root - password wiped ?? how ??

1998-10-24 Thread John Leget

Just made the mistake of trying a terminal switch whilst running quake2
3.2 beta ( curiousity did indeed kill the cat here ) anyway
resulted in a total lockup. took of 3dfx loop cable and bypassed monitor
no luck :(.
No response on numlock/caps either so i had to reboot.

When it came back up i could not log on as root, password not accepted,
taking a stab i tried again using  password phew sigh of relief
ok, ive restored the root account password but how the hell did it
vanish on me and become blank.
Suspected at first file corruption as i had to reset the pc , but my
normal user account was fine ??? so that doesnt make sense.

I also this morning synched with slink, any connection .
Bug or foul play >;0)


Damn this OS is addictive !!

Re: X3.3.2.3a-5 broken

1998-10-24 Thread wb4mle
On Sat, 24 Oct 1998 15:26:57 -0700, you wrote:

>George Bonser wrote:
>> Well, first of all, it looks like the xterm is now a separate package.
Thanks George, I have xterm back now. Netscape still won't start and
brings up an "error manager" to report it to netscape. I don't send it
because it was OK before the new x. Put ver-6 on but no help. My
xsetroot in fvwm2 went also. The docs say a background.color file will
set root window color but does not seem to work. Get a security error
on startx also. Learning experience...
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Can I view .bmp and .avi files in Debian?

1998-10-24 Thread Kent West
I'm using Netscape Communicator 4.06 on a hamm box. If someone sends me
an email message with a .bmp or .avi attachment, can I view the
attachment? If I click on the .bmp attachment it asks where I want to
save the decoded file. If I give it a name, it saves the file, but I
still haven't been able to see it. If I click on the .avi attachment the
message area of Netscape Mail clears and just sits there until I click
on another message in the list of messages area.


Re: no pcmcia drivers on install

1998-10-24 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Oct 24, 1998 at 05:41:52PM -0400, Daniel E. Hollis wrote:

> At that stage where I can install device drivers, there's no menu choice
> for pcmcia cards.  None.  I opened the virtual terminal and looked around. 

Uh, it's on the _previous_ menu. When you are offered "Install Drivers"
select "Alternate: Install PCMCIA Support" _FIRST_.

My wording is from memory, but that's the gist of it. If you want the
exact sequence go to the URL in my sig and watch for "LAPTOP ALERT!"

 What's All the Buzz About Linux?

Printcap rerouted filter

1998-10-24 Thread Kent West
I've posted this before, but I'll try again.

> I've got a printcap entry like this:
> beeper:\
> :if=/etc/magicfilter/beeper-filter:\
> :lp=/dev/null:\
> :sd=/var/spool/lpd/beeper:\
> I've got a filter named beeper-filter that looks like this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "\ntest\n\n";
> When I do a test print, such as
> ls -l | lpr -Pbeeper
> nothing happens that I can tell. The word "test" never shows up
> anywhere.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

>From the /etc/magicfilter I can type 
and I get the expect output of "test". But if I try to send something to
the printer, it acts like the if filter (which as you can see is a perl
script) is never called. My spool directory then shows 4 files: beeper,
control.beeper, status.beeper, and unspooler.beeper. Shouldn't the
"lp=/dev/null" cause the spooler to "print" to la-la land? Shouldn't the
if script be printing "test"? Shouldn't the spool directory then empty
itself since the job has been "printed" to null?

What I'm trying to do is capture a printjob to an email message. I've
gotten several replies to this before, but none specific enough to a
dewbie such as myself. However, for now, I'd be content just to get the
print job to print "test", and worry about the mail message later.


Re: Problems with xbase/xserver upgrade

1998-10-24 Thread Pat O'Brien
Torsten Hilbrich wrote:

> On: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:04:35 -0400 Mark H Mabry writes:
> >
> > I've been running slink for a few weeks.  Last night I upgraded and
> > xbase and xserver failed to install.  What is worse is that somehow
> > they deleted (at least) the "xdm" executable.  Some of the message
> > during the failure said that the file
> >
> > /var/dpkg/(i forgot dirname)/
> >
> > does not exist.  When I went to look for preinst, I found that the
> > dir "" didn't exist.  Does anyone know what the problem is
> > here?  Any workarounds?
> Install the previous version of these packages.  I remember having
> read a warning regarding this in the last days, let's see if I find
> them ...
> Yep, found:
>  [1  ]
>  I just want to reiterate my warning to everyone that the new X packages are
>  not ready for prime time yet.  Only those willing to help debug silly
>  packaging errors should use the new version (  Other should use
>  dpkg or dselect to put their X packages on hold.
>  Those who do not auto-upgrade from the slink tree have nothing to worry
>  about.
>  I'm working on now.  Thanks to Joseph Carter for helping find
>  some bugs in -3.
>  --
>  G. Branden Robinson  |   The only way to get rid of a temptation
>  Debian GNU/Linux |   is to yield to it.
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Oscar Wilde
> |
>  [2  ]
> I set all X11 packages on hold (as well as Emacs and XEmacs[1]) and
> tetex-bin which has some problems too.
> Torsten
> Footnotes:
> [1] I don't want to update Emacsen every 2nd day.
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

I, too, did an auto update, and had a problem with X.  However, having played 
with it so much lately I decided to take go at reconfiguring it by hand, and
discovered the only thing blown out was /etc/Xserver. I simply reinserted the 
I use, XF86_SVGA and ran startx, and it popped right back up.  I can't help 
with xdm,
but maybe startx will get you going.

My main problem now is when I run XF86Setup, I get a message saying not all of 
the X
keyboard extensions programs & configuration files are installed. The file
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/README is missing. And sure enough it is
But, my X is up and running, so I'll wait til it gets fixed to worry about 


Re: X3.3.2.3a-5 broken

1998-10-24 Thread Joey Hess
George Bonser wrote:
> Well, first of all, it looks like the xterm is now a separate package. I
> just installed it myself because all of a sudden I could not run an xterm
> either. It looks like it used to be in one of the other bundles but has
> now been split off by itself, sure would be nice if the user was TOLD that
> when upgrading.

An easy way to accomplish this is to make xbase Suggest xterm, and all the
other new packages that used to be a part of it. Then when someone upgrades
with dselect, it will ask them if they want to install the new packages.
Overfiend, I hope you can add this..

see shy jo

debian list archives under netscape

1998-10-24 Thread Stuart Marshall

I have experienced problems with netscape freezing up when accessing
debian's mailing list archives (debian-user, debian-development).
This has happened intermittently with every netscape version I have
used as far back as I can remember.  I have never known where the 
problem really is (my setup, netscape, debian web server).  I just
installed 4.5b2 from slink and finally decided to see if anyone
else has the same problem.  

What happens is that sometimes, clicking on the month tag (say Oct)
starts to download and it gets only part way.  Netscape then displays
that little clock like it is downloading but it never finishes.  It
also never lets me do anything else.  Completely frozen.  I have to
kill it and then remove the lock file by hand.  This occurs on multiple
computers all running debian.  Anyone know why?

Also, if I get the listings downloaded and read a particular entry,
when I click on "back" it always reloads the whole list.  I have not
disabled caching so I assume it has something to do with the way the
list is setup on the server.  Is this normal?  The page for a whole
month gets large quickly so it would be really nice to cache it
during any given session.

I would file a bug report if I could figure out that a bug exists and
in which package.  It may well be my fault somehow.


no pcmcia drivers on install

1998-10-24 Thread Daniel E. Hollis
Hi All,

  I posted a few weeks ago about not begin able to get my pcmcia card to work
on my TI/Acer 610CD laptop.  The card  is an Eiger labs epx-10bt, which needed
the the modules file modified slightly.  I did that to no avail, so I'm in the
middle of attempting to reinstall the system.

At that stage where I can install device drivers, there's no menu choice
for pcmcia cards.  None.  I opened the virtual terminal and looked around. 
/lib/modules/2.0.34/pcmcia is there, with the drivers.  But /etc/conf.modules
doesn't have a path[pcmcia] statement.  So I added one.  That didn't change
anything, so I don't know what to try next.
  Does anyone know what's going on?  What do I need to modify in order to be
able to configure my pcmcia card?

Re: pppupd vs. pppd, persist

1998-10-24 Thread john
stick writes:
> What's the connection between pppupd and the persist option of ppp?
> Does one interfere with the other?

I wouldn't run them at the same time.

> Do they do the same thing?

pppupd does pings to keep your connection alive.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: CDs

1998-10-24 Thread john
> I half-considered getting some pressed and selling them just for the
> price of the pressing (about a $1 a cd) and shipping. Would there be any
> demand for that or is everybody happy with their CD supplier?

Any chance of doing slink?  I have an old 386/33 I like to use for test
installs, but the Mitsumi CD drive in it can't read CD-R's.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

X won't work anymore

1998-10-24 Thread Vince Rosso

Hello all. I'm relatively new at linux so bear with me. I set up linux on
my box about two or three weeks ago. Everything was going fine and dandy.
I got everything going fine including X windows.
However, yesterday, I was in X, and installing maelstrom and quake (a
guy's gotta relax ya know...) and I rebooted my machine. After that it
startx, xterm, and other apps had just dissappeared. I couldn't get X
started no matter what I did. So, I just purged everything X-like from my
system and reinstalled it. Everything /seems/ to be back (then again, what
do I know), but now when I run 'startx' I get this error:

failed to set default font path '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc,
Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

_X11TransSocketUnixConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3): Server error.

Any help would be great appreciated.

--Vincent Rosso

Setting variables for menu access

1998-10-24 Thread David Morris
Greetings Debianites,

I have a little nagging problem, that I decided to find an answer for.

My example is TkCVS. I go to run the program from the X menu, but it tells
me I don't have my CVROOT variable set. If I run it from xterm, everything
is fine, but the variables that are set when I login are not available
when I call anything from the menu.

Where do I need to set variables like that so my xdm-started session menus
have access to them?


The AtticKeeper: Rev. David Morris
Leap and the net will appear -- unknown
Nerdnosh Attic:
Lectionary Page:

Re: Help me setup dynamic DNS server address.

1998-10-24 Thread john
 > John writes:
 > > Write a script to go in ip-up.d that does something like:
 > Yes, I could do this, but I don't need to: my isp doesn't use 'dynamic
 > dns'.  
 > My interest is in helping new users whose isp's won't tell them the
 > nameserver ip's because they use dynamic dns.  Someone reminded me that
 > pppd is able to provide dynamic dns to Windows clients, so I can figure it
 > out from the source.
 > If I can't figure out how to provide a dynamic dns 'client' I can think of
 > several workarounds.

I suspect I'm not getting everything on the list then, as I had no
idea of the context. Nevertheless, I use a setup like I described
before on my home machine as the DNS at my ISP is so unreliable (runs
on NT!), and their secondary server moves around a lot. . 

I pull the SOA from a biggish nameserver (identified by IP
address), and then use that to recursively dig till I find the name
server that knows what my dial-in line is called. I then reset my
hostname and mail configs. I only need to know 1 IP (that of - ) and the domain-name of my ISP. 

John F.

X3.3.2.3a-5 broken

1998-10-24 Thread wb4mle
I tried to upgrade slink x3.3.2.3a-1 to -5 and things broke. Got
several "directory not deleted" type errors and X will not run xterm,
netscape and more apps. Starts and screen along with fvwm2 comes up
but not much more runs. Using the s3v server. Any "How to
unscrew" ideas? Thanks! 
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: PINE problems

1998-10-24 Thread Lazar Fleysher

On 24 Oct 1998, W. Paul Mills wrote:

> Lazar Fleysher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I use dail-up connection to the internet. I have noticed that while I am
> > off line I can not send mails from pine. It generates an error and does
> > not spool the mail. When I am on line everything works fine.
> > 
> > Any ideas why?
> > Thanks
> > 
> > ZORO
> > 
> What is the error? I had this problem with pine and smail. Has to
> do with a DNS lookup problem. I could not solve with smail, changed
> to sendmail and got it to work, with a little effort.

The error message is thge following:
mail not sent: defer '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cannot verify at 
this time:
 | |

Re: SNMPD - MRTG- PPP stats iregularity

1998-10-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, 24 Oct 1998 08:35:46 +0200, Rainer Clasen wrote:

>Yes. 2.1 counts bytes in /proc/net/dev. But IIRC there are still some
>NIC-drivers which don't supply these numbers. tulip does. I've no clue about
>SNMPD, but I suppose you'll have to teach it to use the byte counters, too.

Aiyeee.  Looks like it is time for me to upgrade and learn how to use
ipchains.  :/

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

mgetty-fax and printing faxes

1998-10-24 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I have completed my installation of Debian 2.0. This basically was
a rebuild of an old 1.1 system, which needed a refreshment.
All worked well, and I am currently attempting to solve the
last bits and pieces.
One strange thing remains. If I print a normal resulution fax
received by mgetty from the newfax script sets, it compresses
the image to half a page on my HP4L. If I receive a high res 
fax, it prints out very well. 
I vaguely recall having simular probs when I build the 1.1 box,
but that was long time ago and I have solved it than. My scripts
are identical.
If anyone has any pointer hoe to solve this, I would be very

Best regards,

Erik van der Meulen

Re: HELP: tetex .tfm file not found

1998-10-24 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:11:28 -0700 Albert Hurd writes:
>  I am trying to use postscript fonts in plain TeX (I have no trouble in
> LaTeX) and get the following message when tex'ing the .tex file:
> ! Font \times=Times not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
> l.9
> ?
> ! Emergency stop.
> l.9
> End of file on the terminal!
> No pages of output.
>  Can anyone tell me what to do? Thanks.

It should be "\font\times=ptmr7t at 10pt"[1] or something similiar
instead.  Unfortunatly, I only use PS fonts in LaTeX only and don't
know about the plain TeX specific issue when dealing with PS fonts.


[1] maybe you can use ptmr8t or ptmr8r instead, I don't recall the
differences right now.

Re: Problems with xbase/xserver upgrade

1998-10-24 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:04:35 -0400 Mark H Mabry writes:
> I've been running slink for a few weeks.  Last night I upgraded and
> xbase and xserver failed to install.  What is worse is that somehow
> they deleted (at least) the "xdm" executable.  Some of the message
> during the failure said that the file
> /var/dpkg/(i forgot dirname)/
> does not exist.  When I went to look for preinst, I found that the
> dir "" didn't exist.  Does anyone know what the problem is
> here?  Any workarounds?

Install the previous version of these packages.  I remember having
read a warning regarding this in the last days, let's see if I find
them ...

Yep, found:

 [1  ]
 I just want to reiterate my warning to everyone that the new X packages are
 not ready for prime time yet.  Only those willing to help debug silly
 packaging errors should use the new version (  Other should use
 dpkg or dselect to put their X packages on hold.

 Those who do not auto-upgrade from the slink tree have nothing to worry

 I'm working on now.  Thanks to Joseph Carter for helping find
 some bugs in -3.

 G. Branden Robinson  |   The only way to get rid of a temptation
 Debian GNU/Linux |   is to yield to it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Oscar Wilde |
 [2  ]

I set all X11 packages on hold (as well as Emacs and XEmacs[1]) and
tetex-bin which has some problems too.


[1] I don't want to update Emacsen every 2nd day.

Re: dpkg-ftp thru Squid

1998-10-24 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 08:17:16 -0400 Mitch Blevins writes:
> Anybody having trouble using dselect/ftp to slink thru a Squid
> proxy?  Or is it just me...

On work I'm forced to use a proxy server (because of a firewall
sitting between me and the internet).  The only way I found for
updating my system was to use apt-get together with a http source
(e.g.,  Recently I installed a notebook
using the normal base kit and manually installing the current apt,
libstdc++2.9, and libc6 packages.

If we had a real FTP proxy, dselect/ftp would work as well, but our
proxy servers only provides ftp over http proxying.


BTW: I don't have any adminstration access to the outer proxies, just
to one of its children.

matrox marvel g200

1998-10-24 Thread Michael Sicher

does xfree already support the matrox marvel g200 (agp version)? if not,
which x server and settings can i use until then? 

thanks a lot for your help,

Re: staroffice .. missing

1998-10-24 Thread Peter Granroth
On Sat, Oct 24, 1998 at 12:08:08PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> I downloaded staroffice from their ftp site.  I tried to install it
> (put the files into /usr/local/staroffice and got the message 'can't
> load library'  I looked in the oldlibs section of the cd
> but there is no such package.  What package provides or
> where can I find it?  Has anyone installed staroffice, and if so how
> did you do it?

it's in the xpm4.7 package (in main/binary-i386/oldlibs)
+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Re: aha2840 aiee shuting down interrupts

1998-10-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I thought that might be the answer.  If I build a custom kernel (no
modules, everthing built in) for the gateway machine on another
computer how can I replace the kernel on the boot/rescue disk that I
tried to use? Will the install then procede as normal, or is there
anything else that I need to do (If the install tries to use the
kernel from the CD to install as the boot kernel on the HD, then it
won't boot but will panic as before, so the kernel that I build and
place on the boot/rescue floppy MUST be installed on the HD as the
boot kernel.)

---Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
>  : I tried to install debian on a computer with an adaptec 2840 scsi
>  : controller. (gateway 2000 486dx2-66, 16m dram) At first I had the
>  : bios disabled and the controller with 3 drives attached was not
>  : detected.  Then I enabled the bios on the 2840 and the controller
>  : detected.  A message 'resetting channel' appeared, then a pause,
>  : a screen dump 'oops .
>  : ending with . aiee shuting down interrupts'
>  : 
>  : What parameters do I need to add at the boot prompt?
>  : I tried boot: aic7xxx=no_reset and got 
>  : 'no image aic7xxx=no_reset'.  So i tried 
>  : 'linux aic7xxx=no_reset' and 'linux aic7xxx=1' and got the same
>  : dump.  What gives, I thought this controller was supported.  This
>  : computer's cd rom is scsi so I need the controller to install. 
>  : set at irq 15 instead of the default value of 11).  Can anyone help
>  : here?
> It's supported fine.  However, the other SCSI drivers in the default
> kernel send the 2840 over the edge.  Compile a kernel with ONLY the
> device support you need, being particularly careful about SCSI drivers
> you choose.  Unless you have more than one SCSI adaptor you should
> choose "AIC_7XXX" support.
> --
> Nathan Norman
> MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Get your free address at

hardware support

1998-10-24 Thread W.Tintemann
Please tell me whether your Linux boot diskettes support the
following hardware

  SCSI controller Tekram DC 390 ( narrow )
  ABit Mainboard IT5H ( v 1.0 )


Kastanienweg 5
D-69221 Dossenheim

staroffice .. missing

1998-10-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I downloaded staroffice from their ftp site.  I tried to install it
(put the files into /usr/local/staroffice and got the message 'can't
load library'  I looked in the oldlibs section of the cd
but there is no such package.  What package provides or
where can I find it?  Has anyone installed staroffice, and if so how
did you do it?

Get your free address at

Re: need help getting X server running...

1998-10-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "JE" == Jesse Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JE> How can I capture these messages into a file so that I
JE> may be able to see what's going on? I've tried looking in /var/log
JE> to see if anythere seems related, but haven't found anything.
JE> I think what I want to do is redirect stderr into a file, but
JE> I'm new to linux and don't know how to make that happen.

STDERR ist the second channel (don't know if this is the correct
word). so you do 

startx 2> /tmp/startx.errors

Or to capture both STDOUT and STDERR, do

startx > /tmp/startx.errors 2>&1

This will redirect STDOUT and also redirect STDERR into STDOUT 
(the first channel).


Re: need help getting X server running...

1998-10-24 Thread DinosauR MinG
On Sat, Oct 24, 1998 at 01:26:12PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> I'm pretty new to Linux myself, and don't know how to redirect the output
> messages of startx to a file, though I'm confident it can be done. Maybe
> someone else can enlighten us on the details.
> However, what you can do, is press Shift-PgUp; apparently Debian keeps a
> buffer of the last couple of screens, and Shift-PgUp/Dwn will navigate
> through them.
> This method has allowed me to see the pertinent info I needed to get my X
> up and running.

  startx > x.log 2>&1

  and inside Xterm , run "tail -f ~/x.log" . It would be cool , if
  u have a working transparents | shade Eterm !!

> = >
> Kent West >
> KC5ENO    >
> = >
> A day without sunshine is like... night.
>   -Steve Martin
> On Sat, 24 Oct 1998, Jesse Evans wrote:
> > Folks,
> > 
> > Thanks for the tips, but so far still no joy.
> > 
> > Regarding posting all the messages, I can't even read them all.
> > As the messages start to scroll up, the display blinks (trying to go into
> > graphics mode, I suspect,) then comes back to text.
> > Most of the (**) messages run past during this blank-out time.
> > 
> > How can I capture these messages into a file so that I
> > may be able to see what's going on? I've tried looking in /var/log
> > to see if anythere seems related, but haven't found anything.
> > I think what I want to do is redirect stderr into a file, but
> > I'm new to linux and don't know how to make that happen.
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Jesse Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Debian User Mail List
> > 
> > Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 7:54 AM
> > Subject: Re: need help getting X server running...
> > 
> > 
> > >At 09:06 PM 10/21/1998 -0700, Jesse Evans wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Folks,
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> (a long list of messages which scroll up the screen, followed by...)
> > >>
> > >> *** none of the configured devices were detected ***
> > >>Fatal server error: no screens found
> > >>- X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
> > >>giving up.
> > >>
> > >>xinit: connection refused (errno 111) unable to connect to xserver
> > >>xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
> > >>
> > >>I'm running on a 133Mhz Intel PC with a Trident 9440 graphics chip.
> > What
> > >> is going on?
> > >
> > >
> > >Also, post the full list of errors instead of just the last one about
> > >TransSocket.
> > >
> > >It's been my experience that by looking at those messages I'll see
> > something
> > >like "800x600 mode requires a horiz rate of 64), and then I can go bump up
> > the
> > >horiz rate in XF86Config to that setting (careful that you don't smoke your
> > >monitor by pushing beyond it's capabilities) and get a working res.
> > >
> > >
> > >Kent West, Technology Support
> > >Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
> > >915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
> > >Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
> > >Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > 'til next we type...
> > HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > 
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

 \   /  
  -=o0O-( O O )-O0o=---   
 |   |   Why don't | 
 |  Dinosaur H.Ming  |   use Linux  
 |   | | it's FREE  
  -( )---( )-   --
  (  )   {  )   
  o00O   O00o   

Re: need help getting X server running...

1998-10-24 Thread Kent West
I'm pretty new to Linux myself, and don't know how to redirect the output
messages of startx to a file, though I'm confident it can be done. Maybe
someone else can enlighten us on the details.

However, what you can do, is press Shift-PgUp; apparently Debian keeps a
buffer of the last couple of screens, and Shift-PgUp/Dwn will navigate
through them.

This method has allowed me to see the pertinent info I needed to get my X
up and running.

= >
Kent West   >
= >

A day without sunshine is like... night.
-Steve Martin

On Sat, 24 Oct 1998, Jesse Evans wrote:

> Folks,
> Thanks for the tips, but so far still no joy.
> Regarding posting all the messages, I can't even read them all.
> As the messages start to scroll up, the display blinks (trying to go into
> graphics mode, I suspect,) then comes back to text.
> Most of the (**) messages run past during this blank-out time.
> How can I capture these messages into a file so that I
> may be able to see what's going on? I've tried looking in /var/log
> to see if anythere seems related, but haven't found anything.
> I think what I want to do is redirect stderr into a file, but
> I'm new to linux and don't know how to make that happen.
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jesse Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Debian User Mail List
> Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 7:54 AM
> Subject: Re: need help getting X server running...
> >At 09:06 PM 10/21/1998 -0700, Jesse Evans wrote:
> >>
> >> Folks,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> (a long list of messages which scroll up the screen, followed by...)
> >>
> >> *** none of the configured devices were detected ***
> >>Fatal server error: no screens found
> >>- X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
> >>giving up.
> >>
> >>xinit: connection refused (errno 111) unable to connect to xserver
> >>xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
> >>
> >>I'm running on a 133Mhz Intel PC with a Trident 9440 graphics chip.
> What
> >> is going on?
> >
> >
> >Also, post the full list of errors instead of just the last one about
> >TransSocket.
> >
> >It's been my experience that by looking at those messages I'll see
> something
> >like "800x600 mode requires a horiz rate of 64), and then I can go bump up
> the
> >horiz rate in XF86Config to that setting (careful that you don't smoke your
> >monitor by pushing beyond it's capabilities) and get a working res.
> >
> >
> >Kent West, Technology Support
> >Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
> >915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
> >Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
> >Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!
> >
> 'til next we type...
> HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: need help getting X server running...

1998-10-24 Thread Jesse Evans

Thanks for the tips, but so far still no joy.

Regarding posting all the messages, I can't even read them all.
As the messages start to scroll up, the display blinks (trying to go into
graphics mode, I suspect,) then comes back to text.
Most of the (**) messages run past during this blank-out time.

How can I capture these messages into a file so that I
may be able to see what's going on? I've tried looking in /var/log
to see if anythere seems related, but haven't found anything.
I think what I want to do is redirect stderr into a file, but
I'm new to linux and don't know how to make that happen.

-Original Message-
From: Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jesse Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Debian User Mail List

Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: need help getting X server running...

>At 09:06 PM 10/21/1998 -0700, Jesse Evans wrote:
>> Folks,
>> (a long list of messages which scroll up the screen, followed by...)
>> *** none of the configured devices were detected ***
>>Fatal server error: no screens found
>>- X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
>>giving up.
>>xinit: connection refused (errno 111) unable to connect to xserver
>>xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
>>I'm running on a 133Mhz Intel PC with a Trident 9440 graphics chip.
>> is going on?
>Also, post the full list of errors instead of just the last one about
>It's been my experience that by looking at those messages I'll see
>like "800x600 mode requires a horiz rate of 64), and then I can go bump up
>horiz rate in XF86Config to that setting (careful that you don't smoke your
>monitor by pushing beyond it's capabilities) and get a working res.
>Kent West, Technology Support
>Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
>915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
>Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
>Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!


'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Re: PINE problems

1998-10-24 Thread W. Paul Mills

Lazar Fleysher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi
> I use dail-up connection to the internet. I have noticed that while I am
> off line I can not send mails from pine. It generates an error and does
> not spool the mail. When I am on line everything works fine.
> Any ideas why?
> Thanks

What is the error? I had this problem with pine and smail. Has to
do with a DNS lookup problem. I could not solve with smail, changed
to sendmail and got it to work, with a little effort.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

pppupd vs. pppd, persist

1998-10-24 Thread stick

Howdy all!

What's the connection between pppupd and the persist option of ppp?
Does one interfere with the other?  Do they do the same thing?
Should I choose one over the other?

oThanks ina dvance.

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: Security problem

1998-10-24 Thread King Lee

Sorry to keep this thread going, but perhaps one more clarification.

The original post said that the bug occured on RedHat 5.1 of our 
system administrator.  I immediately emailed Red Hat 
(haven't heard from them yet), and also posted to Debian.
I got a reply from Debian within 12 hours and looked for 
the new package number in package-updates. 
I didn't find it  so I looked in current distribution and found 
it with correct version number.

On Sat, 24 Oct 1998, Lukas Eppler wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, King Lee wrote:
> > The  bug is real, and Debian has a fix.  See security 
> > lists in Debian. If you  are running Debian 2.0
> > you might have a security hole. There was also security
> > problems with bind.  The fixes appear in the current distributions
> > (2.0.2 I think) not in package-updates.
> Why the bloody hell not?

I think that it was moved from package-updates to the main distribution
so that  if you downloaded it or purchased a new cdrom, it would 
have the updates in it.  Seems reasonable.

> Sorry, this makes me angry. Debian does a whole lot on finding these
> holes, then spreading the information they are there, but then every one
> has to read at least debian-user or visit the security page on the web to
> find out. We have such a great distribution system and make no use of it.

System administration with responsibility for security 
(and  other things)  is inhierently complex.  All you can 
ask for is someone to point the way, and it's up to you track it

King Lee

Re: NLS warnings at boot time

1998-10-24 Thread Leon Breedt
On Sat, Oct 24 1998, Eugene Sevinian spake thus:

> What all this means? Is something wrong?
not seriously, i dont think.

>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
>  Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
>  Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 
>  Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
>  Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 

I used to get those messages after mounting DOS partitions if i didnt
have the modules nls_cp437 and nls_iso8859-1 loaded.

run '/usr/sbin/modconf' to load em, they're under the fs section methinks.


 Leon J. Breedt : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Valderen Sysadmin
 Linux valderen 2.1.125 #1 SMP, One AMD K6-233, 64M RAM
 "Some people have one of those days.  I've had one of those lives."

Re: PINE problems

1998-10-24 Thread M.C. Vernon

> I use dail-up connection to the internet. I have noticed that while I am
> off line I can not send mails from pine. It generates an error and does
> not spool the mail. When I am on line everything works fine.

IIRC, pine implements SMTP itself: you may need to tell it that you are


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

NLS warnings at boot time

1998-10-24 Thread Eugene Sevinian

after apgrading to hamm Im getting this kind of messages each time during 
linux boot. What all this means? Is something wrong?
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
 Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
 Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) 
 Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1) 

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: SNMPD - MRTG- PPP stats iregularity

1998-10-24 Thread Rainer Clasen

> On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:48:19 -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> >Linux doesn't ordinarily have any facility for saying _how much_ data
> >goes through an if. The snmpd's base their throughput figures on
> >_number of packets_, which isn't exactly the same thing. IIRC, you can
> >run ip accounting and hack the snmpd's to get their numbers via that
> >mechanism.
> Well, that blows.  Packets don't mean diddly compared to bytes when it
> comes to bandwidth utilization.  Do you know if that will be fixed any time
> soon?  2.1.* maybe?

Yes. 2.1 counts bytes in /proc/net/dev. But IIRC there are still some
NIC-drivers which don't supply these numbers. tulip does. I've no clue about
SNMPD, but I suppose you'll have to teach it to use the byte counters, too.


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB


1998-10-24 Thread D'jinnie
I guess this is pretty offtopic but I thought I'd ask :) Having looked at
pretty much all the debian cd vendors, and not being too happy with any
of them, I half-considered getting some pressed and selling them just for
the price of the pressing (about a $1 a cd) and shipping. Would there be
any demand for that or is everybody happy with their CD supplier? I guess
I'd have to figure out a way to take credit cards too...this is likely to
be a headache :)

Life is complex:  part real, part imaginary.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

PINE problems

1998-10-24 Thread Lazar Fleysher

I use dail-up connection to the internet. I have noticed that while I am
off line I can not send mails from pine. It generates an error and does
not spool the mail. When I am on line everything works fine.

Any ideas why?


   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )
 | |

ADSL and Linux

1998-10-24 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  I post this before and did not see much reply.

  Has anyone here had any experience with ADSL on Linux that would
  provide similar IP-Masq as PPP(modem) could?

Timothy C. Phan
Intelligence Quest Research, INC.

Re: Termcap vs. Terminfo---Redhat vs. Debian

1998-10-24 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Alan Eugene Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I found an old friend on a Red Hat CD---ephem, predecessor and sibling to
> xephem.  It was time to try alien.  Interesting.  Installed the package.
> The binary doesn't work---termcap libraries are missing.
> Can I overcome this problem?  

The package is called `termcap-compat' in section `admin'.

David Zelinsky

Re: lilo problem

1998-10-24 Thread steven
I did what you suggest below, and when I ran lilo, I got the following

Warning: /dev/sda is not on the first disk
Added Linux *
Added OldLinux

And on boot, it again froze at 

Thanks again...  Any other suggestions?


> See marks below.
> > Howdy Folks!
> > 
> > I'm having a small problem configuring lilo and I'm hoping someone can
> > help.  
> > 
> > I have a Pentium 133 running slink with kernel 2.0.35.
> > I have a SCSI bootdisk and I want to make my IDE drive my root drive.
> > 
> > ie.. boot=/dev/sda3
> >  root=/dev/hda2
> > 
> > I wish to boot the SCSI drive because it contains a windoze partition I
> > need to boot (sometimes).  I've recently aquired a 6 gig IDE drive and
> > I've copied the linux over to it.  I'd like to continue booting the SCSI
> > drive, but have something pointing to my IDE drive for Linux.  At this
> > point I can boot either partition using loadlin.  If I boot the SCSI drive
> > as root, I can use lilo to fix the MBR to boot linux off that drive.  
> > This is not desirable because the partition is too small. However, if I
> > boot the IDE drive as root and attempt to use lilo I get the error message
> > listed below.
> > 
> > here is my lilo.conf file:
> > boot=/dev/sda3
>^ /dev/sda 
> > root=/dev/hda2
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > append="mem=80M"
> > map=/boot/map
> > vga=normal
> > delay=20
> > image=/bzImage.2.0.35
> > lable=Linux
> > read-only
> > image=/vmlinuz
> > lable=OldLinux
> > read-only
> > 
> > when I run lilo, I get the following error:
> > 
> > Warning: /dev/sda3 is not on the first disk
> > scsi0: Adopting Geometry 128/32 from the Partition Table
> > Added Linux *
> > Added OldLinux
> > 
> > Then if I'm silly enough to attempt the boot the system it freezes after
> > LI.
> > 
> > Does anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to fix this problem? As I
> > said, right now I'm booting off the debian CD using loadlin and an older
> > kernel. I would like to automate the process and use my kernel.
> > 
> > Thanks for your help!
> > 
> > Steven
> > 
> > ps.  I'm not sure of what other information you may need. So if You need
> > something else to solve this problem, let me know.
> -- 
> /*** Running Debian Linux ***
> *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
> *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
> * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
> * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
> * pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

My mail doesn't work at all :(((((((((((((((

1998-10-24 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Mail is just not working on pick.sel :(

my original setup tried to be clever, and then I tried a simpler one,
neither of which worked (indented lines in [] are the simpler setup).

When I try to send messages to a user on pick, I get an unroutable mail
domain error, and when trying to send from pick, I get either:

550 rejected: cannot route to sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

or just

connection timed out:
retry timeout exceeded 

in the latter case, I get warnings that the messaage has spend hours on
the queue on

I'm probably just missing an obvious package, but would appreciate a
little help finding the trees in amongst the wood...


qualify_domain =
[qualify_domain =]
local_domains =
[local_domains = ]
local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
never_users = root
host_lookup_nets =
sender_host_reject_relay = *
trusted_users = mail
smtp_verify = true
gecos_pattern = ^([^,;]*)
gecos_name = $1

driver = appendfile
group = mail
mode = 0660
mode_fail_narrower = false
file = /var/spool/mail/$(local_part)

driver = pipe


driver = appendfile
prefix = ""
suffix = ""

driver = autoreply

driver = smtp

prefix = real-
driver = localuser
transport = local_delivery

driver = aliasfile
file = /etc/aliases
search_type = lsearch

driver = forwardfile
file = .forward
modemask = 002

driver = localuser
transport = local_delivery

driver = lookuphost
transport = remote+smtp

driver = ipliteral
transport = remote_smtp
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support


1998-10-24 Thread Ralph Winslow
I've installed Netscape4.5 (nice job on the installer, guys)
but I can't seem to use it to send mail because it insists on
cryto-signing it and I don't have any certificates.  Could 
some kind soul tell me how to turn this feature off?  I've
been through Mail and News preferences but can't seem to find
this.  TIA
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Termcap vs. Terminfo---Redhat vs. Debian

1998-10-24 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
I found an old friend on a Red Hat CD---ephem, predecessor and sibling to
xephem.  It was time to try alien.  Interesting.  Installed the package.
The binary doesn't work---termcap libraries are missing.

Can I overcome this problem?  

(I like xephem LOTS better.  My machine at school is running a monochrome
VGA though.)

Thanks for many answers.

Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)   
AAA196, Box 10001[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

Re: Security problem

1998-10-24 Thread Lukas Eppler
On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, King Lee wrote:

> The  bug is real, and Debian has a fix.  See security 
> lists in Debian. If you  are running Debian 2.0
> you might have a security hole. There was also security
> problems with bind.  The fixes appear in the current distributions
> (2.0.2 I think) not in package-updates.

Why the bloody hell not?

Sorry, this makes me angry. Debian does a whole lot on finding these
holes, then spreading the information they are there, but then every one
has to read at least debian-user or visit the security page on the web to
find out. We have such a great distribution system and make no use of it.

A pity, really.

But thanks for the information.

Lukas Eppler (godot)


1998-10-24 Thread Lukas Eppler
No replies to my last post. Probably it was too long. Compressed:

What does a kernel to be used with rescue disks need other than

How can I find out what the problem is when dinstall exits with error
code 100?

How can I disable scsi bus scans at the boot prompt?

Lukas Eppler (godot)

Re: mount NFS during boot problem

1998-10-24 Thread Lukas Eppler
On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a wierd problem: during boot process mount fails with the following
> message:
> Starting portmapper... Mounting remote filesystems...
> mount: RPC: Program not registered

I saw this once when rpc.mountd and/or rpc.nfsd on the server machine was
not up (i.e. on the other computer). So, maybe it is really the missing
local portmapper. Find out where it gets started, and take a look at the
logs of the other computer, if your machine tries to connect or not.

Lukas Eppler (godot)

gnome 0.3 problems

1998-10-24 Thread Andrew

Well, I don't know what's going on. I worked out all the dependancies,
installed the packages, everything looked hunky-dory, but when I type "panel",
I get this: 

Message: Initializing CORBA for panel

/convert: No such file or directory
/convert: No such file or directory
/anytopnm: No such file or directory
gdk_imlib ERROR: Cannot load image:
All fallbacks failed.

then it repeats itself for a while and yields:

Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from (NULL) pointer to `GtkObject'

Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from (NULL) pointer to `GtkObject'
** ERROR **: sigsegv caught

hints, anyone? 


Andrew Tarr
"We were so close to heaven --- Peter came out and gave us badges, 
proclaiming us `The Nicest of the Damned'" 

Re: Can you do hard drive caching? How?

1998-10-24 Thread Joey Hess
Mark Phillips wrote:
> How does it know how much memory is to be used for caching?  Can you set
> this?  (I presume the caching software is part of the kernel.)

The kernel likes to use a certian percentage of yuor memory for cache, if
it's free. It's tunable by writing to /proc/sys/vm/freepages
(/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt for docs).

see shy jo

Re: mySQL

1998-10-24 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
D'jinnie wrote:
> I recently visited (was trying to figure out whether I
> should migrate to it). I haven't read their license - but there are a few
> links there that suggested to me that it's not very free - because they
> wanted money for it. Is it GPLed or how does it work?

MySQL is under an "almost free" license, meaning that you get the sources,
you hvae the right to make modification and redistribute these, and you
can use it for anything you wan't (including commercial use) without
having to pay any licensing fees.  The only thing you aren't allowed to
do, IIRC, is to sell MySQL or a derived product for profit.  This is why
the MySQL packages are in non-free and not in main.
   /'"`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   | 
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Bug in CD-ROM modules ???

1998-10-24 Thread ivan


This is further to my post last titled "THIRD TIME - please help".  I am
sorry but I haven't got a copy because I had to format my Win95 partition
and re-install.

No doubt you are all bored of this but I have tried all of the suggestions
given and still can't get Hamm to install from CD.

The problem as described previously is an IRQ timeout error (0xd0) which
occurs repeatedly when installing Hamm from CD.

I see from the archives that several other people have discussed this but I
didn't see a solution proposed.  Any ideas now ???

The disk is fine - Win95 reads it without a problem and with only the Hamm
base system installed I was able to copy from it to a directory in my Linux
partition until I ran out of room ( how did a 650Mb CD use up a 1.5Gb
partition BTW ? )

During the installation I can hear the drive constantly speed up then slow
down then speed up etc... when dselect is operating and then finally it
grinds to a halt and errors occur.

I have a P166mmx with a 2.5Gb h/d, 32Mb memory, 1.44Mb floppy and 24X speed
ATAPI CD-ROM.  The name of the CD-ROM is Diamond Data which I believe is
manufactured by Mitsubishi.

I have previously installed Hamm on the system by FTP which ran perfectly
and even played music CD's but please don't tell me to reinstall by FTP as
this takes me about two days to download because of work commitments and
ISP time restrictions.

The CD-ROM is supposed to be the official distribution which I purchased
from DVD Rent in Victoria, Australia.

If you need more info to help please ask.



Re: lilo problem

1998-10-24 Thread W. Paul Mills
See marks below.


> Howdy Folks!
> I'm having a small problem configuring lilo and I'm hoping someone can
> help.  
> I have a Pentium 133 running slink with kernel 2.0.35.
> I have a SCSI bootdisk and I want to make my IDE drive my root drive.
> ie.. boot=/dev/sda3
>  root=/dev/hda2
> I wish to boot the SCSI drive because it contains a windoze partition I
> need to boot (sometimes).  I've recently aquired a 6 gig IDE drive and
> I've copied the linux over to it.  I'd like to continue booting the SCSI
> drive, but have something pointing to my IDE drive for Linux.  At this
> point I can boot either partition using loadlin.  If I boot the SCSI drive
> as root, I can use lilo to fix the MBR to boot linux off that drive.  
> This is not desirable because the partition is too small. However, if I
> boot the IDE drive as root and attempt to use lilo I get the error message
> listed below.
> here is my lilo.conf file:
> boot=/dev/sda3
   ^ /dev/sda 

> root=/dev/hda2
> install=/boot/boot.b
> append="mem=80M"
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> delay=20
> image=/bzImage.2.0.35
> lable=Linux
> read-only
> image=/vmlinuz
> lable=OldLinux
> read-only
> when I run lilo, I get the following error:
> Warning: /dev/sda3 is not on the first disk
> scsi0: Adopting Geometry 128/32 from the Partition Table
> Added Linux *
> Added OldLinux
> Then if I'm silly enough to attempt the boot the system it freezes after
> LI.
> Does anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to fix this problem? As I
> said, right now I'm booting off the debian CD using loadlin and an older
> kernel. I would like to automate the process and use my kernel.
> Thanks for your help!
> Steven
> ps.  I'm not sure of what other information you may need. So if You need
> something else to solve this problem, let me know.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Why can't I execute a script??

1998-10-24 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
> Peter S Galbraith wrote:
>> If some user is capable of putting a fake `ls' in a random directory where
>> you might trip on it, that user is far more likely to put it in your ~/bin
>> directory!  (Same privileges are required)
>> Just a thought.
> Just make the . directory the _last_ part of your path, that way it will
> search /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin and
> all the rest of your path first.

This discussion crops up on this list once a week or so.  The bottom line
is that users (root especially) should not have a "." anywhere in their
path.  Lets assume that root has a "." as the last element of his path.
He then goes to the home directory of a malignant user, intending to do an
"ls" on his dir.  Even root is not perfect, so he makes a typo and
actually types "sl" instead.  The malignant user has a script called "sl"
in his home dir:

# Do bad stuff as root...
rm -f sl
echo "bash: sl: command not found" >&2

And root never knew what hit him...
   /'"`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   | 
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Re: SNMPD - MRTG- PPP stats iregularity

1998-10-24 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:48:19 -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> >Linux doesn't ordinarily have any facility for saying _how much_ data
> >goes through an if. The snmpd's base their throughput figures on
> >_number of packets_, which isn't exactly the same thing. IIRC, you can
> >run ip accounting and hack the snmpd's to get their numbers via that
> >mechanism.
> Well, that blows.  Packets don't mean diddly compared to bytes when it
> comes to bandwidth utilization.  Do you know if that will be fixed any time
> soon?  2.1.* maybe?

I use the IP accounting rules in the 2.0.x kernels, works very well with
MRTG for real bandwidth stats.


Re: Can you do hard drive caching? How?

1998-10-24 Thread Mark Phillips
On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Joey Hess wrote:

> Mark Phillips wrote:
> > I run latex a lot and every time I run it, it has to load in library files
> > from disk, which takes time.  I could try to buy a fast but expensive SCSI
> > drive, but I thought probably a cheaper way would be to buy more memory
> > and somehow use it to cache my existing hard drives -- ie stuff which is
> > commonly read from the disk would be stored in memory.
> > 
> > Is there software in linux which will do this?
> Yes. Install more memory and linux will do this automatically.

How does it know how much memory is to be used for caching?  Can you set
this?  (I presume the caching software is part of the kernel.)


\__/_\__/--\__/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
\__/_\__/--\__/__/  /__"To be is to do."__I. Kant___/
\__/__\__/___/  /__"To do is to be."__A. Sartre_/
/__"I am."God___/
/__Jesus did.___/

more on ( mount NFS during boot problem )

1998-10-24 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
Even more wierd, I've reinstalled kernel-image (2.0.35 right from slink)
the NFS started working, but dhcpcd stopped - just gives me IP
Reinstallation of dhcpcd did not help.
Any ideas ?


On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a wierd problem: during boot process mount fails with the following
> message:
> Starting portmapper... Mounting remote filesystems...
> mount: RPC: Program not registered
> But after the boot "mount -a" works perfectly.
> This runs latest slink from unstable.
> I did not have such a problem on a similar machine a month before.
> Any idea of what might cause the problem and how to work around it ?
> Something, I think, relevant: later in the process netbase starts its own
> portmapper.
> Sergey.

Re: Can you do hard drive caching? How?

1998-10-24 Thread Joey Hess
Mark Phillips wrote:
> I run latex a lot and every time I run it, it has to load in library files
> from disk, which takes time.  I could try to buy a fast but expensive SCSI
> drive, but I thought probably a cheaper way would be to buy more memory
> and somehow use it to cache my existing hard drives -- ie stuff which is
> commonly read from the disk would be stored in memory.
> Is there software in linux which will do this?

Yes. Install more memory and linux will do this automatically.

see shy jo

ncpfs handling long filenames & lowercase

1998-10-24 Thread Robert King
   I'm attempting to create mail archives automatically from some mail
inboxes using hypermail in a cron script.  This works fine, until it comes
time to make them available on our Novell based web server.

I can ncpmount the files OK (though I don't understand what changes files
from appearing in upper to appearing in lower case)
When I try using hypermail I get errors about not being able to write files -
it doesn't say why.  When I create on a local disk using hypermail and then
copying across with cp -R I get errors about not being able to write with the
long file names (I guess this means *.html)

hypermail error  -

# hypermail -m /var/spool/mail/rhelp \
-d /mnt/plato/sys/etc/httpd/htdocs/robertk/r/help/98b -l \
"R-help archive July - December 1998" -t "/home/king/R/r_archive_header.html"
hypermail: Couldn't write 

cp error - 
cp: cannot create regular file
`/mnt/plato/sys/etc/httpd/htdocs/robertk/r/help/98a/0472.html': File name too

Is there an ncpfs list where this question would be more appropriate?

version: 1.02

ncpfs version

debian version hamm, kernel 2.1.125 (compiled locally)


Robert King, || The Society for the Preservation of Tithesis commends your 
Environmental|| ebriated and scrutable use of "delible" and "defatigable", 
Science, || which are gainly, sipid and couth.  We are gruntled and 
Griffith Uni,|| consolate that you have the ertia and eptitude to choose such 
Australia|| putably pensible tithesis, which we parage. - Evan Kirshenbaum


Re: Gcc Binaries for Intel P2 333 running Debian Linux

1998-10-24 Thread Daniel Barclay

> From: "Rodrigo Moya" 

> >hi,
> >i just intalled my linux on Intel PII 333 using 
> >debian and i need gcc binaries for the same.
> >Any resources on net ?
> >thanks in advance
> > 
> Are they not in the distribution? You mean gcc, the GNU C compiler?

Isn't there a change from gcc to egcs or something?


Can you do hard drive caching? How?

1998-10-24 Thread Mark Phillips


I run latex a lot and every time I run it, it has to load in library files
from disk, which takes time.  I could try to buy a fast but expensive SCSI
drive, but I thought probably a cheaper way would be to buy more memory
and somehow use it to cache my existing hard drives -- ie stuff which is
commonly read from the disk would be stored in memory.

Is there software in linux which will do this?


\__/_\__/--\__/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
\__/_\__/--\__/__/  /__"To be is to do."__I. Kant___/
\__/__\__/___/  /__"To do is to be."__A. Sartre_/
/__"I am."God___/
/__Jesus did.___/

Re: mySQL

1998-10-24 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 23 Oct 1998 21:09:49 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:06:50 -0500 (CDT)
 From: "D'jinnie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
 Resent-Message-ID: <"hRlf2.A.khG.cCPM2"@murphy>
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 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I recently visited (was trying to figure out whether I
 should migrate to it). I haven't read their license - but there are a 
 links there that suggested to me that it's not very free - because they
 wanted money for it. Is it GPLed or how does it work?

As Richard Stallman says "GPL has nothing to do with money. It all has to do 
with FREEDOM".


 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
 which is the exact opposite."
Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays", 1928

 D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Pine Attachment Associations

1998-10-24 Thread Daniel Martin
"Stephen A. Witt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm using Pine 4.05 on a Debian 2.0 platform at work.  MS Office is the
> standard desktop automation application around here except for a small
> band of Unix enthusiasts.  I've just installed Star Office, mostly so I
> can read the MS Word documents everybody sends me.  I'm trying to
> reconfigure Pine so that it will automatically start up swriter3 for a
> attachment type of DOC.  I thought the way to do that was to change
> /etc/mime.types, which I did.  I modified the line that specified msword
> as the application for doc and dot files to be swriter3, but Pine still
> thinks its an MSWORD application.  I also looked in the /etc/mailcap file
> but didn't find any mention of msword in there.  I've looked on the 
> Pine Info site and it mentions this and states that one should
> change the /etc/mime.types file. Anybody have any experience with this?
> Thanks...

Changing the /etc/mime.types changes what type will be associated to a 
given file, but it doesn't say how to handle it.  That's what
/etc/mailcap is for.  I can only assume that the pine info site
assumes one already has pine configured to handle "swriter3"-type
documents.  In any case, changing /etc/mime.types won't help much for
those attachments which are sent to you already labeled with a type.
(really, most attachments should come with a content-type header).

What you should to do is change /etc/mailcap to tell pine how to open
ms-word files, and change /etc/mime.types _back_ to saying
application/msword for doc files.

To change /etc/mailcap, add the following (all as one long line) to
the end:

application/msword; swriter3 %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=M$ 
Word document; nametemplate=%s.doc

Since it appears that you're getting documents labeled with the type
application/MSWORD you may also want to add:

application/MSWORD; swriter3 %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=M$ 
Word document; nametemplate=%s.doc

to /etc/mailcap as well; I don't know if mime types are case sensitive.

lilo problem

1998-10-24 Thread steven
Howdy Folks!

I'm having a small problem configuring lilo and I'm hoping someone can

I have a Pentium 133 running slink with kernel 2.0.35.
I have a SCSI bootdisk and I want to make my IDE drive my root drive.

ie.. boot=/dev/sda3

I wish to boot the SCSI drive because it contains a windoze partition I
need to boot (sometimes).  I've recently aquired a 6 gig IDE drive and
I've copied the linux over to it.  I'd like to continue booting the SCSI
drive, but have something pointing to my IDE drive for Linux.  At this
point I can boot either partition using loadlin.  If I boot the SCSI drive
as root, I can use lilo to fix the MBR to boot linux off that drive.  
This is not desirable because the partition is too small. However, if I
boot the IDE drive as root and attempt to use lilo I get the error message
listed below.

here is my lilo.conf file:

when I run lilo, I get the following error:

Warning: /dev/sda3 is not on the first disk
scsi0: Adopting Geometry 128/32 from the Partition Table
Added Linux *
Added OldLinux

Then if I'm silly enough to attempt the boot the system it freezes after

Does anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to fix this problem? As I
said, right now I'm booting off the debian CD using loadlin and an older
kernel. I would like to automate the process and use my kernel.

Thanks for your help!


ps.  I'm not sure of what other information you may need. So if You need
something else to solve this problem, let me know.