ATI Xpert Play TV AGP

1999-07-27 Thread Vicente García
Hola, estoy intentando ver las X con una ATI Xpert Play TV de 8Mb en
He utilizado el XF86Setup y elijo este modelo de tarjeta de la lista, pero
no consigo que funcione.
Alguien me puede aconsejar algo???

Re: Las X no inician con una tarjeta STB LightSpeed 3300

1999-07-27 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Sun, Jul 26, 1998 at 11:45:44PM +0200, Lucky dijo:
 Recientemente he cambiado mi tarjeta S3 por una aceleradora 3D, una 
 STB LightSpeed 3300 con 16MB conectado en un Slot AGP y las X no inician.
 Solo consigo iniciar con un servidor VGA a 16 colores. Que puedo hacer para
 a lo peor conseguir q funcione como una SVGA (he intentado poner un servidor
 SVGA y no va).

Que chipset trae?

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: ATI Xpert Play TV AGP

1999-07-27 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 02:16:27AM +0200, Vicente García dijo:
 Hola, estoy intentando ver las X con una ATI Xpert Play TV de 8Mb en
 He utilizado el XF86Setup y elijo este modelo de tarjeta de la lista, pero
 no consigo que funcione.
 Alguien me puede aconsejar algo???
Hacerlo a lo macho  :oP  Usa xf86config y afinas /etc/X11/XF86Config a mano.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

xdm o kdm

1999-07-27 Thread Benet
Hola  a todos

 Como se  hace  que  por defecto  el  KDM   en  vez  el  XDM

 Es el  DEBIAN   CITIUS   2.1

Saludos  de  Benet

Pero que pasa?.

1999-07-27 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias

Es esto una lista de correo o un mercadillo en medio de Bangladesh (¿se
escribirá así?).

No os parece que ya se estan pasando estos argentinos, no hay manera de
evitar esta mierda de SpaMing.

Muchas gracias por apoyarme y perdon a los argentinos que cumplen con
la NetEtiquete.

Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  

Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de
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Re: Pero que pasa?.

1999-07-27 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, jul 27, 1999 at 09:19:10 +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
   No os parece que ya se estan pasando estos argentinos, no hay manera de
 evitar esta mierda de SpaMing.

Totalmente de acuerdo, en un año y medio que llevo subscrito a esta lista no
he visto nunca una cosa igual. Algo habría que hacer.

Por cierto Jordi, no reenvies adjuntados todos los mensajes basura porque
lo que estás haciendo es llenarnos a todos el buzón de Kb basura... supongo
que ha sido un despiste pero, evítalo por favor.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

RE: Pero que pasa? .... y script de shutdown en debian 2.0

1999-07-27 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   martes 27 de julio de 1999 10:46
 Asunto:   Re: Pero que pasa?.
 On mar, jul 27, 1999 at 09:19:10 +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
  No os parece que ya se estan pasando estos argentinos, no hay manera
  evitar esta mierda de SpaMing.
 Totalmente de acuerdo, en un año y medio que llevo subscrito a esta lista
 he visto nunca una cosa igual. Algo habría que hacer.
Buff, qué susto, acagbo de llegar y creí que era tónica habitual lo
del spamming : (en los tres días que llevo suscrito, ya he recibido
otros tantos mensajes basura).
¿No hay un moderador/administrador de la lista? :-?

Ya que estoy, voy a comentar una curiosidad, a ver si a alguien más
le ha pasado esto con la Debian 2.0r1b y si sabe si lo han arreglado en la
Debian 2.1:

A veces cuando arrancaba la Debian 2.0 (temporalmente tengo redhat
6.0 debido a que prefiero reproducir el site de explotación), el fsck me
decía que no se había cerrado bien la última vez y se ponía a chequear el HD
diciendo al final que un nodo (creo que siempre el mismo) tenía zero
d_time y arreglándolo (al menos no encontré jamás ningún problema en mis
archivos). Estoy completamente seguro que sí había cerrado bien la Debian
(con shutdown -h now o con CTRL-ALT-SUPR, esperando hasta que el sistema
avisa que se puede apagar), por lo que el fallo no es de que apagase el
Linux a lo bestia.

Estuve investigando, y parece que al final del script de shutdown de
la Debian 2.0 (uno de esos rc.n, que ahora no recuerdo) no habían puesto un
sync, de manera que no se aseguraban de que la cache del HD se hubiera
vaciado. Le puse el sync (de hecho le puse dos, porque en una Slack que tuve
una vez, ponían dos por si las moscas) y creo que no me volvió a fallar (o
no lo hizo en el tiempo que seguí usándola).

¿a alguien le pasó lo mismo con la Deb 2.0?
¿Sabéis si la Deb 2.1 tiene el sync en el script de logout?

 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webs: ViguLinux
 PGP public key:
Estuve hace unos días por la web y me pareció alucinante, y aún más
que lo lleváseis entre tres! =8-o, sobre todo me llamó la atención lo del
servicio 24hs :DDD, ¡muy buen trabajo! :)

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Portatil para Debian

1999-07-27 Thread Jose Centeno
Saioa Perurena writes:
  - HYUNDAI HN-6000:
  AMD K6-2 400 MHz (Mobile), 64 Mb, HD 6,4 Gb,  pantalla LCD XGA 13,3
  TFT, tarj. gráfica 4 Mb, tarj. sonido 3D (altavoces), CD-ROM 24x,
  disquetera, batería Ion-Litio, puestos serie, paralelo USB...
  Intel Celeron 400 Mhz, 128 Mb, HD de 4,2Gb, pantalla LCD 14,1 TFT,
  tarj. grafica ATI LT Pro AGP 2x 8 Mb, tarj.sonido 3d Vbx, bateria
  Ion-Litio, ranuras PCMCIA, puertos serie, paralelo, USB, ps/2, ...

Como ya dije en la lista hace 1 mes, yo tengo el Ahead Optima Presage
400, que en realidad es un MiTAC 6120, como puede verse en (por cierto, según Ahead el procesador es Mobile, pero
no lo he comprobado).

Funciona estupendamente con Citius Debian 2.1, kernel 2.2.9, con dos

- un servidor de X apañado para esta tarjeta
( ver )
- drivers de sonido ALSA, snapshot del CVS 
( ver )


| José Centeno González|GSyC|
| =| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones |
| tel:   +34 1 624 94 58   | Departamento de Informática|
| fax:   +34 1 624 94 30   |  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid  |

Problemas instalacion CITIUS de Linux Actual

1999-07-27 Thread rquin66
A quien me pueda ayudar:
He intentado instalar la Citius que viene en Linux Actual, pero en el dselect 
no me aparece el método multicd (la instalación la hago desde DOS 
¿Se debe esto a que no instalo copiando los disquetes uno a uno? ¿o es que hago 
algo mal?
He probado a instalar el paquete .deb del multicd y entonces al meter el 
segundo CD no encuentra los paquetes (tecleo scan y por ejemplo en contrib 
me dice que no hay paquetes .deb, lo cual es cierto, ya que están dentro de 
El caso es que sólo puedo hacer una instalación con un solo CD (el primero) y 
se me queda cija del KDE y del GNOME 1.O, ya que se tiene que hacer la 
instalación paquete por paquete de uno y otro CD.
No entiendo por qué al instalar hay que decirle al dselect dónde están los 
paquetes ¿no sería más lógico que hubiera una sola lista de los mismos en el 
raíz del CD y que lo leyera todo de allí?
En fin espero no molestar demasiado. Gracias anticipadas a todos por vuestra 

Rafael Quintanilla
Get Your Free Email at

Re: Pero que pasa?.

1999-07-27 Thread Jorge Ramiro
At 09:19 27/07/99 , Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:

   Es esto una lista de correo o un mercadillo en medio de Bangladesh (¿se
escribirá así?).

   No os parece que ya se estan pasando estos argentinos, no hay manera de
evitar esta mierda de SpaMing.

   Muchas gracias por apoyarme y perdon a los argentinos que cumplen con
la NetEtiquete.

Al leer este mensaje me han surgido un par de preguntas:

1) ¿Aporta algo a tu queja el que los spammers en cuestión sean argentinos?

Si la respuesta es no, podrías haberte ahorrado el calificativo, porque
alguno podría sentirse ofendido, y no tendrías que pedir disculpas a los
argentinos que cumplen la Netiquete.
Si el spam hubiera sido español, ¿habrías dicho que se están pasando estos
Tu mensaje tiene un tufillo no sé si xenófobo o prepotentemente ESPAÑOL.
Parece que estás diciendo: mira estos argentinos, no solo se aprovechan de
nuestra lista, si no que encima nos bombardean con spams.

2) ¿Se consigue algo quejándose del spam?

Todos los de la lista hemos recibido el spam y supongo que a nadie le ha
hecho gracia. 
El mensaje en cuestión ocupaba 2Ks. Tu airada queja (que por cierto no
aporta ninguna solución) ocupaba 7Ks. ¿Cuál de los dos mensajes hace más
daño? ¿No eres tu también un spammer?

Una solución para librarse del spam, sería que la lista fuera moderada.
Pero para eso alguien se tendrá que hacer cargo de moderarla, ¿vas a ser tú?

Así que, sin sentirlo mucho, no solo no te apoyo (no me des las gracias),
sino que me quejo de tu intolerancia.

Jorge Ramiro -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

El spam

1999-07-27 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Creo que la mejor manera de contestar a esta gente, sin que sea un
mailbombing y dentro de nuestros derechos, es confirmar si la dirección de
correo (de haberla) es correcta. Si no localizar la correcta en la página
web (si tienen) donde expongan sus productos. Una vez con la buena
dirección, hacer un solo reply cada uno de nosotros de su mensaka.
Si cada uno de nosotros hace un solo reply, y somos bastantes, con un poco
de suerte el proveedor de internet donde estén alojados se mosqueará y
descubrirá que están haciendo spam.

A lo mejor flipo, pero creo que es una salida sin participar en un acto
considerado como delictivo. Estos mamones de los spam's también se las saben

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: El spam

1999-07-27 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Manuel Trujillo wrote:

 Creo que la mejor manera de contestar a esta gente, sin que sea un
 mailbombing y dentro de nuestros derechos, es confirmar si la dirección de
 correo (de haberla) es correcta. Si no localizar la correcta en la página
 web (si tienen) donde expongan sus productos. Una vez con la buena
 dirección, hacer un solo reply cada uno de nosotros de su mensaka.
 Si cada uno de nosotros hace un solo reply, y somos bastantes, con un poco
 de suerte el proveedor de internet donde estén alojados se mosqueará y
 descubrirá que están haciendo spam.
 A lo mejor flipo, pero creo que es una salida sin participar en un acto
 considerado como delictivo. Estos mamones de los spam's también se las saben

Bueno pues he localizado un sitio que proporciona unas cuantas formas 
para echar a un spammer.

La primera impresion es que es un sitio muy bueno para esto.

No puedo dedicar mucho tiempo a esto ahora. Espero haber contribuido con
mi segundo granito de arena en este tema de los spammer y de los off-topics. 

(El primer granito fué habilitar un tablon de anuncios para temas de Linux 
en Español según puede verse en mi firma).

 Have a nice day  ;-)
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Comoooll ?Que No TasEnterao? Pues suscribete al tablón de 
anuncios de Linux.   Solo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
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|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

RE: TrueType Super-mini-howto

1999-07-27 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Gracias por tu contribución maxo, seguro que mucha gente lo
Yo también uso fuentes True-type con las X, lo único que echo en
falta es
el anti-aliasing, para los que no sepan que es, anti-aliasing hace
que las
fuentes tengan un aspecto presentable y que por ejemplo no se vean
palitos de la W juntos, etc... en fin... fuentes suaves tipo
winblows y
MacOS que se ven perfectamente... en X las fuentes se ven gorrinas
todavía no tiene anti-aliasing.. y la razón de decir todo esto...
sabrás por casualidad de algún sitio donde alguien haya sacado un
parche o
algo para que haya anti-aliasing en las X?

Creo recordar que hace un tiempo ya se comentó algo sobre esto en
news:es.comp.os.linux y me parece que se dijo que para que XFree
soportase anti-aliasing era necesario hacerle profundos cambios, así
que parece que por el momento no hay nada y habrá que esperar algún
tiempo hasta que lo haya.

Si estoy equivocado que alguien me corrija por favor.

Ricardo Villalba

Re: xdm o kdm

1999-07-27 Thread Monkiki
Benet wrote:

  Como se  hace  que  por defecto  el  KDM   en  vez  el  XDM
  Es el  DEBIAN   CITIUS   2.1

Si mal no recierdo hay un script en las KDE que te lo hace. Se llama
algo así como kdmconfig o algo de eso. Búscalo. 

Por cierto, saludines a todo el mundo de la lista :-)


 * Windows Error: 005 - Multitasking attempted. System confused.

 Registered Linux user number 134596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Debian 2.1 slink

Re: Free Software en España [Era: Re: Perdonar pero no me aclaro]

1999-07-27 Thread npardo
: El día Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:42:20 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] se animó a decir:

:: En España, en cambio, la Ley de Patentes declara explícitamente
:: que no son patentables los programas de ordenador, de manera
:: que esa protección es posible.

Marcelo::  ¿Es eso cierto en toda la Unión? La pregunta más bien
Marcelo:: es que es un `programa de ordenador' según la ley
Marcelo:: (española), pues según entiendo, la compresión utilizada
Marcelo:: en MP3 está patentada en Alemania, donde se supone que
Marcelo:: no hay patentes de software...  hace distinción la ley
Marcelo:: entre `software' (como expresión de una idea) y
Marcelo:: `algoritmo' (como la idea misma) -- en otras palabras,
Marcelo:: ¿es la patente de MP3 válida en la Unión? ¿en España?

Si entiendo bien lo que planteas, aquí hay tres temas distintos (a no
ser que alguien tenga otros datos):

- la patente sobre la compresión mp3;

- la patente sobre el algoritmo de compresión;

- las patentes sobre el software.

Es un tema que ha dado cierta guerra (también en la lista de
debian-legal, aunque no lo seguí demasiado).  Los principios son
bastante claros:

- no hay patentes de software en Europa;

- no se pueden patentar algoritmos en Europa.

--- cita ---

Art. 4 Ley de Patentes:

1.  Son patentables las invenciones nuevas que impliquen una actividad
inventiva y sean susceptibles de aplicación industrial.

2.  No se considerarán invenciones en el sentido del apartado
anterior, en particular:

a)  Los descubrimientos, las teorías científicas y los métodos


c)  Los planes, reglas y métodos para el ejercicio de actividades
intelectuales, para juegos o para actividades económico-comerciales,
así como los programas de ordenadores.


Art. 96 LPI:


4.  No estarán protegidos mediante derechos de autor con arreglo a la
presente Ley las ideas y principios en los que se basan cualquiera de
los elementos de un programa de ordenador incluidos los que sirven de
fundamento a sus interfaces.

   --- /cita ---

Sin embargo, sí que existen patentes sobre mp3.  Sobre el método de
codificación.  Como si intento explicarlo me voy a liar y aquí hay
muchos entienden más de software que yo, voy a incluirlo tal y como

La compañía titular es la ``Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der
Angewanten Forschung e.V.'', la descripción del método es:

--- cita ---

A digital adaptive transformation coding method for the transmission
and/ortorage of audio signals, specifically music signals, wherein N
scanned values of the audio signal are transformed into M spectral
coefficients, and the coefficients are split up into frequency groups,
quantized and then coded. The quantized maximum value of each
frequency group is used to define the coarse variation of the
spectrum. The same number of bits is assigned to all values in a
frequency group. The bits are assigned to the individual frequency
groups as a function of the quantized maximum value present in the
particular frequency group. A multi-signal processor system is
disclosed which is specifically designed for implementation of this

   --- /cita ---

Y la primera de las reivindicaciones:

--- cita ---

We claim: 

1. Digital adaptive transformation coding method for the transmission
and/or storage of audio signals, specifically music signals, wherein N
scanned values of the audio signal are transformed into M spectral
coefficients, wherein N and M are non zero integers, which are
subdivided into frequency groups and then quantitized and coded,
characterized in that:

* a quantitized maximum value of the spectral coefficients of
each frequency group is used to define the coarse variation of the

* the same number of bits is assigned to all spectrum values
of a frequency group, wherein the number of bits depend on the
quantitized maximum value of the respective spectral coefficient;

* the number of bits assigned to each frequency group being
adjusted to insure a minimum number of bits to each frequency group
such that, in view of psycho-acoustic aspects, quantification noise is
masked for that frequency group; and

* if available after the preceding step, any additional number
of bits are assigned to the individual frequency groups in
correspondence to the quantitized maximum value occurring in the
particular frequency group.

   --- /cita ---

Si te das cuenta, todo esto no alude a algoritmos o formatos, sino a
procedimientos (que sí son patentables, del mismo modo que lo son los
dispositivos físicos de decodificación de mp3).

Por tanto, es perfectamente factible que alguien invente otro método
distinto que use los mismos algoritmos de compresión y formatos, pero
de otra forma diferente, y ese método podrá ser 

Re: Free Software en España [Era: Re: Perdonar pero no me aclaro]

1999-07-27 Thread npardo
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andres Seco
Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] decía:

Andres:: Yo de leyes, lo justito. Pero se me ocurre que con este
Andres:: tremendo thread que se ha montado con las licencias, el
Andres:: tema es suficientemente grade e importante como para que
Andres:: hubiera que replantearse, revisar, etc. este tema de la
Andres:: GPL en España y en toda Europa.

Andres:: No parece correcto usar licencias que en nuestro pais no
Andres:: suponen legalmente lo mismo que en EEUU sin saber
Andres:: exactamente lo que suponen.

Andres:: Habría que hacer una traducción interpretada de las
Andres:: licencias al menos para saber a qué atenernos en nuestro
Andres:: entorno, y quizá, una globaliza- ción de la GPL para
Andres:: abarcar los mayores ambitos juriídicos posible, o al
Andres:: menos los más comunes.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.  Al usuario final esto le afecta de un
modo sólo marginal (siempre que no copie), pero a los programadores y
redistribuidores les toca de lleno.

El problema es que, al ser el inglés la lengua franca de Internet,
tendemos a asumir que lo que se dice referido a los Estados Unidos
tiene validez universal.  Sin embargo, a medida que Europa y Japón
ganen peso específico en sus aportaciones a Linux, y se empiece a
formar una masa crítica de usuarios, será preciso desarrollar nuestras 
propias soluciones a todos estos temas.

Un saludo.



RE: Free Software en España [Era: Re: Perdonar pero no me aclaro]

1999-07-27 Thread npardo
: El día Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:53:23 +0200, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio

:: Esto parece muy abstracto, así que vamos con un ejemplo.  No sé
:: si recordaréis cuando apareció la Hamm en Linux Actual que hubo
:: algunos mensajes en es.comp.os.linux que decían dos cosas sobre
:: el GIMP: que su calidad era extraordinaria, y que no podían
:: creer que no pudiera manipular imágenes en formato GIF.

Tejada::[...]  Qué curioso, conocía la patente de UniSys sobre
Tejada:: el LZW, pero ignoraba que no tuviese efecto en la CE.

En Europa rige el principio de que no son patentables las fórmulas
matemáticas (como las utilizadas en un método de compresión).

--- cita ---

Art. 4 Ley de Patentes:

1.  Son patentables las invenciones nuevas que impliquen una actividad 
inventiva y sean susceptibles de aplicación industrial.

2.  No se considerarán invenciones en el sentido del apartado
anterior, en particular:

a)  Los descubrimientos, las teorías científicas y los métodos


c)  Los planes, reglas y métodos para el ejercicio de actividades
intelectuales, para juegos o para actividades económico-comerciales,
así como los programas de ordenadores.


   --- /cita ---

Por lo tanto se excluye la patente tanto de la fórmula como del
programa, que queda sujeto a la normativa sobre propiedad intelectual.

--- cita ---

Art. 96 LPI:


4.  No estarán protegidos mediante derechos de autor con arreglo a la
presente Ley las ideas y principios en los que se basan cualquiera de
los elementos de un programa de ordenador incluidos los que sirven de
fundamento a sus interfaces.

   --- /cita ---

La normativa estadounidense es mucho más amplia en este sentido, y
ahora también la japonesa.  Y es posible que la europea llegue a serlo 
también, si la presión de las grandes compañías de Estados Unidos
tiene éxito.

:: El problema es que el algoritmo de compresión LZW (que utilizan
:: esos formatos) está patentado en Estados Unidos, de modo que la
:: redistribución de herramientas que traten con esos formatos
:: puede ser en cualquier momento restringida por el titular de la
:: patente (aunque de hecho no esté poniendo obstáculos, tiene la
:: facultad legal para hacerlo).

Tejada::Bueno, supongo que ya lo sabrás, pero en la actualidad
Tejada:: la única parte patentada es la codificación LZW, si tú
Tejada:: haces un programa que sólo decodifique, no es necesario
Tejada:: permiso de UniSys. Claro que la pueden cambiar cuando
Tejada:: quieran, pero

La verdad es que eso no lo sabía :)  Hasta donde yo tengo entendido,
el algoritmo está patentado para ambos tipos de operaciones
(compresión/descompresión).  Lo que sucede es que Unisys autoriza a
realizar esas operaciones de descompresión si el programa se
distribuye a título gratuito, y exige cobrar si se trata de un
programa comercial.  En todo caso, lo comprobaré.

Tejada:: Y digo yo, ¿qué pasa con todas las patentes
Tejada:: que hacen sobre productos y fórmulas farmacéuticas en
Tejada:: EEUU? ¿no se aplican sus reglas a Europa, o es que sacan
Tejada:: patentes paralelas en Europa? ¿o es que una patente sí
Tejada:: es aplicable a una fórmula farmacéutica? :-? ... porque
Tejada:: creo que, por ejemplo, los medicamentos genéricos de una
Tejada:: fórmula no pueden salir hasta que pasa el período de
Tejada:: patente :-m

Primero, conste que no sé demasiado de cuestiones farmacéuticas.  Sí
te puedo decir que al solicitar una patente se ha de especificar un
ámbito geográfico (Estados Unidos, Unión Europea, el mundo entero, por 
ejemplo).  Lo que sucede es que, debido a las diferencias entre
legislaciones, se pueden solicitar más o menos cosas para un país u
otro.  Además, hay que tener en cuenta lo que ya está patentado en un
país y que puede que no esté patentado en otro a la hora de definir la 
patente.  Cuando se solicita una patente hay que especificar las
``reivindicaciones'' que son los usos a los que se destina lo que se
patenta.  Fuera de esos usos o especificaciones, cualquiera puede
utilizar (o patentar a su vez) el invento.

Lo que sí es muy usual es que los fármacos no estén protegidos por la
Ley de Patentes, sino por la de Propiedad Intelectual.  La razón es
que para la aplicación de la Ley de Patentes uno debe seguir un
procedimiento y poner a disposición pública la información sobre lo
que se patenta, mientras que este requisito no se aplica a la
propiedad intelectual.  Por lo tanto, la mejor manera de proteger la
invención es mediante el secreto.

Es el caso de la Coca-cola (no es una medicina, pero se basa en una
fórmula).  Si estuviera patentada, a estas alturas la patente habría
expirado y cualquiera podría utilizar la fórmula para producirla y
venderla.  De este modo, sigue en secreto.



Re: Acentuação na Debian 2.X

1999-07-27 Thread Adriano Freitas
Fernando Cesar Carreira wrote:
  Estou usando um roteiro que alguem me passou, mas eu não lembro quem
  foi... Me parece o mais simples para ser usado no Debian. Aí vai:
 Creio que o maior problema está baseado na acentuação no X. Recomendo a
 solução da biblioteca Xlib modificada conforme mencionado acima pelo
 Paulo. Porém, existe uma pequena coisinha: a página original da solução
 adotada ( traz o arquivo da
 biblioteca Xlib do sistema XFree86 da versão 3.3.1 e nosso Debian
 utiliza a versão . Para contornar, eu recompilei os pacotes do
 sistema XFree86 da distribuição Slink aplicando o patch do Quinot e
 posso dizer que foi a melhor solução. Consegui acentuação normal no
 Netscape Communicator versões 4.07, 4.08, 4.5, 4.6 e 4.61 ; StarOffice
 5.1 ; diversos programas do X (ex.: xedit) e acredito que não haverá
 problemas com o Corel WordPerfect 8 (não instalei no meu sistema).

Eu acho essa solução ruim. Não vejo solução mais simples que o roteiro
que eu sugeri acima
( ) , sem
precisar compilar qualquer biblioteca. Basicamente você só precisa
adicionar XkbDisable no XF86Config e os acentos já passam a funcionar,
com exceção do ç e outros detalhes, que precisam ser alterado no
Eu consigo acentuar em qualquer programa do X se compilar nada para
isso, somente com aquelas alterações de configuração.


áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜãõñÃÕÑçÇ - Tá faltando
algum?!?! :)

PS: Eu tinha enviado esta mensagem no Domingo, mas como eu ainda não a
vi na lista, estou mandando outra vez.

Re: Primeira versão do manual oficial do manual de instalação da Debian em Português (fwd)

1999-07-27 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Olá Rafael

Não, foi uma msg pra cada lista.  Por que você acha que as 2 foram pra
mesma lista?  (se você usa procmail, como eu, talvez as 2 msgs tenham 
pro mesmo folder) 

Sim, foi um problema na ordem das regras de classificação de mensagens 
(filtros) do sistema MailBr. 



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Re: LILO problems with new HD

1999-07-27 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Jon Keating [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 with that.  Can a system boot up without a map file?  It seems like it can.

Yes, you experienced it :-)

 But like your problem, I always thought you needed the map file.  I know my

Only if you want more informative error messages in case of a kernel
crash. W/o the map file, it´ll give you only a few addresses.

Look for in kernel-source/Documentation/oops-tracing.txt
for more information.


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ipxripd package: does it work?

1999-07-27 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Is anyone but me trying to run the ipxripd 0.7-5 package?

I'm trying to run it on kernel version 2.0.36, compiled for IPX.  

When I try to run it, it just goes away.  I never see it as a process
doing 'ps aux'.

If I try to run it in non-daemon mode (-d option), I see:

  Mon Jul 26 17:56:51 1999
  Init start
  interface bound to net 0

and get the prompt back, like it exited without any warning.

I *do* see the networks in /proc/net/ipx_route.  Does this mean ipxd did
run successfully at some point?  It *is* supposed to run continuously,
right?  It doesn't look like the system is routing, judging by what I'm
seeing on other systems on the network.

Can't compile the source package either:  I'm seeing a bunch of trash
like this:

usr/include/linux/ipx.h:64: parse error before `__u32'
/usr/include/linux/ipx.h:64: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or
/usr/include/linux/ipx.h:65: warning: data definition has no type or
storage cla
/usr/include/linux/ipx.h:74: parse error before `}'
In file included from ipxd.h:29,
 from ipxd.c:33:
ipxsap.h:72: field `dest_addr' has incomplete type
In file included from ipxd.h:30,
 from ipxd.c:33:
ipxrip.h:58: field `dest_addr' has incomplete type
ipxd.c:64: initializer element is not constant
ipxd.c: In function `ifc_net':
ipxd.c:69: warning: `__v' might be used uninitialized in this function
ipxd.c: In function `run':
ipxd.c:462: storage size of `sipx' isn't known
ipxd.c:462: warning: unused variable `sipx'
make: *** [ipxd.o] Error 1

What's with this thing?  :-(
... if the problem persists ... get  a  3.5  ft ... length of sucker rod
and have a chat with the user in question.
-- Linux System Administration,
   SYSLOGD (8), page 7
   (Dealing with DOS attacks exploiting SYSLOGD)

Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread David Karlin
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:08:21PM +, Lee Elliott wrote:
 a single line man('xzy') reply direct to the poster (not via the list)
 will get the message across if you want to help - delete it if you

IMHO, it's okay to post a reply like that to the list as there could
be other people who are wondering where to find that particular info.
I've gotten some good tips that way.


David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread Ed Cogburn
Lee Elliott wrote:
 My personal opinion:- Flaming only wastes B/W and does nothing to help
 the next 'Newbie' who hasn't joined the list yet.  Why be nasty?  A
 single line man('xzy') reply direct to the poster (not via the list)
 will get the message across if you want to help - delete it if you

Who flamed a newbie?  I must have missed it.

To those who can't stand newbies and their questions:  Please
SHUT THE HELL UP, and let the rest of us deal with the newbie.

 Having said that, when I followed the instructions (from for
 installing slink on my platform and finally got it to load, and logged
 in, I found that I didn't have 'man'.  It took more RTFM'ing and
 figuring out the various things dselect was telling me before I tried
 looking for a discrete 'man' package to D/L and install.  At the
 moment, having done some work on AIX, UnixWare and SCO, but never
 before having installed any flavour of Unix, I'm wondering if there is
 a Debian equivilent of 'smit' or 'sysadm' - no don't tell me - this is
 one I know I'll figure out eventually, but the point is, right _now_, I
 just don't know what I should be looking up or where.

The man package is far to large to fit on the base system.  I had
exactly the same problem when I installed Linux for the first
time.  'man' was one of the few unix commands that I knew (thanks
to a book I bought), but after installing it wasn't there.  Ouch.

Sorry, don't know about 'smit' or 'sysadm'.

What is it you are trying to look up?

Ed C.

Re: Netscape - Fontsizes

1999-07-27 Thread eric k. wolven

Try going to

Once at Hsiao's main page, go to Search (this site) and enter fonts.

Useful info on fonts, Netscape, et al.

Eric K.

Light, no heat.

JonesMB wrote:


 If you figure out a way around this please let me know.  This past
 weekend I spent some time (again) trying to do the same thing.  The
 font sizes don't even change no matter what you specify in Netscape.

 Maybe we can edit the preferences file and save it there ourselves.
 That way when it starts up again it reads what we set the font to.  I
 find the font problem a very annoying feature of Netscape in Linux
 and Solaris.


 Does anybod know how to set the default fontsize in netscape?
 If I use Edit/Preferences/Fonts it works for the current session
 but it is not saved even Netscape doesn't crash and I exit as
 intended by the Netscape-programmers  :-C
 Is it possible to use a minimum fontsize that FONT SIZE=-3
 will be radable while a H1 letter will not fill the whole screen?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread Lawrence Walton
Rather sounds like a dessert...
*--* Voice: 425.739.4247
*--* Fax: 425.827.9577
*--* HTTP://
- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - mirror in trouble ...

1999-07-27 Thread Nathan E Norman
Hey everyone,

I just returned from a week vacation and after being assured that
everything worked fine in my absence, I find that's not the case

I don't know how out of shape the mirror is, but it's probably not
up-to-date.  I'll try to get it there ASAP.  The machine has some
hardware issues which are being worked out (anyone have a recommendation
for multi-port fast Ethernet cards?)

MidcoNet is also experiencing some weird BGP problems with UUNet, I'm
assured these are UUNet's problem but somehow that doesn't comfort me as
I look at the stats ...

Anyway, sorry, and I hope to have everything back to normal SOON.  To
all the rsyncers who are getting cut off, please be patient ...


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)

1999-07-27 Thread Kent West
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Brad wrote:

 Yuck, long lines making the post hard to read...

Yeah, I haven't figured it out yet. I keep dropping the parameter in
Netscape's Messenger program to wrap outgoing messages at x, but I can't
seem to get things right. I'm currently set at 65 characters. (I'm sending
this from Pine on my university's server, so maybe it looks okay.)

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread Steffen Evers
I've updated my kernel to 2.2.10 and everything is fine except PPP.
There are some strange hexdumps in the ppp.log file and the connection
hangs sometimes what is very annoying.

I'm using Debian 2.1 and
ppp 2.3.5-2
netbase 3.12-2

Does anyone know anything about it ?

Bye, Steffen

PS: Please CC to me personally.

Re: Netscape and Slashdot!

1999-07-27 Thread Tim Nicholas

On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 09:28:12AM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:11:21PM +1200, Tim Nicholas wrote:
  The problem seems to be when netscape (4.6) trys to render the html. it 
  just doesn't. It will download all of the files but then leaves the page 
  this is the only page that i have found which does this.
 It should render it.  The main problem appears to be that Slashdot is a
 huge table, and if Netscape doesn't manage to download the *entire*
 front page, nothing except the top gets displayed.  Most other pages
 aren't quite so big and complex.  Normally when this happens, I find
 that reloading fixes it.

sadly that seems not to be the case, reloading does not really help but what 
 have noticed is that is i hit the back button then sometimes it will show the 
page for breif second, if i hit stop or esc then then it stays and i can read 

 If i look at the source then it appears to be complet.
  Another friend of mine had the same problem untill he setup a proxiserver
 It may be that the proxy is improving the downloads.  It might pay to
 investigate the quality of your network connection, or to try viewing
 at different times of the day.

So far as i know thw comnnection is fine, i have not had any corupted downloads 
at all, and i have used the same modem on several different phone lines. 

thanks for your suggestions, 



Tim Nicholas

Let the frantic Goddess and delerious drunk cry together in shadow for the 
puppys sad stare, the forest and the death of the moon.

Re: my SB16 can't play midi files

1999-07-27 Thread Eduardo Alvarez
At 10:08 AM 26/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
On Sat, 24 Jul 1999, a wrote:

 I have Debian 1.2 and compile the kernel for SB16.

 Your config looks right. In fact, it looks identical to the config I used
to use with my SB16. Is yours a PNP card?

 Now I can play wav files and CD but can't play midi files using
 playmidi. Only a copyright notice appears. 

 Check your mixer settings; you may have the midi volume set low.
Alternatively, you could try using timidity; it does midi in software and
plays like a wav file. It sounds a lot better than the SB16.

It probably isn't this, but is worth a shot.  I had a similar problem once,
with WAV's...It came out to be that the normal users didnt have permissions
to the MIDI device.  look for the midi device (I believe it was /dev/midi,
can't be quite sure) and check permissions.

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Steffen Evers; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 I've updated my kernel to 2.2.10 and everything is fine except PPP.
 There are some strange hexdumps in the ppp.log file and the connection
 hangs sometimes what is very annoying.
 I'm using Debian 2.1 and
 ppp 2.3.5-2
 netbase 3.12-2
 Does anyone know anything about it ?
 Bye, Steffen
 PS: Please CC to me personally.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I have done same upgrade two days ago and
have had no problems with EXACT same packages. My ppp is compiled in the
kernel as opposed beign the module. I have been using ppp since the first
reboot without any problems. I don't know enough about it, but I installed
another package, bootpc_0.64-1.deb, as per suggestions on debian site.
My problem is sound...

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread John Hasler
Steffen writes:
 I've updated my kernel to 2.2.10 and everything is fine except PPP.

I'm having the same problem.  I see it with pppd 2.3.7 and 2.3.8, so I
don't think the bug is in pppd.  Pppd seems to respond to every request
from the other end with this LCP packet (not always the same id, of
ConfRej id=0x5e  11 04 05 f4  13 09 03 00 00 bc 0f 12 70  17 04 07 cd

 There are some strange hexdumps in the ppp.log file and the connection
 hangs sometimes what is very annoying.

Hangs *sometimes*?  Mine never connects.  Could you post some log entries?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

help: telnet knows about NIS, ftp doesnt...

1999-07-27 Thread Edward Lee

Re: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)

1999-07-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:55:06PM -0700

In reply to:pplaw

Quoting pplaw([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hello d-community,
 i can at least boot d-linux (so, i get some credit, right?).

Yes you do.

 [ snip help request, answered by others ]
 anyway, the pro talk seems to be in favor of shutting off newbies, so
 before that happens, can someone gently give me help regarding the
 man(ual).  (believe me, i'd love to find the answers on my own by
 reading a manual.  i just need help getting to it.)

I am sorry but I believe you have this wrong.

The Newbie GuideLines project was proposed, and is being worked on, as
a project to Help newbies rather than shutting them off.  We wont to
assist them by giving them an information package the will integrate
them into Debian/Linux rather then shut them out.

In the process we will have less occasion to see the 'RTFM'
suggestions that come out of the frustration of seeing the same crys
for help week after week.  

The intent is to make Pro's out of Newbies by getting the newbies up
to speed and on their own.

I hope this clears this up for you.

C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
-- Ray Simard

Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Flaming Debian Newbies
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:08:21PM +

In reply to:Lee Elliott

Quoting Lee Elliott([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Having said that, when I followed the instructions (from for
 installing slink on my platform and finally got it to load, and logged
 in, I found that I didn't have 'man'.  It took more RTFM'ing and
 figuring out the various things dselect was telling me before I tried
 looking for a discrete 'man' package to D/L and install.  At the


You are right, of course.  That is something that a log of us forget,
even if we outselves were bitten by that as well (not having the man
package installed).

That is one of the reasons we are _trying_ to come up with _something_
that wil eliminate this in the future.  All this wasted bandwidth
could, I think, but better spent with making suggestions at this point
and _trying_ to refrain from bashing those that are made.  There will
be plenty of time to do that when the the draft of the Guidelines is
presented to the list for review.

/begin OFTOPIC

Hope this mail is received in a timely manner.  It seems that
mindspring is having server problems, again.  I am unable to connect
reliably to the net today.


Bad or missing mouse driver. Spank the cat [Y/N]?

ssh client

1999-07-27 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all,
  this is not a debian specific question, but does anyone know of an ssh client 
for Win9x/NT that i can use to connect to my ssh ONLY enabled debian server ?
  i need this as i dont have a linux box at home.

xinetd access control

1999-07-27 Thread Jim B
This isn't Debian-specific, but I tried another list I'm on and didn't hear
anything back

Anyone else running xinetd (the inetd replacement)?  I'm wondering if
there's a way to use wildcards in the access control (no_access).

For example, with inetd you could deny:

and that line would match * .

Can this be done with xinetd?  I wasn't able to find any way to do it in the
doc, and I tried several guesses and none of them worked.

I've been running xinetd for months under the mistaken assumption that it
also read hosts.allow and hosts.deny (just like inetd) but noticed the other
day that it does not.  Stupid me.  Anyway I do prefer xinetd, but this
appears to be a serious limitation.

Thanks to anyone who can help.

Re: The Hat: was Re: new logo on

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, Matthew Cordes wrote:
  |   I'm not sure it's really necessary, though.  If there's any meaning
  |   behind that hat, I don't know what it is.
  |  The 'Hat' is a clever marketing icon.  The Debian Swirl is a little too 
abstract.  I theorize that it will be changed relative soon (1 year or less).  
What was wrong with the clever looking bird, prior to the swirl?
  |  -matt
What exactly is clever about the Hat? I got the jinni thing. 
Furthermore, what's with the penguin? That never made any sense either.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Still can't build kernel_image on slink

1999-07-27 Thread Tadeusz Bak

Hi all, 
After upgrading from hamm to slink I tried to compile a new kernel.
Unfortunately the command 'make-kpkg kernel_image' stopped with the
following error:

cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
chmod 644 debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
test -f   cp \
test -f   chmod 644 \
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-image-2.0.36 not in control info
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

At that time I hadn't the package kernel-image-2.0.36 installed, I had
kernel-image-2.0.36-i686 instead. Suspecting that was a problem I
installed a new kernel-image-2.0.36 and now according to 'dpkg --status
kernel-image-2.0.36' :

Package: kernel-image-2.0.36
Status: install ok installed
Installed-Size: 822

But my attempt to build a new kernel_image still results in the above
error. Is there something wrong with the kernel-package 6.05 or, more
probably, my system is completely disorganized? 
Thank you for your attention :-).


Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Ed Cogburn wrote:
 The man package is far to large to fit on the base system.  I had
 exactly the same problem when I installed Linux for the first
 time.  'man' was one of the few unix commands that I knew (thanks
 to a book I bought), but after installing it wasn't there.  Ouch.

You're right!
Even if it is there. Finding exactly the information You want isn't always
easy (especially for a newbie). And finding somethind on the bash manpage
(sleep AFAIR) is very difficult if You do not know exactly what and how to
search. How should somebody new to linux know that  is a builtin bash
command and how should he find it?

Even the people who flame newbies sometimes need information that can be
found on a simple manpage and they are more pleased with a polite message
like: have a look at the manpage for '...' or the '...-HOWTO' or
'http:...' rather than with a reply like RTFM you silly idiot not even
telling on which manpage to look at.

I think giving help to others and sharing knowledge is one of the biggest
strengths of the linux community. Everybody started as a newbie so don't
flame them.


  __ ___
 // )___---.
\ |,( /`--  `. Bernhard Rieder
 \/ o\
 (   _.-.  ,';   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |\   /`. \  ,  /   |
  | \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.___
_-'.'| |--..,,,\_\-~
   '''   _-'.'   ___-   )

Re: ssh client

1999-07-27 Thread Carl Mummert

There is a program named 'tera term' that has an ssh extension,
surprisingly known as 'tera term ssh'.

The url is

You have to download two files: the tera term regular executable,
and the ssh extention.  More info is available through the above link.

I am using that program as I write this; the terminal emulation is on par
with commercial implementations (much better than the awful telnet.exe
that comes with windows), and the ssh works fine.  I have used both
RSA and password authentication from Windows 95, 98, and NT to a Linux box,
and never had any problems.


RE: Still can't build kernel_image on slink

1999-07-27 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
 cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
 chmod 644 debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
 test -f   cp \
 test -f   chmod 644 \
 dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
 dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-image-2.0.36 not in control info
 make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

No.  This is an error stating that the packager has no idea what
kernel-image-2.0.36 is.  Has nothing to do with what kernel you have currently.

Make sure that:

you have the latest kernel-package in slink
you are typing make kernel_image in the directory with the source (preferably
called 'linux')

Re: ssh client

1999-07-27 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:32:46AM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
 hello all,
   this is not a debian specific question, but does anyone know of an ssh 
 client for Win9x/NT that i can use to connect to my ssh ONLY enabled debian 
 server ?
   i need this as i dont have a linux box at home.
I've used SecureCRT, but it is pay-for-ware. Currently, I 
use TeraTerm PRO, a freeware product with support for
SSH through a plugin. I had to go to 3-4 sites to get
the various encryption components (damn ITAR), and I
don't have the relevant URLs handy. I could send you
a ZIP file via email, though.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Still can't build kernel_image on slink

1999-07-27 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 11:30:45AM +1000, Tadeusz Bak wrote:
 Hi all, 
 But my attempt to build a new kernel_image still results in the above
 error. Is there something wrong with the kernel-package 6.05 or, more
 probably, my system is completely disorganized? 
 Thank you for your attention :-).

Try make-kpkg clean. It should clear out some old cruft in the
configuration files.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Using apt with downloaded deb

1999-07-27 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:05:08PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Just out of curiousity, what's up with the apostrophies in this message?

This has been discussed extensively in Slashdot. Evidently, Microsoft
email/web creation programs don't Do the Right Thing (TM) in
regards to apostrophes, and fail to follow the ASCII standard
character codes.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Question on hooking up ISP

1999-07-27 Thread John Hasler
a writes:
 Serial line is looped back.

 What is the problem?

Your chat script is not providing everything the other end wants.  Chat is
exiting at your end and allowing pppd to start sending LCP packets while
the other end is still looking for some string and echoing everything it
gets.  Dial in with minicom and work through the login until you get the
garbage that indicates that ppp has started at the far end.  Then refer to
your notes to configure pppd.

 .../dev/modem is symbolic link to /dev/cua2.

The link is a bad idea and /dev/cuaX is obsolete.  Use /dev/ttyS2 for the

BTW why are you still using Debian 1.2?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread John Hasler
damir writes:
 Sorry I can't be of more help, but I have done same upgrade two days ago
 and have had no problems with EXACT same packages. My ppp is compiled in
 the kernel as opposed beign the module.

Hmmm.  I tried it both ways.  What libc do you have?

 I don't know enough about it, but I installed another package,
 bootpc_0.64-1.deb, as per suggestions on debian site.

I can't imagine why that would matter.  Why did you need bootpc?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, John Hasler wrote:
  |  Steffen writes:
  |   I've updated my kernel to 2.2.10 and everything is fine except PPP.
  |  I'm having the same problem.  I see it with pppd 2.3.7 and 2.3.8, so I
  |  don't think the bug is in pppd.  Pppd seems to respond to every request
  |  from the other end with this LCP packet (not always the same id, of
  |  course):
  |  ConfRej id=0x5e  11 04 05 f4  13 09 03 00 00 bc 0f 12 70  17 04 07 cd
  |   There are some strange hexdumps in the ppp.log file and the connection
  |   hangs sometimes what is very annoying.
  |  Hangs *sometimes*?  Mine never connects.  Could you post some log entries?

Did you remove/comment out a line such as this from /etc/init.d/network?

route add -net


Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Using apt with downloaded deb

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, Brad wrote:
  |  On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Tiago Alves Macambira wrote:
  |   I've been trying to install debian 2.1 but not I’?m not being very lucky.
  |  Just out of curiousity, what's up with the apostrophies in this message?

I saw somewhere that this is caused by some forms of M$ software where
they made up their own character encoding order.  You'll see this from
time to time on websites too.  Apparently if you have such an offending
system, you'll see those ? displayed as ', so all appears in order.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

removing badly-broken package

1999-07-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
After a recent upgrade of some potato packages, xcontrib is in a very
broken state where I can neither upgrade nor remove it. 

dpkg reports:

$ dpkg -l xcontrib
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
pHR xcontrib3.3.2-5.1  XFree contributed clients.

Trying to upgrade causes the post-removal script to do something which
grabs all the memory and swap in my computer and ends up segfaulting. 
dpkg --force-remove-reinstrq also makes this happen.  

There must be some way to manually remove all traces of xcontrib and try
installing it again, but I haven't found any mention of how to
accomplish this.  Can someone please point me in the right direction? 



Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Still can't build kernel_image on slink

1999-07-27 Thread Tadeusz Bak

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:

 Try make-kpkg clean. It should clear out some old cruft in the
 configuration files.

Thank you very much, that fixed my problem. Why didn't I think about it?
Silly me... Thanks again! :-)


Re: LILO problems with new HD

1999-07-27 Thread Jon Keating
You were referring to for the error messages, not the /boot/map
file used to load the system.

Adobe Acrobat Reader in slink

1999-07-27 Thread Matthew Edwards
I downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader for linux and installed it on my Debian
2.1 distribution (2.9.9 kernel).  When I tried to run it, first it told me
it couldn't find various libX... libs.  After i put that dir(/usr/X11R6/lib)
in the lib search path for the script, it gives me a segmentation fault.  I
haven't been able to run RealPlayer, or WordPerfect for linux either, for
similar reasons.  Is there just something wrong with my setup?



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Problems with Debian-based minimal rootfs

1999-07-27 Thread Matt Porter

I am building a minimal rootfs that will loads as a large ramdisk when
booting some nodes on a clustered system.  I'm basically pulling pieces by
hand from a working PowerPC potato system as each node is PowerPC-based.
I only have the need to allow serial login and networking (rshd etc) so
I've stripped a lot of the sysvinit scripts out.  It has /etc/init.d/rc
and rcS.  It then has,, and running in
the single user runlevel.  In runlevel 2, I just run the network scripts.

The problem is that applications making use getpwnam() and friends can't
seem to parse my /etc/passwd (even though it is good, ripped out my
example system).  When attempts to chmod the tty* devices to
root.tty, it complains about an unknown user.  Further, /bin/login
complains that any user I enter is invalid and unknown.  I know this must
be something really trivial that I'm missing.  I've attached a dump of my
errors below.  Thanks for any help or suggestions.


RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
Freeing unused kernel memory: 64k init 4k pmac 8k open firmware
INIT: version 2.76 booting
Fast boot, no file system check
Cleaning: /tmp /var/lock /var/run.
chown: root:tty: invalid user
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
Setting up IP spoofing protection...done.
Starting base networking daemons: inetd.

(none) login: root
login[47]: invalid password for `UNKNOWN' on `ttyS0'

Login incorrect

(none) login: demo
login[47]: invalid password for `UNKNOWN' on `ttyS0'

Login incorrect

(none) login:  

Matt Porter
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi John Hasler; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 Hmmm.  I tried it both ways.  What libc do you have?

My system is slink based on libc6_2.0.7.19981211-6; I only wanted/ was curious
about 2.2.10 kernel, so I installed it.

 I can't imagine why that would matter.  Why did you need bootpc?

I just followed the instructions ( the ones about running 2.2 kernels in slink
at debian web site), since I don't know enough about it, and it did affect the
netstd package behaviour. Better safe than sorry, I guess.
If you need any other info, please let me know and I'll email it to you (just
give me specific instructions :-))


Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy

1999-07-27 Thread a
i am hooking up ISP. Below is part of output of plog:

Jul 27 00:18:52 debian chat[668]: expect (word)
Jul 27 00:18:52 debian chat[668]: vip^M
Jul 27 00:18:52 debian chat[668]: Password -- got it
Jul 27 00:18:52 debian chat[668]: send (vip^M)
Jul 27 00:18:52 debian pppd[667]: Serial connection established.
Jul 27 00:18:53 debian pppd[667]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 27 00:18:53 debian pppd[667]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/cua2
Jul 27 00:18:55 debian pppd[667]: local  IP address
Jul 27 00:18:55 debian pppd[667]: remote IP address
Jul 27 00:18:55 debian pppd[667]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy  

The last line seems to indicate error. How to fix it? 

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I will leave the list in a minute.

PS: My ISP uses both login: and Username: in login. How to expect both in 
chatscript. Currently my script expects :.

Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader in slink

1999-07-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
Matthew Edwards wrote:
 I downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader for linux and installed it on my Debian
 2.1 distribution (2.9.9 kernel).  When I tried to run it, first it told me
 it couldn't find various libX... libs.  After i put that dir(/usr/X11R6/lib)
 in the lib search path for the script, it gives me a segmentation fault.  I
 haven't been able to run RealPlayer, or WordPerfect for linux either, for
 similar reasons.  Is there just something wrong with my setup?

These programs often need libs that are in the oldlibs section.
What you need to do is write down the libs that the programs are
complaining about. then point your browser to then scroll down till you
see the Search Contents of the Latest Release search engine.
Enter the names (one at a time) and search. You'll get a listing
of files and the packages that contain them. Install the packages
you should be good as gold.

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread John Hasler
Steffen Evers writes:
 Did you remove/comment out a line such as this from /etc/init.d/network?

It's failing in the LCP phase, before any network protocols come up.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread John Hasler
 I just followed the instructions ( the ones about running 2.2 kernels in
 slink at debian web site), since I don't know enough about it, and it did
 affect the netstd package behaviour. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Yes.  My system is pretty much potato, though, and I did follow the
instructions in the kernel docs.  Still, I'll try it.

Looks like what is happening is that my pppd starts up first and sends off
an LCP request.  The other isn't running pppd yet and so echos it.  My
system rejects the echoed packet which is fine, but then it just keeps
sending that same rejection in response to everything.  I've been poking
around in the kernel source and I've got a few ideas to try.

I just took a look at the web page.  You only need to install the bootpc
package if you were previously using bootpc.  This because bootpc used to
be part of netstd and is now a seperate package, and the old one won't work
with 2.2.x kernels.

 If you need any other info, please let me know and I'll email it to you
 (just give me specific instructions

I think this discussion belongs here on this list.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

older deb packages

1999-07-27 Thread Paul Nesbit
I 've just recently installed (from scratch) the most recent stable
version of Debian (slink).  I ftp'd the files necessary to my win box,
and installed from hard disk.  My question is:  I have a distribution on
CD (Debian/GNU Linux 1.2.0).  After installing the base, I've used
dselect with this CD.  Is this a bad idea?
I've been unable to successfully install the man utility.  I have a
ppp connection working (a fairly slow connection), am I better off using
dselect with ftp?

Paul Nesbit
Algonquin College
Computing Science / Computer Technology

apt-get reports missing packages

1999-07-27 Thread Johann Spies
After running apt-get update and apt-get upgrade I apt-get reports about
several packages the following eg.:

Failed to fetch
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/dists/proposed-updates/gpc-doc_2.91.66-0slink2_all.deb: No
such file or directory  '

Why is the reference to the packages in the Package file but it is not
available?  It happened with at least three mirror sites.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then 
  peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of 
  mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without
  hypocrisy. James 3:17 

understanding netstat output

1999-07-27 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all,
  when i invoke netstat, i get the following :

Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node Path
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824491 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824490 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824228 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824227 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824171 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824147 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   715277 /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 715276 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   2095   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 2094   
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1158   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1157   
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1126   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1125   
unix  1  [ ] STREAM   1054

  can someone please tell me what they all mean ?  or maybe direct me to docs 
that i could read so that ill know what they are.

Re: older deb packages

1999-07-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
Slink is libc6 (with support for libc5 available).  1.2.0 is libc5
(possibly some libc4, I forget).  I'd recommend you either use ftp or
get a more recent CD.  I also recommend you use the apt method with
dselect (which supports both ftp and http).


On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 12:43:25AM -0400, Paul Nesbit wrote:
 I 've just recently installed (from scratch) the most recent stable
 version of Debian (slink).  I ftp'd the files necessary to my win box,
 and installed from hard disk.  My question is:  I have a distribution on
 CD (Debian/GNU Linux 1.2.0).  After installing the base, I've used
 dselect with this CD.  Is this a bad idea?
 I've been unable to successfully install the man utility.  I have a
 ppp connection working (a fairly slow connection), am I better off using
 dselect with ftp?
 Paul Nesbit
 Algonquin College
 Computing Science / Computer Technology
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using Rock Ridge extentions with Windowns NT 4

1999-07-27 Thread david . cureton
Since I do not have a CD-ROM in my linux box I am trying to
serve the Debian CD from my Wintel NT 4.0 box via FTP. This appears to work
OK except that NT does uses 8.3 file names of the ISO9660 file system and
does not make use of the rock ridge extentions. Therefore dselect can not
find the packages as it expects them to be called.

Is there any software availabe that supports rock ridge extentions under NT
4.0 or alternativly a script that, after copying the CD to harddisk,
modifies the 8.3 file names to there long version using the trans.tbl
translation table?

Cheers David  

Re: understanding netstat output

1999-07-27 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 hello all,
   when i invoke netstat, i get the following :
 Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
 Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node Path
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824491 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824490 
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824228 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824227 
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824171 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824147 
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   715277 /dev/log
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 715276 
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   2095   /dev/log
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 2094   
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1158   /dev/log
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1157   
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1126   /dev/log
 unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1125   
 unix  1  [ ] STREAM   1054
   can someone please tell me what they all mean ?  or maybe direct me to docs 
 that i could read so that ill know what they are.

The list of streams you get in the netstat output is showing you what 

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
   My work in progress.

Re: Using Rock Ridge extentions with Windowns NT 4

1999-07-27 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Since I do not have a CD-ROM in my linux box I am trying to
 serve the Debian CD from my Wintel NT 4.0 box via FTP. This appears to work
 OK except that NT does uses 8.3 file names of the ISO9660 file system and
 does not make use of the rock ridge extentions. Therefore dselect can not
 find the packages as it expects them to be called.

Recent Debian releases have had official CD's that have been pressen with
Joliet extensions as well so that Windows can read the long file names
much better.

What you could do is generate a custom package file from the contents of
the CD an use that to index it. That is done using the dpkg-scanpackages
tool - you'll probably have to smb mount it to do that though.


Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Moses Leslie
I'm taking an intro C class, and of course everything there is run on win95. 
For a project we're doing now, I need to be able to tell if a scanf(%d,x)
actually gets an int or not, but scanf seems to freak out if it gets anything
but an int.  For example:

int test;
printf(Status is %d\n,scanf(%d,test));

prints out Status is 1 if it gets an int, but freaks out and keeps printing
Status is 0 over and over if you give it a char.  The same snippet works fine
under visual C++.  Is this something that's (most likely) broken in vc++, or
perhaps (less likely) broken in glibc 2.1?  All I have to test it on is a
potato box, so I don't know if other versions of gcc have the same problem.

Pointers to faqs or relevant docs are appreciated, I've spent an entire day
poking around in various gcc things (I hate info :)) but with no luck.



Re: understanding netstat output

1999-07-27 Thread Carl Mummert

Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node Path
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824491 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824490 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824228 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824227 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   824171 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 824147 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   715277 /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 715276 
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   2095   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 2094   
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1158   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1157   
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1126   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1125   
unix  1  [ ] STREAM   1054

These are 'unix domain' sockets.  They are a seperate protocol from
tcp/ip, and AFAIK are mainly unsed by X11.  

Any comprehensive unix network programming book would discuss them,
and the advantages/disadvantages of them over tcp/ip.  But for normal
users, they are jsut a different type of socket that some programs use.


(3c509) Selecting 10baseT or 10base2 ?

1999-07-27 Thread William Park

My 3Com509B ethernet card uses 10BaseT (twisted pair) port by default.
How do I enable 10Base2 (coaxial) port instead?

Yours truly,
William Park

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Moses Leslie wrote:

 int test;
 printf(Status is %d\n,scanf(%d,test));

 prints out Status is 1 if it gets an int, but freaks out and keeps printing
 Status is 0 over and over if you give it a char.  The same snippet works 
 under visual C++.  Is this something that's (most likely) broken in vc++, or
 perhaps (less likely) broken in glibc 2.1?  All I have to test it on is a
 potato box, so I don't know if other versions of gcc have the same problem.

fflush doesn't do anything (or at least isn't supposed to) for input
streams, fflush is ment to flush pending output, not discard pending
input. So what is happening is that glibc ignores the fflush and
continually rescans that invalid character in a loop.


Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Carl Mummert
under visual C++.  Is this something that's (most likely) broken in vc++, or
perhaps (less likely) broken in glibc 2.1?  All I have to test it on is a
potato box, so I don't know if other versions of gcc have the same problem.

According to the fflush manpage, only _output_ streams are flushed.

Why not the following:

#include stdio.h

int main()
  int test;
  char garbage;
  int result;
  int j;

  for(j = 0; j  10; j++)
while ( scanf(%[^0-9-], garbage));  /* skip non-number chars */

result = scanf(%d, test);  /* now get the number */

if ( ! result) 
printf(Error\n);  /* this better not happen, 
 * since we know we had a 
 * number when we tried to scan one 
printf(Success: %d\n, test);



works for me, ymmv


Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Carl Mummert

The more I think about it, the following is better.
No more buffer overflow problem.

#include stdio.h

int main()
  int test;
  int result;
  int j;

  for(j = 0; j  10; j++)
while ( scanf(%*[^0-9-]) );

result = scanf(%d, test); 
if ( ! result) 
printf(Success: %d\n, test);


Re: Netscape - Fontsizes

1999-07-27 Thread John Foster
JonesMB wrote:
 If you figure out a way around this please let me know.  This past
 weekend I spent some time (again) trying to do the same thing.  The
 font sizes don't even change no matter what you specify in Netscape.
 Maybe we can edit the preferences file and save it there ourselves.
 That way when it starts up again it reads what we set the font to.  I
 find the font problem a very annoying feature of Netscape in Linux
 and Solaris.
 Does anybod know how to set the default fontsize in netscape?
 If I use Edit/Preferences/Fonts it works for the current session
 but it is not saved even Netscape doesn't crash and I exit as
 intended by the Netscape-programmers  :-C
 Is it possible to use a minimum fontsize that FONT SIZE=-3
 will be radable while a H1 letter will not fill the whole screen?
Take a look at this. It will help.

John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Converting from Redhat to Debian

1999-07-27 Thread Jordan Howarth
I am currently running Redhat and have decided to try Debian instead. I wish to
install from the hard drive from an existing linux partition and have read the
instructions for doing this from but am confuse by one 
The instructions state that, Note that the partition you are installing from
should not be the same as the partitions you are installing Debian to (e.g., /,
/usr, /lib, and all that). This is all well and good but how are you able to 
that partition as part of the Debian installation. At a guess I would say that
Debian only requires certain partitions for its base install and then leaves me 
add to the rest including the partition from which I installed. If so, what
partition(s) does the base install require?

This question appearred in this list in 1997 but the archives seem to have been
truncated at 1998.

Jordan HowarthCSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences 

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Steve Lamb
Monday, July 26, 1999, 10:51:02 PM, Carl wrote:
 if ( ! result)

You know you've been using perl for too long when you see this in C and
immediately think, Hmm, no wonder it doesn't work, there is no $.  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Moses Leslie

On 27-Jul-99 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 fflush doesn't do anything (or at least isn't supposed to) for input
 streams, fflush is ment to flush pending output, not discard pending
 input. So what is happening is that glibc ignores the fflush and
 continually rescans that invalid character in a loop.

Ok, thanks for the quick response.  Do you happen to know if there's a similar
way to find out if scanf got a valid input?


Problem solved

1999-07-27 Thread Moses Leslie

On 27-Jul-99 Carl Mummert wrote:
[.. elegant solution, above and beyond the call of duty..]

I really appreciate the help, now if I could only get debian on all the
machines at school, maybe they'd be usable.  (p-75 with windows is *not* fun)



Re: Using apt with downloaded deb

1999-07-27 Thread Brad
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:05:08PM -0500, Brad wrote:
  Just out of curiousity, what's up with the apostrophies in this message?
 This has been discussed extensively in Slashdot. Evidently, Microsoft
 email/web creation programs don't Do the Right Thing (TM) in
 regards to apostrophes, and fail to follow the ASCII standard
 character codes.

Does that affect Netscape on a windows box, or is the MUA lying in the
  X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.6 [en] (Win95; I)

Either way, damn micros~1!

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread venu
dear carl 

The more I think about it, the following is better.
No more buffer overflow problem.

have heard lots about it in security bulletins ...
what is a buffer over flow ? and how does it appear in code ?


Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Brad
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Moses Leslie wrote:

 On 27-Jul-99 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
  fflush doesn't do anything (or at least isn't supposed to) for input
  streams, fflush is ment to flush pending output, not discard pending
  input. So what is happening is that glibc ignores the fflush and
  continually rescans that invalid character in a loop.

If you check the return value for fflush on stdin, it _should_ be EBADF
(according to the manpage).

Why am i not surprised the micros~1 C is borken?

 Ok, thanks for the quick response.  Do you happen to know if there's a similar
 way to find out if scanf got a valid input?

IIUC, that's what the return value is for. If scanf returns 0, it couldn't
match anything. If you pass it 4 variables and it returns 2, then there
wasn't a match for the last two in the pattern. If scanf returns EOF, then
there was an input failure. man scanf for more info (with the manpages-dev
package installed, of course).

And finally, one piece of advice not directly related to your problem:
learn to use gdb, it can be _extremely_ helpful.

bootstrap query

1999-07-27 Thread Walter Logeman

I am installing Debian 2.1 cdroms, first go at Linux or unix, on
an AMD K6 200, on a second 2Gig HDD.  The machine has win 98 on
a 6gig Hard disk.

After dealing with network options in the installation I created
a Boot Floppy and used it to reboot.  This took an unusually long
time.  Is that usual?  8 or 10 minutes?

I was pleased that it did boot!  It then wanted to set the root
pw, and a usr login  password.  Did that.  

Next, select packages... I chose to do the custom package and
ticked various boxes.  But then I could not get to OK  or
cancel boxes on the bottom of the screen which sat there, red,
inviting, but unable to be clicked!  I tried the querty keyboard,
one key at a time but It was hung and I rebooted.  After the long
reboot I logged in as root  went to dselect without the package
selected in bootstrap.   dselect is now mocking my intelligence,
but that is another story.  I will choose it all from there or is
there some point in going back into bootstrap?


Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Re: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)

1999-07-27 Thread John Foster
pplaw wrote:
 hello d-community,
 i can at least boot d-linux (so, i get some credit, right?).
 however, i get probs w/ dselect (installation script returned error
 exit status 1).   it feels like i'm skipping steps/concepts, which are
 probably explained in the man(ual).
 anyway, the pro talk seems to be in favor of shutting off newbies, so
 before that happens, can someone gently give me help regarding the
 man(ual).  (believe me, i'd love to find the answers on my own by
 reading a manual.  i just need help getting to it.)
 this is where i am:
 i've downloaded
 how does one actually read this file?  (is it a text doc? is it a doc
 that can only be read through linux?  if so, which program/command do i
 bentley taylor.

Bently, Please don't take offense (I'm going to use you as a test case.:

This post is a prime example of exactly why we should NOT separate the
newbies  questions from those of more experienced users. We DEFINITELY
should have some pointers on where a newbie should start in order to
solve their own problems (with Debian). However, as I posted earlier,
some of these folks are so new that they don't even know WHAT questions
to ask let alone where to look for answers on their own.

Bently, you should begin by reading most of the info on the Debian web
site, including the historical info. It is obvious from your query that
you really have a lot to learn, and that's not a bad thing. It will be
fun! It will take lots of patience!!! It will require HELP from more
experienced users, and most of us are willing. In your case, and in my
experience most people starting with ANY Linux distro should buy, or
borrow, or check out from a library Running Linux pub. by O'Reilly 
Associates; the one I have is second edition, but I have not seen a
newer one. It will be an invaluable tool because it will give you a
better understanding of what you are doing and WHY. I suggest this in
addition to any Debian specialized books, because it will provide a base
of understanding of what Linux and most other Unix clones are all about.
I do not suggest using it to try to install and run Debian, only as a
really great background tool. By the time you get a clear understanding
of what is needed to install and run Linux in general, you will have the
knowledge to ask the correct questions specefic to Debian. I also would
suggest that you treat your experience with Linux as though it is a trip
to a foreign land. You speak English (the Microsoft variety). But that
is not the language or customs here. So when you arrive it will be a
matter of survival to learn the language (Unix, Linux,) and the dialect
(Debian). This is exactly how I train anyone to use Linux, and it works.
Good Luck and send the questions along!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

startx-errors: Where is the log file?

1999-07-27 Thread Johann Spies
After apt installed some packages during upgrade to
slink-proposed-upgrades, my xwindows wouldn't work.  I changed 
.xinitrc to remove all references to gnome, but it did not work.  I
suspect it has something to do with installing a newer version of icewm.

But even after installing wmaker and removing references to icewm in my
.xinitrc, I could not get it working.

Then I installed xdm and it did get xwindows to work using icewm, but no
gnome and it ignores .xsession as well as my icewm-configuration (eg. it
shows only 1 workspace).

I am not sure which packages apt-get installed.  I remember seeing
something like fnlib and imlib packages as well as icewm-gnome.  Is there
a way to downgrade to get my previous configuration back?

Where can I see the reason for startx's failure?  .xsession-errors was not

I do not like xdm.  I seems to ignore every configuration file I have in
my home directory.  I would like to get rid of it.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then 
  peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of 
  mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without
  hypocrisy. James 3:17 

Re: Still can't build kernel_image on slink

1999-07-27 Thread John Foster
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
  chmod 644 debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
  test -f   cp \
  test -f   chmod 644 \
  dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
  dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-image-2.0.36 not in control info
  make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29
 No.  This is an error stating that the packager has no idea what
 kernel-image-2.0.36 is.  Has nothing to do with what kernel you have 
 Make sure that:
 you have the latest kernel-package in slink
 you are typing make kernel_image in the directory with the source (preferably

Make sure they are source packages not ready to run binaries that are
packaged for installation.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Networking ~ peer to peer

1999-07-27 Thread Walter Logeman

Martin, John, all 

I had my first go at the installation last night... and among the
many things on my learning curve is the networking, inspite of
all the help! 

 John Walter writes:
  So will setting the network up conflict with setting up the dial up
  connection to the net?
 John Only in that the network setup script will insist on making your
 John LAN the default route.  After setting up the network edit
 John /etc/init.d/network and remove the defaultroute option from the
 John route command.
 [ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
 So no, not unless you set a gateway.

I am still not clear... I said YES to networking even though it
warned me about PPP which I also want to install.

The resulting questions were not so easy, I opted for default as
suggested  when there were multiple choices I used intuition :)

Naming my machine was easy, I called it psy.  The domain name for
the network was harder... as the other one is a win98 laptop,
already networked to the windows disk in this machine... is there
an existing domain name that widows uses?  The workgroup name?

I just made up another name.

I have set it at psy.home.

IP  address:  as in the laptop:   ?

netmask:  I used the default   ?

Broadcast address: I took the first  of the three options... I
don't have them in front of me now.

Gateway: no

dns  - set none

Where is this leading me... I will now need to redo all this
again later, comments and tips appreciated.

Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread Brad
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, venu wrote:

 The more I think about it, the following is better.
 No more buffer overflow problem.
 have heard lots about it in security bulletins ...
 what is a buffer over flow ? and how does it appear in code ?

In C, you (almost) always have to declare beforehand how big your data
structures are going to be. So, let's say you're writing a program, and
you decide a char array will have 10 elements to hold user input. Looks
something like this using a box diagram.
  [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

So, what happens if someone enters abcdefghijklmno and you don't check
the length?
  [a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j] k l m n o
C doesn't care that there isn't room in your array for k, l, m, n, or o in
your array, it just happily overwrites whatever was there. This is the
buffer overrun.

If that part that was overwritten was part of your program that was
supposed to be executed later on, whatever klmno means as machine code
will be executed instead! klmno probably would just make the program
crash, but by overrunning the buffer with the right characters a cracker
can convince the program to do anything [s]he wants! If the overwritten
data was the return address for a call, the program will jump to some
random (or not-so-random) spot in memory, which again lets the cracker do
just about anything if planned properly. If the overwritten memory was the
string used for a system() call, the cracker can have the program run any
shell command with the privlages of that process (suid copies of sh

Re: older deb packages

1999-07-27 Thread John Foster
Paul Nesbit wrote:
 I 've just recently installed (from scratch) the most recent stable
 version of Debian (slink).  I ftp'd the files necessary to my win box,
 and installed from hard disk.  My question is:  I have a distribution on
 CD (Debian/GNU Linux 1.2.0).  After installing the base, I've used
 dselect with this CD.  Is this a bad idea?
Probably as the apps on the CD are very old and use different library
files than those used by Slink.

 I've been unable to successfully install the man utility.  I have a
 ppp connection working (a fairly slow connection), am I better off using
 dselect with ftp?
I would, Even if it's slow, as long as its reliable, start with
downloading and installing apt. Then use apt to install the apps you
want (I would do the man system first). It will do it properly, without
you having to know all the dependencies. Please read the instructions
for apt on the web site.

John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Lee Elliott wrote:
  Having said that, when I followed the instructions (from for
  installing slink on my platform and finally got it to load, and logged
  in, I found that I didn't have 'man'.  It took more RTFM'ing and
  figuring out the various things dselect was telling me before I tried
  looking for a discrete 'man' package to D/L and install.

Ed Cogburn wrote:
   The man package is far to large to fit on the base system.  I had
 exactly the same problem when I installed Linux for the first
 time.  'man' was one of the few unix commands that I knew (thanks
 to a book I bought), but after installing it wasn't there.  Ouch.

Since many people who are slightly familiar with any form of unix will
be likely to try the man command on a new debian system, it may be a
good idea to include a script called `man' in the base system that
prints a message explaining that the man pages are not yet there, where
to get them, how to install them, and where to find other sources of
information (/usr/doc,, this list).


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Problems encrypting with GnuPG and decrypting with PGP

1999-07-27 Thread Brian May
Why does the following not work? If I don't get any reply from
debian-user, I will post to debian-devel, as I am reasonably certain I
got these packages from potato.

[540] [snoopy:bam] gpg -se -r bam abc
gpg (GnuPG) 0.9.7; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024-bit RSA key, ID 59EF33BD, created 1999-06-01

File `abc.gpg' exists. Overwrite (y/N)? y
gpg: RSA keys are deprecated; please consider creating a new key and use this 
key in the future
gpg: this cipher algorithm is depreciated; please use a more standard one!

[541] [snoopy:bam] pgp -m abc.gpg
Pretty Good Privacy(tm) 2.6.3ia - Public-key encryption for the masses.
(c) 1990-96 Philip Zimmermann, Phil's Pretty Good Software. 1996-03-04
International version - not for use in the USA. Does not use RSAREF.
Current time: 1999/07/27 06:46 GMT

File is encrypted.  Secret key is required to read it.
Key for user ID: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024-bit key, key ID 59EF33BD, created 1999/06/01
Also known as: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You need a pass phrase to unlock your RSA secret key.
Enter pass phrase: Pass phrase is good.  Just a moment
Error: Decrypted plaintext is corrupted.
For a usage summary, type:  pgp -h
For more detailed help, consult the PGP User's Guide.

This does work though:

[580] [snoopy:bam] gpg -d abc.gpg  /dev/null
gpg (GnuPG) 0.9.7; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024-bit RSA key, ID 59EF33BD, created 1999-06-01

gpg: NOTE: cipher algorithm 1 not found in preferences
gpg: old style (PGP 2.x) signature
gpg: Signature made Tue Jul 27 16:45:27 1999 EST using RSA key ID 59EF33BD
gpg: Good signature from Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gpg: aka Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am very suspicious of that warning
gpg: NOTE: cipher algorithm 1 not found in preferences. I don't know
what it means. I have IDEA setup to be the default Or is it ignoring
my preferences when encrypting???

Am I doing something really obvious wrong?

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  gnupg   0.9.7-1GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement.
ii  gpg-rsa 2  RSA (PGP 2.x-compatible) module for GNU Priv
ii  gpg-idea2  IDEA (PGP 2.x-compatible) module for GNU Pri
ii  pgp-i   2.6.3a-4   Public key encryption system (International 

I have ~./gnupg/options with the recommended settings from

# Options for GnuPG
# Unless you you specify which option file to use (with the
# commandline option --options filename), GnuPG uses the
# file ~/.gnupg/options by default.
# An option file can contain all long options which are
# available in GnuPG. If the first non white space character of
# a line is a '#', this line is ignored.  Empty lines are also
# ignored.
# See the man page for a list of options.

load-extension rsa
load-extension idea
cipher-algo idea
digest-algo md5

# Add the PGP keyrings
keyring ~/.pgp/pubring.pgp
secret-keyring ~/.pgp/secring.pgp

keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.pgp
keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg

# Uncomment the next line to get rid of the copyright notice

# If you have more than 1 secret key in your keyring, you may want
# to uncomment the following option and set your preffered keyid

# default-key 621CC013

# The next option is enabled because this one is needed for interoperation
# with PGP 5 users.  To enable full OpenPGP compliance you have to remove
# this option.


# Because some mailers change lines starting with From  to From 
# it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating
# cleartext signatures; all other PGP versions it this way too.
# To enable full OpenPGP compliance you have to remove this option.


# If you do not use the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) charset, you should
# tell GnuPG which is the native character set.  Please check
# the man page for supported character sets.
#charset koi8-r

# You may define aliases like this:
#   alias mynames  -u 0x12345678 -u 0x456789ab -z 9
# everytime you use --mynames, it will be expanded to the options
# in the above defintion.  The name of the 

Re: Using Rock Ridge extentions with Windowns NT 4

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 27 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  | HI,
  | Since I do not have a CD-ROM in my linux box I am trying to
  |  serve the Debian CD from my Wintel NT 4.0 box via FTP. This appears to work
  |  OK except that NT does uses 8.3 file names of the ISO9660 file system and
  |  does not make use of the rock ridge extentions. Therefore dselect can not
  |  find the packages as it expects them to be called.
  |  Is there any software availabe that supports rock ridge extentions under NT
  |  4.0 or alternativly a script that, after copying the CD to harddisk,
  |  modifies the 8.3 file names to there long version using the trans.tbl
  |  translation table?
  |  Cheers David  
Which Service Pack are you using?  Seems it should support long file
names, and have both Rock Ridge  Joliet extensions.  Is it a Winnt
ftp-ism causing this?  Or when you read the CD, say with Explorer, are
the file names truncated?  

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: understanding netstat output

1999-07-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: understanding netstat output
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 01:14:02PM +0800

In reply to:Chad A. Adlawan

Quoting Chad A. Adlawan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hello all,
   can someone please tell me what they all mean ?  or maybe direct me to docs 
 that i could read so that ill know what they are.
Hate to mention the obivious, but the manual page explains it pretty

man netstat


It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that 
have had prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally 
mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. -- Dijkstra

Re: Help me stay away from visual C++ :)

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, Moses Leslie wrote:
  |  I'm taking an intro C class, and of course everything there is run on 
  |  For a project we're doing now, I need to be able to tell if a 
  |  actually gets an int or not, but scanf seems to freak out if it gets 
  |  but an int.  For example:
  |  int test;
  |  for(;;)
  |  {
  |  printf(Status is %d\n,scanf(%d,test));
  |  fflush(stdin); 
  |  }
  |  prints out Status is 1 if it gets an int, but freaks out and keeps 
  |  Status is 0 over and over if you give it a char.  The same snippet works 
  |  under visual C++.  Is this something that's (most likely) broken in vc++, 
  |  perhaps (less likely) broken in glibc 2.1?  All I have to test it on is a
  |  potato box, so I don't know if other versions of gcc have the same problem.
  |  Pointers to faqs or relevant docs are appreciated, I've spent an entire day
  |  poking around in various gcc things (I hate info :)) but with no luck.
  |  Thanks,
  |  Moses
  |  --
  |  Moses Leslie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Firstly, scanf is evil. Don't use it for user input! If you want to see
if input is an integer or not, you need to read it as a string first
with, may I suggest fgets(), or simply getchar() for a single
character.  Then use isdigit() to see if it is a digit.  Also,
fflush(stdin) is guaranteed to give undefined behavior, which is
certainly part of your problem. I highly recommend comp.lang.c as a
place to get expert advice on ANSI/ISO C (don't ask about OS specific
stuff! and please read the C FAQ).

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

PCMCIA nightmare - help!

1999-07-27 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

In a wild fit of Debian advocacy, I persuaded a colleague at work to
partition the hard disk on his portable and install Debian.

Installation was a put the PCMCIA stuff in and booted nicely
with beeps and so on.  But it had lost all the IP info and ifconfig eth0 got
no such device errors.

This is a real embarrassment.  I have modprobed made sure the xirc2ps_cs
module is loaded but no joy...I cannot configure a network.  No such device
type messages.  Interface not recognised.

Is there some obvious mistake I've made?  For example, is the PCMCIA card
called eth0?  Or is there somewhere to find error messages?

Help please!


Wise Chinese Proverb:  If tired of computer winning at chess, try it at
kick-boxing instead

sendmail/fetchmail how?

1999-07-27 Thread
This message was sent from by Joakim Svensson [EMAIL 
Be sure to reply to that address.

Hi all,

Would appreciate some help with setting up my mail.
Here is the background:
Installed 2.1 from cd, just the 40Mb or so basic system.
Upgraded some things, such as X and some other stuff.
Added WM and blackbox netscape etc Still pretty clean

Started playing around with different mail stuff and now I can't
really get it to work. I got my hands on the program 
install-sendmail and have tried to use it to configure
sendmail and fetchmail but with no success. 
The program ends like this

Creating done
sh: Permission denied
Problem generating
Creating from $

premature ? I don't know but nothing really works

So could anyone give me some hints how to proceed?
I have a stand alone home machine.
A dialup internet provider with pop-account.
I will run mutt or pine (but I want netscape mail too).
All mail will initially be sent by and retrieved by my
main user account.
Other stuff concerning auto-dialup etc I haven't any clear
idea about. What is a good way for a home system ?

So If anyone could help me out here I would be very grateful.
I do not need to use sendmail/fetchmail btw So any other
good solution would be ok too.

Best Regards
Joakim Svensson 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - The Knowledge Archive

ext2 spec

1999-07-27 Thread Anders . ohrt

Where can I find info on the ext2 file system? I'm writing an OS and will
probably need ext2 support...

Re: PCMCIA nightmare - help!

1999-07-27 Thread Adam Shand

 In a wild fit of Debian advocacy, I persuaded a colleague at work to
 partition the hard disk on his portable and install Debian.

good for both of you :-)

 Installation was a put the PCMCIA stuff in and booted nicely
 with beeps and so on.  But it had lost all the IP info and ifconfig eth0
 got no such device errors.
 This is a real embarrassment.  I have modprobed made sure the xirc2ps_cs
 module is loaded but no joy...I cannot configure a network.  No such
 device type messages.  Interface not recognised.

most likely one of three things is happening.

* you're pcmcia card isn't supported under linux (or isn't supported in the
  main release).

* you have a hardware conflict.  check your messages log file and if so
  there should be some hints.  you can also check /proc/interrupts and 
  /proc/ioports to see if everything looks in order.

* you have a your pcmcia slots on the laptop are cardbus.  even if the card
  itself isn't cardbus you will need to make sure that you are running a
  fairly recent pcmcia package (i believe the ones with slink are too old).

  download the latest ones for your kernel and it should all spring to life.

 Is there some obvious mistake I've made?  For example, is the PCMCIA
 card called eth0?  Or is there somewhere to find error messages?

it's still called eth0 as pcmica device.  the only thing that's differnt is
the modules that will be loaded.

also check the linux laptop page for a laptop similar to the one your
installing on.  it's possible there are tricks to it.


Re: startx-errors: Where is the log file?

1999-07-27 Thread egm2
On 27 Jul, Johann Spies wrote:

  |  Then I installed xdm and it did get xwindows to work using icewm, but no
  |  gnome and it ignores .xsession as well as my icewm-configuration (eg. it
  |  shows only 1 workspace).
Are you sure ~/.xsession is being ignored?  What does your file look
like?  I somehow doubt the problem is with icewm.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: A Pet Peeve about posting on the lists

1999-07-27 Thread Adam Shand

a little late but ...

 Only HTML (among formats that some readers can handle) really handles
 nested quotes well, IMHO.  It's got a tag just for it.  Do any
 text-based readers handle HTML (by spawning Lynx or something)?  Just
 curious; I wouldn't *dare* post HTML here.  ;-)

pine (and i'm pretty sure mutt) supports spawning an external program based
on mime type.  so it would be fairly trivial to set either up to spawn the
html viewer of your choice to view html mail.

pine also has built in support for basic html mail.  it will highlight links
(and allow you to select them) and hide the ugliness of most html email.  it
obviously can't display pictures without a helper app but it's certainly a
lot nicer then it used to be. :)


startup question

1999-07-27 Thread Aaron Solochek
I have a slink system, with 2.2.10, and until earlier today it was
running fine.  I rebooted the system to windows so a friend could play
some games, and of course windows froze twice.  Both times he missed
lilo and it booted into linux.  He ctrl-alt-deleted during the startup
stuff, and it ran the reboot script as usual, it seemed to be a clean
reboot.  However, when all this game playing was finished I went back to
linux, and it took FOREVER (around 20minutes) to boot to a login
prompt.  The two services that seem to be causing the delay are syslogd,
and lpd.  Both of those take an insane amount of time to start all of
the sudden.  This happened a few times, and finally I decided to do a -h
shutdown, and that seemed to solve this.  Why did this happen?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: removing badly-broken package

1999-07-27 Thread Stefan . Ehlen

 in message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
After a recent upgrade of some potato packages, xcontrib is in a very
broken state where I can neither upgrade nor remove it. 

dpkg reports:

$ dpkg -l xcontrib
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad
||/ NameVersionDescription
pHR xcontrib3.3.2-5.1  XFree contributed clients.

Trying to upgrade causes the post-removal script to do something which
grabs all the memory and swap in my computer and ends up segfaulting. 
dpkg --force-remove-reinstrq also makes this happen.  

There must be some way to manually remove all traces of xcontrib and try
installing it again, but I haven't found any mention of how to
accomplish this.  Can someone please point me in the right direction? 

I manually uninstalled several packages using the information in 
/var/lib/dpkg/info. I deleted all files in package.list and had a closer 
look at the other package.* files to see whether there was more to do - in 
most cases there wasn't. 

Oh, by the way, it worked every time :-)

Good luck!



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