Re: Sender con exim

2000-05-28 Thread pookie
puedes poner en el /etc/exim.conf que el qualified_domain no sea,
si no otro :) aunque cuando te respondan mails no los recibiras :P
Normalmente tendrias que poner la ip de tu maquina en formato alfanumerico,
p.ej. se resuelve a (lo se pq es mi ip) asi
que el fqd (full-qualified domain) es, y si tienes el
ordenador encendido puedes recibir mail

En conclusion, o te cambias el nombre de usuario o te cambias el dominio ;)

espero ser de ayuda...
Hasta pronto!
- Original Message -
From: Luis Arocha -data- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 2:12 AM
Subject: Sender con exim

 Tengo un pequeño problema con exim.

 Mi cuenta de correo es [EMAIL PROTECTED], y mi usuario en mi pc es lah.

 Cuando mando un correo exim pone en el campo sender [EMAIL PROTECTED], que es
 dirección existente y cuyo propietario me ha comentado que le llegan
 correos dirigidos a mi (Principalmente devoluciones)

 ¿Alguna pista de como corregir esto?

 Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
  _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/
 _/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
_/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/
   _/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
  _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/
 Usuario registrado de Linux num: 69.587
 GNU/Linux Debian Potato, kernel 2.2.15, Toshiba 220CS.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Ayuda sobre semi-reinstalacion

2000-05-28 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Gracias a todos (en especial a mi tocayo y a correcaminos).  Al final he
utilizado un poco de aquí y un poco de allí, he resuelto el problema y
he aprendido bastante de la instalación de paquetes en Debian. Un saludo

Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Sender con exim

2000-05-28 Thread benalb
 Cuando: dom, 28 de may de 2000, a las 01:12:14 +0100
 Quien: Luis Arocha -data-
 Que: Sender con exim

 Tengo un pequeño problema con exim.
 Mi cuenta de correo es [EMAIL PROTECTED], y mi usuario en mi pc es lah.
 Cuando mando un correo exim pone en el campo sender [EMAIL PROTECTED], que es 
 dirección existente y cuyo propietario me ha comentado que le llegan muchos
 correos dirigidos a mi (Principalmente devoluciones)
 ¿Alguna pista de como corregir esto?

Al final del exim.conf añade algo como esto, modificandolo para que se
adapte a tus necesidades:

# This rewriting rule is particularly useful for dialup users who
# don't have their own domain, but could be useful for anyone.
# It looks up the real address of all local users in a file

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} bcfrF


Y creas el fichero /etc/email-addresses:

# This file contains email addresses to use for outgoing mail. Any local
# part not in here will be qualified by the system domain as normal.
# It should contain lines of the form:
#otheruser: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fácil, ¿verdad? :-)

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Clave pública: wget 
Reboot Macht Frei Publicidad de Microsoft.

Description: PGP signature


2000-05-28 Thread Nestor A. Diaz L.

Tengo una pregunta tecnica con respecto a una RDSI y tanto me temo que
meti las patas:

Compre un linea RDSI, un adaptador RDSI (chip winbond) para configurar el
acceso remoto a un servidor, pero al acceso remoto llaman personas que
tienen lineas analogas, segun la FAQ de la RDSI, esto no se puede, eso
dice la FAQ pero es que niego a creerlo, osea que estas tarjetas solo
sirven para conectar computadores de RDSI a RDSI?

Si la cosa es asi lo que me va a tocar hacer es comprar un adaptador de
RDSI a analogo y ahi conectarle dos modems porque ni modo.

Alguien ha tenido experiencia con estos cacharros, otro problema es que la
mayoria de la documentacion esta en Aleman !!!.

Otra pregunta, tengo una tarjeta AVM B1 Chip, esta es una tarjeta activa
pero dentro de la configuracion del kernel, no aparece el correspondiente
modulo hisax para esta tarjeta, se puede utilizar sin este hisax o hay uno
que se compile para esta?

gracias a todos !!

Nestor A. Diaz L.
PGP Public Key  `wget`

Visita  la tienda virtual de 
  Productos y Servicios para los usuarios de Linux en Colombia


2000-05-28 Thread Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala

Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:


 Tengo una pregunta tecnica con respecto a una RDSI y tanto me temo que
 meti las patas:

 Compre un linea RDSI, un adaptador RDSI (chip winbond) para configurar el
 acceso remoto a un servidor, pero al acceso remoto llaman personas que
 tienen lineas analogas, segun la FAQ de la RDSI, esto no se puede, eso
 dice la FAQ pero es que niego a creerlo, osea que estas tarjetas solo
 sirven para conectar computadores de RDSI a RDSI?

Al comprar la linea RDSI, te pusieron un terminador mixto de red (TR1 a+B), si
no es así, didle a telefónica que te lo ponga, ya que de está forma, tendrás
conexiones analógicas y digitales. Pero además, necesitarás un modem normal y
corriente conectado al terminador mixto para que conteste las conexiones

En cuando al tipo de tarjeta, yo he configurado una winbond con una suse linux
6.3, mediante yast del tirón, con el nucleo instalado por defecto(ya tendría
el modulo compilado ;-)


correo de novato

2000-05-28 Thread Ramon Almeida
hola colisteros,soy nuevo en linux y tengo un problema con el correo,cada
ves que conecto a internet mi maquina le manda un maila mi proveedor con
el chequeo del sistema y diferentes erores.
-- -- Forwarded message --
Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id SAA09766
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 26 May 2000 18:41:46 +0100
Received: from root by with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 12vPBJ-0006V7-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 26 May 2000 19:50:01 +0100
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -x /usr/sbin/autolog  /usr/sbin/autolog
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 19:50:01 +0100

autologout: Can't get status of user's terminal (No such file or directory)

no se como solucionarlo...gracias
   |  _ \ __ _ _ __ ___   ___  _ __  
   | |_) / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ 
   |  _  (_| | | | | | | (_) | | | |
   |_| \_\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|


2000-05-28 Thread Nestor A. Diaz L.
On Sun, 28 May 2000, Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala wrote:

 Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
  Tengo una pregunta tecnica con respecto a una RDSI y tanto me temo que
  meti las patas:
  Compre un linea RDSI, un adaptador RDSI (chip winbond) para configurar el
  acceso remoto a un servidor, pero al acceso remoto llaman personas que
  tienen lineas analogas, segun la FAQ de la RDSI, esto no se puede, eso
  dice la FAQ pero es que niego a creerlo, osea que estas tarjetas solo
  sirven para conectar computadores de RDSI a RDSI?
 Al comprar la linea RDSI, te pusieron un terminador mixto de red (TR1 a+B), si
 no es así, didle a telefónica que te lo ponga, ya que de está forma, tendrás
 conexiones analógicas y digitales. Pero además, necesitarás un modem normal y
 corriente conectado al terminador mixto para que conteste las conexiones

El terminador mixto a que haces referencia es lo que llaman el terminal
Adaptor? mejor dicho en definitiva si quiero que entren llamadas de
modems que trabajan sobre lineas analogas necesito por obligacion modems
normales en mi servidor?, y la RDSI solo me va a funcionar para conectar a
RDSI, es asi no?


Nestor A. Diaz L.
PGP Public Key  `wget`

Visita  la tienda virtual de 
  Productos y Servicios para los usuarios de Linux en Colombia

Re: correo de novato

2000-05-28 Thread JFA
 Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -x /usr/sbin/autolog  
 X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
 X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
 X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
 X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
 Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 19:50:01 +0100
 autologout: Can't get status of user's terminal (No such file or directory)

Bueno, yo tampoco tengo mucha idea, pero parece que los errores del cron -
un demonio responsable de la ejecución de programas periódicos en tu sistema
- le está mandando los errores a tu servidor, en vez de a ti. Asique según
me parece aquí hay dos errores: uno el que está mal configurado el
/usr/sbin/autolog, por el error que te da al final, pero yo no tengo ese
programa, por lo que no te puedo ayudar. El otro se corrige, o eso espero,
editando el /etc/aliases o como quiera que se llame el archivo de
configuración de los alias de exim ( el responsable del correo ), y cambias las 
siguientes para que quede algo así:

# This is the aliases file - it says who gets mail for whom.
# It was originally generated by `eximconfig', part of the exim package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system
# This file originally generated by eximconfig at jue abr  6 03:41:40 CEST
# See exim info section for details of the things that can be configured

postmaster: root
root: jfa

Donde jfa es mi usuario por defecto. Si ya tienes algo así es que el exim
está mal configurado. corre el eximconf y no te lies que es fácil
Espero haber servido de algo, y sino ... pues da igual. Me apetecia escribir

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.15 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

Dudas sobre fetchmail

2000-05-28 Thread Jose Carlos Fortea Marín
Al final he conseguido conectarme a Internet utilizando PPP. Pero
al intentar configurar la lectura de correo, me han surgido ciertas

1.- Para leer el correo pensaba utilizar fetchmail, ya que sólo me
conecto de vez en cuando.¿Sirve fetchmail para enviar correo
(protocolo SMTP)?.¿Necesito algún otro MTA (exim,sendmail,etc)
para ello?

2.- Finalmente, tengo un problema al configurar fetchmail, porque
a mi servidor de correo le ha dado por separar el nombre de
usuario del servidor POP mediante el caracter '#' en lugar de '@'.
¿Como puedo configurar fetchmail para que los separe mediante

Un saludo

Re: Sender con exim

2000-05-28 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 11:23:26AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Al final del exim.conf añade algo como esto, modificandolo para que se
 adapte a tus necesidades:

 fácil, ¿verdad? :-)
 Benjamín Albiñana Pérez

Si Gracias. Creo que va bien. 

Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/
_/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
   _/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/
  _/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
 _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/
Usuario registrado de Linux num: 69.587
GNU/Linux Debian Potato, kernel 2.2.15, Toshiba 220CS.

Re: Dudas sobre fetchmail

2000-05-28 Thread Danito
 1.- Para leer el correo pensaba utilizar fetchmail, ya que sólo me 
 conecto de vez en cuando.¿Sirve fetchmail para enviar correo 
 (protocolo SMTP)?.¿Necesito algún otro MTA (exim,sendmail,etc) 
 para ello?
Fetchmail unicamente sirve para recivir correo. Para enviar correo
necesitaras como bien has dicho primero un servidor de correo
por ejemplo exim, y un cliente de correo para mandar como mutt o

 2.- Finalmente, tengo un problema al configurar fetchmail, porque
 a mi servidor de correo le ha dado por separar el nombre de 
 usuario del servidor POP mediante el caracter '#' en lugar de '@'.
 ¿Como puedo configurar fetchmail para que los separe mediante 

No se porque el te dan el la dirección en esa forma tan rara. Pero para
utilizar fetchmail no necesitas utilizar ninguna @ sino
fetchmail -u usuario -p POP3


2000-05-28 Thread Danito

¿Habeis hechado un vistazo a la página
Estaba mirando información de Motif cuando por casualidad vi en la página
del opengroup que había licenciado el motif para uso con sistemas operativos
de codigo abierto. E incluso se comenta que la licencia será algo parecido
a GNU.

¿Que pensais sobre esto?, ¿la existencia de lesstif deja de tener sentido?,

Evidentemente gtk no va a desaparecer pero esto abre nuevas puertas a la
comunidad linux.


Re: openmotif

2000-05-28 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 09:45:54PM +0200, Danito wrote:
 ¿Que pensais sobre esto?, ¿la existencia de lesstif deja de tener sentido?,

No, mientras la licencia de OpenMotif sea tan absurda.

 Evidentemente gtk no va a desaparecer pero esto abre nuevas puertas a la
 comunidad linux.

Creo que si hubiesen cambiado la licencia hace un par de años, _puede_. En
mi opinión, ya es bastante tarde. Hay 2 toolkits potentes ya. Motif ha
perdido su hueco.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: como usar a tecla de print screen

2000-05-28 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
Clovis Sena wrote:

 descobri recentemente que no meu linux, em modo texto, se por acaso eu
 quero imprimir o que esta na tela, a tecla de print screen nao funciona;
 eu imaginava que ela ia jogar o que esta na tela na impressora default,
 dai eu dei um export PRINTER=lp0 mas mesmo assim nada acontece.
 por exemplo, se eu tiver lendo uma pagina manual, gostaria de imprimir
 so aquela area relevante que esta na tela e nao toda a pagina man.
 alguem poderia me dar uma dica de como resolvo isto.


Até aonde eu sei não existe um evento associado a tecla Print Screen
no kernel do Linux. Esta funcionalidade parece ser somente disponível no
DOS OS. Como proceder então ? 

1. Vc. pode alterar o programa que vc. está usando ( telnet certo ? )
para que ele trate o evento de pressionar o botão para que ele mande o
que está na memória de video para a impressora ( o mais correto e fácil
) --Free Soft rulez --. 

2. Porém , se esta deve ser uma funcionalidade que deve estar presente
em mais de um programa , isto pode ser inserido no kernel do Linux. Isto
já é feito com a tecla ctrl+alt+del que a este é associado o comando
shutdown -r now ( definido no arquivo /etc/inittab) .Hum , se vc.
fizer um programa que acessa a memória de video e imprime o seu conteúdo
, vc. poderá usar ctrl+alt+del para rodar este programa para imprimir
o conteúdo da tela.

3. Vc. poderá procurar um programa com esta funcionalidade , ou ,
procurar um grupo que esteja ativo no desenvolvimento de um telnet e
sugerir que eles incluam isto ao código. Há muitos relatos destes que
foram atendidos em 24hs.

Lamento por não ter respondido exatamente a sua questão , e , lembrando
, eu posso estar errado quanto aquilo que eu disse e também é válido
insistir com este tipo de perguntas nas diversas listas.

Fernando Silva 
Undergraduate Student - Mechanical Eng. Dept.
University of Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil

Re: Tulip ethernet performance issues

2000-05-28 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Damon Muller wrote:

 I have a couple of tulip-based ethernet cards (I think they are made by
 Acton, and may certainly be re-badged), one in my Debian box and one in
 my win98 box. They are connected together by an 8-port 10/100 switch
 (specifically a LanTech MINI Switch 800 (8 port 10/100 Base-TX Switch)
 according to the front panel).

I've seen this before. The tulip cards are just horrible at NWAY for some
reason. Either they get stuck in half duplex or the switch gets stuck in
half duplex and you get the problem you saw. I've never actually had a
tulip automatically negotiate full duplex with a switch :

You can try using the media type forcing options when you install the
module, check Becker's web page for information. 

The carrier+etc errors are your problem, you want to eliminate those.


Upgrade Problem

2000-05-28 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello Guys,
I have a qestion on Xwindows. I had it working great with Slink, Then I
upgraded my box to Potato. Now when I try to start X I receive an error:

Fatal server error:
could not open font `fixed`

So what will I need to do to fix this so I can use X again?

Re: Upgrade Problem

2000-05-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 09:17:18PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
 Hello Guys, I have a qestion on Xwindows. I had it working great with
 Slink, Then I upgraded my box to Potato. Now when I try to start X I
 receive an error:
 Fatal server error: could not open font `fixed`

Common error...

 So what will I need to do to fix this so I can use X again?  Thanks


First, you need to have xfonts-base, and probably xfonts-100dpi and
xfonts-75dpi installed.  They may have gotten removed for some reason

Next, look at /etc/X11/XF86Config near the top will be one or more
FontPath declarations.  If they are typical unix paths, make sure they
all exist and are correct (/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc, etc...). On the
other hand, if you have something like unix/:7100 then you need to be
running a font server on that port (typically xfs, or xfs-xtt). So, make
sure the font server is running by executing /etc/init.d/xfs restart.
If the server won't start, it probably has configuration errors. Check
/etc/X11/xfs/config for the font paths. It's probably as simple as this
later case, X wouldn't start because the font server needed to be

That should do it.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Problem with rescue disks

2000-05-28 Thread Shane Wegner

I am attempting to modify the Debian rescue flopy to be an emergency
recovery for my system.  Actually it's root.bin which I am modifying.  I am
having problems adding utilities.  I need to add the raid tools as well as
restore(8).  When I chroot to the floppy and try a restore, it give me this.
restore: error in loading shared libraries: restore: symbol fchown, version
GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference

Now, on my potato system is 800k, the one on the boot floppy is
only 400k.  Is this some sort of stripped glibc?  If so, how can I compile
additional utilities against it.  I am looking to add restore, raidtools2, and
agetty.  Can this be done?


Personal website:

Description: PGP signature

Re: kysmoops (was keysmoops)

2000-05-28 Thread Joey Hess
 Except that I didn't create /var/log/ksymoops (I wouldn't have known
 how to or why to; I had never heard of ksymoops before I noticed the
 existence of the log files); it must have been created automatically
 in the upgrade process from slink to frozen.
 But that seems wrong, given how hard and time-consuming it turned out
 to be to find out what the files were and what they are for; in the
 meantime, the directory just kept growing and growing with eight new
 files added each minute or so:

The directory is part of the modutils package, so it is created

The weird thing is that you keep getting new files added every minute.
This implies modprobe or rmmod is running every minute. Compare to my
system, where I have the directory, and it gets just 6 files in it a day.

I suggest you look at /var/log/ksymoops/*.modules, and compare each
successive pair of files with diff. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log/ksymoopsdiff 2527000455.modules 
 serial 18548   0 (autoclean) (unused)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log/ksymoopsdiff 2527010002.modules 
 serial 18548   0 (autoclean) (unused)

My serial module is removed/installed a few times each day, because I
have cron jobs to turn my lights on and off, and it uses a serial
interface to control them. 

You should be able to tell what module(s) are being removed and installed
every minute. Then try to track down what is making the modules get loaded.
It's probably some program trying to access them.

For example if you have a mixer running, and your sound card is not
initializing, I have noticed some mixer programs will try to access the
sound device several times a minute, causing the kernel to try to load
the sound drivers repeatedly.

see shy jo

Help. pcmica doesn't work any longer.

2000-05-28 Thread Jens K. Olsen
Please help.
I just updated my frozen on my laptop.
After updating, I am not able to use pcmcia any longer. The pcmcia-core
module is not being loaded automatically on startup any longer. When I
try to load it using modconf, I get the following messages:

depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/i82365.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/tcic.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/ds.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/serial_cs.o
Installing module pcmcia_core. If the device isn't there, or isn't
configured correctly, this could cause your system to pause for up to a

/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol __wake_up
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol __udelay
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol kmalloc
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol proc_bus
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol free_irq
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol iounmap
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol __ioremap
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol del_timer
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol kfree
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol pci_devices
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol request_irq
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol sprintf
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol check_region
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol jiffies
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol printk
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol add_timer
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: insmod pcmcia_core failed

Installation failed.

Please press ENTER when you are ready to continue.

I was running kernel 2.2.13, so I tried to update to 2.2.15 by
downloading the necessary stuff onto Windows and then installing in
Debian using dpkg -i, but with the same result.


2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

Whats the command for telling me if I have slink or potato? 


Re: Command

2000-05-28 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Daniel Burrows say

 Whats the command for telling me if I have slink or potato? 
cat /etc/debian_version or /etc/, /etc/issue 

2.1 slink
2.2 potato

or check your /etc/apt/sources.list if you used apt to install debian.

| Chanop Silpa-Anan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|  Debian GNU/Linux   GPG key on request  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Best hardware?

2000-05-28 Thread maillists
On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 09:58:25PM -0400, Bart Szyszka wrote:
 Well see, that's what I mean. There's hardware that is great on Windows, but
 there just aren't any drivers for it in Linux.

Well, like I said the vast majority of Win9X only hardware works very poorly
even in Win9x and the majority of hardware that works well under NT (which
most reviewers will at least mention) also works well under Linux.

 the drivers are more complete. I'm looking for a site that specifically seeks
 out the best hardware for Linux just like CNet's attempts to
 seek out the best hardware for Windows.

I've never been very impressed with those types of sites and certainly
wouldn't take their recomendataions too seriously even if I were only
interested in Windows.   

 I'd rather not have to sign up to a
 mailing list for each type of hardware just to find out what my best buying
 options are.

No need to sign up for anything, virtually all mailing lists are archived
and in many cases the big search engines such as deja will carry them as
well.  While your over at deja you can check out both the Linux news groups
as well as groups specific to the hardware you are looking for.  I guarentee
the folks over in alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit know far more about the
latest Abit motherboard (for example) than any reviewer Cnet has to offer.


 Of course it's very possible that I'm just dreaming and such a
 site doesn't exist yet.
 Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
 GigaBee Interactive
 PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

I am trying to point my apt sources.list file to a UK debian ftp site
for potato so I can perform an upgrade. The address for the site is: and I think it should be pointing to
/dists/potato but when I try and change this in apt and perform a
apt-get update it bombs out. Whats the correct format for this?? 


Re: Login without user name and password?

2000-05-28 Thread kmself
On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 10:15:45PM +, ktb wrote:
 I there any way to configure Slink to boot directly into a 'regular
 user' account without entering user name or password?  In other words
 boot directly into a '$' prompt but requiring a password for root.  I'm
 using shadow passwords.

Yes, but it's an unspeakably evil and twisted thing to do, if it
involves bypassing password protections on the user account.

Let's put it this way:  I can think of several ways you might do this,
but I'd be far more comfortable knowing what it is you're trying to
accomplish, and whether or not you're aware of alternatives or the
potential downside implications, before I provide any advice.

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configure muttzilla

2000-05-28 Thread kmself
On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:56:11PM +0100, Pedro Guerreiro wrote:
 [Please CC me in all replies, as I don't manage to read -user]
 I've setup muttzilla to call mutt from inside netscape, but it seems to have a
 problem, as I can't setup the From: field. I've setup the email address in
 netscape and in ~/.mutt/muttrc but this isn't passed to the new instance of
 mutt. Did anyone manage to set this up?

Where'd you get muttzilla?  I'd tried installing from sources and never
got it to work right.

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: dumbass wm question

2000-05-28 Thread kmself
On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 03:45:41PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 10:42:29AM -0700, wrote:
 Unix, Windows, Mac, OpenVMS, etc.  Client-server -- though the
 nomenclature is backwards from the usual meaning, your display is a
 server, and applications are clients, running on it.  You'll
 hear people refer to X clients from time to time.
 It depends on your definition of client and server. For example, if
 you define them like this:
   Server: a program that runs on a computer to listen for connections,
   and takes some action when a connection is made. Usually, that
 action involves transferring data to and from the client, but
 may include manipulating local files, hardware, or the like.
   Client: a program that actively makes a connection to a server,
   has the server do something, and then disconects. Sometimes
 clients will manipulate local files, hardware, etc.
 Defined this way, it doesn't seem backwards at all. Or else i'm just
 confused out of my mind ;)

The C/S reversal of X11 was probably more distressing in an age in
which cluster/hub relationships were more common.  These days with
peered networks, it's not uncommon to find various server tasks
distributed among several client systems, each of which servers and/or
receives various tasks.  However, it is a bit of the historical

The Unix Haters page on X11 is also uproariously educational.

X: The First Fully Modular Software Disaster


...You'll envy the dead.

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: apache question

2000-05-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 06:51:58PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 08:07:10PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 [ snip ]
  all keeping the logs owned by the unpriviledged user seems to buy you
  is a security hole.
 That's why on new debian installations the log are owned by root.root.
 However, if the logs were already owned by www-data.www-data they
 won't be changed.

until 6:25 when cron fires off /etc/cron.daily/apache which chowns
them to www-data.www-data mode 0664

i just installed fresh apache package from potato.  i do see that
/var/www is now owned by root.root instead of the evil
www-data.www-data  that is a big improvment, but the cron job is
broken IMO.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt

2000-05-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 10:54:15AM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 I am trying to point my apt sources.list file to a UK debian ftp site
 for potato so I can perform an upgrade. The address for the site is: and I think it should be pointing to
 /dists/potato but when I try and change this in apt and perform a
 apt-get update it bombs out. Whats the correct format for this?? 

If it conforms to the standard, your /etc/apt/sources.list line *should*
look like:

deb stable main 

What's your error message?

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt

2000-05-28 Thread AntonioB
I believe he wants potato, not stable.  Your sources.list file should have

deb potato main

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:

 I am trying to point my apt sources.list file to a UK debian ftp site
 for potato so I can perform an upgrade. The address for the site is: and I think it should be pointing to
 /dists/potato but when I try and change this in apt and perform a
 apt-get update it bombs out. Whats the correct format for this?? 
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Re: apt

2000-05-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 02:36:00AM -0700, wrote:
 On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 10:54:15AM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  I am trying to point my apt sources.list file to a UK debian ftp site
  for potato so I can perform an upgrade. The address for the site is: and I think it should be pointing to
  /dists/potato but when I try and change this in apt and perform a
  apt-get update it bombs out. Whats the correct format for this?? 
 If it conforms to the standard, your /etc/apt/sources.list line *should*
 look like:
 deb stable main 

Correction noted -- for potato:

 deb potato main 

 What's your error message?
 Karsten M. Self
   Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt

2000-05-28 Thread Ron Rademaker
And if you want contrib, non-free, non-us and security updates:

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib non-free
deb potato/updates main contrib 

Ron Rademaker

On Sun, 28 May 2000, AntonioB wrote:

 I believe he wants potato, not stable.  Your sources.list file should have
 deb potato main
 On Sun, 28 May 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  I am trying to point my apt sources.list file to a UK debian ftp site
  for potato so I can perform an upgrade. The address for the site is: and I think it should be pointing to
  /dists/potato but when I try and change this in apt and perform a
  apt-get update it bombs out. Whats the correct format for this?? 
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Re: Error Messages

2000-05-28 Thread Ron Rademaker
The unresolved symbol is that during boot a module is loaded in that
shouldn't be loaded in, nothing to worry about.

About isdn, why don't you just delete all of your isdnutils: apt-get
remove idsnutils

Ron Rademaker

PS. Renaming will also work

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Jay Kelly wrote:

 Hello Group,
 I running Potato and on startup, I see some error message about Unresolved
 symbol in  but I cant read it in time. When I do a dmesg I dont see the
 error. Why? and what is it? Also I see that ISDN Service is starting. Im not
 using a ISDN so do I shut it off in init.d directory? And how do I shut it
 off. Delete the file or mayne rename it?
 Thanks Guys for your help
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problems with TeTex

2000-05-28 Thread Esko Lehtonen
Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I've installed TeTeX on my machine (from slink), but I can't get it
 I ran
 texconfig all
 as root, but when I try to translate a file with latex file of tex
 file I get the following error message
 This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
 I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
 The FAQ says to do a texconfig init, but that won't help either.  A
 locate .fmt shows nothing.
 Something, that might be related is that kpsexpand -p fmt shows a path
 with !! at the beginning of some entries, as in
 Any ideas?

I got this same problem a little time ago. I am sorry that I can't
remember how exactly I solved it. Some guesses:

1. Do you have somekind of Web2C package installed? If not, install.
2. After reinstalling the every tetex and latex package I managed to get
latex.fmt file, but it didn't still work. Finally, when I copied it to
something like /usr/lib/texmf/we2c/base or /usr/lib/texmf/we2c/config
everything worked well.

I have upgraded to Potato, and I have no problems. Maybe you could do
that too? In my Potato I have latex.fmt files in directories:


I hope this will help you a bit.


Re: Realplayer, Lilo suddenly mysteriously segfaulting (potato, kern 2.2.15) -- SOLVED RP problem

2000-05-28 Thread James Sleeman
Hi all,
if anyone is interested I found the source of my problem with
realplayer (lilo is still segfaulting though), I had a fish around the
dot files in my home directory and there were two files and a directory
left behind by realplayer, I deleted these and realplayer sprang back to

Thanks for the suggestions...
James Sleeman

Re: Login without user name and password?

2000-05-28 Thread ktb
So it has finally happened, I have become 'evil and twisted' it must be
the radiation emanating off these three computer screens;)  I am simply
lazy and tiered of logging in on my personal computers.  Also in
learning how to 'remove the logging in process' I would learn more about
using Linux.  If you would help me out with this I would appreciate it. 
Feel free to expound upon 'alternatives and potential downsides' to
configuring an account this way as I'm always eager to learn more. 
kent wrote:
 On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 10:15:45PM +, ktb wrote:
  I there any way to configure Slink to boot directly into a 'regular
  user' account without entering user name or password?  In other words
  boot directly into a '$' prompt but requiring a password for root.  I'm
  using shadow passwords.
 Yes, but it's an unspeakably evil and twisted thing to do, if it
 involves bypassing password protections on the user account.
 Let's put it this way:  I can think of several ways you might do this,
 but I'd be far more comfortable knowing what it is you're trying to
 accomplish, and whether or not you're aware of alternatives or the
 potential downside implications, before I provide any advice.
 Karsten M. Self
   Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Second Best - was Re: Best Hardware

2000-05-28 Thread Rob Lilley

Bart Szszka wrote:

Well see, that's what I mean. There's hardware that is great 
on Windows, but there just aren't any drivers for it in Linux. Or sometimes the 
second best hardware for Windows ends up being the best option for Linux simply 
becausethe drivers are more complete.

I had never thought of it like that but Bart is right. 
Manyof us using Linux would be producing drivers for cheaper and 
therefore, older equipment. This is because Linuxand it's users have 
not beenfranchised like those using Microsoft. Microsofthas a 
vast corporate base 
buyingit'sproducts.Therefore,hardware vendors have 
beenwriting for or bundling Bill'sOS in with their products. 
Till now.

I am switching our LAN at work from Windows NT4 
toDebian Linux with the help of oneof the Debian gurus. I am 
lucky I work for a company that affords me the opportunity to build a server 
from scratch with no monetary restrictions.

As more of us do this, more drivers will be written for the 
newer, more expensive hardwarebeyond the reach of the average home Linux 
user.Hardware companies will want to insure drivers are available 
forLinux because of Linux's growing popularity.

But I think it is atribute toLinux 
thatitis growing, not with corporate bucks and big equipment - but 
withpeoplewho knowtheir stuff andnot motivatedby 
money. The best equipment, well,it's the stuff within reach 
thatgets thejob done. Lets face it,there is something in 
the fact that Linux *will* run on a 386.Trythat with Windows 
NT! Just my two cents. 


external clock sync

2000-05-28 Thread Attila Csosz
How to sync. my hw. clock to an external source?

I tried 'rdate -a' but this isn't set my clock.
Runnig 'date' I got the same time as before using rdate.


- Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian 2.2 Linux  / 2.2.13 / qmail   -
- Get my PGP key: gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x2cc33acb -

Re: external clock sync

2000-05-28 Thread Harry ten Berge

How to sync. my hw. clock to an external source?

I tried 'rdate -a' but this isn't set my clock.
Runnig 'date' I got the same time as before using rdate.

You need the timeserver daemon. Take a look at 'xntpd'. 

Success, Harry

Re: Realplayer, Lilo suddenly mysteriously segfaulting (potato, kern 2.2.15) -- SOLVED RP problem

2000-05-28 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 29 May 2000, James Sleeman wrote:

 Hi all,
 if anyone is interested I found the source of my problem with
 realplayer (lilo is still segfaulting though), I had a fish around the
 dot files in my home directory and there were two files and a directory
 left behind by realplayer, I deleted these and realplayer sprang back to

I just installed RealPlayer 7.0b2 yesterday. It worked fine on it's own,
but the plugin caused Netscape to bus error on startup on my 2.2.14 potato
box. Are you running Netscaep OK with the rp plugin installed? What were
the dot files?


potato install

2000-05-28 Thread Harry ten Berge
I've downloaded a cd-image of the potato 1st test cycle. Installation goes
ok, but with potato there are tasks instead of profiles. The manual claims
it's still possible to select a profile. I can't find it. Is it a glitch in
the manual or am I doing something wrong?

Harry ten Berge

With Microsoft products, failure is not
an option - it's a standard component.
Choose your life. Choose your future.
Choose Linux.

Re: Help. pcmica doesn't work any longer.

2000-05-28 Thread Alexander Clouter
On Sun, 28 May 2000, Jens K. Olsen wrote:

 Please help.
 I just updated my frozen on my laptop.
 After updating, I am not able to use pcmcia any longer. The pcmcia-core
 module is not being loaded automatically on startup any longer. When I
 try to load it using modconf, I get the following messages:
Upgrading a laptop causes problems the moment the pcmcia-cs package is
installed.  This is because some modules are installed that have been made
especially for your kernel build.

To fix the problem you install the debian pcmcia scripts (done by
installing the pcmcia-cs package) and then remove the pcmcia-cs package
but leaving all the scripts behind.  This prevents you losing you pcmcia
usage when apt-get in its infinite wisdom updates the pcmcia-cs drivers
then then giving you the problem you are experiencing.  The best thing to
do is manually maintain the pcmcia-cs package yourself.  My instructions
should help you (I written them down as if you are logged on as rootm
there is a normal user way to do this but its compilicated for a first
timer (I'm assuming you are one)).

Download the kernel source (from and the pcmcia driver
source (from  Make sure you have
BOTH.  remove the pcmcia-cs package with:

dpkg -r pcmcia-cs

decompress your linux kernel source to /usr/src/linux and within that
folder type

make menuconfig

select everything you need and exit the program.  now type (this will take
some time)

mv /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15 /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15o - NOTE
rm /lib/modules/2.2.15 -rf
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15

The NOTE is for backup reasons and is only to be done this time and never
again.  Currently your kernel will at least allow you to boot into your
machine so we keep a backup so if the new kernel you make has an option
selected that crashes your laptop on bootup you can revert to the old one
(by holding down Shift-Alt on boot up LILO will give you a prompt
where you can type 'olinux' to boot your backup kernel) and then be able
to recompile kernels etc to fix the problem.

now edit you /etc/lilo.conf file to say something like making sure the
boot, root and other variables say what they did in your current version
of /etc/lilo.conf (if you want your DOS partition to boot as the default
one move all the information for 'other' to above the first 'image'



image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15
label = linux

image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15o
label = olinux

other = /dev/hda2
label = dos
table = /dev/hda
loader = /boot/chain.b


type liloconfig and say y to altering your boot sectors, etc.

Now to compile your pcmcia drivers.  extract all your pcmcia source code
to /usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.14 (or a similar version number) and inside it

make config

select the options you need, usually in this order:



now type

make install

After some time the modules should be all installed and you will be given
a command prompt again.  Cross your fingers and reboot.

When you reboot you will see a menu you haven't seen before (for now
select the standard vga mode (0 I think)).  With this you should
experiment (later though) to find a nice text mode you prefer to work
with.  Some won't display anything (so wait for you laptop to stop
grinding its harddisk and then press Crtl-Alt-Delete), some will
crash the laptop, others will look bad and one will look perfect
especially on screen expansion.  Remember this number and after you are
happy with your kernel and pcmcia drivers edit the 'vga' bit in
/etc/lilo.conf from 'ask' to the number you want.  type 'liloconfig' and
this prevents the menu from appearing and gives you the mode you want.

If your kernel crashes then load the backup one (which should work, if not
use a linux boot disk or cd to get in to make a new kernel) and recompile
with options to fix your kernel.  If everything seems okay (your pcmcia
drivers should be fine) give yourself a pat on the back.

now backup this kernel by typing

cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15 /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15o

I have tried to be clear on these instructions however I'm sure that you
will run into problems and so I'm here to help (just mail me and I'll see
what I can do) however there are also lots of people here on the debian
laptop list that I'm sure could help.

Although these instructions seem long after the first three times you will
be running off kernels and pcmcia drivers blindfolded.

Good Luck


**   ((__))  Alexander Jim diGriz Hubenko Clouter
 \\  ((oo))
  \\--\\//  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ||  || 
   ~~~~~~  equip : 300Mhz Celeron Laptop running
  Cow during an  Debian 

Changing my hard disk setup

2000-05-28 Thread Johann Spies
At the moment my setup is like this:

/dev/hda - 10G IDE hard disk Fujitsi - recently installed after a hard
disk failure with Redhat which I only use to start up the system.(At
that stage I did not have a Debian system ready to install).

/dev/hdb - Ricoh MP 7040A CD-RW 

/dev/hdc - 8G IDE hard disk Fujitsi
   Containing my Debian system 

/dev/hdd - Acer CDROM

The system is unstable and it is not uncommon that I have to reset a
stalled computer complaining about timeout errors on either the CDROM
or hard disk.  At first I suspected either the cables or the
motherboard.  Using other cables did not improve the situation. After
a reset I usually fiddle with the cables and then it works OK for a
few days or even a few weeks.

Recently somebody suggested that it may be my setup that is causing
the problems and that it is better to have the two hard disks on the
same cable and the two CDROM's on the other.

To change the system to a setup like this:

/dev/hda - 10Gig hard drive
/dev/hdb - 8 Gig hard drive
and the two CD ROMS on /dev/hdc and /dev/hdb 

requires changes in my /etc/fstab and lilo.

/etc/fstab is necessary for the system to shutdown properly.  How can
I do the switch-around and keep my debian working?  I can not change
/etc/fstab after shutting down and needs it with the next startup
after I switched the setup.  At the moment it seems to me the way to
go is to edit debian's etc/fstab from Redhat with the debian partition
mounted as as part of the Redhat's system.  Or is there an easier way

Are there other files besides lilo.conf and /etc/fstab that will be
affected by such a change?  

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and he shall 
  strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the LORD.   Psalms 27:14

Re: Upgrading to potato

2000-05-28 Thread Brian Potkin
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 01:16:37AM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 Is there a URL which anyone can recommend to take me through the process
 of upgrading to potato from slink?

You could have a look at

The upgrading process is given in quite some detail.



tel:   0161 736 3886

potato C++

2000-05-28 Thread jon

I'm having trouble with potato's C++. Programs, including 'Hello World',
compile cleanly but produce only produce some line feeds as output.

dselect/apt indicates everything is up to date as of yesterday.
I've tried running ldconfig  even rebooting, with no luck.

btw: I have both the 'regular' compiler installed and the g++
compiler package. Removing the g++ package didn't change anything.

I've compiled ok before, but that was some time ago -- probably
before upgrading to potato.

any help would be appreciated,

#include iostream.h
int main(void)
   cout  Hello World   endl ;
   return 0;

g++  --version 2.95.2
(compiles clean w/ g++, but produces only a few blank line feeds)

(doesn't compile clean with gcc)

/tmp/cc1mF6XY.o: In function `main':
/tmp/cc1mF6XY.o(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `endl(ostream )'
/tmp/cc1mF6XY.o(.text+0x17): undefined reference to `cout'
/tmp/cc1mF6XY.o(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `ostream::operator(char 
const *)'
/tmp/cc1mF6XY.o(.text+0x27): undefined reference to 
`ostream::operator(ostream (*)(ostream ))'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Re: potato C++

2000-05-28 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 07:29:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble with potato's C++. Programs, including 'Hello World',
 compile cleanly but produce only produce some line feeds as output.


 g++  --version 2.95.2
 (compiles clean w/ g++, but produces only a few blank line feeds)

What does ldd on the resulting binary say?

 (doesn't compile clean with gcc)

You need to use g++. gcc doesn't do the various bits of magic needed for
compiling/linking C++ code (e.g. include patch, adding -lstdc++).

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Gnome Problem

2000-05-28 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello Group,
I am running Potato and have just install Gnome using apt-get install gdm. I
have two question.

1, When the gnome login screen appears I select gnome for my session from
the drop down mune and enter my login and pass and hit enter. The screen
goes black the right back to the login screen. But if I choose xsession for
the drop down menu and log in with the same login X starts fine. Whats going
on here? Do I need to set something up still?

2, How can I make Gnome not start after the machine is booted. I know with
X, I changed the /etc/X11/S99xdm file. What will I need to change here?

Thanks GUys for all your help

Re: Changing my hard disk setup

2000-05-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Recently somebody suggested that it may be my setup that is causing
 the problems and that it is better to have the two hard disks on the
 same cable and the two CDROM's on the other.
sound sensible. this was my first thought, too. :-)

 /etc/fstab is necessary for the system to shutdown properly. 
well, not tu shut down, but only to unmount all partitions.
so you can do init 1, edit /etc/fstab, unmount by hand and reboot.
a bigger problem is with lilo ... you would have to set it up for a
system, which is not running yet. possibly a boot disk or using loadlin is
the best idea, but i really don't know.

 Are there other files besides lilo.conf and /etc/fstab that will be
 affected by such a change?  
probably your /dev/cdrom link, if you have one.
i can't thing of other problems ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: external clock sync

2000-05-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 How to sync. my hw. clock to an external source?
 I tried 'rdate -a' but this isn't set my clock.
 Runnig 'date' I got the same time as before using rdate.
 You need the timeserver daemon. Take a look at 'xntpd'. 
i think, that this is overkill - at least for a home system.
have a look at ntpdate (potato) or netdate (somebody told me, that slink
has this).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

easy configue www server package

2000-05-28 Thread Alex Kwan
I want to setup intranet server for a small office,
which easy configue is recommand?

Kernel 2.4-test1 + patch ac4 + SMP Netscape v4.72

2000-05-28 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Hi all,

 just for information the config in the topic completly crash my boxes
so pay

If someone know why can post me how to fix



[EMAIL PROTECTED] - South European @ccess Back Bone
 -- ---
  Fabio Massimo Di Nitto   | Debian GNU/Linux Woody 2.2.15
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | running on
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Laptop AMD K6-2 400Mhz 64Mb

Re: Gnome Problem

2000-05-28 Thread Joseph A. Martin The LaterDude
Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello Group,
 I am running Potato and have just install Gnome using apt-get install gdm. I
 have two question.
 1, When the gnome login screen appears I select gnome for my session from
 the drop down mune and enter my login and pass and hit enter. The screen
 goes black the right back to the login screen. But if I choose xsession for
 the drop down menu and log in with the same login X starts fine. Whats going
 on here? Do I need to set something up still?

gdm is just the display manager for gnome. You still need the gnome
libraries and applications. You can install task-gnome-desktop and
that will pull the default gnome window manager (enlightenment) and
other applications.

 2, How can I make Gnome not start after the machine is booted. I know with
 X, I changed the /etc/X11/S99xdm file. What will I need to change here?

With gnome it would be the /etc/X11/S99gdm file.

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

Re: Gnome Problem

2000-05-28 Thread David Z Maze
Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Jay I am running Potato and have just install Gnome using apt-get
Jay install gdm.

Note that this will just install the GNOME display manager; it won't
install any of the rest of the GNOME stuff that gdm doesn't directly need.

Jay 1, When the gnome login screen appears I select gnome for my
Jay session from the drop down mune and enter my login and pass and
Jay hit enter. The screen goes black the right back to the login
Jay screen. But if I choose xsession for the drop down menu and log
Jay in with the same login X starts fine. Whats going on here? Do I
Jay need to set something up still?

It's probably trying to run 'gnome-session' and failing, since that
isn't installed.  'apt-get install gnome-session' will get you that,
for a kind of minimalist GNOME environment.  What you probably really
want to install is the 'task-gnome-desktop' package, which contains
nothing in and of itself but depends on the standard GNOME desktop
tools.  You also might want 'task-gnome-apps' or 'task-gnome-games'.
Looking at these packages in dselect (hit 'i' while that line is
selected) will show you what they depend on if you don't want to
install the task package but do want some of the other things.

Jay 2, How can I make Gnome not start after the machine is booted. I
Jay know with X, I changed the /etc/X11/S99xdm file. What will I need
Jay to change here?

Same deal, but it's gdm and not xdm.  I assume that you want to
manually start gdm after a console login; otherwise, something with
ordering 99 is as close to after the machine is booted as you can get.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Potato - locked out of X

2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

I have just upgraded to potato and I can't get into X as a normal user, only 
root works. When I type startx (as a normal user) I get a message saying I 
don't have privileges to do it.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

X on a 486

2000-05-28 Thread Atila Nemet

Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
window manager which is low on system resources so I
could set up X on this 486?


RE: Gnome Problem

2000-05-28 Thread Jay Kelly
Whats the Command to start Gnome from the console. With X I was using
Startx. What will I use to start Gnome?

-Original Message-
David Z Maze
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Gnome Problem

Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Jay I am running Potato and have just install Gnome using apt-get
Jay install gdm.

Note that this will just install the GNOME display manager; it won't
install any of the rest of the GNOME stuff that gdm doesn't directly need.

Jay 1, When the gnome login screen appears I select gnome for my
Jay session from the drop down mune and enter my login and pass and
Jay hit enter. The screen goes black the right back to the login
Jay screen. But if I choose xsession for the drop down menu and log
Jay in with the same login X starts fine. Whats going on here? Do I
Jay need to set something up still?

It's probably trying to run 'gnome-session' and failing, since that
isn't installed.  'apt-get install gnome-session' will get you that,
for a kind of minimalist GNOME environment.  What you probably really
want to install is the 'task-gnome-desktop' package, which contains
nothing in and of itself but depends on the standard GNOME desktop
tools.  You also might want 'task-gnome-apps' or 'task-gnome-games'.
Looking at these packages in dselect (hit 'i' while that line is
selected) will show you what they depend on if you don't want to
install the task package but do want some of the other things.

Jay 2, How can I make Gnome not start after the machine is booted. I
Jay know with X, I changed the /etc/X11/S99xdm file. What will I need
Jay to change here?

Same deal, but it's gdm and not xdm.  I assume that you want to
manually start gdm after a console login; otherwise, something with
ordering 99 is as close to after the machine is booted as you can get.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-28 Thread Mike Werner
Atila Nemet wrote:
 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?

I'd suggest blackbox.  Of the ones I've tried - which include Window
Maker, blackbox, Enlightenment, Sawmill (and its descendant Sawfish),
and AfterStep - blackbox had the smallest resource footprint.  It's
pretty minimal, but it worked quite well.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Help. pcmica doesn't work any longer.

2000-05-28 Thread Didi Damian
Did your kernel get upgraded too ? The PCMCIA package comes in matching
versions to the kernel version. Make sure the two versions match.

* Jens K. Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [28-05-2000 06:55 AM +0900]
 Please help.
 I just updated my frozen on my laptop.
 After updating, I am not able to use pcmcia any longer. The pcmcia-core
 module is not being loaded automatically on startup any longer. When I
 try to load it using modconf, I get the following messages:
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/i82365.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/pcmcia/tcic.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in

Didi Damian  +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |U|N|I|X| |-| |L|i|v|e| |F|r|e|e| |O|r| |D|i|e| |!|  +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+

RE: easy configue www server package

2000-05-28 Thread Paul McHale
The easiest for me was to download the source for apache 1.3.12 from  Then get mod_frontpage from to get
Frontpage 2000 support.  If you are looking for easy, this is pretty
straight forward.  You can do regular publish from Frontpage rather than
FTP.  There are other ways, but this one worked for me.

I also recommend Maximum Linux.  This new bi-monthly magazine has a whole
section dedicated to setting up an apache server.


Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 12:34 PM
 Subject: easy configue www server package

 I want to setup intranet server for a small office,
 which easy configue is recommand?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

I have just upgraded to potato. Previously, in slink, I had setup my
window-managers file to start kde by default but now I get fvwm2 when I
type startx. Why is this? The file still points to kde as the first
option - is there a different config file for this in potato?

Thanks v.much.

Re: potato C++

2000-05-28 Thread jon

On Sun, 28 May 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 07:29:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having trouble with potato's C++. Programs, including 'Hello World',
  compile cleanly but produce only produce some line feeds as output. 
  g++  --version 2.95.2
  (compiles clean w/ g++, but produces only a few blank line feeds)
 What does ldd on the resulting binary say?

I feel stupid now. It was a $PATH problem.

I was doing some quick  dirty testing, wrote source in home
directory. Since my PATH didn't include home or ./ , running 
a.out was picking up an a.out lying around in my projects subdir --
which happen not to produce output.
Which of course didn't change when I reduced it to hello
world to trouble shoot.



2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

How do I start gnome from potato?


potato on 386

2000-05-28 Thread Thomas Niesel
Hi there
I have installed debian-frozen-base-system on my 386 via floppy and my local
Beside a problem to load any modules wich I was able to fix all went fine.
(I had to copy /etc/modules.conf to /target/etc/modules.conf cause it was
missing from the start !) A bug ?
It's the first time for me with debian and I'am quite impressed from what
I've seen !
Now I have to wait until I got the CD's end of june. ( I hope. )
In the meantime I want to to learn how things work in debian comparded to
RedHat, SuSe...
The hardware is working (scsi, eth, arc0co, isdnco, sbpcd, lp's...)
I also got mc running (copyed one by one from suse until the screen went blue)
Now I want to know how to get deb-files to the disk. 
Still got an corel-image which I know its debian-based, mounted as an 
I can browse the CD but I don't know how to install the files.
I know it's maybe old stuff but to play around it is ok.
The man-program is missing so I can't look at the man-pages on the disk :(
The doc-files are all packed and not possible for me to view :(
Is there anything I can do in the meantime ?
Maybe first to get man running and/or copy some stuff from suse to be able
to view the packed docu ?
Or is it possible to get an easy acces to the corel-stuff ?
I got 2 disks about 2Gig each so plenty of space.
Well, it's not a real problem. 
If it's better/easier to wait for the real stuff, no problem.
Thanks for any tips.


Re: Problems with TeTex

2000-05-28 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
I had this problem also. There is a fixed version in proposed updates. I
compiled from sources and had no problem.

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

RE: Problem with rescue disks

2000-05-28 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 28-May-2000 Shane Wegner wrote:
 I am attempting to modify the Debian rescue flopy to be an emergency
 recovery for my system.  Actually it's root.bin which I am modifying.  I am
 having problems adding utilities.  I need to add the raid tools as well as
 restore(8).  When I chroot to the floppy and try a restore, it give me this.
 restore: error in loading shared libraries: restore: symbol fchown, version
 GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
 Now, on my potato system is 800k, the one on the boot floppy is
 only 400k.  Is this some sort of stripped glibc?  If so, how can I compile
 additional utilities against it.  I am looking to add restore, raidtools2,
 agetty.  Can this be done?

The libc6 on the boot-floppies is from package libc6-pic:

Description: GNU C Library: PIC archive library
 Contains an archive library (ar file) composed of individual shared objects.
 This is used for creating a library which is a smaller subset of the
 standard libc shared library. The reduced library is used on the Debian
 boot floppies. If you are not making your own set of Debian boot floppies
 using the `boot-floppies' package, you probably don't need this package.

But I suggest using the yard package to create the boot-floppy set. And you can
regain the space lost because using the standard libc by formatting the floppies
at a higher capacity (eg.1743K).

Re: Second Best - was Re: Best Hardware

2000-05-28 Thread Arthur H. Edwards

Linux gives the best of all worlds as long as Debian thrives. With all the
new distros with 'EASY' (read restrictive) installations that are targeted
to new users we
will get more driver and software support. Debian will allow us to have
maximal control over our systems because it does not include a terminal

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Rob Lilley wrote:

 Bart Szszka wrote:
 Well see, that's what I mean. There's hardware that is great on Windows, but 
 there just aren't any drivers for it in Linux. Or sometimes the second best 
 hardware for Windows ends up being the best option for Linux simply because
 the drivers are more complete.
 I had never thought of it like that but Bart is right.  Many of us using 
 Linux would be producing drivers for cheaper and therefore, older equipment.  
 This is because Linux and it's users have not been franchised like those 
 using Microsoft.  Microsoft has a vast corporate base buying it's products.  
 Therefore, hardware vendors have been writing for or bundling Bill's OS in 
 with their products.  Till now.
 I am switching our LAN at work from Windows NT 4 to Debian Linux with the 
 help of one of the Debian gurus.  I am lucky I work for a company that 
 affords me the opportunity to build a server from scratch with no monetary 
 As more of us do this, more drivers will be written for the newer, more 
 expensive hardware beyond the reach of the average home Linux user.  Hardware 
 companies will want to insure drivers are available for Linux because of 
 Linux's growing popularity.
 But I think it is a tribute to Linux that it is growing, not with corporate 
 bucks and big equipment - but with people who know their stuff and not 
 motivated by money.  The best equipment, well, it's the stuff within reach 
 that gets the job done.  Lets face it, there is something in the fact that 
 Linux *will* run on a 386.  Try that with Windows NT!  Just my two cents. 

Re: Potato - locked out of X

2000-05-28 Thread Esko Lehtonen
Daniel Burrows wrote:
 I have just upgraded to potato and I can't get into X as a normal user, only
 root works. When I type startx (as a normal user) I get a message saying I
 don't have privileges to do it.

Check out /etc/X11/Xserver file. The first line should be path to your X
server. If the second line is RootOnly, change it to Console. There is
some info in the file too. 

This file determines who can start X. If that doesn't work -- It works
for me, if I'm not connected to Internet! Sounds strange but is true. --
you can try start xdm or gdm and start session as a normal user.

 Esko Lehtonen   WYSINWYG -  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] What You See Is Never What You Get

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-28 Thread John Carline
Atila Nemet wrote:


 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?


I've tried most of them and on my machine the ones that use the least are 
blackbox and olvwm. I find fvwm95 to be more configurable ( at least for me) so
that's what I use. I'd try them one at a time and see which one works best on  



Powered by the Penguin

Re: Tulip ethernet performance issues

2000-05-28 Thread John Pearson
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 12:53:32PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote
 Hi gang,
 I know that this has come up on the list recently, but I haven't really
 seen anything that has helped me solve this little problem.
 I have a couple of tulip-based ethernet cards (I think they are made by
 Acton, and may certainly be re-badged), one in my Debian box and one in
 my win98 box. They are connected together by an 8-port 10/100 switch
 (specifically a LanTech MINI Switch 800 (8 port 10/100 Base-TX Switch)
 according to the front panel).
 The performance that I'm getting through this network is significantly
 less than I'd be expecting. In fact, it seems to be slower than the 10M
 hub that I had previously.
 I've just transfered a fairly large file from my Linux machine to my
 Win98 machine using the Win98 FTP client (the console based one), and
 here is what it said when it finished:
 370238462 bytes recieved in 1872.52 secs 197.72 Kbytes/sec.
 With only 2 pcs, both with 10/100 tulip cards, over a 100M switch, I
 would have expected a much better transfer rate. (there is nothing else
 connected to the switch).
 Here are some diagnostics:
 Linux rei 2.2.15 #1 Fri May 5 18:30:12 EST 2000 i586 unknown
 tulip-diag.c:v1.19 10/2/99 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Index #1: Found a Digital DS21143 Tulip adapter at 0x6c00.
  Port selection is 100mbps-SYM/PCS 100baseTx scrambler, full-duplex.
  Transmit started, Receive started, full-duplex.
   The Rx process state is 'Waiting for packets'.
   The Tx process state is 'Idle'.
   The transmit unit is set to store-and-forward.
   The NWay status register is 41e1d2cd.
   Internal autonegotiation state is 'Negotiation complete'.
  Use '-a' or '-aa' to show device registers,
  '-e' to show EEPROM contents, -ee for parsed contents,
   or '-m' or '-mm' to show MII management registers.
   0: 460597  XT-PIC  timer
   1:  10326  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   4:   5129  XT-PIC  serial
   5:   6112  XT-PIC  soundblaster
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  10: 286851  XT-PIC  eth0
  12:   8685  XT-PIC  aic7xxx
  13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
  14: 151229  XT-PIC  ide0
  15: 738283  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:C7:9A:01:5F  
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:181175 errors:80 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:81
   TX packets:259454 errors:12590 dropped:0 overruns:4 carrier:12586
   collisions:820 txqueuelen:100 
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6c00 
 Particularly worrying, I guess, is the error, collisions, etc on the
 ethernet card (I had rebooted just before this large transfer). On my
 machine at work, with has a 3Com 509 which is also attached to a switch,
 with 3.5million packets transfered, there has not been a single error or
 collision (There should never be a collision with a switch, should
 there? I though that was the idea!).
 Can anyone suggest any possible solutions? Is it likely the card is
 dodgy (it worked fine, and fast with a 100M hub that I had, but I
 couldn't attach my laptop to that, as it only had a 10M pcmcia card), or
 might it be an interaction between the card and the hub? Is it work
 shelling out for a new card?

You should take a long, hard look at your cables.  At 100M cables
that work fine at 10M can turn your data to mush.  Verify that
they are genuine CAT5, and if you have the opportunity verify that
they give satisfactory performance at 100M with different gear; even
if the cable is CAT5, poor terminations or connectors can kill them.

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: apt

2000-05-28 Thread Colin Watson
Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And if you want contrib, non-free, non-us and security updates:

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib non-free
deb potato/updates main
contrib non-free

Aren't security updates only relevant if you're tracking stable?
Security updates to frozen and unstable go in more or less immediately.


Mailing list search

2000-05-28 Thread Rick Younie
I'm working on a rexx script to send search requests to the
Debian mailing lists search engine and display the results in
lynx.  The advantage over the web page form is that you can
search more than one list at a time and it sorts the hits a
little better.

It's at .
You'll need rxsock from woody/devel.  'searchdeb -h' for


AWE64 support

2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

Can someone suggest how I configure potato for my AWE64 s/card?? Anyone
have any experiences doing this? I would be interested to know what



2000-05-28 Thread Jay Kelly
Is a real big defference between GDM and KDE? What who should I be using?
Also how do I start Gnome from the console? With X I used startx whats the
command for Gnome?
Thanks Guys

is there a gui frontend in X for dialing ppp?

2000-05-28 Thread john smith

I have a few questions abt using ppp

1.what is a good gui program for dialing ppp instead of using pon blah in 
the console or term. can I give permission for users to use the modem device

thank you.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Best hardware?

2000-05-28 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Well, like I said the vast majority of Win9X only hardware works very poorly
 even in Win9x
Not from my experiences. Printers generally work well. Monitors generally
work well. Mice/keyboards generally work well. Now I need to know how they
work on the Linux end. I love trackballs and Logitech's Trackman Marble FX
is just perfect for me, but unfortunately there isn't much support for it on 
besides left/right click and using one of the two extra buttons as a third 
It wouldn't make sense for me to buy that trackball specifically for a Linux
desktop when I can't even have the benefits of its four buttons. That's why it'd
be nice to see a site with a general overview of this type of stuff so I know 
my options are in terms of multi-button trackballs with configurable extra 
along with the same type of thing for printers, scanners, etc.

 I've never been very impressed with those types of sites and certainly
 wouldn't take their recomendataions too seriously even if I were only
 interested in Windows.   
I wouldn't use them as a definite source, but they're certainly a great starting
point. Another good thing is . I wouldn't mind seeing a
central place where I could turn to to look up hardware on Linux. Right now
there's a scatter of sites and howtos and manuals.

 latest Abit motherboard (for example) than any reviewer Cnet has to offer.
I'm sure someone reviewing Linux hardware would be much less superficial
than people like CNet's reviewers who do Windows hardware.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

I'm trying to install everybuddy.  - I can't
seem to get anywhere with it. Anyone use this app and got it to work? I
need a step-by-step guide please!!


Re: GDM vs KDE

2000-05-28 Thread Mike Werner
Jay Kelly wrote:
 Is a real big defference between GDM and KDE?

There's a huge difference.  GDM is nothing more than a GUI login app with
a couple of bells, whistles, gongs, and sirens tacked on.  KDE is an entire
desktop suite.  They're not exactly comparable.

 What who should I be using?

I dunno.  If what you *actually* wanyed was a comparison between Gnome and
KDE, why not just try 'em for yourself and see?  That's what I did.

 Also how do I start Gnome from the console? With X I used startx whats the
 command for Gnome?

The same.  You'll need to edit your .xsession and have it do
exec gnome-session
instead of whatever's currently there.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Setting X resolution

2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Lesage
Is there any way to configure X resolutions and select the default 
directly from X (using a graphical interface), rather than editing the
XF86Config file by hand or running a console application?


Strange GPM behavior

2000-05-28 Thread Craig McPherson
Hmm, this is a new one.

When GPM is running, the mouse will work in the console... but the mouse
cursor in X freezes and won't move.  When I stop GPM, mouse access is
lost in the console, and the X mouse cursor comes back to life.  I've
never before seen GPM cause the mouse to stop working in X... what could
cause this?

The mouse is an old three-button Logitech-brand serial mouse.
gpm.conf looks like this:

append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\


Re: Setting X resolution

2000-05-28 Thread Craig McPherson
The XF86Setup program is the closest you're going to get to that.

On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 05:11:08PM -0400, Daniel Lesage wrote:
 Is there any way to configure X resolutions and select the default 
 directly from X (using a graphical interface), rather than editing the
 XF86Config file by hand or running a console application?

Re: GDM vs KDE

2000-05-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
also the gnome enviornment is just that, an enviornment, it runs on top of
X, so your question should be how do you configure X to run gnome when it
starts.  someone responded to your mails saying to install
'task-gnome-session', i suggest you do that and it should install the
software you need, then use gdm/kdm to login.

or ask the list what to put in /etc/X11/window-managers or ~/.xinitrc
(read when you load X) to load gnome when you use 'startx'.  


On Sun, 28 May 2000, Jay Kelly wrote:

neutec Is a real big defference between GDM and KDE? What who should I be 
neutec Also how do I start Gnome from the console? With X I used startx 
whats the
neutec command for Gnome?
neutec Thanks Guys
neutec -- 
neutec Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

2:38pm up 23:40, 2 users, load average: 0.28, 0.38, 0.21

Annoying pop-up in fvwm2

2000-05-28 Thread Daniel Burrows

Just upgraded to potato - I can't seem to get rid of a pop-up message
telling me I don't have a fvwm directory every time I start X - even
though I thought I had. Where is this supposed to be?


Re: Strange GPM behavior

2000-05-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 When GPM is running, the mouse will work in the console... but the mouse
 cursor in X freezes and won't move.  When I stop GPM, mouse access is
 lost in the console, and the X mouse cursor comes back to life.  I've
 never before seen GPM cause the mouse to stop working in X... what could
 cause this?
this will not work ... repeater ms3 is not implemented - as far as i
remember ...
also, the symptoms you describe lead me to the suspicion, that your
x setup does not use the repeater device (/dev/gpmdata).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Strange GPM behavior

2000-05-28 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Craig McPherson wrote:

 Hmm, this is a new one.

 When GPM is running, the mouse will work in the console... but the mouse
 cursor in X freezes and won't move.  When I stop GPM, mouse access is
 lost in the console, and the X mouse cursor comes back to life.  I've
 never before seen GPM cause the mouse to stop working in X... what could
 cause this?

 The mouse is an old three-button Logitech-brand serial mouse.
 gpm.conf looks like this:

 append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\


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What saved me was that I used
I was going through pains too. Hope this helps.

Re: is there a gui frontend in X for dialing ppp?

2000-05-28 Thread John Hasler
john smith writes:
 1.what is a good gui program for dialing ppp instead of using pon blah in
 the console or term.

gpppon, in woody. can I give permission for users to use the modem device

Add them to the dip group.  The command is 'adduser username dip', as
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

apt-move sync

2000-05-28 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Is there any way of sending the packages that are being downloaded by
apt-move sync to the mirror before it finishes bringing everything
I am afraid I am going to run out of room soon if I don't manage to do
it. I haven't been able to figure how to do it.
Please send ideas soon
Thankyou all

Re: Strange GPM behavior

2000-05-28 Thread Craig McPherson
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 11:34:23PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
 this will not work ... repeater ms3 is not implemented - as far as i
 remember ...

I commented out the repeater line, and now everything works nicely.
Thank you.

How to start Gnome

2000-05-28 Thread Jay Kelly
What will I need to put in /etc/X11/window-managers or ~/.xinitrc
to load gnome when I use 'startx'?  

Re: AWE64 support

2000-05-28 Thread Brian Stults
Daniel Burrows wrote:
 Can someone suggest how I configure potato for my AWE64 s/card?? Anyone
 have any experiences doing this? I would be interested to know what

I've been using this card for quite some time with no problem.  I think
I did it using only the following two documents:

Sound-HOWTO (e.g.
AWE32 in kernel documentation (e.g.

You might be able to do it using only that last one (AWE32).  It says
AWE32, but it also works for AWE64.  The most important things for me
were configuring as a module and using isapnp.

Good luck!

Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: How to start Gnome

2000-05-28 Thread MH
Hash: SHA1

 What will I need to put in /etc/X11/window-managers or ~/.xinitrc
 to load gnome when I use 'startx'?  
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A simple approach would be to put exec gnome-session in your ~/.xinitrc
- -- 
Michael Hummel
Wollzeile 23/10 A-1010 WIEN
- --
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Comment: For info see


Re: is there a gui frontend in X for dialing ppp?

2000-05-28 Thread Shaul Karl
 john smith writes:
  1.what is a good gui program for dialing ppp instead of using pon blah in
  the console or term.
 gpppon, in woody.

[01:53:22 /tmp]$ grep-available -P xisp
Package: xisp
Version: 2.6p1-2
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/net
Maintainer: Martin Bialasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: ppp (=2.2.0f), libc6 (= 2.1), libforms0.88, xlib6g (= 3.3.4-1), 
xpm4g (= 3.4j-0)
Suggests: menu (=1.5)
Architecture: i386
Filename: dists/unstable/contrib/binary-i386/net/xisp_2.6p1-2.deb
Size: 195132
MD5sum: 07fd10cfc641b1c6c44658a67b2dc61d
Description: A user-friendly X interface to pppd/chat.
 The xisp package implements a user-friendly X interface to pppd/chat
 and provides maximum feedback from the dial-in and login phases on a
 browser screen, as well as a manual login terminal window. It also
 provides greater versatility in interrupting a call in progress and in
 general enhances the user's feeling of what's going on, especially if
 he/she is not all that well acquainted with the intricacies of system
 log files. Xisp also has means to track your phonecosts.
 Author: Dimitrios P. Bouras
installed-size: 539

[02:15:08 /tmp]$ can I give permission for users to use the modem device
 Add them to the dip group.  The command is 'adduser username dip', as
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Everybuddy

2000-05-28 Thread Mike Werner
Daniel Burrows wrote:
 I'm trying to install everybuddy.  - I can't
 seem to get anywhere with it. Anyone use this app and got it to work? I
 need a step-by-step guide please!!

1) apt-get install everybuddy
2) Find the everybuddy entry in your window manager's menu - should be
   in the network group
3) Click on the afore-mentioned entry
4) When everybuddy comes up - that can take a while - enter your
   account setting (in the Tools menu)
5) After editing your account information for the first time, restart

That's all it took here.  If that's what you've already done, then you'll
have to be much more specific than simply saying not getting anywhere.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: window-managers

2000-05-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 08:35:24PM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 I have just upgraded to potato. Previously, in slink, I had setup my
 window-managers file to start kde by default but now I get fvwm2 when
 I type startx. Why is this? The file still points to kde as the first
 option - is there a different config file for this in potato?

Potato now uses the alternatives system to configure the default
window manager. Basically it's bunch of symlinks. First, you have
/usr/bin/x-window-manager which points to
/etc/alternatives/x-window-manager which points to the real window
manager.  The easy way to update this system is to run
update-alternatives --config x-window-manager as root.  It should
list all of the available (or registered) window managers from which you
can select.  If you have compiled a window manager in /usr/local then
the system won't know about it and you'll need to register this window
manager.  Confused?  You can try to decipher the man pages for
update-alternatives... (Despite the somewhat confusing system, it now
brings X in line with many other programs that provide a generic
something, like editor, emacs, web server, etc...)

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.


2000-05-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 08:40:00PM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 How do I start gnome from potato?

Please check the archives. This subject has come up several times in
recent days...

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: Annoying pop-up in fvwm2

2000-05-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 11:26:19PM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 Just upgraded to potato - I can't seem to get rid of a pop-up message
 telling me I don't have a fvwm directory every time I start X - even
 though I thought I had. Where is this supposed to be?

cd $HOME
mkdir .fvwm

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: /dev/mouse problem

2000-05-28 Thread David S. Bateman

 I do believe that your mouse should be symbolically linked
 to /dev/psaux and not /dev/ttyS0 or any sort of ttyS 'if' it
 is a ps/2 mouse that you are using.

 It is quite safe to delete mouse and relink mouse to /dev/psaux.

is there a reason why the Slink install defaults the mouse to /dev/ttyS0 ? when 
installed Debian the first few times (yes...on the same machine) I went right 
by the
is this OK line and the mouse was linked /dev/ttyS0, subsequently wvdial 
tried to
put the modem there as well, which obviously didn't work . I thought it was a 
with my MOBO (Tyan S1854), I fixed it manually, but, did I circumvent the 
intent of the install/developer ?


Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
100% M$ free

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 07:24:50PM +0200, Atila Nemet wrote:
 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?

In addition to the others mentioned: flwm is very light-weight, but not
too configurable, twm, fvwm (an version), icewm is pretty light-weight
as well and more straight forward than most, IMHO.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: Setting X resolution

2000-05-28 Thread Shaul Karl
 The XF86Setup program is the closest you're going to get to that.

xvidtune might also be relevant.

 On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 05:11:08PM -0400, Daniel Lesage wrote:
  Is there any way to configure X resolutions and select the default 
  directly from X (using a graphical interface), rather than editing the
  XF86Config file by hand or running a console application?
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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Everybuddy

2000-05-28 Thread Joseph de los Santos
hi, instead of trying to download it from the everybuddy site in tar format or 
maybe from source, just download everybuddy from the debian ftp site since 
everybuddy has been already been packaged for debian install it via dpkg -i 
everybuddy_ver_no_etc or you can install it thru apt if you have apt set up 
correctly. apt-get install everybuddy (as root) would be the command.

Re: Login without user name and password?

2000-05-28 Thread kmself

On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 07:37:11AM +, ktb wrote: wrote:
  On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 10:15:45PM +, ktb wrote:
   I there any way to configure Slink to boot directly into a 'regular
   user' account without entering user name or password?  In other words
   boot directly into a '$' prompt but requiring a password for root.  I'm
   using shadow passwords.
  Yes, but it's an unspeakably evil and twisted thing to do, if it
  involves bypassing password protections on the user account.
  Let's put it this way:  I can think of several ways you might do this,
  but I'd be far more comfortable knowing what it is you're trying to
  accomplish, and whether or not you're aware of alternatives or the
  potential downside implications, before I provide any advice.

[Note:  quoting style -- newest to bottom is common with Linux.  Tends
to reduce quotation as respondant has to actually scroll to bottom of
post.  In any event, once a quoting style has been adopted, it's
considered preferable to continue appending to *either* bottom or top of
post, but not both ends.

 So it has finally happened, I have become 'evil and twisted' it must be
 the radiation emanating off these three computer screens;)  I am simply
 lazy and tiered of logging in on my personal computers.  

My current session's been up for something near a month:
  4:10pm  up 39 days, 14:20, 19 users,  load average: 2.13, 2.58, 2.67

...OTOH, if I leave monitor for more than a couple of minutes, a
password-protected screensaver cuts in.  Among other things, keeps my
cat's walking on the keyboard from doing anything nasty.  Securing
systems is generally a good thing.

 Also in
 learning how to 'remove the logging in process' I would learn more about
 using Linux.  If you would help me out with this I would appreciate it. 
 Feel free to expound upon 'alternatives and potential downsides' to
 configuring an account this way as I'm always eager to learn more. 

The problem with disabling password protection entirely is that you then
open your system up to anyone who knows your IP and username.  You've
removed all authentication.  So you don't want a null password for *any*
account on *any* system connected to *any* network, *ever*.  Period.

What happens when you do log in is that you're either at a text screen
(console) or graphical one (GUI), with a username and password prompt.
A program is running whose one sole task in life is to find out who you
are and whether you belong here.  Usually mingetty or getty (console), 
or an X display manager (xdm, wdm, gdm, kdm,, for X.  These are
spawned by either /etc/inittab or an rc.d script such as
/etc/rc5.d/S99wdm.   If you want to provide *local only* unsecured
access to your system, you could tweak your box to launch a shell to a
virtual console, or to launch an X session under a user's ID.  The
utility of this is questionable, and again, potential problems serious.
You're bypassing something which really is there to protect you.

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
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