Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
George Bonser wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> >   I realize this is a rare problem, because few if anyone is seeing it,
> > but its clear to me that its not a hardware problem, even though I
> > understand that you don't believe me, and you are not the only one to
> > tell me its not Debian software thats causing the problem.
> >
> >   It may be related to filesystem problems I had earlier, yet fsck says
> > that now my filesystem is fine.  I even ran a grep on all of my
> > filesystem files (except /proc & /dev) hoping to trigger an invalid
> > and/or broken file with errors, but that didn't find anything wrong
> > either.
> >
> Ed, check your CPU fan/heatsink. Make sure your fan is not slowing or
> heatsink fins clogged with dust. You say you get the fault when using
> dselect/apt ... does it also fault when compiling a kernel? Some things
> are more CPU intensive than other and can result in the CPU getting hot.
> This can result is really weird crashes. I usually start to notice it on
> kernel builds when the heatsink fins start getting really packed with
> dust. People that do not do a lot of kernel builds might notice the
> problem later on a different program.
> Also, if you have a computer such as a Gateway or AST that has only a CPU
> heatsink and a fan located some distance away that blows air over it, make
> sure that all covers are in place and all unused slots are covered. If air
> can "leak" before getting to the heatsink, you can loose cooling
> efficiency.
> George Bonser

Thanks George.  Well, I checked the things you suggested.  The CPU fan
and the case fan were not blocked by dust and both appeared to be
running at full speed.  There was a little dust on the tips of the fins,
but no fin was completely blocked or covered by dust.

As for a kernel build, I'm doing a second one right now as I write this
in Netscape on X11. ... OK the second compile of 2.0.35 went off without
a hitch.

[sigh] I really wish these errors would be repeatable.

Ed C.

Re: ftping StarOffice in small doses

1998-12-13 Thread Doug Dine

The only one I know of is FTP Explorer for Windows 9.x  It's freeware and 

At 12/11/98 10:13:00 PM, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>   I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
> having an
>open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
>in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
>past someone 
>mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.
>   Does anyone know if StarOffice 5 is libc5 or libc6. Libc6 would be 
> better from 
>my point of view, if it's not can anyone recommend an alternative.
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

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Re: fetchmail + procmail setup

1998-12-13 Thread Shao Zhang
Could you please clarify my understanding??

I read the document about procmail. I don't understand why we need
to use .forward.(what does it do wanyway??)

In the man page, it says if we use 

fetchmail -v --mda formail -s procmail

Then all the mails arrived will be going through procmail

am i missing anything??



Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Dan hursh wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> >   Thanks Dan, I thought it was just me.  I reported transient errors 
> > with
> > apt/dpkg.  Do the errors start with 'General Protection:  00' or
> > 'General failure:  ' or something like that?
> I don't know if I'm any help.  I've never gotten any thing like that.
> [snip]

OK Dan, for a moment there I thought I had a kindred spirit.  I looked
at the errors you reported in another message, and I'm afraid I've never
seen them before either.

Ed C.

Re: calculating bandwidth requirements

1998-12-13 Thread Ben Bucksch
>> Having said that, is there some rough guide to calculating the mimimum
>> bandwidth required to support a given number of users with 56K
>> to my machine ?

Look at your own ip-stats when you're surfing.

>feed.  That is a T1 in and of itself.  Just grab the groups that are
>requested and tell the people up front they have to request news groups

Isn't there a news "proxy" (a news server, that grabs the news fromanother
one, when they're requested)?

>approximately when it will be there.  Hrm...  Oh, and definately,
>setup a proxy and insist that your users use it whenever possible.  I run a
>small lan here at home and my proxy does get hit often enough to help and
>that is only with me and my parents on the network.  If you get ~20 people
>dialing in chances are a lot of sites will be hit repeatedly.  Like the
>comic syndicates, pages they email to one another, etc.

Yes, that's right. Can't one force the users to use theproxy at port

Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
> Ed C. writes:
> > I first got the same kind of 'General failure: 0' message from
> > apt/dpkg then I got the kernel message that began with 'Aiyee' or
> > something like that.  It was the first time I've seen a hard kernel crash
> > outside of the X win system.
> An X server can crash the kernel because it has privileged i/o and memory
> access.  Programs such as apt and dpkg cannot.  What you got can only be
> either a kernel bug or a hardware problem.  Since apt and dpkg do nothing
> at all out of the ordinary from the point of view of the kernel, it is
> unlikely that they would tickle a kernel bug that would not also be tickled
> by many other programs.  Thus we are left with hardware.  How's your
> cooling?
> --
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI

Yes, I know about X causing problems with the kernel that wouldn't
occur with a program that didn't directly access the video hardware.  I
was emphasizing the fact that I've never seen a console program crash
the kernel.

My hardware has been the same since Debian 1.3.1.  I never had this
kind of problem before Debian 2.0, and I don't see anything similar in
Win95.  Keep in mind what I said about using dpkg manually to
sucessfully install the same package(s) that crashed dselect/apt.  Also,
if it were a hardware problem, I'd be seeing other Linux software
(unrelated to dselect/apt/dpkg) having similar and frequent problems,
but that is not what is happening on my system.  In fact, IIRC, I've
never seen the 'General protection/failure' message from any other

I realize this is a rare problem, because few if anyone is seeing it,
but its clear to me that its not a hardware problem, even though I
understand that you don't believe me, and you are not the only one to
tell me its not Debian software thats causing the problem.

It may be related to filesystem problems I had earlier, yet fsck says
that now my filesystem is fine.  I even ran a grep on all of my
filesystem files (except /proc & /dev) hoping to trigger an invalid
and/or broken file with errors, but that didn't find anything wrong

Next time I upgrade, I'll do it manually with dpkg; maybe the problem
is with dselect/apt.

I also promise that I'll send a failure report to this list if I can
just find one of these errors to be repeatable.  So far they are all

Ed C.

Re: X fonts problems. nothing available for helvetica

1998-12-13 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
"Alan Bailward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi there.  Appologies for re-hashing this.
> Just upgraded my system for the first time in a couple of months
> with slink.  Everything mostly went right, but I have had some
> problems with X.  When starting it, my windowmanager (windowmaker)
> complains with a message like:
> Can't load font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed.

I have the following xfonts installed:

~$ dpkg -l xfonts\* 
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  xfonts-100dpi   100 dpi fonts for X servers
ii  xfonts-75dpi3.3.2.3a-8.1   75 dpi fonts for X servers
ii  xfonts-base   standard fonts for X servers
ii  xfonts-pex   fonts for minimal PEX support in X servers
ii  xfonts-scalable   scalable fonts for X servers

Please check your packages, some of them might be missing.



RE: Problems with Maelstrom

1998-12-13 Thread Darren Benham

No, quite frankly, Maelstrom doesn't seem to be working for me, either.  The
only way I can get it to work is to d/l pristine source and compile it myself

On 13-Dec-98 Peter Kovacs wrote:
> I used to play this game for hours and hours on my old Mac LC III.
> Anyway, I just discovered that it existed last night, and I'm having a few
> problems starting it.  In X, I start it with the -nofade option, and the
> load status bar fills up and the game apparently crashes.  The window is
> still there, but nothing else happens.
> Anybody know why this is happenning?  Anybody figure out how to get
> Maelstrom working? 
> Running Linux 2.0.36 and 2.1.131 (tried both different sound setups), and
> the latest slink packages. (Updated basically nightly).

* <><  *
*Darren Benham * Version: 3.1   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++> P+++$ L++>*
*   KC7YAQ * E? W+++$ N+(-) o? K- w+++$(--) O M-- V- PS--   *
*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b DI+++ D++   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+*
*  * --END GEEK CODE BLOCK-- ---*

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: WindowMaker 0.20.3 on hamm

1998-12-13 Thread Tun Yang
>| thanks for the input... I checked and I had those packages installed
>| already... and I couldn't find any packages with the same name but
>| the 'g' at the end...It still gives the same error... 
>| ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
>If I remember your problem correctly...
>The X11 libs are in /usr/X11R6/lib and you have to tell ld to
>look there. If you post the top of your Makefile we should be
>able to help.

It was fixed with a previous suggestion of editing
changing  INCDIR = $(INCROOT) /* header files */
to be:
INCDIR = $(INCROOT)/X11 /* header files */ 

Thank you..

RE: creating audio-cds from .wav-files

1998-12-13 Thread Jon Burchmore
> But, ...
> my target is to bring the .wav - files back to
> audio-format to create audio-cd's which I can
> run in my "stereo-box-cd-player"
> Is there any way to do this, maybe a converting-
> program ?

There is no need to convert the files.  cdrecord can write .wav files
directly to CD-R (I've done this once or twice).  From the cdrecord
man page:

If a filename ends in .au or .waw the file is  con­
sidered   to  be  a  structured  audio  data  file.
Cdrecord assumes that the file in this  case  is  a
Sun  audio  file  or  a  Microsoft  .WAV  file  and
extracts the audio data from the files by  skipping
over  the  non-audio  header  information.   In all
other cases, cdrecord will only work  correctly  if
the  audio  data  stream  does not have any header.
Because many structured audio files do not have  an
integral   number  of  blocks  (1/75th  second)  in
length, it is often necessary to specify  the  -pad
option  as  well.   cdrecord  recognizes that audio
data in a .WAV file is  stored  in  Intel  (little-
endian)  byte  order,  and will automatically byte-
swap the data if  the  CD  recorder  requires  big-
endian  data.   Cdrecord will reject any audio file
that does not match the Red  Book  requirements  of
16-bit  stereo  samples in PCM coding at 44100 sam­

-Jon Burchmore


1998-12-13 Thread Peter Bartosch

}-> Hey all,
}-> When I try to run whine, it says:
}-> "Could not stat /dos, ignoring drive C:
}-> Invalid path 'c:\windows' for windows directory"
}-> Uh, help.

you have to edit your /etc/wine.conf

in it there are the dos-drives defined

/dos is predefined as c:
so, if you don´t have a mounted msdos-partition at /dos (and if your windir
is´ns \windows) the "invalid path" error appears

until next mail ;)

  :~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~:
  :   student of technical computer science:
  :  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  :

Lowmemory Installation Help

1998-12-13 Thread Sean
I am currently attempting to install debian 2.0 (hamm) on a
486-25MHz computer with 4MB of memory using floppy disks.

When I go through the installation program, everything seems to work
okay, after about five trials.  I always seem to get stuck at the point
where I have a choice of making a bootable floppy or booting from hard

Lilo says I have bad disk geometry 0/0/0.  Which is wierd because in
the partioning program run by the lowmem disk, I had to set the
cyclinders,head, and sectors through the experts menu.  After writing
the partion table, the disk or the operating system "forgets" these
settings somehow, and I have to retype them in.  The installation
program on the rescue disk also "forgets" right after I get done type
them in!!  The hard drive I'm using is a Conner 420A hard disk with 826
cylinder,63 sectors and 16 heads.

I've also tried making a boot floppy, but the installation program
seems to hang when creating a filesystem on that floopy.  I don't know
what is happening being new to this system, but I would appreciate any
advice or help you could give me.


Sean McIlwain

Re: creating audio-cds from .wav-files

1998-12-13 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Peter Berlau wrote:

> Is there any way to do this, maybe a converting-
> program ?

 Check out wav2cdr package on:

 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

Re: [fsck]: file system errors ... (still have ...)

1998-12-13 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Nuno Carvalho wrote:

> On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, wb2oyc wrote:
> > > Is anything going wrong !? It happens, sometimes, even when not having
> > >failure power or mounted disks.
> > Are you actually shutting down with "shutdown -h now" and waiting for
> > the System Halted message, or are you just killing power?
>  Yes I'm doing "shutdown -h now" and waiting until "System Halted". I
> still have no idea about what reason ... could it be a problem from fsck!?

 I still had that error !:( Anyone knows if there's more some bug which
cause this !?

 Any help?


 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

Unidentified subject!

1998-12-13 Thread Phillip Neumann

On vie, 11 dic 1998 19:13:33 tracheotomy bob wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
> having an
> open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
> download
> in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
> past someone 
> mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.
>   Does anyone know if StarOffice 5 is libc5 or libc6. Libc6 would be 
> better from 
> my point of view, if it's not can anyone recommend an alternative.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null


I just finished dowload SO5, reuming with ncftp...use it.
Its libc6.


Re: UDMA Disk Errors Fixed

1998-12-13 Thread Rick Macdonald

George - with all those things disabled, does the UDMA disk perform
faster than if you just don't use the UDMA in the first place? I'm
assuming that you can choose a UDMA driver or the regular IDE driver?

George Bonser wrote:
> Pretty tired at this point but I got it fixed. It is a combination of BIOS
> and disk parameters.
> Motherboard is Award BIOS with SiS chipset. The section under PCI and
> Onboard IO is set up thusly:
> CPU-PCI Burst Mem Write - Enabled
> CPU-PCI Post Mem Write - Enabled
> Internal PCI/IDE - Both
> IDE Pri Master PIO - Auto
> Secondary  - Auto
> IDE Sec Master PIO - Auto
> Secondary  - Auto
> Primary IDE Prefetch - DISABLED
> Secondary IDE Prefetch - DISABLED
> IDE Burst Mode - Enabled
> IDE Post Write - Disabled
> IDE HDD BLock Mode - Enabled
> Then I fiddled with hdparms. The important thing on the  UDMA drive
> appears to be disabling the internal prefetch with -A 0 and disaling
> multiseek with -m 0. My flags look like this:
> hdparm -A 0 -m 0 -c 3 -u 1 -a 4 -k 1 /dev/hdc
> End of errors.


Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Dan hursh

On 13 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> An X server can crash the kernel because it has privileged i/o and memory
> access.  Programs such as apt and dpkg cannot.  What you got can only be
> either a kernel bug or a hardware problem.  Since apt and dpkg do nothing
> at all out of the ordinary from the point of view of the kernel, it is
> unlikely that they would tickle a kernel bug that would not also be tickled
> by many other programs.  Thus we are left with hardware.  How's your
> cooling?

  Well, I'm not have the kernel crashes that the other fellow is having,
however I suspect this might be some good advise for me too.  I'm running
on the 2.0.34 kernel.  I can try the 2.0.33 one that came with the
distrobution.  Does anyone have any idea's of what would be a safe version
xserver-svga to go with?  I'm running now.  

  Also, some of the error I've been getting are shown below.  The only one
that fails all the time is second one.  (netscape)  The rest will be
repeatable for a little while, but after a reboot, or after some
period of time, they work again.  I've started to capture all the odd
error messages.

Dan Hursh

# emacs is segs on exit,  exit code is 139
# it did it last night, but is happy today.  I did nothing to change it.
Fatal error (11).Segmentation fault

# This hasn't worked since I installed hamm/stable
> netscape 
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 7:   470 Illegal Instruction $nsremote
-remote "openURL($url, new_window)" 2>/dev/null
Illegal instruction

# I had this working for a little while last night.
> /usr/lib/netscape/netscape
Illegal instruction

Re: resolve.conf specification

1998-12-13 Thread john
Horacio writes:
> So, that means there is a "non simple" way of using 2+ different ISPs...  if
> so, how?  and, could you explain it to me step by step, please?

This a cheap hack, off the top of my head and untested.

Use pppconfig to set up named providers ispA, ispB, and ispC, in addition
to 'provider'.  Put this in /usr/local/bin/pon and make it executable:

/usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider} ipparam ${1:-provider}

Put this in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00nameservers and make it executable:

cp /usr/local/lib/nameservers/$6 /etc/resolv.conf

Create /usr/local/lib/nameservers/.  Create four 'resolv.conf' files with
appropriate contents and put them there, naming them provider, ispA, ispB,
and ispC.

> ...but also the right pap-secrets file, I believe...

Nope.  Not a problem.  pppconfig will create a line for each isp and pppd
will pick the one that matches the username it was given.

> ...or I think there's a way of writing different userIDs and passwords in
> pap-secrets...

As long as you use a different userID for each isp you'll be fine.  If you
use the same userID you will have to use 'remotename'.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: g++2.8, egcs, gcc 2.7.2, etc. - *very confused*

1998-12-13 Thread Jiri Baum

> >I left the source as it was, but added some softlinks, like
> >/usr/include/X11/GL -> /usr/include/GL
> Me to, but I had to edit out some refs. to a /GL/GLw/ directory included
> file - the header file was actually under /GL, and Glw doesn't exist on
> my system.

I used softlinks throughout, but I don't remember them all...
  /usr/include/X11/GLw -> GL

> But try compiling the vopengl stuff - all the makefiles are set up for
> windows, even though I downloaded the X version of V.

I didn't have any other problems - it might have helped that I used Mesa,
from a Debian package, so I didn't have to compile OpenGL myself.

mesag2  2.6-3  A 3-D graphics library which uses the OpenGL
mesag2-dev  2.6-3  Development library for Mesa [libc6].

> Do you know what's happened to the V mailing list?  It just says it's
> moving on the V site.

No idea. Didn't try it (I was after compiling FREEdraft, and V was just a
step on the way).

> >slink isn't released yet, anyway.
> Indeed, but it is clear from this list that many people with time to
> spare are upgrading anyway...

With emphasis on "time to spare" :-)

> I think I've got what's up with the different compilers now, but since
> compiling free source is such a typical Unix tradition, I feel that the
> documentation on what's going on should be more widely publcicised,

Hmm, perhaps a tutorial kind of thing.
  * download file into a subdir
  * tar xvzf file.tgz (if your tar can handle that)
  * read README, INSTALL etc
  * basic make usage, common make targets, editing makefiles
  * understanding error messages
  * ...

Especially the error messages can often be very obscure-looking and still
tell you exactly what's wrong!


Debian CDs.

1998-12-13 Thread Christian Lavoie
What's is the best place (on-line) to get the Slink CDs when it's out?

creating audio-cds from .wav-files

1998-12-13 Thread Peter Berlau
yesterday I buyed a SB - AWE 64 value Soundblaster-Card
and sucked some sound-programs from debian/slink
I can:
plug in my audio-stereo to the line-in SB
than can
mix the input-pegel with `xmixer'
record the audio-data with `sound-recorder'
and play the generated `XXX.wav' with `splay'
that works pretty funny and Im very happy to get
this running.
But, ...
my target is to bring the .wav - files back to
audio-format to create audio-cd's which I can
run in my "stereo-box-cd-player"
Is there any way to do this, maybe a converting-
program ?
the hint is, if possible, I like to:
1. burn some LP'S to CD's
2. make DEMO-CD's from tape-recording's during
   live or studio-gigs;
   Im musican this, however, will be very highly
   recommended, if possible

Any ideas, or tips
thanks a lot
 wish You all the very best

Re: new LILO won't install a new boot sector ...

1998-12-13 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Seth M. Landsman wrote:

>   So I have a laptop that has been running slink since August.  I
> just downloaded the new lilo and tried to install a new kernel via lilo.
> I get the error message :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo lilo
> First boot sector has a pre-21 LILO signature
>   lilo -q does not show the new kernel has been installed.  In
> rebooting, the new kernel is in fact not installed.  Any one know if there
> is a way to update a lilo 20 boot record so that lilo 21 will install?
>   Or do I have to bite the bullet and do an fdisk /mbr and boot from
> a disk?

Sorry no solution but another data point.

I also have a laptop with a dual boot configuration with NT and
Debian.  The Debian root is on partition /dev/hda5 which is a logical

lilo_20-0.1 works fine.  lilo_20-2 doesn't.  When lilo is run, no
errors are reported but when trying to boot, the LILO prompt appears
correctly but when the linux kernel is select it hangs after printing
that it is loading the kernel.

Jean Pierre

Re: sorting russian text; perl

1998-12-13 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 11:13:09PM +0400, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
> Hi all, 
> about one month ago there were posting about locale's usage under
> perl.  I tried to use it for sorting russian, but it did not work for me.
> Is there any additional tricks beside setting LANG=ru_RU; export LANG? I
> used /usr/share/keytables/ for inputing some russian text. Hope this
> corresponds to koi8 coding. 

Maybe try setting LC_ALL too?

Just guessing,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Fwd: Problems compiling KDE v1.0

1998-12-13 Thread MallarJ
For those of you that are or will be attempting to compile v1.0 of KDE,  there
is a problem with the kdeadmin package source.  Evidently, it's a known issue,
but I thought I'd forward the reply anyway...

PS - I've finally managed to get all of the KDE stuff compiled (it took a good
portion of two days) and will hopefully be trying to get it to run today.
I'll let you know how it works!!

MANY thanks to those that helped me get it going.


In a message dated 12/13/1998 7:38:21 AM CDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Hello,
>  It is a known problem. Please use the latest snapshot.
>  On 12-Dec-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  > Denis,
>  > 
>  > I'm having problems compling KDE v1.0, in particular kdeadmin/kuser.
>  > enclosed a tar file with relevant info:
>  > 
>  > Makefile  - the make file from the kdeadmin-1.0 
> directory
>  > Makefile.kuser- the make file from the kdeadmin-1.0/kuser
>  directory
>  > make.log  The original make file output
>  > The make output with the --with-pam option.
>  > 
>  > What I've done:
>  > 
>  > tar xvfz kdeadmin-1_0_tar.gz
>  > cd kdeadmin-1.0
>  > ./configure
>  > make  [output in make.log]
>  > ./configure --with-pam
>  > cd kuser
>  > make  [output in]
>  > 
>  > 
>  > The error I'm getting is:
>  > 
>  > -DQUOTACTL_IN_LIBC -I/usr/local/kde/include -I/usr/include/qt
>  > -I/usr/X11R6/include  -O2 -Wall -c mainWidget.cppI
>  > n file included from maindlg.h:12,
>  >  from mainWidget.cpp:1:
>  > quota.h:55: #error "GLIBC has an error regarding to shadow handling. 
> Possibly
>  > you should run configure with --with-pam option and then recompile kuser.
>  > Otherwise, please, contact Denis Pershin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
>  > make[2]: *** [mainWidget.o] 
>  > Error 1make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/kde/kdeadmin-1.0/kuser'
>  > make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 
>  > Error 1make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kde/kdeadmin-1.0'
>  > make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

--- Begin Message ---

It is a known problem. Please use the latest snapshot.
On 12-Dec-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Denis,
> I'm having problems compling KDE v1.0, in particular kdeadmin/kuser.  I've
> enclosed a tar file with relevant info:
> Makefile  - the make file from the kdeadmin-1.0
> Makefile.kuser- the make file from the kdeadmin-1.0/kuser
> make.log  The original make file output
> The make output with the --with-pam option.
> What I've done:
> tar xvfz kdeadmin-1_0_tar.gz
> cd kdeadmin-1.0
> ./configure
> make  [output in make.log]
> ./configure --with-pam
> cd kuser
> make  [output in]
> The error I'm getting is:
> -DQUOTACTL_IN_LIBC -I/usr/local/kde/include -I/usr/include/qt
> -I/usr/X11R6/include  -O2 -Wall -c mainWidget.cppI
> n file included from maindlg.h:12,
>  from mainWidget.cpp:1:
> quota.h:55: #error "GLIBC has an error regarding to shadow handling.
> you should run configure with --with-pam option and then recompile kuser.
> Otherwise, please, contact Denis Pershin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> make[2]: *** [mainWidget.o] 
> Error 1make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/kde/kdeadmin-1.0/kuser'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 
> Error 1make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kde/kdeadmin-1.0'
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> I'm stuck, can you help with the error??
> Thanks...

Sincerely Yours,
Denis Y. Pershin

FidoNet: 2:5000/120.5
--- End Message ---

Re: resolve.conf specification

1998-12-13 Thread homega
> At present there is no simple way to use a different set of nameservers
> with each ISP.

So, that means there is a "non simple" way of using 2+ different ISPs...  if
so, how?  and, could you explain it to me step by step, please?

BTW, not only it would have to be able to choose the right resolv.conf file,
but also the right pap-secrets file, I believe... or I think there's a way
of writing different userIDs and passwords in pap-secrets... ?

Un saludo,



russian text; perl NEED HELP!!!

1998-12-13 Thread Eugene Sevinian
as I run into this problem and do not how to cope with it,
I would like to ask somebody who is workig with russian
just to test whether perl supports sorting  of russian texts. 
Torsten sent me a simple script which was working for him. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Eugene Sevinian wrote:

> Hi all, 
> about one month ago there were posting about locale's usage under
> perl.  I tried to use it for sorting russian, but it did not work for me.
> Is there any additional tricks beside setting LANG=ru_RU; export LANG? I
> used /usr/share/keytables/ for inputing some russian text. Hope this
> corresponds to koi8 coding. 
> Thanks forward,
>   Eugene.
> On 20 Nov 1998, Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
> > 
> > I tried it with the following little sorting program:
> > 
> >   use locale;
> > 
> >   my @ARRAY;
> >   my $i;
> > 
> >   while(<>) {
> > push @ARRAY, $_;
> >   }
> >   for $i (sort @ARRAY) {
> > print $i;
> >   }
> > 
> > and it work perfectly (in my case treating ö like o).  At least perl
> > is aware of locales.
> > 
> > Torsten
> > 

new LILO won't install a new boot sector ...

1998-12-13 Thread Seth M. Landsman
So I have a laptop that has been running slink since August.  I
just downloaded the new lilo and tried to install a new kernel via lilo.
I get the error message :

First boot sector has a pre-21 LILO signature

lilo -q does not show the new kernel has been installed.  In
rebooting, the new kernel is in fact not installed.  Any one know if there
is a way to update a lilo 20 boot record so that lilo 21 will install?

Or do I have to bite the bullet and do an fdisk /mbr and boot from
a disk?

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion"

Re: vgetty info.

1998-12-13 Thread Joerg Friedrich
On Fri, 11 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm looking for information about vgetty.  Does anyone know if there is
> a homepage for it?  Also what modems does it support?  Anyone have real
> world experiance with it?

Main Site

vgetty mirror sites:

Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komme wieder, keine Frage!!!


Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread john
Dan writes:
> Could you tell if the General Protection/failure
> messages were from dselect, or the kernel.

Such messages can come only from the kernel.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Toshiba Satellite crashes with fn key

1998-12-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 13 Dec 1998q, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> Has anyone on this list tried pressing the fn key on a Toshiba Satellite while
> in Linux?  In my case it locks up the machine irretrievably :)) . 
> I wish there were some way of disabling it.
> Anthony

Very sorry to follow up to my own post but this may be helpful to anyone who has
a similar problem.  I found out what was wrong: I was following the advice
available at  This covers the
400CDT but not the 4000CDT. You are advised to compile the kernel with Advanced
Power Management. If you do this the Fn key causes the lockup.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald

Re: apache: "httpd: cannot determine local host name."

1998-12-13 Thread Tim Moore
> "Graham" == Graham Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Graham> if you've got a dynamic ip address, or that still doesn't
Graham> work, look through your httpd.conf file until you find the
Graham> line that looks like;

Graham> #ServerName

Graham> replace with what it should be, and
Graham> remove the '#' from the start of the line. then try
Graham> restarting apache.

So what if your hostname is dynamic, too?  Obviously this won't be
usable as an actual web server, but I want to use it for dwww,
squid-cgi, and other utility CGIs.

Can I just set ServerName to "localhost" or the (fake) hostname I've
set for the machine?  /etc/apache/http.conf says: "You cannot just
invent host names and hope they work."  But does that only apply if
clients on other machines are seeing it?

As a side note, having a dynamic IP/hostname is a *real* pain on
Linux!  Perhaps an effort to develop a set of services which are
optimized for a dialup connection would be good...

Tim Moore

Re: fetchmail + procmail setup

1998-12-13 Thread Graham Ashton
On 14 Dec, Richard L. Alhama wrote:

> But when I choosed smail as my MTA, my used to be working ~/.procmailrc
> could not sort mail anymore.

oh. well I have a very similar setup to dave. my .forward and
.procmailrc files seem to be virtually identical (technically). 

my fetchmail is done slightly differently though (I'm running it from a
cron job instead - I know, daft, but I can't be bothered to fix it).

> what should ~/.forward contain?

here's my .forward;

humbug% cat .forward 
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f || exit 75 #ashtong"
humbug% ll .forward 
-rw-rw-r--   1 ashtong  ashtong60 Dec  8 10:39 .forward

> the permissions on /var/spool/mail?

humbug% ll /var/spool/mail -d
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mail 1024 Dec 13 13:37 /var/spool/mail/
humbug% ll /var/spool/mail
total 24
-rw-rw   1 ashtong  mail23017 Dec 13 17:28 ashtong

they may not be right, but they work for me, and are debian's defaults.
I'm also using smail, and I just copied the .forward from my old red hat
system that was using sendmail. everything works as expected.

I've got vanilla hamm. hope that helps you a bit.


Re: mailtools filter

1998-12-13 Thread john
Richard L. Alhama writes:
> does anyone here have a working mailtools filter for debian-user?

I'm fairly happy with mailagent.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread john
Ed C. writes:
> I first got the same kind of 'General failure: 0' message from
> apt/dpkg then I got the kernel message that began with 'Aiyee' or
> something like that.  It was the first time I've seen a hard kernel crash
> outside of the X win system.

An X server can crash the kernel because it has privileged i/o and memory
access.  Programs such as apt and dpkg cannot.  What you got can only be
either a kernel bug or a hardware problem.  Since apt and dpkg do nothing
at all out of the ordinary from the point of view of the kernel, it is
unlikely that they would tickle a kernel bug that would not also be tickled
by many other programs.  Thus we are left with hardware.  How's your
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

RE: Dead middle button in Agiler 3 button mouse

1998-12-13 Thread Jon Burchmore
> Just got a basic Agiler serial mouse (AGM1904). It works fine but
> the middle button does not respond.

> The mouse box says: resolution 400DPI, Mode: Microsoft / Mouse system.
> You need to hold down a button at power-up to go into Mouse System (I
> guess
> they mean Mouse Systems?) which I did not want (do i?).

You do want MouseSystems mode.  AFAIK, the Microsoft Protocol only
supports 2 buttons.  You can find all the information you'll *ever*
want to know about your mouse (including how to get it to start up
in MouseSystems mode without holding a button down) in the 3
Button Mouse mini-howto:

-Jon Burchmore

how to set up delete and Num_Lock under X Window ?

1998-12-13 Thread Jan Krupa

Under X Window
backspace works in the standard way but delete works exactly
the same way as backspace.

How can I achieve the two keys named delete working under
X Window in all applications (e.g. xterm, emacs, mathematica, netscape, 
vim,..) in the standard way (erasing the sign after cursor not
before, like backspace does) ?   

On the console (without X Window) delete works in the
standard way (erases signs after cursor).


In many applications (e.g.:netscape, mathematica)
the keys from the "numeric keyboard" does not work
(when push some key it is heard "bip").
Pushing Num Lock does not give anything ?

To be more precisely I have quite big mess.

In Mathematica3.0, netscape4.5 any of the keys from numeric keyboard
does not work. Under Netscape the standard delete (not the one
from the numeric keyboard) works in the standard way (erases
signs after cursor) but in Mathematica front end
delete works exactly the same way as backspace.

I have read in keyboard-howto that it is rather needed to
define for each applications separately the keymap to get delete
and numeric keyboard working in the standard way under X Window. 

If anybody has the keyboard (delete and numeric keyboard) working
in the standard way, please help me (e.g. some input code
for .inputrc, .Xmodmap, .emacs,...). 

I use debian2.0, kernel-2.0.36, xserver-

Thanks in advance

Please send the answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
because the mailing list is too busy for me so I could miss the answer.

Jan Krupa

Re: dwww: how to include /usr/local/doc

1998-12-13 Thread Marc Haber
On 12 Dec 1998 21:56:43 +0100, you wrote:
>>> "MH" == Marc Haber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>MH> I have compiled some programs myself, such as a testing release of
>MH> exim. These programs went into /usr/local, so I have a
>MH> /usr/local/doc with quite some documentation that I'd like to
>MH> include into dwww.
>Could you clearify a bit?
>Do you want to be able to use the "File listings" thing or the "Debian
>Documentation Menu" one?

I would be happy if I could search for exim and get a listing of the
files in /usr/local/doc/exim. Anything more is nice to have, but not


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: ftping StarOffice in small doses

1998-12-13 Thread Marc Haber
On Fri, 11 Dec 1998 22:13:33 + (GMT), you wrote:
>   I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
> having an
>open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
>in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
>past someone 
>mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.

Try wget. It does do ftp as well and can be interrupted whenever


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Network cards.

1998-12-13 Thread Marc Haber
On 12 Dec 1998 13:38:56 -0800, you wrote:
>I believe Donald Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said that he
>believes that every 10/100 Mbps ethernet card on the market is now
>supported for Linux.  :-)

He believes. Though he knows that later Adaptec ANA6911A cards don't

>You have to be pretty unlucky to find a card that doesn't work

Just go for an Adaptec. You will have problems that you never dreamt


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Dan hursh
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:

>   Thanks Dan, I thought it was just me.  I reported transient errors with
> apt/dpkg.  Do the errors start with 'General Protection:  00' or
> 'General failure:  ' or something like that?

I don't know if I'm any help.  I've never gotten any thing like that.

>   In my original post, I believed dselect/apt/dpkg were being pushed
> beyond their capabilities.  Dpkg is being swamped by packages, now more
> than 2700.  However, the errors, from my point of view, are far more
> common when running dselect with apt as the access method.

I haven't used apt.  I'm too stuck in my ways.  A couple of months ago
(with slink/frozen) I could run dselect/dpkg into the ground, and the only
problems I'd get were dependency related.  Recently I've been getting
segfaults, since I've install off a hamm CD.

>   It was the first time I've seen a hard
> kernel crash outside of the X win system.

Wow.  That sucks,  I've had the entire system go down on me as a part
of this, but I can't say why it hasn't.  As so added wierdness to my
problem, when I wrote the list emacs was bombing out with a segfault when
I'd quit.  Now it works fine.  I hope this doesn't turn into to hours
reboot cycle that make windows work so well.  :(

>   Like you this is something I've only seen recently, I don't remember
> having these kinds of problems back with Deb 1.3.1.

Well, actually I had a hamm/frozen that I upgraded through
slink/frozen, and I had no problems.  Now I have hamm/stable, and it
blows.  My problems are not specific to dselect.  I just noticed it there
first I think because I was doing a lot of installing.

  Question one question.  Could you tell if the General Protection/failure
messages were from dselect, or the kernel.  I have never had the pleasure.


Re: less shows fortune

1998-12-13 Thread Carl Johnson
Stef Hoesli Wiederwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > There probably a mismatched quote somewhere, or something similar.
> > 
> > Post /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc here, the error should be obvious
> > to spot
> I don't think so:
> # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).
> PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games"
> PS1="\\$ "
> export PATH PS1
> umask 002
> /usr/bin/check-sendfile
> echo "\n"
> fortune -a
> echo ""

try changing the above to:

case $- in
  *i*)  # interactive shell only
echo "\n"
fortune -a
echo ""

I think the problem is that your shell script is sourcing /etc/profile
when it starts up, so the above change will allow it to execute in an
interactive shell only.

You really shouldn't have anything executable that has an output in
your profile.  The above does work in bash, but I don't know how tcsh
is different, so you should check out the details first.


Problems with Maelstrom

1998-12-13 Thread Peter Kovacs
I used to play this game for hours and hours on my old Mac LC III.
Anyway, I just discovered that it existed last night, and I'm having a few
problems starting it.  In X, I start it with the -nofade option, and the
load status bar fills up and the game apparently crashes.  The window is
still there, but nothing else happens.

Anybody know why this is happenning?  Anybody figure out how to get
Maelstrom working? 

Running Linux 2.0.36 and 2.1.131 (tried both different sound setups), and
the latest slink packages. (Updated basically nightly).


Peter D. Kovacs UIN: 241701
Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy

Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Ramin Motakef
If I remember correct, SO3 needs Motif libs for the setup programm.
Version 4 and 5 don't.

"Jeff Browning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hey all,
> I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after four 
> hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program in 
> /usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need to 
> have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.
> Jeff

Re: fetchmail + procmail setup

1998-12-13 Thread Richard L. Alhama
I used to have a working sendmail/fetchmail/procmail setup until I
reinstalled hamm on my machine(used to be 1.3) after I've messed up init.

But when I choosed smail as my MTA, my used to be working ~/.procmailrc
could not sort mail anymore.

I forgot how I set things up before, maybe a little of your help could be

what should ~/.forward contain?
the permissions on /var/spool/mail?

and other stuff?


r i c h a r d  l. a l h a m a
technical support group
cyberspace laoag, isp
2900 phils.

Re: calculating bandwidth requirements

1998-12-13 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 10:39:24PM +0800, ivan wrote:
> I am looking at setting up a dial-in machine to have a permanent connection
> to the net so that family and friends can have accounts with me rather than
> with seperate ISP's and therefore share the costs.

Heh, I've been telling people at work for weeks that the next evolution
of ISPs will be for the larger ones to grow while a group of friends and
family will create ISP "co-ops" to get out from under the larger ISPs.  :)

> Having said that, is there some rough guide to calculating the mimimum
> bandwidth required to support a given number of users with 56K connections
> to my machine ?

No.  But I do know you can fit a good 20-30 lines on 128k.  It won't be
pretty if everyone tries to FTP at once, but on the whole it is quite snappy

> Also I think it is correct that I can download the newsgroups to my own
> machine and therefore newsgroup reading, whilst requiring a dial in line
> and processing and disc access time, does not use the band width except for
> when I download the information for redistribution ???

Correct.  Although what I would recommend is not trying for a full news
feed.  That is a T1 in and of itself.  Just grab the groups that are
requested and tell the people up front they have to request news groups.

> I understand that it is no great drain to forward e-mail as it is received
> from the user and ftp to remote sites via my machine works similarly to web
> browsing in that the file is downloaded to my machine first and then
> distributed to the user.   Is this also correct ?

Close.  When FTPing the file is not, technically, downloaded to your
machine first and then distributed to the user.  It is diwnloaded to your
machine *as* it is distributed to the user.

> Is there anything I have forgotten to ask (or don't know to ask) ?

Well, if you do do it, something that you may think about is looking at
"at" and "cron" extensively.  Watch the utilization on your link to see when
the users are hitting it and then schedule bandwidth intensive stuff for the
off-hours.  With at and a handmade perl script you could also have a
scheduled FTP process that people can request files from with email.  Just
tell them the time the system will try to retrieve the file and
approximately when it will be there.  Hrm...  Oh, and definately, definately
setup a proxy and insist that your users use it whenever possible.  I run a
small lan here at home and my proxy does get hit often enough to help and
that is only with me and my parents on the network.  If you get ~20 people
dialing in chances are a lot of sites will be hit repeatedly.  Like the
comic syndicates, pages they email to one another, etc.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Cannot access Web Page from behind firewall

1998-12-13 Thread Paul Miller
The Web Page I am trying access is I try to
access it from either Netscape or Lynx but both get hung up on waiting
for the host to reply. This is on my machine inside my firewall.

My set up is a two machine network. One is my gateway with a
masquarading firewall with the following rules:

ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

I can get to the web site from the gateway using Lynx (can't test
Netscapr. No X.). 

This only happens for certain web sites. For the most part, I can access
the web from the machine inside the firewall just fine.

Now I have just tried upping my kernel to 2.0.36 to find out it still
uses PPP v2.2.0. But the new kernel does not fix the problem. I have
tried using an older kernel 2.0.32, but that did not work. I have also
tried different kernel configs: with & without 'optimize as router and
not host', 'always defragment', and 'use large windows'.

Any other suggestions? Thanx in advance.

Paul Miller

Re: less shows fortune

1998-12-13 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
> There probably a mismatched quote somewhere, or something similar.
> Post /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc here, the error should be obvious
> to spot

I don't think so:

# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).

PS1="\\$ "

export PATH PS1

umask 002
echo "\n"
fortune -a
echo ""

# /etc/csh.cshrc: system-wide .cshrc file for csh(1)/tcsh(1).
# $Id: csh.cshrc,v 1.4 1998/06/05 21:04:02 luisgh Exp $

# Getting a consistent keyboard mapping
if ($?tcsh ) then
  bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line  # Home
  bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line  # Home rxvt
  bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode # Ins
  bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char# Delete
  bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line# End
  bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line# End rxvt
if ( $?prompt ) then
  if ( "$TERM" == "linux" ) then
set prompt = "%m:%B%~%b%# "
set prompt = "%U%m%u:%B%~%b%# "

# inserted 14.9.98 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
setenv EDITOR 'emacs -nw'

#echo "\n"
#fortune -a
#echo ""

Re: gnome problems

1998-12-13 Thread wax_man
On 13 Dec, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> |
> | I'm trying to get gnome running.  However, I'm running into problems
> | with libraries.  I've ran dselect, and it states that I have everything
> | installed and configured, so I'm kind of at a loss.
> | 
> | Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do?
> This is potato, right? For the time being, you should use gnome
> and gtk from slink.
Yes, I have ham, slink, and potatoe mix.  How do I go about getting rid
of potatoe w/o having to reinstall the whole thing?


1998-12-13 Thread Ramin Motakef
I've installed the latest gnome-debs yesterday, and have one little
The panel doesn't save its state when exiting. It always starts with
only the main menu and the clock applet and at the default place.
I know gnome is alpha, but maybe someone got this to work?

P.S.: I have "exec gnome-session" in my .xsession if that matters.

Thanks, Ramin

fetchmail + procmail setup

1998-12-13 Thread Dave Swegen
Well, since there seems to be a fair a number of people who can't figure this
out, I thought it might be helpful if I mailed my own setup. First of all read
the mail filtering FAQ (search yahoo for it). This describes more in detail
the system that I use. Anyway, this is how I do it.

In /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ a have a script called 'mail' which looks as follows:
fetchmail -d 180
Then in /root I have the following .fetchmailrc (it's very simple, as this is
a single user machine):
poll with proto pop3
user  there has password 
is dave here
postconnect /usr/bin/runq
In my home dir I have the following .forward :
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #dave"
The /home/dave/.procmailrc looks like this:
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail   # Change to whichever dir mail is to be put in
INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.maillists # Add more recipe-files here if needed
In /home/dave/.procmail/rc.maillists

* ^TODebian-user

* ^TODebian-devel

* ^TOdebian-private

* ^TOdebian-mentor

* ^TOdebian
These recipes are not very advanced, but they work for me. debian-misc is
simply any debian stuff which doesn't go anywhere else. All that is needed
after this is to point your mailreader to ~/mail/debian-user or whatever.

Disclaimer: it is fully possible that the way I've done it is a horrendous
security hole, and that the world will implode if somebody looks at the setup
in the wrong way. I don't know, and it's not my fault :)


 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.1.125
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

calculating bandwidth requirements

1998-12-13 Thread ivan
Hello All,

I am looking at setting up a dial-in machine to have a permanent connection
to the net so that family and friends can have accounts with me rather than
with seperate ISP's and therefore share the costs.

It is intended that all normal services (e-mail, ftp, web browsing,
newsgroups etc) will be available.

Thanks to the help I received previously, I understand that the data is
downloaded via my high speed link and then distributed to the dial in user
who requested it meaning that the high speed link is idle for much of the
time while the requesting user reads the information thusly provided.

It also seems apparent that someone who never waits for a page to finish
loading in their browser before clicking the next link will be more of a
bandwidth hog than others.

Having said that, is there some rough guide to calculating the mimimum
bandwidth required to support a given number of users with 56K connections
to my machine ?

eg.0 - xx users :64K
(xx + 1) - yy users :   128K
(yy + 1) - zz users :   256K

Also I think it is correct that I can download the newsgroups to my own
machine and therefore newsgroup reading, whilst requiring a dial in line
and processing and disc access time, does not use the band width except for
when I download the information for redistribution ???

I understand that it is no great drain to forward e-mail as it is received
from the user and ftp to remote sites via my machine works similarly to web
browsing in that the file is downloaded to my machine first and then
distributed to the user.   Is this also correct ?

Is there anything I have forgotten to ask (or don't know to ask) ?

Thank you all very much for your help.


exim: my contrib :)

1998-12-13 Thread Marco Frattola
hi debianers,
after some struggling with exim (mostly due to myself, not to this nice
program) i've found a setup that could be interesting for other people
beside me. so i'd like to contribute it, with the hope it can help someone
and maybe help myself too in bettering my config.

i've a small net at home. i've some mboxes at my ISP. i've always had the
problem to separate outbound mail (goint to the Net) from locan (lan) mail.
exim seemed to offer a simpler way, compared to sendmail, and i never liked
smail that much. so i started playing with exim. i couldn't get anything
working with 1.62 (coming with debian 1.3), but i could get something
useful with 1.92 (coming with debian 2.0). here it is.

i set up exim as a permanently connected machine (don't remember how it is 
called during the setup, but i hope you can get it), and i added those 
lines at the very beginning of exim.conf, my isp address as a macro, to be 
used after:

ISPname = my.isp

then, in the router config, i create those two routers:

  driver = lookuphost
  transport = smtp
  # my.home is my local domain
  domains = "*.my.home"

  driver = domainlist
  transport = smtp
  route_list = "* bydns-a" is my isp smarthost

to rewrite address on outgoing mail, i used this rewriting rule:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "${if !match{$header_to:} [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
} Ffr

that should mean: if the mail is not going to anything inside my.home,
change domain to ISPname.

i haven't fully tested my config. i tried with different addresses and saw
- local delivery is still working
- lan delivery is working
- internet messages get spooled, waiting for delivery with adresses
  properly rewritten
in the next future, i'll try to test the whole process

what i'd like to get is the ability to properly rewrite headers based on
sender identity and message destination. this set up would be more general
and usefull if i could do something like this:

msg frommsg to  proper sender address

i've tried with rewriting rules with linear lookup, but failed until now
i've also tried adding and removing headers, but nothing happens

i'm not smart enough to promise anything, forget about any warranty. :)

much of what i obtained is derived (when correct) from messages by:
- exim docs
- george bonser
- mike orr
- paul sloothman
- martin madlik
thanks to all of them. i hope i didn't forget anyone

i'd like to see exim as the debian default MTA

PS: if anyone wants my complete exim.conf, feel free to e-mail me.
|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED] "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!

Re: shell magic/info

1998-12-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
"Sibuyas Bombay" wrote:
  >Hello everyone !
  >  I've been dirtying my hands on how interactive shell programs like smailco
  >bindconfig (those who ask the user for a choice and execute something for th
  >  They always start with that usual executable magic #!/bin/sh .  Does anyon
  >know of any documentation w/s can guide us how to write custom programs ?  M
  >concern is actually to write a program that will prompt a user 4 or 5 inputs
  >only, (pon, poff, elm, quit) then make it as her default login shell, that w
  >i dont give her a fully interactive shell (and a potential security hole for
  >my feline friend).
  >  Thanks a lot in advance.
  >INXS: if not at all that busy, i really would like a template script, w/ onl
  >2 choices, a pointer on where/how do i start.
Make this script executable and make it the login shell (7th field of the line
in /etc/passwd); when it exits, the user will log out:

= begin ===
#! /bin/sh
# Sample menu script

while true
echo -n "

Here are your choices -

  1. Change your password
  2. See today's date
  3. Log off

Which do you want? "

while [ -z "$x" ]
read x


case $x in
exit 0
echo -e "$x is a bad choice!\a"
== end 

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 "For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD; thou art my trust 
  from my youth."   Psalms 71:5 

Re: 4 button Logitech MouseMan and XFree86

1998-12-13 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Dec 11, 1998 at 10:43:45PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> I have a 4 button Logitech MouseMan (has a thumb button) and my buttons
> don't work correctly in X.  The thumb button seems to ack as the middle
> button and the middle button doesn't work at all.  Here's what my
> current XF86Config file looks like (just the pointer section):
> Anyone have one of these mice?  What can I do to fix my configuration?

This is exactly the model of mouse I have.

When I had it hooked up to the serial port, I used an XF86Config Pointer
section like this:

Section "Pointer"
   Device  "/dev/mouse"
   Buttons 4

If your /dev/mouse is not a symlink to the appropriate COM port, either
make it or use the COM port instead (/dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1, usually).

Now I use it on the PS/2 port.

Section "Pointer"
   Device  "/dev/mouse"
   Buttons 4

/dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/psaux.

I don't have to mess with xmodmap at all.

If you have problems with above, ensure you have properly compiled your
kernel for generic serial device support or PS/2 mouse support.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |   If God had intended for man to go about
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   naked, we would have been born that way. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem compiling the kernel

1998-12-13 Thread Allens
Peter Granroth wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 08:06:56PM +, Allens wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am at the moment trying to build the kernel (2.0.34) I have configured it
> > (make xconfig, then ran make mrproper as advised by a post in the mail 
> > archives
> > on this problem, and then done make zImage, and it comes up with this error
> > after a long time:
> >
> You should not do 'make mrproper' _after_ 'make xconfig' since it
> removes .config (among other stuff). do 'make mrproper' first, _then_
> 'make xconfig', 'make dep', 'make clean', 'make zImage' (and 'make
> modules modules_install if you have any modules).
> --

Yes, sorry I did 'make xconfig', 'make dep', 'make clean', 'make zImage' in that
even though I put them that way round in the original mail.  My mistake.  (Oh
it still doesn't work).
Thanks for trying though:

Peter Allen

ftping StarOffice in small doses

1998-12-13 Thread tracheotomy bob
Hi all,
I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
having an
open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
past someone 
mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.
Does anyone know if StarOffice 5 is libc5 or libc6. Libc6 would be 
better from 
my point of view, if it's not can anyone recommend an alternative.


shell magic/info

1998-12-13 Thread Sibuyas Bombay
Hello everyone !
  I've been dirtying my hands on how interactive shell programs like 
bindconfig (those who ask the user for a choice and execute something for that
  They always start with that usual executable magic #!/bin/sh .  Does anyone
know of any documentation w/s can guide us how to write custom programs ?  My
concern is actually to write a program that will prompt a user 4 or 5 inputs
only, (pon, poff, elm, quit) then make it as her default login shell, that way,
i dont give her a fully interactive shell (and a potential security hole for
my feline friend).
  Thanks a lot in advance.

INXS: if not at all that busy, i really would like a template script, w/ only
2 choices, a pointer on where/how do i start.

A world of Information. The journey begins here. At Home.
Internet Cebu's web based mail.

Re: incorrect username on 'From:' line of outgoing messages

1998-12-13 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 02:42:57AM -0900, Britton wrote:

> change this behavior so my outgoin messages have '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> in the 'From:' field, or do I just need to use a 'Reply-to:' field.  Any
> help or advice greatly appreciated.

Yes, have pine put in a domain for you.  Look in the pine configs.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Maus/ was: Debian Hamm used

1998-12-13 Thread Bernd Kreimeier

Off topic, but educational.

Thomas Adams writes:
 > Hmm, does anybody out there in Germany 
 > know Art Spiegelman at all? :)

A few might. A court in Sonneberg handed a public 
prosecutor, one Hoenninger from Meiningen,
free license confiscate whatever the publishing
company distributing "Maus" in Germany had in
store that offended him, his 40 cops, or the
dog (well, they were allegedly facing 8 employees).

That was in July 1995. The Hoenninger decided in 
August 1995 that a "Maus" ad poster should be 
considered nazi propaganda (it showed a swastika).
The same month the case collapsed, and most 
publications were handed back - but not "Maus". 
The Hoenninger announced further investigation
at his discretion. In April 1996, the Hoenninger 
asked in another shot at this publisher (seemingly 
following up on the case of "Maus" as nazi propaganda)
480 police  departments all over germany to search 
bookstores (a total of 1200) and confiscate whatever
publications they deemed offensive.

Public support enabled the publisher to succeed
in a higher court, which basically dismissed the
case entirely in March 1998. The Hoenninger is
currently appealing this decision.

Remember the name. I believe in accountability.
The Internet Age warrants dedicated pillory sites
for people like this.


[the summary above is based on an article in 
kunst&kultur 5/98, pp. 35-36, by Christine Wagner.
Consider all errors and inaccuracies translation
blunders on my account.]

[the phrase "the Hoenninger" is an appropriate
approximation of german court language, used
when referring to suspects, defendants, and
witnesses alike. It is always the language that
gives them away.]

Epson Stylus Color IIs

1998-12-13 Thread van den Hurk
Hi everybody out there!

Is there any support under Linux for the Epson Stylus Color IIs?

Jan alias hinkel_stein!

Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 12:27:42AM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Jeff Browning wrote:
> > 
> > Hey all,
> > 
> > I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after four
just suck star office 5.0 from stardivision
and this works with libc6,
StarOffice is eventually really slow :(, but works fine :)


Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 07:41:31AM -0400, Jeff Browning wrote:
> Hey all,
> I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after four 
> hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program in 
> /usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need to 
> have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.
eventually You should try the newer star-office-5.0 version.
it runs with the newer lib,
I have run it under GNU/Debian hamm system without problems
but it's really slow and sucks a lot of memory, but work's fine.
When I remember correctly You can download it from
star division server 


Re: recommendation on presentation software

1998-12-13 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> i need to make a presentation, and i'd like to do it with my laptop "a la"
> Powerpoint. (ie video output of laptop plugged on LCD retroprojector)
> I need very basic capacities, as i won't have much time to create the contents
> of the presentation either.

 Consider writing them in HTML and using a web browser to display them.
That's what I did when our Linux users group did a presentation on Linux
for another group. Check out the results at:


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
  in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila."
   Mitch Radcliffe

Re: (off topic) UPS recommendation

1998-12-13 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am in the market for a UPS to use with my PC that will provide power
> just enough power to get a shutdown finished in case of total power
> lost.

 I know that Best Power and Fenton UPS explicity support Linux with their
software, and I think both release their software as open source. A web
search should turn them up.


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
  in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila."
   Mitch Radcliffe

Re: Debian installation hangs

1998-12-13 Thread Mark Weston
On 12 Dec 98, at 10:24, David Stern wrote:

> > Yes, I was trying again last nigt, and waited for 20 minutes or so
> > without result.  And the Master/Slave jumpers are definitely configured
> > correctly.
> I thought of something the other day.. umm.. I know it's generally 
> considered somewhat of a nuisance, but if your mainboard is made by a
> reputable manufactuer like Asus, then you may have a "flash" programmable
> system bios.  These are upgradable using special software, and a lot of
> times there are bugs that need to be ironed out, as well as many added
> features that can be obtained by upgrading the system bios.  Now the down
> side: if you don't follow the instructions EXACTLY, then you can put your
> box in an unbootable state, necessitating taking your bios to Radio Shack
> or somewhere they can reset it for about as much as it costs to buy a new
> one ($30).  I've upgraded my system bios about three times over the past
> two years since I built this box, and there have been numerous bug fixes
> for flaky ide drivers, added support for zip and LS120 disks, I can boot
> off my cdrom now (I found out by accident when I stuck my first debian
> cdrom in the drive and rebooted), I can boot from my scsi controller
> first, USB support, ..  You may or may not want to do this, but it is
> something that at least has potential for correcting your problems, not to
> mention adding more features, although there are inherent risks.  If you
> have an Asus (Dell used to use Asus, I don't know if they still do) see
> these links:

Yeah, I had the same idea yesterday.  Dell are pretty good about providing
BIOS updates, and documenting how to use them.  So I've now upgraded 
from version A04 to A06, and - unfortunately - it made no difference to 
Linux (although Windows went through a massive spate of re-detecting 
and installing various system devices)

> > Well, at the moment I haven't managed to make a Slink disk anyway.  And
> > after a bit of searching through the list archive, this seems to be a
> > common problem.  It does seem that it will solve the problem when
> > released, but I'm in Impatient Mode right now, and now sure I can manage
> > to wait a few weeks...
> I understand.  I'll start looking at boot disk kernel stuff.  I'm not sure
> how soon I'll have a replacement image, but when I do I'll just send you
> to my webpage (a little in need of maintenance).
> My estimate would be sometime after late Sunday, US Pacific time, which
> makes that early Monday for you.  We'll see how it goes.

Following another  thread on this list, I got hold of a 1440k image for a 
Slink boot disk.  This one behaved exactly like the Hamm disk, hanging 
on the "md driver".  However, the md driver version on the Slink disk is 
0.36.3 which is the same version as on the working RedHat boot disk and 
CD.  So this is obviously more complicated than just a single driver not 
dealing properly with my hardware.  Not at all the result I was looking for.
> > Tried the Tecra disk, same result.
> I looked into the Tecra disk and I saw it's primarily just a zimage vs.
> bzimage kernel deal.  bzimage is a higher level of compression, so I kind
> of figured that might not do much for you, but it was still a good try,
> because sometimes there are unanticipated side effects.
> > I don't remember seeing this as an option last time I was in the BIOS
> > setup.  But there might be a manual jumper setting.  I'll have to look. 
> I doubt plug n play is a jumper setting (although anything is 
> possible).  In my bios, there's an option named "PnP OS".  Sometimes that
> will improperly initialize PnP devices, and Linux will choke, so it's best
> to disable it.  In my case I haven't figured out if that means it should
> be on or off. :)

Just had anotherr look, and turning off PnP just isn't an option, either in 
the BIOS or on the motherboard.

> > Er, well it was actually 70, but I'll try 65 and we'll see if that
> > helps. By the way, despite the "been there, done that" tone of this
> > e-mail, I'm grateful for the effort you've made.  If you can think of
> > any other suggestions, please keep them coming.
> I didn't count, but whatever you did worked great.  I'll let you decide on
> the bios.  The first time I did it, I was terrified, but now it's kind of
> like compiling a kernel, just another ten minute job.  I do encourage you
> to be extremely careful if you flash your bios, though.
> I'm a little curious, although it may not matter, but is there anything
> "untraditional" about your mainboard.  By taht, I mean, is the video or
> the scsi controller, or the sound, or anything like that integrated into
> the mainboard?  If so, and you're not using that device, you might try
> disabling that (not your video, though :).  Sometimes this can be done in
> the  bios, sometimes with jumpers. -- David
> -

Toshiba Satellite crashes with fn key

1998-12-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
Has anyone on this list tried pressing the fn key on a Toshiba Satellite while
in Linux?  In my case it locks up the machine irretrievably :)) . 

I wish there were some way of disabling it.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald

incorrect username on 'From:' line of outgoing messages

1998-12-13 Thread Britton

The subject pretty much says it all.  My 'smarthost' is,
and my username on this system is fsblk, but my username from my home
maching (which is 'gandalf') gets put in the "From:" line.  I have tried
responding with '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' when asked by smailconfig for my
systems visable address, but it doesn't allow this.  Is there any way to
change this behavior so my outgoin messages have '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
in the 'From:' field, or do I just need to use a 'Reply-to:' field.  Any
help or advice greatly appreciated.

GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

Britton Kerin

fetchmail & procmail

1998-12-13 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi all,
My fetchmail is now working fine. Thne I want to use procmail as
well to divert all my debian mails to a different folder...

I changed the line in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/fetchmail

from fetchmail -v
to   fetchmail -v --mda formail -s procmail

I also have a .procmailrc in the home directory.. But, when I dial
up, it seemed to me that fetchmail is not getting my emails anymore??

So what did I do wrong?? Do I have to put .procmailrc in the root


Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: [fsck]: file system errors ...

1998-12-13 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  I have had such a problem. My problem has been caused by glibc2 bug.
> This bug is fixed glibc-2.0.7u, and glibc-2.0.7t have such bug. Hamm
> is using glibc-2.0.7t, so Hamm causes such a problem. 

 I had as "base" installed hamm but with apt-get i've been updating
packages and it's, at the moment, as slink.

> Your problem may be caused by this bug. Please excute below command to
> check the existence of this bug. 
> $ fuser /etc/
> If no output is given, the glibc do not have such a bug.
> If output is given, your glibc *have* such a bug and fsck detect errors.

 No output was given! :)
 Meanwhile, yesterday i'd installed a package(emusic) which had updated my
glibc2(2.0.7u-7.1) and therefor I don't remember the older version I had.
 At the moment, I still didn't have fsck filesystem error message, maybe
I already had resolved my problem. :)

 Thanks for the help.

 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

X fonts problems. nothing available for helvetica

1998-12-13 Thread Alan Bailward
Hi there.  Appologies for re-hashing this.

Just upgraded my system for the first time in a couple of months with slink.
Everything mostly went right, but I have had some problems with X.  When
starting it, my windowmanager (windowmaker) complains with a message like:

Can't load font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed.

>From the following thread
it seems that the fault is of the new break up in the xfont/xbase packages.
The resolution from the mailing list archives seems to be nuke all of X and
re-install.  I'd rather not do that though :)  (though it is possible of

I've tried purging all of the xfonts packages I have, and re-installing them
but to no avail.  If anyone can help me 'easily' fix this, I'd appreciate it
a lot.

Thanks a lot.


Re: Unsure of how Debian is updated

1998-12-13 Thread Jiri Baum

> I am converting from RedHat to Debian and in the main am pleased with
> Debian.  One thing I can't quite work out though is how Debian handles
> updated packages. 

Normally, updated packages go into "unstable", which is a sort of
"work-in-progress area". Every now and then, unstable gets cleaned up, and
released as the new "stable" version, and the previous version becomes,
well, the previous version.

So the upshot is, if you want to keep up with the latest version, just
check the "stable" directory on the ftp servers. Sometime in the next few
weeks, you should get a pleasant surprise :-)

OTOH, if you want to stay with 2.0 for some reason, you should use the
"hamm" directory.

> For example XFree86 3.3.3 is out now, will this eventually be integrated
> into the 2.0 release or are the packages in this release frozen except
> for bug fixes ?

As far as I understand it, only serious bug fixes are allowed into hamm.

3.3.3 actually just missed getting into "slink" (Debian 2.1 is called
"slink"), so it'll go into Debian 2.2 ("potato"). However, if you need it,
you can always ftp it from unstable and install it (dpkg -i *.deb).

> One of RedHats nice features is that there is the upgrade drectory on
> their ftp server and you can just see all the packages that have been
> upgraded since the release of that version of RedHat is there an
> equivalent for Debian ?

If you are using dselect, it will check and list all the upgraded packages
under the heading "Updated packages (newer version is available)". You can
then pick which ones you want to upgrade.

In some respects this is even better than a list of packages upgraded since
a release, because it compares to what you have installed (so if you have a
mixed system, you still get the correct list).

To have dselect do that, you have to tell it to use the "stable" directory.



Re: two smarthosts in exim?

1998-12-13 Thread Jiri Baum

> On Fri, Dec 11, 1998 at 06:33:16PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
> > Get rid of one ISP
> George...  What if he is like me (you're going to love this)?
> I work at an ISP but try not to use the connection since I want my personal
> netlife seperate from my professional netlife.

Thanks - my situation is that I'm a University student, with access to the
modem pool, but we pay for an actual ISP to host the domain for our small

> However, I use it as a backup.

Which was the context of my question: the modem pool disappeared on Friday
and I had to change everything over to the ISP.

Surprisingly enough, the modem pool was fixed on Saturday. But the login
procedure changed.

Thanks for the answers! There doesn't seem to be any include mechanism, so
it's probably "modify the config" (by ln, cp or perl). The "changing
machine alias" idea was crazy, anyway.


mailtools filter

1998-12-13 Thread Richard L. Alhama
does anyone here have a working mailtools filter for debian-user?

I gave up on smail/procmail.


xdm & screen shot

1998-12-13 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi all, 
Could anyone tell me how I can capture the screen shot of my xdm??



PalmPilot going OpenSource?: off topic?

1998-12-13 Thread John_Gay
I know this is slightly off-topic, but, I just found an article and had a
look around Palms site and found this page:

I followed some of the links and, basically, You can register on-line as a
developer, then fill out the Source code license and physically mail it to
Palm Computing. The License agreement is rather restrictive, 3COM only
agrees to release selected code, and the licensee is required to respect
3COM's ownership and copyrights etc, but this might be the start of more
open access to the Palm's OS. Have a look and see what you think.


 John Gay

Re: moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-13 Thread John Paul Lorenti
Ok, thanks to you guys I got it working. If you're interested, here's what 
happened (I
think). The first time I tried to copy all of the root partition using -axR. 
This was
working until it got to one of the bttv (brooktree tv card) dev files. I think 
because the card was in use (but it could be my own incompetence), it started 
data from the card. After I noticed this file at hundreds of megabytes, I 
the copy.  I guess in subsequent tries, I left out the -a. So Pete, you were 
right and
"cp is smart about device files".

Thanks again,

John Paul

Pete Harlan wrote:

> > -r was a typo. I meant -R for recursive. It still won't copy the devices in 
> > /dev.
> Well then I'm not much help, am I?  :)
> I use cp -a all the time to copy /dev directories.  Do you do anything
> 'funny' (e.g., use devfs for your device files)?  I've never had a
> problem with 'cp -a' since I stoped using '-r' myself...
> Are you sure you didn't make the same typo when you ran the command?
> Are you sure you're not running out of disk space?  (I'm not trying to
> insult you, I just have this deep-rooted conviction that cp is smart
> about device files.)
> If you're in a time crunch and don't feel like figuring this out so
> much as you do copying a directory, you ought to be able to use tar to
> do it
>   ( cd /dev; tar cpf - ) | ( cd /mnt/dev; tar xpf - )
> ought to work, though it's clumsier than using cp.
> --
> Pete Harlan

Re: WindowMaker 0.20.3 on hamm

1998-12-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-"Tun Yang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| thanks for the input... I checked and I had those packages installed
| already... and I couldn't find any packages with the same name but without
| the 'g' at the end...It still gives the same error... 
| ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory

If I remember your problem correctly...

The X11 libs are in /usr/X11R6/lib and you have to tell ld to
look there. If you post the top of your Makefile we should be
able to help.

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
(Erd\H{o}s Pál)

Re: gnome problems

1998-12-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| I'm trying to get gnome running.  However, I'm running into problems
| with libraries.  I've ran dselect, and it states that I have everything
| installed and configured, so I'm kind of at a loss.
| Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do?

This is potato, right? For the time being, you should use gnome
and gtk from slink.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Piped unpipable output [Xserver troubles]

1998-12-13 Thread tko
Christian Lavoie writes:

Christian, looks like you lack a valid "modeline". Check your monitor spec's
vs the available modelines. Most video cards are capable of displaying far
more video formats than the monitor is capable of displaying (without messing
up or worse - burning out). 

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Dead middle button in Agiler 3 button mouse

1998-12-13 Thread Eyal Lebedinsky
Just got a basic Agiler serial mouse (AGM1904). It works fine but
the middle button does not respond.

I used the spec:

Section "Pointer"
   Device  "/dev/mouse"
   Resolution  400
   Buttons 3

If I add ChordMiddle or Emulate3Buttons then I can get equivalent
action from the other two, but that's not what I want.

The mouse box says: resolution 400DPI, Mode: Microsoft / Mouse system.
You need to hold down a button at power-up to go into Mouse System (I
they mean Mouse Systems?) which I did not want (do i?).

Help appreciated.

Eyal Lebedinsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Configuring scsi controller on ISA bus

1998-12-13 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi David Herbert; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> I tried your suggestion, it did not return an error but also did not
> work I continued on and also tried your suggestion using a shell from
> inside install program it return the error "couldn't find kernel
> image:aha152x=.0x3"

I don't know enough about the kernel, but are you sure you typed =0x340? the
line above suggests you typed =.0x3
if that is not the problem, try typing:
linux aha152x=0x340,11,7,1
note the linux part!

Also, this will either work or it won't when you give that parameter at the
boot prompt, I don't think you can enter that from the shell; not unles you
are insmod it, but for that your kernel will need to be recompiled.


Re: moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-13 Thread ray
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 12:39:36AM -0500, John Paul Lorenti wrote:
> I'm trying to move all the files in my root partition to a different
> disk parition. I had no problems using cp -ar to do this with the /usr
> tree, but /dev is giving me problems. I can't seem to copy the devices
> in /dev. I get messages like "cp: /dev/sdh3: Operation not supported by
> device". MAKEDEV doesn't seem to create all the devices, or set the
> proper file ownerships. Is there anyway to do this other than
> re-creating the hundreds of them by hand?

When I make boot/root disks I use:

cp -dpR /dev /mnt  


Re: xserver-svga messes virtual terminals

1998-12-13 Thread Carey Evans
Jean Orloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1) what more can I try (outside reboot) to clear the terminals?


 Carey Evans

  Microsoft is the answer!  The question is, "Why did my PC crash?"

Re: moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-13 Thread John Paul Lorenti
-r was a typo. I meant -R for recursive. It still won't copy the devices in 

Pete Harlan wrote:

> > I'm trying to move all the files in my root partition to a different
> > disk parition. I had no problems using cp -ar to do this with the /usr
> > tree, but /dev is giving me problems. I can't seem to copy the devices
> Don't give it the -r option; -a alone will suffice.  In particuar, -a
> includes the -R option, which is what you wanted instead of -r (which
> make all non-directory files into regular files: man cp).
> --
> Pete Harlan
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Configuring scsi controller on ISA bus

1998-12-13 Thread Kent West

Damir's line:
> > > > boot:aha152x=0x340,11,7,1

What you said the error message was:
> > > inside install program it return the error "couldn't find kernel
> > > image:aha152x=.0x3"

I'm not familiar with the way this error message is generated, but I
"assumed" (oops, maybe that's where I went wrong) that the error said
".0x3" instead of "0x340" because that's what was given to the boot
prompt. However, if this is not a typo on your part, either in the boot
parameters or in your report of the error, then in the immortal words of
(I believe) Rosanna Rosanna Danna, "Never mind" :)

On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, David Herbert wrote:

> No typo I can see..?..?
>   David
> Kent West wrote:
> > 
> > It looks like either a typo in this posting, or you made a typo at the
> > boot prompt. See Damir's last few lines below.
> > 
> > On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, David Herbert wrote:
> > 
> > > I tried your suggestion, it did not return an error but also did not
> > > work I continued on and also tried your suggestion using a shell from
> > > inside install program it return the error "couldn't find kernel
> > > image:aha152x=.0x3"
> > >
> > > Damir J. Naden wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi David Herbert; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> > > > > I am installing the debian version of linux from cd rom.
> > > > >
> > > > >   I have an adaptec scsi controller as my 2nd controller, it is an
> > > > > AHA-1510. In windows(shhh) I found this info on it,AIC 6x60isa single
> > > > > chip scsi controller, using irq 11 and IO range 0340-035F.
> > > > >   I tried to load the kernal from the cd and got an error message 
> > > > > that it
> > > > > was not configured the install program said to reload the modules.
> > > > >   I found at boot: it had some configuring data at F4 and F5, I 
> > > > > tried to
> > > > > put in the line about my controller but failed.
> > > > >   Would someone know what I have to do to complete this?
> > > > >   I did not under stand the info that was needed to put this on 
> > > > > the
> > > > > command line. F5 said
> > > > > Adaptec 151x, 152xaha152x=iobase[,irq[,scsi-id[,reconnect]]]
> > > > > also when I tried to access the cd from install program it errored and
> > > > > showed
> > > > > (maybe 'insmod driver'?)
> > > > >   Thanks for any help you may 
> > > > > provide
> > > > >   David
> > > >
> > > > I am no expert, but I have just installed the zip zoom card shipped with
> > > > iomega's internal scsi zip drive. This (mine) one is an adaptec based 
> > > > ISA
> > > > card with no on-board bios. It is a second scsi card and it is used 
> > > > _only_
> > > > for the zip drive, so I use insmod technique. If your disks are on that
> > > > card's chain, you have to have it compiled in the kernel. that 
> > > > eliminates
> > > > the insmod strategy.
> > > > You could try to pass arguments to kernel at boot time by typing (at the
> > > > boot:  prompt)
> > > > aha152x=0x340,11,7,1
> > > >
> > > > so your whole line would look like:
> > > >
> > > > boot:aha152x=0x340,11,7,1
> > > >
> > > > the above would correspond to your windows-reported config (0340-035F io
> > > > range and irq 11).
> > > >
> > > > HTH
> > > >
> > > > damir
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > --
> > Kent West
> > KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> > Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
> > "Life is an ongoing classroom." - Capt. James T. Kirk, "Dreadnought"

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
"Life is an ongoing classroom." - Capt. James T. Kirk, "Dreadnought"

Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Jeff Browning wrote:
> I alrady have libc5 installed. Any other suggestions?
> Jeff
> >Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 00:27:42 -0500
> >From: Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Debian-Users 
> >Subject: Re: Star Office 3
> >
> >Jeff Browning wrote:
> >>
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after
> four
> >> hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program
> in
> >> /usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need
> to
> >> have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.
> >>
> >> Jeff
> >>
> >
> >
> >   One thing I know will do this is running SO on a libc6(glibc2) based
> >system, because SO needs libc5.  If you are running a libc6 system
> (hamm
> >or slink) then get the libc5 libraries out of the 'oldlibs' section in
> >dselect.
> >   Don't know the answer to the wine question, sorry.
> >
> >

No more suggestions, sorry.  I've never used SO, but I've seen messages
about libc5/libc6 issues with SO.
If you don't get a better answer, repost your question to the list.

Ed C.

Re: system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Dan hursh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm asking here because I'm hoping someone might have a nicer
> diagnosis for what I'm seeing.  I had been running a debian hamm
> installation that I had upgraded with no trouble until I had a disk
> failure.  I verified it was the hard drive that was hosed.
> Anyhow, I recent bought hamm on CD and installed again on a different
> drive.  I've had a few odd problems here and there but nothing unusual
> until the past couple of days.  I have been seeing dpkg die with odd perl
> syntax errors, seg-faults, etc.  Other programs such as netscape 4.05,
> emacs, smailconfig, and kfm (and many other I can't remember) have been
> dieing with illegal operations, segs, and bus errors.
>   The problems will be repeatable for a short time, and then the program
> will behave, or exhibit a new and interesting problem.  I know linux and
> the software I'm using is more stable than this.  I guess I'm wondering if
> anyone know if there may have been problems with the official cd image?  I
> would image that the problems I'm see would have been fixed if it were the
> software.  I guess another question would be, does anyone have any idea
> which hardware is most likely to cause this without crashing the whole OS?
> Judging by the randomness of the error, I'm guessing not the CPU.  Maybe a
> bad spot in memory?
> I'm running hamm pretty much out of the box still.  I have not
> compiled my own kernel yet.  I'm not using any new hardware.  This has all
> work within the last month.  If anyone has any idea's, I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Dan Hursh

Thanks Dan, I thought it was just me.  I reported transient errors with
apt/dpkg.  Do the errors start with 'General Protection:  00' or
'General failure:  ' or something like that?  The only person who
responded to that part of my message, insisted the problem was elsewhere
and not Debian, but I can't figure out any other explanation other than
corrupted data files used by apt/dpkg or some similar problem.
In my original post, I believed dselect/apt/dpkg were being pushed
beyond their capabilities.  Dpkg is being swamped by packages, now more
than 2700.  However, the errors, from my point of view, are far more
common when running dselect with apt as the access method.
This Friday I tried an upgrade using dselect/apt.  I had a lot of stuff
on hold, so decided to let dselect upgrade all of them (~30 packages). 
The download was a long one, but uneventfull.  When installing though it
started installing the latest netbase package of slink and
crashed...hard.  I first got the same kind of 'General failure:   0'
message from apt/dpkg then I got the kernel message that began with
'Aiyee' or something like that.  It was the first time I've seen a hard
kernel crash outside of the X win system.
The wierd thing, and this is why this problem is so frustrating, is
that I rebooted, let fsck fix the inevitable filesystem errors then
installed the same packages manually with 'dpkg -i' and everything
installed sucessfully.
Like you this is something I've only seen recently, I don't remember
having these kinds of problems back with Deb 1.3.1.

Ed C.

Re: Joystick

1998-12-13 Thread Michael Beattie
On Fri, 11 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> *- Michael Beattie wrote about "Joystick"
> > 
> Linux quake does not have native support for the joystick.  The only
> way to get the joystick to work in quake is to use the joy2key program
> at  This program
> translates joystick movement and buttons to keyboard activity.  Joy2key
> supports X, tty's and rawconsole(svgalib).  It supports a config file
> with different sections for different games.  Someone has started a
> page with different config's(only about 3 or 4 right now) at

Yeah, I've read about joy2key, but I did not know where to get it.

I was asking about quake2, not quake.. but thats not a problem, playing
quake2 multiplayer with a joystick is instant death. I just wanted to try
out the drivers. Quake2 does have negligible joystick support, but I think
it's only cosmetic. Such as an initialisation command, an option "Use
Joystick" but there is no input from it at all. I even linked /dev/js0 to
as many different joy* devices that I could think of. Anyway, I have been
pointed to "sabre", a flight sim.
> With the new joystick driver in the kernel I would expect more games to
> natively support the js? devices.  Especially once the 2.2 series of
> kernels hit the wire.

Yeah... and the support for new Joysticks is increasing.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
  Unsolicited email advertisements are not welcome; any person sending
 such will be invoiced for telephone time used in downloading together
with a NZ$ 40 administration charge.  (Hmmm another Stolen Sig)
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Installation Problem

1998-12-13 Thread Alex
I am trying to install debian linux on an IBM personal system 2 model
70, 386 and have a major problem! The installation program trys three
times to detect my controller card and says unrecognized chip and says
there are no hard disks on my system. The installation continues till
it wants me to partition my hard disk for linux. I have a Future
Domain Corporation MCS-600 SCSI Host adapter running a Maxtor LXT340SY
hard disk. Please tell me how to proceed. Do I need a new
Controller/hard disk? if so what kind? another computer is out of the
question, I can not afford it. And the computer I am writing this
E-mail on does not belong to me.Thanks


Get your free address at

Re: moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-13 Thread Pete Harlan
> I'm trying to move all the files in my root partition to a different
> disk parition. I had no problems using cp -ar to do this with the /usr
> tree, but /dev is giving me problems. I can't seem to copy the devices

Don't give it the -r option; -a alone will suffice.  In particuar, -a
includes the -R option, which is what you wanted instead of -r (which
make all non-directory files into regular files: man cp).

Pete Harlan

Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Jeff Browning
I alrady have libc5 installed. Any other suggestions?


>Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 00:27:42 -0500
>From: Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Debian-Users 
>Subject: Re: Star Office 3
>Jeff Browning wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after 
>> hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program 
>> /usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need 
>> have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.
>> Jeff
>   One thing I know will do this is running SO on a libc6(glibc2) based
>system, because SO needs libc5.  If you are running a libc6 system 
>or slink) then get the libc5 libraries out of the 'oldlibs' section in
>   Don't know the answer to the wine question, sorry.
>Ed C.
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
< /dev/null

Get Your Private, Free Email at

system instablity

1998-12-13 Thread Dan hursh
Hi all,

I'm asking here because I'm hoping someone might have a nicer
diagnosis for what I'm seeing.  I had been running a debian hamm
installation that I had upgraded with no trouble until I had a disk
failure.  I verified it was the hard drive that was hosed.

Anyhow, I recent bought hamm on CD and installed again on a different
drive.  I've had a few odd problems here and there but nothing unusual
until the past couple of days.  I have been seeing dpkg die with odd perl
syntax errors, seg-faults, etc.  Other programs such as netscape 4.05,
emacs, smailconfig, and kfm (and many other I can't remember) have been
dieing with illegal operations, segs, and bus errors.

  The problems will be repeatable for a short time, and then the program
will behave, or exhibit a new and interesting problem.  I know linux and
the software I'm using is more stable than this.  I guess I'm wondering if
anyone know if there may have been problems with the official cd image?  I
would image that the problems I'm see would have been fixed if it were the
software.  I guess another question would be, does anyone have any idea
which hardware is most likely to cause this without crashing the whole OS?  
Judging by the randomness of the error, I'm guessing not the CPU.  Maybe a
bad spot in memory?

I'm running hamm pretty much out of the box still.  I have not
compiled my own kernel yet.  I'm not using any new hardware.  This has all
work within the last month.  If anyone has any idea's, I'd appreciate it.

Dan Hursh

moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-13 Thread John Paul Lorenti
I'm trying to move all the files in my root partition to a different
disk parition. I had no problems using cp -ar to do this with the /usr
tree, but /dev is giving me problems. I can't seem to copy the devices
in /dev. I get messages like "cp: /dev/sdh3: Operation not supported by
device". MAKEDEV doesn't seem to create all the devices, or set the
proper file ownerships. Is there anyway to do this other than
re-creating the hundreds of them by hand?


John Paul

Re: Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Jeff Browning wrote:
> Hey all,
> I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after four
> hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program in
> /usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need to
> have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.
> Jeff

One thing I know will do this is running SO on a libc6(glibc2) based
system, because SO needs libc5.  If you are running a libc6 system (hamm
or slink) then get the libc5 libraries out of the 'oldlibs' section in
Don't know the answer to the wine question, sorry.

Ed C.


1998-12-13 Thread Cheng Tang
I have wine in my system, but it still does not work
well yet. My guess is that your need change the setting
in  file wine.ini  or ~/.winerc . Probably you forget
to create a windows directory in your c:\ drive or point
it to the wrong direction. Hope this works.


On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 10:44:57PM +0300, Jeff Browning wrote:
> Hey all,
> When I try to run whine, it says:
> "Could not stat /dos, ignoring drive C:
> Invalid path 'c:\windows' for windows directory"
> Uh, help.

Re: Debian installation hangs

1998-12-13 Thread John C. Ellingboe
The only lead I had to a location for slink 1440 floppy images gives
an error now.  Maybe someone else will come up with a URL.  

I'm afraid you will probably need someone with more in-depth knowledge
than me to solve the problem.


Mark Weston wrote:
> On 10 Dec 98, at 11:17, John C. Ellingboe wrote:
> > Look at the message just before the md driver message for the
> > problem.  It will probably turn out to be the disk controler doesn't
> > like being probed at boot time and is locking up.  Some systems will
> > require an entry on the "boot line" or use the tecra rescue disk like the
> > lap top systems need.  Search the archives at for the
> > source of a new rescue disk if you have a aha27xx disk controler. You will
> > also find sources of 1440 SLINK disks but I would not recomend them at
> > this time.
> The line before the "md driver" line was the floppy controller detect, which
> worked.  And before that, was a perfectly correct detection of both IDE
> controllers and all four devices on them.  What I'll try is booting up with a
> few more combinations of hardware device disabled, to see if this works.
> I've also tried the tecra disk, which does the same thing as the normal
> one.
> Thanks for the warning about Slink, but I would like to at least try it (just
> to see a Debian distribution boot at least once).  If you've seen any
> *compiled* Slink 1440k disks, perhaps you could point me in their
> direction.
> > Don't try to install from SLINK at this time.  Use HAMM which has 1440
> > floppy images.  SLINK has turned up with a few problems and you don't need
> > that while setting up a new system.
> >
> > John
> Thanks for the help
> Mark

Star Office 3

1998-12-13 Thread Jeff Browning
Hey all,

I just got Star Office 3. My ISP automatically disconnects me after four 
hours even if I'm not idle. Anyway, when I try to run setup program in 
/usr/lib/StarOffice3 it says "Segmentation Error." Also, do you need to 
have a windows partition to run wine? Thanks a lot.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

gnome problems

1998-12-13 Thread wax_man
I'm trying to get gnome running.  However, I'm running into problems
with libraries.  I've ran dselect, and it states that I have everything
installed and configured, so I'm kind of at a loss.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do?



The attached file is my .xsession-error file with the gnome errs in it.
keyboard-properties: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
mouse-properties: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
panel: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
localhost being added to access control list
background-properties: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-sharefont-romeo-normal-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: Wrong option format for key 
"HighlightColor". Should be Color.
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook:unknown 
command "/usr/X11R6/bin/wmsound" in menu config.
This is xawtv-2.32, running on Linux/i586 (2.1.131)
Warning: Cannot convert string "false" to type ResizeMode
x11: 1024x768, 32 bit/pixel, 4096 byte/scanline, DGA, VidMode
v4l: device is BT848(Hauppauge old)
v4l: 1024x768, 32 bit/pixel, 4096 byte/scanline
ioctl VIDIOCSAUDIO: Invalid argument
/usr/bin/poff: kill: (605) - Not owner
Failed to exec player :: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/poff: kill: (775) - Not owner
/usr/share/icons/wingz.tif: Warning, unknown field with tag 34377 (0x8649) 
 connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

Colours of tk applications under slink

1998-12-13 Thread Mark Mickan
The colours of all tk based applications seems to have been inverted under
slink.  That is, the background is now black rather than off-white, which makes
many things difficult to read.  I presume it is a matter of using X resources,
but which ones?  Out of curiosity, why was this changed?

Please CC replies to me as I am not currently on this list.


PGP fingerprint = A2 B7 E3 18 B7 F5 56 53  A4 5B 53 97 DD F5 C0 31

Description: PGP signature

Re: ICMP attack

1998-12-13 Thread AJ
hehe, i was pissing anyone of it was ppl trying to take an IRC channel im an op
in.. :-(
thanx for the help,


"Ivan E. Moore II" wrote:

> Well,
> as for blocking it, there are new features in upcoming kernel releases...
> (2.2) and I think there are some in the current version..(don't remember) that
> will help with alot of these types of attacks.
> as for finding out where it's coming from...that depends on what type of
> attack it isalot of attacks lie about their source information...but there
> are some debian packages that allow for loging all traffic that touches your
> machine.
> courtney : checks for satan probes...(seems to do more than that though).
> iplogger : logs everything.  Any tcp/udp/icmp that is directed to your machine
> is logged...
> If you really want to know...install those...Other than that...don't piss 
> anyone
> off... :)
> Ivan
> > i got attacked by an ICMP type nuke i believe (all my ppp junk went
> > crazy).. but i had no clue how to find out where it was coming from or
> > how to block it..
> > any help for the future?
> > (no clue if it was an ICMP but im pretty sure);
> >
> > AJ
> >
> >
> > --
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> > /dev/null
> >
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Ivan E. Moore IIRev. Krusty
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Imagination is more important than knowledge  - Albert Einstien
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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