Re: Distribucion pequeña para ordenador muy antiguo.

2000-03-22 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 06:12:15PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Buscon una distribución que sea pequeñisima. Es para un 386-20Mhz con 60Mb
 de HD y 4 de Ram (Toshiba 1800).
 He estado buscando y he visto que existe la MiniLinux, pero por lo que me
 ha parecido leer (corregidme si me equivoco) va sobre FAT, y a mi me
 gustaría algo que fuese sobre Ext2.

Uso slink en mi 386Dx 40 con 8 Mb de Ram. El sistema lo instalé cuando sólo
tenía 4Mb de RAM y era usable. Según el uso que le quieras dar (el mio es
poco más que una terminal para usar editores de texto, mutt y sobre todo
telnet/ssh), Debian puede servirte. Si te tomas con calma la instalación
(tendrás que usar el disco lowmem para instalar) y tienes claro que lo vas a
usar para cosas muy simples, Debian te sirve. Eso si, ponte a instalar y
desinstalar paquetes y estás apanyao.

Si lo haces, asegurate de quitar todos los daemons que no hacen falta y de
hacer un kernel a medida, con lo minimo para que sea usable.
Usar ash en vez de bash es otra idea.


De res.


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
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Description: PGP signature

Barra de botones de wmaker

2000-03-22 Thread dbaranda
¿Sabe alguien si hay alguna manera de que al pulsar uno de los botones de
la barra del wmaker, me salga otra barra de botones y en horizontal?

Lo pregunto porque en la barra de botones del AfterStep de la RedHat 5 o
  5.x me suena haberlo visto.

Y la verdad, como a 800x600 el wmaker no me da para meterle muchos botones
  pues me gustaría poder hacerlo.

Gracias de antemano.

RE: Barra de botones de wmaker

2000-03-22 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Me parece que el clip se puede expander-contraer con alguna de sus opciones,
y haciendo doble-click sobre él. Puede que con eso te apañes.


 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el: miércoles 22 de marzo de 2000 8:29
 Asunto: Barra de botones de wmaker
 ¿Sabe alguien si hay alguna manera de que al pulsar uno de 
 los botones de
 la barra del wmaker, me salga otra barra de botones y en horizontal?

Re: Me temo que mi mdem es un winmdem :o(

2000-03-22 Thread dfm

mira a ver si tiene algún tipo de chip rockwell, si lo tiene no es
winmodem. con fecha 21/03/2000 18.58.56

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Me temo que mi m
Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-5
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

ódem es un winmódem :o(

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda.

Por lo que he visto por ahí, creo que mi módem es sólo para Windows,
así que... (aunque iré a la tienda a preguntar, por si...)

Un saludo.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Me temo que mi mfdem es un winmfdem :o(

2000-03-22 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín

 mira a ver si tiene algún tipo de chip rockwell, si lo tiene no es

Creo que sí que lo tiene, aunque como ya está instalado ha sido un poco
difícil de ver :o)

De todas formas es un poco raro porque si abro algunos de los ficheros
.INF que vienen con los drivers de mi módem, allí pone Rockwell SoftK56 PCI
Modem. Pero si abro la parte del módem en el panel de control de la
configuración de windows, pone Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI
Modem. Pero incluso al abrir el Readme.txt en el que se explica como
instalar los drivers para windows, pone otra cosa diferente: Cobra Modem.
¿Quizá eso de Cobra sea un tipo concreto de módem dentro de los Rockwell...
? No sé, no tengo ni idea.

Pero sí que he leído que si hay chip Rockwell, quizá funcione si se le
deshabilita la corrección de errores. ¿Es verdad? Voy a probar ahora a ver.

De todas formas es interno y en la tienda me dijeron que casi seguro que
sea winmódem pq el tío cree que todos los que han vendido allí sólo son para
windows. Aunque no sé si tendrá mucha idea de eso del chip Rockwell.

Muchas gracias.



2000-03-22 Thread Angel Carrasco

Estoy tratando de evitar que los mensajes de syslog aparezca en la
salida estandard, es decir, consola. Existe la posibilidad de desviar la
salida estandard a la salida null etc???

Un saludo y muchas gracias.



2000-03-22 Thread Neil D. Roberts
Sips, o incluso a otra consola, veamos, simplemente hay que ir a 
/etc/syslog.conf y añadir la

*.* /dev/null

Nada mas, y despues le haces un killall -HUP syslogd y estara solucionado. Yo 
tengo la salida
del syslogd en el tty12, para cuando haga pruebas y cosas, lo tengo al alcanze 


Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709

A modest man is usually admired; if people ever hear of him.

Re: Barra de botones de wmaker

2000-03-22 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 ¿Sabe alguien si hay alguna manera de que al pulsar uno de los botones de
 la barra del wmaker, me salga otra barra de botones y en horizontal?
 Lo pregunto porque en la barra de botones del AfterStep de la RedHat 5   
  5.x me suena haberlo visto.
El afterstep permite hacer eso pero el wmaker no; el wmaker tiene muchas
otras opciones para compenzar esa falta. Por ejemplo, como ya te ha
dicho Javier, el clip (que normalmente aparece en la esquina superior
izquierda) se puede expander/contraer por medio de un doble-click.
También puedes poner el clip en cualquier lugar de la pantalla y
rodearlo de botones por donde quieras.
Como el clip es mucho mas flexible que el dock yo he eliminado
totalmente el dock (con una opción de configuración) y uso el clip
al lado derecho, como si fuera el dock.

 Y la verdad, como a 800x600 el wmaker no me da para meterle muchos botones

Yo también uso 800x600 y tengo muchísimos botones. Los he distribuido
en 5 Workspaces diferentes: en un workspace tengo todo lo
relacionado con gráficas, en otro todo lo de correo/html, etc.
Los botones se pueden configurar facilmente (botón derecho del ratón)
para que aparezcan en un determinado workspace o en todos.



2000-03-22 Thread Angel Carrasco
Neil D. Roberts wrote:

 Sips, o incluso a otra consola, veamos, simplemente hay que ir a 
 /etc/syslog.conf y añadir la

 *.* /dev/null

 Nada mas, y despues le haces un killall -HUP syslogd y estara solucionado. Yo 
 tengo la salida
 del syslogd en el tty12, para cuando haga pruebas y cosas, lo tengo al 
 alcanze rapidamente


 Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
 Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
 Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
 Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
 PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709

 A modest man is usually admired; if people ever hear of him.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mcuhas gracias por todo, pero te digo, me interesa que ciertos mensajes del 
kernel referidos a mi
RDSI no se vean.

en la parte inicial del fichero, peudes desviarlos donde quieras.


La verdad es que me interesa saber si hay alguna forma correcta de hacer esto. 
Y no sesgar todos
los mensajes.
Muchas gracias


2000-03-22 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Sips, o incluso a otra consola, veamos, simplemente hay que ir a 
 /etc/syslog.conf y añadir la
 *.* /dev/null
 Nada mas, y despues le haces un killall -HUP syslogd y estara solucionado. Yo 
 tengo la salida
 del syslogd en el tty12, para cuando haga pruebas y cosas, lo tengo al 
 alcanze rapidamente

¿Y si quiero redirigirlo a la xconsole pero de otro equipo de la red?



Re: Xdm: con instalar no basta, hay que frotarrr!

2000-03-22 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Mon, Mar 20, 2000,
Enzo A. Dari...

  pues he  instalado el  paquete `xdm'  3.3.5 (sacado  de la
  Corel Linux) y al reiniciar el equipo me da este error:

  Checking for  valid XFree86  server configuration...error.
  in configuration file Not starting X display manager .

Solucionado.  El script  de  inicialización de  `xdm' llama  a
parse-xf86config(1) y este es muy  puñetero con la sintaxis de

Gracias Enzo por ponerme en la pista con tus comentarios.

Aunque me gustaría afinar  la configuración, porque para darle
acceso al terminal he modificado `/etc/xdm/Xacces' así:

*   #any host can get a login window

que me parece la forma menos segura de hacerlo, pero es que no
me aclaro con la sintaxis de  ese archivo, y la única forma de
conseguir acceso ha  sido así.

El HOWTO  `Remote-X-Apps' me ha  sido de  ayuda pero no  me he
aclarado del todo. ¿Al usar `xdm' éste ya se encarga de todo y
no hace falta el paso de `xauth'?

 El  xdm  se  fija  en   su  configuración  (en  el  archivo:
 /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers)  y si  encuentra una  línea que  diga
 algo parecido a:

 :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X vt7

 intenta arrancar el server local (previa verificación de que
 tenga  una configuración  válida de  Xfree86 en  el archivo:

Sí, eso está bien.

 En tu caso puede que no necesites el xserver en el servidor,
 ya que pretendes usar el x-server de la otra máquina. En tal
 caso puedes borrar esa línea del /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.

No  me expliqué  bien.  Yo  lanzo el  server  en el  ordenador
principal, y  quiero que el  secundario pueda acceder a  las X
también, sin necesidad de correr el sistema en su máquina (486
+ 16Mb).

De momento tengo  en el terminal la  posibilidad de trabajar
con WMaker+Comunicator+rxvt... con 16Mb de RAM y no tira de la
swap (local)

El principal tiene 128 Mb. Ahora, por ejemplo, tengo:


- WMaker+Comunicator+3 rxvt+Emacs


- WMaker+Comunicator.

Server/$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:128248 124504   3744  56164  11640  62508
-/+ buffers/cache:  50356  77892
Swap:   102496   4496  98000

Terminal/$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 14772  13776996   5288   1128   7736
-/+ buffers/cache:   4912   9860
Swap:32512868  31644

Digo yo que no está mal, :-)

Pues  eso,  que si  alguien  usa  Xdm  y puede  hacer  algunos


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB

 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-


Re: Distribucion pequeña para ordenador muy antiguo.

2000-03-22 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Tue, Mar 21, 2000,
Conrado Badenas...

  Aunque, me parece  que como no lo instale  a través de
  un  cable  serie-serie, lo  veo  muy  dificil, porque  ese
  portatil solo tiene disquetera

 es  capaz  de leer  disquetes  a  1.44 Mb  entonces  deberás
 generar diez disquetes...

 Una vez que tengas instalado  y configurado el sistema base,
 puedes continuar  la instalación  del resto de  paquetes que
 quieres que formen tu sistema operativo por Internet...

Quizás se pueda ahorrar el sistema  Base. Yo hace 2 días que
he instalado Debian  en un 486 via red ethernet.  Y a lo mejor
via cable serie aceptaría un proceso equivalente.

Lo que hice fue arrancar con el rescue de Hamm (el que tenía a
mano, ya había puesto la disquetera del ordenador principal en
el 486...), particionar/iniciar/configurar,  y entonces cargar
los drivers  con su disquete correspondiente  y configurar los
módulos  necesarios, en  mi caso  para poder  utilizar la  red
ethernet, en  el tuyo  los que toquen,  habrá que  trastear un
poco, O:-)

Cuando  te  lo  pida,  configuras la  red  como  si  tuvieras.
conexión permanente.  Mira más  abajo para  saber las  IPs que
colocar. Unos documentos:

Y Algún HOWTO:

Yo creo  que para  `dselect' _necesitas_ trabajar  como red,
pero  para   configurarlo  como  terminal  serie   tienes  más

El caso es que el resto de la instalación me ha entrado por la
tarjeta de 10Mbits/s, y no por el disquete, :-)

No hay que olvidar  configurar los daemons correspondientes en
el ordenador principal.

Configuras  la  red  del  ordenador  principal.  Necesitarás
seguramente recompilar el kernel. Además:

$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost  shevek  takver

$ cat /etc/networks

$ cat /etc/hostname

$ cat /etc/init.d/network
#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
#route add -net -- NO en núcleos 2.2.x
GATEWAY=-- fíjate en esto para cuando la instalación del 386 te 
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
#route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

Descomenta los `route' para kernels 2.0.x.

Ten  presente las  configuraciones del  MTA y  el servidor  de
news, entre otros, si has cambiado nombres.

Necesitas el paquete `nfs-server' para que el 386 pueda montar
el  CD  con  la  distribución.  Y se  ponen  estas  líneas  en

nfs/2 dgram  rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd rpc.nfsd
nfs/2 stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd rpc.nfsd

$ cat /etc/exports
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
#   to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
/var/spool/backup/updates   (ro,insecure,all_squash,no_root_squash)
/a  (ro,insecure,all_squash,no_root_squash)

Necesitas,   lógicamente,   `telnetd/telnet'  (o   ssh)   para
`servidor/terminal'.   Tampocoes   malaidea   instalar
`telnetd/ssh' en el  386 por si algún día se  cuelga y pierdes
la posibilidad de matar el proceso malicioso.

En `/etc/inetd.conf' yo tengo esto:

telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  

Y habrá que darle acceso a `root' a conectarse desde terminal:

$ cat /etc/securrety
# /etc/securetty: list of terminals on which root is allowed to login.
# See securetty(5) and login(1).

Volviendo a la instalación, después  de reiniciar el sistema y
entrar en `dselect', se selecciona el método de acceso: `nfs'

Te pide la  IP del servidor (la conoces) y  el pathname, que
no será otro  que el directorio donde  montes (previamente) el

Después el directorio que contiene el Packages, esto ya como
en el caso habitual...

Una vez  acabé la instalación,  actualice via `nfs' y  `apt' a
Slink, :-)

# mount -t nfs shevek:/cd /cdrom

En el /etc/apt/sources.list

deb file:/cdrom stable main contrib non-free non-US

# apt-get updates

# apt-get dist-upgrade

Y a partir de este momento, ya está, ¿no?

Las  actualizaciones via  Internet/cdrom para  el principal  y
para el 386 via 


2000-03-22 Thread Angel Carrasco
Neil D. Roberts wrote:

 La conexion por RDSI la haces con un pppd ?Si fuese asi, normalmente se 
 pondria pppd.* /dev/null

 No se si esto contesta tu peticion, pero intentare ayudarte :)

 Angel Carrasco wrote:

  Neil D. Roberts wrote:
   Sips, o incluso a otra consola, veamos, simplemente hay que ir a 
   /etc/syslog.conf y añadir la
   *.* /dev/null
   Nada mas, y despues le haces un killall -HUP syslogd y estara 
   solucionado. Yo tengo la salida
   del syslogd en el tty12, para cuando haga pruebas y cosas, lo tengo al 
   alcanze rapidamente
   Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
   Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
   Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
   Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
   PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709
   A modest man is usually admired; if people ever hear of him.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Mcuhas gracias por todo, pero te digo, me interesa que ciertos mensajes del 
  kernel referidos a mi
  RDSI no se vean.
  en la parte inicial del fichero, peudes desviarlos donde quieras.
  La verdad es que me interesa saber si hay alguna forma correcta de hacer 
  esto. Y no sesgar todos
  los mensajes.
  Muchas gracias
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
 Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
 Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
 Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
 PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709

 Al Gore is proof that Tennessee has a sense of humor.

 This signature was made by SigChanger.
 You can find SigChanger at:

El tema es el siguiente con ciertos nodos de españa entre ellos el de madrid, 
la conexión a dos
canales B, ya sabes que el kernel te infla a warningsss. Esta telefonica

Entonces, sale una tal kernel: isdn_ppp_device nosecua,  MP,  y si saliera 
una vez por mi como si
le metian fuego, pero me saldra, y no te exagero 5 cada minuto y no tengo logs 
sino enciclopedias

En /etc/syslog.conf

He hecho:

De cara a que me salga todo lo demás y sólo censure esto. Se me ha olvidado 
decir que esto te sale en
cualquier consola mientras trabajas y lo peor de todo es que no puedes anularlo 
todo, porque estoy
buscando fallos ahora mismo en él.

Muchas gracias por todo amigo.


Re: Xdm: con instalar no basta, hay que frotarrr!

2000-03-22 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Cosme P. Cuevas wrote:
 (Consulta sobre seguridad)
Afortunadamente vivo tras un firewall bastante seguro (más que
nada por lo lento que resulta acceder), así que nunca me preocupé
por los temas de seguridad.

 ...  Yo  lanzo el  server  en el  ordenador
 principal, y  quiero que el  secundario pueda acceder a  las X
 también, sin necesidad de correr el sistema en su máquina (486
 + 16Mb).
 De momento tengo  en el terminal la  posibilidad de trabajar
 con WMaker+Comunicator+rxvt... con 16Mb de RAM y no tira de la
 swap (local)
 El principal tiene 128 Mb. Ahora, por ejemplo, tengo:
 - WMaker+Comunicator+3 rxvt+Emacs
 - WMaker+Comunicator.
Veamos, el X-server es el programa que se encarga de hacer de
interfase entre comandos gráficos que son independientes del
hardware y tus dispositivos físicos (tarjeta gráfica, teclado,
mouse). Si quieres que en una pantalla se vean dibujitos
*necesitas* un X-server corriendo en la cpu donde esa pantalla
está conectada.
El resto de los programas bajo X-windows son clientes X-windows,
para dibujar algo en pantalla se lo piden al servidor, que es
quien sabe como hacerlo. Esta petición puede viajar a través de
una red, de manera que puedes ejecutar el programa cliente en
una máquina y verlo en otra. Entre estos programas clientes
está, en particular el window manager. De manera que no
necesitas ejecutar en tu terminal ni el WMaker ni el comunicator,
ambos podrían ejecutarse en tu ordenador principal y mostrarse en
la pantalla de tu terminal (y manejarse desde el teclado y mouse
de tu terminal).
En resumen, lo único que necesitas en tu terminal es el X-server.
De hecho, hay algunos x-servers que corren sobre otros sistemas
operativos, y te permiten acceder a tu máquina a través de xdm,
como si fueran una terminal.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Distribucion pequeña para ordenador muy antiguo.

2000-03-22 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
   Una preguntita. ?Sabeis de algun programa tipo Rebirth
(principalmente los modulos de cajas de ritmo) que vaya en un 486? A ser
posible me gustaria que pudiera ser completamente programable (del tipo
4 compases de este ritmo, uno de aquel y 2 del otro) y con posibilidad
de elegir los sonidos. Ya puestos, para pedir aun mas si es libre (y
gratuito) mejor que mejor :P

   Gracias anticipadas


Uy, me cole

2000-03-22 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
   Perdon. me cole con el titulo del mensaje (eso de acer reply...)

como eliminar paquete que se resiste

2000-03-22 Thread Eduardo Fernandez Corrales

Estoy tratando de instalar el kde2 para probar. Tenia instalado el kde 1.1
y lo he quitado antes. Bueno, o eso intento porque no soy capaz de quitar
el paquete kdebase.

Me sale este error:

# dpkg --purge kdebase
(Reading database ... 51312 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing kdebase ...
dpkg: error processing kdebase (--purge):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

¿Que opcion puedo usar para forzar que se quite este paquete? 

Gracias anticipadas
Eduardo Fernández Corrales
Sistelnet Integraciones Telemáticas -
NUEVOS TELEFONOS: 95-4186897 95-4186898 902-293030 Fax: 954186901

RE: Me temo que mi mfdem es un winmfdem :o(

2000-03-22 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 11:05 AM 2000-03-22 +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:

 mira a ver si tiene algún tipo de chip rockwell, si lo tiene no es

Creo que sí que lo tiene, aunque como ya está instalado ha sido un poco
difícil de ver :o)

De todas formas es un poco raro porque si abro algunos de los ficheros
.INF que vienen con los drivers de mi módem, allí pone Rockwell SoftK56 PCI
Modem. Pero si abro la parte del módem en el panel de control de la
configuración de windows, pone Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI
  ^^^   ^^^

Soft y PCI. Esas dos palabras en la descripción de un módem hacen suponer
(con un 99.87% de efectividad) que es un WinModem.

Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread Santi

Que tal?

Que caracter de control hay que poner al inicio de /etc/issue para que
la pantalla se borre (como con clear) cada vez que se inicia una nueva
sesion en consola? Ya he probado ctrl+l. No funciona.

De donde saca la informacion el codigo de escape \o que colocado 
en /etc/issue equivale a escribir el dominio de la maquina en el texto.
En mi maquina no encuentra la informacion y pone: (none).

Quiza alguien me pueda pasar su fichero /etc/issue e intentare
resolver yo mis propias dudas.

Santiago Fernandez

Departamento de Fisica Aplicada,
Facultad de Fisica,
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread Pookie
es un archivo con codigos ansi, asi que si no me acuerdo mal es ESC[2J

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 6:10 PM
Subject: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

 Que tal?

 Que caracter de control hay que poner al inicio de /etc/issue para que
 la pantalla se borre (como con clear) cada vez que se inicia una nueva
 sesion en consola? Ya he probado ctrl+l. No funciona.

 De donde saca la informacion el codigo de escape \o que colocado
 en /etc/issue equivale a escribir el dominio de la maquina en el texto.
 En mi maquina no encuentra la informacion y pone: (none).

 Quiza alguien me pueda pasar su fichero /etc/issue e intentare
 resolver yo mis propias dudas.

 Santiago Fernandez

 Departamento de Fisica Aplicada,
 Facultad de Fisica,
 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ¿Qué está pasando?

2000-03-22 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Mejor 'fuser /floppy' y buscar al responsable :)


On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 05:42:27PM +, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Diego Bote wrote:
  ¿Puede algien explicarme qué está pasando?
  mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy
 Parece que algún proceso o algún usuario están usando el directorio
 /floppy y por eso no lo puedes usar para montar /dev/fd0
 Revisa con ps aux y w a ver si descubres quien es el culpable.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: como eliminar paquete que se resiste

2000-03-22 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Al parecer el programa de desinstalación no está bien hecho, te
recomiendo que mires /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdebase.postrm para ver qué está
pasando e incluso la ejecutes tú 'a mano'.
Si cambias la primera línea que será:

#!/bin/sh -x
podrás (al ejecutarlo) ver en la salida qué es lo que hace y por
qué aborta.

Parece que esos paquetes de kde 1.1 no estaban muy bien hechos...


On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 02:33:45PM +, Eduardo Fernandez Corrales wrote:
 Estoy tratando de instalar el kde2 para probar. Tenia instalado el kde 1.1
 y lo he quitado antes. Bueno, o eso intento porque no soy capaz de quitar
 el paquete kdebase.
 Me sale este error:
 # dpkg --purge kdebase
 (Reading database ... 51312 files and directories currently installed.)
 Removing kdebase ...
 dpkg: error processing kdebase (--purge):
  subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 ¿Que opcion puedo usar para forzar que se quite este paquete? 
 Gracias anticipadas
 Eduardo Fernández Corrales
 Sistelnet Integraciones Telemáticas -
 NUEVOS TELEFONOS: 95-4186897 95-4186898 902-293030 Fax: 954186901
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread Santi

Buena memoria. Con ESC[2J la pantalla se limpia, pero el texto comienza
a escribirse abajo de todo :-(

Sabes donde puedo echarle un vistazo a los codigos ansi?

 Subject: Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

es un archivo con codigos ansi, asi que si no me acuerdo mal es ESC[2J

- Original Message -
Subject: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

 Que tal?

 Que caracter de control hay que poner al inicio de /etc/issue para que
 la pantalla se borre (como con clear) cada vez que se inicia una nueva
 sesion en consola? Ya he probado ctrl+l. No funciona.

 De donde saca la informacion el codigo de escape \o que colocado
 en /etc/issue equivale a escribir el dominio de la maquina en el texto.
 En mi maquina no encuentra la informacion y pone: (none).

 Quiza alguien me pueda pasar su fichero /etc/issue e intentare
 resolver yo mis propias dudas.


Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread gdiaz
En esta dirección puedes tener los códigos ANSI.

Te adelanto que si lo que quieres es mover el cursor, he aquí la receta:

ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#f
Moves cusor to line #, column #


Genaro Díaz


2000-03-22 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Creo que no tienes ningún problema con el módulo de la tarjeta de
sonido: los mensajes que te da se refieren a los módulos de sistemas de
ficheros, a la red, a driver para controladora SCSI, el disquete (¡ojo!,
aunque seguramente lo hayas incluido directamente en el núcleo), al
soporte para ipv6 y algunas cosas más.  Al compilar el núcleo
seguramente has incluido directamente el soporte para algunos
dispositivos (floppy, puerto de impresora y puertos serie) y hayas
eliminado lo que no necesites (soporte PCMCIA por ejemplo).
Identifica estos módulos que ya no usas (la lista que has enviado te es
suficiente) y bórralos de /etc/modules. Consejo de amigo: hazle una
copia antes a este fichero (cp /etc/modules /etc/modules.ori).
Por cierto, antes de estos mensajes de error ¿no te muestra otros el

isaaclinux wrote:

 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/fs/isofs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/fs/isofs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/fs/nfs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/fs/nfsd.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/net/cops.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/net/ltpc.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/scsi/aic7xxx.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/scsi/sd_mod.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/block/floppy.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/ipv6/ipv6.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/video/vfb.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/ipx.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/isdn_bsdcomp.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/lp.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/maui.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/serial.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/misc/sunrpc.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/pcmcia/ibmtr_cs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/pcmcia/iscc_cs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/pcmcia/mpsuni_cs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/pcmcia/serial_cb.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.7/pcmcia/serial_cs.o

Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread David Gironella Casademont
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Santi wrote:
Yo en mi issue tengo lo siguiente para borra la pantalla
Lo referente al nombre del dominio lo deve coger del hostname del /etc
 Que tal?
 Que caracter de control hay que poner al inicio de /etc/issue para que
 la pantalla se borre (como con clear) cada vez que se inicia una nueva
 sesion en consola? Ya he probado ctrl+l. No funciona.
 De donde saca la informacion el codigo de escape \o que colocado 
 en /etc/issue equivale a escribir el dominio de la maquina en el texto.
 En mi maquina no encuentra la informacion y pone: (none).
 Quiza alguien me pueda pasar su fichero /etc/issue e intentare
 resolver yo mis propias dudas.
 Santiago Fernandez
 Departamento de Fisica Aplicada,
 Facultad de Fisica,
 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  David Gironella Casademont
  Estudiant Informatica de Sistemes - Universitat de Girona
  Administrador d'Hades [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Secretari Associació d'Estudiants d'Informàtica de Girona AEIGI
  AEIGi Web -
  Membre Claustral EPS
  Membre de Junta d'escola
  Giro Web -

Re: Comunicacion con adaptador RDSI

2000-03-22 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Ximo Nadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Tengo un adaptador externo RDSI y quiero poder enviarle par=E1metros de 
 configuraci=F3n y ver los mensajes de estado sin establecer una 
 conexi=F3n PPP =BFcon que programita creeis que me resultaria mas f=E1cil 
 hacerlo de los que vienen con Debian (sin usar las X)?.
 Si alguien tiene funcionando un adaptador RDSI ZyXEL Omni TA128 y 
 est=E1 contento con su configuraci=F3n le estaria infinitamente 
 agradecido si pudiese ayudarme a configurar el mio (no se si es que 
 va por libre o no me entero pero no puedo con =E9l en Debian sin 
 embargo con M$-Windows va perfecto, aunque me pese). 

Si no recuerdo mal los adaptadores externos no funcionaban con
Linux, aunque no me hagas mucho caso...

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-22 Thread Correcaminos
El Wed, Mar 22, 2000 a las 06:34:39PM +0100, Santi dijo: 
 Buena memoria. Con ESC[2J la pantalla se limpia, pero el texto comienza
 a escribirse abajo de todo :-(
 Sabes donde puedo echarle un vistazo a los codigos ansi?

Espero que no se molesten por la longitud de este correo. Tambien
espero que sea de utilidad...


Wherever you see '#', that should be replaced by the appropriate number.

ESC code sequence   Function
   ---  ---
Cursor Controls:
 ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#f   Moves cusor to line #, column #
 ESC[#A Moves cursor up # lines
 ESC[#B Moves cursor down # lines
 ESC[#C Moves cursor forward # spaces
 ESC[#D Moves cursor back # spaces
 ESC[#;#R   Reports current cursor line  column
 ESC[s  Saves cursor position for recall later
 ESC[u  Return to saved cursor position

Erase Functions:
 ESC[2J Clear screen and home cursor
 ESC[K  Clear to end of line

Set Graphics Rendition:
 ESC[#;#;;#mSet display attributes where # is
0 for normal display
1 for bold on
4 underline (mono only)
5 blink on
7 reverse video on
8 nondisplayed (invisible)
30 black foreground 
31 red foreground 
32 green foreground 
33 yellow foreground 
34 blue foreground 
35 magenta foreground 
36 cyan foreground 
37 white foreground
40 black background
41 red background
42 green background
43 yellow background
44 blue background
45 magenta background
46 cyan background
47 white background

 ESC[=#;7h or   Put screen in indicated mode where # is
 ESC[=h or  0 for 40 x 25 black  white
 ESC[=0h or 1 for 40 x 25 color
 ESC[?7h2 for 80 x 25 bw
3 for 80 x 25 color
4 for 320 x 200 color graphics
5 for 320 x 200 b  w graphics
6 for 640 x 200 b  w graphics
7 to wrap at end of line 

 ESC[=#;7l or ESC[=l or Resets mode # set with above command
 ESC[=0l or ESC[?7l

Keyboard Reassignments:
 ESC[#;#;...p   Keyboard reassignment. The first ASCII
 or ESC[stringp   code defines which code is to be 
 or ESC[#;string;#;   changed. The remaining codes define
#;string;#p   what it is to be changed to.

 E.g. Reassign the Q and q keys to the A and a keys (and vice versa).
 ESC [65;81pA becomes Q
 ESC [97;113p   a becomes q
 ESC [81;65pQ becomes A
 ESC [113;97p   q becomes a

 E.g. Reassign the F10 key to a DIR command.
 ESC [0;68;dir;13pThe 0;68 is the extended ASCII code 
for the F10 key and 13 is the ASCII
code for a carriage return.
 Other function key codes   F1=59,F2=60,F3=61,F4=62,F5=63


  Subject: Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?
 es un archivo con codigos ansi, asi que si no me acuerdo mal es 

Linux Alianza Ofrece Sitios Gratuitos a los Grupos de Usuarios Linux en Latinoamérica

2000-03-22 Thread Michael Anderson
Marzo 22, 2000 - Linux Alianza anunció hoy un servicio de proveer sitios
gratuitos para los Grupos de Usuarios de Linux en toda Latinoamérica.

Linux Alianza registró 18 nombres de dominio Linux para el uso de Grupos
de Usuarios de habla española:

Como y ya son mantenidos por Grupos de
Usuarios en sus respectivos países, esto unifica el espacio de nombres
de dominio para Grupos de Usuarios de Linux en toda Latinoamérica. 
Estos nuevos sitios también estarán disponibles a través del multi-sitio
de Linux Alianza, A
HREF=;  Todos los Grupos
de Usuarios de Linux en estos países están invitados a aprovechar de los
recursos gratuitos que ofrecen  estos sitios. Los GULs existentes
también pueden registrarse en para que sea
mucho más sencillo localizarlos.

La ruta más rápida hacia el Dominio Mundial de Linux es a través del
apoyo comercial de las actividades de la comunidad, explica Mike
Anderson, Gerente General y CTO de Linux Alianza, muchos Grupos de
Usuarios de Linux en Latinoamérica carecen de recursos o del acceso para
poder crear su propio sitio web. Además, los nombre de los dominios de
sus sitios son generalmente no muy claros o no relacionados con Linux -
esta agrupación de dominios hará muy fácil el ser encontrado.

Acerca de Linux Alianza:

Linux Alianza es una alianza de sitios de Linux, completamente en
Español (los sitios en Portugués Brasileño estarán en línea el 15 de
Abril) los cuales promueven Linux en Latinoamérica a través de su
concepto Comunidad y Comercio.  El multi-sitio, ingresado a A
HREF=;, incluye centros
comerciales para negocios Linux además de toda la información, recursos
y áreas de servicio normalmente encontradas en los sitios de Linux. 
Linux Alianza lanzó su multi-sitio el 17 de Febrero.  Negocios Linux
interesados en alcanzar el vasto mercado Latinoamericano deben visitar
el sitio (Inglés),
(Español) y comunicarse con Mike Anderson a [EMAIL PROTECTED] para
promociones, inversiones y oportunidades de comercio en Linux Alianza.

Para mayor información comuníquese con:

Mike Anderson
Linux Alianza (English) (Español) (Português) (Usuario)
+52 4 732-5789

Actualizar procesador

2000-03-22 Thread Cesar

Saludos a todos .

  Tengo un Pentium 200-MMX y estoy pensando en actualizarlo.
   En he localizado un  procesador
AMD K6-2  533  MHz .

 533MHz processor. 64K L1, L2 Cache on
 motherboard. Requires Socket 7
 motherboard with compliant BIOS and
 capable of 97MHz FSB.
 Product Code: AMDK62533K
   por   78 $ .

   La cuestiòn es que no hace referencia a Linux. Serìa posible
hacer la actualizaciòn sin problemas.
La placa base es una  i430TX  con BIOS Award v4.51PG

   ¿Puede alguien aconsejarme algo ?

  ¿ Por cierto que son los 97 MHz  FSB ?

Gracias anticipadas .


Re: Sobre el pasado Expo-Linux

2000-03-22 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Andres Herrera!

El día Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 02:51:17PM CET

 Yo pienso que tienes toda la razon, pero no se si el mundo Linux por si
 mismo tiene recursos para organizar algo parecido sin contar con esas

pues montemos cosas más pequeñas pero más centradas en Linux. No le veo
ninguna ventaja a las macroreuniones y de hecho la comparación ExpoLinux -
Hispalinux lo demuestra

 Tanto pasar por el aro como no hacerlo son posturas que tienen sus ventajas
 e inconvenientes, pero aun no tengo claro que sera peor.

yo no le veo ninguna ventaja a pasar por el aro


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\


2000-03-22 Thread Ángel Carrasco

En el kernel 2.0.29, y tengo ipfwadm, no puedo apagar ni reiniciar la
máquina porque está permanentemente conectada. Os pregunta, se puede hacer
nat statico?

un saludo.


Quickstart para amd?

2000-03-22 Thread xscript . geo
He instalado el amd en slink, haver si ya no voy a tener que estar montando y
El caso es que me gustaria saber si alguien tiene o sabe donde hay algun texto
tipo quickstart para amd, ya que el uso que le voy a dar va a ser muy simple.

Gracias desde ya
No se aprecia la importancia de una copia de seguridad hasta que es necesaria.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


2000-03-22 Thread xscript . geo
El 22-Mar-00 Neil D. Roberts dijo:
 Sips, o incluso a otra consola, veamos, simplemente hay que ir a
 /etc/syslog.conf y añadir la
 *.* /dev/null
 Nada mas, y despues le haces un killall -HUP syslogd y estara solucionado. Yo
 tengo la salida
 del syslogd en el tty12, para cuando haga pruebas y cosas, lo tengo al
 alcanze rapidamente
Una pregunta. Quizas es una tonteria, pero si hago eso de enviar la salida a la
consola 12...impide que se sigan guardando los logs en el disco? o ejecuta las
dos tareas: diferentes logs al disco, y ademas, todo por la consola 12?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Last chance: unresolved symbols and depmod weirdness

2000-03-22 Thread John Dalbec
 On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 10:36:35PM -0500, Jonathan Markevich wrote:
  Please tell me I'm a moron and I'm clearly not running *command x*.  Please
  tell me something...  It's getting so blowing the thing away and
  reinstalling takes less time and frustration.

The depmod weirdness is a bug in the initscripts.
If the hardware (BIOS) clock is set to local time (e.g. if you dual-boot a
well-known OS) then files created before /etc/rcS/ runs have
an incorrect timestamp.  I had good luck renaming the symlink to
but YMMV.
If you're not dual-booting you may want to look at the manpage for hwclock
and /etc/default/rcS.

Re: Is it possible for finger to not show .forward?

2000-03-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 06:07:28PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 On 21-Mar-2000 George Bonser wrote:
  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, David Karlin wrote:
  Obviously, finger could be disabled, but I'd like to keep it
  running on the internal network.
  Is there a way to get finger to not show .forward?
  Try using a different finger daemon. There are a lot of them and they
  allow different configuration options.
 I removed my finger daemon, but if I finger a user as root, I can read their
 .forward file.  I don't understand how that happens with no daemon.

/usr/bin/finger does not use finger daemon on the localhost.  and root
can read all files so root will always be able to see your .forward.
try finger as another user though and you won't see it.

as for fingerd i see no reason it should be run as anything other then
nobody, if at all.

Ethan Benson

Re: Star Office

2000-03-22 Thread Antonio Fiol Bonnín
Well, I did not really experience exactly the same thing, but I have well
tested that StarCalc has some bugs when managing memory. The more time you
work with it, the more it grows in memory. A lot to do with the UNDO
routines, I'm afraid.

So... you can *try reducing* the number of steps you want to be able to
undo to one or two, if possible. (For me, 5 was working reasonably well, 8
is far too much). Anyway, it all depends on your sheet.

Just a question: Does it last the same time the first time it recalculates
than the nth time? (For me, it was getting worse the more I worked.
Closing StarOffice and reopening 'solved' it, but closing the document
was not enough.) 

You can observe this behaviour by launching top and observing the sizes.

I tried to send a message to Sun, but I did not manage to find the right
address to do so.

Also, StarImpress has another bug, concerning animation of texts: If you
try to move more than one text object on the same slide, it hangs when
showing the slide in presentation mode, even though preview was fine.

Good little remarkable point for StarImpress: It supports animated GIFs,
which are not supported by... you know who.

Antonio Fiol

 I was wondering if anyone out there has had the same problem I have with 
 StarCalc.  In my work I routinely do data analysis on hundreds of thousands 
 of data points.  Normally, I use Excel on Win98 to do this but recently I 
 grew frustrated with Windows with all its bugs and crashes and reboots on a 
 daily basis.  I decided to try using Linux based on it's reputation for 
 stability and installed Corel and then subsequently Debian as a separate 
 partition in the same box.  When I try to run one of the standard data 
 analysis routines I use with Excel/Win98 it takes literally seconds to draw a 
 graph.  If I try to do the same thing with StarCalc the cpu grinds away for 
 minutes at nearly 100% usage and eventually the job crashes the system 
 altogether.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  

 The box is a 400MHz Pentium II, 64MB RAM, 1GB Linux partition


Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(, addendum

2000-03-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 12:08:03PM -0800, esoR ocsirF wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 10:59:17AM -0800, esoR ocsirF wrote:
  Hmmm I always just made my cdrom ( hdc ) world readable. this seemed
  should refer
  to the group
  idea :-]
  like a nice way to handle it but it didnt work for me.
  janet:/dev# ll cdrom
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root cdrom   8 Dec 13 04:54 cdrom - /dev/hdc
  janet:/dev# ll hdc
  brw-rw1 root cdrom 22,   0 Mar  3  1999 hdc
  janet:/etc# less group
   typo, is actually m :-/
  janet:/etc# less group-
   Ahhh the foibles of copy and paste :-)

in that case it should work, does id or groups show that you are a
member of the cdrom group?  is your cdrom REALLY /dev/hdc?  (secondary master)

Ethan Benson

Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(

2000-03-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 10:59:17AM -0800, esoR ocsirF wrote:

 Hmmm I always just made my cdrom ( hdc ) world readable. this seemed
 like a nice way to handle it but it didnt work for me.
 janet:/dev# ll cdrom
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root cdrom   8 Dec 13 04:54 cdrom - /dev/hdc
 janet:/dev# ll hdc
 brw-rw1 root cdrom 22,   0 Mar  3  1999 hdc
 janet:/etc# less group
 janet:/etc# less group-
 Does anyone know whats wrong with my setup? It seems fine to me but
 IANAG (I am not a guru ;-)

your group is wrong, cdros != cdrom 

Ethan Benson

Re: Status of RIVA TNT2 3D Support in XFree86 4.0...?

2000-03-22 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
There's actually something about this on today:

* Steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000321 15:22] penned:
 Hello All,
   I have not been able to find a definate answer as to the
 existence of 3D Support in XFree86 4.0 for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Card.
 Some stuff that I have read seems to indicate that there is not a 3D
 driver yet...?  Is this true?  Is there 3d support in X4, and if so,
 is it usable at all for things like Q3?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 They do not apprehend how being at variance it agrees with itself.

RE: Status of RIVA TNT2 3D Support in XFree86 4.0...?

2000-03-22 Thread Bryan Scaringe
There is 3d support, using GLX.  It doesnt use DRI (to wite directly to
the hardware, which means it's not as fast as it could be.  See slashdot
(today's edition, infact) for an excelent discussion on the topic.


On 21-Mar-2000 Steve wrote:
 Hello All,
   I have not been able to find a definate answer as to the
 existence of 3D Support in XFree86 4.0 for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Card.
 Some stuff that I have read seems to indicate that there is not a 3D
 driver yet...?  Is this true?  Is there 3d support in X4, and if so,
 is it usable at all for things like Q3?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: exim and spam relay

2000-03-22 Thread John Kuhn
It took some time, but I finally found an answer to the question I
posted.  If anyone else is having the same problem, the solution
is to set receiver_verify = true in /etc/exim.conf.  Exim will then
return a 550 status to the RCPT TO command in the following example.

John Kuhn wrote:

 telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Thu, 09 Mar 2000 14:45:18 -0500
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] is syntactically correct

Re: Bug#60891: xdm: Installs default tty7 line in Xservers -- breaks system

2000-03-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 04:11:44PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Package: xdm
 Version: N/A
 Severity: critical

I don't appreciate critical bug reports that reveal such profound ignorance
of the Debian system in general, and of the xdm package specifically.

 When installed with apt-get xdm postinst inserts a default line in
 /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers of ':0 local /usr/bin/X11/X vt7' if instructed to
 handle a local session.

It does no such thing.  You obviously didn't bother to read the postinst
script, so here it is.

# Debian xdm package post-installation script
# Copyright 1998-2000 Branden Robinson.
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.  See the file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL or
# Acknowlegements to Stephen Early, Mark Eichin, and Manoj Srivastava.

set -e

cleanup () {
  # unroll changes in xdm preinst
  for file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config; do
if [ -e $file.xdm-old ]; then
  rm $file
  mv $file.xdm-old $file
  /etc/init.d/xdm start

# TODO comment out these two functions for stable release
maplink () {
  # returns what symlink should point to
  case $1 in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config) echo /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config ;;

readlink () {
  # perl kludge until readlink(1) from tetex-bin is moved into an essential 
  # returns what symlink actually points to
  perl -e '$l = shift; exit 1 unless -l $l; $r = readlink $l; exit 1 unless $r; 
print $r\n' $1;

trap echo ;\
  echo 'Received signal.  Aborting configuration of xdm package.' ;\
  echo -n 'Cleaning up...' ;\
  cleanup ;\
  echo 'done.' ;\
  echo ;\
  exit 1 1 2 3 15

case $1 in
  configure) ;;
exit 0 ;;
echo ERROR: xdm postinst called with unknown argument \$1\.
echo Aborting configuration of xdm package.
echo -n Cleaning up...
echo done.
exit 1 ;;


# TODO sanity checks -- comment out these for stable release
for symlink in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config; do
  if [ -L $symlink ]; then
if [ $(maplink $symlink) != $(readlink $symlink) ]; then
  echo ERROR: $symlink symbolic link points to the wrong
  echo place.  Please report this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
  elif [ -e $symlink ]; then
echo ERROR: $symlink is not a symbolic link.
echo Please report this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
echo ERROR: $symlink symbolic link does not exist.
echo Please report this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -e /usr/doc/xdm -a -d /usr/share/doc/xdm ]; then
  ln -sf ../share/doc/xdm /usr/doc/xdm

# deal with a bug in very old versions of xbase
for dir in rc0.d rc1.d rc6.d; do
  if [ -L etc/$dir/K1xdm ]; then
mv /etc/$dir/K1xdm /etc/$dir/K01xdm

# don't start xdm if we're currently in X on the display it attempts
# to manage by default
for hostname in  localhost $(hostname) $(hostname -f); do
  if echo $DISPLAY | grep -q ^$hostname:0.*; then
# or if it's already running
if start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 0 --pid /var/run/ --exec 
/usr/bin/X11/xdm; then
# or if the options file says not to
if ! grep -qs ^restart-on-upgrade /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options; then

update-rc.d xdm defaults 99 01  /dev/null 21

if [ $xdm_running ]; then
  if [ -d /var/state/xdm ]; then
echo Note: obsolete directory /var/state/xdm cannot be removed because xdm 
is still
echo running.  Reinstall the xdm package (or remove the directory 
manually) when xdm
echo is not running.
  if [ -d /var/state/xdm ]; then
rm -r /var/state/xdm

[ $nostart ] || /etc/init.d/xdm start || true


 This will cause ANY system that has 'login'
 running on vt7 to break. In the instance of login running on the vt
 that xdm attempts to start on, ALL keyboard input is disabled. Mouse
 events work fine, but one is unable to enter a username/password.
 If the system is not network connected to allow killing xdm from
 remote a HARD reset is required and the system must be started in
 SINGLE mode in order to correct the error.

If YOU had READ the FAQ that is shipped with ALL Debian installations of the
X WINDOW SYSTEM, you would KNOW that this problem is WELL-KNOWN about and
that there is a WELL-KNOWN FIX.

You'd also UNDERSTAND that because /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers is a CONFFILE,
your CHANGES to the file, such as NOT STARTING AN X SERVER ON VT 7, are
RESPECTED during upgrades; if the upstream version has changed AND you have
MODIFIED your version, then you are ASKED which version you want to
install.  You are EXPLICITLY given the OPTION of KEEPING YOUR VERSION of
the file.  In 

Re: Is it possible for finger to not show .forward?

2000-03-22 Thread Steve Lamb
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:01:01PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 as for fingerd i see no reason it should be run as anything other then
 nobody, if at all.

Or run cfingerd.  It can be configured not to show the .forward.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(, addendum

2000-03-22 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:06:04PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 in that case it should work, does id or groups show that you are a
 member of the cdrom group?  is your cdrom REALLY /dev/hdc?  (secondary master)

groups does not show me as a member of cdrom. I did the following;
janet:~# useradd rosef cdrom

Which is what cdtools tells you to do when you attempt to access a
restriced drive. I am also listed in gshadow and gshadow- the same as
group and group- respectively. Further, groups lists me as a member of
dip. There is no apparent difference between the way I am listed for
dip and the way I am listed for cdrom in the group files.

And, yes, my cdrom is hdc. I have 2 ide drives on the first ide channel 
and cdrom and ide tape on the second. I remember seeing this as the 
recomended configuration when I installed my tape drive.

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: Rename files

2000-03-22 Thread Christian Surchi
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 12:34:07PM -0800, brian moore wrote:

 rename 's/_/ /g' *.mp3

rename? :o

| Christian Surchi   || www. |   
| FLUG: | Debian GNU/Linux: | org  | 

Every program is a part of some other program, and rarely fits.

Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(, addendum

2000-03-22 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (esoR ocsirF) wrote:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:06:04PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 in that case it should work, does id or groups show that you are a
 member of the cdrom group?  is your cdrom REALLY /dev/hdc?
 (secondary master)

groups does not show me as a member of cdrom. I did the following;
janet:~# useradd rosef cdrom

Which is what cdtools tells you to do when you attempt to access a
restriced drive. I am also listed in gshadow and gshadow- the same as
group and group- respectively. Further, groups lists me as a member of
dip. There is no apparent difference between the way I am listed for
dip and the way I am listed for cdrom in the group files.

If groups isn't displaying the right output after a useradd, then my
guess is that you haven't logged out and in again since the useradd ...?

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Limping and bleeding with Corel Linux

2000-03-22 Thread Val Dokuzovic
Hi there,
My brief? story: I am (was?) a windowman (meaning a mouseman
-computer (almost) illiterate). Got sick and tired of being called
basically a criminal, by my Laptop using Windows, with messages such as
illegal operation. Bought Corel Linux based on Debian. After spending
a month trying to figure out how to install this thing (luckily, I was
really sick with a bad case of cold), found out that I can not install
it on my laptop. Turned to my sons old PC NEC Ready 60, and gave it a
new name:
This will be my MLINUX machine (mean linux machine). After a nightmare
and at least (35 installations or attempts) that lasted several weeks
this is where I am: I installed one copy of linux to my C: drive and one
to my D: drive. The idea was that if I manage to get one crashed I will
simply use the other one, (maybe try to fix the first one with it -
remember I do not really know a lot?) My principal copy was on C: drive.
My backup is on D: drive. I got them both running reasonable well. I
had only one problem left: RAM. I have 104M, and machine thought I had
64M. This is where append=mem=104M in etc/lilo.conf became an option
to try. Last time I tried it I got a bad crash from which could not
recover. (That was what gave me the idea of the two copies). This time I
tried it on my backup copy. It did work as far as RAM but boy am I in
a mess now. I can not get my C: copy to run. D: copy I can barely get to
too. It is now for some reason my first suggested choice and my C:
copy is linux a2 in the lilo window. When I try to run a2 all I get is a 
flashing - cursor. Pressing ctrl alt del gets me back to lilo window.
Choosing Linux everything goes well until Checking file system ,
then I get some text scrolling. The text has a black line horizontally
across it. Them I get a message that fsck failed fix manually or press
ctrl D to resume (you guess which one I choose?). ctrl D gets me to
workable copy on my D: drive from where I am sending this SOS message.
On my laptop I have windows 98 and I am still resisting to go there.
With all the trouble I went through (and all I still probably will go
through) I am becoming more and more attached to linux, as I slowly
learn its intricacies. But a thought went through my mind. Linux is
supposed to be a free software. Is Debian really free? Is it free if
only programming elite can use it? Or are we mousemen really retarded
now after prolonged use of windows? Attached are my messy etc/lilo.conf
files. One with root at dev/hda2 is my C: copy. Please help. I do not
dare to do anything on my own anymore. If any debian expert lives in
Toronto area I am willing to pay him to get my mlinux machine in a
perfect order. Thank you for help. Val.boot=/dev/hda

message = /boot/splash.lilo
append=no-scroll mem=104M
append=3 mem=104M
append=1 mem=104M

message = /boot/splash.lilo
append=no-scroll mem=104M
append=3 mem=104M
append=1 mem=104M

Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(, addendum

2000-03-22 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:27:56AM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 If groups isn't displaying the right output after a useradd, then my
 guess is that you haven't logged out and in again since the useradd ...?
ACK! I have gotten so used to things working when I do them ( as opposed
to Windoughs, where you have to reboot in order for anything to be
current ). Is there a specific reason why this doesn't happen
dynamically? Thanks for the help

PS. I remember someones signature from a while ago with something to the

Windows has detected mouse button activity, You must restart Windows for 
 changes to be effective. Would you like to restart your computer now?

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: ssh loading at startup

2000-03-22 Thread Jason Christensen

 trying to get ssh to load at boot
 i have created a script in /etc/init.d called ssh
 i have also created a symbolic link to it from
 /etc/rc2.d called S20ssh
 but upon bootup the log says
 /etc/init.d/rc: /etc/rc2.d/S20ssh:  Permission denied

Does root have execute permissions on the script in /etc/init.d that
S20ssh points to? The symlink permissions are ignored.


 anyone know why, or maybe an easier way then the one explained?
  i have made the script that i think will work /etc/init.d/ssh
  #! /bin/sh
  # /etc/init.d/ssh: start and stop the secure shell(tm) daemon
  test -x /usr/local/sbin/sshd || exit 0
  # Configurable options:
  case $1 in
  echo -n Starting Secure Shell server: sshd
   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --exec
  echo .
  echo -n Stopping Secure Shell server: sshd
   start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
  /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/sshd
  echo .
  echo -n Reloading Secure Shell server's configuration
   start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
  /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/sshd
   echo .
  echo -n Restarting Secure Shell server: sshd
   start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
  /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/sshd
   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --exec
   echo .
   echo Usage: /etc/init.d/ssh {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart}
   exit 1
  exit 0
  but how do i make a symlinks
  to it:
   /etc/rc[RUNLEVEL].d is where you have to put symlinks to this script
  i am a newbie
  - Original Message -
  From: Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: debian list; recipient list not shown:
  Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 3:38 PM
  Subject: Re: ssh loading at startup
   /etc/init.d/ is where you have to put the script
   /etc/rc[RUNLEVEL].d is where you have to put symlinks to this script
   On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Beavis wrote:
everytime i reboot my linux box i have to run the ssh deamon
where can i put a line to tell it to start the ssh service at bootup
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Group for /dev/cdrom, Does not work for me :-(, addendum

2000-03-22 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (esoR ocsirF) wrote:
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:27:56AM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 If groups isn't displaying the right output after a useradd, then my
 guess is that you haven't logged out and in again since the useradd ...?

ACK! I have gotten so used to things working when I do them ( as opposed
to Windoughs, where you have to reboot in order for anything to be
current ). Is there a specific reason why this doesn't happen
dynamically? Thanks for the help

You rarely have to reboot in Linux, but you often have to restart
processes. It's not really something that can be fixed; each process
(say, each shell) keeps its own list of the groups to which it belongs.
To change these dynamically, you'd have to have useradd invade every
other process and change its list of groups. When you consider that
processes owned by any given user can take on new supplementary groups
using things like newgrp, or even potentially have a completely
different set of groups if they're invoked by something setgid, this is
a very difficult problem, and violates expected inter-process protection
something horrific. (Although useradd has root privileges, admittedly.)

Basically, don't go there. :) I'd be amazed if it were possible to do
this cleanly. Don't start thinking you need to reboot, but do expect to
have to restart processes sometimes when something major affects them.
It's usually not too much of a problem.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: checking md5sum of installed packages

2000-03-22 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 02:14:38AM +, Jim Breton wrote:
 I'm sure this has come up before but searching the archives for dpkg
 md5sum etc. just comes up with WAY too many matches.  :(
 Anyway my question is: is there a dpkg command I can run that will check
 the md5sums of all my dpkg-installed files?

debsums, but read the man page so you don't worry about some of the sums
that don't match.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Debian rocks

2000-03-22 Thread Mike Werner
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 11:19:28AM -0800, Bart Friederichs wrote:
 I have 8M, but the upper 4 are bad. I am just busy installing it now. I
 *know* it is the ram that does it ; ). Maybe I will get me more RAM, hope it
 is easy to get some 30pins SIMMs.

Take a look at ... specifically
Listed there are 1meg, 4 meg, and 16meg SIMMs, with a variety of
the 1 meg and the 4 meg parts.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

comsat, biff and icmplogd

2000-03-22 Thread str8edge
I'm trying to figure out why my icmplogs are showing UDP connections
whenever my system recieve email. The connections are on UDP port 512.
I'm using sendmail from woody as my MTA. It makes no difference whether or
not biff is installed.
the log reads:
Mar 21 21:16:37 sxe icmplogd: destination unreachable from localhost
any ideas about how to solve this one would be appreciated.



Re: What r the correct perms for SW in /usr/local ?

2000-03-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 10:07:18PM -0500, S. Salman Ahmed wrote:

 The only way around the problem for non-root users was to create a new
 group (javauser), chgrp -R javauser /usr/local/uml/Together, and then
 add myself to that group javauser. The permissions before this fix were
 sth like:

this seems broken to me

 @phoenix:[/usr/local/uml/Together] dir
 total 19076
 drwxr-sr-x   13 root staff1024 Mar 21 21:20 ./
 drwxrwsrwx3 root staff1024 Mar 21 21:19 ../
 drwxrwxr-x6 1002 staff1024 Mar 21 21:44 bin/
 -rw-rw-r--1 1002 staff   5 Mar 12 13:29 buildnum.txt
 drwxrwx--x2 1002 staff1024 Mar 21 21:28 config/
 drwxr-xr-x6 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:27 doc/
 drwxrwxr-x7 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:28 help/
 drwxr-xr-x6 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:29 lib/
 drwxrwxr-x2 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:29 license/
 drwxr-xr-x4 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:28 modules/
 drwxrwxr-x2 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:29 myprojects/
 drwxrwxr-x2 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:27 out/
 -rw-rw-r--1 1002 staff   17934 Mar 12 13:29 readme.html
 drwxr-xr-x3 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:28 samples/
 drwxrwxr-x2 1002 staff1024 Mar 12 13:29 source/

these files should have a real owner.

 Which, finally, leads to my question: what should the correct
 permissions be of an application/software installed in /usr/local ?

owned by root.root writable by only the owner, ie exectables should be
mode 0755 (-rwxr-xr-x) directorys should be the same, ordinary
non-execuable files should be owned by root.root mode -644 (-rw-r--r--)

 For instance, I have noticed that the directory in which I have
 installed netscape-4.72 (from tarball) has some weird permissions:

chown -R root.root netscape/  chmod 755 netscape

 @phoenix:[/usr/local] dir netscape/
 total 24578
 drwxr-sr-x8 root  staff 1024 Feb 26 17:23 ./
 drwxrwsr-x   15 root  staff 1024 Mar 20 21:57 ../
 -r--r--r--1 5115  uucp 16154 Jan 31 09:09 LICENSE
 -r--r--r--1 5115  uucp323399 Jan 31 09:08
 -r--r--r--1 5115  uucp 16215 Jan 31 09:09 README
 -r--r--r--1 5115  uucp  4674 Oct 18  1994 XKeysymDB
 -r--r--r--1 5115  uucp 11357 Jan 31 09:11 bookmark.htm
 drwxr-xr-x3 5115  uucp  1024 Jan 31 09:11 java/


 This Together/J is a strange application in that it seems to be writing
 to dirs/files in the directory in which it is installed, but for other

this is *BROKEN* nothing should EVER be writing to its program files
or the directories its installed in, where did you get this program?
it sounds like it was written for win* or macos.

 applications that don't do this, what should the group and owner be for
 maximum security ?

debian by default installs all directories under /usr/local/
root.staff mode 2775, personally i think this is bogus, no non-root
user should be able to mess with stuff there, it just opens up all
kinds of ugly trojaning scenerios.  

so i recommend following the /usr/* permission model which is 

owner: root
group: root
umask 022 (executables and directories 0755, regular files 0644) 

any program that refuses to function in this environment is completely
broken and IMO deserves nothing less then a visit from Mr. rm -rf.
if you have such a program it is completely unsuitable for multiuser
use and you might as well have any user who wants to use the prgram
install it under there home directory in ~/usr/bin or ~/bin.

if you want to follow the debian style for /usr/local then everything
should be owned by root.staff, and possibly mode 0775, and be VERY
picky about who is in group staff.  I reccomend against this however.
if you are a member of group staff, and you run some program that does
nasty things, it has a whole mess of software in /usr/local it can
trojan. not just for you but for every user on the system.

Ethan Benson

MS Frontpage Ext.

2000-03-22 Thread Beavis

  has anyone experienced any bugs w/ the fp_extensions, for example
 i have a frontpage website loaded on my slink 2.2.14 and when a user tries
 to access the home page w/ netscape 4.7, they get a script error, loads
 w/ any other netscape ver., and not too many problems w/ iexplorer execpt
 that i have a few translucent buttons that don't work properly.

 i know it is not the source code because i have a mirrored site w/ a
 company, and their fp_extensions work fine, no bugs at all!  They are using
 a unix platform.

 are there any logs that can pin point the problem, or are there ways to
 debug it?  Not meaning to ask too many questions at once, but i am kind of
 new at this.

 thankx for any replies...take care...beavis

  What system are you using? I installed FP Ext and the tools on a Debian
  2.1 and did not have problems get this tools running.
  Try There you'll normally find the latest release including
  tools and the source code for the Apache module.
  On 19-Mar-2000 Werner Reisberger wrote:
   Does anybody know how to install Frontpage Server Extension on a
   system with libc6?
   I was able to compile Apache with the frontpage module but the
   of the extension failed becaused the binary therein are compiled
   libc5 and there aren't any sources @=
   I hate this stuff but some customers wants it.
   -- Werner
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Please reply only to
  Date: 20-Mar-2000
  Time: 23:16:33
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Authentication...? RADIUS ?

2000-03-22 Thread The_Phantom 74


I am trying to set up an ISP, and RADIUS has been sugested for the 
authenication and billing of the users on the dial up servers.

Any one have any recomendations??

Also WHERE can i find it???
It was not listed under dselect

But then I'm new to all this so I could be doing it wrong!!
Get Your Private, Free Email at


2000-03-22 Thread Don Cavaiani
How can I tell what speed I have been connected at to my ISP?

Re: MS Frontpage Ext.

2000-03-22 Thread aphro
what version of fp_extensions? where did you get it? what version of
apache?(if your not using apache what are you using?) how did you install
it ? etc etc .. just saying slink with kernel 2.2.14 says nothing.. the
distribution and kernel have virtually nothing to do with FP.

I run Apache 1.3.9 (self compiled) with:

mod_frontpage (aka fp2000)
mod_perl 1.2.1
AuthMySQL 2.20
mod_roaming 1.0
mod_gzip v???
mod_throttle v??

i got my frontpage stuff from

although i don't use it myself, some of my customers do and i havent heard
of any problems as of yet

and for the record i am running debian 2.1r4 with kernel
2.0.36+securelinux SMP. :/


On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Beavis wrote:

beavis   has anyone experienced any bugs w/ the fp_extensions, for example
beavis  i have a frontpage website loaded on my slink 2.2.14 and when a user 
beavis  to access the home page w/ netscape 4.7, they get a script error, loads
beavis fine
beavis  w/ any other netscape ver., and not too many problems w/ iexplorer 
beavis  that i have a few translucent buttons that don't work properly.
beavis  i know it is not the source code because i have a mirrored site w/ a
beavis hosting
beavis  company, and their fp_extensions work fine, no bugs at all!  They are 
beavis  a unix platform.
beavis  are there any logs that can pin point the problem, or are there ways to
beavis  debug it?  Not meaning to ask too many questions at once, but i am 
kind of
beavis  new at this.
beavis  thankx for any replies...take care...beavis
beavis   What system are you using? I installed FP Ext and the tools on a 
beavis  slink
beavis   2.1 and did not have problems get this tools running.
beavis   Try There you'll normally find the latest release 
beavis  the
beavis   tools and the source code for the Apache module.
beavis   Sven
beavis   On 19-Mar-2000 Werner Reisberger wrote:
beavisDoes anybody know how to install Frontpage Server Extension on a
beavis Debian
beavissystem with libc6?
beavisI was able to compile Apache with the frontpage module but the
beavis  installation
beavisof the extension failed becaused the binary therein are compiled
beavis against
beavislibc5 and there aren't any sources @=
beavisI hate this stuff but some customers wants it.
beavis-- Werner
beavisUnsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
beavis   --
beavis   Please reply only to
beavis   --
beavis   Date: 20-Mar-2000
beavis   Time: 23:16:33
beavis   --
beavis   --
beavis   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
beavis  /dev/null
beavis -- 
beavis Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
3:09pm up 215 days, 3:42, 1 user, load average: 1.03, 1.11, 1.08

Re: Authentication...? RADIUS ?

2000-03-22 Thread aphro
we use radius for both livingston portmasters and ascend max, i believe
radius is to some extent vendor specific, so i suggest contacting the
company who makes the equipment for compadible software. or do a search on

quite a few different ones depending on your needs.


On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, The_Phantom 74 wrote:

the_ph Hi
the_ph I am trying to set up an ISP, and RADIUS has been sugested for the 
the_ph authenication and billing of the users on the dial up servers.
the_ph Any one have any recomendations??
the_ph Also WHERE can i find it???
the_ph It was not listed under dselect
the_ph But then I'm new to all this so I could be doing it wrong!!
the_ph __
the_ph Get Your Private, Free Email at
the_ph -- 
the_ph Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
3:09pm up 215 days, 3:42, 1 user, load average: 1.03, 1.11, 1.08

Re: Speed

2000-03-22 Thread aphro
usually /var/log/messages will show what pppd/chat reports as the connect
speed.  this is not always accurate, depending on modem configuration
sometimes it shows just the speed of the port(like 115,200 and
57,600) rather then the real connect speed (like 31,200 48,000 etc)


On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Don Cavaiani wrote:

doncma How can I tell what speed I have been connected at to my ISP?
doncma -- 
doncma Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
3:09pm up 215 days, 3:42, 1 user, load average: 1.03, 1.11, 1.08

Re: Bug#60891: xdm: Installs default tty7 line in Xservers -- break s system

2000-03-22 Thread gvl

Note to the other two maintainers. Branden has closed the bug I
submitted. Based on the information he provided to me in his message I
feel that you also should close the bugs I submitted against gdm and
wdm. They should possibly be re-submitted at a lesser severity, but not
as critical. Please read my message below and determine for yourself.

Branden, I've just subscribed to debian-users and have yet to get any
messages after my confirmation. Please feel free to forward this if my
CC dosn't go through.

Hmm, Just re-read my bug-report message. Used too much cut/paste to post
the three reports. As stated in the final paragraph, I do NOT have xdm
installed right now, I have wdm. So I relied on the fact that all 3
packages defaulted to tty7 and that it is applied by the wdm.postinst

#! /bin/sh -e
# WDM postinst.
# (C) 1998, 1999 Marcelo Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]



default_local_server=:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X vt7


Also, in three paragraphs I used *6* all-caps words. Hardly throwing
them around gratuitously. (you used ~90 in 12 paragraphs). At least you
did say I was good at describing the problem, that was my intent all

As for the fact that the postinst scripts are sure to leave prior config
files intact -- that hardly applies when I've not installed the package
previously or if I have purged a package not planning to use it again. 
I am on a single, non-networked, machine in a home environment with
multiple users. As we trust each other, we often leave a tty open and
logged in. Therefore, early on I adjusted my inittab to run a getty on
tty1 through tty10. I pipe some of syslogs output to tty11 and have used
tty12 for X for quite a while.  If there are others in a similar
situation who decide to install one of these packages it will cause
similar problems.

I did ask on openprojects IRC #debian several days running to see if
anyone else had experienced this problem. There were several
suggestions relating to using (or not) xkb and a few other things I
can't recall now. But only ONE person suggested checking that
particular config file to see if it was trying to start on a tty with a
getty running.

To be honest, I am not a programmer of any sort. I can hack together
shell scripts to do things I need if I really have to, but that's about
it. When the problem exhibited itself I did not even consider checking
the X FAQ. I had no problem at all with X, it worked just fine using
'startx' and has for quite some time. My problem was with all 3 display
managers. Checking the FAQ for the X-window system itself did not occur
to me, and I don't think it will to new users either.

I personally still think it is a bug though I have NO idea how to work
around it. The default installation causes some systems to require a
hard reset into single mode in order to correct the problem. In my mind
that makes it a critical bug -- but since it will most likely affect
very few systems it could probably be argued that it is a level 1 bug,
or with the difficulty of fixing it, it could even be a level 0 bug.

In the future, however, I will make an attempt to strike up a dialog
with the maintainer of a package to help determine if I should submit a
bug report. I believe debian's goal is to create a system usable by
most. Such a system must somehow account for some unexpected setups. I
submitted a non-critical bug in a couple of -doc packages that Manoj
Srivastava maintains. The ONLY cause for the installs to break was my
horrid drive partitioning that had left me with too little room on
/usr. I had the /usr/doc and /usr/share/doc directories symlinked in
from elsewhere and that broke the postinst quite thoroughly. He fixed
the problem on his end and I also found a way to back up and
re-partition my drives properly.

I did not feel my bug report was impolite or condescending. I was
merely trying to clearly describe what had happened to me and could,
conceivably, happen to other first time users of the display manager

As far as not 'assigning a bug critical severity', when I run 'bug' it
asks me to give a one line description, then asks me to 'assign a
severity' based on the descriptions it gives. I chose critical because
it caused the 'whole system' to break and require a hard reset:

   4) Critical bug. Makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole
   system) break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a security
   hole on systems where you install the package.

I think that having the '*dm' packages not start on install if no prior
in stallation is detected and post a *notice* on screen describing the
need to correct the Xservers (or gdm.conf) file would be enough to
mostly guarantee that this wouldn't happen. Being required to hard
reset your machine in single mode to 


2000-03-22 Thread MAILING
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Re: Limping and bleeding with Corel Linux

2000-03-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
Val Dokuzovic wrote:
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  Hi there,
   My brief? story: I am (was?) a windowman (meaning a mouseman
  -computer (almost) illiterate). Got sick and tired of being called
  basically a criminal, by my Laptop using Windows, with messages such as

I have Debian running on a laptop; I can't speak for the Corel version,

  illegal operation. Bought Corel Linux based on Debian. After spending
  a month trying to figure out how to install this thing (luckily, I was
  really sick with a bad case of cold), found out that I can not install
  it on my laptop. Turned to my sons old PC NEC Ready 60, and gave it a
  new name:
  This will be my MLINUX machine (mean linux machine). After a nightmare
  and at least (35 installations or attempts) that lasted several weeks
  this is where I am: I installed one copy of linux to my C: drive and one
  to my D: drive. The idea was that if I manage to get one crashed I will
  simply use the other one, (maybe try to fix the first one with it -
  remember I do not really know a lot?) My principal copy was on C: drive.
  My backup is on D: drive. I got them both running reasonable well. I
  had only one problem left: RAM. I have 104M, and machine thought I had
  64M. This is where append=mem=104M in etc/lilo.conf became an option
  to try. Last time I tried it I got a bad crash from which could not
  recover. (That was what gave me the idea of the two copies). This time I

I do not think this could crash your system, unless you told it too much
(104Mb is a very strange number for memory).

  tried it on my backup copy. It did work as far as RAM but boy am I in
  a mess now. I can not get my C: copy to run. D: copy I can barely get to
  too. It is now for some reason my first suggested choice and my C:
  copy is linux a2 in the lilo window. When I try to run a2 all I get is a 
  flashing - cursor. Pressing ctrl alt del gets me back to lilo window.

What messages do you see before that?  How far does the boot process get?

  Choosing Linux everything goes well until Checking file system ,
  then I get some text scrolling. The text has a black line horizontally
  across it. Them I get a message that fsck failed fix manually or press
  ctrl D to resume (you guess which one I choose?). ctrl D gets me to

You MUST fix this.  If fsck is reporting errors, it means your filesystem
is corrupt.  Doing anything more with it is likely to corrupt it much
much worse.  [The most frequent cause of filesystem corruption is turning
the machine off without a proper shutdown.]

The command is `fsck -y /dev/hdb2'.  The -y option means
that fsck will fix everything without asking you; in your state of
knowledge (and mine), this is the only reasonable option.  (If you
have any other partitions, you may also need to run fsck on them.)

Depending on the extent of the damage, you may end up with a fixed
system; there may be files in /_your_partition_/lost+found; or you
may have to give up and reinstall.

  workable copy on my D: drive from where I am sending this SOS message.
  On my laptop I have windows 98 and I am still resisting to go there.
  With all the trouble I went through (and all I still probably will go
  through) I am becoming more and more attached to linux, as I slowly
  learn its intricacies. But a thought went through my mind. Linux is
  supposed to be a free software. Is Debian really free? Is it free if

You have to learn skills to use anything.  A computer is incredibly complex
and few of us get anywhere near learning all about it, but the more we
learn, the more we can do.  When you get past this problem, you will be
a lot more capable than when you only knew Windows.

  only programming elite can use it? Or are we mousemen really retarded
  now after prolonged use of windows? Attached are my messy etc/lilo.conf
  files. One with root at dev/hda2 is my C: copy. Please help. I do not
  dare to do anything on my own anymore. If any debian expert lives in
  Toronto area I am willing to pay him to get my mlinux machine in a
  perfect order. Thank you for help. Val.

I'm too far away for that!

How much of these lilo files are your own work and how much is Corel?
The labels seem very strange; apart from that, I don't see anything
particularly odd (except the number 104M - how do you get that? 64Mb + 32Mb 
+8Mb? - are you sure those memory bits are all compatible?).

For comparison, here is my /etc/lilo.conf:

# Linux
  append=mem=128m aic7xxx=ultra parport=auto
# Linux
  append=mem=128m aic7xxx=ultra parport=auto
# Windows 95

Re: Bug#60891: xdm: Installs default tty7 line in Xservers -- break s system

2000-03-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:33:38AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note to the other two maintainers. Branden has closed the bug I
 submitted. Based on the information he provided to me in his message I
 feel that you also should close the bugs I submitted against gdm and
 wdm. They should possibly be re-submitted at a lesser severity, but not
 as critical. Please read my message below and determine for yourself.
 Branden, I've just subscribed to debian-users and have yet to get any
 messages after my confirmation. Please feel free to forward this if my
 CC dosn't go through.
 Hmm, Just re-read my bug-report message. Used too much cut/paste to post
 the three reports. As stated in the final paragraph, I do NOT have xdm
 installed right now, I have wdm. So I relied on the fact that all 3
 packages defaulted to tty7 and that it is applied by the wdm.postinst

Thank you for your calm reply to my very aggravated message.  I did in
fact download the sources to the standard getty program that we use and
started poking around for a solution.

I don't know if we'll be able to implement a final solution to this problem
in time for the potato release (which will hopefully be soon), but here's
what I think:

1) Modifying /etc/inittab would be a bad idea because it's a very sensitive
   thing; if a buggy package screws it up you may be very, very sorry.
2) I think a better approach would be to modify the X server and console
   getty programs to use lock files on the console devices.  I'll want to
   chat with some people I trust about file locking issues (say, MDA
   maintainers :) ) before starting to hack on this.  I guess this solution
   would go for programs like openvt as well.  It would ultimately become
   Policy, but first I want to have a workable solution in place.

I did some experimenting this evening and I've found that no programs seem
to have any respect for any others when it comes to pouncing on a VC.
getty will step on X, X will step on getty, X will step on X, etc.

Permit me to *beseech* the other display manager maintainers to not modify
the conffiles of another package, if that's what you're doing.  I expect
[gkw]dm to have their own config directories under /etc/X11/ and not fool
with mine.  I would do you the same courtesy, and besides, policy says you
shouldn't.  :)

Anyway, anyone who wants to work on this issue should subscribe to debian-x
and help hash it out.

G. Branden Robinson|Suffer before God and ye shall be
Debian GNU/Linux   |redeemed.  God loves us, so He makes us
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |suffer Christianity. |-- Aaron Dunsmore

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unresolved symbols potato and kernel 2.0.36

2000-03-22 Thread Jonathan Markevich
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 04:29:21PM +, David Wright wrote:

Out of everyone that got and read my message, you're the *only* one that
took offense.  Well, that responded anyways.  It seems most realized what I
said was extreme frustration and not a personal attack.  Please accept my
messages in that light.

   First, is sounds to me like you are using stock debian kernels.  I don't
  Well I have to use 2.0.36.  2.2 doesn't work for me, remember?  And I use
  stock kernels because it avoids another level of confusion and
  troubleshooting in situations like this.
 I don't know why I should converse with a person who starts the
 conversation by grumbling I suppose it's the height of naivite
 to expect an answer about Debian around here, but here goes

The reason I said that is in about two weeks' time I have posted on about
four different issues; unresolved symbols, serial port, kdm/wdm, and
other kernel/module problems.  I never got *any* response from my kdm/wdm and
serial questions despite carefully worded subject lines, clips from dmesg
and serial.conf, descriptions of what I was doing, etc.  They still don't
work and I have no idea where to go for support now.
 Anyway, if you refuse to compile your own kernel, then you are
 relying on the configuration options that happened to be considered
 necessary for installing linux. Just for example, is the following
 option necessary for people installing linux? Is it set in the
 packaged images? I've no idea.

I don't refuse to compile my own kernel, I have done so (check the thread)
I just figured the kernel and modules that come from the distributor _ought_
to be matched together.  It's a troubleshooting step.  I was running well
with adequate hardware support (for 2.0.36, anyways) and have used stock
kernels successfully for about two years.  At first I never had enough disk
space to have the source/compiled object files and all the apps I needed.
 Support for sharing serial interrupts
   Some serial boards have hardware support which allows multiple dumb
   serial ports on the same board to share a single IRQ. To enable
   support for this in the serial driver, say Y here.

This is a very helpful snippet, thank you... is this in the 2.2.14 kernel? 
Is this not enabled in the stock one???  If so, that's very unconventional,
for the reason you described above.  It's well worth a look, though I don't
understand why I would say N here -- unless it's obfuscated somewhere.  I
will certainly look harder for it this time.
  I mean, why should I have
  unresolved symbols when I am using a stock kernel?
 One could equally ask, why should you not?

Like I said, if it comes out of the box, I expect it to work together. 
That's not an unrealistic expectation; it's the whole point of a
distribution.  Without that, one might as well start from scratch.
  And why does all of a
  sudden a list full of geniuses go completely silent?  Grr.
 Well, when I originally saw the post that starts
 Well I upgraded, finally.  And the kernel can't locate all my
 serial ports for some reason. I for one assumed that this was a
 continuing thread of conversation that I had overlooked.
 Looking back now, I might have been wrong about that.

Yep, there was more previously, not strictly a thread.  The list is a
great resource, with very helpful people... and sometimes the only place a
Debian user can go.  When it sounds hollow, you're hooped.
  I don't think this is a modules thing, it's a kernel thing (very slight
  difference, I guess) but more importantly, it's a support thing.  So far
  this much-acclaimed Linux community has proven to be a bunch of the
  proverbial blind men.  I've been using Linux for about 5 years now, through
  all sorts of grief and struggles, and it's just not getting much better. 
  What are the advantages of Debian again?  I have a Slackware 96 CD here that
  also runs kernel 2.0!  Wow!  Cool!
  Like I said, I have maybe an hour a day to spend on this; and all I do is
  patch the dam
 Being insulted doesn't give me any motivation to make any suggestions.

And yet you did -- thanks again.  That's all I wanted, you know; another guy
mailed me and said I have 2.2 working here with 4 serial ports, using shared
interrupts  That tells me volumes and I wish I had that over the weekend.

I also am reminded how e-mail can carry more weight in the reading than we
may expect or intend.  I can't change what I said, and maybe I wouldn't...
the complaint and frustration still exist.  The Linux community needs to do
something to make it easier and less of a constant fight for folks.  I try
to help all I can (search for my posts) but there's obviously still
something lacking.  Maybe I need to work on a HOWTO (though I need the
information from somewhere)!

Let me again assure you; I have no reason or intent to insult you, my
computer, on the other hand has some strong words coming.  Always does, come
to think of 


2000-03-22 Thread Onno
I've been away too long...

Anyway, I have a problem and it involves a
Virtual Private Network a.k.a. VPN.

I ask anyone who has done this kind of thing
to please tell me how they did set it up or
point me in the direction of good documentation.

My first setup will be between two LAN's but
it has to scale to three LAN's and more...

Any pointers, advice or pitfall warnings are welcome.

Thanks in advance,


Esound dependency problems

2000-03-22 Thread Lepus

I have a small problem (well, actually it is a BIG one indeed) with
installing several X packages, including the GNOME system, under the
frozen (potato) distribution. I have ALSA installed, and so I use the ALSA 
version of the Enlightened soud daemon (esound-alsa0). Everyting works 
fine, but:
Some packages insist that they depend on the package esound0, which in
turn conflicts esound-alsa0! An even though esound-alsa0 provides esound0,
this doesn't seem to bother these packages, and dselect wont install
them. Someone suggested taht I should install these manually, overriding
the dependencies, but this would take a hell of a lot of time, and I would
get annoying dependency screens every time I used dselect...
Anyone have an idea, what I should do?

Daniel Szabo

resetting dselect

2000-03-22 Thread Beavis

hello, i installed a few .deb manually 

dpkg -i filename

but dselect thinks that are are still unconfigured, 
which is not true

how do u reset the deselect so 
that it doesn't pick up the packages as existing in the system

the packages are kdebase, kbelibs2g 

tkankx beavis..

Who knows German?

2000-03-22 Thread Tony Crawford
Please excuse me for abusing the list to try to recruit some 
volunteers ...

LinuxTag e.V is the non-profit association that organizes Europe's 
largest GNU/Linux and free software convention (this year: June 29 - 
July 2 in Stuttgart--see ). The group could 
use a hand in translating web content, press materials and occasional 
correspondence from German into English. Anyone interested in 
contributing their skills? 


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Re: Rename files

2000-03-22 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:57:14PM +0100, Robert Kasunic wrote:
  I'm trying to rename a lot of files. I just want to substitute underlines
  with whitespaces. How can I do that?
 You might use mmv.
 If your files are:  foo_bars
 then use mmv *_* '#1\ #2'   (quotes required)
uh ... i think, that the \ in '#1\ #2' should not be there.
it's intended to quote the space, but as it is already quoted within ',
it will be taken literally. if you don't quote the #1 #2, then the
backslash would be required, but then you also would have to quote the #s.
so possible quotings are:
#1 #2 (here we can have shell-expansion of variables ($))
'#1 #2' (here everything is taken literally = in this case the same))
\#1\ \#2
or (a bit weird :-)  '#'1' #'2
all of them work.


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Bash, Keys, Potato

2000-03-22 Thread Martijn van de Streek
Hi Rodrigo!

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:

 get the key displayed. It works as a dead key, waiting for any other
 key. When I do type other key, it beeps and I get no output on
 screen. I reinstalled bash, libncurses5, libc6 and already trying
 changing my keymap, but I wasn't sucessful. I am getting crazy. 

Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?
  Martijn van de Streek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ik kan niet zonder mijn paperclip! - Robert van der Meulen

Re: Rename files

2000-03-22 Thread Anthony Campbell
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:57:14PM +0100, Robert Kasunic wrote:
 I'm trying to rename a lot of files. I just want to substitute underlines
 with whitespaces. How can I do that?

I recently found a package called mvgp which does exactly what you want.
It seems to work quite well. I found it at


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles: http://www.freethinker/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Re: Bash, Keys, Potato

2000-03-22 Thread Rodrigo Castro
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:12:37AM +0100, Martijn van de Streek wrote:
 Hi Rodrigo!
 On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
  get the key displayed. It works as a dead key, waiting for any other
  key. When I do type other key, it beeps and I get no output on
  screen. I reinstalled bash, libncurses5, libc6 and already trying
  changing my keymap, but I wasn't sucessful. I am getting crazy. 
 Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?

Yes. I even created a new user with no .inputrc and no $INPUTRC (no
.bashrc, .bash_profile too). I don't know what kind of stuff could be
in my files to screw up only letter E. The problem occurs in console and in
xterm. :-(

Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

Man-made stone-Opal Stone widely used on the desk, round, pillar, staircase, counter, cabinet etc

2000-03-22 Thread Ao Bao

OPAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. specializes manufacturing the man-made stone-OPAL 
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Comparing with the ceramics, the varied wash-basin made out of Opal are more 
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For more information, please go to:
contact: Ao Bao[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Environment setting before gdm start

2000-03-22 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

I wants to get german menues in gdm for my users, which implies
setting the LC_ALL environment variable to de_DE. I did this in the
/etc/profile, but this only helps after gdm is restarted.

I understand that gdm starts before the /etc/profile settings are
worked out. How to set some variables early enough?

Any help appreciated,

Re: Bug#60891: xdm: Installs default tty7 line in Xservers -- break s system

2000-03-22 Thread Sven LUTHER
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 02:53:50AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:33:38AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Note to the other two maintainers. Branden has closed the bug I
  submitted. Based on the information he provided to me in his message I
  feel that you also should close the bugs I submitted against gdm and
  wdm. They should possibly be re-submitted at a lesser severity, but not
  as critical. Please read my message below and determine for yourself.
  Branden, I've just subscribed to debian-users and have yet to get any
  messages after my confirmation. Please feel free to forward this if my
  CC dosn't go through.
  Hmm, Just re-read my bug-report message. Used too much cut/paste to post
  the three reports. As stated in the final paragraph, I do NOT have xdm
  installed right now, I have wdm. So I relied on the fact that all 3
  packages defaulted to tty7 and that it is applied by the wdm.postinst
 Thank you for your calm reply to my very aggravated message.  I did in
 fact download the sources to the standard getty program that we use and
 started poking around for a solution.
 I don't know if we'll be able to implement a final solution to this problem
 in time for the potato release (which will hopefully be soon), but here's
 what I think:
 1) Modifying /etc/inittab would be a bad idea because it's a very sensitive
thing; if a buggy package screws it up you may be very, very sorry.
 2) I think a better approach would be to modify the X server and console
getty programs to use lock files on the console devices.  I'll want to
chat with some people I trust about file locking issues (say, MDA
maintainers :) ) before starting to hack on this.  I guess this solution
would go for programs like openvt as well.  It would ultimately become
Policy, but first I want to have a workable solution in place.
 I did some experimenting this evening and I've found that no programs seem
 to have any respect for any others when it comes to pouncing on a VC.
 getty will step on X, X will step on getty, X will step on X, etc.
 Permit me to *beseech* the other display manager maintainers to not modify
 the conffiles of another package, if that's what you're doing.  I expect
 [gkw]dm to have their own config directories under /etc/X11/ and not fool
 with mine.  I would do you the same courtesy, and besides, policy says you
 shouldn't.  :)

Just a stupid clueless idea, but what if we start the xserver from the
inittab, or at least have some line in the inittab saying that the
Xserver/gdm/whatever will use the vtxx, in the same way that init starts
getty's on his specific vt's ?

BTW, should we have a runlevel with X and a runlevel without X ? or do we
already have such a thing ?




2000-03-22 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 09:41:47AM +0100, Onno wrote:
 I've been away too long...
 Anyway, I have a problem and it involves a
 Virtual Private Network a.k.a. VPN.
 I ask anyone who has done this kind of thing
 to please tell me how they did set it up or
 point me in the direction of good documentation.
 My first setup will be between two LAN's but
 it has to scale to three LAN's and more...
 Any pointers, advice or pitfall warnings are welcome.

I don't know if I can help you, but I'm just interested what software 
do you use - 

FreeS/Wan ( (GPL'ed) or

VPS2.0 ( (which is GPL'ed but uses SSH1, so
there are problems with commercial use)?

Wojciech Zabolotny

Build your free Data Acquisition System:

Re: Environment setting before gdm start

2000-03-22 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 12:04:28PM +0100, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
 I wants to get german menues in gdm for my users, which implies
 setting the LC_ALL environment variable to de_DE. I did this in the
 /etc/profile, but this only helps after gdm is restarted.
 I understand that gdm starts before the /etc/profile settings are
 worked out. How to set some variables early enough?

/etc/profile is for Bash. I don't think gdm cares about that. But, in
/etc/gdm/gdm.conf there is this parameter (which I have set to english):


| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

DNS lookups fail

2000-03-22 Thread Guyren G Howe
I have somehow managed to get things so that the computers going through my
Debian 2.2 box for NAT can do DNS just fine, but I can't do a nslookup from
the same box itself to save myself.

nslookup never returns anything, even a timeout. My /etc/resolv.conf file
shows the same things I have set on the other computers that work fine
through my linux box.

What could I have got wrong?


RE: DNS lookups fail

2000-03-22 Thread Guyren G Howe
Sorry, that was not quite right. nslookup did eventually return, with:

*** Can't find server name for address ...: No response from server

for all three servers I have in my /etc/resolv.conf file, which are working

I can ping these same servers just fine, so I don't think it's a routing

 From: Guyren G Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 04:40:40 -0800
 Subject: DNS lookups fail
 I have somehow managed to get things so that the computers going through my
 Debian 2.2 box for NAT can do DNS just fine, but I can't do a nslookup from
 the same box itself to save myself.
 nslookup never returns anything, even a timeout. My /etc/resolv.conf file
 shows the same things I have set on the other computers that work fine through
 my linux box.
 What could I have got wrong?

Linux bootfloppy and mount

2000-03-22 Thread Onno

Is/Are there a Linux bootfloppy('s) where I can use mount? 
I don't care if it is NFS or SAMBA.

It is like a disksless machine that needs tools and files
from a server.



funky samba stuff

2000-03-22 Thread Hamish Moffatt
I just upgraded a linux server here from hamm to potato.
Some funky messages from samba;

smbclient -L reggie -U hamish says
tree connect failed: 0 after I enter my password. In the log,

[2000/03/23 00:45:51, 1] smbd/server.c:main(643)
  smbd version 2.0.6 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998
[2000/03/23 00:45:51, 1] smbd/files.c:file_init(216)
  file_init: Information only: requested 1 open files, 246 are available.
[2000/03/23 00:45:53, 0] lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(72)
  Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,1000) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[2000/03/23 00:45:53, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(2456)
  PANIC: failed to set gid

Any ideas what this means and how I fix it? It's running from inetd.


dhcpcd and remote NFS mounts

2000-03-22 Thread Santiago Vila

It is ok that the dhcpcd package does not create any symlink in /etc/rcS.d?

I have a system running dhcp in which I'm trying to mount a remote
filesystem by using /etc/fstab, but unfortunately remote mounts do not
work because dhcpcd has not worked at that time yet.

/etc/rcS.d/README says after the S40 scripts have executed, all local file
systems are mounted and networking is available, but this is not true
if networking is provided by dhcpcd.

Is this a bug?

Thanks for any help.

 af76852b22b5ebb428761d0df74ce3af (a truly random sig)

Re: Linux bootfloppy and mount

2000-03-22 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS

 Is/Are there a Linux bootfloppy('s) where I can use mount? 
 I don't care if it is NFS or SAMBA.
 It is like a disksless machine that needs tools and files
 from a server.

The ordinary boot floppies will let you do an NFS mount. They don't do
SAMBA, as far as I know.

2000-03-22 Thread Jose Alberto Lobo
A problem with

I run debian 2.1, kernel 2.2.14, and recently downloaded and compiled a
program from  which I need to access through the net certain
databases on a server running MS-Windows.

When I try to run the program the shell complains that  can't load library
''. I noticed Debian 2.1 has  in  /usr/X11R6/lib.
In a different computer running  Slackware 4.0, I observed
instead, also in   /usr/X11R6/lib.

I straightaway copied  to my  /usr/X11R6/lib directory, and
ran ldconfig. My citrix program now runs normally but, alas!, after I logout
xdm does not let me back in anymore. I can only log in as root, or else, use
the character console...

I have now withdrawn, so I can work normally. However I
keep getting a message  bash: fg: no job control  every time I open a new
xterm, or login to the console.

I am very worried that I can't access that database, as I need to use it!

Any hints, please...
J. Alberto Lobo
Departament de Fisica Fonamental
Diagonal 647
08028 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93402 1161
Fax: +34 93402 1149


2000-03-22 Thread pplaw

how do i get my pcmcia card bus to work on a new e-machine
lapbox?  here's the boot error message:

starting pcmcia services:
modules/lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia/tcic.0: init_module: device or
resource busy

i  get a login prompt if i use a boot disk made from the rescue
install disk.  however, if i use a boot disk created by mkboot
/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36, i just get:
lilo boot:
loading linux
error 0x04
boot: linux
error 0x04...

is this a separate problem?

ia, t.

 Bentley Taylor 

UPS setup problems (apcuspd and genpower)

2000-03-22 Thread Thomas R. Shemanske
I recently purchased an APC Back-UPS Pro 650, but have been unable to
get the UPS the daemons to interact with my system.

The system is a Dell Workstation 410
Linux hilbert 2.2.13 #1 SMP Fri Mar 17 13:57:34 EST 2000 i686 unknown
with a current potato configuration via a fresh potato install (gotta
love the new ext2 fs and MD5 passwords!)

The apcupsd is communicating well with the APC unit: 
/etc/apcuspd.status shows:
APC  : Mar 22 09:06:42
CABLE: APC Cable 940-0095A
UPSMODEL : Back-UPS Pro 650
UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
ULINE: 119.5 Volts
MLINE: 119.5 Volts
NLINE: 118.8 Volts
FLINE: 60.0 Hz
VOUTP: 119.5 Volts
LOUTP: 049.4 Load Capacity
BOUTP: 13.8 Volts
BCHAR: 100.0 Batt. Charge
TIME : 17.0 Minutes
WAKEUP   : 000 Cycles
SLEEP: 020 Cycles
LOTRANS  : 106.0 Volts
HITRANS  : 127.0 Volts
CHARGE   : 000.0 Percent
BFAIL: 0x08 Status Flag
ALARM: Always
LOWBATT  : 02 Minutes

The apcupsd.conf is appended at the end. 

Despite having put an explicit TIMEOUT 300 in the configuration file,
the machine stays up and the battery winds down.  When the AC plug is
pulled to test, the BFAIL tag changes to 0x10, the LASTEVENT is updated,
the voltages go to zero and the battery charge diminishes.

At *no* time are any messages printed to the terminal windows (to
indicate power failure, warning logouts imminent, power resumed, etc). 
So I am rather confused.  apcupsd collects valid data but
/usr/sbin/powersc doesn't act on it.

I have also tried genpower (/sbin/genpowerd /dev/ttyS0 apc-pnp) (which
is the correct type for the APC Cable 940-0095A.  The /etc/upsstatus
*always* says OK even if the plug is pulled.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.



## apcupsd.conf v1.0 ##
# apcupsd POSIX config file
# Updated for Debian/GNU Linux by Leon Breedt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# CONTROL string
CONTROL /usr/sbin/powersc

# UPSCABLE [ simple | smart |
#940-00(20B,23A,24B,24C,24G,95A,95C) |
#940-15(24C) |
#ether ]
UPSCABLE 940-0095A

# UPSTYPE [ backups | sharebasic | netups |
#   backupspro | smartvsups |
#   newbackupspro | backupspropnp |
#   smartups | matrixups | sharesmart ]
UPSTYPE backupspropnp

# UPSCLASS [ standalone | shareslave | sharemaster | netslave |
netmaster ]
UPSCLASS standalone

# UPSMODE [ disable | share | net | sharenet ]
UPSMODE disable

#DEVICE string /dev/serial port
DEVICE /dev/ttyS0

#LOCKFILE path to lockfile
LOCKFILE /var/lock

#ACCESS string [ true | false ] Enable Access Support

# ANNOY int 30 0 disables

# DELAY int 60 0 disables

# NOLOGON string [ disable | timeout | percent | minutes | always ]
NOLOGON timeout

# PROCFS int 120 0 disables update rate procfs-type of current

# LOGGING int 500 0 disables rate update log file of current

# TIMEOUT time is seconds to run on UPS, powerfails

# BATTERYLEVEL precent of battery charge for shutdown 10

# MINUTES time in minutes of remainning battery charge before shutdown

# SENSITIVITY char H,M,L default H

# WAKEUP int 0,60,180,300 Cycles default 0

# SLEEP int 20,180,300,600 Cycles default 20

# LOTRANSFER int 0,1,2,3 default 2

# HITRANSFER int 0,1,2,3 default 2

# RETURNCHARGE int 0,1,2,3 default 3

# BEEPSTATE char 0,T,L,N default 0

# SELFTEST string 336,168,ON,OFF default 336
# UPSNAME string

# REPLACE string date format mm/dd/yy
#REPLACE 12/13/93

# BATTCMD string

# TIMECMD string

# LOADCMD string

# LIMITCMD string

# PWRCMD string

# RETCMD string

# REMOTECMD string



# MASTER string

# SLAVE string

# USERMAGIC string

# HTTPACCESS [ true | false ]   enable web-interface - defaults to false

# HTTPPORT port  port to use for interface - defaults to 1999

Thomas R. Shemanske
(Mailing Address)  (Office/Internet Information)
Department of Mathematics  203 Choate House
6188 Bradley Hall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755-3551 (603) 646 - 3179 

Office hours:

Spring Term Office Hours:  By appointment

kernel freezes while start-up

2000-03-22 Thread Lorincze, Tamas \(GEL,NonGE,MSX\)

I ran into difficulties with installing Debian. When booting the last
message I see is:
md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4 MAX_REAL=8

I understand that its not a Debian only issue as I was reading many posts
from users of various distributions who were mainly Athlon users. The only
hint they got was to use a newer kernel which is compatible with Athlon.
Since I have a Celeron I don't think that would help.

My configuration is the following:
Celeron 400
VIa Apollo ProPlus 133
2.2.14 Kernel 

Where can I find a precompiled Kernel or a complete bootdisk which lacks
this md driver 'feature'?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Bash, Keys, Potato

2000-03-22 Thread Stuart Auchterlonie
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 07:35:04AM -0300, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:12:37AM +0100, Martijn van de Streek wrote:
  Hi Rodrigo!
  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
   get the key displayed. It works as a dead key, waiting for any other
   key. When I do type other key, it beeps and I get no output on
   screen. I reinstalled bash, libncurses5, libc6 and already trying
   changing my keymap, but I wasn't sucessful. I am getting crazy. 
  Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?
 Yes. I even created a new user with no .inputrc and no $INPUTRC (no
 .bashrc, .bash_profile too). I don't know what kind of stuff could be
 in my files to screw up only letter E. The problem occurs in console and in
 xterm. :-(

Have you tried a different keyboard 

It could always be a hardware problem.


 Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo
 I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
 -- Isaac Asimov
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel freezes while start-up

2000-03-22 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I ran into difficulties with installing Debian. When booting the last
 message I see is:
 md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4 MAX_REAL=8

 My configuration is the following:
 Celeron 400
 VIa Apollo ProPlus 133
 2.2.14 Kernel 
 Where can I find a precompiled Kernel or a complete bootdisk which lacks
 this md driver 'feature'?
if that would help: if you send me _exact_ info about the config you need,
i will compile a kernel for you.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Mounting the Swap partition

2000-03-22 Thread Dzuy M. Nguyen
I recently checked my '/etc/fstab' and found that my swap drive does not mount
at boot.  When I check with 'df' I do not see it on the printout.

I was wondering if I should ad this command in the '/etc/fstab':

/dev/hda2 none swap sw

Do you need to mount the swap partition?

Dzuy M. Nguyen

Re: Bash, Keys, Potato

2000-03-22 Thread Rodrigo Castro
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 02:38:58PM +, Stuart Auchterlonie wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 07:35:04AM -0300, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:12:37AM +0100, Martijn van de Streek wrote:
   Hi Rodrigo!
   On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
get the key displayed. It works as a dead key, waiting for any other
key. When I do type other key, it beeps and I get no output on
screen. I reinstalled bash, libncurses5, libc6 and already trying
changing my keymap, but I wasn't sucessful. I am getting crazy. 
   Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?
  Yes. I even created a new user with no .inputrc and no $INPUTRC (no
  .bashrc, .bash_profile too). I don't know what kind of stuff could be
  in my files to screw up only letter E. The problem occurs in console and in
  xterm. :-(
 Have you tried a different keyboard 
 It could always be a hardware problem.

It works with ksh and csh, so it is not a keyboard problem.

Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

Re: Mounting the Swap partition

2000-03-22 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I recently checked my '/etc/fstab' and found that my swap drive does not mount
 at boot.  When I check with 'df' I do not see it on the printout.
you will not see any swap partitions in a df dump - they are no mountable
file systems.

 I was wondering if I should ad this command in the '/etc/fstab':
 /dev/hda2 none swap sw
you have to. i don't know, what the 'sw' at the end of the line is, but it
is basically right.

 Do you need to mount the swap partition?
it is auto-mounted by swapon -a in one of the boot-scripts.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Mounting the Swap partition

2000-03-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 06:46:41AM -0800, Dzuy M. Nguyen wrote:
 I recently checked my '/etc/fstab' and found that my swap drive does not mount
 at boot.  When I check with 'df' I do not see it on the printout.

swap does not show up in df listings

 I was wondering if I should ad this command in the '/etc/fstab':
 /dev/hda2 none swap sw

that does need to be in fstab for swap to be activated, but swap
partitions are not `mounted' you also need to add a 0 0 to the end of
that line like this:

/dev/hda2   noneswapsw  0 0

 Do you need to mount the swap partition?

not like a filesystem no, but at boot swapon -a is run, which looks in
/etc/fstab to see what swap partitions you have that should be
activated, if none are found then swap is not activated and your swap
partition is unused.

you will not see swap anywhere in the filesystem however, and it is
not shown in mount or df listings. it is however shown in `free' and `top'

 Dzuy M. Nguyen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Re: Bash, Keys, Potato

2000-03-22 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Rodrigo Castro wrote:
  Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?
 Yes. I even created a new user with no .inputrc and no $INPUTRC (no
 .bashrc, .bash_profile too). I don't know what kind of stuff could be
 in my files to screw up only letter E. The problem occurs in console and in
 xterm. :-(

I vaguely remember having such problem some time ago, what I do not
remember is the reason for that, only that it was very simple. Did you
modified the /etc/inputrc or the /etc/profile files? Please post them,
as well as ~/.inputrc if present, just to see if more info helps me or
anybody else to remember.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Environment setting before gdm start

2000-03-22 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Eric G . Miller writes:

 /etc/profile is for Bash. I don't think gdm cares about that. But, in
 /etc/gdm/gdm.conf there is this parameter (which I have set to english):

Yes, I know (mine is set to german, but this one only set the locales
for the GNOME applications, not for gdm itself).

OK, I see, when logged in as root, bash sets the locale, then when I
restart gdm, gdm gets the locale too.

But the problem remains: how to set the locale before the login
process starts gdm initially?

Thanks anyway,

Real Player 7

2000-03-22 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff

I Installed REalplayer 7 using the installer, and after that I was 
unable to start netscape anymore: only bus errors.

So, I removed .netscape, .mime-types and .mailcap from my homedir, and
netscape starts again. However, when I go to a site with real video, It
sais I have no real player installed. When I look into the preferences,
I don't see real player listed anywhere. 

What do I have to do to make this work? Isn't it the work of the
rvplayer installer to add the right mime types and stuff like that?


Re: Rename files

2000-03-22 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oswald Buddenhagen) wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:57:14PM +0100, Robert Kasunic wrote:
  I'm trying to rename a lot of files. I just want to substitute underlines
  with whitespaces. How can I do that?
 You might use mmv.
 If your files are:  foo_bars
 then usemmv *_* '#1\ #2'   (quotes required)

uh ... i think, that the \ in '#1\ #2' should not be there.
it's intended to quote the space, but as it is already quoted within ',
it will be taken literally.

True, but mmv seems to interpret it itself:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ touch foo_bar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ mmv '*_*' '#1\ #2'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls
foo bar

I'd have left out the \ myself, though, as it's potentially confusing; I
think I'd also have used single quotes ('...') around the first argument
because I wasn't intending to do any interpolation in it, but that's
probably just me.

With mmv you can also avoid some quoting issues by supplying arguments
on standard input:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ touch foo_bar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ mmv
*_* #1\ #2
[press Ctrl-D]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls
foo bar

This way you don't have to quote asterisks, question marks, hashes, and
the like, but you do still have to escape spaces in arguments with

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: Environment setting before gdm start

2000-03-22 Thread Eugene Melekhov
JT But the problem remains: how to set the locale before the login
JT process starts gdm initially?
Should it be line LC_LANG=someting in the /etc/environment ?

Eugene Melekhov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Object Tools

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