Re: Nethack

1998-12-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Bueno, otro forofo del Nethack ;)
Estoy dispuesto a ayudar en la traducción del Nethack si todavía
esta no se ha hecho, por lo menos en lo que mi tiempo me permita..



On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 09:51:03AM +, Jose Eugenio Marchesi Corcostegui 
 Entre otras cosas, soy un asiduo y enganchado jugador de Nethack, 
 ademas de un ferviente defensor de los juegos DD de este estilo. Sin 
 algarabias graficas ni nada por el estilo. Pues bien, me gusta traducir 
 los juegos que me parecen buenos, y suelo hacerlo cuando poseo el codigo 
 fuente. Sin embargo, NetHack es un programa inmenso y complejo, pese a lo 

Re: Programación de GUI

1998-12-01 Thread Gomez Rubio Virgilio
 Hola a todos, quiero montarle una GUI a un programa ya escrito que
 funciona actualmente mediante la linea de comandos (tipo programa -opción 
 interminable lista de argumentos) y se me han ocurrido dos opciones:
 * Tcl/Tk por su portabilidad total.
 * Interfaz del tipo la que usa gEdit ¿usa gtk o gdk? (no se si
 esportable a otros UNIXes).
 Necesito que funcione tanto bajo Linux como Solaris.


  No has pensado en Java? Yo he trabajado con Tcl/Tk y Java, y , la
verdad, prefiero el segundo. Desde mi punto de vista Java es mucho m'as
portable que Tcl/Tk, y seguramente m'as r'apido. Adem'as, si luego quieres
insertar alguna rutina en C (p. ej., para controlar/montar alg'un
dispositivo) es mucho m'as sencillo . Con Tcl/Tk tienes que reescribir
todo el programa en C.

  Hay compiladores y m'aquinas virtuales para todos los UNIXes.

  Es s'olo una sugerencia. Un saludo.


Re: Arranque desde disco duro

1998-12-01 Thread Gomez Rubio Virgilio

  Yo te aconsejar'ia que usases el LOADLIN. Desde mi punto de vista es
m'as seguro que el Lilo porque no tienes que tocar para nada el MBR. El
loadlin se ejecuta desde DOS, as'i que puede hacer un men'u en el
Autoexec.bat y arrancar sin tener que esperar a que te cargue todo el dos.

  El Loadlin es PERFECTO para los NOVATOS, bueno, y en general para todos
(yo llevo tres anyos con el Linux y me convence m'as que el Lilo).

   Un saludo.


Re: Debian y KDE

1998-12-01 Thread Gomez Rubio Virgilio
 On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 10:15:25AM +0100, Nacho Priego wrote:
  Alguien sabe cual es la nueva posicion oficial de Debian respecto a KDE
  ahora que la version 2.0 de Qt va a ser libre (a nuestro estilo)?
 De momento no hay posición oficial.
 Parece que hay consenso en que el borrador actual de la QPL pasa las
 DFSG, aunque tiene pequeñas incompatibilidades con la GPL (lo que
 seguiría afectando al KDE, que está también discutiendo una nueva
 licencia). Hay gente de Debian colaborando con Troll Tech para eliminar
 esas incompatibilidades.
 Es probable que el KDE y las Qt puedan entrar en main si todo va bien.

  Yo quer'ia hacer un pequenyo comentario porque creo que viene al caso.
Resulta que el otro d'ia, rebuscando entre los funetes de las libc, estuve
leyendo las licencias de varias rutinas y, cual fue mi sorpresa, que el
autor permit'ia su distribuci'on libre s'olo si se usaba para hacer
software de libre distribuci'on, pero exig'ia un pago si no se hac'ia
as'i. Por si a alguien le sirve, esto lo encontr'e en el directorio en el
que se encuentran las rutinas matem'aticas para i386 (debajo de sysdeps o
algo as'i). 

  No pasa (o pasaba) lo mismo con QT? Entonces, por qu'e tanta
pol'emica? Por qu'e no se han incluido ya, junto con el KDE? 

  Un saludo.


Re: Debian y KDE

1998-12-01 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 11:09:13AM +0100, Gomez Rubio Virgilio wrote:
   Yo quer'ia hacer un pequenyo comentario porque creo que viene al caso.
 Resulta que el otro d'ia, rebuscando entre los funetes de las libc, estuve
 leyendo las licencias de varias rutinas y, cual fue mi sorpresa, que el
 autor permit'ia su distribuci'on libre s'olo si se usaba para hacer
 software de libre distribuci'on, pero exig'ia un pago si no se hac'ia
 as'i. Por si a alguien le sirve, esto lo encontr'e en el directorio en el
 que se encuentran las rutinas matem'aticas para i386 (debajo de sysdeps o
 algo as'i). 

Ya que te has tomado la molestia de buscarlas, ¿podrías también copiar
dichas licencias en tu mensaje? Te juro que aunque me interesa muchísimo
tu comentario, no tengo el tiempo necesario para andar buceando por las
fuentes de la libc.

   No pasa (o pasaba) lo mismo con QT? Entonces, por qu'e tanta
 pol'emica? Por qu'e no se han incluido ya, junto con el KDE? 

Porque si tienes razón, la solución es exactamente la inversa: eliminar
ese código de la libc, mientras no se modifiquen esas licencias.

Tienes que entender que las razones por las cuales KDE no podía ir en Debian
(la incompatibilidad de las licencias) son estrictamente un problema legal,
que se aplica a cualquier código en circunstancias similares (aquí hay
igualdad ante la ley), así que si la libc está en ese caso (lo cuál sería
un gravísimo error de sus mantenedores, y me extrañaría muchísimo que
hubiese pasado desapercibido a la gente de la FSF) hay que seguir el
mismo procedimiento que con el KDE.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Lenguaje de programación para gestión

1998-12-01 Thread TooManySecrets
David el día Thu, Oct 22, 1998 at 09:29:02AM +0100 expuso lo siguiente:
 Hola, soy un aficionado a quien le gusta hacer programas sobre gestión
 mayoritariamente, y me encuentro con una duda.
 He leído muchos artículos sobre Linux y en comparación con windows es
 superior; sólo le falta mejorar la facilidad de uso.
 El problema es elegir un lenguaje/s ideal para tal tarea.
 Gestión de datos --- Visual Foxpro o Visual Basic ---Windows
 ¿? ---Linux
 Tengo instalado la Debian y tengo que reconocer que no es muy facil; por
 lo menos si estás acostumbrado con windows, pero poquito a poco voy
 aprendiendo. No se me ha colgado esta ahora, cosa que no puedo decir de
 windows. Quiero darle mas oportunidades a Linux pero tengo que encontrar
 un lenguaje en el que hacer los programas.
 Podéis darme vuestra opinión ?

Pues para gestión de datos nada mejor que PostgreSQL, en combinación con el
lenguaje de programación que mejor se ajuste a tu gusto. De entre los que
soporta ésta base de datos tienes; C, Perl y TCL/Tk. Este último tiene la
gran ventaja de que puedes currarte una GUI para el entorno X de una manera
relativamente sencilla.

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

mas instalacion postgres

1998-12-01 Thread R . Lloret

He tenido problemas con el disco duro y al final he tenido que reinstalar Hamm.
Po eso no he podido contestar afradeciendo a todos vuestra ayuda con el dpkg. 
No puedo hacerlo con replis
personales por que he perdido los mails mas recientes.
Tambien gracias alos que me mandaron los archivos que pedi.

Un saludo


Ricardo Lloret


Re: Debian y KDE

1998-12-01 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 Ya que te has tomado la molestia de buscarlas, ¿podrías también copiar
 dichas licencias en tu mensaje? Te juro que aunque me interesa muchísimo
 tu comentario, no tengo el tiempo necesario para andar buceando por las
 fuentes de la libc.

Vale, aqu´i va. Es el fichero sysdeps/linux/i386/math/ del
paquete libc_5.4.38.orig.tar.gz . Imagino que se debe a alguna pieza de
c'odigo de las libc5.

Aqu'i empieza...
This is the file

   Copyright Information for sources and executables that are marked
   Copyright (C) DJ Delorie
 24 Kirsten Ave
 Rochester NH  03867-2954

This document is Copyright (C) DJ Delorie and may be distributed
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djcode in this document.

Source code copyright DJ Delorie is distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public Licence, with the following exceptions:

  1 If the user of this software develops an application that requires
djcode to run, and that application is distributed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License (GPL), a binary executable of
djcode may be distributed with binary executables of the application,
and source files for djcode must be available with source files for
the application, under the terms of the GNU GPL.

  2 If the user of this software develops an application that requires
djcode to run, and that application is NOT distributed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License (GPL), a binary executable of
djcode may be distributed with binary executables of the application,
provided a royalty of 5% of the total sale price or $5 (whichever is
more) per copy sold is paid to DJ Delorie (at the address above).

  3 A person or organization who develops software that requires djcode
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relinquishes all rights to obtain or redistribute the source code
for djcode, including any rights granted by the GNU General Public
License, and may only distribute executables of djcode under the
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  Basically, the GNU GPL only applies to my code if it applies to your code.

A copy of the file COPYING is included with this document.  If you did not
receive a copy of COPYING, you may obtain one from whence this document
was obtained, or by writing:
  Free Software Foundation
  675 Mass Ave
  Cambridge, MA  02139
Y aqu'i acaba...

  Reley'endolo parece que no se refiere exactamente al c'odigo fuente que
pueda haber en las libc5, pero me extrany'o mucho ver algo as'i.Creo que
todo est'a en orden, as'i que disculpad las molestias.

  Un saludo.


Sobre la configuración de emacs

1998-12-01 Thread Tomás Bautista

Quería configurar el emacs para poder coger el diccionario de español y
trabajar con él en ispell. ¿Alguien sabe cómo hacerlo?


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 \_)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Message of the day:
  NFS localhost not responding still trying

Re: Problema con CDROM PIONEER

1998-12-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Creo que Carlos tiene razñn, a mí me han llegado muchas quejas de
algunos CDs, yo los hize, y puedo atestiguar que están bien (y muchos no dan
ningún problema).
Ya se lo conté a la lista, al parecer las estampadoras, para abaratar
costes, graban en CDs con menos plástico (es decir, menos soporte físico).
Lo cual da problemas en algunas lectoras de alta velocidad. El mismo CD lo
pruebas en una x4 o x8 y no da pegas ninguna.
Ha habido algunos CDs que han salido mal, te sugiero que te pongas
en contacto con la editorial y les pidas que te envíen otro. Si no te hacen
caso dímelo a mí, porque voy a flagelarles personalmente (ya se de una
persona que no le han hecho ni caso y cuando vaya esta semana les voy a
poner a caldo)

Un saludo


PD: Acaba de salir según creo LA5, a ver si esta vez han hecho bien el CD.
En éste último número va debian/contrib y debian/non-free tanto de hamm como
de slink. Así como el software de los artículos (KDE, CVS...)

On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 09:44:48AM +0100, Carlos Martinez Txakartegi wrote:
 Aupa gente,
  El fallo siempre es el mismo, al intentar montar el CD.
  hdc: irq timeout: status=0x51
  hdc: irq timeout: error=0x60
  hdc: ATAPI reset complete
  reset complete
  Y sigue así, sacando poco a poco lineas como estas.
 A mí esos errores me salen de vez en cuando con discos de mala calidad,
 normalmente con CDs estampados (o algo de eso, yo es que de CDs grabables no
 entiendo mucho)

Re: Sobre la configuración de emacs

1998-12-01 Thread Agustín Martín
Tomás Bautista wrote:
 Quería configurar el emacs para poder coger el diccionario de español y
 trabajar con él en ispell. ¿Alguien sabe cómo hacerlo?

Dos cosas, primero parece que se está trabajando dentro del paquete
emacsen-common en la posibilidad de que en el menú de idiomas aparezcan
únicamente los idiomas para los que se ha instalado un diccionario. No
se si ya está operativo o como va la cosa. Quizás Enrique Zanardi, que
se encarga del diccionario spanish te pueda dar más información.

En segundo lugar he conseguido hacerlo con el .emacs. Lamentablemente no
he conseguido quitar los diccionarios de sueco y danés del menú, pero
por lo menos he conseguido añadir los de castellano y castellano-tex
después del british

Te mando mi .emacs para que eches un vistazo a cómo lo he hecho. Creo
que todos los caracteres extraños sobran en la parte de spanish-tex,
pero tampoco molestan demasiado.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Description: Binary data

GNOME, KDE, StarOffice5.0 y Microsoft

1998-12-01 Thread Ramiro Alba Queipo
Hola a todos:

¿Alguien sabe si el equipo de GNOME (del que forma parte RedHat) ha
hecho algun comunicado o
postura oficial acerca de la modificacion de la licencia de Qt?. En todo
caso me gustaria saber de posturas
oficiosas que me confirmaran el estado en que estan ahora las cosas
porque las noticias que pude leer
a traves de hacian referencia a un desánimo importante
(dada la desaparacion
virtual de una de las motivaciones del proyecto) aunque posteriores
comentarios relativizaban este
aspecto (ostras, es que en las listas de distribucion sobre KDE y GNOME,
a la gente se le calienta la
lengua que es un primor). El tema me interesa en tanto en cuanto tengo
entendido que aparte del tema
de la licencia, el GNOME es mas avanzado en cuanto a diseño y
perspectivos. ¿Alguien podria
concretarme mas sobre este aspecto?. Personalmente me parecería un
lástima que esto se frenara
ahora, ya que estaba firmemente decidido a utilizarlo a pesar de que
actualmente tengo instalado el
Por otra parte, lo último que he leido en la web de GNOME es que esta
previsto congelar la 1.0 en
diciembre y allá por febrero/marzo sacar la oficial.

When do you think GNOME will be ready to capture the desktop of the
average computer user?

 Miguel: We are planning on freezing the source tree
for the core libraries in GNOME sometime
 at the end of December, the first public release of
GNOME should happen a couple of months
 after that.

Por lo que se refiere a StarOffice 5.0 a los interesados en bajarla,
(publicada por la revista PC ACTUAL)
la direccion  es:

Yo la tengo instalada, y como opinion personal es que jala memoria que
da gusto. Las necesidades minimas
son 32 Mb, pero como no tengas a partir de 64 lo vas a tener un poco
crudo (me refiero a abrir mas de
un documento y trabajar por ejemplo en un entorno de desarrollo que es
nuestro Laboratorio habitual), ya
que va muy bien cuando no le falta memoria, pero si ha de empezar a
hacer swap, se degrada bastante.
Por otra parte el intercambio de documentos con Office 97 ha mejorado
bastante respecto a la ultima version
pero sinceramente tienen que mejorarlo si lo que pretenden es que se
puedan simultanear las dos suites.
En nuestro caso es muy importante, ya que estamos formado parte de
proyectos de investigacion europeos
y nos llega bastante documentacion de Office, lo cual nos obliga a
anclarnos en el Windows NT y esto nos
rompe el entorno informático ya trabajamos en desarrollo con Unix de
HP(bueno a partir de ahora con
Debian) y es un lástima porque se desaprovechan los PCs para el calculo
(cuando llegará el dia que una
una suite nos haga el Office prescindible). Por cierto he
probado el port de compilador GNU
a Win32 por cygnus (la misma responsable del desarrollo de egcs) y en un
programa escrito en C de
simulación numerica me daba un 7% mas rapido bajo Windows NT que bajo
linux?. Claro que
cuando el programa se estaba ejecutando el sistema en enlentencía de una
manera significativa (a esto
es lo que yo llamo un sistema operativo multitarea!).

A los que no esten enterados, los famos documentos en castellano
Hallowen acerca de los planes de
guerra sucia de Microsoft contra Linux estan en

Bueno, creo que nunca he escrito un mensaje tan largo. Disculpas por el
rollo y espero que me conteste
alguien a alguna de las preguntass.

Un saludo

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


RE: Problema con CDROM PIONEER

1998-12-01 Thread Carlos Martinez Txakartegi
Aupa gente,

 El fallo siempre es el mismo, al intentar montar el CD.

 Por ejemplo en la instalación de Debian 2.0 todo va bien hasta que en
 DSELECT escojo el medio desde el que voy a instalar, el cdrom. Me pide el
 BLOCK DEVICE, le doy /dev/hdc (tengo dos discos duros y el cdrom está
 y de maestro en el segundo canal IDE) y me empieza a dar mensajes de
 Los mismos que si intento montarlo antes de ejecutar dselect. Por ejemplo
 con este comando:

 mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom (me aseguré de que el directorio /cdrom
 existe, al menos un ls / devuelve cdrom entre los directorios)

 Los mensajes que devuelve son:
 mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
 hdc: irq timeout: status=0x51
 hdc: irq timeout: error=0x60
 hdc: ATAPI reset complete

 reset complete

 Y sigue así, sacando poco a poco lineas como estas.

A mí esos errores me salen de vez en cuando con discos de mala calidad,
normalmente con CDs estampados (o algo de eso, yo es que de CDs grabables no
entiendo mucho)

RE: 128 MB RAM

1998-12-01 Thread Mario Bertrand

On 30-Nov-98 Dana G Haugli wrote:
 I have 128 MB of RAM on my computer, but Linux only recognizes up to 64 MB. 
 I have tried adding mem=128M to my lilo config file as recommended in the
 HARDWARE HOWTO, but that doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions?
 Dana Haugli
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Did you put «append» before mem=128M?

1. You also need to put append like that:


2. After that you also need to run at the shell prompt: 


3. Then reboot...

Message envoyé le 30-Nov-98 à 18:40:00
Par Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Icq-java and jdk1.1-runtime

1998-12-01 Thread Andrew Ivanov
 The icq-java package refuse to install with the jdk1.1-runtime in slink. Any

Uhh, what is the problem? What are the errors it gives you?
Worked just fine here, with jdk 1.1.7 on hamm.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: Please help with CD writer questions

1998-12-01 Thread ferret

I've had a lot of trouble setting up IDE writing systems. I just had one
system I was working on at my work, where the customer wanted an IDE
cd-rewriter working under NT and Linux. Found out that NT wouldn't use the
IDE writer, even after the drivers for SCSI emulation were installed.
I did get it to work with 2.1.125 kernel with IDE-SCSI emulation, but I
couldn't get either the writer or the reader to read or play audio CDs. I
also couldn't get the reader to use IDE and the writer to use SCSI

I ended up swapping it with a SCSI writer, which reads and writes audio.
Still can't get the IDE to read audio tracks. Even though the drive says
it can handle CD-DA. Also have the reading problem on my own system. Any
ideas to fix it?

email, please. This list is very spammy for me.


On 27 Nov 1998, Gilbert Laycock wrote:

 You probably want to have a look at Andy McFadden's CD-Recordable FAQ, 
 which is not Linux oriented, but does have a lot of information about
 the hardware.
 It is at
 timothy 1. I read (on NetExpress) that the shelf life of CD-R media
 timothyis only like 5 years. Is this true? Doesn't this suck? And
 timothythat CD-RW media has a shelf life of 30 years. Does this
 timothymean I have to get a CD-RW?
 I think its the other way around CD-R lasts ~25 years, CD-RW ~5
 years. But I really don't remember where I read that. 
 Aha. At the end of the FAQ there is the claim that CD-R have an
 unrecorded shelf life of 5-10 years, and that once recorded the
 estimated life is 75-100 years depending on whether you are using
 green or gold blanks. 
 My impression is that most CD writers you can buy now will write both
 type of CD. 
 timothy 2. What is the deal with the buffer underflow thing? I read
 timothy(on that you should have a fast SCSI
 timothyinterface, because if you cant feed the writer data fast
 timothyenough, the write will die. - Does this mean that all IDE
 timothyCD-Writers are useless? And what if you do get a SCSI
 timothyWriter, but are using an IDE hard disk? Wont you still be
 According to the FAQ above IDE writers are not much of a problem so
 long as the writer has a reasonable size of buffer. And I suppose
 it depends how you are going to use it. If you always make an image on
 a spare partition before writing to the CD, problems are even less
 likely. And you probably don't want to start writing while your
 machine is heavily loaded with other processes.
 I have an IDE CD writer (an HP CD-Writer+, 7200 series, 768K buffer)
 that has worked without problems for me. But I don't use it heavily.
   Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Maths and Computer Science,
   Leicester Universityphone: (+44) 116 252 3902
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Can dpkg check the MD5's of *every* file belonging to a package?

1998-12-01 Thread Joe Emenaker

One of the faculty at our university runs RedHat (blech!). He hasn't kept
the packages up to date and, subsequently, has suffered an intrusion. I was
called in as the recovery team.

I discovered that RedHat's rpm package manager has a really cute feature. If
you run rpm --verify -a, it will check the MD5 sums, user/group
ownerships, sizes, and permissions of all of the files that came in any of
the packages. It's VERY handy for seeing what was messed with after an
intrusion. (It also flags which ones are configuration files so that you
know, of the ones that fail the MD5 check, which ones you shouldn't really
be as worried about).

Does dpkg have something like this?

As a side note, does anyone know if RedHat has a tool like dselect, that
lets you fetch all of the updated packages and install them?

- Joe

beginner: mouse jitters

1998-12-01 Thread indeed
I am trying to get the mouse running on an NEC powermate 486 sx-25 i.
When installing the mouse driver from floppy,  a message says,
No module parameters.
Depends on misc.o
and the driver installation usually fails.
When the driver does install and I run vgacardgames there is no pointer.
When I quit the game there is a message saying that the mouse must be
configured in /etc/vga/libvga.config,   where I add the line,   mouse PS2.
After that the pointer arrow appears but hardly moves from 
the top right corner and instantly returns to that corner.
From the busmouse HOWTO it appears to be a PS/2 type of mouse.
I have also tried a program called multimouse and
it behaves in the same way,  but in the top left corner.

The machine has a 4x cdrom drive with the debian binary-i386 cdrom.
Installing from floppies until the cdrom driver is loaded.
I use the internet at the local public library.

as this address is not on the automated subscriber mailing list.  

*  Get your FREE e-mail and FREE web site at FIBERIA  *
* *

Re: Icq-java and jdk1.1-runtime

1998-12-01 Thread Mario Bertrand
On 01-Dec-98 Andrew Ivanov wrote:
 The icq-java package refuse to install with the jdk1.1-runtime in slink. Any
 Uhh, what is the problem? What are the errors it gives you?
 Worked just fine here, with jdk 1.1.7 on hamm.
 Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
 someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
 need you.  |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Here is the log from the command apt-get -f install icq-java | cat 

Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
  icq-java: Depends:jdk1.1-runtime

I have the package from slink: jdk1.1_1.1.6v4a-3.deb

As you can see I have also some problem with wmaker... can't de-install  can't

Message envoyé le 30-Nov-98 à 19:23:42
Par Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help needed with compressed files

1998-12-01 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd

I wish to load some package files onto a laptop 
that has no CD-ROM drive and is not networked. Some of the .deb files are 2+MB 
and I can compress them using PKZIP,Winzip or rar but can linux unzip from 
spanned floppy disks? Any suggestions?
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.~ Australian 
Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~110 Heales Road,Lara, Geelong, 
Australia3212Tel:++(03)52742232Fax:++(03)52742350mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Question

1998-12-01 Thread WuArMy490
In a message dated 98-11-27 01:10:29 EST, you write:

 Martin == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   When I try to install my packages it says dpkg-perl file not found
   or renamed
   then it tells me where to put it when I search for it though its
   not there how do I fix this?
  This is very strange. Could you give us an verbatim transcript
  of the error? Could you also tell us what is the output of 
  dpkg -s dpkg-perl? 
   The files in this package are supposed to be
  Do any of these exist?
ok I did 
dpkg -s dpkg-perl and heres what I got

Package: Dpkg-perl
Setup: Installed ok not installed
Priority: Standard
Section: Devel

also theres no /usr/lib/perl5/Dpkg 
so I dont have those files

You got any suggestions on what to do?

Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 Ed Cogburn wrote:
Yes, this is what I was thinking of.  Right now the only way to
  'associate' packages with one another, besides the section name, is to
  use a common prefix in the name so they show up together in the same
  place in dselect's screen.  Imagine a user looking at the huge list of
  packages (in X11 section) that start with 'x'.  Yes, the dependencies
  will auto-select most of the necessary packages if one is picked by the
  user, but when I did this by picking xbase, I believe 'xterm' never got
  auto-selected, nor is the user made aware of other 'significantly
  related' packages like the other xfont and xserver packages.  How would
  a new user with little experience with Unix/X11 know he needs 'xterm'?
There is one other 'association' issue that is getting worse.  Imagine
  selecting the gnome package suite.  When I did this recently, I ended up
  with more than *30* packages being selected for gnome support.  Now
  suppose the user wants to remove gnome to try out KDE, for example (lets
  just assume they are mutually exclusive).  There is no reasonable way
  for this user to figure out which installed packages were installed for
  gnome.  I guess what I'm suggesting is that the packages need to
  'remember' *why* they were selected, by the user, or auto-selected
  because of dependency requirements on a given package.  When the user
  goes to delete gnome from his system, the other packages that were
  installed only because of dependencies, can 'inform' the user, somehow,
  that they are no longer needed.
 One problem with auto-deinstallation of support packages is that
 you may have other packages that also use the same support package.
 You would have to grep the dependency database to  ensure you
 weren't removing a library/package that was used elsewhere.
 Even then, you may have programs in /usr/local that are not tracked
 by dpkg and need one of those libraries.

If dpkg kept track of all packages that depend on the one we are
talking about, it could 'know' when the package is no longer usefull and
is merely wasting space.
About usr/local:  since we are talking about deb packages, I don't
belive there would be a situation where a deb package in the
distribution is dependent on a library that must be installed by the
user.  Most deb packages in the distribution are dependent only on other
deb packages.  The Netscape program that untill recently relied on a
'installer' deb is an exception, though, but now NS is in deb packages
(in slink) so that exception is no longer valid.
 You also have support packages that are obviously useless by themselves
 (such as libraries), but what about the ones that are only 'semi-useless'
 by themselve.  An example would be a documentation package.
 Suppose you want to have foo-doc installed without foo. (an avid reader)
 foo-doc would be part of the foo 'group', but can still be considered
 useful without foo.

I guess that it would be up the maintainer to signify whether their
packages are support-only, or usable-on-their-own.

 I think the best solution would be to be able to mark packages in dselect
 and dpkg, just like we currently have them marked as 'purge', 'hold', etc.
 We would just add a way to mark packages as
 packages-needing-it-are-gone', or IBNWOIOMSUIWAPNIAG for short.

Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Ed C.

Re: Help needed with compressed files

1998-12-01 Thread David McDonald
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:

 I wish to load some package files onto a laptop that has no CD-ROM drive
 and is not networked. Some of the .deb files are 2+MB and I can compress
 them using PKZIP,Winzip or rar but can linux unzip from spanned floppy
 disks? Any suggestions?


These ideas might be a bit slow, but on the other hand ...

Try connecting a couple of systems using a serial file xfer package such
as Kermit (ckermit) or network them via. either the parrallel port or via.
serial ports. 

I'm no expert on this, so I won't even begin to try and tell you how to go
about it - perhaps you have enough info already in your /usr/doc directory
or perhaps someone else listening in would like to guide you.

If you want to try floppies, you might be able to tar the files across
several floppies. I've never tried this with Linux, but it used to work
fine when I was using QNX a lot.


David McDonald  telephone: +61-2-9554-0346 (direct)
Systems Support Analyst+61-2-9554- (switch)
Security Mailing Services  04-1237-2284(mobile)
6 The Crescent  facsimile: +61-2-9554-0554
P.O. Box 86 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gnuplot ... Five parameter limit

1998-12-01 Thread C.J.LAWSON
I was just wondering if there was anyone who had managed to extend
the gnuplot's five parameter function limits?  I would really be happy
to hear from you 


Jonathan Lawson 
Thermal Processes Unit 
Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics 
School of Mechanical Engineering, 
Cranfield  University, 
Cranfield, Bedford. UK.  
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good 
that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, 
that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, 
Thy God reigneth!


Re: About cdrom

1998-12-01 Thread WuArMy490
 Is debian supposed to have a /dev/cdrom

Well, yes.  Unfortunately the mechanism that creates it from
the boot floppies was broken.

 Because when I install debian I do
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom and I get
 /dev/cdrom file or Dir not found

Issue the command 

   ln -s hdb /dev/cdrom

if your cdrom is an atapi cdrom as slave on the first adapter.



Ok I did that command ln -s hdb /dev/cdrom 
and nothing happened 
I also did ls -al | grep cdrom and I found
but it's not a directiory
You have any suggestions

Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread Mitch Blevins
Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Mitch Blevins wrote:
  One problem with auto-deinstallation of support packages is that
  you may have other packages that also use the same support package.
  You would have to grep the dependency database to  ensure you
  weren't removing a library/package that was used elsewhere.
  Even then, you may have programs in /usr/local that are not tracked
  by dpkg and need one of those libraries.
   If dpkg kept track of all packages that depend on the one we are
 talking about, it could 'know' when the package is no longer usefull and
 is merely wasting space.
   About usr/local:  since we are talking about deb packages, I don't
 belive there would be a situation where a deb package in the
 distribution is dependent on a library that must be installed by the
 user.  Most deb packages in the distribution are dependent only on other
 deb packages.  The Netscape program that untill recently relied on a
 'installer' deb is an exception, though, but now NS is in deb packages
 (in slink) so that exception is no longer valid.

 I was speaking of the case where you have a /usr/local binary that
 depends on a shared lib that is in a .deb

  You also have support packages that are obviously useless by themselves
  (such as libraries), but what about the ones that are only 'semi-useless'
  by themselve.  An example would be a documentation package.
  Suppose you want to have foo-doc installed without foo. (an avid reader)
  foo-doc would be part of the foo 'group', but can still be considered
  useful without foo.
   I guess that it would be up the maintainer to signify whether their
 packages are support-only, or usable-on-their-own.

The maintainer doesn't always know best.  Centralization is bad.
What if I want to build the latest foo from CVS that depends on
the libfoo.deb package.  I don't want foo.deb, but I do want the
support package.  The maintainer cannot forsee all the different


Optical Jukebox support in Linux

1998-12-01 Thread Jay Barbee
Hello all...

I was wondering if Linux (kernel and tools) had the ability to control an
optical jukebox.  The box in question is an HP OEM that has 144 slots to
hold 1.3G Optical media.  The system has 4 dirves in the base of the
jukebox to read/write the 1.3G media.  On the SCSI lookup it is all under 5
different LUNs (the 4 drives plus an extra entry for the jukebox library).

I currently have this running in Novell Netware using MDI's SCSI Express
jukebox NLM drivers.

Anybody have any experience with this or could point me in a direction to
get some help?


Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Hi all,

does someone know a practicable way to print out the HOWTOs? I think I 
have to study some of them more deeply and don't want to read them on
the screen bit would like to have them on paper. But neither the html
nor the text versions seems to be ready for printing out :(


Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Roman Malinowski
I am about to install Debian 2.00 onto my PC with Windows 95 already on
I want to pre partition hard drive with Partition Magic 4.00 since
Powerquest Corp  claims that v4.00 fully supports Linux's ext2.

Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
it work correctly?
Thanks Roman Malinowski

Re: Can dpkg check the MD5's of *every* file belonging to a package?

1998-12-01 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 03:59:17PM -0800, Joe Emenaker wrote:
 Does dpkg have something like this?

The debsums package has a utility for this. It will also create md5sums
for packages which do not come with them (good for fresh installs).

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: About cdrom

1998-12-01 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: About cdrom
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 07:48:57PM -0500


  Is debian supposed to have a /dev/cdrom
 Well, yes.  Unfortunately the mechanism that creates it from
 the boot floppies was broken.
  Because when I install debian I do
  mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom and I get
  /dev/cdrom file or Dir not found
 Issue the command 
  ln -s hdb /dev/cdrom
 if your cdrom is an atapi cdrom as slave on the first adapter.
 Ok I did that command ln -s hdb /dev/cdrom 

I assume(?) you were in the /dev dir when you did the above?
if not then ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom would have been the correct

 and nothing happened 

did you try:
VT2 root-Deb-Slink:~# ls -l /dev/cdrom and observe
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root8 Oct 21 14:12 /dev/cdrom -/dev/hdd

 I also did ls -al | grep cdrom and I found

you did the ls while you were in?  / ???

 but it's not a directiory
 You have any suggestions
 A bit more info would help, such as 
VT2 root-Deb-Slink:~# ls -al | grep cdrom 
  doesn't show anything because I am in the ~ (home) directory but
VT2 root-Deb-Slink:~# ls -al /dev | grep cdrom

yeilds about 30 entries, including /dev/cdrom -/dev/hdd


This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't.
-- Hofstadter

Re: [RE: Root Menu entry]

1998-12-01 Thread rathon

Yes I did restart the window manager and that did not update the menus.
I also ran update-menus -v and I got the following output:

%update-menus -v
Update-menus: No other update-menus programme running. Good.
Reading installed packages...
Reading translate info in /etc/menu-methods/translate_menus
In file /usr/lib/menu/xemacs19 at line 4:
section=Apps/Editors title=xemacs19-tty command=/usr/bin/xemacs19
Unexpected end of line


First, did you restart the window manager?  If not, the menus might not be

Two, as root try running update-menus w/ the verbose options turned on.  See
the olvwm scripts get called.

On 23-Nov-98 rathon wrote:
 I am using Debian2.0 with olvwm.
 I can right click my mouse and get the pulldown 'Root Menu' that shows
 all the installed stuffs I have put.
 later on, I added a xemacs package(using dselect instead of dpkg)and
 under the pulldown menu:
 Root Menu-Debian-Apps-Editors It does not show up!
 I could envoke xemacs by typing it from any xterm.
 Question: How do I add this recent package to my pulldown menu ??

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at


1998-12-01 Thread William Flores
Has anyone had any luck w/ this program??  I am having problems w/ u/l'ing
files to my public_html directories and it losing the o+r permission.  I
checked the umask and it was set to 022 which I am not sure is a good thing
or not...I don't quite understand the numbering scheme for permissions.  A
friend of mine is using the optional package of wu-ftpd..and it seems to be
working ok.

If anyone can she a light on these subjects that would be great.


Mounting CDROM

1998-12-01 Thread Doug Dine
I am having trouble mounting my CDROM. I used the command line below.

mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom

It just lists about 10 lines of error messages.

The CDROM is recognized when I boot to Linux.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Doug Dine

Mounting CDROM

1998-12-01 Thread Doug Dine
I am having trouble mounting my CDROM. I used the command line below.

mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom

It just lists about 10 lines of error messages.

The CDROM is recognized when I boot to Linux.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Doug Dine

Re: help for a future user

1998-12-01 Thread David McDonald
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 Usually I work with FoxPro under DOS but I want my DBFs to be secure.
 Does a FoxPro release for Linux exist? 

You can, of course, host the dbf files on a linux system, making them
available to windoze users by sharing the relevent directories with Samba.
(Samba is available as a Debian package).

Unfortunately, this may not give you file  record locking at a
satisfactory level if you have both linux and windoze/FoxPro clients
accessing the files at the same time.

I believe that Samba implements these locks sucessfully for the Samba
clients (FoxPro), but you may need un*x/linux programs to implement them
too, in which case you might need to look at SCO Unix - there used to be
a FoxPro for SCO a few years ago. 

(FoxPro for SCO might run under Linux to if you are running the iBCS
compatability deb's - does anyone know?)

Perhaps you can get a personal version of SCO (someone told me that it
can be obtained without having to pay for it), obtain SCO FoxPro and try
migrating SCO FoxPro to Linux.

David McDonald  telephone: +61-2-9554-0346 (direct)
Systems Support Analyst+61-2-9554- (switch)
Security Mailing Services  04-1237-2284(mobile)
6 The Crescent  facsimile: +61-2-9554-0554
P.O. Box 86 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Christian Lavoie
 I am about to install Debian 2.00 onto my PC with Windows 95 already on
 I want to pre partition hard drive with Partition Magic 4.00 since
 Powerquest Corp  claims that v4.00 fully supports Linux's ext2.
 Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
 it work correctly?
 Thanks Roman Malinowski

Worked flawlessly, on two different systems. This product is a must.

Christian Lavoie
UIN: 947212

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Steve Hsieh
It wanted to put ext2 partitions inside a logical partition and I didn't
like that. It also seemed to read my drive cylinder geometry incorrectly
(well, at least differently than linux).

I found that the best way to do it is to use PM to resize the win
partition and leave free space on the HD.  Then use linux fdisk to create
the linux partitions.


On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Roman Malinowski wrote:

 I am about to install Debian 2.00 onto my PC with Windows 95 already on
 I want to pre partition hard drive with Partition Magic 4.00 since
 Powerquest Corp  claims that v4.00 fully supports Linux's ext2.
 Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
 it work correctly?
 Thanks Roman Malinowski

Re: Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread Bob Nielsen

I usually do something like 'zcat XXX-HOWTO.gz | a2ps -4' (although you
could pipe to lpr instead).



On 1 Dec 1998, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:

 Hi all,
 does someone know a practicable way to print out the HOWTOs? I think I 
 have to study some of them more deeply and don't want to read them on
 the screen bit would like to have them on paper. But neither the html
 nor the text versions seems to be ready for printing out :(
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread David McDonald
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 Ed Cogburn wrote:
  Mitch Blevins wrote:
   One problem with auto-deinstallation of support packages is that
   you may have other packages that also use the same support package.
   You would have to grep the dependency database to  ensure you
   weren't removing a library/package that was used elsewhere.
   Even then, you may have programs in /usr/local that are not tracked
   by dpkg and need one of those libraries.

I think that this is an issue not only when packages are uninstalled but
also when packages are upgraded.

I have had trouble recently with three seperate machines (two at work and
one at home) where Netscape works, then doesn't work, then works again ...

I have not identified the *exact* source of the problem, however, it is
different to the errors that I have been seeing reported in this mailing
list. The problem *appears* to be caused by updates to the locales 
package - certainly the bi-polar mood swings in Netscape exactly
correspond with apt-get upgrades to my systems. 

Has anyone else had similar experiences when doing upgrades? I've
suspected for some time that it would be useful to reconfigure dependent
packages when lower-level packages are upgraded. Needles to say, this
could be very time consuming when very low level packages are upgraded
(such as libc).

David McDonald  telephone: +61-2-9554-0346 (direct)
Communications Analyst +61-2-9554- (switch)
Security Mailing Services  04-1237-2284(mobile)
6 The Crescent  facsimile: +61-2-9554-0554
P.O. Box 86 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Roman Malinowski wrote:

 I am about to install Debian 2.00 onto my PC with Windows 95 already on
 I want to pre partition hard drive with Partition Magic 4.00 since
 Powerquest Corp  claims that v4.00 fully supports Linux's ext2.
 Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
 it work correctly?

Hopefully it does, since I just ordered it.  Actually if you are going to
pre-partition the drive, it should work just fine--version 3.0 does also.
3.0 won't allow you do change existing ext2 partitions, but you can move
around any DOS/Windows partitions as you wish and create the new ones with
cfdisk/fdisk as part of the installation process.  


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Mitch Blevins wrote:
 One problem with auto-deinstallation of support packages is that
 you may have other packages that also use the same support package.
 You would have to grep the dependency database to  ensure you
 weren't removing a library/package that was used elsewhere.
 Even then, you may have programs in /usr/local that are not tracked
 by dpkg and need one of those libraries.

Go to, grab the latest apt-design
text from there and read section 5.2 . I think that covers what
you are looking for. If not I'ld like to know what you want to
see different and why.


This combination of bytes forms a message written to you by Wichert Akkerman.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 09:18:08PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 Hopefully it does, since I just ordered it.  Actually if you are going to
 pre-partition the drive, it should work just fine--version 3.0 does also.
 3.0 won't allow you do change existing ext2 partitions, but you can move
 around any DOS/Windows partitions as you wish and create the new ones with
 cfdisk/fdisk as part of the installation process.

Let us know if 4.0 will resize ext2. If it does I will certainly slap
down some $$ to get it.  I made a mistake on my initial partition that I'd
loke to rectify.

Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda1 248862  21046525546 89%   /
/dev/sda5  50556  3647909  0%   /tmp
/dev/sda6  96896   1621775508 18%   /usr/src
/dev/sda7 192848   16263   166294  9%   /usr/local
/dev/sda8 135204   22189   105284 17%   /home
/dev/sda9 397515  29382483160 78%   /misc

I gave myself such a large /usr/local as I was used to Slackware.  I'd
also want to reduce /tmp and /home and suffle space over / and /misc.  :/

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

libstdc 2.9 problem in slink

1998-12-01 Thread Sanjeev Gupta
Reposting Mitch's mail.  I will do so daily this week.  The solution is
simple, and worked well for me.


From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Dec  1 10:05:41 1998
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 00:51:06 -0500
From: Mitch Blevins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sanjeev Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Upgraded to unstable, now unstable

Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
 Have used Debian for critical office uses for over two years now.  And
 last saturday, being in Office, decided to upgrade from hamm to slink.
 (Please do not shoot yet).
 Near the end, I started getting:
 update-menus: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 Hmmm.  No problem, will right it self, I thought.  The same sort of
 library problems had occured when upgrading my Debian/Sparc installtion.
 But no way.  Many tools have stopped working (groff, etc); and to top it
 all, apt-get and dselect too.  So no hope of the next day's updates on
 slink righting matters.

There is another way to do this that I've seen bouncing around,
but I don't have the link to it yet.

Downgrade your dpkg to and upgrade your libstdc++ if it
hasn't been already.  Make sure apt is at 0.1.9.

You can get a tarball of all these debs from

dpkg should still work, although dselect and apt are hosed.
After installing the files above, both dselect and apt should work.
Other packages may still have problems with the __register_frame_info
problem, but they are being recompiled and uploaded so they should
work themselves onto your mirror after a few days.

Hope this helps,

Sanjeev Ghane Gupta   Tel: +91(11) 6941831, 6946619
Eurolink Systems LtdFax: +91(11) 6943732
New Delhi, India  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Eurolink doesn't pay me to speak for it, so I don't
   Old age is not an accomplishment, nor youth a sin

Re: Icq-java and jdk1.1-runtime

1998-12-01 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Hmm. Sorry, not familiar with that distribution of icq-java.
I got mine from
All you need to do is gunzip|tar the file, and edit install file to
specify the directory where your java files are.
Try that. You won't need to uninstall wm too.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

[no subject]

1998-12-01 Thread Doug Dine
I am having trouble mounting my CDROM. I used the command line below.

mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom

It just lists about 10 lines of error messages.

The CDROM is recognized when I boot to Linux.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Doug Dine

Re: Newbie Install problems

1998-12-01 Thread Kent West
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Tom Anzalone wrote:

 To anyone who can help me,
 I have tried to install Debian 2.0.2 several times but I get the
 following error when I get to the installation of the kernal:
 Floppy Error!
 The attempt to extract the Rescue Floppy failed.
 The intial parts of the installation work fine ( i.e. setting up swap
 and boot partitions, etc..)
 I have Red Hat 5.1 on the same machine and that installed without a
 problem.  I have a P133, 128meg ramm, and 2.5 gb hard drive on which I
 setup to install Debian on.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Tom Anzalone

Did you ever get a response to this posting? If so, I must have missed it.
At any rate, I'm about 87% confident that your installation problem is
related to a bad floppy. Use a different floppy and recreate the rescue
disk. I bet that'll solve it. Floppies are notorious for causing problems
during the installation of Debian.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

Re: your mail

1998-12-01 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, Nov 28, 1998 at 11:37:57AM -0700, Doug Dine wrote:
 It just lists about 10 lines of error messages.

Just a suggestion, but...  the ~10 lines of error messages would go a
LONG way into people being able to resolve your problem without taking the
shotgun approach.

Steve, former Tech Support person at a local ISP.  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

unstable == potato?

1998-12-01 Thread Morgan Fletcher
OK, I think I missed something. I installed 2.0 from CD after it was
released. I watched the progress of slink and then decided to upgrade to
it, but I think I went past it. I had already gotten some unstable stuff
from the debian web site, including apt. (The #debian crowd is cutting
edge, and I followed their advice. :) 

I set my /etc/apt/sources.list to point at unstable and did an 
`apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade`. Then I sorted out the libstdc++
business. Now everything's good, but... did I miss slink? Is 2.1 called
frozen or something? Is this right?

  hamm == 2.0
  slink == 2.1
  potato == 2.2

If I did go past it, what should I set sources.list to point at, and is it
safe to downgrade (from 2.2 to 2.1). If so, how to do it? Dselect+apt shows
a lot of the stuff I downloaded  installed as obsolete and local.


 M o r g a n   F l e t c h e r 
 Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Mounting CDROM

1998-12-01 Thread Kent West
On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, Doug Dine wrote:

 I am having trouble mounting my CDROM. I used the command line below.
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom
 It just lists about 10 lines of error messages.
 The CDROM is recognized when I boot to Linux.
 Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
 Doug Dine

These may be obvious suggestions, but is your CD-ROM a SCSI device? If
not, /dev/scd0 is the wrong device to use.

Also, does the /cdrom directory exist? If not, do a mkdir /cdrom first.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

Re: 128 MB RAM

1998-12-01 Thread Daniel Elenius
Dana G Haugli writes:

I have 128 MB of RAM on my computer, but Linux only recognizes up to 64 MB. 
I have tried adding mem=128M to my lilo config file as recommended in the
HARDWARE HOWTO, but that doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions?

There's a patch that fixes that. You can find it...somewhere.:-)..where
you usually find your patches (dont remember). Or, you can try the
newest development kernels, they fix it too.


1998-12-01 Thread Robert V. MacQuarrie

Does anyone know of a good Thesaurus in it's own linux app?? Maybe even
something thats on-line as I always have an open browser.

A bit off topic maybe but I've been looking for a Thesaurus now for ages. 
I know Word and I think StarOffice both have one built in but this is a
pain to leave what I'm doing to go and open one of these.



Re: Thesaurus??

1998-12-01 Thread Joey Hess
Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:
 Does anyone know of a good Thesaurus in it's own linux app?? Maybe even
 something thats on-line as I always have an open browser.
 A bit off topic maybe but I've been looking for a Thesaurus now for ages. 
 I know Word and I think StarOffice both have one built in but this is a
 pain to leave what I'm doing to go and open one of these.

I think you can use wordnet as a thesaurus, but I never have taken the time
to figure out how. Anyway, it's a debian package.

see shy jo

please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Patrick RICHARD

Hi all,

I've just recently installed the Debian sytem on my computer. It works 
perfectly for the root, but not for the other users. For example when 
another user send an e.mail to root, the root receive it but from the 
Unknown User (the good UID). An other example, when an user edit a text with
 vi one can see this error:

Information on user id 1000 not found.   
Modifications not recoverable if the session fails
Some other soft (like xlock for example) crashe (segmentation fault) for 
all the users except root!
Any help would be great
Thank You

Patrick RICHARD, France

[no subject]

1998-12-01 Thread Javier Velasco

Hi Debian users!

Has anynone a kernel compiled with Initio SCSI support? It 
would be of great help for me.

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-12-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 01:28:50PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Because I was a Slackware person before I was a Debian person.  I don't
 like how the headers are split from the code.  I've never cared to learn the
 Debian way when make dep ; make clean ; make zlilo ; shutdown -r now
 works so well.

I was a Slackware user for a year before Debian too. I did the a.out to ELF
upgrade by hand on my Slackware 2.3 box; not much fun.

Fortunately, being a Slackware user is not terminal. There really are 
advantages to using make-kpkg.

But using make-kpkg doesn't mean you have to use the official
kernel-source packages; I don't.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-12-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 03:40:49PM -0700, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
 The short of it is, learn to use make-kpkg. It'll make life a LOT
 easier on your new Debian system.

It's also a lot easier to compile kernels for other systems with it.
I have some 486 systems for which I prefer to build on faster machines.

In the Slackware to-hell-with-kernel-modules days it was easy to build
on another system (just copy zImage over) but now there's a bunch of things
to copy.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Fwd: [toshiba laptop kernel]

1998-12-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 01:56:17PM -0500, James Ryan wrote:
 I have a toshiba satellite pro 440CDT laptop.  In order to install
 debian, I had to use the boot image designed for toshiba laptops,
 otherwise, I got into a continuous boot cycle.  I would like to 
 try some of the new kernels but I want to avoid the cycle.  Is
 there a patch somewhere that I can apply to all kernels?  What is
 the best way to work with this, since I am going to compile a bunch
 of kernels.

Just compile your kernel as zImage instead of bzImage; that should do
the trick (it does on my 310CDS). If you use make-kpkg, use
the --zimage switch.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: ICQ over IP Masquerading

1998-12-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 02:42:16PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
 Has anyone gotten ICQ to work over Linux IP Masquerading?  Someone said
 something about telling Linux that ICQ uses ports 2000 to 4000, but I don't
 know what to do with them or how.  Can anyone help?

Well, it does work. If the person you're communicating with also uses
ICQ behind a firewall it begins to break down though.

The best fix is to install socks5 on a host you can reach without
masquerading (eg the masquerading host) and use it with ICQ.
You can download socks5 from, but be careful of
the license (which is why no debian packages exist).

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Printing from a Mac

1998-12-01 Thread Matt Thompson

I may have the opportunity to be hired as a Network Administrator for the
graphics department of a large corporation.  They have 67 cpus, many of
which are Macs.  I don't know if they have their own dedicated print/file
servers (I haven't interviewed on-site yet, but a good friend of mine is
manager of the department, so I stand a good chance of getting the job).

I have a network at home with a Debian box acting as a file/print server
for a Windows 95 ThinkPad and a UMAX J700 Mac clone running OS8.5.  File
and print from the ThinkPad work fine as does file sharing from the UMAX.
Printing over the network from the UMAX is the problem.  Here is some

$ cat /etc/printcap
#  This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig. 
$ cat /etc/netatalk/papd.conf
# Test Printer:pr=test:

I have read Bill McGonigle's Ghostscript/Netatalk HOWTO at,
but when I click on the LaserWriter 8 in the Chooser, nothing shows up.

I'm also wondering if there are any companies that provide commercial
support for Debian, or Linux in general, if that turns out to be important
to management.

TIA for any help :)

P.S. rcw, if you read this, don't spill the beans! ;)

No more C++ ?

1998-12-01 Thread Christoph Keller
When I try to compile a c++ source I get following error-message:

robinson:~/uni/c++/src$ c++ hello.C
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I heard some people have the same problem.
But how can I fix it?


Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread Helge Hafting

This looks good.  Of course the groups should be collapsable so
the user can get where he wants fast.  
   Yes, this is what I was thinking of.  Right now the only way to
 'associate' packages with one another, besides the section name, is to
 use a common prefix in the name so they show up together in the same
 place in dselect's screen.  Imagine a user looking at the huge list of
 packages (in X11 section) that start with 'x'.  Yes, the dependencies
 will auto-select most of the necessary packages if one is picked by the
 user, but when I did this by picking xbase, I believe 'xterm' never got
 auto-selected, nor is the user made aware of other 'significantly
 related' packages like the other xfont and xserver packages.  How would
 a new user with little experience with Unix/X11 know he needs 'xterm'?
xterm isn't necessary, I use rxvt instead, and the splitting of X11
let me install without xterm, which is good.  
The problem of needing *some* sort of terminal can be solved by having 
both xterm and rxvt provide the same terminal capability, and have
x-base suggest the terminal stuff.  It shouldn't depend on it though,
one can imagine an useful x-installation without a terminal.

   There is one other 'association' issue that is getting worse.  Imagine
 selecting the gnome package suite.  When I did this recently, I ended up
 with more than *30* packages being selected for gnome support.  Now
 suppose the user wants to remove gnome to try out KDE, for example (lets
 just assume they are mutually exclusive).  There is no reasonable way
 for this user to figure out which installed packages were installed for
 gnome.  I guess what I'm suggesting is that the packages need to
 'remember' *why* they were selected, by the user, or auto-selected
 because of dependency requirements on a given package.  When the user
 goes to delete gnome from his system, the other packages that were
 installed only because of dependencies, can 'inform' the user, somehow,
 that they are no longer needed.

An option for showing only those packages that nothing depends on 
could be useful.  Or a flag for every installed package showing if
there is dependencies.  

Helge Hafting

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Helge Hafting

[Partition magic 4.00  ext2]
 Worked flawlessly, on two different systems. This product is a must.

Will it deal with partition that partition magic 3.0 won't touch?
I used cfdisk's maximize option when creating a big ext2 partition.
That gave me a slightly bigger partition as it no longer started on
a cylinder boundary.  But partition magic 3.0 refuse to touch
the drive at all because of this, it won't even shrink another
hpfs partition that *is* properly aligned.  The only way
to fix this would be deleting the big partition, but there isn't
temporary space for moving the partition's contents around.  (It is 
my  /usr)

Helge Hafting

Re: Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 1 Dec 1998, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:

 Hi all,
 does someone know a practicable way to print out the HOWTOs? I think I 
 have to study some of them more deeply and don't want to read them on
 the screen bit would like to have them on paper. But neither the html
 nor the text versions seems to be ready for printing out :(

Try zcat /usr/doc/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO.gz | lpr


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

RE: Monitor vs X servers

1998-12-01 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Video card is a Diamond Stealth 1MB DRAM, and strictly from
 possibly impaired memory, an ISA card with S3 Trio VESA something-
 or-other, probably new in 1996.

Which of these two cards you are actually using?

The X server should be choosing according to the card.
There is a list of supported cards for each X server, I
think in that Hardware-Compatibility-HowTo.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re: No more C++ ?

1998-12-01 Thread Jens Ritter
Christoph Keller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I try to compile a c++ source I get following error-message:
 robinson:~/uni/c++/src$ c++ hello.C
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 I heard some people have the same problem.
 But how can I fix it?

You need libstdc++, install it.

KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Of course 5 years from now that will be different, but 5 years from now
everyone will be running free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5.
-- Andy Tannenbaum in the famous Linux is obsolete thread
   on comp.os.minux, 1992

Re: Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread David Stern
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 21:13:43 MST, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I usually do something like 'zcat XXX-HOWTO.gz | a2ps -4' (although you
 could pipe to lpr instead).

I don't usually print HOWTO's, but something I do with similarly 
formatted text is to use enscript to print 2-up (two pages side by 
side on one page) to save trees, yet remain easily readable (less page 
flipping, too).  This yields postscript output, so you'll need to have 
the gs package or equivalent setup if you don't have a postscript 
printer.  Anyway, I run a command something like:

  enscript -fTimes-Roman10 -2rG -p infile.txt
  (I mostly do this on other unix brands, so man enscript)

and I can view the output .ps file before printing using my favorite ps 
viewer, xdvi, also packaged for Debian.  Saves a lot of paper.


RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Leandro Dutra
 I've just recently installed the Debian sytem on my computer. It works 
 perfectly for the root, but not for the other users. For example when 
 Information on user id 1000 not found.   

It seems you have a corrupt users database.

Did you choose NIS or shadow when installing?

And how did you create the non-root users?

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Patrick RICHARD
I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 

Patrick RICHARD, France

 I've just recently installed the Debian sytem on my computer. It works 
 perfectly for the root, but not for the other users. For example when 
 Information on user id 1000 not found.   

   It seems you have a corrupt users database.

   Did you choose NIS or shadow when installing?

   And how did you create the non-root users?

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Roman Malinowski wrote:

 I am about to install Debian 2.00 onto my PC with Windows 95 already on
 I want to pre partition hard drive with Partition Magic 4.00 since
 Powerquest Corp  claims that v4.00 fully supports Linux's ext2.
 Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
 it work correctly?
 Thanks Roman Malinowski

I wouldnt use partition magic to create your partitions, let linux
fdisk/cfdisk do that. Sure, go ahead and use it to resize and move your
current ones, but IMHO, the linux utils are best for linux, and the DOS
utils are best for DOS. I never use a third party program to create

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  God's last name is not damn.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Newbie needs help

1998-12-01 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 host error.  Also I have no clue how to install the software packages. 
 I tried to download to floppy and then transfer over (which is a problem
 since my zip program doesn't do a split)
 and then run DSELECT.  When I choose the floppy access method, it says
 to enter the floppy with the packages file.  I put in the disk that has
 the downloaded file on it but it does not except it.  Any help with
 getting this going would be great.

The Packages file is not the file you think it is. Instead, it is found
in the root of each binary-arch hierachy on the FTP site. Is contains Info
on all the available packages in each release of Debian Linux
(hamm/slink/potato/whatever) I would recommend you wait until you get FTP
going, or use a Debian CD, which you could get for $2-3 I think in the US
from somewhere such as CheapBytes, or LSL. ( - - I think, offhand.) The floppy method, although I have not
tried it, does not sound appealing. You could use instead,
 `dpkg -i packagename.deb` to install each package manually.

 The computer is a PC clone 386, 16M Ram, 1.44 and 1.2 disc drives, 500M
 hd, 33.6 modem. No CDROM.  Thanks alot.

I see no problems with that, although a 4x CDROM drive would be helpful,
if you got yourself a Debian CD.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Klingons opened fire.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Something with Pine.

1998-12-01 Thread Michael Beattie

Okay, It has now REALLY gotten to me. I like pine, but my only gripe is
that I cannot get rid of those annoying pauses when you go to open another
folder. Can anyone alleviate my anger/lack of patience/stupidity??

Oh... the universe consists of two distinct elements. Hydrogen and

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   CONNECT 300...   Connect 300?!?!?! #%^# NO CARRIER
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: ICQ over IP Masquerading

1998-12-01 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Paul Miller wrote:

 Has anyone gotten ICQ to work over Linux IP Masquerading?  Someone said
 something about telling Linux that ICQ uses ports 2000 to 4000, but I don't
 know what to do with them or how.  Can anyone help?

My friends Windoze box has no problems with ICQ, It worked out of the box.
Except for clients trying to initiate connections to him of course.

I have got a VERY basic set of ipfwadm rules though..

#! /bin/sh
ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

Simple enough?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Def: Password: The nonsense word taped to the CRT.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Installation on IBM ThinkPad 380XD

1998-12-01 Thread Gualtiero dellarole

I tried to install Linux Debian version on my 
laptop IBM ThinkPad 380XD.
It seems to be all OK but when I boot the system 
these messages:

LILO Loading Linux 
A20 gating failed and then 

Anyone knows what happen?

This is memory sistuation on my 

Used Available 
 --- --- 
96.736 554.528 
0 Extended(XMS) 
48.969.312 1.226.336 
47.742.976  --- 
--- --- 
49.737.728 1.440.224 

 Tot. inf. a 1 
MB 768.416 
213.888 554.528

Gnuplot bug (still the same) - once again

1998-12-01 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi all!

OK, so I'm boring, misbehaving, and so on... but I don't know,
why the same ugly bug is still present in the gnuplot package...
I've reported it three times to the debian-user: (solution)
and at least two times to the gnuplot-info, but without any results :-(.

Wojtek Zabolotny


1998-12-01 Thread ulisses


On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, dha wrote:

  me gustaria intalar el LINUX en mi ordenador, y queria saber donde lo 
 puedo obtener, como intalarlo, si lo puedo intalar con w98 y que haya 
 alguna manera de arrancar LINUX o w98, en fin todo  o casi todo lo
 que deba hacer para instalar LINUX, teniendo en cuenta que nunca lo he 
 probado, ni se como es, lo unico que se es lo poquito que he leido sobre 
 LINUX, no se si sera mucho pedir, pero como el ingles no es mi fuerte, 
 haber si la informacion podria ser en castellano

primero te debo decir que esta mailing list es en ingles, hay otra en
castellano para debian, podras encontrar mas informacion sobre ella en (no te se decir mas, no estoy subscrito a ella)... ese
deberia de ser el primer punto de referencia

puedes instalar Linux junto a otros sistemas operativos como Windows98, y
sin tener que reinistalar toda lo que tengas en tu ordenador

actualmente hay una guia de instalacion para debian en,
aunque _creo_ que solo esta en ingles

otro punto para encontrar informacion en castellano es, de
todas formas mucha informacion/documentacion esta aun por traducir por lo
que tienes que resignarte a utilizar mas de lo que quisieras el ingles...

espero que esto te sirva, 

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


Installation on IBM ThinkPad 380XD

1998-12-01 Thread Gualtiero dellarole

I tried to install Linux Debian version on my 
laptop IBM ThinkPad 380XD.
It seems to be all OK but when I boot the system 
these messages:

LILO Loading Linux 
A20 gating failed and then 

Anyone knows what happen?

This is memory sistuation on my 

Used Available 
 --- --- 
96.736 554.528 
0 Extended(XMS) 
48.969.312 1.226.336 
47.742.976  --- 
--- --- 
49.737.728 1.440.224 

 Tot. inf. a 1 
MB 768.416 
213.888 554.528

Re: Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Patrick RICHARD wrote:

 I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 

Can you post /etc/passwd and /etc/group, please?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Mitch Blevins
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Patrick RICHARD wrote:
  I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 
 Can you post /etc/passwd and /etc/group, please?

Please post your private PGP key and pass phrase also. ;)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnuplot bug (still the same) - once again

1998-12-01 Thread Mitch Blevins
Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
   Hi all!
 OK, so I'm boring, misbehaving, and so on... but I don't know,
 why the same ugly bug is still present in the gnuplot package...
 I've reported it three times to the debian-user: (solution)
 and at least two times to the gnuplot-info, but without any results :-(.

 Have you reported the bug the the Debian Bug Tracking System?
 debian-user is not really the place for it.

 Seems like an easy enough fix for the package maintainer to make,
 even if the upstream author(s) is unresponsive.

 Get it in the system, and I'm sure you'll get better results.


Re: Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 M.C. Vernon wrote:
  On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Patrick RICHARD wrote:
   I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 
  Can you post /etc/passwd and /etc/group, please?
 Please post your private PGP key and pass phrase also. ;)

Red herring. If he uses shadow passwords, then the password field mearly
contains an x. If he doesn't, then it is only a one-way hash. Having said
that, he claims to use shadow, so this shouldn't matter.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

RE: Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Leandro Dutra
 I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 

I've never seen something like that.  Perhaps others at the list?
This seems to be a very interesting problem!

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Win95 - ghostscript

1998-12-01 Thread Jiri Baum

I want to print from Win95 apps (Word97) into GhostScript, and thence into
mgetty+sendfax. What would be the best printer driver to use in Win95, please?

Or is there a better way to fax from Word?

Also, does anyone have any hints as to how I might get the recipient fax
number through to sendfax? Most elegant would be to have the fax number
divined from the file itself - anyone have any experience with that?
Otherwise, probably the easiest will be to have the user rename a file in some
directory, but that's far from elegant. (Ie, fax wrapper gets the printout,
creates a dummy file. User renames file to fax number. Wrapper notices

BTW, anyone know if there is something like oneko available for Win95? (Cat
chases the mouse cursor.) I've had an aww, that's cute, can I have that on a
floppy? response, and I'm not sure what he'd do with a .deb :-)


Re: Re : RE: please help me: problems for users!

1998-12-01 Thread Mitch Blevins
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Mitch Blevins wrote:
  M.C. Vernon wrote:
   On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Patrick RICHARD wrote:
I choose the shadow mode and I create the new users with the command 
   Can you post /etc/passwd and /etc/group, please?
  Please post your private PGP key and pass phrase also. ;)
 Red herring. If he uses shadow passwords, then the password field mearly
 contains an x. If he doesn't, then it is only a one-way hash. Having said
 that, he claims to use shadow, so this shouldn't matter.

This is true.  It escaped me that he was using shadow mode.  Let's hope
he is right about that.  The one-way hashes would be easily brute-forced
with a local copy of them.

At my company, they are building a new samba password file based
on the passwords of the unix accounts.  Just running crack on a spare
machine, we've gotten 95% of the passwords without having to ask
the users to re-set their passwords for samba (wouldn't want to bother
them too much)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Partition Magic 4.0

1998-12-01 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Roman,

 Has anybody used Partition Magic 4.00 to create ext2 partitions and does
 it work correctly?

I once had an infelicity with an earlier version of Partition Magic: I was
moving from one HD to another, and while PM showed both to have the partitions
etc in the same order, in linux the orders were different. PM wrote the
partition table in creation order (if memory serves), rather than sorted.

No big deal, a couple of minutes editing fstab, but odd.

As others have pointed out, it's probably better anyway to use PM to make
yourself some space, and then create the partition from Linux.


Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread Larry de Graaf
Why not use a counter ? When a package is installed it increments the
counters of the packages it depends on. Deleting a package also decrements
the counters of the others. If a counter gets zero it can safely be deleted.

  There is one other 'association' issue that is getting worse.  Imagine
 selecting the gnome package suite.  When I did this recently, I ended up
 with more than *30* packages being selected for gnome support.  Now
 suppose the user wants to remove gnome to try out KDE, for example (lets
 just assume they are mutually exclusive).  There is no reasonable way
 for this user to figure out which installed packages were installed for
 gnome.  I guess what I'm suggesting is that the packages need to
 'remember' *why* they were selected, by the user, or auto-selected
 because of dependency requirements on a given package.  When the user
 goes to delete gnome from his system, the other packages that were
 installed only because of dependencies, can 'inform' the user, somehow,
 that they are no longer needed.

An option for showing only those packages that nothing depends on 
could be useful.  Or a flag for every installed package showing if
there is dependencies.  

Larry de Graaf

Re: About network daemons in a multi homed workstation

1998-12-01 Thread pedro . i . sanchez
The interfaces are well configured; I can ping on any of them, I have a custom 
client/server application running on the second interface and the routed daemon 
is aware of the third one. But still NFS, telnet and ftp don't work.

The /etc/hosts.access and /etc/hosts.deny files are empty (just comments). Any 
other ideas?

Thank you,

Pedro I. Sanchez

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have Debian 2.0 in a PC with three different Ethernet interfaces, each 
 interface in a different subnet. I notice that network daemons like
 telnet, ftp and NFS only work via the first interface (eth0) and
 completely ignore the other two interfaces.
 What has to be done to make them work in all interfaces? Even more, is 
 it possible to tell, say NFS, to work on two of them and ignore the
 third one?
 Thank you,
 Pedro I. Sanchez

The network daemons know nothing about such mundane details as to the
network interfaces that a particular system has. They are completely
screened from these details by the IP network layer and the TCP or UDP
transport layers (which is a good thing).  If the network interfaces are
configured correctly, then there should be (at least) three IP addresses
assigned to the system, one for each network interface (Ethernet device in
your case).  Any of these IP addresses is a valid address for that system.
So, if a user on another system (client) telnets to the system in
question, he would command telnet to connect to one of the IP addresses of
that system (server) and, as long as the client has connectivity with the
server, then the telnet session should occur normally.  So without going
into any more details of this, if you're having problems telneting (or
whatever) on two of the three network interfaces, the first thing I'd
check is whether these network interfaces are configured properly.  What
does the command 'ifconfig' show? Are the interfaces UP, RUNNING, and are
you receiving and transmitting packets over them?  Can you 'ping' other
systems that are on the directly connected networks for those two
interfaces?  If the anwsers to all of these are yes then the network
interfaces are probably configured properly and your network services
should work.  The other thing that comes to mind is denying host access
through the /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny configuration.  See if these
files are configured and read 'man hosts_access' for an explanation.

Hope this helps...

Get your free email from AltaVista at

Re: Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread Peter Granroth
On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 03:01:01AM +0100, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
 Hi all,
 does someone know a practicable way to print out the HOWTOs? I think I 
 have to study some of them more deeply and don't want to read them on
 the screen bit would like to have them on paper. But neither the html
 nor the text versions seems to be ready for printing out :(

There are postscript vrsions of the HOWTO's available at:

the mini-HOWTO's don't seem to come in postscript format though.
+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Expect script for Del key under pico/pine.

1998-12-01 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

Hi all,

I am using the folowing method to correct the work of the keys
backspace and delete under pine/pico:

[latt-s:~]  alias |grep pico
pico/home/danieldf/bin/pico-pine.fix pico -e -k
pine/home/danieldf/bin/pico-pine.fix pine

[latt-s:~]  cat bin/pico-pine.fix 

eval spawn -noecho $argv

interact {
 \177 {send \008}
 \033\[3~  {send \004} }

# Now
# picofix pico
# should work (then you can make an alias or a wrapper). 

  The problem is that if I call pico just as above pico -e -k the expect
script hangs and I cannot start pico properly. (Note: pine is working
just fine ;)

I already tried to fix this by performing some minor changes to the
script (related to the argv variable), but I had no success (I believe that
mainly because I don't know enough exect for that... ;)

Any hints?!


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network  System Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

Re: Help needed with compressed files

1998-12-01 Thread Conrado Badenas
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:
 I wish to load some package files onto a laptop that has no CD-ROM
 drive and is not networked. Some of the .deb files are 2+MB and I can
 compress them using PKZIP,Winzip or rar but can linux unzip from
 spanned floppy disks? Any suggestions?

You can use the DJGPP system (a port of GNU to DOS) (main page in Mirrors in Australia can be found in:

Download from there v2/ within there you can find the
split.exe program for MSDOS, which can be used to split large files
into smaler ones (that can fit into floppy disks). 

For more info about how to use the DJGPP system, download and read the
v2/readme.1st file on the mirrors.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: What does the # of supported visuals depend on?

1998-12-01 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I am currently porting my program from an SGI to a DEC Ultrix and a
 PC Linux system.  The biggest problem (besides byte swapping stuff)
 is the number of supported visuals.  On the SGI I can chooes between
 lots of different truecolor, directcolor and pseudocolor visuals.
 The same on the DEC (with smaller colormaps however :-[ ), but on
 my Linux box with XFree running in 16bpp mode I only have _one_
 truecolor visual.  If I start X with 8bpp I get some more, but then
 the truecolor visuals look really ugly.
 So, I am really wondering:
  What does the number of supported visuals depend on?
  And why is there no pseudocolor visual in 16bpp?

Current versions of xfree86 simply do not support pseudocolor visuals in
more than 8 bpp.  On the announcement of XFree86 4.0

XFree86 4.0

Our next major release will be 4.0. We don't know when this will be
available, and at this point we can't even make a reasonable guess, so
please don't ask us that question. We also don't have any beta versions
of 4.0 available yet, so please don't ask about that either. We still
have lot of work to do on it before it will be ready. The list below is
some of what we have planned for the 4.0 release. This feature list may
change as development progresses. We're only showing it here to give
people an idea of what we're aiming for with 4.0.


8-bit PseudoColor overlays when running in a TrueColor mode (on
selected hardware).


That means it will be included at some point in the future.  If you
can't wait, you may want to check out some of the commercial xservers.
I seem to remember they did include this feature, although it is a long
time ago I heard anyone mention them (Accelerated X, MetroLink???).



 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

ISDN connection

1998-12-01 Thread ivan
Hello All,

Myself and a group of friends wish to connect to WWW by using a permanent
connection but if we all have 33.6K modems and are all connected then it
seems that we require at least a 512K connection which is prohibitively
expensive !

Question 1.  Is the calculation: number of possible users = permanent
speed div users connection speed correct ? (ie. 512K / 33.6K = 15.238...
- I imagined that a high speed connection such as 512K would support 1000
users not just 15 !

Question 2.  If we do not intend to host our own web pages on our computer
do we need to use a web server such as Apache ?  If not, what is the
mechanism for accessing the web through a single computer ?

Question 3.  If we use Apache (or other server software), how does it work
???  I mean, does Apache request the page from the remote server, download
to its own memory at, say, 512K and then send to the user at 33.6K or are
all requests done at the speed of the user so that 15 users as calculated
in question 1 is correct ?



Re: ISDN connection

1998-12-01 Thread Mitch Blevins
ivan wrote:
 Hello All,
 Myself and a group of friends wish to connect to WWW by using a permanent
 connection but if we all have 33.6K modems and are all connected then it
 seems that we require at least a 512K connection which is prohibitively
 expensive !
 Question 1.  Is the calculation: number of possible users = permanent
 speed div users connection speed correct ? (ie. 512K / 33.6K = 15.238...
 - I imagined that a high speed connection such as 512K would support 1000
 users not just 15 !

You are making the assumption that all users would be downloading at
exactly the same time.  Most of your time spent on the web is spent
actually reading what you've just downloading, during which time the
connection is idle and others can use that bandwidth.

 Question 2.  If we do not intend to host our own web pages on our computer
 do we need to use a web server such as Apache ?  If not, what is the
 mechanism for accessing the web through a single computer ?

Don't need Apache.
There are two methods by which this is done.
1) IP Masquerading:  One computer is connected to the Net and forwards
   all IP traffic back-and-forth transparently.  This is probably your
   best solution.

2) A proxy server like Squid:  It will act as a Web Server to all the
   computers on your local net.  When you request a web page, it will
   fetch it and then forward it to the requesting machine.  The
   advantage of this is that it will cache the pages and if several
   users on your local net request the same Web page, it only needs
   to fetch it from the Net once.  The disadvantage is that it will
   only work for protocols like http and ftp, and not for other

You can use both solutions together to get the advantages of each.

 Question 3.  If we use Apache (or other server software), how does it work
 ???  I mean, does Apache request the page from the remote server, download
 to its own memory at, say, 512K and then send to the user at 33.6K or are
 all requests done at the speed of the user so that 15 users as calculated
 in question 1 is correct ?

Although Apache can be set up to be used as a Proxy Server, Squid is
much better.  How it works:
Apache/Squid will download the page form the Net at 512K and store it in
memory or on disk.  It will send it to your computer at the speed of the
local network connection (10Mb or 100Mb).  If the page is in the cache,
it will work at the speed of the local net (really fast), if it has to
fetch it from the 512K line, it will work at that speed (still pretty fast).

Hope this helps,

Re: Monitor vs X servers

1998-12-01 Thread MJ Watson
  Video card is a Diamond Stealth 1MB DRAM, and strictly from
  possibly impaired memory, an ISA card with S3 Trio VESA something-
  or-other, probably new in 1996.
   Which of these two cards you are actually using?
   The X server should be choosing according to the card.
 There is a list of supported cards for each X server, I
 think in that Hardware-Compatibility-HowTo.

There is only one card, displaying the info through DOS MSD command
shows a subset of info for the VESA stuff, which I have no idea if
it's used or not.

The card is supported, my question is what X servers will both the
card and the monitor support, or am I stuck with VGA16 for my server?


Fwd: Re: ICQ over IP Masquerading

1998-12-01 Thread Jay Barbee
I didn't see this come through the first time, so here is a repost.

Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 17:42:10 -0500
From: Jay Barbee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ICQ over IP Masquerading

At 11/30/98 02:42 PM -0500, you wrote:

Has anyone gotten ICQ to work over Linux IP Masquerading?  Someone said
something about telling Linux that ICQ uses ports 2000 to 4000, but I don't
know what to do with them or how.  Can anyone help?

You need to set up on the Linux side:
/sbin/ipautofw -A -r tcp 2000 4000 -c udp 4000 -u

and in ICQ you need to go into the preferences and go to the Connection 
tab, and tell it you have a permanent connetion to the internet and you are 
behind a firewall.  Next click the Firewall settings button.  Next say you 
don't use a SOCKS proxy server and click NEXT.  They select the TCP ports 
2000 - 4000.  That is it!

You will need to close ICQ (not just disconnect) and reopen it for the 
changes to take effect.


php 3.0.5 needs apache_common_1.3.3!!

1998-12-01 Thread James Ryan
I need to install php3.05 but it has a dependency of apache
common.  The only version available from the debian
web site is apache-common_1.3.0+1.19-1.deb.  PHP 3.05 needs
1.3.3 or higher of the apache-common. 

Two questions:

1) I am in the US, the apache-common is a non-us package.  Is it
   legal for me to use it.  I thought that SSLEAY was legal worldwide.

2) Where can I find the apache-common_1.3.3 debian package.  Is there
   another site besides the that is useful for finding
   debian packages?



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Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-12-01 Thread wtopa

Subject: Is this really the right thing to do?
Date: Sat, Nov 28, 1998 at 03:16:07PM -0500

In reply to:Ed Cogburn

Quoting Ed Cogburn([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I've been watching the explosive growth of deb packages in slink, now
 around 2700 packages.  Recently, the split-up of X11 into around 12
 packages and the numerous packages used in slink for the Netscape
 programs and the huge number (around 30) of packages that has to be
 installed for the GNOME system, is, I fear, putting strain on an already
 strained dpkg/apt/dselect management system.
   The X11 split-up is particularly worrisome because the packages don't
 have a common prefix in the name, i.e. xfonts-100-xxx, xbase, xterm. 
 Without a common prefix, the packages do not show up in the same place
 in dselect's selection screen.  At the very least, all packages in X11
 system should have a name that starts with 'X11-', for example.
   The developers of dpkg could do something like add a 'package grouping'
 feature that lets newcomers (especially newbies to X11) understand the
 relationship between packages.
   This feature would, I fear, strain the dpkg system even more.  I'm
 starting to see occasional failures under dselect/apt/dpkg that
 fortunately, for now, are transient (i.e. rerun dselect/apt and the
 failure doesn't reoccur).  It suggests to me that we are pushing our
 package management software beyond its capability.
   Does anyone else have the same concerns?

Yes, definitely!  

  I have put off continuning client changeover from slackware to
debian due to these same concerns.  Not to mention the condition of
the current slink.

 Ed C.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Real computer scientists despise the idea of actual hardware.  Hardware
has limitations, software doesn't.  It's a real shame that Turing
machines are so poor at I/O.

RE: Monitor vs X servers

1998-12-01 Thread Leandro Dutra
 There is only one card, displaying the info through DOS MSD command
 shows a subset of info for the VESA stuff, which I have no idea if
 it's used or not.

Oh... that S3 Trio is the chipset of the card.

 The card is supported, my question is what X servers will both the
 card and the monitor support, or am I stuck with VGA16 for my server?

The X server has nothing to do with the monitor.  I have
no access to the Net or to my Debian machine from where I am
now, so I can't check which is the right X server.  Certainly,
if the card is supported it means support above VGA16.

Perhaps the SVGA X server, but I am not sure.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re: ISDN connection

1998-12-01 Thread ivan
Thanks for the complete and very speedy response Mitch - now I know why I
use and preach Debian !!!

SNIP to save bandwidth !


Re: php 3.0.5 needs apache_common_1.3.3!!

1998-12-01 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On 1 Dec 1998, James Ryan wrote:

 1) I am in the US, the apache-common is a non-us package.  Is it
legal for me to use it.  I thought that SSLEAY was legal worldwide.

There is a current apache-common in slink/main

 2) Where can I find the apache-common_1.3.3 debian package.  Is there

slink/main/binary-i386/web/apache-common* on any debian ftp mirror

  It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.
  Egy pingvinre gyakorlatilag lehetetlen haragosan nezni.

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