2000-01-16 Thread marisol claudia
Hola Amigo:

  Espero que te encuentres bien donde quiera que te encuentres,vi tu pagina web 
y me intereso muchisimo, bueno para no quitarte mucho tiempo sere breve, soy 
una estudiante de computacion, nos han dejado un trabajo de investigacion que 
se trata de lo siguiente:

Implementar una red pequeña ,como una intranet,de 20 pc. , con dos 
servidores, una de unix, y la otra de windows nt, siendo la de unix el servidor 
principal, y las 20 estaciones., lo que falta se toma de la imaginacion ya que 
es para una empresa virtual, Lo que se pide es:

 - configuracion del servidor unix (SOLO LA PARTE LOGICA), para que pueda 
administrar y comunicarse con el otro servidor NT 
 - configuracion del servidor NT.

  Si nos pudieras dar algunas pautas de los comandos que se utilizan o 
referencias ,nos seria de gran ayuda,
 mientras mas pronto mejor porque es para el martes, desde ya te agradesco.

  Tu amiga.

 Esperare tu respuesta.. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

Re: problemas con repetición de teclado

2000-01-16 Thread Marcelo Ramos
On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 05:42:40AM +0100, Agustin MuNoz wrote:
 Con kbdrate -r 25 lo arreglo cada vez pero es un coñazo, y no he
 conseguido encontrar nada en el /etc/init.d/ que lo ponga así, tampoco en
 /etc/kbd/config. Que paquete es el que toquitea esto ? kbdrate ? porsiaca
 he mirado en pero no hay nada.

El script de booteo del paquete kbd es /etc/rc.boot/kbd.
Así que pon la orden 

kbdrate -r 25 


Y si no quieres que aparezca el mensaje de ese comando pon :

kbdrate -r 25  /dev/null



__  _
Marcelo Ramos  |  \/   __|
Debian 2.1 (Slink) |  |_//
Linux registered user #118109  |\
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|_|\/|_|\_\


Return Message

2000-01-16 Thread ORAPOST
The included message could not be delivered to the following invalid mail 
names.  Please verify these names and try them again.

Bad name:  jcarlosh
On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 05:42:40AM +0100, Agustin MuNoz wrote:
 Con kbdrate -r 25 lo arreglo cada vez pero es un coñazo, y no he
 conseguido encontrar nada en el /etc/init.d/ que lo ponga así, tampoco en
 /etc/kbd/config. Que paquete es el que toquitea esto ? kbdrate ? porsiaca
 he mirado en pero no hay nada.

El script de booteo del paquete kbd es /etc/rc.boot/kbd.
Así que pon la orden 

kbdrate -r 25 


Y si no quieres que aparezca el mensaje de ese comando pon :

kbdrate -r 25  /dev/null



__  _
Marcelo Ramos  |  \/   __|
Debian 2.1 (Slink) |  |_//
Linux registered user #118109  |\
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|_|\/|_|\_\


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

---End Message---

Re: [saK] y Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-16 Thread Manel Marin
hola a todos,

On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 01:50:07AM +0100, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El domingo 09 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 22:13:33 +0100, Manel Marin contaba:
 (Nadie ha sabido decirme que comando usar para reiniciar el modo grafico VGA)
  El paquete svgatextmode tiene buena pinta. 'man stm':

Lo he probado y no soporta mi targeta gráfica.

He estado investigando y todo lo que he encontrado lo adjunto en mi chuleta
teoria-svga ;-)

Si me equivoco en algo o sabeis algo que yo no sepa m'avisais

En resumen framebuffer got the power y como no me va bien, voy a enviar un
 bug-report ;-)


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)
teoria-svga: (0.01)
Un poco de teoria sobre las SVGA y el framebuffer

Desde que IBM dejo de ser el estandard de-facto con su VGA, cada
 fabricante ha añadido registros adicionales no compatibles
 entre ellos.

Asi cada targeta necesita una inicialización diferente y la única
 manera común de hacer una inicialización es llamando a la BIOS
 de esa targeta.

Parece que la BIOS solo puede utilizarse en modo real, por lo que
 solo puede emplearse, para fijar el modo gráfico, en el arranque
 antes de la descompresión del kernel...

Eso es justo lo que se hace al seleccionar el modo de texto en
 el arranque con vga=...

Afortunadamente los fabricantes de hardware se han puesto de acuerdo
 para crear un estandar que permite:
- Poner la targeta en un cierto modo gráfico
- Permitir el acceso a la memoria (buffer) de la targeta gráfica

Con el soporte del framebuffer en el kernel es posible utilizar una
 targeta gráfica no soportada por ningún servidor X

Pero el formato de definición del modo de video ha cambiado...

PRECAUCION: El soporte del framebuffer en los kernel 2.2 es experimental
 y no exitía en los kernel 2.0

Si no se incluye soporte de framebuffer al compilar el kernel, no se
 hará ningún intento de cambiar el modo de video de la SVGA (ya que no
 sabe como hacerlo... en cada SVGA es diferente).

¿Y cuando conmutamos de las X a una consola virtual?
 El cambio de modo de video lo hace el servidor X que conoce la SVGA

Si se incluye el soporte de framebuffer al compilar el kernel y tenemos
 una SVGA compatible VESA 2.0, al cambiar de consola virtual (VC) se
 cambia el modo de video.

Existe el paquete svgatextmode para cambiar el modo gráfico y está
 basado en las X, pero es un poco antiguo y no reconoce por ejemplo
 mi ATI Mach64

Con los kernel 2.2 en:
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/framebuffer.txt
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt

[SOLUCIONADO] Re: dselect en citius-slink no funciona con kernel 2.2.X ?solucion?

2000-01-16 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Os envio una chuleta con la solución (comprobada ;-)

On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 09:56:42PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 Ya me he cansado de hacerme el macho y cargar paquetes a pelo con el mc ;-)
 Si arranco con un kernel 2.2.X no me funciona el dselect, bueno puedo
 seleccionar el paquete y al darle al [I]nstalar y tras confirmar el paquete
 me dice que Media Change: Please insert the disk labered ... y me repite el
 mensaje cada vez que le doy al enter...
 NOTA: Obviamente he quitado la lata de cocacola de la bandeja del lector CDROM
  y le he puesto el CD que me pide X-) ... (por si me preguntais ;-) 
 NOTA2: Arrancando con un kernel 2.0.X (2.0.36, 2.0.38) va bien :-?
 ¿Sabeis como solucionarlo?


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)
I-kernel-22-slink: (0.01)
Cosas por hacer tras instalar un kernel 2.2 en slink

A) dselect deja de funcionar (no detecta el CDROM introducido)

MOTIVO: Parece que los kernel 2.2 devuelven un identificador de CD
distinto de el de los kernel 2.0

1) Borrar los archivos de /var/state/apt/lists/, sin borrar directorios
2) Borrar los archivos de /var/state/apt/, sin borrar directorios
3) Borrar del archivo /etc/apt/source.list todas las entradas como:
deb cdrom:Citius Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1)...

2) Lanzar dselect, elegir Metodo (Access)
3) Escoger aptcdrom, meter todos los CDROM de la distribución
4) Hacer Actualizar (Update)

Gracias a Alberto F. Hamilton y a todos los demás de debian-user-spanish

B) La impresora no imprime

MOTIVO: En los kernel 2.2 la primera impresora es lp0, en los 2.0 era lp1

Volver a ejecutar magicfilterconfig (paquete magicfilter)

También se puede modificar a mano /etc/printcap y sustituir
 :lp=/dev/lp1 por :lp=/dev/lp0

Re: dselect en citius-slink no funciona con kernel 2.2.X ¿solucion?

2000-01-16 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Alberto,

On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +, Alberto F. Hamilton Castro wrote:
 Despues haces un 'apt-cdrom add' para CD, o directamente con dselect en
 Access, y el correspondiente 'update'.

Me ha ido fenomenal !, Voy a enviar una chuleta detallada a la lista ;-)

Gracias ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)

Re: Sonido, otra vez.

2000-01-16 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Pookie!

El día Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 09:55:01AM +0100 decías:

 no creo, si tiene un sond balster por ahi en medio tiene que poner algo de
 Sound Blastar 0x220 DSP 4.13 detected o similar...

yo nunca he visto un mensaje como ese y mi AWE funcionaba sin problemas

Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (

Re: problemas con repetición de teclado

2000-01-16 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El dom, 16 de ene de 2000, a las 12:54:17 -0300,  Marcelo Ramos  va y dice:

 El script de booteo del paquete kbd es /etc/rc.boot/kbd.
 Así que pon la orden 
 kbdrate -r 25 

Ok, puedo poner un script nuevo porque no hay ningún /etc/rc.boot/kbd

~# ls -l /etc/rc.boot/
total 3
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   83 dic 16 00:09 3Welcome2L
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   48 nov 29 16:41 dnetc
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  232 jul 26 02:22 fidogate

Acias, con eso lo arreglo, pero me quedo con las ganas de saber que a pasado
en la actualización :-? He vuelto a mirar y no tengo instalado kbd sino el
console-tools, quizás sea por eso, pero el caso es que antes de actualizar
iba bien. O:)

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... Como diría Jack El destripador...Vamos por partes...

Re: Engañar a APT

2000-01-16 Thread Han Solo
On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 10:12:55PM +0100, Francisco Callejo wrote:
 Total, que ahora cada vez que utilizo apt me da un error de
 dependencias y la única solución que me ofrece es desinstalar
 tetex-bin y todos los paquetes que dependen de él. Como no estoy
 dispuesto a hacerlo, tengo dos opciones:
 1) No utilizar nunca apt.
 2) Engañar a apt para que no tenga en cuenta las dependencias de los
 paquetes instalados.
Tienes una tercera opción: Antes de recompilar tetex, retócalo para que
dependa de la versión 1.3 en vez de la 1.3.3. Creo que se cambiaba en el
fichero debian/control, pero no estoy seguro. Con rgrep se encuentra en dos
patadas. Yo tengo así varios paquetes retocados que dependían de perl5
(potato) en vez de perl a secas (slink).
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux Expo en Madrid

2000-01-16 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:

 algo. Pero por otro lado, es posible que den metros cuadrados gratis
 para poner un stand de Debian. La pregunta es, ¿interesa esto? (en

Yo en principio tengo intención de estar por allí, aunque no sé si todo el
tiempo en un supuesto stand de Debian, claro O:-) Pero bueno, que se cuente
conmigo para lo que se pueda hacer por ahí, desde luego.


Imagen tapiz (último)

2000-01-16 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín


Muchas gracias a todos por las múltiples respuestas sobre el tema de
colocar una imagen como fondo del escritorio.

Lo que me gustaría saber es cómo (o dónde, para ser más exacto) se
pueden poner esas sentencias para que se ejecuten al entrar en linux (con
XDM) y ya aparezca el escritorio con la imagen escogida y no haya que
ponerla manualmente cada vez. He mirado varios archivos como 'xdm-config',
'xdm.options, 'Xstartup', 'Xsetup', etc. así como la ayuda de XDM pero las
pruebas que he hecho no me han llevado a nada.

Gracias de nuevo.

Help with cable modem...

2000-01-16 Thread Ryan Losh

I am scheduled to have Road Runner service installed next wednesday.
I've gone to the trouble of building a decoy box with Windows 95 installed
so that the installer doesn't give me any trouble when he/she's here to install
the service.  I live in Topeka, Kansas, and I don't think Linux is *THAT* wide
spread here, yet.  I was just wondering if anyone could point me to a good
(preferably Debian specific) HOWTO for getting a debian box
working with the service...

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Thank you

Printing woes

2000-01-16 Thread Howard Mann
Hi All,

When I print a document from Netscape ( e-mail or webpage) or
Acroreader (.pdf doc) ,the printed fonts are huge and offset to the
right half of the page.Of course, only a small portion of the page is
thus printed.

This does not occur when I print an ASCII page from, say,  kedit. I
use KDE.

I have a LaserJet 5L.

This is my /etc/printcap file:

lp|hplj4l|HP Laserjet 4L:\

I'd appreciate any ideas.




Howard Mann   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO

Re: Help with cable modem...

2000-01-16 Thread Howard Mann
Ryan Losh wrote:
 I am scheduled to have Road Runner service installed next wednesday.
 I've gone to the trouble of building a decoy box with Windows 95 installed
 so that the installer doesn't give me any trouble when he/she's here to 
 the service.  I live in Topeka, Kansas, and I don't think Linux is *THAT* wide
 spread here, yet.  I was just wondering if anyone could point me to a good
 (preferably Debian specific) HOWTO for getting a debian box
 working with the service...

This page is great :

Other pages are linked from this one. This should get you going.



Howard Mann   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO

Re: Where to find Printer Drivers

2000-01-16 Thread Andreas Schmidt
According to

it is mostly supported by ghostscript with the bjc600 driver.


On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 12:09:59PM -0700, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get drivers for a Canon BJC-80
 printer for Debian 2.1 Slink.  I went to, but they only had about
 two printer drivers, and none were Canon.
 Cameron Matheson

Re: Debian Hardware Certification??

2000-01-16 Thread aphro
On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Carl Greco wrote:

cgreco [].  It would be helpful to have
cgreco such a database for Debian to encourage commerical utilization.  Is
cgreco there one that I have overlooked?

linux is linux, with the exception of some 3rd party binary modules
everything that works with redhat will work on debian. since debian is not
a commercial organization i dont think they would go out of their way to
promote commercial use of debian since they have no commercial support
system in place and probably never will.  VAResearch is probably the best
company to deal with if you want certified debian hardware as they
recently teamed up with debian to provide the commercial front-end for
those customers.

i build lots of debian slink systems, and presently they consist of: K6-3
400, 64MB Kingston PC100 ram, Matrox G400 16MB OEM, dual 3COM 3c905c NICs,
FIC PA2013 2MB Motherboard, IBM 9.1GB ide drives, sony 40X ide cdroms.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
4:19pm up 149 days, 4:21, 1 user, load average: 0.32, 0.32, 0.28

Re: vim / ssh / backspace

2000-01-16 Thread Brian May
 Christopher == Christopher S Swingley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Christopher My .bashrc on the work machine has: stty erase ^h in
Christopher it, if that makes any difference.

Shouldn't you be using:

stty erase ^?


This seems to be the Debian standard.

(actually, normally you shouldn't have to include any stty erase
setting in you login scripts, but exact circumstances may vary).

If you still have problems, please indicate if you are using X-Windows
or not, and what happens if you log on to the remote computer, run
cat (no parameters), and then push backspace.

config script for ghostscript

2000-01-16 Thread Markus Schaub

Isn't it possible to run the script which configures the printers in
/etc/printcap (I think it is included in the gs package) a second time
after installing it? I don't want to create all the directories in
/var/spool/lpd manually but I can't find the script.

(I think it must be a script like bindconfig or isdnconfig)

Markus Schaub, Steinacher Straße 30a, 90765 Fürth

Re: unexpected end of file

2000-01-16 Thread Hartmut Figge

 'bash: /root/.profile: line 11: syntax error: unexpected end of file'

i would would view this file with mc, switching to hex-mode and look for
suspicious characters.


stable innd is segfaulting

2000-01-16 Thread Colin Watson
I'm encountering a really strange problem on a friend's slink box. We
were trying to fix a few things in his news configuration - rebuilding
suck with perl support and fiddling about with a few configuration files
(like newsfeeds - 'ctlinnd checkfile' is happy, BTW). Suddenly suck
stopped working, which understandably irritated us a bit. Putting all
the configuration files back to (as far as we can remember) the way they
were and reinstalling the original suck package doesn't help.

Eventually I traced the problem to innd itself dying when innxmit tries
to submit articles to it. The tail of an strace looks like this
(apologies for the long lines):

[pid 17274] setsockopt(17, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, [24576], 4) = 0
[pid 17274] setsockopt(17, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, [24576], 4) = 0
[pid 17274] setsockopt(17, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, [1], 4) = 0
[pid 17274] write(17, 200 drmanhattan InterNetNews ser..., 65) = 65
[pid 17274] time([947982516])   = 947982516
[pid 17274] sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x4007f8a0, [], 0}, {0x8058fb0, [], 
[pid 17274] send(3, 61Jan 16 00:28:36 innd: drmanh..., 95, 0) = 95
[pid 17274] sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x8058fb0, [], SA_RESTART}, NULL) = 0
[pid 17274] select(18, [4 11 13 17], [], NULL, {300, 0}) = 1 (in [17], left 
{299, 99})
[pid 17274] gettimeofday({947982516, 604642}, NULL) = 0
[pid 17274] read(17, ihave [EMAIL PROTECTED]..., 4095) = 53
[pid 17274] lseek(9, 278336, SEEK_SET)  = 278336
[pid 17274] read(9, 274450\trec.puzzles/393\n, 23) = 23
[pid 17274] read(9, [EMAIL PROTECTED]..., 64) = 64
[pid 17274] write(17, 335\r\n, 5) = 5
[pid 17274] select(18, [4 11 13 17], [], NULL, {300, 0}) = 1 (in [17], left 
{299, 98})
[pid 17274] gettimeofday({947982516, 627961}, NULL) = 0
[pid 17274] read(17, Path:!nntp2.g..., 4095) = 1019
[pid 17274] --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
... read resumed , 8192)= 0
close(0)= 0
_exit(0)= ?

I've tried reading the source, but my knowledge of the internals of innd
is not that deep and I'm stumped. Has anyone encountered this problem
before, and even better do they know how to fix it? It happens in both
streaming and non-streaming mode, and after restarting the server. I'm
going to try rebuilding the active, history, and overview files now, but
their format looks generally OK.

I'd much appreciate any advice anyone might have.


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: config script for ghostscript

2000-01-16 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 01:34:39AM +0100, Markus Schaub wrote:
 Isn't it possible to run the script which configures the printers in
 /etc/printcap (I think it is included in the gs package) a second time
 after installing it?

magicfilterconfig, perhaps?

Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: upgrading multiple machines to 2.1r4

2000-01-16 Thread Peter Ross
On 14-Jan-2000, Chris R. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to upgrade a few networked machines to 2.1r4, and since I have 
 only a slow dialup connection to the net, I'd like to only download each 
 package I need once. However, I really don't have the space or time for a 
 full mirror. What would be the best way to make sure I can (re)use the 
 packages I've downloaded with dselect?
The other suggestions are good, but the way I do it is using wget.

To see how to build a wget script for use with apt, read the file
offline.txt.gz in /usr/doc/apt.


Can't find /dev/dsp

2000-01-16 Thread Fredrik Appelberg
Hi all!
I've been trying to get my SB Live soundcard working, and after
installing a precompiled kernel (2.2.13) and dowloading and compiling
the emu10k1 driver code from creative I am at last able to play a cd
on my computer. However, when I run mpg123 it complains about not
being able to open /dev/dsp. This seems pretty reasonable, since even
I can't find a /dev/dsp (or /dev/audio for that matter).
So, how do I get these devices installed? Is there any way of doing it
without compiling the kernel (I tried that late last night, but the
computer hung while booting, I think it's a ecgs 2.95 matter)?


Re: Can't find /dev/dsp

2000-01-16 Thread Jim B
cd /dev/
./MAKEDEV audio

should make those devices for you.

On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Fredrik Appelberg wrote:

 Hi all!
 I've been trying to get my SB Live soundcard working, and after
 installing a precompiled kernel (2.2.13) and dowloading and compiling
 the emu10k1 driver code from creative I am at last able to play a cd
 on my computer. However, when I run mpg123 it complains about not
 being able to open /dev/dsp. This seems pretty reasonable, since even
 I can't find a /dev/dsp (or /dev/audio for that matter).
 So, how do I get these devices installed? Is there any way of doing it
 without compiling the kernel (I tried that late last night, but the
 computer hung while booting, I think it's a ecgs 2.95 matter)?

scsi tape device

2000-01-16 Thread Ryan White

For some reason I do not have /dev/st* . I compiled my kernel with scsi
tape support and I thought that would do it. Is there something that I am
missing. Am I looking in the wrong spot for my tape device.

I have a ICP raid card (GDT) which is fully functional and the kernel sees
the tape drive 

Configuring GDT-PCI HA at 0/9 IRQ 3
scsi0 : GDT6518RD
scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: ICP   Model: Host Drive  #01   Rev:
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
  Vendor: HPModel: C1537ARev: L708
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 2, id 3, lun 0
scsi : detected 1 SCSI tape 1 SCSI disk total.
SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35551845 [17359 MB]
[17.4 GB]

but I am just lost as to how to access it in taper or kbackup. 


Re: ATA/66 hardware detection problems

2000-01-16 Thread Burt Kemp

From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ATA/66 hardware detection problems
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 14:15:55 -0800 (PST)

I am not sure if Debian applies the latest IDE patches from:

or not. The latest patch is for 2.2.14 and dated two days ago.

Which kernel version are you using?

On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Burt Kemp wrote:

 Has anyone else had experience with a 440BX board that incorporates 
 support?  Debian does not even realize that its there.  Is there no 

 for them yet?

I was using the default kernel that came. I could not get it to install, 
because it couldnt find a drive to install on.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

files appear corrupt, but aren't; kernel bug?

2000-01-16 Thread Dan Christensen
Over the past few hours, my potato machine has been behaving very
strangely.  Many of the files on my hard drive or which I read from
cdrom have minor errors.  Specifically, at a random point in the file,
two consecutive bytes are changed to 160 and 192 (240 300 octal).
Moreover, this often repeats every 4194305 bytes!  (That 2 to the 22nd
power, plus 1.)  Only large files seem to be affected, and this makes
sense given the large gap between the bad bytes.  However, I believe
that the files on the disks are fine because the problem goes away
sometimes.  For example, during a period when the computer was
misbehaving, I wrote a tar file to cd.  Now I get

% cmp -l copy-on-cdrom copy-on-hard-drive
2078721 240  53
2078722 300  74
6273026 240 127
6273027 300 374
10467331 240  46
10467332 300 304
14661636 240 344
14661637 300 151

Notice that the copy on the hard drive is now ok;  it was misbehaving
when the transfer was done, and so the transfer is corrupt.


% bzcap kernel-source-2.2.13.tar.bz2  /dev/null

used to produce

  bzcat: Data integrity error when decompressing.

but now has gone back to being silent.  I ran bzip2recover on
the kernel source when it was misbehaving, and the components
differ from what the file now contains by 240 300 at one spot.

Can anyone tell me what might be happening here?  Is there
software I can use to help diagnose this?  

My hardware:  Transmonde Vivante SE, 6G IDE HD, scsi pcmcia card
hooked to Yamaha 4416S cdrw.

I read the list, but you are encouraged to cc your replies
directly to me.

Thanks very much,


Dan Christensen

IMHO setup

2000-01-16 Thread Marcin Kurc
Anyone installed IMHO with roxen?
Can't get it to show up in add module listing.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

backup to DEC TZ87

2000-01-16 Thread Ron Farrer

Hello all;

I just added a DEC TZ87 tape drive to my Debian system (potato) and
would like to use it for creating backups. Checking /var/log/messages

Jan 14 19:34:46 mustang kernel: Detected scsi generic sgd at scsi0,
channel 0, id 5, lun 0
Jan 14 19:34:46 mustang kernel:   Vendor: DEC   Model: TZ87 (C)
DEC  Rev: 9104
Jan 14 19:34:46 mustang kernel:   Type:   Sequential-Access
ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Jan 14  19:34:46 mustang kernel: Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel
0, id 6, lun 0

The problem is that there is no /dev/st0 or /dev/sgd and using /dev/sg6
results in: 

mustang:~# dump -0u -f /dev/sg6 /
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sat Jan 15 18:50:03 2000
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda8 (/) to /dev/sg6
  DUMP: Label: none
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 766872 tape blocks on 19.71 tape(s).
  DUMP: Cannot open output /dev/sg6.
  DUMP: Do you want to retry the open?: (yes or no) yes
  DUMP: Cannot open output /dev/sg6.
  DUMP: Do you want to retry the open?: (yes or no) no
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

Now maybe I just am not using dump correctly?!? The reason I say this is
because it says it will take 19.71 tapes, but each tape on the unit can 
hold 10GB uncompressed and 20GB compressed. This system only has two 2GB
drives in it. Yes I RTFM, but I am still uncertian/confused. 

Any ideas/suggestions? 


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
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|Alpha Linux Powered! |
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Upgrading pcmcia-* breaks ppp

2000-01-16 Thread lehman
After buying a pcmcia nic I thought that upgrading the pcmcia-* 
packages and recompiling the pcmcia modules would be a good 
idea. While I was at it, I upgraded modutils as well. Now I'm 


I didn't even start to mess with the nic yet, because this broke
my ppp setup somehow. I have a 56K pcmcia modem, running as 
ttyS2 (pppd uses /dev/modem which is a symlink pointing to 
/dev/ttyS2). Now, whenever I fire up pppd I get:

Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: pppd 2.3.5 started by lehman, uid 1001
Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
Jan 15 19:16:31 sirius pppd[352]: Exit.

...just as if the modem wasn't inserted at all. But when 
inserting the modem, the output of cardmgr looks ok:

Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: initializing socket 2
Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: socket 2: Serial or Modem
Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: executing: 'insmod
Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius kernel: tty02 at 0x17f8 (irq = 5) is a 16550A
Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: executing: './serial start ttyS2'

And setserial says:

[lehman] ~sudo setserial -a /dev/ttyS2
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x17f8, IRQ: 5
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
Flags: spd_normal skip_test

I checked /etc/pcmcia.conf and /etc/pcmcia/serial.opts and 
didn't find anything that looks offensive to me. What's 
going on here? I don't know how to track this down, any help 


Sent through Global Message Exchange -

Re: Package dependency issues

2000-01-16 Thread Damon Muller
On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 05:55:59PM -0800, Paul McAvoy wrote:
 I am having a problem in that I am using qmail on my system,  and the apt/dpkg
 system does not recognize that it fills the dependency of a
 mail-transport-agent. So, by default everytime I want to install something
 like a mail reader (mutt) I get a requirement that I need exim or something to
 be installed.  I am unable to purge exim without breaking a bunch of

Use the equivs package. Just follow the instructions to create an equivs
package that provides the same as exim does. Install (you'll need to foce
it, IIRC) the new package you have created, un-install exim, and you should
be right.

This is what I did myself and it worked well. This is off the top of my
head, so you may have to play around a bit, but basically that's what equivs
is for.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Systems Administrator
Melbourne, Australia

netscape proxies

2000-01-16 Thread Larry Fletcher
I just installed navigator 4.5-1 (navigator-smotif-45) and there is no
place to set proxies.  Is there some reason proxies are not allowed in
this version?

Are proxies only available after registration?

When I installed navigator I saved the registration information to a
file to send it by email later, but the file wasn't saved.  If navigator
needs to be registered first, how do I register?


Re: files appear corrupt, but aren't; kernel bug?

2000-01-16 Thread Scott Henry
 D == Dan Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

D Over the past few hours, my potato machine has been behaving very
D strangely.  Many of the files on my hard drive or which I read from
D cdrom have minor errors.  Specifically, at a random point in the file,
D two consecutive bytes are changed to 160 and 192 (240 300 octal).
D Moreover, this often repeats every 4194305 bytes!  (That 2 to the 22nd
D power, plus 1.)  Only large files seem to be affected, and this makes
D sense given the large gap between the bad bytes.  However, I believe
D that the files on the disks are fine because the problem goes away
D sometimes.  For example, during a period when the computer was

Hmmm, I would suspect either memory, or problems with the SCSI bus. 

For SCSI problems, it could be due to termination (only external,
active termination should be used), or the cables are marginal (or
marginally too long). But it kinda makes sense that it might show up
only on long files -- you are stressing the system more. Or the disk
is starting to die...

For memory, are you running with fake-parity, true-parity, or ECC
memory? The former can gererate spurious errors like you are seeing
without otherwise being detected. I spend the extra money on ECC
memory, because I don't want any hidden errors...

Oh, and make sure that you have parity enabled on the SCSI bus
peripherals, too.

   More Important Drivel from:
 Scott Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] /\/\/\

Re: Upgrading pcmcia-* breaks ppp

2000-01-16 Thread Brian May
 lehman == lehman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

lehman After buying a pcmcia nic I thought that upgrading the pcmcia-* 
lehman packages and recompiling the pcmcia modules would be a good 
lehman idea. While I was at it, I upgraded modutils as well. Now I'm 
lehman running:

lehman pcmcia-cs_3.1.8-4.deb
lehman pcmcia-source_3.1.8-4.deb
lehman modutils_2.3.9-2.deb

lehman I didn't even start to mess with the nic yet, because this broke
lehman my ppp setup somehow. I have a 56K pcmcia modem, running as 
lehman ttyS2 (pppd uses /dev/modem which is a symlink pointing to 
lehman /dev/ttyS2). Now, whenever I fire up pppd I get:

I recently upgraded my laptop to Linux 2.2.14 (from 2.0.36) with the
latest pcmcia-* and modutils, too. I compiled both the kernel and the
pcmcia-source myself. I don't know if the kernel upgrade is
significant or the upgrade of pcmcia-*.

(I can't compile pcmcia-source for Linux 2.0.36 as my compiler is
too new. Perhaps I should try and compile pcmcia-* from slink
with Linux 2.2.14??? Will that work???)

I have a xircom combo Ethernet/28.8k Modem card. It works find with
Linux 2.0.36 and pcmcia-* from slink.

(sidenote: I have noticed recently that this card runs very hot - is
this normal?)

The Ethernet card part works fine.

lehman Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: pppd 2.3.5 started by lehman, uid 
lehman Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
lehman Jan 15 19:16:31 sirius pppd[352]: Exit.

I haven't tried pppd myself, but minicom cannot talk to the modem (no
errors, just nothing displayed).

lehman ...just as if the modem wasn't inserted at all. But when 
lehman inserting the modem, the output of cardmgr looks ok:

lehman Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: initializing socket 2
lehman Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: socket 2: Serial or Modem
lehman Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: executing: 'insmod
lehman /lib/modules/2.2.9/pcmcia/serial_cs.o'
lehman Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius kernel: tty02 at 0x17f8 (irq = 5) is a 16550A
lehman Jan 15 19:17:28 sirius cardmgr[109]: executing: './serial start 

I get that too. Curiously, with the slink pcmcia-* packages, the
modem is assigned tty03, not tty02 - could that be significant?

lehman And setserial says:

lehman [lehman] ~sudo setserial -a /dev/ttyS2
lehman /dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x17f8, IRQ: 5
lehman Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
lehman closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
lehman Flags: spd_normal skip_test

I get similar results from setserial -a /dev/modem, but
setserial -a /dev/ttyS2 just returns an error:

/dev/ttyS2: pcmcia controlled device (/var/run/stab)

lehman I checked /etc/pcmcia.conf and /etc/pcmcia/serial.opts and 
lehman didn't find anything that looks offensive to me. What's 
lehman going on here? I don't know how to track this down, any help 
lehman appreciated...

Also, this isn't the worst of my problems... If I try to bootup with
the card in, or shutdown, the computer will lock up, and require a
hardware reset in order to fix the problem. Inserting/removing the
card after bootup seems to be OK though.

When I asked about this on the linux-kernel mailing list, somebody
suggested I replace the following parameter to my pcmcia.conf
file with:


however, that doesn't help :-(.


Re: Upgrading pcmcia-* breaks ppp

2000-01-16 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Brian May; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 Also, this isn't the worst of my problems... If I try to bootup with
 the card in, or shutdown, the computer will lock up, and require a
 hardware reset in order to fix the problem. Inserting/removing the
 card after bootup seems to be OK though.
 When I asked about this on the linux-kernel mailing list, somebody
 suggested I replace the following parameter to my pcmcia.conf
 file with:
 however, that doesn't help :-(.

A big guess, but are you guys sure you have no interrupt or similar
conflicts? I have a problem with Xircom modem which sounds similar to
the ones described in pcmcia-howto in relation to the interrupt conflict
even though my /proc/interrupt doesn't show one. Changing the irq works
(from line being hopelessly slow to te normal speed of 56k modem).

Re: scsi tape device

2000-01-16 Thread Jozef Skvarcek
You can create the tape devices with `/dev/MAKEDEV', for example...
Try `/dev/MAKEDEV -v st0' for creating `/dev/st0' and `/dev/nst0'

Jozef Skvarcek _
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hunter College, City University of New York |   212-772-4032

On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Ryan White wrote:

 For some reason I do not have /dev/st* . I compiled my kernel with scsi
 tape support and I thought that would do it. Is there something that I am
 missing. Am I looking in the wrong spot for my tape device.
 I have a ICP raid card (GDT) which is fully functional and the kernel sees
 the tape drive 
 Configuring GDT-PCI HA at 0/9 IRQ 3
 scsi0 : GDT6518RD
 scsi : 1 host.
   Vendor: ICP   Model: Host Drive  #01   Rev:
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
   Vendor: HPModel: C1537ARev: L708
   Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 2, id 3, lun 0
 scsi : detected 1 SCSI tape 1 SCSI disk total.
 SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35551845 [17359 MB]
 [17.4 GB]
 but I am just lost as to how to access it in taper or kbackup. 
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Re: terminals

2000-01-16 Thread Mike Werner

On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 12:26:45AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You missed a few letters the command is '/sbin/telinit q'.
 At 17:12 15.1.2000 -0500, you wrote:
  and after a reboot you would have tty's 1 through 7.  At least I *think*
  you have to reboot - I could be wrong on that one.  But this should at
 I think you can just 'init q' and it will re-read the inittab.

That's the one.  I just tried it out - added another four VT's.  I did
find that just 'telinit q' worked - /sbin is in root's path by default
as I remember.  And doing telinit as a regular user doesn't work here.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

lockfile--what is it?

2000-01-16 Thread Steve Winston
What is lockfile /var/run/
In slink, when I run install after apt-get, etc., I
get the following message:
update-menus -
cannot remove lockfile /var/run/
   I can't find any reference to this file. This has
just started to appear.
What is a lockfile anyway? How is this affecting my 
system's performance? Should I worry? Should I remove
it? How?
thanks, steve w.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: lockfile--what is it?

2000-01-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Feb 22, 2036 at 04:30:32AM -0800, Steve Winston wrote:
 What is lockfile /var/run/
 In slink, when I run install after apt-get, etc., I
 get the following message:
 update-menus -
 cannot remove lockfile /var/run/
I can't find any reference to this file. This has
 just started to appear.
 What is a lockfile anyway? How is this affecting my 
 system's performance? Should I worry? Should I remove
 it? How?
 thanks, steve w.

Lockfiles just inform other processes not to mess around with the
resources 'cause another process already is.  So, you either had an
update-menus crap out on you or you have a zombie process.  The file
just contains the process id.  First, try:
$ ps aux | grep `cat /var/run/`
(Those are grave accents not apostrophes!)
If that turns up nothing besides the grep process then its okay to
remove it.  If it turns up a running /usr/bin/update-menus try:
$ kill `cat /var/run/`
Then check to see if it's still running with the first command. If so,
you may need to specify a different signal:
$ kill -9 `cat /var/run/`
You can also do this from top.

p.s. It doesn't effect system performance one iota, unless you have a
zombie process or a process stuck in an infinite loop (eating CPU).

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Acer machines

2000-01-16 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 05:44:27PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 yes it would see the new CPU, i have read nightmare tales about people
 having to reinstall NT after adding a second cpu if they were not using

Misinformation. NT will install the single processor kernel during
installation if you only have one CPU. However, Microsoft does publish
information on how to upgrade it to the multiprocessor kernel afterwards.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Acer machines

2000-01-16 Thread aphro
well i read from multiple sources that their UP-SMP upgrade tool worked
about 20% of the time..compaq came up with a tool that was 99-100%
successful *if* you had compaq hardware..

there are many many files that had to be changed to give NT SMP support
not just the kernel.


On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

hamish On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 05:44:27PM -0800, aphro wrote:
hamish  yes it would see the new CPU, i have read nightmare tales about people
hamish  having to reinstall NT after adding a second cpu if they were not 
hamish Misinformation. NT will install the single processor kernel during
hamish installation if you only have one CPU. However, Microsoft does publish
hamish information on how to upgrade it to the multiprocessor kernel 
hamish Hamish
hamish -- 
hamish Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.
hamish -- 
hamish Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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apt, dpkg, dselect, and deity?

2000-01-16 Thread Chris R. Martin
Forgive me, I've been out of the Debian world for a while. I'm having 
trouble figuring out the relationship between apt, dpkg, dselect, and 
deity (which seems to be something in development). I know what dselect 
and dpkg are; dselect acts as a frontend (or used to) for dpkg. How does 
apt and deity fit into that picture? Are they replacements? It seems like 
dselect uses something called apt-get now for ftp and such, but why is 
there a dpkg-ftp package?

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.

Re: apt, dpkg, dselect, and deity?

2000-01-16 Thread Nate Duehr
I'm not an extremely long-term Debian user, but in the sake of getting
you a quick response: 

Apt is a method of getting the files from the servers mostly, but it has
added features now to frontend dpkg also.  In dselect, you can use the
apt method of getting files, which by default uses the main Debian
HTTP/FTP servers, and you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point
toward a good mirror (highly recommended).

Apt also has the functionality of apt-get which frontends dpkg
installation and also gets the files requested along with any
dependencies.  So, for example, you can type apt-get install
[packagename] and it will use the information in /etc/apt/sources.list
again to download the package you requested and all the packages
required to install it and then it will run dpkg to do the installation.

I haven't ever used dpkg-ftp, so can't comment on it's usefulness.  Apt
appears to have somewhat superceded it (or perhaps it's officially
superceded it, I don't know...).

Deity I have no information on, as I haven't tried it. 

Console-Apt is also available capt which looks to be an alternative to
dselect.  Still in development -- played with it, didn't find it all
that intuitive (which is dselect's problem too...) so haven't continued
using it.  (It hasn't stepped up to add any usability or features that
I'm aware of that dselect doesn't have, IMHO, but that will change since
it's actively under development.)

That's about all I know... I use both apt-get and dselect intermixed
these days.  Dselect to find packages of interest and apt-get to do
updates, etc.  For example, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade will
update the Packages.gz file on your machine and download any upgraded
packages.  Nice for developers/testers running unstable, and I guess
also a little dangerous at the same time, if a package is broken in the
archives at the moment you do that update/upgrade.

Good luck, welcome back.

On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 01:34:00AM -0600, Chris R. Martin wrote:
 Forgive me, I've been out of the Debian world for a while. I'm having 
 trouble figuring out the relationship between apt, dpkg, dselect, and 
 deity (which seems to be something in development). I know what dselect 
 and dpkg are; dselect acts as a frontend (or used to) for dpkg. How does 
 apt and deity fit into that picture? Are they replacements? It seems like 
 dselect uses something called apt-get now for ftp and such, but why is 
 there a dpkg-ftp package?
 Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
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Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt, dpkg, dselect, and deity?

2000-01-16 Thread Nate Duehr
I also forgot to mention that there's currently quite a bit of work
going on to get Debian more user friendly at installation-time.  One of
the big initiatives is debconf which allows packages to have a common
front-end to ask the user questions about their configuration settings
during package installation.  You'll note that quite a few packages are
starting to use it as a default way to ask questions during installation
now.  Very nice stuff, and getting better all the time.


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt, dpkg, dselect, and deity?

2000-01-16 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Chris R. Martin wrote:

 Forgive me, I've been out of the Debian world for a while. I'm having 
 trouble figuring out the relationship between apt, dpkg, dselect, and 
 deity (which seems to be something in development). I know what dselect 

deity is APT's development code name, and just they are the same : Deity
is also the codename for the APT Native GUI that never got finished. 
Currently APT proper superceeds all execisting dselect methods and
integrates them all under a common interface and lets you mix and match
them freely.

APT proper can also interface with dselect as a normal dselect method
would, it has 5 native front ends (apt-get, Corel Get It, GnomeAPT,
Console APT and Aptitute) 

APT still uses dpkg for the package installation..


Re: unexpected end of file

2000-01-16 Thread ulla . russell

I do not have mc installed. I used the -x switch on the f
ile (od -x .profile, this also allows files to be viewed 
in hex).

I didn't see anything suspicious. Does anyone have any
other ideas? 

If I was to install midnight commander what instruction 
would I have to give to view files in hex?

The problem is worse than I at first realised, since this
files contains $PATH for root and it's not being loaded. I 
suppose there are ways around this problem, but it would
be nice to find out why the problem arose in the first 
place or at least how to fix it.

At 01:38 16.1.2000 +0100, you wrote:

 'bash: /root/.profile: line 11: syntax error: unexpected end of file'

i would would view this file with mc, switching to hex-mode and look for
suspicious characters.


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Re: ISDN SyncPPP Problem Part 2

2000-01-16 Thread Dietmar Schultz
On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 04:59:26PM +0100, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 Sorry- isdnPPP driver version 0.0.0 is out of date.
 Maybe ippp0 has no 'syncppp' encapsulation.
 ippp0: SyncPPP support not configured
 ippp0: Invalid argument

The kernel hasn't enabled ISDN PPP support. Build another one
which includes it:

# ISDN subsystem


dhelp problems with slink/potato hybrid.

2000-01-16 Thread Iain Pople

I finally took the plunge and started upgrading some packages to potato. I
am now suffering from the much talked about problem of dhelp complaining
about documentation in /usr/doc

Here is an example from running apt-get install libcgi-perl

Setting up libcgi-perl (2.76-13) ...
cannot open dhelp file '/usr/doc/libcgi-perl/.dhelp': at
/usr/sbin/install-docs line 559.

I have read through a large number of postings in debian-user and
debian-devel but I couldn't find any suggestions on how to resolve

I have upgraded dhelp and doc-base but this didn't seem to help.

Please CC replies to address below. Sorry if crossposting is bad, but I
thought it was relevant to both lists.

thanks, Iain.
Iain Pople

Re: unexpected end of file

2000-01-16 Thread Ethan Benson

On 16/1/2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do not have mc installed. I used the -x switch on the f
ile (od -x .profile, this also allows files to be viewed
in hex).

I didn't see anything suspicious. Does anyone have any
other ideas?

If I was to install midnight commander what instruction
would I have to give to view files in hex?

The problem is worse than I at first realised, since this
files contains $PATH for root and it's not being loaded. I
suppose there are ways around this problem, but it would
be nice to find out why the problem arose in the first
place or at least how to fix it.

Its probably not as complicated as you are making it, more likely 
there is just a stray  or something

if there are any if then structures make sure they are terminated 
with a fi, all { have a matching } and so on.

all it takes is one stray  ' or ` to cause that, bash keeps looking 
for the closing quote, or the fi or whatever and if it gets to the 
end of file it complains.


Re: Package dependency issues

2000-01-16 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Damon This is what I did myself and it worked well. This is off the
Damon top of my head, so you may have to play around a bit, but
Damon basically that's what equivs is for.

BTW: Anyone should use the equivs from potato. It is better than the
slink version and easier to use. And it runs on slink.


Re: Can't find /dev/dsp

2000-01-16 Thread Fredrik Appelberg
On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 08:28:09PM -0500, Jim B wrote:
 cd /dev/
 ./MAKEDEV audio
 should make those devices for you.

Thanks, man. Everything works like a charm now.


Re: slink to potato?

2000-01-16 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 01:01:51PM -0800, Michael Perry wrote:
 Hi all-
 I just got dsl here so have a system I would like to take from slink to
 potato using the apt-get install dist-upgrade.  Has anyone done this
 recently?  Any issues? 

I did the upgrade last friday on my laptop. no real problems, except
that dpkg eats 13 MB Ram after installing a package. My laptop has only
24 MB so the upgrade took more than 4 hours, after the packages had
been downloaded.


Linux duckman 2.2.14 #1 Wed Jan 5 14:45:16 CET 2000 i586 unknown
 11:35am  up 10 days, 51 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.75, 0.61, 0.50

Re: config script for ghostscript

2000-01-16 Thread Markus Schaub
Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
  Isn't it possible to run the script which configures the printers in
  /etc/printcap (I think it is included in the gs package) a second time
  after installing it?
 magicfilterconfig, perhaps?

No, I use apsfilter. Sorry, I forgot to write it.


Trouble with dselect.

2000-01-16 Thread Jussi Mattila

My aim was to build a custom kernel, so I installed the kernel-source
package for 2.0.38 kernel version. I propably should have also installed
the headers package as well, but I did not notice it since it is located
in the base section, not the development.
 It was after this that the problems occured: dselect refuses to install
or remove the kernel source packages. Here are the error messages that I
got last time:

installation script returned error exit status 139

unpacking kernel-source...

dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/kernel-source-2.0.38_2.0.38-0_all.deb (--unpack)

subprocess dpkg-dep --fsys -tarfile killed by signa (Segmentation fault)

Errors where encountered while processing: /var/... (the same file as
above) ... _all.deb

E:Subprocess returned an error code (1)

( some text like: fix the errors and install later)

Press enter to continue

inst script returned error exit status 100

The system seems to be just okay otherwise. dselect even installs other
packages than the source or the header packages. 
 Please, help me.  I am xtremely grateful for all the assistance I can get
for fixing this thing (=getting the package installation going again.)

Jussi Mattila


Re: printer

2000-01-16 Thread trent

Description: filename=text1.rtf

Error in suidunregister

2000-01-16 Thread Sven Gaerner

yesterday I ran 'apt-get upgrade' on my potato machine. By running the 
installation scripts I get the following error.
Global symbol $username requires explicit package name at 
/usr/sbin/suidunregister line 173.
Global symbol $groupname requires explicit package name at 
/usr/sbin/suidunregister line 174.
Global symbol $inode requires explicit package name at 
/usr/sbin/suidunregister line 178.
So I cannot install mount, telnetd-ssl and so on.
Please help me as soon as possible.



RE: Error in suidunregister

2000-01-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Jan-2000 Sven Gaerner wrote:
 yesterday I ran 'apt-get upgrade' on my potato machine. By running the
 installation scripts I get the following error.
 Global symbol $username requires explicit package name at
 /usr/sbin/suidunregister line 173.
 Global symbol $groupname requires explicit package name at
 /usr/sbin/suidunregister line 174.
 Global symbol $inode requires explicit package name at
 /usr/sbin/suidunregister line 178.
 So I cannot install mount, telnetd-ssl and so on.
 Please help me as soon as possible.

I just removed the suidmanager package and then I was able to install the
other packages.  The most recent suidmanager package is broken.  I reinstalled
the previous version and all is well, but you don't really need it; you can do
without it until it gets fixed.


xcolorsel won't grab colors

2000-01-16 Thread Arcady Genkin

Using the latest XFree packages from Potato, I'm having problems with
xcolorsel not being able to grab a color. It craps out saying:

tea:/usr/home/antipode$ xcolorsel
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
  Major opcode of failed request:  91 (X_QueryColors)
  Value in failed request:  0x8000
  Serial number of failed request:  1661
  Current serial number in output stream:  1661

Any idea what this could be?

Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Re: ssh encryption

2000-01-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
hypnos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I started sshd with the -d (debug) option to try to
 figure this out, and I think I have my answer, but I
 want to make sure.
 Am I correct in assuming that the encryption between
 client/server is started before any exchange of data
 takes place?  Specifically, I'm wondering if the
 username is passed in clear-text or encrypted when
 using the -l username option to ssh client.

User name and password sent over ssh are encrypted.
Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Re: Need file converter for

2000-01-16 Thread John Foster
John Pearson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 01:37:36PM -0600, John Foster wrote
  I need an application or plugin for netscape to decode or convert these
  type of files. I THINK they are some type of Microsoft proprietary
  file format. Netscape, WordPerfect, Gnotepad,Lyx, StarOffice, and
  nothing else that I have installed or set up will allow me to read
  messages that are sent to me in this format. They are usually sent as
  attachments to regular e-mail. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  Type: application/ms-tnef
  Encoding: base64
 This turned up on Freshmeat a few weeks ago:
 Perhaps it will do the trick?
Thanks for the suggestion and thanks to all of you that replied.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Installation showstopper

2000-01-16 Thread Gary Strangman


I have a problem with FTP-based installation of Debian Linux for which I
could find no information on or in the howto's.  I have:

architecture:  i386
model: Dell Dimension XPS266, PII
scsi:  none
cd-rom:Toshiba, ATAPI
network card:  none

I downloaded version 2.1r4 files from:

I made a rescue disk, a drivers disk, and the 7 base14-*.bin disks.  I am
able to boot from the rescue disk, and the other disks appear intact as
well.  I also have all the .bin files on a FAT16 partition, along with
base2_1.tgz (downloaded ultiple times from disparate sources in an
attempt to solve my problem). I'm running WinNT with 2 IDE hard drives:

Drive 1:  3 partitions, 1 primary and 2 logical, all FAT 16, 4Gb total
Drive 2:  3 primary partitions, FAT16, Linux, NTFS, in that order, 8Gb total

The .bin files are on the 1st logical partition of the first disk, if that
matters.  I want to keep WinNT on the machine, but add linux to the 2Gb
partition on my second disk drive.

PROBLEM:  I can boot to dos, run install.bat from the logical partition,
and made it up to the Install Base System item.  It can find and start
unpacking the base2_1.tgz file, but crashes mid-way through unpacking with
File error!!  There was a problem extracting the Base System from
/instmnt/debian/base2_1.tgz and halts, only allowing me to try that
option again I re-downloaded the file multiple times, to no avail.  WinZip
is able to uncompress and untar the file with no trouble (100+Mb free on
the FAT16 partition, 2Gb on the linux partition). That's when I made the
base14-*.bin floppies, and tried installing from floppy rather than from a
DOS partition.  Again, I got up to the Install Base System item, loaded
in all 7 disks (apparently without trouble), and then it crashed with a
similar error after the 7th disk had finished loading.  I could find no
other menu items (from the install.bat program) that would help.  Browsing
the linux partition with the help of a shell, I found /usr, /bin, /sbin,
/dev, and more.  But, I'm assuming I'm not done installing, seeing as the
process crashed. 

Any help, pointers to relevant doc, or suggestions are welcome.


OT: need M4 help-macros/stripping arg. spaces

2000-01-16 Thread kaynjay
I'm writing some macros for a latex package which uses M4 to preprocess them
before heading into Perl.  This is a first time for me in scripting such
things, and I'm learning by example and the info page on M4 how to decide
various things.  

My question relates to managing the following scenario:

In latex, writing 
should expand based on the definition

define('_cox', 'branch { atom(C,C);
ifelse($2,'-',' bond(l+,=C) atom(O,C); bond(l--) $1; ',
' bond(l+) $1; bond(l--,=C) atom(O,C); ')
} ')

(BTW, I use joe and don't know how to allow the back-tic character... so
I've substituted with the normal forward tic in the above.)  (One day I'll
move to a real editor.  Is there one like what is used in mc, BTW?)

The issue involves managing times when I (or someone else) types
   _cox(_oh, - )   or   _cox(_oh,- )
which adds the extra space onto the 2nd argument (I understand leading
spaces are stripped). At this point the ifelse statement fails.

I tried substituting
ifelse(substr($2,1,1),'-', ... )
but this failed as well.

Is there a way to deal with this (either through some manipulation or use
of a different flag which wouldn't be affected this way)?

Thanks very much for any help!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: Upgrading pcmcia-* breaks ppp

2000-01-16 Thread Christopher S. Swingley
 A big guess, but are you guys sure you have no interrupt or similar
 conflicts? I have a problem with Xircom modem which sounds similar to
 the ones described in pcmcia-howto in relation to the interrupt conflict
 even though my /proc/interrupt doesn't show one. 

I have the same problem whenever I try to compile the most recent PCMCIA
sources.  Right now I'm running from pcmcia-cs.3.1.3 because all the
newer once cause the problems mentioned by the first poster (everything
seems OK but pppd can't get the modem).

 Changing the irq works (from line being hopelessly slow to the normal 
 speed of 56k modem).

What did you change the irq to, and how?  I tried to do this by excluding
IRQ's in the PCMCIA config.opts file but each time it still failed, until
finally there were no IRQ's left and the serial module wouldn't load.

I hope this goes away in 2.4 when PCMCIA is part of the kernel. . .

Christopher S. Swingley   tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK  99775 ~cswingle

PGP key:

Re: suidregister problems after dist-upgrade today

2000-01-16 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 08:55:52PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
  0  S  Jan 14 Adam Klein  Uploaded suidmanager 0.42 (source all) to master
 That'll fix it.

It worked. THANK YOU!!!

I had been struggling with the same problem for a couple of days.

That kind of timely advice is what makes this list so great.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux (Slink)

failed ppp setup

2000-01-16 Thread John Davis

I need help with a partially configured ppp server.  I have dial in
working, but I can't get ppp to start.

Currently, I can login to the proposed ppp server (via the modem from
another linux computer using minicom) and get a shell.  However, when I
try to 
login as the ppp user, I get a permission deinied error and ppp doesn't
start.  Here's the minicom log:

login as: ppp
/etc/motd snipped
No mail.
/etc/ppp/ppplogin: Permission denied

--- The facts

The computer/os info:

Debian Linux slink (2.1 with latest patches installed.)
i386 2.0.36 kernel
Viking serial modem connected to COM1 (ttyS0).

-  The setup files and their contents

mgetty related


/etc/inittab: (relevant line only)
s0:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -n1

/etc/mgetty/mgetty.config: (complete)
debug 4
speed 38400

ppp related

/etc/ppp/options (complete file contents)
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

/etc/passwd: (relevant line only)

/etc/group: (relevant line only)

/etc/shells:(relevant line only)

/etc# ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 18  1998 /usr/sbin/pppd

mesg -n
stty -echo
exec /usr/sbin/pppd -detach crtscts modem
#exec /usr/sbin/pppd passive crtscts modem

So that ppp is not started on boot, I have no_ppp_on_boot file in

John Davis

Re: Clarification on setting window manager

2000-01-16 Thread Brian Potkin
On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 04:55:09PM -0800, Guyren G Howe wrote:

 I asked the question a little while back about how I can set my window
 manager. So far I have been advised to edit, in different messages from
 different people:

The first named window manager in /etc/X11/window-managers which is
found on your system is the one which will be started.  It is a system
wide setting so all users will get this window manager unless they
specify otherwise in a ~/.xsession file.

The window manager you get is controlled by the action of the Xsession
file in /etc/X11.  Before reading /etc/X11/window-managers it will
invoke .xsession if it exists.  Your .xsession should be executable and,
as a minimum, contain

exec window manager of your choice

As far as I can determine ~/.xinitrc is not required as the display
manager (xdm) and startx both use /etc/X11/Xsession by default.  The
manual page for Xsession is worth reading. 

 I've also been advised to run register-window-manager --default, but when I
 run it, it advises me that it will soon be superceded!

I wasn't aware of this program but the man page is informative.  One of
its uses appears to be to allow the editing of /etc/X11/window-managers.
Usefull though this may be the same objective may be achieved using
your favourite text editor.

 Any or all of these look plausible. None of them actually seem to work (they
 currently *all* say kde, but I'm still getting enlightenment).

 What is the *real* answer here?

Apart from appreciating that KDE is not a window manager but
Enlightenment is, I'm not going to be of much help here as neither are
on my system.  It looks as though the command to start KDE is incorrect.
You could try removing ~/initrc and putting

exec startkde

in ~/xsession, or


as the first line of /etc/X11/window-managers.

 BTW, enlightenment looks like shit. I get stray lines all over the screen
 when I resize windows, most of the little icons don't do anything, and the
 right mouse-click on the desktop, which all the enlightenment
 documentation (which is a generous term) I've been able to find advises me
 to do, doesn't do anything.
 Is enlightenment just crap, or am I missing something here?

When something does not function as I anticipate it is usually because I
have an imperfect understanding of what is involved :).



exim and /etc/hosts

2000-01-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've got this machine set up to have my mail/diald server handle all mail for
local users.  Getting this set up required some heavy digging through
documentation because the eximconfig 'satellite' setup uses bydns in the
smarthost route_list and my server's not listed in DNS.  Bad assumption on
the config script's part and bad documentation in the generated config script
for not mentioning this assumption or what to do if it's wrong...

Anyhow, I was able to find bydns in the documentation along with the list of
options that can be used in its place, and changed the bydns to byname.  I am
now able to send mail.

However, byname still does a DNS check instead of just finding the hostname
in /etc/hosts and going with that.  (Yes, it appears that I've got my system
configured correctly to use /etc/hosts - ping, ftp, telnet, ssh, and
everything else I've tried will go from one machine on my network to another
whithout trying to contact DNS.  Only exim refuses to cooperate.)  Can exim
be told to look in /etc/hosts and skip the DNS lookup?  If so, how?

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: files appear corrupt, but aren't; kernel bug?

2000-01-16 Thread Dan Christensen
Scott Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  D == Dan Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 D Over the past few hours, my potato machine has been behaving very
 D strangely.  Many of the files on my hard drive or which I read from
 D cdrom have minor errors.  Specifically, at a random point in the file,
 D two consecutive bytes are changed to 160 and 192 (240 300 octal).
 D Moreover, this often repeats every 4194305 bytes!  (That 2 to the 22nd
 D power, plus 1.)  Only large files seem to be affected, and this makes
 D sense given the large gap between the bad bytes.  However, I believe
 D that the files on the disks are fine because the problem goes away
 D sometimes.  For example, during a period when the computer was
 Hmmm, I would suspect either memory, or problems with the SCSI bus. 

Thanks for the suggestion.

It's definitely not a SCSI problem, because it happens on both my IDE
hard drive and on my SCSI cdrom.  And I'm doubtful that memory is the
problem, since the bad bytes are always 160 followed by 192, whereas
I would expect flakey memory to just flip a few random bits.  I
suspect that my memory is fake-parity but I don't know for sure.

Further info:  the problem seems to be completely gone now.  It lasted
for a few hours, and was consistent during those few hours.  Every
file I read that had bad bytes, consistently had the same bytes bad
until the problem went away.  Then the bytes were back to their
correct values.  I don't think this is a caching issue, since I
tested this on lots of very large files, larger than the ram I
have available.  And I have proof that I wasn't just imagining things:
while there were problems I copied a bad file to another file name.
Now the original is file, but the copy is still bad.

Very strange.  Does anyone have any other ideas?


Dan Christensen

Re: Upgrading pcmcia-* breaks ppp

2000-01-16 Thread Dan Christensen
 After buying a pcmcia nic I thought that upgrading the pcmcia-* 
 packages and recompiling the pcmcia modules would be a good 
 this broke
 my ppp setup somehow. I have a 56K pcmcia modem, running as 
 ttyS2 (pppd uses /dev/modem which is a symlink pointing to 
 /dev/ttyS2). Now, whenever I fire up pppd I get:
 Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: pppd 2.3.5 started by lehman, uid 1001
 Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
 Jan 15 19:16:31 sirius pppd[352]: Exit.
 ...just as if the modem wasn't inserted at all.
 And setserial says:

I found two solutions to this problem.  The easiest is to remove the
setserial package.  Doing this solved my problems immediately, so
unless you need setserial for some reason, it seems like a good
thing for you to try.

A more awkward fix that I stumbled upon by trial and error was
to run the following script near the end of the boot process,
after cardmgr starts and sees the card:


# This seems to make my pcmcia modem work.  Didn't need to do this
# before upgrading from slink to potato.  This assumes that the
# modem will be in slot 0, the top slot.

echo Setting /dev/ttyS1 irq to 7; ejecting cards; inserting cards.
setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 7
sleep 1
cardctl eject 0
sleep 3
cardctl insert 0

Of course, the irq you choose may need to be different.

Hope this helps.


Dan Christensen

Keyboard autorepeat

2000-01-16 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I just upgraded my machine to current potato, and the keyboard
autorepeat settings have changed: delay is now 500ms instead of ~300ms
as it was before.

I've no idea which package this can be configured in. I've fixed the
problem in X by editing my XF86Config file (added AutoRepeat 300 5 in
the Keyboard section) but the virtual console setting is still wrong.

Where can I change this setting?

Thanks in advance,
Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindow help needed

2000-01-16 Thread Alice M. Pinard
Yay! I have X again.

Ok for those also having similar trouble (Hi Steve :) I'm going to try and
set down what I did in the hopes that this will help till Vincent can get
back to someone :) (_anyone_ :)

I had gone into /var/cache/apt/packages and dpkg -i'd everything
xfree86'ish that I had 3.3.5 packages for

Unfortunately I didn't have packages for the fonts.

So this morning I did an apt-get remove xf86setup (because it was broken
without the fonts) 

Then I did an apt-get upgrade, it upgraded all the x things that I had
installed at 3.3.5 but held back on xserver-common (so now I have
everything 3.3.6 except that which is still installed at 3.3.5)

(oh and I did have to go into /usr/lib/menu/xbase-clients and put some \'s
in after each hints=Clocks line and rerun update-menus during the
install of xbase-clients)

But I was still missing my fonts so I did an apt-get -d install of each of
the font packages (because each one threatened to yank both my
xserver-common and my xserver-i128 if I did just a plain install) and then
did a dpkg -i on each font package from within /var/cache/apt/archives

Now, the reason I'm sharing this with the whole list is that I'm a
relative Debian newbie and I'm sure this was a fairly messy way to go
about doing all this. If anyone can think of any ways that it would have
been easier to do all this or things that I might have to watch out for
(besides having to hit 'R' and 'Q' in dselect a lot till the conflicts get
worked out a bit more) because of how I did this, please speak up, I'd
love to learn :) 

(and let's face it, in just about any linux isn't it true that the best
way to learn is the ' *poke*, kewl :) *poke*, kewl :) *poke*, ... oops?' 
method? :)


Re: failed ppp setup

2000-01-16 Thread Gerard MacNeil
On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, John Davis wrote:

 I need help with a partially configured ppp server.  I have dial in
 working, but I can't get ppp to start.
 Currently, I can login to the proposed ppp server (via the modem from
 another linux computer using minicom) and get a shell.  However, when I
 try to 
 login as the ppp user, I get a permission deinied error and ppp doesn't
 start.  Here's the minicom log:
 login as: ppp
 /etc/motd snipped
 No mail.
 /etc/ppp/ppplogin: Permission denied

How about 
ls -ld /etc/ppp
ls -l /etc/ppp/ppplogin

either user 'ppp' or group 'dip' must be able to read both.

 ppp related
 /etc/ppp/options (complete file contents)
 asyncmap 0
 lcp-echo-interval 30
 lcp-echo-failure 4
 /etc/passwd: (relevant line only)
 /etc/group: (relevant line only)
 /etc/shells:(relevant line only)
 /etc# ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
 -rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 18  1998 /usr/sbin/pppd
 mesg -n
 stty -echo
 exec /usr/sbin/pppd -detach crtscts modem
 #exec /usr/sbin/pppd passive crtscts modem
 So that ppp is not started on boot, I have no_ppp_on_boot file in
 John Davis
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gerard MacNeil, P. Eng  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Supercity Internet Services

Re: suidregister problems after dist-upgrade today

2000-01-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Jan-2000 Joe Bouchard wrote:
 I had been struggling with the same problem for a couple of days.
 That kind of timely advice is what makes this list so great.

I think it sets Debian apart from some of the other Linux distributions, too.


How to auto-login

2000-01-16 Thread Fish Smith
I'm running a machine for the lab at school and I want
it to automatically login to a default user account. 
(i.e. instead of asking for login and password, it
assumes login is user, user account having null
password)  How do I do this?  The only accounts on the
machine being root and user.  (Pardoning my grammar
=])  I will only need to login as root via su.  I will
have startx in the profile so that it will bring up
the GUI automagically when powered on.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

ppp hangup question

2000-01-16 Thread Jocke
Hi all,

Just one small quwstion.

I would like my modem connection to hang up
as soon as I get an incomming phonecall.
Any idea how to handle that ?

I use pon/poff

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Fvwm on Potato

2000-01-16 Thread Alec Smith
After a bit of fiddling, I finally have Fvwm working on my Potato system.
It seems that a symlink needed to be made from /etc/X11/fvwm to
/etc/X11/fvwm2 (if I recall).

However, I still have one glitch that needs to be worked out. When I
launch a program, I always get an outline of the window and have to click
to place it on the desktop. I'd like to get Fvwm working so that it will
automatically place windows just as it did in Slink, and as other window
managers do in Potato. I've been fiddling with WindowMaker some, but at
this point I'd rather keep using Fvwm.

The system is Debian 2.2 / fvwm 2.2.4 (from the .deb).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



2000-01-16 Thread didier ayllon

when i try to do :

ipfwadm -A -f

The answer is :

ipfwadm : setsockopt failed: 
Protocol not available

Does anyone can help me ?

Thank didier

Re: Keyboard autorepeat

2000-01-16 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 06:53:25PM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 I just upgraded my machine to current potato, and the keyboard
 autorepeat settings have changed: delay is now 500ms instead of ~300ms
 as it was before.
 I've fixed the problem in X by editing my XF86Config file (added
 AutoRepeat 300 5 in the Keyboard section) but the virtual console
 setting is still wrong.

No it's not, I'm just being stupid.

By the way, where did this change in the recent upgrade? Somewhere in
the X packages?
Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: small lab

2000-01-16 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I need to set a small lab where one machine will be a server and
 3 or 4 others clients. These clients will mount /home from server and I
 would like to have a central authentication. All machines already run

I did this for 15 workstations and 1 server with NFS and NIS --
following the Debian installation instructions for NIS there were no
problems with that (only shadow passwords had to be turned off). I use
no automounter as recommended here because I don't see any need for
this (why unmount /home?).

   What's the better way to do this?

Better as more secure would be to use cfengine (packaged in Debian, of
course), but I never managed to set up a working script and took the
lazy approach above -- it worked `out of the box'. On the other hand,
my users are not the hacker type and mostly don't have any Unix
knowledge at all, so I hope not to take some bigger risks.

I would like to try replacing NIS with LDAP, but by now this seems not
obvious (= uncomplicated) for me.


Re: Package dependency issues

2000-01-16 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Paul McAvoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I submitted this question a while ago, and didn't get much of a response.

[... Problems with home made qmail as MTA ...]

At least I responded (and you never raised any objections to my

|| You'd better install the debian package qmail-src, which compiles and
|| installs qmail for you, so you have qmail in the dpkg database. 

Maybe I should be more explicit: as root, type in an xterm:
   apt-get install qmail-src
and then again:
The package's script will compile qmail for you and automatically
build a debian package qmail_xxx.deb (depending on the version
number you've got), and it will even install it for you if you answer
yes to the appropriate question. Of course, qmail is registered as
'mail-transport-agent' in the Debian package databases then.


Re: JDK says can't open /proc/xxxxx

2000-01-16 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 sounds like the JDK bug with newer kernels, see the linux-kernel mailing
 list or the archives of this list, the solution is usually downgrade the
 kernel or upgrade your JDK.

I had the same problem on my potato box since kernel 2.2.12, and
indeed it vanished when going back to 2.2.10.
 this bug only affects older JDK with newer kernels, JDK tries to call an

So there is a newer JDK than that in potato? Any plans to integrate
the newer one before the freeze?


Re: stable innd is segfaulting

2000-01-16 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson) wrote:
I'm encountering a really strange problem on a friend's slink box. We
were trying to fix a few things in his news configuration - rebuilding
suck with perl support and fiddling about with a few configuration files
(like newsfeeds - 'ctlinnd checkfile' is happy, BTW). Suddenly suck
stopped working, which understandably irritated us a bit. Putting all
the configuration files back to (as far as we can remember) the way they
were and reinstalling the original suck package doesn't help.

Eventually I traced the problem to innd itself dying when innxmit tries
to submit articles to it. The tail of an strace looks like this
(apologies for the long lines):

[snip SIGSEGV]

I've tried reading the source, but my knowledge of the internals of innd
is not that deep and I'm stumped. Has anyone encountered this problem
before, and even better do they know how to fix it? It happens in both
streaming and non-streaming mode, and after restarting the server. I'm
going to try rebuilding the active, history, and overview files now, but
their format looks generally OK.

That didn't help, but the next day I zapped all of suck's batch files
that had piled up and things seemed to work OK (and continue to do so).
I don't think I should have been able to get innd to segfault under any
circumstances, though, and I'm concerned that it could happen again. I'd
report this as a bug if I (a) could replicate it and (b) had some idea
of what on earth was going on ...

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

modem permissions

2000-01-16 Thread paul
First time I`ve had to come back for a while!
I`m trying to set up minicom but I can`t access the modem. Here`s the relevant 

bash-2.03$ minicom
minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS2: Permission denied
bash-2.03$ ls -l  /dev/ttyS2
crw-r-1 root dialout4,  66 Jan 16 19:23 /dev/ttyS2
bash-2.03$ groups
paul mail dialout dip

I thought these permissions were correct for the device.  Am I missing 
something obvious? 
Paul Walton * Powered by * 
Cambridge* Debian GNU Linux *   
U.K.   * *
  * PGP Public Key: *

Description: PGP signature

problem compiling licq's qt-gui

2000-01-16 Thread Jim B
I just downloaded the source to licq 0.75.1 and compiled it fine, no
problems.  However, I'm trying to build the qt-gui that it comes with and
am getting an error and I might need some help figuring out just what is
wrong with my setup.  I am pretty certain it doesn't have anything to do
with qt, but rather with the libraries installed on my machine.

I installed qt-1.44 and 2.0 myself and have compiled many things with
them, including this qt-qui (older versions).  However, since the last
time I did this, I ran into some dependency problems trying to install the
y2k-update packages from .  The packages
are no longer there for obvious reasons.  :)  But some of them were g++,
libstdc++, and libstdc++-dev.  I had been downloading the .debs and using
dpkg -i to install, and some of them were dependent upon *each other* so
it was impossible to install that way.  Later I just put the URL into my
sources.list and let apt and dselect do it for me and it ended up working.

At any rate, here is the error (please bear with me for a minute):

gcc -shared  adduserdlg.lo authuserdlg.lo awaymsgdlg.lo chatacceptdlg.lo
chatdlg.lo editgrp.lo editskin.lo eventdesc.lo ewidgets.lo
fileacceptdlg.lo filedlg.lo icqfunctions.lo licqgui.lo mainwin.lo
messagebox.lo mledit.lo optionsdlg.lo outputwin.lo passworddlg.lo
plugindlg.lo qmultilineeditnew.lo registeruser.lo searchuserdlg.lo
securitydlg.lo showawaymsgdlg.lo sigman.lo skin.lo skinbrowser.lo
userbox.lo utilitydlg.lo wharf.lo qmultilineeditnew.moc.lo
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/qt/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lqt -lSM -lICE
-lX11 -lXext -lXss -lstdc++ -lnsl -lc  -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o
ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

I believe this has something to do with my hack-job attempt at installing
those y2k-update packages a little while back.  I can't figure out what
the heck I am missing though.

Here's something that may be related.  In dselect (yes I have updated the
package list) I see this:

--- Removed Required packages in section base ---
  ** Req base libstdc++2.9 none  none

But if I run dpkg --status libstdc++2.9 I get the following output:

Package: libstdc++2.9
Status: install ok installed
Priority: required
Section: base
Installed-Size: 552
Maintainer: Debian EGCS maintainers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: egcs (1.1.2-0slink2)
Version: 2.91.66-0slink2
Replaces: libstdc++2.9-ss ( 2.91.67)
... etc.

My /etc/apt/sources.list has the following lines:
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb-src stable main contrib non-free

How can this be?  Something just isn't making any sense.  Can anyone

Re: problem compiling licq's qt-gui

2000-01-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 16:42:54 -0500, Jim B wrote:
 libstdc++, and libstdc++-dev.  I had been downloading the .debs and using
 dpkg -i to install, and some of them were dependent upon *each other* so
 it was impossible to install that way.

No it's not. Mutually dependent packages can be installed with dpkg -i if
they're both provided in the same commandline.

 gcc -shared 

Always call g++ to link/compile C++ code, not gcc.

 ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory

Make sure you have libstdc++-dev installed, and check that
/usr/lib/ is a symlink to an existing libstdc++*.so* file.

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: problem compiling licq's qt-gui

2000-01-16 Thread Jim B
On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 No it's not. Mutually dependent packages can be installed with dpkg -i if
 they're both provided in the same commandline.

Aha!  I thought it was odd to have been dumped into such a quandary.  :)  
Thanks, I'm sure that will prevent much future frustration.

  gcc -shared 
 Always call g++ to link/compile C++ code, not gcc.

OK.  It was shipped this way, not sure why.  :-\

 /usr/lib/ is a symlink to an existing libstdc++*.so* file.

That did the trick.  Thanks!  It compiles now.

netscape sharing win98/linux

2000-01-16 Thread jason
i think i remember a past post about how to get netscape commicator to
share the mail box between win9x/linux partiions.. 

what's i've done is put the mail box on the windows partition .. mount it
from linux and point there.. but it doesn't seem to be working.. i have
communicator 4.7 

any clues.. or any better suited email programs.. what i really want is
the ability to share across my partitions.. and have folders.. 



When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second.  When you
sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.

Re: modem permissions

2000-01-16 Thread Bruce Sass
The permissions for my serial ports are all:
You need to be able to write to the serial port.
On Sun, 16 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First time I`ve had to come back for a while!
 I`m trying to set up minicom but I can`t access the modem. Here`s the 
 relevant info:
 bash-2.03$ minicom
 minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS2: Permission denied
 bash-2.03$ ls -l  /dev/ttyS2
 crw-r-1 root dialout4,  66 Jan 16 19:23 /dev/ttyS2
 bash-2.03$ groups
 paul mail dialout dip

WMSOUND: Error on Play Event

2000-01-16 Thread David S. Jackson
I'm using Windowmaker 0.20.3-5 under Slink and 2.0.36 and
wmsound-0.9.4.  When I start wmsound I get Error on Play Event.

When I run strace on it I get:

fstat(4, {st_mode=0, st_size=0, ...})   = 0
= 0x4000c000
read(4, RIFF\320k\1\0WAVEfmt 2\0\0\0\2\0..., 4096) = 4096
close(4)= 0
munmap(0x4000c000, 4096)= 0
write(2, Error on Play Event\n, 20Error on Play Event
)   = 20
write(3, +\0\1\0, 4)  = 4
read(3, 0xbb28, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
temporarily unavailable)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL)= 1 (in [3])
read(3, \1\2\23\0\0\0\0\0\217\0\200\0\0\0..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0
read(3, 0xb330, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
temporarily unavailable)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL

Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

David S. Jackson
To give your sheep or cow a large, spacious meadow is the way
to control him.--Shunryu Suzuki

Re: netscape sharing win98/linux

2000-01-16 Thread Philip Lehman
On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, jason wrote:

i think i remember a past post about how to get netscape commicator to
share the mail box between win9x/linux partiions.. 

what's i've done is put the mail box on the windows partition .. mount it
from linux and point there.. but it doesn't seem to be working.. i have
communicator 4.7 

any clues.. or any better suited email programs.. what i really want is
the ability to share across my partitions.. and have folders.. 

If it doesn't have to be an X app, consider pine and pcpine. Never
tried that (that is, the pcpine part of it), but it should work.
