Re: Actulizar a Slink

1999-09-03 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 09:31:51PM +0200, Juanjo Martinez wrote:
 Hola a todos/as:
 He actualizado de hamm a slink (Citius) creo que sin problemas, con apt.
 Ahora quiero actualizar el kernel al 2.2.4, pero leyendo la documentación
 veo que me pide una serie de actualizaciones que yo pensaba que la D2.1 ya
 tenía y eso me desorienta. Veamos:

Hace un mes o así yo actualicé de 2.0.36 a 2.2.4 sin mayores problemas hasta

 pide  tengo
 libc6 2.0.7pre6 -esta me pone los pelos de 

Yo continúo con la y hasta ahora sin problemas (toca

 procinfo 16   0.9 (del 28/4/96!!! ¿no se actualizó?)
 automount 3.1.1   no lo tengo y no lo encuentro en los cd's
 NFS 2.2beta40 2.2beta37
 Ncpfs 2.2.0   no voy a usar Novell

Ninguno de estos los tengo instalados.

 util-linux 2.9i   2.9g-6

En éste también continúo con la antigua, y sin problemas.

 Bien, pues lo que necesito saber es si alguna de las versiones que tengo
 instaladas me va a dar problemas con el nuevo kernel. Asi mismo agradecería
 cualquier comentario, sugerencia, indicación o lo que sea en cuanto se
 refiere al paso de un kernel 2.0.34 a uno 2.2.4

Pues lo dicho anteriormente. Claro que en mi PC no tengo ningún servicio
de red instalado, por lo que no se si las versiones antiguas dan problemas
en estos casos. En todo caso, conservar estas versiones no rompe nada grave
por lo que probar con ellas no cuesta nada, y si ves que algo deja de 
funcionar puedes actualizarlo después.

Ah! Yo utilicé kernel-package para construir el *.deb con la imagen del
kernel e instalarlo después.
 Gracias por todo.

De nada

Re: Matrox G200 y XFree86

1999-09-03 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 02 Sep 1999 a las 06:24PM +0200, Hue-Bond escribio:
 El jueves 02 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 11:37:32 +0200, Antonio A. Rivas 
 Ojanguren contaba:
 Quisiera saber si alguien consiguió configurar las X con la MGA G200
 para las X sin su driver y cómo lo hizo.
  Necesitas las X de potato,  y para dichas X necesitas glibc2.1.
  La actualización  tiene sus  huevos pero si  yo lo  hice, cualquier
  mortal puede. Y rula a 1280x1024  :^).

Yo lo conseguí con la G100 poniendo el XF86_SVGA (solo ese fichero) de
la 3.3.3 que me bajé de sustituyendo al mismo fichero que
la 3.3.2 de hamm tenía, y luego usando XF86Setup para configurar.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
09/03   Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic in San Marino
09/05   Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests, 1961
09/05   The first Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia, 1774
09/06   149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard the Mayflower, 1620
09/06   First Star Trek episode (The Man Trap) aired 1966
09/06   Pres. McKinley shot, 1901
09/06   Somhlolo in Swaziland

Description: PGP signature

Sendmail dice NO, Fetchmail flipa y corta, y yo me j*d*, :-(

1999-09-03 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

pues una mañana me encuentro que no tengo correo nuevo y mirando los logs...

-=-=-=-  Wed 01-09-1999 00:50:20  Conectando... -=-=-=-
15 messages for 00021965 at (56134 octets).
reading message 1 of 15 (4085 octets) ... flushed
reading message 2 of 15 (2458 octets) .. flushed
reading message 3 of 15 (3383 octets) ... flushed
reading message 4 of 15 (2698 octets) fetchmail: SMTP error: 451
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must resolve^M
fetchmail: SMTP error: 553 cosme... Domain name required^M
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

o en /var/log/mail.log...

Sep 1 00:51:59 anarres sendmail[4704]: AAA04704:
ruleset=check_mail,arg1=[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[],reject=451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must

Sep 1 00:51:59 anarres
sendmail[4704]: AAA04704:from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=0, class=0,
pri=0, nrcpts=0,proto=ESMTP, [EMAIL PROTECTED] []

Sep 1 00:51:59 anarres sendmail[4814]: AAA04814:
ruleset=check_mail,arg1=cosme, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [], reject=553
cosme... Domain name required

Sep 1 00:51:59 anarres sendmail[4814]: AAA04814: from=cosme, size=0,class=0,
pri=0, nrcpts=0, proto=ESMTP, [EMAIL PROTECTED] []


Hice  nuevos   intentos  y   siempre  fallaba  con   el  mismo
mensaje. Al final tuve que utilizar la línea

mda formail -s procmail 

para bajar el correo.

Me gustaría saber  si mi Sendmail (8.9.3-1)  tiene un problema
con nombres largos o qué es lo que pasa. También si se puede
configurar  Sendmail/Fetchmail de  una  forma en  la que  ante
estos errores no  se termine la conexión y se  puedan bajar el
resto de mensajes.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ni idea de cómo empezar

1999-09-03 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Sep 01, 1999,

 Hasta  ahí  todo perfecto,  pero  me  digo, vamos  a  probar
 las  famosas X-Window  (para  que se  parezca  a mi  antiguo
 Win). Tecleo startx  y cosas  por el  estilo y  no consigo

Debes  ejecutar  xf86config  (modo texto)  o  XF86Setup  (modo
gráfico) para  configurar Xwindow para tu  hardware. Existe un
HOWTO traducido, deberías tenerlo en


Si no aparece instala el paquete `doc-linux-es'.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: procesos en background

1999-09-03 Thread Fernando
Manel Marin wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 08:33:12AM +0200, Fernando wrote:
  Estoy de acuerdo que en el uso normal esto resulta más comodo,
  pero hay situaciones en las que es desable que se terminen todos
  los procesos, y no se como hacerlo.
 ¿Puedes ser un poco mas especifico?
 ¿Por todos los procesos quieres decir todos los de cierto usuario?
 Yo hasta ahora no he necesitado algo asi...
 Podrias arrancar esos procesos desde un script y luego killearlo...
 Si en el script haces un:
 trap kill 0 EXIT
 Todos los procesos hijos seran asesinados al killearlo a el...

Es más o menos lo que buscaba. (Si es que funciona)
Estoy lanzando un xterm a un terminal remoto para que haga ciertas
cosas, y si transcurrido cierto tiempo nadie hace nada lo mato.
(El problema es que se me quedan los procesos vivos)



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.
Description: Bourne shell script
Description: Bourne shell script

Re: fax en linux

1999-09-03 Thread TooMany
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 05:18:15PM +0200, Juanma wrote:
 Necesitaría probar a enviar faxes desde linux, pues hasta ahora estoy
 utilizando la guarrería de windows ¿conoceis la posibilidad de hecer esto? o
 dirigirme a alguna página en español que me lo indique.

En Linux dispones de: Hylafax, Efax, mgetty+sendfax... Yo conozco Hylafax,
que es un servidor de faxes y va de maravilla, sobretodo si trabajas desde
Linux. El mgetty+sendfax también está bastante bien. El que no conozco es el

Have a nice day  ;-)

cliente samba

1999-09-03 Thread TooMany

¿Sabe alguien si existe algún programa gráfico para visualizar volúmenes
(particiones) de sistemas samba o NT/windoze en modo gráfico?
Si viene en la distribución 2.1 mejor que mejor, pero la cuestión es que
venga en paquete *.deb...

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: cliente samba

1999-09-03 Thread David Charro Ripa

Solo lo he visto en potato. Tiene una interfaz web.
Deje de usarlo porque eso de poder ver la red a traves de un navegador lo puede 
cualquiera, no solo tu.




 ¿Sabe alguien si existe algún programa gráfico para visualizar volúmenes
 (particiones) de sistemas samba o NT/windoze en modo gráfico?
 Si viene en la distribución 2.1 mejor que mejor, pero la cuestión es que
 venga en paquete *.deb...

 Muchas gracias por todo.

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Procmail y mi torpeza

1999-09-03 Thread Barbwired
Ayer me puse a experimentar con procmail y la verdad es que en 15 minutos lo 
tenía funcionando. Creo que va todo como la seda, pero no consigo que me haga
un pequeño truco.
Lo que yo pretendo es que me lea un archivo ($HOME/Mail/deb-old), detecte los 
mensajes duplicados, meta una copia de cada mensaje en $HOME/Mail/deb y pase de
los mensajes repetidos. O sea, hacer limpieza.

Lo que yo hago es esto:
~-barbwired cat Mail/deb-old | formail -s procmail (obviamente estoy en mi 
Para que esto haga algo, he incluído lo siguiente en mi equivalente al 
.procmailrc (no he podido evitar montarme una película tremenda con un *rc para 
cada tipo correo, rc.maillists rc.personal, rc.tests... el caso es que es una 
pijada, pero me funciona y me da _mucha_ flexibilidad):

~-barbwired vi .procmail/rc.maillists
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192000 msgid.cache
Esto me hace una base de datos con los 
message-id de los correos y detecta los 
Esto es una receta normal y corriente.

Y sólo consigo que guarde una copia de los que _no_ están duplicados, pero 
claro, yo lo que quiero es que me limpie ese buzón, creando uno nuevo sólo 
con los originales. U. 

O sea, que me quedo a medias. Parece que si invoco formail con -s es 
incompatible con el formail -D que le meto al rc.maillists, pero tampoco
estoy muy segura. ¿Hay alguna otra forma de que procmail me lea un buzón?
¿Lo que yo pretendo se puede hacer con procmail o me toca hacerlo a mano?
Me pongo a temblar cuando pienso que son unos 14.000 mensajes (53 MB). 
¿Que de dónde ha salido ese monstruo? Mejor no preguntéis...  :(

P.D: Me explico como un libro cerrado, verdad?
You know you are a geek when your dog has a web page and auto-responding email.
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Procmail y mi torpeza

1999-09-03 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Barbwired wrote:

 ~-barbwired vi .procmail/rc.maillists
 :0 Wh: msgid.lock
 | formail -D 8192000 msgid.cache
   Esto me hace una base de datos con los 
   message-id de los correos y detecta los 
   Esto es una receta normal y corriente.
 Y sólo consigo que guarde una copia de los que _no_ están duplicados, pero 
 claro, yo lo que quiero es que me limpie ese buzón, creando uno nuevo sólo 
 con los originales. U.

A ver, en cuestión de listas de correo yo llamo mensajes originales a
aquellos que provienen de la lista, y las copias personales que a veces me
envían con Cc: (que normalmente agradezco) las acabo borrando al final,
porque sé que ya están en la lista (aunque las de la lista tarden más en

Hay gustos para todo, pero si diera la casualidad de que es esto
lo que quieres hacer, te recomendaría que no usaras la expresión ^TO
sino alguno de los campos que tienen los mensajes que provienen de la
lista y que no tienen los mensajes que no provienen de la lista.

Personalmente, el campo que más me gusta para esto es el Resent-Sender,
porque suelo también eliminar todos los campos de la forma X-loquesea.

O sea, que a lo mejor y si he adivinado lo que quieres hacer, lo suyo
sería poner una regla con:


seguida de


Una vez filtrados los 53 Megas con este .procmailrc, haces una base de
datos de los Message-ID que han llegado a deb y la utilizas para
eliminar los duplicados de elrestodemensajes.

Bueno, no sé si te valdrá de algo todo esto, la verdad es que eso
del formail -D no lo he probado casi nunca.


 acb7c3a5b84d4db398e40d644baaf556 (a truly random sig)

Re: Sendmail dice NO, Fetchmail flipa y corta, y yo me j*d*, :-(

1999-09-03 Thread Miquel
El vie, sep 03, 1999 at 10:15:22 +0200 Han Solo va dir:

 Lo que también sería interesante es saber si le pasa lo mismo a la gente que
 tiene smail o exim, y qué es lo que molesta realmente a sendmail, para ver
 si tiene alguna solución. Desgraciadamente mi conociemiento de sendmail no
 da para tanto :_(

a mi también me pasa de vez en cuando -tambien uso sendmail 8.9.3-. Lo
soluciono parando y rearrancando sendmail. Pero ni idea de la causa.



   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /  cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX)


Re: Ni idea de cómo empezar

1999-09-03 Thread Jose Aparicio Patino
On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, PAMIFER wrote:
 Hola compañeros linuxeros:
 Soy un completo novato en esto de Linux y me he instalado la Debian que
 venía en el LINUX ACTUAL. Creo que se me instaló bien (tras medio día de
 pruebas), pero mi problema viene ahora:
 Arranco con el dico de arranque, e introduzco el login y el pass.
 TACHÁN, ya estoy dentro. Como estoy comenzando con esto, empiezo a
 practicar con los comandos básicos: ls, cd, etc.; cambio de consola...
 Hasta ahí todo perfecto, pero me digo, vamos a probar las famosas
 X-Window (para que se parezca a mi antiguo Win). Tecleo startx y cosas
 por el estilo y no consigo nada. Creo que lo que tengo que hacer es
 configurar las X. Me leo la parte del LIPP que habla de la configuración
 del las X, pero habla de archivos que no tengo en mi desco duro (no sé
 si porque en la Debian vienen con otro nombre o porque no se han
 Ese es principalmente es mi problema ahora mismo, y me gustaría saber si
 sabéis qué debo hacer o si hay algún manual de referencia de Debian o
 algo por le estilo, porque con el LIPP no me aclaro yo mucho.
 Muchas gracias por adelantado.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hay un librito que me ha sido de muchísima ayuda. Es de Anaya y se titula
Guía práctica para usuarios:  Linux. Es una edición de bolsillo y trae
mucha información de utilidad para empezar.
Si quieres más información, pregunta (que a lo mejor se la respuesta).

Un saludo!!

Re: Matrox G200 y XFree86

1999-09-03 Thread Jose Aparicio Patino
On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:
 Tengo intalado Linux  y de momento me va bien, pero no me había metidos
 con las XWINDOWS hasta ahora. Mi problema, como el de casi todo el mundo, es
 configurar mi tarjeta gráfica. La versión que tengo de las X no tiene en su
 lista de tarjetas la MATROX MGA G200. Me he pasado por la página de MATROX y
 la más parecida es la MILLENIUM II G200 (seguramente el G200 me engaña) y
 configuré las X con esa tarjéta, pero al rearrancar las X se produce un
 error al inicializar la tarjeta (errno 111) y a continuación el ordenador se
 Quisiera saber si alguien consiguió configurar las X con la MGA G200
 para las X sin su driver y cómo lo hizo.
 Si he de conseguir rl driver (supongo que sí) agradecería que me dijeran
 qué ficheros he de bajarme y cómo instalarlos.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Tengo instalada la Marvel (al fin al cabo es como la tuya con el añadido para
edición de vídeo) y Redhat 6.0 me la detectó sin problemas. Hace unos días
probé tambien con la Citius (basada en Debian) y tampoco medió problemas.
Has probado a elegir una Mystique?

Un saludo !

José Aparicio Patino
Universidad de Cádiz

sendmail o mutt?

1999-09-03 Thread dfm


Llevo teniendo sendmail y mutt bien configurados y funcionando sin
problemas desde hace meses, y de repente anoche mando un correo a una
dirección de y no se a cuento de qué el sendmail intenta
mandarlo como si fuera una dirección local, sin embargo mandando correo a
otras direcciones que no sean de ese dominio que no tiene que ver con mi
máquina y ni siquiera es mi proveedor, si que se envían perfectamente, ¿
alguien podría darme alguna pista? Grax.

Un saludo


Busco un Linux(MS)Works en modo texto :-)

1999-09-03 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

No se si os acordaréis, pero hace tiempo buscaba programas pare internet
en modo texto. Gracias a vuestra ayuda ahora no tengo que tocar nada de
ventanas y tajetas gráficas.

Ahora, la cosa es que mi padre suele usar un programa para Windows que se
llama MSWorks, que es un pequeño paquete que incluye editor de texto, base
de datos, hoja de cálculo y alguna pijadilla más.

El, tranquilo como cualquiera, sólo usa el editor para escribir mails, y
la base de datos para llevar unas cuentas de ciertos asuntos, que luego
imprime cada cierto tiempo.

Antes de la versión 4.5 que te pide güindows, teníamos la 2.0 para ms-dos.
Y estaba realmente bien, porque entre el uso de una y otra, la cosa para
mi padre no cambia :-)

Así que quería saber si alguien conoce algún programa parecido, en modo
texto, que no consuma apenas cpu, que pueda exportar a algún formato
normal, como texto puro, y eso, para linux. Y si es GNU, mejor.

La razón de no usar dosemu con la 2.0 es que ya que esperamos poder
imprimir cosas, seguramente los programas de linux nativos tendrán al
menos una opción de imprimir, más o menos usable en cuanto a márgenes,
tipos de letra y esas cosas, ¿no? Con que tenga salida postscript, me

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 WinError 02F: Illegal operation has caused an general error while
 sharing resources with task 00BFD4 running under DOS window at 3B0 mode
 and memory latency mode at 1-3-3-3. Please tell us what this means.

imágenes Potato

1999-09-03 Thread Fernando Sanchez
preguntaba alguien por aquí hace unos días por algún sitio donde
hubiera imágenes en plan snapshot de potato; acaban de ponerse disponibles
las tres de binarios i386 en:

Las imágenes no son de ninguna manera oficiales, aunque sí perfectamente
usables (tienen todos los paquetes, son arrancables, tienen lo necesario
para usar con apt, etcetc.). Se irá poniendo un snapshot nuevo cada semana
más o menos.


Re: Acentuação no console em sistemas Debian 2.X

1999-09-03 Thread Adriano Freitas
Fernando Cesar Carreira wrote:

 Adriano e pessoal da lista,

Parabéns Fernando!!! Vc fez o trabalho mais completo sobre acentuação
no linux que eu já vi!!


Xlib com o patch do Quinot

1999-09-03 Thread Alexandre H Silva

 Oi pessoal.

 Os arquivos com a Xlib compilada pelo Fernando Cesar Carreira com o
 patch de Thomas Quinot estão em

  Até +++

# Alexandre H Silva
# Usuário Linux #108349

Sistema de Instalação da Debian em Portuguê s para SPARC

1999-09-03 Thread Leandro Dutra
 O próximo passo é o teste para plataformas Alpha e Macintosh... mas 
 ainda falta um sistema para os testes :(

Tenho um Power Macintosh G3 bege 233, 32 MB RAM.  Serve?

Só que vou demorar uns dias para tê-lo disponível, estou de mudança.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Sistema de Instala??o da Debian em Portugu?s para Sparc

1999-09-03 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
   eu tenho Suns a vontade aqui na faculdade.
   Se quiser que eu ajude.

Grande! Quanto mais pessoas testando melhor! Só preciso organizar a 
estrutura para a compilação do sistema de instalação para Sparc (acho 
que daqui a uns 15 dias) de qualquer modo entro em contato com você.

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Sistema de Instalação da Debian em Português para SPARC

1999-09-03 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Sistema de Instalação da Debian em Português para SPARC

 O próximo passo é o teste para plataformas Alpha e Macintosh... mas 
 ainda falta um sistema para os testes :(

   Tenho um Power Macintosh G3 bege 233, 32 MB RAM.  Serve?

Humm, não tem um azul não? ouvi dizer que a Debian é imcompatível com 
bege :), brincadeira.

   Só que vou demorar uns dias para tê-lo disponível, estou de 

Não tem problema, eu estou quebrando a cabeça para terminar o sistema de 
Instalação da Slink para Intel 386, e Paulo Henrique Baptista e Rodrigo 
Barbosa se ofereceram para testar o sistema de instalação para Sparc 
(ambos sistemas Sun e 43P/120).

Leandro,  você pode fazer o Download do manual de instalação da Debian 
em Português para M68K no site do Linux Labs?

É que o kernel do Linux não é compatível com todos os Macintoshes (a 
política deles é fabricar o computador MAC e forçar o usuário a comprar 
o MacOs, porque eles não divulgam o código para acesso ao hardware do 
Micro). Assim, é melhor verificar se o seu modelo faz parte da listagem 
de Macs compatíveis, ao invés de tentar algum teste duvidoso...

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys in X

1999-09-03 Thread Kent West
Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
 kent kalled,
 Anyone know how to fix my non-functioning arrow keys, page-up/down
  etc in X? They work fine in the console mode. Not having these keys is
  pretty crippling.
 The first step is to use xev, which will tell you what events are happening.  
 If you post what it tells you keys are, someone (maybe me, more likely not :) 
 probably knows what they mean.
 Launch xev (in the xcontrib package), point to it's window with the mouse, 
 and hit the problematic keys.  Post the output.

When I press the up arrow, these two stanzas are generated:

KeyPress event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805031, (87,77), root:(253,263),
state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

KeyRelease event, serial 24, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805116, (87,77), root:(253,263),
state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

Re: smbumount doesn't

1999-09-03 Thread Kent West
Ari Sigurðsson wrote:
 if rebooting the puter is a solution to samba problem then
 perhaps a restart of samba is enough?
 Usage: /etc/init.d/samba {start|stop|restart}
 Ari Sigurðsson
 -Original Message-
 From: Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian Users
 Date: 2. september 1999 20:30
 Subject: smbumount doesn't
 I can smbmount-2-2.x a WinNT share to a local mountpoint without any
 problem. But at night, our NT administrator has a script running that
 logs off everyone that is connected to the NT box, so that the NT's
 backup program will run without running into File open errors.
 When I get back in the office the next day my mountpoint no longer works
 (because I've been kicked off by the NT admin), so I try to remount it,
 and the mountpoint can't be resolved. So I try to smbumount (unmount)
 it, and again, the mountpoint can't be resolved. I can't do anything
 with the directory/mount point until I reboot the computer.
 Surely there's a better way to clear the smbfsx glitch than to reboot
 the system?
 Yes, I could smbumount the share before I get kicked off, provided I
 remember to, but I would think there's a more elegant solution.
 Thanks for any help!

Thanks; I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Re: Obscure ethernet/IDE trouble

1999-09-03 Thread rick
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 I'm having bizarre troubles with the base 2.1 system (2.0.36-scsimod) on
 an Abit BP6 dual-celeron system with Triton IDE DMA chipset and twin
 3C905 ethernet cards.  After my first net access (via eth0), be it ping
 or apt-get update or whatever, the next disk access causes an IRQ
 hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
 hda: disabled DMA
 hdb: disabled DMA
 [same for hdc and hdd]
 ide1: reset: success
 ide0: reset: success
 so IDE-DMA gets dropped and the interfaces reset, after which the net is

I was getting the 'DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest' error and
related hard drive problems after I selected the 'use DMA when
available' when configging the kernel source.  Although I don't
have the flakey chipset mentioned in the help for this option,
deselecting the option fixed the problems.


Re: pascal for linux

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Johann Spies wrote:

 I have a program called PTOC which I have downloaded more than a year ago.
 The README provides an email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I did
 not use it a lot, but it was a lot better than a program called p2c which
 was available as a debian package long ago.

Thanks for the lead.  After a quick AltaVista search, I found Knizhnik's
home page at the address below.  If you scroll most of the way down,
there's a ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter section with links to the
source in .tar.gz

Hope this helps,

Re: Obscure ethernet/IDE trouble

1999-09-03 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, rick wrote:

 I was getting the 'DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest' error and
 related hard drive problems after I selected the 'use DMA when
 available' when configging the kernel source.  Although I don't

I get this all the time when I try to access a drive that is in sleep
mode.  It takes it a minute or two and then it comes back to life and
works normally.  I have an old '96 era Intel Triton motherboard.

Never occurs on a drive that's in standby mode.  Only the full drive shut
off mode causes it.

Re: SB PCI 128 Volume

1999-09-03 Thread Alexis Maldonado

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 06:38:21PM +, Cheshire wrote:
 Well I finally got around to compiling a new kernel with sound support..
 I have my PCI 128 working with the ess1730 (err, I think, don't remember
 those numbers exactly but it's the one of two that doesn't end with 1..
 probably not important anyway) and the volume coming out of the card is
 terribly low. Is there something I can use for software amplification?

I have a sound card with the ES1371 chipset. It is almost the same as the

First try to set all the volumes to maximum. Try using gom (It's packaged in
Debian), something like this:

gom --device=/dev/mixer -i t

If it is still low, then try using the ALSA drivers.

Volume has always been kind of low. I tried the ALSA drivers and it was
louder. I think it was about 2x of what I was getting before.

I went back to the kernel OSS drivers because the ALSA drivers for
the ES1371 have some problems, but they should be fine for the ES1370.
(According to ALSA docs). Instead of waiting for the next ALSA release, I
got a good amplifier for my speakers...

You can get the latest ALSA drivers from:

Good luck!

Alexis Maldonado
Disenos y Montajes S.A. 



DYMSA - Disenos y Montajes S.A.
Tel. +(506) 227-5616   Fax. +(506) 227-5257  


PO Box:  Apdo 171-2010 Zapote
 San Jose, Costa Rica

Address:  500 mts Sur de Rotonda de Zapote
  Edificio DYMSA
  San Jose, Costa Rica
  Central America

Re: Mouse configuration

1999-09-03 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Ron Stordahl wrote:
 I am doing a fresh install and get to the point where the install asks:
 Do you want to run gpm's mouse-test program (Y/n)?  (to which I respond)
 Where is your mouse [/dev/ttyS0]?  (to which I respond)
 /dev/psaux (since I have a Microsoft Intellimouse 1.2A PS/2 compatible)
 What type is your mouse (or help) [ms]?
 help  (which gives me a list which is confusing for these reasons:
 ms   - For Microsoft mice (2 or 3 buttons)..
  ---various obviously wrong choices
 ps2  - For most busmice connected to a ps/2 port (round with 6 metal pins).
  ---various other obviously wrong choices
 I don't know what a 'busmouse' is except I thought it was more or less
 extinct yet I am inclined to choose ps2.
 I know my mouse is a PS/2 type, connected with a round din plug installed on
 the mainboard.
 Whats the correct answer?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ps2 is the correct answer.

I was a little confused by the choices too.  I don't have
statistics, but I would guess that the vast majority of computers
sold in the last two years have a PS/2 Microsoft mouse.  The
various mouse configuration programs in Linux (X included) would
be easier for most people to understand if they said if you
aren't using a laptop, you probably have a PS/2 mouse.

- Kris

Re: Hardware Compatibility

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

 Matthew Dalton wrote:
  The modem will probably work as long as its not a winmodem.
 Are there any onboard ones that aren't?

Look to

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: #!/Perl question

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On  2 Sep, Jonathan Markevich wrote about Re: #!/Perl question
  On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 03:04:49AM +0800, Hans van den Boogert wrote:
  I'm trying to learn some Perl. I found an on-line book which is Unix
  biased, but the scripts all start with #!/usr/local/bin/perl (which makes
  sense if you have compiled and installed it yourself). However, on my
  Debian system Perl was of course put in /usr/bin/perl. So how can I write a
  Perl script that be executed on a variety of systems (Unix/Linux/DOS)?? 
  Personally, I would count on /usr/bin/perl.  It seems unusual to take such
  an important key to lots of system-based scripts and keep it local.  Check
  out this:
 I think(i.e. just my local experience) many of the commercial Unix's put
 everything under /usr/local that is not part of the core OS.  Unlike
 Linux distributions most commercial Unix's don't come with all the apps

One solution would be to write a makefile that detects the location of the
perl binary and then prepends the proper shebang line to the beginning of
your perl programs.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Problem with open_1.40-10_i386.deb

1999-09-03 Thread Big Gaute

Is there really no-one who can help me?  I've asked this question in a
number of fora now and I am getting sort of desperate.  It is not so much
the fact that it dowsn't work, but more that there is stuff going on on my
computer that no-one seems to understand...  Even if you can't help me,
just a pointer to someone who could would be great.

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Big Gaute wrote:

 I'm a fairly satisfied Debian 2.1 user.  I recently installed the
 open_1.40-10_i386.deb package in order to be able to run commands on other
 VCs without having to log on to them first, and possible to put it in init
 as outlined in various places (so that you can spawn a new VC with alt-up
 etc.)  My problem is:  it plain doesn't work!  The new console pops up, but
 the new console does not accept any input, nor is there any output.
 If I do a ps af, I get:
  2585   2 S0:01 -bash
  2879   2 R0:00  \_ ps af
  2868   8 S0:00 /bin/bash
 (various garbage deleted.)
 The VC which pops up is no. 8, and there does appear to be a bash
 connected to it. What's up?
 Another problem (although vastly less annoying) that I have had is
 X related - when I close X (I use startx,) I am left with an empty VC.
 My intution tells me that these might be related, though I wouldn't know.
 Does anyone have a clue about what's going on?

Big Gaute

Ferjestrekninger er i de fleste tilfelle et tegn på at det bor folk på
steder der det ikke burde bodd folk. Urbanisering er som i alle andre
tilfeller løsningen på problemet.
Geir Hogro i no.prat.politikk, 1999

New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Greg Heather Vence
Hey Branden,

Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what the
plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about 3.3.4 and

TIA -- Greg.

Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys in X

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Kent West wrote:

 Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
  The first step is to use xev, which will tell you what events are
 happening.  If you post what it tells you keys are, someone (maybe me,
 more likely not :) probably knows what they mean.
  Launch xev (in the xcontrib package), point to it's window with the
 mouse, and hit the problematic keys.  Post the output.

Please keep line lengths  76 characters. See how ugly that looks above?
You can hardly tell what's being quoted...

 When I press the up arrow, these two stanzas are generated:
 KeyPress event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
 root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805031, (87,77), root:(253,263),
 state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  
 KeyRelease event, serial 24, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
 root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805116, (87,77), root:(253,263),
 state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

The important part is keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print). For some reason,
your up arrow is returning the same code that my Print Screen key returns!
It should probably be returning keycode 98 (keysym 0xff52, Up) instead.

I wouldn't know how to fix it though...

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-03 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:55:56AM -0700, Patrick Olson wrote:

  if you use dhcp for anything, you must enable source/destination for as well as the routes for this. This caught me some time
  ago :(

 I don't think I use dhcp, but I'm not really sure about PPP.  When using
 pon to get a dial-up connection to my ISP, I certainly get a dynamic IP.
 Is that done with dhcp?

No.  DHCP is a different beast.

 Unfortunately, ipchains does not like --dport:

The option is --destination-port.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about New X for stable
 Hey Branden,
 Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what the
 plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about 3.3.4 and

For apt:

deb xfree86-334-slink/

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys in X

1999-09-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Sep, Kent West wrote about Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys 
in X
 Brian Servis wrote:
 *- On 23 Mar, Kent West wrote about Another try - help to fix arrow keys in 
  Another try
  Anyone know how to fix my non-functioning arrow keys, page-up/down keys,
  etc in X? They work fine in the console mode. Not having these keys is
  pretty crippling.
 the keys).  Perhaps you have the wrong keyboard layout defined in your
 XF86Config file.  What do you have in there under the Keyboard section?
 Section Keyboard
AutoRepeat  500 5
LeftAlt Meta
ScrollLock  Compose
XkbKeycodes xfree86
 #   XkbTypesdefault
 #   XkbCompat   default
 #   XkbSymbols  us(pc101)
 #   XkbGeometry pc
 #   XkbRulesxfree86
XkbLayout   us

Mine for a microsoft layout keyboard is simply:

Section Keyboard
XkbKeymap   xfree86(us_microsoft)

I don't see anything really strange in yours.  Try trimming it down to
just the XkbKeymap.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Greg Heather Vence
ok,  two questions...
I lost the original sites for apt.  How can I get those back?  How do I add
that to the list along w/ netgod?

TIA -- Greg.

- Original Message -
From: Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: New X for stable

 *- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about New X for stable
  Hey Branden,
  Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what
  plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about 3.3.4

 For apt:

 deb xfree86-334-slink/

 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?

1999-09-03 Thread damon
On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 11:21:36AM +0100, Patrick Kirk was heard to state:
 I also graduated from Red Hat.  Debian installation is a beast but it leaves
 you with a working system that is idiot proof.  Red Hat is an easier
 installation but things fail and you're left trawling the net resolving

I attempted an installation of Slink today, and it's been quite a while
since I have done a fresh install, but I've been using Debian for quite
a while now (since Bo, at least). I too, graduated from RedHat.

One thing that got me though. I didn't have a CD handy, but I have a
good net link at work, which regularly get's over 200k/s from
Australia's best mirror. I figured, I don't need the CD, just the
install disk.

Now before anyone tells me to RTFM, I had a feeling it wasn't going to
work, but I had a bit of time to kill... :)

Anyway, I couldn't be bothered doing all the disk images, so I just got
the rescue and drivers disks, booted up, repartitioned (the whole, and
only HD). I was hoping it might let me FTP the base...

Nope, no chance!

Then I remembered that some of the mirrors let you NFS mount them, but I
couldn't find anywhere a list of those that would, and their NFS-shared
paths. I searched the web, the debain site, and the mailing list arcive,
but couldn't even find any hints... Is this information available

Seeing Debian is such an internet-centric (ie., apt) distribution, it
would be nice if you could install the whole thing with one the one or
two boot disks (I'm sure you can with redhat). Even if the boot disk had
a little FTP client (like wget or curl), so you could switch to a VT and
put them on that newly made EXT2 partition.

Maybe there is a way to do that, but I certainly couldn't work it out.
You have an extremely minimal, but network connected, installation, but
no way to use that network. Now maybe the boot disks are already too
full, but I'm sure *something* could be queezed on. I think it would be
a very useful feature.

Now I haven't seen the Potato (are we out of Toy Story names yet!?) boot
disks, so I have no idea what is on them. It's just a little suggestion,
I guess.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling$ 

Fetchmail not exiting in ip-down

1999-09-03 Thread Damon Muller
Hi gang,

I, like many of us here prolly, use fetchmail to grab my mail when I'm
online. As such, I've set up scripts in ip-up.d to start up fetchmail as
me to get my mail, and another in ip-down.d to stop fetchmail again when
I log off.

My script in ip-up.d looks like this:

/bin/su -c '/usr/bin/fetchmail -d 300 --syslog -F -K -a --smtpaddress \
rei' damon

Which works fine, and grabs all my mail, using my ~/.fetchmailrc

My script in ip-down.d looks like this:

su -c '/usr/bin/fetchmail --quit' damon

This one doesn't seem to work at all. After I log off, the fetchmail
process is still working, and I see fetchmail messages in my xconsole.

This isn't a huge problem, but it *should* work, I would have thought.

Anyone have any suggestions (yes, the script is executable, and it works
if I call it manually from root...)



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling$ 

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread damon
On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 10:26:28PM +0200, andreas palsson was heard to state:
 I am using Debian GNU/Linux as a nameserver, and I wonder how do I
 modify it to reject all lookups for stupid sites like or any other annoying banner-site?
 I've been told to use something called junkbuster but I rather not run
 anything extra on the host, I simply would like to change something in
 the bind-configuration.

I know it's not a direct answer to your question, but I seem to recall
having seen doing this exact thing using the IP tools. I'm not exactly
sure, but I *think* it was in the IPChains HOWTO. The example was
blocking a site ( with ipchains.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling$ 

RE: Fetchmail not exiting in ip-down

1999-09-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Sep-99 Damon Muller wrote:
 Hi gang,
 I, like many of us here prolly, use fetchmail to grab my mail when I'm
 online. As such, I've set up scripts in ip-up.d to start up fetchmail as
 me to get my mail, and another in ip-down.d to stop fetchmail again when
 I log off.

I put 'killall fetchmail' in my /etc/diald/ip-down and have done this with
PPP's ip-down also and it has worked for me.


Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Pollywog

On 02-Sep-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 10:26:28PM +0200, andreas palsson was heard to
 I am using Debian GNU/Linux as a nameserver, and I wonder how do I
 modify it to reject all lookups for stupid sites like or any other annoying banner-site?
 I've been told to use something called junkbuster but I rather not run
 anything extra on the host, I simply would like to change something in
 the bind-configuration.
 I know it's not a direct answer to your question, but I seem to recall
 having seen doing this exact thing using the IP tools. I'm not exactly
 sure, but I *think* it was in the IPChains HOWTO. The example was
 blocking a site ( with ipchains.

I do it using ipchains, and I used the example given in the HOWTO.  I think
it might be better to use Squid for this because it seems to me that using
an ipchains rule causes a DNS lookup to be performed on the IP addresses in
your ipchains rules.

Any comments from someone who knows about that?


Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-03 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:53:49AM -0700, Patrick Olson wrote:

  Make sure you're allowing ident connections.  Even if you don't answer
  them, you want to refuse connections rather than dropping the packets.
  Some systems will timeout the connection attempt.

 I'm a little confused here, what is an ident connection?  After looking
 through /etc/services and /etc/protocols, my best guess was you meant the
 auth port, 113.  Is this what you meant?

Yes.  It's a protocol which allows a system to ask a system with which
it has a TCP connection to give it some information about who's on the
other end of that connection.  This is useful for auditing purposes,
although you can only trust the information as much as you can trust the
remote site (and some sites refuse to give out any useful information).

  You may also want to reject packets from IP addresses you own and from
  the private IP addresses that aren't arriving on appropriate interfaces,
  and anything going out of your network that doesn't have the IP address 
  of the masquerading host.  The -i option is useful for this.

 I don't actually own any IP addresses, as far as I know.  You're right
 about things arriving on the wrong interface, I'll have to take care of
 that.  I think it's going to significantly increase the number of rules,
 so I'll wait until I have these right before adding more.

If you accept correct local packets first and then ban anything else
it's fairly simple, although my firewall trusts local machines entirely
so I may be missing something.

 How would I prevent things going out that don't have the IP address of the
 masquerading host since it gets a different IP address on ppp0 every time
 it connects?  Can I get away with using localhost?  I'm sure I don't
 want outgoing packets to have the IP address of eth0!

What I do is to deny any packets with addresses in my private network.
A more paranoid thing would be to use the ip-up and ip-down scripts to
add and remove the appropriate rules each time.  It's not that much of a
problem because the remote end of the link will probably do a fair bit
of the work for you.

 Would something like this work?

 # allow me to use fetchmail
 ipchains -A input  -d localhost 110 -s 110 ! -y -j ACCEPT
 ipchains -A output -s localhost 110 -d 110 -j ACCEPT

You can't use localhost like that.  Any packets going out over PPP are
not going to have a source address of localhost (think about where
answers are going to get sent to).

Also note that ! is a shell metacharacter, so you need to say '!' rather
than !.

 I'm especially sensitive about e-mail, as I am the only one here who has
 an e-mail address.  I can't block all SMTP, or I wouldn't be able to send. 
 I am trying to avoid letting any of the other computers on the LAN send
 mail at all, because it would probably look like it was coming from me
 since they don't have any e-mail addresses. 

Assuming they can't log into your machine, you could reject all SMTP and
POP traffic not on loopback or PPP and control the remote address (but
not local) for traffic going over PPP.

  Similarly, you could control who gets to connect which way.

 How's this?

 ipchains -A input  -s 3128 ! -y -j ACCEPT
 ipchains -A output -d 3128 -j ACCEPT

Seems reasonable.

A useful trick when building firewalls is to use tcpdump to see what's
flowing over the interface and compare that to your expectations.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse configuration

1999-09-03 Thread J

I am looking at Upgrading and Repairing PCs fifth edition from QUE.

A bus mouse is typically used in systems that do not have motherboard mouse 
port or any
available serialports. The name bus mouse is derived from the fact that the 
requires a special bus interface board that occupies a slot in your computer and
communicates with the device driver across the main motherboard bus.
So if you don't have a card plugged into your ISA slot then you don't have a 
bus mouse.

Motherboard Mouse Port (PS/2)
Most newer PC come with a dedicated mouse port built into the motherboard.  
Referred as
the PS/2 mouse interface.  This usually uses a mini-DIN connector like the one 
used on
most keyboards.

The book says that the PS/2 uses IRQ12 which is usually free. This allow you to 
other devices to com1 and com2.  I believe that the Microsoft mouse uses the 
port (i.e. com1 or com2).

Kristopher Johnson wrote:

 Ron Stordahl wrote:
  I am doing a fresh install and get to the point where the install asks:
  Do you want to run gpm's mouse-test program (Y/n)?  (to which I respond)
  Where is your mouse [/dev/ttyS0]?  (to which I respond)
  /dev/psaux (since I have a Microsoft Intellimouse 1.2A PS/2 compatible)
  What type is your mouse (or help) [ms]?
  help  (which gives me a list which is confusing for these reasons:
  ms   - For Microsoft mice (2 or 3 buttons)..
   ---various obviously wrong choices
  ps2  - For most busmice connected to a ps/2 port (round with 6 metal pins).
   ---various other obviously wrong choices
  I don't know what a 'busmouse' is except I thought it was more or less
  extinct yet I am inclined to choose ps2.
  I know my mouse is a PS/2 type, connected with a round din plug installed on
  the mainboard.
  Whats the correct answer?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 ps2 is the correct answer.

 I was a little confused by the choices too.  I don't have
 statistics, but I would guess that the vast majority of computers
 sold in the last two years have a PS/2 Microsoft mouse.  The
 various mouse configuration programs in Linux (X included) would
 be easier for most people to understand if they said if you
 aren't using a laptop, you probably have a PS/2 mouse.

 - Kris

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites oops!

1999-09-03 Thread Pollywog
XFMail reverted to a reply address that was wrong; I had tested spam
filters with that address and when I changed it back, the change did not
take.  I think I fixed it now.  Sorry about that.  Had a spammer using a address and I was testing filters.


Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about Re: New X for stable
 ok,  two questions...
 I lost the original sites for apt.  How can I get those back?  How do I add
 that to the list along w/ netgod?

Not sure what you mean by lost the orginal sites.

To add lists just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the lines to the
file.  See the man page for sources.list for more details.

 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 6:56 PM
 Subject: Re: New X for stable
 *- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about New X for stable
  Hey Branden,
  Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what
  plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about 3.3.4

 For apt:

 deb xfree86-334-slink/

Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Greg Heather Vence
There were some sites when I first installed slink last weekend...  They
were lost when I first added netgod's site by answering Y to the question of
apt's site list...  Didn't read all the way and it was overwrite NOT edit...

So where were those original sites?  I live in Atlanta area so I'm guessing
the main sites are my closest.  Both and are
located here...

thanx again -- Greg.

- Original Message -
From: Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: New X for stable

 *- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about Re: New X for stable
  ok,  two questions...
  I lost the original sites for apt.  How can I get those back?  How do I
  that to the list along w/ netgod?

 Not sure what you mean by lost the orginal sites.

 To add lists just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the lines to the
 file.  See the man page for sources.list for more details.

  - Original Message -
  From: Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 6:56 PM
  Subject: Re: New X for stable
  *- On  2 Sep, Greg  Heather Vence wrote about New X for stable
   Hey Branden,
   Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what
   plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about
  For apt:
  deb xfree86-334-slink/

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Hwei Sheng TEOH

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 10:26:28PM +0200, andreas palsson was heard to state:
  I am using Debian GNU/Linux as a nameserver, and I wonder how do I
  modify it to reject all lookups for stupid sites like or any other annoying banner-site?
  I've been told to use something called junkbuster but I rather not run
  anything extra on the host, I simply would like to change something in
  the bind-configuration.
 I know it's not a direct answer to your question, but I seem to recall
 having seen doing this exact thing using the IP tools. I'm not exactly
 sure, but I *think* it was in the IPChains HOWTO. The example was
 blocking a site ( with ipchains.

Read the IPCHAINS HOWTO. I think you can do something like:
ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
ipchains -A output -d -j DENY
You probably want to tailor the above to meet your needs.
This will block *any* kind of connection to/from that site, although DNS
lookups will still work. Your browser will probably complain of timeout
connecting to that site or something. I'm not quite sure about a cleaner


more net install

1999-09-03 Thread tf
howdy guys

I'll try to be a bit more specific.  I'm attempting to get a full system going 
from the base slink.  I just got a modem the other 
day and got it to ping my isp, but running apt-get update produces (somthing 
close to) the following results:

get stable/contrib Packages
0% [connecting to]
error stable/contrib Packages
could not open...

so I'm connected, but apt can't get (no pun intended!) to the urls listed in 
the sources list.  tried putting debian in 
/etc/hosts.allow, but that didn't do it.  

any ideas? Given access to my computer, most of you guys could fix this in 
about 15 seconds.



Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Sep-99 Hwei Sheng TEOH wrote:
 Read the IPCHAINS HOWTO. I think you can do something like:
   ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
   ipchains -A output -d -j DENY
 You probably want to tailor the above to meet your needs.
 This will block *any* kind of connection to/from that site, although DNS
 lookups will still work. Your browser will probably complain of timeout
 connecting to that site or something. I'm not quite sure about a cleaner

That is why it might be better to use Squid and block these sites from

GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681

X server 3.3.4 is slow!

1999-09-03 Thread Hwei Sheng TEOH

I'm running potato and just upgraded to the SVGA X server (3.3.4). I
discovered that it was *extremely* slow -- the screen repaints are very
noticeable and every time it repaints, it takes so much CPU that my background
MP3 player (or is it the sound driver) jitters horribly.

I'm using a SiS 6326 AGP chipset. I know this isn't very well supported by X,
but the previous X server I used (3.3.3) didn't exhibit this slowdown problem.
As a side note, I had to use `no_bitblt' and `sw_cursor' for either server to
work properly (otherwise there would be strange color shifts when an area of
the screen is rapidly updated). The 3.3.4 server worked fine without
`sw_cursor' but exhibited the terrible slowdown problem. The 3.3.3 server
required `sw_cursor' but was otherwise OK.

I've temporarily switched the default X server to a copy of the 3.3.3 server.
But I'd like to know why the 3.3.4 server is exhibiting this problem? I'd like
to use the 3.3.4 server if I could.

Also, does anybody know if XFree86 is planning to release a server that can
actually support *accelerated* modes (specifically bitblt) on the SiS 6326?? I
checked their website but didn't find much info.


2 cards and a dilemma

1999-09-03 Thread mcclosk

Hello everybody.

After several months of work, I've persuaded the IT support people at
work here to let me have a box on which I could install Debian myself
for office use. Until now, it's been a question of `Which do you want:
Mac or PC?' So this is something of a departure and an experiment. I'd
like the experiment to go well, so that they might be open to such
requests in future.

The box they're offering me is a Gateway E-4200.

Which seemed great, until I searched the debian-user archive, to head
off any hardware issues that might arise, and found (from a
conversation involving Kent West and others) that this box contains a
network card (3Com 905c) whose support is iffy (a driver exists but
has not been included in the kernel as of 2.2.12 at least) and a
graphics card (ATI Rage 128 AGP) which is not supported as of the
3.3.4 release of XFree86.

I think I can finesse the ethernet card difficulty by following the
advice offered by Heikki Vatiainen and by Kent West on this list and
downloading and compiling the driver module by hand.

The graphics card seems more problematical though. The options seem to

  . wait until some upcoming release of XFree86 (3.3.6, 4?) includes
support for the card and use console mode in the meantime 
  . pay $100 for a commercial X server like Accelerated X 
  . magically learn that there is now someone on this list who knows
how to get the card to run under a currently available version of

Has anyone any advice? Has anyone had any success with these cards?
What experience have people had running Accelerated X under slink?

I'd be grateful for any advice. I really don't want to have to say to
these people that Debian and/or Linux can't handly the hardware
they're offering me.


Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys in X

1999-09-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Sep, Kent West wrote about Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys 
in X
 Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
 kent kalled,
 Anyone know how to fix my non-functioning arrow keys, page-up/down
  etc in X? They work fine in the console mode. Not having these keys is
  pretty crippling.
 The first step is to use xev, which will tell you what events are happening. 
  If you post what it tells you keys are, someone (maybe me, more likely not 
 :) probably knows what they mean.
 Launch xev (in the xcontrib package), point to it's window with the mouse, 
 and hit the problematic keys.  Post the output.
 When I press the up arrow, these two stanzas are generated:
 KeyPress event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
 root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805031, (87,77), root:(253,263),
 state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  
 KeyRelease event, serial 24, synthetic NO, window 0x1c1,
 root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 9805116, (87,77), root:(253,263),
 state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

For me:

Up Arrow gives,

KeyPress event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0xa01,
root 0x36, subw 0xa02, time 21187561, (49,43), root:(91,139),
state 0x0, keycode 98 (keysym 0xff52, Up), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

KeyRelease event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0xa01,
root 0x36, subw 0xa02, time 21187709, (49,43), root:(91,139),
state 0x0, keycode 98 (keysym 0xff52, Up), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

Print Screen gives,

KeyPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0xa01,
root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 23147644, (105,61), root:(186,695),
state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

KeyRelease event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0xa01,
root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 23147753, (105,61), root:(186,695),
state 0x0, keycode 111 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 characters:  

So it looks like your keymap is all messed up.  Are you running xmodmap
or anything at the start of your xsession?  Try using xev again and
walking through all your keys, maybe you will see a pattern. You could
also try using xkeycaps for the same purpose.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

DHCP - solved!

1999-09-03 Thread Daniel Lesage
Many thanks to everyone who helped me getting this to work - amongst others,
Seth, Mark, Phil, Jens, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.

Turns out that if I tried configuring the LAN NIC first, for some
strange reason dhclient would fail and would take the LAN down with it.
In addition to that, if the NIC had no IP assigned to it, dhclient
would fail with Unable to create file: eth0 (I think).

Here's my (new and improved) /etc/init.d/network (works like a charm!):

ifconfig eth1 up
ifconfig eth1
dhclient eth1
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

This is what we do. This is who we are.

Hail Eris! -- Kallisti -- All Hail Discordia!

Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

Could you please try to keep your lines less than 76 characters long? More
than that and it causes annoyances with the MUAs some of us use.

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, tf wrote:

 I'll try to be a bit more specific.  I'm attempting to get a full
 system going from the base slink.  I just got a modem the other day
 and got it to ping my isp, but running apt-get update produces
 (somthing close to) the following results:
 get stable/contrib Packages
 0% [connecting to]
 error stable/contrib Packages
 could not open...

Is this the entire error? If not, quote some more ;) ...

Also, it could help if you send us your /etc/apt/sources.list file, to
make sure there's no typos there.

 so I'm connected, but apt can't get (no pun intended!) to the urls
 listed in the sources list.  tried putting debian in /etc/hosts.allow,
 but that didn't do it.

Can you connect to them with lynx, or even telnet to port 80?

These two commands will let you test.
  telnet 80

You shouldn't need to edit hosts.allow or hosts.deny to connect to other
computers, those files control who can connect to yours.

 any ideas? Given access to my computer, most of you guys could fix
 this in about 15 seconds.

If you get that desperate, there's ways to do that... I wouldn't recommend
it except as a last resort though.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Mouse configuration

1999-09-03 Thread Ron Stordahl

: Ron:
: I am looking at Upgrading and Repairing PCs fifth edition from QUE.
: A bus mouse is typically used in systems that do not have motherboard
mouse port or any
: available serialports. The name bus mouse is derived from the fact that
the mouse
: requires a special bus interface board that occupies a slot in your
computer and
: communicates with the device driver across the main motherboard bus.
: So if you don't have a card plugged into your ISA slot then you don't have
a bus mouse.
: Motherboard Mouse Port (PS/2)
: Most newer PC come with a dedicated mouse port built into the motherboard.
Referred as
: the PS/2 mouse interface.  This usually uses a mini-DIN connector like the
one used on
: most keyboards.
: The book says that the PS/2 uses IRQ12 which is usually free. This allow
you to connect
: other devices to com1 and com2.  I believe that the Microsoft mouse uses
the serial
: port (i.e. com1 or com2).

Debian install prompts:
:   ms   - For Microsoft mice (2 or 3 buttons).

  --- other various obviously wrong choices
:   ps2  - For most busmice connected to a ps/2 port (round with 6 metal
:--- other various other obviously wrong choices

So the prompt  ps2 - For most busmice connected to a ps/2 port is
confusing.  I did choose that and clearly I do not have a busmouse.  But I
chose the Standard profile, which does not incorporate X.  Is there a non
X application which will use the mouse?  If you can suggest one I could test
the mouse.  I may need to reconfigure it which I believe I can do by
rerunning mcg or something like that.  Its somewhere in my notes (I hope).
Or maybe there is a mouse test program???


Re: #!/Perl question

1999-09-03 Thread Joey Hess
Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 I'm trying to learn some Perl. I found an on-line book which is Unix
 biased, but the scripts all start with #!/usr/local/bin/perl (which makes
 sense if you have compiled and installed it yourself). However, on my
 Debian system Perl was of course put in /usr/bin/perl. So how can I write a
 Perl script that be executed on a variety of systems (Unix/Linux/DOS)?? 

This will work no matter where your perl executable is. Won't work under dos
though, probably. Note the perl script doesn't start with any #! at all, and
is first run as a shell script (the kernel knows where the shell is, and
runs it), then as a perl script (the shell has perl on it's path, and runs

eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+$@}'
if 0;

print hello, world\n;
# More perl code here

see shy jo

Re: Hardware Compatibility

1999-09-03 Thread Matthew Dalton

Colin Marquardt wrote:
 * Matthew Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  linux sound architecture). ALSA is not free, but it may support the
  sound card.
 ALSA *is* most definitely free -- in fact, it will be the Linux sound
 architecture of the future. See is shareware, has non-free drivers and is
 probably what you meant.

Ooops, yep. Got 'em backwards. Sorry 'bout that.


Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

 Read the IPCHAINS HOWTO. I think you can do something like:
   ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
   ipchains -A output -d -j DENY
 You probably want to tailor the above to meet your needs.
 This will block *any* kind of connection to/from that site, although DNS
 lookups will still work. Your browser will probably complain of timeout
 connecting to that site or something. I'm not quite sure about a cleaner

What about using REJECT instead of DENY?  That way the browser should
immediately be told that the destination (in this case
could not be reached.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.  I'm just in the process of
setting up my system using the IPCHAINS HOWTO, so I'm sure not an expert!

Hope this helps,

Re: 2 cards and a dilemma

1999-09-03 Thread Kent West

 The box they're offering me is a Gateway E-4200.
 Which seemed great, until I searched the debian-user archive, to head
 off any hardware issues that might arise, and found (from a
 conversation involving Kent West and others) that this box contains a
 network card (3Com 905c) whose support is iffy (a driver exists but
 has not been included in the kernel as of 2.2.12 at least) and a
 graphics card (ATI Rage 128 AGP) which is not supported as of the
 3.3.4 release of XFree86.


 The graphics card seems more problematical though. The options seem to
   . wait until some upcoming release of XFree86 (3.3.6, 4?) includes
 support for the card and use console mode in the meantime
   . pay $100 for a commercial X server like Accelerated X
   . magically learn that there is now someone on this list who knows
 how to get the card to run under a currently available version of



I did finally get the Rage128 card to work with the FBDEv (Frame
Buffer Device) method. I haven't had enough experience with
GNU/Linux to be able to tell you if it's running slow or fast or
as expected, or what types of glitches may be associated with
this. I am having trouble with my keyboard, but that's *probably*
not related to the Rage128 card, but thought I'd mention it in
case it is related.

I'm also getting a checkksum error on the 3com905c card, but it
doesn't seem to be affecting anything; in an earlier post I had
mentioned that the network felt slow to me, but after talking
to my colleagues (all techies), they said they had noticed the
slowdown too, so it's not related to my machine in particular, so
that's a non-issue.

Kent West

Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 08:37:33PM -0700, Greg  Heather Vence wrote:
 Thanx for the work on X.  I've got a Viper 770 and was wondering what the
 plan was for stable?  I know netgod is hosting 3.3.3.x  What about 3.3.4 and

Please see for the latest information.

G. Branden Robinson  |   When dogma enters the brain, all
Debian GNU/Linux |   intellectual activity ceases.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Robert Anton Wilson |

Description: PGP signature

Adduser and Perl dependancy

1999-09-03 Thread Stephen R. Gore
Just trying to help out a user who was having probs with adduser, and
noticed that adduser doesn't depend on anything but passwd, which only
depends on libc6, which predepends on ldso, which doesn't list any
type of dependancy.  Nowhere is perl listed as a depends.  But adduser
(AFAICT) is a perl script...

Can anyone shed some light on this?

(btw, this is on i386 potato)


Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 Reboots are for kernels and hardware upgrades.

Re: New X for stable

1999-09-03 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 08:56:50PM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
 For apt:
 deb xfree86-334-slink/
It is not available yet! .deb there still has some bug during installation. 
They all depend on  version 3.3.4-1 whille they are 3.3.4-0slink1. Branden will 
remade 3.3.4-1 deb in a few days.


| Chanop Silpa-Anan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Australian National University  |
| Tel. +61 2 6279 8826, +61 2 6279 8837 (office hour) |
|  +61 2 6249 5240 (home +voice mail) |
|   Debian GNU Hurd   ICQ uin 11366301|

Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Ron Stordahl

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 10:46 PM
Subject: more net install

: howdy guys
: I'll try to be a bit more specific.  I'm attempting to get a full system
going from the base slink.  I just got a modem the other
: day and got it to ping my isp, but running apt-get update produces
(somthing close to) the following results:
: get stable/contrib Packages
: 0% [connecting to]
: error stable/contrib Packages
: could not open...

I had exactly the same problem, yet I knew my network connection was
working, and I could go to another machine (MS Explorer/Win98) and get to
those http addresses just fine.  I asked our network guy and he said the
problem was that our proxy server was in the way, that I should try ftp
instead of http, but it that didn't work he would remove my address from
being intercepted by the proxy server.

So in dselect after choosing apt you are given the option of providing a
list of network addresses for downloading.  I entered:

and it worked.  In our system the ftp's are not intercepted by the proxy
server.  If you will read the dselect tutorial for beginners it makes
reference to this and provide a solution, but it requires a change to the
script that calls dselect and I don't see how you can do that when you are
running it from the CD, so really the install program/scrip needs to be
enhanced to give you such an option.

Actually I did not complete the download using ftp, I aborted it after our
network guy said he would change the proxy server to not get in my way, then
I ran the install with the http addresses just fine.

So unless some more knowledgable person can suggest a better solution try
the ftp route, and if it works fill us in with the details.  I know you also
need the ftp address of a non-US server too, I don't know it, which is
another reason I aborted.


Re: Mouse configuration

1999-09-03 Thread Kent West
Ron Stordahl wrote:


 So the prompt  ps2 - For most busmice connected to a ps/2 port is
 confusing.  I did choose that and clearly I do not have a busmouse.  But I
 chose the Standard profile, which does not incorporate X.  Is there a non
 X application which will use the mouse?  If you can suggest one I could test
 the mouse.  I may need to reconfigure it which I believe I can do by
 rerunning mcg or something like that.  Its somewhere in my notes (I hope).
 Or maybe there is a mouse test program???

You're probably looking for the gpmconfig program, part of the
gpm package. It sets up the console mouse, and offers to allow
you to test the configuration before writing to the configuration
file. Note that this has nothing to do with X, just the console
mode (I believe).

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Sep-99 Patrick Olson wrote:
 Read the IPCHAINS HOWTO. I think you can do something like:
  ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
  ipchains -A output -d -j DENY
 You probably want to tailor the above to meet your needs.
 This will block *any* kind of connection to/from that site, although DNS
 lookups will still work. Your browser will probably complain of timeout
 connecting to that site or something. I'm not quite sure about a cleaner
 What about using REJECT instead of DENY?  That way the browser should
 immediately be told that the destination (in this case
 could not be reached.

I believe DENY would cause the browser to time out, but not right away.  I
only use DENY for spam hosts/nets so that the spammer wastes more time.


Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:

 I had exactly the same problem, yet I knew my network connection was
 working, and I could go to another machine (MS Explorer/Win98) and get to
 those http addresses just fine.  I asked our network guy and he said the
 problem was that our proxy server was in the way, that I should try ftp
 instead of http, but it that didn't work he would remove my address from
 being intercepted by the proxy server.

Do you just need to specify the proxy server address? Something like

export http_proxy=http://myproxy:3128/; 
apt-get ...


Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread kaynjay
I apologize up front for the length of this post, but am trying to max the
info for brave souls who may be able to help me...

An upgrade initially using apt-get then finished with deselect has left an
unknown number of packages possibly not upgraded.  Slink--potato, BTW.

The long story:  (the big questions are listed at the end, FWIW)

An upgrade which ran all night/day has apparently not updated all packages. 
After initial download-only, I reran apt-get dist-upgrade and most packages
installed seemingly with no problems.  Then I noted flakey operation of
gnome under X, and somehow surmised that the system had been unpacked but not
configured.  I didn't know about dpkg --configure -a at the time, but got
the idea of using deselect.

It updated the package lists via apt.  I looked at the list (full of U's)
and decided to add the 2.2.10 kernel package.  In addition to its
dependencies, others were noted for other packages.  I accepted them, as  I
have no way to tell the validity of the choices made.  Deselect got a newer
version of the unstable lists as well, forcing a further download of 36 Mb. 
Installation seemed to go well, with the unconfigured packages dropping to
2 from 200+.

Attempted setup of the kernel package (which dselect never unpacked) failed
at make menuconfig concerning ncurses.  I tried to remove the older
ncurses3.4 package (since the latest was also installed), but dpkg balked. 
That's when I discovered that sysutils and taper had not been upgraded,
apparently.  I expect others are the same way.

1) Is there a way to get this to work?  Can I redo the apt-get with all the
files I downloaded, and simply force every package to be redone??  I have a
feeling that something weird happened when I went over to dselect.  

2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?

3) How do I deal with the ncurses issue.  Are any of the potato deb's
dependent on the older ncurses3.4?

4) perl-5.004 vs. perl-5.005 ???  Do I trash the former or not?  Dselect
wouldn't let me remove it...  (something to do with those un-upgraded

Should the first step in dselect been to configure packages, without any of
the other steps??

Thanks a bunch for any thoughts!!


Re: blink the Numlock

1999-09-03 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Oliver Larisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 how to blink  the  numlock-LED in every Linux-boot. (not only blinking, I 
 to type numbers direkt after boot ; )Windoze does !!


  man XF86Config

While looking at the manpage, type


(case matters), and you´ll find 

|   ServerNumLock
|   forces  the  X  server  to  handle the numlock key
|   internally.  The X server sends a different set of
|   keycodes  for  the  numpad when the numlock key is
|   active.  This enables applications to make use  of
|   the numpad.

 how to start staroffice 5.0 after a crash of it, without booting. I wasn't 
 as yet.

Hmm. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace? If *that* doesn´t help, read 
(you need to have a 2.2.x kernel).


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: #!/Perl question

1999-09-03 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Hans van den Boogert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm trying to learn some Perl. I found an on-line book which is Unix
 biased, but the scripts all start with #!/usr/local/bin/perl (which makes
 sense if you have compiled and installed it yourself). However, on my
 Debian system Perl was of course put in /usr/bin/perl. So how can I write a
 Perl script that be executed on a variety of systems (Unix/Linux/DOS)?? 

Basically form the camel book:

eval '(exit $?0)'  eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+$@}'  eval 'exec perl -S $0 $
if 0;


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SB PCI 128 Volume

1999-09-03 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Cheshire  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 probably not important anyway) and the volume coming out of the card is
 terribly low. Is there something I can use for software amplification?

You mean a mixer?

ashwork:~$ dpkg -S mix |grep bin
tkmixer: /usr/bin/tkmixer
xmix: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmix
aumix: /usr/bin/aumix
netpbm: /usr/bin/ppmmix
mctools-lite: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmixer

(the binary from the netpbm pakckage is probably not a mixer)


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread George Bonser
 What about using REJECT instead of DENY?  That way the browser should
 immediately be told that the destination (in this case
 could not be reached.
 I believe DENY would cause the browser to time out, but not right away.  I
 only use DENY for spam hosts/nets so that the spammer wastes more time.

There is an additional difference. If someone runs a port scan against a
machine, anything that is denied will get no response. It will be as if there
is nothing there. If you are rejecting traffic, they will be able to tell that
there is something there that they are not allowed to access. They can simply
adjust their activity from a different location to see if they can gain access
to the rejected service.

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 02-Sep-99
Time: 22:50:57

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
 dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?

If you had noted the error messages you would have known that something
had failed. In that instance the best thing is to just re-run apt-get
fixing any problems until it completes without error.


Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Ron Stordahl

- Original Message -
From: Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ron Stordahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: more net install

: On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:
:  I had exactly the same problem, yet I knew my network connection was
:  working, and I could go to another machine (MS Explorer/Win98) and get
:  those http addresses just fine.  I asked our network guy and he said the
:  problem was that our proxy server was in the way, that I should try ftp
:  instead of http, but it that didn't work he would remove my address from
:  being intercepted by the proxy server.
: Do you just need to specify the proxy server address? Something like
: export http_proxy=http://myproxy:3128/;
: apt-get ...
: Jason
Jason: I was running 'apt' from dselect where it asks you for network
addresses to get the downloads from.  Arn't you trying to install Debian
using the 2 binary CD's?  If you do that I don't see where the opportunity
to enter what you suggest will present itself.  Maybe we are talking about 2
different things.


Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:

 Jason: I was running 'apt' from dselect where it asks you for network
 addresses to get the downloads from.  Arn't you trying to install Debian
 using the 2 binary CD's?  If you do that I don't see where the opportunity
 to enter what you suggest will present itself.  Maybe we are talking about 2
 different things.

Do that before running apt


Executing programs with a keypress under X/wmaker

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

I'm using the SVGA X server and WindowMaker from potato. i don't want to
change window managers, so don't suggest that.

I'm looking for a way to execute a command under X when certain key
combinations are pressed. Specifically, i want to make something like
windowbutton-X bring up an xterm. I don't want this command to attempt to
execute in the console.

I noticed the xkbevd program in xbase-clients, but even looking at the
source i can't figure out how to get it to do this. Is there a program out
there that will do what i want, or do i have to dig into xbooks and try to
write my own? (The X Keyboard Extentions look promising...)

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread kaynjay
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 11:51:02PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
  dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?
 If you had noted the error messages you would have known that something
 had failed. In that instance the best thing is to just re-run apt-get
 fixing any problems until it completes without error.

I don't recall error messages except about being unable to get to the 
non-us site, and one or two other package problems.  I'll try blocking out
that ftp site in sources and see what happens.


Re: Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread Brad

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I apologize up front for the length of this post, but am trying to max
 the info for brave souls who may be able to help me...
 An upgrade initially using apt-get then finished with deselect has
 left an unknown number of packages possibly not upgraded.  
 Slink--potato, BTW.
 The long story:  (the big questions are listed at the end, FWIW)
 An upgrade which ran all night/day has apparently not updated all
 packages.  After initial download-only, I reran apt-get dist-upgrade
 and most packages installed seemingly with no problems.  Then I noted
 flakey operation of gnome under X, and somehow surmised that the
 system had been unpacked but not configured.  I didn't know about
 dpkg --configure -a at the time, but got the idea of using deselect.

If some package couldn't be downloaded, because of a timeout or something,
this will cause trouble with installing other packages as well. Also, it
could be that apt-get isn't perfect, and tried upgrading package X before
package Y when Y needed to be first.

You'll want to note the errors reported, and if you can't figure them out
check the list archives.

 It updated the package lists via apt.  I looked at the list (full of
 U's) and decided to add the 2.2.10 kernel package.  In addition to its
 dependencies, others were noted for other packages.  I accepted them,
 as I have no way to tell the validity of the choices made.  Deselect
 got a newer version of the unstable lists as well, forcing a further
 download of 36 Mb.  Installation seemed to go well, with the
 unconfigured packages dropping to 2 from 200+.

Which 2?

 Attempted setup of the kernel package (which dselect never unpacked)
 failed at make menuconfig concerning ncurses.  I tried to remove the
 older ncurses3.4 package (since the latest was also installed), but
 dpkg balked.  That's when I discovered that sysutils and taper had not
 been upgraded, apparently.  I expect others are the same way.

You need the -dev package for the latest ncurses for make menuconfig...
It's only listed as a Suggests, so you probably missed it in the conflict
resolution screen.

 1) Is there a way to get this to work?  Can I redo the apt-get with all the
 files I downloaded, and simply force every package to be redone??  I have a
 feeling that something weird happened when I went over to dselect.  

i don't think you need to, you just have to get those 2 fixed.

Also, you can eventually go through and remove some slink packages
(especially libs) that aren't needed under potato. Sometimes the package
is renamed between the two, so you get no notice that the old one isn't
needed anymore... The only problem is that it takes up disk space, so
don't feel you have to rush it.

 2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
 dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?

dpkg --configure -a would be good to try. After doing that a few times,
note the error messages and take action to correct them.

 3) How do I deal with the ncurses issue.  Are any of the potato deb's
 dependent on the older ncurses3.4?

See above.

 4) perl-5.004 vs. perl-5.005 ???  Do I trash the former or not?  Dselect
 wouldn't let me remove it...  (something to do with those un-upgraded

Ah, the Great Perl Upgrade. Once you have your system completely potato,
you can remove perl-5.004 without much trouble. This may bring some of
those obsolete slink packages out of the woodwork, just look at the
dselect conflict resolution screen and see if you really want to keep any
that are to be removed... AFAICT, there's only one potato package that
hasn't made the Upgrade (netcdf-perl)

 Should the first step in dselect been to configure packages, without
 any of the other steps??

Wouldn't have hurt, but probably wouldn't have helped either.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: smbumount doesn't

1999-09-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
aOn Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:18:35PM -, Ari Sigur?sson wrote:
 if rebooting the puter is a solution to samba problem then
 perhaps a restart of samba is enough?
 Usage: /etc/init.d/samba {start|stop|restart}

No, this is wrong. smbmount don't need samba installed - smbmount is netbios
over tcp client while samba (nmbd+smbd) is a server.

I think this is a bug of smbumount, but I found a solution - simply use
plain umount :)


Process Limits

1999-09-03 Thread Stavros
is there anyway of setting process limits to the users, like in +BSD's?

Re: Apache modules etc

1999-09-03 Thread Stephen Kelly
I added the PerlHandler line, I should have thoguht of that before, but it
did not fix the problem. Same error. Thanks for pointing that out though
Andreas. Any other ideas?


At 05:08 PM 9/3/99 +0200, you wrote:

on Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Stephen Kelly wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have problems getting some perl scripts to run on my apache server.
 Anyone know what needs to be runnign with apache for the request method
 to be available. I have most things running as modules, but do some
 services require a compile into apache to work properly? The error is
 below. I have apache::DBI working fine, there must be something else

 All help appreciated.

 I'm running Apache 1.3.6, on a potato distrib kernel 2.2.10



 ---the error from error.log---

 Can't locate object method request via package Apache at truncated
 [Thu Sep  2 19:10:41 1999] [error] [client] Premature end
 of script headers: location truncated


 *** Stephen Kelly  | Ph(08) 9360 6638
 *** Webmaster, TLC | Fx(08) 9310 4929
 *** Murdoch University | Mb 041 986 9804
 *** Perth, WA 6150 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


did you running mod_perl and set PerlHandler Apache::Registry somewhere in
httpd.conf ?

ciao -ap

 Andreas Piesk   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IT Manager BFW GmbH Leipzig
 pgp fingerprint: 23CB A7E2 2E53 373C  DBCD 8EFC  61C1

What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator.

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Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

*** Stephen Kelly  | Ph(08) 9360 6638
*** Webmaster, TLC | Fx(08) 9310 4929
*** Murdoch University | Mb 041 986 9804
*** Perth, WA 6150 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

python-pygresql - files missing?

1999-09-03 Thread Johann Spies
I recently compiled postgresql 6.5.1 from potato source for slink.  One of
the packages generated is python-pygresql_6.5.1-6_i386.deb which I
installed to replace my previous version of pygresql in /usr/local.

According to the README of python-pygresql the following files should be
part of the distribution:

README   - this file
  Announce - announcement of this release
  ChangeLog- changes that affected this package during its history
  pgmodule.c   - the C python module PyGreSQL DB class.
  tutorial/- demos directory
 Content:,,, and  The samples here have been taken from the
 PostgreSQL manual and were used for module testing.  They
 demonstrate some PostgreSQL features. is an
 add-in used for demonstration.

$dpkg -L python-pygresql (I removed the lines only referring to


What happened to the other files e.g. the tutorial and demos?

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto 
  you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat;
  neither for the body, what ye shall put on. For life 
  is more than meat, and the body is more than clothing.
  Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; 
  they have neither storehouse nor barn; and yet God  
  feeds them;  how much better you are than the birds!
  Consider the lilies, how they grow; they toil 
  not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that  
  Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of 
  these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to 
  day in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven;
  how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little  
  faith?  And seek not what ye shall eat, or what ye 
  shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. 
  But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these 
  things shall be added unto you. 
  Luke 12:22-24; 27-29; 31. 

apology: long signature

1999-09-03 Thread Johann Spies
I apologize for the long signature on my previous message about
python-pygresql.  I did not realize that it was that long.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

Re: smbumount doesn't

1999-09-03 Thread Marc Haber
On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 22:18:35 -, you wrote:
if rebooting the puter is a solution to samba problem then
perhaps a restart of samba is enough?

Smbmount and samba are totally different things.

Does umount /mountpoint work in that case?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

RE: Video For Linux

1999-09-03 Thread dabsol

Does any one have any experence with video4linux, or 
really what I amlooking for is bttv. I have a ADS Tech Channel 
surfer (w/o the radio), ithas a BT848 chip set. I tried the 
drivers in the 2.2.12 kernel with outany luck (I am using xawtv out of 
potato), I then grabed the latest sourcefrom the BTTV home page 
I did not edit themakefile because my card was not listed, so I just 
compiled, and installedthe modules. Now I have video, but it's 
BW, and I don't have sound (thiscould be a OSS problem?). I 
have made all the odvous changes in xawtv(set every thing to NTSC and 
Cable) but I still have only BW, sound lessvideo, can some one 

i had no problem with getting my TV card to work in 
(Hauppauge WinTV Nicam) but i also had problems with the 
make sure that your sound card is installed properly on the 
right IRQ setting and kernal moduals-- try "insmod sound | less" and see what 
errors you get etc..

as for the Black  White problem, i have no 
if you do get the sound/color to work though and you have KDE, 
then try KwinTV which is really cool
i'm not sure if you get it on the debian disks because i had 
it during my suse installation

M Thurston

CVS problem: cannot open /root/.cvsignore

1999-09-03 Thread Tapio Lehtonen
I have CVS server and client, both Debian 2.1 machines except that CVS
is version 1.10 from potato. I can do cvs checkout from client vendredi,
but on the server winkiller I can do all cvs stuff without problems
(then CVSROOT=/var/repository).

:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/repository
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:tapio$ cvs login
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:tapio$ cd Work/SysAdmin/Tasks/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Tasks$ cvs checkout DNSMagicv09
cvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Process 27162 attached'
from cvs erver
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied
cvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Process 27162 detached'
from cvs erver
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Tasks$ cvs checkout DNSMagic
cvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Process 27166 attached'
from cvs erver
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied
cvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Process 27166 detached'
from cvs erver

The server tries to open /root/.cvsingore, I haven't the foggiest why.
The user id tapio is valid and works on both vendredi and winkiller.

What is the problem? Some silly mistake I did?

Tapio Lehtonen tel: +358 9 4131 2206
Tellabs Oy fax: +358 9 4131 2030
Sinimäentie 6  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FIN-02630 ESPOOURL  http://www.Tellabs.FI/
FinlandSenior Systems Specialist

tel;cell:+358 40 590 1324
org:Tellabs Oy;RD Tools Competence Center
adr:;;Sinimäentie 6;Espoo;;FIN-02630;Finland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Systems Specialist
fn:Tapio Lehtonen

IMAP problems

1999-09-03 Thread Pontus Lidman

At my work we have an slink box running imap 4.4-4, and some WinNT
machines with Outlook clients. The Outlook clients connect every minute to
the IMAP server to check for new mail. inetd starts an imapd process for
that. For some reason, the processes never terminate; when I got to work
this morning the server box was almost unusable because of Too many open
files, and there were hundreds of imapd processes on it.

Is this a bug in imapd or in Micros~1 Outlook, and what can I do about it?
Any advice would be appreciated. Please Cc: me as I'm not subscribed to
this list.


Pontus Lidman

Star Office 5.1 permission problem

1999-09-03 Thread Robert . King
I've just installed star office 5.1 from the Sun site.  I installed using
the setup -net as root, then setup as a user.

root can print (to a HP jetdirect printer which I refer to in my
/etc/printcap using a rm=machine name:rp=raw: line) OK, but as a user,
I can get the banner page that the printer always produces, but not the
actual file.  What's up?


Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It might be in the basement, 
 I'll go upstairs and check .. Escher

Apple LaserWriter IINT

1999-09-03 Thread Andrew Clark
Anyone had any success getting a Apple LaserWriter IINT working with

Please CC me,

Andrew Clark

HELP: need driver for epson LX 1050 matrix printer...

1999-09-03 Thread Bruno Boettcher

i just got a grip on an old matrix printer (epson LX 1050) put it at the back
of my computer. Printing ascii only works fine, but when trying to print
postscript or anything else, horror appears

i tryed the different epson printerdrivers from the magicfilter package, but
none does the job

Is there any way i can use this printer correctly?
Or is this thing way to old and not supported anymore???

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: Apache-SSL problem....

1999-09-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
  What else would you want to listen on port 80? apache-ssl typically
listens on port 80 for normal http requests, and port 443 for https
requests (though these can be changed). If you don't want it listening
on port 80, change the line in httpd.conf that says Listen  You
can set it up only to listen on certain ports for certain interfaces.

Listen  # For instance
 ___ __ _ _ __ |_  )
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Re: blink the Numlock

1999-09-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 01:00:19AM +0200, Colin Marquardt wrote:
|  how to start staroffice 5.0 after a crash of it, without booting.
   I wasn't able
|  as yet.
| Hmm. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace? If *that* doesn´t help, read 
|   /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.x/Documentation/sysrq.txt
| (you need to have a 2.2.x kernel).
  That'd normally kick you out X. I don't think you want to do that. I
believe the problem with SO lies in /tmp files it uses. Look for some
files like OSL_PIPE* in /tmp. Perhaps if you remove these, SO will start
without trying to read the data that made it crash to begin with. 
 ___ __ _ _ __ |_  )
/ -_) _` | '  \ / / 
\___\__, |_|_|_/___|

GID und groups ?

1999-09-03 Thread Christian Hammers
Hello list !

If a user was given GID 42 in /etc/passwd, does the appending of his UID
to the specific group in /etc/group make ANY sense ? 

read you,


Christian Hammers  WESTEND GmbH  Tel 0241/701333-0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  DPN Verbund-Partner Aachen u. Dueren   Fax 0241/911879

Re: Problem with open_1.40-10_i386.deb

1999-09-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
  My guess is, you have gotten much response because few people are
familiar with that package.  Out of curiousity, why would you want such
a thing?
 ___ __ _ _ __ |_  )
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Re: Fetchmail not exiting in ip-down

1999-09-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
  I'll assume that /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/fetchmail is executable.  You
might try adding some paths in the script.  I saw this in an example,
but I'm not sure why they would be necessary.

export $PATH
su -c 'fetchmail --quit' whomever

I recently wrote a couple tiny scripts in my home directory that call
pon/poff and the proper invocation of fetchmail. I think it'd be nice
if pppconfig could be run by regular users and all of the necessary
configs for accounts could live in each user's home directory. Then a
user could connect to their personal account via a script named after
the account with on up/down or on/off argument. Of course, there
should probably be and /etc/pppconfig file that would enable/disable
this.  The initial interface settings and modem initialization should
probably remain configurable only by root, but users could then be
responsible for maintaining their ISP account info (phone, user,
 ___ __ _ _ __ |_  )
/ -_) _` | '  \ / / 
\___\__, |_|_|_/___|

hardware configuration questions

1999-09-03 Thread Michael Meskes
I'm trying to get my new hardware completely running under Debian. So far I
have encountered two problems.

1) I have no idea how to configure a PCI Soundblaster card. While this is
not a major problem I'd like to eventually play music on it. Since I have no
access to any recent HOWTO while playing with the machine at home, I don't
know if this is a FAQ.

2) I have an IDE CD writer but the only CD writing software I know
(cdrecord) wants a SCSI device. Can I go with a fake one here or do I need
other software? Hopefully this isn't a FAQ either.


P.S.: I'm not subscribed to this list, so please CC me if answering to the

Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

Debian CD in South Africa?

1999-09-03 Thread Milo Simonic
Where can one obtain a Debian install CD in South Africa? Dial-up download
is not viable...


Error in loading shared libraries

1999-09-03 Thread Brandon Beretta
Hello Debian-users,

I have the following problem when trying to run the man command...

error  in  loading  shared  libraries: cannot open shared
object file: Permission denied

I have re-run ldconfig, and have re-installed libdb2 using apt-get.

Can anyone shed some light on this message?

Best regards,

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Friday, September 03, 19998:58 PM (AEST)

Dselect problems

1999-09-03 Thread peter karlsson

Dselect seems to think that there is a conflict in my package selection,
something that neither apt-get or console-apt thinks. Upon trying to exit
the package selection, this package conflict display appears, and I can't
get away from it, because changing anything brings it back:

EIOM Pri Section  Package  Description
 *** Std base libnet-perl  Implementation of Internet protocols for Perl
 **- Opt develeperlEmbedded Perl 5 Language
 *** Opt develgobjcThe GNU Objective-C compiler.
 **- Opt interpre libgtk-perl  Perl module for the gtk+ library
 **- Opt interpre perl-tk  Perl module providing the Tk graphics library.
 **- Opt libs libmime-base MIME/Base64 decoding for Perl
 **- Opt non-free libgd-perl   Perl gif-manipulation module module
 **- Opt utilsdevscripts   Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package main
 **- Opt web  wml  Website META Language by Ralf Engelschall
 **- Opt x11  fvwmconf Real-time interactive configuration of fvwm2.
 **- Opt x11  iceconf  Configuration tool for icewm
 **- Xtr adminequivs   Circumventing Debian package dependencies
 **- ?   ?perl-5.005   Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Lang
 **- ?   ?perl-5.005-b The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
 **- ?   ?perl-5.005-d Man pages and pod docs for Perl
 **- ?   ?perl-5.005-s Runs setuid Perl scripts.
  _* Imp interpre perl Fake package used for a smooth upgrade
  _* Opt develdiffstat produces graph of changes introduced by a diff fi
  _* Opt devellintian  Debian package checker
  __ Opt interpre libgnome-per Perl module for the gtk+ ang gnome libraries.
  __ Opt interpre libgtk-imlib Perl module for the gtk+ and gdkimlib libraries.
  _* Opt utilsdupload  Utility to upload debian packages.
  _* ?   ?perl-5.004   Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Lang
  _* ?   ?perl-5.004-b The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
  _* ?   ?perl-5.004-d Man pages and pod docs for Perl

Some of the errors:

libnet-perl recommends libnet-telnet-perl
libnet-telnet-perl does not appear to be available

gobjc recommends libgc4-dev
libgc4-dev does not appear to be available
gobjc suggests gcc-doc (= 2.95.1)

devscripts recommends lintian
devscripts recommends dupload (= 2.1)
devscripts recommends liblocale-gettext-perl
liblocale-gettext-perl does not appear to be available
devscripts suggests debian-keyring
devscripts suggests pgp
devscripts suggests libdigest-md5-perl
devscripts suggests perl-suid
devscripts conflicts with dupload ( 2.1)
equivs depends on devscripts
debmake suggests devscripts

wml recommends tidy (= 19990415-1)
tidy does not appear to be available
wml suggests gfont
wml suggests wwwtable (= 1.3-4)
wml depends on perl-5.005

perl-5.005-base conflicts with perl
perl-5.005 depends on perl-5.005-base (= 5.005.03-3)

speak-freely suggests perl
lintian depends on perl
perl-5.005-base conflicts with perl
perl depends on perl-5.004

Please advice.

peter - please Cc: any replies to me

Re: Debian CD in South Africa?

1999-09-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 11:59:30AM +0200, Milo Simonic wrote:
| Where can one obtain a Debian install CD in South Africa? Dial-up download
| is not viable...
| Milo
  If you have Credit Card I believe cheapbytes can ship you the latest
Slink r2 CD set. Contact them for more info:

PO Box 2714
Lodi, CA 95241

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