*- On  2 Sep, Kent West wrote about "Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys 
in X"
> Brian Servis wrote:
>> *- On 23 Mar, Kent West wrote about "Another try - help to fix arrow keys in 
>> X"
>> > Another try....
>> >
>> > Anyone know how to fix my non-functioning arrow keys, page-up/down keys,
>> > etc in X? They work fine in the console mode. Not having these keys is
>> > pretty crippling.
>> >
>> the keys).  Perhaps you have the wrong keyboard layout defined in your
>> XF86Config file.  What do you have in there under the Keyboard section?
> Section "Keyboard"
>    Protocol        "Standard"
>    AutoRepeat      500 5
>    LeftAlt         Meta
>    RightAlt        Meta
>    ScrollLock      Compose
>    RightCtl        Control
>    XkbKeycodes     "xfree86"
> #   XkbTypes        "default"
> #   XkbCompat       "default"
> #   XkbSymbols      "us(pc101)"
> #   XkbGeometry     "pc"
> #   XkbRules        "xfree86"
>    XkbModel        "pc104"
>    XkbLayout       "us"
>    XkbKeymap        "xfree86(us)"
> EndSection

Mine for a microsoft layout keyboard is simply:

Section "Keyboard"
    Protocol    "Standard"
    XkbKeymap   "xfree86(us_microsoft)"

I don't see anything really strange in yours.  Try trimming it down to
just the XkbKeymap.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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