hookup to isp

1999-12-25 Thread softguy
i use pon to make a connection and after that i find i can't ping ip
numbers (the output say "network unreachable" but i'm sure it is

during startup, Debian says that it can't find /usr/sbin/inetd.
is this the problem? i use Debian 2.0

pls reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because i'll leave the list in a minute.

Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-25 Thread Eliot Landrum

Hello! First, please let me put a note that I am not subscribed to this list.
Please CC all responses to my address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Thanks!

This one file is causing me terrible grief and I need to get it fixed. The file
is /lib/libext2fs.so.2.4 and the permissions are as follows:

p---rw--w-1 root 28531   0 Dec 21 20:04 /lib/libext2fs.so.2.4

root (superuser) is unable to delete, chmod, modify, move or do ANYTHING to
this file. I've done gazillions of things to try and correct it. I've booted up
with tomsrtbt, fsck'ed the disk many times, run badblocks on it, tried deleting
it when the drive was not mounted as / and many many other things that people
have suggested. Here is what i get when root does "rm -Rf

rm: cannot unlink `/lib/libext2fs.so.2.4': Operation not permitted

and mv reports:

mv: cannot unlink `/lib/libext2fs.so.2.4': Operation not permitted
mv: cannot remove `/lib/libext2fs.so.2.4': Operation not permitted

This is driving me insane because I can't install new packages or correct the
ones I have because when dpkg calls ldconfig, it gets stuck on this file. And
most of the packages I want rely on libstdc++2.10, yet that package isn't
properly installed because it can't process ldconfig. This is creating lots of
problems and annoyances. If anyone can assist me or suggest anything, please
don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thanks!

BTW, I'm running debian potato, which was completely up-to-date until Dec 21.
If you need any more info about my system, I'd be happy to help.

Eliot Landrum

Why does timidity depend on ALSA?

1999-12-25 Thread John Dalbec
I'm using OSS/Free sound modules.  When I try to remove alsa-base,
apt wants to remove timidity also.  Why is this?


1999-12-25 Thread luis

are there some network (switch and cards) that have low latency times
(perhaps of the order of 20-30 microseconds), but that were not so
expensive ? it is intended for a modest, experimental and no numerous
athlon cluster

i have tried with a 10 mbps hub and 2 k7-550 cluster, but the results seem
very bad, i have latency times of 1100 microseconds with process that
last 110 microseconds in each one of the processors

which networks have been tried? some advice ?


ADDS 1010 terminal installation in Debian 2.1

1999-12-25 Thread John Kerr Anderson
I am trying to connect a terminal to my PC running Debian 2.1.

I added the following line to my /etc/inittab file:

My terminal is in the Adds viewpoint 3a+ personality, set for FDX, set for
9600 baud, connected to the PC using a standard modem cable.

After I added the line in /etc/inittab I saved and exited and issued the
command , no error messages resulted, but no login prompt on
terminal either.

Do I have to edit more files in order to get a login prompt on the
terminal?  Will a standard modem cable work?

John Anderson

superformat: get drive parameter: argument invalid

1999-12-25 Thread Georg Colle

Drive specifications (i. e. /dev/fd0) as suggested in the examples of
"superformat" manual page don't work. Message returned: "get drive
parameter: Das Argument ist ungültig" (argument invalid). If I take /floppy,
a or a: as drive specification, I get "open: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
gefunden" (file or directory not found). Which parameters must be specified
if I want to format a 3 1/2 inch 1,44MB floppy in drive a: ?
I'm running the Atari version of Debian m68k kernel-image-2.0.36 on a Falcon

Greetings Georg.


1999-12-25 Thread Ulrich Zehner

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Friday, December 24, 1999, 2:46:12 PM, Marcin wrote:
> Try links.
> links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser

 Thanks, looks decent.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: How to setup USR 56k Faxmodem?

1999-12-25 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
>Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
>X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From: "Thirunathan Sutharsan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>How can I get my US Robotics 56k faxmodem to work with Debian 2.1? Please
>provide me with the steps I need to follow. Thanks.

I have bought a US Robotics 56k faxmodem yesterday, I plug it into the
power source, I connected it to COM1 and thats it! :) I am using it to
connect to my University computer in order to read the mail...

$ pon(pppd on)
$ telnet ... (or other net-commands)
$ poff   (pppd off)

You must have.

i) A kernel with ppp support

$ dmesg
PPP: version 2.3.3 (demand dialling)
TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP line discipline registered.

ii) Configure ppp

$ pppconfig

iii) Nothing more :)

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: 351 39 791170

Re: lyx: Can not use AMS math.

1999-12-25 Thread Shaul Karl
I was able to open the yours attached unbenannt.lyx file with no problem. Yet 
when I tried to "View DVI" it I was getting a window saying that saying that 
\mathfrak, \mathbb and \mathds are allowed only in math mode. The alpha was 
not bold as well as it is in math mode.
I then deleted every thing except for the last 2 lines, and it worked.
Next I tried to open my doc, erase all its content and write only the R=xg 
equotation in it. The resulted lyx file is attached. And again I got errors 
when trying to View DVI.

#This file was created by  Sat Dec 25 20:42:16 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\language default
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\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle headings

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbb {R}x\mathfrak {g} \)

--- Begin Message ---
> Although I have activated the radio button of AMS math at the Layout->Document
> menu I can not been able to follow what the UserGuide.lyx suggets.
> In particular, both \mathfrak{g} and \mathbb{R} give an error message.
> \boldsymbol{\alpha}, which does not seem to require the AMS extentions is
> working as expected.
> Can you advise what is the problem?

I got no error message with LyX 1.1.4pre1, but \mathfrak{g} and
is only standard g and R letter, \boldsymbol{\alpha} is correct bold

in mathmode M-m all works well. Look at the attatchment. 
Have you installed the LaTeX ams-package?


http://www.perce.de#LyX 1.1 Copyright 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article

\newcommand{\listing}[1]{\footnotesize \verbatiminput{#1} \normalsize}
%\newenvironment{definition}[1]{\begin{rahmen}{16cm} \bf Definition #1: \rm} 
\newcommand{\lst}[2]{\vspace{0.5cm}\noindent \refstepcounter{lst_counter} \bf\ 
\newcommand{\tabelle}[2]{\vspace{0.5cm}\noindent \refstepcounter{table} \bf\ 
Tabelle \arabic{chapter}-\arabic{table}\hspace{0.2cm}\rm#2\listing{#1}\indent}
%\newcommand{\exor}{$\mbox{\stackrel{e}{\vee }$}
\newcommand{\lstzeile}[1]{\vspace{0.1cm}\noindent \tt \small 
\newcommand{\lstwort}[1]{\tt \small #1\normalsize\rm}
 Canisius-Kolleg\hfill\large Fachbereich Informatik\rm\normalsize\vspace{2cm}}
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement ht
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
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\use_amsmath 1
\paperorientation portrait
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\tocdepth 5
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle headings
\bullet 0
\bullet 1
\bullet 2

\layout Standard

Although I have activated the radio button of AMS math at the Layout->Document
 menu I can not been able to follow what the UserGuide.lyx suggets.
 In particular, both 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
 give an error message.
\latex latex 

\latex default 
, which does not seem to require the AMS extentions is working as expected.
 Can you advise what is the problem? 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
 und tschüß
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbb {R}y=x\, \mathfrak {g} \)

\layout Standard

All works well.
--- End Message ---

Re: vga=ask in lilo.conf

1999-12-25 Thread Andy Thomas
It's when it gets to "Invoking SVGATextMode..." on bootup that  it switches
back to 80x25.  Is "svgatextmode" some sort of driver I should unload in
order to get this to "stick?"


Re: GnuPG stands for ...?

1999-12-25 Thread Lyno Sullivan

At 09:23 AM 12/25/99 -0800, Fish Smith wrote:
>Okay, if PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, does that
>mean GnuPG stands for GNU Pretty Good?  I don't know
>how this title conveys encryption...

My guess is that the full name is recursive AND a palindrome. 
GnuPGPunG, folded back over itself (in the manner of a palindrome)
becomed GnuPG.  It could stand for GNU Pretty Good Privacy UNder GNU
or, perhaps, GNU Pretty Good Privacy Uses Namesake GNU.  That's my
theory :-)

Copyright(c) 1999 Lyno Sullivan; this work is free and may be
copied, modified and distributed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License (LGPL)

it comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY; 

Re: debian install and multiple partitions

1999-12-25 Thread Lyno Sullivan

At 11:19 PM 12/24/99 -0700, Howard Mann wrote:
>Matt Garman wrote:
>> Now I want to split up Linux into many partitions,...

>I used cfdisk...

Here are some things I remember.

You will need to figure out beforehand if you want to leave room for more
than one operating system on your disk.  IMHO, this is very smart to
do.  I defined three 200 MB partitions at the beginning of my
disk.  I installed Debian into the first partition and defined the
other two as /wrk01 and /wrk02.  At this time I use them for spares
but, whenever I want to play,  I will be able to load other OS's
(BSD, Rhat, etc.).  This issue here is that all the bootable OS's
must be in the first 1024 cylinders.  Some OS's may have removed
this restriction, but the strategy must accommodate the least
featured.  The 200 MB is adequate to install a fully featured
version on any of the OS's I have ever played with.  Ya know, it
occurs to me that I never verified that 600MB is within the first 1024
cylinders--it would be amusing if I goofed on that issue.

As I mentioned, I use /wrk01 and /wrk02 for spare, potentially bootable
partitions.  I also define /wrk03 as a spare partition of a size
larger that any other partition.  In my case, around 3GB as /wrk03
means that I have a place to work with the contents of any other

One of the tricks I use is to have a partition on a 2nd hard drive where
I backup a copy of my critical files.  That way, if one disk were to
crash I would have a backup hard disk.  I have even considering
writing a backup script that would mount the backup partition,  do
the disk to disk backup, and then unmount the partition--this would means
that even if a stupid root user were to wipe everything out, my intra-day
backup would be preserved.   This is a suitable backup strategy
for multiple times per day but does not alleviate the need for off-line
backup--it is just an extra safety measure that I have been doing for
years.  I am putting together a network in my home office and I will
also backup to multiple machines.  I lost everything one time, many
years ago, because of a disk crash so now I am very careful on

There is a definite advantage to multiple disks.  There is also a
performance strategy to one disk or multiple disks, which is why the
multi-disk HOWTO is worth reading.

The thing I found most confusing was the issue of physical versus logical
partitions.  Let me explain the issue as best I remember it. 
On a physical disk you can have 4 physical partitions.  The first 3
can be bootable (only one at a time) and the last physical partition is
an extended partition that can contain up to 15 logical partitions (63
with SCSI).  That is plenty of partitions for any one disk. 
Only a partition fetishist would feel cramped.

As I mentioned above, I use the first 3 physical partitions (200 MB each)
as bootable partitions for operating systems.  In the 4th partition
I start defining logical partitions.  The swap file CAN be in the
extended partition.  The performance "science" of disk
layout is as follows.  While it is true that the inside cylinders
and the outside cylinders have different transfer rates, to this date I
ignored that issue in favor of the following strategy.

Remember the boot partition, way at the other end of the disk.  It
is going to take a long time to get over there if we are sitting in the
middle of the extended partition so we want infrequently used files
there.  Our goal is to ascertain the frequently accessed parts of
out file system and cluster them in the extended partition.  The
multi-disk HOWTO has some guidance in this area.  Consider your
first partition strategy as your learning experience about how your
partitions perform for you.  Once the partitions are laid out, they
will teach you about your usage patterns.  I try to optimize for the
things I do most often.

In the past I placed my most frequently used partition in the middle of
the extended partition and clustered the other partitions around it,
based on frequency of use.  I would kind of kind of cluster the left
side and the right side based on two different usage patterns--day to day
usage on one side and development on the other.  I no longer favor
this strategy.

I mentioned before, about the inside versus outside performance
difference.  My next strategy will be to position my most frequently
used partition nearest to the faster end of the disk and the other
partitions will be ordered from there in descending order by frequency of
use.  I have not done the math to predict which would be better, but
my sense is that the latter strategy is better.

If any other tips occur to me I will post them later.


unrouteable mail domain

1999-12-25 Thread Johann Spies
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas weekend.

I get this error sometimes - and there is no pattern that I can
discover because sometimes mail to the same address sometimes go
through without a problem.  This time the mail was sent by a python
program to two addresses and to myself.  The mail to myself and one of
the addresses went through, but the message got frozen by exim with
the following error log:

1999-12-24 17:08:00 1213JD-MU-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
unrouteable mail domain "futurenet.co.za"
1999-12-24 17:08:00 1213JD-MU-00 Frozen (delivery error message)

futurenet.co.za is the domain of my ISP.

I have in my exim.conf:

  driver = domainlist
  transport = remote_smtp
  condition = "${lookup{$sender_address}lsearch{/etc/exim/frommap}{1}{0}}"
  route_list = "* futurenet.co.za bydns_a" 

I hope somebody can help me with this one

Johann Spies,Windsorlaan 19, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa
Tel/Faks 033-346-1310 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 "And she gave birth to her first-born son; and she 
  wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a 
  manger; because there was no room for them in the 
  inn."Luke 2:7 

Re: GnuPG stands for ...?

1999-12-25 Thread Peter Palfrader aka Weasel
On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 09:23:20AM -0800, Fish Smith wrote:
> Okay, if PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, does that
> mean GnuPG stands for GNU Pretty Good?  I don't know
> how this title conveys encryption...

Gnu Privacy Guard.

PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

GnuPG stands for ...?

1999-12-25 Thread Fish Smith
Okay, if PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, does that
mean GnuPG stands for GNU Pretty Good?  I don't know
how this title conveys encryption...


Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web!  
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read "To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental."///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: kernel 2.2 -- no sound?

1999-12-25 Thread Carl Fink
Gregory T. Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You need to select "OSS sound modules" first, then the SB16 stuff will
> show up.

You're kidding.

How on Earth is someone supposed to know that, except by asking you
folks?  SoundBlaster support wasn't in OSS in 2.0.x.

Thank you very much.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum


1999-12-25 Thread Dimitriy Chibaev
Dear Webmaster

I am the manager of DimeClicks Advertising Network. We would like to sponsor 
We can offer you 15 cents-per-click. Using banners sized 468x60.

If you like our offer please join at:

For any questions please call: +351.289.965187771

Kind regards
Dimitriy Chibaev

Re: PGP for Windows -> GnuPGP?

1999-12-25 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I don't have either of those entries, and I couldn't find them in
mutt's manual.txt file.  I'd guess that they were valid entries for
some of the pre-1.0 releases, and the HOWTO is just slightly out of


On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 04:05:43PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
> Actually, I found a great HOWTO on integrating GnuPGP with Mutt that
> helped me with everything. It's at:
> http://www.linux.com/howto/Mutt-GnuPG-PGP-HOWTO.html
> I'm curious though: did you set anything for the pubring or secring?
> THe howto says to:
> set pgp_gpg_pubring=~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
> set pgp_gpg_secring=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg
> but Mutt says these variables don't exist. I've commented them out
> and everything still works OK, as far as I can tell.
> Thanks.

Cant install debconf in potato

1999-12-25 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I'm not suceding to install debconf in potato (i386). I suspect that
is something related with perl.
My perl packages installed are:
s390:/home/baptista# dpkg -l | grep perl
rc  libnet-perl 1.0606-3   Implementation of Internet protocols
for Per
ii  perl-5.004-base 5.004.05-4.1   The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish
ii  perl-5.005-base 5.005.03-4.1   The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish
ii  perl-base   5.004.05-1.1   Fake package assuring that one of the

The error is:
s390:/home/baptista# apt-get install debconf
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
Need to get 134kB of archives. After unpacking 409kB will be used.
Get:1 ftp://ftp.debian.org unstable/main debconf 0.2.59 [134kB]
Fetched 134kB in 25s (5330B/s)
Selecting previously deselected package debconf.
(Reading database ... 19975 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking debconf (from .../debconf_0.2.59_all.deb) ...
Setting up debconf (0.2.59) ...
Can't locate overload.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl5 .) at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Data/Dumper.pm line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ConfigDb.pm line 218.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/debconf/frontend line 9.

dpkg: error processing debconf (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

Thanks for any info,PH

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-25 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Fri, 24 Dec, 1999 à 05:39:32PM +0100, Egbert Bouwman wrote:
> In this discussion it may be helpful to summarize my view on dselect-dpkg:
> - the underlying mechanism seems to be very good (I do agree with everybody)
> - the user interface could be better
> - as a coherent tutorial the documentation is pretty bad, 
>   and the fact that nobody from the inner debian circle has written
>   something else has severely damaged the usability and reputation 
>   of the debian distribution.
Did you read the dselect-beginner-guide ? You can find it on the CDROM. I
think it's a good introduction to dselect's usage

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU  -< )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: apt-move

1999-12-25 Thread Lindsay Allen
On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Gregory T. Norris wrote:

> Try running with the "get" or "getlocal" option first.  This should
> download/copy the required master file(s).
> On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 10:29:20PM +0800, Lindsay Allen wrote:
> > 
> > I can't get apt-move to co-operate.
> > 
> > elm:# apt-move  move
> > Creating Lists...
> > Error: makelist: No master ls file exists!
> > 
> > It seems to want ls-lR and I think it looks in the /debian/.apt-move
> > directory, but I can't get it right.  My debian mirror is in /debian.

This was a help.  I got screwball results and eventually came to suspect
that the problem lay not in apt-move but in the mirror I was using.  I
switched to a major mirror and it all started working.  Great!

Thanks for the help.
Lindsay Allen   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486   32.0125S 115.8445E   Debian Linux

Re: debian install and multiple partitions

1999-12-25 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Howard Mann wrote:
> Matt Garman wrote:
> > Now I want to split up Linux into many partitions, i.e. put /usr/ on one
> > partition, /home/ on another, etc.  I want to do this for ease of
> > backups and some security benefits.
> I did this successfully. I used cfdisk and specified the size of each
> partition in cylinders. Type "C" after specifying the numerical number

Also remember that there is a command shell in VT2, which you can use to
setup symlinks if you need them. I used to have /var and /usr in the same
partition, with /var being a symlink to /usr/var and /usr being the
partition itself. Works wonderfully _as long as you do the symlink and
partitions right after the "mount root partition" prompt_.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh 

Re: lyx: Can not use AMS math.

1999-12-25 Thread Herbert
> Although I have activated the radio button of AMS math at the Layout->Document
> menu I can not been able to follow what the UserGuide.lyx suggets.
> In particular, both \mathfrak{g} and \mathbb{R} give an error message.
> \boldsymbol{\alpha}, which does not seem to require the AMS extentions is
> working as expected.
> Can you advise what is the problem?

I got no error message with LyX 1.1.4pre1, but \mathfrak{g} and
is only standard g and R letter, \boldsymbol{\alpha} is correct bold

in mathmode M-m all works well. Look at the attatchment. 
Have you installed the LaTeX ams-package?


http://www.perce.de#LyX 1.1 Copyright 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article

\newcommand{\listing}[1]{\footnotesize \verbatiminput{#1} \normalsize}
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\newcommand{\tabelle}[2]{\vspace{0.5cm}\noindent \refstepcounter{table} \bf\ 
Tabelle \arabic{chapter}-\arabic{table}\hspace{0.2cm}\rm#2\listing{#1}\indent}
%\newcommand{\exor}{$\mbox{\stackrel{e}{\vee }$}
\newcommand{\lstzeile}[1]{\vspace{0.1cm}\noindent \tt \small 
\newcommand{\lstwort}[1]{\tt \small #1\normalsize\rm}
 Canisius-Kolleg\hfill\large Fachbereich Informatik\rm\normalsize\vspace{2cm}}
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\bullet 0
\bullet 1
\bullet 2

\layout Standard

Although I have activated the radio button of AMS math at the Layout->Document
 menu I can not been able to follow what the UserGuide.lyx suggets.
 In particular, both 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
 give an error message.
\latex latex 

\latex default 
, which does not seem to require the AMS extentions is working as expected.
 Can you advise what is the problem? 
\latex latex 

\latex default 
 und tschüß
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbb {R}y=x\, \mathfrak {g} \)

\layout Standard

All works well.

Re: fatal error with mouse when trying to start x

1999-12-25 Thread d00d
Make sure you have the '/dev/mouse' file. If not, create it and link it to
'/dev/psaux' file.

- Original Message -
From: Joseph de los Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 1999 5:28 PM
Subject: fatal error with mouse when trying to start x

> Hello, after I configured my x window , when I tried to start it it gave
> an error about my mouse not being "operation not supported" but I'm pretty
> sure that it is a ps/2 mouse. When I checked the website of xfree86.org ,
> said something about that but it did give any help on how to fix the
> problem. I tried looking at the debian website for information about this
> problem but the search engine is down. any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: PGP for Windows -> GnuPGP?

1999-12-25 Thread David J. Kanter
Actually, I found a great HOWTO on integrating GnuPGP with Mutt that helped
me with everything. It's at:


I'm curious though: did you set anything for the pubring or secring? THe
howto says to:

set pgp_gpg_pubring=~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
set pgp_gpg_secring=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

but Mutt says these variables don't exist. I've commented them out and
everything still works OK, as far as I can tell.


On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 11:45:15AM -0600, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
> I'm using GnuPG with mutt 1.0.0-2 without any problems.  I can email
> you the relevant entries from ~/.muttrc if you like...
---end quoted text---

David J. Kanter

"Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences."
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-25 Thread Brian May
> "Matt" == Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matt> And there's another text-mode web browser called w3m, which
Matt> somewhat supports frames and tables.

There is also w3, for (x)emacs, with similar claims.  Its rendering
doesn't seem very robust right now (often text appears invisible or
not at all). Hopefully that will change...


Re: MTA and debian default mta

1999-12-25 Thread Brian May
> "Matt" == Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matt> And why did they choose exim over others (such as postfix)?

I don't think postfix was available at the time the decision was made.

I seem to remember that there were rather heated debates in
debian-devel over the default choice of MTA - look it up in the
archives if you want to know more...

Re: debian install and multiple partitions

1999-12-25 Thread Howard Mann
Matt Garman wrote:
> Hello:
> It's been quite a while since I've installed Debian.  Last time I did an
> install, it was by putting the whole system on one partition.
> Now I want to split up Linux into many partitions, i.e. put /usr/ on one
> partition, /home/ on another, etc.  I want to do this for ease of
> backups and some security benefits.
> My question is: how does this affect the installation process?  Are
> there any "gotchas" I should look out for, having my disc split up as
> such?  I'll be doing the floppy+ftp method of installing potato.

I did this successfully. I used cfdisk and specified the size of each
partition in cylinders. Type "C" after specifying the numerical number
of cylinders for the partition in question. In cfdisk, the "u" option
changes the relevant values.

I have :

fdisk -l /dev/hdb

Disk /dev/hdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 784 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

( Thus, each cylinder equals 8.225 Mb. Use this number to calculate,
in cylinders, the size of each partition you want))

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  SystemLabel
/dev/hdb1   * 150401593+  83  Linux  /
/dev/hdb251   769   5775367+   5  Extended
/dev/hdb3   770   784120487+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb551   292   1943833+  83  Linux 
/dev/hdb6   293   534   1943833+  83  Linux  /usr
/dev/hdb7   535   697   1309266   83  Linux  
/dev/hdb8   698   769578308+  83  Linux  /var

I have a 6.4Gb disk.

Remember to initialize _and_ mount each partition you create _before_
installing the kernel/modules/packages. You will specify the label for
each partition when you do this.



Howard Mann   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO

debian install and multiple partitions

1999-12-25 Thread Matt Garman


It's been quite a while since I've installed Debian.  Last time I did an
install, it was by putting the whole system on one partition.

Now I want to split up Linux into many partitions, i.e. put /usr/ on one
partition, /home/ on another, etc.  I want to do this for ease of
backups and some security benefits.

My question is: how does this affect the installation process?  Are
there any "gotchas" I should look out for, having my disc split up as
such?  I'll be doing the floppy+ftp method of installing potato.


"And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning." 
--Pink Floyd, "Echoes"

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-25 Thread Matt Garman
On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 01:56:31AM +, Mark Brown wrote:
> > I've got another question about dselect.  It seems like when I go in there
> > and choose some more packages to "install," then tell it to install, it
> > gives some kind of error about /cdrom being mounted.  I have to exit
> > dselect, umount /cdrom, then re-enter dselect, select install and off she
> > goes...
> Yes.  The dpkg methods that know how to mount media expect to do that
> for themselves.  If they find that something is already mounted where
> they want to work they will give up rather than interfere.  The solution
> is not to mount CDs or whatever unless you're actually using them -
> giving them the noauto method in fstab will stop this happening
> automatically when you start up.

Also, if you want to have your cd mounted, you can change your access
method in dselect to "mounted," and just point it to your cdrom mount


"And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning." 
--Pink Floyd, "Echoes"

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-25 Thread Matt Garman
On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 05:46:12PM -0500, Marcin Kurc wrote:
> > pages Opera is just barely 2nd to IE and NS.  Also in the development of the
> > Linux version they developed a console version which can actually render 
> > pages
> > with frames/tables intelligently.  Something that Lynx, after years of
> > development, *still* fails at.
> > 
> Try links.
> links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser

And there's another text-mode web browser called w3m, which somewhat
supports frames and tables.


"And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning." 
--Pink Floyd, "Echoes"

Re: MTA and debian default mta

1999-12-25 Thread Matt Garman

Just out of curiosity, why did Debian choose exim as its default MTA?

I remember Debian's default MTA used to be smail.  Why did they move
away from smail?

And why did they choose exim over others (such as postfix)?


"And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning." 
--Pink Floyd, "Echoes"

Re: aha1542 kernel panics

1999-12-25 Thread Michael W. Shaffer
Peter Ludwig wrote:
> I myself have an Adaptec 1542CF and I have started to receive
> problematic errors with the card.  After seeing this message, I'm
> tempted to get another card from somewhere and try that out.
> I have looked at adaptec's website in regards to this card (about a
> ago actually... hmm... perhaps the thread you saw was the one I

The thread I was referring to seemed to originate with one Peter
Rasmussen. I see you are Peter as well; perhaps you were using an alias
to confuse the minds of those who seek your demise? 8^)

I have to say that I am generally pretty disgusted over this whole thing.
I have owned two of these damn cards and both of them have been crap. I
was under the impression that the 'venerable' AHA1542 was one of the most
widely used and reputable cards around when I bought them. In reality,
they seem to both have been nothing more than extremely overpriced junk.
This is the only device I have *ever* had problems with under Linux, and
it has been non-stop from the day I got them. I have seen two opinions
expressed in the fragments of stuff I have found about this card under

A: the card is crap
B: the Linux driver for the card is crap

I don't know which it is, but I do know that I will never touch another
Adaptec product again in my life. I am now considering buying a couple of
Tekram DC390 controllers to replace the Acraptec cards, does anyone have
any opinions on Tekram or other brands that they may have had good/bad
luck with? The Tekram cards appear to be reliable and inexpensive from
what I have read about them. Does anyone have a recommendation for a
simple and *reliable* ISA card?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com


1999-12-25 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 01:42:27PM +0100, peter karlsson wrote:
> Hi!
> I'll be moving and will lose my direct Internet connection, and will have to
> resort to dial-up. To prepare for this, I am switching over to doing mail
> and news offline (slrnpull, fetchmail), but I need some ideas on what to use
> for outgoing mail. I've had sendmail die on me when I'm not connected to a
> network (not in Debian, though, haven't tried sendmail in Debian), so I
> wonder what the best setup is for outgoing mail when it is only to send mail
> when I connect to the ISP (and directly when I do that, preferrably without
> manual intervention).

I'll cast another vote for exim.  When you send mail it goes into an exim
queue and when you connect to the internet (pon) it starts sending
the mail automatically.

I have a cron job which connects early every morning, does fetchmail and
slrnpull, waits a few mintues for exim can do it's thing, and
disconnects.  Later in the day I do the same thing manually.

The only "gotcha" with is arrangement is if you want to send an email
with a large attachment you need to stay connected long enough to let
the thing go.  Since I rarely do this I just keep an eye on xnetload
until is says zero.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux (Slink)

Re: HTML WYSIWYG creator

1999-12-25 Thread Art Lemasters
  ...correction.  That might only come with the whole Communicator
package (instead of just Netscape).


On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 07:56:58PM -0700, Art Lemasters wrote:
>  Composer (an HTML editor) is WYSIWYG, and it comes with Netscape
> for Linux.
> Art
> On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:07:16PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> > Is there any HTML WYSIWYG creator for Xwindows under Linux, or something
> > similar?

Re: kernel 2.2 -- no sound?

1999-12-25 Thread Gregory T. Norris
You need to select "OSS sound modules" first, then the SB16 stuff will
show up.

On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 10:42:17PM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
> I finally broke down and decided to compile a 2.2.13 kernel despite
> the fact that my 2.0.36 kernel continues to work perfectly.
> Well, 2.2.13 worked okay, except:  I can't install my SoundBlaster 16.
> When I select sound support in "make menuconfig" it prompts me only
> for *other* sound cards (Ensoniq, S3, Turtle Beach) and I'm not
> prompted for info on my actual sound card. 
> Is this an actual decision by the kernel gang ("We don't support old
> cards any more.") or a problem with the package?

kernel 2.2 -- no sound?

1999-12-25 Thread Carl Fink
I finally broke down and decided to compile a 2.2.13 kernel despite
the fact that my 2.0.36 kernel continues to work perfectly.

Well, 2.2.13 worked okay, except:  I can't install my SoundBlaster 16.
When I select sound support in "make menuconfig" it prompts me only
for *other* sound cards (Ensoniq, S3, Turtle Beach) and I'm not
prompted for info on my actual sound card. 

Is this an actual decision by the kernel gang ("We don't support old
cards any more.") or a problem with the package?
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-25 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 03:33:59PM -0800, Andy Thomas wrote:

> I've got another question about dselect.  It seems like when I go in there
> and choose some more packages to "install," then tell it to install, it
> gives some kind of error about /cdrom being mounted.  I have to exit
> dselect, umount /cdrom, then re-enter dselect, select install and off she
> goes...

> Is that expected?

Yes.  The dpkg methods that know how to mount media expect to do that
for themselves.  If they find that something is already mounted where
they want to work they will give up rather than interfere.  The solution
is not to mount CDs or whatever unless you're actually using them -
giving them the noauto method in fstab will stop this happening
automatically when you start up.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Microsoft IntelliMouse IntelliEye

1999-12-25 Thread Brian May

Somebody I know has a Microsoft IntelliMouse, with optical

It uses version 3.0 of Intellipoint mouse drivers under Windows.

Is it possible to get this mouse to work with X and/or

So far nothing I have tried seems to work.

I have searched the archives for this mailing list, but
couldn't find anything that helps.

gpm-mousetest cannot determine the mouse type.

Setting the mouse type to "imps/2" in X-Windows _almost_ works, but
the mouse frequently jumps to the edge of the screen.

Thanks in advance.

Re: HTML WYSIWYG creator

1999-12-25 Thread Art Lemasters
 Composer (an HTML editor) is WYSIWYG, and it comes with Netscape
for Linux.


On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:07:16PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> Is there any HTML WYSIWYG creator for Xwindows under Linux, or something
> similar?
> I would like to be able to create web pages w/o needing to learn html.
> Thanks,
> Antonio.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: aha1542 kernel panics

1999-12-25 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Michael W. Shaffer wrote:
> I have been trying to solve this problem without success for about a year
> now. 
> My hardware is:

> My problem is:
> After the system has been up for a random length of time (usually about a
> week or so) it will crash in the middle of the night during a full backup
> to the DAT drive using cpio. The machine hangs in either an infinite loop
> or a kernel panic. I originally was running Debian 2.1 with a 2.0.36
> kernel, and I would see the following scrolling endlessly off the screen
> after a crash:

> I have tried:
> - disconnecting all devices except the tape drive hard drives
> - installing the highest quality cables I can find for the external
>   devices (this machine currently has about $400 US worth of Granite
>   Digital cables hanging off of it).
> - installing a Granite Digital active terminator on the end of the SCSI
>   chain
> - verifying that there are no interrupt or IO port confilicts both in the
>   device jumper configurations and from the /proc filesystem
> I am completely at my wits end with this. I have searched DejaNews
> repeatedly for any discussions of kernel panics and crashes with Adaptec
> cards, Linux, SCSI in general, etc., and all I can find is one thread
> from about a year ago mentioning the same sorts of problems but no
> solution.
> Is this a problem that anyone else has ever had with Linux and an
> AHA1542C in particular or SCSI in general? Can anyone recommend which
> part of the setup I should change or eliminate? Is it a bad card? Are
> Adaptec cards bad in general? Is the aha1542 scsi driver problematic? Is
> Linux SCSI in general problematic? 

I myself have an Adaptec 1542CF and I have started to receive problematic
errors with the card.  After seeing this message, I'm tempted to get
another card from somewhere and try that out.

I have looked at adaptec's website in regards to this card (about a year
ago actually... hmm... perhaps the thread you saw was the one I started?
I also had a faulty HDD at the time...), it seems that the card requires a
bios update, and as the card is not flashable, you have to get an eeprom
burner from somewhere... I was not going to spend $600 US just to
reprogram the EEPROM of the scsi card...

If you have access to another SCSI card, then try that for a while...  I'm
guessing that the 1542 series has some major problems with real operating
systems .

Peter Ludwig

Re: Kernel Panics

1999-12-25 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, aphro wrote:

> Does it always happen when you run iptraf?  it could be a network driver
> problem or a network card hardware problem.

Nope... The machine can just be sitting there lying "idle" (as idle as a
linux box should get that is...)

> a good way to test the board/cpu/hdd and i/o subsystems that i have found
> is running 10x copies of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the same time for 24-48 hours, 
> if
> the machine lasts 24 hours without a hitch then the problem is something
> else.  also make sure the kernel your using was compiled with gcc
> and not anything else(it shows you in the bootup messages, use 'dmesg' to
> see the last couple hundred kernel messages)

At present if the machine lasts 24 hours running absolutely nothing, then
I'd be happy!

I plan on having this machine running as a internet server for a few
people (nothing major, just about ten people when we netgame, or

> and also make sure your using a stable well tested kernel, in my
> experience the 2.0.36 kernel is rock solid, and 2.2.10 is quite solid as
> well.

All kernel versions I have been able to get my hands on (that support my
hardware thast is) have been tried no luck unfortunately.

I'm sure I've got a hardware fault with the system, but as I can't seem to
track down what it is, I can't go and get the item warrantied (I've bought
all the bits from various places...)

Thanks for the help though, I will see if I can get this [EMAIL PROTECTED]
package, and I'll give it a go, see what it says

Peter Ludwig

Re: apt-cache dumpavail > /tmp/apt-chace; dpkg --update-avail /tmp/apt-chace;

1999-12-25 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Shaul Karl wrote:

> I want to avoid the need to run update from within dselect after apt-get 
> dist-upgrade by writing the lines
>   Post-Invoke {
>   "apt-cache dumpavail > /tmp/apt-chace";
>   "dpkg --update-avail /tmp/apt-cache";
>   "rm -v /tmp/apt-chace";
>   "mount -o remount,ro /usr";
>   };

> Is that reasonable? Are there any issues of file locking, breaking the 
> regular 
> backups of the available and status files or other things that needs special 
> care?

In theory you can simply do 'apt-cache dumpavail >
/var/lib/dpkg/available' the dpkg --update-avail step is somewhat


Re: HTML WYSIWYG creator

1999-12-25 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Xfree I  suppose, the one with debian slink

Marcin Kurc wrote:

> First of all it is XF86, or XFree, or X. Xwindows is some kind of software 
> for Win NT :)
> For html editor search at tucows.com, freshmeat.net, linuxapps.com, I just 
> don't remember names
> On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:07:16PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> > Is there any HTML WYSIWYG creator for Xwindows under Linux, or something
> > similar?
> > I would like to be able to create web pages w/o needing to learn html.
> > Thanks,
> > Antonio.
> >
> --
> Marcin Kurc
> Indiana Institute of Technology
> System Administrator
> http://me.indtech.edu   http://www.indtech.edu
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: HTML WYSIWYG creator

1999-12-25 Thread Marcin Kurc
First of all it is XF86, or XFree, or X. Xwindows is some kind of software for 
Win NT :)

For html editor search at tucows.com, freshmeat.net, linuxapps.com, I just 
don't remember names

On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:07:16PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote: 
> Is there any HTML WYSIWYG creator for Xwindows under Linux, or something
> similar?
> I would like to be able to create web pages w/o needing to learn html.
> Thanks,
> Antonio.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator
http://me.indtech.edu   http://www.indtech.edu

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-25 Thread Joey Hess
J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 14:00:56 -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
> > The KDE folks had/have no exception and thus were/are violating the GPL.
> Only if they're reusing other people's GPLed code, which reportedly they
> don't. 
> Remember, an author isn't bound by the copyright license she puts on her own
> work, so it's not a case of the KDE project violating the GPL. The violation
> occurs when others distribute KDE binaries.

They certianly were back when KDE was in debian before we realized about the
licence conflict (I maintained it). I know they used rxvt sources, probably
xcalc sources, and I'm sure others. I suspect they have been getting rid of
them in the time since.

see shy jo


1999-12-25 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Is there any HTML WYSIWYG creator for Xwindows under Linux, or something
I would like to be able to create web pages w/o needing to learn html.

Unidentified subject!

1999-12-25 Thread HITMAN
Hello Dear  DEBIAN team, i want to ask you from where i can download
your ISO file [the newest ver. of DEBIAN linux] :)))

Best regards,
 Hitman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

apt-cache dumpavail > /tmp/apt-chace; dpkg --update-avail /tmp/apt-chace;

1999-12-25 Thread Shaul Karl
I want to avoid the need to run update from within dselect after apt-get 
dist-upgrade by writing the lines

Post-Invoke {
"apt-cache dumpavail > /tmp/apt-chace";
"dpkg --update-avail /tmp/apt-cache";
"rm -v /tmp/apt-chace";
"mount -o remount,ro /usr";

in /etc/apt/apt.conf.

Is that reasonable? Are there any issues of file locking, breaking the regular 
backups of the available and status files or other things that needs special 
How can I avoid the /tmp/apt-cache file?
Is there a better way to handle this?

CHAP problem

1999-12-25 Thread Yunsheng Zheng

Hi guys,
I am new to Debian and I'm trying to set up a PPP 
connection to my ISP, which is MSN. I used pon to dial and I have problem. It 
seems CHAP was not authenticated by the server. Thanks in advance for any hints 
and suggestions. 
The following is my chap-secrets:
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP# 
client server secret   IP addresses# The next line 
was added by pppconfig for provider.yunsheng * mypasswdhere
The following is my ppp.log:
Dec 24 17:00:06 BlackJade pppd[227]: pppd 2.3.5 started by 
root, uid 0Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: abort on (BUSY)Dec 24 
17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: abort on (NO CARRIER)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade 
chat[228]: abort on (VOICE)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: abort on (NO 
DIALTONE)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: abort on (NO ANSWER)Dec 24 
17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: send (ATZ^M)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade 
chat[228]: expect (OK)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: ATZ^M^MDec 24 
17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: OKDec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]:  
-- got it Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: send (ATDT9238359^M)Dec 
24 17:00:07 BlackJade chat[228]: expect (CONNECT)Dec 24 17:00:07 BlackJade 
chat[228]: ^MDec 24 17:00:30 BlackJade chat[228]: ATDT9238359^M^MDec 24 
17:00:30 BlackJade chat[228]: CONNECTDec 24 17:00:30 BlackJade 
chat[228]:  -- got it Dec 24 17:00:30 BlackJade chat[228]: send 
(\d)Dec 24 17:00:31 BlackJade pppd[227]: Serial connection 
established.Dec 24 17:00:32 BlackJade pppd[227]: Using interface ppp0Dec 
24 17:00:32 BlackJade pppd[227]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2Dec 24 
17:00:32 BlackJade pppd[227]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  
  ]Dec 24 17:00:32 
BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> 
 < 11 04 05 f4> < 13 09 03 00 c0 7b 6c ff b0>]Dec 
24 17:00:32 BlackJade pppd[227]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> 
< 11 04 05 f4> < 13 09 03 00 c0 7b 6c ff b0>]Dec 24 17:00:32 
BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1]Dec 24 17:00:32 BlackJade 
pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2   
  ]Dec 24 17:00:32 BlackJade 
pppd[227]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2   
  ]Dec 24 17:00:32 BlackJade 
pppd[227]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x812233e1]Dec 24 17:00:32 
BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 
, name = "tnt1.ontario"]Dec 24 
17:00:32 BlackJade pppd[227]: sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 
<8af8b385bd53459e8267f1b9514128eb>, name = "yunsheng"]Dec 24 17:00:32 
BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x0]Dec 24 17:00:33 
BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [CHAP Failure id=0x1 "\000"]Dec 24 17:00:33 
BlackJade pppd[227]: Remote message: Dec 24 17:00:33 BlackJade pppd[227]: 
CHAP authentication failedDec 24 17:00:34 BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP 
TermReq id=0x3]Dec 24 17:00:34 BlackJade pppd[227]: LCP terminated by 
peerDec 24 17:00:34 BlackJade pppd[227]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x3]Dec 24 
17:00:34 BlackJade pppd[227]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 ]Dec 24 17:00:37 BlackJade pppd[227]: Connection terminated.Dec 24 
17:00:37 BlackJade pppd[227]: Hangup (SIGHUP)Dec 24 17:00:37 BlackJade 
pppd[227]: Exit.