Re: fetchmail no funciona

2000-03-04 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 03 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 20:01:49 +0100, Ricardo Villalba contaba:

fetchmail: realloc failed: No se pudo asignar memoria

Me pasa con todas las cuentas, incluso he probado con una local y lo mismo.
He reinstalado el fetchmail por si acaso, pero nada.

 Prueba reinstalando las libs con las que está compilado, aunque
 eso de reinstalar en Unix me da que no... :^).

$ ldd /usr/bin/fetchmail = /lib/ (0x40018000) = /lib/ (0x40045000) = /lib/ (0x40054000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (quita las XX)

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kruiser en paquete deb

2000-03-04 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 El viernes 03 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 10:18:50 +0100, Agustin MuNoz contaba:
 Si tienes Gnome prueba gentoo es incluso más cómodo que gmc, y bastante
 personalizable :)
  No tengo gnome pero probé también gentoo. Sin embargo, si no lo
  uso (es más,  ya hasta lo he  borrado) supongo que es  porque no me
  conveció.  No  recuerdo  por  qué sería  (he  probado  tantos  file
  managers que ya...).
  Seguiré peleando con el x-plorer...

Atentos a Nautilus para Gnome, se pueden hacer verdaderas
virguerias con el...

Saludos. Antonio.


2000-03-04 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín


Teóricamente debería hacer un 'patch' con un fichero llamado
FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.diff.gz con la siguiente línea (creo):

gzip -cd FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.diff.gz | patch -p0

pero resulta que el fichero que yo tengo se llama
FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.b1.diff y no tengo claro qué es la extensión 'b1' ni
cómo se hace el patch en este caso.

¿Me podría ayudar alguien?

Muchas gracias.


Dired mode en Xemacs 20 no me funciona

2000-03-04 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
En xemacs 20 no me va el modo dired 
o sea C-x d y aparece el directorio pero no funciona ninguna de las
opciones que vienen en la ayuda.

No hay ningun bug puesto sobre este tema asi que supongo que sera un
problema particular de configuracion.
Le pasa a alguien mas?
Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Lista fuente para wget

2000-03-04 Thread Lluís Vilanova
Como vine de windows a Linux, me acostumbre a utilizar el GetRight y, al llegar
a Linux busque un sustituto, que es Caitoo; el caso es que me salta cada 1×1
y ya me he cansado. Bueno, ahi va la pregunta:
¿si utilizo wget con una lista como fuente para los paquetes, si la modifico
mientras wget esta bajando algo especificado en ella, debo reiniciarlo para que
los cambios surtan efecto?

Muchas gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED] :)

No se aprecia la importancia de una copia de seguridad hasta que es necesaria.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: patch

2000-03-04 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 02:01 PM 2000-03-04 +0100, you wrote:
Teóricamente debería hacer un 'patch' con un fichero llamado
FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.diff.gz con la siguiente línea (creo):

gzip -cd FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.diff.gz | patch -p0

pero resulta que el fichero que yo tengo se llama
FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.b1.diff y no tengo claro qué es la extensión 'b1' ni
cómo se hace el patch en este caso.

Hmmm... suponiendo que el fichero (me siento raro diciendo eso) no
está comprimido, puedes usar:

cat FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.b1.diff | patch -p0


patch -p0  FZ_CLIPS.6.04.mast.b1.diff

Re: aceleracion con Voodoo 3

2000-03-04 Thread Jordi
[ He estado 2 días sin poder mandar correo, sorry por el 'lag' ]

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 07:36:39PM +0100, Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras wrote:
En la pagina [1] estan todos los paquetes
necesarios para la instalacion (eso dicen) y una explicación de como
conseguir que la tarjeta acelere en 2D y 3D.

Esto de la aceleración 3D le queda grande a mi S3V/DX submodelo 
TNT-Savage 8, así que me aparto del medio.

Otra cosa... sabeis si el kernel soporta o soportara (alguna version o
patch) frame buffer para la Voodoo 3, ya he probado con vesa y
funciona, pero es un poco lento.

En un kernel 2.3: 
Console Drivers - FrameBuffer - 3dfxBanshee/Voodoo3 display support


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lista fuente para wget

2000-03-04 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 04 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 16:21:09 +0100, Lluís Vilanova contaba:

¿si utilizo wget con una lista como fuente para los paquetes, si la modifico
mientras wget esta bajando algo especificado en ella, debo reiniciarlo para que
los cambios surtan efecto?

 Si modificas  una dirección que  aún no ha empezado  a bajarse,
 supongo que no pasará nada y no tendrás que reiniciar.

 Si quieres, hay  otros programas del estilo para X,  yo a veces
 uso el Web Downloader, pero hay varios más.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Sobre bugs en Debian

2000-03-04 Thread Hue-Bond

 Me encuentro  viendo la página web  de Debian y en  la lista de
 bugs veo que hay tres tipos: Outstanding, forwarded y resolved.

 Es evidente que  los resolved son los  ya arreglados. Supongo
 que  los  forwarded son  bugs  en  el programa  en  sí  y se  han
 reenviado al  autor primario del  programa. Pero ¿qué bugs  son los
 outstanding? ¿quizá los resultantes de debianizar el paquete?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lista fuente para wget

2000-03-04 Thread Jordi
On Sat, Mar 04, 2000 at 04:21:09PM +0100, Lluís Vilanova wrote:
 Como vine de windows a Linux, me acostumbre a utilizar el GetRight y, al 
 a Linux busque un sustituto, que es Caitoo; el caso es que me salta cada 1×1
 y ya me he cansado. Bueno, ahi va la pregunta:
 ¿si utilizo wget con una lista como fuente para los paquetes, si la modifico
 mientras wget esta bajando algo especificado en ella, debo reiniciarlo para 
 los cambios surtan efecto?
 Muchas gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED] :)

Supongo que debes reiniciarlo, pero ya sabes, -c y reconecta...
De todas maneras, para hacer cosas más parecidas a GetRight hay programas
más específicos, normalmente frontends para wget. Busca getright en
Freshmeat, deberías encontrar cosas. También busca wget, recuerdo que hay
un frontend Gtk+ chulo.

No se si uno de estos programas se llama X-Downloader o algo así, un nombre
del estilo...


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Música para un usuario.

2000-03-04 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Jaime E. Villate decia:
  ¿Cómo hacer para que un usuario pueda escuchar música? Al ejecutar
  XPlaycd 2.3 me dice: can't open /dev/cdrom: Permission denied. Intenté con
  adduser nombre_usuario /dev/cdrom pero nada.
 Ve para donde apunta el /dev/cdrom; en mi caso tengo:
 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root8 Mar 17  1999 /dev/cdrom -
 Después he hecho (como root):
   chown root.cdrom /dev/hdc
   adduser nombre_usuario cdrom
 Como usuario puedes usar groups para asegurarte que estas en el
 grupo cdrom.

A mi tambien me pasó esto, fue cuando cambie el cdrom de 2 ide primario
(hdb) al primer ide secundario (hdc) y no me acordé de cambiar el link de
/dev/cdrom que apuntaba a /dev/hdb, cambiando el link a /dev/hdc se medio
solucionó :-), digo se medio solucionó porque en mi caso (slink actualizada
de ham actualizada de bo) tanto /dev/hdb como /dev/hdc pertenecen al grupo
disk y no al grupo cdrom (¿tal vez lo debería cambiar?) y por tanto aunque
mi usuario pertenecia a los grupos audio y cdrom se me denegaba el permiso
al reproductor de cds, cuando me di cuenta y añadí el usuario al grupo
disk... todo solucionado :-)

 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O
_/ _/ _/  _/ _/   
   _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/   
 _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  

Re: fetchmail no funciona

2000-03-04 Thread Luis M. García Ruipérez
Ricardo Villalba escribió:
 Me sale esto ¿qué diablos puede ser?
 rvmsoft:~$ fetchmail -
 fetchmail: 4.6.4 querying (protocol POP3) at Fri Mar  3 
 19:48:06 2000
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Bienvenidos al servidor POP de Wanadoo.
 fetchmail: POP3 USER rvmsoft
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Password required for rvmsoft.
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK rvmsoft has 56 messages (150239 octets).
 fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 56 150239
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 56 messages (150239 octets)
 fetchmail: POP3 1 2059
 fetchmail: POP3 56 2406
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 56 messages for rvmsoft at (150239 octets).
 fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 2059 octets
 reading message 1 of 56 (2059 octets)
 fetchmail: realloc failed: No se pudo asignar memoria
 Me pasa con todas las cuentas, incluso he probado con una local y lo mismo.
 He reinstalado el fetchmail por si acaso, pero nada.

Hace tiempo me ocurrió algo parecido, pero el error era un segmentation
fault. Lo que hice fue abrir con telnet una sesión POP (es el puerto
110), recuperar (RETR) el primer mensaje de mi buzón y borrarlo (DELE)
del servidor. Luego todo funcionó correctamente. Por lo que se ve, algo
de ese mensaje no debía de gustarle mucho al fetchmail, aunque a
primera vista era un mensaje normal y corriente.

Espero que esto pueda ayudarte.

Linking to older system libraries

2000-03-04 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I seem to have the need to have two sets of libraries on my machine.  What
do I do to ld to get it to link to the older version rather than the
default new version?
I have read that LD_LIBRARY_PATH only affects the run-time searching for
libraries, so that won' tell the linker to link against the old libs.



Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

2.1r2 (Official) 8 gig partition size barrier

2000-03-04 Thread flinkdeldinky
I purchased a new 10 gig hard drive and Offical Debian 2.1r2.

dev/hda is a single partition win98 fat32 drive

I use this drive to boot into Win98 or via loadlin into Linux (redhat
6.0) on /dev/hdb

However /dev/hdb has been replaced by a new 10 gig drive which I wish to
install Debian on.

I boot up Deb 2,1r2  cdrom and do the install up to the part were you
create the disk partition.  But cfdisk can only see 8 gig of my /dev/hdb
disk (it should see about 9.7 gig).  And it only goes to 1024

I know that Linux can't boot unless the kernel is in the first 1024
cylinders but I'm using Loadlin so big deal.

The funny thing is that when the deb kernel boots it detects /dev/hdb at
it's correct size!

Is this version of fdisk obsolete

problem dist-upgrade diff

2000-03-04 Thread Jonathan Lupa

I was wondering if anyone else had seen this or knew how to get
around it.

I'm dist-upgrading my 3rd box to frozen (the other 2 went fine), and
during the beginning of the install/configure phase diff dies.  I
tried dpkg'ing it directly (to isolate) and get the same error which

Rankor:~# dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/diff_2.7-20_i386.deb
(Reading database ... 34222 files and directories currently
Preparing to replace diff 2.7-18 (using
.../archives/diff_2.7-20_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement diff ...
install-info: No dir file specified; try --help for more information.
dpkg: warning - old post-removal script returned error exit status 1
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/diff_2.7-20_i386.deb
(--install): there is no script in the new version of the package -
giving up
Errors were encountered while processing:

Any tips or pointers would be appreciated!

GPG public key available from

Re: System.Map question

2000-03-04 Thread Ed Cogburn
Hausheer, Geoffrey wrote:
 I just installed 'frozen' as my first trial of debian.  I had a general
 I have two System.Map files on my system.  a /System.Map and
 My system crashed (damn laptop suspend and X), and when I rebooted I got a
 message about something worng with
 System.Map-2.2.14 in /boot.  I looked and the file was ancient (Mid
 January), whereas I rebuilt the kernel last weekend.  I just copied the file
 in / to /boot and all was well, but do I really need both of these?  I also
 have a vmlinuz-2.2.14 in /boot.  This is obviously not my current kenel, nor
 is it my backup kernel.  Do I need it?

On my properly configured (I hope) system in /boot there is a which is a symlink to, and vmlinuz
which is a symbolic link to vmlinuz-2.2.14.  I have a vmlinuz in
root, which is symlink to /boot/vmlinuz, but no symlink in root about
If you use make-kpkg, the deb package created should take care of
all this when you install it.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire

Ed C.

Re: Cups 1.0.5

2000-03-04 Thread Alan Tam
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you tell me more about how you worked around it 
by changing some of the macros in the a2ps config files ?

Temporary, I reinstalled the lprng package but could
not print in kde (console, netscape  wordperfect 8 is ok).

Thank you.

 Hi dear Debian gurus,
 I am a home user running slink (Debian 2.1).
 I've installed the cups 1.0.5 deb package which overwrites my
 original lprng package.
 But when I try to print something like
 lpr ~/.bashrc it says lpr: error -- no default destination
I found that it would work if you put the printer name in
the options to lpr.  It would never work with the printer
defaulted.  I worked around it by changing some of the macros
in the a2ps config files to always use the printer name.  Not
a general fix, but it worked for me.


Re: cron.daily isn't

2000-03-04 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Brad, 
 Have you made sure the name fits the requirements of run-parts? man
 run-parts for the info. In particular, dots in the filename aren't
 allowed. You can test if run-parts will run it with run-parts --test

Many thanks to Brad, John, and Jonathon, who all suggested the same

Yes, my script had a dot in it. I didn't RTFM (well, not TF run-parts
M). I'm stupid :)



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

problem with new potato install

2000-03-04 Thread Jason Wright
I'm having odd problems with a fresh potato install.  I installed from
the 2.2.7-2000-02-13 floppies yesterday (03/02/2000) and this is not an
upgraded from Slink. 

System info:

HP Vectra XA6 Series 5xx
Via Rhine NIC (working fine, this doesn't appear to be a NIC problem)
Custom kernel, not the stock Potato 2.2.14

synergy:~ ] uname -a
Linux synergy 2.2.14 #2 Fri Mar 3 12:53:28 PST 2000 i686 unknown
synergy:~ ] lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
sb 34708   0 (unused)
uart401 6352   0 [sb]
sound  58284   0 [sb uart401]
soundcore   2788   6 [sb sound]
nfs29408   1 (autoclean)
lockd  32200   0 (autoclean) [nfs]
sunrpc 54628   1 (autoclean) [nfs lockd]
autofs  9440   1 (autoclean)
via-rhine   9232   1
synergy:~ ] sudo ipchains -L
Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):

Telnet is not the only application exhibiting these symptoms, it just
happens to illustrate them:

synergy:~ ] telnet synergy 
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No buffer space available
synergy:~ ] telnet localhost 
[hangs untill I ^C out...]

But, from another host:

caliber:~ ] telnet synergy 
Connected to synergy
Escape character is '^]'.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (frozen) synergy
synergy login:


synergy:~ ] rpcinfo -p synergy
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - No buffer space 

But from another host:

caliber:~ ] rpcinfo -p synergy
   program vers proto   port  service
102   tcp111  rpcbind
102   udp111  rpcbind

Of course, this means that lockd, statd and other RPC friends have been
unable to register on synergy so my NFS is erratic at best.

I'm also getting a lot of these:

Mar  3 19:22:49 synergy kernel: neighbour table overflow
Mar  3 19:23:02 synergy kernel: neighbour table overflow
Mar  3 19:27:17 synergy kernel: neighbour table overflow

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!


email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - useless: - efnet:  Pwe
I said you were a state of mind, I believe. I said that if you ran very swiftly
and were acceptably violent, you would be admired. - The Era of Great Numbers

apt-get gets stuck

2000-03-04 Thread Pollywog
I ran 'apt-get upgrade' (potato) and this is what I got:

The following packages will be upgraded
  bsdutils cvs cvs-doc cvsup debconf mount netmask python-numeric setserial
  util-linux whois 
11 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.
Need to get 2744kB of archives. After unpacking 616kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 potato/main bsdutils 1:2.10f-3 [29.9kB]
Get:2 potato/main mount 2.10f-3 [85.0kB]  
Get:3 potato/main util-linux 2.10f-3 [504kB]  
Get:4 potato/main whois 4.4.9 [16.9kB]
Get:5 potato/main setserial 2.17-10 [33.0kB]  
Get:6 potato/main cvs 1.10.7-5 [456kB]
Get:7 potato/main cvs-doc 1.10.7-5 [875kB]
Get:8 potato/main cvsup 16.1-3 [324kB]
Get:9 potato/main debconf [128kB]   
Get:10 potato/main netmask 2.3.3 [20.8kB] 
Get:11 potato/main python-numeric 11-11.5 [272kB] 
Fetched 2744kB in 14m13s (3216B/s) 
Configuring packages ...  

It just gets stuck there.  Did this happen to anyone else?


Re: Compaq PII mysteriously hangs w/ PS2 usage

2000-03-04 Thread Eric G . Miller

This sounds like what some people have reported happening when there's
an irq conflict between mouse and video or something. Check
/proc/interrupts, /proc/pci.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Unidentified subject!

2000-03-04 Thread Jon Hughes
I am attempting to setup my second computer with a new
network card.  It's an ISA D-Link DE-220PCT card.  I
can not seem to locate a kernel option to get this to
work. I'm curious if anyone has gotten this ccard to
work or can point me in a direction of useful


God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: X 3.3.6 (potato) + window manager

2000-03-04 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 02:51:49PM +0100, Igor Mozetic wrote:
 It seems that latest X in potato has removed the support for 
 /etc/X11/window-managers in Xsession.
 So how does one start fvwm95 automatically from xdm ??
 In documentation I found just the removal mentioned,
 but no alternative:
   * debian/xfree86-common/Xsession:
 - remove support for /etc/X11/window-managers; virtually every window
   manager has migrated to the new alternatives method (Closes: #58224)
I believes they all moved to using the 'alternatives' setup. See
/etc/alternatives and man update-alternatives. Basically it's a tangled
web of symlinks allowing a bit of abstraction.

$ ls -l /etc/x-window-manager
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   26 Mar  2 00:47 x-window-manager
- /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm-gnome*

$ ls -l /usr/bin/x-window-manager
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   34 Jan  8 22:27 x-window-manager
- /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager*

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

RE: apt-get gets stuck

2000-03-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Mar-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 I ran 'apt-get upgrade' (potato) and this is what I got:
 The following packages will be upgraded
   bsdutils cvs cvs-doc cvsup debconf mount netmask python-numeric setserial
   util-linux whois 
 11 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.
 Need to get 2744kB of archives. After unpacking 616kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y

The problem appears to be the cvs package; it prevents installation of any
downloaded packages.  I was able to install the other packages one at a time,
but not the cvs package.


Re: apt-get gets stuck

2000-03-04 Thread Todd Suess
Yup, it's a known bug with the latest cvs.  For me, I purged all the
cvs packages and then reinstalled them fresh and it worked fine.



On Fri, 03 Mar 2000, Pollywog wrote:
 I ran 'apt-get upgrade' (potato) and this is what I got:
 The following packages will be upgraded
   bsdutils cvs cvs-doc cvsup debconf mount netmask python-numeric setserial
   util-linux whois 
 11 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.
 Need to get 2744kB of archives. After unpacking 616kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
 Get:1 potato/main bsdutils 1:2.10f-3 [29.9kB]
 Get:2 potato/main mount 2.10f-3 [85.0kB] 
 Get:3 potato/main util-linux 2.10f-3 [504kB] 
 Get:4 potato/main whois 4.4.9 [16.9kB]   
 Get:5 potato/main setserial 2.17-10 [33.0kB] 
 Get:6 potato/main cvs 1.10.7-5 [456kB]   
 Get:7 potato/main cvs-doc 1.10.7-5 [875kB]   
 Get:8 potato/main cvsup 16.1-3 [324kB]   
 Get:9 potato/main debconf [128kB]  
 Get:10 potato/main netmask 2.3.3 [20.8kB]
 Get:11 potato/main python-numeric 11-11.5 [272kB]
 Fetched 2744kB in 14m13s (3216B/s)
 Configuring packages ...  
 It just gets stuck there.  Did this happen to anyone else?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Version: 3.12
GAT d- s:++ a C UL P+ L++ E W++ N++ o-- K- w 
O- M-- V-- PS+ PE Y++ PGP 5++ X++ R* tv+ b+ DI++ D++ 
G e h--- r+++ y+++ 

Re: ppp: frame with bad fcs

2000-03-04 Thread Edward Kear

At 03:33 PM 3/2/00 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

...something munging bytes on the way through, is what I assume.

I can load the same pages on my Win95 laptop with no problem with the same 
ISP, so it appears to be Linux somehow that is doing this.
I had a similar problem a couple of months ago (just after upgrading the 
kernel to 2.2.x).  Some file just could not be downloaded using linux but 
worked fine using windows.  Sometimes a file transfer (ftp) would stop 
cold, but other things (like e-mail downloads) would still continue.  After 
trying just about everything, the problem went away when I lowered the 
modem speed in the ppp options file to 57600.

How to change Netscape Menu fonts?

2000-03-04 Thread Eric G . Miller
I want to make Netscape use a smaller font for it's menus and buttons.
However, when I played around with setting something like:

*font:  -adobe-helvetica-*-r-normal-*-*-110-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1

in ~/.Xresources, netscape complains about not being able to create a
font structure.  I haven't found any examples of setting menu fonts, in
any of the /usr/doc/netscape/examples/*. so I wonder if such a thing is
possible? and if so, how?

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: System.Map question

2000-03-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Mar 04, 2000 at 01:48:34AM +, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Hausheer, Geoffrey wrote:
  I just installed 'frozen' as my first trial of debian.  I had a general
  I have two System.Map files on my system.  a /System.Map and
  My system crashed (damn laptop suspend and X), and when I rebooted I got a
  message about something worng with
  System.Map-2.2.14 in /boot.  I looked and the file was ancient (Mid
  January), whereas I rebuilt the kernel last weekend.  I just copied the file
  in / to /boot and all was well, but do I really need both of these?  I also
  have a vmlinuz-2.2.14 in /boot.  This is obviously not my current kenel, nor
  is it my backup kernel.  Do I need it?
   On my properly configured (I hope) system in /boot there is a which is a symlink to, and vmlinuz

this is an old no longer required redhatism..

old kernels needed this, but no more. now the should be
named`uname -r`  so if you have 2 kernels, 2.2.14 and
2.2.15 you should have 2 system.maps and  no symlinks.  

 which is a symbolic link to vmlinuz-2.2.14.  I have a vmlinuz in
 root, which is symlink to /boot/vmlinuz, but no symlink in root about

yup belongs in /boot though i have seem slackware systems
throw it all in /

vmlinuz symlinks are purly for the convenience of lilo. it does not
matter if/where they are.

   If you use make-kpkg, the deb package created should take care of
 all this when you install it.

yup but it won't make symlinks of they are not needed and
are in fact a bad idea, they prevent you from booting other kernels
versions without one getting a bad

 It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire
 Ed C.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

apache, ssl, slink, potato and apt

2000-03-04 Thread Mark Symonds

I'm trying to do something here which is probably a bit 
wacko.  I'm running slink and have not upgraded to potato
due to a lack of hdd space, but need php3.0.15 and that
version is not available for slink.  In an act of senseless
desperation I went ahead and changed my sources.list
to use frozen and did apt-get update.  Then apt-get php3.
Allowed it to install the additional packages needed which 
came out to be a total of 14MB. 

Everything seems ok except that I previously had been
running both apache and apache-ssl for secure webmail
service.  The php3 installation removed apache-ssl and
I see no equivalent in the frozen database when doing 
a search.  No apache-ssl available anymore and I've been 
unable to locate a module as well.

So my question is, what do I do to get ssl back?
Am I going to need to get the mod_ssl tarball?

Thanks for your time,


Moving selected file systems to new hard disk

2000-03-04 Thread Michael Perry
I had kept a copy of a really great article posted on another mailing list
for this but now seem to have lost it.  I would like to upgrade and move
things like /home and /usr to a new scsi hard disk drive which has much more
room.  The old disk is /dev/sda and I am installing a new IBM 18 gig scsi
drive to /dev/sdb.  I would definitely like to get /home there since it
seems to grow quite quickly.  If /usr could move also, that would be cool.

Michael Perry   

Re: apache, ssl, slink, potato and apt

2000-03-04 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Mark Symonds wrote:

 So my question is, what do I do to get ssl back?
 Am I going to need to get the mod_ssl tarball?

auric{root}/usr/lib/cgi-bin#apt-cache search apache.*ssl 
apache-ssl - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with SSL support
apache-common - Support files for all Apache webservers
libapache-mod-ssl - Strong cryptography for Apache
apache - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server
apache-perl - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with added Perl
libapache-mod-ssl-doc - Documentation for Apache module mod_ssl
libssl09-dev - SSL development libraries
openssl - Secure Socket Layer and related cryptographic libraries/tools.
libssl09 - SSL shared libraries


more complete logging of the boot process?

2000-03-04 Thread mac
Is there a way to get a more complete log of the text that scrolls by during 
the boot sequence?  I'd like to catch some warnings/diagnostics that show up 
during that time, but dmesg and /var/log/messages have a very limited 
selection of that text...

I'm thinking of something along the lines what RedHat has:

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: apache, ssl, slink, potato and apt

2000-03-04 Thread Mark Symonds

-Original Message-
From: Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Symonds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: apache, ssl, slink, potato and apt

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Mark Symonds wrote:

 So my question is, what do I do to get ssl back?
 Am I going to need to get the mod_ssl tarball?

auric{root}/usr/lib/cgi-bin#apt-cache search apache.*ssl
apache-ssl - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with SSL support
apache-common - Support files for all Apache webservers
libapache-mod-ssl - Strong cryptography for Apache

Here's the output of mine:

symonds:~# apt-cache search apache.*ssl
apache-common - Support files for all Apache webservers
apache - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server
apache-perl - Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with added Perl
ssleay - Secure Socket Layer and related cryptographic libraries/tools.
libssl09 - SSL shared libraries

That's it.  All I can think of is that I did something wrong in my

# Use for a local mirror - remove the ftp1 http lines for the bits
# your mirror contains.
# deb file:/your/mirror/here/debian stable main contrib non-free
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especial
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs

# deb stable main contrib non-free
# deb stable non-US

deb frozen main contrib non-free

I did the apt-get update ... why wouldn't it show up?  I have another
box here which I upgraded to potato awhile ago and tried the same
search out of curiosity.  It's giving the same output...?!

Thanks much!


Re: apache, ssl, slink, potato and apt

2000-03-04 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Mark Symonds wrote:

 # deb stable main contrib non-free
 # deb stable non-US
 deb frozen main contrib non-free
 I did the apt-get update ... why wouldn't it show up?  I have another
 box here which I upgraded to potato awhile ago and tried the same
 search out of curiosity.  It's giving the same output...?!


deb frozen/non-US main contrib non-free


Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-03-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 03/03/00 07:57PM, Jon Hughes wrote:
 I am attempting to setup my second computer with a new
 network card.  It's an ISA D-Link DE-220PCT card.  I
 can not seem to locate a kernel option to get this to
 work. I'm curious if anyone has gotten this ccard to
 work or can point me in a direction of useful

I don't have that or any D-Link cards, but the Ethernet HOWTO refers
to a DE-220-T card that uses the ne driver (+8390, whatever that is

Check it out at:

 ) Mark Wagnon)  Treat passwords like underwear...  Never)
(  Chula Vista, CA   (   let friends borrow them and never leave(
 ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )  them lying about.  And as anybody's mother  )
((   would say, change them often.  (

Re: How to change Netscape Menu fonts?

2000-03-04 Thread kmself
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 08:43:57PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I want to make Netscape use a smaller font for it's menus and buttons.
 However, when I played around with setting something like:
 in ~/.Xresources, netscape complains about not being able to create a
 font structure.  I haven't found any examples of setting menu fonts, in
 any of the /usr/doc/netscape/examples/*. so I wonder if such a thing is
 possible? and if so, how?

My own modifications to the file, which I've written to

| # Restrict the range of size increments allowed by font size=n directives 
| # the range 80% - 120% rather than 50% - 210%.  Default increment is 20.
| # KMSelf Wed Dec 29 15:47:57 PST 1999
| Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   05
| # Clean up the fscking toolbar
| Netscape* false
| Netscape*toolBar.destinations.isEnabled: false
| Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled: false
| Netscape*toolBar.viewSecurity.isEnabled: false
| Netscape*toolBar.print.isEnabled: true
| Netscape*toolBar.home.isEnabled: true
| # And some other brain damage
| Netscape*useStdoutDialog: false
| Netscape*useStderrDialog: false
| Netscape*noAboutSplash: true
| # Fonts -- dialogs and such
| Netscape*attachmentProps*XmLabelGadget.fontList: fixed
| Netscape*AddressBook*mainform.fontList:  fixed 
| Netscape*XmLGrid*fontList:   fixed
| Netscape*attachItemLabel*fontList:   fixed
| Netscape*prefs*fontList: fixed
| Netscape*statusBar*fontList: fixed
| # Document fonts -- scaling doesn't appear to take effect w/ TTF fonts
| Netscape*documentFonts.defaultFont*iso-8859-1.prop: -ttf-garamond-120-noscale 
| Netscape*documentFonts.defaultFont*iso-8859-1.fixed: -ttf-courier 

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: Moving selected file systems to new hard disk

2000-03-04 Thread kmself
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 09:25:40PM -0800, Michael Perry wrote:
 I had kept a copy of a really great article posted on another mailing list
 for this but now seem to have lost it.  I would like to upgrade and move
 things like /home and /usr to a new scsi hard disk drive which has much more
 room.  The old disk is /dev/sda and I am installing a new IBM 18 gig scsi
 drive to /dev/sdb.  I would definitely like to get /home there since it
 seems to grow quite quickly.  If /usr could move also, that would be cool.

cd /old;
tar cvf - . | ( cd /new-path; tar xvf - )

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: Moving selected file systems to new hard disk

2000-03-04 Thread John Gay

I had kept a copy of a really great article posted on another mailing list
for this but now seem to have lost it.  I would like to upgrade and move
things like /home and /usr to a new scsi hard disk drive which has much more
room.  The old disk is /dev/sda and I am installing a new IBM 18 gig scsi
drive to /dev/sdb.  I would definitely like to get /home there since it
seems to grow quite quickly.  If /usr could move also, that would be cool.

Michael Perry

I recently did this on my system, and this is the advise I received. Create the
new partitions on /dev/sdb, then mount each partition under /mnt. Go to the
directory you want to move, the example shows /usr, but /home, /var and such
should be the same. I was told there was some issue with sockets not moving
correctly with tar, but I don't know what a socket is, and I was able to move
/usr with no issues. As I am new to Linux as well, I asked for, and got a very
good explanation of what this command did. After I had moved the directories, I
just needed to update /etc/fstab to mount the new partitions under the proper
directories. I'm still waiting to copy and resize my root partition.

 cd /usr
 tar cpf - . | (cd /mnt ; tar xpf -)

tar: you know this
c  : create
p  : preserve permisions (rwx and owners, etc)
f  : file name, the next arg will give the name of the file
-  : most commands understand this to mean stdin/stdout.
 tar is one, so this is stdout.
.  : the current directory.  if you make a tar file of
 . and then do a tar t of it, everything will look like
 ./foo, ./bar, ./zoo/cow, and so on.  an ls -a will show
 both . and .. dirs.

the parenthesis around the other two commands force them into a
subshell, so it's almost like piping into a shell script.  that way the
cd command takes effect, and that's also why the cd doesn't affect your
current session - at the end of this command you'll still be in /usr.

Kernel patch

2000-03-04 Thread Alan Tam
Hi dear gurus
I would like to use the supermount features on cdrom
 floppy disks. But I don't know how to apply the patch file
to kernel. (currently running slink 2.0.36)

Can somebody tell me please ?

Thanks in advance.


Unidentified subject!

2000-03-04 Thread mahdi

Hi all,

I have a PII PC which is running win 98 and Linux,  I tried setting up my
ISP connection using pppd and chat but I
didn't get very far, i thought the script i wrote was wrong..
However when I used Kppp I failed also with a message in the
DateTime pppd [process number] : CHAP authenticantion successful
DateTime pppd [process number] : remote host unable to determine IP
Then I lose the connection

and how can I change the Modem speed while connected? I know BREAK [ \K ]
changes the speed  but how do I know if it did and what is the new

Faisal Mahdi

Potato upgrade - Gnome has lost all but the basic icons on desktop

2000-03-04 Thread Phillip Deackes
After upgrading (Storm Linux) Slink to Potato I have found that Gnome no
displays the icons of my choice on the desktop. I get only the standard
folder and document icons. If I try to change them I can go through the
motions, but the new icon is not displayed on the desktop. My
~/.xsession-errors file shows a number of errors:

Looking in .xrdb: Permission denied
xrdb: can't open file '/etc/X11/Xresources/xbase-clients'
rm: cannot remove `/home/gsmh/.gnome//gmc-JMCr3a': No such file or

GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to: No such user 1000.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkpixmap.c: line 97 (gtk_pixmap_new): assertion
`val != NULL' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkcontainer.c: line 706 (gtk_container_add):
assertion `widget != NULL' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkwidget.c: line 1434 (gtk_widget_show):
assertion `widget != NULL' failed.
subshell.c: couldn't get terminal settings: Inappropriate ioctl for

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for
/home/gsmh/.gnome-desktop/Home directory

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for
/home/gsmh/.gnome-desktop/Palm Pilot.desktop

** WARNING **: Error setting the icon position metadata for

** WARNING **: Root window clicks will not work as no GNOME-compliant
window manager could be found!

I have no .xrdb (what is it?!), I use icewm-gnome as my WM and I have
adjusted the permissions of /etc/X11/Xresources/xbase-clients. I am gsmh
on my system which corresponds to 1000. 

What gives? Anyone else had this problem? I have upgraded a virgin
Slink install three times now and each time I get the same problem. I
have tried using Sawmill and get the same problem, so I doubt if it is
WM related. Logging on a root displays the same problem too.


Phillip Deackes

exim to sendmail help

2000-03-04 Thread t s a d i
hello everyone,

im trying to help configure a linux box for a friends small group
and i have a few questions (all because she really wanted to try
sendmail and not exim) ...

1.  how do i tell sendmail to relay email for a group of IPs ?
something like this in exim :
sender_net_accept_relay =

2.  in exim, i make a small destribution list (like [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by making a user called staff and then putting the ff. in staff's
.forward file :
 # Exim filter
 etc, etc ...

 may i know how do i do this under sendmail ?  i mean, what should
i put in the users .forward file ?

thanks a lot in advance ...
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Problem with 2.2.x and RAID0

2000-03-04 Thread Martin Schulze
I wonder why I can't get RAID0 aka striping work with 2.2.13.  It only
runs with 2.0.36.

# mdadd -ar
/dev/sdc2: No such device
/dev/sdd2: No such device
/dev/sde2: No such device
/dev/md0: No such device

The appropriate SCSI driver is included, /dev/sda1 can be mounted without
a problem.  As you can see, the MD driver is also included, thus it should

Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 cua
  7 vcs
 10 misc
162 raw

Block devices:
  8 sd
  9 md
 11 sr

This is what strace tells me:

execve(/sbin/mdadd, [mdadd, -ar], [/* 15 vars */]) = 0
brk(0)  = 0x804b4cc
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 4
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=30573, ...}) = 0
old_mmap(NULL, 30573, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x40014000
close(4)= 0
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 4
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=887636, ...}) = 0
read(4, \177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\244\213..., 4096) = 
old_mmap(NULL, 902012, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x4001c000
mprotect(0x400f1000, 29564, PROT_NONE)  = 0
old_mmap(0x400f1000, 16384, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 4, 
0xd4000) = 0x400f1000
old_mmap(0x400f5000, 13180, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
close(4)= 0
munmap(0x40014000, 30573)   = 0
personality(PER_LINUX)  = 0
getpid()= 13
brk(0)  = 0x804b4cc
brk(0x804b594)  = 0x804b594
brk(0x804c000)  = 0x804c000
open(/etc/mdtab, O_RDONLY)= 4
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|S_ISUID|S_ISGID|0250, st_size=87, ...}) = 0
_llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_SET)= 0
read(4, # mdtab entry for /dev/md0\n/dev/..., 4096) = 87
open(/dev/sdc2, O_RDONLY) = 5
ioctl(5, BLKGETSIZE, 0xb924)= 0
open(/dev/sdd2, O_RDONLY) = 6
ioctl(6, BLKGETSIZE, 0xb924)= 0
open(/dev/sde2, O_RDONLY) = 7
ioctl(7, BLKGETSIZE, 0xb924)= 0
open(/dev/md0, O_RDONLY)  = 8
stat(/dev/sdc2, {st_mode=S_IFBLK|0660, st_rdev=makedev(8, 34), ...}) = 0
ioctl(8, REGISTER_DEV, 0x822)   = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
write(2, /dev/sdc2: No such device\n, 26) = 26
stat(/dev/sdd2, {st_mode=S_IFBLK|0660, st_rdev=makedev(8, 50), ...}) = 0
ioctl(8, REGISTER_DEV, 0x832)   = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
write(2, /dev/sdd2: No such device\n, 26) = 26
stat(/dev/sde2, {st_mode=S_IFBLK|0660, st_rdev=makedev(8, 66), ...}) = 0
ioctl(8, REGISTER_DEV, 0x842)   = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
write(2, /dev/sde2: No such device\n, 26) = 26
ioctl(8, START_MD, 0x2) = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
write(2, /dev/md0: No such device\n, 25) = 25
_llseek(4, 87, [87], SEEK_SET)  = 0
read(4, , 4096)   = 0
read(4, , 4096)   = 0
_exit(4)= ?

What's wrong here?



There are lies, statistics and benchmarks.

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

OT: transparency adapter

2000-03-04 Thread Hans
I'm on my knees to beg for forgiveness for this off-topic subject.

My father wants to scan some slides with this trusty HP scanner. Needless
to say there is no adapter for that particular type of scanner, so we
decided to build something ourselves. We tried many different kinds of
regular and fluorescent bulbs in a homemade cover which we placed over the
slide. The picture comes out fine, only the colors never match (not even
GIMP can correct this).

We just got hold of an old ISA (?) scanner (US$7 at a fair) and the idea
was to rip out the bulb and simply connect it to a power supply. From the
electronics we could deduct that the bulb runs on AC power (it looks like
the DC is coming from the ISA card, runs through a flip-flop consisting of
two transistors and then is transformed with a small transformer before
going to the bulb). We don't have a clue as to what voltage to use and the
thing came without ISA card so there is no way of checking when the scanner
is in operation.

Any of you have experience/know something more about this? What voltage do
these scanner lamps run on? Anybody ever tried to make a transparency
adapter? Any hints highly appreciated. Thank you. --hans

Re: Moving selected file systems to new hard disk

2000-03-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 11:43:46PM -0800, wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 09:25:40PM -0800, Michael Perry wrote:
  I had kept a copy of a really great article posted on another mailing list
  for this but now seem to have lost it.  I would like to upgrade and move
  things like /home and /usr to a new scsi hard disk drive which has much more
  room.  The old disk is /dev/sda and I am installing a new IBM 18 gig scsi
  drive to /dev/sdb.  I would definitely like to get /home there since it
  seems to grow quite quickly.  If /usr could move also, that would be cool.
 cd /old;
 tar cvf - . | ( cd /new-path; tar xvf - )

please add the -p switch to those tars so he does not come back asking
why all the permissions/owners got ruined ;-)

Ethan Benson

fund raising just starting

2000-03-04 Thread danny

We have just started out so please can you give us some 

Re: IPFWADM Problems

2000-03-04 Thread Ernest Johanson
What does your routing table look like? If the default route is not set,
that could explain your problem. 

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Chris Brown wrote:

 Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 18:09:29 -0500
 From: Chris Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: IPFWADM Problems
 Hello all,
 I have a Debian system running kernel 2.0.38 that is supposed to be 
 acting as a router between two networks.  For the past many months, 
 we've had our nameserver doing the routing because it was far less 
 flaky.  We've fixed the problems in the hardware, finally, and would 
 like to go back to using the first box.  However, now we have some 
 Enabling IP Forwarding in the kernel does not allow packets to be 
 routed between interfaces.  I don't have any more information on 
 this, that's all there is.  From net-0 I can ping the net-0 side of 
 the router, but I can't ping the net-1 side of the router.  Both 
 network cards are hooked up and configured correctly.
 Enabling IP Firewalling, flushing all the rules, and setting default 
 policy to accept also has no setting.  Once again, no error messages 
 anywhere - the box obviously thinks this is right.  I must have 
 missed something.
 To make matters a bit weirder, IPX route happily between the 
 interfaces.  It's only IP that is causeing problems.
 Any help would be appreciated.
  Join;  See;,,

printer drivers for Canon BJC 7000

2000-03-04 Thread FreeMan

does anybody know where to get printer drivers for the Canon BJC 
7000? BJC 

Re: fund raising just starting

2000-03-04 Thread Hans
At 03:56 PM 3/4/00 -, danny wrote: 

We have just started out so please can you give us some  help danny  


That enough? --hans 

mp3 player

2000-03-04 Thread trent

Description: filename=text1.rtf

Re: mp3 player

2000-03-04 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- clyde ==   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 saved when I changed from windows to Linux.  I was wondering if anyone 
 could tell me where I could find a good mp3 player. .  Thanks for any 

mpg123 (command line)
xmms (cute grafic interface)

both use the same mp3 library so audio quality is the same (very good)



 Pierfrancesco Caci  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  ik5pvx - Firenze   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.3.49 #1 Fri Mar 3 11:24:33 CET 2000 i686 unknown

urgently need libc6 = 2.1.2

2000-03-04 Thread Werner Reisberger
I am unable to install libc6-2.1.3-5 since there is  a problem with the
pre/postinstall scripts (according to the packet maintainer). I don't want
to wait for the next installable packet and would also take a packet with
version = 2.1.2. I wasn't able to find one on the debian site.

Unfortunately all the new packets I have to install urgently requires 
libc6 = 2.1.2. I even can't find my libc6 version I am currently using
on the debian site (2.1.1). What's the reason to leave only the 2.0.x and
the new (not working) 2.1.3-5 version in the debian archives?


Developing Gnome Apps with Debian?

2000-03-04 Thread Bill White
Hi.  I have a question about Gnome and Debian.  I have installed the October
Gnome using apt-get from debian/~vincent/mumble on my reasonably stock slink
system.  I want to track the latest Gnome libraries, and in particular, the
glade and gtkmm libraries, and bonobo.  These are apparently quite out of
date in October Gnome.  I understand how to build gnome apps from the
tarballs, or from CVS if necessary.  Is there any easy and reliable way of
getting the October Gnome stuff off my machine so that I can upgrade
to the edge?  Or is there in general a better way to do this?

I thought about apt-get -f remove task-gnome-apps but that seems like
a lot of violence.  Maybe that's the way to do it, though.  I also spent
some time finding out all the packages I would have to remove if I removed
libgtk*.  That seemed like more work than was necessary as well, but
perhaps that's the right way to do it.


Emacs-20.5a info path

2000-03-04 Thread Carl Greco
The search of the info-directory-list variable is corrupted when the
auto-compression-mode is activated in the latest release of emacs for
slink, i.e.: stable/main emacs20-el 20.5a-1.99 [5729kB] stable/main emacs20 20.5a-1.99 [8971kB]

The info-directory-list is defined as: 
(/usr/local/lib/info/ /usr/local/info/ /usr/info/ /usr/info/ 
/usr/info /usr/share/info)

but only /usr/share/info is searched once auto-compression-mode is
turned on.

Is this a bug in the debian distribution of Emacs-20.5a or endemic to
the 20.5a version of emacs.  If the latter, will the recently released
version 20.6 be made available as a deb package in slink?


Missing charset?

2000-03-04 Thread Nikolay Mladenov
I just install debian stable (base) for my first time. Everything went
fine, but now when I start debian I am getting some errors (or warnings)
when mount is mounting my dos (windows) partitions.
I had
mount device path fat default
and the message was:
Unable to load NSL charset cp437 (nsl_cp437)
Since I wasn't getting the filenames properly I changed fat to  vfat and
default to posix.
The file names are ok now but I am getting two missing charsets.
So my question is: Is this something to worry about and if yes, haw can
I fix it.

Thanks in advance


Sparc Debian?

2000-03-04 Thread Robert L. Harris

I just got a Sparc 330.  In tact, etc, minus a single bad simm.  Only
question, is there a Sparc Debian distro?  I have Slink, 2.1 CD already.
Is there a way I can boot off this CD when I get a CD-ROM in it so I can
install linux on it?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting |  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with 2.2.x and RAID0

2000-03-04 Thread James Manning
[ Saturday, March  4, 2000 ] Martin Schulze wrote:
 I wonder why I can't get RAID0 aka striping work with 2.2.13.  It only
 runs with 2.0.36.

old-style raid is no longer supported.  You may wish to read the
s/w raid howto at
specifically, the requirements section (1.2)

quick summary: patch kernel, get new raidtools, create raidtab, mkraid

 # mdadd -ar
 /dev/sdc2: No such device
 /dev/sdd2: No such device
 /dev/sde2: No such device
 /dev/md0: No such device
 The appropriate SCSI driver is included, /dev/sda1 can be mounted without
 a problem.  As you can see, the MD driver is also included, thus it should

it still would appear that you have no valid sd[cde]2. perhaps fdisk -l
/dev/sd[cde] output so we can see the partitions on those drives?

also helpful would be your raidtab (mdtab in this case) contents and
/proc/mdstat output

My guess would be either /dev/sd[cde] aren't valid drives (for whatever
reason) or they only have a single partition.  Shot in the dark, of
course, as there's not enough information to make a good assessment.

Good luck!



2000-03-04 Thread jeffallen
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Re: printer drivers for Canon BJC 7000

2000-03-04 Thread Bob Nielsen
Try the bjc800 driver in ghostscript, bj800 filter in magicfilter. 

On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 12:49:31AM +0800, FreeMan wrote:
 does anybody know where to get printer drivers for the Canon BJC 
 7000? BJC 

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

new slink release?

2000-03-04 Thread paulwade
This is not a bitch, just curious.

I notice changes to slink on but the symlinks still say
2.1r4 which could mean that the updates are not all there yet. I would
guess that a 2.1r5 release is happening here.

Does anyone who knows for sure care to post something to this list? Are
the updates done except for the 2.1.r5 designation? Is it okay to upgrade
from the archive yet?

Or maybe I missed something that was already posted here.

+ Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: 2.1r2 (Official) 8 gig partition size barrier

2000-03-04 Thread hillyer
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 04:51:58PM -0800, flinkdeldinky wrote:
 I purchased a new 10 gig hard drive and Offical Debian 2.1r2.
 dev/hda is a single partition win98 fat32 drive
 I use this drive to boot into Win98 or via loadlin into Linux (redhat
 6.0) on /dev/hdb
 However /dev/hdb has been replaced by a new 10 gig drive which I wish to
 install Debian on.
 I boot up Deb 2,1r2  cdrom and do the install up to the part were you
 create the disk partition.  But cfdisk can only see 8 gig of my /dev/hdb
 disk (it should see about 9.7 gig).  And it only goes to 1024
 I know that Linux can't boot unless the kernel is in the first 1024
 cylinders but I'm using Loadlin so big deal.
 The funny thing is that when the deb kernel boots it detects /dev/hdb at
 it's correct size!
 Is this version of fdisk obsolete

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When you boot up deb from the cdrom initially, you will have to give it
some parameters; something like 'linux hdb=1247,255,63'.  This is what I
have to type in for my 10.2Gb disk, but yours will probably be different.
The 'linux' is the name of the boot image on the cdrom (I don't remember
at the moment, but IIRC this is it), and the 1247,255,63 is the number
of cyls,heads,sectors on my HD (you will put yours in, of course).  

Naturally, you will later want to include an append line in lilo.conf to 
recognise the HD correctly on bootup (man lilo.conf).

Martin Hillyer
Powered by Linux 2.2.14
Communications by mutt-1.0.1i
He who hesitates is sometimes saved.

few general questions

2000-03-04 Thread Brett Fowlkes
Ok am new to the list but I have a few questions.  I am completely new to
Linux and I decided to install Debian 2.1 using the book Learning Debian by
Bill McCarty I think, pretty good book it seems.  Well anyway I opted for
the standard workstation install that was about 400 and some odd megabytes.
Well the purpose of this linux box was to set it up as a webserver for my
newly acquired domain name.  I then installed Apache and was surprised to
see that I could go to the page on internet explorer via my ip#, didn't even
have to do anything except install apache.  Well I was going to read about
installing some security for my machine but spent all nite messing around
with it so I went to bed.  It is connected to my schools network.  Well one
of the people I work with, who knows linux fairly well, took it upon himself
to hack my poor defenseless machine and he defaced the webpage that apache
had setup.  He said he got in using the sendmail bug I believe, that and
something about the printer giving him super user access.  He said it was
turned on by default.  He didn't damage the system but I decided to
reinstall anyway choosing what I wanted.  OK NOW WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE MY
BOX MORE SECURE.  I read some of the stuff at and I turned
off some of the daemons and things like that but what else can I do?  I
restriced access from my school's whole domain name but I saw him get around
this rather quickly by telneting somewhere else than telneting to my server.
Ok I do no want him to use the same exploit that he used the first time, If
anyone knows what this exploit is please tell me so I can stop it, I dont
think I installed it this time though.  Also I was wondering how I can setup
ftp accounts where I can upload webpages to my server using a normal account
that I created myself.  I want this account to be able to delete and create
files in certain directories.  Yikes sorry for making this such a long post.
I would appreciate it if someone would help this newbler out.

Oh yeah he is going to start hacking my machine this monday so I need some
security to stop him.  He said i am going to wait till monday, but just to
give you a hint what i am going to try is: suEXEC - be sure to have that



2.1 Installation and Backpack CD-Rom

2000-03-04 Thread DONALD L. WRIGHT
Hello all --
I am installing 2.1 onto an old 486 which does not have a
CD-Rom. I have a Backpack CD-Rom (parallel port) which I would like to
use, but cannot figure out how... Kernel and base have been successfully
installed with floppies, but the Backpack is not being recognized, and I
am not sure what to do. The manufacturer (Micro-solutions) has a module
file on their ftp site but I don't know how to integrate that into what I
am doing (Do I need to use Rawrite2? If so, how? And at what point does
this need to be introduced?)
(I do have online access and a computer w/ internal CD-Rom, but
neither on the 486 in question.)
(Did I mention that I'm very green at this?...)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions...
-- Lee Wright

partitioning, dual booting(?)

2000-03-04 Thread Tek
I'm not all that new to the Linux thing, but I want to install Debian 2.1
onto a 2.1 gig hard drive and be able to keep my other OS (sadly, Win98)
until I can burn all my stuff to disc and convert my other HDD (8.6GB) to
ext2.  In any case, I'd just like to know how I can partition it correctly
... I want to be able to use LILO through DOS to boot to Linux off the hard
drive, because on the box I've had for about a year now boots off a floppy,
which takes an unnecessarily inordinate amount of time.  Should I make a
16MB partition specifically for /boot (some guy on another list said that
would work), another partition for root (what's appropriate size here, as a
partition of a 2GB HDD if I want to use the system for coding/development?),
and the rest for /usr and all the other stuff?  How do you (plural) suggest
I go about doing this?  Also, can I specify where I want all the parts of
the file system to rest on the drive?  I can't remember from my last
installation (did a plain old vanilla stripped-server profile for my boss).
What will allow me to drop to DOS and go through lilo?  I've checked the
FAQ, and I suppose what I'm looking for is something more in-depth ... I
thank you all for your time,
Michael Phillips

(I'm having troubles with it not recognizing my Rockwell HCF 56K, too, but
that's a whole other email! :o)