Re: cfdisk: "Fatal error: Bad Primary partition"

1998-08-18 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Ok, here's an even better script for printing all partitions. Just run it like
' /dev/hda'.

Nebu John Mathai wrote:

> Has anone got this error?
> On installing Debian 2.0 I used cfdisk to partition my 8.4Gig drive. The
> first time I did it, I did not like the partition sizes (after writing the
> partition info and initializing my root partition) and so rebooted the
> machine (by going into the installation option to reboot the machine) to
> do the install once more. However, this time, when I went to partition the
> drive cfdisk stated "fatal error: ban primary partition". So I went to
> fdisk and erased the partition info (fdisk seemed to work) and ran cfdisk
> once more and all was fine. I installed debian and everything worked fine.
> Now, a few days later I went to install NT (unfortunately I have to run
> some NT software for school), and NT disabled the "bootability" of Linux.
> So I used a boot disk to get back to Linux, and tried running cfdisk to
> get the partition with linux (the primary partition) bootable, but cfdisk
> now complains: "Fatal error: bad primary partition".
> Any ideas on what this error means? Is my hard drive bad? I noticed that
> cfdisk gives me cylinder/head/sector information on my drive that does not
> matchmy hard drive specs ... should I use cfdisk to change that info?
> Thanks for any advice!
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen
Description: Perl program

Sendmail Help

1998-08-18 Thread Harry Tuttle
Hello Everyone,

I have changed my ISP recently and do not have a static IP any longer. I have
tried setting up Sendmail to send and am using Fetchmail to retrieve messages.
Fetchmail gets the messages Ok, but I never get the messages in my
/var/spool/mail/htuttle mailbox. Here is the log message that I get after
fetchmail gets the messages.

Aug 18 17:51:52 user-38lcgom sendmail[1834]: RAA01832: 
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=nullclient, [], stat=Sent (SAA04691 Message
accepted for delivery) 
Aug 18 17:51:54 user-38lcgom sendmail[1837]: RAA01835:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=nullclient, [], stat=Sent (SAA09795 Message
accepted for delivery).

But I can't figure out where the mail is going. I have set up sendmail as a
transfer to the HUB, but locally, I can't see where it is going. Anyone using
Sendmail with a Dialup ISP only?

Thanks for any help. 

Mike Acklin

Re: cfdisk: "Fatal error: Bad Primary partition"

1998-08-18 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Nope, I looked at the source and cfdisk won't show you anything about the 
table if it doesn't make sense to it. However, this perl script will (all one 
line, my
mailer my break it up):

perl -e 'open(IN," Has anone got this error?
> On installing Debian 2.0 I used cfdisk to partition my 8.4Gig drive. The
> first time I did it, I did not like the partition sizes (after writing the
> partition info and initializing my root partition) and so rebooted the
> machine (by going into the installation option to reboot the machine) to
> do the install once more. However, this time, when I went to partition the
> drive cfdisk stated "fatal error: ban primary partition". So I went to
> fdisk and erased the partition info (fdisk seemed to work) and ran cfdisk
> once more and all was fine. I installed debian and everything worked fine.
> Now, a few days later I went to install NT (unfortunately I have to run
> some NT software for school), and NT disabled the "bootability" of Linux.
> So I used a boot disk to get back to Linux, and tried running cfdisk to
> get the partition with linux (the primary partition) bootable, but cfdisk
> now complains: "Fatal error: bad primary partition".
> Any ideas on what this error means? Is my hard drive bad? I noticed that
> cfdisk gives me cylinder/head/sector information on my drive that does not
> matchmy hard drive specs ... should I use cfdisk to change that info?
> Thanks for any advice!
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

smail configuration problem

1998-08-18 Thread count zero

hi to all ,
every 20 minutes linux give me this message 

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 00:03:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> runq

runq: setgroups() failed: Operation not permitted

what's that mean ? where is the problem? where can i find info on how to
correctly setup smail ( i try sendmail but my system crashes so i prefer
smail which seems to be easyier)


samuele tonon

Re: modprobe

1998-08-18 Thread count zero

 hi to all,
 when i boot up my linux debian 2.0 i find this message
 modprobe: can't locate module char-major-10
 does anyone know what to do to eliminate this annoying message ?
 i don't know what is this module for .
 samuele tonon


1998-08-18 Thread Marcus Brinkmann

[this is cross posted to the user list, as I want to get some of our kind
users to help with the FAQ-O-MATIC. The idea is that it is "their" FAQ.
Please snip the CC list as appropriate]


On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 07:23:38PM +0200, Jens Ritter wrote:
> As you might have noticed, today I posted a lists of Frequently
> Asked/Answered Questions to debian-user. 

And it is nice. (You could add a link to my homepage for the soundblaster
stuff, in case someone don't can or want install the howto package [I'm the
author of the AWE Howto]. It is

> As you know I am the maintainer of the Problems/stable section of the FoM
> pages available at

Huh, this reminds me that I'm the maintainer of the  sound section :)

> If you surf the main pages, you will see, that the FoM is not linked from
> them (at least not reachable by following the "support" links). 
> What do you think?

I think the fom is the FAQ of the Debian User. Every User should feel
invited (and a bit responsible), to improve the fom. Whenever someone gets a
good answer from the list, he should submit a fom entry if ever possible. I
never recieved anything from anybody :)
> Should the fom pages be linked from the main pages?

In my opinion, yes. And we should ring the bell so that it is used. It could
be very helpful to reduce the load on debian-user, if the users accept it.

> I think we need to have a FAQ service on the Web Pages as well as a
> frequently posted FAQ (or at least frequently posted which
> questions are answered in the FAQ).

Maybe the FAQ posted to the list should have a pointer to the fom and things
that are not adressed in the fom yet, like very new issues etc.
> Is FAQ-o-Matic the right tool to use? 

It is working, and it is already there, we just have to use it.

> (I ask because I didn`t find a way to delete questions). 

You can, you have to move it into the trash section or so. (I'm a bit
confused by the verfiifcation process, but didn't read the docs yet).

The reason I'm doing little for the fom is that you can only work on it
online, so I can't do it from home (over phone line, *expensive*). If there
is a way to work offline and submit a bunch of changes, this would be

I think we should get the users to use the fom. it is their FAQ, if they
want it. Any users around here who want to see this, too?


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-18 Thread Paul Miller

I got it to work.  My problem was that Debian's defaults for lilo.conf 
from the installation where set to boot off the extended partition instead
of the root partition...


On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:
> > 
> > Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
> > System Commander?
> I don't know about System Commander, but I had no problem getting LILO to
> boot to extended/logical partitions.  My LILO setup is a bit funky, as I
> boot 4 or 5 different partitions, but the summary of how I boot to a
> logical partition (hda8, or something like that) is this:
> LILO is installed on the MBR of the disk, and will boot /dev/hda1, hda2,
> hda4, and hdb.
> hda4 is an extended partition containing hda5,6,7, and 8.  An installation
> of Linux lives on /dev/hda8.  LILO is installed on hda4, and boots hda8.
> I will show you the lilo.confs (there are a couple of 'em) if you want,
> but I don't have access to them now.  Basically, the key is to have
> /dev/hda4 (the extended partition) boot /dev/hda8 (the logical).  You
> can't enter /dev/hda8 as an option on the LILO that's installed on hda's
> MBR, because (I guess) LILO can't see that partition yet.  Sorry the
> details are so sketchy.  What you want to do can be done, in any case.
> noah
>   PGP public key available at
>   or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Version: 2.6.2
> 5naqpYROp1BjqvnWDDhfyqdpXmIKefR6Fk/CdTIbPM35Iyt2MhM881UShamGFIGS
> cp3T6LuMk1v29EjOSfi7jPwePpWze+XjOHenXkYWARg9sv+9h/X8RKAvOs58nXJf
> glWbNmHwFkc=
> =C9TX
> --
> Unable to check signature, PGP keys could not be found.

Re: New Debian user needs help: Problems about partitioning, booting from harddisk, etc.

1998-08-18 Thread shaul
> I've just downloaded and installed Debian, the following problems were 
> encountered:
> 1. My PC have 2 harddisks and 1 CD-ROM:
>Primary IDE Master:4.3G (hda), LBA MODE
>Primary IDE Slave: NONE
>Secondary IDE Master:  SONY CD-ROM(CDU611)
>Secondary IDE Slave:   2.1G (hdd), LBA MODE
> I installed Windows95 osr2 on hda first and then installed Debian on hdd from 
> drive c. The installation of Debian seemed to be successful(except before 
> LILO was installed, it's said that Debian would try to boot from my secondary 
> harddisk but perhaps my CMOS doesn't support it), but after reboot Debian 
> failed to boot from hdd. And I noticed that the size of my secondary 
> harddisk(2.1G) in CMOS Setup Menu had been set to 528MB. How to explain this?

1) One possible explenation is that your CMOS doesn't support booting from the 
secondary IDE interface ("secondary harddisk")

and how can Debian boot from my secondary harddisk? 

In view of 1), it might be that Debian can not boot from your secondary 
harddisk. You might want to put the 2.1G HD on your primary IDE as the slave. 
Another thing that might help is the /usr/doc/lilo documantation (like 

Should I set the harddisk mode from LBA to NORMAL before installing Debian?

2) IMHO, no. I think that your 4.3G HD is not shown in your CMOS for its 
correct size as well, because that is how your CMOS is desgined. The fact that 
both HD are recognized as LBA implies that everything is OK.

> 2. What's the difference between primary partition and logical partition in 
> Linux?  Which should I select when I partition my harddisk for Debian?

Since there is a limit of 4 to the number of primary partitions (On a regular 
PC), an extended partition was invented to be able to hold as many logical 
partiotions as desired. So, basicaly, one can have its disk has as many 
partitions as he wants. I don't know what other implications this situation 
have from the sys designer and sys admin point of view.
For how to partition your HD I suggest that you will take a look at the Debian 

Re: Howto Auto Archive Mail Folders

1998-08-18 Thread servis
*- Jay Barbee wrote about "Howto Auto Archive Mail Folders"
| Does anyone have a script that will automatically archive or remove mail 
| messages out of a folder so that a list such as this one could be more 
| managable?
| I invision a cron job simply coping ~/Mail/debian-user to debian-user- 
| and then gzipping it.  That way it would not take so long to open a mail 
| that has hundreds of messages.
| Any advice?

Look at the savelog command it is used in the /etc/cron.* scripts to
rotate the system log files.  It could probably be used by a regular
user to rotate their own files.  I have not done it myself but it
sounds intriguing, I am in the same situation you are.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Where can I find bo packages?

1998-08-18 Thread servis
*- Chris Fury wrote about "Where can I find bo packages?"
| Yeah, yeah, I know, upgrade to 2.0.  I will, eventually.  :)  
| Right now I need to get some proggies for the gateway at work, and it's
| a 1.3 machine.  Where can I find a mirror of the old stuff?

Check, there is a link towards the bottom of the
page to site that has an archive of it.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University


1998-08-18 Thread phillip Neumann
>Linux isn't the "crap", you should be refering to the lack of
>applications that exist.  If you need one so bad you should start a
>project to create one, join debian-devel., learn C, etc... That's how
>the Linux/GNU thing works, everyone pitches in.  If you don't like it
>improve it!
>Mark Panzer


Well, your right. The Linux isnot crap. But for people that only use 
computer only for music, they dont see any app for music and so , for 
them, linux is crap. 
Fortunatly im not not one of these. And this situation is good for me. I 
can `kill 2 bird on one shot': i can learn programing without going away 
from my hobby...

Phillip Neumann,

Get Your Private, Free Email at


1998-08-18 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 12:49:16PM -0700, Marlon Urias wrote:

> I'm having trouble getting my kernel to see a scsi zip
> drive. I understand that there is a special module (ppa)
> for parallel drives, but what about scsi drives?

Nope, mine comes up just fine as /dev/sda on one machine, and /dev/sdb
on another. Does your kernel recognize your SCSI controller?


Re: identd

1998-08-18 Thread Adam Lazur
search for cidentd on the web, it makes use of a .authlie file in the
user's home directory I believe . . . 


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Version: 3.12
GE d(---) s++:++ a19 C>$ UL++>$ P+>$ L++>$ E W++
N+ o++ K--- w-- O- M-- V? PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t--- 5-- X++
R tv+ b+ DI D+ G(-) e h r++ z+

Re: boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-18 Thread Michel \\'ZioBudda\\' Morelli
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:

> Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
> System Commander?

hmmm... i think no.
I think (IMHO) that linux can boot only in a primary partition if you want
to boot it via a Linux Loader.
Have you tried loadlin ?

Morelli 'ZioBudda' Davide Michel - Member of Pluto Linux User Group
Linux Problem? Ask to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"/dev/ziobudda: access to /var/tmp/beer denied, use /var/adm/pineapple"

Re: I forgot... Re: Big-endian/little-endian

1998-08-18 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:

> Hi again,
> > // "number" is the size of the array being byte swapped
> > swap4(void *dest, void *src, int number) {
> I forgot to mention that the code excerpt I posted was meant for swapping
> variables that are 4 bytes in size, e.g. floats and such.

It is possible to write a similar macro with automatic size detection,
using the sizeof operator:

#define swapbt(x) swapbytes((char *) &x,sizeof(x))

void swapbytes(char * p, int count)
 int i=0;
 int j=count-1;
 char tmp;
 while (i

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> cool
> xfstt is lgpl'd...I dunno about the programs you use
> you mind if I use your code in it? 

Please consider my code to be public domain.

Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: HELP! emufs doesn't work with FreeDos under dosemu in Debian

1998-08-18 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Michele Bini wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
> > Hi All!
> > 
> > I just had to run some DO$ software on my Linux Box (exactly: the monitor
> > for DSP56002EVM evaluation module and DSP56002 assembler). I have decided
> > to install the dosemu. To keep my box M$-free I wanted to use the FreeDOS
> I experienced the same your problem (I was not able to access the linux
> fs using lredir), and solved it using Open DOS from
> Caldera.
I used the M$ DOS (which I have bought with my computer, because it is
very difficult to buy a computer in Poland without included M$ additions).
However I think, that we should report this problem as a bug to the
FreeDos team. May be they simply don't know about it...

Wojtek Zabolotny

RE: boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-18 Thread Richardson,Anthony

Yes, so can LILO.  I have linux installed on a logical partition on a   
second drive
and with either LILO or System Commander installed as MBR it boots fine.

On Tuesday, August 18, 1998 2:03 PM, Paul Miller   
> Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
> System Commander?
> Thanks
> -Paul
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> /dev/null


1998-08-18 Thread Lewis, James M.
Several things come to mind:

Termination - if it is the last one in the chain, is the termination
switch on?  Does some other device have termination turned on
before the zip drive?

Disk partition - those disks come formated for partition 4 (for
whatever reason).  It would be /dev/sda4 for the device.  If
you repartition it, use whatever partition number is reported
by fdisk (or cfdisk) in the device file name.

scsi support - is scsi support available in the kernel?  The messages
at boot should tell you if the scsi controller is recognized.

Send a bit more info...
From:   Marlon Urias[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, August 18, 1998 3:49 PM
To: debian
Cc: The recipient's address is unknown.

I'm having trouble getting my kernel to see a scsi zip
drive. I understand that there is a special module (ppa)
for parallel drives, but what about scsi drives?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: identd

1998-08-18 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Paul" == Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Paul> On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
 >> This mail will be forwarded to all IRC operator lists and all sites using
 >> such identd will be K:-lined.

 Paul> hey that's not very nice.  

Asking for help to subvert the rules of a service being made
 available gratis is also not very  nice.  There are reasons for not
 allowing a plethoroa of bots tp f;ourish. Delibrately subvertin what
 used to be a cooperative enviroment is pretyy, umm, despicable in the
 first place, and I do not think this response is out of line.


 If I'm over the hill, why is it I don't recall ever being on top?
 Jerry Muscha
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: To Upgrade or Reinstall completely?

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 03:31:12PM -0400, Chris Fury wrote:
> What do you think?  Is the upgrade process to 2.0 solid?  Or should I
> start with a fresh disk?

I dunno about hamm stable but...before stable I had to do the upgrade 
a few times...worked great every time (except those few times...
but the motherboard had gone bad so that doesn't count...)

Then again there is the issue...sometimes a fresh install...while a pain
to recofongiure EVERYTHING to all the nice little "tweaks" you had...
sometimes its nice to "clean out the shit"...just think of all the
packages you installed that you NEVER useoe even NEVER EVER USED.
sometimes its nice to "clean house"

besides...with the upgrade of libc you need to "reboot to make sure all
programs are using the proper wtmp wrappers" your uptime is
screwed you might as well re-install ;)


> -- 
> This space for rent.

for rent? at what rate? I might be interested in filling it
(even if just for the sick and twisted pleasure involvind in actually
"renting" space on the bottom of someone else's e-mail)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Updating the system using dselect->dists/stable-updates?

1998-08-18 Thread Ruud Janssen

I've just tried to update my Hamm system (using the ftp method in dselect) by
appending "dists/stable-updates" to the list of distributions
("/dists/stable/main dists/stable/non-free dists/stable/contrib") to get. The
result was that dselect also selected the m68k version of mutt, although my
system is an i386.

The directories dists/stable/main, dists/stable/non-free, dists/stable/contrib
have a subdivision into architectures, e.g. binary-i386, binary-m68k. I guess
the reason dselect selected the wrong architecture must be that there is no
architecture-specific subdivision in stable-updates.

It seems simply appending "/dists/stable-updates" doesn't do the trick. What,
then, is the right way to update a system using dselect? Or should I manually
install the contents of the dists/stable-updates directory using dpkg?



Re: To Upgrade or Reinstall completely?

1998-08-18 Thread Jason J. Simas

(209) 222-9072

Dear Chris:  

Upgrade if you have a lowmem system [6 MB or less]
I can't do a lowmem installation with 2.x.

I hope your having a pleasant day. 


Jason J. Simas

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Chris Fury wrote:

> What do you think?  Is the upgrade process to 2.0 solid?  Or should I
> start with a fresh disk?
> -- 
> This space for rent.
> --  
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null


1998-08-18 Thread Marlon Urias
I'm having trouble getting my kernel to see a scsi zip
drive. I understand that there is a special module (ppa)
for parallel drives, but what about scsi drives?

To Upgrade or Reinstall completely?

1998-08-18 Thread Chris Fury
What do you think?  Is the upgrade process to 2.0 solid?  Or should I
start with a fresh disk?

This space for rent.

Problem with KDE

1998-08-18 Thread Stefan Stefan
I have a problem with KDE an I try to describe it so exactly as 

I have installed on my Debian Linux 1.3.1 the .deb packets from  These  packets were:

I could install this packets without any error.
To do this I used the following packets.
libc5_5_4_33-3.deb (to install libc6)
xlib6_3_3_2_2-4.deb (to install xlib6g)

This packets were from the Page.

I use kdm.
Window-manger is kwm.

If I enter startx starts the Kpanal and the blue Desktop Background 
But on the Desktop were no icons (f. g. trash, autostart, ...,)

I can click around in the KPanal Menu, but I can not start a program 
with it.

If I tipp kfm into a xtreme window, appears the kfm and the symbols on 
the desktop for some seconds.
But after 3 sec  the kfm and the symbols went away.

In the Xtreme window is the following message:
Could not read '/tmp/kfm-cache-0/index.txt'

KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file
QObject::connect: No such slot KfmGui::slotHelp()
KToolBarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file

Please help.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: runaway man processes and cron emails

1998-08-18 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"M" == M C Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 M> shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
 M> directories

Check permissions for /; /home; (essentially the whole tree
 for `pwd`), and  make sure there the permissions are 0755 for all
 directories (read and execute for group and other).

Also, look into /etc/cron.daily/* to make sure that the dirs
 the scripts chdir into are also all readable.

 I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature. Thomas
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Where can I find bo packages?

1998-08-18 Thread Chris Fury
Yeah, yeah, I know, upgrade to 2.0.  I will, eventually.  :)  
Right now I need to get some proggies for the gateway at work, and it's
a 1.3 machine.  Where can I find a mirror of the old stuff?


This space for rent.

Howto Auto Archive Mail Folders

1998-08-18 Thread Jay Barbee
Does anyone have a script that will automatically archive or remove mail 
messages out of a folder so that a list such as this one could be more 

I invision a cron job simply coping ~/Mail/debian-user to debian-user- 
and then gzipping it.  That way it would not take so long to open a mail folder 
that has hundreds of messages.

Any advice?
--Jay Barbee

Re: PDF file generation

1998-08-18 Thread Ossama Othman

> How does one create a PDF (Acrobat) file?  In searching through the
> packages I found a number of ways to view a PDF file, but didn't seem to
> find any way to create one.

The only ways I am aware of besides using Adobe Acrobat is to use
"ps2pdf," found in the ghostscript package or by using using "pdftex" in
the teTeX package.  Note that if you use ps2pdf, make sure you are using
the one that comes with ghostscript 5.10+ since the ones before it are
somewhat broken.


Re: PDF file generation

1998-08-18 Thread Shaleh
To the best of my knowledge only Adobe Acrobat (the actual 300 dollar
app) is the only thing capable of making a pdf.  You are better of using
postscript or the like.  If I recall there may be apps to convert one to
the other.

Stephen A. Witt wrote:
> How does one create a PDF (Acrobat) file?  In searching through the
> packages I found a number of ways to view a PDF file, but didn't seem to
> find any way to create one.
> Thanks...
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Problems with upgrading ncurses-base

1998-08-18 Thread Daniel Mashao
I am trying to upgrade my X on a mainly hamm system. I tried to install
xbase. It complains that it needs ncurses-base (>= 1.9.9g-8.6). So off I
download ncurses-base_1.9.9g-8.8.deb and tried to install it. The
installaltion fails because:

dpkg: error processing ncurses-base_1.9.9g-8.8.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

What gives???

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

PDF file generation

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen A. Witt
How does one create a PDF (Acrobat) file?  In searching through the
packages I found a number of ways to view a PDF file, but didn't seem to
find any way to create one.


Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 02:11:15PM -0400, Lewis, James M.  wrote:
> I may be speaking out of turn here. 

nah ;)

> I don't know much about X fonts
> but they used to be server specific.  That was back when the fonts
> were .snf files.  If you used different versions of the xserver on the
> same system they might take fonts in a different format. 

That may explain the history behind the current situationa  bit...
if it was once THAT specific...then I can see why it is such a mess

> You might
> check if .pcf fonts are in a "standard" format for all servers.  If
> they are, then you might stand a chance of making the byte-swap work.

Thats a good point...More specifically...since this is a font server...
is pcf format the same as what5 a font server sends back? 
I woul dhave to research that a bit to answer...hmm

However...the server only checks for byteorder not which X Server so
I assume there IS a standard. also there is xfs which serves up fonts.

> Example:  I use both M$ and linux xserver software.  Exceed on windows
> uses .fon files (presumably in ms windows format).  Both exceed and
> xf86 can use font servers.  Both run on x86 hardware.  What is the
> chance the formats would be compatible?  If the font format is
> specified in the protocol, chances may be pretty good.

I believe it would have to i said... xfstt seems to work with 
any font server (I even had a guy running HPUX and CDE 
connect himself to my xfstt once when I was testing a patch I made)
> The point is, there are more questions here than just byte order.

Luckily I thinkl they have been solved in the protocol...
I think byteorder is now hopefully the only concern.

Tho the question still remains of which bytes the server will want swapped
and which it wont...


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

RE: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Lewis, James M.
I may be speaking out of turn here.  I don't know much about X fonts
but they used to be server specific.  That was back when the fonts
were .snf files.  If you used different versions of the xserver on the
same system they might take fonts in a different format.  You might
check if .pcf fonts are in a "standard" format for all servers.  If
they are, then you might stand a chance of making the byte-swap work.

Example:  I use both M$ and linux xserver software.  Exceed on windows
uses .fon files (presumably in ms windows format).  Both exceed and
xf86 can use font servers.  Both run on x86 hardware.  What is the
chance the formats would be compatible?  If the font format is
specified in the protocol, chances may be pretty good.

The point is, there are more questions here than just byte order.


From:   Stephen J. Carpenter[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, August 18, 1998 1:39 PM
To: Debian User's List
Cc: The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of 
mpg123 -s?)

On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 01:22:53PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> Quoting Stephen J. Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 10:34:39AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> > > The solution is to always run hton before putting stuff on the wire and
> > > running ntoh when pulling stuff back.  That way you can be sure that the
> > > stuff on the wire is always network byte order without having to put in
> > > nasty test cases.
> > 
> > thats all well and good BUT...
> > xfstt is a ont server for X11So it has to work within the existing 
> > would be a "bad thing" if you had to modify the Xserver to
> > use a new font server.
> Are you saying that the xserver looks for host (e.g., random) byte order
> rather than network byte order on the network?!? (I never had reason to
> look, but I just might, now...)

Thetruth is I don't know.

xfstt , as part of its connection sequence uses some value to determine
the byte order of its peer and if it is not the same drops the connection.

This leads me to believe that the X Server expects its fonts (if not
everything else...the rest I don't know) to be rendered in host 
order and sent in that order.

on the other hand it may just be parinoia? maybe X does fo ntoh's all
right? I could check by removing the check for byteoder and riunning the
server on my IPC (where host order == network order) and connecting my 
i386 to it

but the very existance of that check leads me to believe that it wont work
but...I was told it would not be hard to fix the swapping 

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-18 Thread Paul Miller

Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
System Commander?


Re: HELP! emufs doesn't work with FreeDos under dosemu in Debian

1998-08-18 Thread Michele Bini

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:

> Hi All!
> I just had to run some DO$ software on my Linux Box (exactly: the monitor
> for DSP56002EVM evaluation module and DSP56002 assembler). I have decided
> to install the dosemu. To keep my box M$-free I wanted to use the FreeDOS
I experienced the same your problem (I was not able to access the linux
fs using lredir), and solved it using Open DOS from


Re: identd

1998-08-18 Thread Paul Miller
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:

> This mail will be forwarded to all IRC operator lists and all sites using
> such identd will be K:-lined.

hey that's not very nice.  Besides, it appears that changing the ident is
not possible without other account names, etc.  So if the users want
multiple bots, they'll need to pay for it.  I, personally, don't know
anything about bots...


Re: (no subject)

1998-08-18 Thread Lazaro D. Salem
Thanks Robert,
Are you sure  need to recompile the kernel? Why? cannot I install the
By the way, How can I know the options the custom kernel was compiled with?

-Original Message-
From: Robert J. Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lazaro D. Salem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15. august 1998 12:41
Subject: Re: (no subject)

>Lazaro D. Salem wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just installed a plain base of debian 2.0. on a box with
>> an ISDN card.
>> To my surprise I did not find any isdn related special files
>> (in /dev).
>Download the kernel sources and compiler, recompile the kernel with ISDN
>and install it.
>Robert J. Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>AIX Certified System Administrator - Debian Linux addict - Win.\* victim
>Via Sciangai, 53 - 00144 Rome, Italy

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 01:22:53PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> Quoting Stephen J. Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 10:34:39AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> > > The solution is to always run hton before putting stuff on the wire and
> > > running ntoh when pulling stuff back.  That way you can be sure that the
> > > stuff on the wire is always network byte order without having to put in
> > > nasty test cases.
> > 
> > thats all well and good BUT...
> > xfstt is a ont server for X11So it has to work within the existing 
> > would be a "bad thing" if you had to modify the Xserver to
> > use a new font server.
> Are you saying that the xserver looks for host (e.g., random) byte order
> rather than network byte order on the network?!? (I never had reason to
> look, but I just might, now...)

Thetruth is I don't know.

xfstt , as part of its connection sequence uses some value to determine
the byte order of its peer and if it is not the same drops the connection.

This leads me to believe that the X Server expects its fonts (if not
everything else...the rest I don't know) to be rendered in host 
order and sent in that order.

on the other hand it may just be parinoia? maybe X does fo ntoh's all
right? I could check by removing the check for byteoder and riunning the
server on my IPC (where host order == network order) and connecting my 
i386 to it

but the very existance of that check leads me to believe that it wont work
but...I was told it would not be hard to fix the swapping 

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

X and keymaps weirdness

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
I have been working on a HOWTO fo rusing linux to turn old computers
into XTerminals. I know this has been done before so I read up on it
before I started. My doc is really comming along great...and for i386 far works grand! I have run into a snag tho...but it may 
just be part of the X Config?

Anyway...I decided to do a quick test from my SUN IPC...I didn't go 
through the whole diskless setup...I just logged on as root and
tyoped "X -query Shit-Box"
It came up to a nice xdm logon and let me log in... I logged in as sjc
and it was nice...nto too slow...
but when I try to type on the keyboard I get weird charicters.
I THINK it is related to keymap issues...Shit-Box is an i386
and Sparcy is a SUN IPC with a SUN type 4 keybaord.

Is there any special setups I have to do to be able to do this?
where do I setup the keyboard? I noticed xkeycaps (I ran it) still
wants to save it as .xmodmap.shit-box 
any ideas?


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Stephen J. Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 10:34:39AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> > The solution is to always run hton before putting stuff on the wire and
> > running ntoh when pulling stuff back.  That way you can be sure that the
> > stuff on the wire is always network byte order without having to put in
> > nasty test cases.
> thats all well and good BUT...
> xfstt is a ont server for X11So it has to work within the existing 
> would be a "bad thing" if you had to modify the Xserver to
> use a new font server.

Are you saying that the xserver looks for host (e.g., random) byte order
rather than network byte order on the network?!? (I never had reason to
look, but I just might, now...)

Mike Stone

Re: identd

1998-08-18 Thread Rivaldo Moreira - Suporte
Does anyone knows any lists about irc-servers and security in ircservers?


Rivaldo Moreira

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:

> -> Are there any other identd programs?  I'm looking for one that will allow
> -> users to modify their handle (in a secure way) so they can have multiple
> -> bots on IRC servers.  Maybe something like [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This mail will be forwarded to all IRC operator lists and all sites using
> such identd will be K:-lined.
> -- 
>  Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
>  BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in
> the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aplixware and debian hamm/slink

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
I have been thinking of getting some sort of "Office Suite" for
my own use at home...and have an early version of StarOffice 4 and
have had mixed sucess with it (ok little to no success but...I could
play with it more too...)

Has anyone here tried Applixware from RedHat? I understand its probably
RPM'd et al...but with alien I could make it a tgz or a deb...
I am runnign a hamm/slink system currently. I don't want to pay the
$$ if it doesn't offer any signifigant advantages (tho if it does I am
happy to buy a copy...afterall RedHat is an important COmpany in the
Linux world...and im happy to see them make money)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Re: DEBIAN 2.0 FAQ Tue Aug 18

1998-08-18 Thread Jens Ritter
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Greg Vence wrote:

> What happened to the FAQ-O-MATIC?  Did it die?

No. It still exists, but is nowhere mentioned on (the main
pages --- i.e. there is no link to fom under support).

You can still reach it at:

XY = your favorite mirror of

but it is a but outdated.

I guess Igor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and the rest of the fom maintainer will
have to make a decision to (dis)continue it. (See my posting on


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Global War[m|n|p|r]ing?
-- Peter G. Neumann (Comp.Risks 19.91)

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-18 Thread Shaleh
Apt does work in Hamm.  The package is in slink.  In the base dir if I
recall.  Once installed you use the apt method in dselect rather than
ftp or CD.  All there is to it.

As for kernels, grab the "kernel package".  This has a script called
make-kpkg.  This will create Debian style kernel packages, just like the
ones shipped.  You can then install them and they take care of modules,
lilo, boot disks the whole nine yards.  Much Much simpler.

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 10:34:39AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> Quoting Stephen J. Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > The authors concern was that on a big endian system network order and
> > byte order are the same so hton* and ntoh* do nothingso how do you
> > do the swapps...
> > I suggested a union first (like below) but...whats the "proper" way of
> > doing it? 
> The solution is to always run hton before putting stuff on the wire and
> running ntoh when pulling stuff back.  That way you can be sure that the
> stuff on the wire is always network byte order without having to put in
> nasty test cases.

thats all well and good BUT...
xfstt is a ont server for X11So it has to work within the existing would be a "bad thing" if you had to modify the Xserver to
use a new font server.

However when you don't need to worry about compatibility with existing
(albeit somewhat braindead) way things are absolutely correct.


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Apt how, why, where

1998-08-18 Thread Mark Panzer

Apt is supposed to be a better replacement for dselect/dpkg right?  Can
you install it on a HAMM system, and if so how?  I guess I kinda got
left behind on the Apt thing.  Does Apt use the same .deb's as dselect?
Also what is the proper way to compile and install a kernel in debian? 
I've heard make kpkg instead of make zlilo and other makeables.  Sorry
for all the questions. Thanks.

Mark Panzer

Re: popt.h (whiptail)

1998-08-18 Thread Shaleh
It should be in the popt package in the devel/ section.  it is an
argument parsing routine.  I found this by using the package search on  Always hunt there first (-:

C.J.LAWSON wrote:
> Hello again everyone,
> I am trying to build whiptail on an alpha and the build failed
> with the message
> [robin:newt-0.21:<04:23:35 PM>]make whiptail
> gcc  -Wall -g -O2 -I/home/me/fx942976/local/include 
> -L/home/me/fx942976/local/lib -c whiptail.c -o whiptail.o
> whiptail.c:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from whiptail.c:10:
> dialogboxes.h:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
> gmake: *** [whiptail.o] Error 1
> Does anyone have an idea as to what popt.h is
> Regards
> --
> Jonathan Lawson
> Thermal Processes Unit
> Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics
> School of Mechanical Engineering,
> Cranfield  University,
> Cranfield, Bedford. UK.
> 'They came forth from unholy 
> darknesses ...
>  and were driven back by the rage of 
> Angels'
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: popt.h (whiptail)

1998-08-18 Thread servis
*- C.J.LAWSON wrote about "popt.h (whiptail)"
| Hello again everyone,
|   I am trying to build whiptail on an alpha and the build failed
| with the message 
| [robin:newt-0.21:<04:23:35 PM>]make whiptail
| gcc  -Wall -g -O2 -I/home/me/fx942976/local/include 
-L/home/me/fx942976/local/lib -c whiptail.c -o whiptail.o
| whiptail.c:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
| In file included from whiptail.c:10:
| dialogboxes.h:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
| gmake: *** [whiptail.o] Error 1
| Does anyone have an idea as to what popt.h is 

Package: popt
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 20
Maintainer: Enrique Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.0-4
Depends: libc6-dev
Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/devel/popt_1.0-4.deb
Size: 6314
MD5sum: 7a0149ea10970e706ad2bb8cbcfa0659
Description: C library for parsing command line parameters
 Popt is a C library for pasing command line parameters. It was heavily
 influenced by the getopt() and getopt_long() functions, but it allows
 more powerfull argument expansion. It can parse arbitrary argv[] style
 arrays and automatically set variables based on command line arguments.
 It also allows command line arguments to be aliased via configuration
 files and includes utility functions for parsing arbitrary strings into
 argv[] arrays using shell-like rules.
 This package contains the popt static library and header file.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

popt.h (whiptail)

1998-08-18 Thread C.J.LAWSON
Hello again everyone,
I am trying to build whiptail on an alpha and the build failed
with the message 

[robin:newt-0.21:<04:23:35 PM>]make whiptail
gcc  -Wall -g -O2 -I/home/me/fx942976/local/include 
-L/home/me/fx942976/local/lib -c whiptail.c -o whiptail.o
whiptail.c:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
In file included from whiptail.c:10:
dialogboxes.h:4: popt.h: No such file or directory
gmake: *** [whiptail.o] Error 1

Does anyone have an idea as to what popt.h is 


Jonathan Lawson 
Thermal Processes Unit 
Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics 
School of Mechanical Engineering, 
Cranfield  University, 
Cranfield, Bedford. UK.  

'They came forth from unholy darknesses 
 and were driven back by the rage of 

Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

1998-08-18 Thread Mark Panzer
phillip Neumann wrote:
> Hi debian,
> Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i
> get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people
> cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here
> could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free
> that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats
> what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations

Linux isn't the "crap", you should be refering to the lack of
applications that exist.  If you need one so bad you should start a
project to create one, join debian-devel., learn C, etc... That's how
the Linux/GNU thing works, everyone pitches in.  If you don't like it
improve it!

Mark Panzer
> finnaly to end with my sound questions where can i find sound apps??
> >> Well sorry for this questio, but what is GUS ??
> >GUS means Gravis UltraSound and is a sound card like the AWE 32. It is
> >'inclined' to play MOD files.
> >
> >> I need to load soundbanks and create them too. Im searching for a
> >> program that can do edition of soundbanks... if someone knows about
> one
> >> please tell me...
> >>
> >In the Debian awe-utils package I found some interesting programs:
> >with them you can traslate soundbanks to/from textual representation
> and
> >to/from gus-patches. I never tried it, but you should be able to edit
> the
> >textual representation with an ordinary text editor and translate it
> back
> >to the sfx format or use a gus-patch editor to modify your soundbank
> >(but I am not much informed on such editors).
> >
> >> > Where have you downloaded it? ... maybe I can compile it and make a
> >> > Debian package from it.
> >>
> >> Slab seems an interesting program. A Debian user recomend me this
> >> program. I forgot his name. but i didnt forgot the addres where i got
> >> slab, its at shareware music machine:
> >>
> >>
> >Unfortunately it is shareware, and it is VERY big (over 2 Mb) for my
> >slow internet connection.
> >
> >> PS: I cannot find information on thats ``ACI MIXER'' at the kernel
> >> configurartion...someone has? Whe i select this, sound initialization
> >> becomes very slow at my system...
> >It seems to be a driver for the miroSOUND card, which enables full
> duplex.
> >Sound initialization may be slow probably because the kernel tries to
> detect
> >that card.
> >For more info on it read the file
> /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/lowlevel/aci.c
> >
> >Ciao
> >Michele
> >
> I have check slab page again, and yes, its shareware :-(
> I will give awe-utils a try...
> Thanks for all the information,
> Phillip Neumann
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Lowmem Installation problem (fwd)

1998-08-18 Thread Jason J. Simas

Dear Brave Debian Users:  

With a lowmem installation [4 meg.s RAM], 2 MB temporary 
partition [ Type 81], 16 MB Swap Partition [Type 82], and the rest of my
HD for Linux; I can't install.  

After booting from lowmem.bin, partitioning my disk,
initializing swap, copying root.bin over, then exiting it; I see a flash
along the bottom of the screen:

swap on failed
device busy or in use.

Then I get taken into the menu driven installation program.  There I
cannont initialize or activate the swap partition;  'device busy or in
use', yet it is alwayst telling me that that is what needs to be done
next.  But as long as I don't try to make a boot floppy, I can finish
installing choosing the steps myself; that is, skipping the initialization
and actiation of Swap P..
Then I try to boot from this.

When booting from my new Linux HD, one of the messages I see is:

Activating Swap...   
Mountin local file systems...   
not mounted anything
Starting kerneld, version 2.1.85 (pid 111)  
/etc/rc2.d/S20logoutd: fork: Cannot allocate memory
sh: xmalloc:  cannot allocate 8 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes [really bad sign]
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
[like this forever, Ah]

Do you know what I can do to get this to work;  if you don't mind,
please share it with me.  I installed the last version of Debian fine, but
this one is a nother story.


Jason J. Simas

Re: OK so maybe I should have stayed in bed today - but where is the source for packages kept on the ftp sites?

1998-08-18 Thread Shaleh
Look in dists//{main,contrib,non-free}/source

M.C. Vernon wrote:
> Sorry guys,
> Header says it all - flames to /dev/null and the obvious answer (I
> just have forgotten, and didn't write it down) please.
> Thanks
> Matthew :(
> --
> Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
> Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
> Selwyn College Computer Support
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: saint & netscape

1998-08-18 Thread Peter Granroth
> Dear Debian Users,
> i just tried to get saint running. It tells me that I should run it as
> root (what is ok) and it will start netscape (which seems to be not
> okay). The problem is, that netscape will not be started as root saying
> /usr/bin/X11/netscape: Cannot be run an root (for security reasons).
> Hm, can anyone help me please ?!?

just open /usr/bin/X11/netscape in a text editor (it's a script that set's 
some variables, and disallows root from running netscape.) look for the 
following lines and just comment them:

# Don't allow running netscape as root
if [ $UID -eq 0 -o $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$0: Cannot be run an root (for security reasons)"
exit 1

and that should do it.

> --
>|Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5)
> |
>|DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone: 040/8998 2571 
> |
>| Notkestr.85   Fax.: +49 40 8998 4033  
> |
>|   D-22607 Hamburg home phone: 040/5000857 
> |
> |
>|  E-mail: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> |
> |
> |
>| Fingerprint: CA57 8960 3C3B F4C2  15C8 2116 5FC3 338A 
> |
> --

Is is just me or is your .sig just a liittle too big?

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Re: arguments against Linux I have heard and just my two cents worth

1998-08-18 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

matthew wrote,
>Indeed - WordPerfect is a recent release for Linux, and IIRC both it and
>Startoffice support MSWord (though which versions I'm not sure - see their
>websites for details).

use a lot of quotation marks areound "supports" when speaking about 
staroffice.  Some documents convert fine, some come through with bizarre 
formatting, and some simply crash star office.  A simple envelope yesterday 
repeatedly crashed staroffice when trying to save it as a word file.  While it 
is a nice step, StarOffice 4.03 is far from ready for prime time; it is 
certainly not ready for business use.


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Re: X-windows

1998-08-18 Thread Eric Marsden
> "KW" == Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  KW> BTW: There may be a better way to find out what resolution
  KW> you're running once you're in X, but the only way I've found so
  KW> far is to run xvidtune; it'll tell you at the top what res
  KW> you're in.

xdpyinfo gives lots of useful information, including the screen
dimensions (and the resolution, which is something different: 75 dpi
or 100 dpi).
Eric Marsden
emarsden @
It's elephants all the way down

Re: Yet another WindowMaker question...

1998-08-18 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 05:20:13PM +0200, Waldemar ¯urowski wrote:

> I'm sorry for such trival question, but I'm really stuck. I just deleted
> my ~/GNUstep directory, and now I don't know how to customize popup menu.

Hmmm... you start WindowMaker with "wmaker", right? If you take a look at
/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker, you'll see that's just a sh script that creates the
directory if it doesn't exists...

> Until now I knew that I have to edit menu.hook file.

Editing menu.hook is bad, really bad. Unless of course you mean you "cp
/etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/menu.hook", and
you *don't* run update-menus.

> Unfortunatelly right now I don't have any of such file - and I think
> that's good - but also I don't know where to put my own menu items.

Ok. You can

a) edit ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu and change "menu.hook" to, say,

b) Create a file "my_menu" in ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker; you can
   optionally include:

   "Debian Apps" OPEN_MENU menu.hook

   somewhere in the menu.

c) (as root) cp /usr/lib/menu/wmaker /etc/menu/wmaker and edit the /etc file
   removing anything you *don't* want in the "Debian Apps" menu, for
   example, the Exit commands under WindowManagers, or the WorkSpaces
   command under WorkSpace... be creative, and send changes and suggestions

d) (as root) run "update-menus" and voílà, you have the menus the way you
   want them.

e) Optionally, if you want to add your own items to the "Debian Apps" menu,
   create files in /etc/menu/ for the items you want there. (And read the
   menu documentation -- you have menu installed, don't you?)


I forgot... Re: Big-endian/little-endian

1998-08-18 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi again,

>   // "number" is the size of the array being byte swapped
>   swap4(void *dest, void *src, int number) {

I forgot to mention that the code excerpt I posted was meant for swapping
variables that are 4 bytes in size, e.g. floats and such.


Re: Big-endian/little-endian

1998-08-18 Thread Ossama Othman

> The authors concern was that on a big endian system network order and
> byte order are the same so hton* and ntoh* do nothingso how do you
> do the swapps...

You could just cast the address of the variable to a "char *" and swap
things around using pointer arithmetic or arrays.  Here is a sample piece
of C++ code (it should be easy to modify for C):

// "number" is the size of the array being byte swapped
swap4(void *dest, void *src, int number) {
  unsigned char *t = (unsigned char *)dest;
  unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)src;
  if( t == s ) {
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i, t += 4) {
  unsigned char tmp;
  tmp = *t; *t = t[3]; t[3] = tmp;
  tmp = t[1]; t[1] = t[2]; t[2] = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i, t += 4) {
  t[3] = *s++; t[2] = *s++; t[1] = *s++; *t = *s++; }

This may not be the best way to do the byte swapping but it is fairly
straight forward to do it this way.  However, it may not be very
efficient.  Of course, if you're not swapping entire arrays then this may
be a decent solution.


Re: Can apt-get do proxy-http req?

1998-08-18 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Tony Crawford wrote:

> Apt-get wants proper URLs, but I have a proxy server on a Windows  
> machine on the LAN, and the Linux box at this stage of the game  
> staunchly refuses to see anything on the Internet, by name or by  
> IP number (I've compared the route table and the network script  
> and the ifconfig eth0 with other people's posts--I've been  
> lurking--but to no avail).  So: Is there a way I can get apt to  
> do a proxy request to my local Windows proxy server, which has no  
> trouble finding the Internet?

Set http_proxy to point to your proxy server, ie

export http_proxy="";

The sources.list man page explains this.


cfdisk: "Fatal error: Bad Primary partition"

1998-08-18 Thread Nebu John Mathai
Has anone got this error?

On installing Debian 2.0 I used cfdisk to partition my 8.4Gig drive. The
first time I did it, I did not like the partition sizes (after writing the
partition info and initializing my root partition) and so rebooted the
machine (by going into the installation option to reboot the machine) to
do the install once more. However, this time, when I went to partition the
drive cfdisk stated "fatal error: ban primary partition". So I went to
fdisk and erased the partition info (fdisk seemed to work) and ran cfdisk
once more and all was fine. I installed debian and everything worked fine.

Now, a few days later I went to install NT (unfortunately I have to run
some NT software for school), and NT disabled the "bootability" of Linux.
So I used a boot disk to get back to Linux, and tried running cfdisk to
get the partition with linux (the primary partition) bootable, but cfdisk
now complains: "Fatal error: bad primary partition".

Any ideas on what this error means? Is my hard drive bad? I noticed that
cfdisk gives me cylinder/head/sector information on my drive that does not
matchmy hard drive specs ... should I use cfdisk to change that info?

Thanks for any advice!

Re: X-windows

1998-08-18 Thread Kent West
At 05:54 PM 8/17/1998 +0100, you wrote:
>> I really don't know what I'm talking about, but my understanding is that 
>> you need two things different in your XF86Config file.
>> 1) A modeline in the monitor section for the resolution you want to run 
>> (not just 320x200), along with the correct numbers to make it work (I 
>> can't figure out the numbers to get a good display on my machines, but 
>> I'm learnin').
>> 2) A corresponding entry in your Screen section in the Display 
>> subsection. such as:  Modes  "320x200" "800x600" "1024x768"
>> Since your config file only references 320x200 in the Monitor section and 
>> 320x204" in the Display subsection, the best you'll get is 320x20?. I 
>> wouldn't expect you to get anything since the numbers don't match each
>> BTW, the particular Display section in which you need the matching "Modes" 
>> line depends on the X server you're running (the XF86_VGA16 for the VGA16 
>> Display section, XF86_SVGA for SVGA, etc). The server you run is 
>> determined (in Debian but not necessarily in other dists) by the first 
>> line in /etc/X11/Xserver.
>> I hope you have more success with your video than I've had with mine.  
>> Until there's a better way to set up X than this "wrack your brain trial 
>> and error because xf86config and XF86Setup don't work even though 
>> XF86Setup says it did and had a pretty decent screen during 
>> it's gui phase" method, a lot of newcomers to linux will be turned back 
>> to Micro$loth, which I think is a trajedy.
>> Good luck on getting your video working well.
>Thanks very much for all that - it'sshed some light on the whole thing 
>for me. I'm a little wary myself of tinkering directly with the 
>XF86Config file, what with those rumours (unfounded?!?!) of monitors 
>blowing up etc. It is kinda funny the way that XF86Setup seems to get a 
>decent enuf GUI going tho, isn't it? I think I might give the vga server 
>a bash now and work from there.
>Brian Sheehan
>PS in case any one is wondering Brian Sheehan and Roy Ayres are one and 
>the same !! Indeed. It's just that I normally do my mail from college, 
>where I'm working, and at weekends I do it from home. and for some reason 
>I set it in netscape at home so that Roy Ayres goes on the Header..kinda 
>like that name. But then at home I have a couple of email accounts that I 
>use, most with different names (to suit my mood ya see) so I often post 
>from the wrong one and no-one knows who i am . But anyway.

BTW: There may be a better way to find out what resolution you're running
once you're in X, but the only way I've found so far is to run xvidtune;
it'll tell you at the top what res you're in.
Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

Re: PPPstats in Debian 2.0

1998-08-18 Thread Shaya Potter
On Sun 16 Aug 1998, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Sergey Imennov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > However, there is one thing that I don't like about
> > the distribution ( actually, it's kernel... ) --
> > pppstats.
> > 
> > -   No totals every 20th line
> Mine's giving me totals. Maybe your terminal type is set up wrong?

Mine didnt' give me totals either, how I got around this, was to use a while 
loop, i.e.

while [ 1 ]
pppstats -c 20 -w 1


Re: Cheap*Bytes 2.0 CD-ROM

1998-08-18 Thread Shaya Potter
On Sun 16 Aug 1998, Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wonderful. I'm happy that Cheap*Byte is there. They are cheap, and I heard
> many good things about them (I also heard bad things about other CD
> vendors). They are also sending free CD's to Debian developers (I hope they
> are shipping both, binary and source CD, hint hint :).

Hey, why stop their.  Why not add contrib and non-free CDs, as well as non-us 
to the people who they can send them too. :)


Lowmem Installation with Hamm

1998-08-18 Thread Jason J. Simas

> Dear Brave Debian Users:  
>   With a lowmem installation [4 meg.s RAM], 2 MB temporary 
> partition [ Type 81], 16 MB Swap Partition [Type 82], and the rest of my
> HD for Linux 2.x; I can't install.  
>   After booting from lowmem.bin, partitioning my disk,
> initializing swap, copying root.bin over, then exiting it; I see a flash
> along the bottom of the screen:
>   swap on failed
> device busy or in use.
>   Then I get taken into the menu driven installation program.  There I
> cannont initialize or activate the swap partition;  'device busy or in
> use', yet it is alwayst telling me that that is what needs to be done
> next.  But as long as I don't try to make a boot floppy, I can finish
> installing choosing the steps myself; that is, skipping the initialization
> and actiation of Swap P..
> Then I try to boot from this.
>   When booting from my new Linux HD, one of the messages I see is:
> Activating Swap...   
> .
> .
> .
> Mountin local file systems... 
> not mounted anything  
> .
> .
> .
> Starting kerneld, version 2.1.85 (pid 111)
> .
> .
> .
> /etc/rc2.d/S20logoutd: fork: Cannot allocate memory
> sh: xmalloc:  cannot allocate 8 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> .
> .
> .
> INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes [really bad sign]
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
> /bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
> . 
> .
> .
>   [like this forever, Ah]
>   Do you know what I can do to get this to work;  if you don't mind,
> please share it with me.  I installed the last version of Debian fine, but
> this one is a nother story.
>   Sincerely,
>   Jason J. Simas

saint & netscape

1998-08-18 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian Users,

i just tried to get saint running. It tells me that I should run it as
root (what is ok) and it will start netscape (which seems to be not
okay). The problem is, that netscape will not be started as root saying

/usr/bin/X11/netscape: Cannot be run an root (for security reasons).

Hm, can anyone help me please ?!?

   |Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5)
   |DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone: 040/8998 2571 
   | Notkestr.85   Fax.: +49 40 8998 4033  
   |   D-22607 Hamburg home phone: 040/5000857 
   |  E-mail: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   | PGP-KEY ID : 0xEFBFF2BD   
   | Fingerprint: CA57 8960 3C3B F4C2  15C8 2116 5FC3 338A 

trouble with Debian 2.0 installation

1998-08-18 Thread Axel Schlicher
Hello there!
My problem is that I can' t install Debian 2.0. .Every time i boot the Kernel 
CD, the display shows a lot of messages and suddenly the it keeps black. I 
think the installation works, but I do see the black display. When I shut Linux 
down, than the display shows me an installation window for a very short time.
So I think it works, but in the darkness.
I work with a laptop called Sanyo Top Class 133- the same as Veridata Multi-
Pro or Waibel Turbo Book.

Many thanks for you fast help!!!

Axel Schlicher

Re: Kernel-WhyTo

1998-08-18 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Matthew Myers wrote:

> I am curious about why there are 9 Million different kernels.  I was
> examining the 2.1 kernels and they number all the way up to .115.  What is
> the point of this?  If .95 is obviously an improved and better version than
> .94, why are people still trying to work bugs our of .95?  Why not go on to
> the next and work on it?

 First off, .95 is *not* obviously an improved version compared to .94.
Often completely broken code is merged into the development kernels, stuff
that won't even compile, just so that others can review progress and make

 Second, sometimes you need a stable base to work from. You can't always
be sure that a bug is the result of the changes you made or a bad effect
from someone else's change or both. If you stick with one version for a
while, you can get your code straightened out and mostly debugged, then
worry about matching up the interfaces to other people's code later.

 Of course, theoretically the *2.0.x* series gets better as x increases,
because that's the 'stable' branch and only bugfixes are supposed to be
merged in. As every developer learns (sooner rather than later) fixing one
bug can introduce another. Some paranoid sysadmins (often paranoid because
they are paid to be paranoid) find a kernel version that works, and stick
with it. They know the bugs in, say, 2.0.30, but none of them apply to
their installation and they're scared of what unknown bugs might lurk in


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "The meek can *have* the Earth. The rest of us are going to the stars!"
   - Robert A. Heinlein

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Stephen J. Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> The authors concern was that on a big endian system network order and
> byte order are the same so hton* and ntoh* do nothingso how do you
> do the swapps...
> I suggested a union first (like below) but...whats the "proper" way of
> doing it? 

The solution is to always run hton before putting stuff on the wire and
running ntoh when pulling stuff back.  That way you can be sure that the
stuff on the wire is always network byte order without having to put in
nasty test cases.

Mike Stone

Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

1998-08-18 Thread Rick Macdonald
> > phillip Neumann wrote:
> > >
> > > Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i
> > > get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people
> > > cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad.

PLEASE have a look at Dave Phillips's wonderful page of sound
applications, which includes apps for synthesis, soundfiles, music
notation, MIDI, apps that are known to run under wine and dosemu, and
_much_ more:

Debian Knowledge Base ?

1998-08-18 Thread Hank Fay
re: a place to search for software

What I think would be helpful would be a Keyword search which then provided
the title and link for results; on the order of the  MSKB.  That way,
when you searched on kernel you'd come up with 'make-kpkg' in a couple of
locations.  I responded to RMS on his article on the need for "free
documentation" as well as "free software" (as the maillist is testament to,
it's darned hard to use the second without the first), and he suggested I
write it (I knew this was a risk when writing him ).  Keywords of "sound
software" would bring up titles and links.

Anyway, this would be a job involving Tcl/Tk, HTML, and PostGreSQL, at the
least, and I don't know any of them (want it on FoxPro using x-Works? no
problem...).  Still, the need is there.


-Original Message-
From: M.C. Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 8:33 AM
To: Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Cc: phillip Neumann; Debian User
Subject: Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuff] )

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:

> phillip Neumann wrote:
> >
> > Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i
> > get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people
> > cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here
> > could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free
> > that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats
> > what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations
> >
> > finnaly to end with my sound questions where can i find sound apps??
>   From my bookmarks file:
>   You can find much more at,
> and such sites.

Perhaps there should be something on the debian site - where to find other
software (including examples such as the above - i.e. packages recommended
by debian users), and guidelines for installing them.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

Re: Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 02:03:11PM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
> Hi!
> Some of my programs have to work on big-endian and little-endian systems,
> knowing what kind of system they are runing on (they are exchanging data
> in binary format). To recognize the kind of the system I use the following
> routine:

xfstt is lgpl'd...I dunno about the programs you use
you mind if I use your code in it? 
(btw its a very nice aproach...its sort of how I suggested swapping the
byte order when discussing the problem with the author once)

I don't know if this code is NEEDED in fact... xfstt already detects if there
is a byteorder DIFFERECE between the hosts but AFAIK (read: I didn't look
THAT closely at it yet) I don't think it detects what type each
end is...
I think that wouldn't be needed tho... as long as a difference exists...
all the swaps are the same...I think I can get away by just performing
the right swaps if a global "endiandifference" flag is set without
knowing what it is...
alternarely...without a uninon...
as for the swap...
The authors concern was that on a big endian system network order and
byte order are the same so hton* and ntoh* do nothingso how do you
do the swapps...
I suggested a union first (like below) but...whats the "proper" way of
doing it? 
Th ebest I can would set the value...and copy it to a temp
then bitwise AND the original against  and the 
copy against  then perform a left shift on one...a right shift on 
the other...and XOR them back together...
(NB: the number of 111 and 000 may be wrong...I am writting this off the
top of my head ;) ...its just to illistrate the idea )

is this sound right (I forget my real proposed code...I actually
wrote the code in the e-mail to him)?
/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Re: /var/spool/mail --> ~/Inbox migration: how with smail?

1998-08-18 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, the lone gunman wrote:

 : I have a pretty vanilla Debian 2.0 setup as of now.  I installed smail as
 : my mta (or is it mda?).  I would like to change the default inbox from
 : /var/spool/mail/user to /home/user/Inbox.

Smail is a MTA (Mail Transport Agent). procmail/deliver are MDAs (Mail
Delivery Agent). pine/elm are MUAs (Mail User Agent).

 : I've never used smail at all, and I find mail systems very complex and
 : daunting.  Any hints?

I guess you could use procmail to deliver the messages to ~/Inbox. Smail is
able to send the messages that are local through procmail.


Re: Why am I no longer on this list?

1998-08-18 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Howard S. ('Sherm') Ostrowsky wrote:

 : As of about a week ago, I have stopped getting any new messages from the
 : Debian-user digest, to which I have been subscribed for over a year now. 
 : I sorely miss my daily fix of information and interesting odds and ends. 
 : I tried to resubscribe a couple days ago, but so far I am still not
 : getting any messages.  What do I have to do now?

Try again, and if it fails, I think [EMAIL PROTECTED] could help


Re: newest distribution?

1998-08-18 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:

 : What is the newest unstable Debian distribution?  I've lost trake of
 : everything since all the ftp sites were trashed...
 : Where should I point apt?  Here is what I'm currently using:
 : deb stable main contrib non-free
 : deb unstable main contrib non-free
 : deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/

Seems to be correct.

 : ... I'm looking for qmail-src 1.03 ... version 1.03 has been around for
 : quite awhile...  has the author released an update?

IIRC, the author is planning on doing even a binary var-qmail distribution
(which has been allowed under some circumstances by DJB not so long ago). In
the current archive, just 1.03 isn't present.


mbr package

1998-08-18 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Thanx to everyone who responded to my request about removing mbr.  Since
Linux is the only OS installed on the machine in question, I have
reconfigured LILO to install in the MBR.  Seems to have had the intended


Re: DEBIAN 2.0 FAQ Tue Aug 18

1998-08-18 Thread Greg Vence
What happened to the FAQ-O-MATIC?  Did it die?

Jens Ritter wrote:
> This is a rather crude and quick hammered FAQ list for the DEBIAN GNU/Linux 
> System.
> Version: Tue Aug 18 13:00:00 CEST 1998
> (C) 1998 Jens Ritter.
> You may want to apply one of the Gnu Public Licenses to this document.

What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: Little/Big endian discussion (was: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 09:38:54AM +0200, Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
> On: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 00:43:23 -0400 Stephen J Carpenter writes:
> >> Little endian = intel byte order = host byte order (if its an intel)
> >> big endian = network byte order = host byte order (on 64 bit boxes)?
> > 
> > I dunno if ALL 64 bit boxen are big endian.
> > I know SUN systems are big-endian...I don't know about PPCs, or
> > ALphas tho
> The PowerPC can handle both formats (i.e., the processor can be told
> to be a little/big-endian one by software), the alpha is little endian
> *IIRC* (don't rely on it).

Thanx for the info...hmmm

currently xfstt bombs out if it gets a connection of a differnt 
"endianess" than the system it is on...I have been meaning to fix that but
maybe the PowerPC may have an easier fix...
nah...ill just look into fixing it "right"

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Re: Network printing in linux.

1998-08-18 Thread Frederic Breitwieser
>I solved this by bypassing the server entirely (though it's a DU, not NT,
server).  If the printer has an IP adress, simply set up your own print
spool.  Mine happily coexists with the university spool.  The difference is
that mine is usually up :)

Having worked in universities and non-profit before, I can relate to
university equipment reliability.  Though in my house, I don't have a
seperate printer - its a NT share on one of the servers.

Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport, CT 06606

Homebrew Automotive Website:

Wanted - RWD Buick Flywheel that fits the 3.8L / 4.1L!

Re: Where's the mouse (in X-windows)?

1998-08-18 Thread M.C. Vernon

> I did previously go to /dev and run MAKEDEV mouse.
> Even though this must be something very basic and obvious, can someone
> please shed some light on what to do?

Yes - but /dev/mouse needs to point to wherever your mouse really is -
probably a serial port (try /dev/ttys0 or /dev/ttys1). An appropriate
symlink is what you need.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Installing XFSTT on HAMM

1998-08-18 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 06:36:08AM +0200, Peter Granroth wrote:
> [stuff snipped]
> > > "bring over the windows fonts and put them in /var/lib/ttfonts
> > 
> > yikes no...ok=20
> > package version 0.9.7 : /var/ttfonts
> > 
> > latest packages of 0.9.9: /usr/share/fonts/truetype
> > 
> > > then run xfstt --sync
> > > then run xfstt &
> > > then just edit XF86Config to include that font server and run X"
> > 
> > 
> > bacsically yea :) add
> > Fontpath "unix/7100" (for pre xfstt0.9.9-4 or so)
> > or
> > Fontpath "unix/7101" for the latest ones
> > 
> Shouldn't it be:
> FontPath "unix/:7101"
> that's what I use and it works great (haven't tried without a colon there 
> though)

yes it works great for me too...
I always for get the colon...sorry :)

> --
> + Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
> + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
> + +   The answer is NO+
> --

hmm like the sig...its so true...
I havn't run windows in um what month is it...yea 10 months now (except
at work where I HAVE to).

Man life has been easier...have only rebooted a few times since...
only had 1 software related crash (I heard the GIMP has been crashing
systems...did it to me...couldn't even telnet in) and a coupla 
hardware related ones ... a hard drive...memory went bad...
but...all in is simpler!  

The only side effect is that ive started buying old Sun Sparcstations...
It looks like I only have a couple of months left to live too...
but thats mostly because if I keep buying Sun Stations my girlfriend is
going to kill me


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

Where's the mouse (in X-windows)?

1998-08-18 Thread Hersh, Harry
In trying to start up the X server, I get the following error output:

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(us)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3

Fatal server error:
Cannot open mouse (No such file or directory)

I did previously go to /dev and run MAKEDEV mouse.

Even though this must be something very basic and obvious, can someone
please shed some light on what to do?


Harry Hersh

Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

1998-08-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:

> phillip Neumann wrote:
> > 
> > Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i
> > get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people
> > cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here
> > could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free
> > that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats
> > what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations
> > 
> > finnaly to end with my sound questions where can i find sound apps??
>   From my bookmarks file:
>   You can find much more at,
> and such sites.

Perhaps there should be something on the debian site - where to find other
software (including examples such as the above - i.e. packages recommended
by debian users), and guidelines for installing them.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Linux as OS course.

1998-08-18 Thread Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Liran Zvibel wrote:
> Hi.
> The OS course here is going to become more OS specific.
> If professors didn't decide yet whether they want it to be Linux or NT
> (blahh...) specific.
> If I can find some course material about Linux, they'll probably take it
> (and make the course Linux specific.) Do you know where I can find such a
> thing (and whether it exists...)
> BTW: I know about The Linux Kernel/David Rusling, but I'm talking about
> slides, exercises, etc...

All right, but someone already remembered them about source code
availability, including cross-reference and other analysis tools?

Good exercises would be to extend the Linux kernel or adjacent software
to enhance it...  obviously, everyone would be grateful.  I have an
impression that, before the commercialization of Unix by AT&T, much
progress was achieved in such OS courses at universities.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra BRASIL
< >  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra correio HTML & vcards
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against HTML email & vcards
/ \

Re: Kernel-WhyTo

1998-08-18 Thread Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Matthew Myers wrote:
> I am curious about why there are 9 Million different kernels.  I was
> examining the 2.1 kernels and they number all the way up to .115.  What is
> the point of this?  If .95 is obviously an improved and better version than
> .94, why are people still trying to work bugs our of .95?  Why not go on to
> the next and work on it?

Take a look at sites such as  There you will
learn that there's a system of numbering.



x is the major version
y is the minor version
z is the release

Even "y" means stable; thus, the lastest stable release is 2.0.36 or
something like that;

Odd "y" means development (unstable) version, thus, the lastest
development release is 2.1.115

When the 2.1 series is considered completed, it will be released as
2.2.0.  If this hasn't happened yet, that's because there are still
important (that is, unstabilizing or crippling) bugs or missing

Hope this helps...

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra BRASIL
< >  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra correio HTML & vcards
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against HTML email & vcards
/ \

Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

1998-08-18 Thread Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
phillip Neumann wrote:
> Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i
> get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people
> cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here
> could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free
> that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats
> what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations
> finnaly to end with my sound questions where can i find sound apps??

From my bookmarks file:

You can find much more at, and such sites.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra BRASIL
< >  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra correio HTML & vcards
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against HTML email & vcards
/ \

Big-endian/little-endian (WAS: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-18 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny

Some of my programs have to work on big-endian and little-endian systems,
knowing what kind of system they are runing on (they are exchanging data
in binary format). To recognize the kind of the system I use the following

int TestByteOrder()
  unsigned char c[2];
  unsigned short int u;
   } tst;
   if ((tst.c[0]==1) && (tst.c[1]==2)) return 1; /* big-endian */
   if ((tst.c[0]==2) && (tst.c[1]==1)) return 0; /* little-endian */
   return -1; /* This should not happen! Unknown integer representation */
Wojtek Zabolotny

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 02:46:11AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 12:10:15PM -0500, the lone gunman wrote:
> > > On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 05:32:06PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > > Does that mean that "intel byte order" is the same as "host byte
> > > order"?
> > Yes.
> well its not on my Sun IPC :)
> > >   The man page for mpg123 says its output with the -s switch is
> > > "host byte order," but the cdrecord manpage makes no mention of host
> > > byte order, only intel byte order, little endian and big endian, and I
> > > have no clue what else.
> > > 
> > > Can anyone offer an equivalence table for these types?
> > ok
> > 
> > Little endian = intel byte order = host byte order (if its an intel)
> > big endian = network byte order = host byte order (on 64 bit boxes)?
> I dunno if ALL 64 bit boxen are big endian.
> I know SUN systems are big-endian...I don't know about PPCs, or ALphas tho
> -Steve
> -- 
> /* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL 
> E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
> "A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
> "honk if you Love Linux"

Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

1998-08-18 Thread Greg Starkes
On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:

> Hi debian,
> Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i 
> get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people 
> cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here 
> could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free 
> that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats 
> what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations

I guess there aren't any musicians ouot there who want to write a music
program for Linux. Maybe I will try my hand at it when I get better at
programming. Any one else interested in giving it a try?

> finnaly to end with my sound questions where can i find sound apps??

I guess that depends on what sound card you have. There are several apps
for certain cards (GUS, AWE). It also depends oon what you want to do. If
you want to compose music, I believe that the only thing out there is a
mod tracker, and I can't remember where that is. I'll see if I can track
it down.

Greg Starkes, Computing & Communications, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]www:

Re: Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff]

1998-08-18 Thread Frank Barknecht
Michele Bini hat gesagt: // Michele Bini wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:37:15 PDT , phillip Neumann  said:


> > Slab seems an interesting program. A Debian user recomend me this 
> > program. 

Might have been me ;)

> > I forgot his name. but i didnt forgot the addres where i got 
> > slab, its at shareware music machine:
> > 
> >
> Unfortunately it is shareware, and it is VERY big (over 2 Mb) for my VERY
> slow internet connection.

I am not sure how "share" this ware is. The "About" textbox says:

"This Distribution is in binary format only...
The software has no purchase price, it is free."

I think at least a debian installer like the ones for Netscape or 
Star Office would be nice. 

Slab is also available on Sunsite and mirrors and if you're lucky, you can
get it on a CD-Rom collection that includes the sunsite archiv like 

Installation is really quite simple because the slab package includes
all the tcl/tk stuff that's necessary. One only has to unpack it in a
convenient place (I chose my $HOME-dir) and edit the startSLab scripts
for bash or csh appropriatly.

Unfortunatley SLab refuses to work with my old and dusty Mozart soundcard, 
so I can't say anything regarding its functionality.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

DEBIAN 2.0 FAQ Tue Aug 18

1998-08-18 Thread Jens Ritter

This is a rather crude and quick hammered FAQ list for the DEBIAN GNU/Linux 

Version: Tue Aug 18 13:00:00 CEST 1998

(C) 1998 Jens Ritter. 
You may want to apply one of the Gnu Public Licenses to this document.

 1) Soundbalster AWE/16/32 PnP: Howto get it work?
 2) The clock under Linux is wrong: What shall I do?
 3) How to I turn off console screen blanking?
 4) Where has pine gone in hamm?
 5) Where has bo gone? *PANIC*
 N) How to I contribute to this FAQ?  

1) My SoundBlaster AWE/16/32 PnP does not work. What can I do/What`s
   the problem?
   Well on most systems you have to use the isapnp package to get it
   work.  Use pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf to generate a starting
   configuration. Edit it.  Configure and Compile the sound driver as
   module and add "sound" to /etc/modules.  Keep you fingers crossed
   while you reboot.  (See the HOWTOs for more information, especially
   the Soundblaster AWE mini HOWTO -- you can find the in
   /usr/doc/HOWTO, if you have installed doc-linux-text).

   Note that with SB 16 Vibra you have to configure a 16 bit DMA
   channel of "1" to be able to play mp3 files.

2) My Clock is off X hours, when I am in Linux. What's wrong?

   Under Linux there is a difference between the hardware clock (CMOS
   clock) and the time displayed when you call date. Most probably you
   gave some false answers when you installed debian the fist time
   (because you didn't know better).

   Thorsten Hilbrich wrote:
   > If your debian box is not correctly configured regarding to time
   > zones just run the tzconfig program and select something like
   > Europe, Budapest.
   > Then check how you configured the CMOS clock to run.  Look into the
   > /etc/default/rcS file (for a Debian 2.0 system).  If the line reads
   > GMT="-u" your CMOS clock is always set to GMT/UTC (Greenwich Mean
   > Time, Universal Time Code), i.e. the time in your debian box is
   > different from the one in the CMOS clock).  If you want to change
   > this, change the line to GMT="".

   Note that you can use the xntp3 package to set you box to a correct
   time when you are connected to the internet.

3) How do you shutoff the console's screen blank?
   Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> answers:
   The command is "setterm -blank 0"

   Just create a file in /etc/rc.boot

   setterm -blank 0

   and chmod 755 it.

4) Where has pine gone in hamm?
   Due to the License of pine, which restrict the distribution of
   modified binaries, there are only pine396-src and pine396-diffs in
   the archive. You have to compile and generate a pine package
   yourself. See /usr/src/pine/README after installing pine396-src and
5) Where the  is bo? I need it urgently!!!

   Debians distribution has grown over the last five years. Now there
   are > 1500 packages in source and binary form. Diskspace has become
   an issue. The official site do not carry bo (aka Debian 1.3.1) any
   more. But don't panick: There are mirrors of bo out there.

   Here's an imcomplete list (if no path is mentioned, it's the usual place):

   (Note: This is not complete, please send links to bo mirrors!!)

N) How do I contribute to this FAQ?
   Please sent mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you have any
   corrections / suggestions, new questions. 



- --- 
KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28 
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48 1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 
Global War[m|n|p|r]ing? 
-- Peter G. Neumann (Comp.Risks 19.91) 

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Latex Postscript

1998-08-18 Thread Jens Ritter
Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, C.J.LAWSON wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any program/method to convert M$ PowerPoint
> > slides to decent ps or eps files
> > 
> I do not know M$ Powerpoint but Wordperfect's Presentations has an export
> facility that can create .eps files.  
> If you can export Powerpoint's figures to .tif, .gif, .pcx format or
> something like that you can convert it using Imagemagick, xpaint or XV to
> .eps or .ps -files.

The drawback is, that the resulting eps does not scale well and is

I opt for installing a LaserJet3 printer driver under Windows and
AFIAK there are options for eps output and saving to file.


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
"Das ist halt der Unterschied: Unix ist ein Betriebssystem mit Tradition,
 die anderen sind einfach von sich aus unlogisch."
-- Anselm Lingnau in de.comp.os.unix.discussion

OK so maybe I should have stayed in bed today - but where is the source for packages kept on the ftp sites?

1998-08-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
Sorry guys,

Header says it all - flames to /dev/null and the obvious answer (I
just have forgotten, and didn't write it down) please.


Matthew :(

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Sound Problems

1998-08-18 Thread Jens Ch. Lisner

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Lars Steinke wrote:

> Well, I configured my kernel for SB 16 first, then patched it with awedrv,
> redid make menuconfig with AWE32 support (see auxiliary devices at the
> bottom). Then I did a pnpdump and uncommented the normal Soundblaster
> settings I set before when going through make menuconfig:
>INT 5, Port 0x220, DMA 1 & 3, Port 330 for MPU401
> isapnp is called on startup by default, check what file it calls on your
> system, for me it's /etc/isapnp.conf.

done so.
> Why don't you just try isapnp with the pnpdump you prepared and see
> whether it initializes the card without errors ?
isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf reports no errors.

> After booting with the new kernel (don't forget to rerun lilo !!!) it all
> works a treat... As I call the init program from the awe32 tools to load
> soundfonts into the AWE's memory the kernel daemon inserts sound.o
The problem is that all things are semm to be going well. The software do
not report any errors.
output of `cat /dev/sndstat` seem to be ok:

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Sat Aug 15 11:30:10 CEST 1998 root,
Linux vampira 2.0.34 #1 Fri Aug 14 19:35:12 CEST 1998 i486 unknown)
Kernel: Linux vampira 2.0.34 #1 Sat Aug 15 11:30:54 CEST 1998 i486
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5 drq 0
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3
1: AWE32-0.4.2c (RAM512k)

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster
1: AWE32 Equalizer

I am really confused about this.



1998-08-18 Thread Tomas Petersson

Hello, I have moved my computer to a new subnet and need to
reconfigure, but I have forgotten how route works.

First I set my new ip with ifconfig, then I tried to set
up the routing with route, without success.
Can any one please tell me which commands to issue.

/Tomas Petersson

Can apt-get do proxy-http req?

1998-08-18 Thread Tony Crawford

Newbie here struggling with updating. And I never did get dselect  
to work consistently during the bo installation. Anyway:

I "manually" collected the packages demanded by and ran  
it.  Now the readme says I need to update ALL installed packages.  
For that volume, it should be worth giving dselect a try.

Apt-get wants proper URLs, but I have a proxy server on a Windows  
machine on the LAN, and the Linux box at this stage of the game  
staunchly refuses to see anything on the Internet, by name or by  
IP number (I've compared the route table and the network script  
and the ifconfig eth0 with other people's posts--I've been  
lurking--but to no avail).  So: Is there a way I can get apt to  
do a proxy request to my local Windows proxy server, which has no  
trouble finding the Internet?

Another angle:  Using FTP access in dselect, can I tweak the  
paths in the get commands?  dselect does proxy-ftp connections,  
but seems not to find hamm packages on the German mirrors  
(symbolic links not in place?)--it lets me choose the paths  
(which contain "/hamm/hamm/") when setting up ftp access, and  
gets the package lists all right, but then it uses other paths-- 
the default "/debian/dists/stable/binary-i386/.../"--when trying  
to get the pkgs themselves, and gets nothing.

Or will I have to identify and get all these update packages by  
hand, i.e. without the benefit of apt or dselect?  Or am I  
completely missing the easy way?

Sorry about the confused sentences ... Thanks for your attention!


Tony Crawford
Tel. +49-3341-309 999
Fax  +49-3341-309 998

Re: Sound Problems

1998-08-18 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Jens Ch. Lisner wrote:

> Hi!
> I've tried to get my AWE64 PnP to work, but there seem to be
> massive problems with the sound driver. I configured the card with
> isapnptools as suggested in the HOWTOs (the parameters are set to the same
> values as in w95, and it works fine there). After "insmod sound" I get
> immediatly a fast and loud pounding sound. There is no way to rid of it
> except reboot (rmmod doesn't work). I tried with and without awe-support,
> or wavetable support in isapnp.conf file.

Well, I configured my kernel for SB 16 first, then patched it with awedrv,
redid make menuconfig with AWE32 support (see auxiliary devices at the
bottom). Then I did a pnpdump and uncommented the normal Soundblaster
settings I set before when going through make menuconfig:
   INT 5, Port 0x220, DMA 1 & 3, Port 330 for MPU401
isapnp is called on startup by default, check what file it calls on your
system, for me it's /etc/isapnp.conf.
Why don't you just try isapnp with the pnpdump you prepared and see
whether it initializes the card without errors ?

After booting with the new kernel (don't forget to rerun lilo !!!) it all
works a treat... As I call the init program from the awe32 tools to load
soundfonts into the AWE's memory the kernel daemon inserts sound.o
automagically for me. 


   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Is this list still active?

1998-08-18 Thread Johann Spies

I did not receive any messages from this list for 3 days now.  Thinking
that I may have been unsubscribed because of email problems as has
happened in the past I send a message to subscribe again and I also did
not get any reply from that source.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; 
  seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
  unto you."Luke 11:9 

Re: How do I configure two ethernet cards ?

1998-08-18 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Guenther Koerbler wrote:

> I have two 3Com Etherlink III 3C509B !!
> I do not know how I configure the cards ???

Ain't hard at all:
Have a look at /etc/init.d/network, then copy the three last lines, 
change the eth0 to eth1 for the second card and use the right IP address,
network etc. (e.g. by defining new variables: IPADDR2=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX):

ifconfig eth1 ${IPADDR2} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK2}
[ "${GATEWAY2}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY2} metric 1


   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Sound Problems

1998-08-18 Thread Jens Ch. Lisner


I've tried to get my AWE64 PnP to work, but there seem to be
massive problems with the sound driver. I configured the card with
isapnptools as suggested in the HOWTOs (the parameters are set to the same
values as in w95, and it works fine there). After "insmod sound" I get
immediatly a fast and loud pounding sound. There is no way to rid of it
except reboot (rmmod doesn't work). I tried with and without awe-support,
or wavetable support in isapnp.conf file.



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