> After buying a pcmcia nic I thought that upgrading the pcmcia-* 
> packages and recompiling the pcmcia modules would be a good 
> idea. 
> this broke
> my ppp setup somehow. I have a 56K pcmcia modem, running as 
> ttyS2 (pppd uses /dev/modem which is a symlink pointing to 
> /dev/ttyS2). Now, whenever I fire up pppd I get:
> Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: pppd 2.3.5 started by lehman, uid 1001
> Jan 15 19:16:30 sirius pppd[352]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
> Jan 15 19:16:31 sirius pppd[352]: Exit.
> ...just as if the modem wasn't inserted at all.
> And setserial says:

I found two solutions to this problem.  The easiest is to remove the
setserial package.  Doing this solved my problems immediately, so
unless you need setserial for some reason, it seems like a good
thing for you to try.

A more awkward fix that I stumbled upon by trial and error was
to run the following script near the end of the boot process,
after cardmgr starts and sees the card:


# This seems to make my pcmcia modem work.  Didn't need to do this
# before upgrading from slink to potato.  This assumes that the
# modem will be in slot 0, the top slot.

echo "Setting /dev/ttyS1 irq to 7; ejecting cards; inserting cards."
setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 7
sleep 1
cardctl eject 0
sleep 3
cardctl insert 0

Of course, the irq you choose may need to be different.

Hope this helps.


Dan Christensen

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