Re: DNS vs Sendmail/Exim

2000-06-23 Thread Jaume Teixi

en el named.conf borra la alusión al fichero root :

zone . {
type hint;
file db.root;

si las zonas no quieres que se prodigan hasta el secundario (si no
tienes dns secundario) añade la línea notify no; en cada definición
del named.conf

type master;
notify no;

con esto consigues tener un bind funcionando perfectamente para sólo
entorno intranet


Ismael Canales wrote:

 Gracias de antemano.

 Tengo dos máquinas conectadas, para que me funcione el correo entre ellas 
 tengo que tener el dns funcionando ( pa' que pille el MX ). Pero tener el 
 named andando es un latazo si no estoy en internet porque el named empieza a 
 pedir peticiones a los servidores root y se queda esperando el timeout a cada 

 Yo lo resolví, con un script que cambia el fichero de raices por uno nulo 
 cuando no estoy en inet y viceversa, ahora no lo tengo funcionando porque las 
 últimas versiones del named se quejaba de que no había nada en el fichero de 

 ¿ Hay algun método oficial de resolver esto ?
 ¿ Tengo mal configurado el exim o el sendmail ?
 ¿ Hay algo parecido al registro MX para el resolv.conf ? ( burrada seguro )

 Alguna idea...


  Miembro de Linux Malaga.
  Trantor es un i686 con Gnu/Linux 2.2.14

Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: Problemas de sonido SB Vibra

2000-06-23 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Raúl Miró wrote:
 Pues eso tengo instalada en el curro una SB Vibra y kernel 2.2.13 +
 módulos alsa 2.2.13 (por cierto por qué no han hecho módulos para la
 2.2.15?) el sonido como root va bien: ficheros .mp3 .wav .midi (con
 timidity...) pero si entro como usuario y sobre todo en entorno X me
 dice permiso denegado /dev/dsp y no va... lo mas que he podido hacer ha
 sido un aplay de un fichero .wav y ese en consola iba pero en X no, y el
 timidity en consola dice lo mismo permiso denegado /dev/dsp...
 Como no hay dos instalaciones iguales en casa tengo una es1370 (sin
 alsa) y va como una moto tanto para root como para cualquier usuario, y
 veo que las propiedades de los ficheros /dev/dsp son las mismas.
 Entonces, pues eso... que si sabeis si alsa limita de alguna manera el
 uso del sonido a usuarios que no sean root? ó cual puede ser el fallo?
Mira los permisos de /dev/dsp, que suelen ser crw-rw
es decir, que solo pueden leer y escribir el dueño y los del
grupo. Una opcion es añadir los usuarios que quieres que puedan
usarlo al grupo audio (y cambiar el grupo de /dev/dsp a audio
si no es ese). Otra opcion es dar permisos de lectura y escritura a 
todo el mundo (chmod 666 /dev/dsp). Esta última opción, aunque creo
que no es la mejor, es la que uso yo en casa (total, no tengo internet
y el ordenador lo uso yo solo :)
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

Re: Errores en la instalación de paquetes

2000-06-23 Thread Jaime E. Villate
David wrote:
 Paco Brufal wrote:
  Busca un fichero llamado 'lock' y si existe lo borras.
 No he encontrado ningún archivo lock he buscado en /usr/info;
 Este es el mensaje de error ( JFA lo pedía ):
 install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory
 El mensaje es claro. ¿ Pero què directorio o archivo intenta bloquear ?

La parte del código de install-info que te está dando el error es la
  if (!$nowrite  !link($infodir/dir,$infodir/dir.lock)) {
  die $name: failed to lock dir for editing! $!\n.
   ($! =~ m/exists/i ? try deleting $infodir/dir.lock ?\n : '');

donde $infodir es /usr/info. Por eso me parece claro que el problema no
es con el lock file (habría escrito try deleting...) sino que no
existe el fichero /usr/info/dir y como no logra hacer el enlace
simbólico a dir.lock, el programa muere.

Copia el /usr/info/dir de otra máquina, o si quieres te mando el mio
(aunque tendrá inofrmación erronea en tu caso pero te puede sacar del

Jaime Villate

[no subject]

2000-06-23 Thread RODRIGOMEZ

Hola Toda la red 

Estoy en busca del manual PC100 SystemBoard con Slot1 / Socket 
370 M748 lmrt USERS lo necesito de manera urgente
asi que les agradeceria si tienen una direccion o si tienen 
uno ya scaneado por favor enviralo a mi direccion gracias


Evaluación compilando kernel

2000-06-23 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez
On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Nitebirdz wrote:

 On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Antonio Castro wrote:
  On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
   Luego la moraleja de la historia es la siguiente:
   Si quiere saber si su Linux esta bien haga lo siguiente:
   1. Cojase un CD de Debian Linux (aprox 600 megas)
   2. pasele el md5sum al cd (md5sum /dev/cdrom)
   3. vuelvaselo a pasar
   4. verifique que los dos checksums estan ok.
  NO. La auténtica prueba de fuego para testear la memoria es compilar
  el núcleo. En muchos sitios se recomienda su uso como testeador de
 De hecho, es la prueba que suele usarse para comprobar la efificiencia de
 la mayoria de los sistemas, la velocidad del procesador, etc.

¿Sabe alguien si hay algún sitio con datos sobre esto? es decir, tablas o
algo parecido donde comparar. Acabo de actualizar un 486 con RAM nueva y
voy a hacer algunas pruebas. Me gustaría poder comparar con algo o


Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

¡Hay un pingüino en mi ordenador!

mensaje a un IP ?

2000-06-23 Thread Humberto . Morell

Es de mi conocimiento que podemos mandar mensajes a usuarios logeados 
a nuestra pc (wall mesg talk etc)
Pero necesito mandar un mensaje a una direcion de mi red 
Alquien me pudiera decir como lo puedo hacer?
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

El kernel no puede releer la tabla de particiones

2000-06-23 Thread Hue-Bond

 Cuando compré este ordenata, le puse  un disco de 10 Gb, de los
 que particioné sólo 8 para que un windoze provisional no se quejara
 de nada.  El otro día con  fdisk creé una nueva  partición, pero no
 pude formatearla (Attempt to write  beyond end of device), por lo
 que la borré. Ahora la acabo de crear con parted y me sale esto:

Warning: The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/hda
(Device or resource busy).  This means Linux knows nothing about any
modifications you made.  You should reboot your computer before doing anything
with /dev/hda.

 Bien, supongo que el problema es que tengo que reiniciar, y por
 eso no pude formatearla la otra vez. Pero, ¿por qué pasa esto?.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.16 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: mensaje a un IP ?

2000-06-23 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Es de mi conocimiento que podemos mandar mensajes a usuarios logeados
 a nuestra pc (wall mesg talk etc)
 Pero necesito mandar un mensaje a una direcion de mi red
 Alquien me pudiera decir como lo puedo hacer?

Con el talk. Por ejemplo yo podría haberte dicho directamente lo que
necesitas con:
Pero la comunicación habría sido muy lenta y me parece que no tengo
acceso a tu máquina:
  # finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  finger: unknown host:

Jaime Villate

Re: mensaje a un IP ?

2000-06-23 Thread Jordi
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 09:23:47AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Es de mi conocimiento que podemos mandar mensajes a usuarios logeados 
 a nuestra pc (wall mesg talk etc)
 Pero necesito mandar un mensaje a una direcion de mi red 
 Alquien me pudiera decir como lo puedo hacer?

Te refieres a 

Es eso a lo que te refieres?

Re: mensaje a un IP ?

2000-06-23 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola a todos.
Muchas gracias Jaime por tu rapida respuesta.
Pero el problema es que necesito mandar un mensaje corto a una
direccion IP y no conozco el user.
Les explico para que me den una idea:
Tengo el Radius de Debian para Livington instalado y este en acceso
postmaster no tiene forma de limitar a un solo acceso por cuenta.
Me he decidido por hacer un programita en TCL que interactue con
telnet y cuando exista mas de un acceso de una cuenta cortarle la
conexion, a su vez pasarle un mensaje por sendmail al responsable de
la cuenta explicandole que tiene que cambiar la contraseña, pero
queria adicionalmente en el momento que voy a cortar comunicacion
mandar un mensajito corto a los ip conectados con la misma cuenta
para informarle el porque los corte.
Saludos y gracias

  Es de mi conocimiento que podemos mandar mensajes a usuarios logeados
  a nuestra pc (wall mesg talk etc)
  Pero necesito mandar un mensaje a una direcion de mi red
  Alquien me pudiera decir como lo puedo hacer?

 Con el talk. Por ejemplo yo podría haberte dicho directamente lo que
 necesitas con:
 Pero la comunicación habría sido muy lenta y me parece que no tengo
 acceso a tu máquina:
   # finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   finger: unknown host:

 Jaime Villate

Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Conexion via satelite a traves de astra.

2000-06-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 23 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 04:12:14 +0200, Hue-Bond contaba:

 Como siempre, me respondo a mí mismo :^).

Frequency   = 12270
SymbolRate  = 28000
LocalOscillator = 10750

 Bueno, he cambiado  algunas cosas y ahora la  cosa ya funciona.
 Los datos  los saqué  de las páginas  de,  aunque la
 configuración es para windoze,  se puede extraer la correspondencia
 de los valores de configuración. Os pego el .ini nuevo:

Frequency   = 12633.250
SymbolRate  = 22000
LocalOscillator = 10600
Alignment   = H
LNBHigh = 1
LNBPower= 1
ToneBurst   = 0
DiseqcPort  = 0
DataPID = 200,3
DataPID = 311,3
DataPID = 312,3
DataPID = 411,3
DataPID = 711,3
MACFilter   = 0
IPAddress   =

 La frecuencia  de 12633.25 MHz corresponde  al transponder 113,
 en la página de satconxion hay dos valores más. Bueno, sigo:

# ./SkyData
SkyData V.2.01 started. (C) 1999 Diego Picciani
Skymedia Firmware Version : 2.00
Skymedia Driver Version :   2.00
Requested Frequency :   12.633Ghz
Requested Symbol Rate : 22000.000MSym/s
[bla bla bla]
Data PID :  0411 Multiprotocol Encapsulation
Data PID :  0711 Multiprotocol Encapsulation

 No obtengo el # de vuelta, por  lo que pulso ^Z y ejecuto bg.
 El SkyData  se queda ejecutándose  sin problema. A  continuación me
 pongo con el squid y añado la línea de turno:

cache_peer parent 8080 7 login=mi-login:mi-clave

 Reinicio squid, cojo un Netscape y le digo que navegue a través
 del proxy, pero cuando hago un ifconfig a sm200:

# ifconfig sm200
sm200 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:90:BC:01:17:61
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

 No hay tráfico (sniff). ¿Se me olvida algo?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Potato, cuando?

2000-06-23 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Jose Antonio Orega Garcia!

El día Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 01:28:02PM +0200 decías:

 Hace una semana he comprado la debian potato (4 cds de binarios) y me ha
 comentado un compañero que esta version no es la estable, me dice que
 todavia no ha salido. He mirado los ficheros y tienen fecha del 4 de
 Junio.Sabeis algo de esto?

efectivamente, potato todavía no es estable pero no debe quedar mucho para
que entre en ese estado

 Yo pensaba que era la version definitiva, pues lo han comentado en algunas
 revistas de Linux

eso es debido a que esta levantando muchisima espectacion (justificada segun
me parece a mi)

 He intentado conectarme a Internet con esta version de varias maneras y no
 lo consigo, este amigo que anteshe mencionadome ha comentado que tal vez,
 debido aa que es una version no definitiva tenga fallos. Puede ser cierto
 esto? Os ha pasado a alguno de vosotros?

ahora mismo te estoy escribiendo desde una potato desde la cual me conecto
sin problemas. Dinos como te intentas conectar a ver si te podemos hechar
una mano. Un consejo: utiliza 'pppconfig' para configurar la conexion verás
lo sencillo que te resulta  ;)

 Sabeis de alguna direccion web donde digan cuales son los errores de esta
 distribucion? Me imagino que sacaran algun paquete de ficheros para corregir
 los fallos sin tener por este motivo que comprarme una nueva distribucion.
 Si esto es asi sabeis donde puedo conseguirlo? Garcias.

todo eso y mucho más lo puedes conseguir partiendo de la página principal de
Debian (


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato) //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

Re: mensaje a un IP ?

2000-06-23 Thread Conrado Badenas
 Pero necesito mandar un mensaje a una direcion de mi red
 Alquien me pudiera decir como lo puedo hacer?

$ finger
LoginName   Tty  Idle  Login Time   Office
Office Phone
conrado  Conrado Badenas Mengod  p1Jun 23 15:56 (:0.0)
$ echo Tenemos que hablar  | write [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] ttyp1

Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD student  | Assistant Lecturer
Department of Thermodynamics | Department of Optics
Faculty of Physics. University of Valencia
c/. Dr. Moliner, 50
46100 Burjassot (Valencia) - SPAIN

Enlazar con las librerias de postgresql.

2000-06-23 Thread Martín
Hola a todos:

He instalado el postgresql para hacer una pequeña aplicación que acceda a una 
base de datos
y me he encontrado con que no puedo enlazar con las librerias de la base de 

En el directorio /usr/lib tengo las siguientes:
libpq++.a -  
libpq.a -

En el fichero fuente hay estos includes:
#include stdio.h
#include postgres.h
#include libpq-fe.h

Pero al compilar da estos errores. 

gcc  -L/usr/lib/  -I/usr/include/pgsql example1.cpp 

/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o: In function `exit_nicely(pg_conn *)':
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x66): undefined reference to `PQsetdbLogin'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x77): undefined reference to `PQstatus'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0xa1): undefined reference to `PQerrorMessage'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to `PQexec'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0xe5): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x10b): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x123): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x134): undefined reference to `PQexec'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x145): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x16b): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x183): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x194): undefined reference to `PQexec'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x1a5): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x1cb): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x1e3): undefined reference to `PQnfields'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x209): undefined reference to `PQfname'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x245): undefined reference to `PQntuples'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x27d): undefined reference to `PQgetvalue'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x2b7): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x2c8): undefined reference to `PQexec'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x2d9): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x2ea): undefined reference to `PQexec'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x2fb): undefined reference to `PQclear'
/tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x307): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Quiero configurar un entorno para compilar aplicaciones que accedan a 
Los fuentes de mis programas en un directorio.
Los ejecutables reultantes de la compilacion los quiero en otro directorio.
Los objetos quiero que se almacenen en un ditectorio.
Vamos, una esructura semejenate a esta:


En source los fuentes y los ficheros de cabecera en include.
los cobjetos generados en la compilacion  en obj
en bin los programas generados.
en mak las macros de compilacion.
y en sh las shell de ejecucion.

Necesito ayuda mara crear un .mak que haga todo esto y enlace con las librerias 
de la base de datos.

Un saludo a todos, y gracias de antemano.

Rafael Martín.

Re: Instalando un rpm

2000-06-23 Thread JFreak

Hue-Bond ha escrito:

 El miércoles 14 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 02:30:13 -0500, ADnoctum contaba:
 Hola, navegando por ahí encontré un juego 3D que parece ser muy bueno, el
 problema es que no hay paquete deb, solo rpm's

  Apuesto a que también hay .tar.gz. Yo que tú probaría antes con
  este antes que con  el .rpm aunque supongo que eso  ya entra en los
  gustos personales de cada uno.

Me pueden decir como se hace para instalar un paquete rpm ??


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Re: Problemas de sonido SB Vibra

2000-06-23 Thread JFA
On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 09:21:52PM +0200, Raúl Miró wrote:
 Pues eso tengo instalada en el curro una SB Vibra y kernel 2.2.13 +
 módulos alsa 2.2.13 (por cierto por qué no han hecho módulos para la
 2.2.15?) el sonido como root va bien: ficheros .mp3 .wav .midi (con
 timidity...) pero si entro como usuario y sobre todo en entorno X me
 dice permiso denegado /dev/dsp y no va... lo mas que he podido hacer ha
 sido un aplay de un fichero .wav y ese en consola iba pero en X no, y el
 timidity en consola dice lo mismo permiso denegado /dev/dsp... 
 Como no hay dos instalaciones iguales en casa tengo una es1370 (sin
 alsa) y va como una moto tanto para root como para cualquier usuario, y
 veo que las propiedades de los ficheros /dev/dsp son las mismas.
 Entonces, pues eso... que si sabeis si alsa limita de alguna manera el
 uso del sonido a usuarios que no sean root? ó cual puede ser el fallo?
¿ Está tu usuario incluido en el grupo audio ?, es imprescindible para que
tenga acceso a /dev/dsp:
0 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 oct  4  1999 /dev/dsp0
/dev/dsp apunta a /dev/dsp0 que pertenece a root y al grupo audio.
Segúramente con esto llege.

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.15 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

Re: version de stty en 2.1r4 y documentacion del mismo

2000-06-23 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Me temo que hay una desincronizacion de la documentacion y el binario de
stty en la Debian 2.1r4. La version de stty incluida es la 1.16, y en la
documentacion del mismo (info, ya que la pagina man dice que esta
desactualizada y que la buena es la del info) indica que se puede usar la
opcion -F o --file para indicar sobre que terminal se esta operando, sin
embargo, parece que no hace caso usando /dev/ttyS0 y 1 con esta opcion.

Mirando el Serial-HOWTO, indica que para las versiones superiores a 1.17 de
stty se puede usar esa opcion, pero en las anteriores debe usarse la
redireccion del puerto /dev/ttyS0 para configurarlo. Sin embargo, el 1.16
no se queja de la opcion -F o --file y con --help indica que se pueden usar,
aunque no hace caso, mientras que usando el metodo de la redireccion si que

¿Puede ser un bug? ¿Alguien sabe como esta en 2.1r5 o en potato?

Saludos y gracias.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mi pagina - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
06/24   Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970
06/25   Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
06/25   North Korea invades South Korea, 1950

Description: PGP signature

Re: Enlazar con las librerias de postgresql.

2000-06-23 Thread David Muriel
Rafael Eduardo Martín Candial [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:




 gcc  -L/usr/lib/  -I/usr/include/pgsql example1.cpp 

Creo que te falta poner -lpq y -lpq++ al final de esta linea.  Para
que el compilador enlace tu programa con las librerias que necesitas
se lo tienes que decir, no basta con decirle donde están, también le
tienes que decir con cuales enlazar.  La linea quedaría así:

$ gcc -L/usr/lib -I/usr/include/pgsql example1.cpp -lpq -lpq++

 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o: In function `exit_nicely(pg_conn *)':
 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o: In function `main':
 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x66): undefined reference to `PQsetdbLogin'
 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0x77): undefined reference to `PQstatus'
 /tmp/ccxeEA2h.o(.text+0xa1): undefined reference to `PQerrorMessage'


Todo esto es precisamente porque no encuentra el código que contiene
esas funciones, y que es precisamente el que se encuentra en las
librerías con las que tienes que enlazar.

 Quiero configurar un entorno para compilar aplicaciones que accedan
 a postgresql.
 Los fuentes de mis programas en un directorio.
 Los ejecutables reultantes de la compilacion los quiero en otro directorio.
 Los objetos quiero que se almacenen en un ditectorio.
 Vamos, una esructura semejenate a esta:
 En source los fuentes y los ficheros de cabecera en include.
 los cobjetos generados en la compilacion  en obj
 en bin los programas generados.
 en mak las macros de compilacion.
 y en sh las shell de ejecucion.
 Necesito ayuda mara crear un .mak que haga todo esto y enlace con
 las librerias de la base de datos.

Prueba con `info make'.  Ahí te explica todo lo que hace falta para
crear los makefiles.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

...El trabajo en equipo es esencial...te permite echarle la culpa a otro


2000-06-23 Thread peter karlsson

Eftersom jag bytt monitor till en lite större har jag ställt in
framebufferten att köra 800x600 för konsollen. Problemet är nu bara att när
jag kör zgv för att titta på bilder så återställs inte textläget korrekt
längre (det gjorde det när jag körde 640x480). Nu får jag synkfrekvenser som
är ogiltiga enligt min monitor.

Hur gör jag för att få svgalib att återställa rätt läge? (Det fungerade som 
sagt utmärkt tidigare)

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:


2000-06-23 Thread praciano
A titulo de confirmacao... o Debian 2.1 utiliza glibc2.1??



Re: glibc

2000-06-23 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
praciano wrote:
 A titulo de confirmacao... o Debian 2.1 utiliza glibc2.1??

Sim, isto consta no release notes

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

new autofs 3.1.4-7, testers wanted

2000-06-23 Thread Adam Heath
I am looking for testers for autofs.  You can fetch the latest version at:

I am not on debian-user, so please cc me.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

Re: X server error

2000-06-23 Thread Mike Werner
Max Kamenetsky wrote:
 I just upgraded to the latest version of X in unstable and here's the
 error I get when trying to run startx:
 X: server socket directory has suspicious ownership, aborting
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 giving up.
 xinit then bombs out and tells me that it cannot connect to the X
 server.  This only started happening after upgrading to the latest
 version of X, namely 3.3.6-8.  Does anyone know of a quick fix?

Well, it ain't much of a fix, but downgrading xserver-common back to 3.3.6-7
got X back up and running here.  I think I'll be holding onto a copy of that
particular version for a little while.  It's about 420k or so - if you need
a copy I can email it to you or something.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Wierd Questions

2000-06-23 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello Group,
I have a few question on debian. 
1, If I want to run Ip Masq. will I need to install the package ipmasq? In the 
past I have just selected it in the kernel. Whats the package for?

2, Im running frozen with kernel 2.2.15 and would like to use the raid mirror 
option in the kernel. I have selected it but cant seem to find any good help on 
setting it up. I just want to mirror my drive.How or where can I find info on 

3, And the last is after installing frozen I have alot of services running at 
boot. Where can I shut them off so they dont start automacilly?

Thanks Guys 

If Windows is the answer, then I want the problems back!  
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

Re: SGML beginners question

2000-06-23 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 11:18:27AM +, Tony wrote:
 ^Eric G . Miller wrote:
 ^ really slick and well formatted documents.  And for writing something
 ^ like a thesis, using BibTeX makes it easy to handle citations.
 ^Latex + bibtex + Emacs + AUCTeX + bib-cite + RefTeX + font-latex
 ^Good stuff.
 Yes, I basically agree with that, but getting the document into html as well 
 as ps I have found to be a bore. Lat time I tried latex2html on a 100,000 
 tex document, it died miserably. Are there better alternatives for producing 
 html from complex latex sources?

You can also look at tex4ht.  It is a debian package.

It works well on most of the documents I tried.  But I had some
trouble sometimes with \maketitle. In such cases I just commente it
out when making the hmtl-file. 


J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the 
  Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and 
  ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; 
  therefore glorify God in your body, and in your  
  spirit, which are God's.  I Corinthians 6:19,20 

HELP! Netscape completely broken by tonight's upgrade!

2000-06-23 Thread Ian Zimmerman

Navigator-smotif-473 and friends stopped working completely after I
unpacked today's versions.  The first problem was a syntax error in
the shell script /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape, but after I fixed that by
hand all hell breaks loose.  I had to remove the packages.  Please

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

RE: dhcpcd and esound

2000-06-23 Thread C. Falconer
Weird...  is the only word for it.

With the sound card in use... try pinging another machine on the network, then 
traceroute to it, etc

I half-suspect theres an IRQ conflict.

Sent:   Friday, 23 June 2000 2:43 AM
Subject:dhcpcd and esound

I'm not entirely sure if this is the best forum to ask this question, but I
figured I'd try here first before bringing up what may not be a bug to the
respective developers.

When I run esd, and pump an lot of data into the mixer (like playing
MP3s thorugh XMMS, for example), and then run the DHCP client daemon
(dhcpcd), the daemon sits there doing nothing (I'm monitoring my network
traffic using wmifs, and no LEDs are flashing), till I stop sending data to
esound. Once I press the pause button on XMMS, dhcpcd immediately starts
intefacing with my ethernet card.

Apparently dhcpcd freezes up after

dhcpcd[4140]: broadcasting DHCP_DISCOVER

and only displays

dhcpcd[4140]: broadcastAddr option is missing in DHCP server
response. Assuming

after pausing XMMS.

This does not happen when I'm playing directly to the sound card without
going through esd, so it can't be an IRQ conflict between the ethernet card
and the sound card. Changing the port esd uses doesn't help either.

My guess is that somehow esd is blocking dhcpcd from calling some network
function or something along that line. I don't know enough about either
program to find out the answer, though.

I'm running woody, with the latest versions of esd and dhcpcd.

| Destrius dest rius @ big  |
|   ++ 
+| He walks away, |
| Remove spaces in email address | Leaving nothing| 
+| But a notion of his music. |

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

REPOST: ypserv consumes giant amounts of memory???

2000-06-23 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
COme on guys, isn't there anyone who can help me with this?

I sort of feel like an idiot that I can't setup a simple NIS server... :-(

From: Ralf G. R. Bergs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian GNU/Linux User Mailing List
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 21:00:07 +0200
Subject: ypserv consumes giant amounts of memory???

Hi there,

I'm running frozen, previously with kernel ver 2.3.99pre-7 and now 

Since I installed a NIS master server a few days ago my system often comes 
to a crawl by excessive memory use of the NIS server (ypserv.)

I can (sort of) reproduce it by issuing ypwhich -m from the box itself or 
another machine in my LAN which is just a NIS client. Suddenly there are 
several copies of ypserv in the process list which consume ridiculous 
amounts of memory and cause the machine to start swapping excessively, 
bringing it to a crawl.

Here are two top snapshots I was able to create:

= 8x =
  376 root  17   0  9272 4996   132 D   0  9.1 12.9   0:01 ypserv
  377 root  20   0  9280 4936   136 R   0  8.9 12.8   0:01 ypserv
  373 root  13   0  1372 1372   700 R   0  8.8  3.5   0:13 top
  375 root  14   0  9260 4224   132 D   0  8.1 10.9   0:01 ypserv
  380 root   7   0  9324 3256  1072 R   0  7.2  8.4   0:01 ypserv
  379 root   6   0  9296 5420   128 R   0  6.7 14.0   0:01 ypserv
  378 root   5   0  9292 5604   156 R   0  6.6 14.5   0:01 ypserv
  381 root   6   0   548  548   472 D   0  6.5  1.4   0:00 shutdown
2 root   8   0 00 0 SW  0  3.9  0.0   0:02 kswapd
  160 root   1   0   232  160   104 S   0  0.7  0.4   0:00 ypbind
  286 root   0   0   588  572   276 S   0  0.7  1.4   0:00 bash
  355 root   0   0   380  12076 S   0  0.3  0.3   0:01 sshd
4 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.1  0.0   0:00 kupdate
  147 root   1   0  9476 3308  3192 S   0  0.1  8.6   0:00 ypserv
1 root   0   0   100   5240 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:03 init
3 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kflushd
= 8x =
  1:30pm  up  9:24,  3 users,  load average: 2.57, 1.31, 0.91
50 processes: 45 sleeping, 5 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  2.9% user, 43.9% system,  0.0% nice, 53.0% idle
Mem:   38456K av,  29624K used,   8832K free,  0K shrd,148K buff
Swap: 131064K av,  14108K used, 116956K free  1880K cached

 7706 root  14   0  8856 3072   152 D   0  4.8  7.9   0:00 ypserv
 7711 root  13   0  8780 259640 R   0  4.4  6.7   0:00 ypserv
 7708 root  11   0  8772 260844 D   0  4.3  6.7   0:00 ypserv
 7710 root  12   0  8776 366848 R   0  4.3  9.5   0:00 ypserv
 7709 root  11   0  8772 358848 R   0  4.2  9.3   0:00 ypserv
 7707 root  16   0  8760 294436 R   0  4.1  7.6   0:00 ypserv
 7704 root  12   0  1356 1356   700 R   0  2.4  3.5   0:05 top
 7712 root  18   0  8856 1024   168 D   0  2.4  2.6   0:00 ypserv
  150 root   8   0  8896 1244   280 S   0  1.6  3.2   0:22 ypserv
2 root   2   0 00 0 SW  0  0.8  0.0   2:59 kswapd
   83 daemon 1   0   252  232   200 S   0  0.5  0.6   0:10 portmap
 7653 root   1   0   392  160   100 S   0  0.2  0.4   0:02 sshd
1 root   0   0   100   5240 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:07 init
3 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kflushd
4 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:02 kupdate
  135 root   0   0   228  168   136 S   0  0.0  0.4   0:06 syslogd
  137 root   0   0   660  168   140 S   0  0.0  0.4   0:01 klogd
= 8x =

I'm pretty sure my config is ok (I've set up NIS servers before, both under 
Linux and under Solaris.)

Any idea what's going on and how I can debug the scenario?




Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Re: what's -- and other newbie net-questions

2000-06-23 Thread Tom Furie
On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 01:08:02AM -0500, Will Trillich wrote:

 Q: what's the ip/netmask for?
That's for multicast. I don't know much about multicast, maybe someone
else can help there.

 Q: what's the scheme behind ports '* - *'?
From any port to any port.

 Jun 20 00:18:00 server kernel: IP fw-in deny eth0 ICMP/10 L=28 S=0x00 I=50959 F=0x T=128
 Jun 20 00:18:03 server kernel: IP fw-in deny eth0 ICMP/10 L=28 S=0x00 I=51215 F=0x T=128
 Jun 20 00:17:57 server kernel: IP fw-in deny eth0 ICMP/10 L=28 S=0x00 I=50191 F=0x T=128
 there's that 224.0.0.* address, which may be unrelated.
 the other address is always a 172.*.*.* number; the addresses
 change, but for each 172.*.*.* address there's always four
 to twleve hits or so.
The resolves to and
resolves to ALL-ROUTERS.MCAST.NET, so it looks as though something at
AOL is broadcasting something to all multicast routers.

Do you guys know what you're doing, or are you just hacking?

Description: PGP signature

Re: HELP! Netscape completely broken by tonight's upgrade!

2000-06-23 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 itz == Ian Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

itz Navigator-smotif-473 and friends stopped working completely after
itz I unpacked today's versions.  The first problem was a syntax
itz error in the shell script /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape, but after I
itz fixed that by hand all hell breaks loose.  I had to remove the
itz packages.  Please help!

Here's my temporary fix.  I can't imagine what the maintainer was
thinking here :-(

*** /root/wrapper   Fri Jun 23 00:09:38 2000
--- /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapperFri Jun 23 00:11:05 2000
*** 271,280 
MOZILLA_HOME=$(dirname $netscape)
for d in \
! /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d \
! /usr/lib/netscape/$VER \
! /usr/lib/netscape/$VER/$BIN ;do
!   for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do
. $d/$f
--- 271,278 
MOZILLA_HOME=$(dirname $netscape)
for d in \
! /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d ;do
!   for f in $(cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do
. $d/$f

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Re: X server error

2000-06-23 Thread ARTUS Guillaume
Max Kamenetsky wrote:
 I just upgraded to the latest version of X in unstable and here's the
 error I get when trying to run startx:
 X: server socket directory has suspicious ownership, aborting
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 giving up.
 xinit then bombs out and tells me that it cannot connect to the X
 server.  This only started happening after upgrading to the latest
 version of X, namely 3.3.6-8.  Does anyone know of a quick fix?

I've got the same Pb, I just remove files in /tmp (anything starting
with \.[A-Z]), and it goes good.


Looking forward to your favorable reply

2000-06-23 Thread Li Bang
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The products of the company have already got the authentications of CCEE of 
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If this meets your interest, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I am looking forward to your favorable reply.

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Huanzhen Rd, 
Yanbu Town, Nanhai City,
Guangdong Province 538247
Tel: +86-757-6239 656
Fax: +86-757-6336 141
Contact Person: Roc P. Wang

apt-get upgrade

2000-06-23 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

I have just run update  upgrade and am right now dl / upgrading 5megs 
worth of stuff. What I would like to see though is that apt-get shows 
me which packages it'll upgrade. Just like apt-get shows me what will be
downloaded when doing apt-get install package.

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

installing cdrom under win 3.1

2000-06-23 Thread Bill Pankey
I am trying to install a cdrom into a system loaded with win 3.1 I cand
figure out how can you please help the cdrom is a 6x but with no drivers
thanks bill pankey

sasl login support

2000-06-23 Thread Jaume Teixi
Does anyone have implemented libsasl-dev and build lib support for login

I need this in order to get sendmail with smtp auth for lookout user as
this doesn't suppot plain .


Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-06-23 Thread Corey Popelier
apt-get -s upgrade will tell you what it will do, without actually doing

 Corey Popelier

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Hi all
 I have just run update  upgrade and am right now dl / upgrading 5megs 
 worth of stuff. What I would like to see though is that apt-get shows 
 me which packages it'll upgrade. Just like apt-get shows me what will be
 downloaded when doing apt-get install package.
 S. Burgener
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: DNS vs Sendmail/Exim

2000-06-23 Thread Jaume Teixi

en el named.conf borra la alusión al fichero root :

zone . {
type hint;
file db.root;

si las zonas no quieres que se prodigan hasta el secundario (si no
tienes dns secundario) añade la línea notify no; en cada definición
del named.conf

type master;
notify no;

con esto consigues tener un bind funcionando perfectamente para sólo
entorno intranet


Ismael Canales wrote:

 Gracias de antemano.

 Tengo dos máquinas conectadas, para que me funcione el correo entre ellas 
 tengo que tener el dns funcionando ( pa' que pille el MX ). Pero tener el 
 named andando es un latazo si no estoy en internet porque el named empieza a 
 pedir peticiones a los servidores root y se queda esperando el timeout a cada 

 Yo lo resolví, con un script que cambia el fichero de raices por uno nulo 
 cuando no estoy en inet y viceversa, ahora no lo tengo funcionando porque las 
 últimas versiones del named se quejaba de que no había nada en el fichero de 

 ¿ Hay algun método oficial de resolver esto ?
 ¿ Tengo mal configurado el exim o el sendmail ?
 ¿ Hay algo parecido al registro MX para el resolv.conf ? ( burrada seguro )

 Alguna idea...


  Miembro de Linux Malaga.
  Trantor es un i686 con Gnu/Linux 2.2.14

Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-06-23 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Hi Sven,

  just add the -u option to see which packages apt-get will upgrade. i.e.
apt-get upgrade -u or better yet apt-get dist-upgrade - u

hope this helps.

- Original Message -
From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian Users
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:25 AM
Subject: apt-get upgrade

 Hi all

 I have just run update  upgrade and am right now dl / upgrading 5megs
 worth of stuff. What I would like to see though is that apt-get shows
 me which packages it'll upgrade. Just like apt-get shows me what will be
 downloaded when doing apt-get install package.

 S. Burgener
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: installing cdrom under win 3.1

2000-06-23 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Did I read that correctly or am I going blind? (because I'm already wearing
glasses) system loaded with win 3.1? hmmm... I did'nt know the debian
mailing list supported other operating systems here too...kewl. damn! I knew
debian has the best support but I never expected it to be this good and it's
free too! ;)

- Original Message -
From: Bill Pankey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:21 AM
Subject: installing cdrom under win 3.1

 I am trying to install a cdrom into a system loaded with win 3.1 I cand
 figure out how can you please help the cdrom is a 6x but with no drivers
 thanks bill pankey

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Phillips
I've just updated my system to the current frozen, and included in
this update was the installation of netscape 4.73.

When I now run netscape, it bombs out, complaining of:

$ netscape
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `(c'
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | 
sort); do'

Has anyone else had this problem?  Does anyone else know the fix?



P.S. Please cc a copy of any reply directly to me as I currently read
the list only via the archives --- and I can't even do that now that
netscape is not working.

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 


2000-06-23 Thread Goeman Stefan
Hello everybody,

I have a problem with acroread.
I installed and in the beginning it works fine. After some time it does not
seem to work anymore and I get the error

acroread: ../../Source/ATM/Extra/Edge/FileCore.cpp:322:CTBool
 CTFile::Write(const void *, unsigned char): Assertion 'nWritten == n Count'

I tried to remove it and re-install it, but this does not solve the problem.

Anybody any ideas??


Stefan Goeman

Re: dhcpcd and esound

2000-06-23 Thread Destrius
On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 06:40:06PM +1200, C. Falconer wrote:

 Weird...  is the only word for it.

I agree. :P

 With the sound card in use... try pinging another machine on the network,
then traceroute to it, etc
 I half-suspect theres an IRQ conflict.

Mine is the only machine on the network, unfortunately. :P

I can connect without any problems when I play to the soundcard through
/dev/dsp directly though. Hrm. But then I'm using ALSA, and using
esd-alsa. Haven't tried sending data to the sound card through ALSA
directly without going through the OSS compatibility layer, but I don't
think it would make a difference would it?

| Destrius dest rius @ big  |
|   ++ 
+| He walks away, |
| Remove spaces in email address | Leaving nothing| 
+| But a notion of his music. |

Suggest net trafic analyser pls!

2000-06-23 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all
I having problem with qmail mail server.
I hold some incoming smtp connection for a long time without any messages
received from them :-(
I'd like to analyse this situation.
For this I need some kind of sniffer.
Can anyone suggest me a kind of such app which is able to sniff from ppp
interface ?

I've tried sniffit from slink. The problem is: it seams not able to
analyse ppp trafic

On my debian box I have 3 ethernet card and one modem acting as default
internet connection
When I try

sniffit -i -F eth2

I see active sesions and etc.
But if change eth2 to ppp1 (I find this using ifconfig)
I don't see anything. But I'm sure that ppp1 interface is active and I have
real traffic on it.

TIA Alex

Re: Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken

2000-06-23 Thread Corey Popelier
Yes I have this problem also. I assume we shall await a fix. And use
Mozilla in the meantime :)

 Corey Popelier

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I've just updated my system to the current frozen, and included in
 this update was the installation of netscape 4.73.
 When I now run netscape, it bombs out, complaining of:
 $ netscape
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `(c'
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | 
 sort); do'
 Has anyone else had this problem?  Does anyone else know the fix?
 P.S. Please cc a copy of any reply directly to me as I currently read
 the list only via the archives --- and I can't even do that now that
 netscape is not working.
 They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Modem Problem

2000-06-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, I'm trying to connect with a modem
RVS ISDN X.75T /V.120
It should connect with a analogic modem, please can you tell me the 
initialisation string? 
Many thanks for your help.
Cristiana Bianchi

Re: Suggest net trafic analyser pls!

2000-06-23 Thread dyer
Alex V. Toropov wrote:

 Hi all
 I having problem with qmail mail server.
 I hold some incoming smtp connection for a long time without any messages
 received from them :-(
 I'd like to analyse this situation.
 For this I need some kind of sniffer.
 Can anyone suggest me a kind of such app which is able to sniff from ppp
 interface ?

 I've tried sniffit from slink. The problem is: it seams not able to
 analyse ppp trafic

 On my debian box I have 3 ethernet card and one modem acting as default
 internet connection
 When I try

 sniffit -i -F eth2

 I see active sesions and etc.
 But if change eth2 to ppp1 (I find this using ifconfig)
 I don't see anything. But I'm sure that ppp1 interface is active and I have
 real traffic on it.

I really like ethereal.  Graphical, nice breakdown of packets and datagrams and 
can follow packet streams.
Are you sure it's not ppp0? do you have 2 ppp connections?



2000-06-23 Thread Goeman Stefan

I tried to convert an .eps picture to a .pdf picture using the command
convert test.eps test.pdf
I get an error message in the style of 
could not open file /tmp/imagick. (or something like this)

Can anybody help me ?


Stefan Goeman

Re: Modem Problem

2000-06-23 Thread Marc O. Sandlus
Hi Cristiana

 Hi, I'm trying to connect with a modem
 RVS ISDN X.75T /V.120
 It should connect with a analogic modem, please can you tell me the
 initialisation string?

At first, do you use Linux? RVS ISDN X.75T /V.120 looks more like a Windows 
Secondly, am I right that you want to connect a (your?) modem to an ISDN-card? 
If so,
it's unlikely you will succeed; in fact, it depends on the ISDN-card involved
(passive or active ISDN-card I think), but see for yourself:

Good luck,

SB 1024 Live not working, *sigh*!

2000-06-23 Thread Mark
Hello fellow coneheads.

I have a soundblaster 1024 Live, and I cant seem to get it working. I tried
Alsa, but no support was given (I have Potato 2.2, kernel 2.2.14), so I went
to downloaded the latest alsa drivers and programs, recompiled
tried to install and I get a module dependency error and nothing happens.
No further instructions on how to install (include modules, ...?) are given.

What have I done wrong?.
What is oss, esound, esd? are these alternatives to alsa or other
complements to go with it?

Ultimatley What do I need to get my sb working?, kernel modules? (would a
kernel recompile be enough?) or do I need alsa, or something alike. if so,
what?, and combined (or excluding) what?

Thanks for your time, and happy birthday to anyone who it there birthday!.

Bye, Mark.

Mark Sanchez

Unable to mount root file system, Kernel Picnic, try again later (after
lunch maybe;)

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

RE: SB 1024 Live not working, *sigh*!

2000-06-23 Thread Jason Holland
have you tried the creative opensource site???

You will find the latest daily source snapshots for the SB Live card.  I
managed to get it working at home.


 Hello fellow coneheads.

 I have a soundblaster 1024 Live, and I cant seem to get it
 working. I tried
 Alsa, but no support was given (I have Potato 2.2, kernel
 2.2.14), so I went
 to downloaded the latest alsa drivers and programs,
 tried to install and I get a module dependency error and nothing happens.
 No further instructions on how to install (include modules, ...?)
 are given.

 What have I done wrong?.
 What is oss, esound, esd? are these alternatives to alsa or other
 complements to go with it?

 Ultimatley What do I need to get my sb working?, kernel modules? (would a
 kernel recompile be enough?) or do I need alsa, or something alike. if so,
 what?, and combined (or excluding) what?

 Thanks for your time, and happy birthday to anyone who it there birthday!.

 Bye, Mark.

 Mark Sanchez

 Unable to mount root file system, Kernel Picnic, try again later (after
 lunch maybe;)

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

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Two nics arp problem

2000-06-23 Thread Marc Dubrowski

One week ago, I've installed potato on a digital as1000 4/266 (alpha)
The purpose for this machine is to become the bastion host of our network.
It's being prepared for the moment.

It has two nics that are recognized as follows: 

eth0: Digital DC21041 Tulip rev 33 at 0x9800, 00:00:F8:10:71:D5, IRQ 16.   
eth1: Digital DC21040 Tulip rev 36 at 0xa000, 00:00:F8:20:15:8D, IRQ 20

This server is on a /27 subnet for the moment, and both nics are in this subnet.

The problem is that, from time to time, the two nics seem to exchange their IP
address, and then I can't ping anymore in any of them already known by my
workstation except if I delete the entry of the arp table.

Here is one excerpt of my freebsd daily security check:

px20_115 kernel log messages:

 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 to 00:00:f8:20:15:8d on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0
 arp: moved from 00:00:f8:20:15:8d to 00:00:f8:10:71:d5 on de0

And the ifconfig result on the machine:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:F8:10:71:D5
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:214601 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:8715 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:282 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:16 Base address:0x9800
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:F8:20:15:8D
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:312458 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:108339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1555 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:20 Base address:0xa000  

The kernel is 2.2.16 

Has someone an idea of where I should look at to find out what/where the real
problem is.

Thaks in advance

Marc Dubrowski  
Kind of a Network Administrator 
29 rue Vautier B-1040 Brussels, Belgium 

Re: installing cdrom under win 3.1

2000-06-23 Thread ktb
Bill Pankey wrote:
 I am trying to install a cdrom into a system loaded with win 3.1 I cand
 figure out how can you please help the cdrom is a 6x but with no drivers
 thanks bill pankey

Hmmm, I just realized I've never done a cd-rom install, I'll have to do
that sometime.  But if you need drivers perhaps you could go to the web
site of the manufacturer of your cd-rom and download them onto a floppy
and install.  I'm assuming your wanting to install in order to do a
Debian cd-rom install;)

PL doesnt working

2000-06-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I'm trying to install an Private Line (PL) between my machine and an
ISP. When I plug the modem (external US Robotics 56k), it connects
automatically with the ISP.
When the ISP tries to ping my modem, its RX lights on.
There isnt any autenthication.
I try to use pon and I receive and a local and remote IP.
But when I try to ping any other IP other than mine local I receive
error connection refused. I cant ping!
I'm using slink and 2.0.36. I can see ppp0 interface with ifconfig.
What can be wrong?
Thanks for any info,Paulo Henrique

Re: PL doesnt working

2000-06-23 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
Hi Paulo!

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 When the ISP tries to ping my modem, its RX lights on.
 I try to use pon and I receive and a local and remote IP.

Does pinging the remote IP works?  

Do those local and remote IPs look right (valid)?

Are your routing tables correct? Does the correct IPs point to the ppp
device? Does your default route point to the ppp device?

 I'm using slink and 2.0.36. I can see ppp0 interface with ifconfig.
I assume it is listed as UP and RUNNING, and that TX and RX (in the ifconfig
display, NOT the modem lights) show activity without errors... do them?

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Description: PGP signature

Bug Tracking System: Much to many bugs

2000-06-23 Thread Otto Wyss
Since I've reported a bug myself I've looked a little bit throught the
Bug Tracking System. In my view the list of bugs is much to large.
Something has to be done to get rid of bugs, especially old ones. So I
suggest the following:

1. Anyone who ever reported a bug should check if it still applies. I
guess a substantial number of bug reports might just be removed. If a
bug still applies make a corresponding note in the Bug Tracking System,
possibly with information about the new check conditions.

2. Anyone who is interested to get rid of bugs might just pick any bug
(preferable the older ones) to hunt down any new info about the bug.
There are new tools/infos around to discover the reason for a bug. This
certainly will help developers to fix bugs. Of course there has to be a
corresponding note in the Bug Tracking System.

3. Anyone who is capable of solving bugs might just pick any bug and
send a fixing patch directly to the maintainer. For would-be programmer
bug hunting is by far the best technic to get used to software hacking.
There's no way around making errors himself or learning from others

I do address the problematic of the Bug Tracking System to the user
community since it's their responsibility to get rid of bugs. The
developers responsibility is making bugs (haha, of course making
programms) and to fixed them from time to time. So don't nerve any
developer unless you provide a patch or at least some substantial new

O. Wyss

Inconsistent error in ssh installation

2000-06-23 Thread Carlo U. Segre


I have noticed a very strange installation problem with the ssh which was
just uploaded to the frozen distribution today (1.2.3-5).  I upgraded it
on about 10 systems and 5 install fine but the other 5 give an error on
the post-installation script.  I have checked the installed packages on
two identical systems, (one of which shows the error and the other not)
and there is no apparent difference in the lists.

The error I am getting when I try to configure the package is below:

rabi:/home/segre# dpkg --pending --configure
Setting up ssh (1.2.3-5) ...
dpkg: error processing ssh (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
Errors were encountered while processing:

When I poke around in the ssh.postinst script, I find that the error
occurs in the code fragment:

# sort out whether we're installing ssh suid
test -e /usr/share/debconf/confmodule  {
  . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
  db_version 2.0
  db_get ssh/SUID_client

I suspect that this is not a bug because it works on some systems but not
others, however, I am at a loss.  I am typically getting the problem on
systems which have a relatively fresh frozen installation.

Any ideas?


Carlo U. Segre -- Associate Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498Fax: 312.567.3494

more upgrade woes

2000-06-23 Thread Maitland Bottoms

Besides the ssh funnies, there are other interesting problems in the
lastest potato updates to hit the mirrors...

What should the permissions and ownership of /tmp/.X11-unix be to make
the X server happy?

And what about netscape:
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in ( cd $d;ls -1 . | sort 
); do'

Any others?


Re: installing cdrom under win 3.1

2000-06-23 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
heck drivers detective site at

ktb wrote:

 Bill Pankey wrote:
  I am trying to install a cdrom into a system loaded with win 3.1 I cand
  figure out how can you please help the cdrom is a 6x but with no drivers
  thanks bill pankey

 Hmmm, I just realized I've never done a cd-rom install, I'll have to do
 that sometime.  But if you need drivers perhaps you could go to the web
 site of the manufacturer of your cd-rom and download them onto a floppy
 and install.  I'm assuming your wanting to install in order to do a
 Debian cd-rom install;)

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What happed in Netscape? Current upgrade fried application!

2000-06-23 Thread John Foster
I just did an upgrade to Netscape and the application will not start. 
Fortunately I have Mozilla to fasll back very slowly on to. Anyone know 
when this will be fixed.. Thanks.

John Foster

Postgresql documentation/behavior inconsistency

2000-06-23 Thread Peter Kovacs
I've just installed the latest unstable release of postgresql (v 7.0.2) on
my machine, and I'm a little confused with an inconsistency in the local
documentation and the docs provided at

On this page:
it says that the Select * from cities* is old, deprecated
behavior.  However in my local copy the documentation reflects that as the
current behavior.  

As far as I can tell 7.0.2 is the latest.  Does anybody know the source of
the inconsistency?  I'd really rather prefer the behavior documented at
the site (by default the query examines subclasses).


Peter D. Kovacs LLC
Lead Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: acroread

2000-06-23 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 05:18:45AM -0400, Goeman Stefan wrote:
 acroread: ../../Source/ATM/Extra/Edge/FileCore.cpp:322:CTBool
  CTFile::Write(const void *, unsigned char): Assertion 'nWritten == n Count'
 I tried to remove it and re-install it, but this does not solve the problem.
 Anybody any ideas??

It sounds like the disk writes are failing.  Most likely cause is running out
of hard drive space.  Do df and watch for any partitions that are 100% full.
My guess is that the /tmp or /var/tmp directory gets filled up; which
partition they are on depends on your setup.  They are probably on / (the
root partition).

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

dpkg: error processing ssh

2000-06-23 Thread Charles Lewis
Trying to install ssh on my laptop and this is the output of the 2nd attempt
(1st attempt was also unsuccessful):

#apt-get install ssh
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/255kB of archives. After unpacking 513kB will be used.
Configuring packages ...
Selecting previously deselected package ssh.
(Reading database ... 61773 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ssh (from .../ssh_1%3a1.2.3-5_i386.deb) ...
Setting up ssh (1.2.3-5) ...
dpkg: error processing ssh (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Any ideas why this isn't installing? Or how I can find out?

Charles Lewis, Director of Adminstrative Computing
Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX 76059
(817) 556-4720 - phone (360) 397-7952 - fax

Keyboard rate

2000-06-23 Thread Patrick Draper

I can't set my keyboard rate. I've read every web page out there on
setting keyboard rates, and I still haven't figured it out yet.

They kbdrate program gives me the standard message that it changed the
rate, but it doesn't actually change anything. The same goes for the
xset program.

This problem only happens with Debian. When I run Suse, RedHat, or
FreeBSD I can change the keyboard rate at will.

I want the key repeat to be 30 characters a second. Debian 2.1 and 2.2
seem to both set it to 10 CPS at bootup and won't let me change it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Patrick Draper| Don't  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin, Texas | Fear   |Father Order runs at a   | The|good pace, but old Mother
Be Microsoft Free - Use Linux |Penguin |Chaos is winning the race.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: PL doesnt working

2000-06-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Quoting Henrique M Holschuh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi Paulo!
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  When the ISP tries to ping my modem, its RX lights on.
  I try to use pon and I receive and a local and remote IP.
 Does pinging the remote IP works?  
Hi Henrique. I cant ping the remote IP.
 Do those local and remote IPs look right (valid)?
I think so. The ISP setuped it.
 Are your routing tables correct? Does the correct IPs point to the ppp
 device? Does your default route point to the ppp device?
I will check it.
  I'm using slink and 2.0.36. I can see ppp0 interface with ifconfig.
 I assume it is listed as UP and RUNNING, and that TX and RX (in the ifconfig
 display, NOT the modem lights) show activity without errors... do them?
I meant modem RX light.
Thanks. Any other hints?
   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

Modem disconnect me.

2000-06-23 Thread G0DModE

I can`t connect to my ISP using pon.

- CUT -

Jun 23 18:34:44 g0dmode pppd[249]: Serial connection established.
Jun 23 18:34:45 g0dmode pppd[249]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 23 18:34:45 g0dmode pppd[249]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
Jun 23 18:34:59 g0dmode pppd[249]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jun 23 18:34:59 g0dmode pppd[249]: Modem hangup
Jun 23 18:34:59 g0dmode pppd[249]: Connection terminated.
Jun 23 18:35:03 g0dmode pppd[249]: Terminating on signal 15.
Jun 23 18:35:03 g0dmode pppd[249]: Exit.

- CUT -

I now that my modem hangup, but I don`t now why and how to fix it.
I remember that some time ago when I was using minicom to connect I had
the same problem.
The solution was in configuration; the time when modem hangups was set
to 60 sec.
I don`t need to tell what happend after 60 seconds ;) . Can anybody help
me finding option that
hangups my modem?

Big thanks, G0DModE .

a central script to choose what daemons to start

2000-06-23 Thread Shao Zhang
Is there any script out there that will let me to choose what
services to start by default?

For instance, I would like to have apache installed on my laptop,
but I don't want to start it everytime I boot up. Editing
/etc/init.d/* won't help me much because then I will have to change
it everytime I upgrade the package.

The ppp's init script uses the file /etc/ppp/ppp-on-boot, to detect
whether to start pppd at boot time, wouldn't it be great if we have
a some kind of similar file, like /etc/default-daemon, which all the
init scripts will check that file to determine whether to start or

Thanks for any help in advance.




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Troubles with compiling Oracle 8.0.5 on Potato

2000-06-23 Thread Robert Varga

Look at

The install for Redhat 6.x is described there.

There is five compat-... packages mentioned which should be installed.

Convert them to .deb packages with alien. (no options needed).

Install the deb-s. You need to chmod +x one file, I don't remember which,
I think /usr/i386-glibc20-linux/lib/

With these packages you can carry out the instruction mentioned at that
Feel free to change the paths to different ones from the ones in that


Robert Varga

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Matthias Klose wrote:

 Debian does not provide a glibc-2.0, which is installable on potato.
 What about Oracle 8.1.6, is it compiled for glibc-2.1?
 Greg writes:
   We need to install Oracle 8.0.5 on Potato but compiler reports 
   some errors due to incompatibility glibc2.0 with glibc2.1 at
   the source level. On Slink everything was ok.
   My chief said, that there is a package for RedHat, solving
   that kind of trouble. (compat-glibc 5.2-
   Is there Debian package like that?
   Any advice?
   Can I install this .rpm package on Debian potato ? Is it safe ?
   I think it can be made simpler...
   please, forward this mail to anybody, who may help,
   because we need _fast_ solution...
   Gregory Belenky
   WebZavod programmer (
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-06-23 Thread Jake Stowell

I just upgraded from potato to woody and all seemed fine, that is until
i attempted to run netscape/netscape messenger.  i was wondering if
anyone else was having similar problems and what I should do about it. 
i am a relatively new user, so i am not entirely sure what to do in this
type of situation.  any help is greatly apprecitated.


Re: postfix help

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 01:31:25PM +0200, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:

 What about poor guys who don't have a valid hostname (dynamic IP) and,
 moreover, have another username at the ISP as on their own computer?
 (Solution for qmail: set the environment variable QMAILUSER to your
 ISP username in your .bash_profile.)

Cannonical mapping can probably do most of the work for you.  Probably
just a sender-only one which rewrites the user accounts to the
externally visible version and anything else to some reasonable default
(in case some system user sends mail).

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: a central script to choose what daemons to start

2000-06-23 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:

 For instance, I would like to have apache installed on my laptop,
 but I don't want to start it everytime I boot up. Editing
 /etc/init.d/* won't help me much because then I will have to change
 it everytime I upgrade the package.

That is not necessarily true.  The files in /etc/init.d are listed as conf
files, so when you upgrade the package you'll be asked if you want to
replace the old file with the new one.

What you might want to do here, though, is define a couple of different
runlevels, maybe 3 and 4 that only differ in that 4 starts Apache while 3
does not.  Have 3 be your default runlevel.  You can specify via LILO at
boottime which runlevel to go to.  So if you are booting and want to go to
runlevel 4, just pass 4 as a parameter to your kernel image.

That doesn't seem like too much work to me.  Certainly no more work than
creating or deleting a file each time you reboot.


  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv


Re: a central script to choose what daemons to start

2000-06-23 Thread Brad
On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 02:30:41AM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
 For instance, I would like to have apache installed on my laptop,
 but I don't want to start it everytime I boot up. Editing
 /etc/init.d/* won't help me much because then I will have to change
 it everytime I upgrade the package.

If you've modified /etc/init.d/apache, dpkg shouldn't replace that file
on upgrade without asking. Most /etc/init.d scripts are marked as

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: a central script to choose what daemons to start

2000-06-23 Thread Gary Hennigan
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Is there any script out there that will let me to choose what
 services to start by default?
 For instance, I would like to have apache installed on my laptop,
 but I don't want to start it everytime I boot up. Editing
 /etc/init.d/* won't help me much because then I will have to change
 it everytime I upgrade the package.
 The ppp's init script uses the file /etc/ppp/ppp-on-boot, to detect
 whether to start pppd at boot time, wouldn't it be great if we have
 a some kind of similar file, like /etc/default-daemon, which all the
 init scripts will check that file to determine whether to start or
 Thanks for any help in advance.

Well, you can use update-rc.d to accomplish this to some degree, eg.,

update-rc.d -f xdm remove

would cause the removal of the links in /etc/rc?.d to the
/etc/init.d/xdm script and so xdm wouldn't be automatically started at
boot. Remember, the scripts in /etc/init.d have to be linked to from
the appropriate runlevel directory. On Debian the default runlevel is
2 and so the scripts that actually get executed are in
/etc/rc2.d. Of course everything in there is just a link to a script
in /etc/init.d/

But, unfortunately, you'll still be stuck redoing this after every
upgrade because very few (none?) of the packages check to see if
you've deleted the links, they just go ahead and put them in.

The IRIX OS running on SGIs has something like you suggest. They too
use the SYSV init style, with /etc/rc?.d directories, but they also
have a utility called chkconfig that allows you to turn the scripts on
and off. At the beginning of most scripts in /etc/init.d is a line


then before any daemons are started there's a

if $IS_ON daemon or service name; then
  start daemon

the chkconfig utility just keeps files in /var/config that have the
word on or off in them and executing chkconfig daemon or
service returns 0 if that word is on or non-zero if the word is

It's nice but I don't know if it's everyone's cup of tea.


Re: netscape

2000-06-23 Thread Bolan Meek
Jake Stowell wrote:
 I just upgraded from potato to woody and all seemed fine, that is until
 i attempted to run netscape/netscape messenger.  i was wondering if
 anyone else was having similar problems and what I should do about it.
 i am a relatively new user, so i am not entirely sure what to do in this
 type of situation.  any help is greatly apprecitated.

It would be helpful if you were to give more details,
such as quoting error messages, etc.  The range of
possibilities of software problems are so wide ranging
that diagnosis without a symptom report is impossible.

ops I deleted /etc/default?deleted /etc/default?

2000-06-23 Thread Tim Webster
Stupid me I deleted the /etc/default? directory.

I have no idea what was in that directory.
Seems it contained some rather importanted stuff.
If someone could tar up their /etc/default directory it would be great.
Then I could use that /etc/default tar ball as guidance so that I can 
recreat mine.

I am still able to bring the machine online, with a hand job, but its just

-Thanks guys.
I need this today if possible.

P.S. email 

Love debian

Re: Postgresql documentation/behavior inconsistency

2000-06-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
Peter Kovacs wrote:
  I've just installed the latest unstable release of postgresql (v 7.0.2) on
  my machine, and I'm a little confused with an inconsistency in the local
  documentation and the docs provided at
  On this page:
  it says that the Select * from cities* is old, deprecated
  behavior.  However in my local copy the documentation reflects that as the
  current behavior.  
  As far as I can tell 7.0.2 is the latest.  Does anybody know the source of
  the inconsistency?  I'd really rather prefer the behavior documented at
  the site (by default the query examines subclasses).

7.0.2 uses the behaviour from your local documentation
(SELECT * FROM cities*)

The behaviour documented at will be that of release
7.1, but seems to have made its way prematurely into public view.

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he 
  is old, he will not depart from it.Proverbs 22:6 

Re: netscape

2000-06-23 Thread Tim Webster
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 02:57:40PM -0500, Bolan Meek wrote:
 Jake Stowell wrote:
  I just upgraded from potato to woody and all seemed fine, that is until
  i attempted to run netscape/netscape messenger.  i was wondering if
  anyone else was having similar problems and what I should do about it.
  i am a relatively new user, so i am not entirely sure what to do in this
  type of situation.  any help is greatly apprecitated.
 It would be helpful if you were to give more details,
 such as quoting error messages, etc.  The range of
 possibilities of software problems are so wide ranging
 that diagnosis without a symptom report is impossible.
I think there is a problem with the netscape startup script.
Please see the for loop around line 277.
It contains a syntax error, which is easy to fix.
But sourcing all those files it wants to doesn't make any sence.
It's trying to source directories and a README file.
I will send you a patch as soon as my linux host is back.
Stupid me I removed the /etc/default? directory. Send me a tar ball of
that directory so I can put it back you. I will give you my netscape patch.


kernel panic

2000-06-23 Thread cls--colo spgs

successfully, i've done a compile of source kernel
2.2.16 for my potato deskbox; but trying to do the same
thing (approximately 5 times) on my slink lapbox leads
to the infamous kernel panic.  the first re-boot (via
floppy) after the compile is fine.  it's the next
re-boot after that, that things get weird.

...the last line before hanging:

kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount fs on 03:01

here's my partition scheme:

/ on hda1 (1.5gb)
swap on hda5 (66mb)
hda3 (500mb) (for storing large files (e.g. kernel
sources, netscape, wordperfect...) that i don't want to
re-download after i re-install slink).

before the compile, slink was using kernel 2.0.36
(/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36).  (after the compile, i moved
the old kernel to /boot/oldvmlinuz-2.0.36, as i
thought, perhaps needlessly, that the new kernel
(/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16)) needed its own vmlinuz

in case the compile is at issue, here's what i did from

make menuconfig
make dep
make install
make modules
make modules_install

there isn't, nor will there be, another os on the
lapbox, just dlinux.

the rescue disk won't even let me backdoor the
system:  mount failed: invalid argument (when i tried
to mount hda1).

anyway, ...suggestions/options?

ia, t.  

bentley taylor.



2000-06-23 Thread Jacob Stowell

sorry for the lack of specificity in my last message.  it now looks like
at least one other person posted a similar concern. when i try to open
netscape i get the following message:

/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in ( cd $d;ls -1 .
| sort ); do'

again, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

thank you,

Re: netscape]

2000-06-23 Thread Tim Webster
- Forwarded message from Tim Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Resent-Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:28:41 -0400 (EDT)
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:26:24 -0400
From: Tim Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Jake Stowell [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: netscape
Reply-To: Timothy D. Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Mutt 1.0.1i
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Fri, Jun 23, 2000 
at 02:57:40PM -0500
Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/97267
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 02:57:40PM -0500, Bolan Meek wrote:
 Jake Stowell wrote:
  I just upgraded from potato to woody and all seemed fine, that is until
  i attempted to run netscape/netscape messenger.  i was wondering if
  anyone else was having similar problems and what I should do about it.
  i am a relatively new user, so i am not entirely sure what to do in this
  type of situation.  any help is greatly apprecitated.
 It would be helpful if you were to give more details,
 such as quoting error messages, etc.  The range of
 possibilities of software problems are so wide ranging
 that diagnosis without a symptom report is impossible.
I think there is a problem with the netscape startup script.
Please see the for loop around line 277.
It contains a syntax error, which is easy to fix.
But sourcing all those files it wants to doesn't make any sence.
It's trying to source directories and a README file.
I will send you a patch as soon as my linux host is back.
Stupid me I removed the /etc/default? directory. Send me a tar ball of
that directory so I can put it back you. I will give you my netscape patch.


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- End forwarded message -

Re: postfix help

2000-06-23 Thread Charlie Kroeger
One to look into is 

humm.  I saw a caterpillar and a links no nothing. what?


Re: ops I deleted /etc/default?deleted /etc/default?

2000-06-23 Thread Bolan Meek
Tim Webster wrote:
 Stupid me I deleted the /etc/default? directory.
 I have no idea what was in that directory.
 Seems it contained some rather importanted stuff.
 If someone could tar up their /etc/default directory it would be great.
 Then I could use that /etc/default tar ball as guidance so that I can
 recreat mine.
 I am still able to bring the machine online, with a hand job, but its just
 -Thanks guys.
 I need this today if possible.

I'll send what I have in another reply, not to the list, but
I have doubt that it'll do you much good, since it seems to
be installation-dependent, having files needed by the particular
software configuration installed (IOW installation set).

It is apparently not like /etc/skel...

I'll attach a .tar.gz, and also paste in a uuencode...

Re: Need some help with procmail

2000-06-23 Thread Sven Burgener
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 05:18:23PM +0100, Mário Filipe wrote:

 procmail: Suspicious rcfile /home/mjnf/.procmailrc
 procmail: Couldn't read /home/mjnf/.procmailrc

Sounds like a permissions problem. Check with ls -l.

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: netscape-amended

2000-06-23 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Jacob Stowell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `('
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in ( cd $d;ls -1 .
 | sort ); do'

A patch was posted on this list a short time ago (today or
yesterday). Look in the archives.

make menuconfig burp

2000-06-23 Thread Dave Bateman
I'm trying to build a kernel and make menuconfig gives the following

debian:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.15# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory
find: /usr/local/lib/: No such file or directory
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

do I need to make /usr/local/lib manually ? or did I miss something


Re: make menuconfig burp

2000-06-23 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Dave Bateman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to build a kernel and make menuconfig gives the
 following error:
 debian:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.15# make menuconfig

2.2.15 has had some ugly bugs - you may want to upgrade to 2.2.17pre1.

 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] chris]$ dpkg -S curses.h
libncurses4-dev: /usr/include/curses.h

- You need to install libncurses4-dev

iMac: boot Debian Linux from CD-ROM

2000-06-23 Thread Philippe
I want to boot from a most recent official release of Debian
on a new iMac G3. In Open Firmware, I type boot cdrom or equivalently
boot cd:,\\:tbxi and I get the error message:
load-size=1000 adler32=edd16114
unrecognized Client Program Format.

my boot-device line reads:
boot-device cd:   hd:,\\tbxi
I don't know if there's something wrong about this hd:,\\tbxi that
remains. I can hear the cd-rom turning after typing boot cdrom, so
something's happenin'..
What's wrong? is it that I can't use the slink version on an iMac? (can I
get the potatoe on a cd-rom?) 
thanks a bunch,

Debian CD ROMs

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Marburger
Why do I keep hearing about multiple CDs?  I only got ONE CD in my package.  
Am I missing a CD or two?  Could this be why I can't install anything  

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Creative Riva TNT2, xserver?

2000-06-23 Thread Nick

which xserver should i use with the
3D SoundBlaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra 32mb video card?

Re: Debian CD ROMs

2000-06-23 Thread Marcin Kurc
I belive slink was the first multicd release, if you have 2.0 it is probably 
one cd.

On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 07:13:04PM -0400, Mark Marburger wrote: 
 Why do I keep hearing about multiple CDs?  I only got ONE CD in my package.  
 Am I missing a CD or two?  Could this be why I can't install anything  
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
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Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

boot floppies

2000-06-23 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi debs

I've been booting this system with a boot floppy for some time now. Say
I wanted to create new boot disks for any potato machine, how would I
most easily do this?
Anyone had experience with the package boot-floppies?

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

question on sysvinit

2000-06-23 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

I wanted to know why that when changing runlevels from say 2 to 3, the
KILL links of _3_ and not 2 get executed before starting the START links
of 3...?

I mean, at that point you're leaving runlevel 2 and it would only make
sense to stop those runlevel's services and not the new runlevel's,

Am I missing something here? If that's the case, please tell me. :)

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: iMac: boot Debian Linux from CD-ROM

2000-06-23 Thread ktb
Philippe wrote:
 I want to boot from a most recent official release of Debian
 on a new iMac G3. In Open Firmware, I type boot cdrom or equivalently
 boot cd:,\\:tbxi and I get the error message:
 load-size=1000 adler32=edd16114
 unrecognized Client Program Format.
 my boot-device line reads:
 boot-device cd:   hd:,\\tbxi
 I don't know if there's something wrong about this hd:,\\tbxi that
 remains. I can hear the cd-rom turning after typing boot cdrom, so
 something's happenin'..
 What's wrong? is it that I can't use the slink version on an iMac? (can I
 get the potatoe on a cd-rom?)
 thanks a bunch,

There is a debian mac specific email list if you didn't know.  I've
never installed on a mac before but are you using the mac version of

Re: more upgrade woes

2000-06-23 Thread Josip Rodin
[please CC: any replies to -user]
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 02:24:10PM -0400, Maitland Bottoms wrote:
 What should the permissions and ownership of /tmp/.X11-unix be to make
 the X server happy?

drwxrwxrwt2 root usersgroup   1024 Jun 24 01:44 /tmp/.X11-unix

I'm not sure if the latest X packages changed that, though.

 And what about netscape:
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `('
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `for f in ( cd $d;ls -1 . | sort 
 ); do'

The bugs for this have been filed (and fixed)...

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

Bash script question (was: Re: Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken)

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Phillips
Corey Popelier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes I have this problem also. I assume we shall await a fix. And use
 Mozilla in the meantime :)

Or we could try to fix it... the error is with the code:

for d in \
/usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d \
/usr/lib/netscape/$VER \
/usr/lib/netscape/$VER/$BIN ;do
for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do
. $d/$f

And the problem seems to be with a syntax error at the line

for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do

According to man bash, the (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort) is a compound
command where the stuff in brackets is executed in its own shell.  So
what this line seems to be trying to do, is to go to a certain
directory, get a sorted listing of the files there and then go through
them one by one, executing . $d/$f for each of them.  What is the
. command???  I thought it was the current directory?

Anyway, the reason for the syntax error is with the definition of a
for loop in bash.  From man bash:

  for name [ in word ] ; do list ; done

Now word is a list of blank separated words I believe, so it does
not allow the (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort) construction to be used here.
So somehow we need to find an alternative.

Any ideas?



P.S. For any replies, please cc a copy directly to me.

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I've just updated my system to the current frozen, and included in
  this update was the installation of netscape 4.73.
  When I now run netscape, it bombs out, complaining of:
  $ netscape
  /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `(c'
  /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: `  for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | 
  sort); do'
  Has anyone else had this problem?  Does anyone else know the fix?
  P.S. Please cc a copy of any reply directly to me as I currently read
  the list only via the archives --- and I can't even do that now that
  netscape is not working.
  They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Creative Riva TNT2, xserver?

2000-06-23 Thread Nick

which xserver should i use with the
3D SoundBlaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra 32mb video card? 

Re: Bash script question (was: Re: Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken)

2000-06-23 Thread Peter Kovacs
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:

 for d in \
 /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d \
 /usr/lib/netscape/$VER \
 /usr/lib/netscape/$VER/$BIN ;do
 for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do
 . $d/$f

I'm sure that a fix has already been posted, but this works for me
(replace the code above with this):

for d in /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d ; do
cd $d;
for f in `find -maxdepth 1 -type f`; do
. $d/$f  


Peter D. Kovacs LLC
Lead Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new autofs 3.1.4-7, testers wanted

2000-06-23 Thread Alvin Oga

hi adam

please keep me posted tooo on any status...bugs..etcetc..

i also believe autofs-4.x-pre is outwith ldap features..

am falling too far behind the times

have fun linuxing

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Adam Heath wrote:

 I am looking for testers for autofs.  You can fetch the latest version at:
 I am not on debian-user, so please cc me.

Re: Bash script question (was: Re: Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken)

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Phillips
Peter Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Peter Kovacs wrote:
  I'm sure that a fix has already been posted, but this works for me
  (replace the code above with this):
  for d in /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper.d ; do
  cd $d;
  for f in `find -maxdepth 1 -type f`; do
  . $d/$f  
 Wow.  I just realized how incredibly incorrect the code is.  Well, it
 works for me.  YMMV though.  I'd wait for an official fix, or fix it
 yourself if the above doesn't work.

What does YMMV stand for?

An official fix has come through, and what it does is replace

for f in (cd.


for f in $(cd

It seems to work sort of, but I don't understand why!

And what is the . $d/$f supposed to do??



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Bash script question (was: Re: Netscape 4.73 wrapper broken)

2000-06-23 Thread Peter Kovacs
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:

 What does YMMV stand for?

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

 An official fix has come through, and what it does is replace
   for f in (cd.
   for f in $(cd

From man 1 bash:
   Command Substitution
   Command substitution allows the output  of  a  command  to
   replace the command name.  There are two forms:


That's why I had the backticks in there.  I've never seen the
$() construct either.  

 And what is the . $d/$f supposed to do??

Again, from man 1 bash:
.  filename [arguments]
   source filename [arguments]
  Read and execute commands from filename in the cur­
  rent  shell  environment and return the exit status
  of the last command  executed  from  filename...

It simply executes those files as a shell script.


Peter D. Kovacs LLC
Lead Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Suggestion: more frequent list archive updates

2000-06-23 Thread Mark Phillips

I am currently not subscribed to debian-user simply because I don't
have the disk space to handle all the messages.  So what I do is read
it via the archives.  The problem is that there is a day or two lag
between a message being sent and it appearing in the archive.  This
delay makes interactive use of the list difficult.

The thought I had was: why not make the archive much more responsive?
Why not update it every few minutes?  Now perhaps there are good
reasons why this is not possible  But I would have thought it
wouldn't be too hard.

Surely a web based interface to the list is a more efficient way to go
in any case?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

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