Problemas con la television

2000-01-27 Thread Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo

Tengo problemas para configurar la tele bajo windows. Creo que he
hecho todo bien (configurar el kernel, modulos, etc.) pero no
aparece un dispositivo video dentro de /dev.
He intentado con /dev/MAKEDEV video, pero me dice que no conoce
ese dispositivo. Alguna idea??

See you..

Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
...Doctor, Doctor, no puedo dormir ¨Que Tengo?..­USTED TIENE UN MODEM!...

RE: Problemas con la television

2000-01-27 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo  [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   jueves 27 de enero de 2000 2:06
 Asunto:   Problemas con la television
 Tengo problemas para configurar la tele bajo windows. Creo que he
 hecho todo bien (configurar el kernel, modulos, etc.) pero no
 aparece un dispositivo video dentro de /dev.
1) ¿tú tele funciona bajo windows? ===8- (diommío, e la
2) ¿windows te permite configurar el kernel, módulos, etc? ===8-o
... ahora comprendo para qué quiere Microsoft los expertos en linux ;D

 He intentado con /dev/MAKEDEV video, pero me dice que no conoce
 ese dispositivo. Alguna idea??
1) ¿está creado el dispositivo /dev/video?
2) Si la respuesta es no, ejecuta MAKEDEV video
3) ¿está creado ahora el dispositivo /dev/video?
4) Si la respuesta es no, consulta
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt, mira que major number tiene y
qué minor number tiene (normalmente el major es 81 y de minor se usa el 0,
pero tú búscalo que no te hará mal ;) ) /dev/video0 y haz un 
mknod /dev/video0 c ese_major ese_minor 
después crea un enlace simbólico de /dev/video al dispositivo que
quieras usar (/dev/video0) con 
ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video
5) Si aún no está creado, sigue con el windows de tu tele ;D
6) Si está creado y sigue sin funcionarte, tu problema es:
a) Que no has recompilado el kernel con soporte de
VideoForLinux y BTTV (si compilas uno como módulo, asegúrate de que el otro
también está como módulo).
c) Que lo has recompilado como módulos y te has olvidado de
modprobe bttv  modprobe tuner
antes de lanzar la aplicación de la tele.

 See you..
 Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
 ...Doctor, Doctor, no puedo dormir ¨Que Tengo?..USTED TIENE UN MODEM!...
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Problemas con la television

2000-01-27 Thread Pookie
- Original Message -
From: Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 2:06 AM
Subject: Problemas con la television


 Tengo problemas para configurar la tele bajo windows. Creo que he

Hombre, si usas windows, como configuras el kernel y los modulos??? JODER!!!
y has encontrado un /dev que merito no?

Por otro lado a parte de las coñas... La verdad es que el kernel tiene el
soporte que necesitas (supongamos que lo has hecho bien, aunque podria ser
que te hubieras dejado alguna opcion por ahi escondida), pero seguro que el
dispositivo se tiene que llamar video? Por otro lado, si lo de la tarjeta
esta como modulo, antes de hacer el makedev carga el modulo, sino vamos mal,
no lo reconocera

 hecho todo bien (configurar el kernel, modulos, etc.) pero no
 aparece un dispositivo video dentro de /dev.
 He intentado con /dev/MAKEDEV video, pero me dice que no conoce
 ese dispositivo. Alguna idea??

 See you..
 Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
 ...Doctor, Doctor, no puedo dormir ¨Que Tengo?..­USTED TIENE UN

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[Fwd: Problemas con la television]

2000-01-27 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Por error hice un reply sin incluir la lista :)
Lo envio a la lista  por si es de interes

Miguel Rodriguez Penabad wrote:
 Si intentas cargar el modulo antes de hacer makedev te dira que el
 no existe. MAKEDEV llama a mknod para crear un dispositivo en /dev.
 El ultimo makedev-nosecuantos.deb (no recuerdo la version) soporta el
 dispositivos de video (v4l:video for linux) con
 /dev/MAKEDEV v4l
 Y si no, pues lo haces a pelo:
 mknod c 81 0 /dev/video0
 ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video
 El MAKEDEV v4l crea video0 .. video?? y hace un link de video a video0
 y otros dispositivos como bttv0, etc para compatibilidad con los
 anteriores drivers/programas
  Por otro lado a parte de las coñas... La verdad es que el kernel tiene el
  soporte que necesitas (supongamos que lo has hecho bien, aunque podria ser
  que te hubieras dejado alguna opcion por ahi escondida), pero seguro que el
  dispositivo se tiene que llamar video? Por otro lado, si lo de la tarjeta
  esta como modulo, antes de hacer el makedev carga el modulo, sino vamos mal,
  no lo reconocera
   hecho todo bien (configurar el kernel, modulos, etc.) pero no
   aparece un dispositivo video dentro de /dev.
   He intentado con /dev/MAKEDEV video, pero me dice que no conoce
   ese dispositivo. Alguna idea??
   See you..
   Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
   ...Doctor, Doctor, no puedo dormir ¨Que Tengo?..­USTED TIENE UN
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
 Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
 Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

Re: Dependencias en debian

2000-01-27 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Wed,26/Jan/2000 a las 21:37:02+0100, Barbie Dominatrix escribió:
   Antes de instalar un paquete debian es muy fácil saber de qué paquetes
 depende. Pero si los paquetes de los que depende necesitan a su vez de
 otros, ¿cómo me lo monto para saber absolutamente todos los paquetes que 
 necesita el que yo quiero instalar?

El apt se ecarga de eso. Si haces 'apt-get install paquete' el mirará las
dependencias y se propondrá para instalar todos los que necesite. Tambien
el dselect se ha encargado de eso toda la vida...

  Aprobecho la ocasión para hacer notar la opción 'source' de las nuevas
versiones de apt (yo tengo la 0.3.11) que no se si todo el mundo conoce.
Yo tengo en /etc/apt/source.list una entrada como:

deb-src potato main contrib non-free

y haciendo 'apt-get source --compile nobre-paquete' el solito se baja los
fuentes, los desenpaqueta, compila y crea los deb sin mas intervención.  A
mi solo me resta hacer 'dpkg -i nobre-paquete_*.deb. De esta manera he
acctualizado algunos paquetes (no esenciales, es verdad) a la versión de
potato teniendo el resto a slink. 

  Cuando se lo comento esto a gente de red-hat o windows me miran con
desconfianza y se vuelven sin decir nada. En mi modesta opinión es lo más
potente que he visto en distribuciones de sistemas operativos.

  Vaya desde aquí mi felicitación a sus desarrolladores.

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dependencias en debian

2000-01-27 Thread Barbie Dominatrix

Cuando: mié, 26 de ene de 2000, a las 09:37:02 +0100
 Quien: Barbie Dominatrix
 Que: Dependencias en debian

   Antes de instalar un paquete debian es muy fácil saber de qué
 depende. Pero si los paquetes de los que depende necesitan a su vez de
 otros, ¿cómo me lo monto para saber absolutamente todos los paquetes
 necesita el que yo quiero instalar?

Apt-get paquete -s, no hace más que simular la instalación, y te dice
los paquetes que te hacen falta. 

  Gracias, pero no es exactamente lo que yo quiero. Con ese comando sólo
obtengo la lista de paquetes que necesito actualizar. 
 Mi situación es un poco diferente: en un ordenador con buen acceso a
internet tengo todo lo necesario para programar en C++ con STL
(libstdc++10-dev), pero tengo en casa un ordenador que no dispone de buen
acceso a internet, y con una distribución Hamm (uff, qué vieja!). Lo que
me gustaría saber es qué paquetes necesito actualizar en ese ordenador
(que seguramente serán una burrada) para instalar libstdc++10-dev pero
sin tener que conectarlo a internet. Una vez que sepa la lista de paquetes
que necesito, me los bajo desde aquí, los grabo en un ZIP y me los llevo a

Si lo entiende, es obsoleto.
-- Postulado de Bitton.

Re: Cambiar el password

2000-01-27 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Si no me equivoco el 'passwd' como tal no permite que se le pase
esto por línea de comandos porque es un tanto restrictivo en cuanto a ello,
tampoco (creo) sirve un echo la contraseña |passwd usuario, que yo sepa,
ya que es un poco paranóico en cuanto a los terminales (aunquep puedes
Mi sugerencia y solución (que además creo que tengo por algún lado
en alguna de las máquinas que administro): coger las fuentes del programa 
passwd y
modificarlo para esto. Es muy sencillo con saber un poco de C. Puedes, o
nuevo paquete de esta forma : 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot', aunque quizás
te pierdas un poco sino sabes nada de paquetes de Debian (mira para un artículo sobre el tema).
La otra opción es coger las fuentes de la misma forma, compilarlas
(un 'make' en el raíz valdrá) y coger el binario y ponerlo en

Un saludo


On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 06:30:30PM +0100, César Morillas wrote:
 ¿Alguien sabe como cambiar el password de un usuario directamente desde la
 linea de comandos en una sola línea, indicandole tanto el password como el
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Re: Cambiar el password

2000-01-27 Thread Barbie Dominatrix
El día 27/01/00 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a decía:

  ¿Alguien sabe como cambiar el password de un usuario directamente
desde la
  linea de comandos en una sola línea, indicandole tanto el password
como el
  A lo mejor con 'passwd' pasa como, por ejemplo, con un 'telnet', que no
hay manera, mediante pipes, de simular la entrada de teclado.
  Existe una aplicación llamada 'expect' que permite dialogar con
programas interactivos. No es trivial utilizarlo, y quizás es matar moscas
a cañonazos, pero yo lo he utilizado para evitar tener que teclear el
password a la hora de hacer telnets.

Si una serie de acontecimientos pueden salir mal, lo harán en el peor
orden posible.
-- Extensión a la Ley de Murphy.

Archivo kcore en /proc

2000-01-27 Thread jvicente
Alguien me puede explicar que es este archivo de 65 mb en /proc??


RE: Archivo kcore en /proc

2000-01-27 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   jueves 27 de enero de 2000 13:40
 Asunto:   Archivo kcore en /proc
 Alguien me puede explicar que es este archivo de 65 mb en /proc??
Caca nene!!!

/proc es un directorio ficticio y los archivos que hay ahí son archivos que
realmente no existen, sino que se crean cada vez que se arranga la máquina.
Si no recuerdo mal, /proc/kcore o /proc/memory representa la memoria de tu
máquina (así que tienes 64MB en tu máquina, ¿eh? ;)), igual que
/proc/interrupts representa el estado de las interrupciones, etc.

Huelga decir que ni se te ocurra borrarlos :). Escribiendo en algunos de
ellos se configuran ciertas características (creo que el ipchains se
configura escribiendo en /proc/algo), pero normalmente son de lectura, para
darte información sobre tu equipo y el estado actual.

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Archivo kcore en /proc

2000-01-27 Thread Jordi
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:40:15AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alguien me puede explicar que es este archivo de 65 mb en /proc??

Tienes 64 megas de ram?

Te dice esto algo? :)

kcore es tu memoria, si no me equivoco. Lo que está en tu memoria, está ahí.
Recuerda que en UNIX todos los devices son ficheros.

Re: Dependencias en debian

2000-01-27 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 27 de ene de 2000, a las 11:00:39 +0100,  Barbie Dominatrix  va y 

  Mi situación es un poco diferente: en un ordenador con buen acceso a
 internet tengo todo lo necesario para programar en C++ con STL
 (libstdc++10-dev), pero tengo en casa un ordenador que no dispone de buen
 acceso a internet, y con una distribución Hamm (uff, qué vieja!). Lo que
 me gustaría saber es qué paquetes necesito actualizar en ese ordenador
 (que seguramente serán una burrada) para instalar libstdc++10-dev pero
 sin tener que conectarlo a internet. Una vez que sepa la lista de paquetes
 que necesito, me los bajo desde aquí, los grabo en un ZIP y me los llevo a

pues en debian también han pensado en eso :-) mirate apt-zip-inst

del man de apt-zip-inst:

   The apt-zip-list and apt-zip-inst  commands  simplify  the
   upgrade  process  of  a non-networked Debian machine using
   apt(8),  by  using  (preferably  high-capacity)  removable
   media, like a ZIP drive.

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... Sólo es posible el progreso si se infringen reglas inteligentemente

dselect y apt-cdrom

2000-01-27 Thread jvicente
He visto que muchos comentan que tienen como opcion apt-cdrom en el menu
de metodos de acceso de dselect.
Yo solamente tengo la opcion apt.

Estoy mal?? Como hago para que aparezca esa opción en el menu de dselect?


Re: Wmaker como gestor de ventanas en Gnome

2000-01-27 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Miquel wrote:

 El mié, ene 12, 2000 at 10:06:21 +0100 Juan C. Amengual va dir:

  Hola a tod*s,
  me acabo de instalar la Potato en el portátil y me bajé el gnome, el
  wmaker y el wmaker-gnome. Ya tengo casi finiquitada la configuración del
  cacharro, pero entoavía hay una cosa que me sigue molestando
  sobremanera. No hay forma de que al iniciar una sesión Gnome me arranque
  también el wmaker.

 añade la línea


 a tu ~/.xinitrc

 un saludo,


Hola a tod*s,

antes de nada disculparme por la respuesta tan tardía a este e-mail. He
estado fuera un tiempecito y tardé en procesar el mogollón de mensajes que
tenía esperándome a la vuelta. De paso aprovecho para agradecer a Miquel su
pronta respuesta a mi pregunta. De todas formas su solución no me funciona,
tal como intuía. Los tiros van por otro lado. Al parecer hay que definir una
variable de entorno WINDOW_MANAGER o editar cierto fichero de configuración
general del gnome (está en /etc/gnome y no me acuerdo del nombre). Sin
embargo, he hecho esto y sigue sin funcionar la cosa ¿? No sé voy a
investigar un poco más las FAQ y el resto de documentación de gnome y ya os
diré algo al respecto ... ¡Ummm! Observo que acaban de actualizar los
paquetes de gnome en potato/frozen. Creo que voy a probar a actualizarme y ya
os diré.

Por cierto, ¿qué pasa con ... no está actualizado.
Estoy usando (el mirror de Alemania). Va como una
moto y encima está actualizado al segundo ...


JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALA hundred years of blood, crimson the ribbon
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I tightens round my throat. I open my mouth
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA and my head bursts open. A sound like a tiger
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  thrashing in the water, thrashing in the water.
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.Over and over, we die one after the other.
Phone: +34 964 728361   Robert Smith (The Cure)
Fax: +34 964 728435 - One hundred years, Pornography,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1982, Fiction Rec. -

Re: Archivo kcore en /proc

2000-01-27 Thread Cesar
Jordi wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:40:15AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alguien me puede explicar que es este archivo de 65 mb en /proc??

 Tienes 64 megas de ram?

 Te dice esto algo? :)

 kcore es tu memoria, si no me equivoco. Lo que está en tu memoria, está ahí.
 Recuerda que en UNIX todos los devices son ficheros.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Saludos  colisteros ,soy nuevo en la lista .

Tengo un P-200 con 128 Mb de RAM y el archivo /proc/kcore me dice lo siguiente

#ls -l   /proc/kcore
-r   1 root root 68096000 Jan 27 20:17 /proc/kcore

 Mi pregunta es  :
  Cual es el tamano maximo de memoria que puede mapear la 
distribucion Debian 2.0
Hamm ?

 Gracias anticipadas.

(Herejia) Re: el no va más...

2000-01-27 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
No he trasteado mucho la Red Hat, pero recuerdo más sencilla la
configuración rápida de una máquina y las últimas versiones incorporan
directamente los núcleos 2.2 y por tanto el masquerading con IP-CHAIN
Por contra las configuraciones sencillas suelen tener puntos ocultos. 
Lo cual está muy bien hasta que tienes un problema o necesitas un ajuste
fino y no sabes  qué ficheros, pantallas o menús hay que tocar.  Además
lo del kernel 2.2 es solucionable.
A los que estamos en el frente del curro diario, muchas veces
preferimos las soluciones tipo Red Hat.  Por eso pregunté por la
posibilidad de utilizar una Corel como instalador de Debian...

Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Potato y Woody

2000-01-27 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
¿Qué tal?

SKaVeN escribió:
 Hell-o Jaime Fernández Martínez!
 si es por eso no hay problema: coge un kernel 2.2.x y compilalo. Yo lo he
 usado y no me dió ningún problema
Yo he montado la 2.2.13, la he compilado en una máquina con Slink y
tampoco tuve problemas.  Pero con la configuración y el uso de esta
máquina creo que los hubiera tenido en muy pocas circunstancias.
 yo quería probar la Corel Linux pero visto los comentarios que circulan
 sobre ella por ahí me quedo con mi Debian de siempre
¿Cuáles son esos comentarios?  He leído sobre problemas en la
instalación, cuelgues y alguna cosa más, pero todo escrito muy por
encima y, en muchos, casos refiriéndose a las presuntas betas.  He
instalado la Corel en la máquina de la que hablo y tampoco tuve ningún
problema.  Lo único que he notado, de momento, es que la Corel se
configura casi sola y ya tengo el kernel 2.2.x.  Ahora pretendo
tirotearlo un poco: quitarle el KDE, probar el ip-masquerading, etc.  Y
los paquetes que eche de menos, los cojo de la Slink o directamente de
la web correspondiente.

 Nos leemos...
Pues eso
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Return Message

2000-01-27 Thread SKaVeN

de vez en cuando recibo desde la lista algún mensaje como este. ¿le pasa a
alguien más?

--- cut ---

The included message could not be delivered to the following invalid mail 
names.  Please verify these names and try them again.
Bad name:  jcarlosh

Date: 24 Jan 00 20:09:51
From:Marcelo Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received:from ( []) by (8.8.8+Sun/8.8.8) with SMTP id EAA18005 for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 26 Jan 2000 04:35:02 +0100 (MET)
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On Sat, Mar 01, 2036 at 04:57:45PM -0500, ZUMBIJUNIOR wrote:
 Una pregunta un poco estupida, pero que cuando me la hicieron no supe
 responderla: Porque el emblema del Sistema Operativo Linux es un Pinguino y no
 otro animalito u otra figura ?
 Que significado tiene el pinguinito? Al menos en Mierdows las ventanas lo
 dicen todo. En fin, espero unas buenas respuestas.

La respuesta está en :
Saludos, Marcelo.
__  _
Marcelo Ramos  |  \/   __|
Debian 2.1 (Slink) |  |_//
Linux registered user #118109  |\
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|_|\/|_|\_\
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Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (

Re: Return Message

2000-01-27 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 06:26 a.m. 2000-01-28 +0100, SKaVeN wrote:

de vez en cuando recibo desde la lista algún mensaje como este. ¿le pasa a
alguien más?

A mi me aparecen cada vez que Marcelo Ramos envía un mensaje a la lista.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

TeTex de slink

2000-01-27 Thread Alvaro Alea

Acabo de coger por primera vez LaTex y me tengo algunos problemillas.
Uso el TeTex de Slink.

1º En lo de babel me dice que no esta definido spanish como idioma, pero yo
ya fuy a un fichero y descomente la linea de spanish.
pese a ello lo de Capitulo y las fechas aparecen en español, pero por el
mensaje que dice algo de hypenations, creo que no me separara bien las
silabas al final de las lineas.

El otro problema que tengo es con los dibujos:
tengo las figuras que quiero insertar en formato .gif, ( el xfig, ni me gusta
ni me entra en la pantalla ), asi que con el gimp las conbierto a .eps.
el caso es que en el fichero .dvi ( lo veo con xdvi ) me aparecen los 
dibujos ( aunque la lupa no funciona ), pero cuando los paso a ps con 
la orden:

dvips -f file.tex

El fichero resultante no sale bien.
Cuando lo veo con el GV al llegar a un grafico, se me queda con el relog y no
me siguen dibujando el resto. y con el Ghostview for win32 me pasa lo mismo,
aunque en este caso me sale un mensaje raro diciendo que no puede dibujar el
¿tengo que utilizar una version mas moderna de GS? ¿tengo que convertirlo con
algun otro programa? ¿No me va ha quedar otro remedio que usar xfig?

Y por cierto, sabe alguien de algun sitio web donde pueda conseguir
informacion en español para los muy principiantes ( ya tengo el libro Una
descripcion de LaTex2e pero me gustaria mas informacion ), o una lista de
correo para muy principiantes.

Y para acabar ¿Alguien utiliza los paquetes o estensiones circ o 
circuit_macros ? para dibujar diagramas electricos en latex, 
le agradeceria que se pusiese en contacto conmigo, no se ni por donde empezar
con ellos.

Gracias por adelantado.

Mi p*lla es como la mili: larga, dura, y además jode.

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734

Re: TeTex de slink

2000-01-27 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Alvaro Alea wrote:
 Acabo de coger por primera vez LaTex y me tengo algunos problemillas.
 Uso el TeTex de Slink.
Yo también

 1º En lo de babel me dice que no esta definido spanish como idioma, pero yo
 ya fuy a un fichero y descomente la linea de spanish.
 pese a ello lo de Capitulo y las fechas aparecen en español, pero por el
 mensaje que dice algo de hypenations, creo que no me separara bien las
 silabas al final de las lineas.
La forma de habilitar las hyphenations (separación por sílabas) es
ejecutando el programa texconfig. Hay una opción para los hyphens que
te manda a editar un archivo de configuración (debe ser lo que hiciste
a mano), y luego de salir del editor se pone a trabajar (debe ser lo
que te falta).

 El otro problema que tengo es con los dibujos:
 tengo las figuras que quiero insertar en formato .gif, ( el xfig, ni me gusta
 ni me entra en la pantalla ), asi que con el gimp las conbierto a .eps.
 el caso es que en el fichero .dvi ( lo veo con xdvi ) me aparecen los
 dibujos ( aunque la lupa no funciona ), pero cuando los paso a ps con
 la orden:
 dvips -f file.tex
 El fichero resultante no sale bien.
 Cuando lo veo con el GV al llegar a un grafico, se me queda con el relog y no
 me siguen dibujando el resto. y con el Ghostview for win32 me pasa lo mismo,
 aunque en este caso me sale un mensaje raro diciendo que no puede dibujar el
 ¿tengo que utilizar una version mas moderna de GS? ¿tengo que convertirlo con
 algun otro programa? ¿No me va ha quedar otro remedio que usar xfig?
Yo uso bastante el xfig, aunque a veces no entra en la pantalla. Prefiero
trabajar con gráficos vectoriales en lugar de bitmaps.
De cualquier manera el error es otro: el dvips, como su nombre lo indica,
convierte un archivo dvi en un archivo ps, lo que tendrías que hacer es
algo así como:
dvips file.dvi -o
Para convertir de gif a eps también podés usar el convert (del paquete
imagemagick), o el mismo xfig.


Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd)

2000-01-27 Thread Lalo Martins
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 08:35:55AM -0400, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Lalo Martins escreveu:
 Acho interessante organizarmos um esforço do gênero - umas 3 ou
 4 pessoas que assinem a debian-user-portuguese _e_ a
 debian-publicity mais a debian-news, a gente traduziria os
 releases e notícias interessantes e repassaria para a mídia
 especializada. No passado eu fazia isso sozinho :-)
 Posso fazer isto e enviar as noticias traduzidas 
 a debian-user-portugues desta forma outros participantes
 da lista enviariam as noticias até a 
 imprensa especializada ;-)

Parece uma excelente solução. Mas não vamos sobrecarregar o
Gleydson - ele já é ``nosso homem'' nos boot-floppies :-) quem
mais puder assinar a -publicity e -news e dividir a carga, manda ver.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   ---
Brazil of Darkness   --

Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd)

2000-01-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
se nao for muito incomodo, gostaria de um cc para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ou poste as noticias pela area de usuarios de OLinux
( Teremos o maior prazer em dar destaque na página.
Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Lalo Martins escreveu:
 Acho interessante organizarmos um esforço do gênero - umas 3 ou
 4 pessoas que assinem a debian-user-portuguese _e_ a
 debian-publicity mais a debian-news, a gente traduziria os
 releases e notícias interessantes e repassaria para a mídia
 especializada. No passado eu fazia isso sozinho :-)
 Posso fazer isto e enviar as noticias traduzidas 
 a debian-user-portugues desta forma outros participantes
 da lista enviariam as noticias até a 
 imprensa especializada ;-)
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd)

2000-01-27 Thread Lalo Martins
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:52:33AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   se nao for muito incomodo, gostaria de um cc para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ou poste as noticias pela area de usuarios de OLinux
 ( Teremos o maior prazer em dar destaque na página.

Que tal montarmos uma debian-news-portuguese onde jogaríamos os
releases e notícias, assim as pessoas que quisessem garantia de
receber todas poderiam simplesmente assinar essa lista.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   ---
Brazil of Darkness   --

Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd)

2000-01-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Gostei da idéia!
Quem poderia criar essa lista?
Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:52:33AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
  se nao for muito incomodo, gostaria de um cc para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ou poste as noticias pela area de usuarios de OLinux
  ( Teremos o maior prazer em dar destaque na 
 Que tal montarmos uma debian-news-portuguese onde jogaríamos os
 releases e notícias, assim as pessoas que quisessem garantia de
 receber todas poderiam simplesmente assinar essa lista.
   I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
  Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  pgp key in the web page
 Debian GNU/Linux   ---
 Brazil of Darkness   --
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Nova Lista (Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd))

2000-01-27 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Lalo Martins escreveu:
Que tal montarmos uma debian-news-portuguese onde jogaríamos os
releases e notícias, assim as pessoas que quisessem garantia de
receber todas poderiam simplesmente assinar essa lista.

Ótimo!! Desta forma teremos um melhor esquema de gerenciamento 
e qualquer um poderá se inscrever sem maiores problemas. 
A vantagem de uma lista news localizada será uma 
um bom ponto de divulgação para os projetos desenvolvidos 

Vou entrar em contato com Hanno Wagner hoje mesmo e expor a idéia 
para a criação da lista debian-news-portuguese.

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Nova Lista (Re: Feedback Linux in Brazil (fwd))

2000-01-27 Thread Lalo Martins
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 11:15:04AM -0400, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Lalo Martins escreveu:
 Que tal montarmos uma debian-news-portuguese onde jogaríamos os
 releases e notícias, assim as pessoas que quisessem garantia de
 receber todas poderiam simplesmente assinar essa lista.
 Ótimo!! Desta forma teremos um melhor esquema de gerenciamento 

É só nos lembrarmos que nem todo mundo vai assinar essa lista
:-) O ideal seria estabelecermos uma política de, em todos os
releases e notícias traduzidas, incluir no final (na parte do
``About Debian''), algo do gênero:

Para receber todas as novidades sobre o Debian e projetos
associados, em Português, em tempo real, você pode assinar a
lista debian-news-portuguese em (...), ou seu arquivo em

E depois compilar (em pvt) uma lista de endereços na imprensa
especializada (revistas, cadernos de informática dos jornais,
etc) que receberiam essas notícias pela velha tecnologia do
``MCC'' (Manual Carbon Copy) ;-)

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   ---
Brazil of Darkness   --

Re: help with dselect

2000-01-27 Thread Clyde Wilson

I just take the default by hitting enter numerous times.
The path depends on who made the CD, I would guess.

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:

 how did you mount the cd-rom?  (what commands did you use?)
 here's how i do it:
 # mount /dev/hdc /bt
 (where /bt is a directory i created.)
 i can then type ls /bt and see what's on the cd (as long as it's not a 
 music cd).
 I don't think dselect is going to let me ls a CD is it?
 Besides, everyone who has installed (recently) on a 68K Mac must have the 
 same CD I have, and must already know the correct path to enter.
 It would be really helpful if someone would just tell me the path that 
 dselect is asking for?? I can go backwards from there to figure out why I 
 didn't get it.
 David Kachel
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Majordomo Trouble

2000-01-27 Thread Art Lemasters
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 07:35:32AM -0800, aphro wrote:
 what user/group is uid 30/group 31 ? majordomo usually pukes when trying
 to write to /var/log/majordomo so check permissions on that thats the only
 directory where i have recieved a similar error with (although it was kind
 enough to tell me the exact directory)

  The UID and GID there belong to majordom.  Actually, shlock was 
complaing either about root directory permissions or majordomo $HOME
(/var/lib/majordomo) permissions, from the looks of the error message
received.  Should any permissions in the /var/lib/majordomo directory
be set to majordomo:majordomo, as they are supposed to be in the
/var/lib/majordomo/lists directory? 

 while your at it check the permissions of the wrapper script, if your
 concerned with security make sure it is chmod o-x, then adjust permissions
 accordingly so majordomo will work.(slight majordomo security issue, which
 by the maintainers is infact intentional so not likly it will get fixed)

 Ok, I'll try that.  Is the wrapper script, and should that
be set to majordomo:majordomo or remain as root:root?  Thanks for the reply,

 alemas   Potato is running here.  After trying to subscribe a new
 alemas user to a list, majordomo told me 
 alemas MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!
 alemas shlock: '.' is not writable by UID 30 GID 31
 alemas --
 alemas and of course, the user was not subscribed.  ...anyone have an answer
 alemas to this one?  The permissions do not seem to be syncing with the
 alemas documentation for majordomo here.
 alemas Art
 alemas -- 
 alemas Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 7:27am up 159 days, 19:34, 1 user, load average: 1.19, 1.14, 1.10

Re: Majordomo Trouble

2000-01-27 Thread Art Lemasters
  I'll do that if no more reasonable solution is found, Bob.
It's appearing to me that such is likely.  Thank you for the reply
and possible best solution.


On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 10:31:28AM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I never could get the permissions configured correctly on the Debian
 package of majordomo and installed from the source tarball instead.

Re: help with dselect

2000-01-27 Thread Clyde Wilson
I'm on a PC so things might be different:
Debian 2.1 r 2 dselect will try to mount my cdrom on
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt.  The install process creates
The path my dselect defaults to is

All of this is default.  I'm not sure why you
aren't getting these defaults...

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Clyde Wilson wrote:

 I just take the default by hitting enter numerous times.
 The path depends on who made the CD, I would guess.
 On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:
  how did you mount the cd-rom?  (what commands did you use?)
  here's how i do it:
  # mount /dev/hdc /bt
  (where /bt is a directory i created.)
  i can then type ls /bt and see what's on the cd (as long as it's not a 
  music cd).
  I don't think dselect is going to let me ls a CD is it?
  Besides, everyone who has installed (recently) on a 68K Mac must have the 
  same CD I have, and must already know the correct path to enter.
  It would be really helpful if someone would just tell me the path that 
  dselect is asking for?? I can go backwards from there to figure out why I 
  didn't get it.
  David Kachel
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: making deb file from source.

2000-01-27 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Giardini) wrote:
how do i make a deb file after having used the apt-get source filename
and the dpkg-source -x file.dsc?

Change into the directory apt-get source or dpkg-source created for the
package and run 'debuild'. At least, that's the way I prefer to do it.
There are other ways, such as 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' and
'fakeroot debian/rules binary'; see what you find easiest.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sound

2000-01-27 Thread Martin Bishop
 Just looking through the list archives and saw mention of a sound
 program called AU Real which worked well. But no other mention of it and
 cant find it at freashmeat. Where is it?

I got it from

Maybe it's still there.

Re: help with dselect

2000-01-27 Thread dkphoto
This is really getting off the track. I'm getting advice on how to mount 
a CD and as far as I can tell, I am not having any trouble mounting a CD. 
I am having trouble determining what path dselect is asking for ON the CD.

AFTER the CD is mounted, dselect asks me for the path to the folder / 
file it wants for installing from the CD. 

Anyone who has recently, successfully installed the current release 
version of debian Linux on a Mac 68K has to know the correct answer to 
this question or they couldn't have installed it...

Please! What is the path I need to input? 

David Kachel

Spanish and French accents and tildes

2000-01-27 Thread Sr. Marta Toro
I had configured my Dell Latitude LM laptop to be able to type the
accents by striking the ' key and the the appropriate vowel.  The '
would not type until the next character was hit.  Similar process
ocurred with the ~ followed by the n.  The hard drive had to be
reconfigured and I have not been able to connfigure the keyboard again.
do you know how I could do it? or where I could find out? thanks for
your help.

Sister Marta Ines Toro, OP

Re: Majordomo Trouble

2000-01-27 Thread aphro
this is what i got:

bebo:/var/lib# ls -l | grep major
drwxr-xr-x   6 majordom majordom 1024 Apr 20  1999 majordomo
bebo:/var/lib/majordomo# ls -l
total 4
drwxrwsr-x   2 majordom majordom 1024 Mar 29  1998 archives
drwxrwsr-x   2 majordom majordom 1024 Mar 29  1998 digests
drwxr-xr-x   2 mail mail 1024 Jan 25 23:21 lists
drwxrwsr-x   2 majordom majordom 1024 Mar 29  1998 tmp

i had to chown the lists dir because i chown'd the wrapper script to
root.mail instead of root.root


On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Art Lemasters wrote:

alemas On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 07:35:32AM -0800, aphro wrote:
alemas  what user/group is uid 30/group 31 ? majordomo usually pukes when 
alemas  to write to /var/log/majordomo so check permissions on that thats the 
alemas  directory where i have recieved a similar error with (although it was 
alemas  enough to tell me the exact directory)
alemas   The UID and GID there belong to majordom.  Actually, shlock was 
alemas complaing either about root directory permissions or majordomo $HOME
alemas (/var/lib/majordomo) permissions, from the looks of the error message
alemas received.  Should any permissions in the /var/lib/majordomo directory
alemas be set to majordomo:majordomo, as they are supposed to be in the
alemas /var/lib/majordomo/lists directory? 
alemas  while your at it check the permissions of the wrapper script, if your
alemas  concerned with security make sure it is chmod o-x, then adjust 
alemas  accordingly so majordomo will work.(slight majordomo security issue, 
alemas  by the maintainers is infact intentional so not likly it will get 
alemas  Ok, I'll try that.  Is the wrapper script, and should 
alemas be set to majordomo:majordomo or remain as root:root?  Thanks for the 
alemas Nate. 
alemas  alemas   Potato is running here.  After trying to subscribe a new
alemas  alemas user to a list, majordomo told me 
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas shlock: '.' is not writable by UID 30 GID 31
alemas  alemas --
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas and of course, the user was not subscribed.  ...anyone have 
an answer
alemas  alemas to this one?  The permissions do not seem to be syncing with 
alemas  alemas documentation for majordomo here.
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas Art
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas 
alemas  alemas -- 
alemas  alemas Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
alemas  alemas 
alemas  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
alemas Vice President Network Operations
alemasFiretrail Internet Services Limited
alemas Everett, WA 425-348-7336
alemas  Powered By:
alemas  Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
alemas  -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
alemas  7:27am up 159 days, 19:34, 1 user, load average: 1.19, 1.14, 1.10
alemas -- 
alemas Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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6:05pm up 160 days, 6:12, 1 user, load average: 1.08, 1.06, 1.01

Compiling egcs from Debian source pkg

2000-01-27 Thread Shaun Cloherty
I'm running Debian (slink) on an Alpha, and attempting to recompile the egcs 
compiler suite from the Debian source package;


after unpacking the source, I ran

# dpkg-source -us -uc -b

in the source directory, but the build dies with;


Install prefix: usr
Will build a primary C compiler.
Will not run the testsuite: no appropriate DejaGnu version installed
Please install dejagnu from project/experimental and restart.
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1

I've compiled and installed DejaGnu version 1.3-10, also from Debian sources, 
but still no go. a version problem?? Where do I find 

Any pointers appreciated, I'm new to Debian, not so new to Linux



Shaun Cloherty
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales

Help with bootp

2000-01-27 Thread Brian Schramm
I am having a problem with bootp on a fully updated Slink system.  I try
to access it from my Xterminal and my Xterminal says it is not getting any
ip address.  I look (ps aux) at the bootp server and it does not have
bootpd running.  So I try to start it from the command line and it does
not start.  

I have gone through all the doc that I can find on Bootptab and have the
most basic configuration in it so I figure that I am not doing anything
wrong there.  A quick scan through the log files and the daemon.log file
has this in it:
Jan 26 19:02:33 schramms bootpd[1241]: version 2.4.3
Jan 26 19:02:33 schramms bootpd[1242]: bind: Address already in use

I am not sure why this is happening so does anyone have any ideas?

thanks in advance.

Brian Schramm

Re: Compiling egcs from Debian source pkg

2000-01-27 Thread Christopher C. Chimelis

Yes, you can either comment out a few lines in debian/rules (anything
referring to with_check) or install expect and dejagnu.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Shaun Cloherty wrote:

 I'm running Debian (slink) on an Alpha, and attempting to recompile the egcs 
 compiler suite from the Debian source package;
 after unpacking the source, I ran
 # dpkg-source -us -uc -b
 in the source directory, but the build dies with;
 Install prefix: usr
 Will build a primary C compiler.
 Will not run the testsuite: no appropriate DejaGnu version installed
 Please install dejagnu from project/experimental and restart.
 make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1
 I've compiled and installed DejaGnu version 1.3-10, also from Debian sources, 
 but still no go. a version problem?? Where do I find 
 Any pointers appreciated, I'm new to Debian, not so new to Linux
 Shaun Cloherty
 Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
 University of New South Wales
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new to debian...

2000-01-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 12:48:35PM -0500, Jim Kannengieser wrote:
 Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it last night and the upgrade went
 very well, except for one problem. X no longer starts. I get a specific
 socket-related error message, but I left the text of it at home and won't
 have be able to quote it for a while. However, I can say that even
 XF86Setup failed to connect to the X server. X was pretty bad for me
 before the upgrade to potato because the version of xfree86 that came with
 slink didn't recognize my Matrox G200 AGP card. I'll play with things
 tonight and see what progress I can make.

If your using XF86Setup, I believe it requires the VGA16 server (so
you'll need that, as well as the SVGA server).  There's also text-mode
xf86config.  Also, I had to set the video ram, XF86Setup didn't set it
properly (8192 = 8MB).

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

can someone please provide list of uri's for apt (potato)

2000-01-27 Thread john smith


can someone please provide me a list of uri's for potato for apt to work 

Get Your Private, Free Email at

updatedb not working

2000-01-27 Thread debuser
I'm using potato.  Today I tried doing locate filename and I got
warning /var/lib/locate/locatedb more than 8 days old.  My understanding
is that this is supposed to be updated daily via cron in the script
/etc/cron.daily/find.  I wondered if cron was broken so I tried running
the script manually.  The file /var/lib/locate/locatedb was not modified. 
So, it seems as if updatedb is broken on my system.  Or is something else
wrong with my system? 



^A^D to logout ?

2000-01-27 Thread aphro
i was wondering why debian (maybe linux in general, or is it
bash?) doesn't allow you to use ^A^D to logout just says to use
'exit' to log out.. im sure i could override this but wanted to ask incase
there is something security related to ^A^D ..i use it on my sgi indy and
it works great..can logout of multiple terminals in a split second..

or maybe its my terminal locally ? im using gnome-terminal


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
6:45pm up 160 days, 6:52, 1 user, load average: 1.12, 1.09, 1.03

Re: help with dselect (on m68k)

2000-01-27 Thread paul
Clyde was just trying to help you, you need to be more patient and read more 
carefully.  On most install cds, the distribution path is: 

If it is not there your on your own. I would suggest exploring the cd and 
writing down the path when you've found it, then go back to dselect. My 
expirience with dselect (on i386) tells me that the standard path to the 
distribution is usually mentioned in the dialog when you are asked for the 
path.  If the suggested path is incorect, then you must look for it yourself.  
And yes, there ARE non-standard install cds out there.
good luck,


Re: new to debian...

2000-01-27 Thread paul
 > > Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it last night and the upgrade went
> > very well, except for one problem. X no longer starts. I get a specific
> > socket-related error message, but I left the text of it at home and won't
> > have be able to quote it for a while. However, I can say that even
> > XF86Setup failed to connect to the X server. X was pretty bad for me
> > before the upgrade to potato because the version of xfree86 that came with
> > slink didn't recognize my Matrox G200 AGP card. I'll play with things
> > tonight and see what progress I can make.
> If your using XF86Setup, I believe it requires the VGA16 server (so
> you'll need that, as well as the SVGA server).  There's also text-mode
> xf86config.  Also, I had to set the video ram, XF86Setup didn't set it
> properly (8192 = 8MB).

I would suggest using xf86config as opposed to XF86Setup, on several different  occasions I found that xf86config is much more functional. (ie it is more  functional in that it works with more hardware than XF86Setup and is capable  of higher resolutions.)  Also some video cards only support 4M under xfree86.   Check the documentation for your particular card.


Fatal X problems....

2000-01-27 Thread jimk
Hello again. After upgrading to potato, I have been suffering from severe 
problems with X. Right now I am faced with one I cannot make go away with the 
knowledge that I have. When I try to startx, I get the following error message:

Fatal server error:
could not find default font 'fixed'

Any help with this prblem will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Re: copying passwd files

2000-01-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
Robert Waldner said:
 On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:55:13 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 When copying passwd files (ie smbpasswd, passwd, group, shadow) from one=
 machine to another via ftp... should it be via ascii or binary mode
 When in doubt always use binary mode, so your files get transported byte =
 per byte, no matter what their content.

To reply a little more completely, ASCII mode exists primarily to allow text
files to be transferred properly between systems with dissimilar line end
markers.  (DOS/Windows uses a CR/LF pair to indicate the end of a line of
text, *nix uses just LF and Macs use just CR.  ASCII mode translates between
these options.)


- When copying a non-text file, you must always use binary mode.  If you use
ASCII mode, it will almost certainly be damaged beyond easy repair.

- When copying any file (text or not) between two systems which are both
running the same OS, binary mode will always work.

- When copying a text file between two systems running different operating
systems, ASCII mode will make your life easier, but, if you use binary mode,
the worst that will happen is that you'll have to manually convert the line
ends.  (The most common case of this is text files transferred from a DOS
system to a *nix box and growing a ^M at the end of each line.)

passwd files are plain ASCII text, so (provided you're transferring from one
*nix system to another) either transfer mode will work fine for you.

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Groups and what not.

2000-01-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
Hans said:
 Can someone give me a pointer to some on-line info on group management
 (preferably in laymen's terms).

For the full scoop, try man group.

The simple version, though, will probably be sufficient:

/etc/group is the file where groups are defined.  Each line is of the form


Group passwords are very rarely used and can be ignored by placing an x in
that position.  Group IDs should be unique.

So, to create a group named 'stooges', all you need to do is add


Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: ^A^D to logout ?

2000-01-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
aphro said:
 i was wondering why debian (maybe linux in general, or is it
 bash?) doesn't allow you to use ^A^D to logout just says to use
 'exit' to log out.. im sure i could override this but wanted to ask incase
 there is something security related to ^A^D ..i use it on my sgi indy and
 it works great..can logout of multiple terminals in a split second..

One of your logon profiles (/etc/profile, .profile, .bash_profile,
.bashrc...) probably contains the line IGNOREEOF=1.  Remove it and ^D will
log you out.

It's basically just there to prevent people from hitting ^D one time too many
and accidentally logging out.

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: can someone please provide list of uri's for apt (potato)

2000-01-27 Thread Mike Werner
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 02:30:33AM +, john smith wrote:
 can someone please provide me a list of uri's for potato for apt to work 

Here's what I'm currently using:
deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib non-free
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: help with dselect (on m68k)

2000-01-27 Thread dkphoto
Clyde was just trying to help you, you need to be more patient and read more 

You're right. It's been a very frustrating day all around. Sorry.

It seems I do indeed also have an issue with mounting the CD. Dselect 
asks me for the name of a block device. Since I cannot find that term 
anywhere in any of the documentation, I'm stuck! What is a block device, 
and how do I get its name? (Should I name it Shirly, Bruce, Albatross?)

David Kachel

Re: help with dselect (on m68k)

2000-01-27 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:

 It seems I do indeed also have an issue with mounting the CD. Dselect 
 asks me for the name of a block device. Since I cannot find that term 
 anywhere in any of the documentation, I'm stuck! What is a block device, 
 and how do I get its name? (Should I name it Shirly, Bruce, Albatross?)

amber{jgg}~#dmesg | grep -i cd
hdb: CD-ROM 36X/AKW, ATAPI CDROM drive
hdb: ATAPI 36X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55

/dev/hdb is the block device name for the CD. It will be printed during
bootup, but you can review the boot messages with the 'dmesg' command. You
should edit /etc/fstab and put an entry like this:

/dev/hdb/cdromauto   noauto,ro,defaults,user0  0

Depending on your m68k, your CD interface may be something entirely
different (scsi?) or it may need a special module..  Look at the boot


Re: kernel panics - sometimes

2000-01-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 My system crashes from time to time but I cannot reproduce the crashes.
 It may run 2 month without any problems and suddenly a daily cronjob or a 
 simple shell command seems to cause the crash. Here is what I could write
 today from the system console:
   Code: 39 73 70 75 22 c7 43 4c 11 00 a1 3c 1a 1c c0 89 43 70
   Aiee, killing Interrupt handler
   Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
   In interrupt handler not syncing
 It seems like a hardware problem, but I have no idea what is the
 cause of this and how it could be fixed. Before the panic nothing appears
 in the log files except long lines full of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@^@ ...
 I would appreciate any help. If I cannot fix this ugly problem I have to
 reinstall from scratch. I don't know another solution now.
 That's my hardware. Asus ATX Board, Pentium II 350 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, Adaptec
 UW SCSI Controller, UW IBM HD
 My software: Debian Hamm using a 2.2.09 kernel

What you need to do is

1) Upgrade from hamm to potato (you might need to go to slink first).  The
   bug fixes along are worth it.
2) Use a newer kernel.  2.2.9 is about 6 months old by now.  There have
   been quite a few bugs fixed since then.  If you get these crashes with
   the latest in the 2.2 line (2.2.14 at this writing) then you need to
   report it as a bug.

These reports also need to carry more information.  All you have are the
instructions that caused the fault - they don't mean anything unless it's
known how the kernel got to where it crashed.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

apt-get warning

2000-01-27 Thread Patrick Dahiroc
hi all

apt-get occasionally gives me the error below when i do an install or and 

Global symbol $idtoelt requires explicit package name at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 199,  chunk 3.
debconf: failed to initialize Web frontend
debconf: falling back to Gtk frontend
debconf: failed to initialize Gtk frontend
debconf: falling back to Dialog frontend

i see that i need to set $idtoelt to a 'frontend', but what is a 'frontend'? 
and what is the correct frontend to set $idtoelt?

PHP3 + Mysql - connecting problems

2000-01-27 Thread Jorge Sousa
Hi all,

I have php3 installed and running, i also installed the php-mysql packages
but whenever I try to access a php3 script with mysql functions the script
will fail with the message:

Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
/home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on line 11

sure i'm missing something, just don't know what?

Any hints??

Thanks in advance

Jorge Sousa

Fw: Inchon International Airport Information

2000-01-27 Thread han
 To whom it may concern

 Please refer to the attached news information for Inchon International Airport 
in Korea. This news letter(attached file) should be delivered to personnel who 
are related to airport business and are interested in our facilities/services.
If this is mistakenly delivered to you or you have no further interest, please 
inform  No in subject header. We will delete your address out of our list.

Best Regards.
Inchon International Airport
 인천 국제공항 홍보부 입니다.
공항관계자 또는 당사프로젝트에 관심을 표명한 분들께 보내는 News Letter(유첨file)입니다. 혹시 귀하께 잘못전달되었거나, 더이상 
관심이 없다면 부디 제목란에 No 라고 하시어 회신주시기 바랍니다.
인천 국제공항 홍보부  
IIAC Internet Newsletter
January 20, 2000 (No. 5)


This newsletter is issued by the Inchon International Airport Corporation 
(IIAC) as a source of information on the progress of the construction, 
the start-up and commissioning schedule and operation readiness. 
IIAC plans to forward the newsletter to airlines, international aviation 
organizations, major airports, the press and investment companies via 
e-mail on the 20th of every month.

Progress Report 

 Construction of the airport is scheduled to be completed by June 
 2000. Progress as of the end of December was 87.8%. Details are 
 as follows: Passenger Terminal Building 83.6%, Runways 86.4%, 
 Transportation Center 48.8%, Support Buildings, including fueling 
 facility, aircraft maintenance hanger and catering 87.0%, Expressway

  Major milestones for this year: 

  - The airport's thermal power plant  supply will start to burn in 
  - Flight testing of navigational aids will begin in March.
  - Railroad tracks will be completed by the end of April. 
  - Building construction and facility installation will be completed
by June. 
  - Overall start-up and commissioning will start in July.
  - Trial operation with aircraft, passengers and cargo will take place
from October prior to the opening in early 2001.



  Bid for IIA Snow and Ice Removal Equipment 

 Four Companies have submitted bids to provide Snow and Ice Control 
 Equipment. The final date for receiving bids was January 14.
 Proposed is equipment manufactured by Schmidt (Germany), Busher-Schorling
 (Germany), R.P.M. Tech. (U.S.A.) and Fresia (Italy). 
 IIAC will announce the preferred bidder within February following 
 technical and price evaluations.

  Investors Invited to IBC Facilities

IIA is speeding up the process to invite investment in hotel and commercial
concessions within the International Business Center (IBC).
The IBC site, which is 1.6km from the Passenger Terminal Building, will 
include two first-class, 500-room hotels. Commercial concessions have a 
floor space of 12,000 sq. meters and 5 office buildings 31,000 sq. meters.
Reclamation and infrastructure work began on the site in 1992, and is 95% 
The IBC will be offered on a BOT (Build, Operate, and Transfer) basis. 
IIAC will prepare the site and the investors will build their own 
facilities with a right to operate them for 50 years. 
The airport aims to become East Asia's main international transit airport. 
Its annual handling capacity, upon opening in 2001, will be 21 million 
passengers and 2 million tons
of cargo. In 2005, this capacity is expected to increase into 28 million 
passengers and 2.6 million tons of cargo. 

 Proposals Requested for Passenger Terminal Concessions 

Some 500 people from around 250 companies attended a presentation January 
11 inviting proposals for Passenger Terminal Concessions.
Duty-free shops, food and beverage outlets, book and stationery stores, 
saunas, and specialty retail and video arcades are included in these 
Concessions. About 7% of the floor space of the Passenger Terminal area 
has been allocated for Concessions.
IIAC plans to select tenants by April.

 Airline Office Allocation Finalized

In mid-January, IIAC finalized the first allocation of business offices 
and CIP lounges within the Passenger Terminal. for 30 airlines which have 
indicated their intention to move to IIA.  
The allocation was made following a 2-month survey of the needs and 
preferences of 44 airlines.  IIAC held two presentations and working 
group meetings with the airlines concerned.
Total space for the airline offices within the Passenger Terminal is 
33,145 sq. meters which is 2.5 times larger than the office area at Kimpo 
International Airport. The first allocation covers by IIA about 23,972 sq.

 Passenger Terminal Fireproof Gypsum Board Passes Test

The fireproof gypsum board used in the Passenger Terminal Building passed 
a recent safety test with flying colors. 
The tests were conducted by the 

Re: PHP3 + Mysql - connecting problems

2000-01-27 Thread Saisanthosh B
 Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
 /home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on line 11

add the following line to your .php3 code: 

dl (; 


Re: PHP3 + Mysql - connecting problems

2000-01-27 Thread Shao Zhang
I think you will need to load the library. try this in your php


And make sure you have these lines in your

extension_dir   =   /usr/lib/php3/cgi
extension =


Jorge Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have php3 installed and running, i also installed the php-mysql packages
 but whenever I try to access a php3 script with mysql functions the script
 will fail with the message:
 Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
 /home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on line 11
 sure i'm missing something, just don't know what?
 Any hints??
 Thanks in advance
 Jorge Sousa
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

PPPOE with slink?

2000-01-27 Thread Marc Sherman
Is it possible to install pppoe on slink?  It isn't
listed at all on the slink package list, and the
potato version requires new potato versions of
ppp, libc, etc...  I have a slink cd, and I have
boot disks for potato, but I can't complete a potato
installation (and install pppoe) without connecting
to the net, which I can't do without pppoe - it's
a catch-22.  Any advice?

- Marc

apt-get upgrade - config: dead keyboard??

2000-01-27 Thread Robb Aley Allan
From a slink system, recently ran apt-get dist-upgrade, which went
fine, then ran apt-get -d upgrade to get the held-back packages.

Finally, ran apt-get upgrade to install/config them.

They unpacked fine, but when they went to install, auctex and cvs each
launched a graphical config screen -- but with the keyboard dead. The
only option was to ctl-C out of apt-get entirely.

Anyone seen this, or guess a reason?
Robb Aley Allan
Helical Design  Myron A. Minskoff, Inc. ACM

Re: Woody? when did this happen? - when stable must be used to install slink - details (and probable latent bug)

2000-01-27 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Daniel == Daniel Barclay [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Daniel I don't know why Debian people can't understand that
 Daniel releases/versions also need to be accessible by names that
 Daniel _don't_ change.
 Why refer to in in apt/sources.list as unstable or frozen when
 potato would be better?

Because it doesn't work for local mirrors. 

When I try to use the name slink to mirror slink locally as
.../xyz/slink/{main,etc.}/{binary-i386,etc.}/... and then point apt to 
my local mirror, it DOESN'T WORK. 

I have to rework the directory structure to include .../dists/stable/

Why?  Because a Packages file refers to the name of the directory
(actually, four levels of them) in which it expects to be contained, 
and it uses the temporary name (stable, etc.) instead of the 
permanent name (slink, etc.) in that reference.

Consider the slink Packages file at .../main/binary-i386/Packages:

  Package: 3dchess
  Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/games/3dchess_0.8.1-3.deb

Why the heck does that Filename: entry include the 
dists/stable/main/binary-i386 part (or at least the dists/stable 

A file should not refer to the names of directories containing it.
Names should be relative to the directory of the Packages file, or
at most the root of the release; they should not be relative to 
something ABOVE the release directory.

Also, note that apt insists that the directory structure contain

_Because_of_all_that_, I have to rework the directory structure to 
include dists/stable.  

(Why should I have to store slink in a directory structure 

Why can't I store it as .../dists/slink/{main,etc.}/...?  In fact, 
why the hell should apt care what I call it as long as I point apt to
the root directory, where the {main,etc.}/... part begins, and under
which it can find all its Packages files at their usual _relative_

THAT is what I was talking about.  

***  Hey, is there a problem even when pointing apt to a remote archive?

Let's say you use slink to point to the archive directory.  Apt goes to 
the archive's .../slink directory or link to find the Packages files.  
Those Packages file refer to .../stable.  Apt then goes to archive's 
.../stable link or directory to find the .deb files.

What happens when .../stable no longer refers to slink?

For example, what happens when potato is promoted to stable and an archive 
wants to keep slink around for a while?

You use slink, apt gets slink's Packages files (using .../slink), but 
then gets potato's .deb files (using .../stable).

So now you've got pieces of potato when you asked for rice...I mean slink.

So if you use stable, the name that changes over time, you'll get a 
consistent view (at that instant); if you ask for slink or potato, 
a permanent name, things can get screwed up.

That's why I said that someone at Debian can't understand that releases 
need to be accessible by names that don't change.  Maybe they do 
understand the concept, but then why doesn't the software work?

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: PHP3 + Mysql - connecting problems

2000-01-27 Thread Jorge Sousa

Its working now,

Thank you very much Shao.

Have fun...

- Original Message -
From: Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: PHP3 + Mysql - connecting problems

 I think you will need to load the library. try this in your php


 And make sure you have these lines in your

 extension_dir   =   /usr/lib/php3/cgi
 extension =


 Jorge Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have php3 installed and running, i also installed the php-mysql
  but whenever I try to access a php3 script with mysql functions the
  will fail with the message:
  Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect()
  /home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on line 11
  sure i'm missing something, just don't know what?
  Any hints??
  Thanks in advance
  Jorge Sousa
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/
_` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/
/___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |


Licq 0.75.x packages working yet?

2000-01-27 Thread Bart Szyszka

I tried apt-getting Licq 0.75.x a couple days ago and it wouldn't run.
I'm pretty sure I've heard of people here having similar experiences.
Does anyone know if it has been fixed yet? The Debian unstable
tree has 0.75.2 while 0.75.3 is out.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: new to debian...

2000-01-27 Thread Bart Szyszka
 I would suggest using xf86config as opposed to XF86Setup
Is there anything in between? I find xf86config unbearable because it 
forces you to set everything up all over again where XF86Setup can
use the existing setup.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

RE: pronunciation of daemon

2000-01-27 Thread Simon Law
Hash: SHA1

For reference...

The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...

daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)

noun {Computing} a background process that handles requests for
services such as print spooling and file transfers, and is dormant
when noot required.

Origin: 1980s: perhaps from d(isk) a(nd) e(xecution) mon(itor) or
from de(vice) mon(itor), or merely a transferred use of demon.

N.B. I am using alt.english.usage ASCII equivalents to IPA  This
definition tells us that daemon is pronounced how most people
pronounce demon.


Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.1 for non-commercial use


xfstt and xfs-xtt

2000-01-27 Thread Shao Zhang
Can someone please explain the difference between the two??



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Is there deb containing gated ?

2000-01-27 Thread Alex V. Toropov
I'd like to have a look at gated routing daemon, but I can't find any
.deb package with it. Am I blind ? Or I need to compile it from tar ball

TIA, Alex

Re: licq question

2000-01-27 Thread Brad
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 11:50:49AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using licq (from potato).  Since I don't have a sound card, I thought
 I'd replace the playing of wave files in the OnEvents tab of the options
 dialog with the command echo -e '\a' so my machine would beep when I get
 a new message. The strange thing to me is that this works fine if I start
 licq from a shell like Eterm, but doesn't work if I start licq from the
 menu. I thought it might be a path problem, so I put the complete path
 (/bin/echo) in the command and this didn't make a difference.  Anyone
 have any ideas why this would happen? 

The problem is that echo -e '\a' will only beep the console if it's
written to stdout or stderr (e.g. when you run it from an eterm).
When you start it from the menu, it writes to ~/.xsession-errors
instead, so you'll hear no beep.

If you download the licq-data tarball from, you'll find
'beep.c'. Compile it, and put it in the event thing to beep the console
for you (the command is in the source). You'll need xlib6g-dev (or the
equivalent for slink), libc6-dev, and gcc in order to compile it.

  finger for GPG public key.
  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

Description: PGP signature

Re: Groups and what not.

2000-01-27 Thread Brad
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 09:51:56PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 So, to create a group named 'stooges', all you need to do is add

If you don't feel like editing /etc/group (since if you screw something
up it could be Bad), you can use adduser, like so:
  adduser larry stooges
  adduser moe stooges
  adduser curly stooges

If the stooges group doesn't exist, addgroup stooges will take care of

adduser is in the adduser package, read the manpage for more info.

  finger for GPG public key.
  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

Description: PGP signature

Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-01-27 Thread Onno Ebbinge
Because of an upgrade of our computer network I must
run the primary and secondary DNS one 1 server with 
two NIC's for a while...

Has anyone experiance with this?

My guess would be to run named twice and
point to two config dirs and edit the 
named.conf seperatly to run each named on 
the right interface... 

But thats just a guess!



upgrading perl

2000-01-27 Thread Bart Jason Himel
Has anyone out there successfully upgraded perl from version 5.004 to
5.005?  It won't let me install 5.005 without its version of perl-base,
but I can't seem to replace perl-base because 5.004 depends on it, and I
can't remove perl-5.004 because too many things depend on this.

If anyone can tell me how to do this, I'd reallly appreciate it.


2000-01-27 Thread Brian May

For a frozen potato:

I have a non-Debian package that requires wishx. So far,
I have found wishx in tclx76 (tclx80 doesn't seem to exist).

However, tclx76 won't install, as its dependancies cannot
be satisfied. Neither tcl76 or tk42 can be found (by apt-get).

How should I run this application that requires wishx?

Should I file a bug against tclx76? Or is its use now obsolute?

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about wishx vs wish vs tcl, so don't
really know what I am talking about ;-).

Re: Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-01-27 Thread aphro
is there a point to this ?  just because you have a secondary DNS
registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.

the only reason i can see for 2 name servers is incase 1 goes out the
other is still there, if they are on the same box, this redundancy is
(almost) gone ..unless there is another reason to have a secondary DNS
?? i dontk now how you got yer DNS setup.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Onno Because of an upgrade of our computer network I must
Onno run the primary and secondary DNS one 1 server with 
Onno two NIC's for a while...
Onno Has anyone experiance with this?
Onno My guess would be to run named twice and
Onno point to two config dirs and edit the 
Onno named.conf seperatly to run each named on 
Onno the right interface... 
Onno But thats just a guess!
Onno Regards,
Onno Onno
Onno -- 
Onno Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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11:57pm up 160 days, 12:05, 1 user, load average: 1.16, 1.19, 1.10

problem with lilo.conf

2000-01-27 Thread Joseph de los Santos


 I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer 
boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows automatically boots linux and 
the windows partition is no where to be found. worse, I even forgot to label 
my windows partition. is there a way this can be fixed?

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-01-27 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
is there a point to this ?


just because you have a secondary DNS
registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.

That means that 50% of the people trying to reach one of those
sites saw an initial timeout of one minute when trying to resolve
a host in one of those domains when they tried to talk to the
non-existant name server.

the only reason i can see for 2 name servers is incase 1 goes out the
other is still there, if they are on the same box, this redundancy is
(almost) gone ..unless there is another reason to have a secondary DNS
?? i dontk now how you got yer DNS setup.

If the outside world think there are 2 DNS hosts, both of those
hosts should respond to queries.

If the secondary server is only secondary for your own primary
server and no external domains, there is no need to run 2 instances
off named. You can just run one that responds to queries for both
primary and secondary, since that distinction (prim or sec) doesn't
matter to clients anyway

The From: and Reply-To: addresses are internal news2mail gateway addresses.
Reply to the list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg)

Re: Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-01-27 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 00:02:01 PST, aphro writes:
is there a point to this ?  just because you have a secondary DNS
registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.

there can be some reasons for this:

- some customers are simply only using the 2nd dns
- he wants to register new domains with rather paranoid
  registries which are checking for 2 dns servers
- he has a registry which checks consisteny of the delegated
  domains (eg RIPE with the´s

not all registries are so lame like internic and arin...

Onno My guess would be to run named twice and
Onno point to two config dirs and edit the 
Onno named.conf seperatly to run each named on 
Onno the right interface... 

this is probably the best solution because you can take
all the zones and configuration and simply move it to/fro
your (then) only server.

just my 2 cents,
-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

dselect selects strange packets

2000-01-27 Thread Gunter Kuhnle

after having tried to install kde via dselect (by adding the
appropriate entry from to the apt/sources.list), dselect
seemed to deselect several packages (among them: bsdmainutils, cron
...). Now, every time I use dselect, it tells conflicts because of
the uninstalled packages.

Is there any way to persuade dselect that those packages are neither
uninstalled nor deselected? (dpkg -l gives an ii-status for those

TIA, Gunter
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: kernel panics - sometimes

2000-01-27 Thread Werner Reisberger
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 10:55:22PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 1) Upgrade from hamm to potato (you might need to go to slink first).  The
bug fixes along are worth it.

Could I use apt to do this? Is there somewhere a howto for doing this?

 2) Use a newer kernel.  2.2.9 is about 6 months old by now.  There have
been quite a few bugs fixed since then.  If you get these crashes with
the latest in the 2.2 line (2.2.14 at this writing) then you need to
report it as a bug.

I tried to compile 2.2.14 but it failed with many error messages in 
console.c. Isn't it possible to run hamm with newer kernels. Last time
I read on this list Debian is kernel independent (someone asked why his
potato uses a 2.0.39 kernel). 

 These reports also need to carry more information.  All you have are the
 instructions that caused the fault - they don't mean anything unless it's
 known how the kernel got to where it crashed.

Yes, but before these last messages the screen was filled with addresses
(all the same, not register addresses). And I couldn't find any hint in
the log files (except the ^@ characters in syslog).

Are there maybe any useful tools to watch the system more closely in order
to have more information after a crash?


Majordomo-Problems II

2000-01-27 Thread Gunter Kuhnle

having installed Majordomo, it runs perfectly until I try to subscribe
to a mailing list. Doing echo subscribe natp_ms|mail majordomo, I
get an error message saying
Couldn't append key file : No such file or directory

The documentation does not say anyithing on this 'key file', but I
assume it is only some wrong set permission.

Any ideas?

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: kernel panics - sometimes

2000-01-27 Thread Martin Fluch
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Werner Reisberger wrote:


 I tried to compile 2.2.14 but it failed with many error messages in 
 console.c. Isn't it possible to run hamm with newer kernels. Last time
 I read on this list Debian is kernel independent (someone asked why his
 potato uses a 2.0.39 kernel). 

The minimal requirements to compile/use a certain kernel can be found in
the file /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes.

(But basicaly Debian is independet of the kernel version)


This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

startup/shutdown problem

2000-01-27 Thread lorenzo . zampese
During shutdown process, I SOMETIME obtain the following error message :

(A)   can't umount /dev/hda3, '/' is busy.

When I boot Linux again I obtain :

(B)   /dev/hda3 has reached maximum mount count, check forced...

and It seems Linux is scanning my /dev/hda3 partition.
At the end :

(C)   12345 blocks not contiguous (4.3 %)

(NOTE: 12345 is not the real number, because it change every time)

After those strange messages, Linux continue the booting process, normally
all on my System SEEMS ok.

I sometime obtain the messages (b)(C) without having the error message (a)

What's wrong ?
Does Linux need 'defrag' as DOS/WINDOWS ??

I have got Debian 2.1 on a Pentium 120 Intel, /dev/hda3 is my primary Linux
on a Conner Peripherals Hard disk with 1.2 GByte.
I have got another Linux partition (/dev/hdb2) on a different hard disk
(Fujitsu with 4.3 GByte), and I SOMETIME obtain on it the same error
messages (A)(B)(C).

I have got the kernel 2.2.13 compiled by myself, and I took care of all
parameters, but I still have got the problem.

During the boot process, I ALWAYS obtain the following message too:

(D)   SIOCADDRT: invalid argument

Have you got any idea about those strange behaviours ?

Thank you to all.

Re: help with dselect

2000-01-27 Thread tschmid
 It would be really helpful if someone would just tell me the path that
 dselect is asking for?? I can go backwards from there to figure out why I
 didn't get it.

First, I need to say that I've never installed Debian on a Mac, so my
suggestion could be plain dumb.

Well, said suggestion is: Just enter nothing. IIRC on a PC this tells
dselect to do a search on the specified device.


ISDN and Sparcstation10

2000-01-27 Thread Jonathan Schott
Please Help!!!

Has anyone experience with getting ISDN running on a Sparcstation10?
I'm using Debian potato with a 2.2.14 Kernel.

I think the ISDN-Chipset is an AMD7930 (it is the only with possible
Sparc-support). So I compiled Hisax as a module with support fo the AM7930
but when im going to install Hisax it says: unresolved symbol

Please help me, thank you,

Jonathan Schott

Re: less and color

2000-01-27 Thread lorenzo . zampese
I have got the same problem with 'more' and 'less' too.

How did you configure 'ls' for displaying colors when piping to 'more' ?

Thank you.

   -- Memo - Header ---




Date: 26/01/2000 14:16:05 GMT
  26/01/2000 15:24:58

Subject:  less and color

- Memo - Message --

I have setup the ls command to use the display color option using an
alias.  It works fine.  Colors are also displayed nicely when piping
ls stdout to the more command.  I want to use less instead of
more.  However, when piping ls stdout to the less command, less displays
the directory listing in b/w and with control characters (escape seq with
hex numbers?) around the filenames instead of just using the correct

Has anyone out there fixed this problem?  I have tried changing the
LESSCHARSET env. variable with no luck.  Advice or tips would be
appreciated.  I should mention that I am using the console with

larry holish [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

mrtg problems

2000-01-27 Thread Robert Waldner

I´m trying to get mrtg to work, the relevant configuration is

MaxBytes[]: 1250
Title[]: WatchZwerg 
( eth0
PageTop[]: H1Traffic Analysis for eth0 /H1
   TRTDSystem:/TDTDWatchZwerg in whois -h RW1/TD/TR
   TRTDMaintainer:/TDTDwaldner [EMAIL PROTECTED]/TD/TR
   TRTDInterface:/TDTDeth0 (2)/TD/TR
   TRTDMax Speed:/TD
   TD100 mBit/s (ethernetCsmacd)/TD/TR

which seems to work all right, weren´t it that it shows
no traffic in the pics.

(ucd-)snmpd seems to work all right, the interface-# is ok.

anyone with mrtg-experience willing to help a newbie?


-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

Re: pronunciation of daemon

2000-01-27 Thread Egbert Bouwman
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:32:33AM -0500, Simon Law wrote:
 For reference...
 The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...
 daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)
I don't have this dictionary, 
and I don't know the meaning of these pronunciation symbols.

Remember the non-natives.
In dutch the natural pronunciation of ...
   i is as in pin or deep,
   a is as in father,
   e is as in bed or bad (nearly the same sound to us), or hate,
all depending on their environment.

So tell me:
   the e  in demon  as in hate, deep or lemon,
   the ae in daemon as in hate, deep or lemon,
   the e  in debian as in bed, hate, or deep,
   the gn in gnome  as the first part of knee, genius or gentle,
   the i  in variable as in like or pink,
   the g  in integer as in get or gipsy,
   the i  in inetd as in like or pink,
   the i  in init.d (the first one) as in like or pink.
Actually my list is much longer, but this is not bed for a start.
Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991

Port forwarding

2000-01-27 Thread Michael Meskes
Could anyone send me a working example of port forwarding? I just tried to
get it going to no avail.

I test setup has a firewall connecting and
doing nothing but routing. Now i want it to redirect some ports (I tried
23,25,80) from its own address to I tried
accomplishing that by adding

ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 80 -R 80

With this setup I get a log entry that someone tried to initiate a session
on but that session never is fully established since no data
arrive on the outside. Also there is no error log on any of the machines.

Then I told my firewall to masquerade the internal network. With that I got
www going. However, with a respective rule added, smtp and telnet did not
work either. They do get a 'connection denied' icmp package back. But my
inside test machine does accept both protocols as I can see when directly
addressing it.

I also tried to the ip command to redirect anotehr address (in my case completely to my internal machine. Using this setup I have the
same problem. I get the log that [EMAIL PROTECTED] tries to
establish a connection and nothing more. Strangely enough about every 2nd
or 3rd try this log shows the correct user instead of unknown.

Finally I tried marking packages to port 80 and add a special ip rule for these
packages but the result was the same.

I think I missed something essential but right now I have no idea what that
could be. And yes CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE_IPPORTFW is defined in the kernel.

Thanks in advance for any help.


P.S.: PLease CC me on replies.
Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

Re: problem with lilo.conf

2000-01-27 Thread lorenzo . zampese
If you installed lilo on the mbr, you could modify /etc/lilo.conf adding
the win98 partitions.
In this moment I don't remember the exact syntax, (I am working on WINNT4.0
but you could look for it in /usr/doc/lilo or 'man lilo'

When you will modify /etc/lilo.conf, don't forget of running 'lilo'.
It is necessary for updating lilo's configuration.

If you installed lilo in the partition's boot sector, you could use
- active Win98 partition,
- deactive Linux partition,
- write data the disk
- exit from fdisk

shutdown -r now

I hope my information could help you.


   -- Memo - Header ---



From: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: 27/01/2000 08:03:30 GMT
  27/01/2000 11:27:12

Subject:  problem with  lilo.conf

- Memo - Message --


  I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer
boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows automatically boots linux
the windows partition is no where to be found. worse, I even forgot to
my windows partition. is there a way this can be fixed?
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Timeservers in the Netherlands

2000-01-27 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
I am looking for a couple of good timeservers in the Netherlands for use
with netdate. I was using www.surfnet and, but now refuses to tell the time, which is not very social...


Linux daria 2.2.14 #2 Wed Jan 26 15:38:00 CET 2000 i586 unknown
 11:46am  up  9:45,  5 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.13

Groups and what not 2.

2000-01-27 Thread Hans
/etc/group is the file where groups are defined.  Each line is of the form


That's it? Even a child could have figured that out. There were two files
(/etc/group and /etc/group-) but I edited the first and it worked.

There were already a great number of groups in /etc/group. Do I get it
right then that when I add myself to cdrom:x:24: (thus becoming
cdrom:x:24:hans) I have access to that device? If so, this would seems
better to me than the suggestion change the permission with chmod you
always see when a person reports a device he/she can't access. I would
still change the permission from the standard 755 to 440 which seems more
appropriate to me for /cdrom, making it unreadable for the world. 

Maybe I'm not making sense at all, but I'm trying to get the philosophy
behind all this. Sorry. -- Hans

Debian 2.0 tetex not OK

2000-01-27 Thread Suresh Kumar.R

I installed debian 2.0 successfully with tetex. When I compile a package
with seminar package used, it says seminar.cls not found. But I have
installed the tetex-src package and seminar.cls is there in the system. 

So, what to do?

Suresh Kumar.R  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics  Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016

Re: Flash + Netscape (autodetection problems)

2000-01-27 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 03:44:07PM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all!
 I've installed Flash plugin for netscape. Neither of the sites can
 autodetect that the plugin is installed. Even at I had
 to click on If you know that you have Flash installed link.

 Typing about:plugins in netscape shows Flash installed.

This is my experience also.  I assume (right or wrong) that the web
server doesn't interpret linux browsers so well.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux (Slink)

Re: Port forwarding

2000-01-27 Thread Fitsch
Fitsch wrote:
 Michael Meskes wrote:
  Could anyone send me a working example of port forwarding? I just tried to
  get it going to no avail.
  I test setup has a firewall connecting and
  doing nothing but routing. Now i want it to redirect some ports (I tried
  23,25,80) from its own address to I tried
  accomplishing that by adding
  ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 80 -R 80
  With this setup I get a log entry that someone tried to initiate a session
  on but that session never is fully established since no data
  arrive on the outside. Also there is no error log on any of the machines.
  Then I told my firewall to masquerade the internal network. With that I got
  www going. However, with a respective rule added, smtp and telnet did not
  work either. They do get a 'connection denied' icmp package back. But my
  inside test machine does accept both protocols as I can see when directly
  addressing it.
  I also tried to the ip command to redirect anotehr address (in my case completely to my internal machine. Using this setup I have the
  same problem. I get the log that [EMAIL PROTECTED] tries to
  establish a connection and nothing more. Strangely enough about every 2nd
  or 3rd try this log shows the correct user instead of unknown.
  Finally I tried marking packages to port 80 and add a special ip rule for 
  packages but the result was the same.
  I think I missed something essential but right now I have no idea what that
  could be. And yes CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE_IPPORTFW is defined in the kernel.
  Thanks in advance for any help.
  P.S.: PLease CC me on replies.
  Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
  Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
  Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
  Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 I got ipmasqadm portfw working.
 Perhaps you try something wrong, or I don't understand your setup. In
 common Port Forwarding is used to redirect traffic from the outside to
 an internal host behind your firewall. (e.g. webserver) this internal
 host may have an adress from the private space.
 When you specify the IP-Adresses, Source and Destination must be
 adresses on different machines, not of different nic's in one machine.
 If you have a strict policy on your firewall you have to allow this
 traffic, better you create an seperate chain for portforwarded traffic
 from the outside to the inside.
 For traffic from the inside to the outside you don't need Port
 Forwarding, as this is handled by Masquerading or normal routing.
 If this doesnt match your setup and you want to try anything else,
 append a -j REJECT -l to every chain to see exactly which packages are
 denied in /var/log/messages.
 I'm not an expert in firewalling, but this worked for me.
 HTH, Fitsch

Re: pronunciation of daemon

2000-01-27 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Egbert Bouwman) wrote:

[OT, but anyway ...]

On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:32:33AM -0500, Simon Law wrote:
 For reference...
 The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...
 daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)

I don't have this dictionary, 
and I don't know the meaning of these pronunciation symbols.

Hence the link provided in the post to which you replied ...

So tell me:
   the e  in demon  as in hate, deep or lemon,


   the ae in daemon as in hate, deep or lemon,

Some have suggested hate, Simon's dictionary suggests deep.

   the e  in debian as in bed, hate, or deep,

bed. (Derived from Debra (sp?) Murdock.)

   the gn in gnome  as the first part of knee, genius or gentle,

The English word gnome has the gn as the first part of knee; in the case
of GNOME I pronounce a hard 'g' separated from the 'n', so guh-NOHM (not
proper phonetic alphabet, but it should suffice ...), by analogy with

   the i  in variable as in like or pink,

Neither; as in deep. (Derived from vary.)

   the g  in integer as in get or gipsy,

gipsy. (The following 'e' causes the 'g' to be pronounced like a 'j'.)

   the i  in inetd as in like or pink,

I use like - eye-net-dee. (Short for InterNET Daemon, so I separate the
'i' and the 'd'.)

   the i  in init.d (the first one) as in like or pink.

Closer to pink, but that isn't a good example word because the final 'k'
(a velar, according to that FAQ?) modifies the preceding vowel
significantly. 'pin' would be better. (Short for initialization.)

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Samba error when getting file from NT Server to Linux client

2000-01-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Alex,
the problem is that I put the c and not the share point. Thanks.
Quoting Alex McCool ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 # smbmount file://sideraco/c /mnt -U Linux -I -D
 sideraco -P
 Your first arg is incorrect it should look like the string you pass when
 using net use * \\suckieNT\sharepnt
 not the URL style

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Pathetic Performance

2000-01-27 Thread Hans
and i'd suggest going to fvwm (or even twm *shiver*) to reduce memory
usage even further.

Why would you shiver over twm. I dumped all my wm's and now run twm
exclusively and I'm happier than ever :^)  -- Hans

Re: problem with lilo.conf

2000-01-27 Thread Alberto Maurizi

Could you attach, please, your lilo.conf?

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

   I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer 
 boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows automatically boots linux and 
 the windows partition is no where to be found. worse, I even forgot to label 
 my windows partition. is there a way this can be fixed?
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Timeservers in the Netherlands

2000-01-27 Thread Remco van 't Veer
I am using ntpdate (potato) and configured it to use:
and  I used the same hosts for netdate, IIRC.


On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 11:47, Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:

 I am looking for a couple of good timeservers in the Netherlands for use
 with netdate. I was using www.surfnet and, but now refuses to tell the time, which is not very social...

Northold Saddam Hussein amfetamine Roel van Duin Honduras PLO
Kosovo thrust supercomputer NSA Beatrix FSF XTC hacker semtex

Re: Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-01-27 Thread Robert Varga

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:
 this is probably the best solution because you can take
 all the zones and configuration and simply move it to/fro
 your (then) only server.

This is refused by some registries. In Hungary, for example, the
registries only register domains which have two DNS servers on separate
power and network connectivity. The registry checking script even checks
that the two DNSes are on different subnets.

This most certainly does not satisfy all requirements.

A much preferrable setup is:

Have a master server and two or more slave servers.

Publish the slave servers as DNS server for the registry.
Have the slave servers download the zones from the master server.

You can move the master server anywhere on any machine, without bothering
the registry, you only need to modify the master ip address in

You can setup another slave DNS server with a pasting of the necessary 
zone entries into /etc/named.conf and reloading it.

They don't know where your data resides, hence they have a much harder
challenge to insinuate data into the DNS servers.

The master dns server can be a small machine since it will have almost no 

Of course if you have one machine, this is problematic.

Robert Varga

Re: dhcpcd configuration

2000-01-27 Thread Joseph A. Martin
Thanks for all the help. For the moment, I have linked
/etc/resolv.conf to /etc/dhcpcd/resolv.conf. It is a kludgy situation
and I will probably look into other dhcp client packages, but for now
it works.

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

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