Re: Mouse Configuration

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
> Hello All,
> Anyone have any ideas what would keep my mouse from working in
> the X Window System?
> It's a PS2 Kensington mouse. I can't seem to get it to work.
> Is it compatible with Debian?

The Hardware-HOWTO at doesn't
mention Kensington per say, but it does claim that PS/2 mice are

Look in the "Section 'Pointer" area of your /etc/X11/XF86Config file.
What are the relevant lines there (particularly "Protocol" and
"Device")? I believe the protocol needs to be "ps2" and the device needs
to be "/dev/psaux".

Re: Mouse Configuration

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
> Hello All,
> Anyone have any ideas what would keep my mouse from working in
> the X Window System?
> It's a PS2 Kensington mouse. I can't seem to get it to work.
> Is it compatible with Debian?

The Hardware-HOWTO at doesn't
mention Kensington per say, but it does claim that PC/2 mice are

Look in the "Section 'Pointer" area of your /etc/X11/XF86Config file.
What are the relevant lines there (particularly "Protocol" and
"Device")? I believe the protocol needs to be "ps2" and the device needs
to be "/dev/psaux".

Re: Ethernet Card Installation

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
> I need help installing a Ethernet Netgear FA-310TX (Tulip
> chip). Does anyone know where I would get the drivers and how to install it.

According to the Hardware-HOWTO at, this NIC is
supported, and the "Tulip" page at might be able to help you get

Re: Latin-1 characters in X, how?

2000-05-14 Thread Jan Pfeifer
I think my .Xmodmap may help you with this. It sets the two "windows"
keys as "Mod3" (which I assign to window manager functions) and the
"menu" key to "compose", aka "Multi_key". The compose key will be
accepted by most of the software (all gnome, xemacs, powershell(this
one is great), gnome-terminal, xterm(?), ...). I hope you can adapt it
for your need :)


-- .Xmodmap:
keycode 0x73 = Super_L
keycode 0x75 = Multi_key dead_cedilla
keycode 0x74 = Super_R

clear mod3
clear mod4
clear mod5

add mod3 = Super_L
add mod3 = Super_R

to load it, just do 

$ xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

or insert it in your .xinitrc file (or .xsession)

> The question is, how can I do the same with X clients?  I know about
> xmodmap and I have read its manpage, but it doesn't help me because it
> only talks about mapping single keycodes to keysyms.  Is the
> interpretation of compose sequences something that's left to the
> client under X?  
I think so, but actually I would also like to know more about this

> If so, how do I enable this in rxvt (or in xterm, if
> needs be)?

Re: Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:
> Jay Kelly wrote:

> > and my video is set at the wrong screen size. Is the Diamond
> > Voodoo 2000 compatible with Debian? I couldn't get it to work.
> > I guess I need some good Help Doc's to guide me.

>From the Hardware-HOWTO at
Most currently available Diamond cards ARE supported by the current
release of XFree86. Early Diamond cards may not be officially supported
by XFree86, but there are ways of getting them to work. Diamond is now
actively supporting the XFree86 Project.

Re: bigots - was Emacs - was Mail/news software

2000-05-14 Thread Christian Lynbech on satellite
> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jonathan> I think the best comment over the emacs thing was; someone
Jonathan> said "it's not an editor, it's a virtual machine" Now that
Jonathan> makes great sense!  Now someone needs to come up with
Jonathan> something as clever to explain vi... :)

I once heard the quote: "UNIX has a better editor than Emacs, but
Emacs has a better operating system".

Christian Lynbech  | Ericsson Telebit, Fabrikvej 11, DK-8260 Viby J  
Fax:   +45 8675 6881   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +45 8675 6828   | web:
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

Re: Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Graeme Mathieson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A Linux guru/friend is a great source of help.
> I managed to parse that as "A Linux girlfriend ...".  Yes, that would be
> a great source of help. :-)

Well, maybe not. Wouldn't she have to be Open Source, available to all?

Sorry  ;)

Re: Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
> Here's the problem:
> When I install corel Linux I have no problems getting the Video and Mouse
> working in X, But when I install Debian in the same machine I have no Mouse
> and my video is set at the wrong screen size. Aer the Diamond Vodoo 2000
> compatible with Debian? I couldnt get it to work. I guess I need some good
> Help Doc's to guide me.
> Its a really hard switch coming from Windows...
> Jay

Corel is based on Debian, so if Corel works, pure Debian should work,
but having never played with Corel Linux I can't say for sure.

Actually, command-line Linux should work, no question. It's the X Window
System that is at issue here. It may be that the version of Debian you
have (Ham?, Potato? Slink?) has an older version of XFree86 than what
your Corel Linux has. In such a situation, it's not a matter of Corel vs
Debian, but a matter of which version of X.

To find out which version of X you have (even if it's not yet working),
you can type "X -showconfig". Then you may have to press Shift-PgUp to
scroll up to the top of the messages where you'll see something like
"Xfree86 Version 3.3.6".

I did not see your card listed at,
so it may not be supported. However, almost all video cards nowadays
will work to some extent, such as in VGA (640x400x16colors) mode. It
could be that Corel has tweaked the video drivers to support that card
(which is an argument in favor of commercial distributions), whereas the
default XFree86 doesn't yet support it. However, rather than take this
as gospel, I'd do some more research before giving up on it. (Can
someone else on the list verify/deny the compatibility of this video

The mouse is less of an issue. If it works in Corel Linux, it will
almost certainly work in straight Debian. It's just a matter of getting
it properly configured.

Both problems (video and mouse) are probably solvable; you probably just
have the wrong settings in /etc/X11/XF86Config (which is THE file that
will make you or break you).

How have you tried to set up X? Did you use "xf86config", or
"XF86Setup"? Try using the other tool; sometimes one will give better
results than the other one.

As to the video settings, sometimes the /etc/X11/XF86Config file has
several workable settings for your card/monitor pair. In this case,
pressing Ctrl-Alt-MinusKeyOnTheNumPad will cycle through the available
"resolutions". Try it; it may do nothing; it may throw your system into
a setting that your monitor can't handle (which could damage your
monitor, but most new monitors have built-in protection for this sort of
thing); in such a situation, pressing Ctrl-Alt-PlusKeyOnTheNumPad should
get you back to your previous setting, and in case you can't get out of
a wacko video setting, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace should kill your X session,
where you can start over again.

What type mouse do you have? Is it a serial mouse or a PS/2 mouse (or
something else)? Where do you have it plugged in? What does the "Section
'Pointer'" in THE file (/etc/X11/XF86Config) have in it?

And yes, some aspects of installing Linux are much harder than
installing Windows. However, having been a Windows support technician
since the 3.1 days, I can easily say that some aspects of installing
Linux are much easier than installing Windows. And with Linux, at least
I have consistency instead of doing the same thing trying to install a
driver in Windows four times in a roll and failing only to have it work
on the fifth time. Keep plugging away; it'll eventually fall into place.
Respond to these comments/questions and we'll be that much closer to a
solution for you. (I suggest you keep the Debian-User list in the
address, so that other more informed people can respond rather than just
relying on my limited knowledge/experience.)

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 2:18 PM
> To: Jay Kelly
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Setting up X
> Jay Kelly wrote:
> >
> > Anybody know where I can get some help with setting up X. I can't
> > seem to get it working right.
> > Jay
> >
> A Linux guru/friend is a great source of help. Also of great value is
> your local Linux User Group (LUG).
> I've had pretty good success with this list; success often depends on
> persistence and good communication skills (asking the right questions
> and providing the necessary information, etc).
> What type of problems are you having? Are you a total newbie to
> computers/Linux/X, or are you a long-time X user with a specific problem
> that just doesn't seem to be covered by the docs/on-line sources, etc?
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

Mouse Configuration

2000-05-14 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello All,
Anyone have any idea;s what would keep my mouse from woring in X Windows.
Its a PS2 Kensington mouse. I cant seem to get it to work. Is it compatible
with Debian?

Debian over Caldera

2000-05-14 Thread John Plummer
Sorry to trouble you with this but couldn't find anything in
scanning the last few months' mail.  I'm new to Debian and
Linux and would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
Would like to install Debian in place of Caldera on a PC
currently dual booting NT and Caldera.  The first drive has
the NT boot partition (NTFS) and a small FAT partition.  The
second drive has a 5 GB NTFS partition and a 3 GB and a .5
GB partition for Caldera.
Caldera installed cleanly, including seeing the cable modem,
except for configuring the printer.  But is doesn't seem to have
the 'open', non-commercial mindset that Debian has.  Installing
other software packages has incurred problems for which a
support maillist like this wasn't found.
The question then is what is the easiest way to install Debian
over the Caldera?  I picked up the O'Reilly debian gnu-linux
package inexpensively at a mall which included the McCarty
book.  Are the included install instructions the only or cleanest
way or is there a less involved method taking advantage of the
existing installed Linux?
The goal of this is to migrate a Solaris server/ WinXX client
small application development house (6 of us) to a Linux/Solaris
environment now and eventually our customer base.
Any thoughts or precautions on using Debian along with MySQL,
Magic Software and JBuilder would also be appreciated!


LLP Modem problems

2000-05-14 Thread zdrysdal
Hi all

Has anyone experienced the problem where uucp system produces Low Level
Protocol (LLP) errors?

ie.  our system uploads hl7files to a mailbox via uucp... when i dial up
the mailbox and download the hl7 files (emulating a doctors practice) i get
a random amount of LLP/CRC errors.  But most of the files are ok.

I have tried changing modems and playing with the modem settings etc. but
to no avail.  So now I am asking around...

BTW, this is an AIX box... sorry if this offends anyone.


Stylus Color 850/magicfilter -- color problem

2000-05-14 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  I just installed an Epson Stylus Color 850 on a Debian box running
  woody, gs-aladdin 5.50, magicfilter 1.2-39 and lprng
  3.6.12-5. Kernel is 2.3.99-pre6.

  I've tried all filters available for the Stylus Color 800.

  It works great, except that I have a color problem...

- Red is printed sometimes as brown, sometimes as orange, and seldom
  as red (depending on the file being printed);
- Green and blue are sort of darker than they appear on screen (I
  mean, dark enough to make a big difference);

- Now, cyan and yellow are ok. I think pink is almost perfect
  too... (That's what Id expect, since these are the ink colors).

  I went through quite a few websites and other resources, and it
  seems that I'm doing everything right... And as far as I could see,
  the 850 + stc800 driver should not have the color tuning problem
  that the Stylus Color 740 seems to have.

  Does anyone have any idea of what I may be doing wrong?

  Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

rsync and md5sum

2000-05-14 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Well, I made my binary-i386-1.iso pointing to 2.1_r4, but towards the
end of rsync I got "error in file " etc.
But when I checked the mdsums, both were the same, in the image and in
the server. Why is rsync telling me that there is an error, and how, if
it is true, do I correct it? I run rsync twice, both times said the

Re: What is the diff. b/w libstdc++ and libg++ ?

2000-05-14 Thread Colin Watson
>While on the subject of 2.3.99-pre8, can Debian users who have tried it
>comment on its stability (or lack thereof) for basic home-use (email &
>WWW browsing under X) with Debian potato ? How about with Debian woody ?

Though I haven't tried 2.3.99-pre8 personally, I've tried 2.3.99-pre6,
and discussion on the linux-kernel mailing list suggests that they have
roughly the same problem; virtual memory performance while doing
input/output is dreadful, and kswapd takes up a ludicrous amount of CPU
time. Using kernels that recent leads to perceptible delays while
*typing into an xterm* here.

I'd recommend you stick with 2.3.99-pre3, perhaps even 2.3.51 if you
don't need iptables.

There shouldn't be much difference between potato and woody in this
regard; it's a more fundamental problem than that.

>One more thing, I am assuming that pppd-2.4.0b1 is in woody ?

Just 2.3.11-1.4, I'm afraid, like potato.


Re: kernel build error

2000-05-14 Thread Corey Popelier
as86 is in the bin86 package. The bin86 package contains the 16-bit
assembler and loader. Use apt-get install bin86 or whatever method you use
to install it - its under /main/devel.

 Corey Popelier

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Owen G. Emry wrote:

> When building my 2.2.14 kernel I get:
> make[1]: as86: Command not found
> Where is as86 and what does it do?  TIA,
> oge
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Ethernet Card Installation

2000-05-14 Thread Jay Kelly
I need help installing a Ethernet Netgear FA-310TX (Tulip
chip). Does anyone know where I would get the drivers and how to install it.

Re: Latin-1 characters in X, how?

2000-05-14 Thread Hartmut Figge

> On the Linux virtual consoles I can enter Latin-1 characters into any
> program using the Compose key sequences, provided these are defined in
> the loaded keymap.  For example, here's a piece of my
> /etc/console-tools/default.kmap:

> The question is, how can I do the same with X clients?  I know about

i've done it in this way:

some lines from my .bash_profile:

# cat ~/.keymap | loadkeys 
loadkeys /home/hafi/.keymap &> /dev/null 

and the content of .keymap:

$ cat ~/.keymap
shift keycode 100 = Compose
altgr keycode 42 = Compose


S3, S3V, or XF86_SVGA server

2000-05-14 Thread Bret Comstock Waldow
Heather wrote:
> ...or whichever.  That is, if you insist on using the SVGA builtin instead
> of XF86_S3 or _S3V as applicable.


I have a S3 Virge/MX chipset in my system, so I happened to read through
the XFree site about that recently.  In the section on the 3.3.6 server,
on page:
they say this:
"1. Supported hardware

Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support
the ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server
which supports the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX
(86C385) and the ViRGE/VX (86C988) chips. Use of that server is no
longer recommended. It is not actively being supported anymore.

The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which
includes a new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration
architecture and also supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260),
Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X (86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4
(86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as of 3.3.6."

On that basis, it seems the XF86_SVGA server is the right one for the
Savage chips, and it looks as though the XF86_S3V server is obsolete.


Re: gnome-session + .Xclients, stopped working

2000-05-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 04:48:11PM -0700, Ron Farrer wrote:
> John Foster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I think you need to edit the file /home/"your user directory"/.Xsession
> > to correct this. I had a similar problem with getting the gnome-session
> > panels and my gnome defaults to work with Enlightenment after upgrading.
> > I added the line exec gnome-session to this file and everything was OK
> > again.
> I do not use a '$home/.Xsession' gdm loads gnome-session (which is all
> in '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome') at login. It completely ignores it. 
> Everything works correctly (Gnome, WindowMaker, etc) except it does not
> load my '$home/.Xclients' and it should/used to. :-/
> What I need to know is: what could have caused this file to no longer be
> loaded and why do I end up back at the gdm login when I add "exec" to
> it? 

A cursory read of /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome leads me to believe that all
you want to do is "cp .Xclients .gnomerc". The $HOME/.gnomerc file is 
just sourced like:
if [-f $HOME/.gnomerc]; then
. $HOME/.gnomerc

BTW, the normal user session file should be ~/.xsession not ~/.Xsession,
no? It works for about 90% of everything having to do with starting X
sessions under Debian. 

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: What is the diff. b/w libstdc++ and libg++ ?

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


"S. Salman Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can someone please highlight the difference between libg++ and libstdc++
> ?

IIRC, libstdc++ has now been split into two packages: libg++ and libstdc++.
libg++ contains the runtime files required for C++ code in general.
libstdc++ contains the Standard C++ library, a class library kinda like
the Java API.

> There are no libg++ libraries on my system whatsoever.

If you want to search for the package that a file belongs to, find
/debian/dists/potato/Contents-i386.gz and zgrep for particular files.

> While on the subject of 2.3.99-pre8, can Debian users who have tried it
> comment on its stability (or lack thereof) for basic home-use (email &
> WWW browsing under X) with Debian potato ? How about with Debian woody ?

I've only used it on a laptop (I wanted the USB support).  It works,
mostly.  Last version I used was 2.3.99-pre3.

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: gnome-session + .Xclients, stopped working

2000-05-14 Thread Ron Farrer
John Foster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I think you need to edit the file /home/"your user directory"/.Xsession
> to correct this. I had a similar problem with getting the gnome-session
> panels and my gnome defaults to work with Enlightenment after upgrading.
> I added the line exec gnome-session to this file and everything was OK
> again.

I do not use a '$home/.Xsession' gdm loads gnome-session (which is all
in '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome') at login. It completely ignores it. 
Everything works correctly (Gnome, WindowMaker, etc) except it does not
load my '$home/.Xclients' and it should/used to. :-/

What I need to know is: what could have caused this file to no longer be
loaded and why do I end up back at the gdm login when I add "exec" to



Alpha Linux Organization: 
Bellingham Linux Users Group: 

Description: PGP signature

NC100 ethernet card

2000-05-14 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
--- Begin Message ---
I'll post more info if someone has gotten this to work.

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

"Real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy, irresponsible, and not very
bright, and object that being able to break security doesn't make you a
hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive
   -- The Hacker HOWTO

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
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Comment: For info see


--- End Message ---

Description: PGP signature

Re: bashrc

2000-05-14 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Graeme Mathieson wrote:

> OK, I'm not quite sure what you're asking here, but there are a number of
> possibilities...
> "Avinash m Gowda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I wanted to knw  how to print a file which is
> > in text on screen whenever i log in
> > that is printing a quote everytime i login
> > or printing a quote in my mail everytime i send
> > a mail.

The way I understand it, is that you want to print the fortune
database.  You can find these files in /usr/share/games/fortunes, but
it's a hell of a lot paper you are going to use.  :)

Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome-session + .Xclients, stopped working

2000-05-14 Thread John Foster
Ron Farrer wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running gnome-session and WindowMaker, I am trying to get
> Gnome-session to load my '~/.Xclients' file. It did for a while but
> after upgrading potato to the most recent potato it quite working.
> Here is what I did to get all of this working before. I've changed my
> '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' to include (line numbers added for clarity):
> 95: usrclients=$HOME/.Xclients
> 126: if haveoption allow-user-clients; then
> 127:   if [ -f $usrclients ]; then
> 128: source $usrclients
> 129:   fi
> 130: fi
> My '/etc/X11/Xsession.options looks like:
> allow-failsafe
> allow-user-modmap
> allow-user-resources
> allow-user-clients
> allow-user-xsession
> use-ssh-agent
> Here is my '~/.Xclients':
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "Beginning to load .Xclients" > ~/.xlog
> xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults &
> xrdb -merge ~/.Xauthority &
> xhost +localhost &
> xhost +mustang &
> echo "Finished loading .Xclients" > ~/.xlog
> Here is the permissions on it (I changed them to 777 just to see if that
> helped, otherwise I wouldn't give anyone permission to execute something
> of mine!):
>1 -rwxrwxrwx1 rbf  rbf   196 May 14 08:38 .Xclients
> I am lost as to why it worked for a while then all of a suddent not.
> There are no errors in any '~/.X*' or '~/.x*' files.
> When I add "exec" to the beginning of every command in my '~/.Xclients'
> I cannot login. It ends up back at the gdm login screen. If I remove
> them (as in the example above) I can log in but it doesn't execute the
> commands. If I add "exec" to my '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' on line 128 it
> also fails to login and I end up back at gdm.
> Any ideas?
I think you need to edit the file /home/"your user directory"/.Xsession
to correct this. I had a similar problem with getting the gnome-session
panels and my gnome defaults to work with Enlightenment after upgrading.
I added the line exec gnome-session to this file and everything was OK
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A Linux guru/friend is a great source of help.

I managed to parse that as "A Linux girlfriend ...".  Yes, that would be
a great source of help. :-)

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: X setup

2000-05-14 Thread Marshal Wong
> "Jay" == Jay Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello.  I was wondering if anyone knows the setting (ie clock
> speed, etc.) for a Diamond Multimedia Vodoo2000 video card. Im
> trying to get it to working in X and am not sure the settings. I
> am also confused about the monitor settings, Im using a
> Veiwsonic 17E.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure about the Diamond card (Is it a pass-through Voodoo2?),
but xf86config may have it in it's card database?

As for the monitor settings, search the web for "Net Monitor
Database".  (I can't think of the address right now.)  It should have
your monitor in it and all the infomation, especially the sync ranges.

Good Luck.


> Thanks Jay

> -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

How to change log rotation schedule

2000-05-14 Thread Paul McHale

I would like for /var/log/mail.* to rotate daily instead of weekly.  When I
use syslogd-listfiles, it verifies mail.* is configured to rotate weekly.  I
checked the syslogd script in /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.weekly.  They
are all running as the they should calling savelog according to

How do I change configuration to rotate mail.* daily?  If there is a
configuration file, I can't find the rascal anywhere.  A book mentioned
/etc/logrotate.d, but I think this only applies to Caldera.  I would assume
debian has a similar file ...

Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

Ethernet Card

2000-05-14 Thread Jay Kelly
WHat Ethernet card will work best with Debian, Netgear FA-310TX (Tulip chip)
, Intel Pro 100or Linksys LNE100TX. And what command do I use to install the

Re: Q: Potato install tool to config X is?

2000-05-14 Thread Brad
On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 03:11:56AM -0700, Ed Slocomb wrote:
> If I run out of ways to kill time at work, I'll do what other debian users
> do when they want a thorough X config-- I'll go out on the net and beg users
> of other distros and similar hardware for relevant snippets of their 
> XF86Config files.

i can't speak for all Debian users, but when i want a thorough X config i
use xf86config, then check the docs and tweak things manually.

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
> Anybody know where I can get some help with setting up X. I can't
> seem to get it working right.
> Jay

A Linux guru/friend is a great source of help. Also of great value is
your local Linux User Group (LUG).

I've had pretty good success with this list; success often depends on
persistence and good communication skills (asking the right questions
and providing the necessary information, etc).

What type of problems are you having? Are you a total newbie to
computers/Linux/X, or are you a long-time X user with a specific problem
that just doesn't seem to be covered by the docs/on-line sources, etc?

Re: Latin-1 characters in X, how?

2000-05-14 Thread Ian Zimmerman
> "Johann" == Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

itz> On the Linux virtual consoles I can enter Latin-1 characters into
itz> any program using the Compose key sequences, provided these are
itz> defined in the loaded keymap.  The question is, how can I do the
itz> same with X clients?

Johann> On my system I use Control-ScrolLock as compose key in X.  I
Johann> think it is the standard setup.

No, that only turns on ScrollLock for me, as if Control were not
involved.  I tried both left and right Control.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Re: Latin-1 characters in X, how?

2000-05-14 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 09:17:17AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My apologies for the newbieness of this post; when it comes to the
> world of icons, colors and pixels, I am indeed a newbie, having spent
> the last 4 years or so in text mode.
> On the Linux virtual consoles I can enter Latin-1 characters into any
> program using the Compose key sequences, provided these are defined in
> the loaded keymap.  For example, here's a piece of my 

> The question is, how can I do the same with X clients? 

On my system I use Control-ScrolLock as compose key in X.  I think it
is the standard setup.


J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
  death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; 
  thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."  Psalms 23:4 

Re: kernel build error

2000-05-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> Where is as86 and what does it do?  TIA,
package bin86
this is the x86 16-bit-code assembler.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

kernel build error

2000-05-14 Thread Owen G. Emry

When building my 2.2.14 kernel I get:

make[1]: as86: Command not found

Where is as86 and what does it do?  TIA,


Setting up X

2000-05-14 Thread Jay Kelly
Anybody know where I can get some help woth setting up X.. I cant seem to
get it working right.

Re: Whole net of scriptkiddiez and wannabes

2000-05-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> I think I can secure my box quite good with SSH, ipchains and disabling
> most of the inetd-services.
i'm right now hacking sifi to make it even better than it is now. sifi is
a lot better than ipchains (it is statefull). 
ssh should be safe, so far.
disabling unneeded inet services is always a good idea.

> But what about 'sniffers'?
bad thing.

> I have no experience in sniffers and even if my SSH is protected, my
> mail and IRC-client connections are not encrypted.
i don't know anything about irc security. :-(

> When Exim is connecting to another host to deliver mail, can they see
> the contents of the connection?
yes, they can.
my soultion: i use ssh to forward ports to a trusted net with a mail
server. from there i can fetchmail and send to it.

well - my icq, www, ftp and everything else goes through the untrusted
net, but who cares?
sensitive web servers offer ssl and remote logins can be serverd with
ssh. the rest is not _that_ important, i think.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Whole net of scriptkiddiez and wannabes

2000-05-14 Thread Aaron Solochek
If you are connecting to a non secure email server, they will very
easily be able to get your password for that server.  The best thing
IMHO to do would be to run a mail server locally, and then, although
they can still read your emails, they don't have access to your non
local account.

-Aaron Solochek

andreas palsson wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm about to connect my Debian-box to a LAN with alot of those
> 'wannabe-crackers'.
> I know this is not very wise, and the safest way to avoid being messed
> with is not to connect at all.
> But still, it's low cost Internet access :)
> I think I can secure my box quite good with SSH, ipchains and disabling
> most of the inetd-services.
> But what about 'sniffers'?
> I have no experience in sniffers and even if my SSH is protected, my
> mail and IRC-client connections are not encrypted.
> When Exim is connecting to another host to deliver mail, can they see
> the contents of the connection?
> What can I do to protect myself from this?
> Regards...
> Andreas
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Whole net of scriptkiddiez and wannabes

2000-05-14 Thread andreas palsson

I'm about to connect my Debian-box to a LAN with alot of those

I know this is not very wise, and the safest way to avoid being messed
with is not to connect at all.
But still, it's low cost Internet access :)

I think I can secure my box quite good with SSH, ipchains and disabling
most of the inetd-services.
But what about 'sniffers'?

I have no experience in sniffers and even if my SSH is protected, my
mail and IRC-client connections are not encrypted.
When Exim is connecting to another host to deliver mail, can they see
the contents of the connection?

What can I do to protect myself from this?


Re: Configuring Logitech Wheel Mouse

2000-05-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> This drives me nuts. I'm attempting to configure a cordless Logitech Wheel 
> Mouse. Unsuccessfully.
don't use the serial adapter.
use /dev/psaux as your mouse device.
set imps2 as the protocol in gpm and IMPS/2 in X.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Help: KDSKBLED: Operation not permitted-Any clues?

2000-05-14 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've started up Enlightenment in my home dir and I get the following message
when starting, that is it's on the console and I see it when I exit.

KDSKBLED: Operation not permitted.

Now the puzzling part is I set up a dummy account and tried E and no
problem. So it had to be my settings. I changed the files one by one, no
change. Now I don't get it. Any ideas?



Configuring Logitech Wheel Mouse

2000-05-14 Thread Koen Verbeke


This drives me nuts. I'm attempting to configure a cordless Logitech Wheel 
Mouse. Unsuccessfully.

I tried to configure this PS/2 mouse both with SuSEs Yast and SaX and via 
the installation program Debian comes with.

There is a PS/2-to-serialDB9 convertor included in the package. Doesn't help 

Can someone point me to solution please?

  - Koen

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

gnome-session + .Xclients, stopped working

2000-05-14 Thread Ron Farrer


I'm running gnome-session and WindowMaker, I am trying to get
Gnome-session to load my '~/.Xclients' file. It did for a while but
after upgrading potato to the most recent potato it quite working. 

Here is what I did to get all of this working before. I've changed my 
'/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' to include (line numbers added for clarity):

95: usrclients=$HOME/.Xclients

126: if haveoption allow-user-clients; then
127:   if [ -f $usrclients ]; then
128: source $usrclients
129:   fi
130: fi

My '/etc/X11/Xsession.options looks like: 


Here is my '~/.Xclients':


echo "Beginning to load .Xclients" > ~/.xlog

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults &
xrdb -merge ~/.Xauthority &

xhost +localhost &
xhost +mustang &

echo "Finished loading .Xclients" > ~/.xlog

Here is the permissions on it (I changed them to 777 just to see if that
helped, otherwise I wouldn't give anyone permission to execute something
of mine!): 

   1 -rwxrwxrwx1 rbf  rbf   196 May 14 08:38 .Xclients

I am lost as to why it worked for a while then all of a suddent not.
There are no errors in any '~/.X*' or '~/.x*' files. 

When I add "exec" to the beginning of every command in my '~/.Xclients'
I cannot login. It ends up back at the gdm login screen. If I remove
them (as in the example above) I can log in but it doesn't execute the
commands. If I add "exec" to my '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' on line 128 it
also fails to login and I end up back at gdm. 

Any ideas? 



Alpha Linux Organization: 
Bellingham Linux Users Group: 

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-May-2000 16:34:49 Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
>> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
>> matching `''
>> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> this is only an idea:
> could it be, that you inserted some invisible characters into
> .bashrc by
> accident?
That must have been the problem, because when I copied over the file
with a backup I made just two days ago and kept on a floppy, the
error disappeared.


Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-May-2000 14:21:26 Ethan Benson wrote:
> but if you really did not modify it...  that makes me
> suspicious..  maybe you should post the contents, perhaps there is
> something bogus that bash just decided to start complaining about
> ;-)

I just copied over the /root/.bashrc file with an identical-looking
file from a floppy, and the error disappeared.  There must have been
some extraneous character in there which I was unable to see.


Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
> matching `''
> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file
this is only an idea:
could it be, that you inserted some invisible characters into .bashrc by
accident? many editors don't show them adequately, so they can cause big
another idea: did you update bash? newer bash versions are more strict
about syntactic rules, especially missing ";". the error messages appeared
at very unobvious places for me.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-May-2000 14:21:26 Ethan Benson wrote:
> but if you really did not modify it...  that makes me
> suspicious..  maybe you should post the contents, perhaps there is
> something bogus that bash just decided to start complaining about
> ;-)

bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
matching `''
bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file

The pertinent lines are-

line 37
alias tarx='tar -xvzf $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6'

And line 62 is the final line, no line 63

I had this problem about three years ago, when I started using Linux,
and it was a problem with bash.  A new package fixed the problem. 
However, I only have this problem when I su to root.



Latin-1 characters in X, how?

2000-05-14 Thread itz

My apologies for the newbieness of this post; when it comes to the
world of icons, colors and pixels, I am indeed a newbie, having spent
the last 4 years or so in text mode.

On the Linux virtual consoles I can enter Latin-1 characters into any
program using the Compose key sequences, provided these are defined in
the loaded keymap.  For example, here's a piece of my 

keycode 52 =period  greater Meta_period Meta_greater \

compose '`' 'A' to 'À'
compose '`' 'a' to 'à'
compose '\'' 'A' to 'Á'
compose '\'' 'a' to 'á'
compose '^' 'A' to 'Â'
compose '^' 'a' to 'â'
compose '~' 'A' to 'Ã'
compose '~' 'a' to 'ã'
compose '"' 'A' to 'Ä'
compose '"' 'a' to 'ä'
compose 'O' 'A' to 'Å'
compose 'o' 'a' to 'å'
compose '0' 'A' to 'Å'
compose '0' 'a' to 'å'
compose 'A' 'A' to 'Å'
compose 'a' 'a' to 'å'
compose 'A' 'E' to 'Æ'
compose 'a' 'e' to 'æ'

The question is, how can I do the same with X clients?  I know about
xmodmap and I have read its manpage, but it doesn't help me because it
only talks about mapping single keycodes to keysyms.  Is the
interpretation of compose sequences something that's left to the
client under X?  If so, how do I enable this in rxvt (or in xterm, if
needs be)?

I use potato, and everything in the environment is set up for US
English, and I want to leave it this way.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

X setup

2000-05-14 Thread Jay Kelly
I was wondering if anyone knows the setting (ie clock speed, etc.) for a
Diamond Multimedia Vodoo2000 video card. Im trying to get it to working in X
and am not sure the settings. I am also confused about the monitor settings,
Im using a Veiwsonic 17E.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jay

Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 01:46:32PM -, Pollywog wrote:

> There are no stray quotes, and the file had not been modified.  I did
> not see this error until last night.

hum that is really weird...  i once had odd errors spewing out of my
.bashrcs on other machines, and eventually traced it to a semi hidden
control character having been entered into one of the lines (probably
gpm's fault as i copied a section of my local .bashrc into the remote
one via ssh and gpm...) 

but if you really did not modify it...  that makes me
suspicious..  maybe you should post the contents, perhaps there is
something bogus that bash just decided to start complaining about ;-)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-May-2000 08:32:15 Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 06:57:28AM -, Pollywog wrote:
>> Is there anything wrong with bash 2.03-6?
>> This is what I am getting when I su to root and there is nothing
>> wrong with my .bashrc.  The errors just started a while ago.
>> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
>> matching `''
>> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file
>> It only happens when I su to root.
> that means that root's .bashrc (/root/.bashrc) has a stray `''
> character, check it carefully for any stray quotes.  
> the error appears to be on line 37, or close to that. 

There are no stray quotes, and the file had not been modified.  I did
not see this error until last night.



Re: Where to download Debian?

2000-05-14 Thread Norbert Tretkowski
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 01:31:15PM +0200, Menno Slaats wrote:
> Does anyone have the exactly url where I can download the ISO image so i can
> put it on cd?
> Thanks,
> Menno Slaats

Regards/Gruesse, Norbert

Norbert Tretkowski,

/* Fuck me gently with a chainsaw... */
(David S. Miller in /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/ptrace.c)

Description: PGP signature

Where to download Debian?

2000-05-14 Thread Menno Slaats
Does anyone have the exactly url where I can download the ISO image so i can
put it on cd?


Menno Slaats

Re: bashrc

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


OK, I'm not quite sure what you're asking here, but there are a number of

"Avinash m Gowda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I wanted to knw  how to print a file which is
> in text on screen whenever i log in

If you want to print a standard piece of text every time somebody logs
in (like the copyright/warranty message that currently appears), then
edit /etc/motd and change it to whatever you like.  Beware however that
on reboot, the first line will be chopped and replaced with the value of
`uname -a`, so you'll want to leave 2 blank lines at the start.

> that is printing a quote everytime i login

If you'd like a random fortune to be displayed when you login, edit your
~/.bash_login, and add the following line:


You need to ensure that the package 'fortune-mod' is installed.  You can
also choose from a selection of fortune packages to source your random
quotes from, including: 

fortunes-min - a small selection of fortunes, required by fortune-mod,
fortunes - a huge chunk of fortune cookies,
fortunes-off - offensive fortune cookies.  If you're easily offended, don't
 install this one...
fortunes-cs - Czech and Slovak fortunes
fortunes-it - Italian fortune cookies

> or printing a quote in my mail everytime i send
> a mail.

A sigmonster?  Basically it involves creating a FIFO buffer (or socket?) 
for ~/.signature and having a small daemon feed it your signature and a 
cookie.  Coding it is an exercise left to the reader. :)

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: fdisk problem

2000-05-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> Maybe it isn't a problem, but fdisk complains about overlapping areas if
> I make a partition check (v):
> Warning: partition 10 overlaps partition 11.
> Warning: partition 10 overlaps partition 12.
> Warning: partition 11 overlaps partition 12.
> 578832 unallocated sectors
oops. that's in fact not good.
it seems so, that fdisk has some problems with the drive geometry or
try another partitioning tool, eg, ranish partition manager.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Cannot mail out of debian

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Russ Pitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> May 13 15:31:58 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> L=60 S=0x00 I=99 F=0x T=64
> SYN (#2)

Your firewall is the problem here.  Basically you seem to have a rule
along the lines of:

ipchains -A output -p tcp --dport 110 -j DENY

So anything trying to connect to the outside world on port 110 is denied
access.  Unless you specifically want to block access to certain remote
services for your users, you probably don't want to play with the output

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: exmh question

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


"john smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Run the "inc" command to get your
> MH environment initialized right.

If you run /usr/bin/mh/inc, it should ask you a question (or two) about
where you want to store your incoming mail.  Once you've done that, exmh
should work OK.

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: helix-gnome for debian?

2000-05-14 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Brian Stults <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For anyone who might be wondering, it looks like the initial
> plan was to have binaries for debian at release time, but they ran out
> of time and decided to release without debian support.  I guess we can
> assume debian binaries will be coming later.

ISTR that their CVS tree now has debian/ directories for all the packages,
so Debian support is just around the corner. :)

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: small problem after installing 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 06:13:06AM -, Pollywog wrote:
> I installed the 2.2.15 kernel and now I get this in my logs:
> May 14 06:07:08 lilypad kernel: cat uses obsolete /proc/pci interface
> Does anyone else get this? 

yes, /proc/pci is obsolete and has been since at least 2.2.12 iirc, it
is now a configuration option for the kernel, "backword compatible
/proc/pci" or somesuch. the kernel message is just a warning so
programs still using it can be identified and fixed before this
obsolete item is removed from the kernel.  

this message occured on 2.2.12, 2.2.13, 2.2.14 and 2.2.15, probably
older kernels too. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 06:57:28AM -, Pollywog wrote:
> Is there anything wrong with bash 2.03-6?
> This is what I am getting when I su to root and there is nothing
> wrong with my .bashrc.  The errors just started a while ago.
> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
> matching `''
> bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> It only happens when I su to root.

that means that root's .bashrc (/root/.bashrc) has a stray `''
character, check it carefully for any stray quotes.  

the error appears to be on line 37, or close to that.  

> thanks
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature


2000-05-14 Thread Avinash m Gowda
   I wanted to knw  how to print a file which is
in text on screen whenever i log in
that is printing a quote everytime i login
or printing a quote in my mail everytime i send
a mail.
pl. lemme knw the syntax for this

Get your FREE Email at

Q: boards for Video Capture in Linux

2000-05-14 Thread Andrew P. Cherepenko
 I would like to get image 2-3 times per second at least,
(the more the better) and with tv quality at least.
 I have video camera with Composite Video Out

 What are boards to cope with this task and be supported in Linux ?

By the way. Does is the same Video capture board and Frame Grabber ?

 I suppose, there are two ways to do this work.
1 Capture board with
Brooktree Bt848/848A/849/878/879 video chip
But it seems these boards are out of date now.

2 Video adapter with video input ?
for example, i heard that
 ATI All-In-Wonder 128 SECAM 16MB TV In-Out
has a one of BT video chips.
But this way arouses my suspicion about confilcts 
with XFree86.
 Or maybe this question could be addressed to XFree86 ?

I'd really appreciate any advice. 


Andrew P. Cherepenko  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia

bash 2.03-6 problem

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog
Is there anything wrong with bash 2.03-6?
This is what I am getting when I su to root and there is nothing
wrong with my .bashrc.  The errors just started a while ago.

bash: /root/.bashrc: line 37: unexpected EOF while looking for
matching `''
bash: /root/.bashrc: line 63: syntax error: unexpected end of file

It only happens when I su to root.



Re: fdisk problem

2000-05-14 Thread Werner Reisberger
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 08:13:03PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > /dev/sdb111024 1061 1085   200781   82  Linux swap
> > /dev/sdb121024 1086 1115   240943+  83  Linux native
> > 
> > I deleted partition 11 and 12 but after creating a new partition starting
> > at cylinder 1061 there is still the wrong bin value of 1024.
> > 
> i don't think, that this is a problem. the dos-ish partition table can
> hold only numbers from 0 to 1023 (means 1..1024). thus, if something
> bigger is needed, 1023 is stored, which is read as 1024 and is ignored
> anyway. only the starting sector number is relevant.

Maybe it isn't a problem, but fdisk complains about overlapping areas if
I make a partition check (v):

Warning: partition 10 overlaps partition 11.
Warning: partition 10 overlaps partition 12.
Warning: partition 11 overlaps partition 12.
578832 unallocated sectors

> the begin column in your partition dump is unimportant (only the dos
> boot sector and older lilo versions care about it). the start column
> is calculated from the beginning sector and is the authoritive number.


modprobe failed: no /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0

2000-05-14 Thread David Karlin
I have installed potato on an old machine.  I'm trying to reconfigure
the modules so that the ethernet card will work.  When I run depmod,
I get the following message:

depmod: Can't open /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep for writing

So I do "cd /lib/modules" and "ls" and get:


"unmame -a" tells me that I'm running 2.2.14-5.0.

I don't understand why I have /lib/modules/2.2.15, and not 
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0, although it explains why when I do
"modprobe ne io=0x300" I get:

modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep (No 
such file or directory)

I tried "ln -s 2.2.15 2.2.14-5.0" and reran "modprobe ne io=0x300" and
get a bunch of unresolved symbol messages

Anyone have a clue on this?

David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 

Re: small problem after installing 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-14 Thread Corey Popelier
Yeah I do as well. I would imagine it means there is some other way now of
getting the PCI information that cat /proc/pci provides. I haven't checked
out what this might be. Doesn't seem to effect anything, other than
producing that log line.

 Corey Popelier

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Pollywog wrote:

> I installed the 2.2.15 kernel and now I get this in my logs:
> May 14 06:07:08 lilypad kernel: cat uses obsolete /proc/pci interface
> Does anyone else get this? 
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: POP3 or IMAP Daemon on Linux

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-May-2000 05:58:57 Corey Popelier wrote:
> fetchmail is one.
fetchmail is a pop3 daemon?

I use qpopper.


> Cheers,
>  Corey Popelier
>  Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Sun, 14 May 2000, farnaz wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> hi
>> I was wondering if one of you inform me of a POP3 or IMAP daemon
>> on
>> Linux system
>> Thanks in advance
>> --Farnaz
>> -- 
>> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Newbie Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-05-14 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 07:13:29PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
> Ok I sure this is a real stupid question, but Im a newbie here. I just
> installed Debian and looks like its running great. I log in as root and
> noticed that the promt before the cusor is an > instead of the :# I see on
> my other machine. When I try to start the xf86config I get no such file, But
> I know its there I just installed it. Can someone help with this

A '>' is the default prompt of sash (stand alone shell).  Chances are one
machine has it installed and the other doesn't.  I'd be sash is root's
default shell (some think this is a very good idea, but since you're a
self-proclaimed newbie, I'll spare you the explanation).  sash also has a
very limited default path, and I'm not sure whether or not it can parse
startup scripts.  You should be able to solve the problem by typing 'bash'
at the '>' prompt if my initial assumption is correct.

You can solve it for good by running 'dpkg --purge sash'.

If this isn't correct advice, please post the output of:

ps aux|grep $$


echo $PATH


"... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course!" - RFC 1122

Description: PGP signature

small problem after installing 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-14 Thread Pollywog
I installed the 2.2.15 kernel and now I get this in my logs:

May 14 06:07:08 lilypad kernel: cat uses obsolete /proc/pci interface

Does anyone else get this? 


Re: POP3 or IMAP Daemon on Linux

2000-05-14 Thread Corey Popelier
fetchmail is one.

 Corey Popelier

On Sun, 14 May 2000, farnaz wrote:

> Dear All,
> hi
> I was wondering if one of you inform me of a POP3 or IMAP daemon on
> Linux system
> Thanks in advance
> --Farnaz
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

POP3 or IMAP Daemon on Linux

2000-05-14 Thread farnaz
Dear All,
I was wondering if one of you inform me of a POP3 or IMAP daemon on
Linux system

Thanks in advance

Cannot mail out of debian

2000-05-14 Thread Russ Pitman
I recently installed debian slink and sucessfully (?) followed
advice to upgrade to frozen,thanks Eric.G.Miller!
Now trying to get mail up, when I run 'fetchmail -v'it hangs
and syslog reports 

May 13 15:31:43 arjay syslogd 1.3-3#33: restart.
May 13 15:31:43 arjay kernel: klogd 1.3-3#33, log source = /proc/kmsg
May 13 15:31:43 arjay kernel: Inspecting /boot/
May 13 15:31:43 arjay kernel: Loaded 9569 symbols from
May 13 15:31:43 arjay kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.2.14.
May 13 15:31:43 arjay kernel: Loaded 196 symbols from 10 modules.
May 13 15:31:58 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6 L=60 S=0x00 I=99 F=0x T=64
SYN (#2)

May 13 15:32:01 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6 L=60 S=0x00 I=100 F=0x T=64
SYN (#2)

May 13 15:32:07 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6 L=60 S=0x00 I=101 F=0x T=64
SYN (#2)

May 13 15:32:19 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6 L=60 S=0x00 I=102 F=0x T=64
SYN (#2)

May 13 15:32:43 arjay kernel: Packet log: output DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
There is heaps of this, I have tried to edit it to make it 
readable,hope it works.

I suspect it is something compiled into the kernel,security?
 but tried killing virtually every daemon running to no avail.

Using Postfix with the same as with redhat 6.2
corrected for the lib/libexe switch. Could there be a hitch
there. Fetchmail never filckers the leds on the modem.
Where to now?

