Re: (Fwd) Sobre smtpd

1999-01-24 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, benalb wrote:

En cuanto a lo del spam, yo no lo he usado, pero tienes:
que supongo que será el paquete a que te refieres, y luego tienes

 Creo que se también consigue anti-spam  con un par de líneas en

Kjunk hash [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/mail/deny

# file containing IP numbers of machines which can use our relay
F{LocalIP} /etc/mail/ip_allow

# file containing names of machines which can use our relay
F{LocalNames} /etc/mail/name_allow

# file containing names we relay to
F{RelayTo} /etc/mail/relay_allow

 Aunque no toi muy seguro  ;-)


Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-24 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, José Valcarce Alonso wrote:

Al configurar xfree86 lo he hecho con el controlador S3 y ahora no puedo
ver nada
pues arranca X en el boot.

 Has activado el xdm.

Que puedo hacer para acceder a la configuración del xfree y cambiar los
datos o
quizás el controlador.

 Pues si ves una especie de login gráfico, entra, abre una xterm
 y edita los archivos de  configuración (mira en /etc/X11/). En todo
 caso, también puedes  probar a pulsar Ctrl-Alt-F1 y  hacer un login
 como siempre.

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: staroffice

1999-01-24 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

De donde se saca la licencia para esta cacho de aplicación

 Es gratuito para  uso personal. Eso sí, registrarlo  es un poco
 lioso (o a mí me lo ha parecido).

 Tras instalar el programa  (yo lo hice en /usr/local/Office50/)
 te vas a  la web de StarDivision y buscas  para bajártelo. Antes de
 eso te pide unos datos y  te da una clave. Desconectas, ejecutas la
 instalación  para el  usuario (2  Mb para  cada uno)  y le  das los
 mismos datos  que diste en la  web. Te pide  la clave, se la  das y
 listo, ya se instala.

 Pero los de StarDivision lo quisieron complicar un poco más. Se
 instala una  versión operativa durante  30 días. Has de  conectar a
 Internet, arrancar el programa, pulsar Register en el diálogo que
 te aparece,  pillar un Customer number  y otra clave más  ya no
 recuerdo muy bien. Peléate un poco como hice yo y lo consigues.

 Si usas un  caché proxy, configura el StarOffice  para que *no*
 lo use durante el registro. Luego haz como quieras.

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

No me aclaro con Sed y Awk.

1999-01-24 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
Hola a todo el mundo,

he estado  leyendo las  páginas man  de sed(1)  y awk(1)  y la
verdad es que no consigo  entender del todo como funcionan.

Yo  lo que  necesito  es dar  como entrada  un  fichero y  que
uno  de estos  programas (¿analizador  de cadenas?)  encuentre
la  coincidencia y  entonces elimine  la línea  inmediatamente

El resultado  que busco  es unir  cabeceras partidas  en los
mensajes, que hace  que el segundo bloque  aparezca como parte
del mensaje,  cosa que me  fastidia porque además es  la parte
que contiene el `From' y el `Subject'.

Hasta ahora lo único que he conseguido es

sed -e '2,/^.*cadena_a_buscar;/ d'

que  elimina desde  la  segunda línea  hasta la  coincidencia,
solución para nada óptima.

Si  alguien se  le ocurre  como hacer  eso con  éstos o  otros
programas podría comentarlo, :-)

La idea es ponerlo en el `.fetchmailrc' más o menos así:

mda formail -s sed -e '2,/^.*cadena_a_buscar;/ d'|procmail


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
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 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: (Fwd) Sobre smtpd

1999-01-24 Thread benalb
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 Kjunk hash [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/mail/deny
 # file containing IP numbers of machines which can use our relay
 F{LocalIP} /etc/mail/ip_allow
 # file containing names of machines which can use our relay
 F{LocalNames} /etc/mail/name_allow
 # file containing names we relay to
 F{RelayTo} /etc/mail/relay_allow
  Aunque no toi muy seguro  ;-)

Pero así tienes que crearte tu la base de datos de direcciones de spammers, 
y creo que el spamdb ya viene con ella, y que además se actualiza por la red.
Voy a echarle un ojo, y ya contaré.

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-24 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, MadBit wrote:

 El netscape tiende a hacer eso cuando no resuelve bien una 
 dirección. Pon ps en una ventana y si ves un proceso de netscape 
 que ponga '(dns helper)' pues es eso. Tienes algo mal puesto en la 
 configuración de red, intenta resolver la dirección y no lo hace bien 
 y se queda bloqueao consumiendo recursos como loco.

Puede que debido a que yo tengo la swap algo sobredimensionada jamás
he notado esto aunque lo que si he comprobado es que en algunos sitios
existe la costumbre de provocar excesivas aperturas de ventanas.
Cada ventana de netscape incluso cada frame supone casi lo equivalente
a cargar un nuevo navegador. Bueno esto es lo que yo he leido en libros
de JavaScript aunque yo jamas he tenido problemas de swaping.

No creo que sea el único caso en que algunas aplicaciones abusen
de los recursos de la máquina.

El tema de cuanta swap necesito sale con cierta frecuencia y siempre
hay más de un punto de vista.

 LLave PGP publica en:
 ICQ#: 22515593
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-24 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va José Valcarce Alonso y dice ¿Re: Configuracion de xfree86? 

 Os adjunto el fichero de X -probeonly a ver si un alma caritativa me 
 que es lo que no funciona.
 Puede que sea el monitor, pues no tengo sus datos.
 Un saludo. Pepe.

 (--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted.
 (--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 35.52 kHz. Deleted.
[ y asi muuuchos mas ]
 (**) S3: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  25.175
 (--) S3: There is no mode definition named 800x600
 (--) S3: Removing mode 800x600 from list of valid modes.
 (--) S3: There is no mode definition named 1024x768
 (--) S3: Removing mode 1024x768 from list of valid modes.

no se si es exactamente el problema, por que yo borro los email, y no se de que 
iba este, pero si tu problema es que solo tienes 640x480, aqui va una idea...

No se por que narices, muchos de los modos graficos que crea el XF86Setup no 
tienen una frecuencia horizontal redonda, y al arrancar el X como no coincide
te elimina casitodos ( o incluso todos ).

si te fichas en el fichero /etc/X11/xf86config hay una linea que pone:
   HorizSync   31.5,35.15,35.5

o algo asi, bueno pues si en lugar de poner eso pones por ejemplo:

HorizSync 31-36 

Conseguiras que no te borre los modos graficos que definiste y asi tendras
mas resoluciones.
Es un poco chapuzas, pero a mi me ha funcionado siempre. 

Que viva el pelo!!! :-DDD

of  __ _| |___ __ _[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744

Re: Fax

1999-01-24 Thread Javier Arregui
Yo estoy en la misma situacion que tu, pero no tengo tiempo de mirar.
Cuando pueda, probare con hylafax, que tiene una interfaz X-Windows en tk.
Ademas, cuenta con bastante documentacion.


TooManySecrets wrote:
 Aparte de la familia mgetty, ¿existe algún programa gráfico (en modo X)
 del estilo de los utilizados por winbug para el envío-recepción de faxes en
 Debian 2.0 (o en su defecto, que se encuentren debianizados)?
 ¿Hay, también, algún programa para hacer grabaciones, sea desde un cd o
 desde el micrófono?
 Estas navidades me hice con un módem que, aparte de fax, soporta voz, y me
 gustaría mucho poder utilizarlo desde Linux para éstas dos cosas también.
 Gracias por todo.
 Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
 TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te
apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
el fin de todos los caminos
   Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Javier Arregui Garcia
Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 

Re: reparticionar y compartir

1999-01-24 Thread Hue-Bond
On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/usr : éste se puede mover (¿y compartir?), y es el que más espacio requiere;

 Compartir sí  que se puede.  Incluso en el  FileSystem Standard
 dice que  se puede montar como  sólo lectura, pero yo  no las tengo
 todas conmigo.

/usr/local : éste es para paquetes instalados ajenos al sistema, se puede
mover (¿compartir?), y el espacio depende de qué se pretenda instalar;

 Sí, también se puede compartir.

/home : se puede mover y compartir, y el espacio depende del número de

 El espacio también depende de  si tienes Gimp instalado, porque
 se empeña en  crear los archivos temporales aquí y  no en /tmp (por
 alguna razón que desconozco).

/var : se puede mover pero imagino que no se puede compartir, y require
bastante espacio;

 Más  que espacio,  requiere velocidad.  Pon esta  partición más
 cerca del final del disco que del principio.

/tmp : se puede mover y compartir (¿espacio?);

 Yo le puse 40 Mb...

/opt : he leido que se debe crear para la instalación de cierto tipo de
programas (WordPerfect, Netscape, StarOffice, bases de datos,...)... ¿y

 Si  los  programas  dejan   escoger,  prefiero  instalarlos  en
 /usr/local antes que en /opt  (así hice con el StarOffice). Supongo
 que se puede compartir.

/mnt : se puede mover y compartir (¿espacio?).

 Poquito  ya  que lo  que  se  monta  no  ocupa espacio  en  ese
 directorio (evidentemente).

¿Podríais darme vuestra opinión?
¿Qué porcentaje de espacio debería dar a cada uno?

 Yo lo tengo así:

$ df
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda1 497667   79973   391992 17%   /
/dev/hda5  46632   3075513469 70%   /home
/dev/hda6  23300   15945 6152 72%   /var
/dev/hda7  46632   1997224252 45%   /var/spool
/dev/hda8 194405  18   184348  0%   /var/www
/dev/hda9 435432  409934 3009 99%   /usr
/dev/hda10 38855  2136828  0%   /tmp
/dev/hda12264368  115850   134865 46%   /usr/lib
/dev/hda22556348 1762920   793428 69%   /mnt/win95

 Tengo /usr  muy lleno porque  descomprimí las fuentes  de libc6
 (23 megas) pero ya las quito pronto. /dev/hda11 es el swap. Reservé
 200 Mb para /var/www  por lo que pueda ocurrir ;-).  Y / está tan
 vacío porque antes tenía todo ahí.

¿Cómo hago para copiar los directorios a las nuevas particiones?  ¿cp,
dd,...?  ¿qué más debería cambiar para que funcione?

 Yo lo hice con  'cp -av'. Mírate la página man  del cp para ver
 qué hace exactamente la opción -a. La -v es el típico verbose.


Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Hola lista!!!!

1999-01-24 Thread Juanmi Mora
Hola Lista

Vengo siguiendo el thread de la memoria se me empeta. Os
cuento mi caso. A ver que es heavy. Compilo esto:

void main(void)

Lo ejecuto y lo dejo por ahí, pululando a su rollo. Sigo trabajando
como si nada, viendo eso sí, el consumo de CPU bestial de este proceso.

Cuando pasan unos minutos las aplicaciones van petando hasta colgarse
todo el sistema.

He probado a compilar el kernel mil veces, he probado a chequear
la memoria, y todo parece correcto. Yo creo, podría tratarse de un bug
del kernel. Ahora mismo estoy bajándome el pre9. Por todo esto sospecho
que el problema de Javier no es de escasez de memoria. Bueno, una opinión.


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Perdón por el subject anterior Hola Lista!!!

1999-01-24 Thread Juanmi Mora
Hola Lista!!!

Pido perdón por el subject que se me ha colado. Debería ser
a mí también me peta. Me acuesto ya...


P.D. Siguiendo con las pruebas sobre el casque, este es el segundo
mensaje que intento subir, ya que en el primero me petó todo el sistema
al intentar enviarlo. :-(


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

wmaker upgrade broken... need help

1999-01-24 Thread jpjevans
Hi, folks

Any ideas as to what's up with this:

debian:/home/jesse# apt-get dist-upgrade 
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0b/830k of archives. After unpacking 533k will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... 54079 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace wmaker 0.20.3-1 (using wmaker_0.20.3-2.deb) ...
dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to
  when removing `diversion of /usr/X11R6/man/man1/asclock.1x.gz to 
/usr/X11R6/man/man1/asclock.1x.afterstep.gz by wmaker'
  found `diversion of /usr/X11R6/man/man1/asclock.1x.gz to 
/usr/X11R6/man/man1/asclock.afterstep.1x.gz by wmaker'
dpkg: error processing wmaker_0.20.3-2.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
/var/lib/dpkg/ [: too many arguments
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code

What's wrong and how can I fix it? I have sources.lists pointing to 

'til next we type
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Re: Changing reply to field?

1999-01-24 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Ed Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| I would like to be able to compose email off-line and have it sent
| automagicaly when I go online. I've got that part figured out, however
| the return-path (see below) is the user and host of my computer at
| home. That user and host isn't visible to any dns systems so if a
| personwants to reply to me, it will bounce.
| How do I change the Return-Path to some valid email address??
| I've looked all through /etc/smail/config and read the smail-config
| man page and can't find it.
| Although I realize that this isn't a Debian specific issue, I thought
| ya'll might not mind if I asked it here.
| If you try to reply to this it will bounce, so either send to the list
| or to

You don't generally want to change Return-Path. But to change, or add,
the Reply-To field just add this to your ~/.emacs file:

;; For message mode
(setq message-mode-hook
  '(lambda ()
(setq message-default-headers Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

That's what I use, or used to use, before I switched to gnus for my


Re: Problems installing Linux.

1999-01-24 Thread Michael and Diana Finney
I had the EXACT same problem.  Maybe a bug should be written up?

Oleg Krivosheev helped me out wonderfully.

The solution for me was getting a config file from Oleg Krivosheev who had the 
graphics card as I had and get the latest  SVGA server.   By the way, I have a 
Hewlett Packard Pavilion which has a SiS 5598, 2 Meg of video memory available 
(up to
4, but the BIOS is set for 2).


The following are the directions he gave me:
Hi again

   That'd be great.  If you there is any way you could share what choices I
   should of made in xf86config or whatever, that would be good too.  That way, 
   can understand better.  I appreciate your help,

there is no way to get something out of xf86config, 'cause
all we have now is XF3.3.2 based. ( I have no idea what he meant by that, but 
it did
not matter.  His help was great!)

ok, my configuration, as promised:

1. i have hamm (i.e. Debian 2.0) installed

2. installed SVGA X server

3. Go to or it's mirrors
   for example) and get precompiled SVGA server from XF3.3.3

4. gunzip, untar and copy it to /usr/X11R6/bin

5. set the right permissions and edit /etc/X11/Xserver to point to
   server you just copied

6. copy enclosed file to /etc/X11/XF86Config and set your monitor and mouse 

   i have 2button ps/2 mouse and quite lousy 15 monitor, so if you
   have better monitor, just set proper VF and HF ranges and your server
   should start
I've enclosed a copy of the same file.  It should be renamed as step 6 says to.
Please let us all know if you succeed with this.  By the way, I use dpkg -i
filenamegoeshere instead of dselect.  (Be sure to mount /dev/hdc /cdrom   or 
you have to do to mount your debian distribution.)It gives me a better 
feeling of
control.  All I have to do then is go to /cdrom/debian/dists/stable/pretend I 
know this by heart/stuck on Windows 98 until I buy a real modem/pitty me or

Nuno Donato wrote:

 I need some help installing Linux.
 After I have installed and booted it from a floppy, I start
 de Dselect program to install the packages. During the
 installation, I am asked to select my graphics card, I
 select it, and then I am asked if I want to create the X
 configuration file. I answer 'yes' but then an error message
 appear, saying that I don't have the X config file
 installed, so I can't install X, so I can't run it.
 Who can help me?
 I have Debian Linux 2.0 Hamm

 Nuno Donato ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# File generated by xf86config.

# Copyright (c) 1995 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
# XFree86 Project.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of 
# this file.
# **

# **
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **

Section Files

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like .txt or .db).  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or other
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo 

Re: Help!: How to force SIAG to use ISO-8859-2 fonts?

1999-01-24 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 06:54:41PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 I have to force SIAG to use other encoding (preferrably ISO-8859-2) in the
 spreadsheet. How to do it? I tried to change all font definitons in
 /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Siag into -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-2.
 All fonts changed, except of fonts used in the spreadsheet :-(.
 How to force siag to use the localized fonts?

Does -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2 work any better?  Font matching is
a bizarre thing.

G. Branden Robinson  |   Murphy's Guide to Science:
Debian GNU/Linux |   If it's green or squirms, it's biology.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   If it stinks, it's chemistry. |   If it doesn't work, it's physics.

Description: PGP signature

Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it.

1999-01-24 Thread Cristiano Viana

I am here trying to install Debian 2.0.
After setting the passwords of the root user and a normal user, I would like
to install some software packages.
But my CDROM does not mount.
In the boot, Debian says that my CDROM drive is hdd.
When I try to mount it (mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom), the error message
tells me that iso9660 is not supported by the kernel.
What can I do to install my packages?

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

Re: 1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 12:14:34PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
 In general, no.  Swap is not really a big concern unless you are memory

Doesn't this ignore the fact that having two heads working back and
forth is faster than just one?  Part of the reason people do raid arrays,
even at the lower levels, because they get all the heads working at the same
time and it lowers access time.  I'd think the same would apply to swap.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Changing reply to field?

1999-01-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 05:32:42PM -0700, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
 You don't generally want to change Return-Path. But to change, or add,
 the Reply-To field just add this to your ~/.emacs file:

 ;; For message mode
 (setq message-mode-hook
   '(lambda ()
 (setq message-default-headers Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

 That's what I use, or used to use, before I switched to gnus for my

Why?  Why not just swith the from: field and be done with it.  Most
email client will take what is in the from field just fine.  I've never
heard of an email client taking it fro the return-path.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

GCC In-line assembler (Off topic)

1999-01-24 Thread ivan
Could someone please tell me how to include in-line assembler routines in
my C programmes and what the procedure is for calling the routines ?

Is it possible to pass arguments to an in-line assembler routine ?  If so,
how is this done ?

Sorry for the off-topic post but I have been searching the web for hours
for this information and cannot find answers anywhere.

References to files that actually show this being done would be very much
appreciated or code snippets in the  reply.



Re: Installation hangs (and other problems)

1999-01-24 Thread Ross Boylan
Here's some further info I got, apparently from Andrew Martin Adrian Cater
[EMAIL PROTECTED], along with some questions/comments by me.  Since the
return address didn't work, I'm hoping he will catch it here.  (Also, I'm
trying another address).

Just so it doesn't get buried, the highlight is don't do a direct install
of xfree86 using the graphical tools from the CheapBytes CDs.

[I wrote, in response to his reply...]
Thanks for some really useful info.  I have a couple of questions, and a

On handling the multiple CD's, you [Andrew]  write
Load the first CD: take what you can from it, then load what CheapBytes calls
extras. A lot of work has gone into fixing this for the next release: in
the interim, take the CD's individually.
The point I ran into trouble was where it asked for the path to the root
(e.g., .../stable).
Whichever CD I put in, it won't find everything, right?  Or were you
suggesting entering none for that (as I did) and then swapping CD's when
prompted for the individual component directories?
Or, on the third hand, are you suggesting making 3 independent passes
through the whole dselect routine?

Is the fixing you refer to in Debian, or the CheapBytes distribution?  Or
is it that Debian needs a new option to handle archives split across CD's?

I thought copying all 3 CDs to disk would get around the problem, but
apparently the symbolic links make a copy occupy far more than 650Mg.  So I
gave up.

The comment: I'm trying to minimize /, so I need other partitions for all
else.  The way the installation goes, it seems to require separate
partitions for each mount point (/usr, /home, /var) to avoid having them
dumped onto the root partition.  I know I could have just one extra
partition and use symlinks, but I don't know if the installation scripts
would go for it.

One more question: The graphical xfree is broken on Cheapbytes because they
have a bad or dated copy?  because it doesn't run from a CD?  some other

At 09:45 PM 1/23/99 +, you wrote:
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 11:41:33AM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I just tried my first install of Debian.  It didn't go very well.
 Fortunately, I did it in the spirit of a trial run.
That's OK - perhaps I can get you a bit further
 I have a Pentium 100, 64 MG Ram, and a recently added 13.6Gig Maxtor hard
 drive + 2 older drives.  The install targeted the new drive, which is drive
 0.  I used the Debian 2.0 CD's from CheapBytes.  I had run Maxtor's
 MaxBlast program, which sticks EZ-BIOS in the boot sector to overcome
 BIOS limitations.
 I booted off the CD.  I tried to give drive parameters at the boot prompt,
 but it wouldn't take any of the syntaxes I tried were accepted.  
 cfdisk seemed to allow the creation of many logical partitions.  I thought
 they all needed to be within an extended partition.  Is that not the case?
 At any rate, I created logical partitions to hold /, /usr, and swap.
IMHO Stick with two partitions unless you really need to split out /home for
lots of users.  If you have a separate /, this only needs to be small: other
wise use a main partition and a swap partition.  
 I elected to install modules for Win95, ppp, a.out, ppp over parallel
 ports, and some others.
If you are planning to use a printer - don't install PLIP initially.
 I got the message Drive 0: deviation=-4080 during the install.
I think you can ignore this: it's probably fdisk setting up a parameter
to tell it how the drive responds.
 Eventually I got a menu of installation types, and picked home (though
 really I want home + development).
Redo this step: don't pick home - instead pick custom which will allow
you to pick the individual package bundle selections. Alternatively, skip 
this step: install purely the base system and then install individual 
packages from dselect - this takes much longer but will allow you to select
individual packages. 
 I started walking through dselect.  It wouldn't take a pointer to my CD for
 the whole package, and made me walk through the locations of the individual
 parts.  I think the problem was that the CD only contained some of the
 parts (not contrib or non-free, which are on some of the other CDs in the
 set).  I there a way to make dselect happy when installation materials are
 spread across several CDs?
Load the first CD: take what you can from it, then load what CheapBytes calls
extras. A lot of work has gone into fixing this for the next release: in
the interim, take the CD's individually.
 wwwdialup complained it couldn't find a modem (hardware problem, unrelated
 to Debian).  Then I got to the xfree86 install.  A very short way through
 it started to do the config file.  I ran into trouble, and said n to
 installing it.  At this point it hung.
Don't run the graphical install (XF86Setup) from that set of CheapBytes
Run the command line text based xf86config utility. XF86Setup was broken on
these disks.
 When I rebooted the system I found it wasn't too functional; man wouldn't

is my cdrw supported?

1999-01-24 Thread tenjin
i made a dumb move and bought an ide cdrw, only cause i cant afford SCSI, but 
anny ways its a HiVALand its modle number is CDR-126

GNOME vs KDE, or how to have best of both worlds?

1999-01-24 Thread Christian Lavoie
I'm trying to figure out how to get both gnome and kde working on the 
same computer. I already have a working gnome desktop (pretty outdated 
though... should see to it) and I'd like to check out KDE too. What's 
the best way to do it? Ideally, I'd be adding another Xserver running. 
Something like making another one accessible on Alt-F8.

Christian Lavoie

gnuplot in hamm and splot

1999-01-24 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

Evertime I try to run a splot statement in gnuplot (from hamm), it seg
faults. I've tried everytime from examples in /usr/doc/gnuplot to the
stuff I'm trying to plot, and no luck. plot seems to be working fine fwiw.

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Re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-24 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 11:00:21PM -0500, Bill Parker wrote:
Try I've had good luck ordering from sites listed on 
there. A quick search shows several places selling them for $74.

Stephen Pitts

 I have a VERY hard time trying to find a retail source for Symbios SCSI
 cards in the US.  Who sells them in typical user quantities?
 Windows crashed.
 I am the Blue Screen of Death.
 No one hears your screams.
  I hate to disagree but... the symbios cards are great and they are
  generaly cheaper, faster and less trouble.
  *--* Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *--* Voice: 425.739.4247
  *--* Fax: 425.827.9577
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  - - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - -
  On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:
   snipped for obfuscation
Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a
  Yamaha? Right
now, I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive
  connected to a
motherboard IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI
drive, but after hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI
drives, I'm interested in a SCSI-based external one.
   Well, I can't in good conscience reccommend anything but an
  adaptec.  I've
   heard (but not experienced) that a zip-plus will erase data on
  a scsi hdd
   when not connected to an adaptec.  There are other reasons, though, like
   support, speed, _very_ nice bios, etc.  You'll pay for the niceness, but
   in my opinion, well worth it.  If you're planning on just using
  your CD-R
   on your SCSI chain, then you don't need Ultra Wide or even SCSI-3, just
   get yourself a good SCSI-2 (you don't even need that, but room to expand
   is good, and good luck finding a Narrow SCSI-1 anymore.)  If you're not
   buying for a corporation, my suggestion would be to watch the online
   auctions, sometimes they have adaptec cards.
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Re: GNOME vs KDE, or how to have best of both worlds?

1999-01-24 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 02:51:49AM +, Christian Lavoie wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out how to get both gnome and kde working on the 
 same computer. I already have a working gnome desktop (pretty outdated 
 though... should see to it) and I'd like to check out KDE too. What's 
 the best way to do it? Ideally, I'd be adding another Xserver running. 
 Something like making another one accessible on Alt-F8.

may give you some tips in this department.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |// // //  / /

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it.

1999-01-24 Thread Andreas Sliwka
 When I try to mount it (mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom), the error message
 tells me that iso9660 is not supported by the kernel.
So your kernel doesnt understand the filesystem (iso9660) of the CD,
just recompile your kernel with iso9660 support or make a module aout of
it (if possible) and load it


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

WingZpro cannot find

1999-01-24 Thread Michael Laing
Having downloaded WingzPro from sunsite, I get:

/usr/local/Wingz3/bin/LINUX/WingzPro: can't load library ''

but I have and ldconfig shows it as well...

How do I get WingzPro to find it?


Re: dualboot linux and NT?

1999-01-24 Thread Jaymes Hill
 Still, I'm not sure if NT 4.0 doesn't support FAT32.  Its a nonissue 
for me since all I use partition 2 for is the pagefile.sys.

Unless they introduced it in SP4, it doesn't.

Windows NT doesn't provide support for FAT32 out-of-the-box, but there 
are thrid-party programs that allow you to access FAT32 partitions. eg. 
FAT32 by Winternals (

If any replies are made to this message, please email me a copy as I no 
longer subscribe to the mailing list.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Alsa on 2.2?

1999-01-24 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

Has anyone managed to convince alsa to compile on 2.2.0-final? For some
reason it does not like the -final in the version number. I managed to
convince configure to get past it but now genksym dies in an unpleasent
way because of the -final stuff :


PGP question

1999-01-24 Thread Shane Wegner

I have a question about PGP which I am hoping someone can help me with.  I
live in Canada and I am wondering what version of PGP I should use.  Being
a Canadian citizen, I can download the US version or the international
version I believe so I am wondering what version, technically speaking,
gives the most flexability.  I am currently using pgp 2.6.3-us due to the
fact that it's opensource but am wondering if I am losing anything by

Also, since I am running a multiuser system, is it ok to let others have
access to PGP who may be outside the US or Canada when logged into my

Thank in advance,

Tel: (604) 930-0530
Sysadmin, Continuum Systems:
Personal website:
PGP key:

Re: Star Office 3.1 install problem

1999-01-24 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 01:59:09PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running the XF86_SVGA X server under Debian 2.0.
 I downloaded Staroffice31-common.tar.gz, StarOffice31-english.tar.gz and
 StarOffice31-statbin.tar.gz to /usr/local.  When untarred they installed
 to /usr/local/StarOffice-3.1.  When I try to run ./setup (X or not X) I
 StarOffice3.1 Installation Tool
 Segmentation fault
 Will someone tell me what additional steps I need to take to install
 this package? Thanks.
 Dennis Cousins
 Miccosukee, Florida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I had the same thing happen and could never figure out what went wrong, but
in the course of my looking I realized that the current version of
staroffice is not 3.1, but 5.0.  It's on sunsite somewhere and installed
cleanly for me.

However, 5.0 seemed to me a little on the bloatware side; I also realized
that most of the typesetting part of my wordprocessing for school could be
done very nicely with TeX (or LaTeX) with about five typesetting commands in
a document of any given size.  So I wound up not using it after all the
effor I went through to get it.  Good thing it was free.


Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it.
-- Mark Twain

Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it.

1999-01-24 Thread John Bagdanoff
I had the same problem.  Try this command:

insmod isofs

then run your mount command


Andreas Sliwka wrote:

  When I try to mount it (mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom), the error message
  tells me that iso9660 is not supported by the kernel.
 So your kernel doesnt understand the filesystem (iso9660) of the CD,
 just recompile your kernel with iso9660 support or make a module aout of
 it (if possible) and load it


 Andreas Sliwka ---
 talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: PGP question

1999-01-24 Thread J.T. Wenting
I believe you are allowed to use the US version yourself if you live in
Canada, but any users who log in from outside the US or Canada will not be
allowed to do so. I think that in your case it would be best to use the
international version (

J.T. Wenting


 -Original Message-
 From: Shane Wegner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 1999 8:45 AM
 Subject: PGP question


 I have a question about PGP which I am hoping someone can
 help me with.  I
 live in Canada and I am wondering what version of PGP I
 should use.  Being
 a Canadian citizen, I can download the US version or the international
 version I believe so I am wondering what version, technically
 gives the most flexability.  I am currently using pgp
 2.6.3-us due to the
 fact that it's opensource but am wondering if I am losing anything by

 Also, since I am running a multiuser system, is it ok to let
 others have
 access to PGP who may be outside the US or Canada when logged into my

 Thank in advance,

 Shane Wegner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tel: (604) 930-0530
 Sysadmin, Continuum Systems:
 Personal website:
 PGP key:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: wmaker upgrade broken... need help

1999-01-24 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 04:06:02PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Had same problem,
than I get wmaker from potato, it works but uses libwraster too,
Peter Berlau 

Re: Alsa on 2.2?

1999-01-24 Thread Steve McIntyre
Jason Gunthorpe writes:
Has anyone managed to convince alsa to compile on 2.2.0-final? For some
reason it does not like the -final in the version number. I managed to
convince configure to get past it but now genksym dies in an unpleasent
way because of the -final stuff :

No problems here, just compiled out of the box and worked for me last
night... Which version(s) are you using?

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a href= PC page/a
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, +--
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...  |Finger for PGP key

BS/DEL in Xemacs

1999-01-24 Thread Mitchell Surface
Can somebody tell me how I can get the backspace and delete keys in
Xemacs to work the way I expect them to, i.e. backspace deletes the
previous character and delete deletes the current character?

Thanks for any help!

Mitchell Surface
Fort Wayne, IN

Re: seek help with cheap network card

1999-01-24 Thread Marco Frattola
[This really belongs on -user,  so I've moved it there.]

 The network card in my machine is a Winbond 89c940.  I admit it's a $20
 special.  I have been unable to locate any Linux drivers for the card,

all the winbond chip i've seen were ne2k clones. have you tried it?

|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED] No is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!

Re: 1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-24 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Steve Lamb, Stardate 230199.1723:
 Doesn't this ignore the fact that having two heads working back and
 forth is faster than just one?  Part of the reason people do raid arrays,
 even at the lower levels, because they get all the heads working at the same
 time and it lowers access time.  I'd think the same would apply to swap.

for this you'd need raid support for swap. I am not sure if swap could be on a
raid ... however, I am pretty sure that swap has no build in raid support.

Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

MegaHAL: In John, Jesus is said to be Zerg.

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Marian Rusek
Hi Art,

Have you tried to edit /etc/passwd by hand (or with emacs :-), cut your
encrypted user password (I assume you have an account on your computer :-)
and paste it between the first two colons in the line corresponding to the
root account?

Good luck,


-Original Message-
From: Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: No Password for Root

On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 04:00:09PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:

  On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:39:11PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
   What does 'grep root /etc/passwd' show?
   It shows

 Well, that would mean that root has no password and has /bin/bash as its

 ls -al /etc/passwd should show

 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 1441 Nov 10 09:51 /etc/passwd

 If root doesn't have write permission, that would prevent it from being
 updated when you run passwd.

 ...which is what it shows.  And passwd -S showed
root P 01/23/99 0 9 7 -1

SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-24 Thread Peter Berlau
I upgraded my kernel to 2.0.36-2 and after that I lost
the midi-synth AWE 32 support.
The system on boot up configures via isapnp the wavetables 
looks ok.

In the kernel-configuration section sound I lost the
opportunity to select the AWE-32 synth support.
I already have selected the lowlevel-drives

I can hear, play and record .wav files and also I can play
with playmidi -e midifile.mid
but sfxload synthgs.sbk
and drvmidi shows errormessage:
No AWE-synth device is found
what do I wrong ?
Please help,
thank You

Peter Berlau 

vfat init_module message

1999-01-24 Thread john
Hi all,

First of all, I've monitored this list for a while and I could apply 
much of the information! Thanks!

I've Debian 2.0 with 2.0.34. I compiled the kernle to suit my system. 
When booting I read a message indicating that something failed. Can 
somebody help me find the cause? I included some boot messages:

[begin boot messages]

Parallelizing fsck version 1.10 (24-Apr-97)
e2fsck 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hda2: clean, 29143/526336 files, 542724/2104515 blocks
Loading modules: cdrom Module inserted $Id: cdrom.c,v 0.8 1996/08/10 
10:52:11 david Exp $
vfat /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/vfat.o: init_module: Device or resource 
lp lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)


Why mentioning that the resource is busy? I don't have a cd in the 
cdrom. Why is it loading the cdrom module anyway? I have it mentioned 
in '/etc/fstab' to enable 'mount /cdrom'.


 -- John-Luc Bakker // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
 -- Officially awarded LEGO designer//MS56SR:Beep the horn and wave --

ZIP disk modules

1999-01-24 Thread john
Hi all,

I compiled a kernel with ZIP disk support using modules. I also 
included the module autoloader. After modifying '/etc/fstab' I could 
mount the ZIP drive with 'mount /zip'. Nowadays it claims that I have 
to load a module with insmod. What modules should I insert? I 
tried 'ppa.o' together with some 'scsi*.o' stuff. Why isn't the 
module auto loader taking care of this?

Here are the relevant kernel options:
[*] Kernel deamon support enabled (module automounter)
[m] SCSI support
[m] SCSI disk support
[m] IOMEGA Parallel Port ZIP drive SCSI support

I have Debian 2.0, kernel 2.0.34.


 -- John-Luc Bakker // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
 -- Officially awarded LEGO designer//MS56SR:Beep the horn and wave --


1999-01-24 Thread Patrick Mauritz
 Jan 22 22:33:33 oxygene ipppd[177]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 
 auth pap]
 You want the other end to authenticate.

 Jan 22 22:33:33 oxygene ipppd[177]: peer refused to authenticate
 It refuses.

 Jan 22 22:33:33 oxygene ipppd[177]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x3 70 65 65
 You hang up.

Thanks for this analysis


 name username # set local name for auth
 remotename providername   # set remote name for auth

 with /etc/ppp/pap-secrets having:


totally correct
isn't there a tool like pppconfig for (dumb) users like me to setup that?

 Don't forget to /etc/init.d/isdnutils restart after your changes.

Patrick Mauritz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
not just a number

Re: GCC In-line assembler (Off topic)

1999-01-24 Thread Richard Lyon

 Could someone please tell me how to include in-line assembler routines in
 my C programmes and what the procedure is for calling the routines ?

See the extended ASM node in the gcc info file (/usr/info/ I 
assume you installed gcc as a debian package using dselect. You can use emacs 
help to view this.
 Is it possible to pass arguments to an in-line assembler routine ?  If so,
 how is this done ?
 Sorry for the off-topic post but I have been searching the web for hours
 for this information and cannot find answers anywhere.

The documentation installed with debian just about eliminates the need to do 
any web browsing. This one of the great features of DEBIAN.

Unidentified subject!

1999-01-24 Thread Aernoudt Bottemanne

Re: No passwd for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Lorentey Karoly
I have encountered this problem about a year ago.  It seems than passwd
only updates /etc/shadow when shadow passwording is enabled.  If the root
password is disabled in /etc/passwd then running passwd won't help. 

Try changing that line to 


(If this solves your problem, it's a bug in passwd)

Best wishes:

Lorentey Karoly


Re: 1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-24 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Alexander,
  Doesn't this ignore the fact that having two heads working back and
  forth is faster than just one?  Part of the reason people do raid arrays,
  even at the lower levels, because they get all the heads working at the same
  time and it lowers access time.  I'd think the same would apply to swap.
 for this you'd need raid support for swap. I am not sure if swap could be on a
 raid ... however, I am pretty sure that swap has no build in raid support.
Actually, there IS some kind of RAID support built into the swapping code.
If you activate 2 swap partitions with equal priority, all swapping will get
distributed equally to those partitions - that might give some performance
increase, of course!

(add parameter pri=xx to /etc/fstab swap entry.)

HTH. Tino.


1999-01-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PM == Patrick Mauritz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PM isn't there a tool like pppconfig for (dumb) users like me to
PM setup that?

None that I heared of unfortunately. And I don't know how much work it 
would be to write one (adapt pppconfig, whatever).

Also, I am busy doing other project I am afraid. Maybe someone else
will pick this up, or I find some time later.


Re: seek help with cheap network card

1999-01-24 Thread Darknight

Marco Frattola wrote:

[This really belongs on -user,  so I've moved it there.]

  The network card in my machine is a Winbond 89c940.  I admit it's a $20
  special.  I have been unable to locate any Linux drivers for the card,

 all the winbond chip i've seen were ne2k clones. have you tried it?

Thank you, that worked nicely.  Problem solved.

Can't fortify Netscape v.3.04

1999-01-24 Thread Curt Daugaard
I tried running Fortify (1.3.2-1) against Netscape v.3.04, using
the special method outlined for that older version.  The Netscape
archive gets unpacked, but then the installer goes into a loop
sending the message, Do you want to test Netscape? y/n/quit.
It won't accept any input but Cntl-C, so the archive never gets
repacked and the install never completes.

Anyone had any success with this?

My thanks to anyone who can help.

Curt Daugaard

Re: 1 vs 2 swaps: more specific

1999-01-24 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- Ok, to be more specific about partitions and controllers:
- Right now swap is on /dev/hdb5
- and drive is a slave on IDE1
- That drive also contains / mounted on /dev/hdb2
- The new drive that I put in is /dev/hdc
- and right now contains a /usr partition, on /hdc1
- Drive itself is a master on IDE2
- If I make my swap on /dev/hdb smaller and add another swap partition to
- /dev/hdc, would it be of any good?

yeah it should

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
 Where do you want to go to die? [Microsoft]

Re: ZIP disk modules

1999-01-24 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- I compiled a kernel with ZIP disk support using modules. I also 
- included the module autoloader. After modifying '/etc/fstab' I could 
- mount the ZIP drive with 'mount /zip'. Nowadays it claims that I have 
- to load a module with insmod. What modules should I insert? I 
- tried 'ppa.o' together with some 'scsi*.o' stuff. Why isn't the 
- module auto loader taking care of this?

the loader doesn't work when you intall new modules into
/lib/modules/version directory. you must add them manually or restart
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
 Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.

Re: SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-24 Thread Philip Thiem
You didn't repatch the source for the awe-32.  awe is not standard in

Philip Thiem

Peter Berlau wrote:
 I upgraded my kernel to 2.0.36-2 and after that I lost
 the midi-synth AWE 32 support.
 The system on boot up configures via isapnp the wavetables
 looks ok.
 In the kernel-configuration section sound I lost the
 opportunity to select the AWE-32 synth support.
 I already have selected the lowlevel-drives
 I can hear, play and record .wav files and also I can play
 with playmidi -e midifile.mid
 but sfxload synthgs.sbk
 and drvmidi shows errormessage:
 No AWE-synth device is found
 what do I wrong ?
 Please help,
 thank You
 Peter Berlau
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: STTY and CRT

1999-01-24 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 11:34:44AM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Nidge Jones wrote:
  : I use CRT from windows from time to time to access my Debian 2.0 install.
  : However, if I then Maximise the CRT window (or resize by dragging the edge
  : of the box), to get a bigger display, Linux still shows the out put as
  : 80x25?

 Sounds like something is AFU ... I've used CRT for a few years now, with
 bo, hamm, slink, and potato, and I've never seen that problem.

Same here. I just maximised my CRT window (I'm using 2.3 right now)
and mutt adjusted correctly. And same when I restored it.

 What's your terminal setting in CRT?  I use vt220 + ASNI color..

VT100 + ANSI color here also works fine.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

wvdial doesn't

1999-01-24 Thread Ralph Winslow
During a recent dselect session, I was offered the wvdial utility which
I downloaded and tried.  Attached is a session that resulted when I gave
it a try.  What does Improper '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' specification mean, and
how do I fix it.  TIA

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Brandon Mitchell
Out of curiosity, does this problem machine have an /etc/shadow file?  I'm
thinking shadow passwords may be turned on (via shadowconfig) but that
/etc/passwd doesn't have the corresponding 'x' value in the password

Just a guess,

+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

wvdial multi-ISP usage

1999-01-24 Thread Ralph Winslow
I currently use pon to attach sometimes to my ISP and other times to my
work location.  To do this I have scripts called pon.nac and pon.cnet
which look like:

# cat /root/bin/pon.nac
if [ -f $CHAT ]
rm $CHAT
if [ -f $RESOLV ]

ln /etc/ppp/chatscr.nac $CHAT

/etc/init.d/ppp start
# End of pon.nac -

When I try wvdial to attach to my work location, I get a ppp connection, 
but it's not useful, because wvdial doesn't seem to have a facility to
handle the /etc/resolv.conf manipulation shown above (the connection to
my isp fails for a reason covered in another e-mail).  I could, of
set up an analogous script for wvdial, but I'm wondering if there's a
that wvdial handles the problem that I've overlooked.  TIA for any help
you can supply on this.  

BTW, I really like the verbose wvdial output, and the speed dialing.

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it. [PART 2]

1999-01-24 Thread Cristiano Viana

I am sending you how I am installing Debian.
Maybe with a little more information you can help me.
What I am doing is:

(1) Boot from the CD-ROM
(2) I choose color
(3) I choose the US Keyboard
(4) Initialize and activate a swap partition (my HD has two partitions)
(5) Initialize a Linux partition
(6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd
(7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
lp and serial)
(8) Configure the network (hostname debian, then no)
(9) Install the base system
(10) Configure the base system (timezone, country...)
(11) Make linux bootable directly from HD
(12) Make a boot floppy
(13) Reboot the system (using HD)
(14) Choose password for root
(15) Create a normal user account
(16) Enable shadow passwords
(17) Remove the PCMCIA packages
(18) Said no to PPP connection to install the system
(19) Kind of installation: work_sci
(20) In dselect, I choose [A]ccess, CD-ROM, block device name: /dev/hdd
Then I get the error message:

mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel
unable to mount /dev/hdd on /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt, type iso9660

Why this?
I was using the CD-ROM to install Debian and now he does not recognizes it

What can I do to install the packages?

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it. [PART 2]

1999-01-24 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Cristiano Viana wrote:

 (6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd
 (7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
 lp and serial)

During these steps when you set up modules, you need to install the
isofs module. It's under file systems (fs). This is what gives you
support for the iso99960 file system which is what the cdrom uses.
Without that, you will not be able to mount a cdrom.

While you're there, be sure to install modules for any other file
systems you want such as fat, msdos etc.


Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it. [PART 2]

1999-01-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 TP == Tom Pfeifer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TP Cristiano Viana wrote:
 (6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd
 (7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
 lp and serial)

TP During these steps when you set up modules, you need to install the
TP isofs module. It's under file systems (fs). This is what gives you
TP support for the iso99960 file system which is what the cdrom uses.
TP Without that, you will not be able to mount a cdrom.

TP While you're there, be sure to install modules for any other file
TP systems you want such as fat, msdos etc.

Try calling modconf. If you have it installed already (when it is part 
of the base system), then you don't have to redo the installation.


Re: Changing reply to field?

1999-01-24 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| [1  text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)]
| On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 05:32:42PM -0700, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
|  You don't generally want to change Return-Path. But to change, or add,
|  the Reply-To field just add this to your ~/.emacs file:
|  ;; For message mode
|  (setq message-mode-hook
|'(lambda ()
|  (setq message-default-headers Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
|  ))
|  That's what I use, or used to use, before I switched to gnus for my
|  email.
| Why?  Why not just swith the from: field and be done with it.  Most
| email client will take what is in the from field just fine.  I've never
| heard of an email client taking it fro the return-path.

I'm not sure who you're replying to here. If it was I then the answer
to your question why? is because that is the answer to the question
that Ed asked. If he had asked how to change the From header I
would've answered that. You add the From: line in exactly the same
manner though, if that's what's desired.

Ed sent me email with the following:

|Thanx for the reply and suggestion but it didn't work. 
|I added the section of code to my .emacs file and ran
|eval-buffer. It had no effect on the reply to field of my mail
|messages. I then exited emacs and restarted it again. Still no
|effect. I'm running Emacs v 19.34.1. Does that matter?

Sorry 'bout that Ed. You said you were using RMail, but I missed
that. RMail is different, add the following to your ~/.emacs, instead
of what I told you before:

(setq mail-mode-hook
  '(lambda ()
 (setq mail-default-headers Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 

Just to mollify Steve, I included how to insert a From: line
too. Note that the above is redundant since they are the same, but
Reply-To can be set to something separate if you so desire.


Re: STTY and CRT

1999-01-24 Thread Nidge Jones
On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 12:47:04AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 Same here. I just maximised my CRT window (I'm using 2.3 right now)
 and mutt adjusted correctly. And same when I restored it.

Yes I know this should happen. You can have a million people say its OK
here, indeed mine used to be under 1.3.1 ?

But mine *IS* broken, and I am not looking to form a list of people where it
is not. I am looking (asking) what controls it, so I can look towards
repairing mine. But so far no-one has made any suggestion at all!

The man at the garage doesn't say that everyone else's car is OK does he
when you take yours there cus it's fucked..., he locates and solves the 

So why have a million people mailed me with mine's OK ? Please stop
sending them, it doesn't help me one bit.

If no one can suggest which package I mighy purge and re-intsall to try and
solve this, then don't bother answering...plse !

Or shall I start answering every bloody mail I read in Debian-user with
Mine works OK too.

  What's your terminal setting in CRT?  I use vt220 + ASNI color..
 VT100 + ANSI color here also works fine.

Works fine, works fine, works fine !

I have tried every terminal type known, both in CRT and by 'export TERM' to
whatever in Linux. But no joy.

CRT incidentally is OK to other non Debian 2.0 boxes. This *IS* a Debian 2.0
thing here, and NOT CRT. This *CAN* be made to work by manually setting the
Rows and Columns with STTY But that is tedious and a piss off.

I will ask one final time. Does anyone know what package might be hosed,
what is worth purging and re-installing. What package might be worth
downgrading etc ! Cus I have no idea.

Please please, *NO* mails to say Mines OK - suggestions only??

BTW, mail me direct, cus I am unsubscribing from this list NOW, it isn't
helping at all solve this, sick and tired of Mine works OK.

Debian 1.3.1 was the dogs bollocks, but I have had one problem after another
with Debian 2.0, I ask on here for help, but just get a shit load of of
Mine works OK mails. Like great help - Shhsh!

IS it really too much to ask for some Debian Guru to suggest which package
controls all this, and which package might be hosed. Which package I might
purge, which package I might re-install.

I know I am repeating myself, but hopfeully the message will sink in, I
DON'T want to know if it works on YOUR system, I want to solve the problem
on my own !

I know I am repeating myself, but hopfeully the message will sink in, I
DON'T want to know if it works on YOUR system, I want to solve the problem
on my own !

I know I am repeating myself, but hopfeully the message will sink in, I
DON'T want to know if it works on YOUR system, I want to solve the problem
on my own !

It works just great here too under 1.3.1, but how the fuck do I downgrade 
2.0 back to 1.3.1, not easy isit !


Nidge Jones

Re: PGP question

1999-01-24 Thread John Hasler
J.T. Wenting writes:
 I believe you are allowed to use the US version yourself if you live in
 Canada, but any users who log in from outside the US or Canada will not
 be allowed to do so.  I think that in your case it would be best to use
 the international version (

You are confounding two unrelated issues. Pgp-i may not be used in the US
because it infringes a patent.  The patent is only enforceable in the US,
so pgp-i may be used outside the US.  Pgp-us does not infringe that patent,
and so may be used anywhere.

Neither pgp-i nor pgp-us may be exported from the US because of US export
laws.  These laws have nothing to say about usage, though.  Users who log
in from outside the US can use pgp without violating the export laws.  They
just can't download a copy.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-01-24 Thread Ralph Winslow
When I use vi as root, it works as expected, but when I use is as
rjw, I get:

$ vi a_msg
vi: xterm-debian: unknown terminal type
It doesn't work with export TWRM=vt100 or export TERM=xterm either.
Where have I gone wrong?

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Re: SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-24 Thread Peter Berlau
Hi Philip,
You write,
 You didn't repatch the source fpr the awe-32. awe is not standard in
sorry, I don't know what I have to do.
Must I get some additional packages from debian-slink ?
Can You please give me a tip.
Thank You,

Peter Berlau 

GNOME dependencies

1999-01-24 Thread Scott J. Geertgens

  I tried (via dselect) to choose all the latest GNOME packages, but when
it would go to the dependency screen and number of required libraries
would come up 'not available'. Is there any additional source I need apt
to look at for these libraries? Or should I simply not try installing
GNOME 0.99.x and drop back to 0.30.x? Thanks.


Re: Re-Partition Ext2?

1999-01-24 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Bob,

you wrote on: 23 Jan 99 at 16:24 (received 24.01.99)
about   : _Re: Re-Partition Ext2?_

Partition Magic 4.0 will do this.  I found that after doing so it was
necessary to boot from a floppy and run lilo.

Thank you very much for this info, although I was hoping for a non- 
commercial tool :-)

Kind regards


Mozilla segfaults

1999-01-24 Thread Patrik Magnusson
I tried the mozilla navigator, it starts up ok - but as soon as I
click somewhere or touch the keyboard I get the following:

Warning: Actions not found: BtnUp, BtnDown
Segmentation fault

I'm downloading from Slink. I suppose I'm missing something, but what?
(Sorry if this has been discussed already, but it's a bit hard searching
for mozilla in the archives, since that word occurs in a lot of headers)


Re: GNOME dependencies

1999-01-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SJG == Scott J Geertgens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SJG I tried (via dselect) to choose all the latest GNOME packages,
SJG but when it would go to the dependency screen and number of
SJG required libraries would come up 'not available'. Is there any
SJG additional source I need apt to look at for these libraries? Or
SJG should I simply not try installing GNOME 0.99.x and drop back to
SJG 0.30.x? Thanks.

Many needed packages are in Incoming. These are new packages, and have 
to be handled by a human, so it will take some time until they reach
the dist.

You can use one of the Incoming mirrors to grab them (see's ftp sites listing), but be warned. Many (all?) of the
gnome-enabled packages don't work for me anymore, and I also can't
recompile them.

$ gtkicq
gtkicq: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: argp_program_version

checking for file in /usr/lib... not found
configure: error: Could not find the file that is 
generated by gnome-libs install
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1


Re: PGP question

1999-01-24 Thread Daniel González Gasull

J.T. Wenting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe you are allowed to use the US version yourself if you live in
 Canada, but any users who log in from outside the US or Canada will not be
 allowed to do so. I think that in your case it would be best to use the
 international version (

  From: Shane Wegner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I live in Canada and I am wondering what version
  of PGP I should use.

Now you know you can use the international version,
let me say that you can choose between:

a) PGP 2 i
b) PGP 5 i
b) GNU Privacy Guard

PGP 2 i only works with RSA PGP keys.

PGP 5 i works with RSA and also with new
DSS/Diffie-Helman keys.  But the command line sintax
is different.

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG) works with DSS/ElGamal keys. 
But there is a patch to make it works also with RSA
and DSS/Diffie-Helman keys.  It cannot generate these
keys, but can work with them.

I'm still using PGP 2.6.3in, a modified version PGP
2.6.3i.  I'm gonna switch to GNU Privacy Guard.  Now I
have no time.  I think it's the best solution.  You
can get it from .

BTW, if you're looking 4 a good mailer that supports
PGP 2, PGP 5 or GnuPG, try Mutt (

C U L8R.

Daniel González Gasull   __|_|__Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (o o) ya demasiado.
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69 ( - ) -- Nelson Mandela
 (  .  )
(   .   )   
 Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

Description: PGP signature

fileutils + w95

1999-01-24 Thread Pere Camps

I know this is not the appropiate forum but...

I'm trying to find a compiled version of fileutils that runs under
a DOS box in W95.

I currently have an old version of the fileutils that doesn't
support long filenames.

Can somebody point me to the right URL?


ps: anybody knows is the DOS fileutils also include the todos  fromdos

TIA v2.0!

-- p.

Is SupraExpress 288i PnP Modem a WinModem?

1999-01-24 Thread Kent West
I've just installed the base portion of potato and can't seem to
get a response from my SupraExpress 288i PnP modem. Does anyone
know if this is a winmodem?

PS. I tried searching the web (including the linux hardware
compatibility and the search engine, hoping it'd
be mentioned in the mail archives) for this info, and am kindda
under the impression that this modem will work with Linux, but
I'd like a definite yes it works or no it doesn't or yes if
you do this and that and this..

BTW, is it just me, or is the search engine on not
very good? I've NEVER found any info I was looking for with it.

Synchronizing Windows NT to Debian.

1999-01-24 Thread Sergey Imennov

Description: PGP message

Re: WingZpro cannot find SOLVED

1999-01-24 Thread Michael Laing
Michael Laing wrote:
 Having downloaded WingzPro from sunsite, I get:
 /usr/local/Wingz3/bin/LINUX/WingzPro: can't load library ''
 but I have and ldconfig shows it as well...
 How do I get WingzPro to find it?

Actually, I just needed to install the libc5 versions of Xpm and
libg++27...I forgot that not everybody has moved to libc6...


Re: SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-24 Thread Peter Berlau

I have completeley reinstalled the kernel-sources
after that and running the script
from /usr/awedrv 
I have the option to select AWE32_SYNTH
ok, so I compiled and installed the new kernel
vi make-kpkg and dpkg -i

but unfortuanelety I don't have a awe32 synth mixer
and the message:
`No AWE synth device is found' 
when I try  `sfxload synthgs.sbk`
still exist,

I'm pretty sure I have forgotten something,
please help

Peter Berlau 

Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-24 Thread Daniel Mashao
I would like to drop pine to move to mutt but my main problem is that mutt
does not seem to have a folder listing like pine. I like the folder
listing as it allows me to move through all my folders and see if they
have new messages.

I don't like pine anymore. It gives me bad feeling that they have hidden
messages in all my folders. 

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-24 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 11:19:45PM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
Hi Daniel,

 I would like to drop pine to move to mutt but my main problem is that mutt
 does not seem to have a folder listing like pine. I like the folder
 listing as it allows me to move through all my folders and see if they
 have new messages.
You can add the folders in Your ~/.muttrc like
mailboxes ! = jmb != thomas !=rainer ! =debian-de ! =debian-us !=debian 
mailboxes ! =isdn ! =~/Mail/slink ! =tex ! =Mail/mbox ! =sahrens
I don't know if the '!' is always needed, but it works
Peter Berlau 

Re: Is SupraExpress 288i PnP Modem a WinModem?

1999-01-24 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 14:34:28 -0600, Kent West wrote:

I've just installed the base portion of potato and can't seem to
get a response from my SupraExpress 288i PnP modem. Does anyone
know if this is a winmodem?

To the best of my knowledge, it is NOT.

I strongly suggest you disable PNP. Then it should be pretty easy to get the 
thingy running...

Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!

RE: VBScripts within Apache :(

1999-01-24 Thread Ernest Johanson
You might take a look at and see if their products are what
you are looking for. I've not used any of them so can't say how well they

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Shaleh wrote:

 Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 12:50:34 -0500 (EST)
 To: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: VBScripts within Apache :(
 Hunt around on a few ASP solutions exist there.  VBScript itself
 though I do not believe has a non-Windows analogue, sorry.
 People really should learn to use portable languages.
 On 23-Jan-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Hi Debian users,
  a friend of mine already installed Apache and is wondering if it has
  VBScript support. He has a SQL database and some ASP VBScript that
  access it.
  Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: Is SupraExpress 288i PnP Modem a WinModem?

1999-01-24 Thread Alec Smith
I have a 56k SupraExpress that IS one of those stupid WinModems... Doesn't
even work in Winblows sometimes.

At 10:28 PM 1/24/99 +0100, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 14:34:28 -0600, Kent West wrote:

I've just installed the base portion of potato and can't seem to
get a response from my SupraExpress 288i PnP modem. Does anyone
know if this is a winmodem?

To the best of my knowledge, it is NOT.

I strongly suggest you disable PNP. Then it should be pretty easy to get the 
thingy running...

Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-24 Thread JD
Quoting Peter Berlau ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 11:19:45PM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
 Hi Daniel,
  I would like to drop pine to move to mutt but my main problem is that mutt
  does not seem to have a folder listing like pine. I like the folder
  listing as it allows me to move through all my folders and see if they
  have new messages.
 You can add the folders in Your ~/.muttrc like
 mailboxes ! = jmb != thomas !=rainer ! =debian-de ! =debian-us !=debian 
 mailboxes ! =isdn ! =~/Mail/slink ! =tex ! =Mail/mbox ! =sahrens
 I don't know if the '!' is always needed, but it works

Actually, the only folders that you need to define in this manner, are the
ones that you want Mutt to watch for new mail, such as various folders that
you may have procmail dump mail into.  Beyond that, anytime you are changing
folders, or saving to a folder, just hitting '?' will give you a list of all
available folders.  And lastly, no, the ! is not needed except the one time.
That merely tells mutt to monitor your spool for new mail.  Beyond that, the
'=' tells mutt to expand from your defined Mail directory.  the above
statement could be condensed down to something like:

mailboxes ! =jmb =thomas =rainer =debian-de =debian-us =debian =isdn

You get the picture.  This also assumes that you want mutt to watch ALL of
these folders for new mail.  You would also want to: set folder=~/Mail so
that mutt know where to start expanding from...


Re: Is SupraExpress 288i PnP Modem a WinModem?

1999-01-24 Thread Andrew Ivanov
It could be just a pnp. most likely it is.
Try to get it with isapnp.
Just get the port where modem is installed in Windows, and see if you can
get the response out of modem by using isapnp


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

boot messages/logging

1999-01-24 Thread tony mollica
I'm at a loss to find the way to get all the
boot messages logged to a file.  Is there a
recommended procedure or configuration file
change that I can make?


tony mollica

Re: wmaker upgrade broken... need help

1999-01-24 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 04:06:02PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   What's wrong and how can I fix it? I have sources.lists pointing to

A blooper of mine. 0.20.3-3 fixed this. It's on it's way to mirrors (it's
already installed on the main archive)


alsa in slink setup

1999-01-24 Thread Sergey Imennov


I just installed the following packages in an
effort to get alsa to work under 2.0.36:

alsa-modules0.2.0-pre8-3   ALSA driver common files
alsa-source 0.2.0-pre8-3   ALSA driver source
alsalib 0.1.1-1Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (libraries
alsautils   0.0.6-2Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (utils)

Ok, I compiled the modules, and they are in
/lib/modules/2.0.36/misc, /etc/conf.modules and
/etc/modutils/alsa all seem to be allright, but,
/lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep was not updated.

So, whenever I try to run 

modprobe snd-audiodrive1688

I ( obviously, since there are no dependencies in
/lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep ) get an error.

How can I fix that?  Is there some command that I

Thank you,
Nikita Imennov.

P.s.  I ran alsaconfig.

anyone wanting to feed us some news ?

1999-01-24 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

I'm looking for some newsfeeds. I have this server on the internet and
I would like to get some newsgroups, notably those about linux and a
few other hierarchies. I hope taht you are less jealous of your
newsgroup than my provider :-)



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.0-final #2 Thu Jan 21 23:41:42 CET 1999 i586 unknown

Re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-24 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
Lawrence Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I hate to disagree but... the symbios cards are great and they are
 generaly cheaper, faster and less trouble.

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:
  Well, I can't in good conscience reccommend anything but an adaptec.  I've

I disagree with both. I've got a Mylex BT 950 (BusLogic) for my main machine
and a cheap Tekram DC 390 for a second one. The Mylex is SCSI-3 while
the Tekram just SCSI 2. I've read far too many complaints on
linux-kernel mail list about Adaptec's to recommend one.

The Mylex is at around 200 $ (at leas here in Italy), while the Terkam
is under 80



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.0-final #2 Thu Jan 21 23:41:42 CET 1999 i586 unknown

KDE installation

1999-01-24 Thread Danny R. Gray
Hello everyone,

Just me again with an application installation question.  I am
interested in putting KDE on my Debian Hamm machine.  I found the qt1g
packages and the kdesupport packages on the Current Stable Non-Free
and the rest of the KDE packages on Contrib.  During the installation
several packages especially libraries were either not available or older
versions (xlibc6, libjpg etc..).  Where can I find all of proper
packages for the KDE and possibly a KDE on Debian HOWTO?   

BTW:  With the suggestions of the group, esp. Wesley Simon, I have
StarOffice50 up and running fine.

Thanks in advance,


SOLVED: Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Art Lemasters
 Brandon, that's it!  I had noticed the same lack of the _x_
in the /etc/passwd file.  After putting one in and rebooting,
voila!  It's fixed.  Thank you.  And BTW, /etc/shadow was all
there.  As for the missing _x_, I have no idea where it went, and
I did not remove it manually.

 Wow!   What a lesson on this system...learned alot.  Thank all
of you for your replies, because each reply taught us something.


On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 10:34:27AM -0500, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
 Out of curiosity, does this problem machine have an /etc/shadow file?  I'm
 thinking shadow passwords may be turned on (via shadowconfig) but that
 /etc/passwd doesn't have the corresponding 'x' value in the password
 Just a guess,
 +---  ---+
 | Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
 | The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
 |   an actual message is purely accidental.  |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: No passwd for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Art Lemasters
  That's it!  You solved the problem!  Maybe it was a bug in
passwd in only one past update install, though...probably fixed now.
Or maybe I did something to another package that rewrote /etc/passwd.
Who knows?  We learned much, though.  Thanks!


On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 12:08:07PM +0100, Lorentey Karoly wrote:
 I have encountered this problem about a year ago.  It seems than passwd
 only updates /etc/shadow when shadow passwording is enabled.  If the root
 password is disabled in /etc/passwd then running passwd won't help. 
 Try changing that line to 
 (If this solves your problem, it's a bug in passwd)
 Best wishes:
 Lorentey Karoly

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SOLVED! Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Art Lemasters
 You were very close to the solution, and probably led us to
the last step!  In the current development versions of the system,
though, the encrypted passwords go into the shadow file.  Thank
you for leading us to the solution!  Merci, beaucoup!


On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 11:40:26AM +0100, Marian Rusek wrote:
 Hi Art,
 Have you tried to edit /etc/passwd by hand (or with emacs :-), cut your
 encrypted user password (I assume you have an account on your computer :-)
 and paste it between the first two colons in the line corresponding to the
 root account?
 Good luck,
 -Original Message-
 From: Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 5:49 PM
 Subject: Re: No Password for Root
 On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 04:00:09PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:
   On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:39:11PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
What does 'grep root /etc/passwd' show?
It shows
  Well, that would mean that root has no password and has /bin/bash as its
  ls -al /etc/passwd should show
  -rw-r--r--   1 root root 1441 Nov 10 09:51 /etc/passwd
  If root doesn't have write permission, that would prevent it from being
  updated when you run passwd.
  ...which is what it shows.  And passwd -S showed
 root P 01/23/99 0 9 7 -1

Re: alsa in slink setup

1999-01-24 Thread Steve McIntyre
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
   Ok, I compiled the modules, and they are in
   /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc, /etc/conf.modules and
   /etc/modutils/alsa all seem to be allright, but,
   /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep was not updated.

   So, whenever I try to run 

modprobe snd-audiodrive1688

   I ( obviously, since there are no dependencies in
   /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep ) get an error.

   How can I fix that?  Is there some command that I

Run depmod to recalculate your module dependencies...

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Whenever you eat, chew
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, +--
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...  |Finger for PGP key

Re: anyone wanting to feed us some news ?

1999-01-24 Thread ivan

Check out for a list
of public domain servers.

Not all work so you will have to experiment.



At 11:11 PM 1/24/99 +0100, Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:

I'm looking for some newsfeeds. I have this server on the internet and
I would like to get some newsgroups, notably those about linux and a
few other hierarchies. I hope taht you are less jealous of your
newsgroup than my provider :-)




 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple
 Linux penny 2.2.0-final #2 Thu Jan 21 23:41:42 CET 1999 i586 unknown

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: boot messages/logging

1999-01-24 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Tony,
 I'm at a loss to find the way to get all the
 boot messages logged to a file.  Is there a
 recommended procedure or configuration file
 change that I can make?
dmesg displays boot messages. It is usually run at system startup and
it's output redirected to /var/log/boot.msg or a similar file.
If not, run dmesg /var/log/boot.msg inside some init script.

HTH, Tino.

KDE Installation Re-submit

1999-01-24 Thread Danny R. Gray
(Sent again due to erroneous message in Digest v99 #129)

Hello everyone,

Just me again with an application installation question.  I am
interested in putting KDE on my Debian Hamm machine.  I found the qt1g
packages and the kdesupport packages on the Current Stable Non-Free
and the rest of the KDE packages on Contrib.  During the installation
several packages especially libraries were either not available or older
versions (xlibc6, libjpg etc..).  Where can I find all of proper
packages for the KDE and possibly a KDE on Debian HOWTO?   

BTW:  With the suggestions of the group, esp. Wesley Simon, I have
StarOffice50 up and running fine.

Thanks in advance,


Change ftp server?

1999-01-24 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
I just installed Debian 2.0. ProFTPd is installed, but when I ftp to
the machine i see:

FTP server (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.

How do I make Debian use ProFTPd?


Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-24 Thread Alfie Costa
On 23 Jan 99 at 13:11, Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The present situation is that the system is running slink
 (frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
 other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
 projects) until this situation is remedied.

I recently had the same problem with Hamm.  'passwd' would never 
accept anything I'd type.  Eventually through trial and error, I blundered into
this remedy, which may work for you:

As root run 'adduser'.  Make the username to add 'root'.  For me it complained
that it wouldn't add 'root', but then it asked for a password anyway.  I typed
it, and now 'root' has a password like it should.

I'm not really sure what caused this problem to begin with though.  I may have
hit Enter or Ctrl-C when being asked the first time; wish I could recall the
circumstances exactly.