how to unistall

2000-06-28 Thread mead



2000-06-28 Thread mead





2000-06-28 Thread Joan Ferre

Tengo la intencion de adquirir corel os, que 
utiliza el kernel de debian, me interesaria saber si el kernel soporta los 
dispositivos usb, y en concreto si detecta el modem ISDN USB Eicon 

Re: Consulta sobre lm-sensors

2000-06-28 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:

 Juan C. Amengual wrote:
  Después de esto he ejecutado sensors-detect contestando a todas las
  preguntas con los defaults. Tras ello, he ejecutado el programa
  sensors y me dice que Can't access /proc file. ¿Alguien sabe qué es lo
  que me he dejado por ahí? ¿He de activar alguna opción de soporte en el
  kernel? Gracias de antemano por vuestra ayuda.


gracias por tu respuesta ...

 Existen dos posibles causas:

 1. Olvidaste compilar el soporte para /proc en el kernel.

Nope. Otra persona me ha contestado en privado comentándome lo mismo. Ya llevo 
unas cuantas
compilaciones de kernel a mis espaldas ;-) para saber que el soporte /proc es 

 2. Estas tratando de ejectutar lmsensors como usuario normal sin tener

Tampocorrll. Lo he ejecutado como root. Primero sensors-detect y después 
sensors. El
problema, creo yo, reside en que no sé cómo narices cargar los módulos que 
tocan. Tras
ejecutar sensors-detect como root concluye con una lista de módulos que he de 
añadir a
/etc/modules (según él) y que está vacía. Luego me dice que añada un alias en 
un fichero de
/etc/modutils, pero esto ya me lo hizo automáticamente al instalarme el 
paquete. También
tengo un sensors.conf en /etc, pero no creo que vayan por ahí los tiros. En 
fin, me leeré la
documentación exhaustivamente, aunque la verdad, para mi gusto es de las peores 
que he
encontrado. No veo que de forma rápida y directa te guíen a poner en marcha el 
asunto, como
pasa con otras documentaciones. Cuando quieres mariconadas ya entonces te 
lees a fondo la
documentación ... pero bueno, es mi opinión. Gracias por el intento, no 

Si alguien ahí fuera, ha puesto en marcha el lm-sensors y tiene una receta 
fácil de seguir
que responda, please.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I You are my faith,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  and when there's darkness all around
CASTELLON, 12071. shine bright for me,
Phone: +34 964 728361   you are the guiding light.
Fax: +34 964 728435 To me, to me, to me,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   you are a tower of strength to me.
Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
- Tower of Strength, Children, 1988, Phonogram -

Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Avid El Fasih Santalla wrote:
 El problema más inmediato que me ocurre es que al apagar el
 ordenador cuando me desmonta la unidad el directorio /home montado en el
 dispositivo /dev/hda7 me dice que está ocupado y no consigue terminar de
 desmontarle, aunque al final aparece el mensaje de que el sistema ya se
 ha detenido (lo paro con halt por ejemplo) así, la siguiente vez que
 inicio el sistema se da cuenta que no ha cerrado bien y hace el chequeo

En la secuencia de apagado, antes de desmontar las particiones se matan
todos los procesos que esten en ejecución. Si dice que /dev/hda7 está
ocupada, es poque hay algún proceso que no se dejo matar. Esto puede ser
debido a algún programa con un bug. Ya me ocurrió eso con el xmms
que de repente un dia comenzó a morir quedando como zombi que no se
dejaba matar de ninguna forma; descubrí que me hacia falta un librería e
instalandola todo quedó bien (de todas formas este no debería ser el
comportamiento normal de un programa).
Antes de apagar, haz logout de tu cuenta normal y entra como root a ver
si todavia existe un programa de tu usuario normal en ejecución (usando
ps aux). Después identifica a que paquete le corresponde ese programa
y desintala o reinstala el paquete.

Jaime Villate

Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread Danito
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 09:32:56AM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 En la secuencia de apagado, antes de desmontar las particiones se matan
 todos los procesos que esten en ejecución. Si dice que /dev/hda7 está
 ocupada, es poque hay algún proceso que no se dejo matar. Esto puede ser
 debido a algún programa con un bug. Ya me ocurrió eso con el xmms
 que de repente un dia comenzó a morir quedando como zombi que no se
 dejaba matar de ninguna forma; descubrí que me hacia falta un librería e
 instalandola todo quedó bien (de todas formas este no debería ser el
 comportamiento normal de un programa).
 Antes de apagar, haz logout de tu cuenta normal y entra como root a ver
 si todavia existe un programa de tu usuario normal en ejecución (usando
 ps aux). Después identifica a que paquete le corresponde ese programa
 y desintala o reinstala el paquete.
 Despues de leer esto a mi me surge la siguiente pregunta ¿Como puede ser que
el sistema no pueda matar un proceso?. El que un programa tenga un bug en
principio no debería afectar al resto del sistema como ocurre en Mocochof


Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread eloy
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Danito wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 09:32:56AM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
  Despues de leer esto a mi me surge la siguiente pregunta ¿Como puede ser que
 el sistema no pueda matar un proceso?. El que un programa tenga un bug en
 principio no debería afectar al resto del sistema como ocurre en Mocochof

El problema puede aparecer a veces: te encuentras con un
proceso al cual no puedes matar, por mucha señal nueve que le eches
(kill -9 pid). Si miras con 'ps aux' o en 'top' ves casi siempre que el
proceso resistente está en estado 'D'. Según 'man 1 ps', el estado 'D'
significa sueño ininterrumpible. Generalmente es que el proceso está a la
espera de que se complete una operación de entrada/salida, por lo que sé.
No es que el sistema no pueda matar al proceso. El problema tampoco es que
no reciba nuestra famosa señal nueve. Sí que la recibe. Pero a menos que
esté equivocado las señales sólo se comprueban cuando el proceso recibe la
CPU. Y si está en espera no recibirá la CPU hasta que suceda lo que está
esperando. Y a veces eso no sucede.

Espero haber ayudado.


-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- --
--- GPG ID: 190169A0 / finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Córdoba _ España ___ Debian 2.1 GNU/Linux 2.2.16 rabinf50


2000-06-28 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 11:56:47PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Ricardo, que has hecho!! :P

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Corel

2000-06-28 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 08:15:01AM +0200, Joan Ferre wrote:
Tengo la intencion de adquirir corel os, que utiliza el kernel de
debian, me interesaria saber si el kernel soporta los dispositivos
usb, y en concreto si detecta el modem ISDN USB Eicon Diva

El kernel es Linux, no Debian. La versión que trae Corel no soporta ni
el puerto USB ni tu modem. Tendrías que actualizarlo tú a la rama 2.4.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Corel

2000-06-28 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias

 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 08:15:01AM +0200, Joan Ferre wrote:
 Tengo la intencion de adquirir corel os, que utiliza el kernel de
 debian, me interesaria saber si el kernel soporta los dispositivos
 usb, y en concreto si detecta el modem ISDN USB Eicon Diva

El Corel v 1.1 trae un kernel con un parche para el soporte de USB (No
se como funciona, pero al botar muestra mensajes de USB)
Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Ayuda con PCMCIA SCSI

2000-06-28 Thread Juan C. Amengual

lamento ser pesao, pero es que estoy ya desesperado ...

Juan C. Amengual wrote:

 Hola a tod*s,

 estoy teniendo problemas con una tarjeta UltraSCSI Adaptec SlimSCSI
 1480A. Os cuento. He compilado los fuentes del PCMCIA para el kernel
 2.2.15 de la Potato, por supuesto activando soporte SCSI en el núcleo,
 pero sin elegir ningún low-level driver. En el Configure del PCMCIA,
 he seleccionado la opción Cardbus, antes de compilar. La compilación la
 he hecho, como siempre, utilizando el kernel-package. Pues bien, cuando
 inserto la tarjeta, me dice que:

 aic7xxx: Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI controller at PCI 35/0/0
 aic7xxx: I/O ports already in use, ignoring.   ¡aquí está el
 scsi : 0 hosts.

Lo único que he encontrado por ahí es (y cito textualmente del PCMCIA-HowTo):

La reservación de puertos de E/S no es muy común, pero algunas veces pasa con 
tarjetas que
requieren regiones de espacio de E/S grandes, contiguas y alineadas, o que sólo 
pocas posiciones específicas de puertos. Los rangos de puertos de E/S por 
omisión en
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts normalmente son suficientes, pero pueden ser 
extendidos. En casos
extraños, la reservación puede indicar que falló la prueba de puertos de E/S 
(revise ''Fallas
en la búsqueda de puertos de E/S'').

La reservación de memoria no es común también con las configuraciones de la 
ventana de
memoria que vienen por omisión en config.opts. Las tarjetas CardBus pueden 
requerir regiones
de memoria más grandes que las tarjetas típicas de 16-bits. A partir de que las 
ventanas de
memoria de las tarjetas CardBus pueden ser mapeadas a cualquier parte del 
espacio de la
dirección PCI del host (en lugar de sólo mapearlo al ''agujero'' de 640K-1MB en 
sistemas PC),
es de utilidad especificar grandes ventanas de memoria en la memoria alta, tal 

Esa gran ventana de memoria es, efectivamente, la que viene especificada en
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts. ¿Puede algún mortal, por favor, decirme qué @·%$¡!  
ocurriendo? Tengo una tarjeta SCSI parada por culpa de la m...da ésta. Gracias.

 Sin embargo, sí me carga los módulos apa1480_cb y cb_enabler. El primero
 es el módulo que maneja la tarjeta en cuestión, según la documentación
 de las PCMCIA, el segundo no sé lo que hace pero al parecer es
 necesario. Además me carga el scsi_mod. He comprobado con un compañero
 que tiene el mismo portátil y tarjeta que yo y a él no le da el más
 mínimo problema. Él tiene la Mandrake con kernel 2.2.13. En su mandrake
 la inserción de la tarjeta provoca que se carguen los módulos apa1480_cb
 y cb_enabler solamente. Porfa, una ayudita. La verdad es que no sé qué
 narices está pasando ... ¡y además me había burlado de su Mandrake
 presumiendo de la Potato! Algo para restablecer el honor de la Potato,
 ¡pronto! ;-) Como siempre, gracias anticipadas por vuestra ayuda.



UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I You are my faith,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  and when there's darkness all around
CASTELLON, 12071. shine bright for me,
Phone: +34 964 728361   you are the guiding light.
Fax: +34 964 728435 To me, to me, to me,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   you are a tower of strength to me.
Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
- Tower of Strength, Children, 1988, Phonogram -

Netscape arranca una vez y no más

2000-06-28 Thread Manuel Jiménez
Las pistas: potato; navigator 4.72 y 4.73 con y sin java, con y sin
plugin-java; gnome-helix-code.
Los hechos: arranca una vez, la primera. Pero como lo cierre ya no arranca
más, a no ser que reinicie el gnome. A veces, no siempre, tampoco puedo
arrancar ninguna otra aplicación.

¿Alguno de vosotros se ha visto ya en esta tesitura? No ocurre con mozilla,
pero me quedo sin plugins, sin realplayer y sin todas las pijadas en las que
andamos cogidos...:(

Un saludo: Manuel
Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058


2000-06-28 Thread Diego Mariani
Quisiera empezar a escribir un How-to, donde consigo un editor de PDF?

Re: teclado en griego clásico

2000-06-28 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
La cuestión es... ¿en que consiste un teclado de griego clásico? ¿Que
carácteres existían en griego clásico? ¿No son los mismos que en
griego actual?

Implementar un teclado en griego clásico en Linux no es ningún
problema, tan sólo hace falta configurar el mapa de teclado, y eso no
supone ningún problema. Seguro que existe algo así.

Lo más importante, es que hacen falta una fuente con los carácteres
de griego clásico para poder ver lo que se escribe y
imprimirlos. Supongo que tu amigo quiere escribir textos o insertar
códigos de griego clásico en sus textos en español. ¿No?

Creo que el mejor sistema para esto es el TeX, porque no hace falta
que use teclado griego clásico, si no tan sólo unos cuantos macros
especiales y automáticamente se le añadirán estos carácteres en su
documento impreso. 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread Jaime E. Villate
   Despues de leer esto a mi me surge la siguiente pregunta ¿Como puede ser 
  el sistema no pueda matar un proceso?. El que un programa tenga un bug en
  principio no debería afectar al resto del sistema como ocurre en Mocochof
No es nada que se compare. En este caso no te sale ninguna pantalla azul
a la cual no logras huir, ni te mata ningún otro proceso.

 No es que el sistema no pueda matar al proceso. El problema tampoco es que
 no reciba nuestra famosa señal nueve. Sí que la recibe. Pero a menos que
 esté equivocado las señales sólo se comprueban cuando el proceso recibe la
Tienes razón. El proceso queda en un estado de sonanbulismo que puede
durar mucho tiempo. En un servidor que esté siempre conectado eso no te
afecta, pues normalmente el proceso acaba por morir, y mientras está en
ese estado no te consume casi ningún recurzo. El problema es cuando
tienes que desconectar rapidamente y no puedes esperar al que el proceso
acepte su destino final y muera.

Jaime Villate


2000-06-28 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Diego Mariani wrote:
 Quisiera empezar a escribir un How-to, donde consigo un editor de PDF?

El pdf no es un formato editable. Si quieres producir un manual de
alta calidad en pdf, te recomiendo que uses pdflatex (instala tetex).
O mejor aún, usa sgml (docbook o debiandoc), después produces latex a
partir del sgml y pdf a partir del latex, usando pdflatex. La ventaja de
usar sgml es que puedes generar también versiones en ascii simple y en
html y un mayor público tendrá acceso a tu How-to.
También ten en cuenta que existe un repositorio central de How-to's
( y sería muy bueno que el tuyo entrara allí,
pero para eso tendrás que usar docbook. Puedes copiar alguno que ya esté
hecho y modificar para tener un modelo. Si trabajas con docbook y tu
manual está en español puedes enviarlo a LuCAS

Jaime Villate


2000-06-28 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Diego Mariani wrote:
 Quisiera empezar a escribir un How-to, donde consigo un editor de PDF?
Puedes escribir el documento en LaTex y compilarlo con pdflatex (viene
con debian).

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: mirror de ficheros de local a remoto

2000-06-28 Thread David Charro Ripa
Hola Andrés, ¿cómo te va?

Hay unos paquetes debian de sitecopy y xsitecopy.

#apt-cache show sitecopy
Package: sitecopy
Version: 1:0.8.4-1
Description: A program for managing a WWW site via FTP
 sitecopy is for copying locally stored websites to remote ftp servers.
 The program will upload files to the server which have changed locally,
 and delete files from the server which have been removed locally, to
 the remote site synchronized with the local site, with a single
 The aim is to remove the hassle of uploading and deleting individual
 using an FTP client. sitecopy will also optionally try to spot files
you move
 locally, and move them remotely.
 sitecopy is designed to not care about what is actually on the remote
 server - it simply keeps a record of what it THINKS is in on the remote
 server, and works from that.
installed-size: 133

Un saludo


Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Quiero automatizar el envio de unas paginas al servidor web y para ello
 querría usar una de las herramientas para mantener mirrors, pero veo que
 todas transmiten de remoto a local, pero no veo al reves. Quiero
 semanalmente actualizar un servidor ftp que contiene las paginas web que
 quiero actualizar. Yo las modifico en local y semanalmente y quiero que se
 envien periodicamente para mantener actualizado el servidor web.
 fmirror, mirror, wget y rsync reciben, pero no envian. ¿Hay otros que

Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 28 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 12:57:49 +0200, eloy contaba:

Si miras con 'ps aux' o en 'top' ves casi siempre que el
proceso resistente está en estado 'D'.

 Si está  en estado Z  es peor. El  proceso no ocupa  memoria ni
 consume tiempo  de micro,  pero está  ahí y  puede provocar  lo que
 originó  este thread.  A  mí  me pasa  con  at  y sendmail.  Cuando
 programo  algo con  at (normalmente  un mp3  para despertarme  a la
 mañana siguiente cuando me quedo a dormir en el curro) me encuentro
 un sendmail zombie  colgando del at, aunque el mail  de turno llega
 bien. Me basta  con matar al at y el  sendmail zombie ya desaparece
 solo. No me  ha causado problemas hasta ahora, pero  como mínimo me
 llama la atención.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: mirror de ficheros de local a remoto

2000-06-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 28 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 02:05:25 +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez 

Quiero semanalmente actualizar un servidor ftp que contiene las paginas
web que  quiero actualizar. Yo las  modifico en local y  semanalmente y
quiero  que  se  envien  periodicamente para  mantener  actualizado  el
servidor web.

 Tengo un .deb  por aquí de sitecopy,  pero no sé si  está en la
 distribución. Míralo, porque me suena que sí.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature


2000-06-28 Thread dbote
 Puedes escribir el documento en LaTex y compilarlo con pdflatex (viene
 con debian).
¿Y si ...?

Harnina$ pdflatex tesina.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-0.12r (Web2C 7.2)
I can't find the format file `pdflatex.fmt'!

¿Será cosa del bug del Y2k?



Re: Problemas al desmontar disco

2000-06-28 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Danito wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 09:32:56AM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
  En la secuencia de apagado, antes de desmontar las particiones se matan
  todos los procesos que esten en ejecución. Si dice que /dev/hda7 está
  ocupada, es poque hay algún proceso que no se dejo matar. Esto puede ser
  debido a algún programa con un bug. Ya me ocurrió eso con el xmms
  que de repente un dia comenzó a morir quedando como zombi que no se
  dejaba matar de ninguna forma; descubrí que me hacia falta un librería e
  instalandola todo quedó bien (de todas formas este no debería ser el
  comportamiento normal de un programa).
  Antes de apagar, haz logout de tu cuenta normal y entra como root a ver
  si todavia existe un programa de tu usuario normal en ejecución (usando
  ps aux). Después identifica a que paquete le corresponde ese programa
  y desintala o reinstala el paquete.
  Despues de leer esto a mi me surge la siguiente pregunta ¿Como puede ser que
 el sistema no pueda matar un proceso?. El que un programa tenga un bug en
 principio no debería afectar al resto del sistema como ocurre en Mocochof

Hay que pensar que matar un proceso implica cerrar todos los ficheros.
Si uno de los ficheros corresponde a un dispositivo con problemas no
hay nada que hacer. Los drivers de los dispositivos como es natural
forman parte del núcleo y si el nucleo tiene un problema ya no es un
problema aislado en un determinado proceso. 

Un ejemplo si abres un dispositivo de cinta /dev/st0 en lugar de
/dev/nst0 estás obligando a que rebobine la cinta cuando se cierre
el dispositivo. Aunque mates con kill -9 tendrás que esperar a que
termine de rebobinar la cinta para que el proceso muera. Si el driver
que tiene que cerar no puede cerrar el proceso no podría terminar.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))


2000-06-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 28 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 17:33:44 +0200, David Charro Ripa 

En mi caso, tengo una impresora compartida con samba (es ficiticia y no
hace falta imprimir por ninguna impresora real) y cualquier puesto de la
red convierte sus documentos en pdf al imprimir por ella. Si a alguien
le interesa puedo escribir una miniexplicación.

 Lo haces con print command, no?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature


2000-06-28 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
debe ser. Sera que bajandose el tetex-bin se soluciona el problema (como
seran las dependencias

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Puedes escribir el documento en LaTex y compilarlo con pdflatex (viene
 con debian).
¿Y si ...?

Harnina$ pdflatex tesina.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-0.12r (Web2C 7.2)
I can't find the format file `pdflatex.fmt'!

¿Será cosa del bug del Y2k?



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Podrian ayudarme a cofigurar mi tarjeta de sonido?

2000-06-28 Thread JFA
 kolmogorov:~# cat /dev/sndstat
 cat: /dev/sndstat: Operation not supported by device
Esto quiere decir que en ese momento no tenias soporte para sonido ( a lo
mejor aún no habías cargado los módulos
 De hay en adelante dice que el sonido debe funcionar (en el primer arranconazo
 del k2.2.16 le meti el es1370 y soundcore con modconf).
Bueno veo que has pasaso de alsa y has vuelo al oss, ( te lo repito para que
te aclares, son dos desarrollos diferentes con un mismo fin, dar soporte
para las tarjetas de sonido )
 Le meti startx. Le meti un CD de musica y funciono. Sorprendente, funciona.
 Ahora me dicen los .wav son de W$ y no se reproducen asi no mas. 
Para tocar CDs de música no es imprescindible tener soporte para sonido, me
explico: ¿ Has probado alguna vez a eschucharlos sin soporte alguno de
sonido, como en ms-dos sin drivers ?, es perféctamente posible. El CD
reproduce música como los normales, si detecta que son de música, pues se
pone a reproducirla y solo necesitas unos cascas -suelen tener salida para
cascos- o unos altavoces, sabrás que hay un cable que va directamente de el
cd a la tarjeta de sonido, ¿ A que no sabes para que sirve ?, si exacto !,
para usar la salida a los altavoces sin que el ordenador se entere )

 ¿ Como hago para ejecutar .mod .wav .midi .etc ? hago la pregunta mientras me
 leo sound-playing-howto
Necesitas los programas oportunos, una cosa es tener soporte para sonido y
otra un reproductor de .waw, .mod, .mp3 ...

 De las ayudas brindadas todas me han servido por ejemplo esa repuesta que me
 Ya te tiene que funcionar   (¿Porque?)Funciono
Los módulos no se cargan almenos que detecten el harware y lo puedan
inicializar bién. Si intentas cargar el módulo de otra tarjeta, cascará,
haz la prueba, seguramente te dirá tarjeta tal not detected o algo por el
 Quitale el pnp al bios (¿Porque?)
Si tu tarjeta es isa pnp puede interferir. ¿ pero es isapnp ?
Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-28 Thread Gustavo CR
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 06:43:30PM +0200, Juan Leseduarte wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 25, 2000 at 11:23:23AM +0200, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
 que el man clásico de UNIX, pero es que desde que se inventó el info han
 aparecido cosas más adecuadas, como el HTML. Preferiría navegar por la
 información con algo como lynx antes que el info, un tanto incómodo para mi
 gusto (aunque desde XEmacs tampoco está tan mal).

dwww es la solución a tus preferencias. Y a si el que quiera el man de 
siempre lo tiene, el que quiera el info lo tiene, y el que quiera toda 
la documentación en html también lo tiene. Ya decía porque prefería Debian.

Siglos de evolución para acabar firmando con la huella digital, puag.

Compilando el Kernel para obtener sonido con alsa

2000-06-28 Thread Julián
Este es extraido del changes del kernel 2.2.16 bajado con:

Requisitos mínimos actuales

¡Actualice *como mínimo* a estas versiones de software antes de creer que ha 
encontrado un
error! Si no está seguro de qué versión está usando actualmente, el comando 
sugerido debería

- Kernel modutils2.1.121; insmod -V
- Gnu C   ; gcc --version
- Binutils ; ld -v
- Linux libc5 C Library  5.4.46; ls -l /lib/libc*
- Linux libc6 C Library2.0.7pre6   ; ls -l /lib/libc*
- Dynamic Linker (   ; ldd --version or ldd
-v - Linux C++ Library   ; ls -l /usr/lib/*
- Procps 2.0.3  ; ps --version
- Procinfo  16  ; procinfo -v
- Psmisc 17 ; pstree -V
- Net-tools  1.52; hostname -V
- Loadlin1.6a
- Sh-utils   1.16; basename --v
- Autofs 3.1.3   ; automount --version
- NFS2.2beta40   ; showmount --version
- Bash   1.14.7  ; bash -version
- Ncpfs  2.2.0   ; ncpmount -v
- Pcmcia-cs  3.0.14  ; cardmgr -V
- PPP2.3.10  ; pppd --version
- Util-linux 2.9z; chsh -v
- isdn4k-utils   v3.1beta7   ; isdnctrl 21|grep version

Le di los comando sugeridos y obtuve (coloco :~# para mostrar el comando a 
ejecutar. La linea
final es como creo que estoy)

 :~# insmod -V
insmod version 2.1.121

 :~# gcc --version

 :~# ld -v
GNU ld version 2.9.1 (with BFD

 :~# ls -l /lib/libc*   Nota: libc5 y libc6
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   651436 Feb 21  1999 /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Jun 27  1999 /lib/ -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   17 Jun 27  1999 /lib/ -
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 4096 Nov  3  1998 /lib/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   150380 Feb 21  1999 /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   17 Jun 27  1999 /lib/ -
Ni idea ¿?

 :~# ldd -v
ldd: version 1.9.11

 :~# ls -l /usr/lib/*
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   17 Jun 27  1999 /usr/lib/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   227016 Oct  7  1997 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   17 Jun 27  1999 /usr/lib/ 

 :~# ps --version
procps version 1.2.9

 :~# procinfo -v
bash: procinfo: command not found
Ni idea ¿?

 :~# pstree -V
pstree from psmisc version 17

 :~# hostname -V
hostname 2.01

 :~# basename --v
basename (GNU sh-utils) 1.16

 :~# automount --version
Linux automount version 3.1.3

 :~# showmount --version
Universal NFS Server 2.2beta37

 :~# bash -version
GNU bash, version 2.01.1(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

 :~# ncpmount -v
ncpfs version

 :~# cardmgr -V
bash: cardmgr: command not found
No tengo tarjetas PCMCIA ¿bien?

 :~# pppd --version
pppd version 2.3 patch level 5
Ni idea ¿?

 :~# chsh -v
chsh: invalid option -- v
Usage: chsh [ -s shell ] [ name ]
Ni idea

 :~# isdnctrl 21|grep version
Ni idea


+Aparece libc5 y libc6 ¿Debo tener las dos?

+Los unicos cambios mayores en el nucleo seran pentium, puerto de impresora, 
soporte a sonido,
vfat, fat, no bus mouse. No tengo PCMCIA y otras cosas (ISDN por ejemplo). 
Supongo que si me
sugieren lo minimo es lo que TENGO que tener o sera lo que debo tener.

*Ya compile el nucleo y se supone que funciona. Estoy tratando de rehacer los 
pasos pues no
puedo compilar alsa-utils-0.5.8 que me podria ayudar a tener sonido.

Podrian decirme como voy hasta ahora.

PD: Para la proxima se los mando más organizado

Re: xterm não le o /etc/profile

2000-06-28 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Os shells que não requerem login para funcionar, como é o caso do
xterm/eterm, buscam a sua configuração no arquivo ~/.bashrc, se quiser
que cada novo usuário criado em seu sistema tenha um arquivo .bashrc
idêntico, modifique o arquivo .bashrc modelo em /etc/skel. 

 Olá a todos,
 Eu acabei de instalar o potato do zero e agora  o xterm não le as
 configuracoes em /etc/profile.
 Alguem tem alguma ideia porque isso está ocorrendo?
 no /etc/profile tenho um monte de alias e configacao de cores que eram
 lidos corretamente no 2.2
 estou com o xfree3.3.6, o mesmo que usava no 2.1
 Pedro Krögerdpkg -l xterm*

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: xterm não le o /etc/profile

2000-06-28 Thread Helio Loureiro
 Eu acabei de instalar o potato do zero e agora  o xterm não le as
 configuracoes em /etc/profile.
 Alguem tem alguma ideia porque isso está ocorrendo?
 no /etc/profile tenho um monte de alias e configacao de cores que eram
 lidos corretamente no 2.2
 estou com o xfree3.3.6, o mesmo que usava no 2.1
Ele lê somente o /etc/bashrc e ~/.bashrc.  O /etc/profile é lido
somente durante o login (o que não ocorre quando feito via kdm/xdm).

| Hélio Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  FreeBSD e Linux wannabe.  |

Re: xterm não le o /etc/profile

2000-06-28 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Olá a todos,
 Eu acabei de instalar o potato do zero e agora  o xterm não le as
 configuracoes em /etc/profile.
 Alguem tem alguma ideia porque isso está ocorrendo?
 no /etc/profile tenho um monte de alias e configacao de cores que eram
 lidos corretamente no 2.2
 estou com o xfree3.3.6, o mesmo que usava no 2.1

acrescenta a opcao -ls (login shell); isto faz com que o xterm leia os
arquivos normalmente lidos no login (/etc/profile, .login, .profile,
$ xterm -ls  mais as outras opcoes que vc quiser.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: dictd cannot access localhost

2000-06-28 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 11:44:03AM +0200, Valdemir Melechco Carvalho wrote:
 When I look for the process repeatedly, I get something like this:
   bash-2.01# ps ax | grep dictd
   bash-2.01# ps ax | grep dictd
 504  ?  S0:00 grep dictd
   bash-2.01# ps ax | grep dictd
   bash-2.01# ps ax | grep dictd
 508  ?  S0:00 grep dictd
 I tried to reinstall dictd but it did not fix the problem.
 Do you know what else I could try?

Ahhh, 'dictd' appears to have died.  You need to execute /etc/init.d/dictd

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: multiple domain rewrites

2000-06-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 10:02:55PM -0400, Jim Werster wrote:
 I am using potato.  How do I set up exim if I want to have 3 different
 domains I want rewritten in my From: header?  I'm not talking about
 what I set in .muttrc, I can change that per-user but it has no effect
 on what exim does.  I have users that will use, and  for outgoing mail.  I understand
 how to do this for one domain in exim.conf but don't understand how to
 finely control  domain rewrites per-user.  

In a simple form, you can have a flat file like /etc/email-addresses
that looks like:


and have a rewrite rule (down at the end of exim.conf):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\ 
{$value}fail} Frs

The $1 is based on the first asterisk in [EMAIL PROTECTED] (so it matches 
in front), the Flags, Frs, are documented in the exim doc.  For a large
site, you'll probably want to use a hashed file or a DBMS database 
lookup.  I understand exim can do that.

 Also I have an pop e-mail account with 9 characters for the user name
 but the login on my system is limited to 8. How do I rewrite the user
 name properly for outgoing mail?  
 Thanks,  Jim Werster


#! /bin/sh
echo 'Linux Must Die!' | wall
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmlinuz bs=1 \
 count=`du -Lb /vmlinuz | awk '{ /^([0-9])+/ ; print $1 }'`
shutdown -r now

Re: Lost root access :-(

2000-06-28 Thread Rodríguez

Anyway 'chsh' is for admin use, not editing directly /etc/passwd, doing 
that is a bad practice (i do too as always i think but that dont mean it's ok).

At 23.00 27/6/00 +0200, Harald Thingelstad wrote:

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Frank van der Hulst wrote:


 I just installed Debian GNU/Linux, everything was going well.

 Then I decided I'd change the shell for root to the C shell. So I used
 emacs to change the /etc/passwd entry for root, so that root's shell is

 Then, I found that tcsh isn't in the /bin directory! And I've logged out

This is normally the kind of problem maintenance partitions are meant for!
(Great for troubles with your base system, and also for fiddling
with the main root partition. Hope you have some disk space available.
You can trash your swap partition if needed.)

A maintenance partition is an extra linux installation on the same system,
bootable via floppy or lilo. Contains a usable system plus basic utilities
like mount and a small editor in your case, but also disk (repair) tools,
, maybe some kernel compiler necessities, lilo, chroot et cetera.
100 Mb should suffice.

Get my idea?
Should be on any system. Or at least, should be *installable* on any

I *will* fix my mailer someday.

Philosophy, law, medicine and even theology, alas! I studied everything with
an ardent will and here I am, poor fool, just as far behind as ever.
No more advanced than before.
Goethe - Faust

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Oracle 8i and Debian?

2000-06-28 Thread Steve Mayer

  I've used both the 8.1.5 and versions.  Definitely stick with
the latter.  The installation was pretty much a breeze.  The only
snafu that I've run up against is lack of sufficient swap space.  Make 
sure that you have at least 325MB of swap out there and available. (This
might be a bit of overkill, but I had the extra disk space.G)

  Running on a current woody system, but I had the 8.1.5 running on
potato when that was the unstable track.

Steve Mayer

 Mike Barton wrote:
 Subject says it all... anyone got this setup going and if so, was it a
 bunch of work? Seems like RedHat's 2 grand is a bit much for a
 certified Linux for Oracle. I'd much rather use Debian. Any amd all
 comments welcome.

mcserv over SSL - any experiences?

2000-06-28 Thread Wojtek Zabolotny
Hi All,

I need to provide my users with the possibility of safe and convenient
file transfer.
The ftp is difficult for setup with SSL. The scp lacks the convenient
The mcserv (from midnight commander suite) seems to be a good alternative.
However I don't know if it can be easily setup for working over the SSL...
On the server's side it can be easily solved using the stunnel. On 
the client's side however setting the stunnel by hand before connecting
seems to be very inconvenient...
Does anybody know how to configure the mc to work with mcserv over SSL?
Maybe someone knows the better alternative?

TIA  Greeetings
Wojciech Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Use GPG, the Echelon is watching !

monitoring server performance

2000-06-28 Thread Nico De Ranter

I have setup an old PC to be our webproxy and database
server (postgresql).  However I want to check whether the machine
is strong enough to handle the loadi (I'm especialy concerned
about disk access).  Is there any tool that can give me more 
information that can give me more detailed information than top
(e.g. something like sac on Solaris)?

Thanks in advance,


 It has been said that there are only two businesses
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SDCE/DME-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Problem building xfree3.3.6

2000-06-28 Thread Alexis Roda
I'm trying to build xfree 3.3.6-8 from source debs on a COMPAQ Armada
1750 with slink R4 installed few days ago, no packages upgraded.

I start the build with debian/rules binary and the compilation aborts
complaining about S_IRUSR and S_IWUSR undeclared, but they are declared
in linux/stat.h, linux/sysv_fs.h and sys/stat.h. gcc es, and g++
is egcs-2.91.66.

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

gcc -c -O2 -g -Wall -ansi -pedantic-I../.. -I../../exports/include 
-Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE
process.c: In function `get_displayname_auth':
process.c:484: warning: implicit declaration of function
process.c: In function `auth_initialize':
process.c:733: warning: implicit declaration of function `umask'
process.c: In function `write_auth_file':
process.c:786: `S_IRUSR' undeclared (first use this function)
process.c:786: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
process.c:786: for each function it appears in.)
process.c:786: `S_IWUSR' undeclared (first use this function)
process.c: In function `fprintfhex':
process.c:921: warning: `hex' might be used uninitialized in this
process.c: At top level:
process.c:929: warning: return-type defaults to `int'
process.c: In function `do_generate':
process.c:1854: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 2)
make[5]: *** [process.o] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory
make[4]: *** [all] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [World] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [World] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [debian/stampdir/build-libc6] Error 2

 (@ @)
Los pecados de los tres mundos desapareceran conmigo.
Alexis Roda - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Reus, Tarragona (Spain)

Re: [Q] Does anybody else have problems with W3M

2000-06-28 Thread Colin Watson
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have problems with W3M when I try to download files through the ftp
protocol (e.g ftp://somehost/somefile). I get a file that the program
'file' says is data and not .tar.gz or .deb etc... Downloading from a
http://somehost/somefile works nicely.

Does anybody have these problem (could somebody check?)

You've almost certainly downloaded in ASCII mode. Try 'bin' in your FTP
client before the download.

(The '[Q]' in the subject is probably unnecessary, by the way - pretty
much everything's a question here :))


Re: Problem building xfree3.3.6

2000-06-28 Thread Colin Watson
Alexis Roda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to build xfree 3.3.6-8 from source debs on a COMPAQ Armada
1750 with slink R4 installed few days ago, no packages upgraded.

I start the build with debian/rules binary and the compilation aborts
complaining about S_IRUSR and S_IWUSR undeclared, but they are declared
in linux/stat.h, linux/sysv_fs.h and sys/stat.h. gcc es, and g++
is egcs-2.91.66.

Try checking the debian/control file in the source tree to see if you
have all the build dependencies listed there?


Changinf from xinitrc to xsession

2000-06-28 Thread Mário Filipe

Having installed helix-gnome I am now running gdm.

I used to do startx to run X. So i had a .xinitrc file. On this file i called
the wm, gnome-sesion, etc, and i had the following command

xset fp+ unix:/7001

so that i could use tt fonts.

I know that i have to move this command to .xsession, have .xsession executable
but still it produces no result, i.e., apparently xset is not run. How do i add
this thing to .xsession, or how do i run this thing?


Mario Filipe 

Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-28 Thread Patrick

Hi all,

A young lady at a publishing house responsible for sending out
newsletters has found a clever trick to maintain circulation.  Ignores
all Unsubscribe requests.  Given that I never subscribed this is
particularly irrating.

How can I set Exim to block all mail from a particular domain?  This
isn't spam - its stupidity so I don't want to rbl them.

What I'm thinking of is simply saying reject all mail from

If this is possible with the mutt/exim combination, I'd appreciate
advice on how to go about it.  The exim man page seems only to cover

Best regards,

Patrick Kirk

Mobile: 0044 (0) 705 004 9046

Re: Booting from network

2000-06-28 Thread C. Falconer

Sorry - missed the original on this...

Do you have a rarpd server on the network?  Later kernel 2.3 and all 2.4 
does not support rarp any more (I have the same problem, and rarpd the new 
daemon for rarp won't compile for me)

At 08:46 AM 6/28/00 +1000, you wrote:

 Jim == Jim Koontz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jim When I boot the sparc machine, it displays this message:

Jim Timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet


Jim Obviously, the server is not seeing the sparc client's
Jim request, but I don't know what else to check.  Does anyone
Jim have any suggestions?

Are you sure the server is not seeing the request? Or perhaps,
the sparc client cannot see the reply?

Use tcpdump on the server to find out if the server is responding or

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

diskus on distribution contents?

2000-06-28 Thread Gerhard Kroder
a short question:

where to ask or discuss  about contents of a Debian distribution, what
belongs to it or will be taken into distribution?

I wonder why nisplus is not provided by Debian's...

Gerhard Kroder +49 241 5295 275
Unices, Networks, Services

Re: Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-28 Thread Colin Watson
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A young lady at a publishing house responsible for sending out
newsletters has found a clever trick to maintain circulation.  Ignores
all Unsubscribe requests.  Given that I never subscribed this is
particularly irrating.

How can I set Exim to block all mail from a particular domain?  This
isn't spam - its stupidity so I don't want to rbl them.

What I'm thinking of is simply saying reject all mail from

If this is possible with the mutt/exim combination, I'd appreciate
advice on how to go about it.  The exim man page seems only to cover

Use an Exim filter (probably a user filter, though you can have system
ones as well). See /usr/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz.

For instance, my .forward file contains:

elif $h_from: contains then
  seen finish


Re: diskus on distribution contents?

2000-06-28 Thread Colin Watson
Gerhard Kroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
a short question:

where to ask or discuss  about contents of a Debian distribution, what
belongs to it or will be taken into distribution?

Packages are added largely at the whim of developers; packages are
removed when no developer is interested in supporting them or when
they're considered too buggy to release. debian-devel is the place to
look (and search the archives first).

What is released with a distribution is up to the release manager, and
is generally determined by removing packages with unfixed
release-critical bugs (where release-critical is Severity: important or

I wonder why nisplus is not provided by Debian's...

Probably because no-one has so far been interested in packaging it, or
adding it to an existing package.


Re: nfs error

2000-06-28 Thread Albrecht Frank
Suresh Kumar.R wrote:
 I am using potato. When I do a simple nfs mount on a client I get the
 following error message.
 sahya mountd[228]: authenticated mount request from
 for /mnt (/)
 Jun 28 21:39:27 sahya mountd[228]: getfh failed: Operation not permitted

I don't know, if it's a bug or a feature; I made the experience that nfs
at potato needs the fully qualified hostname of the accessing host in
the file /etc/exports of the accessed host. With generic (wild card)
hostnames you won't get access rights on the other host.


Re: Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-28 Thread Patrick
Of course - that's simple but elegant!  I changed it to save the junk in
a junk folder but it solves my problem perfectly.


Best regards,

Patrick Kirk

Mobile: 0044 (0) 705 004 9046

Re: [Q] Does anybody else have problems with W3M

2000-06-28 Thread Preben Randhol
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/06/2000 (11:41) :
 You've almost certainly downloaded in ASCII mode. Try 'bin' in your FTP
 client before the download.

Why should I want to use an FTP client when I want to do this with w3m ?
Please look at the w3m package if you do not know what it is.

 (The '[Q]' in the subject is probably unnecessary, by the way - pretty
 much everything's a question here :))

Probably, but it is easier for me to keep track in this rather heavy
trafficked mailing list. I'll have to sit down and read the doc on
scoring some day... :-)

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ It is assumed that the reader is reasonably  familiar with the
|:-?|  dpkg System Administrators' manual. Unfortunately  this manual
+---+  does not yet exist.-- Debian Packaging Manual

ipchains ipmasdadm problems

2000-06-28 Thread Thomas Braun
hello group i have a problem with this .

my exter net is is it on eth0:3 
and i want to make a portforarding to 

my ipchains rules are

ipchains -v -A input -s 0/0 -d telnet  -j ACCEPT -l -i
eth0:3 -l

ipchains -P forward DENY  

ipchains -v  -A forward -s -j MASQ -l

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw  -f
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp  -L  23  -R 23
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw  -a -P tcp  -L 80  -R 80

in netstat -t -M 
prot   expire source   destination  ports
tcp   0:58.72 telnet - 33666

but the client get no connection! 

can anyone help me?


cu thomas

PGP DSS Key fingerprint = B4 9F 55 F6 D4 5D 0F 31  95 8E E0 8C 1E 9F 49
E1  23 5D 8C 3D

#  #
#  Linux is like a Wigwam: Thomas Braun#
#  No Gates, no Fences and Hammer GmbH  Co. KG#
#  an Apache inside !  :-) Charlottenburger Allee 33   #
#  --- 52068 Aachen#
#  Tel: +49(0)241-9665-188 #
#  Fax: +49(0)241-9665-189 #

Re: Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-28 Thread Chuan-kai Lin
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'm thinking of is simply saying reject all mail from

Add this to /etc/exim.conf (documented in spec.txt) should work:

host_reject = *

-- Chuan-kai Lin

Re: Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-28 Thread Patrick
Thanks.  That works as well as the .forward solution for domains that I
want banned from the whole server.

And I add domains to the bounce list?  For example I can use

host_reject = * : * :

But can named individuals be barred?

Patrick Kirk

Mobile: 0044 (0) 705 004 9046

SSL for smtp pop

2000-06-28 Thread Wilson Yau
Maybe this is not quite a relevant question should be posted on this
mailing list, but I'd be very grateful if anyone can give me quick 
correct answers to the following questions:

Q.1/ I have a mail server running Debian/GNU Linux Potato 2.2 w/ kernel
2.2.15.  Is there any open source utilities I can use to enable SSL
support for both pop  smtp?

Q.2/ Do Outlook Express 5.0 onwards  Netscape 4.6 onwards offer SSL
support for both pop  smtp?  If they do not, any other mail clients do?

Thank you for your quick help!

gettings copies of sent/recieved mails

2000-06-28 Thread Andreas Palsson

Is it possible to get copies of mails coming in and out sent to another
And doing this without the user sees it?

This user is doing -something- less good behind my back, and I want to
know what he's doing and nail him good red handed.


   == andreas pålsson == [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

Screen Capture

2000-06-28 Thread Michal Novak

I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as
Thn for your tips.

RE: Screen Capture

2000-06-28 Thread Simon Jefford
import, from the ImageMagick suite of graphical doolickies.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michal Novak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 June 2000 14:23
 Subject: Screen Capture
 I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as
 Thn for your tips.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Help with COM port based terminal access

2000-06-28 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah

I am trying to setup several linux systems that I
would like to administer over a network and/or via the
serial port. The serial port based admin. is important
in some cases when network is down etc. Is there any
way of running a Kermit like program to connect to a
linux box through COM ports and login to the system.
This feature (Monitor less, keyboard less, mouse less)
operation is available on IRIX, AIX and Solaris. There
there a similar service I can run in linux.

Thanks in advance.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: Changinf from xinitrc to xsession

2000-06-28 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:55:52AM +0100,
Mário Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Having installed helix-gnome I am now running gdm.
 I used to do startx to run X. So i had a .xinitrc file. On this file i called
 the wm, gnome-sesion, etc, and i had the following command
 xset fp+ unix:/7001
 so that i could use tt fonts.
 I know that i have to move this command to .xsession, have .xsession 
 but still it produces no result, i.e., apparently xset is not run. How do i 
 this thing to .xsession, or how do i run this thing?

If you're using the Gnome startup from GDM (not Debian or
XSession), it will start gnome-session for you and will not read
~/.xsession. However, it will source ~/.gnomerc. So you can put
your xset command there. Don't put your window manager in
~/.gnomerc either; gnome-session will start that for you, and you
can select a different window manager in the control center.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
 necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are
 going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as
 they fly overhead.
 --RFC 1925

Description: PGP signature

Re: mcserv over SSL - any experiences?

2000-06-28 Thread Dean Allen Provins

 Hi All,
 I need to provide my users with the possibility of safe and convenient
 file transfer.
 The ftp is difficult for setup with SSL. The scp lacks the convenient
 GUI or TUI.
 The mcserv (from midnight commander suite) seems to be a good alternative.
 However I don't know if it can be easily setup for working over the SSL...
 On the server's side it can be easily solved using the stunnel. On 
 the client's side however setting the stunnel by hand before connecting
 seems to be very inconvenient...
 Does anybody know how to configure the mc to work with mcserv over SSL?
 Maybe someone knows the better alternative?
   TIA  Greeetings
   Wojciech Zabolotny

Have you considered 'mirrordir'.  It provides security natively.  I
have attached the 'lsm' for you:

Title:  Mirrordir
Entered-date:   17OCT98
Description:PSLOGIN does secure logins over tcp/ip using diffie-
hellman key exchanges, and strong stream cypher
encryption. It can be used as an alternative to
FORWARD forwards arbitrary TCP sockets over a secure
channel to create secure services from ordinary
MIRRORDIR mirrors a directory tree in every detail,
including devices, ownerships, permissions, symlinks,
hardlinks and access times, suitable for timed backups
of disk drives. The minimal set of changes needed to
make the original directory tree identical to the backup
directory tree is executed. Can optionally create backup
files before deleting, and store multiple revisions
through any number of levels. A scripting language
allows for custom excluding of special files. Works over
ftp and mcfs. Also implements its own secure sockets for
transparent strong encrypted file transfer, using a
custom daemon.
Keywords:   backup, mirror, copy, cp, mirrordir, recursive,
directory trees, revision control, ftp, mc, vfs,
mcfs, diffie-hellman, ssl, secure sockets, stream
ciphers, public key cryptography, ssh, rlogin, telnet.
Author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sheer)
Maintained-by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sheer)
Primary-site: /pub/linux/mirrordir
260kB mirrordir-0.10.45.tar.gz
2kB mirrordir.lsm
Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/backup
260kB mirrordir-0.10.45.tar.gz
2kB mirrordir.lsm
Platforms:  Any Unix
Copying-policy: GPL

Dean Provins


2000-06-28 Thread Derek Wueppelmann
Yet another problem I have been having with a Debian install. Sorry to keep

Here is my problem stated simply. I need to create a firewall between our
internal network and the internet while still allowing the machines inside
the network some limited access out and in. i.e.. keep our webservers etc.
inside the firewall.

I have two network cards installed in my machine and I have followed the
FIREWALL-HOWTO to the t. here is my configuration

eth0 :Connected to the internal network
eth1 :Connected to the internet.
# note that the are the same subnet since we are allocated a
class C domain.

my routing table looks similar to this:

Sorry for the poor formatting.

Right now all I can do is access both of the IP addresses from either the
internet or the internal network. However no matter what I do I can't get
past the firewall (it works too well). I have enabled PI forwarding in the
kernel and set the IP_forward file to 1 as well as set the forward ipchains
to wide open, as in:

ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT

as the only rule.

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

 0 /  Derek Wueppelmann
(D   Libraxus Inc.

Re: Firewall

2000-06-28 Thread Marc Dubrowski
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Derek Wueppelmann wrote:
 Yet another problem I have been having with a Debian install. Sorry to keep
 Here is my problem stated simply. I need to create a firewall between our
 internal network and the internet while still allowing the machines inside
 the network some limited access out and in. i.e.. keep our webservers etc.
 inside the firewall.
 I have two network cards installed in my machine and I have followed the
 FIREWALL-HOWTO to the t. here is my configuration
 eth0 :Connected to the internal network
 eth1 :Connected to the internet.
 # note that the are the same subnet since we are allocated a
 class C domain.
 my routing table looks similar to this:
 Sorry for the poor formatting.
 Right now all I can do is access both of the IP addresses from either the
 internet or the internal network. However no matter what I do I can't get
 past the firewall (it works too well). I have enabled PI forwarding in the
 kernel and set the IP_forward file to 1 as well as set the forward ipchains
 to wide open, as in:
 ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT
 as the only rule.

What you need is subnetting your class C network in several smaller subnets.
The first one would be x.x.x.0/ (or 248 if you want several
addresses outside your firewall, for an i.e. Intrusion detection system)
The other ones would fit your needs. 

The firewall would then have a NIC (eth0) in the first subnet (x.x.x.0/30
(or/29)), and the second one (eth1) would be in any other.

Then, you can proxy-arp the different subnets or ask your ISP to route all
trafic to your subnets through eth0. That's what I've done, as it's easier for
me to manage than to modify my arp table each time I add/remove a computer.
I've been told that ISP usually don't make problems for routing.

Enjoy !

Marc Dubrowski  
Kind of a Network Administrator 
29 rue Vautier B-1040 Brussels, Belgium 

netscape 4.73 fortify (potato)

2000-06-28 Thread JudiElaine

As an extremely conservative user i have just upgraded to
potato (and, since in the moment i upgraded something was
wrong because some important library was deleted, hosing my
complete system, my conservatism has been reinforced -- i had
done slink - potato upgrades successfully before, too).

Fortify doesn't recognize the executable I'm giving it.
The script 


refers to


so when i try

  fortify /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/netscape-remote

the executable is not recognized.

I shouldn't be suprised since

  lynx file:/usr/share/doc/fortify/README.html#versions

only lists up to version 4.72.

Anyone have any recommendations as to forcing the fortify,
downgrading netscape, or waiting for fortify to be upgraded?

Thanks for advice,



Re: Filtering Email in Pine

2000-06-28 Thread Philippe
Hi Adam,

it takes just seconds to filter mail in Pine. From main menu, type S for
setup. Then R for rules. Then F for filter. Then A for add. Give the rule
a nickname by replacing the no value set in the menu. Put the Debian
user list address on the Cc: line. At the bottom, choose the Folder you
want it moved to. Exit. You're half-way done! Repeat to set another rule
for which From: is the Debian address while Cc: is unspecified. That's

pine is great. I've never used mutt. What's good about it?


On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, adam.edgar wrote:

 The Unix machine I get my mail on has only a few mail clients to choose
 from and Ive chosen pine for my use. Im new to it and have tried to
 discern how to set up a filter so that the mail from this list goes to a
 seperate folder if any one know how to do this I would be thankful for
 their help.   
   Adam S Edgar

Re: netscape 4.73 fortify (potato)

2000-06-28 Thread Gary Hennigan
JudiElaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 As an extremely conservative user i have just upgraded to
 potato (and, since in the moment i upgraded something was
 wrong because some important library was deleted, hosing my
 complete system, my conservatism has been reinforced -- i had
 done slink - potato upgrades successfully before, too).
 Fortify doesn't recognize the executable I'm giving it.
 The script 
 refers to
 so when i try
   fortify /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/netscape-remote
 the executable is not recognized.
 I shouldn't be suprised since
   lynx file:/usr/share/doc/fortify/README.html#versions
 only lists up to version 4.72.
 Anyone have any recommendations as to forcing the fortify,
 downgrading netscape, or waiting for fortify to be upgraded?

First, via dselect, you can choose any of about 3 or 4 versions of
netscape to be installed on your system, possibly even
simultaneously. You can remove 4.73 and install 4.72 if that's what
you want, or you might be able to have them both installed. Of course
you can also use apt-get to install, for example, 4.72:

apt-get install netscape-smotif-472 

will probably do the trick.

I believe that due to the relaxation of US export control on
cryptographic technology fortify will not be supporting any of the
Netscape 4.73 or greater products.

Personally I downloaded the 4.73 *.tar.gz navigator file directly from
Netscape, with strong encryption built in, and installed it in


Re: Java support? (apache + tomcat)

2000-06-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Oh, if you're running slink then that's the problem. Unfortunately the package
doesn't exist in slink, probably because it wasn't packaged until potato was
underway. The jdk package available in slink is called jdk1.1 so 'apt-get 
jdk1.1' should work fine.

BTW, is very helpful for looking up
packages. Also, I've been running potato for a while and it's pretty stable 
that every once in a while a package is submitted which won't install properly. 
deal with this by simply resisting the temptation to daily 'apt-get update; 
dist-upgrade' which it seems so many people do and then moan and groan about how
this or that package doesn't work. If you're willing to put up with this 
convenience it's worth going to potato for all those packages you'd really like 

Gregory Guthrie wrote:

 At 03:32 PM 06/27/2000 -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 I know jserv is available, because I have it (1.1-3). I installed the jdk
 because I wanted 1.2.2. Are you running potato or slink? (I'm running 

 -- slink,
 and :

 alpha{root}.43: apt-get install jserv
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 E: Couldn't find package jserv

 E: Couldn't find package jdk
 E: Couldn't find package jsdk

   I want to run current java tools, and don't find any in the modules that
   dselect shows..

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: SSL for smtp pop

2000-06-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Wilson Yau wrote:

 Maybe this is not quite a relevant question should be posted on this
 mailing list, but I'd be very grateful if anyone can give me quick 
 correct answers to the following questions:

 Q.1/ I have a mail server running Debian/GNU Linux Potato 2.2 w/ kernel
 2.2.15.  Is there any open source utilities I can use to enable SSL
 support for both pop  smtp?

The qmail-src package provides the source for the excellent MTA qmail. See: . SSL (read: TLS) support in qmail is available 
a patch which is listed on the qmail page: . I haven't tried to 
and use this myself. Actually if I may insert my opinion TLS is worthless for 
use because you can only count on the mail being encrypt from you to your MTA. 
that it will be relayed to the next SMTP server and that one probably doesn't 
TLS so it'll be sent in the clear. SSL is lots easier for POP because with POP 
SSL is
handled differently. With SMTP support is added through a special command 
which tells the server to start up TLS. This is necessary because SMTP always 
has to
run on port 25 since all systems assume this. With POP, a different port is 
Standard pop-3 runs on port 110 and pop-3 over ssl uses port 995. So, if you 
want to
run pop-3 over ssl you can use the stunnel package. The stunnel package works 
by just
sitting in between the client and any old pop-3 server you care to run.

 Q.2/ Do Outlook Express 5.0 onwards  Netscape 4.6 onwards offer SSL
 support for both pop  smtp?  If they do not, any other mail clients do?

Netscape 4.6 does support secure pop-3 and smtp. I haven't tried the secure smtp
before but I have used pop-3 over ssl and can testify that it works.

 Thank you for your quick help!

Sure, if you want any tips on qmail or setting up secure pop-3 I'd be happy to 
lend my

Jens B. Jorgensen

RE: netscape 4.73 fortify (potato)

2000-06-28 Thread Pollywog
Have you tried installing Fortify from source?  That is what I did,
since I did not know at the time that Fortify was available as a
Debian package.


On 28-Jun-2000 14:50:05 JudiElaine wrote:
 Anyone have any recommendations as to forcing the fortify,
 downgrading netscape, or waiting for fortify to be upgraded?

apache_1.3.12 SSL error

2000-06-28 Thread Bill
I've just installed apache_1.3.12 and when I start apache
ssl I get the following error

:/# /etc/apache1/bin/apachectl startssl
Syntax error on line 1024 of /etc/apache1/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
by a module not included in the server configuration
/etc/apache1/bin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not be

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

The Mind is like a parachute;
   it works much better when it's open.

Re: Help with COM port based terminal access

2000-06-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
This is easily done by running mgetty on the port. Note that booting your 
keyboard-less can be a problem. Many systems will hang in the BIOS POST if they 
sense the keyboard is present. On some systems this can be turned off in the 
setup. This has nothing to do with linux. I believe you can buy little plugs 
which go
in the keyboard connector which will make the system think there's a keyboard 

I also found that I had to modify the kernel source to get linux to boot 
without a
keyboard but this was with a 2.0.X (where X == I don't remember what) in order 
to get
it to work because there was some startup assembly code which was making a call 
clear the keyboard buffer and it would cause the system to hang (or crash, can't
remember which). Hopefully this is alleviated in more recent kernels. Serial 
support should be set up in your kernel config (you're going to need to compile 
own kernel) and lilo can be set up for serial console support as well.

Good luck,

Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:


 I am trying to setup several linux systems that I
 would like to administer over a network and/or via the
 serial port. The serial port based admin. is important
 in some cases when network is down etc. Is there any
 way of running a Kermit like program to connect to a
 linux box through COM ports and login to the system.
 This feature (Monitor less, keyboard less, mouse less)
 operation is available on IRIX, AIX and Solaris. There
 there a similar service I can run in linux.

 Thanks in advance.


Jens B. Jorgensen

g++ identity crisis, slink

2000-06-28 Thread alice

Hi, I'm running slink and I was trying to 'make' some c++ programs I 
was messing around with the other day and discovered that even 
though my Makefile says to use g++, make was using cc to compile 
the programs. /usr/bin/g++ is a program, not a link to anything. If I 
rename /usr/bin/cc, make refuses to run. I did do a make -v to make 
sure it was GNU make, and it is. (someone mentioned to me that this 
might be an issue)

Now, I vaguely remember something in setting up my system that 
might have had something to do with which compiler I liked or wanted 
to be default or something... but it's really hazy and I could be wrong. 
_Is_ there something like that in the debian set-up and, if so, is there a 
way to change/override it?

Alice M. Pinard
Casco Indemnity Company

Re: logrotate

2000-06-28 Thread Sven Burgener
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 08:41:34PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

 Doesn't the logrotate package install a daily cron by itself ??!  It
 certainly did for me (in potato).

In that case, how do I find out all user's crontabs? Are they all under

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2


2000-06-28 Thread Gustavo Oceguera Ugalde

Hola, encontre en en internet tu direccion donde 
menciones que tienes un scaner Realisys AVEC Easy 3, necesito los drives de este 
escaner (en ingles o español), podrias hacerme el favor de facilitarme una copia 
de ellos, de antemano te agradesco mucho.


Gustavo Oceguera Ugalde

Re: Screen Capture

2000-06-28 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Michal Novak wrote:

 I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as
 Thn for your tips.

The GIMP will allow you to take screenshots.  Check out the extensions
menu (Xtns), and you will see an entry for screenshots.  It works really
nicely for me.

Tips, articles, news, links...

Manipulating file content

2000-06-28 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Hi list,

this one is for all the regexp, shell, and editing-experts on this
list.  Suppose I have a comma-seperated or tab-seperated file and I want
to flip the lines and columns.  So an input file like:


would be transformed into:


Is there an fast and easy way of doing this?  Ideally through the shell
or with VIM.  I would RTFM, but I have no clue which manual to read.

Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firewall

2000-06-28 Thread Derek Wueppelmann
 eth0 :Connected to the internal network
 eth1 :Connected to the internet.
 # note that the are the same subnet since we are allocated a
 class C domain.

 my routing table looks similar to this:

 Sorry for the poor formatting.

What you need is subnetting your class C network in several smaller
The first one would be x.x.x.0/ (or 248 if you want several
addresses outside your firewall, for an i.e. Intrusion detection system)
The other ones would fit your needs.

The firewall would then have a NIC (eth0) in the first subnet (x.x.x.0/30
(or/29)), and the second one (eth1) would be in any other.

Well I tried all of that and it didn't seem to help me out. I am stuck using
the gateway to the internet as and I can't change this. I
have only been trying to get out right now, which shouldn't involve our ISP
doing any routing work. I subneted our class C network using a netmask of and put the gateway address as and the machine
inside the firewall as, the firewall machine can still see the
outside and inside world and the inside machine can still see both IP
addresses of the firewall machine. Any other thoughts?

 0 /  Derek Wueppelmann
(D   Libraxus Inc.

Re: Postfix troubles

2000-06-28 Thread Marcel Karras

-Former message-
From: S.Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sended: Thursday, 27. June 2000 16:01
Subject: Re: Postfix troubles

  Yes, I do:

 # This is the aliases file - it says who gets mail for whom.
 # It was originally generated by `eximconfig', part of the exim package
 # distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system
 # This file originally generated by eximconfig at Mon Jun 26 19:00:46 EDT
 # See exim info section for details of the things that can be configured

 postmaster: root
 root: ssahmed

 daemon: root
 bin: root
 sys: root
 sync: root

 I still can't understand why email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is relayed to my ISP. Here is the text of the
 bounced message:

 The original message was received at Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:09 -0400 (EDT)
 from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

- Transcript of session follows -
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Host unknown (Name server:
phoenix.phoenix: host not found)
 Reporting-MTA: dns;
 Received-From-MTA: DNS;
 Arrival-Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:09 -0400 (EDT)

 Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.2
 Remote-MTA: DNS; phoenix.phoenix
 Last-Attempt-Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:12 -0400 (EDT)
 Received: from phoenix ( [])
 by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id JAA27891
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:09 -0400 (EDT)
 Received: by phoenix (Postfix)
 id C1DAD19EB7; Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:00 -0400 (EDT)
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from (phoenix [])
 by phoenix (Postfix) with SMTP id A682419EB6
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:00 -0400 (EDT)
 Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:29:00 -0400
 X-Mailer: 21.1 (patch 10) Capitol Reef XEmacs Lucid (via feedmail
9-beta-7 I);
 VM 6.75 under 21.1 (patch 10) Capitol Reef XEmacs Lucid
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 From: S.Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: to root
 X-No-Archive: Yes
 X-Operating-System: Linux phoenix 2.2.15 i686

 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

 /etc/hostname on my system contains phoenix. Output of postconf -n
 is :

 @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] postconf -n
 alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
 alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
 command_directory = /usr/sbin
 daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
 debug_peer_level = 2
 default_destination_concurrency_limit = 10
 defer_transports =
 delay_warning_time = 4
 local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
 mail_owner = postfix
 myhostname = phoenix
 myorigin = phoenix
 queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
 relayhost =

 Can anyone spot the problem ?


 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
 GnuPG Key fingerprint = A6DB 6C85 DE5A 33BB E873  E437 58B2 09CD 977B 900B

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I don't know wether that could be the problem, but:
In /etc/hostname you defined your hostname with phoenix. But localhost
is furthermore
the same as phoenix. Sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] means sending a
message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] But phoenix means to relay the message to
(see at the last line in  /etc/hostname) That's why your E-Mail is always
relayd to your ISP.
You should check your /etc/aliases and delete the alias to the root. And
also the relayhost.
( If you try to send a mail to your own root, you always
will have to
enter following recipint: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (there mustn't be any aliases to
root or lacalhost)
And if you try to send a message to your ISP-POP-account then you have to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You could only contruct an alias to these both
and But no aliases to root and localhost.
Perhaps there's the problem.

Re: problems with options in modules.conf

2000-06-28 Thread David Wright
Quoting Oreste Salerno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 02:45:35PM +0100, David Wright wrote:
   and that's what I did. The problem is that ide-cd only ignores hdb, but
   still recognizes hdc. This thing does not happen if I write, directly from
   the command line:
   modprobe ide-cd ignore='hdb hdc'
  Perhaps it's just that the kernel source is not Debianised.
 What do you mean?

Only that the filename chosen for conf.modules or modules.conf
is not known by the person writing the kernel because the
kernel source and the distribution are unrelated.

Likewise, much documentation will assume that kernel sources are
unpacked and built in /usr/src/linux whereas Debian people are 
encouraged not to do that.

  Take a look at /etc/conf.modules (not modules.conf) and then
  follow the comments,
 There's no /etc/conf.modules in Debian 2.2, at least not in my /etc
 directory! :)

Sorry, I hadn't noticed that Debian has changed filenames recently,
as someone else pointed out.

 i.e. put your options into /etc/modutils/local and then update-modules.
 That's what i had already done, but it didn't change anything. ide-cd still
 ignores just one device. Anyway, thanks.

Well, after checking that the ignore has made it into the correct file,
and looking carefully for typos, then my reaction would be to put an
extra printk or two into the kernel source and see what it's actually

2.2.10 has:

  printk(ide-cd: will ignore %s\n, ignore);   -
  while ((drive = ide_scan_devices (ide_cdrom,, NULL, 
failed++)) != NULL) {
/* skip drives that we were told to ignore */
if (ignore != NULL)
  printk(ide-cd: checking drive %s\n, drive-name);   -
  if (strstr(ignore, drive-name)) {
printk(ide-cd: ignoring drive %s\n, drive-name);

and I've added the two marked lines. If the string 'hdb hdc' doesn't
arrive intact at that point (for example, a character has been stripped
off or something), then you can try some workarounds, like
ignore='a hdb hdc a'. It depends what it prints out.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Postfix troubles

2000-06-28 Thread Marcel Karras
Sorry for so many typos. 
(I didn't have many time)


apt-get error

2000-06-28 Thread R. Wayne McCorkle
I have slink installed on a machine at work. This box sits behind a
firewall. My /etc/apt/sources.list is configured so as to point to the
frozen distribution. I can install individual packages fine, e.g.
apt-get install octave works fine. However, when I try apt-get
dist-upgrade, I get the following error ...

Get:1 unstable/main exim 3.12-10 [651kB]
Err unstable/main debianutils 1.13.3 
  500 Cache Detected Error

This continues for every file. Any suggestions?

I have searched through the Debian FAQ, apt-get man page, debian-user
archives, and for some reference to this error, with no luck.
Any other places I could/should have looked at?


R. Wayne McCorkle -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

Debian/GNU Linux - check it out at


2000-06-28 Thread cls--colo spgs

...thought i'd devote some energy to get mutt 1.0.1-9
working on my potato deskbox.

my issue is that the from addy isn't correct.

the man, faq, and howto specify to modify ~/.muttrc,
which i don't have.  

i even tried setting my email addy (at set hostname)
in Muttrc, to no avail.

(btw, i can send email using mail, exim, or mutt.)


ia, t.

bentley taylor.


Re: .muttrc

2000-06-28 Thread Nate Bargmann
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 12:37:24PM -0700, cls--colo spgs wrote:
 ...thought i'd devote some energy to get mutt 1.0.1-9
 working on my potato deskbox.
 my issue is that the from addy isn't correct.
 the man, faq, and howto specify to modify ~/.muttrc,
 which i don't have.  
 i even tried setting my email addy (at set hostname)
 in Muttrc, to no avail.
 (btw, i can send email using mail, exim, or mutt.)

First things.  Mutt will create a directory called ~/.mutt and you
can place muttrc in there (note there is no leading . on the filename).

Now, I know whereof you speak, so I added the following lines to my

my_hdr From: Nate Bargmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

So far this has kept Exim from telling the world my [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You
can mangle headers in other ways using the my_hdr line.  Also, you'll
likely want to use muttrc to set up some custom colors and get away from
the default black and white.

- Nate 

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license.   | -- John Milton

Re: Viper V550

2000-06-28 Thread Ton Sonnemans
Yes, so far so good but when I start XF86Setup I don't see my Card listed.
Is it dependend on other files or what??
Please help me, I'm a beginner and want to get it running but I don't seem
to get my Viper 550 Card up and running, maybe someone with the same card
can mail me what package I need to get my Card listed in XF86Setup.

thx Ton

- Original Message -
From: Jason Holland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ton Sonnemans [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: Viper V550

 According to

 its the SVGA server.


 Can anybody help me to find the xserver for the Diamond Viper V550?
 thx Ton

Re: .muttrc

2000-06-28 Thread Jim Ray
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 12:37:24PM -0700, cls--colo spgs wrote:
 ...thought i'd devote some energy to get mutt 1.0.1-9
 working on my potato deskbox.
 my issue is that the from addy isn't correct.
 the man, faq, and howto specify to modify ~/.muttrc,
 which i don't have.  
 i even tried setting my email addy (at set hostname)
 in Muttrc, to no avail.
 (btw, i can send email using mail, exim, or mutt.)

Quick fix is copy the /etc/Muttrc file to ~/.muttrc and add the my_header line 
from the previous reply.  Then you get pretty colors already.  Or go to 
/usr/doc/mutt and there are some sample configs there.  And there is also a 
manual in that dir also.

At the mutt homepage,, there are some other examples of the 
.muttrc if you follow the links, that have some other intersting stuff with 
PGP, aliases and the like.

Jim Ray
Lead System Engineer

Re: Peticion

2000-06-28 Thread Bolan Meek
Well, let me see if I can translate this:

 Gustavo Oceguera Ugalde wrote:
 Hola, encontre en en internet tu direccion donde menciones que tienes

Hi, I found in the Internet your address where [there are] mentions
that you have

 un scaner Realisys AVEC Easy 3, necesito los drives de este escaner

a scanner [of brand] Realisys AVEC Easy 3; I need the drivers of this

 (en ingles o español), podrias hacerme el favor de facilitarme una

(in English or Espan~ol), if you could help me [with] the favor of
providing me 

 copia de ellos, de antemano te agradesco mucho.

a copy of them, afterward I would thank you much.



 Gustavo Oceguera Ugalde

Visite , y lea en esos paginas por
drives de escaners.   Debian no los tiene.  Y por esto modelo de
escaner, es posible que SANE no los tiene.  Si no tienes acceso
del Web, sino email solo, dejame saber, y te ayudare mas.

Visit ,  and read in those pages for
scanner drivers.  Debian doesn't have them.  And for this model
of scanner, it is possible that SANE doesn't have them.  If you
haven't access to Web, but only email, let me know, and I shall
help you more.

Re: wu-ftpd (2000-06-23 security-fixed frozen version) constantly crashes

2000-06-28 Thread Lee Revell
Use ProFTPD.  It has a MUCH better security record, is fast,
lightweight, and configuration is a breeze if you have ever configured
Apache.  I made the switch several months ago and would never go back.

Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
 Hi there,
 my wu-ftpd is constantly crashing. :-(
 About half a dozen times per hour (sometimes even more often) I see lines in
 syslog like the following, which indicate crashed instances:
 wu-ftpd[28359]: exiting on signal 11: Segmentation fault
 Before I upgraded from stable to frozen my FTP daemon (wu-ftpd-academ then)
 was rock solid (I have FTP guests on my box 24 hours per day, from 10 users
 max to 25 max.) Now I have the above errors.
 When I learnt about the recently published buffer-overflow bug in wu-ftpd, I
 thought this was the reason, so I immediately installed the fixed version
 (2.6.0-5.1.) But to no avail, the crashes still occur. :-(((
 I'm running wu-ftpd from xinetd as follows:
 service ftp
 socket_type = stream
 protocol= tcp
 wait= no
 user= root
 server  = /usr/sbin/wu-ftpd
 instances   = 30
 log_type= SYSLOG local6
 log_on_failure += HOST
 Any idea what's causing this? My system is completely frozen (i.e. Debian-
 version-like :-)

Re: .muttrc

2000-06-28 Thread Robert L. Harris

I found some very good examples on the mutt home page.  The only thing
I've found missing is a spam bounce button.  One that will bounce
mail as if you weren't there.  Would get you removed from SOME 
spam lists.


Thus spake Jim Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 12:37:24PM -0700, cls--colo spgs wrote:
  ...thought i'd devote some energy to get mutt 1.0.1-9
  working on my potato deskbox.
  my issue is that the from addy isn't correct.
  the man, faq, and howto specify to modify ~/.muttrc,
  which i don't have.  
  i even tried setting my email addy (at set hostname)
  in Muttrc, to no avail.
  (btw, i can send email using mail, exim, or mutt.)
 Quick fix is copy the /etc/Muttrc file to ~/.muttrc and add the my_header 
 line from the previous reply.  Then you get pretty colors already.  Or go to 
 /usr/doc/mutt and there are some sample configs there.  And there is also a 
 manual in that dir also.
 At the mutt homepage,, there are some other examples of 
 the .muttrc if you follow the links, that have some other intersting stuff 
 with PGP, aliases and the like.
 Jim Ray
 Lead System Engineer
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Help with COM port based terminal access

2000-06-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Oh, ok. Now I'm with you. Sure, for this you don't want mgetty. Just use
the regular getty that's already on the system. Here's what you do.
First edit /etc/inittab to get init to run a getty on your chosen serial
port (I'll assume for purposes of exposition you want to use the first
serial port, /dev/ttyS0). I'll also assume you want to run the port at
38400bps. Add the following line to /etc/inittab:

T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 38400 vt100

Now to get init running this do 'kill -HUP 1' (init is always the first
process in linux and so will always have the pid 1, the HUP signal tells
init to reread /etc/inittab and act accordingly for any changes). Now
the getty should be running.

On your laptop you'll want to install a terminal program. I prefer seyon
(which is an X app) or minicom (curses app). Hook up your null-modem (Rx
and Tx are swapped) serial cable, run your terminal program, set the bps
to 38400 and you should be in business. You should get a login prompt.

Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:

 Sorry for the earler blank message. What I am trying
 to do is very simple actually. I would like to hookup
 my laptop to the seriel port of the linux machine and
 use a program like hyperterminal on the laptop to
 access the linux machine on COM1 or COM2. How will I
 do that. mgetty seems like a modem based access
 program that looks for dial tone etc. There is no
 info. on how to setup mgetty for this. Have
 sucessfully done this?

 Thanks a lot in advance for the advice.



 --- Jens B. Jorgensen
  This is easily done by running mgetty on the port.
  Note that booting your computer
  keyboard-less can be a problem. Many systems will
  hang in the BIOS POST if they can't
  sense the keyboard is present. On some systems this
  can be turned off in the BIOS
  setup. This has nothing to do with linux. I believe
  you can buy little plugs which go
  in the keyboard connector which will make the system
  think there's a keyboard present.
  I also found that I had to modify the kernel source
  to get linux to boot without a
  keyboard but this was with a 2.0.X (where X == I
  don't remember what) in order to get
  it to work because there was some startup assembly
  code which was making a call to
  clear the keyboard buffer and it would cause the
  system to hang (or crash, can't
  remember which). Hopefully this is alleviated in
  more recent kernels. Serial console
  support should be set up in your kernel config
  (you're going to need to compile your
  own kernel) and lilo can be set up for serial
  console support as well.
  Good luck,
  Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:
   I am trying to setup several linux systems that I
   would like to administer over a network and/or via
   serial port. The serial port based admin. is
   in some cases when network is down etc. Is there
   way of running a Kermit like program to connect to
   linux box through COM ports and login to the
   This feature (Monitor less, keyboard less, mouse
   operation is available on IRIX, AIX and Solaris.
   there a similar service I can run in linux.
   Thanks in advance.
  Jens B. Jorgensen

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: g++ identity crisis, slink

2000-06-28 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 11:55:04 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm running slink and I was trying to 'make' some c++ programs I 
 was messing around with the other day and discovered that even 
 though my Makefile says to use g++, make was using cc to compile 
 the programs.

This smells like a bug in your makefile. What does make -n say? Does make
-d provide clues? What does your makefile look like?

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: g++ identity crisis, slink

2000-06-28 Thread alice
Um... never mind... I found it. (.C, not .c  ... sheesh)

(thanks anyway :)

Subject:g++ identity crisis, slink
Date sent:  Wed, 28 Jun 2000 11:54:54 -0400

 Hi, I'm running slink and I was trying to 'make' some c++ programs I 
 was messing around with the other day and discovered that even 
 though my Makefile says to use g++, make was using cc to compile 
 the programs. /usr/bin/g++ is a program, not a link to anything. If I 
 rename /usr/bin/cc, make refuses to run. I did do a make -v to make 
 sure it was GNU make, and it is. (someone mentioned to me that this 
 might be an issue)
 Now, I vaguely remember something in setting up my system that 
 might have had something to do with which compiler I liked or wanted 
 to be default or something... but it's really hazy and I could be wrong. 
 _Is_ there something like that in the debian set-up and, if so, is there a 
 way to change/override it?

Alice M. Pinard
Casco Indemnity Company

Re: Manipulating file content

2000-06-28 Thread Bolan Meek
Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Hi list,
 this one is for all the regexp, shell, and editing-experts...

How about us perl hackers, hunh?!  Got sumpin' g'inst us, buddy!?

 Suppose I have a comma-seperated or tab-seperated file and I want
 to flip the lines and columns.  So an input file like:
 would be transformed into:
 Is there an fast and easy way of doing this?  Ideally through the shell
 or with VIM.  I would RTFM, but I have no clue which manual to read.

Well, you could use regexp in sed, or use an awk script, but if
I had only 3x3 matrices to transform, in text, I'd
perl -e 'for ($i=0;$i3;++$i){;@entry = split ',';print
with a file directed into it, and stdout redirected to a file.

Matrixes with unpredetermined columns or rows become slightly
trickier, but only by 1) keeping track of the length/breadth, and
2) nesting another loop.



(You're Welcome After The Fact)

setting i/o address for eth0

2000-06-28 Thread David C. Ables
hello everyone,

I've been having problems getting my linksys nic to work, and now I know
what the problem is. trouble is I don't know how to fix it. the problem is
that everything has a different i/o address for the card. it uses the tulip
driver. tulip (and the accompanying pci-scan) were both recently compiled
from the latest stable version at link lights come on for the
card and hub, and I can use ifconfig without errors. I noticed the problem
because I couldn't get a dhcp server to work.

I have potato with kernel 2.2.15.

when my card loads up during booting, I get the following configuration:
eth0: Lite-On PNIC-II rev 37 at 0xc3832c00, 00:A0:CC:E2:43:2D, IRQ 11

when I look at ifconfig eth0, I get 
... various network parameters, all correct
Interrupt:11 Base address:0x2c00

if I go and look at /proc/pci, the card with irq 11 appears to be at
0xf400. in /proc/ioports, it's at 0xc3832c00.

if I try just doing ifconfig eth0 io_addr 0xf400, I get
SIOCSIFMAP: Operation not supported

how else can I change this address? c3832c00 looks too big to even be in i/o
memory, and my guess is that the pci bus is actually looking at f400 to talk
to the card. I've no idea what ifconfig's 2c00 would mean.


David C. Ables
3D Printing Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Re: diskus on distribution contents?

2000-06-28 Thread Michael Janssen \(CS/MATH stud.\)
Message from To at 28/06/00 12:07:55PM:

 I wonder why nisplus is not provided by Debian's...
 Probably because no-one has so far been interested in packaging it, or
 adding it to an existing package.

Not so:

these packages work very nicely and are currently running on 15 or so
lab machines for me.   They were a godsend when we phased out yp
compatibility mode, and I was trying to hack the stuff from SuSE.. 

I would think that the NIS+ stuff has some licensing issues (sun
binary licence BAAAD!), or something as such. 

Michael Janssen
CNS Network Administrator
University of Northern Iowa

Re: dictd cannot access localhost

2000-06-28 Thread Valdemir Melechco Carvalho
 Ahhh, 'dictd' appears to have died.  You need to execute 

Even if I restart dictd, it still doesn't work - it dies quickly, really weird. 
It seens to be a dictd problem, I've already tried slink, potato
and woody dictd versions but it's all the same...

Re: Firewall

2000-06-28 Thread Bolan Meek
Derek Wueppelmann wrote:
  eth0 xx.xx.xx.1 :Connected to the internal network
  eth1 xx.xx.xx.2 :Connected to the internet.
  # note that the are the same subnet since
  we are allocated a class C domain.

Minor correction:  to the Internet these addresses are
in the same _network_, not _subnet_, if you have a class C.

  my routing table looks similar to this: [abbreviations made]
  xx.xx.xx.254 eth1
  xx.xx.xx.0   eth0 eth1

  What you need is subnetting your class C network in several smaller
  subnets.  The first one would be x.x.x.0/ (or 248
  if you want severaladdresses outside your firewall, for an i.e.
  Intrusion detection system)  The other ones would fit your needs.
 The firewall would then have a NIC (eth0) in the first subnet
  (x.x.x.0/30(or/29)), and the second one (eth1) would be in any other.
 Well I tried all of that and it didn't seem to help me out.
 I am stuck using the gateway to the internet as
 and I can't change this. I have only been trying to get out right
 now, which shouldn't involve our ISP doing any routing work.
 I subneted our class C network using a netmask of
 and put the gateway address as and the machine inside
 the firewall as, the firewall machine can still see
 the outside and inside world and the inside machine can still 
 see both IP addresses of the firewall machine. Any other thoughts?

You missed his point of having the NIC on the inside in
a different subnet than that of the NIC on the outside.

But let me ask first:  isn't the IP on the ISP's side one
out of the ISP's net?  Or are you allocating one of your
IP to your ISP's router?

It should be one or the other, to wit:  URC=YOURCLASSC


With the former, you don't need any subnetting, really, and
is preferable.  With the later, you may need to subnet ...252
with the far end as one of those, and the near end as the other.
The other NIC would be _not_ in that subnet.

The /etc/defaultrouter, or equiv, on the hosts in urnet=URC.n3.

On your router/firewall, 
default dest ( gateway is the IP on the ISPs router.

With you giving the IP to the ISP,
dest xx.xx.xx.0 netmask ...252 gateway xx.xx.xx.yourend

If you're subnetting ...252, _don't_ put two addresses in
_that_ subnet on two of the NICs in your router/firewall.

Re: Viper V550

2000-06-28 Thread jpb
Ton Sonnemans wrote:
 Yes, so far so good but when I start XF86Setup I don't see my Card listed.
 Is it dependend on other files or what??
 Please help me, I'm a beginner and want to get it running but I don't seem
 to get my Viper 550 Card up and running, maybe someone with the same card
 can mail me what package I need to get my Card listed in XF86Setup.

This may or may not help, but when I was running slink and trying to get
my Viper 770 working, I needed a newer X than ships in slink.  Add this
line to your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb xfree-update main

As root, do
1) apt-get update
2) apt-get upgrade

Presuming that the 550 is supported by the version of X in vincent's
source, you should be able to run XF86Setup and have the new SVGA server
find your card.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

SUMMARY: building gimp-print gs driver problems...

2000-06-28 Thread Ron Farrer
Jeronimo Pellegrini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

  I downloaded the gimp-print driver 3.1.7 from the sourceforge page and
  ran the (after modifying it to do make Ghost instead of
  ghost) and it downloads the gs and related source and builds it. I
  then end up with a file named gs-stp_5.10-9.1_alpha.deb which fails to
  install with: 
  gs-pdfencrypt depends on gs (= 4.03-2) | gs-aladdin (= 5.10-11)
  gs is to be removed.
  Has anyone found a better way to do this? 
 I just removed gs-pdfencrypt... But I think there may be a way to
 change the info in the gs-stp package so it'd provide waht's necessary
 (I'm not sure. Anyone else knows about this?)

Ok I did a 'dpkg -i --ignore-depends=gs-pdfencrypt 
gs-stp_5.10-9.1_alpha.deb' and all is well. I can now print at 360, 720,
and 1440DPI with my ESC900. 

Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alpha Linux Organization:
Alpha News:
Bellingham Linux Users Group:

Description: PGP signature

Ping and traceroute not working on new potato install

2000-06-28 Thread Michael Janssen \(CS/MATH stud.\)

Hi --

  I recently installed a machine with debian.  I only have one problem
with the install.. I can't ping.. whenever I try to ping:

3 bleh:~ ping 127.1
ping: socket: Protocol not supported

traceroute has this error also:

bleh:~# traceroute 127.1
traceroute: icmp socket: Protocol not supported

All other networking on this machine works fine. I can telnet, ssh,
web browse, etc.  I just can't ping or traceroute.  I'm baffled.  


Michael Janssen

Re: Viper V550

2000-06-28 Thread Gary Hennigan
jpb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ton Sonnemans wrote:
  Yes, so far so good but when I start XF86Setup I don't see my Card listed.
  Is it dependend on other files or what??
  Please help me, I'm a beginner and want to get it running but I don't seem
  to get my Viper 550 Card up and running, maybe someone with the same card
  can mail me what package I need to get my Card listed in XF86Setup.
 This may or may not help, but when I was running slink and trying to get
 my Viper 770 working, I needed a newer X than ships in slink.  Add this
 line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb xfree-update main
 As root, do
 1) apt-get update
 2) apt-get upgrade
 Presuming that the 550 is supported by the version of X in vincent's
 source, you should be able to run XF86Setup and have the new SVGA server
 find your card.

This might work. I too remember that in slink the Riva TNT (which is
what the 550 is) was not supported. Make sure after the steps above,
if you can't find the Viper 550, to look for a Riva TNT. I have a
Creative TNT so they're essentially the same card and I have no
trouble running X in potato (X 3.3.6).


ext3 and availability

2000-06-28 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi debs

How far is the development of ext3? Today, at some
guy from RH said he was using ext3 on his notebook right then. Apparently
the main developer of both ext2 and ext3 works also for RH.

So, I wanted to know whether anyone knows when ext3 will be widely available
/ merged into debian.
Any experiences so far?

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

free books on C in Unix and X programming using Athena widget

2000-06-28 Thread a
Do you know any web site that has free books on C programming in Linix and
X programming using Athena widget?

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'll leave the list in a minute.

RE: ext3 and availability

2000-06-28 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 28-Jun-2000 Sven Burgener wrote:
 Hi debs
 How far is the development of ext3? Today, at some
 guy from RH said he was using ext3 on his notebook right then. Apparently
 the main developer of both ext2 and ext3 works also for RH.
 So, I wanted to know whether anyone knows when ext3 will be widely available
 / merged into debian.
 Any experiences so far?

ext3 exists only as a patch against the kernel.  Once it is actually in a
kernel we ship, we can turn the option on.  Until then, it would be
irresponsible of us to ship alpha kernel patches.

I assume the speaker was Stephen Tweedie.  He does indeed work for RH.  I work
with Ted, and have heard about how ext3 can ruin systems.  There are also
numerous hacks in place to allow you to use it currently.  For instance the
journal the FS uses must be created by hand and is an actual file in the OS. 
This allows them to debug the fs, but also allows an accidental rm to fry all
of your journal.

  1   2   >