Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Felipe Sanchez

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 Estoy pensando en comprarme un portatil y me gustarma que alguien que
 ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
 Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
 (!malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustarma llevarme sorpresas luego con
 hardware no soportado.


Yo tengo un Compaq Armada 1510, que creo que ya no lo venden. En principio
todo funciona bajo debian excepto el puerto infrarojo, pero en realidad
tampoco intente instalarle unos drivers experimentales que andaban dando
vueltas por ahi. 

En todo caso no te lo recomiendo. A pesar que funciona bien con debian,
exactamente un a~o y un mes despues de comprarlo el disco duro se pego una
patinada y se cargo un inode de los importantes... todavia estoy
recogiendo los pedazos de lo que quedo de esa particion... y el portatil
tenia garantia de un a~o solamente. Un amigo que tiene un Compaq Presario
tambien ha tenido problemas con la poca durabilidad del hardware, de
manera que no te recomiendo Compaq para nada.

He escuchado que los Toshiba son bastante buenos y debian-compatibles.

Felipe Sanchez

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread jon
un colega tiene un toshiba 2540cds,va bien menos el modem,que parece que es un 
en los manuales no dice nada de eso.
por lo demas le tira perfecto..

Rafael Cordones Marcos escribió:


 Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
 ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
 Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
 (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
 hardware no soportado.


 Rafa C. Marcos
 BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Port`til para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Felipe Sanchez

Hola de nuevo Rafael,

Existe un sitio dedicado especialmente a linux en portatiles. Hay tanta
informacion y sobre tantos modelos que de mirarlo unos se cansa, pero creo
que ahi encuentras lo que necesitas. Incluso salen consejos e historias
exitosas de como pedir un reembolso por lo que pagas por guindous si no lo
vas a usar.

La URL es

Espero que te sirva. A mi me ayudo mucho.

Felipe Sanchez

Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-14 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Ignacio J. Alonso wrote:

 Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero por más
 que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido solucionarlo.. Supongamos que
 estoy como usuario ijalonso y arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a
 la consola virtual 2 y entro como usuario mic y tambien quiero trabajar en
 x-window. Pues no se como hacerlo ¿? 

Prueba con:
startx -- :1 

Si el primer servidor X te arrancó en el vt7, éste te arrancará en el vt8

Curiosamente, si arranco los dos en la misma profundidad de color,
WindowMaker se queja de que ya hay otro gestor de ventanas corriendo; sin
embargo, si arranco uno en 8 bits y otro en 16, ambos funcionan
perfectamente. Alguien sabe por qué?
 ¿como se puede hacer esto? ¿alguna lectura que me sirva de ayuda? :-)

man X ;)


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 jon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  un colega tiene un toshiba 2540cds,va bien menos el modem,que
  parece que es un winmodem,qunque en los manuales no dice nada de
  eso.  por lo demas le tira perfecto..

 ya que va de recomendaciones, alguien por aquí tiene una Dell (un
 modelo reciente, pero no sé exactamente cual), y yo la verdad me
 quedé asustado: funciona que es una maravilla (video, sonido, pcmcia,
 ...).  Aparentemente los modems que pone Dell funcionan con Linux,
 pero no sé, porque esta en particular tenía un modem comprado en otra
 parte.  Yo he llamado a Dell un par de veces, y la última vez
 pregunté ¿puedo no poner Windows y utilizar Linux en su lugar y aún
 así no invalidar la garantía?, y me contestaron sí.


Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Ignacio J. Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero
  por más que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido
  solucionarlo.. Supongamos que estoy como usuario ijalonso y
  arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a la consola virtual 2
  y entro como usuario mic y tambien quiero trabajar en
  x-window. Pues no se como hacerlo ¿?

 $ startx -- :1


Re: mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-14 Thread horacio molina
en el setup elijo MouseSystems, no le habilito la opcion Emulate3Buttons,
tampoco ChordMiddle y en el XF86Config me queda esto:

Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse

le he agregado ClearDTR y ClearRTS por las dudas y tampoco.

/dev/mouse apunta a /dev/ttyS1 y esto es correcto.

que mas hay por hacer?


 ejecuta XF86Setup,mira ahi a ver

  (o_   Horacio Molina 
  //\Com. Riv. - Argentina
  V_/_ Linux User #120586

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 01:47:15PM +0200, César Talón wrote:
  Perdonar esta disertación, pero realmente me parece que éste es un tema
  realmente importante para el futuro de la distribución. Si partimos de la
  base de que una de las bazas fuertes de esta colaboración con la gente de
  Corel es que todos nos podremos beneficiar de su esfuerzo, tal y como un
  posible frontend gráfico para la instalación y ese tipo de herramientas que
  algunos parecen echar de menos en Debian y que sí encuentran en RH...
  (bueno, ya tenemos el linuxconf en paquete debian ;)
 También tenemos desde hace un par de meses un frontend gráfico para la
 primera parte de la instalación (hasta cuando se reinicia el sistema y
 pide la contraseña de root), sin que Corel haya aportado nada aún. De
 momento parece que están centrando sus esfuerzos en reinventar el dpkg y
 el apt (no sólo el dselect, sino todo el conjunto).

Bueno pues como es lógico ambos son GPL. Me pregunto si la palabra 
reinventar significa que van a tomar partes de los fuentes (Esto implica que
los programas quedarían bajo GPL), o que no van a utilizar ninguna parte de 
los fuentes, o que solo van a mirar los fuentes, o ni siquiera eso.

Eso de reinventar una cosa GPL convendría matizarlo mejor si es que teneis
información, y sino a esperar a ver que sale. Almenos el tipo de licencia
que usará Corel me gustaría saberlo. 
 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal [EMAIL PROTECTED].

/\ /\  (Tablon de anuncios en) 
 _|0 0|_   
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Nombres de Archivo (errata)

1999-06-14 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 18.30 11/6/99 +0100, you wrote:
Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Pues ese tema fue discutido en Septiembre del año pasado y sugerimos
 várias soluciones diferentes; la solución que mas me gustó fué la
 que dió Enrique:
 for i in *; do j=`echo $i | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`; move -i $i $j; done

Donde dice move, lease mv. Y el Enrique del que hablo es 
Enrique Zanardi.

Jaime Villate

Gracias a todos
 / /  _ La oportunidad de
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __   dominar tu ordenador 
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ Linux User #98249
|  |
|  Miguel Pérez Colino |
|  |

RE: Red e Internet

1999-06-14 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Cuando dices que ve a todo el mundo en tu red, te refieres a que puedes
 hacer ping, telnet o ftp a estas maquinas desde la tuya, ¿no?. Si es
 asi, esto significa que los paquetes saben como ir y volver a tu

Pues eso sí. De hecho tengo un server ftp en un SCO y me conecto tan

 Tampoco es que aportes mucha informacion: ¿llegas con un ping?, ¿recibes
 algun mensaje al intentar acceder?, ¿accedes a algun servicio (como el
 correo SMTP), o no logras conectar con ningun puerto?.

 - que servicios tienes habilitados, y si el demonio que atiende ese
   servicio esta corriendo; en particular, mira el inetd, y su
   configuracion en inetd.conf (este normalmente es el que atiende las
   peticiones ftp...)
 - mira si el servicio necesita dar permiso a otras maquinas para su uso;
   en particular, si el demonio se ejecuta a traves de un TCP wrapper
   (tcpd), seguira la politica de acceso de este (ficheros
   /etc/host.allow y /etc/host.deny).

El host.deny está en blanco, y en el allow tengo puesto el ALL:ALL.

 ¿Que salida te da netstat -r?. ¿Puedes llegar -hacer ping- al
 router?. Deberias tener una ruta estatica hacia tu router, y otra que
 redirigiera los paquetes a este cuando su destino no esta en tu red.

Si hago un ping al router me contesta correctamente.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Diccionario Ingles-Español

1999-06-14 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

¿Conoces dict? Es un estándar para acceso a diccionarios. Más
info en Está dividido en dos partes. Un
servidor que es quien realmente maneja los diccionarios, y un cliente
que interaccioan con el usuario. Permite, por ejemplo, consulta
remota, y hay varios clientes. Uno de ellos (wordinspect) es muy
parecido al que tu has hecho (juzgando por el GIF que he visto en tu
página). Si quieres verlo, todo viene con Debian 2.1.

Lo bueno de usar el modelo de dict es que tratas completamente 
por separado el diccionario en sí, el código para acceder a él (el
servidor) y el código para intraccionar con el usuario (el
cliente). Te animo a que modifiques tu programa para que interaccione
con un servidor dict. Seguramente puedes coger la parte que te haga
falta de wordinspect. Y a construir el diccioanrio como uno para dict
(en eso te puedo ayudar, estoy terminando de hacer exactamente eso
para el Glosario de Internet de Rafael Calvo, que pretendo hacer
paquete Debian cuando Rafa me cambie la licencia...)


PS: Por cierto, otros interfaces para dict son el WWW (que podéis ver
en (hacia el final de la
página), y uno muy bien integrado con xemacs (y creo que también con
emacs), que podéis bajaros de

Alfredo Casademunt writes:
  He reescrito en C y con las librerías GTK+ 1.2 el diccionario
  de Ingles-Español de Jose Luis Triviño, en principio para
  hacerlo mas usable y al final le he añadido también un botón
  de aprender y otro de búsqueda exacta. Lo he puesto en
  Y de paso también he dejado en el mismo sitio el script que
  uso para hacer rápidamente paquetes Debian.
  Un saludo.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 10:10:36AM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
  Tambi?n tenemos desde hace un par de meses un frontend gr?fico para la
  primera parte de la instalaci?n (hasta cuando se reinicia el sistema y
  pide la contrase?a de root), sin que Corel haya aportado nada a?n. De
  momento parece que est?n centrando sus esfuerzos en reinventar el dpkg y
  el apt (no s?lo el dselect, sino todo el conjunto).
 Bueno pues como es l?gico ambos son GPL. Me pregunto si la palabra 
 reinventar significa que van a tomar partes de los fuentes (Esto implica que
 los programas quedar?an bajo GPL), o que no van a utilizar ninguna parte de 
 los fuentes, o que solo van a mirar los fuentes, o ni siquiera eso.
 Eso de reinventar una cosa GPL convendr?a matizarlo mejor si es que teneis
 informaci?n, y sino a esperar a ver que sale. Almenos el tipo de licencia
 que usar? Corel me gustar?a saberlo. 

El desarrollo lo poniendo en un CVS público alojado en un servidor
de Debian, y parece que será GPL. Cuando hablo de reinventar me refiero a
que de momento lo que está apareciendo por ese CVS son una serie de
ficheros en C++ con clases y métodos para instalar y configurar paquetes 
deb, o sea, lo que hace el dpkg. Supongo que se habrán mirado los fuentes
del dpkg, pero en todo caso no parece que vayan a reutilizar nada.
Supongo que prefieren rediseñarlo a partir de las especificaciones.

Para que no haya malos entendidos, a mi no me parece mal que saquen su
propio dpkg, su propio dselect, su propio apt, aunque hubiese preferido
que colaborasen con nosotros en el desarrollo del dpkg y el apt, en vez
de dividir esfuerzos...  

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
 ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
 Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
 (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
 hardware no soportado.
 Rafa C. Marcos
 BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Mira en

Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:
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En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal [EMAIL PROTECTED].
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 _|0 =|_   ++
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Sobre NFS

1999-06-14 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
   Hola a todos, me gustaría aprender cómo se instala en un ordenador
con Debian 2.1 el NFS, y cómo podría conectarme desde otra máquina
con Debian 2.1 al NFS de dicho sistema. Podríais orientarme sobre
dónde obtener información sobre este tema.

Gracias y un saludete.


Re: Impresoras y Tarjetas Gráficas

1999-06-14 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Jun 10, 1999,
~ Miguel P.C. ~...

 ¿Ha salida ya el sevidor de X  para S3 Trio 3D 2X en paquete

Yo tengo  una AGP de  4Mb con ese chip,  y de momento  solo me
funciona el servidor VGA a 16 colores, :-(

Me pasé por  la web de XFree  y para la versión  actual no dan
soporte específico.

Aunque  creo  que  es  un problema  de  frecuencias. Tengo  un
monitor  VGA, y  parece que  esta placa  para VGA  256 colores
necesita una frecuencia más alta de la estandard. Al menos eso
es lo que yo deduzco.

Me han dicho que pruebe  a configurarla con el Frame Buffer,
pero creo que  incluso hay que recompilar el  kernel, y además
el 2.0.36 no tiene nada al  respecto, así que todavía no lo he

Cuando tenga más tiempo probaré con el monitor de un amigo.

También me comentaron que en  la versión (o 3.3.4?) de
Xwindow a lo mejor salía un servidor específico.

Tu verás.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano Revista Open Resources LinuxFocus

Re: Sobre NFS

1999-06-14 Thread daniel

Creo que hay un howto sobre el tema en, míralo, en cualquier
caso y para que vayas empezando, el soporte NFS en linux va a través del
kernel, has de compilar el kernel con soporte para NFS...



PD: Un saludo para Hue-Bond..

 image moved   debian-user-spanish @ 
 to file:  14/06/99 14:19 

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish @
CC:  (CCI: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Sobre NFS

   Hola a todos, me gustaría aprender cómo se instala en un ordenador
con Debian 2.1 el NFS, y cómo podría conectarme desde otra máquina
con Debian 2.1 al NFS de dicho sistema. Podríais orientarme sobre
dónde obtener información sobre este tema.

Gracias y un saludete.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Description: Binary data

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Barbwired
Rafael Cordones Marcos escribió:
 Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
 ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.

Dell Inspiron 3000. Va muy bien. En mi página explico cómo configuré las
cosas más imprescindibles y tengo links a otras páginas de portátiles.

 Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
 (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
 hardware no soportado.

No regales tu dinero. No te dejes, a ver si empezamos a hacernos oir.

Dear Lord: Please make my words sweet and tender, 
_ for tomorrow I may have to eat them.
Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense de Madrid 
Web personal (aenima y linux):
Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (Kernels 2.2.9  2.3.5) - PGP ID-0x03C87C81

Re: mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-14 Thread Barbwired
horacio molina escribió:
 que mas hay por hacer?

xf86config es un script muy sencillo y potente. Tal vez tengas más suerte.

Dear Lord: Please make my words sweet and tender, 
_ for tomorrow I may have to eat them.
Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense de Madrid 
Web personal (aenima y linux):
Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (Kernels 2.2.9  2.3.5) - PGP ID-0x03C87C81

Re: Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-14 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [990612 18:22] Xose Manoel Ramos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 Desde que he cambiado de Hamm a Slink me han comenzado a surgir
 problemas con la hora de mi ordenador. Desde entonces es casi una
 casualidad de que mi ordenador esté en hora. O está una hora atrasada
 o unos minutos. Atrasa muchísimo.
 Pero quería preguntar en el grupo ¿conoceis algún problema
 relacionado con el nuevo script? ¿Algún otro programa que pueda
 afectar al sistema?
Hola, hace poco me paso eso (no recuerdo debido a cual de las 300 de
actualizaciones :) ) el programa que controla el funcionamiento del reloj de
linux es adjtimex.
Perdona por no ser mas explicito, pero recuerdo que tuve que hacer unos
calculos ya que adjtimexconfig no funcionaba muy bien que digamos (y bue,
ahora adelanta 1 segundo cada 3 dias, algo es algo).
Te recomiendo leer el man y mirar /etc/adjtime y /etc/adjtimex.conf 
ahhh y de paso en los scripts de arranque fijate que hacen con esos
PD: creo que una nocion se alojo en mi cabeza: al parecer lo que hace
adjtimexconfig es editar /etc/init.d/adjtimex y cambiar el valor de TICK y
FREQ, pero /etc/init.d/adjtimex toma esos valores solo si no existe
/etc/adjtimex.conf, y creo que supuestamente adjtimexconfig deberia
actualizar /etc/adjtimex.conf y no lo hace y es por eso que a mi no me
cambiaba nada con adjtimexconfig, osea proba borrando /etc/adjtimex.conf y
ejecutando adjtimexconfig. De ultima usas adjtimex y copias el resultado a
PD2: se necesita redactora, buena presencia, bilingue (argento y esp :) ),
con o sin experiencia, AD HONOREM

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.7  Usuario Reg. N. 85920
PGP Public Key 0x4A2036B5

Re: modem -------------------- pci

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 03:25:16PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me acabo de comprar un modem motorola pci interno de 56Kb.

es un motorola maxsenger? es un winmodem, no funciona con linux.


Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 08:41:43PM +, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que ya
 tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo. Lo de
 comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido (¡malditos
 ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con hardware no

Pues sigo la cadena :-))) Toshiba 220CS. Va muy bien. Me falta echar a andar
el sonido, pero se que se puede y tengo por ahi posts donde cuentan como
hacerlo (pero no me interesa el tema especialmente :))

Tampoco he echado a andar los infrarrojos, que tampoco me interesan
demasiado (no conozco a nadie con portatil para comunicarme) y en la web de
Toshiba tampoco hay demasiada informacion sobre el tema :(

Ya no se vende, pero va perfecto.

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.9 | Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q |

Re: el FTP de DEBIAN español tiene problemas o que?

1999-06-14 Thread RESET

 En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], daniel

daniel Hola,

daniel Os escribo para preguntar si todos teneis los mismos
daniel problemas que yo cas= i todas las semanas con el
daniel, si no es con un paquete en = concreto
daniel es con uno de los ficheros de la lista de paquetes, pero
daniel siempre= acaba ocurriendo algo... =BFsabeis un ftp de
daniel Debian que est=E9 cerquita = y que no de tantos problemas?
daniel Este ya me tiene un poco harto...  --=20


Puedes verlos en dselect, si eliges como método de acceso ftp,
utilizando la lista de réplicas (excepto el segundo).

Un saludo.

RESET   | ``... agendas plateadas y pisapapeles con peces y
|   cajas de papelería y sacacorchos y discos compactos
N. F. Pardo |   y pelotas de tenis personalizadas y pedómetros
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   y cafeteras...''
|American Psycho, B. E. Ellis

Re: copia correo saliente con exim

1999-06-14 Thread RESET

 En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Jon Noble [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Jon Hola, alguien sabe si es posible guardar una copia del correo
Jon saliente en algun sitio? Como MTA utilizo exim.

Jon Un saludo,

Jon Jon


Hay muchas formas distintas de hacer esto según el resultado que
quieras y el MUA y MTA que uses.  La más sencilla, probablemente, es
utilizar el MUA para que te envíe siempre una copia ciega (Bcc).
Esto tiene la ventaja de que puedes almacenar la copia (a través de
un filtro con exim) directamente en la carpeta, y verla y utilizarla
en tu programa de correo.

Otros lo guardan automáticamente, como Elm-me+ o Mutt (esto es mejor
que lo confirme algún usuario de Mutt), siempre que lo configures

Pero también puedes preferir que sea el MTA el que se ocupe del tema
(buena idea si cambias con frecuencia de MUA y quieres almacenar
los mensajes en un formato independiente). Aquí tienes
también muchas opciones distintas dependiendo de qué quieras.

Con exim, lo mejor es que mires /usr/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz, pero para
que veas un ejemplo rápido de ~/.forward:


# Exim filter

if $header_from: contains tu_nombre_de_usuario


unseen save $home/Mail/correo-saliente/



La forma anterior hace que cada mensaje se guarde en un archivo
independiente en el directorio `correo-saliente' de tu ~/Mail (tienes
que crearlo).

Si quieres que se guarde en un solo archivo, tienes que quitar la
barra final.

Por cierto, el nombre de usuario se refiere a tu nombre de usuario en
el sistema, no al From que definas en las reglas de reescritura.

Un saludo.

RESET   | ``... agendas plateadas y pisapapeles con peces y
|   cajas de papelería y sacacorchos y discos compactos
N. F. Pardo |   y pelotas de tenis personalizadas y pedómetros
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   y cafeteras...''
|American Psycho, B. E. Ellis

Problemas con Sendmail 8.9

1999-06-14 Thread Neko No Guchi
  Y es que al intentar arrancar el demonio del sendmail la cosa queda 
bloqueada. Simplemente eso, bloqueada. En principio, como no quería 
problemas nada más empezar, simplemente instalé los paquetes de 
dependencia y el sendmail. Y cuando intenta correr el demonio...

  ¿Alguien sabe porqué puede ser?

Libera tu mente y haz tu cuerpo salvaje.

Su Email Privado, Gratis en

Impresora HP

1999-06-14 Thread Benet Pomes
 Tengo   un impresora   HP   Lasserjet   4 L

  Como se  hace  para confirarla   bienporque  no me escriba  bien

   Tambien  tengo  un  modem RSDI  ASUSCOM   TA-200ST-D   en el   ttyS0

pero  no creo  que  funciona  demasiado bien   o  al maximo que  puede

 Ya lo tengo  funcionando  con estos  parametros


OK ATD972541000
begin:  vcard
fn: Benet  Pomes
n:  Pomes;Benet 
adr:Canal 7;;;Cabanes;Girona;17761;España
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  eb3cef
tel;work:   972677099
tel;home:   639524240
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE


1999-06-14 Thread Andre Leao Macedo

Estou com um problema. Estou usando o Mutt como leitor de email e 
gosto muito dele. Entretanto o fato de ele não ter um AddressBook às vezes 
incomoda. Alguém sabe de alguma solução para que eu não tenha que digitar o 
endereço toda vez que eu for mandar o mail para alguém?
Eu sei que o Pine tem esse recurso. O problema é que ele não é GPL, e 
não vem em binário na distribuição oficial. Já baixei o pine396-src.deb e o 
pine396-diffs.deb, e instalei todos os pacotes recomendados para compilar:


Só que na hora de compilar acotece o seguinte:

/usr/src/pine# dpkg-source -x pine_3.96M-2.dsc 
dpkg-source: extracting pine in pine-3.96M
dpkg-source: failure: exec patch: No such file or directory
dpkg-source: failure: patch gave error exit status 2

Se alguém puder me ajudar (me ensinando a usar o Mutt direito ou me 
ajudando a compilar o Pine) eu fico agradecido.

André Leão Macedo
| History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once  |
|  they have exhausted all other alternatives.|
|-- Abba Eban  |
| Andre Leao Macedo  | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  PGP Public Key in Home Page|

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Jose Carlos Benfati
Parece que o pine precisa do patch para compilar. Você poderia:
1. instalar o patch (dpkg -i patch*.deb)
2. levantar um bug contra o pine para que o patch entre na lista de

Jose Carlos Benfati
ZZP Consultoria

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Andre Leao Macedo wrote:

 Estou com um problema. Estou usando o Mutt como leitor de email e 
 gosto muito dele. Entretanto o fato de ele não ter um AddressBook às vezes 
 incomoda. Alguém sabe de alguma solução para que eu não tenha que digitar o 
 endereço toda vez que eu for mandar o mail para alguém?
 Eu sei que o Pine tem esse recurso. O problema é que ele não é GPL, e 
 não vem em binário na distribuição oficial. Já baixei o pine396-src.deb e o 
 pine396-diffs.deb, e instalei todos os pacotes recomendados para compilar:
 Só que na hora de compilar acotece o seguinte:
 /usr/src/pine# dpkg-source -x pine_3.96M-2.dsc 
 dpkg-source: extracting pine in pine-3.96M
 dpkg-source: failure: exec patch: No such file or directory
 dpkg-source: failure: patch gave error exit status 2
 Se alguém puder me ajudar (me ensinando a usar o Mutt direito ou me 
 ajudando a compilar o Pine) eu fico agradecido.
 André Leão Macedo
 | History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once  |
 |  they have exhausted all other alternatives.|
 |-- Abba Eban  |
 | Andre Leao Macedo  | |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  PGP Public Key in Home Page|
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Andre Leao Macedo writes:
 Estou com um problema. Estou usando o Mutt como leitor de email e 
 gosto muito dele. Entretanto o fato de ele não ter um AddressBook às vezes 
 incomoda. Alguém sabe de alguma solução para que eu não tenha que digitar o 
 endereço toda vez que eu for mandar o mail para alguém?

De /usr/doc/mutt/examples/sample.muttrc.gz :

# Aliases
#   alias name address [ , address ... ]

#alias exam \# to annoy michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#alias me Michael Elkins michael # me!
alias mutt-dev Mutt Development List [EMAIL PROTECTED] # power users
alias mutt-users Mutt User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias mutt-announce Mutt Announcement List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias wmaker WindowMaker Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tem um manual em /usr/doc/mutt.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian-br?

1999-06-14 Thread Christiano Anderson
Eu prefiro BR



Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 E aí pessoal?
 pt ou br?
 Quoting Hugo Cisneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Ola pessoal,
  Fiquei pensando aqui sobre as mensagens e respostas para a minha, vi que
  existe a pagina debian-pt mantida pelo Paulo Henrique, entao quero sugerir 
  coisa, por que não colocamos como Debian-br?
  Ficaria uma coisa mais ¨Brasil¨ :-)
  E como eu disse, posso disponibilizar o, ja estou
  O que acham?
  Hugo Cisneiros Eitch - UIN 6991401
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +55 (079) 2319608  The Linux Manual!
  Did you Linux-SE today? !!
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian-br?

1999-06-14 Thread Vinicius De Mario
Voto pelo br, ja que a ideia e uma distribuição brasileira


Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 E aí pessoal?
 pt ou br?
 Quoting Hugo Cisneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Ola pessoal,
  Fiquei pensando aqui sobre as mensagens e respostas para a minha, vi que
  existe a pagina debian-pt mantida pelo Paulo Henrique, entao quero sugerir 
  coisa, por que não colocamos como Debian-br?
  Ficaria uma coisa mais ¨Brasil¨ :-)
  E como eu disse, posso disponibilizar o, ja estou
  O que acham?
  Hugo Cisneiros Eitch - UIN 6991401
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +55 (079) 2319608  The Linux Manual!
  Did you Linux-SE today? !!
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 4º Encontro Carioca de Usuários de Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Lalo Martins
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 07:55:52PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 Desculpa se voce nao e' do Rio e esta recebendo essa mensagem...
 Dia 13/06 no Shoping Tijuca, 1º piso, praça de alimentação
 às 14:00 horas acontecerá o 4º encontro de usuários de Linux
 do Rio de Janeiro.

PH, olha só, tome mais cuidado :-) vc anunciou o encontro na
véspera... isso por sí já é ruim... mas a véspera ainda por cima
era sábado, então quem só lê mail do trabalho ficou sem saber.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 08:59:37AM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
 De /usr/doc/mutt/examples/sample.muttrc.gz :
 # Aliases
 #   alias name address [ , address ... ]
 #alias exam \# to annoy michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]

E para adicionar alguém aos aliases sem editar o muttrc, você
pode, se estiver em uma mensagem escrita por aquela pessoa,
pressionar a. O mutt vai perguntar o nome do alias.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: 4º Encontro Carioca de Usuários de Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
foi mal. :)
na verdade esses encontros sao com poucas pessoas.
E sao anunciados na lista [EMAIL PROTECTED] e no
[EMAIL PROTECTED] e na melhor pagina de Linux do Brasil ( Linux Club - :).
Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 07:55:52PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
  Desculpa se voce nao e' do Rio e esta recebendo essa mensagem...
  Dia 13/06 no Shoping Tijuca, 1º piso, praça de alimentação
  às 14:00 horas acontecerá o 4º encontro de usuários de Linux
  do Rio de Janeiro.
 PH, olha só, tome mais cuidado :-) vc anunciou o encontro na
 véspera... isso por sí já é ruim... mas a véspera ainda por cima
 era sábado, então quem só lê mail do trabalho ficou sem saber.
   I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
  Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  pgp key in the web page
 Debian GNU/Linux   --
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Colin Marquardt
* OhkumaTadayoshi  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
  Do you know the way to do this with emacs?
 i don't, no; sorry. have a look at though,
 there might be some configuration files there to do so.

 I have found that crypt++el package do that.

crypt++.el helps much in reading zipped files, but there is even a way
to grep through files in XEmacs (sorry, don´t know about FSF Emacs, but
it´ll have a similar command): M-x igrep-find. This gives you a buffer
with all the found matches, and selecting a line there will open that
file for you (possibly with help of crypt.el) and display it. For me,
igrep-find actually does a system call like that (all on one line:)

find /usr/doc/wvdial -type d \( -name SCCS -o -name RCS \) -prune -o
\( -type f -o -type l \) -name *.gz -print0 | xargs -0 -e zgrep -n
'GNU' /dev/null

(I hope the Debian standard installation also yields this call...)


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Alisdair McDiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I heard that there are OpenGL drivers for the Matrox Millennium
 G200 available for Linux, but I've looked on and
 everywhere else I can think of, and I can't find them anywhere.
 Does anyone know where they are?

Just two links I bookmarked:


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how do you 'unstable' a machine?

1999-06-14 Thread Shiraz Sayani
Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
  ... edited
 Now, I'd like to also install the GNOME package, and it's not available
  in the unstable distribution.  How do I make it install from the stable
  distribution?  Can I?  Won't there be missing parts?  Should I just wait
  until the stable version contains the new version of the X Server? (I'd
  rather not.  I like my Linux  ;-)   )  Do I have to re-install the
  system from scratch to undo this?
 There are a whole bunch of GNOME packages in unstable - have a look
 for yourself!  Pick a gnome app or two, and you'll find apt will drag
 in a whole bunch of libraries and things from unstable.
 Be warned, unstable is called unstable for a reason.  Sometimes, things
 will get broken.  It's the price you pay for having the latest and

There seem to be some 'stable' Debian GNOME packages from the
GNOME home site and its mirrors.
(A few other binary distributions also seem to be available).

I added 'deb slink main'
(substituting for my nearest mirror) and now I have a
stable slink (2.1) system with GNOME. The home page says
that GNOME is still beta, and 'stable' GNOME isn't as thoroughly
tested as 'stable' Debian, so there still seem to be a few bugs.

From what I've seen so far though, GNOME rocks big time.


Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-14 Thread Min Xu
Hi, there:

How about the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* stuff? 

If I want to keep the xemacs20 style, i.e., automatically source these 
starting up files, how can I do that?

Min Xu  
City College of NY, CUNY
Tel:(O) (212) 650-6865
(O) (212) 650-5046
(H) (212) 690-2119  

Problem with tape backup

1999-06-14 Thread William R Pentney

I have Bleeding Edge 2.0.34 installed, and I wish to use taper to back up.
But when I tried, I received a message saying Operation not supported by
device. I tried cat /dev/ftape and received the same message. Any

- thanks, Bill

Re: /var permissions ???

1999-06-14 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 03:49:46PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks like you should have cp -a (same as -dpR?) to preserve the
^^^ (a little ignarance goes a long way :(

 permissions for the subdirectories of /var.  Consider this:
 bart:~$ ls -ld /var
 drwxr-xr-x  19 root root 1024 May 15 23:24 /var
 bart:~$ ls -ld /var/catman
 drwxr-sr-x  12 man  root 1024 Jun 13 06:53 /var/catman

matching these permissions results in the same error.  chmod -R on /var/catman 
(to produce the same permissions from there down (up?) ) doesn't change this 

Is there anything besides the permisions that could be the problem?
(Please forgive my initial question I have two other functioning Debian systems 
and should check any other permissions myself)


ICQ:   39679408

Re: access beyond end of device

1999-06-14 Thread Peter Christensen
I wonder if my problem is related to this.  I've gotten the following
messages three times:

Partition check:  HDA:  HDA1  HDA2HDA5HDA3  HDA4
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:02:  rw=0, want=2, limit=1
ext2-fs:  unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
ext2-fs:  unable to read superblock
minix-fs:  unable to read superblock
[ms-dos fs rel 12, fat 0, check=n, conv=b, uid=0, gid=0, umask=022,
[me=0x0, cs=0, #f=0, fs=0, fl=0, ds=0, de=0, data=0, se=0, ts=0, ls=0,
rc=0, fc=4294967295]
transaction block size=512
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:02:  rw=0, want=33, limit=1
isofs_read_super:  bread failed, dev 03:02 iso-blknum 16 block 32
kernel panic:  VFS:  unable to mount root fs on 03:02

I have Windows 95 in one partition and Linux in another.  I only
recently installed Linux and haven't really done anything with it yet
because of this problem.  Someone in this user group some time ago
suggested that my partitions might be overlapping.  I re-installed
everything, going back to fdisk twice, to no avail.  Any other thoughts
on what I might do to solve this problem???

Peter Christensen

Re: equivs

1999-06-14 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 LC == Lex Chive [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LC So, did I miss something? How am I supposed to use equivs, I just
LC put the package name in /etc/equivs.conf and run debian/rules
LC binary, right?

The equivs package in slink doesn't work with apt too well. You would
have to bump up the version.

Install the equivs package from potato and read /usr/dow/equivs, as
the way of using the package has changed.

LC and while we're at this how can I tell equivs to declare other
LC package versions (eg if I want it to declare libc6 installed it
LC doesnt change dependancies for packages wanting libc6(=2.1))?

So you want to pretend you have libc6 2.1 installed? This doesn't
work, as dpkg doesn't have versioned provides (yes, everyone agrees
that it should be added).

Also, this doesn't make sense, if you don't have libc6 2.1 somewhere
on your system, as the packages demanding libc6 2.1 really need this
version to work.

Better you recompile the packages on your system (debian/rules binary
and such).


New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Jeremy W.
Hello all,
My new system, which I'll describe later in detail to see if there are 
compatibility inconsistencies, is being shipped to me, and my intent it to
put the Debian distribution on it, as I've heard it's probably the best
(though not most user-friendly) distribution. First, however, I'd like to
ask a few questions. I would greatly appreciate any response! :-)

1: How easy is it to install, and where can I find complete installation
2: Is KDE available for the Debian distribution? I've seen it, and it looks
like a very smooth transition from a Win32 environment.
3: Is there an included boot manager (gotta have win for my games :-)?
4: Is this (below) hardware supported, or where can I find a list that will
tell me if it is?

Dell Dimension:
Pentium III 500 mhz
TNT2 Vid Card 
(Can describe in more detail if nessecary. Is Diamond Viper 770D I 
Voodoo2 3d accelerator
(So I can have Glide support)
Soundblaster Live 512V
Altec Lansing ACS-495 Speakers
MS Intellimouse
Okay, I think that's all I'm worried about . . . If I should wonder about
another component tell me please.

Thank you for your time; any help will be appreciated-

xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Horvath Robert

I have a problem I tried to compile the following c program:

  #include X11/StringDefs.h
 #include X11/Intrinsic.h 
  #include X11/Xaw/Command.h 

void  main(argc,argv)
  int argc;
  char **argv; {
   Widget toplevel;
   Widget command;
   void quit();
   toplevel = XtInitialize(argv[0],simple,NULL, 0, argc, argv);
   command=XtCreateManagedWidget(press and die,commandWidgetClass,
toplevel, NULL, 0);
   XtAddCallback(command,XtNcallback,quit, NULL);


  void quit(w,client,call)
  Widget w;
  XtPointer client;
  XtPointer call; {



I typed:
$ gcc ki.c

I got he following message:

/tmp/ccc02603: In function `main':
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x1e): undefined reference to `XtInitialize'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x33): undefined reference to `commandWidgetClass'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `XtCreateManagedWidget'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x52): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x5b): undefined reference to `XtAddCallback'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x67): undefined reference to `XtRealizeWidget'
/tmp/ccc02603(.text+0x6f): undefined reference to `XtMainLoop'

Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Mon Jun 14 02:26:24

I would appreciate any help.
Robert Horvath 

Re: Matrox G200 and ATI 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread ferret

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, scratch wrote:

 On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm also looking for the G200 drivers. : Unfortunately, I no longer have
  my G200 machine, but I hope to be getting it again soon. Now to get OpenGL
  drivers for my Mach64. ;
 I presume that last one was a joke. Or isn't it?
 -- nico (i have a mach64 based card :))

Not at all a joke. I know right where on ATI's website where they say the
3D API for the mach64/mach128 cards is propriatery and private. On the
other hand, I recently received email from ATI's marketing department
which insinuates that the 'developers' (Xfree and/or OpenGL/Mesa
developers) have the 'programming information' (3D API documentation)

Can anyone confirm ATI's opening their 3D implimentation to development?

--Ian Dalton

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Carl Mummert

You need to specify to gcc the X library that contains all those functions.

Try something like:

  gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib file.c -lXt -lXaw

The profileration of those -l options isone reason that makefiles
are so popular.  


Re: How to get stats on modem?

1999-06-14 Thread Matt Garman
On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 07:24:21PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 I like WMppp in WindowMaker.

Another WindowMaker dock application that may be of interest: wmnet.
It works for ppp/modem connections, but also for ethernet

And though the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

I'm a relative newbie, but here's what I know

On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 06:30:01PM -0700, Jeremy W. wrote:

 1: How easy is it to install, and where can I find complete installation

Expect afew iterations before you get everything they way you want it, you 
shouldn't have any MAJOR problems.  If your getting debian on CD there should 
be an install file in plain text format.  If you're down loading check for the installation instructions.  When all else fails there's 
this list.

 2: Is KDE available for the Debian distribution? I've seen it, and it looks
 like a very smooth transition from a Win32 environment.

I don't use it, but I think so.  Any linux program will work with the Debian 
distribution working with *.tar.gz is just not quite as convienient as *.deb so 
it isn't much of an issue.

 3: Is there an included boot manager (gotta have win for my games :-)?

Yes it's called lilo (also syslinux is available to boot from whithin dos/win)

 4: Is this (below) hardware supported, or where can I find a list that will
 tell me if it is?

PIII: no problem

TNT2: Make sure you get XFree86 3.3.3 not 3.3.1 the newer version is in the 
potato distribution (current stable Debian 2.1 is Slink unstable is 
or you can get the tar balls from

Intelimouse: no problem

Other Hardware: I don't know check the Hardware HOWTO. Lots of linux 
documentation is available at the Linux Documentation Project site

Enjoy  Good Luck,

ICQ:   39679408

Re: access beyond end of device

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
On 13 Jun 99, at 20:08, Peter Christensen wrote:

 Partition check:  HDA:  HDA1  HDA2HDA5HDA3  HDA4
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 isofs_read_super:  bread failed, dev 03:02 iso-blknum 16 block 32
 kernel panic:  VFS:  unable to mount root fs on 03:02

One thing that springs to mind is that you might be trying to boot to a 
partition that extends past the 1024th cylinder.  Boot from a Debian 
rescue disk, enter fdisk from there, and check where your Linux 
partition begins and ends... if it ends past the 1024th cylinder, that's 
bad, if it begins past the 1024th cylinder, that's quite bad.  Real up 
on LBA and disk geometry if repartitioning is out of the question, 
something like EZ-BIOS could probably help.  (I was silly enough to 
forget I had EZ-BIOS installed, and accidently let lilo overwrite my 
MBR, which caused Bad Things -- gotta be careful with that).

That might not be it, but that's one of the things it could be.  Good 

 I have Windows 95 in one partition and Linux in another.  I only
 recently installed Linux and haven't really done anything with it yet
 because of this problem.  Someone in this user group some time ago
 suggested that my partitions might be overlapping.  I re-installed
 everything, going back to fdisk twice, to no avail.  Any other thoughts
 on what I might do to solve this problem???
 Peter Christensen

Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer

As root I moved a directory structure.  So that any user could read/write files 
I recursively changed modes for 
all files and directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *).  Dumb me, eh?  I now need 
to recursively change all directories only 
to xr instead of rw.  What is an easy and quick way to do this?  I thought of 
using 'ls -dR' and piping 'chmod' through it:

ls -dR | chmod 555 * 

but ls -d just gives me . .. and no directory names.

What should I do to change these rights?


bz2 hypermail archive of debian-user

1999-06-14 Thread Raghavendra Bhat

Hello :  Do visit the site
The debian-user mails have been put up by me starting from January 1999.
The hypermail archive has been bzipped and categorized according to
month. Hope someone finds this useful !

Can anyone who has got a T1 connexion send me the entire Debian-User 
mailing archive at on a CD/s, the gesture would be very 
much appreciated.  This resource would be useful in that it can be put
up at the site.  The snail-mail address is as follows:


Comments, flames and praise are welcome ...

ragOO, VU2RGU.
Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Horvath Robert
Thanks for your help Carl!

You have solved my problem.


Robert Horvath

On 14 Jun 1999, Carl Mummert wrote:

 You need to specify to gcc the X library that contains all those functions.
 Try something like:
   gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib file.c -lXt -lXaw
 The profileration of those -l options isone reason that makefiles
 are so popular.  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert Horvath Technical University of Budapest 

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:

 Had the same (under 2.0.36), its because the executable version on CDz is
 2.0.36-3, but when you compile, the version number is, by default 1.00.
 Change your revision number (read man make-dpkg) to a correct value, and 
 the original kernel.

Ah, that makes sense. So apt-get thinks the version I have installed is
older than the current one.

Thanks, I'll check that out.
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 The best way I've found around this is to use epochs when compiling my
 own kernel with make-kpkg:
 make-kpkg --revision=1:custom.1.0 kernel_image
 This is discussed in the kernel-package docs.

Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but what are epochs? Hmmm. I'm off to
change my revision number!

Thanks again
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Dpk
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

   As root I moved a directory structure.  So that any user could
   read/write files I recursively changed modes for all files and
   directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *).  Dumb me, eh?  I now need to
   recursively change all directories only to xr instead of rw.  What
   is an easy and quick way to do this?  I thought of using 'ls -dR'
   and piping 'chmod' through it:
   ls -dR | chmod 555 * 
   but ls -d just gives me . .. and no directory names.
   What should I do to change these rights?

chmod -R go-w+rX *

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU

debs for WindowMaker sound stuff?

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Since I've managed to get sound working to some degree, I thought I'd
play with some of the sound options of WM, only I can't seem to find any
debs for them. Does anyone know where I might find debs for WSoundPrefs,
wmsoundconfig, and WMSound? If not, then I guess I'll roll 'em myself.

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 : As root I moved a directory structure.  So that any user could read/write 
files I recursively changed modes for 
 : all files and directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *).  Dumb me, eh?  I now 
need to recursively change all directories only 
 : to xr instead of rw.  What is an easy and quick way to do this?  I thought 
of using 'ls -dR' and piping 'chmod' through it:
 : ls -dR | chmod 555 * 
 : but ls -d just gives me . .. and no directory names.
 : What should I do to change these rights?

cd to the base dir where you wish to change permissions, and do

  find . -type d | xargs chmod 555

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: ppp don't work

1999-06-14 Thread ktb
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:
 Subject: ppp don't work
 Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:41:17 -0600
 From: Camilo Alejandro Arboleda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Ascom Colombia
 I am trying to configure PPPD in Debian 2.1, using wvdial as dialer. I
 edited all the files as is described in the HOW-TO, but don't work.
 When I run wvdial the modem start the physical connection, pppd start-up
 but after 5 seconds the daemon dies and the modem hangs-up.
 I don't know how to init the troble shoting. The HOW-TO assumes that I
 understant the basis of ppp connections, and this is not true.
 Can some one help me?

Unless you have a specific reason for using 'wvdial' you might try
'pppconfig' it's an easy way to setup ppp.  Just a thought.

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
On 13 Jun 99, at 18:30, Jeremy W. wrote:

 1: How easy is it to install, and where can I find complete installation

I've installed three distributions, and I think the Debian install is the 
most logical.  It's fairly simple (doesn't take you through much of any 
system configuration, just install options).  I didn't find it very 
difficult, and the included fdisk program is MUCH better than that 
Disk Druid thing (which refused to even look at my hard drive), 
though the install isn't as clear on some options, such as where to 
install LILO, as some of the other distros.  The install program does 
let you select modules to load, which is very handy.

The install guide can be found on any Debian FTP site in the 
debian/dists/slink/main/disks-i386 directory, called install.txt.

 2: Is KDE available for the Debian distribution? I've seen it, and it looks
 like a very smooth transition from a Win32 environment.

Yeppers.  ANYTHING is available for the Debian distribution (a lot of 
stuff these days has been put in .deb format, Debian can do RPMs 
 other types of package files, and if the software you want isn't in 
package form at all, you can always install it yourself), but KDE is 
easy to acquire  install using apt-get after simply adding one line to 
your sources.list file.

 3: Is there an included boot manager (gotta have win for my games :-)?

Comes with LILO (I haven't seen any dist that DOESN'T come with 
LILO), but the install program doesn't offer much in the way of LILO 
configuration, so you'll probably have to configure it after installation.

 4: Is this (below) hardware supported, or where can I find a list that will
 tell me if it is?
 Dell Dimension:
Pentium III 500 mhz - Good
TNT2 Vid Card - I believe I recall reading in some of the X documentation
that the TNT2 driver isn't ready yet, but the documentation I was reading was
fairly old.  There's a card list somewhere at, 
check it for details.  You will be able to use it with the regular SVGA 
server, though.
Voodoo2 3d accelerator - A TNT2 and a Voodoo2?  Niccce... anyway, it has
been done, but I don't know any details... you'll have to read some 
documentation, I'm sure.
Soundblaster Live 512V - It will work as a basic sound card; I don't know if 
are any programs yet that support things like Environmental Audio, 
Altec Lansing ACS-495 Speakers - just fine
MS Intellimouse - Will work as a basic mouse without any extra 
effort, and I've seen software for making the little wheel do stuff.

Everything should work just fine, though you will need to do a bit of 
research  configuration work to use non-basic hardware features 
such as environmental audio  the little mouse wheel.

Good luck!

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 13 Jun, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote about Re: New Win Convert--needs some 
help :)
 TNT2: Make sure you get XFree86 3.3.3 not 3.3.1 the newer version is in the 
 potato distribution (current stable Debian 2.1 is Slink unstable is 
 or you can get the tar balls from

Don't make life hard for yourself once your system is installed and you
want to use X add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.

deb x/

This site has the latest debian X packages built for slink.

Since you have a TNT2 card you can also get a X server from Nvidia that
has better support for the TNT2 card.  I forget the address but go to
there drivers download page.  Just put the XF86_SVGA server under
/usr/local somewhere and modify the /etc/X11/Xserver file to point to
the new binary.
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread John Gay

I've been following this list fro a while and currently have 2.1 installed on my
PC at home. I got a CD from a friend who provides various CD's for the asking
here in Ireland. I choose Debian because I like the philosophy, though I don't
subscribe to some of the extremist views I've heard RE: Bruce, Eric and Richard.
Just a little back ground of my knowledge and system.
I've followed Linux from the Debian 1.3 days with great interest, but little
involvement because I didn't have my own PC. I tried installing on one I made
from scrap here at work, but the bosses were very hostile to linux and it fell
by the way-side.
I bought a PC in April. I put WindowsNT on a 2G partition and set-up the
remaining 4G for Linux with a 2.1 CD. I used the dual-boot how-to to get dual
booting to work. I needed to use the Mach64 server for X to support my
ATI Rage IIc AGP video card, but this worked fine with the X11R6 3.3.2 that was
part of Debian 2.1, Great!
I toyed around with compiling sound into my kernel, but had no joy there, so I
downloaded the oss package and this works, but I only get sound for 20 minutes
at a time. I want to have a look around in the config files for oss to see if I
can get sound working without oss. Any pointers for where to look will be
I have successfully installed mtv, after I learned how to update some libraries.
I felt really great after that. I also recently installed x11amp, but had more
problems because one of the libraries installed conflicts with apt. Dselect now
give loads of dependency problems when run. x11amp works, but modzilla navigator
doesn't. I recently got internet access on the Windows side, but I'm not sure
how to set it up for the Linux side. I've got a Sportster internal modem that
work with minicom, but only after I hot-sync my Palm III over ttyS0???
I think my best option is to ;
Connect to the internet and update my system to potato.
My worry is, being new to the entire UNIX/Linux type system, that unless I'm
very careful, I'll end up with a completely broken system. Most of it works now,
but I still need quite a few things before I can even consider re-partitioning
the Windows partition. As I'm a Palm user, I am very interested in KPilot, this
, of course suggests that I'll need KDE. I also need a good office app. I want
to try star-office, but until I can get the linux side connected to the net,
that is a non-starter. I also want Netscape.
Since I can connect to the net with Windows, I could start downloading
everything with windows, but the Windows partition is rather full! Does anyone
know if there are any tools for windows to access an ext2 partition? This would
allow me to download everything I need through windows and put it onto one of my
Linux partitions. I don't hold out much hope for this idea, but if you don't
ask, you won't know.
I've had a look around some of the archives, and have been following this list
for a while. My main question is, If I update my system to potato, what should I
leave alone to avoid problems. I.E., what packages should I NOT update to ensure
I don't break anything.
I want to get:
1) X11R6 This is for my video card. Currently it is working with
with the Mach64 server, but I'd feel better with all of X the same
2) Netscape. I've heard lots discussions concerning different versions of
Netscape, so which version is most stable for Linux?
3) Star-Office. This seems to be the most complete office with the most M$
4) KPilot. For Palm III connectivity, this seems to be the most complete. Does
this require KDE, or can I use it with other wm's? I'm currently undecided on
the KDE debate, though I'm more concerned with complaints of it being slow and
bloated rather that the licensing issues.
5)XCopilot. The version I have seems to have some strange problems. When I open
it with the uclinux rom image, it works, but when I use a Palm O/S image I
copied from my own Palm III, I keep getting data errors in the terminal window
that I launched it from. This image does work with the Windows version of
CoPilot, just not XCoPilot?!?
6) mtv. This is a really great MPEG player. I've had nothing but problems with
any other mpeg players, Windows and Linux alike. I am really considering paying
for this, I think it is worth it.
7) x11amp. My main reason for upgrading to potato in the first place. It works
on my current system, but has caused many dep. probs on my system.
8) a good CD ripper. I've had great success using cdparanoia and bladeenc for my
mp3's. I'm looking for a good GUI. I'm open to recommendations.
 I'm sure I could go on and on and on and on . . . . , but I'll leave it at

I'm very new to the Linux concept, I've grown up in the Windows world and have
gotten lazy. I realise there is a steep learning curve for Linux, and I'm
working my hardest with the time I have. I'm just getting very frustrated being
so close, yet still so far. I've asked my local LUG if someone would 

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Eric G. Miller
You probably need to tell gcc where to look for the X libraries and probably 
where to look for the includes as well.  You need to pass it flags like -lXaw 
(or something for libraries) and -I/usr/X11/include (or some such) to tell it 
where the header files are.

This question is probably more on topic under one of the developer lists, or 
some usenet groups.

Also, I'd suggest using ANSI style C vs. the KR style in your snippet.


int main(int argc, char **argv)

return 0; /* main() always returns an int */


Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: Moving a kernel

1999-06-14 Thread Lazarus Long
On Monday, June 14, 1999 at 00:20:59 +0200, Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:
  X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.6 [en] (Win98; I)
  X-UIDL: 92f8e3956fb9ea94493b1ff93821dcdf

  you'd better give a hi level version number to your kernel, to avoid
  downgrading if you're kernel as a version number lower than the one

Or, use a revision string beginning with an alphabetic character, such as
custom as I use (which I suspect I got from the docs at some point,
even if it's not in there now.)  I believe the standard versions
are pretty much guaranteed to stay *below* the alphabetic characters.
(This way, the headaches of epochs can be avoided.)

The switch --revision=custom4.2.0 is an example, and what I used earlier
today.  The numbers relate to which box is the intended target for me,
since I do all compiling on one box only.  As long as each box's numbering
system only increases (at least until the kernel version increments)
then everything is fine.  You can bury a lot of information in there
if you're creative and plan ahead.  I can revert to an old hardware
configuration by installing the right revision number (and swapping
hardware of course.)  This makes hardware debugging a bit more painless.
The kernel-package package has made my life quite a bit easier.


PGP Public Key available on request:
Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/CFED2D11 1998/03/05 Lazarus Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 98 2A 56 34 16 76 D5 21  39 93 99 EA 89 D4 B5 A2

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little advocacy)

1999-06-14 Thread wcurry
As mentioned below, Infomagic put 1.3.1 on the CDs because they couldn't
wait for 2.0.  It was really a hassle because they still sent out the 
first set (at least) with packaging stating that 2.0 was in the collection.
I took it to my folks' house to load on their new computer 2 weeks after buying
it to prove to them how cool Linux was, then I figured out that what I
bought wasn't what I got.  Not such a huge deal, really.  But I'm quite
neurotic, so I got really pissed off about it.  I already *had* 1.3.1 from
my *previous* Infomagic set. Waste of money. 

On my own machine (33.6 modem) I actually installed by ftp.  Left the modem
up overnight for about 4-5 nights. (WHY!!? you may ask, did I do that?  Well,
I had the installation floppies already, I was impatient, and I already
blew my software budget for the month-- since I bought it at the San Diego
Computer Expo, I couldn't just return it for a refund-- plus I already
said I was neurotic and pissed)

I still ought to get a good set of Slink CDs for installs on other people's
computers, but I am up to date in Potato and so Slink CDs don't help me
a whole lot.  On occasion I would like to find someone who can do a 
one-off of unstable with non-free and non-US.  The Debian site lists some
URLs where you can supposedly get this done, but when I followed the
links, the web pages didn't mention any thing beyond Slink that could be 

Infomagic should put Debian back on their CDs, but its useless to put
so little care into the quality of the product.  I guess they figured
Debian users aren't real customers.  I *used* to be. Not anymore.
Hope someone from Infomagic reads this thread, but they're probably
too busy on the Red Hat newsgroups.

Incidentally, I have run Slackware, Red Hat (commercial), Caldera, and now
Debian.  To replace Debian with Caldera is somewhat of an insult, I think.
Slackware was the one I kept going back to.  I tried Red Hat on 3 separate
occasions, and was severely disappointed in the quality.  Tried Caldera
just once before finding Debian.  I will never switch again!  Debian
is the highest quality distro I have seen.  Of course the guys in my local
Linux Users' group will say that Debian is good if you're experienced, but
I say it's better for newbies, too.My brother-in-law started with
Debian Slink about 4 months ago, and makes fun of Red Hat^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
likes Debian as much as I do.


 Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Albert Claret) writes:
  As strange as it seems, Infomagic has decided to (for some reason) not
  include Debian in their June Linux Developer's Resource 4 CD-set. In their
  website,, they state that
  these CDs include Red Hat 6.0, SuSe 6.1, Slackware 4.0 and (for the first
  time) Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 instead of Debian 2.1. 
 What a relieve!  Did you know that up until now they managed to make
 any of their Debian inclusion virtually useless?
  I ask all of you to
  email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask them to put Debian back on their
 I'd rather congratulate them to finally having stopped to f*** up
 Debian on their CD's.
  Once they couldn't wait for hamm to come out so they stuck 1.3.1
  there, now they take the whole distribution off. What are these people
 Maybe they are finally reacting to our massive critique? ;-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 06:31:40PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Bob Nielsen wrote:
  The best way I've found around this is to use epochs when compiling my
  own kernel with make-kpkg:
  make-kpkg --revision=1:custom.1.0 kernel_image
  This is discussed in the kernel-package docs.
 Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but what are epochs? Hmmm. I'm off to
 change my revision number!

Epochs are a kludge to use when the version numbers are messed up.  See
the README.gz file in /usr/doc/kernel-package.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Julienna Chu

My NIC is not detected properly whe nI boot up. I have to pass the 
irq, etc. options thorugh lilo to make Debian recognize it properly.

i.e. At the lilo prompt O enter,

lilo=linux ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0

Can I just stick in
ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in lilo.conf and make it work?

THere's got  to be a more efficent way to make this work.

Can someone please e-mail me the answer? Thanks.

Re: NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Julienna Chu wrote:
 My NIC is not detected properly whe nI boot up. I have to pass the
 irq, etc. options thorugh lilo to make Debian recognize it properly.
 i.e. At the lilo prompt O enter,
 lilo=linux ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0
 Can I just stick in
 ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in lilo.conf and make it work?

I'm not sure, but I think you could put it in your lilo.conf as:


Check out the lilo and lilo.conf man pages to be sure

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: echo connections

1999-06-14 Thread Matus fantomas Uhlar
- What is an echo connection?
- I have never seen this type of connection in my logs, and I seem to be 
- them from root servers.  Is this a bad thing?


echo   stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
echo   dgram   udp waitrootinternal

just try it...

telnet localhost echo
and type hello

echo protocol sends back everything it gets.
you probably should block that port for security reasons. there are tcp ping
programs which use port echo but i don't see any reason to have it opened.
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
 One World. One Web. One Program. - Microsoft promotional advertisement
 Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer! - Adolf Hitler

IP Masquerading

1999-06-14 Thread rnewton3
Is there any Debian specific documentation on IP Masquerading? I've read
the mini how-to, but debian seems to have this extra /etc/ipmasq.conf file
so I'm looking foe the correct way to configure debian IP Masquerading
before I start asking any stupid questions. If there isn't any should we
consider writing some?

[LINUX] PPTP server for Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Nico De Ranter


is there a PPTP server for Linux available?  I know there is 
a client for Linux bould I'd prefer not to run the server on
Windows (actualy I'd prefer not to run anything on Windows :-)



How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Upgrading My Encarta Encyclopedia 99

1999-06-14 Thread Batro49
To Who this my concern,
I have tried my hardest to up grade my Encarta Encyclopedia. But, I 
never could find a way to do it,even though, I followed all of the 
  Would you please, try to help me out. 
   Yours Sincerly, 

Exim / sending mail from dial-up machine w correct sender address

1999-06-14 Thread Endrey Balint

I have Slink on my home machine. I used eximconfig to set up exim for a
dialup system using smarthost, and I accepted the default values.

The parameter qualify_domain defaulted to 'mikszath' which is the home-made
name of my machine and is not related to any real domain names. When I tried
to send out a message, the delivery failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
host []:
501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... invalid host name mikszath, check your

Apparently the ISP's SMTP server required a valid host name.
If I changed qualify_domain to any valid name (e.g.,
delivery worked but when I checked the header of the delivered message, it
looked like this:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Jun 13 22:03:06 1999
From: Balint [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (that's what I set up in Mutt)

which makes no sense since this address is an invalid combination of my
local username and the specified qualify_domain and I guess this causes
problems when returning some mail.

I also checked how the same message looks like if I send it from Windows
(OE5); it had no Sender: field and the starting From line contained the
same address as in the Form: field, i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, my question is how to set up exim (and my mail client?) so that I
could specify those Sender/From/Return-path etc. header fields to
be the address I prefer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


P.s. My /etc/exim.conf file:

qualify_domain = mikszath
local_domains = localhost
local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
never_users = root
host_lookup_nets =
sender_host_reject_relay = *
trusted_users = mail
smtp_verify = false
gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*)
gecos_name = $1
received_header_text = Received: \
  ${if def:sender_fullhost {from ${sender_fullhost} \
  ${if def:sender_ident {(${sender_ident})}}\n\t}\
  {${if def:sender_ident {from ${sender_ident} \
  by ${primary_hostname} \
  ${if def:received_protocol {with ${received_protocol}}} \
  (Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number} (Debian))\n\t\
  id ${message_id}
  driver = appendfile
  group = mail
  mode = 0660
  mode_fail_narrower = false
  file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}
  driver = pipe
  driver = appendfile
  driver = appendfile
  prefix = 
  suffix = 
  driver = autoreply
  driver = smtp
  prefix = real-
  driver = localuser
  transport = local_delivery
  driver = aliasfile
  file = /etc/aliases
  search_type = lsearch
  driver = forwardfile
  file = .forward
  modemask = 002
  driver = localuser
  transport = local_delivery
  driver = domainlist
  transport = remote_smtp
  route_list = * bydns_a
*  *   F,2h,15m; G,16h,2h,1.5; F,4d,8h

Source Depends

1999-06-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I got a new machine at home (k6-350) and have only slink. So I begin
to use debget for fetching source packages of potato and compile. I have
only a small question:
How to know what packages depends on other using debian sources?
For example, I want go compile gimp 1.1.5, but what else is
necessary from potato? Sometimes the name from source changes too. The
problem doesnt get resolved if I saw in the packages binary file...
PS: My previous CMI8338 was already sucessed. But anyone answered my
Epson LX-300 doubt! How to get it to work in Linux?
Thanks again,Paulo Henrique

[LINUX] VPN software?

1999-06-14 Thread Nico De Ranter


I'm looking for a VPN solution that would preferably be free :-)
and has a server for Linux (or UNIX in general) and clients for
Linux and Windows.

(SSH tunneling won't do the trick)

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,



How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Julienna Chu wrote:

 Can I just stick in
 ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in lilo.conf and make it work?
 THere's got  to be a more efficent way to make this work.

from the BootPrompt HOWTO:

the LILO append= command is of significant importance when one wants to
add a boot time argument as a permanent addition to the LILO config
file. You simply add something like append = foo=bar to the
/etc/lilo.conf file. It can either be added at the top of the config
file, making it apply to all sections, or to a single system section by
adding it inside an image= section. Please see the LILO documentation
for a more complete description.


Re: Matrox G200 and ATI 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
 Not at all a joke. I know right where on ATI's website where they say the
 3D API for the mach64/mach128 cards is propriatery and private. On the
 other hand, I recently received email from ATI's marketing department
 which insinuates that the 'developers' (Xfree and/or OpenGL/Mesa
 developers) have the 'programming information' (3D API documentation)
 Can anyone confirm ATI's opening their 3D implimentation to development?
 --Ian Dalton

I have an ATI Rage Fury (128 GL), and I had several mails with ATI, in the last
one, I asked them WHEN they will transmit all the documentation needed to the
xfree86 staff. They answered me: 'ask the xfree86 team' May be we'll have a
nice new ATI server till the end of the year???
Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
Il faut une infinie patience pour attendre toujours ce qui n'arrive jamais. P.
Boycott Intel, watch:

Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread John Lines
According to about half the packages in the base
Debian system are not known to be Year 2000 compliant. While I realise that
the probably are, I am having a very hard time trying to get a Debian
system installed due to it not being year 2000 compliant. (as compared to
Redhat ( - whose statement
is actually useless for knowing if the system will work in the year 2000, but
is better for getting the system past a 'Year 2000 compliant' new system
installation checklist item.

In particular it would be very useful if someone who understands dpkg and
the other debian specific bits could decide if they are y2k compliant and if
they are, then to arrange an update to the web page.

John Lines

Re: A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
John Gay wrote:
 I've been following this list fro a while and currently have 2.1 installed on 
 my PC at home. I got a CD from a friend who provides various CD's for the
 asking here in Ireland. I choose Debian because I like the philosophy

Welcome!   I'll try to answer a couple of your questions below.

 I recently got internet access on the Windows side, but I'm not sure
 how to set it up for the Linux side. I've got a Sportster internal modem that
 work with minicom, but only after I hot-sync my Palm III over ttyS0???

Debian has a script at /usr/sbin/pppconfig which is a simple way to set
up an internet connection. It prompts you for the all the neccessary
information such as phone number, and uses that info to create/edit the
appropriate files.  You can then connect by using pon, disconnect
using poff, and monitor the progress using plog. 

Often, the one piece of information that people aren't sure of is the
authentication method used by your service provider such as PAP, CHAP
etc. Since you have it working in Windows, I believe the Win9X connect
box shows this information in details after a connection is made. 

 I think my best option is to ;
 Connect to the internet and update my system to potato.
 My worry is, being new to the entire UNIX/Linux type system, that unless I'm
 very careful, I'll end up with a completely broken system. 

For now at least, you might be better off sticking with slink. There's
certainly no reason to upgrade to potato just to get connected to the

 I also want Netscape.

The slink (stable) distribtion has several versions of Netscape
Communicator packaged in the non-free section. If you set up apt-get to
connect to a Debian ftp site, and aim it at slink, these commands:

apt-get update  (to get the package information files)

apt-get install communicator-smotif-45 communicator-nethelp

will download and install Communicator 4.5 and all it's dependencies,
plus the the spell checker and help.

To set up apt-get for this, you need to edit the file /etc/sources.list
to tell it where and which distribution to connect to. See the man pages
for apt-get and for sources.list for info on how to do this:

man apt-get
man sources.list

 Does anyone know if there are any tools for windows to access an ext2 

There is a free program call explore2fs, which allows access to ext2
partitions from both WinNT 4.0 and Win9X. I can't connect to the site
right now, but I recently used this url successfully to get to it:

I use it to read my Linux partitions from Win98, but have never tried to
write to ext2 with it. I believe the author states that the write code
may still have some bugs in Win9X.

Good luck,

RE: Upgrading My Encarta Encyclopedia 99

1999-06-14 Thread Ted Harding
On 14-Jun-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To Who this my concern,
   I have tried my hardest to up grade my Encarta Encyclopedia. But,
 never could find a way to do it,even though, I followed all of the 
   Would you please, try to help me out. 

Does this mean you have got Encarta to run under Linux???

If so, many of us would be grateful to learn how to do it!

With best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 14-Jun-99   Time: 10:48:04
-- XFMail --

Re: A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Just a correction:

 apt-get install communicator-smotif-45 communicator-nethelp

For Communicator 4.5, the spell checker package name is
communicator-spell-45, and the help file is communicator-nethelp-45


Re: do I have to use Redhat?

1999-06-14 Thread Graham Seaman
 There are no install disks for potato yet. I also had trouble with this
 very problem a while back. My solution was to borrow a supported
 controller for installing slink and then building a new kernel and
 swapping the controllers back. There was really no other way. 
 BTW, the 2.0.37-pre series supports these controllers. I suppose I should
 get busy and build a set of boot floppies that uses this kernel.

If you do that, can you make an announcement if you can make them available?
Otherwise, I guess its down to waiting for the official potato release...


Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-14 Thread Hans van den Boogert
 My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates,
 especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I
 do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox?

I suggest you subscribe to debian-user-digest, as I do. You'll recieve few
big messages (with 10-15 posts in them). It is very convenint.

I did it differently: I got myself a free Geocities e-mail account and
subscribed to all the Linux lists I wanted using that address. Geocities
has a POP3 facility, so I just configured two accounts in Eudora and
download all the mail from the Geocity's server to my HD. (I still haven't
configured PPP on my Linux box, so I use Windblows for the time being).

Serves another purpose too: I keep all the entries posted on the list
(takes up space, but that's okay). When I have a problem I first make a
search of all the entries I have on my HD before going on the net or
posting a question myself. Nine out of ten times I can find the answer in
the postings from the last month.


Re: Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Wait a while.  In six months no-one will care.

Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-14 Thread Jan Vroonhof
Min Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How about the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* stuff? 
 If I want to keep the xemacs20 style, i.e., automatically source these 
 starting up files, how can I do that?

You need to copy the Debian specific code that does that (not sure
where that is, I am not near a Debian system now) to the new tree. If
you want to be fancy you can stick it into


Re: [LINUX] VPN software?

1999-06-14 Thread Remco van de Meent
Nico De Ranter wrote:
 I'm looking for a VPN solution that would preferably be free :-) and has a
 server for Linux (or UNIX in general) and clients for Linux and Windows.

A quick search on Freshmeat for 'vpn' gave 12 results..


°hµ|®½¤½¯q ½Ð¤ä«ù¥»·|

1999-06-14 Thread Mental Health Association of Hong Kong


[EMAIL PROTECTED]@¥÷Ãö¤ß¡F¥Í©Rªº·N¸q¦b©ó¥I¥X¡A¦Ó¤£¬O§[¶Þ¡C  






[EMAIL PROTECTED]|³£·|¦]¦¹¦Ó¬v·¸µÛ·R¡C  





[EMAIL PROTECTED] 7.5%ªº³Q³X«C¤Ö¦~¦b¹L¥h¤»­Ó¤ë´¿¸g¹Á¸Õ

[EMAIL PROTECTED]|¤é¡]¬P´Á¤»¡^Á|¦æ½æºXÄw´Ú¥HÄw¶°¤£

The Information Phoneline and Telephone Counseling Service of the 
Mental Health Association of Hong Kong have, since its inception in April 
1995, received a total of 114,210 calls, among which 28,818 calls are seeking 
telephone counseling.  Moreover, the statistics shows that the number of 
cases suffering from any one form of mental illness exceeds 1.2 million; 
7.5% of adolescents had attempted suicide in the past 6 months.  All these 
reveal the needs of promoting healthy mental life.

The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong is a non-profit making 
agency.  For the past 45 years, she has devoted herself in rendering 
rehabilitation services to persons with mental handicap and mental illness; and 
is presently serving more than 1,800 clients.  The Association also establishes 
Counseling Phoneline and organizes educational programs for the public.   
Lacking of financial support, we have scheduled 24th July 1999 (Sat) for a 
Flag Day to raise funds for the above services.  We sincerely hope to receive 
your positive response in support of our belief of  'Promote Mental Health¡D
Our Responsibilities'.


­»´ä¤ß²z½Ã¥Í·|7¤ë24¤é½æºX¤é®½´Úªí®æ Mental Health Association of 
Hong Kong Flag Day Donation Form  

¥»¤H/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@¡@   ¡@   ¤ä«ù§A­Ìªº½æºXÄw´Ú¬¡°Ê¡C 

I/We support your Flag Day, my/our donation is HK$


Contact Phone No.:  



[EMAIL PROTECTED]|¦¬¾Ú  For donation of HK$100.00 and over, a tax 
deductible receipt will be issued to the donor.

Cheque should be crossed and made payable to The Mental Health Association 
of Hong Kong and send directly to the Association (G.P.O. Box 1534, Hong 
Kong )OR
You are welcome to give you donation by depositing the amount into the 
account of The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong at Heng Seng Bank 
Account no.: 388-103301-001, please also send your deposit slip to our 

This fax / e-mail will not be sent out again, we apologize for any 
inconvenience caused.

Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:37:59 +0100
From: Alisdair McDiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/52938
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I heard that there are OpenGL drivers for the Matrox Millennium
G200 available for Linux, but I've looked on and
everywhere else I can think of, and I can't find them anywhere.
Does anyone know where they are?

I have a Matrox Millennium G200 (8Mg) working in my computer, and I
have a driver for it xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb. 

I have followed the steps described by Jameson Burt (message below).
If you want I can mail the driver...

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
phone: 351 39 791170

From: Jameson Burt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sean M Hollingsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Matrox Xserver on Debian
In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:28:59 PST.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:19:25 -0500
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/30446
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know a couple people who have installed this card, including myself.
Here is what I did.
1. From, I got the following 
   for my Matrox G200 video card,
2. I ran
alien xmatrox-2.2-0.i386.rpm
   which created the debian file
   I install this xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb file,
  dpkg -i xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb

3. I uncompressed and installed
   This has the program xf86config, which will recognize your matrox G200 
   card.  Specifically this tar file has two files,
These two files replace those belonging to the xbase package.
4. Backup /etc/X11/XF86Config, then run
4. You probably don't even need to run xf86config.
   If you don't mind using your old resolutions (eg, 1024x768)
   and the old amounts for video memory, 
   then you need only change the first line of Xserver to
This surprised and delighted me that I didn't need to run xf86config
or alter XF86Config when going from an NEC C500 monitor and a 
Number 9 S3V video card to a newer Nokia 445Xpro monitor and
a Matrox G200 video card.
I eventually did run xf86config, though, with no real problems.
This xf86config seemed to know I had 8192 KB memory.

The package xmatrox_2.2-0.i386.rpm has the files
All these are uniquely matrox so present no conflicts with other files.

When you upgrade packages with dselect, dselect won't know the location
of xmatrox (for all practical purposes, I removed my created  matrox debian 
package), though it knows you installed it and what its files are.  When you 
eventually do upgrade to a version of debian with
the Matrox G200 driver (maybe in March, 1999?), then you can of course
purge this xmatrox package.

Any upgrade of xbase will replace your two new files from suse.

In the past I could more easily get my video card's driver, 
but once I got the xmatrox package, I found installation much simpler.
For example, I did not need to do an X --probeonly to get the clocks.

 I am (hopefully) putting a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP in my linux box
 next month.  I know that S.u.S.E has an Xserver for this card, but I can
 only find tarballs and RPMs for it.  I now have two questions:
 1) Is there a deb of the Matrox Xserver?
 2) In the event I can't find a deb, would installing the xserver from a
 tarball or an RPM cause any problems with compatibility?  Say with
 updates, other libs, etc...
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Contents file [was Re: BE MORE SIMPLE!!!!]

1999-06-14 Thread Marc Mongeon
But certainly this was intended to be an automated feature, right?
Is it a flag that you give to dpkg, or the compiled default in some
later version (I'm running, and have no Contents), or just
the result of a bunch of Debian users deciding it was a Good Idea
to schedule a cron job to download this file and put it in /var/lib/dpkg?

The way this file was referred to in this thread, it really sounded
like it was something that should exist, unless you took specific
steps to remove it from your system.  Have I inadvertently taken
such a step?  I don't know what the difference is between the
available file (which does exist) and the Contents file.  The
former gave me the information I needed when I put it to the test,
looking for software that produces thumbnail images, in response
to another post on this list.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Eric Gillespie, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/12 2:01 PM 
On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 10:08:04PM -0500,
ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I kind of hate to jump into a string like this but at the risk of
 sounding real stupid how can one create this
 /var/lib/dpkg/Contents-i386.gz file.  I've searched for it on my Slink
 system and it just isn't there.  I took a look at the dpkg man page and
 see no reference to the file.  I see that you can look for packages in
 /var/lib/dpkg/available but that's not the same. 

You can pull it out of your Debian mirror from dists/slink/Contents-i386.gz

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Don't you try to out-weird me! I get stranger things
than you free with my breakfast cereal!
--Zaphod Beeblebrox

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: kernel append options

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Lazar Fleysher wrote:

Could some one tell me how to find if a given kernel release supports
certain append option. In particular, I am interested in 
2.0.36 supports ide-scsi option.
  I use 2.0.35 and it has it.  I use it for my IDE PD-CD drive, and
  have been for about two years (first as a patch to the kernel, I think).
 What I meant is: is it possible to use ide driver and scsi emulation (on
 different ide devices of course) under 2.0.x kernel? 

Ah, sorry.
  I have two cdroms
 both atapi. And I have read that it is possible to access them as scsi
 devices using ide-scsi emulation. However, when I do that, only one cdrom
 is detected. So I thought, I'd run scsi emulation on one of them and
 regular ide on the other. However, I do not see such kind of support under
 2.0.x. Maybe it is impossible...? 

I don't know.

 PS What is PD-CD drive?

Drives manufactured about 2 to 3 years ago, mostly by Panasonic,
and available on certain Compaq PCs of that time (and other
brands).  The drive reads a CD or a cartrigde called a PD.  The
cartridge is square and contains a CD-sized disk that is 650MB
rewritable.  Contrary to CD-RW, you don't write ISO images on
them, but rather use them like hard disks (or Zips).  I typically
reformat them ext2 and store Linux stuff on them.

The device is still sold, but never really took off.  It was too
expensive.  There was only a little extra to pay to get it on a
new computer, but they were sold separately for something like
US$450 two years ago.  The cartridges were about $30 each, so
quite expensive too.

I'm happy I have it, because now I can buy cartridges for it for
about US$8.  That's a bit more that CD-RW disks, but there are
more convenient.  The units are now 24X or so, and can be bought
for US$340.


Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-14 Thread rp941372
 My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates,
 especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I
 do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox?

Well, there are several sorts of solutions to this kind of problem.

A simple one is the several accounts fix which someone already
described to you.

Another one, which depending on your knowledge and/or confidence with
Unix you might prefer, is mail filtering.  That is running a program on
your Unix account to analyze mail as it arrives, and send it
automatically to an appropriate folder file.

I for example, recently subscribed to this list.  On my shell account at
college, I set up a program called procmail to automatically detect
which mail goes into what folder.  I set up a couple of cron jobs to
delete after midnight old messages so they don't clutter up my account.

However, if you happen to be new to Unix, procmail might be abit
intimidating.  I include below for your benefit my .procmailrc file so
you can have an idea of how it works.  Basically, procmail scans
message headers using regular expressions, and if a message matches a
condition, executes and action on it; for example, filing it to a mail
folder file.  (In my case, below, I pipe the message into the rcvstore
command, part of the MH mailer, to put it into the correct MH folder.)

I hope this gives you an idea of more options at your disposal.


# Oracularities
* ^FROM_oracle-request
| rcvstore +oracle

# debian-news mailing list
| rcvstore +debian-news

# debian-user
| rcvstore +debian-user

| rcvstore +netfuture

# LING-TEX mailing list
* ^TO_ling-tex
| rcvstore +ling-tex

# Anything else goes to the inbox
| rcvstore +inbox

I compile crappy kernels

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
Well, I can't seem to compile a kernel that doesn't generate an 
endless stream of error messages when I try to boot.  Here's what I 
get (repeated until I reboot):

kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c,errno=8
request_module[binfmt-464c]: fork failed; errno 11

It would help if I knew what binfmt-464 was... I tried grepping for it in 
my config file, but with no luck.

If anyone can offer any help on fixing these errors, I'd much 
appreciate it.  Thanks.

Re: Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 10:12:52 +0100, John Lines wrote:
 I am having a very hard time trying to get a Debian system installed due
 to it not being year 2000 compliant. (as compared to Redhat
 ( - whose statement is
 actually useless for knowing if the system will work in the year 2000, but
 is better for getting the system past a 'Year 2000 compliant' new system
 installation checklist item.

You can find Debian's generic we don't expect problems statement at

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little a

1999-06-14 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Jun-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Infomagic should put Debian back on their CDs, but its useless to put
 so little care into the quality of the product.  I guess they figured
 Debian users aren't real customers.  I *used* to be. Not anymore.
 Hope someone from Infomagic reads this thread, but they're probably
 too busy on the Red Hat newsgroups.

Is there something magical about Infomagic CD's?  I understand they are lousy
CD's and there are other vendors, such as CheapBytes and LSL, which probably
deliver a better product.


pb w/ man

1999-06-14 Thread Andre FAURE

I'm using slink that I've upgraded to kernel 2.2.9
Suddenly I can't use the man command. It yields can't be loaded!
ldd man responds - Not Found
This is stupid because the system wouldn't start
if so. Besides I can list the libs and the links in /lib
and I can compile *.c programs.
I haven't installed anything nor have I made any
modification other than compiling the new kernel
which should not be a problem.
Does anyone have a idea of what's happening?

Debian on HP netserver 5/100 with aic7770

1999-06-14 Thread Anders Eliasson
I have an old HP Netserver 5/100 with a buildt in aci7770 controller
but when i boot debian the kernel says 'BUG!' , anyonw tried to install
debian on this machine, or is there a bug in adaptecs aic chip ?


Two installations on the same system

1999-06-14 Thread Bruno Goncalves Russo
Is it possible to install two different versions of Debian on the same
system (in different partitions, of course!) ? If I do that, do I need a
second swap partition?


Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Steve Lamb wrote:

 On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:13:06 +0900, OhkumaTadayoshi wrote:
 I still wish to have site policy of installing ungziped documents :-)
 I don't care to waste a little disk space...
 find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip

Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system to
upgrade cleanly anymore, and worse, remocving the packages won't
delete the uncompressed files.

Peter Galbraith

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:18:35 -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip

Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system to
upgrade cleanly anymore, and worse, remocving the packages won't
delete the uncompressed files.

Hey, his system, he wants to mangle it instead of learning zless, zmore,
zgrep, etc, that's his perogative.  I'm only more than happy to help him
along.  ;)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Carl Mummert wrote:

 I am wondering about way to grep or to view with editor /usr/doc/*/* files.
 Of course, these files are gziped, according to debian policy.
 Is there any way to choose to install these docs in ungziped as default?
 I can ungzip these, but also want to leave these under control of package 
 I am uploading here a small, hackish perl script that, along with some
 apache configuration changes, will allow you to view the compressed
 files in http://your-machine/doc as if they were not comrpessed.

Very nice, but I urge people to file bug reports against packages
that have compressed html files without hacked URLs such that they
still work.

Peter Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little advocacy)

1999-06-14 Thread David Teague

Several have written as WCurry has that

 Infomagic should put Debian back on their CDs, but its useless to put
 so little care into the quality of the product.  I guess they figured
 Debian users aren't real customers.  I *used* to be. Not anymore.
 Hope someone from Infomagic reads this thread, but they're probably
 too busy on the Red Hat newsgroups.

I sent Infomagic email advocating the reintroduction of Debian. I
compared Debian in terms of usability, technical quality, and type
and amount of advertising vs market penetration to Red Hat. Debian
wins hands-down on every issue except for Newbie installs on
standard hardware. 

Isn't InfoMagic the outfit who has historically delivered broken or
out of date Debian stuff on their CDs? Didn't they put the broken
1.0 on their CD without bothering to check the appropriateness
with the organization? I have received Debian CDs from them that
failed to be usable. (In fairness, I note that they did replace the
bad Debian CDs with Debian CDs that worked. 

People won't blame InfoMagic for nonworking CDs, they will blame
Debian. Makes me I almost wish I had not written. 

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.

Re: A simple weird question

1999-06-14 Thread rp941372
 Hi, I'm a fan of Debian, and soon i'll have to give a speech 
 at University talking about Linux and Debian. As our native
 language is not English we always have this problem...
 So the simple question is:
 How is Debian pronounced? 

I think pronouncing it as you would in Portuguese will be good enough.
In Spanish I say Debian just like if it were a spanish word, and it's
almost identical to the pronunciation the Debian web pages give

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