the entire Debian developers team does not use the same
cosmic 'hlt' instruction!

Just a thought.  (Hope its not wasting too much bandwidth...)


Re: PGP compile error...Linux

1997-04-02 Thread Derek Atkins

This is a known problem in the PGP 2.6.2 distribution.  In order to
compile it for Linux/ELF, you will need to make a change to the
sources.  The quick change is to add ASMDEF=-DSYSV to the Linux make
rule in the makefile.  However this will not allow it to compile under
Linux/a.out anymore.

The proper fix, which is detailed on the PGP FAQ, Buglist, Fixes, and
Improvements Page is to modify 80386.S and zmatch.S to look for the
symbol __ELF__ in addition to SYSV.  This page, by the way, is
available at this URL:



   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available

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