Re: lost+found

1999-05-09 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 9:40 de 8 May 99, Gleydson enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.


 (...) Aconteceu que, da última vez utilizei o comando fsck.ext2 com a opção 
 Ele encontrou vários problemas com o sistema de arquivos e todos eles
 foram corrigidos para o diretório lost+found. Para minha surpresa, após
 reiniciar o sistema, havia perdido todos os sub-diretórios de /usr, /bin,
 /home e outros 2.

 Entrando em lost+found, verifiquei que lá existiam diversos sub diretórios
 no formato #100125 (que se não me engano são os inodos do disco), usando o
 ls nome do diretório, conseguia verificar outros diretórios dentro dele
 seguindo o mesmo formato #123456.

 Mas não conseguia utilizar o comando cd para entrar neste diretório e
 verificar seu conteúdo. Acho que o mesmo acontecia com o mv. (...)

Nao tenho dicas de como encontrar os nomes verdadeiros dos arquivos,
mas me lembro que, na epoca em que trabalhava com manutencao de
microcomputadores, muitas motherboards made-in-somewhere tinham o
pessimo comportamento de, vez por outra, gravar dados em lugares
errados nos HDs (ou talvez nao gravar, nao sei dizer) quando o acesso
ao disco do sistema operacional estava funcionando em modo 32 bits
(ie., Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 etc.) e a motherboard tambem
estava com os recursos de 32 bits para os HDs habilitados.

Entao, vez por outra um arquivo era corrompido um pouco, e chegava uma
hora em que uma parte da FAT era sobrescrita, resultando na perda de um
numero consideravel de arquivos.

Eu solucionava o problema desabilitando os recursos 32 bits na BIOS.
Ou seja, colocava os HDs no modo mais lento e arcaico possivel, mas
resolvia: 32-bit Mode: OFF, Block Access: OFF, PIO Mode: 0 (zero)
e assim por diante.

Tente isso, e talvez seu sistema funcione sem falhas. Nao e' preciso
dizer que, se o problema for *esse*, uma troca de motherboard seria um
bom investimento. E, se vc fizer isso, aceite uma sugestao: nunca, mas
nunca mesmo, compre qualquer motherboard que tenha x-pro no nome.
Elas sao baratas e sao facilmente encontradas em qualquer loja que
trabalhe com produtos paraguaios ou, como costumava dizer meu honesto
ex-chefe para os incautos e credulos cliente: de Miami, mas os
problemas e o pessimo desempenho nao compensam a economia. Garanto-lhe
que e' uma precaucao muito sensata... :-)

Talvez o kernel tenha algum tipo de solucao para esses problemas, mas
ai' ja' esta' alem de meu limitados conhecimentos.


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: lost+found

1999-05-09 Thread Adriano Freitas

Bom, o que eu posso falar para vc é que pode ter ocorrido algum
problema logo na parte de particionamento do disco. Eu tive um problema
desse tipo há alguns anos (hehe  :) quando a minha partição de swap, por
algum motivo alheio ao meu conhecimento, se apresentava maior do que
realmente era. Com isso, quando o swap enchia, ele invadia a partição
do linux e alguns arquivos eram destruídos.

O que vc não deve fazer é rodar o e2fsck -f com a partição montada com
permissão de escrita.

Teve uma outra vez que eu tive problemas no sistema de arquivos do
linux. Certo dia durante uma sessão de NT :), eu testei o suporte de
escrita na partição do Linux de um programa chamado Explore2fs.
Infelizmente ele danificou algumas coisas e o e2fsck encontrou alguns
erros que foram facilmente corrigidos.


Gleydson wrote:
 fiz há pouco tempo a instalação da Slink 2.1 para testes, e ontem ocorreu
 um problema com o sistema de arquivos da partição principal:
 Certas vezes quando iniciava a Debian, aparecia uma mensagem que o sistema
 não conseguia rodar o INIT e era mostrado o aviso de login do root. Só que
 a senha não era reconhecida. Após pressionar CTRlALTDEL, o sistema
 entrava em modo de manutenção, e assim era me pedida a senha do root e
 assim conseguia entrar no sistema.
 Assim eu podia rodar o fsck.ext2 e verificar o sistema de arquivos. Só que
 reiniciando o computador, o Linux reconhecia normalmente todos os sistemas
 de arquivos. As vezes mostrava estes erros, as vezes não.
 Aconteceu que, da última vez utilizei o comando fsck.ext2 com a opção -f.
 Ele encontrou vários problemas com o sistema de arquivos e todos eles foram
 corrigidos para o diretório lost+found. Para minha surpresa, após reiniciar
 o sistema, havia perdido todos os sub-diretórios de /usr, /bin, /home e
 outros 2.
 Entrando em lost+found, verifiquei que lá existiam diversos sub diretórios
 no formato #100125 (que se não me engano são os inodos do disco), usando o
 ls nome do diretório, conseguia verificar outros diretórios dentro dele
 seguindo o mesmo formato #123456.
 Mas não conseguia utilizar o comando cd para entrar neste diretório e
 verificar seu conteúdo. Acho que o mesmo acontecia com o mv.
 Não se preocupem porque fiz esta instalação como teste e não perdi nenhum
 arquivo pessoal pois tinha cópias de segurança, a partição já foi até
 excluída, e estou fazendo a nova instalação do sistema.
 Mas nunca tinha visto uma destruição no sistema de arqivos como esta.
 Antes o sistema funcionava normalmente (mesmo tendo algum problema algumas
 vezes que inicializava) e após utilizar o fsck.ext2 perder diversos
 diretórios que estavam funcionando?
 Alguém da lista sabe como recuperar um sistema de arquivos intactos após um
 problema como este?
 Pode-se confiar no utilitário fsck.ext2 durante um problema com o sistema
 de arquivos?
 E como restaurar, e como adivinhar quais são os nomes dos diretórios dentro
 de lost+found (os diretórios principais como /usr, /home, /bin é simples,
 mas dentro de /usr/doc por exemplo, existem diversos documentos e arquivos
 que dificilmente podem ser lembrados).
 Sinceramente, nunca tive uma perda como esta sem explicação utilizando o
 Alguém tem uma sugestão para uma melhor correção deste problema, caso venha
 a acontecer  futuramente ou com qualquer pessoa da lista?
 Espero sugestões

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #824

1999-05-09 Thread Steve Gore
Andre wrote:

 3) Why does debian say 'only the root can do that' when I type the line below:
 $ mount /dev/fd0 (or any other floppy drive)

I've been following this thread, and I haven't noticed this answered 
completely yet.

I have the following lines in /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point type  options  dump pass
/dev/hda2   / ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  1
/dev/hda4   none  swapsw 0  0
proc/proc procdefaults   0  0
/dev/hda3   /usr  ext2defaults   0  2
/dev/hdc1   /var  ext2defaults   0  2
/dev/hdc2   /home ext2defaults   0  2
/dev/hdc3   /tmp  ext2defaults   0  2
/dev/hdb/mnt/cdromiso9660 noauto,ro,user 0  0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy   vfatnoauto,rw,user 0  0
/dev/hda1   /mnt/win95vfatnoauto,rw,user 0  0

Note the entries for /dev/hdb (cdrom), /dev/fd0 (1st floppy drive), and 
/dev/hda1 (Windows partition)(yeah, I know. my wife insists).

This states that (as an example) /dev/fd0 is to be mounted at /mnt/floppy, is 
a vfat file system (I don't think vfat is supported by the default kernel-u 
might use msdos instead), is not to be auto mounted at system boot (might not 
be any- thing there!), is mounted read/write, and is mountable by any user.

Hope this helps.


:examining the entrails: n. The process of {grovel}ling through a
{core dump} or hex image in an attempt to discover the bug that
brought a program or system down. The reference is to divination
from the entrails of a sacrified animal. Compare {runes},
{incantation},{black art}, {desk check}.

Re: xwin

1999-05-09 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 10:06:29PM +0200, J Horacio M G wrote:
 Sorry to take back on an old issue.
 Since Ctrl+Alt+Fn can switch from X to almost any V.C., and supposing
 you can then take on any task under the command line, I'm seeing no real
 point in removing xdm or preventing it from starting the x server on
 But still, if I wanted to exit X... how do I do it?  The exit menus in WM
 take me back to the X login prompt, they don't take me to the command
 prompt as they used to do in 2.0.

If you want to switch away from the running X server managed by xdm, use
CTRL-ALT-Fn as you said.

If you want to stop xdm from managing the current server, press CTRL-R at
the xdm login screen.

If you want xdm to stop running, become root and use its init script to
tell it to stop (/etc/init.d/xdm stop).

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |The software said it required Windows
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |3.1 or better, so I installed Linux. |

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Re: X works, but no mouse?

1999-05-09 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 03:33:30PM -0500, Brent Metzler wrote:
 I noticed no one else replied to this, so I'll give it a stab.
 I had a similar problem with the mouse.  The problem seemed to be caused by 
 gpm, the command-line mouse proggie, before X.  This apparently causes 
 conflicts that
 X cannot handle.  when I killed gpm, the mouse seemed to work fine in X.

This is only true for some people.

For instance, when I switch between X and a virtual console, up to a couple
of dozen gpm: error in protocol messages get spewed to the system longs
but that's it.  The mouse continues to work.  For some folks, things are
worse and they lose control of the mouse.

Setting up gpm as a repeater with the -R option having the XF86Config use
/dev/gpmdata as its mouse device is almost always the solution to these
kinds of mouse problems.

The gpm documentation has more about this.

G. Branden Robinson  |   The only way to get rid of a temptation
Debian GNU/Linux |   is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Oscar Wilde |

Description: PGP signature

Re: xset - global settings

1999-05-09 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 12:45:44AM -0400, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Problem: I would like to go a step further and set this feature to
 work even wiht graphical login screen. So that if I boot up my
 computer, but don't want to login, the screen would be blanked after
 certain time. Which script do I put the setting in?

man setterm

If you want this to happen no matter what when booting, you might consider
editing /etc/rc.boot/kbd to include the appropriate setterm command(s).

G. Branden Robinson  | I came, I saw, she conquered.  The
Debian GNU/Linux | original Latin seems to have been
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | garbled. | -- Robert Heinlein

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printer stoped working after upgrade to potato

1999-05-09 Thread Micha Feigin
I upgraded my computer from slink to potato and it wont print anymore.
Under slink it printed ok (terible quality, but its a dot matrix :( )
Only reson i can think about is the lines when it loads the modules:
lp: no IEEE1284 device found
lp using parport0 (polling)

from lpq i get a message:
status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'device not configures'

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changing resolve.conf for deferent providers

1999-05-09 Thread Micha Feigin
Is it posible to make the use of deferent resolve.conf for deferent
providers automatic?
pon provider1 will use resolve.conf.provider1
pon provider2 will use resolve.conf.provider2

I've checked, and i do need different resolve.conf (deferent dns
numbers and a search line).
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hebrew keboard mapping and XKEYBOARD (writing hebrew letters)

1999-05-09 Thread Micha Feigin
I need the ability to write hebrew letters under aplications (such as
netscape). it doesn't neceserily need to be in the right direction.
under hebrew vim i can write hebrew without a problem.
I tried to remap the keboard in order to use hebrew letters under xterm
and netscape etc. The problem is that I can't find how to make scroll
lock perform as mode-lock (mode lock doesn't exist). Also after
remaping when i try to print the hebrew letters it just does nothing
(doesn't print anything) while on unmaped letters i get the letter
while pressing mode-switch, and on letters that were remaped to english
letters i get the remaped letter.
I am using a hebrew font.
Any idea's ?
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Boot sticks on Parallelizing fsck...

1999-05-09 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
The other night, the power went out, and after it came back on, Debian 2.2
hangs on boot.  I don't know wether my problem is related to that or the
kernel compile as listed below, but it sits forever on the line:

Parallelizing fsck version 1.14 (9-Jan-1999).

When I do a Ctrl-C, it mounts the root filesystem (/dev/hda3) as read-only,
which gives tons of errors and prevents me from logining in ('unable to
chane to ttyx for users foo').

I had some Debian 2.0 CD's around, so I installed that onto an unused
partition /dev/hda4.  I ran e2fsck on /dev/hda3, and it fixed several screen
fulls of errors.

Before the power went out, I was experementing, trying to get my IDE cdrom
to work as an ide device, and to get my ide atapi HP 7200i CDRW to work as a
scsi-emulation device, as suggested by a posting in the linux-kernel
archives.  This requires a special append=.. line in /etc/lilo.conf.
Perhaps something went wrong with the compile, so I tried the following:
1.I booted of the Hamm cd, and did a linux root=/dev/hda3
2.copied the kernel 2.0.33 to my win98 partition, and used loadln
But had the same problem as described above.

Any Ideas so that fsck runs properly, and /dev/hda4 will mount read/write?
From hamm install on /dev/hda4, I could mount hda3 read/write.


networksetup problems

1999-05-09 Thread blutgens
A friend and I are trying to setup up a network of SuSE machines (they're his)
We have the ethernet cards setup and responding, we think we have picked the
right addresses (class C), netmask, etc. However we think the routing is our
problem, they all know they're IP addresses but we still can't get the
machines to talk to one another. Do any of you know of a url which offers good
guidance on setting up route service. I should mention that the hub is
responding to pings etc. but the machines aren't sending the packets back.
While we have fair skills with Linux, our networking skills suck. If anyone
can point us in the right direction for info we need, it would be greatly

p.s. I should note that we have been reading the hell out all man/info.gz
docs, as well as how-to's. 
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out candles and fans fires.
-- La Rochefoucauld

2 network cards

1999-05-09 Thread MR
I have two network cards (1 Intel etherexpress 16, 1 NE2000) in a debian
system. Both are detected on boot up and both are ifconfig'd. This system
will be used to connect my little LAN through IP masq to the Internet. For
various reasons, I am only able to have 1 IP, so that is why I am messing
around with all this. My problem is that I can not ping another machine on
my internal LAN from the linux box. The internal LAN is numbered
192.168.1.x (with the linux box being .1 and the one I am trying to ping
.3) eth0 is my external card and eth1 is the internal one. If I set up a
route for the internal lan (route add -net eth1) I can ping (itself), but get a ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
when trying to ping another machine on the internal lan. Any ideas? I have
tried pinging the linux box from the other machine (which runs Win98). I
get both activity lights going like they should on the hub and on a card
from each computer, so the connection is there. Thanks in advance.

Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

make-kpkg and an error message

1999-05-09 Thread Jayson Baird
okay, thanks for all the other help, now when I type this
make-kpkg --revision=test1 kernel_image
the kernel compiles it's little heart out ..until..
**Error Message**

/tmp/ccc05362: In function 'main':
/tmp/ccc05362(.text+0x42b): undefined reference to '__bzero'
make[2]: *** [tools/build] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernel-source-
make[1]: ***[bzImage] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.5'
make: *** [build] Error 2

**End Error Message**

Any ideas on this one? I don't have the directory linux in /usr/src, I've
just untarred the source into kernel-source-2.2.5
Would this make a difference at all? Any ideas?

Jayson S. Baird
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter -- Yoda

Re: Apt still not working

1999-05-09 Thread sballard
Curiouser and curiouser - the files
in /var/state/apt/lists are identical (and contain what non-free should
contain). I can delete the files and run apt-get update, and the same
wrong information comes back.

I'm beginning to think the unthinkable... could be


On Sat, 8 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After some poking around in /var/lib/dpkg/available, etc, I have been able
 to narrow down the problem to the following: apt is only registering the
 availability of contrib and non-free, but not main. All the entries in
 available have either Section: contrib/xxx or Section: non-free/xxx.
 The procedure I went through during install is as follows (maybe I missed
 some step that should have been obvious...)
 Boot from first CD, go through install procedure, etc.
 Select tasks.
 Go into dselect in the install procedure.
 Choose multi-cd as the method.
 Select the paths.
 Update list of packages.
 Skip the select page, and go straight to install.
 Answer all the packages questions.
 Do the configure and remove steps, just in case.
 Quit dselect.
 Use the system (it works fine at this point - all the packages are there)
 do apt-get update - appears to work fine
 do apt-get install (anything in main) no installation candidate
 do apt-get install (anything in contrib/non-free) [usually] unmet
 Going into dselect and changing the method to apt acquisition makes no
 difference. Changing the sources.list lines to say unstable instead of
 stable also makes no difference.
 Here are the exact lines from sources.list on one of the computers:
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 deb stable non-US
 Thank you in advance for any help,
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Re: changing resolve.conf for deferent providers

1999-05-09 Thread John Hasler
Micha Feigin writes:
 Is it posible to make the use of deferent resolve.conf for deferent
 providers automatic?

You need to put a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d that replaces /etc/resolv.conf
with the one appropriate to the current provider, and another in
/etc/ppp/ip-down to restore resolv.conf.

Here are some scripts and replacement pon to try.  You will need to create
/etc/ppp/resolv and put a resolv.conf in it for each provider.  A future
version of pppconfig will set all of this up.



# 0dns-up by John Hasler 4 Apr 1999.  You may treat this program as if it
# was in the public domain.

# 0dns-up sets up /etc/resolv.conf for the provider being connected to.  In
# conjunction with pppd's usepeerdns option it also handles dynamic dns.
# It expects to be passed the provider name in $6.


# We can do nothing if we have not been passed a provider name via ipparam
# or there is no resolv file for the provider.  We better not do anything
# if resolv.conf.bak already exists.

[ -f $PPPRESOLV/$PROVIDER ]  [ ! -f $RESOLVBAK ] || ( echo failed; exit 
0 )

# USEPEERDNS, DNS1, and DNS2 are variables exported by pppd.  Do we have
# usepeerdns and a couple of nameservers?  If so, put a couple of
# nameserver lines in a temp file.

if [ $USEPEERDNS ]  [ $DNS1 ]  [ $DNS2 ] ; then
echo -e nameserver $DNS1 \nnameserver $DNS2  $TEMPRESOLV

# Append the resolv.conf for this provider to the temp file.  If we are
# using dynamic dns it will be empty or contain any resolver options the
# user added.  Otherwise it will be a complete resolv.conf for this
# provider.


# Back up resolv.conf.


# And replace it with the new resolv.conf from the temp file.




# 0dns-down by John Hasler 4 Apr 1999.  You may treat this program as if it
# was in the public domain.

# 0dns-down takes down what 0dns_up sets up.



/usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider} ipparam ${1:-provider}

John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: [Debian]: Linux-Zeitschriften [was: lilo.conf, KDE-Dateimanger und das I-Net]

1999-05-09 Thread Bernd Mayer

Christoph Lange schrieb:

 Guckt mal bei vorbei (da bin ich webmaster). Die
 zeitschrift freeX beschaftigt sich mit allen freien Unix-systemen, d.h.
 auch mit den freien BSDs und den freien privatanwender-versionen von SCO und
 Solaris. Der schwerpunkt liegt aber auf Linux. Jede ausgabe enthalt eine CD
 mit einem freien Unix; in der nachsten ausgabe (25. Mai) ist das FreeBSD
Hallo Christoph,

ich habe einmal die Seite von freeX besucht und mir den angebotenen
Inhalt einer Ausgabe heruntergeladen. Es waren 461 kB. Als ich
es auf meinem Rechner ansah da waren es lediglich 2 Seiten des
Inhaltsverzeichnisses. Andere Linux-Zeitschriften bringen mit
vergleichbarer Dateigrösse eine ganze Monatsausgabe mit etlichen Seiten
ins Netz. Auch habe ich noch in Erinnerung, daß das ganze Linuxhandbuch
von LunetiX (ca. 500 Seiten) etwas über 700 kB benötigt.

Das ist mir bei der Seite auf der Du webmaster bist aufgefallen.

Bernd Mayer

Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Lawrence Wickline
As  I am a new user of Debian I have a couiple of Questions as to what
apps to get . I am not a couplete newbie but am still very new ( I know
how to use gzip and tar and can do most basic functions of a *nix
system) Here is my dilema after searching though several different dists
I have come to the conclusion that debian wins.

Now I have a minimally configured box running WindowMaker and I need to
find Replacement apps for my windows junk. Specificaly a Word
Replacement ( I tried WordPerfect but the install blew up at the end)
There doesn't seen to be a .deb package available for it for some reason
in spike of the aliance between debian and corel (same is true for KDE
but i like WindowMaker better anyway). Any Ideas?

Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)

I need a good HTML code editor for debian (Been thinking I may just
program macros in emacs but I don't realy want to)

On a side note I will be needing a Database to connect a website to
fairly soon. Any suggestions (I am leaning towards mySQL but I would
like a GUI interface to work in if possiable)

P.S on a happy note
I got Netscape to work Finaly!
and TinTin++ rocks (please include it in a furture debian release. They
are working on it again finally and I would love to be able to apt-get
it as they improve it. Version 2 coming soom:)

ICQ Woes

1999-05-09 Thread Lawrence Wickline
THe Java Portion Of ICQ did not install correctly any I deas how I get
this to work ?

defrag, non-contiguous file system

1999-05-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Each time my system runs fsck on reboot (when the disk reaches it's
mount count limit) the file system appears more fragmented.  On the
last fsck run it reported 5.7% non-contiguous.  Is this a problem and
if so what should I do?

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: slink and netscape/mozilla

1999-05-09 Thread Jan Muszynski
It's even less clear cut than that. 

While in Netscape enter the following URL 


Don't forget that Netscape was Mozilla before it was Netscape. 
Mozilla comes again. 

On 6 May 99, at 10:23,  Jerry Gardner  wrote about Re: slink and 

 Ray writes:
   Netscape and Mozilla are DIFFERENT things.  Netscape is release level
   software and for most of us works fairly well (aside from being a memory
 The difference isn't as clear-cut as you may think. Every version of
 Netscape that I've ever used (and this goes back to prior to v1.0)
 has a readme file that has this in it:
  * And remember, it's spelled N-e-t-s-c-a-p-e, but it's pronounced Mozilla.
 Although not as common as it used to be, Netscape is sometimes called
 Jerry Gardner | Bill Clinton has all the steely resolve resolve
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | of a kamakaze pilot on his 37th mission.
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Thought for the day:
   Thoughts reduced to paper are generally nothing more than the
   footprints of a man walking in the sand. It is true that we see the
   path he has taken; but to know what he saw on the way, we must use
   our own eyes.
   -- Arthur Schopenhauer

Re: Q: multi-cd method.

1999-05-09 Thread johnny
Actually, you need to insert the second or last CD of your multi-cd archive 
first if you have more than one cd.. I don't know why but from the Debian 
Installation Manual that's the correct way to roll..

On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 09:55:48PM +0200, Tony Schonfeld wrote:
 hello , 
 i've just upgrade hamm to slink at home and want to know if i'm
 using the correct method.
 I think it's necessary after the correct multi-cd choice,
 to insert each CD set and take a UPDATE action.
 Before the next release No database UPDATE in Deselect is required now.
 I can now select all packages need and install it.
 Please tell me if i'm ok or not.
 Many thanks , Tony 
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partition problem

1999-05-09 Thread Yong-Ho Ham
hi, I'm having trouble installing linux on my pc. I ran the install.bat and
setup the monitor and screen. Then it asked to partition my hard drive. I
selected ok but it came up with an error and returned to the main menu.

I have a compaq deskpro pc with a 1.2 gb hard drive. I partitioned it into 3
drives(500mb, 500mb, 200)

Do you know what I may be doing wrong?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Chris ham

PS/2 router with MCA nic

1999-05-09 Thread Robert Rati
Can linux recognize a micro-channel nic?  I know how to setup the kernel
to recognize an ISA/PCI nic, but does linux support mca cards?  If so, how
would I configure the kernel to recognize the mca card?  Would I treat it
just like an ISA card?  TIA.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: PS/2 router with MCA nic

1999-05-09 Thread Alec Smith
The kernel does do MCA... Just choose the option when you're compiling. I
know the 3c523 and 3c527 boards are listed as options also. Dunno about
any other MCA boards.

On Sat, 8 May 1999, Robert Rati wrote:

 Can linux recognize a micro-channel nic?  I know how to setup the kernel
 to recognize an ISA/PCI nic, but does linux support mca cards?  If so, how
 would I configure the kernel to recognize the mca card?  Would I treat it
 just like an ISA card?  TIA.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
 Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-05-09 Thread Joel Keating
I'm having problems with dhcpd.  For somereason no matter what I change
dhcp sets my hostname to dhcpc1
or something.   I've changed it in the hostinfo-eth0 file to be a
different name i've change /etc/hosts.  I'm don't know where dhcp is
getting this hostname and if there is a way to fix it?  Any help would
be greatly appreciated.

(KLUDGED) Re: home compiled sysutils has broken dependency

1999-05-09 Thread Robert King
On Thu, 6 May 1999, Robert King wrote:

 Hi All,
 I compiled sysutils myself because procinfo complains that it needs to
 be compiled to display all IRQs.  I unpacked the debian source file and
 used debian/rules binary to make a binary.  When I installed the .deb using
 dpkg (which happens without complaint and the programs work), apt-get starts 
 complaining about broken dependencies.  What am I doing wrong?
 I've kludged a work-around for this (by breaking apt-get), and record it on
 the list for others trying the same thing.  Perhaps someone else has a better
 idea - if so, please share it.

 My problem was that I was using the latest sysutils (1.3.4), which is in
 potato and compiled against glibc 2.1  I'm still running a mostly slink based
 system, because I've been scared off by the horror stories about how unstable
 unstable is at the moment.   So when I compiled sysutils 1.3.4, I did so
 against libc6, so everything works fine, but because it's
 called sysutils 1.3.4, apt-get expects it to depend on
 libc6 (= 2.1), libncurses4 (= 4.2-3.1).
 My work-arounds is either 
 1) change the sources.list for apt back to stable until I bite the bullet to 
 use glibc2.1
 2) hack
 to show a dependency on the versions of libc6 and libncurses4 that I have.

 Any other ideas?

 (I'm not using sysutils 1.3.2 from slink because procinfo in it doesn't 
 work with 2.2 kernels.  I'm assuming that it is this problem that gives me
 the clock skew warnings when I try to build it, and not my machine preparing
 to die)

 solzhenitsyn:~king/Linux/deb# apt-get check
 Updating package file cache...done
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...dependency error
 You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
 Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
   sysutils: Depends:libc6 Depends:libncurses4
 solzhenitsyn:~king/Linux/deb# dpkg -l sysutils perl libncurses4 libc6
 | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
 ||/ NameVersionDescription
 ii  sysutils1.3.4  Miscellaneous small system utilities.
 ii  perl5.004.04-6 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and
 ii  libncurses4 4.2-3  Shared libraries for terminal handling
 ii  libc6 GNU Libc: shared libraries

Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if
I had been found doing so.  Now that I am fifty I read them openly.  When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness
and the desire to be very grown up.
 C. S. Lewis, On Three Ways of Writing for Children  

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
 As  I am a new user of Debian I have a couiple of Questions as to what
 apps to get . I am not a couplete newbie but am still very new ( I know
 how to use gzip and tar and can do most basic functions of a *nix
 system) Here is my dilema after searching though several different dists
 I have come to the conclusion that debian wins.

I always suggest it to people who are looking at installing linux.  I
myself have tried Debian, Slackware, and RedHat, and well, Debian Wins
hands down for me.

 Now I have a minimally configured box running WindowMaker and I need to
 find Replacement apps for my windows junk. Specificaly a Word
 Replacement ( I tried WordPerfect but the install blew up at the end)
 There doesn't seen to be a .deb package available for it for some reason
 in spike of the aliance between debian and corel (same is true for KDE
 but i like WindowMaker better anyway). Any Ideas?

There are a number of different Word Proccessing Packages out there,
seeing as you've tried Word Perfect, I'll skip that one (grin).  If you
just want to use basic word Processing, I would suggest Emacs (you have to
install it for a few packages, so why not get some use out of it?  BTW - I
myself don't like Emacs, so here's another option.  You could try (if
you've the HDD space), Staroffice.  It's pretty good, and it'll read a
large variety of formats, only problem - it's 120+ Megabytes of harddrive
space used...  Not as much of a problem as it might seem, but it is VERY
big in reference to most Linux Software.  There are many others, but I
haven't tried them.. I myself decided to switch from Windows, and Star
Office suited my right down to the ground...

 Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)

Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...

 I need a good HTML code editor for debian (Been thinking I may just
 program macros in emacs but I don't realy want to)

Umm...  Ditto for me... I've tried all the Linux-Native HTML editors I
could find, and I think at present I'll stick with multi-booting this 
system and running my http design software under windows...

You might be interested in waiting a little yourself, at least until Gnome
gets fully off the ground, those packages are beginning to look VERY good.

 On a side note I will be needing a Database to connect a website to
 fairly soon. Any suggestions (I am leaning towards mySQL but I would
 like a GUI interface to work in if possiable)

Someone is ahead of you here, I do believe... There is a GUI interface for
it, but it's very cumbersome, and might be best handled at present from
the command line... I'm not sure if there is a Database package written
for Linux which has a decent GUI interface... though if you don't mind
buying commercial software, there is at least one... can't quite remember
it's name now (I'm a big help, aren't I?)

 P.S on a happy note
 I got Netscape to work Finaly!
 and TinTin++ rocks (please include it in a furture debian release. They
 are working on it again finally and I would love to be able to apt-get
 it as they improve it. Version 2 coming soom:)

Thats good to know... btw - what's TinTin++

Hope this helps,
Peter Ludwig

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
  Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)
 Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
 probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...

Gimp will support GIFs.  The capability is just in a separate package for
patent reasons.  Install the gimp-nonfree package to get GIF and TIFF


Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Sun, 9 May 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:
 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
   Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)
  Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
  probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...
 Gimp will support GIFs.  The capability is just in a separate package for
 patent reasons.  Install the gimp-nonfree package to get GIF and TIFF

I actually remembered this after I'd sent the message off, actually the
main reason I don't use gimp is because when I tried it I couldn't seem to
do the fine detail work I wanted to do, and also I couldn't place text
into the image (major lack there as far as web development is concerned!)

Peter Ludwig

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Lawrence Wickline

  P.S on a happy note
  I got Netscape to work Finaly!
  and TinTin++ rocks (please include it in a furture debian release. They
  are working on it again finally and I would love to be able to apt-get
  it as they improve it. Version 2 coming soom:)

 Thats good to know... btw - what's TinTin++

 Hope this helps,
 Peter Ludwig

TinTin is a Mud client (Multi user Dungeon) I know every one loves Quake and
all but I seem to stick with muds. I used to be able to use it when I had a
shell account but since Ive been locked in a windows world for the last year
I have been using zmud. All I can say is Im happy to have my tintin back.

web password changing

1999-05-09 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hi list !
  ive looked all over freshmeat and and i just cant seem to
find a some cgi that allows a user in ur system to change his/her password
thru some web interface, that is, w/o havnig to telnet to the server and
manually invoking passwd.
  anyone have any ideas where to find this ?

Re: ZIP drive and kernel 2.2?

1999-05-09 Thread Debian Mail
 Try modprobe ppa.. Chances are you have conflicting IRQs.  Look at your 
 /proc/interrupts and make sure everything is correct.  Make sure you don't 
 have ldp running and that you also have removed your lp module.  Good luck.

Hm, there shouldn't be any conflicting IRQs, since the ZIP is a
parallel port device?
I rmmod lp and killed lpd. cat /proc/interrupts gives

  0:  36137  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   1182  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  3:   4976  XT-PIC  serial
  4:   1046  XT-PIC  serial
  8:  2  XT-PIC  rtc
 13:  0  XT-PIC  fpu
 14:  36638  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:  4  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0

But modprobe ppa still gives:

/lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
parport: Device or resource busy


The mysterious '2 '

1999-05-09 Thread per_adua32

A while back I noticed that there was a number 2
in some of my directories. Initially my first reaction
was to delete them as I had not created them. Even this 
took a while as they were actually named 2space ie '2 ',
which was not obvious to me.

Last week I discovered some more of these files and 
decided to look inside one. I used 'file' and discovered that 
they were text files. I used 'cat' and the following was displayed:

/usr/bin/updatedb:  /var/lib/locate/locatedb.n: Permission denied
find:/etc/ppp:Permission denied
find:/etc/chatscripts:Permission denied
find:/root:Permission denied
find:/bin/secure-su:Permission denied
updated: new database would be empty

As I write this E-mail I seem only now to notice what the
contents of the file actually mean. I hope I am wrong.  I am a home 
user and the only network I'm connected to is the internet, and I 
haven't used this for a month or two as I intended to change my isp.

Can anyone throw any light this situation.

T: per_adua32

[ Re: Can you help me with scsi in debian please]

1999-05-09 Thread Shao Zhang
My anwser to this question is to compile the scanner driver as the 
But I am not sure. Any other suggestions??


- Forwarded message from CyrusP [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 14:50:48 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can you help me with scsi in debian please

New problem,

(i) If I boot up kernel with scanner power on, then kernel can find it and
if I check /proc/scsi/scsi, it shows that it detects the scanner and when
I try scan everything is cool.

(ii) If I boot up kernel with scanner turned off, it doesn't detect. If I
check /proc/scsi/scsi, it doesn't show scanner.

My question is how can I turn my scanner on after I boot up and have it be
detected. Thanks


- End forwarded message -


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Local LAN + scanpackages

1999-05-09 Thread Sarel Botha
I have a small local mirror of unstable of all the packages I have installed.
I make this mirror available to other people on the lan. As the unstable
packages keep being updated I end up with different versions of the same 
packages and when i run dpkg-scanpackages I get '! Package blah is repeat;' -
is there any Perl method to check versions on packages or even an easier way to 
get rid of duplicate packages ?

Sarel Botha

about 2 games in linux

1999-05-09 Thread Shao Zhang
I know both acm and abuse are good games in Linux. But I can never get 
them to work
in my slink box. I am about to delete them!!

If I run abuse.console, it complains about my mouse. I tried to edit 
but never succeeded. Never Mind.

Then I tried abuse.x11r6, it complains about my x11 screen type. It 
says your X window
screen type is not supported. Never Mind.

And Then I tried acm, it says sound is not available for :0.0. As far 
as I know, my
sound is working fine. How can I turn this sound option off??


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: [ Re: Can you help me with scsi in debian please]

1999-05-09 Thread Leen Besselink

I think the module name is general scsi support.

Hope this helps you.


On Sun, 9 May 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:

   My anwser to this question is to compile the scanner driver as the 
   But I am not sure. Any other suggestions??
 - Forwarded message from CyrusP [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 14:50:48 +1000 (EST)
 Subject: Re: Can you help me with scsi in debian please
 New problem,
 (i) If I boot up kernel with scanner power on, then kernel can find it and
 if I check /proc/scsi/scsi, it shows that it detects the scanner and when
 I try scan everything is cool.
 (ii) If I boot up kernel with scanner turned off, it doesn't detect. If I
 check /proc/scsi/scsi, it doesn't show scanner.
 My question is how can I turn my scanner on after I boot up and have it be
 detected. Thanks
 - End forwarded message -
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: changing resolve.conf for deferent providers

1999-05-09 Thread Phillip Deackes
Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it posible to make the use of deferent resolve.conf for deferent
 providers automatic?

Yes. What I do is create files relevant to the different providers I use
- there are three essential files for me: /etc/resolv.conf,
/etc/chatscrips/provider and /etc/mail/ I then have
/etc/resolv.conf.eidosnet, /etc/resolv.conf.freeserve etc.,
/etc/mail/, /etc/mail/ and so
on so I have the appropriate configuration files for each provider I

It is a really simple matter then of having an executable script for
each provider which copies the files around. Here is an example for one
IP, eidosnet:

cp /etc/resolv.conf.eidosnet /etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/chatscripts/provider.eidosnet /etc/chatscripts/provider
cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/

I call this file dial.eidosnet and I made it executable so all I do to
log on to eidosnet is run it and everything else falls into place.

My /etc/chatscripts/provider.eidosnet file looks like this:
word \qXXX

XXX is, of course, my password.

This system works flawlessly, as long as your permissions are OK on the
files involved. I make sure that as a user I am a member of the dialout
group, mail group etc.. and that the group has the ability to write to
the files and directories involved.

The programmers out there will see all this as incredibly clumsy, but
as a non-programmer I am just pleased it all works so well!!

Take care.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.1 


1999-05-09 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER

Since I upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.2.7, Linux do not recognize my CD-writer
anymore !?

SCSI card is a TEKRAM DC-390 simple adapter (fast-SCSI I guess)
Id #4: Pioneer CD-ROM DR-U16S (always recognized)
Id #5: Yamaha CRW4416S (no more recognized)
No more devices on other Ids

help me

Les choses ne sont pas toujours ce que l'on voudrait qu'elles soient qu'elles

Re: The mysterious '2 '

1999-05-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
per_adua32 wrote:
   A while back I noticed that there was a number 2
  in some of my directories. Initially my first reaction
  was to delete them as I had not created them. Even this 
  took a while as they were actually named 2space ie '2 ',
  which was not obvious to me.
   Last week I discovered some more of these files and 
  decided to look inside one. I used 'file' and discovered that 
  they were text files. I used 'cat' and the following was displayed:
   /usr/bin/updatedb:  /var/lib/locate/locatedb.n: Permission denied
   find:/etc/ppp:Permission denied
   find:/etc/chatscripts:Permission denied
   find:/root:Permission denied
   find:/bin/secure-su:Permission denied
   updated: new database would be empty
   As I write this E-mail I seem only now to notice what the
  contents of the file actually mean. I hope I am wrong.   I am a home 
  user and the only network I'm connected to is the internet, and I 
  haven't used this for a month or two as I intended to change my isp.
These are error messages.  Somewhere someone has tried to redirect error 
messages and has written `2'.  I can't, at the moment, think what he might 
have inadvertently done to get a space on the end. `2\ ' or `2 ' are two
ways of accomplishing it.

He might well have been meaning to direct stderr to stdout: `21';
given sufficient confusion of mind or fingers, anything is possible!

Try looking at scripts run (not as root) from cron.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,  
  unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, 
  forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain 
  in the Lord.  I Corinthians 15:58 

SCSI CDR+CD-ROM setup help needed (off-topic)

1999-05-09 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I had a CDR that was working perfectly. I bought a SCSI CD-ROM, and
when I connected it the CDR stoped working. When I boot up the devices 
are displayed this way:

Device No.  Adapter SCSI ID LUN
81  0   2   0   Pioneer DR966 ... (The CD-ROM)
82  0   6   0   Matshita ... (The CDR)

The CDR is terminated, and CD-Rom unterminated.

Whenever I try to burn a CD, even from an image on a HD, it starts the 
regular way (TOC and stuff), but then when the actual data is supposed
to be written, it seems like it is misdirected to the CD-ROM (it
starts clicking for a second, asif seeking for a disk), and I get
Drive not ready error. The same thing happens when using different

1. Is there anything funny with my setup?
2. What are the jumpers Term Power (shortened) and Parity (shortened) 
on my CDR?

Otherwise the both drives work (read data, extract DAE) w/o a problem.

FWIW, the SCSI card is a PCI SCSI2, QlogicISP10.

Thanks a lot for any input!!!
Arcady Genkin

Re: partition problem

1999-05-09 Thread johnny
What is the error?

On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 11:40:25PM -0400, Yong-Ho Ham wrote:
 hi, I'm having trouble installing linux on my pc. I ran the install.bat and
 setup the monitor and screen. Then it asked to partition my hard drive. I
 selected ok but it came up with an error and returned to the main menu.
 I have a compaq deskpro pc with a 1.2 gb hard drive. I partitioned it into 3
 drives(500mb, 500mb, 200)
 Do you know what I may be doing wrong?
 Any help is greatly appreciated.
 Chris ham
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Re: ZIP drive and kernel 2.2?

1999-05-09 Thread johnny
Just modprobe ppa and e-mail the output to this list.  There should be an 
interrupt here for your parallel port, and yes, the parallel port can have 
conflicting irqs with other devices.  Do that and let me see the output.
On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 09:55:51AM +0200, Debian Mail wrote:
  Try modprobe ppa.. Chances are you have conflicting IRQs.  Look at your 
  /proc/interrupts and make sure everything is correct.  Make sure you 
  don't have ldp running and that you also have removed your lp module.  Good 
 Hm, there shouldn't be any conflicting IRQs, since the ZIP is a
 parallel port device?
 I rmmod lp and killed lpd. cat /proc/interrupts gives
   0:  36137  XT-PIC  timer
   1:   1182  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   3:   4976  XT-PIC  serial
   4:   1046  XT-PIC  serial
   8:  2  XT-PIC  rtc
  13:  0  XT-PIC  fpu
  14:  36638  XT-PIC  ide0
  15:  4  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 But modprobe ppa still gives:
 /lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 parport: Device or resource busy
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Re[2]: changing resolve.conf for deferent providers

1999-05-09 Thread Phillip Deackes
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is a really simple matter then of having an executable script for
 each provider which copies the files around. Here is an example for
 IP, eidosnet:
 cp /etc/resolv.conf.eidosnet /etc/resolv.conf
 cp /etc/chatscripts/provider.eidosnet /etc/chatscripts/provider
 cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
 I call this file dial.eidosnet and I made it executable so all I do to
 log on to eidosnet is run it and everything else falls into place.

Oops. Not *quite* as simple. I forgot part of the process. That script
only moves files around. The command to log on for me is:
'dial.whatever;pon' - it is the 'pon' script which does the logging on.
To log off I enter 'poff'. I have the process automated by using 9menu
and asmodem in Window Maker. I click on the asmodem icon and get a menu
of possible ISPs. Selecting one runs the appropriate dial.whoever script
and then does 'pon'. Subsequently clicking on the modem runs 'poff'.


Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.1 

Re: Exim + Procmail + Mutt

1999-05-09 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JHMG == J Horacio M G [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JHMG /var/spool/exim/input/ and /var/spool/exim/msglog/.  I believe
JHMG Exim complained about |exec and IFS (I tried both with
JHMG .forward).  This is what I had in my ~/.forward:

JHMG |exec /usr/bin/procmail

In /etc/exim.conf, you have to change the address_pipe transport to

  driver = pipe
  use_shell = true


Re: Q: multi-cd method.

1999-05-09 Thread Tony Schonfeld
On Sun, 9 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, you need to insert the second or last CD of your multi-cd archive 
 first if you have more than one cd.. I don't know why but from the Debian 
 Installation Manual that's the correct way to roll..
 On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 09:55:48PM +0200, Tony Schonfeld wrote:
  hello , 
  i've just upgrade hamm to slink at home and want to know if i'm
  using the correct method.

ok johnny ,  

here i've use apt-get -f dist-upgrade first , second i've use a multi-cd
method but if i insert only CD #1 and try UPDATE with deselect the 
database seem not complete up-to-date , in second time after try UPDATE
with CD #2 i've a complete packages list and Deselect can tell to me 
CD #1 or #2 for the correct need.
It was the reason of my question because i've not read that in the
Manual .
Any other comments will be appreciated.
Best regards , Tony

  I think it's necessary after the correct multi-cd choice,
  to insert each CD set and take a UPDATE action.
  Before the next release No database UPDATE in Deselect is required now.
  I can now select all packages need and install it.
  Please tell me if i'm ok or not.
  Many thanks , Tony 
  Hamnet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Phone:(33) 0610104815
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Hamnet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Phone:(33) 0610104815
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wine configuration

1999-05-09 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I just installed the potato version of wine and have put my window
mount point into fstab in order to run the wineconf program. 
Unfortunately I keep getting an error saying Cannot read ./wine.ini and
I don't know how to fix this problem, can anyone help me?  Thanks for
any help.

Shawn Nguyen

Re: xwin

1999-05-09 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Sat, 8 May 1999, J Horacio M G wrote:

 Brian Servis dixit:
 ~ To stop xdm from starting in Debian 2.1 you have several options:
 ~ 1) remove the xdm package
 ~ 2) put an exit 0 at the top of the /etc/init.d/xdm script
 ~ 3) remove the symlinks in rc?.d to xdm with: update-rc.d -f remove xdm
 ~ 4) comment out the :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X line in
 ~/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.  This will still allow remote XDMCP
 ~connections since xdm is still running but not managing the local
 Sorry to take back on an old issue.
 Since Ctrl+Alt+Fn can switch from X to almost any V.C., and supposing
 you can then take on any task under the command line, I'm seeing no real
 point in removing xdm or preventing it from starting the x server on
 But still, if I wanted to exit X... how do I do it?  The exit menus in WM
 take me back to the X login prompt, they don't take me to the command
 prompt as they used to do in 2.0.

You don't exit xdm other than by executing '/etc/init.d/xdm stop' as
root, or by killing the xdm process with the 'kill' command.

I think you started X with the 'startx' program before ('in 2.0'), which
starts one X session and then exits. xdm, however, always gives you a new
login prompt after you exit a sesion.

You might want to try hitting CTRL-R at the xdm login prompt. According to
my /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources_0 file, this should 'abort' the display. xdm
will then kill the X server, but it will not exit. If you type
'/etc/init.d/xdm reload' as root after you have done this, xdm will start
the X server again.

rd1936:  1:20am  up 6 days,  9:16,  5 users,  load average: 1.64, 1.57, 1.81

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
Peter Ludwig wrote:

  On a side note I will be needing a Database to connect a website to
  fairly soon. Any suggestions (I am leaning towards mySQL but I would
  like a GUI interface to work in if possiable)

 Someone is ahead of you here, I do believe... There is a GUI interface for
 it, but it's very cumbersome, and might be best handled at present from
 the command line... I'm not sure if there is a Database package written
 for Linux which has a decent GUI interface... though if you don't mind
 buying commercial software, there is at least one... can't quite remember
 it's name now (I'm a big help, aren't I?)

try :
pgaccess (gui)

Re: 2 network cards

1999-05-09 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Sat, 8 May 1999, MR wrote:

 I have two network cards (1 Intel etherexpress 16, 1 NE2000) in a debian
 system. Both are detected on boot up and both are ifconfig'd. This system
 will be used to connect my little LAN through IP masq to the Internet. For
 various reasons, I am only able to have 1 IP, so that is why I am messing
 around with all this. My problem is that I can not ping another machine on
 my internal LAN from the linux box. The internal LAN is numbered
 192.168.1.x (with the linux box being .1 and the one I am trying to ping
 .3) eth0 is my external card and eth1 is the internal one. If I set up a
 route for the internal lan (route add -net eth1) I can ping (itself), but get a ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 when trying to ping another machine on the internal lan. Any ideas? I have
 tried pinging the linux box from the other machine (which runs Win98). I
 get both activity lights going like they should on the hub and on a card
 from each computer, so the connection is there. Thanks in advance.

Have you also set up the netmask and broadcast address for eth1?

In your case, try netmask= and broadcast=

rd1936:  1:55pm  up 6 days, 21:51,  5 users,  load average: 1.10, 1.38, 1.77

How to use intelligent signature generator with mutt?

1999-05-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi all!

I'd like to use the perl script to generate the signature for my mail messages,
depending on the addressee. For example: when the address ends with .pl the
signature is in Polish etc.
Now I have the signature var set to ~/.generate_signature|.
Is it possible to transfer addressees' list to the .generate_signature
script, as additional parameters? (eg. by setting:
set signature=~/.generate_signature $to |
or something like this?)
I couldn't find such functionality in mutt documentation :-(.
Wojciech Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Use Linux - save your data and time

Re: Newer version of GNOME on slink?

1999-05-09 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 01:02:24PM -0400, William R Pentney wrote:
 Is there any way I can get a newer version of GNOME than the 1.0.3 in the
 slink staging area without upgrading to potato? Do the newer GNOME
 packages really use glibc2.1?

 i just upgraded to potato last night and the enlightenment/gnome stuff is
sweet.  however, i still haven't found a way to use the JDK under potato, so
i'm going to have to reboot and use my slink partition pretty soon.

 it bothers me that debian is behind SuSE and Redhat when it comes to something
like gnome and other frequently-changin software, but it's still a much better
distribution, because of the .deb package format and apt.


Re: defrag, non-contiguous file system

1999-05-09 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Sat, May 08, 1999 at 07:49:26PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 Each time my system runs fsck on reboot (when the disk reaches it's
 mount count limit) the file system appears more fragmented.  On the
 last fsck run it reported 5.7% non-contiguous.  Is this a problem and
 if so what should I do?

 i know that there is a package (in admin i think) called defrag, which you
may want to take a look at.  maybe there's something in the docs.


Re: (KLUDGED) Re: home compiled sysutils has broken dependency

1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Chung
  I compiled sysutils myself because procinfo complains that it needs to
  be compiled to display all IRQs.  I unpacked the debian source file and
  used debian/rules binary to make a binary.  When I installed the .deb using
  dpkg (which happens without complaint and the programs work), apt-get 
  complaining about broken dependencies.  What am I doing wrong?
  2) hack
  to show a dependency on the versions of libc6 and libncurses4 that I have.
  Any other ideas?

1) Let apt-get's source.list point to stable
2) Download whatever packages you need and install with dpkg -i
3) If you compile packages yourself, change the control file
($SRC/debian/control) so that it doesn't depend on something you don't want 
to upgrade

See for PGP key

It's a sin only if you dwell on the what ifs and the but ifs

Re: NEW Samba + Printer woes

1999-05-09 Thread Michael Steiner
Wayne Topa wrote:
 Subject: NEW Samba + Printer woes
 Date: Sat, May 08, 1999 at 05:13:32PM +
 In reply to:Jose L Gomez Dans
 Quoting Jose L Gomez Dans([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
I've finally installed samba + lprng on an ageing i386. I have two
  parallel ports, and a printer attached to each. I'm using debian hamm.
  This is /etc/printcap:
  # Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
  # All rights reserved.
  # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
  # provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
  # to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
  # may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
  # software without specific prior written permission. This software
  # is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
  # @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
  # This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
  lp|hplj4l|HP Laserjet 4L:\
:lp=/dev/null:\  ??
 Just a thought, there is no printer assigned in the above printcap,
 you have lp=/dev/null??  And this works using smbclient?  Am I missing
 something here??
 lp|lj|lp|Brother HL-10V:\
 Note the :lp=/dev/lp0 if for 2.2.x kernels. If you are using 2.0.x it
 would be :lp=/dev/lp1
Then, samba is set up so that anyone in our domain may print to this
  server, without needing passwords or stuff like that. /etc/smb.conf looks
  like this:
server string=Radar  Communications Printer Server
hosts allow=143.167. 127.
load printers=yes
printcap name=/etc/printcap
log file = /var/log/samba/log/%m
max log size = 20
socket options=TCP_NODELAY
guest account=pcguest
dns proxy=no
comment=Printers at skint
guest ok = yes
The other printer is not set up, as lprng does not want to print to
  it at all. cat filename  /dev/lp2 works fine, though.
I've checked the spool directories, and all have the right
  permissions. Curiously enough, if I use smbclient from another linux box, I
  can print without problems. However, things coming from Win95/WfWg boxes are
  sent to /var/spool/lpd/ljet, and stored there. It seems that lpd doesn't
  want to print them. A couple of days ago, with only one parallel port,
  everything worked fine. lptune says that both lp1 and lp2 use polling. I
  don't know what else to do.
Any words of wisdom on that one?
  Jose L Gomez Dans PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK
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The printcap is designed to work with a remote printer, e.g. I use such
an entry for a hplj with a build-in ethernet interface.
If you like to use local printers (direct conected to your machine) then
you have to define them in the 'lp' line without 'rm' and 'rp' line.

After this step you can make it usable to others on the network via

Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Wien, Austria

moneydance 2.0

1999-05-09 Thread Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva


Is there someone using moneydance 2.0? I have downloaded it, installed jdk1.1
.deb, and then I ran the installer (sh install.bin) and... nothing happens. It
just ask which java to use a choose it and them it gives the prompt.

I succeded installing it under Solaris, so I may have to configure something
by hand. Is there anyone who has already done this?


Help on getting libc6 working !

1999-05-09 Thread Nuno Carvalho

 I'm unable to get my linux box working cause I'd broken glibc2.1 !
 I'd an older rescue disk (Debian 1.3) and I can mount my linux box
meanwhile I also have lastest libc6-2.1 package on it but i'm unable to
get dpkg working ! :(

 Is there any good rescue disk or what should I do ?



P.S. Wouldn't be nice to have some libc (static !?) working for this
situations ? Machine just don't work.
I think this is a stupid situation ... or maybe I did a stupid
thing ... but if I didn't had windowze installed I was unable even to
send this email ! :(

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Peter Allen
Peter Ludwig wrote:
 On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
  As  I am a new user of Debian I have a couiple of Questions as to what
  apps to get . I am not a couplete newbie but am still very new ( I know
  how to use gzip and tar and can do most basic functions of a *nix
  system) Here is my dilema after searching though several different dists
  I have come to the conclusion that debian wins.
 I always suggest it to people who are looking at installing linux.  I
 myself have tried Debian, Slackware, and RedHat, and well, Debian Wins
 hands down for me.
  Now I have a minimally configured box running WindowMaker and I need to
  find Replacement apps for my windows junk. Specificaly a Word
  Replacement ( I tried WordPerfect but the install blew up at the end)
  There doesn't seen to be a .deb package available for it for some reason
  in spike of the aliance between debian and corel (same is true for KDE
  but i like WindowMaker better anyway). Any Ideas?
 There are a number of different Word Proccessing Packages out there,
 seeing as you've tried Word Perfect, I'll skip that one (grin).  If you
 just want to use basic word Processing, I would suggest Emacs (you have to
 install it for a few packages, so why not get some use out of it?  BTW - I
 myself don't like Emacs, so here's another option.  You could try (if
 you've the HDD space), Staroffice.  It's pretty good, and it'll read a
 large variety of formats, only problem - it's 120+ Megabytes of harddrive
 space used...  Not as much of a problem as it might seem, but it is VERY
 big in reference to most Linux Software.  There are many others, but I
 haven't tried them.. I myself decided to switch from Windows, and Star
 Office suited my right down to the ground...
  Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)
 Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
 probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...

I seem to remember that the gif licence says that any program that makes
gifs has to pay 24cents to the gif patent holders per copy sold.
This is obviously a problem for free software.  Try png instead.

Peter Allen

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Peter Allen
Peter Ludwig wrote:
 On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
  As  I am a new user of Debian I have a couiple of Questions as to what
  apps to get . I am not a couplete newbie but am still very new ( I know
  how to use gzip and tar and can do most basic functions of a *nix
  system) Here is my dilema after searching though several different dists
  I have come to the conclusion that debian wins.
 I always suggest it to people who are looking at installing linux.  I
 myself have tried Debian, Slackware, and RedHat, and well, Debian Wins
 hands down for me.
  Now I have a minimally configured box running WindowMaker and I need to
  find Replacement apps for my windows junk. Specificaly a Word
  Replacement ( I tried WordPerfect but the install blew up at the end)
  There doesn't seen to be a .deb package available for it for some reason
  in spike of the aliance between debian and corel (same is true for KDE
  but i like WindowMaker better anyway). Any Ideas?
 There are a number of different Word Proccessing Packages out there,
 seeing as you've tried Word Perfect, I'll skip that one (grin).  If you
 just want to use basic word Processing, I would suggest Emacs (you have to
 install it for a few packages, so why not get some use out of it?  BTW - I
 myself don't like Emacs, so here's another option.  You could try (if
 you've the HDD space), Staroffice.  It's pretty good, and it'll read a
 large variety of formats, only problem - it's 120+ Megabytes of harddrive
 space used...  Not as much of a problem as it might seem, but it is VERY
 big in reference to most Linux Software.  There are many others, but I
 haven't tried them.. I myself decided to switch from Windows, and Star
 Office suited my right down to the ground...
  Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)
 Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
 probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...

I seem to remember that the gif licence says that any program that makes
gifs has to pay 24cents to the gif patent holders per copy sold.
This is obviously a problem for free software.  Try png instead.

Peter Allen


1999-05-09 Thread Ralph Winslow
I recently downloaded and installed mozilla at the request of someone on
this list.
The .debs were libnspr21_19990415.M4-1_i386.deb and
I installed them on my unstable system running 2.2.1 using dpkg -i. 
When I run
mozilla from an xterm I get 

nsComponentManager: Using components dir: /usr/lib/mozilla/components
width was not set
height was not set
Reading file...
Reading file...Done
Memory fault

I'm sending to the list only because I've lost track of who it was that
testing of this package.  I'm on an old plain 120MHz Pentium with 64Mb
Further detail on request.

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members

Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
1 - My X server since installation starts automaticly... I don't want it to
auto - start. How do I take that option out?

2 -  Is there any kind of autoexec.bat at Debian? Where?

3 - How do I mount my Windows file system at hda1? Then so it'll mount every
time I log, I'll have to add the mount command to the Debian autoexec right?

4 - How do I configure my PCBIT ISDN card. I installed the module but it
says when it is loading it that there are still 3 files to be configured at
/etc/isdn... How do I configure them ? Isn't there an ISDN How-to somewhere?

Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Page me at :
SBN Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

The mysterious '2 '

1999-05-09 Thread per_adua32

  Thanx to olly,

  when he mentionned a possible mistake to do with redirection
  I pretty much guessed what that the problem was. In the file
  /etc/profile I have an alias that runs the following command:

  alias upD.='updatedb --prunepaths=/var /cdrom /tmp /proc /mnt 
/dev/null 12

  This particular alias is I think OK, but I noticed that when I
  modified it slightly (by taking the '' away) and called it from a
  normal user account it produced the file '2 ' and the text I found 
  so worrying. No doubt I ran the alias in the past when it wasn't
  correctly written.

  T: per_adua32

Re: Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 9 May 1999 15:25:11 +0100, Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy wrote:

2 -  Is there any kind of autoexec.bat at Debian? Where?

System wide - /etc/init.d, /etc/cron.*

3 - How do I mount my Windows file system at hda1?

man mount

Chances are it would be something like mount -t vfat /dev/hda /dirtomount

Then so it'll mount every time I log, I'll have to add the mount command to 
the Debian autoexec right?

man fstab

/etc/fstab controls what partitions are mounted at boot time.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread Robert Norris
 1 - My X server since installation starts automaticly... I don't want it to
 auto - start. How do I take that option out?

I'm guessing you mean xdm. If your system is like mine, you'll have a file
/etc/X11/config. In their will be a line 'start-xdm' which you should
replace with 'no-start-xdm'.

 2 -  Is there any kind of autoexec.bat at Debian? Where?

Sort of. The startup scripts are in /etc/init.d, with symlinks for each
runlevel under /etc/rc?.d. However, you will seldom have to change the
contents of these files, since there are 'safe' ways to set up the system,
such as placing information about modules you want loaded at boot in
/etc/modules, or mount info in /etc/fstab (Some things are different on
different distributions though, most of this is debian specific, but I
figure you probably wouldn't be here if you weren't using debian ;)

 3 - How do I mount my Windows file system at hda1? Then so it'll mount every
 time I log, I'll have to add the mount command to the Debian autoexec right?

Add a line similar to the following to /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda1  /dos  vfat  default  0 0

I'm guessing your windows partition is a FAT32 partition (win9x), if its
not, you may need to change 'vfat' to 'msdos' .. /dos is the mount point,
you may have to create it, or put it somewhere else (/mnt/dos is also

 4 - How do I configure my PCBIT ISDN card. I installed the module but it
 says when it is loading it that there are still 3 files to be configured at
 /etc/isdn... How do I configure them ? Isn't there an ISDN How-to somewhere?

Absolutely no idea on this one. Check the LDP (;
perhaps someone else would like to field this one? ;)


Installing Debian on a dos partion

1999-05-09 Thread Paul L. McNeely
I want to set up debian on a dos partition using umsdos, can anyone give me
step by step instructions on how to do this? Is there a way to do this from
the installer? If not any thoughts about adding it?
Paul L. McNeely ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ# 1305664
Web Page
   West Virginia Christian Chat Mailing List
 Sign up at or E-mail me.
 Marshall University Chat Mailing List

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread John Foster
Peter Ludwig wrote:
 On Sun, 9 May 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:
  In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
   On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)
   Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
   probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...
  Gimp will support GIFs.  The capability is just in a separate package for
  patent reasons.  Install the gimp-nonfree package to get GIF and TIFF
 I actually remembered this after I'd sent the message off, actually the
 main reason I don't use gimp is because when I tried it I couldn't seem to
 do the fine detail work I wanted to do, and also I couldn't place text
 into the image (major lack there as far as web development is concerned!)
 Peter Ludwig
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
One of Linux strong points is the ability of the user to customize and
add to applications via modules or scripting. You should really take a
look at   The GIMP does have the ability to put
text into images and a lot of other things as well. You will need to
install modules for the other items(there are hundreds). The GIMP will
read gif files with the non-free version installed but I have noticed
that it will not output .gif files. At least on my system ( I do have
both the regular and the non-free versions installed.). I use .png
instead for most of my web page development. Unfortunately linux does
not have a web page development application such as HotDog, Frontpage
etc. There is one under development. I presently use the Netscacp
Communicator 4.51 as my GUI for this and then tweak the source code with
EMACS or the HTML editor in Star Office.
Enjoy the freedom of Open Source Software!begin:vcard 
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fn:John Foster

Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
  Peter Ludwig wrote:
On a side note I will be needing a Database to connect a website to
fairly soon. Any suggestions (I am leaning towards mySQL but I would
like a GUI interface to work in if possiable)
   Someone is ahead of you here, I do believe... There is a GUI interface for
   it, but it's very cumbersome, and might be best handled at present from
   the command line... I'm not sure if there is a Database package written
   for Linux which has a decent GUI interface... though if you don't mind
   buying commercial software, there is at least one... can't quite remember
   it's name now (I'm a big help, aren't I?)
  try :
  pgaccess (gui)
Packaged in libpgtcl

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,  
  unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, 
  forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain 
  in the Lord.  I Corinthians 15:58 

Re: Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Mon, May 10, 1999 at 12:47:04AM +1000, Robert Norris wrote:
  1 - My X server since installation starts automaticly... I don't want it to
  auto - start. How do I take that option out?
 I'm guessing you mean xdm. If your system is like mine, you'll have a file
 /etc/X11/config. In their will be a line 'start-xdm' which you should
 replace with 'no-start-xdm'.

This is true if you are using Debian 2.0; if you have Debian 2.1 (aka Slink)
you should remove the xdm package if you don't want X server to start

dpkg --remove xdm

Re: Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread John Foster
Luis M. Garcia wrote:
 On Mon, May 10, 1999 at 12:47:04AM +1000, Robert Norris wrote:
   1 - My X server since installation starts automaticly... I don't want it 
   auto - start. How do I take that option out?
  I'm guessing you mean xdm. If your system is like mine, you'll have a file
  /etc/X11/config. In their will be a line 'start-xdm' which you should
  replace with 'no-start-xdm'.
 This is true if you are using Debian 2.0; if you have Debian 2.1 (aka Slink)
 you should remove the xdm package if you don't want X server to start
 dpkg --remove xdm
That's kind of extreme! Before you do that try using Ctrl-Alt F1 (or any
F key from F1 thru F6) to access a regular console. If you want to
return to the XWindow use Ctrl-Alt-F7 . you can go back and forth  as
needed. I find this technique very useful when installing new software,
as I can run several terminals including X with different users logged
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
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note:We Build Multi-Processor Computers
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fn:John Foster

Re: ICQ Woes

1999-05-09 Thread William R Pentney
On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:

What happened? Did you get an error message, and if so, what was it? I had
to change the shell script that loaded it up a bit when I installed it -
had to add in my JDK diretory to the class library

- bill

 THe Java Portion Of ICQ did not install correctly any I deas how I get
 this to work ?
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[OT] Low versus medium priced scanners

1999-05-09 Thread Rick Macdonald

When comparing a cheap scanner (under $100) such as the Plustek 96xx
series with a medium price scanner such as the so-called business-class HP
5200c, I can't tell what claims are due to the scanner hardware itself, or
simply the bundled software. Obviously, the bundled software does a Linux
user little good.

The HP has color correction, snap-to colors for areas of what should be
solid color, recognizes black and white line art and vectorizes it for
smooth scaling, etc. This _sounds_ all like software features to me, and
I'm wondering if the hardware itself is much different.


Thanks, John! Re: crypt?

1999-05-09 Thread kaynjay
Just a note of thanks to John Foster for his help in providing me with a
well-documented replacement program for crypt.  

Thanks, John!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: update-menus, does it work?

1999-05-09 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: update-menus, does it work?
Date: Sat, May 08, 1999 at 03:32:22PM -0400

In reply to:Andrew Chung

Quoting Andrew Chung([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  ?package(gtcd):needs=x11 icon=none section=Apps/Sound \
  title=Gtcd command=/usr/X11R6/bin/gtcd
  but it still doesn't show up in the menu of any user after I run 
  Yet 2 removed apps are still showing up in the Users menu.
 Did you run update-menu as yourself or as root? On my system I have to run
 it as myself before it will add/remove the entries to/from my menu...even
 for site-wide menu files.

Yes, I have tried both as root and as a user, even tho I did not see
any reference that is had to be done by both.

 Also note that the name in package() should be the name of the package,
 otherwise it won't add it to your menu..

I have tried ?package(tcd) and ?package(gtcd) and neither get the item
added to the  'users' menu, but!  Andrew, your right about the package
name.!!  I read package-name as menu package name, duh. :-(

I created a new user to test this out.  When that user runs update-menus
 it gets an error, 
Cannot open file /etc/X11/mwm//system.mwmrc
/etc/menu-methods//mwm-menumethod: Aborting
If I don't run update-menus but run X, a GNUstep menu is created
(Wmaker is the default WM) and X runs fine but the 'gtcd' item is missing
from the test users menus.  Update-menus fails again, after exiting X.

  I copied the ~user/.menu/gtcd to /etc/menu and ran update-menus as
both me and root.  It is now showing up in root's menu!
 I them moved /etc/menu/gtcd to /root/.menu, reran update-menus,
restarted the WM, and the item 'disappeared' from roots menu.(?)
Moving it back to /etc/menu and running update-menus did NOT add
it back to the root menu.(!?) Gtcd isn't in any menu at this point.

I have noticed that roots apps/net menu has 24 items in it (including
3 Netscape entries, that in Debian, can't run) and only 18 entries in
the my apps/net menu. Only one of which is a Netscape entry.  I then
moved the GNUstep to 1-GNUstep entered X again.  Now I have the same
apps/net menu as root does (WM interacts with update-menus somehow).

So here is what I now have.
1. To add items to the root menu you put the new items in /etc/menu.
   And it works, sometimes.
2. Adding new menu entries in ~/.menu doesn't work, for anyone.
3. The items in /usr/lib/menu don't all show up in user menus if that
   user has a GNUstep menu already.
4. There is an interaction between the update-menus program and
   whatever WindowManager you are using.  I am not sure, yet, what the
   fix is but I now have enough info to research it.
5. wmakerconf doesn' work.  Running it segfaults with errors of
a. no root/pixmaps file
b. no /root/crontab
c. After fixing a  b it does **Error** sissegv: caught

Looks like I have opened a can of worms here.  Looks like I will
change WM to fvwm and start this all over again.

Andrew, what WM are you running and do you see any of the above

I will end this before it becomes a Book.  I will update as I find 
answers to the above.

Thanks Andrew!


Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the beach.
-- S. C. Johnson

Kernel Compile Error Messages

1999-05-09 Thread Jayson Baird
Anyone know of a spot where I can get common or rare error messages for
kernel(2.2.5) compiles?


Jayson S. Baird
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter -- Yoda

X Error

1999-05-09 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
I have X installed in my new Debian 2.1.3 (Slink). Sometimes X stops and an
error occurs. It says:
Fatal Server Error:
Hung in ApmSync()

It seems that when this function is called it hungs my X (it seems that this
function is important because it happens often and then I have to reboot
linux because it is not possible to restart x. Can anyone be of help?


Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Page me at :
SBN Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

Re: moneydance 2.0

1999-05-09 Thread Phillip Deackes
Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there someone using moneydance 2.0? I have downloaded it, installed
 .deb, and then I ran the installer (sh install.bin) and... nothing
 happens. It
 just ask which java to use a choose it and them it gives the prompt.
 I succeded installing it under Solaris, so I may have to configure
 by hand. Is there anyone who has already done this?

Yes, I have been using the latest version and it is very good.
Unfortunately because of a non-working JDK with glibc 2.1 I am going to
have to go back to xfinans instead. If you are using glibc 2.0 you will
be OK.

Anyway, the installer does not work. You need to get these two files:

unzip both files into a directory of choice. I used
/usr/local/lib/moneydance. You then start  Moneydance with:

java -classpath /usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib/\
/usr/local/lib/moneydance/moneydance.jar Moneydance

Put all the above on one line and remove the '\' symbols.

Sean has had a lot of problem reports about the Moneydance installer -
it is patently not working on many boxes regardless of distribution.

Hope this helps.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.1 

Re: SCSI CDR+CD-ROM setup help needed (off-topic)

1999-05-09 Thread illusion
Since you say the CDR is terminated, I'm assuming it's last on the SCSI
chain. The Term Power jumper on the CDR is the jumper that sets
termination on or off on the device.  With that jumper shorted, the CDR
is a terminating device on the chain, so in your current setup, it
should be the last device on the SCSI chain.  The Parity jumper sets
SCSI parity to on or off.  If your SCSI card supports parity, and has
worked fine in the past, i would leave it on.  Your CD-ROM probably has
similar jumpers on it.  

One thing you may want to check is to make sure adding the CD-ROM didn't
change any of your devices (shouldn't have, but it never hurst to
check.).  You may also want to check to make sure your CD-ROM isn't
terminated (again, if it's not the last device on the chain).  And you
may also want to check your your burner software to be sure the rc files
aren't looking to try to burn to the reader.   

Hope that helps at least a little...:-)


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I had a CDR that was working perfectly. I bought a SCSI CD-ROM, and
 when I connected it the CDR stoped working. When I boot up the devices
 are displayed this way:
 Device No.  Adapter SCSI ID LUN
 81  0   2   0   Pioneer DR966 ... (The CD-ROM)
 82  0   6   0   Matshita ... (The CDR)
 The CDR is terminated, and CD-Rom unterminated.
 Whenever I try to burn a CD, even from an image on a HD, it starts the
 regular way (TOC and stuff), but then when the actual data is supposed
 to be written, it seems like it is misdirected to the CD-ROM (it
 starts clicking for a second, asif seeking for a disk), and I get
 Drive not ready error. The same thing happens when using different
 1. Is there anything funny with my setup?
 2. What are the jumpers Term Power (shortened) and Parity (shortened)
 on my CDR?
 Otherwise the both drives work (read data, extract DAE) w/o a problem.
 FWIW, the SCSI card is a PCI SCSI2, QlogicISP10.
 Thanks a lot for any input!!!
 Arcady Genkin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-05-09 Thread Johan Pettersson

try to put my hd in standby/sleep, but it dose not 
work so well. When I type hdparm -y/Y /dev/hda I can
hear my hd spindown for 2-5 sec and then it goes back
to normal mode! Does anyone know why it does not stay 
in standby/sleep mode ? (have a IBM Deskstar 10,1 7200Rpm)

//thx Johan

Re: NEW Samba + Printer woes

1999-05-09 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: NEW Samba + Printer woes
Date: Sun, May 09, 1999 at 02:36:22PM +0200

In reply to:Michael Steiner

Quoting Michael Steiner([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 The printcap is designed to work with a remote printer, e.g. I use such
 an entry for a hplj with a build-in ethernet interface.
 If you like to use local printers (direct conected to your machine) then
 you have to define them in the 'lp' line without 'rm' and 'rp' line.
 After this step you can make it usable to others on the network via

I have my Linux printer available to my network also but don't use
either 'rm' or 'rp' entries.  Must be another way to skin a cat.

Thanks for the info!  I will add that to my samba notes.


Real Time, adj.:
  Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there and then.

Re: 2 network cards

1999-05-09 Thread MR
At 01:58 PM 5/9/99 +0200, you wrote:
On Sat, 8 May 1999, MR wrote:

 I have two network cards (1 Intel etherexpress 16, 1 NE2000) in a debian
 system. Both are detected on boot up and both are ifconfig'd. This system
 will be used to connect my little LAN through IP masq to the Internet. For
 various reasons, I am only able to have 1 IP, so that is why I am messing
 around with all this. My problem is that I can not ping another machine on
 my internal LAN from the linux box. The internal LAN is numbered
 192.168.1.x (with the linux box being .1 and the one I am trying to ping
 .3) eth0 is my external card and eth1 is the internal one. If I set up a
 route for the internal lan (route add -net eth1) I can ping (itself), but get a ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 when trying to ping another machine on the internal lan. Any ideas? I have
 tried pinging the linux box from the other machine (which runs Win98). I
 get both activity lights going like they should on the hub and on a card
 from each computer, so the connection is there. Thanks in advance.

Have you also set up the netmask and broadcast address for eth1?

In your case, try netmask= and broadcast=

Yes. Here is how it is all setup:

# this is done already at boot time..
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add -net
route add default gw metric 1

ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast
route add -net netmask dev eth1
# now I can ping, but get the sendto error when trying any others

Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Re: Some newbie questions

1999-05-09 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
to remove xdm :
try :
Ctrl+R in the xlogin
or as root, in shell :

counting traffic

1999-05-09 Thread Vaidas

Does somebody know the simple way to count traffic bytes in/out debian

Any danger in dselecting emacs packages?

1999-05-09 Thread André Bell
I've been reading a lot online that emacs takes up a lot of space and
sometimes causes strange things to happen on the screen and within debian's
setup. One online message jokingly hinted that maybe microsoft created
emacs due to the multiple issues that occur when running emacs.

I plan on networking my pc  linux as well as play games, play music
software, run perl scripts remotely, and run a pbtv card in the system.
With that in mind, do you know if there any dangers in me running dselect
on emacs packages? Are there any disadvantages to not having emacs
installed in my system?



Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread André Bell
Here's a LARGE link to 1,370 debian files/apps via hotbot search (many of
them are at You may need to cut and paste the URL below if
it is altered by my email writer before reaching you:

Here's an html link to the same place if html links are supported:
1,370 debian files via hotbot search/a

Re: Diagnostic message with Netscape 4.51 and Hamm

1999-05-09 Thread Todd 'Snoopy' Harper
Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
 Todd 'Snoopy' Harper wrote:
  I'm currently still running hamm, and I've installed Netscape 4.51
  using the installer package (4.0-12).  When I try to compose a new
  message in Messenger, I get a subprocess diagnostic dialog box
 I think it could come from 2 sources:
 1- You told Netscape to always convert html to plain text,

Nope.  I tried composing both plain text messages and HTML messages
and they both give the error message.

 2- You choose the MIME format (wich need a conversion any time)
 Try to de activate one by one.

Tried both 8-bit and MIME... still the same.

I also renamed my .mime.types and .mailcap in the off change that
it caused the problem, but no go.  Any other suggestions or pointers?


For Sale:  Parachute.  Only used once.  Never opened.  Small stain.

mutt: maildir-mbox

1999-05-09 Thread Attila Csosz
Using mutt I'd like to change from Maildir to mbox. What should I do?
1. Which type of mbox_type should I set?

2. set folder=~/Maildir  # where i keep my mailboxes
  what to be in this case?

3. set sendmail=/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject   # how to deliver mail
  using exim: what to be this in this case?

I use fetchmail, procmail.


Debian 2.1/2.0.36

[Q] How to compile a deb source pacjage

1999-05-09 Thread mxu1

A short question:

Does anyone know how to compile a debian source package into a binary?

Min Xu  
City College of NY, CUNY
Tel:(O) (212) 650-6865
(O) (212) 650-5046
(H) (212) 690-2119  

Re: Any danger in dselecting emacs packages?

1999-05-09 Thread paul Huygen
Andr Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been reading a lot online that emacs takes up a lot of space and
sometimes causes strange things to happen on the screen and within debian's
setup [..]

do you know if there any dangers in me running dselect
on emacs packages?

As far as I know, there are no dangers in installing Emacs. Emacs
takes a lot of memory, but it is a great editor that you can use for
nearly everything, and memory is cheap nowadays.

 Are there any disadvantages to not having emacs
 installed in my system?

Yes, you can not use Emacs :-)
I do not know of other disadvantages.

Re: Any danger in dselecting emacs packages?

1999-05-09 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 I've been reading a lot online that emacs takes up a lot of space and
 sometimes causes strange things to happen on the screen and within debian's
 setup. One online message jokingly hinted that maybe microsoft created
 emacs due to the multiple issues that occur when running emacs.

I probably have missed those messages. For me Xemacs is working very good.
(except, Xemacs 19 is stuck in broken mode in dselect, and doesnt want to
leave. ) It's working better than Netscape 4.5, which from time to time
creates zombie processes on me, which take up 17M of ram.

 I plan on networking my pc  linux as well as play games, play music
 software, run perl scripts remotely, and run a pbtv card in the system.
 With that in mind, do you know if there any dangers in me running dselect
 on emacs packages? Are there any disadvantages to not having emacs
 installed in my system?

Again, there could be some danger, I don't know.
Emacs is just convinient text-editor. Pretty good for programming.
Unfortunately, it is bulky. No disadvantages of not having it in your
system, except you would be missing the wonderful psychoanalyst Zippy.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Compiling non-debian source

1999-05-09 Thread Jake Bishop
pkgs be
dpkg (like
the kernel

Thank you

Re: Q: multi-cd method.

1999-05-09 Thread Steve McIntyre
Tony Schonfeld writes:
On Sun, 9 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, you need to insert the second or last CD of your multi-cd
 archive first if you have more than one cd.. I don't know why but from
 the Debian Installation Manual that's the correct way to roll..

That's correct.

here i've use apt-get -f dist-upgrade first , second i've use a multi-cd
method but if i insert only CD #1 and try UPDATE with deselect the 
database seem not complete up-to-date , in second time after try UPDATE
with CD #2 i've a complete packages list and Deselect can tell to me 
CD #1 or #2 for the correct need.

OK, you seem to have it correct now. The way the multi-cd method is set up
as follows:

the file on CD#1 knows about packages on CD#1
the file on CD#2 knows about packages on CD#1 and CD#2

and if you have the two source CDs and an optional CD#5 with non-free then

the file on CD#5 knows about packages on CD#1, CD#2 and CD#5

So, whatever combination of CDs you have, you should run Update from
dselect with the _last binary CD_ of your set in your CD-ROM drive. There
should be a file called README.multicd on each of your CDs which says

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
  must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
  far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
  knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

help with dynamic linker

1999-05-09 Thread Chad Reichenbach
I updated some of my packages to the unstable versions to try out the latest
gnome packages.  I subsequently removed the gnome-packages.  But now I
the following message when trying to complie a C++ program:

bash-2.01$ g++ -o ass4 assign4.cpp
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dynamic-link.h: 57: elf_get_dynamic_info: 
Assertion `! bad dynamic tag' failed!

I have the following packages that I thing are relavent:

ii  bin86   0.14.3-1   16-bit assembler and loader
ii  binutils2.   The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti
ii  cpp 2.91.66-1  The GNU (egcs) C preprocessor.
ii  g++ 2.91.66-1  The GNU (egcs) C++ compiler.
ii  gcc 2.91.66-1  The GNU (egcs) C compiler.
ii  gdb 4.17-4.m68k.ob The GNU Debugger
ii  ldso1.9.11-2   The Linux dynamic linker, library and utilit
ii  libc5   5.4.46-3   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  libc6   2.1.1-2GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone
ii  libc6-dev   2.1.1-2GNU C Library: Development libraries and hea
ii  libg++2.8   2.90.29-2  The GNU C++ extension library - old runtime
ii  libstdc++  The GNU stdc++ library (old egcs version)
ii  libstdc++  The GNU stdc++ library (egcs version)
ii  libstdc++2.9-gl 2.91.66-1  The GNU stdc++ library (egcs version)

If I would back out to the stable versions of whatever is at the unstabled
versions, I would be ok, but I do not know how to downgrade a package.

Some help please.


Chad Reichenbach

Re: [Q] How to compile a deb source pacjage

1999-05-09 Thread Gregory T. Norris
It's pretty easy, usually.

1) Download the source components into the directory of your choice.
   There should be either two or three files: *.orig.tar.gz, *.dsc, and
   *.diff.gz (not present if it's a native Debian package).

2) Enter the command dpkg-source -x packagename.dsc.  This will
   unpack the source into the packagename directory, which will be

3) Go into the unpacked source directory, and issue the command
   debian/rules build.

4) Issue the command fakeroot debian/rules binary.  Assuming that you
   have all of the necessary development packages installed, your
   debfile will be created in the parent directory.

If you get any errors about required files/commands not being present,
you can find out what packages you need to install by doing a package
search at the Debian website.  Just follow the Debian Packages link on
the main page.

On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 03:15:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A short question:
 Does anyone know how to compile a debian source package into a binary?

Re: Compiling non-debian source

1999-05-09 Thread Ed Cogburn
Jake Bishop wrote:
 pkgs be
 dpkg (like
 the kernel
 Thank you

No, dpkg only knows how to handle Debian packages that end in
'.deb'.  The kernel sources are in '.tar.gz' format which requires
the use of the programs 'tar' and 'gzip'; man tar.  Note however,
that a deb package of the kernel sources exists in slink (maybe

Ed C.

Re: [Q] How to compile a deb source pacjage

1999-05-09 Thread Matt Garman
On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 03:15:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A short question:
 Does anyone know how to compile a debian source package into a binary?

If you have the source package, which usually consists of three files, 
the *.dsc, the *.orig.tar.gz, and the *.diff.gz, you need only do the
following to unpack the source:
dpkg-source -x *.dsc
That will create a directory having the same name as the package.
Change to that directory, and run the following command:
debian/rules binary
That will run the rules script in the debian directory, with the
binary argument which says just create the *.deb binary package.  That 
should be sufficient in most cases (except for XFree86 :)


And though the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Printing from octave

1999-05-09 Thread Richard Harran
Could someone please tell me how to get octave to print graphs
(preferably to a file).  I've tried RTFM, but it's not really helping me

Thanks in advance


Problems with sending mail from mutt via DIP

1999-05-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!

When I send mail from my home, the message header contains the sender
address  from my fake home domain ([EMAIL PROTECTED], nasz.dom is my 
unregistred local domain with IP's 192.168.*.*).
This results in rejecting of my mail by many addressees (error:
sender domain must resolve).
Setting the my_hdr From:  to my official e-mail address didn't solve this
I didn't have such problems with pine, so I have compared the mutt generated
messages with pine's ones in /var/spool/smail (before the sending), and using
the tryfail method I've found the following solution - I've added the
following line to my .muttrc :

set sendmail=/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -om -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
 -oMs wzab.nasz.dom -oMa -oMr smtp

It results with one warning in the smail's logfile:

05/09/1999 21:46:46: remote EHLO: questionable operand: 'wzab.nasz.dom': \
from wzab.nasz.dom( source []: \
Unknown host.

But the mail gets delivered.
Is there anything wrong with my solution? How could it be done in more
elegant way?
Wojciech Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Use Linux - save your data and time

wav mp3

1999-05-09 Thread Alexander Gutfraind
Hello Guys!

Can anybody point to a software for converting .wav to mp3,
or at least converting
anything to mp3 compression?


wav mp3

1999-05-09 Thread Alexander Gutfraind
begin 644 Happy99.exe
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Re: update-menus

1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Chung
 Looks like I have opened a can of worms here.  Looks like I will
 change WM to fvwm and start this all over again.
 Andrew, what WM are you running and do you see any of the above

Here's what I added to get the menu entries:
In ~/.menu/tcd:
?package(tcd):needs=text title=tcd \
section=Apps/Sound command=/usr/bin/tcd
And in ~/.menu/gtcd:
?package(tcd):needs=x11 title=gtcd \
   section=Apps/Sound command=/usr/X11R6/bin/gtcd

Then update-menus and it works perfectly... FYI, I'm using v1.5-19 of the
menu package and 0.53.0-2 of WindowMaker. Also note that you can have only
one menu entry per file...

Also check your wmaker menu files. ~/GNUStep/Defaults/WMRootMenu should 
contain menu.hook and ~/GNUStep/Library/WindowMaker/menu.hook should have
your current menu structure. 

If this doesn't work, maybe try 'update-menus -d 2 log' and then look through
log.. It *should* have a line like 

Update-menus[13336]: ADDING: command=/usr/bin/tcd needs=text
section=Apps/Sound title=tcd

See for PGP key

It's a sin only if you dwell on the what ifs and the but ifs

  1   2   >