TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

1999-01-03 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

 Saludos y gracias de 

 Antes de plantear mi problema 
dar un poco de informacin tcnica sobre mi equipo pues es 
un poco extico, para lo que se estila en Espaa:
- Procesador: i486 dx4 
Mixta VLB-PCI, Bios American Megatrends
Discos: IDE 
600MB Seagate 3630
SCSI 4.5GB Seagate ST34520W
- Controladoras: IDE en placa (desconocida)
Adaptec AHA-2940U/AHA-2940UW PCI
Windows 98

 El problema lo tengo con el disco duro SCSI 
(de la documentacin que he ledo se deduce que los sistemas SCSI 
son problemticos para Linux). Al rearrancar el sistema tras instalar 
Debian LILO es incapaz de detectar el disco SCSI y entra en el siguiente bucle 
sin fin:

 host 0 abort (pio 0) timed out - 
 bus is being reset for host 0 channel 
 host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 0) timed 
out - trying harder
 bus is being reset for host 0 channel 

 Paradjicamente, el disco 
en cuestin es correctamente identificado por el programa de 
instalacin slo si lo ejecuto desde una particin DOS y en 
sesin MS-DOS de Windows, la cual he de iniciar desde el men de 
inicio, es decir, yendo a la opcin Apagar el sistema.. y 
seleccionando la opcin Iniciar en modo MSDOS. Cualquier otra 
forma de instalacin falla al intentar detectar el disco SCSI y entra en 
el mencionado bucle infinito.
 La documentacin que he encontrado 
dice que este tipo de error es debido a un conflicto de direcciones o irq's 
entre dispositivos, pero yo no lo creo porque en tal caso (la lgica en 
informtica no suele ser una buena gua) el error se 
presentara siempre y no habra forma de instalar Debian, y de 
hecho hay una forma de instalarlo, lo que me hace pensar que paso algo por alto 
o, lo que es peor, el programa de arranque de Debian tiene un 
 En cualquier caso, el resultado es que 
tengo instalado Debian en mi ordenador pero no puedo ejecutarlo porque no 
reconoce el disco duro en el que lo he instalado. Curioso, 

 Como ya he dicho agradecer toda la 
ayuda que se me proporcione, as como cualquier informacin 
relacionada con linux y los sistemas SCSI.

 Feliz ao nuevo a todos de Antonio 
A. Rivas Ojanguren.

Unidentified subject!

1999-01-03 Thread Adolfo López Escribano


Re: Problemas con ppp

1999-01-03 Thread BAP
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 Es posible que no tengas bien configuradas, posteriormente a lanzar
 el demonio, las rutas de tu máquina. Prueba a mirar (/sbin/route),...
 A una mala mandas todos estos datos aquí para que veamos cómo lo
 tienes funcionando *exactamente*.
 Un saludo y feliz año
Muchas gracias por la rápida contestación. Vamos a ver, yo tengo los dos
pc's conectados por el puerto serie, mediante un cable null-modem, y
ejecutando lo siguiente: 
exec /usr/sbin/pppd debug /dev/ttyS1 115200 connect ''
invirtiendo las direcciones en el otro. Aqui envío las salidas de route
e ifconfig, estando conectado a internet y estando desconectado. De
todos modos ya he empezado con man route ;)
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
monkey  * UH0  0   11
ppp1 * UH0  00
localnet*   U 0  0   37
default UG0  0   20
route.conectado (END)

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
monkey  * UH0  0   11
localnet*   U 0  0   38
route.desconectado (END)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:31704 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:31704 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:1520 errors:1 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1493 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ppp1  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P: 
  RX packets:66506 errors:95 dropped:95 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:66407 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ifconfig.conectado (END)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:31945 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:31945 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ppp1  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P: 
  RX packets:66506 errors:95 dropped:95 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:66407 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ifconfig.desconectado (END)

Un saludo.
Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad

Fichero de gasto para pppcost

1999-01-03 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos,

recientemente he instalado pppcost para que monitoree el gasto telefónico en
mis conexiones vía módem a Internet pero el fichero ~./pppcosts no refleja
nada coherente, después de tres conexiónes de menos de 20 minutos cada una,
este es su contenido:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat .pppcosts 

¿Hay que ponerle alguna opción a pppcosts para que vuelque información a
~./pppcosts?, ¿qué significa lo contiene mi ~/.pppcosts?.

Por cierto, cuando conecto mediante wmppp, y tengo previamente lanzado
pppcosts, este último detecta bien cuando se produce la conexión pero el
tiempo de conexión comienza con 30 segundos, igual estoy preguntando una
idiotez porque es así como factura Telfónica pero, ¿por qué sucede esto?.

Ya por último, alguien ha actualizado a mano el fichero es-costs.c con las
tarifas actuales, por favor si esí que me lo mande pues no se de donde sacar
todos los parámetros necesarios para actualizarlo yo.

Si alguien conoce algún método mejor para vigilar el gasto telefónico, le
agradecería que me lo contase, Xose Manoel me mandó el script que adjunto 
pero al intentar ejecutarlo me sucede lo siguiente:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] coste_infovia 
awk: ./coste_infovia: line 87: syntax error at or near pasos
awk: ./coste_infovia: line 104: syntax error at or near *
awk: ./coste_infovia: line 108: syntax error at or near duracion
awk: ./coste_infovia: line 152: runaway regular expression /tarifa[tip ...

Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

   #   Definici¢n de variables necesarias para el programa   #

# no podemos sacar el año del log 
# por tanto tenemos que definirlo aquí
# a donde hacemos la llamada
# tarifa aplicable
tipo =local

# Coste del paso y iva aplicable

iva = 0.16
coste = 5.7

# Datos para cada tipo de tarifa (duraci¢n del paso y pasos iniciales)






# comienzo conexión

/Comienzo Conexión/ {
# final conexión

/Fin Conexión/ {
  duracion_v = duracion(hora, minuto, x[1], x[2])
  duracion_minutos=duracion_v / 60  
  printf  Día %6s Hora %6s Llamada a %10s   %5d min:  %3d pasos 
%-5.6g ptas\n\

   #  Funciones necesarias para el funcionamiento del programa  #

   #  devuelve la duración en segundos dandole hora de inicio y #
   #  fin de algun suceso   #
   #  uso:  #
   #duracion(hora_ini, minuto_ini, hora_fin, minuto_fin)#
   #   hora_ini, minuto_ini   hora y minuto del comenzo #
   #   hora_fin, minuto_fin   hora y minuto del final   #
function duracion(hora_ini, minuto_ini, hora_fin, minuto_fin, horas, 
minutos) {
  if ( hora_ini  hora_fin ) { horas = 24-hora_ini + hora_fin }
  else { horas = hora_fin - hora_ini }
  if ( minuto_ini  minuto_fin ) { minutos = 
(60-minuto_ini)+minuto_fin ;  
  horas = horas -1 }
  else { minutos = minuto_fin - minuto_ini }
  return horas*60*60+minutos*60
function pesetas(pasos){
   # devuelve el coste en pesetas de un n£mero de pasos  #
   # #
   #uso: #
   # #
   #  pesetas(pasos)   

Re: (sin asunto)

1999-01-03 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

Desgraciadamente, me temo que no... :-(


Antonio Ballesteros writes:
  On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Jesus M. Gonzalez wrote:
   Antonio Fernández Fernández writes:
 Es cierta la condena a muerte a piratas informáticos ?
  Pues no estoy absolutamente seguro de su autenticidad, pero
   una fuente bastante fiable me ha enviado esto (desafortuandamente no
   tengo la URL):
Chinese Hackers Get Death
8:55 a.m.  28.Dec.98.PST -- SHANGHAI, China -- Two hackers who broke into 
  Dias de los inocentes. Puede ser esa la explicacion??
  Antonio Ballesteros  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Filizes Fiestas Proyecto Aguila - Terrassa
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain


1999-01-03 Thread Alejandro Marquez

Re: Interfaz dpkgweb

1999-01-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Antonio Calvo Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Muchas gracias por el paquete que me enviaste.  He seguido
  comiendome la cabeza y finalmente he conseguido algo que funciona
  (adjunto el codigo) Va lento, ( 5 minutos en un K6-300 ) pero dado
  que pienso correrlo en un cron de madrugada no me importa.  Habra
  que aprender C :-).

 Quizás te serviría mirar el paquete dpkg-perl, o tal vez dpkg-awk...
 Con dpkg-perl sería sencillo hacer lo que quieres, pues nada más
 tienes que leer el estado de los paquetes (una línea), revisar cuales
 están instalados (otra línea), e imprimir las cosas que tienes (un
 par de líneas más), y es mucho más rápido.

 Busca los paquetes que dependen de dpkg-perl para ver algunos
 ejemplos de como usar los paquetes que provee.


Re: Upgrade con apt

1999-01-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
  Hay problemas con el nuevo formato de las X-Windows, con eso de que ha
  cambiado la gestión de ls fuentes (de pantalla). Creo que si actualizo
  el servidor X tengo que actualizar TODOS los paquetes X. ¿es esto

 Me costó un rato descifrar lo que querías decir :)

 Usa el dselect, el método APT.  Allí, dile que instale todo esto:

 xlib6g, xbase-clients, twm, xmodmap, xterm, xserver-common,
 xserver-{lo que sea}, xf86setup, xfonts-base, xfonts-100dpi,
 xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-scalable 

 Eso debería dejarte las cosas como las tienes ahora.

 Por cierto, quizás deseas instalar los paquetes de X desde:

 *creo* que la línea correcta para APT es:

 deb xfree86/

 (en el directorio hay un archivo APT con la información correcta)

 O pones todos los paquetes de XFree86 que tienes como 'hold' (en
 particular, xbase, el servidor, las fuentes, xlib6g).


Re: TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

1999-01-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
  (de la documentación que he leído se deduce que los sistemas SCSI
  son problemáticos para Linux)

 ¿*qué* documentación dice eso?

  host 0 abort (pio 0) timed out - resetting
  bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0
  host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 0) timed out - trying harder
  bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

 Sin la configuración de la tarjeta (en realidad *tarjetas*, la 2940
 que tienes posee dos interfaces), es un poco difícil decir algo.  Así
 mismo, es también difícil decir algo sin saber que discos de
 instalación estás usando...

  Paradójicamente, el disco en cuestión es correctamente identificado
  por el programa de instalación sólo si lo ejecuto desde una
  partición DOS y en sesión MS-DOS de Windows

 El programa de instalación de... ¿?

  La documentación que he encontrado dice que este tipo de error es
  debido a un conflicto de direcciones o irq's entre dispositivos,

 suele ser.
  pero yo no lo creo porque en tal caso (la lógica en informática no
  suele ser una buena guía) el error se presentaría siempre y no
  habría forma de instalar Debian, y de hecho hay una forma de
  instalarlo, lo que me hace pensar que paso algo por alto o, lo que
  es peor, el programa de arranque de Debian tiene un error.

 ahora entiendo menos...  supongo que lo que estás diciendo es que el
 kernel en el disco de instalación (hamm, supongo) si detecta
 correctamente el disco...  me imagino entonces que lo dices antes
 quiere decir que al ejecutar el 'install.bat' desde DOS te funciona
 pero no funciona si haces un disco de instalación...  ¿es así? Si ese
 es caso, entonces lo más *probable* es que debas utilizar la opción
 'stpwlev=0x1'.  Necesitas hacer algo como esto:

 * Utiliza un disco para arrancar el sistema

 * En el BIOS de la tarjeta SCSI activa todas las opciones que dicen
   'enable SCSI termination' -- no recuerdo que dicen exactamente

 * Si tienes problema con los terminadores, necesitas pasarle la
   opción aic7xxx_override_term=0x0 o aic7xxx_override_term=0x1. Aquí
   es necesario un poco de práctica.  Tienes 4 bits con los que
   trabajar, los 2 más altos no son importantes a menos que la tarjeta
   sea Ultra2, que creo que no es.  Hay dos interfaces SCSI en la
   tarjeta, scsi0 y scsi1.  El scsi1 creo que corresponde con la parte
   wide de la tarjeta (que es la que te interesa realmente pues el
   disco es wide también)...  para poner la terminación bien en las
   dos tarjetas tienes que usar algo como 0011 0011, que es 0x33.  Si
   una necesita terminación baja, la scsi1, es 0001 0011.  Si es alta
   en la scsi0, 0011 0010...

 * Al arrancar debes quitar todos los cables de la tarjeta SCSI

 * Si funciona así, la opción 'stpwlev' es la correcta.  Si aún así
   ves el problema, necesitas tratar otro número...  aquí estás
   cambiando la polaridad de la terminación, así que es un bit por
   cada tarjeta, con lo que tienes 11, 10, 01 ó 00.
  Como ya he dicho agradeceré toda la ayuda que se me proporcione,
  así como cualquier información relacionada con linux y los sistemas

 Funcionan.  No hay nada mejor soportado.  Son mejores que los IDE.
 Perdón, no me pude resistir...  :)

 Espero que el desastre que escribí sea coherente.  Tienes un problema
 de terminación.  A Windows no le importa.


Re: Q: dpkg-ftp and socks

1999-01-03 Thread Carey Evans
Stephan Witoszynskyj [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I' would like to keep my system uptodate using dselect with ftp as
 installation source. The problem is that I have to use a Socks proxy. Is
 there a socksified version of dpkg-ftp? Or can anyone tell me on how to
 socksify dpkg-ftp?

The socks4-clients package in unstable includes a runsocks script
that lets you socksify most programs automatically, runsocks dselect
update and runsocks apt-get install lynx for example.

This is what I use at work with our SOCKS firewall.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: StarOffice install

1999-01-03 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sat, Jan 02, 1999 at 02:45:34PM -, eferen1 wrote:
 How do I install Star office? I tried dpkg and install but I can't get
 anything to work. Yes, I did check the Debian FAQ. Or did I miss something?
 Any ideas to help?

Just run X (with root privilegies), and run the ./SETUP program that ships
with star office. You can't install it via dpkg (that is, if its version is
above 3).


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Amazing installation. SCSI problems

1999-01-03 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

Xmas to all of you

 I'm new 
in linux but not in dealing with the installation process of an OS (DOS, OS2, 
WINDOWS 9x,..), but Debian defeats me.
some technical data about my system:

Processor: i486 dx4-100
 - Motherboard: VLB-PCI, 
American Megatrends BIOS
IDE 600MB Seagate ST3630A
SCSI 4.5GB Seagate ST34520W
Controllers: IDE PCI on board 
Adaptec AHA-2940U/AHA-2940UW PCI
Windows 98
 The problen is that LILO can't detect the 
SCSI hard drive. When I reboot the system after installation process the 
bootting program gets into a neverending loop and fill the screen with the 
following messages:

 host 0 abort 
(pid 0) timed out - resetting
 bus is being 
reset for host 0 channel 0
 host 0 channel 
0 reset (pid 0) timed out - trying harder
 bus is being 
reset for host 0 channel 0
 Amazingly, the 
installation program detects properly the SCSI HD, but only if I launch it from 
a DOS session under Windows. Any other way to install debian fails in the same 
 In any case, the result is that I've got 
debian installed in my computer but I can't run it 'cos it doesn't recognize the 
hard drive where it was installed.

 As we say in Spain:

 Sorry for my english, and happy christmas 

Re: A question about 'hostid'

1999-01-03 Thread ktb
I found that if I used the command hostname and the new name while signed 
in as
root, as described in the documentation, the hostname changed but the next time 
started my computer  the old name would be back.  What I did was edit the file
/etc/hostname  the next time I started my computer the new hostname stuck.
Hope that helped,

Min Gyung Kang wrote:

 How can I change hostid on Debian?

 Please give me an answer.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

reverse order printing?

1999-01-03 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
I've been using an HP Deskjet 540 with spud, and it's worked fine so far.
One annoying thing though -- the pages come out with the last page on top.
Is there a simple way to reverse the order? would it be a gs or lpd/lpr

Thanks in advance!

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux:

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit.
[There is no great genius without some touch of madness.]
-- Seneca


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I just install Eterm and I can't start it because it keep saying something
like: can't open Yes, I have installed all those library but
again that message.

Thank you !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I solve that problem with links. but I have now another problem, when I
make connection and when I have to enter username for ISP, I get message
(in a new window): The pppd daemon died unexpectedly. When I was using
MiniLinux distributio based on Slackware EyPPP wored (I had pppd2-2), but
now on Debian... As README file say to make chmod or something to pppd2-2 ,
here on Debian I have pppd (without 2-2), maybe that is the problem. So how
do I solve it ?

Thanx !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

OK, I set up the default resolution and default color depth.
But, just for testing I set for default 800x600 and I still have that
virtual screen larger then physical, I don't have 'virtual' line.
I still couldn't set those Modeline. Which Modeline line is in use, there
are several. Modeline lines of my currently XF86Config file are the exact
same as the line that are in XF86Config file created with MiniLinux (based
on Slackware distribution) and on MiniLinux it worked, so I supose that
maybe I should get a newer XF86_Mach64 file, could you send me your one,
that work, maybe or give me a link where could I download it? Where exactly
can I find those Modelines on the net? The higer resolution or even just
color depth I set, the screen is uglyer. The higher resolution I can use to
recognize something on the screen is 800x600, beside 640x480 :(

Thanx !

Re: Question on a purchase I am considering

1999-01-03 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Shaleh; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 Hey all, I am considering buying a Sony VIAO Superslim notebook.  The URL for
 it is
 Has anyone had good or bad experiences with these computers (even in non-Linux
 Highlights include: 1 inch thick and 2.9 lbs weight (=
 magnesium alloy case -- tres chic

Sorry if you have already seen this ( I have no personal experience with it,
but would _love_ to get one of the suckers), but check out the following:

it deals with installing Debian 1.3 onto the PCG505


Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #4

1999-01-03 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  


1999-01-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DM == Darko Martic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM now on Debian... As README file say to make chmod or something to
DM pppd2-2 , here on Debian I have pppd (without 2-2), maybe that is
DM the problem. So how do I solve it ?

Not directly the answer you are looking for, but maybe you should take 
a look at the xisp package (preferably the one in unstable)?

Martin - Debian xisp Maintainer

from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

How to extract/use .RPM files.

Thanx !

Re: xbase XFree86 bug 24985 ?

1999-01-03 Thread Michael and Diana Finney
I appreciate the advice.  I tried xf86config and all I could get when
using xdm
or startx is thin vertical lines.
By the way, I have a 6330 Hewlett Packard Pavilion which has a SiS 5598,
2 Meg
of video memory available (up to 4, but the BIOS is set for 2)

When I was asked for what kind of server, I tried SVGA and later tried
just VGA
with color. I tried without color too in some other spot.   I just want
something that works to give me a feeling that I have accomplished
After that, I'll make something more happen.

Thanks for any help,

Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

 Hi, Michael!
  I am having problems with xbase.  Would you help?
  When it tried to /usr/sbin/xbase-configure (XFree86 config file), it
  said to press Enter to switch to graphics mode.  I did.  The screen came
 You may want to try xf86config to set XF86Config.  This is ascii mode
 program it'll ask you about relevant hardware (video, monitor, mouse), so be
 prepared to answer them.

 Hope that helps,

Re: serial mouse problem

1999-01-03 Thread Kent West
On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, Vincent Murphy wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Kent West wrote:
   in X, and when I returned this morning, the mouse was dead.  So, I killed
   the Xserver, restarted it.  Nothing.  Rebooted in Win95, which didn't pick
   up the mouse either.  When I rebooted into Linux, gpm started as normal,
  You might try switching your mouse to the other serial port and see if
  Win95 finds it, but when I've seen this behavior before, it was a dead
  mouse, so you may have to replace it.
 Well, I have a modem on ttyS1, which still works fine.  The mouse I
 brought to work, and it worked on another PC.  I tried a different mouse
 on my hamm box, which didn't work either, which points to a  serial port
  Also, if your CMOS battery is weak/dead, your BIOS may have reverted to
  turning off your serial port, although that doesn't really make sense
  since the box was powered up when the mouse died. But maybe some glitch
  turned off the port in CMOS, so I'd at least check it out.
 i've looked in the BIOS setup, and everything /appears/ to be ok, and when
 the kernel boots up it gives me the usual message about the serail ports.

If you haven't already, try moving the mouse to the port the modem is on 
and move the modem off temporarily and see if you get your mouse back.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: .RPM

1999-01-03 Thread Mark Panzer
Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 How to extract/use .RPM files.
 Thanx !
Try alien

Mark Panzer
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-01-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
From time to time I have been directed to use a package from slink
because the corresponding version from hamm is 'broken', an example is
xfstt.  However I can't install *ANYTHING* from slink because I get a
dependacy error due to lib6c being updated in slink (hamm has an older
version).  It seems that in order to use anything from slink, I must
really update the core of the distribution to slink, just like I did
to get from bo to hamm.  Guess I'll wait until slink is released on
CD.  (Too bad southernbell was unable to install ASDN to my location
due to equipment in-compatability with my phone line.  At 1.5MBS
download I could do this on line in an afternoon!)

Can I get the source packages from slink and rebuild under hamm using
the existing lib6c lib's in the interm?

Get your free address at

Re: LyX and Page Numbering

1999-01-03 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, Nuno Carvalho wrote:

   What should I do for page numbering start on other number instead of 1

Try by putting the following latex command in your document:



| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my 
  word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath  
  everlasting life, and shall not come into  
  condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
   John 5:24 

Re: Problems with drive usage (Debian 1.3.1)

1999-01-03 Thread Carey Evans
Torsten Landschoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  - Warning: Unknown PCI device (104c:3d07).
 This is probably no problem - you just have a pci device which is not known to
 your ancient kernel. No problem.

It's actually a Texas Instruments TVP4020 [Permedia 2], not that I
actually know what *that* is.


  When I try to add the new partitions to the end of the unused space, or all 
  them as logical partitions, cfdisk installs all of them. But as soon as I 
  to initialize the new partitions, the system fails to work properly when I
  arrive at /dev/sda16 (is the entire device, not just one partition).
 This might indicate a problem with kernel 2.0.29 - I am not sure if it can
 address more than 16 partitions per disk.

I don't have any SCSI disks, but it looks like that restriction still
exists in 2.1.130.  In fact, you're limited to 14 because /dev/sda is
the entire disk and the extended partition (usually /dev/sda4) doesn't
store anything itself.

  Initializing the partitions in the reversed order yields: Could not stat
  /dev/sda18 - no such file or directory although cfdisk shows the correct
  entry in the partition table.
 This is easy. mke2fs is right - there is probably no /dev/sda18. Just create
 it yourself:
 mknod /dev/sda16 b 8 16
 mknod /dev/sda17 b 8 17
 mknod /dev/sda18 b 8 18

I don't think so.  8,16 is /dev/sdb, 8,17 is /dev/sdb1, etc.

Can you please post what your current disk looks like?  For 5 DOS and
4 HPFS partitions you only have five partitions left for Linux, or
four if you're using Boot Manager.

You can probably get by with fewer partitions until you decide you
don't need DOS, though, especially if you can use Dosemu and Wine to
do everything DOS and Win3.1 do.  I also think OS/2 would be able to
cope with just one HPFS partition.  You can use LOADLIN from DOS if
LILO can't boot off an extended partition.

So, I would get rid of /httpd and /adabas and put them under /usr,
/usr/local, /var and/or /home.  I would suggest swap, /, /var, /usr
and /home, and at a pinch you could put /usr on the same partiton as
/.  Plan to back it up and reinstall later when you have a better idea 
of what size they should be.

It might be possible to put the OS/2 and/or DOS partitions on
/dev/sda16 etc., if they can cope.  I'd back up everything, use OS/2
FDISK to create all the partitions, with the Linux ones as DOS
instead, then restore OS/2.  Then install Linux and change the DOS
partitions to Linux.  This is a lot of trouble, especially if it
doesn't work.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Grafting other kernels on Debian's rescue disks

1999-01-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Sat, Jan 02, 1999 at 12:12:02 -0600, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 I believe that you also need to run the rdev script on the diskette,
 after copying the new kernel over.

Or provide the root=[device] option to the kernel via syslinux; something
linux root=/dev/hda2
(root fs on the second partition of the master IDE disk, first IDE channel)

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

[no subject]

1999-01-03 Thread Chip Pettit


Re: Can't access RAID - why?

1999-01-03 Thread Rainer Clasen

Martin Schulze ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
Can't access RAID - why?:

 After that I added this MD device to the system:
   # mdadd /dev/md2
   # cat /proc/mdstat
   Personalities : [2 raid0]
   read_ahead 8 sectors
   md0 : active raid0 hda2 hdb2 819312 blocks 4k chunks
   md1 : active raid0 hda4 hdb4 7405952 blocks 8k chunks
   md2 : inactive sda2 sdb2 1984818 blocks

It isn't running.

Either supply -r to your mdadd command to add + run the device or
explicitly run it with mdrun /dev/md2 .


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

qmail/serialmail help

1999-01-03 Thread Richard Alhama
Hi All!  Happy New Year!

Well, I finally decided to use qmail for my MTA.

Now I can't send mail except logging into my shell account (slooowww).

Any1 here knows how to configure qmail/serialmail on a dynip address?


k e c h i e

qmail/serialmail followup

1999-01-03 Thread Richard Alhama
fetchmail error:

SMTP listener refused delivery not flushed...


k e c h i e

smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-03 Thread Jérôme Zago
I can't figure how to mount SMB shares...

smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago works just fine but I would like to 
mount this share to /mnt/servif3.

Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service password [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]
it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point ?

Thanks for your help.

Agt the Walker.

--- my system ---

my kernel is 2.1.129.

$ cat /proc/modules 
smbfs  25224   0
ip_masq_ftp 2124   0
vfat   13520   0 (unused)
fat24100   0 [vfat]
dummy704   0 (unused)

$ cat /proc/filesystems 
nodev   proc
nodev   nfs
nodev   autofs
nodev   devpts
nodev   smbfs

$ dpkg --list | egrep 'samba|smb'
ii  samba   1.9.18p10-5
ii  smbfsx  1.9.18p10-7

Debian 2.0.2 installation

1999-01-03 Thread Accipiter --------------
Hi. I'm trying to install Debian 2.0.2. My BIOS does not support 
Bootable CDROMS, and I can't seem to get past the rescue disk. Whenever 
I try to boot using the rescue disk, it freezes up right after md 
driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8. Please help, I'd really like to 
give debian a try!

Get Your Private, Free Email at

AWE 64 Value

1999-01-03 Thread Andrea Novara

I'm experiencing problems configuring my new awe 64 value ISA PnP card!

The card get correctly initialized by isapnp ( 0x220, 0x330, 0x388, irq5,
dma 1 and 5 - same values as Windog ) The Kernel see the card as a SB16
standard and I'm able to reproduce wav, au, to mix channels and record!

The problem is the MIDI system. I've installed the awe32 patch on a 2.0.35
kernel. make xconfig, dep, clean, zImage, modules and modules_install
configured lilo ad reinstalled it!
I have a recursive line:

Jan  3 04:28:50 gromit kernel: AWE32: not detected

in /var/log/messages.
Also sfxtest show me a analogue message!


Many thanks!!!

  Ciao! Andrea Novara [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Use Linux, Watch Star-Trek 'nd read Rat-Man: What need else mankind for 
  keep surviving? May be I forgot a taste of Rum?

Re: Debian 2.0.2 installation

1999-01-03 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 11:23:58AM -0500, Accipiter -- wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying to install Debian 2.0.2. My BIOS does not support
 Bootable CDROMS, and I can't seem to get past the rescue disk. Whenever
 I try to boot using the rescue disk, it freezes up right after md
 driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8. Please help, I'd really like to
 give debian a try!

I had this problem once myself (can't remember what kind of machine it
was). Only solution I had was to wait about 10 minutes or so, it
enventually timed-out. I think I eventually found out whyit did it, but
I can't remember now.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: Billy has nothing to worry about.

1999-01-03 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On Sat, 2 Jan 1999 19:40:39 -0600, John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The main point I wish to make is this: if you compare the relative ages of
the two operating systems to the stages of development, you will find that
Linux is more than three times as evolved for is age compared to all of the
Microsoft systems. When Microsoft was the same age as Linux is now they were
just leaving DOS 2.0 with Windows still a dream in Bill Gates mind. I have
watched Linux evolve since about 1992. That was when I first heard of it. I
may be off on some of the dates but this is based on MY personal experience.

That's an unfair comparison.  Computers in general are more evolved
these days, so it stands to reason that any new operating system will
appear to get further in a shorter amount of time.  Perhaps one should
compare Windows NT to big-box Unices?  NT is much younger, and yet
it's got a lot of nifty features that took Unix years and years to
develop.  Why, Unix didn't even have CD-ROM support until it was
nearly two decades old!

If you consider that Linux has increased its User and it Developer base from
a loosely knit bunch of hackers (numbering in the hundreds) in the early
nineties to well over 2.5 Million, in the past 10 years, you should also
conclude that 20 plus year old Microsoft must indeed be concerned about this
baby OS.

Linux probably has around 15 million users by now.  The esimate from
last year was 5-10 million and it's increasing at over 200% per annum,
so we're definitely in eight figures by now.

The only thing that Linux will have to do to give Microsoft a REAL headache
is for ALL of the distros, developers, independent programmers, and
commercial supporters of  the Linux system, get together and establish a
common directory tree that is somewhat more efficient/streamlined than
currently used, and to establish common hardware and API interfaces for the
Kernel system. Sadly enough, that type of cohesion is usually driven by
profit, not by altruism. If however a common installation system can be
derived, then folks such as yourself may come back for a second look at

There are already standards for filesystem layout that have been
ratified, but it's taking a while for some of the distributions to
take notice of this fact.  Debian, as always, is doing a sterling job
at following the standards.  Red Hat are dragging their feet somewhat,
which is a shame since they're the biggest distribution.  My greatest
fear for Linux is that Red Hat becomes the de facto standard, simply
because it's the one that gets advertised the most (sounds familiar).

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-03 Thread Christoph Keller
On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 05:11:34PM +0100, Jérôme Zago wrote:
 I can't figure how to mount SMB shares...
 smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago works just fine but I would like to 
 mount this share to /mnt/servif3.
 Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service password [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]
 it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point ?
 Thanks for your help.
 Agt the Walker.

I use smbmount 2.0.2 an it works like this.
usage: smbmount //server/service mount-point [options]
Version 2.0.2

-p portPort to connect to (used only for testing)
-m max_xmitmax_xmit offered (used only for testing)

-s servername  Netbios name of server
-c clientname  Netbios name of client
-I machinename The hostname of the machine
-U usernameUsername sent to server
-D domain  Domain name
-u uid uid the mounted files get
-g gid gid the mounted files get
-f modepermission the files get (octal notation)
-d modepermission the dirs get (octal notation)
-C Don't convert password to uppercase
-P passwordUse this password
-n Do not use any password
   If neither -P nor -n are given, you are
   asked for a password.
-h print this help text 



1999-01-03 Thread Harold G. Stevenson
help..on a couple major areas for me. some
of it has too do with permission issues on my machine. i had to
reconfigure x. i can bring it up a root or as tempuser, but not as user
zorro. would like very much to be zorro when i bring up x.

the other is my printer. went thru alot with it and now that it seems as
if it wants to print i get a message that lp0 is not configured. so how do
you configure /dev/lp0.

any help at all will be greatfully appreciated. thank you.

from tucson-:))


consdiag v 1.0 released

1999-01-03 Thread Manuel Gutierrez Algaba


I've just finished my project consdiag, it can be found in

It's a utility that makes Rumbaugh OO boxes in LaTeX, something
pretty useful for many computer science students.

I do want to several things:
- Please tell me if this utility is also useful for you
- if so tell me how to debianize it , or much better, debianize it
for me, although I'm not very sure of the process, because it's not
a C program , just interpreted python code , with a bit of documentation
- please, tell me if you can include it in the debian CDROM, I'd
be greatly honoured !

Please, if you know any other utility of this kind tell me, I need
them !

Data: I currently run RH 4.2 , with lots of libraries of Debian 2.0
Hamm , because gimp required them. It'd be great if a REDHAT2DEBIAN-HOWTO
existed. Linux ( Unix ) systems are not as Winblows systems, they
are stable for a long time, so it doesn't make sense to remove
distributions to install a new one, that's not the spirit of UNIX.

I don't like RH, but that doesn't mean to throw overboard all my 
Linux system and spend three weeks retuning all my system. I prefer to
discover new things every day, rather than rediscover the discovered. 

Please reply me directly, I'm not currently in this list, ...,
the volume is too high for my phone bills. 

My addresses / mis direcciones: --- lritaunas peki project/proyecto in python --- page of spanish users of latex
/ pagina de usuarios en espanyol de latex -- page of drawing utility for tex 
/ pagina de utilidad de dibujo para Latex -- +Wordland ( fun
 and education), Crucilandia (sopas de letras) 
...abandoneis el campo y vuestras casas y acudais a defender el
mar y la lamentarse por las casas o la tierra, sino por
las vidas humanas, pues aquellas no nos proporcionan hombres, 
sino los hombres aquellas -Pericles

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #5

1999-01-03 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  


1999-01-03 Thread Olafur Jens Sigurdsson

I tried to download nas-lib package today, i tried in twice (i had to 
download it here in school and copy it over to a floppy disk to take it 
home since i dont have an internet connection at home).
When i got home i couldnt read the floppy disks. It was like nas-lib was 
corrupted or something.
I know that nas-lib is in the unstable section (at least thats where i 
found it, couldnt find it any other place) but still, i should be able to 
copy it from one machine to another shouldnt i?

Has anyone been able to install this package and if so, where did they 
get it from, couse i downloaded it from two different debian mirrors.

Thanx alot of you could help me get this couse im trying to install the 
festival package and the newest of it needs nas-lib

Happy new year 

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
* Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
* Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *

Re: consdiag v 1.0 released

1999-01-03 Thread Randy Edwards
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba wrote:
 I've just finished my project consdiag, it can be found in
 It's a utility that makes Rumbaugh OO boxes in LaTeX, something
 pretty useful for many computer science students.
 I do want to several things:
 - Please tell me if this utility is also useful for you
 - if so tell me how to debianize it , or much better, debianize it
 for me, although I'm not very sure of the process, because it's not
 a C program , just interpreted python code , with a bit of documentation
 - please, tell me if you can include it in the debian CDROM, I'd
 be greatly honoured !
 Please, if you know any other utility of this kind tell me, I need
 them !
 Data: I currently run RH 4.2 , with lots of libraries of Debian 2.0
 Hamm , because gimp required them. It'd be great if a REDHAT2DEBIAN-HOWTO

   The alien package (which is packaged for Debian) can convert between *rpm
and *deb formats.

   I know I've seen instructions on how to convert a RedHat system to Debian,
but I just checked the web site and couldn't find them.  It's certainly
possible, and yes, I agree this is something that needs to be publicly
documented.  Perhaps someone else can contribute a URL.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

Network File Server

1999-01-03 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd
We are just about to go ahead and upgrade our network. All machines are Wx89
workstations. We were going to use NT Server as a file server but since
using Debian i thought about Linux as a file server. I'm sure lots of you
out there are doing this so any suggestions (hardware, software packages)
and comments (problems etc) would be a appreciated. I was going to get
something like a 686 300MMX 128MB RAM 32X CDROM UPS etc.
Stephen Lavelle

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia

Re: nas-lib

1999-01-03 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  3 Jan, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:
 I tried to download nas-lib package today, i tried in twice (i had to 
 download it here in school and copy it over to a floppy disk to take it 
 home since i dont have an internet connection at home).
 When i got home i couldnt read the floppy disks. It was like nas-lib was 
 corrupted or something.
 I know that nas-lib is in the unstable section (at least thats where i 
 found it, couldnt find it any other place) but still, i should be able to 
 copy it from one machine to another shouldnt i?
 Has anyone been able to install this package and if so, where did they 
 get it from, couse i downloaded it from two different debian mirrors.
 Thanx alot of you could help me get this couse im trying to install the 
 festival package and the newest of it needs nas-lib
 Happy new year 
 * Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
 * Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
 * Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
I've already got it installed, don't remember having any problems with
it. Perhaps try a different floppy disk? Debian packages can be
copied. What error message are you getting? What does dpkg-deb -i
packagefilename say?
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: nas-lib

1999-01-03 Thread Olafur Jens Sigurdsson
Þann 03. janúar 1999 reit Stephen Pitts svohljóðandi:

 I've already got it installed, don't remember having any problems with
 it. Perhaps try a different floppy disk? Debian packages can be
 copied. What error message are you getting? What does dpkg-deb -i
 packagefilename say?

I tried it on two different disks and download it from two different 
servers and nothing worked :(

I dont quite remember what error message i got but i couldnt access the 
disks, the error messages just kept on coming untill they quit and put me 
back to my home folder.

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
* Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
* Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *

Re: reverse order printing?

1999-01-03 Thread servis
*- Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote about reverse order printing?
 I've been using an HP Deskjet 540 with spud, and it's worked fine so far.
 One annoying thing though -- the pages come out with the last page on top.
 Is there a simple way to reverse the order? would it be a gs or lpd/lpr
 Thanks in advance!

I use the following in my printer filter file just before gs gets it:

cat - | /usr/bin/pstops -q 1:-0 | gs.

pstops is in the psutils package.

Package: psutils
Status: hold ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: text
Installed-Size: 220
Maintainer: Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.17-2
Provides: postscript-preview
Depends: libc6
Suggests: gs, gv
Description: A collection of PostScript document handling utilities
 This collection of utilities is for manipulating PostScript documents.
 Page selection and rearrangement are supported, including arrangement
 into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for n-up printing.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: slink

1999-01-03 Thread Carey Evans
Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From time to time I have been directed to use a package from slink
 because the corresponding version from hamm is 'broken', an example is
 xfstt.  However I can't install *ANYTHING* from slink because I get a
 dependacy error due to lib6c being updated in slink (hamm has an older

This was actually a bug in slink's libc6.  Some packages in slink
and/or potato have been recompiled with a new libc6, which doesn't put
that restriction in.

 Can I get the source packages from slink and rebuild under hamm using
 the existing lib6c lib's in the interm?

Unless they also depend on other libraries only in slink, you
shouldn't have any problems.

In case you or other readers don't know how to use a source package:
 1. Download the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz files into one
directory and run dpkg-source -x whatever.dsc.
 2. cd into the resulting directory and run debian/rules binary.
 3. dpkg -i the resulting .deb package.  *Don't* force it if it
refuses to install - reinstall the old package and ask for help.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Mail - Sending (smail)

1999-01-03 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd
I know this question has been asked before but i've looked in the archives
and cannot find much. HOWTO not much help either. I'm using fetchmail to
recieve mail from my isp and Mutt to read.Which files do i need to change
(smail) to send mail to my isp (
Stephen Lavelle
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia

Re: AWE 64 Value

1999-01-03 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 05:35:55PM +0100, Andrea Novara wrote:
 I'm experiencing problems configuring my new awe 64 value ISA PnP card!
 The card get correctly initialized by isapnp ( 0x220, 0x330, 0x388, irq5,
 dma 1 and 5 - same values as Windog ) The Kernel see the card as a SB16
 standard and I'm able to reproduce wav, au, to mix channels and record!
 The problem is the MIDI system. I've installed the awe32 patch on a 2.0.35
 kernel. make xconfig, dep, clean, zImage, modules and modules_install
 configured lilo ad reinstalled it!
 I have a recursive line:
 Jan  3 04:28:50 gromit kernel: AWE32: not detected
 in /var/log/messages.
 Also sfxtest show me a analogue message!
Do You added the soundmodule in the
file ?


Re: Network File Server

1999-01-03 Thread Carey Evans
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We are just about to go ahead and upgrade our network. All machines are Wx89
 workstations. We were going to use NT Server as a file server but since
 using Debian i thought about Linux as a file server. I'm sure lots of you
 out there are doing this so any suggestions (hardware, software packages)
 and comments (problems etc) would be a appreciated. I was going to get
 something like a 686 300MMX 128MB RAM 32X CDROM UPS etc.

That's probably over-specced even for an NT file server.  ;-)  Besides
what you've listed, you should go for an all-SCSI system, not IDE, and
you'll need some kind of tape backup.  You should make sure you get a
10/100 Mbs Ethernet card, even if you only have a 10 Mbs network at
the moment.

For software, you'll want to use Samba as the file server.  You can
also use this as a print server, and together with LPRng and cti-ifhp
it works quite well with HP-compatible laser printers.

(Would you have gotten a reply this fast from MS support on a statutory 

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Modem trouble, Please help!!

1999-01-03 Thread Carey Evans

 The  final resolution was to install the 2.1 base disks with the 2.0 rescue
 and driver floppies, download the latest kernel and use a linux/bash
 emulator on my NT desktop to build a custom compilation of the kernel that
 included the needed Xircom support.

Is this mentioned anywhere in the documentation?

It seems that it's possible to compile vmlinuz under WinNT or Win9x
using CygWin, although 2.0.x won't work properly because of the
version of egcs they use.  This could help people with strange
combinations of hardware that can't get any of the supplied kernel
images to work.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Network File Server

1999-01-03 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd
I forgot to mention tape back-up!
and as for MS Support([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia
-Original Message-
From: Carey Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 5 January 1999 6:42
Subject: Re: Network File Server

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We are just about to go ahead and upgrade our network. All machines are
 workstations. We were going to use NT Server as a file server but since
 using Debian i thought about Linux as a file server. I'm sure lots of you
 out there are doing this so any suggestions (hardware, software packages)
 and comments (problems etc) would be a appreciated. I was going to get
 something like a 686 300MMX 128MB RAM 32X CDROM UPS etc.

That's probably over-specced even for an NT file server.  ;-)  Besides
what you've listed, you should go for an all-SCSI system, not IDE, and
you'll need some kind of tape backup.  You should make sure you get a
10/100 Mbs Ethernet card, even if you only have a 10 Mbs network at
the moment.

For software, you'll want to use Samba as the file server.  You can
also use this as a print server, and together with LPRng and cti-ifhp
it works quite well with HP-compatible laser printers.

(Would you have gotten a reply this fast from MS support on a statutory

 Carey Evans

   Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Xircom Network Adapter

1999-01-03 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd
Does debian support Xircom network adapters?
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia

Re: Network Neighborhood and IPmasquerading

1999-01-03 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 05:46:19PM -0500, Will Lowe wrote:
  Hello all,
  I've got a machine,  A,  that connects to network N via a ppp link to
  machine M.  I'm planning to masquerade machine B through A (A will have
  masq installed and run ipfwadm,  B will talk to the world through it).
  If net N has some windows machines,  and B is a windows machine,  is there
  any way that B can talk to the windows machines on N in things like
  Network Neighborhood?

 This is just my understanding and may not be correct. First, you will
 need to be able to masq the SMB protocol, and I'm not sure this can be
 done. If so then for machine B to see tha other windows machine in
 network neighborhood you will need to setup the lmhosts file on B
 (i forget where it is exactly) which is similar in usage to
 /etc/hosts in that it tells B where other machines are.

Windows Networking will masquerade just fine, at least the session protocol,
because this is simply done with a TCP connection. The Windows Networking name
service will never let you see everything in the Network Neighborhood over IP 
because it relies on broadcast UDP which IP Masq. does not handle (and should 
ever handle, IMO). If you have the machine's host name in DNS or in your hosts 
you should be able to get to the machine by going to the 'Run...' and type
\\hostname. It *may* work if you don't have the host name in DNS or locally if 
using a WINS server. If you're not using WINS it won't work because this uses
broadcast. Of course you can always enter the host/ip into your windows box's 
file. NOTE WELL: even if you enter the host/ip into your hosts file you still 
not see the machine in the Network Neighborhood. Yes, the difficulty with the 
Neighborhood over anything othen than a small LAN bums many people out. 
However, the
mechanism which makes this evil thing work is fragile and flaky at best and 
responsible for it should be beaten. If you're interested in finer details of 
mechanism I'd be happy to discuss them with you offline.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Mail - Sending (smail)

1999-01-03 Thread Mitch Blevins
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:
 I know this question has been asked before but i've looked in the archives
 and cannot find much. HOWTO not much help either. I'm using fetchmail to
 recieve mail from my isp and Mutt to read.Which files do i need to change
 (smail) to send mail to my isp (

In general, change the files in /etc/smail/*

You want to change /etc/smail/routers to have this entry:

driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;

This will cause mail not handled by the entries above it (local mail)
to be sent to your ISP.

Alternatively, you could just install exim, which is much easier
to configure.  Just install it, and answer the questions it asks you.
