Re: tiempo de conexion

2000-04-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 13 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 23:53:22 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez 

Con el fin de controlar mi tiempo de conexión, que me da el ppconfig en el
log al desconectar, necesito hacer algo tan secillo como... sumar dos
números !!!, y no se como conseguir sumar dos números ( con decimales) en

$ echo 45.4+34.3 | bc

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hora y BIOS

2000-04-14 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Wed, Apr 12, 2000,
Ignacio J. Alonso...

 Últimamente me estoy dando cuenta que tengo problemas con la
 hora en linuxLa hora del sistema no es correcta y cuando
 intento  ajustarla con  la  hora de  la BIOS  que  si lo  es
 utilizando hwclock --hctosys pasa de mi ...

¿Tienes instalado `adjtimex'?

Yo cuando el reloj se descontrola borro `/etc/adjtime' y

# /etc/init.d/ 
Usage: {start|stop|reload|show}
start sets kernel clock from CMOS clock
stop and reload set CMOS clock from kernel clock


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


Re: error 2 en la compilac´on del kernel

2000-04-14 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Juanma wrote:
 Pero no hay foma pues a la hora de hacer un make bzImage me da error 2. Si
 compilo como zImage lo mismo. ¿es por culpa de la memoria? ¿es por otra

No, definitivamente no es problema de la memoria. Yo tuve ese problema
con mis primeros intentos con linux. En esa ocasión era debido a que mi
compilador no soportaba ELF (era un gcc muy viejo). Pero no creo que
este sea el caso. El problema debe estar en otra parte, posiblemente hay
un error en la configuración del kernel, o falta el ensamblador (as86).

Camilo Alejandro

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: pregunta sobre: servidores X, clientes X, gestores de ventanas

2000-04-14 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
 No sera (pregunto yo) que el protocolo Xwindow va evolucionando, y que los
 numeros de nuevas versiones obedecen a la implementación de estos nuevos
 protocolos o a la mejora de otros antiguos y ademas, como añadidura se
 incorporan las nuevas tarjetas soportadas.

El protocolo no se ha modificado. Actualmente se usa el X11R6. Pero la
distribución de X no está hecha solo de servidores. También están las
bibliotecas que controlan el protocolo (en últimas el corazón de X).
Esto es comparable con el caso del glibc. El api propio del sistema GNU
no ha variado en años (cumple con la norma POSIX), pero ya vamos en la
versión 2.1 de la biblioteca. También es el mismo caso de Win32 (el api
no ha cambiado en 10 años, pero NT ya va por la versión 5).

En general los cambios que se le hacen a un paquete no estan
relacionados generalmente con la interfaz, sino con la implementación
(mas rápida, mas eficiente, mas segura, etc..).

Camilo Alejandro
* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

RV: routers vs linux

2000-04-14 Thread Juanma

Estimados amigos
Estoy intentando conectar una red a internet por medio de una RDSI.
Me he bajado archivos de configuración de una página llamada
y ahí se describen unos scripts de conexión. Uno de ellos esta situado en
/etc/ppp/rc.ippp. Os señalo con
flechas lo que me mosquea.
Anteriormente he enviado este mensaje a otro compañero de la lista, pero
como esta lista debe servir para todos os envio mi mensaje y el de


# Inactivity disconnect timeout

# 2:nd (slave) channel inactivity timeout

# PAP authentication negotiation timeout  tengo este mosqueo, que aquí
cierra PAP

# Your local ISDN number

# Your IP providers ISDN number

# Your official IP address
LOCALIP= - No se si poniendo una IP del rango valido del
proveedor me saltaría a otra en
caso de que este ocupada

# Your PAP authentication login name ¿lo ves, jolin los de euskaltel
dicen que con chap, y es así como lo
tengo en el mío de casa (analógico) porque con PAP ni pa´tras

# PPP interface names

# Scripts to be executed when link goes up/down  Otro mosqueo, en el
Howto dicen que estos archivos
no tienen por qué existirsirven para nada, pero aquí
estan referenciados

# Done with all variable assignment.
# Time to do something...
case $1 in
  /sbin/isdnctrl addif $DEVICE

#Configure the first B-channel
  /sbin/isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE in $IREMOTENUMBER
  /sbin/isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE out $OREMOTENUMBER
# Set local EAZ ..
  /sbin/isdnctrl eaz $DEVICE $LOCALNUMBER
# set Level 2 to HDLC
  /sbin/isdnctrl l2_prot $DEVICE hdlc
# 'trans' is default
  /sbin/isdnctrl l3_prot $DEVICE trans
# Encapsulate IP in PPP frames
  /sbin/isdnctrl encap $DEVICE syncppp
# Hangup-Timeout
  /sbin/isdnctrl huptimeout $DEVICE $TIMEOUT
  /sbin/isdnctrl chargehup $DEVICE off
  /sbin/isdnctrl secure $DEVICE on

#Configure the second B-channel (slave)
  /sbin/isdnctrl addslave $DEVICE $DEVICE1
  /sbin/isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE1 out $OREMOTENUMBER
  /sbin/isdnctrl eaz $DEVICE1 $LOCALNUMBER
  /sbin/isdnctrl l2_prot $DEVICE1 hdlc
  /sbin/isdnctrl l3_prot $DEVICE1 trans
  /sbin/isdnctrl encap $DEVICE1 syncppp
  /sbin/isdnctrl huptimeout $DEVICE1 $SLAVE_TIMEOUT
  /sbin/isdnctrl chargehup $DEVICE1 off
  /sbin/isdnctrl secure $DEVICE1 on

  /sbin/isdnctrl verbose 2

  /sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE $LOCALIP pointopoint \
  $REMOTEIP netmask $NETMASK metric   ¿ves? aquí me crea el
enlace o la ruta a aquella
dirección IP que haya elegido dentro del rango de las IP
del proveedor.
  /sbin/route add default $DEVICE

# Start up the PPP daemon - Aquí viene el mejunje.
 Por defecto
¿qué mira el pap secret, o el chap- secret?
   Le he puesto
un +chap, peroo no encuentra ningún usuario dentro del
chap- secret, ni del pap-secret, y desde luego me he curado en salud y
he configurado los dos archivos.
  /sbin/ipppd \
+mp \
mru 1524 \
lcp-restart 3 \
pap-restart $PAP_TIMEOUT \
-ac \
-pc \
-bsdcomp \
ipcp-accept-remote \
ipcp-accept-local \
user $LOGNAME \
-detach \
/dev/$DEVICE /dev/$DEVICE1 

  /usr/local/bin/ibod  - Tambien he instalado este demonio para que
corra a partir de aquí.

  kill -9 $(/bin/ps -ax | \
/usr/bin/grep ipppd | \
/usr/bin/grep -v grep | \
/usr/bin/awk '{print $1}')
  kill $(/bin/ps -ax | \
 /usr/bin/grep ibod | \
 /usr/bin/grep -v grep | \
 /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}')
  /sbin/route del default
  /sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE down
  /sbin/isdnctrl delif $DEVICE

echo Usage: $0 start | stop
exit 1

exit 0

Recibid mi gratitud, porque gracias a vosotros voy consiguiendo
algo impensable hace varios meses: que vean a linux como una alternativa
segura, fiable, economica y cercana a todos. Si consigo que funcione bien
esto en esa escuela habrá más interesadas y los crios irán conociendo algo
más que esta odiosa alternativa que es el windows (aunque me vea obligado a
seguir utilizandolo por el momento).

Juanma Ginzo

RV: routers vs linux

2000-04-14 Thread Juanma


On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 10:27:19AM +0200, Juanma wrote:
Este es el script de conexión situado en /etc/ppp/rc.ippp. Te señalo con
flechas lo que me mosquea.
# PAP authentication negotiation timeout  tengo este mosqueo, que aquí
cierra PAP

Creo que esto no sera obligatorio, asi que prueba a quitarlo, especialmente
si tu ISP te autentifica por CHAP

# Your official IP address
LOCALIP= - No se si poniendo una IP del rango valido del
proveedor me saltaría a otra en
caso de que este ocupada

Yo suelo meter una IP de otro rango diferente al del proveedor. De todas
formas no creo que importe que sea de la misma red que el ISP (y te facilita
las cosas para el DoD). Una cosa que hice yo fue ponerle una IP bastante
extraña cuando no estaba conectado, y sin ruta por defecto, de modo que solo
quienes yo queria sabian a donde tenian que apuntar para hacer saltar la

# Your PAP authentication login name ¿lo ves, jolin los de euskaltel
dicen que con chap, y es así como lo
tengo en el mío de casa (analógico) porque con PAP ni pa´tras

Bueno, esto es solo una variable, asi que lo mismo te tiene que servir para
PAP que para CHAP. La mia se llama USER o USERNAME, pero al fin y al cabo
no es mas que una variable de script.

# Scripts to be executed when link goes up/down  Otro mosqueo, en el
Howto dicen que estos archivos
no tienen por qué existirsirven para nada, pero aquí
estan referenciados

De nuevo, yo no tengo nada de eso :-???

  /sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE $LOCALIP pointopoint \
  $REMOTEIP netmask $NETMASK metric   ¿ves? aquí me crea el
enlace o la ruta a aquella
dirección IP que haya elegido dentro del rango de las IP
del proveedor.
  /sbin/route add default $DEVICE

Eso esta totalmente correcto, aunque ¿¿metric no tiene ningun valor???

# Start up the PPP daemon - Aquí viene el mejunje.
¿qué mira el pap secret, o el chap- secret?

Lo que pida el ISP. Yo lo que hago es configurar el pap-secrets, elimino el
cha-secrets y lo creo como un enlace al pap-secrets

Mira estoy escribiendo esto desde windows. Siento tener que hacerlo así,
pero las circunstancias me obligan. Por eso no sé si este archivo te vendrá
todo liado.

Llega correcto :-)))

No obstante no quiero liarte con estas cosas. Como ves no soy un gurú y te
sigo estando agradecido si ves que te hago perder tiempo y consideras el no

Pero gueno :- Esto de la RDSI es un follon cuando no sale, pero cuando
te anda una vez ya va como la seda.

Te pongo los scripts que uso:

Primero el script conectar, que puedo llamar manualmente o bien en el
/etc/init.d/isdnutils (o en tu equivalente /etc/rc.d.)

#! /bin/sh

sleep 20
sleep 20
killall ping

Ahora va el script rdsi que he llamado en el anterior. Aqui es donde esta el

#! /bin/sh


LOCAL_IP= # IP falsa por la que establecer ruta por
  # defecto, a fin de que salte el DoD

isdnctrl addif  $DEVICE # Creamos un interfaz nuevo,'DEVICE'
isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE out $REMOTE_NUMBER# Numero al que llamar
isdnctrl eaz $DEVICE $LOCAL_NUMBER  # EAZ: el numero de su RDSI
isdnctrl l2_prot $DEVICE hdlc   # para PPP sincrono
isdnctrl l3_prot $DEVICE trans  #
isdnctrl encap $DEVICE syncppp  # encapsulacion de paquetes IP en
# en  tramas PPP
isdnctrl huptimeout $DEVICE 3600# tiempo de inactividad tras el que
# desconectar: 300 sec. - 5min
isdnctrl chargehup $DEVICE off  # Colgar antes del siguiente paso
isdnctrl secure $DEVICE on  # Aceptar llamadas de numeros
isdnctrl dialmode ippp0 auto# autorizados solamente
ifconfig $DEVICE $LOCAL_IP
route add default $DEVICE

/usr/sbin/ipppd user [EMAIL PROTECTED] remotename infovia -d defaultroute \
noipdefault ipcp-accept-remote mru 1500 mtu 1500 \
lock -bsdcomp -pc -ac /dev/ippp0 

Ahora viene el script desconectar, con el que puedo cortar la comunicacion a
voluntad, bien manualmente o en el /etc/init.d/isdnutils en la parte stop.

#! /bin/sh

isdnctrl hangup ippp0
sleep 5
killall ipppd
sleep 5
killall ipppd  # - (Mas vale prevenir :-)))
route delete default

Y, por ultimo, el /etc/ppp/options:

asyncmap a
mru 1500
mtu 1500

Como ves, va solo por un canal, pero añadiendo lo del segundo canal deberia
rular sin problemas. Dame el toque si te falla. Estos scripts estan rulando
con una Billion Bipac p algo asin (de las de 11000 pelas aproximadamente).

Suerte, y 

Re: pregunta sobre: servidores X, clientes X, gestores de ventanas

2000-04-14 Thread dbaranda
Muchas gracias a todos.

Ya tengo las ideas cristalinas.  Han desaparecido los nubarrones de mi
cerebro y ahora mismo hace un sol espléndido.  :-)


Re: Hora y BIOS

2000-04-14 Thread Diego Bote
 Yo lo probé y fué un desastre, recomiendo encarecidamente el ntp-date, por
 su facilidad de uso si se tiene internet.

¿Qué ordenadores dan servicio de hora en internet? Con uno vale.



Aviso de correo

2000-04-14 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Tengo el correo preprocesado por procmail, que lo separa en diferentes 
ficheros, con lo cual el fichero inbox casi siempre esta vacio.

¿Como puedo conseguir que los ficheros de aviso de correo entrante miren
en todos los posibles ficheros?

Luis Arocha Hernandez data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - Spain
o   @
  O _ /| // ___
   O/ |\-@   //| \\/   O
  /\   /  \\|//   //\
Usuario registrado de Linux num: 69.587
Debian GNU/Linux Potato, kernel 2.2.14, Toshiba 220CS.

Re: Aviso de correo

2000-04-14 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 10:21:27AM +0100, Luis Arocha -data- wrote:
 ¿Como puedo conseguir que los ficheros de aviso de correo entrante miren
 en todos los posibles ficheros?

Perdon. Queria decir los programas de aviso de correo entrante, tipo
biff y similares. 

Luis Arocha Hernandez data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - Spain
o   @
  O _ /| // ___
   O/ |\-@   //| \\/   O
  /\   /  \\|//   //\
Usuario registrado de Linux num: 69.587
Debian GNU/Linux Potato, kernel 2.2.14, Toshiba 220CS.

Re: pregunta sobre: servidores X, clientes X, gestores de ventanas

2000-04-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 14 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 09:02:44 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Ya tengo las ideas cristalinas.  Han desaparecido los nubarrones de mi
cerebro y ahora mismo hace un sol espléndido.  :-)

 Pues disfruta de la playa... mientras puedas ;^)

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hora y BIOS

2000-04-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Diego Bote wrote:

  Yo lo probé y fué un desastre, recomiendo encarecidamente el ntp-date, por
  su facilidad de uso si se tiene internet.
   ¿Qué ordenadores dan servicio de hora en internet? Con uno vale.

slug es servidor de hora.

Un Saludo 


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

ancho de banda

2000-04-14 Thread Pablo
hay algun paquete que permita limitar el ancho de banda que circulara por un
disposito determinado como una tarjeta ethernet


epson dfx 8500 como lpd

2000-04-14 Thread Pablo
tenemos una dfx 8500 con tarjeta de red, esta a su vez esta configurada en
un linux que trabaja como servidor de impresion lpd.
El tema es que cuando se le mandan dos copias de un documento solo sale una

a alguien le paso algo similar

Tarjeta de sonido

2000-04-14 Thread Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez
Alguien podria decirme como instalar una tarjeta de sonido FM 801 en
potato, y tambien como puedo ver los errores que me marca linux cuando
arranca, los errores como que no arranco tal proceso, o no pudo confihurar
la tarjeta,etc, les agradeceria mucho.

Re: Hora y BIOS

2000-04-14 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
La verdad es que no le he dedicado al reloj el tiempo que me hubiera
gustado, pero

¿no mola más y es más rápido y menos movida hacer:

/sbin/hwclock --systohc --utc --debug

cada vez que te conectas a internet para bajar el correo o al menos una
vez por semana?

Es lo que hago yo y creo que va perfecto. Sincronizo los lunes a las 10 de
la noche, cuando conecto automáticamente para recuperar el correo.

Ya se que el ntp es más exacto, pero soy un poco vago.


El 13 Apr 2000 a las 09:00PM +0200, Juan Leseduarte escribio:
 On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 07:22:14PM +0200, Miguel Rodriguez Penabad wrote:
  Juan C. Amengual wrote:
En la Web de LUCAS ( tienes un documento muy majo, 
se llama: En-Hora-Como.html.tgz
   ¿Y dónde? Llevo casi 20 minutos buscando allí y no encuentro esa 
   documentación por ningún
   lado ... y me interesaría, la verdad ...
  El tgz no se, pero el MINI como :) está en
 Supongo que consiste en el mensaje que ya enviaron a esta misma lista hace un
 tiempo. Era realmente muy interesante, y era específico para Debian, ya que
 está basado en los scripts que tiene por defecto Debian.  No obstante, creo
 que hay un fallo (ojo, en los scripts de Debian, no en el documento). Me
 explico: La idea del método es: Al arrancar Debian, el reloj del sistema
 pregunta al reloj de hardware la hora que es, éste responde, pero el el
 sistema no se la cree, si no que dice: bueno como que desde la última vez que
 se apagó Debian ha pasado tanto tiempo, y como sé ( porque lo dice así
 /etc/adjtime ) que el reloj de hard necesita un ajuste de X segundos por  día,
 la hora que doy por buena es:
 hora que da el reloj de hard + X*número de días (en decimal) que han pasado.
 Al apagar Debian, se controla el uptime según el reloj de sistema y según el
 reloj de hard, para hacer una nueva estimación de X (*supongo*), que se guarda
 en /etc/adjtime, y se sincronizan los dos relojes.  Con esto se consigue en
 teoría una gran precisión si los relojes están bien calibrados.
 Lo que a yo observo es que el valor de X se actualiza mal. Este valor (el
 primer número que aparece en /etc/adjtime) debería ser más o menos el mismo.
 Sin embargo observo que los ajustes se van acumulando, y si tenía al principio
 (el 10 de marzo pasado) como suggested adjustment = -0.3951 sec/day (por
 cierto nada más hacer hwclock --systohc ya cambió algo) ahora voy por:
 Actualmente voy 1 minuto y 32 segundos atrasado. Comparado con el desmadre que
 tenía antes está bastante bien, pero creo que no es del todo satisfactorio.
 Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que para hacer el ajuste con el servidor de hora
 de SLUG tuve el ordenador encendido todo un fin de semana para hacer 2
 adjtimex bien separados y tener un calibrado fiable.
 ¿Alguien me puede corregir si estoy equivocado? ¿Nadie ha observado esta
 irregularidad? ¿Sería un error de los scripts o de hwclock?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
04/13   Laotian New Year (3 days) in Laos
04/14   Lincoln shot,  1865
04/14   Titanic hits iceberg and sinks, 1912

Description: PGP signature

Re: no me llega el correo

2000-04-14 Thread Correcaminos
El Thu, Apr 13, 2000 a las 09:27:16PM +0100, ramon dijo: 

 no me llega el correo

Me parece un poco absurdo. Me hace recordar el famoso mensaje de:

= Teclado no encontrado. Pulse F1 para seguir ...

Si lees este correo, da más detalles }:-)

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature


2000-04-14 Thread RealCuba

Nececito manual de 
486 para resolver un problema con el microprocesador mio el problema que tengo 
es en el llunpeaje

Re: Ferramentas para desenvolvimento

2000-04-14 Thread Debian Linux User
Leandro Dutra wrote:
 Não encontrei detalhes históricos...

Está nessa página:

Lá embaixo
The Open Group : incredibly enough, nobody seems to be in charge of
handling questions from the general public in this
organization. At least, I was unable to find a single Email address
or HTML form for sending questions/comments on
any of their standards... 
Verifique uma parte maior do texto...

The following links will take you to various pages or documents on
international support on Linux systems:

The Internationalization Home Page, the basic starting point for
Internationalization (I18n) information on the
The Open Group : incredibly enough, nobody seems to be in charge of
handling questions from the general public in this
organization. At least, I was unable to find a single Email address
or HTML form for sending questions/comments on
any of their standards... 
XFree86: I had a very long exchange of mails with David Dawes, but
never really managed to convince him that XFree86
should support dead keys in a more flexible way. However, David was
very polite and patient in answering my mails,
something that cannot be said about all the XFree86 group members... 
Thomas Quinot's Dead keys under X11 page: this is the reference site
for The Solution to the dead keys problem under
The various HOWTOs at the Linux Documentation Project and mirror

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: Suporte a placa SIS 6202 PCI

2000-04-14 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Danilo wrote:
 Me intrometendo no assunto... Já tive problemas pra instalar o X11 com
 uma SiS. A placa SiS não tem suporte a VGA padrão, então vc não pode
 instalar com XF86Setup, tenta o xf86config. (Vc tem que usar o
 XF86-SVGA pra suporte a SiS)

Sim eu sempre uso o xf86config.

 Se isso não funcionar, entra em e pega o
 Scitech Display Doctor (tem versão pra Linux sim)
 Não sei se adianta (só tentei instalar esse SDD com uma S3 e uma
 Trident... funcionou, mas pra instalar dá trabalho :)

Também não funcionou, mas valeu a intenção. O problema é de hardware
Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Trying to run one process as root, how?

2000-04-14 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Jim Breton wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 06:17:00PM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
   since I believe if you use +root you would be allowing the root user
   on any other system to connect to your X server as well.
  Actually, you will be allowing any user on system 'root' to connect.
 Not according to the xhost man page:

I think you have misinterpreted the man page.  You can only add users if
you are authenticating via kerberos or NIS.  In that case, you would have
to specify 'xhost +nis:root@' to get the desired behavior.  And it won't
work (i.e. grant anybody any access) unless you have Secure RPC.  If you
just specify a single word, xhost will assume you mean a network system
and in fact it will give an error if you just type 'xhost +root' and there
is no system called 'root' on your network.

(Yes, the man page is magically obscure on this point :} )

Re: Upgrade to 500MHz problems

2000-04-14 Thread Bruce Stephens
William T Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 On AMD CPUs Windows 95 falls over at clock speeds exceeding 350 MHz.
 You can download a patch from Microsoft that will fix the problem,
 but to install it you will have to drop your system speed down to
 slow.  Try setting your system multiplier to x3 instead of x5 to run
 at 300 MHz.  Windows should probably boot fine.

I have a K6-2 300MHz, and Windows 95 boots fine.  I believe the faster
the K6-2 processor, the more likely Windows 95 is to fail to start up:
there's a timing loop on startup, and it may fail.  Something like
that, anyway.

 I think the patch filename is AMDK6UPD.EXE.

There's a patch for Windows 95 OSR2.  IIRC, if you have Windows 95A
(as I have), then the only option is to upgrade to Windows 98.

Don't know why Linux should fail to shut down properly, though.  Could
it be one of these motherboards that requires APM shutdown to be done
in real mode and that's screwing things up?

Plotting Program?

2000-04-14 Thread SCOTT FENTON
Hello all. Does anyone know of a free package (preferebly in Debian)
that does what graphviz
(, that is, draws
family-tree like diagrams?
Scott Fenton

Re: can I change the font of default xterm?

2000-04-14 Thread john smith
yes. actually what I meant to ask was the fonts for the terminals when you 
press alt+f1,f2 etc..

To: Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Users

Subject: Re: can I change the font of default xterm?
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:49:26 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id 
MHotMailBABF99EB000FD82197DD96FC871E89710; Thu Apr 13 15:49:19 2000
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Apr 2000 17:47:28 -0500 (CDT)

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 13 15:50:35 2000
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.71 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686)
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References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

  Kent == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:

I'd like to know if I can change the font of xterm. xterm
  is the default pty   terminal on the initial boot right? or
  am I mistaken? I would like to use my   ttf font for the
  default terminal (whichever it boots into before the xdm  
  login prompt) since I have configured xfstt font server this   possible?  Thanks.

Kent answered:

  You use the term xterm, which is a terminal for X, but you 
describe a

  console terminal. Assuming you mean the console, and not an X
  terminal, you might try installing fonter, which is a
  point-and-click font selector thingie.  There are other
  ways to do it, but that might get you started.   

Then John wrote:
 thanks. mind telling me the other ways that you have said
 before?. I tried fontser but I don't like the way how it
 handles things.

And Kent answered:

  To be honest, I don't remember. I know that when I first started
  out with Linux I found some text file somewhere that allowed me
  to change the console fonts, but now in response to your
  question I've done a little bit of looking around and don't see
  what I remember seeing before, so it may be that things have
  changed since then.

Then Marshal added:

 I believe that editing .Xresources will allow you to change the fonts
 of various Xclients.  I know it does for emacs anyways.  There was a
 thread earlier about changing fonts for netscape.



And Kent's reply:
I could be mistaken, but I believe the title of this thread is misleading. 
I think

John means the console font, not an xterm font.

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how to make .deb packages?

2000-04-14 Thread Fox, Michael
I have always wondered. I manage a fair few Debian machines, as since I
started using debian about 12months ago after coming from Slackware. I have
since given up on anything else, and only use Debian.

I noticed that when you build a kernel on your machine, that you can also
make your kernel image and modules for your machine into a deb package,
which then is usuable on other machines.

Basically my question is, how do I make a deb kernel image, so that it can
be transferred to other machines and used. Since all the machines are on the
same hardware.

And another thing I am curious about, is if compile something to my system,
how could i turn the compiled/installed program into a deb file ready to use
on another machine. So how do the package maintainers make there deb
packages to be submitted to the package tree? I am very interested to know,
and use it for my own benefit. Who knows I might someday become a maintainer
of my own package :)

Please email me directly, I am not on the list, and only broswe the disgest
every so often :)


Re: can I change the font of default xterm?

2000-04-14 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
I think you might try looking at console-tools or kbd packages.  You
probably won't be able to use TrueType fonts though, but I don't know
for sure.  You might also look into the SVGAtextmode (or something
like that) package.



 john == john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 yes. actually what I meant to ask was the fonts for the
 terminals when you press alt+f1,f2 etc..

 From: Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Debian Users Subject: Re: can I change the
 font of default xterm?  Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:49:26 -0500
 MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id
 MHotMailBABF99EB000FD82197DD96FC871E89710; Thu Apr 13 15:49:19
 2000 Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [])by (2.1.2/8.9.1/Execmail 2.1)
 with ESMTP id RAA06107;Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:47:28 -0500 (CDT)
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 13 15:50:35 2000 Sender:
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.71 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686)
 X-Accept-Language: en References:
 Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
   Kent == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  
 John wrote:
 I'd like to know if I can change the font of
 xterm. xterm   is the default pty   terminal on the
 initial boot right? or   am I mistaken? I would like to use
 my   ttf font for the   default terminal (whichever it
 boots into before the xdm login prompt) since I have
 configured xfstt font server this  
 possible?  Thanks.
 Kent answered:
   You use the term xterm, which is a terminal for X, but
 you describe a   console terminal. Assuming you mean the
 console, and not an X   terminal, you might try installing
 fonter, which is a   point-and-click font selector
 thingie.  There are other   ways to do it, but that might
 get you started.   
 Then John wrote:  thanks. mind telling me the other ways
 that you have said  before?. I tried fontser but I don't like
 the way how it  handles things.
 And Kent answered:
   To be honest, I don't remember. I know that when I first
 started   out with Linux I found some text file somewhere
 that allowed me   to change the console fonts, but now in
 response to your   question I've done a little bit of looking
 around and don't see   what I remember seeing before, so it
 may be that things have   changed since then.  
 Then Marshal added:
  I believe that editing .Xresources will allow you to change
 the fonts  of various Xclients.  I know it does for emacs
 anyways.  There was a  thread earlier about changing fonts for
 And Kent's reply: I could be mistaken, but I believe the title
 of this thread is misleading.  I think John means the console
 font, not an xterm font.

 __ Get Your
 Private, Free Email at

Re: Converting text to Word

2000-04-14 Thread Matthew Dalton

Bruce Sass wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Paul Huygen wrote:
  2) You want to send a Word document to somebody who wants to process it
 with Word. In that case, send her the plain ASCI text, and tell her
 that she can import it in Word by clicking import as [text
 That's the one, (Un)fortunately he is rather inflexible (I mean, would
 I want to work for a company like that?).

There is another option: create the plain text file, but give it's
filename a *.doc extension. It will show up in windows explorer with a
Word icon, and will open without having to click 'import as'.


Re: perl is bent (not broke; just bent)

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, w trillich wrote:
 this doesn't look hard to fix, but it's possible that whatever
 causes this might be happening on all your installs, maybe?

I have the same problem, but related to; so that I couldn't start
gnudip. And when it couldn't be started, perl stopped in the middle of
execution, the outcome was that adduser couldn't be executed.
 or, again, maybe it's just me?

I think the answer would be: no.


Re: can I change the font of default xterm?

2000-04-14 Thread Chris Gray
On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 11:27:39PM +, john smith wrote:
 yes. actually what I meant to ask was the fonts for the terminals when you 
 press alt+f1,f2 etc..

First of all, you can't change it to a true type font as far as I know.
*But* you can make it much nicer.  The way I did it involves some kernel
configuring, and it might also not work on all systems.  So if you try
it, make sure that you have a backup kernel image to boot into.

So, now that the formalities are over, here's how you do it.  

1) You go into your kernel source tree and make menuconfig (or xconfig)
2) Turn on the experimental stuff in Code Level Maturity Options.
3) Go to Console Drivers.
4) Select VGA text console and video mode selection support.
5) Go to Frame buffer support and turn on frame buffer devices
6) Select the video card that you have, or if it's not listed VESA VGA
graphics console.  Resist the temptation to use modules.  They don't
7) Turn on Advanced low level driver options, and select everything from
mono to 32 bpp
8) Turn on Select compiled in fonts.  (This is the fun part)
9) I really like the Sparc console 12x22 font, and it's the only one
that I selected.  It seems to me that it has to be the only one that you
select for you to use it.
10) That's it with kernel configuration.  Now compile the newly
configured kernel.  Make sure that you don't overwrite your last one,
you'll want it if things go wrong.
11) I added the line append=video=atyfb:1024x768-60,font:SUN12x22 to
my /etc/lilo.conf for the part which contained the new kernel.  This
depends on which card you chose when configuring.
12) When the kernel's done compiling, run lilo.
13) Reboot.  If things went well, you should now have a really nice font
to look at.  If the only problem is that your resolution is now out of
whack, you can use the fbset utility to fix it.  The command line that I
use is fbset 1024x768-60.
14) Salt to taste.

Good luck,
Chris Gray

pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
softly in the brimming bowl.

Installing Netscape6

2000-04-14 Thread Vitux
Please forgive me if this is a faq, but I couldn't find it
in the recent list-archives:
How would I go about installing the new Netscape(Mozilla)
I've d/l'ed the tarball, unpacked it, and there's no readme,
no ns-install (like in 4.72), no docs whatsoever!?
So, I figure I'll try the netscape-file which is in the
top-directory. I know very little about scripts, but this
could be an install-script. It aborts with something about
missing libc6-1.1.2 (typing from memory).
Does this mean that I am missing some libs?
Maybe the new netscape needs Potato-libs?
Running Slink, kernel 2.2.14, [EMAIL PROTECTED]/128Mb.

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: debian on newer kernel

2000-04-14 Thread Vitux
Sunil Pandey wrote:
 I am trying to install  debian  2.1r5(slink)  on  my  comp.  One
 question that I want to ask is.. is it  possible  to  get  debian  for a
 newer version of kernel (say like kernel 2.2.1).
 Doubt is a programmer's BEST enemy.
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
Sure, no problem. Running a standard Slink, with 2.2.14
kernel. The new kernels are really good! It actually gave me
slightly more speed on my previous machine, a 486/100.
Compiling a kernel is not that hard, and it gives you a
faster boot, and a faster machine, since you can tailor the
kernel to your needs.
Checkout the kernel-howto at for more info.

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Gnome/Enlightenment Setup.

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Henry Kleynhans wrote:
 method of doing things.  Can someone please enlighten me on how to 
 get Gnome and Enlightenment setup together ?

Assuming that your X is already running...
apt-get install gdm
apt-get instal gmc
apt-get install enlightenment

then reboot or just type gdm. (without the dot, of course; that's
English req's, right?)


Re: debian on newer kernel

2000-04-14 Thread Vitux
John Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 08:52:34PM +0200, Meinolf Sander wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 13, 2000, Sunil Pandey wrote:
   I am trying to install  debian  2.1r5(slink)  on  my  comp.  One
   question that I want to ask is.. is it  possible  to  get  debian  for a
   newer version of kernel (say like kernel 2.2.1).
  You can run 2.1r5 with a e.g. 2.2.14 kernel without any problem.
  Just download the kernel sources and compile one customized to
  your system.
  Or you get yourself Debian Potato 2.2 (frozen), which is delivered
  with this kernel.
 My experiance was that 2.2.13 is the latest stable kernel that you
 can run on slink without updating any other packages.  Kernel 2.2.14
 would require installing a newer procps (2.0.3 or later).
Not in my experience. I got the kernel-source for 2.2.14
from and did a manual compile/install (if that
makes any difference, I can't say).
I've had no trouble whatsoever and the system is rock stable
(except from occasional hardware-related stuff ;-)


Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Upgrade to 500MHz problems

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

On 14 Apr 2000, Bruce Stephens wrote:
 Don't know why Linux should fail to shut down properly, though.  Could
 it be one of these motherboards that requires APM shutdown to be done
 in real mode and that's screwing things up?

I have potato running on a P. III/550Mhz, APM works fine.

OT a bit, I had a Mac IIsi in '94; so it takes ~5 years for Intel machines
to catch up on that elegant shutdown system.


2 modems to the Internet

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

Is it possible to have two default routes to the Internet? I'm looking for
ways to do just that; connecting an additional modem for more bandwith.
But I don't need multi-link PPP, because one of the modems could be
disconnected any time to receive dial-ins. The modems are supposed to be
having the same speed.


Re: FontSet problem

2000-04-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 01:23:37AM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
   When I run gv, I got the following warning message. I think I am
   missing some package, but I don't know what it is.
   [23:46|pts/[EMAIL PROTECTED] % gv 
   Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
   Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset

I had this happen to me when I was playing with /etc/gs.Fontmap as per
some Font-HOWTO.  It didn't like the changes.  So, have you been messing
with /etc/gs.Fontmap?  If so, roll back your changes.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Linux support ADSL?

2000-04-14 Thread Jerry Zhou

I want to connect my linux to network by ADSL. Which ADSL card can work with
Linux? It is easy to config?


Jerry Zhou

Re: ppp-compress-1 strangeness

2000-04-14 Thread Gregory T. Norris
 After the connection has been established, I get this:
 modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-1

I haven't seen that one before... are you sure it isn't asking for
ppp-compress-21?  Anyway, here are my ppp-compress-* entries:

 alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
 alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
 alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate

You should probably add all three to your /etc/modutils/aliases file
(possibly also alias ppp-compress-1 off, if that really is what it's
looking for).  Make sure you run /sbin/update-modules afterward.


receiving mail / qpopper

2000-04-14 Thread ktb
I have a small network with a firewall and another computer.  Both have
Slink installed.  On the firewall computer I have exim, fetchmail,
qpopper and mutt installed.  I can send and receive mail just fine from
the firewall.  What I want to do is send and receive from the other
computer.  At this point I can send mail from my second box but I can't
receive through Netscape mail.  When I try to get mail off the firewall
I get Netscape is unable to locate the server 'one' Please check the
server name and try again.  In /etc/exim.conf I have qualify_domain =
one  I don't have smart hosting enabled -- do I have to?  I'm not quite
sure how that works.  I'm a little confused here.  I know I'm probably
not giving much to go on but that is the best I can do at this point.  I
will keep searching.

Re: disappeared...

2000-04-14 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote: seems to have disappeared.  I was using it as a Debian
 non-US mirror.  Anybody know about this (or does it still resolve for

apt-get update worked for me just now. I haven't been able to mirror on
any non-US site for about a year, so I have to get it off the net. (Care
to send me a working non-US mirror setup?)

timshel# apt-get update
Get:1 potato/kde Packages [3271B] 
Hit potato/kde Release  
Get:2 potato/contrib Packages [18.4kB]  
Hit potato/contrib Release  

Get:3 potato/rkrusty Packages [2256B]  
Hit potato/rkrusty Release 
Get:4 potato/non-US/main Packages [15.4kB]   
Hit potato/non-US/main Release   
Hit potato/non-US/contrib Packages   
Hit potato/non-US/contrib Release
Hit potato/non-US/non-free Packages  
Hit potato/non-US/non-free Release   
Fetched 39.4kB in 10s (3713B/s) 
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done


Re: Basic Question fot apt-get

2000-04-14 Thread Alex Kwan

If I use apt-get to install a .deb package,
does the apt will find the dependent package
and install it, and check the conflict?


problem creating boot floppy

2000-04-14 Thread John Kiff
I wasn't able to create a boot floppy during installation (of the frozen 
distribution) and I'm
having the same problem now that everything else is up and running. I'm pretty 
sure that I'm doing
everything correctly, but I keep getting back a bad disk or write-protected 
disk error. I've gone
through a whole pack of floppies and then some, I've made absolutely sure that 
the write-protect
tab is in the right position, and I've even tried floppies that work just fine 
on my other
Debian-loaded machine. They're all being rejected by mkboot. Have I run into a 
frozen distribution
bug, or am I just having really bad luck?

John Kiff

Do You Yahoo!?
Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: receiving mail / qpopper

2000-04-14 Thread ktb

I got it figured out.  From what I was reading I was lead to believe I was
suppose to put one as the server in the Netscape mailer.  I needed
to put [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead.  Sorry for the stupid post.

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 09:55:27PM -0500, ktb wrote:
 I have a small network with a firewall and another computer.  Both have
 Slink installed.  On the firewall computer I have exim, fetchmail,
 qpopper and mutt installed.  I can send and receive mail just fine from
 the firewall.  What I want to do is send and receive from the other
 computer.  At this point I can send mail from my second box but I can't
 receive through Netscape mail.  When I try to get mail off the firewall
 I get Netscape is unable to locate the server 'one' Please check the
 server name and try again.  In /etc/exim.conf I have qualify_domain =
 one  I don't have smart hosting enabled -- do I have to?  I'm not quite
 sure how that works.  I'm a little confused here.  I know I'm probably
 not giving much to go on but that is the best I can do at this point.  I
 will keep searching.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

MY DEBIAN INSTALL/UPGRADE METHOD [was Re: postgresql-test... NOT]

2000-04-14 Thread w trillich
in case it's useful, here's my crach-course of hard-knocks on HOW TO
GET A PACKAGE OPERATIONAL in debian these days (i.e. april 2000--of course,
with code being added all the time, debian changes by the minute and
may become obsolete next tuesday--or seven years from now...)

Oliver Elphick wrote:
 w trillich wrote:
   # su postgres
cd /usr/lib/postgresql/test/regress
make runtest
   ./ ../../config.guess: No such file or directory
   === installing PL/pgSQL...=
   Cannot find the file /usr/lib/postgresql/lib/
 You need postgresql-pl, and postgresql-contrib, I think.
 That's another dependency to go in.  That shows how many people have run
 the test package!

see, oliver's problem is that he doesn't know when to throw his hands
in the air and take off running for the hills... he keeps on being
helpful, darn it.


okay. in order to get postgresql-test to work, according to the
guidance of the debian wonkmeister, i'll try the to do the
old apt-get install on these two new packages:

here goes...

= here we go--the world-renowned


you'll be using apt-get to install debian things. (as of
april 2000, i hear this is the favored method.)

decide if you want packages or whole batch upgrades from
slink (debian 2.1)
potato (debian 2.2)
woody (debian 2.3 -- very experimental as i understand it)
and set your configuration files accordingly.

learn what you need to configure and where, here:
# man apt-get
# man apt-cache
# man apt.conf (/etc/apt/sapt.conf)
# man sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list)
and at
click installation instructions under Distribution
for even more.

there's WAY more there than you'll probably ever need,
but browse thru the manpages so you won't be in the dark.

basically you'll usually only use
# apt-get install packageOne package_two
after your configuration is set, and
# apt-get --reinstall install this_package thatPackage
if you need to steamroll something

the old way to install things was
# dselect (screen-friendly point  select interface)
# dpkg (worked behind the scenes with dselect)
now i still used dpkg to hammer something down, but for the
most part stick with apt-get.

until something goes haywire. (just wait.)


if i had any useful data or settings to preserve, i'd do so now.
email it to myself, shuffle it off to floppy, gzip it up in my
home directory, off to a jaz--no, wait, i might want it back...

files are available in *.rpm format. there is a utility
debian offers (alien) to translate those gadgets into debian
*.deb packages.

regarding those rpm files: DO NOT GO THERE unless you are 
desparate (or using redhat or one of its close cousins). it
may work, but it's no longer the preferred way of going about
this sort of thing for debian folk like you and me. not any
more. use APT-GET (or when the interface is ready, APT


# apt-get install postgresql-{pl,contrib}

those are the two packages i wanted.

initial try fails with install errors--missing files, unresolved
dependencies, verious snags hither and yon. i'd almost be
disappointed if it didn't, by now. roll with the punches.

so i step back a bit, and 'set phasers to obliterate' since my
initial try fails.


# dpkg -r postgresql-{pl,test,contrib}

note i'm removing the two i just had install troubles with,
AND the original dastardly creep that's causing the headaches
to begin with.


# dpkg --purge postgresql-{pl,test,contrib}

in theory, --purge does everything that --remove does, plus a bit
more (namely removing config files). but it's more satisfactory
to do it in two passes--feels like you get to shoot it, and then 
bury it. very fulfilling. (reward yourself now and then, you 
deserve it.)

and let me warn you: even purge won't purge everything.
can't remove xyzzy: directory not empty is a message you'll
see often. it's just a hollow directory with an old file here
and there, so you can blast it by hand (rm -i -r xyzzy, be
careful to check the path you type before pressing return)
or just let it go since it'll be re-created momentarily.

once i get here i'm all clear. everything is gone. i'm tabula 
rasa (blank slate), ready to try again. now--retry:

5. APT-GET (again. if you can get away with just one, congratulations)

# apt-get install postgresql-{pl,test,contrib}

think of this as going back to step three, adding the
named of other packages you just purged.

if all doesn't go well, i try again, sometimes deinstalling an
uber-package... i.e. one that is crucial for the ones i'm depending 
on. reinstalling it can 

Re: apt-get upgrade, bad news SOLVED!

2000-04-14 Thread w trillich
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 04:16:18AM -0500, w trillich wrote:
  the error messages i mentioned in my 'successful' (aka non-aborted)
  apt-get dist-upgrade were still
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or
  directory), skipping
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file
  or directory), skipping
  by the ton, too. hundreds of 'm. is there a way i can get those files
  and re-try the install? or is it optional? (if optional, maybe the messages
  are unnecessary?)
 apt-get install mesag3   # It provides the Mesa OpenGL clone libraries.
 apt-get install mesag3-widgets  # It provides
  oh, by the way--after doing
# apt-get dist-upgrade
  would a debianist, such as i, have a new kernel--say, 2.1?
  i imagine i'd hafta restart the cpu to invoke it hmm?
 I think the dist-upgrade will grab kernel-2.2.14.  And, that's the one
 time a reboot is required. You might get some errors about modules if
 you were previously using 2.0 series.

i did dist-upgrade (frozen) after update of course, and was never
asked to restart.

install help with a SCSI CDROM on a 486

2000-04-14 Thread wganz
I've been fighting this Debian install for 3 weeks and am about tired of it.
If I don't get an answer here, then I am taking the damn CD to the skeet
range. OK, here is what I got:

Debian 2.1 bootable CD, official type that comes in the box, has the Debian
tm logo on it and the O'Rielly cow book in the box with it

Desired packages:
Perl(full install not just the basic package), Python, gcc, apache/httpd,

Compaq Prolinea 4/66 20megsRAM   a 486
Fujitsu 4.3 HD partitioned as:
 hda1 := 2048
 hda5 := 1024 copied the Debian CD here in /Debian using xcopy in DOS
 hda6 := 1024 copied W31  W95 here to make it easier to reinstall 
 hda7 := 0033 Linux swap from previous install attempts
 hda8 := 0033 somehow generated in one of the install attempts, delete later

Netgear/Bay Network EA201 D2  NIC
Adaptec AVA-1505A hooked to an internal IBM/Matsuhita CR-503-C
CDROM is at SCSI#3
during DOS bootup it shows the card as
 Host Adapter #0
 Port 140h
 Interrupt 10
 Host Adapter SCSI ID = 7

One of the references that I found is at

and its example was   aha152x=0x340,10,7
however, I believe that I should have aha152x=0x140,10,7 due to the IO

Now I can click Win95 Start, Shutdown to DOS, go to the CDROM as I:\ in
Win98DOS, cd install, invoke boot.bat, select color, select USA keyboard,
partition hda1 as ext2~Write~yes,~Quit initactivate swap hda7, init
/dev/hda1, skip the bad block check since it has been done about 20 times
without finding anything, mount as /, Install Operating System Kernel and
Modules, Select CDROM as medium, select /dev/scd0 : SCSI, and bleewy NO

The question remains, where do I tell Debian to aha152x=0x140,10,7 in this
process?? I don't see a place to pass these parameters to the install
program. What am I missing???

Also, when I get to modules, what module do I load for the NIC??

Any help will be appreciated,


Re: Basic Question fot apt-get

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Alex Kwan wrote:
 If I use apt-get to install a .deb package,
 does the apt will find the dependent package
 and install it, and check the conflict?

Yes, if you get the packages via http (or ftp?).  If you have the .deb
files, then you use dpkg (eg: dpkg -i package.deb).  Apt will get all the
packages listed in the dependency tree that are related to the package you
are installing for you; whereas dpkg checks the unmet dependency.


Re: Need Help About SSL Certificate

2000-04-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Serhat Artun on Tue, 11 Apr 2000 15:23:39 +0300:

 $ make certificate TYPE=custom
 but it doesnt work or I couldnt make it if you know how can I create

I don't know anything about making certificates for SSL, however, if it 
is using a Makefile, which I assume it must since you are using make, 
then you should do

$ make TYPE=custom certificate

+== Andy == TiK: garbaglio ==+
|Linux is about freedom of choice|
+== ===+

Description: PGP signature

Re: problem creating boot floppy

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, John Kiff wrote:

 I'm pretty sure that I'm doing everything correctly, but I keep getting
 back a bad disk or write-protected disk error.

Make sure that you don't have any floppy with bad sectors. You can format
the floppies on a running Linux machine using fdformat (fdformat
/dev/fd0u1440) or superformat (superformat /dev/fd0); on fdformat, done
has to be returned; on superformat, you can see every track that's being
 I've gone through a whole pack of floppies and then some, I've made
 absolutely sure that the write-protect tab is in the right position, and
 I've even tried floppies that work just fine on my other Debian-loaded
 machine. They're all being rejected by mkboot. Have I run into a frozen
 distribution bug, or am I just having really bad luck? 

Maybe it was just a bad luck; I had the same problem the other day, at a
time, I could create a boot floppy, but not on other time. 

But if you have a running Debian machine, making a boot floppy is not that
superformat /dev/fd0
dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 conv=sync
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/your boot partition
rdev -R /dev/fd0 1

So, even if dbootstrap couldn't create the boot floppy, use the one you
created as above.


Re: Converting text to Word

2000-04-14 Thread Brian Stults
 Which editors can output in Word format
 (assuming that any editor can import plain text)?

Not exactly an editor, but the beta version of StarOffice can write a
Word2000 document:

The installation file is huge, and the program will suck up your
resources.  Still, I find the suite to be pretty amazing.

Beware of broken perl installation

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ
I have a system with broken perl installation, the output of
apt-get -s install perl is attached below.
It's kinda scary, isn't it...?

The installed perl (according to dpkg) is perl-5.005, why did I get
perl-5.004 to be installed? 

BTW, I installed the machine using potato floppies, then I changed the
sources.list to point to frozen. I recall that I didn't do apt-get
update;apt-get dist-upgrade, just apt-get update;apt-get upgrade. Do I
have to dist-upgrade to upgrade potato to frozen? Or, actually the
meaning should be the opposite; potato to frozen is downgrading. Or, it
could be just about time; OK potato, but potato when?

ps: sorry about the not so correct English.

Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
The following extra packages will be installed:
  gdk-imlib1 gnome-libs-data libart2 libopenldap-runtime perl-5.004
  perl-5.004-base perl-5.004-doc postgresql-client 
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  debconf esound esound-common gmc gnome-bin gnome-core gnudip horde imp
  libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libdigest-md5-perl libesd-alsa0 libgnome32
  libgnomesupport0 libgnomeui32 libgnorba27 libgnorbagtk0 mysql-client
  mysql-server perl-5.005 perl-5.005-base snort 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  perl perl-5.004 perl-5.004-base perl-5.004-doc postgresql-client 
4 packages upgraded, 5 newly installed, 23 to remove and 131 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Remv imp
Remv gnudip
Remv horde
Remv mysql-server
Remv mysql-client
Inst perl-5.004-base [perl-5.005 on perl-base]
Remv gmc
Remv libgnorba27 [gnome-bin ]
Remv gnome-core [gnome-bin ]
Remv libgnome32 [gnome-bin ]
Remv libgnomesupport0 [gnome-bin ]
Remv libgnomeui32 [gnome-bin ]
Remv gnome-bin [libgnorbagtk0 ]
Remv libgnorbagtk0

exim as mailhub on a dialup line

2000-04-14 Thread Robert Waldner


At home, I have my debian box acting as masquerading gateway/mail-/fileserver 
et al for my local network. The clients have the box as outgoing mailserver,  
which works fine as long as the box is actually connected to the internet.

What I can´t figure out is to get it to accept mail from the clients and just 
stow it away in the queue even when it´s not connected to the internet.

When I telnet in on port 25 from one of the clients and issue the appropriate 
HELO bla, it tries to resolve the hostname with its forwarding nameserver, 
which of course times out. When I´m telnetting to port 25 on localhost, it 
doesn´t ?!

Now I´m running a local nameserver which has entries for the clients and the 
proper reverse-lookups, so it shouldn´t try to contact its forwarding 
nameserver. This works fine when issuing a ´host bla´ from the commandline, but 
not when exim is trying to resolve.

Any help/advice/rtfm-pointer would be most appreciated, I seem to be finally 
stuck with what I call knowledge :/


Following are the relevant (at least I hope :) config portions:

qualify_domain =
local_domains =
local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
#host_lookup =
#rbl_domains =
#rbl_reject_recipients = true
#rbl_warn_header = false
host_accept_relay =

options {
directory /etc/bind;
forward only;
forwarders {
zone {
type master;
file named.intern;

zone {
type master;
file 192.168.0;

eth0.WatchZwerg IN  A //ethernet-if to local network
BaerenHoehleIN  A  //one of the client-boxes

99  IN  PTR
1   IN  PTR


  / [EMAIL PROTECTED], 10.-13.4.2k, Hofburgkongresscentrum,  Stand 14-15 \
 /  [EMAIL PROTECTED],12.-15.4.2k, Ifabo-Internet-Café,Halle 16  \ 
/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Still some potato files after dist-upgrade?

2000-04-14 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  I was running potato and upgraded to slink (with dist-upgrade), and
  after that, I noticed a few funny things:

- login still tells me potato...

- before the upgrade, /etc/debian_version was woody (because
  sources.list had pointers to both frozen ad unstable, and I probably
  got base-files from there), but...
  After the upgrade, it says 2.2. Is this correct?


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Still some potato files after dist-upgrade? - corrections

2000-04-14 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On 14 Apr 2000 03:14:44 -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Well, it seems that I'm not exactly awake. 

   I was running potato and upgraded to slink

== To woody, of course!!!

 (with dist-upgrade), and after that, I noticed a few funny things:

 - login still tells me potato...

 - before the upgrade, /etc/debian_version was woody (because
   sources.list had pointers to both frozen ad unstable, and I probably
   got base-files from there), but...
   After the upgrade, it says 2.2. Is this correct?

== And after the upgrade, I have pointers to unstable only in
sources.list, and it was some package from woody (probably base-files)
that modified /etc/debian_version.


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: Still some potato files after dist-upgrade?

2000-04-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
Upgraded from Potato to Slink That is a downgrade!!
Woody is 2.3, Potato 2.2 and Slink 2.1

What exactly IS your problem??

Ron Rademaker

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:

   I was running potato and upgraded to slink (with dist-upgrade), and
   after that, I noticed a few funny things:
 - login still tells me potato...
 - before the upgrade, /etc/debian_version was woody (because
   sources.list had pointers to both frozen ad unstable, and I probably
   got base-files from there), but...
   After the upgrade, it says 2.2. Is this correct?
 Jeronimo Pellegrini
 Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Upgrade to 500MHz problems

2000-04-14 Thread Phillip Deackes
 I've attempted to upgrade using 100MHz FSB for the first time. The new
 CPU is an AMD500K2, the Motherboard a Gigabyte GA-5AX (Rev5.2.x)
 (with ALi Aladdin chipset and Award bios) and a 64MB DIMM (100MHz).
 The machine is a standalone one with Win95 on a small partition on
 Debian 2.1 (kernels 2.2.1 and 2.2.12) on hdb, and two other distros on
 smaller partitions. In the past, I've been lucky with upgrading - this
 however, I've problems and a puzzle.

Hi, John. I have the AT version of your motherboard, the GA-5AA. I too
have an AMD K6II-500 CPU.

A couple of things. If you go into the BIOS settings you will find an
option for loading failsafe settings (or some similar phrase). There are
two pre-set options, an optimum set which attempts to configure the
board with best-case settings, and the failsafe set which sets
everything consevatively and is designed for cases like yours. Load up
the failsafe set, and reboot. You should find that now all is well. The
technique now is to change things setting by setting until you get the
best settings for your system.

In my experience problems with 100 MHz Super Socket 7 motherboards is
*usually* related to memory. These boards use 100MHz memory and my
supplier tells me that they have a relatively high failure rate - I can
personally vouch for this as I build systems as a sideline. Bad memory
will cause the sort of problems you are seeing.

I have enable UDMA on my system too - get back to me if you want to set
this us - it reuires a patch to the kernel and a recompile.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Problem compiling Debian potato - make dep errors

2000-04-14 Thread Christophe ABRIAL

Good morningto everybody,

I'm experiencing a problem throught the compilation 
of the kernel (version 2.2.14).
I've downloaded the sources from
So, I'm in /usr/src/linux andI have made the 
"make config" to set my parameters.
But whenI want to run "make dep", I've got 
the followings errors "scripts/mkdep.c ctype.h : not such file 
or directory".
And,I don't understand why, because I've got 
the ctype.h module.

I'm sorry if it looks like a newbie question, 
butI really need help !!

Thak you very much...

Christophe Abrial.

Re: Problem compiling Debian potato - make dep errors

2000-04-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
Check if your libc6 is correctly installed (with all dependencies) and

Ron Rademaker

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Christophe ABRIAL wrote:

 Good morning to everybody,
 I'm experiencing a problem throught the compilation of the kernel (version 
 I've downloaded the sources from
 So, I'm in /usr/src/linux and I have made the make config to set my 
 But when I want to run make dep, I've got the followings errors 
 scripts/mkdep.cctype.h : not such file or directory.
 And, I don't understand why, because I've got the ctype.h module.
 I'm sorry if it looks like a newbie question, but I really need help !!
 Thak you very much...
 Christophe Abrial.

Re: Beware of broken perl installation

2000-04-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
I don't know about apt but about potato and frozen: potato == frozen
(frozen is simply a symlink to potato).

Ron Rademaker

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Oki DZ wrote:

 I have a system with broken perl installation, the output of
 apt-get -s install perl is attached below.
 It's kinda scary, isn't it...?
 The installed perl (according to dpkg) is perl-5.005, why did I get
 perl-5.004 to be installed? 
 BTW, I installed the machine using potato floppies, then I changed the
 sources.list to point to frozen. I recall that I didn't do apt-get
 update;apt-get dist-upgrade, just apt-get update;apt-get upgrade. Do I
 have to dist-upgrade to upgrade potato to frozen? Or, actually the
 meaning should be the opposite; potato to frozen is downgrading. Or, it
 could be just about time; OK potato, but potato when?
 ps: sorry about the not so correct English.
 Reading Package Lists...
 Building Dependency Tree...
 The following extra packages will be installed:
   gdk-imlib1 gnome-libs-data libart2 libopenldap-runtime perl-5.004
   perl-5.004-base perl-5.004-doc postgresql-client 
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   debconf esound esound-common gmc gnome-bin gnome-core gnudip horde imp
   libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libdigest-md5-perl libesd-alsa0 libgnome32
   libgnomesupport0 libgnomeui32 libgnorba27 libgnorbagtk0 mysql-client
   mysql-server perl-5.005 perl-5.005-base snort 
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   perl perl-5.004 perl-5.004-base perl-5.004-doc postgresql-client 
 4 packages upgraded, 5 newly installed, 23 to remove and 131 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Remv imp
 Remv gnudip
 Remv horde
 Remv mysql-server
 Remv mysql-client
 Inst perl-5.004-base [perl-5.005 on perl-base]
 Remv gmc
 Remv libgnorba27 [gnome-bin ]
 Remv gnome-core [gnome-bin ]
 Remv libgnome32 [gnome-bin ]
 Remv libgnomesupport0 [gnome-bin ]
 Remv libgnomeui32 [gnome-bin ]
 Remv gnome-bin [libgnorbagtk0 ]
 Remv libgnorbagtk0
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: mount ownership problem (newbie, maybe)

2000-04-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
I'm not sure but I think a chmod on /dev/scd0 will work...
But as far as I know every user was always allowed to read a mounted
cdrom, I never had a permission denied...

Ron Rademaker

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:

 I created the following mountpoint directories under /mnt
   name(user/group)device  (user/group)
   floppy  (root/floppy)   /dev/fd0(root/floppy)
   cdrom   (root/cdrom)/dev/scd0   (root/cdrom)
   burner  (root/cdrom)/dev/scd1   (root/cdrom)
 Now if I want to mount the cd rom:
 # su
 # mount /mnt/cdrom
 That works fine. The only problem is, after that the /mnt/cdrom dir's
 ownerships will be (root/root) and thus inaccessible by members of the cdrom
 group. If I unmount it, everything is back to normal...
 How do I allow a group to access a mountpoint when the device is mounted?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Trying to run one process as root, how?

2000-04-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
You should set your environmental DISPLAY variable...

Ron Rademaker

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Bryan Walton wrote:

 Greetings to the list,
   I have a situation where I need to run one program as root,
 through an x terminal, while my x windows session is being run as
 non-root.  When I open up an x terminal in this environment, become
 superuser, and then execute the program, the program fails with the
 following message:
   Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
   Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
   Error: Can't open display: :0.0
 Any ideas?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Help with GDM

2000-04-14 Thread Miles Lane

I have a different problem with GDM2.  I am running the
latest development kernels.  Unfortunately, the way
shrmem works has been changed.  Now, prebuilt GDM packages
give me executables that crash when I run them.  I am 
left attempting to get GDM2 to run after building and
installing it from CVS source.  

The problem I have is that I cannot seem to get the 
Xauth stuff to work.  I have added the requisite 
entries to /etc/pam.d/gdm, I have the /var/gdm
directory correctly configured, permissions and 
ownershipwise.  I am totally flumoxed.  I have tried
for over a day to get the damn thing to work, to
no avail.  I've tried setting the various dir prefixes
to make sure all my settings were being found, but that
hasn't helped.

I must say, a fairly obvious fix that would seem to
me to be obvious would be to have the installation
proceedure check which distribution was being used
(at least for Mandrake, SUSE, RedHat, Debian) and 
then install the various pieces in the same places
that the packages for those distributions use.
It just seems that setting up GDM is harder than it
needs to be (comments in the gdm2/INSTALL notwithstanding).


On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:

 I've just upgrade from Debian 2.1 to unstable, and i have
 everything working except gdm. X comes up, and i can see that
 /etc/gdm/Init/Default is being run because the xsetroot command
 there turns the background blue, but this script does not
 complete because the xterm it's supposed to run never appears.
 Then X dies. This happens about 5 more times, and then i'm left
 with X running, along with my xterm and gdmlogin. gdm is no
 longer running at this point. gdmlogin reads in my username and
 password, but then disappears, but both X and the xterm are still
 running. I have to ctrl-alt-backspace it.
 Attached are the relevant parts of /var/log/syslog and the only
 two files i've modified from the default debian install,
 /etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/gdm.conf.
 Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now.
  Buy. And be happy.
 --OMM (THX 1138)

7-bit PPP

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

I'm having problem setting up a PPP connection on Debian; one of the side
complained that the line was not 8-bit clean. Is this kind of problem
due to the settings in /etc/ppp/options or is it a hardware problem? (Some
motherboards have BIOS setting for serial lines.) 

How do you setup a machine that's used for dial-in and dial-out regarding
to the IP numbers? I'd like to have it to accept the remote IP if the
machine is for dialing-out and giving out an IP number when it's used for
servicing dial-ins. What is /etc/ppp/options.ttyXX for? Is it for dial-out
or dial-in? And what about /etc/ppp/options? Is it used for both?

Thanks in advance,

Having trouble with USR v90 56K Internal Voice modem

2000-04-14 Thread Richard Broza
Good Morning;

I've just recently installed debian on my computer. I'm having trouble
with 2 things.

1) I recently purchased a USR v90 56k Internal Voice modem, I tryed to detect
   my modem under debian it couldn't find it. but apon checking windows it
listed as COM 5, how do I get debian to detect com5

2) Currently I use a boot disk to access debian partition, because when I
previously installed it. It didn't detect and was unable my dos/win partition

wyldkard lilo.conf


I after saving this lilo.conf ran the /sbin/lilo to update it,
but apon rebooting it was only able to executed my linux partition, tho it
show apon press the crtl + tab, it does show dos..


Richard Broza

Re: Converting text to Word

2000-04-14 Thread Paul Huygen
Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2) You want to send a Word document to somebody who wants to process it
with Word. In that case, send her the plain ASCI text, and tell her
that she can import it in Word by clicking import as [text

 That's the one,[..]

There is one thing that you can do to help the Word user. In text
processors like Word, paragraphs are not separated into lines in the
electronic version, but only during the instantiation on screen or
paper. So, you could consider to remove single end-of-line characters,
but not double end-of-line characters with some scripting language like

Paul Huygen

Re: Beware of broken perl installation

2000-04-14 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Oki DZ say

 I have a system with broken perl installation, the output of
 apt-get -s install perl is attached below.
That's the culprit, perl package is to be consider obsolete. use
apt-get install perl-5.005 instead.
 It's kinda scary, isn't it...?

| Chanop Silpa-Anan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|  Debian GNU/Linux   GPG key on request  |

Description: PGP signature

Some confusion with libraries and include files (HELP!!!!!)

2000-04-14 Thread Taupter

I'm a bit in trouble here, and any help will be _very_ welcome!


Once upon a time, I had installed Slink. Some libs went old (GTK and a
large bunch), then I compiled them from source to use the newer
versions. Ok. Libs in /usr/local/lib e includes in /usr/local/include,
ok? I edited /etc/ to put /usr/local/bin before the system's
libraries. Everything worked fine...

Last month I upgraded Slink to Potato, then newer libs came, Glibc went
2.1, newer gcc, binutils and so. Then I tried to compile glTron. Error.
My previously compiled-from-source Mesa3D was disappeared. Let's
install Mesa3D and Mesa3D-dev (apt) and edit to look first
for the Debian libs... ldconfig... glTron compiled, with two screens of
warning... Some errors with the source, I suppose... When I ran it, the
sound started to play, and 2 seconds after it segfaulted. Let's try
another program!: XMMS. Compiled, installed and ran fine (till the
OpenGL vis-plugin).

Last night I tried to compile CodeCommander 0.4.0:

getprefs.C:15:assignment to 'GdkFont *' from 'gint' lacks a cast

Uh. I understood the error message (I know something about C/C++
programming), but...

I suppose that the creator of this program compiled his code sucessfully
before exposing its lines to the masses, as the glTron guy would do.
What makes me think that the problem is in my System.

It may be a wrong shot, but I'm suspecting that the system is trying to
compile using include files from a version of these libs, and trying to
link with mismatched versions of the libraries, causing mismatched
pointer types and so. What drives me to one question:

If /etc/ is the file who tells to my system where to find the
libraries to link, where is stored the information about what include
files to use at compile time?

Well, in the CodeCommander's Makefile, we have a prefix = /usr/local,
an includedir = ${prefix}/include and an oldincludedir =

I a bit lost.

Any help will be _very,_very,_really_very_ welcome...|O


Asus K7V motherboard

2000-04-14 Thread Alfredo Amiel P. Leonardia
Hi All,

Anybody out there using an Asus K7V motherboard?  It's very new and I
haven't found anything on the web concerning compatibility with linux or
lack thereof.  Any info?

Thanks in advance.

-A. Leonardia

Gnudip DHCP serve

2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

I'm looking for ways to update a Gnudip server by sending requests to a
DHCP server asking for all those available Windows names with their
respective IPs. How? Or should I just read the DHCP's RFC?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Having trouble with USR v90 56K Internal Voice modem

2000-04-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 1) I recently purchased a USR v90 56k Internal Voice modem, I tryed to detect
my modem under debian it couldn't find it. but apon checking windows it
 listed as COM 5, how do I get debian to detect com5
are you sure, it is no winmodem? if it is ok, then you possibly have to
enable extended serial port support (or something like that) in the
kernel. possibly you have just to add some kernel parameter to lilo.conf 

 2) Currently I use a boot disk to access debian partition, because when I
 previously installed it. It didn't detect and was unable my dos/win partition
 wyldkard lilo.conf
you have installed lilo in the boot sector of the dos partition. so if you
try to boot it from the menu, you will re-load lilo itself, so you
thoeretically get into a infinite loop.
make boot=/dev/hda to install it in the mbr. note, that you probably 
have to sys c: after a boot from a dos floppy to make dos bootable
oh - it surely won´t hurt, if you make the map= line

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.


2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

/deb'ee`n/, *not* /deeb'ee`n/ The non-profit volunteer organisation
responsible for Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/Hurd. Debian's Linux
distribution is dedicated to free and open source software; the main goal
of the distribution is to ensure that one can download and install a
fully-functional operating system that is completely adherent to the
Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG). 

So, what's exactly the meaning of Debian? Is it a made up name or what?
It's nice to have Debian in a dictionary, but it doesn't explain the
meaning of the word.

BTW, the dictionary (if referring to the Project) could have been made
Debian: a cool OS.


Re: Trying to run one process as root, how?

2000-04-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 You should set your environmental DISPLAY variable...
it is set. otherwise he would get the message 
... Xt error: Can't open display: instead of

  Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
  Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
  Error: Can't open display: :0.0


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.


2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

I see, DEBra and IAN Murdock.
It was in the dictionary, so it's a made up one.

BTW, the logo gives me an impression that Debian is a Genie in a bottle. 



2000-04-14 Thread Oki DZ

If there's an ispell, where is the ithes?


Re: 2 modems to the Internet

2000-04-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Is it possible to have two default routes to the Internet?
basically you cannot have two default routes, as this is a bit paradox.
you could set up some more complicated routing rules according to the
destinations. also, the kernel offers some options, which are enabled by
advanced router in the kernel network config. it supports multi-choice
routes, etc. 
don´t ask me, how to use it ... :-(

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Installing Netscape6

2000-04-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I've d/l'ed the tarball, unpacked it, and there's no readme,
 no ns-install (like in 4.72), no docs whatsoever!?
i found no install program, too. i guess, you have to un-tar it to it´s
final destination.

 So, I figure I'll try the netscape-file which is in the
 top-directory. I know very little about scripts, but this
 could be an install-script.
it is no installer, but the ready-to-run program.

 It aborts with something about
 missing libc6-1.1.2 (typing from memory).
 Does this mean that I am missing some libs?
 Maybe the new netscape needs Potato-libs?
yes. you need a newer glibc. as it is a really ugly thing to upgrade a
libc, you probably should upgrade you whole system to potato.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Problem with telnetd

2000-04-14 Thread Vicente Torres
When I telnet my machine from another box,
I get following message

bash-2.02$ telnet mymachine
Connected to mymachine.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: getpty: Permission denied
Connection closed by foreign host.

SSH works well. I think it was after upgrading
to woody when I started to get this problem.

any idea?

  .'/,-Y ~-.
Vicente Torres Carot  l.Y ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia   /\   __  Doh!
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i___/   \
Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n |  /   \   o !
46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)  l ] o !__./
SPAIN \ _  _\.___./~\
   X \/ \___./
Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___.   _..--~~   ~`-.
FAX:  (96)2849309 ` Z,--   /\
 __.  (   /   __)
I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's  \   l  /-~~ /
just the way I am. -- Homer Simpson -- Y   \  /
## | x__.^
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

request of help to make the network card work

2000-04-14 Thread mauro faga
I have a 3Com Etherlink iii 3c509b ISA PnP network card, located under
windows at IO=0x210, IRQ=5. When I try to load the module 3c509.o under
linux, it detects a card at IO=0x200, irq=3. The diagnostic PING doesn't
receive any response, as the addresses aren't correct. Any attempt to
configure the module (via modules.conf) with specified values results in a
IO_PARAM error. What can I do?

Thanks in advance
Mauro Faga

What are the most common causes of linux system hangs?

2000-04-14 Thread Joe Emenaker
Aka... why is my system so well hung? :)

Every now and then, I'll have a Debian box that starts having fits of hard
system hangs. Sometimes, it goes away when I turn off a daemon. Other times,
it goes away when I put the hard drives in an entirely different computer.

Currently, I'm having this problem with one. Just... out of the blue, it
will hang dead in its tracks. The keyboard doesn't even wake the screen so I
can see if there are any kernel panic messages or anything. Ctrl-Alt-Del
doesn't do anything. I have to hit the rest button.

It doesn't seem to matter what's running becuase I've tried turning almost
all of the daemons (except cron and a couple of others) off, and it still
hung. It's happening more and more frequently, too. It used to be able to go
for a week or two. Now, it barely makes it more than 4 hours or so.

Now, I'm pretty certain that it's some hardware problem. But, I'd like to
avoid moving the whole system to a brand-new machine, find that the problem
has gone away, and conclude that there's just *something* bad about the old
server and that I need to chuck the whole thing.

So, I'd like to isolate the problem, if I could.

With that in mind, does anyone have any personal experience concerning what
the problem usually is in these cases? Motherboard? RAM? Has it ever helped
anyone to *under*clock the CPU?

I'm anxious for any ideas

- Joe

[Fwd: What are the most common causes of linux system hangs?]

2000-04-14 Thread Vitux

 Joe Emenaker wrote:
  Aka... why is my system so well hung? :)
  Every now and then, I'll have a Debian box that starts having fits of hard
  system hangs. Sometimes, it goes away when I turn off a daemon. Other times,
  it goes away when I put the hard drives in an entirely different computer.
  Currently, I'm having this problem with one. Just... out of the blue, it
  will hang dead in its tracks. The keyboard doesn't even wake the screen so I
  can see if there are any kernel panic messages or anything. Ctrl-Alt-Del
  doesn't do anything. I have to hit the rest button.
  It doesn't seem to matter what's running becuase I've tried turning almost
  all of the daemons (except cron and a couple of others) off, and it still
  hung. It's happening more and more frequently, too. It used to be able to go
  for a week or two. Now, it barely makes it more than 4 hours or so.
  Now, I'm pretty certain that it's some hardware problem. But, I'd like to
  avoid moving the whole system to a brand-new machine, find that the problem
  has gone away, and conclude that there's just *something* bad about the old
  server and that I need to chuck the whole thing.
  So, I'd like to isolate the problem, if I could.
  With that in mind, does anyone have any personal experience concerning what
  the problem usually is in these cases? Motherboard? RAM? Has it ever helped
  anyone to *under*clock the CPU?
  I'm anxious for any ideas
  - Joe
 Definitely not a good a idea to overclock, but I guess you
 know that.
 Most likely, you have some bad ram sitting in there, making
 the life of your server miserable. The 100Mhz ram is said to
 be more liable to crash, so it might be a good idea to try
 some different ram-setups.
 Some mobo's are also known to be more crashy than others,
 especially the cheap ones (you basically get what you pay
 for). I have a dual PII mobo from PC Chips, which is very
 fast when it's working, but has a tendency to hard-crash
 after maybe an hour...(luckily, I got almost for free :-)
 Death comes to us in various guises,
 swiftly changing as a baby's mood...
 Debian GNU/Linux
 Micro$loth-free Zone

RE: newbie question.

2000-04-14 Thread Robert Varga

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:

  On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 01:45:00PM +0200, Robert Varga wrote:
  The debian cd should contain the rtl8139.o file. It should install it, if
  you select the rtl8139 module during the kernel module configuration phase
  of the installing. If you want to reconfigure the installed modules of the
  installation, you need to start from install the base system menu item.
 Ah, I don't want to be such a wiseguy, but I'm quite sure that _all_ modules
 are installed regardless of what you select at install time.

I guess it's so. But then why did he not find it there? I have the
rlt8139.o in there.

 The selection interface is just the program modconf, which you can rerun
 anytime. If a module is compiled at all in the debian standard kernel, it will
 show up there (under net)

That's good to know. I used to forget to select some modules during
install, and after the next install phase the menu would not call the
module reconfiguration.

 I do not know what things modconf does, but it does add a line for the module
 to /etc/modules.

Yes, if you selected the module.


Re: How to upgrade from slink to potato

2000-04-14 Thread Alex Kwan

Because I am afraid the upgrade will loss my
nstalled application and user's information.
What is the safe way to upgrade slink to potato?


Re: request of help to make the network card work

2000-04-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a 3Com Etherlink iii 3c509b ISA PnP network card, located under
 windows at IO=0x210, IRQ=5. When I try to load the module 3c509.o under
 linux, it detects a card at IO=0x200, irq=3.
 Any attempt to
 configure the module (via modules.conf) with specified values results in a
 IO_PARAM error. What can I do?
you probably have to install the isapnp package and configure the card
alternatively you can look in your bios setup under pci-options. there is
a switch pnp os installed. turn it to no. (this applies to award bios)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Debian

2000-04-14 Thread Carl Fink
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 10:22:45PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 So, what's exactly the meaning of Debian? Is it a made up name or what?
 It's nice to have Debian in a dictionary, but it doesn't explain the
 meaning of the word.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: How to upgrade from slink to potato

2000-04-14 Thread SCOTT FENTON
If you hav a cable, DSL, or T* connection, wait for potato to stablize,
then run apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade

Alex Kwan wrote:
 Because I am afraid the upgrade will loss my
 nstalled application and user's information.
 What is the safe way to upgrade slink to potato?
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Re: What are the most common causes of linux system hangs?

2000-04-14 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Joe,

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Joe Emenaker wrote:

 Currently, I'm having this problem with one. Just... out of the blue, it
 will hang dead in its tracks. The keyboard doesn't even wake the screen so I
 can see if there are any kernel panic messages or anything. Ctrl-Alt-Del
 doesn't do anything. I have to hit the rest button.
 Now, I'm pretty certain that it's some hardware problem. But, I'd like to
 avoid moving the whole system to a brand-new machine, find that the problem
 has gone away, and conclude that there's just *something* bad about the old
 server and that I need to chuck the whole thing.
 So, I'd like to isolate the problem, if I could.
 With that in mind, does anyone have any personal experience concerning what
 the problem usually is in these cases? Motherboard? RAM? Has it ever helped
 anyone to *under*clock the CPU?
 I'm anxious for any ideas

I can only tell you about some experiences I made with an old 486,
which I got very cheap without a harddisc. I bought an IDE-HD and put it
in, installed debian and I also got occasional system crashes with exactly
the same symptoms as you reported, except that it always occured, when
there was heavy I/O on the harddisc, and afterwards the hd-LED was always 
on. I also tried different settings, with the demons and so on, but it
didn't help. As I had a small DOS-Partition on the hard-drive, I booted
into DOS, just to test. The problem still occured. So it was quite clear
to me, that it should be a hardware matter.
In my case, it was easy to isolate the problem. I assumed, that the
computer had worked fine in the office, it had been used before (as some
kind of diskless terminal, booting from a network). So it was clear to me,
that it had to do something with the harddisc which I put in. First
thing, I did, was change the connector cable. Didn't help. As the harddisc
was new, I supposed, it could be a problem with the I/O-card, which was in
the computer. So I exchanged that one, and guess what? The thing worked

So in essence, I agree with you, that your Problem might most probably be
a hardware matter. But it could be very difficult to isolate the problem.
I am not an expert in hardware matters, but I don't think that
underclocking would be the way to go. If your motherboard and CPU fit
together, and they support the clock you are using, this shouldn't be a
problem (There was another mail on the debian-user list just recently,
saying that W95 was falling over on AMDs faster than 350MHz on certain
motherboards, but we're not talking about windoze in your case, and I
don't think this is a very common case).
I don't know, how BIOS RAM-Tests work, but I would first of all conclude,
that if this one never reports a problem, it should not be a problem with
the RAM.

Don't count on my tips too much, as I am not a techie, but just a normal
user. But I just wanted to show you, how I would try to isolate the
Try removing or exchanging (one by one) those things from your system,
that could cause the crashes. Start with the components, which are most
likely to cause the problem, and which can most easily be
removed/exchanged (For example easy to exchange: connector cables). This
can be a very time consuming thing, but I don't see another way of
isolating hardware problems of such a kind, when you don't get error
reports or kernel-messages in case of a crash.

So this mail is perhaps not of much help for you, as I can't say: This or  
that is definitely the thing to look at. But I also think, that this
would be impossible to do, as it can be many things in the inside of your 
computer, which can cause such problems.


ZyXEL ISDN external adapter

2000-04-14 Thread Ximo Nadal

We have a ZyXEL Omni TA128 ISDN external adapter connected to a high
speed serial card (460 kbs). How we must configure linux (Debian) to
works fine with this harware (using two ISDN Channels)?

Where can we find documentation about this problem (or similar)?

Please help us 8-)

Thaks for your support.
Mecanizados, S. A.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA (SPAIN).
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux


2000-04-14 Thread admar

I'm using Debian potato on my laptop at school where I have a fast and
free internet connection. At another computer at home, I'm using Debian
slink. I would like to put potato on that computer to, but that one has no
fast  free connection. That computer uses some packages not installed my
laptop. I would like to be able to download and not install those
packages on my laptop, then use apt-move to put them on the ftp of my
laptop and upgrade the other computer. 
It would also be nice if those packages were automatically updated on my
laptop every time I update the installed packages on my laptop.
Does anyone know a solution?

Admar Schoonen

PS: CC to my, since I'm not on the list

Re: install help with a SCSI CDROM on a 486

2000-04-14 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been fighting this Debian install for 3 weeks and am about tired of it.
 If I don't get an answer here, then I am taking the damn CD to the skeet
 range. OK, here is what I got:
 Debian 2.1 bootable CD, official type that comes in the box, has the Debian
 tm logo on it and the O'Rielly cow book in the box with it
 Desired packages:
 Perl(full install not just the basic package), Python, gcc, apache/httpd,
 Compaq Prolinea 4/66 20megsRAM   a 486
 Fujitsu 4.3 HD partitioned as:
  hda1 := 2048
  hda5 := 1024 copied the Debian CD here in /Debian using xcopy in DOS
  hda6 := 1024 copied W31  W95 here to make it easier to reinstall 
  hda7 := 0033 Linux swap from previous install attempts
  hda8 := 0033 somehow generated in one of the install attempts, delete later
 Netgear/Bay Network EA201 D2  NIC
 Adaptec AVA-1505A hooked to an internal IBM/Matsuhita CR-503-C
 CDROM is at SCSI#3
 during DOS bootup it shows the card as
  Host Adapter #0
  Port 140h
  Interrupt 10
  Host Adapter SCSI ID = 7
 One of the references that I found is at
 and its example was   aha152x=0x340,10,7
 however, I believe that I should have aha152x=0x140,10,7 due to the IO
 Now I can click Win95 Start, Shutdown to DOS, go to the CDROM as I:\ in
 Win98DOS, cd install, invoke boot.bat, select color, select USA keyboard,
 partition hda1 as ext2~Write~yes,~Quit initactivate swap hda7, init
 /dev/hda1, skip the bad block check since it has been done about 20 times
 without finding anything, mount as /, Install Operating System Kernel and
 Modules, Select CDROM as medium, select /dev/scd0 : SCSI, and bleewy NO
 The question remains, where do I tell Debian to aha152x=0x140,10,7 in this
 process?? I don't see a place to pass these parameters to the install
 program. What am I missing???

You don't have to tell it to the install program, you have to tell it to the
kernel. When you boot the cd you get the kernel boot: line on the very first
screen; you have to enter the params here. You can also get some help by
pressing F1.

Re: debian on newer kernel

2000-04-14 Thread John Kuhn
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 08:18:33AM +0200, Vitux wrote:
 John Kuhn wrote:
  My experiance was that 2.2.13 is the latest stable kernel that you
  can run on slink without updating any other packages.  Kernel 2.2.14
  would require installing a newer procps (2.0.3 or later).
 Not in my experience. I got the kernel-source for 2.2.14
 from and did a manual compile/install (if that
 makes any difference, I can't say).
 I've had no trouble whatsoever and the system is rock stable
 (except from occasional hardware-related stuff ;-)

I did a manual compile/install of 2.2.14.  The kernel itself did
work fine.  I found that ps, top and friends from procps 1.2.9-3
did not work correctly with the new kernel.  Checking
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes I found that procps 2.0.3 or
newer is required for kernel 2.2.14.  The Changes file for 2.2.13
indicated that procps 1.2.9 would work with this version.  Since
I consider procps an essential package, I had two choices at this
point.  I could have compiled a new version of procps or moved back
to kernel 2.2.13.  Neither is difficult, but for now I chose to
use kernel 2.2.13.


Re: Debian

2000-04-14 Thread Christian Surchi
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 10:22:45PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 So, what's exactly the meaning of Debian? Is it a made up name or what?
 It's nice to have Debian in a dictionary, but it doesn't explain the
 meaning of the word.

DEBra and IAN Murdock!


2.2.14 vs procps [was: debian on newer kernel]

2000-04-14 Thread Vitux
John Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 08:18:33AM +0200, Vitux wrote:
  John Kuhn wrote:
   My experiance was that 2.2.13 is the latest stable kernel that you
   can run on slink without updating any other packages.  Kernel 2.2.14
   would require installing a newer procps (2.0.3 or later).
  Not in my experience. I got the kernel-source for 2.2.14
  from and did a manual compile/install (if that
  makes any difference, I can't say).
  I've had no trouble whatsoever and the system is rock stable
  (except from occasional hardware-related stuff ;-)
 I did a manual compile/install of 2.2.14.  The kernel itself did
 work fine.  I found that ps, top and friends from procps 1.2.9-3
 did not work correctly with the new kernel.  Checking
 /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes I found that procps 2.0.3 or
 newer is required for kernel 2.2.14.  The Changes file for 2.2.13
 indicated that procps 1.2.9 would work with this version.  Since
 I consider procps an essential package, I had two choices at this
 point.  I could have compiled a new version of procps or moved back
 to kernel 2.2.13.  Neither is difficult, but for now I chose to
 use kernel 2.2.13.
Very strange, I'm running 2.2.14 and procps 1.2.9-3, with
top and ps functioning as usual. Can't recall doing anything
spicey during my kernel-install (seriously doubt it; still a
relative kernel-newbie). 
Looking through my boot-messages, there is one strangeness,
though probably unrelated: process accounting fails w/
not available. Process accounting belongs to the acct
package, which I can't remove?!


Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Gnome desktop

2000-04-14 Thread John Stevenson
You shoud really just edit the .xsession file in your user directory,
You do not need to include a command to run the window manager (fvwm2), 
will do that for you.
Check that you dont have a .xinitrc file in your home directory as this will 
the .xsession file and cause it not to be looked at.


Sandy Shapiro wrote:

 I think I am already doing that, althought I may not have done it
 correctly. I edited Xsession and added the lines:

 exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

 I also tried adding the line:


 but that didn't make any difference.

 Did I leave something out, or do I need to do this differently?


 Alternitvely, you could use gnome-session which will run gmc and the
 gnome panel (an anything from previous sessions) for you.  Create a
 .xinitrc file in your users home directory and include the following


 Hope this helps.

 Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

   Sandy == Sandy Shapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I installed Debian (slink) and the X Window system. My manual
   that came with the CD, Learning Debian Gnu/Linux has a section
   on using GNOME.
   Most of the things they refer to are there, but two are missing:
   home directory icon and File Manager. I suspect they didn't get
   installed. I used dselect to check the CD Rom, but I can't find
   any Gnome related files that are uninstalled.
   Are they listed under another name? Is there some other way to
   complete the installation? I kind of enjoy using Gnome, and I
   would like to find and install the rest of it.
  They are both the same think.  You need the gmc package, and just run
  gmc when you are in X windows.
   Sandy Shapiro
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Re: What are the most common causes of linux system hangs?

2000-04-14 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Joe Emenaker wrote:
 With that in mind, does anyone have any personal experience concerning what
 the problem usually is in these cases? Motherboard? RAM? Has it ever helped
 anyone to *under*clock the CPU?
You could try memtest86 to test the memory.

2 newbie questions

2000-04-14 Thread Peter Solinsky
I have a boca-research modem which is PNP compatable but debian can't 
detect it.  Do I need to manually set the jumpers for and open COM and IRQ 
for it to be recognized?

2nd:  I am having trouble getting xwindows to work properly.  When I run 
xf86config and set the card for SVGA, my monitor blanks and I get nothing, 
the main problem is I cannot get linux to reboot without entering xwin at 
startup which means my screen blanks at startup and I can't rerun config 
w/o wiping everything and starting over.

I would appreciate any help.



Re: 7-bit PPP

2000-04-14 Thread John Hasler
Oki writes:
 I'm having problem setting up a PPP connection on Debian; one of the side
 complained that the line was not 8-bit clean. Is this kind of problem
 due to the settings in /etc/ppp/options or is it a hardware problem?

Neither.  It means that pppd is starting up at your end while a login
process is still running at the other end, echoing everything while it
waits for what it needs to complete the login.  The login process is
expecting test and so is stripping the eighth bit.  Dial in with minicom
and work through the login process by hand to find out what your ISP wants.

 How do you setup a machine that's used for dial-in and dial-out regarding
 to the IP numbers?

Use pppconfig to set it up for dial-out and then use pon to start ppp and
poff to stop it.

 I'd like to have it to accept the remote IP if the machine is for
 dialing-out and giving out an IP number when it's used for servicing

Dial-in and dial-out are completely independent.  Use mgetty with AUTOPPP
for dial-in.

 What is /etc/ppp/options.ttyXX for?

It contains pppd options that are only read when the connection is made via
that particular serial port.

 Is it for dial-out or dial-in?

Either, though it is usually used for dial-in.  You need not be concerned
with it, though.  Leave it alone.

 And what about /etc/ppp/options? Is it used for both?

/etc/ppp/options is read whenever pppd starts up.  It should contain
options that apply to all connections.  They can be overrridden by options
from other sources.  Don't change it.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: disappeared...

2000-04-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
After more than 24 hours and a bitchy letter to my ISP,
now resolves again.  No clue why it disappeared, except my ISP has
changed hands recently

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 01:23:16AM -0700, wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 11:13:58PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote: seems to have disappeared.  I was using it as a Debian
  non-US mirror.  Anybody know about this (or does it still resolve for
 Looks OK to me:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:karsten]$ ping
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=243 time=227.3 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=220.2 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=243 time=200.3 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=243 time=190.3 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=243 time=200.4 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
 round-trip min/avg/max = 190.3/207.7/227.3 ms

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: disappeared...

2000-04-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 09:34:01PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote: seems to have disappeared.  I was using it as a Debian
  non-US mirror.  Anybody know about this (or does it still resolve for
 apt-get update worked for me just now. I haven't been able to mirror on
 any non-US site for about a year, so I have to get it off the net. (Care
 to send me a working non-US mirror setup?)

I should've been more clear.  I'm not mirroring non-US, I've been using
the as a source for apt-get.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

problems with apt-get upgrade slink - potato

2000-04-14 Thread Gregory Guthrie

I tried to do a slink-potato
I put the potato debian site in /etc/apt/sources.list, and let go with

atp-get update   -- works
apt-get dist-upgrade -- problems...

but, (see below) it looks like I get only a few fiels, adn many many
errors which seem server related.


Gregory Guthrie

Script started on Thu Apr 13 20:13:21 2000
csgrg.root(502)  apt-get dist-upgrade

Reading Package Lists... 0%
Reading Package Lists... 100%
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... 0%
Building Dependency Tree... 0%
Building Dependency Tree... 50%
Building Dependency Tree... 50%
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
 timezones libmd5-perl perl libpam0g-util perl-suid libsnmp3.6
The following NEW packages will be installed:
 libncurses5 traceroute perl-5.004-base libwrap0 libpam-modules
 perl-5.005 ruptime liburi-perl libpam-runtime rusers rsh-server
 perl-5.004-suid tcpd rdate cfingerd perl-5.004-doc tftp finger
 icmpinfo rwho bootpc rdist ftp rwall perl-5.005-base rwhod fping
 tcl8.2 tk8.2 rsh-client debconf libreadline4 nfs-common pidentd
169 packages upgraded, 39 newly installed, 7 to remove and 0 not
Need to get 62.4MB/63.2MB of archives. After unpacking 58.2MB will be
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

0% [Waiting for file]

potato/main libc6-dev 2.1.3-8 [2092kB]

0% [1 libc6-dev 1142/2092kB 0%]
3% [1 libc6-dev 2088942/2092kB 99%] 11.5kB/s 1h27m51s
3% [Working] 11.5kB/s 1h27m50s
Err potato/main libc6 2.1.3-8
 400 Bad Request
Err potato/main libpam0g 0.72-7
 Bad header line
Err potato/main snmp 4.1.1-2
 The http server sent an invalid reply header
Get:2 potato/main ncurses-base 5.0-6 [80.7kB]

3% [2 ncurses-base 0/80.7kB 0%] 11.5kB/s 1h27m50s

Err potato/main libncurses4 4.2-9
 400 Bad Request

Err potato/main netbase 3.18-2
 Bad header line

Get:3 potato/main libwrap0 7.6-4 [52.8kB]

3% [3 libwrap0 0/52.8kB 0%] 9941B/s 1h41m3s
3% [3 libwrap0 47836/52.8kB 90%] 9963B/s 1h40m45s
3% [Working] 9963B/s 1h40m44s
Err potato/main tcpd 7.6-4
 501 Method Not Implemented

Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125 Fax: -1103
 Computer Science Department
 College of Science and Technology
 Maharishi University of Management
 (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

Re: Trying to run one process as root, how?

2000-04-14 Thread Brenda J. Butler
On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 07:07:17PM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Jim Breton wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 06:17:00PM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
since I believe if you use +root you would be allowing the root user
on any other system to connect to your X server as well.
   Actually, you will be allowing any user on system 'root' to connect.
  Not according to the xhost man page:
 I think you have misinterpreted the man page.  You can only add users if
 you are authenticating via kerberos or NIS.  In that case, you would have
 to specify 'xhost +nis:root@' to get the desired behavior.  And it won't
 work (i.e. grant anybody any access) unless you have Secure RPC.  If you
 just specify a single word, xhost will assume you mean a network system
 and in fact it will give an error if you just type 'xhost +root' and there
 is no system called 'root' on your network.
 (Yes, the man page is magically obscure on this point :} )
---end quoted text---

The man page is magically obscure, _and_ the system behaves as if
the _user_ root _is_ allowed to display.  I don't believe I have
all that secure jazz in my setup either, but it worked for me.  And I
assure you, I don't have any system named root on my local network.

Mind you, I didn't try logging in to another system as root and
trying to display to the X server in question.

The other solution, setting XAUTHORITY in the root environment to
that of the user that owns the X session, also worked for me.
I've never seen that before - neat.


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