Re: Configuracion de mutt [MH--Maildir]

2000-08-13 Thread José Esteban
(Antes que nada, y perdón por el cambio de orden)

Lluís Vilanova wrote:

 [espero no estar molestando mucho con mis tantas preguntas, pero es que no
 consigo que me rule :P]

Bueno, yo lo que siento es no poder contestarte a más cosas, porque en
realidad uso muy poco mutt, y desde hace poco tiempo, así es que lo
conozco eso, poco.

Por cierto, ¿no has localizado /usr/doc/packages/mutt/manual.txt o
tienes problemas con el inglés? Yo lo he sacado todo de ahí.

Lluís Vilanova wrote:

  En cuanto a la configuracion del .muttrc, es necesario definir un 
  pongo entonces en spoolfile y mbox?
  Yo no tengo definido spoolfile, porque me vale con mi variable de
  entorno $MAIL, pero ahí lo que defines es la cola de entrada de correo,
  donde se supone que te la deposita qmail.
 Pero si uso el procmail directamente despues de recibir el correo, ya queda
 todo ordenado, no hay cola de entrada, no?

Yo diría que estas en lo cierto, pero nunca he usado procmail.

 Otra cosa, cual es la diferencia entre usar subscribe y lists en el muttrc?

No he usado subscribe, pero con lists le indicas qué direcciones son
listas de correo, para que utilice mejor los encabezados en respuestas,
envíos y esas cosas. Yo, que no lo uso, cuando uso mutt con listas de
correo, me veo obligado a retocar yo mismo los encabezados.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Fuentes tipo 1

2000-08-13 Thread Antonio Calvo
 Yo la otra vez lo hice con type1inst y fue muy facil.
 Lo que no se es de donde descargarlo.. mira en freshmeat.

Viene en Potato

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Re: Actualizaciones con apt durante la vida de un sistema

2000-08-13 Thread David Muriel
Andres Seco Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Uso normalmente dselect con el metodo apt, por lo que supongo que si
 automatizo el apt-get update para que se ejecute periodicamente, tambien
 debo usar el update de dselect para actualizar la lista de paquetes de
 dselect. ¿Se puede hacer esto tambien de forma automatica por si se me
 olvida entrar en el update de dselect?

Al hacer el update de dselect lo que ocurre es que se ejecuta un
script, que es el que realiza la actualización del dselect. El script
está en `/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update'.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

Hi! I'm a signature virus!
Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: uno u otro...

2000-08-13 Thread Miquel
El vie, ago 11, 2000 at 05:24:26 +0200 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a ha dit:


   No he probado webalizer pero parece estar pensado para generar
 informes de forma puntual (llamandolo desde el cron)... lo he probado
 rápidamente (apt-get :) y parece generar gráficas más completas y más
 coloreadas. También está más orientado a generar ficheros estáticos.

en efecto, webalizer suele ser mas del gusto de los webmasters, porque
es mas intuitivo; por su parte, analog genera estadisticas mas precisas
y detalladas (mas interesantes para los administradores de servidor).
Una feature muy del gusto de los webmasters que tiene webalizer y no
incluye analog es que a partir de la version 1.30 contabiliza las
visitas, además de los hits. A diferencia de los hits, el concepto de
visita es estimativo (poco preciso, y me imagino que por eso analog
pasa de incorporarlo): para deducir las visitas, webalizer contabiliza
una sola vez la peticion de páginas de una determinada IP durante cierto
tiempo, que por defecto creo que es media hora.



   En cualquier caso puedes hacer registros ad hoc con Apache, mira
 la documentación (Custom Logging)
   Respecto al ftp y pop3, dado que se registran en distintos ficheros
 dudo que estos los procesesen. En realidad, como se suele guardar toda esta
 información en formato SysLog PERL acude al rescate con el módulo Syslog..
   Un saludito
 On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 03:50:50PM +0200, TooMany wrote:
  Veamos. Tengo que instalar un programa, para que me genere estadísticas 
  varias a partir de los log's del Apache. Si pueden pillar otros servicios 
  como los pop3 y ftp mejor...
  He visto el analog y el webalizer, pero no los he probado nunca.
  ¿Alguno ha podido probarlos y recomendarme uno de ellos, comentando, de 
  paso, los pros y contras???
  Muchas gracias por todo.
  Have a nice day  ;-)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: uno u otro...

2000-08-13 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

   Analog es mucho más detallado que webalizer (si lo configuras
bien), y sabe por ejemplo hacer consultas a DNS para resolver núemros
IP a nombres de dominio. Pero se come mucha máquina (aunque sólo te
darás cuenta de esto si tienes bastantes accesos, del orden de 10.000
accesos brutos al día o más, y por ejemplo dos o tres meses para
analizar). Webalizer es más bonito y mucho más rápido, pero mucho
menso detallado...



Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a writes:
   Analog es muy sencillo, es un CGI script que coge el
  /var/log/apache/access y genera estadísticas de tráfico basado en 
  1- bytes recogidos
  2- perfil horario
  3- dominio (si tienes resolución de DNS en Apache)
  4- páginas más accedidas
   Ejemplo en (se
  generan 'on the fly'). De hecho puedes configurarlo para muchas opciones
  distintas y se puede utilizar, en lugar de como CGI para generar páginas
   No he probado webalizer pero parece estar pensado para generar
  informes de forma puntual (llamandolo desde el cron)... lo he probado
  rápidamente (apt-get :) y parece generar gráficas más completas y más
  coloreadas. También está más orientado a generar ficheros estáticos.
   En cualquier caso puedes hacer registros ad hoc con Apache, mira
  la documentación (Custom Logging)
   Respecto al ftp y pop3, dado que se registran en distintos ficheros
  dudo que estos los procesesen. En realidad, como se suele guardar toda esta
  información en formato SysLog PERL acude al rescate con el módulo Syslog..
   Un saludito
  On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 03:50:50PM +0200, TooMany wrote:
   Veamos. Tengo que instalar un programa, para que me genere estadísticas 
   varias a partir de los log's del Apache. Si pueden pillar otros servicios 
   como los pop3 y ftp mejor...
   He visto el analog y el webalizer, pero no los he probado nunca.
   ¿Alguno ha podido probarlos y recomendarme uno de ellos, comentando, de 
   paso, los pros y contras???
   Muchas gracias por todo.
   Have a nice day  ;-)
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

problemas con el log de procmail

2000-08-13 Thread JFA
buenas, acabo de hacer un update de procmail, ahora tengo la versión
procmail v3.15pre 2000/06/23, y me encuentro con el problema de que me crea
el fichero log donde yo le digo, con home, pero con permisos de root, con lo
que él mismo no puede escribir en su fichero log... ¿ Es un bug o qué estoy
haciendo mal ?
Gracias de antemano

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian woody (unestable)  | -- JFA --

Re: Procmail filter

2000-08-13 Thread peter karlsson

 Får massor med spam-mail dagligen, från [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Vad pillrar jag in i .procmailrc för att mailen från den adressen skall 
 hamna i /dev/null ?

:0 w

Rekommenderad läsning: man procmailex

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

scrambled chars on tty

2000-08-13 Thread Umum Wijoyo

I'd just like to ask:
Why do several of my tty-s display scrambled characters?
I can't login using them; if I do, I also get a scrambled shell prompt.
What's happening?

OK! Thanks.


Umum Wijoyo

Re: Routing Problem

2000-08-13 Thread Peter Welte
Yah! :)

 Firstly, can you ping hosts out on the
 192.168.0. network?  
Yes, there is a computer at that i am
able to ping.  

Is your cabling okay?
It appears so.  The gateway computer (the one with the
ping problem) actually gets its ip address for eth0
( for the time being) from a dhcp server
on the school network ( , aka the computer
i am trying to ping).

 are you using a crossover UTP or BNC
 or a hub/switch? Do they work?
I was using a crossover UTP (UTP- thats standard rj45
cat5 cable, right?). Just to make sure, though, i
tried with a couple regular cat5s, and a switch, but
still no luck. (same error as before).

The only other thing i could possibly think of is that
the ipfirewalling stuff is getting in the way of
sending packets?   I'm not sure, but in case it might
help, i thought i'd include output of `ipchians -L`:

Chain input (policy DENY):
target prot opt source   
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere  anywhere
ACCEPT all  --  localnet/24   anywhere
DENY   all  l-   anywhere
DENY   all  l-  serveranywhere

Chain forward (policy DENY):
MASQ   all  --  localnet  anywhere

Chain output (policy DENY):
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere  anywhere
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere 
localnet/24   n/a

Note: im not sure about this line (in the input
DENY   all  l-  serveranywhere
but i tried removing it, and it seems to have no
effect anyway...

Well, thanks for all the help! :)
Peter Welte
p.s.- i'm kinda new to the mailing list, and not quite
sure if i should respond directly back to you, or the
whole lists, so i guess i'll send this msg to both. ;)

--- C. Falconer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 04:37 AM 8/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
 ##here is the out put of netstat -nr:
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination  Gateway   Genmask  Flags   MSS Window
 irtt Iface  U0 0 0
 eth0  U0 0 0
 looks correct
 ##In case it will help, here is output of ifconfig:
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Mask:
RX packets:62 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:62 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 carrier:0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
inet addr: 
 Bcast: Mask:
 MTU:1500 Metric:1
RX packets:146 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 carrier:0
Interrupt:11 Base address:0xff80
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
inet addr: 
 Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:524 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:604 errors:0 dropped:0
 overruns:0 carrier:0
Interrupt:9 Base address:0xff40
 That looks okay...
 ##and here is me pinging an internal network comp:
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
 time=2.6 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255
 time=1.5 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255
 time=1.5 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255
 time=1.5 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0%
 packet loss
 round-trip min/avg/max = 1.5/1.7/2.6 ms
 No - just a clarification.  Thats you pinging the IP
 of eth0...
 ##And finally, here is me trying to ping the
 on the school network:
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
 --- ping statistics ---
 2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100%
 packet loss
 Weird.  Firstly, can you ping hosts out on the
 192.168.0. network?  Is your 
 cabling okay?  are you using a crossover UTP or BNC
 or a hub/switch?  Do 
 they work?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: Potato IP Masq

2000-08-13 Thread John Reinke
I've read the man pages, and they say nothing about ipchains or
ip_forwarding. Or, do those commands now belong in /etc/network/interfaces?

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Alan McNatty wrote:

 check out /etc/netgwork/interfaces (man interfaces, if-up, and if-down)
 - Original Message - 
 From: John Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Along with setting up my network doing it the Potato Way, I'm not sure
  where to put the ipchains and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward commands that
  I used in /etc/init.d/network for Slink. I didn't see this in the
  It looks like the ip_forward can be set in /etc/network/options, but where
  does the rest go?

Re: HP OpenMail

2000-08-13 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi again

Sure, all I did though was run alien -t [rpm name] on the RPMs though, I
think there was one *warning* but certainly nothing fatal, and I've been
able to extract the files from the converted .tgz file.

How should I send you the .tgz's


On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Michael Meskes wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 11:40:44PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
  I downloaded the files the other day, and have just begun the process of
  trying to install this on our Debian server. I've only had time to get to
  the stage of converting the rpm's to .tgz files and extracting the files
  to a temporary directory. It looks like it could take a fair bit of
 I tried making debs from it but alien moans about the rpm being incorrect.
 Is there a chance I could get your .tgz's?
  hacking around to get it all to work properly on Debian. I've heard that
  running the RedHat installation scripts on a Debian box will pretty much
  f$^k up the machine.
 Not good. 
 Michael Meskes
 Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
 Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!
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Re: Printing w/an Epson Stylus 850

2000-08-13 Thread Dale L . Morris
I don't know about the 850, but I'm using a stylus color pro 600 and I
configured it using printtool from the frozen package, worked easily and
seems to print just fine..:
On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 09:10:00PM -0400 35, John Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I was wondering if anyone is using an Epson Stylus 850, and at what
 settings you've been successful with.  I downloaded Apsfilter which
 printed a good test page, but I was unable to print it out in Mozilla
 using the standard lpr command.  Is there something I did wrong?  Should I
 used the latest version?
 Please help me.
 John Kerr Anderson
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else.
 --Tennessee Williams

lpr|lprng apsfilter deskjet 400

2000-08-13 Thread s. keeling
This used to work.  I became annoyed that the listing header was
printed as Printed by from instead of Printed by $USER from
$HOSTNAME.  Discussing it on, the solution appeared to
be replace lpr with lprNG.  lpr + apsfilter + a2ps was failing on
perms in parsing the lpd lock file.

After replacing lpr with lprNG, I get banner only; no listing.  The
listing header still reads Printed by from, and the listing date has
reverted to Dec 31 1969 17:00.  Yoiks!

Right now, I'm tempted to go back to lpr, though I've no idea if that
will improve anything.  This is a stand-alone slink laptop; I've no
need for advanced features, just listings.

I've /etc/init.d/lprng restart'ed to reread my /etc/printcap, and
still nothing (but banner).  The printer is a deskjet 400, and I've
told apsfilter to use it as it was used before.

I'm about to replace lprNG with lpr, but I've no idea if that will
help any.  I've never seen a .deb degrade functionality the way this
combination has.

Any suggestions, please?  T'anks.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen) TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
[sed 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@/g']   Contract programmer, server 
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Apache w/ Potato, strange .CGI functionality.

2000-08-13 Thread Adam Scriven

Hey all.

I'm not exactly sure if this is a Debian + Apache problem, or just an 
Apache problem, so if you can point me in the right direction (another 
list, perhaps?) I'd be most appreciative.

I installed the apache-perl package on my fileserver, and I've configured 
it for multiple NameVirtualHosts.  In a couple of cases, these separate 
virtual hosts will have separate user directories,  demo-www and home-www 
come to mind, for and respecitvely.

Everything was working right (or so I thought) until I tried to put CGI's 
in the ~user directories.  I get the frustratingly annoying error:
[error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of 
/home/scriven/home-www/test.cgi failed

I originally thought it was a bad .cgi script, so I copied the one that 
works (in the main cgi-bin directory) into my home-www directory, and tried 
again.  Same thing.

I tried command line, but it works just fine.
I had a problem with suEXEC, so I've taken it out for now (that was already 
a bug submitted to the Debian folks, hardcoded public_html directories)
I tried setting up the mod_perl stuff, but when I do that, the browser 
tries to download the output of the CGI script, even though the first thing 
that is sent is Content-Type: text/html\n\n

I've been banging my head against the wall for 2 hours on this problem now.
Does anyone have any pointers for me?

I've seen this work with Apache on other servers, but they may have been 
separately compiled.  I didn't get the apache-dev kit, should I do that and 
roll-my-own apache?

Thanks very much!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75

2000-08-13 Thread Andrew McRobert

Does anyone have a good Modeline for this monitor? I can get X running @
1024x768 with 16bpp, but there's a bit of shadowing around eterm windows


cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread Dale L . Morris
I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on
brand, model, etc..? My system is an athalon 600, non-scusi,. I'm pretty
new to all this so ease of install, compatibility and use are important.

Re: non-packaged daemons

2000-08-13 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
David Purton  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What is the correct way to get a non-packaged daemon (ie on I've compiled
from source) to start on startup like the packages with an entry in
Can I just add a file to here that does what I want?
What about the rc.x directories?

Read /etc/init.d/README and /usr/share/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz


Re: Installing Debian on 486

2000-08-13 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Aug 12 2000, wrote:
 I rolled out my first Debian installation on a similar
 configuration, though I had about half the disk.  What are you
 planning on *doing* with the box -- it's pretty anaemic buy current

Wow, I use a computer not much better than that one. :-)

And I've been installing Linux for customers in machines with
worse conditions than that one: I've been installing a minimal
install of slink (just the base system) and then upgrading and
installing the necessary packages (apt is great). :-) The
systems usually are 486s with 8MB of RAM and about 200MB of
disk. :-)

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

still-extant potato boot problems (kmod/runany modprobe loop)

2000-08-13 Thread Daniel Barclay

Are there any fixes (or even diagnoses) yet for the following problem?
Has anyone else even seen these symptoms?

Earlier I reported a problem with installing potato (from scratch)
and getting errors at boot time like:

   kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped

and many occurrences of:

   modprobe: modprobe: Can't open dependencies files 
/lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep (No such file or directory)

(Note that those errors were from booting the installation boot 
diskettes (rescue.bin/root.bit).  Specifically, it was from 
before I had a chance to make any choices or affect anything.)

I thought I'd try getting to potato by upgrading (a clone of) my 
slink system.  The upgrade went pretty well (well, I accidentally
upgraded the original instead of the clone, but the clone seems
to be working fine) until I installed the 2.2.17 kernel and rebooted.  
Those boot-time errors returned.

I also started getting a bunch of other errors, such as:

   - modprobe: Can't locate module xxx
 (at bootup; for roughly half of the modules)

   - start ppp0: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not supported
 (asynchonously, after something had triggered diald)

   - Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated

   - something like xmit when interface down

   - (I can't even ping the other end of my diald's PPP connection 
  (I used the numeric IP address logged by pppd when it

Are there any known hardware dependencies that could affect this
(especially when just booted of the installation diskettes)?

Here's what I can think of regarding mysystem:

- Gigabyte GX-5AX revision 3.0 motherboard
- AMD K6-2 300MHz
- 128MB DRAM
- dual IDE controller, UDMA/33
- IDE disks on hda, hdc
- IDE CD-ROM on hdd
- Diamond Viper V330
- TekRam DC390-F SCSI card (for tape drive; no disks attached)
- SoundBlaster 16 (?; version that causes missing second channel message in
  2.0.38/slink )
- USB ports (not used)
- standard floppy
- no network card (I use ppp via diald)
- no ZIP drive
- nothing special or weird that I can think of

- works fine under my Slink system 

Can anyone help me with this?  I've been trying to upgrade
to potato for over a week.  

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: still-extant potato boot problems (kmod/runany modprobe loop)

2000-08-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
Maybe try running depmod -a before the next reboot.  I've seen this as
well with 2.2.17pre... 

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

Laplink for Linux (again...)

2000-08-13 Thread Carl Winbäck
I'm sorry if anybody will get this message twice, but I'm not
sure the other mail arrived...

Is there any laplink app for Linux, so I can transfer files
between my 2 computers?


-- Det var bättre förr.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: scrambled chars on tty

2000-08-13 Thread Ron Rademaker
You'll probably get the tty right again if you login on the tty and use
'reset' or 'setterm -reset'.

Ron Rademaker

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Umum Wijoyo wrote:

 I'd just like to ask:
 Why do several of my tty-s display scrambled characters?
 I can't login using them; if I do, I also get a scrambled shell prompt.
 What's happening?
 OK! Thanks.
 Umum Wijoyo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

beeping keypad in Eterm

2000-08-13 Thread Aaron Maxwell
Hi.  I'm running woody, with Eterm v. 0.8.7 .  Eterm doesn't seem to
recognize keypad characters correctly (xterm doesn't have this problem); 
it just beeps at me, confused and frustrated. This causes me grave
anguish, exquisite agony, relentless torment, and soul-wrenching
dissapointment.  I am forlorn, comfortless, desolate, discontent [1].

I've noticed that after I start AND exit vim (or nvi or elvis or 
'emacs -nw'), the keypad behaves fine in that particular Eterm instance
for the rest of its life. (tapping the keypad within vim produces odd
behavior [2], even if i start, exit, and restart vim).  Any ideas? 

Thanks :)  Aaron.

[1]  Props to the thesaurus at

[2]  Odd for non-emacs editors, I mean.

Re: Apache w/ Potato, strange .CGI functionality.

2000-08-13 Thread Ron Rademaker
Some pointers:

- Is the first line of the script: #!/usr/bin/perl ?? or did you try the
execution from the commandline by 'perl script' ??
- Make sure there's a handler for .cgi scripts (srm.conf)
- Make sure permission are correct (executable for world) (httpd.conf)
- You could try using ScriptAlias, maybe that'll give you something (httpd.conf)

Ron Rademaker

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Adam Scriven wrote:

 Hey all.
 I'm not exactly sure if this is a Debian + Apache problem, or just an 
 Apache problem, so if you can point me in the right direction (another 
 list, perhaps?) I'd be most appreciative.
 I installed the apache-perl package on my fileserver, and I've configured 
 it for multiple NameVirtualHosts.  In a couple of cases, these separate 
 virtual hosts will have separate user directories,  demo-www and home-www 
 come to mind, for and 
 Everything was working right (or so I thought) until I tried to put CGI's 
 in the ~user directories.  I get the frustratingly annoying error:
 [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of 
 /home/scriven/home-www/test.cgi failed
 I originally thought it was a bad .cgi script, so I copied the one that 
 works (in the main cgi-bin directory) into my home-www directory, and tried 
 again.  Same thing.
 I tried command line, but it works just fine.
 I had a problem with suEXEC, so I've taken it out for now (that was already 
 a bug submitted to the Debian folks, hardcoded public_html directories)
 I tried setting up the mod_perl stuff, but when I do that, the browser 
 tries to download the output of the CGI script, even though the first thing 
 that is sent is Content-Type: text/html\n\n
 I've been banging my head against the wall for 2 hours on this problem now.
 Does anyone have any pointers for me?
 I've seen this work with Apache on other servers, but they may have been 
 separately compiled.  I didn't get the apache-dev kit, should I do that and 
 roll-my-own apache?
 Thanks very much!
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-08-13 Thread Ed Cogburn

I'm using woody + helixcode GNOME.  Does the gnome-terminal currently
have no way to read and use X resource files?  In gnome-terminal,
things like the key sequence produced by the F1 key is different from
the one in the regular xterm.  gnome-terminal is not reading
/etc/X11/Xresources/xterm, apparently.  I looked, but the docs
available didn't help me with this.  So is this on the things-to-do
list, or is there a way to configure it that I don't know about.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire

Ed C.

Re: gnome-terminal

2000-08-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
Yea, I don't think gnome-terminal respects the Xresource settings.  It
has it's own preferences settings (I don't know how you set global
defaults).  Just right click anyway on the terminal if the menu isn't

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

retrieving usable kernel source

2000-08-13 Thread John Reinke
I've tried several ways to get the kernel source, but I've been
unsuccessful so far. I've tried using apt-get for a few of the
kernel-source packages, and also ftping from, and every time I
untar them (or bzip2), it quits early, saying there are around 300 bytes
of garbage at the end. Some of the directories end up missing, so I try
again. The Debian packaged ones are .bz2 files, and so are some at, but I've tried good old .tar.gz files from, too.

The other problem is when I think I have everything (from
especially), and make says is has no rule for arch/i386... Unless arch is
a directory that didn't get created from the first problem, why would a
needed rule not exist?

So, what is the proper way to get and unpack the kernel source?

What would be a good kernel to get?

I've tried 2.2.15, 2.2.16, and 2.2.17 mainly.


Re: Dual-Boot Win2K Debian

2000-08-13 Thread Nate Duehr
Yep, it works if you treat it like 98...

Thanks for the info!

Got it working first shot after I got a couple of responses that it
doesn't do anything strange with the boot...

On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 05:16:42PM -0400, Simon Law wrote:
 It's more like NT, but it matters not.  You can still use LILO to boot, if
 you're more comfortable with that.  Otherwise, do that NT bootloader thing,
 but that requires you to copy over the bootsector to your NT drive everytime
 you upgrade your kernel.
 -Original Message-
 From: Nate Duehr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nate
 Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 2:29 PM
 Subject: Dual-Boot Win2K  Debian
 Hi all,
 An unfortunate requirement for a particular piece of software from my
 workplace and the desire to play a few games is forcing me to put Win2K
 on my desktop machine here at home, which used to be a Windows Free
 The question I have is, how to properly dual-boot Win2K and Linux?  Does
 2K act more like 95/98 which is easy to dual-boot from LILO, or is it
 more like NT in which you edited the boot.ini file and could boot Linux
 from the NT bootloader easier than messing with LILO?
 Anyone doing this?  I did a quick Google search and didn't find much of
 value on the topic... yet.
 GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
 Public Key available upon request, or at and others.


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SOLVED: Re: VI and .html files?

2000-08-13 Thread Nate Duehr
Even better!

On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 02:24:55PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 12:10:14PM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 10:21:13AM -0400, Adam Scriven wrote:
   I just switched to vim, but since I'm doing everything in a telnet 
   with a cruddy telnet client, I don't get to see the colours.
  Switch to SSH (for security) and get a terminal program called PuTTY if
  you're stuck on a Win-box.  Much nicer, and you'll get your colors back.
  It's free as in beer, if I remember correctly, and can be found with a
  Google search.
 no PuTTY is free as in speech too.  its under a BSDish licence.  
 Ethan Benson


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

...hangs at freeing memory, can't boot....

2000-08-13 Thread Jeff Gordon

I'm trying to move (copy) my existing 'potato' system to a new hard
drive in a -different- box.

Working box: Compaq Presario 992 w/ P-120 chip
No-work box: Compaq Presario 4660 with PII-MMX-300 (PIIX4, kernel
says; also says not 100% native mode, will poll for irqs later...?)

With every approach I've tried (and I've tried a bunch this past week),
the best that ever happens is we arrive at the Freeing kernel memory
line during boot -- and halt right there, with no notification of error
or anything.  

Things I'm suspicious of:

 - when given a boot floppy (made using superformat), machine reads
that floppy haltingly -- reads a few chunks, then pauses, then reads a
few more, etc., taking perhaps a full minute to read what's there,
finally succeeds, but what the heck is that about...?

 - machine is BM-DMA; any problem there...?

 - CMOS says two elements are being shadowed in RAM; no option
visible anywhere to turn this off, apparently -- machine expected 
to be owned by Windoze, has PNP options in CMOS;

 - machine once had 64 megs RAM but presently has 32; tried RAM 'stick'
in each slot, didn't help or hurt. (Could machine expect to be
'shadowing' somewhere in the missing 32 megs...? Surely not...?)

Thanks kindly,


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: retrieving usable kernel source

2000-08-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 04:54:03AM -0500, John Reinke wrote:
 I've tried several ways to get the kernel source, but I've been
 unsuccessful so far. I've tried using apt-get for a few of the
 kernel-source packages, and also ftping from, and every
 time I untar them (or bzip2), it quits early, saying there are around
 300 bytes of garbage at the end. Some of the directories end up
 missing, so I try again. The Debian packaged ones are .bz2 files, and
 so are some at, but I've tried good old .tar.gz files from, too.

I can't imagine what the problem is here.  Somehow I doubt all those
versions are bad.  You are using 'binary' mode in ftp transfers?

$ tar Ixf linux-2.2.17.tar.bz2
$ tar xzf linux-2.2.17.tar.gz
$ apt-get source kernel-image-2.2.17  (or some such)
 The other problem is when I think I have everything (from
 especially), and make says is has no rule for arch/i386... Unless arch
 is a directory that didn't get created from the first problem, why
 would a needed rule not exist?

Probably you haven't configured the kernel yet.  Are you aware that you
need several things to compile a kernel?  Seems you've never done this
before (that's okay).  I'd suggest using the debian kernel-package to
build them.

You'll need gcc, libc6-dev, make, bin86 (x86 arch), libncurses5-dev
(recommended) and/or tcl/tk8.x-dev, kernel-package (recommended),
fakeroot (recommended).

With the above, as a normal user in your home directory somewhere:

$ tar Ixf kernel_source
$ cd linux
$ make menuconfig  (requires libncurses)
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --revision 5:mykernel kernel_image
$ su
$ dpkg -i ../kernel-image-2.2.17*.deb
$ reboot

 So, what is the proper way to get and unpack the kernel source?
 What would be a good kernel to get?
 I've tried 2.2.15, 2.2.16, and 2.2.17 mainly.

2.2.17preXX is recommended due to a possible security problem with
earlier versions.

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

Missing modules.dep in root boot up floppy disk (Potato)

2000-08-13 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

I'm trying to install debian (Potato) in an old PC using floppy disks
(I'm using disk images version 2.2.16-2000-07-14).

The PC boots up from the rescue disk, I hit return to proceed and
after a few messages I'm asked to enter the root diskette. The PC
reads this diskette and then enters the installation menus as expected.

The problem is that while reading the root diskette I see a bunch of
messages saying

modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep
(no such file or directory)

Back in the installation menus I want to mount from an NFS directory
where the base system is
available but for this I need the network drivers. If I choose the
option Configure Device Driver Modules I get the error message (I
press alt-F3 to see it)

configured modules; modconf returned 32512

So, how are the system modules supposed to be loaded during the
installation process? 

Thank you,


Re: Apache w/ Potato, strange .CGI functionality.

2000-08-13 Thread Adam Scriven

At 10:21 2000/08/13 +0200, you wrote:

Some pointers:

- Is the first line of the script: #!/usr/bin/perl ?? or did you try the 
execution from the commandline by 'perl script' ??

First line is #!/usr/bin/perl
which perl gives me #!/usr/bin/perl

- Make sure there's a handler for .cgi scripts (srm.conf)

Yup, there is in each virtual host (as I said, the exact same script works 
when run from the cgi-bin directory on each virtual host)

- Make sure permission are correct (executable for world) (httpd.conf)


- You could try using ScriptAlias, maybe that'll give you something 

I have a ScriptAlias for each one, but I want to run it outside of the 
script-aliased directory, in the ~user directory.

I tried another experiment, removed the apache-perl package, and installed 
the apache package (IE: removed mod_perl), and it's all working fine.
Does anyone know of a difference between apache-perl and the usual mod_perl 
methods?  Are there things assumed in the compile step that someone using a 
non-standard apache setup should know?

I've never programmed for mod_perl before, I'd like to use this box to 
learn how.  Should I roll-my-own, and not use the packages at all?

Thanks again!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Apache -- SSL and normal on same system?

2000-08-13 Thread John Ackermann
I've been running Apache successfully for a long time, and would like 
to add a secured virtual site to my collection.  I tried installing 
Debian apache-ssl but ran into a brick wall figuring out how to make it 
work both for normal http on port 80, and https on port whatever.  
Could some kind soul give me a pointer on how to set this up.  All the 
documentation I've found for apache-ssl seems to assume that you're 
going to run only a secure site, and not a mix.

(By the way -- I know that in an e-commerce setting you'd want the 
secure server to be on a separate box.  I'm not doing anything nearly 
that critical, so don't mind the risk of having both secure and 
unsecure servers running on the same machine.)


John Ackermann

John Ackermann   N8UR
Dayton, Ohio, USA

Version: 2.6.3a


Re: still-extant potato boot problems (kmod/runany modprobe loop)

2000-08-13 Thread Randolph Chung
 Earlier I reported a problem with installing potato (from scratch)
 and getting errors at boot time like:
kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped
 and many occurrences of:
modprobe: modprobe: Can't open dependencies files 
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep (No such file or directory)

If you are only seeing this on startup and it doesn't affect the rest of 
ths instal then please ignore the message.  This is an unfortunate result 
of unix.o not being compiled into the default kernel, and unless Herbert
somehow manages to get unix.o to fit we can't do much about it.

 I thought I'd try getting to potato by upgrading (a clone of) my 
 slink system.  The upgrade went pretty well (well, I accidentally
 upgraded the original instead of the clone, but the clone seems
 to be working fine) until I installed the 2.2.17 kernel and rebooted.  
 Those boot-time errors returned.

hm... you might get the modprobe runaway message but you really
shouldn't see the Can't open dependencies file message -- do you
really not have that file on your system?

 I also started getting a bunch of other errors, such as:
- modprobe: Can't locate module xxx
  (at bootup; for roughly half of the modules)

Please show us the output of uname -a and ls -R /lib/modules/$(uname -r)

- start ppp0: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not supported
  (asynchonously, after something had triggered diald)

might want to file a but against ppp about this.

- Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated
- something like xmit when interface down

dunno about that one :(

- (I can't even ping the other end of my diald's PPP connection 
   (I used the numeric IP address logged by pppd when it

dunno about this one either. Hm... looks like it may be caused by
certain modules not being loaded or something?

Debian Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape 6 PR2 with Debian 2.2

2000-08-13 Thread Corey Popelier
Heh, Mozilla (M16 iirc) is completely unusable for me too - doesn't
segfault, but won't download anything because it completely screws up the
reporting of the download (winds up with about a 30k rate, about 20Mb
completed of a 2Mb file and about -300 minutes to go :)

 Corey J. Popelier

On 11 Aug 2000, John Hasler wrote:

 Andr? writes:
  Use the real deal, use Mozilla:
 I would, if it didn't always segfault.
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: gnome-terminal

2000-08-13 Thread Dale L . Morris
I've noticed the same thing. What works for me is to create a file
.xsession then enter

insert any instrcutions you might have

exec (window manager)

I've opted to stay away from helixcode Gnome for a while, it seems to
create problems for me ( probably through no fault of the program, just
my own lack of savy) and invariably wipes out my desktop icons, etc..

good luck

   I'm using woody + helixcode GNOME.  Does the gnome-terminal currently
 have no way to read and use X resource files?  In gnome-terminal,
 things like the key sequence produced by the F1 key is different from
 the one in the regular xterm.  gnome-terminal is not reading
 /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm, apparently.  I looked, but the docs
 available didn't help me with this.  So is this on the things-to-do
 list, or is there a way to configure it that I don't know about.
 It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire
 Ed C.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else.
 --Tennessee Williams

Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Dale L . Morris wrote:

 I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on
 brand, model, etc..? My system is an athalon 600, non-scusi,. I'm pretty
 new to all this so ease of install, compatibility and use are important.

I'm planning to do this myself, so you'll have to let me know how
this goes Dale. 


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: Laplink for Linux (again...)

2000-08-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 01:07:54AM -0700, Carl Winbäck wrote:
 I'm sorry if anybody will get this message twice, but I'm not
 sure the other mail arrived...
 Is there any laplink app for Linux, so I can transfer files
 between my 2 computers?

No special app is needed.  You can recompile your kernel with PLIP
support and use ftp.  See the HOWTO for PLIP.

Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: Laplink for Linux (again...)

2000-08-13 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, [iso-8859-1] Carl Winb?ck wrote:

 I'm sorry if anybody will get this message twice, but I'm not
 sure the other mail arrived...
 Is there any laplink app for Linux, so I can transfer files
 between my 2 computers?

I'm not sure there's a need in the linux world, is there?


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: gnome-terminal

2000-08-13 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Ed Cogburn wrote:

   I'm using woody + helixcode GNOME.  Does the gnome-terminal currently
 have no way to read and use X resource files?  In gnome-terminal,
 things like the key sequence produced by the F1 key is different from
 the one in the regular xterm.  gnome-terminal is not reading
 /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm, apparently.  I looked, but the docs
 available didn't help me with this.  So is this on the things-to-do
 list, or is there a way to configure it that I don't know about.

One of the reasons why I overall prefer xterm is because it
conforms to X protocols. To my knowledge, gnome apps don't do this. The
gnome-terminal has its own menu built-in for configuration. I'm not sure
if you can rebind keys with it though. 
Maybe you should try a gnome mailing list?


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread Brian Schramm
I just got through installing Potato on my HP Pavilion 133 computer with
80 meg of ram and a 8gig HD.

When I come back to it from letting it sit idle for about 8 hours this is
on the tty1 screen:

DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0,
New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0;
Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
--Relation pg_rewrite--
 DEBUG:  Pages 3: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 5:
Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 2568, MaxLen 4609;
Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
--Relation pg_listener--
 DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 0: Vac
0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using:
Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
   DEBUG:  --Relation
  DEBUG:  Pages 8: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 1009: Vac 0,
Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 44, MaxLen 115; Re-using:
Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
  DEBUG:  Index
pg_description_objoid_index: Pages 5; Tuples 1009. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
   DEBUG:  --Relation

DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0,
Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using: Free/Avail.
Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
 DEBUG:  --Relation pg_shadow--
Pages 1:
Changed 0, Reapped 1, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 1: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0,
UnUsed 1, MinLen 80, MaxLen 80; Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 8096/0;
EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
  DEBUG:  --Relation pg_rules--
   DEBUG:  Pages 0:
0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed
0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail.
Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
 DEBUG:  --Relation pg_views--
  DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0,
Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0,
MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages
0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
DEBUG:  --Relation pg_tables--
 DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty
0, New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen
0; Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
--Relation pg_indexes--
  DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0;
Tup 0:
Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using:
Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.

I cannot find any errors in any log files and I do not see this come up
while I am at the computer.  Can anyone tel me what is going wrong?

Thanks for the help

Brian Schramm


Re: Wine Windows Emulator

2000-08-13 Thread cmosley

X-Newsgroups: linux.debian.user

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 HardcoreLinux has a Howto on Wine:

Dear  Mr. RinkJustice
 You posted to the newsgroup. The Writer of this post would never have
seen your post.

Dear  Mr Keegan

Mr. RinkJustice tells us there is a corel howto. Also, the lates g/b zipped
wine can be found at the wine site.  There are instuctions for installing
(copying to the correct directories and seting up ld_library_path. 
If you have a notion that you will be using your favorite windows
95 98 00 programs - forget it. I once compiled a simple command line
utility for decompression, it worked but not as it should've. Take a look
at the list of windows programs rated according to success in wine, it can be
found at the official wine site, you may find that you do not want to
install it afterall. Some say it's a porting tool not a  not_an_emulator. 

Oh yeah, you're not s'posta say emulator because eventually some computer
ruffian is going to give you an e-thashing.  


 Sent via
 Before you buy.

  I am a newbie to the Linux OS and I am using Corel Linux.  I was
 trying to install the Wine emulator and can't figure out how to do this,
 if anyone can
  help please do so?

 I started Corel Update, selected the Available Software tab and under
 otherofs found the Wine packages.

 Bill Keegan

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent via
 Before you buy.

Expiring mail

2000-08-13 Thread Arcady Genkin
Are there any non-interactive tools to expire mail from a mailbox?
I have procmail spliting my mail into many mailboxes, and then use my
mailreader's expiry functionality.  I would like to rather run
something from crontab.

I'm looking for something that would be able to:
1.  Delete messages older than a specified date.
2.  Move messages older than a specified date (i.e. archive them

Thanks for any pointers!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

xfs+xfstt or xfs-xtt

2000-08-13 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

I am currently running xfs + xfstt on Potato with xserver-i128. Would
you recommend to change to xfs-xtt? Does it uses less memory? What
advantages are there?  Are there problems changing the Font Server?


Heute ist der 3. Oktober! Basta!

Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread s. keeling
On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 11:52:53PM -0700, Dale L . Morris wrote:
 I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on

I've seen recommendations for Yamaha 8424SX (CDRW).  That should get
you started.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen) TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
[sed 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@/g']   Contract programmer, server 
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Re: dselect shows all packages to be removed?

2000-08-13 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
null void schrieb:
 Suddenly...dselect now shows all packages pending removal...this is
 dangerous...Can I make dselect somehow correct itself?
Highlight the corresponding header for your packages and press the key
of your choice, e.g. '+' for installation.


Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread Robert Waldner
 I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on
 brand, model, etc..? My system is an athalon 600, non-scusi,. I'm pretty
 new to all this so ease of install, compatibility and use are important.

If you want ease of useinstall then I´d suggest going for a
SCSI-drive, so you won´t have to struggle with IDE-SCSI-
emulation etc.

A cheap SCSI-controller goes for about $50 and is _way_ worth it´s


Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread Marko Cehaja

On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 10:23:41AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
 I just got through installing Potato on my HP Pavilion 133 computer with
 80 meg of ram and a 8gig HD.
 When I come back to it from letting it sit idle for about 8 hours this is
 on the tty1 screen:
 DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0,
 New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0;
 Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
 --Relation pg_rewrite--

That is because you have PostgreSQL installed. But I don't see why it is
happening, and I have the same. 

I looked into configuration files of PostgreSQL and debug is turned off.
I can however imagine that it is some kind of message which also goes
through syslogd.

Marko Cehaja

Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread Marko Cehaja

On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 05:34:41PM +0200, Marko Cehaja wrote:
 happening, and I have the same. 
 I looked into configuration files of PostgreSQL and debug is turned off.
 I can however imagine that it is some kind of message which also goes
 through syslogd.

I quote now myself. EHm, I found what it is.

When postmaster program is started, it is started without the option -S
to be silent and don't talk to the original tty, which is in this case

If you run your postmaster with the option -S it would not write debugging
information on its tty1.

But I cannot find clearly where to change that behaviour. Probably in
/etc/postgresql somewhere. Anyway, I need it, so I don't search for that.

Marko Cehaja

Re: Netscape 6 PR2 with Debian 2.2

2000-08-13 Thread André Dahlqvist
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 09:41:12PM +0800, Corey Popelier wrote:
 Heh, Mozilla (M16 iirc) is completely unusable for me too - doesn't
 segfault, but won't download anything because it completely screws up the
 reporting of the download (winds up with about a 30k rate, about 20Mb
 completed of a 2Mb file and about -300 minutes to go :)

And this has been fixed a long time ago.

// André

Re: beeping keypad in Eterm

2000-08-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
Aaron Maxwell said:
 Hi.  I'm running woody, with Eterm v. 0.8.7 .  Eterm doesn't seem to
 recognize keypad characters correctly (xterm doesn't have this problem); 
 it just beeps at me, confused and frustrated. This causes me grave
 anguish, exquisite agony, relentless torment, and soul-wrenching
 dissapointment.  I am forlorn, comfortless, desolate, discontent [1].

If you're using the latest woody eterm (or any 0.9.0-series eterm package),
make sure you've got the latest ncurses-base.  It's not on eterm's dependency
list, but having a current terminfo database is fairly important...

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

alien apsfilter lpr-ish daemons

2000-08-13 Thread s. keeling
  - The man page for alien says not to use it on source packages.  I
understand apsfilter is mostly sh source.  Can I use alien on it
(a .tar.gz archive)?

  - Is there a better way to do this?  I'm apparently fighting a known
problem with lpd's; apsfilter runs under UID daemon, lpd control
file is set to root instead of daemon, apsfilter fails.

Suggestions as to how to deal with this are most welcome.  What did
you do?  Does magicfilter, et al, handle this any better?

This is on a slink box, now runing lprng (but considering going back
to lpr), and upgrading apsfilter to 5.4.2 + patch (from

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen) TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
[sed 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@/g']   Contract programmer, server 
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Re: Expiring mail

2000-08-13 Thread Christopher Mosley

On 13 Aug 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Are there any non-interactive tools to expire mail from a mailbox?
 I have procmail spliting my mail into many mailboxes, and then use my
 mailreader's expiry functionality.  I would like to rather run
 something from crontab.
 I'm looking for something that would be able to:
 1.  Delete messages older than a specified date.
 2.  Move messages older than a specified date (i.e. archive them
 Thanks for any pointers!
 Arcady Genkin
 Don't read everything you believe.
This would be quite easy if your mail is in Maildir format. Since you
say mailbox I assume this is not the case. Qmail used to create mbox by
default with the option to compile with Maildir. I imagine most mail
user agents can be compiled or configured to use Maildir. Since Maildir
uses a separate file for each post, you can see how easily this could
accomplished independent of the capabilities of mail user agent. Info on
Maildir format might be found at qmail but I really don't know. Perhaps
there is info there on how to do this, it seems to be something people
would be in need of - I mean -  something for which there is a need.
Why on earth shouldn't a sentence end with a preposition? 

I am using the newsgroup my isp expires the articles for me.  

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

A possible problem with x-terminal-emulator?

2000-08-13 Thread Shaul Karl
A few days ago I reported here that I have a problem with text apps (top, mc, 
pstree and such) that are being launched in X using the menu system (that is, 
with something like apps-System-Top). To be more specific, it appeared that 
the X terminal that these apps are using does not read the xterm* resources I 
have in ~/.Xresources. I also claimed that this problem is new.
Can it be that this problem is due to the use of x-terminal-emulator? Am I 
right that the x-terminal-emulator thing is rather new?

--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

Somebody knows why .Xmodmap is not loaded?

2000-08-13 Thread Marko Cehaja
I just changed LC_CTYPE to proper locale coding,
and my HOME/.Xmodmap is not being loaded any more.

Maybe it is, but I don't get any more my keyboard mapping like it was.

Does LC_CTYPE changes the keyboard mapping and how I can prevent that?

I use keyboard which is not set up for that locale I use, but I do
write with this keyboard foreign languages, because I changed mapping
of keys in .Xmodmap.

Somebody any clue how to prevent .Xmodmap changes when locale is set up?

Marko Cehaja

Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread John Bagdanoff
The HP CD-Writer Plus 9300i (ide) works here.


On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 09:23:06AM -0600, s. keeling wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 11:52:53PM -0700, Dale L . Morris wrote:
  I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on
 I've seen recommendations for Yamaha 8424SX (CDRW).  That should get
 you started.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen) TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
 [sed 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@/g']   Contract programmer, server 
 Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Using Linux

cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread Pollywog
I noticed that someone was trying to install galeon a few days ago.
I am trying to obtain the mozilla rpm's in order to convert them to debs, but
whenever I download from the site below, I get some of the file and the
download stalls.

How were you able to get all the packages you need, if you recall?



Prepositions [was Re: Expiring mail]

2000-08-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 12:43:26PM -0400, Christopher Mosley wrote:
 Maildir format might be found at qmail but I really don't know. Perhaps
 there is info there on how to do this, it seems to be something people
 would be in need of - I mean -  something for which there is a need.
 Why on earth shouldn't a sentence end with a preposition? 

I have at least one style guide that says it is perfectly fine to end a
sentence with a preposition.  It can be confusing in some contexts,
though.  Hence the rule.  You do have a run-on sentence there. But
that's a different matter.

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

startup error messages

2000-08-13 Thread Jonas Moberg
I get some ugly error-messages when I start my potato install. I get a few 
of these:

hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }

and then it ends with:

hda: DMA disabled
ide0: reset: success

but after that I see no more of this at all, everything seems works fine.

This of course started after I recompiled my kernel. At first I thought it
was just my hd that didn't support DMA, so I recompiled my kernel with
CONFIG_IDEDMA_AUTO=n without succes and even CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA=n,
but that didn't matter either it seems..

Re: A possible problem with x-terminal-emulator?

2000-08-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 08:18:25PM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
 A few days ago I reported here that I have a problem with text apps
 (top, mc, pstree and such) that are being launched in X using the menu
 system (that is, with something like apps-System-Top). To be more
 specific, it appeared that the X terminal that these apps are using
 does not read the xterm* resources I have in ~/.Xresources. I also
 claimed that this problem is new.  Can it be that this problem is due
 to the use of x-terminal-emulator? Am I right that the
 x-terminal-emulator thing is rather new?  -- 

Shouldn't matter,

/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator - /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator
/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator - /usr/bin/X11/xterm

Unless it points to something other than /usr/bin/X11/xterm.  Are you
using xsm to manage X sessions?  That's the only place I've noticed
where global Xresources aren't sourced -- and only when used with GDM
where the Xsession option is chosen (rather than GNOME or Debian).
However, $HOME/.Xresources *is* still loaded.

Maybe check ~/.xsession-errors.  Could be a syntax error in your
~/.Xresources.  Also, make sure there is *no* space after:

XTerm*Font: 10x20

I've noticed that spaces following a resource setting are sometimes
grokked as part of the name -- and then it's not found!  One might think
that was a bug with xrdb.  It should trim leading/trailing spaces.

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread Nate Duehr
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 10:13:49AM -0400, Michael Soulier wrote:
  I'm thinking of getting a cd writer for my system. Any suggestions on
  brand, model, etc..? My system is an athalon 600, non-scusi,. I'm pretty
  new to all this so ease of install, compatibility and use are important.
   I'm planning to do this myself, so you'll have to let me know how
 this goes Dale. 

Have a Yamaha at work and an Acer at home, both IDE.  It's not
difficult to get ide-scsi emulation going (there *is* the CD-Writing
HOW-TO to help you get started), but if you want the ultimate in ease of
installation, you probably want a SCSI device.

The Yamaha at work burns at 8X while copying directly from the other 20X
CD-ROM on the same IDE chain without running the buffer empty or even
close to empty.  Machine has 64MB RAM and a PIII-450.

Hope it helps, 


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

RE: Mailbox Formates (was: Expiring mail)

2000-08-13 Thread Nate Duehr
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 12:43:26PM -0400, Christopher Mosley wrote:
 This would be quite easy if your mail is in Maildir format. Since you
 say mailbox I assume this is not the case. Qmail used to create mbox by
 default with the option to compile with Maildir. I imagine most mail
 user agents can be compiled or configured to use Maildir. Since Maildir
 uses a separate file for each post, you can see how easily this could
 accomplished independent of the capabilities of mail user agent. Info on
 Maildir format might be found at qmail but I really don't know. Perhaps
 there is info there on how to do this, it seems to be something people
 would be in need of - I mean -  something for which there is a need.
 Why on earth shouldn't a sentence end with a preposition? 

Just out of curiosity, anyone ever seen any good documentation on the
advantages/disadvantages (even if it's biased, since we're *ALL*
biased...) of the different mailbox formats?


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Prepositions [was Re: Expiring mail]

2000-08-13 Thread Cam Ellison
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 12:43:26PM -0400, Christopher Mosley wrote:
  Maildir format might be found at qmail but I really don't know. Perhaps
  there is info there on how to do this, it seems to be something people
  would be in need of - I mean -  something for which there is a need.
  Why on earth shouldn't a sentence end with a preposition?
 I have at least one style guide that says it is perfectly fine to end a
 sentence with a preposition.  It can be confusing in some contexts,
 though.  Hence the rule.  You do have a run-on sentence there. But
 that's a different matter.
With respect to the preposition, I think the proper term in this case
is enclitic.  It is really part of the verb.  So it is ok to say:

That is something I won't put up with.

Instead of:

That is something up with which I will not put.

To mildly misquote Winston Churchill.


Re: cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 06:22:16PM +, Pollywog wrote:
 I noticed that someone was trying to install galeon a few days ago.
 I am trying to obtain the mozilla rpm's in order to convert them to debs, but
 whenever I download from the site below, I get some of the file and the
 download stalls.
 How were you able to get all the packages you need, if you recall?
Hmm, well, if you're following the tip I posted, the only file you need
from there is mozilla-devel-M17-2.i386.rpm.  I don't know why you'd be
having trouble downloading it... what are you trying to download it

When I have weird download problems that aren't obviously
net/lag-related, I try it with a downloader that I trust:  wget.


NETSCAPE works, while PING does not

2000-08-13 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

There are some addresses I cannot ping, while I can access them with
Netscape, ftp or finger (depending on the type). I can't figure out what
is difference between these addresses and the ones which I can ping
Also, if I try traceroute on an address which ping can reach, I just get
* * *instead of the list of addresses.

I found this problem while using dselect to upgrade.

I have this problem since I changed my provider. The new one need a
command ('slirp -P') after the password, so I didn't use pppconfig to
create the files /etc/chatscripts and /etc/ppp/peers, but wrote them
manually. I also wrote manually the /etc/resolv.conf file.

The Ethernet card is off, so it should not be fault of network.opts.

Thank you

P.S. I have a potato installed on a laptop.

Re: cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Aug-2000 Thomas J. Hamman wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 06:22:16PM +, Pollywog wrote:
 I noticed that someone was trying to install galeon a few days ago.
 I am trying to obtain the mozilla rpm's in order to convert them to debs,
 whenever I download from the site below, I get some of the file and the
 download stalls.
 How were you able to get all the packages you need, if you recall?
 Hmm, well, if you're following the tip I posted, the only file you need
 from there is mozilla-devel-M17-2.i386.rpm.  I don't know why you'd be
 having trouble downloading it... what are you trying to download it

I tried downloading it with Netscape and it starts to download but eventually
(every few kb) it stops.

 When I have weird download problems that aren't obviously
 net/lag-related, I try it with a downloader that I trust:  wget.

I tried that too.


ppa driver fails unaccountably

2000-08-13 Thread Louis F. Melahn
I have an older Zip drive, which uses the ppa driver. I got it to work
using Potato on another PC, but on my machine I get the following
messages at boot time (when there is a disk in the drive):

parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [PCSPP]
ppa: Version 2.04 (for Linux 2.2.x)
ppa: Found device at ID 6, Attempting to use EPP 32 bit
ppa: Communication established with ID 6 using EPP 32 bit
scsi0 : Iomega VPI0 (ppa) interface
scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: IOMEGAModel: ZIP 100   Rev: D.13
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 196608 [96 MB] [0.1
sda: Write Protect is off
 sda:SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 6 lun 0 return code =
 I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
 unable to read partition table

It is impossible to mount the drive, of course.

Now, this Zip drive used to work when I used Hamm, and it stopped
working when I upgraded to Slink (and continues to fail with Potato).
I'm assuming that this is because the ppa driver was updated in Slink.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what this means, and what I can do to
fix it?


terminal problems

2000-08-13 Thread Michael Soulier

I'm having a really hard time with certain apps that I've never
seen before. Most of my applications are fine, but specifically Vim is
interpreting my backspaces as deletes and vice-versa. This is only in
Any ideas?


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

Re: cd burner

2000-08-13 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 13:22:54 MDT, Nate Duehr writes:
The Yamaha at work burns at 8X while copying directly from the other 20X
CD-ROM on the same IDE chain without running the buffer empty or even
close to empty.  Machine has 64MB RAM and a PIII-450.

While this is ok, slower machines may run into problems. My trusty P90 
here at home wouldn´t go faster than 1x with an IDE burner, while I can 
do 8x without problems now that I invested in an SCSI-burner (a TEAC 
CDR-58S). With the added feature that I can now copy CDs from the 2nd 
IDE-channel to SCSI while happily rippingencoding on the first (yes, I 
have 2 CD-roms and a burner) and work, all at the same time.

Just my 2 (euro-) cents,

Re: Potato IP Masq

2000-08-13 Thread alan
Hi John,

  Sorry - I must of misread your earlier post the ipmasq rules are in 
/etc/ipmasq/rules/. This directory the ruleset broken down into 
individual files (by rule type) to help with the maintenance and 
management of your firewalling rules (rather than one big script 
where evrythings chucked together). A definite improvement I think.

By default there should be a whole lot of .def files which give you 
an idea of how they work before tailoring them for your own 
requirements (by creating .rul files which will replace the .def's if 
they exist). 

Note: the order in which the rule files are invoked is controlled by 
the file prefix (i.e. A00.. is implemented before Z99...). I remember 
going through some document when I changed over - I will email a link 
when I dig it up ... ITMT - The references below may be of use also 


*** from the IPMASQ HOWTO

The Linux IP Masquerade Resource is a website dedicated to Linux IP
Masquerade information also maintained by David Ranch and Ambrose Au.
It has the latest information related to IP Masquerade and may have
information that is not being included in the HOWTO. 

You may find the Linux IP Masquerade Resource at the following
locations:, Primary Site, redirected to, Secondary Site, redirected to 

 Date:  Sun, 13 Aug 2000 01:13:44 -0500 (CDT)
 From:  John Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Re: Potato IP Masq

 I've read the man pages, and they say nothing about ipchains or
 ip_forwarding. Or, do those commands now belong in /etc/network/interfaces?
 On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Alan McNatty wrote:
  check out /etc/netgwork/interfaces (man interfaces, if-up, and if-down)
  - Original Message - 
  From: John Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Along with setting up my network doing it the Potato Way, I'm not sure
   where to put the ipchains and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward commands that
   I used in /etc/init.d/network for Slink. I didn't see this in the
   It looks like the ip_forward can be set in /etc/network/options, but where
   does the rest go?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Catalyst IT Limited
Level 22 Morrison Kent House, 105 The Terrace
PO Box 10-225
Wellington, New Zealand
Ph 64 4 4992267 Fx 64 4 4995596

Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 10:23:41AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
 --Relation pg_indexes--
   DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0;
 Tup 0:
 Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0; Re-using:
 Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0 sec.
 I cannot find any errors in any log files and I do not see this come up
 while I am at the computer.  Can anyone tel me what is going wrong?

These messages come from postgres (probably from postmaster).
I've seen them appear at my text console when I'm working with
postgres (while I work under X11).

I'm not sure why though.


Re: Installing Debian on 486

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 12:52:27AM -0300, Rogerio Brito wrote:
 On Aug 12 2000, wrote:
  I rolled out my first Debian installation on a similar
  configuration, though I had about half the disk.  What are you
  planning on *doing* with the box -- it's pretty anaemic buy current
   Wow, I use a computer not much better than that one. :-)
   And I've been installing Linux for customers in machines with
   worse conditions than that one: I've been installing a minimal
   install of slink (just the base system) and then upgrading and
   installing the necessary packages (apt is great). :-) The
   systems usually are 486s with 8MB of RAM and about 200MB of
   disk. :-)

Servers, workstations, or what?

While I could see a departmental file/print/mail server, or a firewall
system with reasonable traffic, and possible a limited task workstation
or X terminal, based off of a 486, I'd have a really hard time seeing
someone using this as a full locally-homed GUI workstation.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: NETSCAPE works, while PING does not

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 03:41:58PM -0400, Alessandro Ghigi wrote:
 There are some addresses I cannot ping, while I can access them with
 Netscape, ftp or finger (depending on the type). I can't figure out what
 is difference between these addresses and the ones which I can ping

This may be a result of firewalling at the remote site.  It's possible
to disable ping replies.  I believe through ICMP accept/deny rules,
though I'm new at this.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mailbox Formates (was: Expiring mail)

2000-08-13 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 01:26:49PM -0600,
Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just out of curiosity, anyone ever seen any good documentation on the
 advantages/disadvantages (even if it's biased, since we're *ALL*
 biased...) of the different mailbox formats?

In my experience, Maildir is best for spooling new messages and
mbox is best for large message archives. 1000 messages in a
Maildir isn't pretty :) Maildir is great for spooling because no
locking is necessary, making it perfect for NFS. It's slower (on
very large mailboxes only) because MUAs must stat every single
file in the directory, which is quite slow.

I use Postfix as MTA which hands messages off to maildrop, which
drops messages into various Maildirs in ~/Maildir. I read these
over IMAP with courier-imap. When a mailbox gets to be about 200
messages, i convert it to an mbox in my archive directory.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I give food to the poor I am called a saint, when I ask why
 they go hungry I am called a communist
 --Bishop Helder Camara

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing Debian on 486

2000-08-13 Thread Spinfire Magenta
on Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 03:12:13PM -0700, spewed
forth on stone tablets:

 Servers, workstations, or what?  While I could see a departmental
 file/print/mail server, or a firewall system with reasonable
 traffic, and possible a limited task workstation or X terminal,
 based off of a 486, I'd have a really hard time seeing someone using
 this as a full locally-homed GUI workstation.

Actually, a 486 is surprisingly capable.  I manage a small switched
fast ethernet network of debian machines, consisting of a fast
application server/workstation machine (Athlon 800) and a 3 486's and
low end pentiums as X stations (with 'X --query fooserver').  With the
switched network the performance is incredible and is nearly
transparent to the user.

Also, my site ( performs quite a few tasks
including mail server, web server, mysql server, stereo :), and more i
can't think of at the moment.  This machine is only a pentium 133.
Goes to show that linux can surely save an old machine from the dump.


Spinfire MagentaIn Real Life: Dan Noe
Freelance Hacker
   31 5B 89 66 F7 E8 73 34 50 6A 79 C4 32 E1 0E 4A

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread alan
I have the same problem my guess is that it is generated from ...

/etc/cron.d/postgresql which runs 

I will check this script and add some -S 's  ... if required 

 Date:  Sun, 13 Aug 2000 17:34:41 +0200
 From:  Marko Cehaja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:Brian Schramm [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject:   Re: Problem with potato

 On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 10:23:41AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
  I just got through installing Potato on my HP Pavilion 133 computer with
  80 meg of ram and a 8gig HD.
  When I come back to it from letting it sit idle for about 8 hours this is
  on the tty1 screen:
  DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0,
  New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0;
  Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
  --Relation pg_rewrite--
 That is because you have PostgreSQL installed. But I don't see why it is
 happening, and I have the same. 
 I looked into configuration files of PostgreSQL and debug is turned off.
 I can however imagine that it is some kind of message which also goes
 through syslogd.
 Marko Cehaja
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Catalyst IT Limited
Level 22 Morrison Kent House, 105 The Terrace
PO Box 10-225
Wellington, New Zealand
Ph 64 4 4992267 Fx 64 4 4995596

dirver for OPTI82C93 sound card

2000-08-13 Thread Ali Balandy
I've got an Opti 82C93 sound card, but I can't find the driver. I am running 
Windows NT 4.  can you tell me where I can download the right driver.

thanks for your help

Ali Balandy
Computer Support Technician
Information  Computing Services
Vancouver Community College
Tel: (604) 443-8516

Re: dirver for OPTI82C93 sound card

2000-08-13 Thread Robert Waldner
umm, you´ve posted your question to the Debian GNU/Linux list, which 
 is quite surely *not* the right place to ask Window$ NT questions ;-)


On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 15:36:22 PDT, Ali Balandy writes:
I've got an Opti 82C93 sound card, but I can't find the driver. I am running W
indows NT 4.  can you tell me where I can download the right driver.

-- Running Windows on a Pentium is like having a brand new Porsche
-- ... but only be able to drive backwards with the handbrake on.

Help: Driver for Network Card HP NC 16

2000-08-13 Thread joao pissarro
Hello all,

I'm trying to install on potato (2.2.17) the drivers for the network card
from HP type HP NC 16 (packet driver type ne2100). I can manage the kernel
to recognise the card, or the appropriate module.

The card is on: io=0x300, irq=5 and dma=5

Can anyone help me?

Joao Pissarro

Joao Pissarro

0x10 error; the /home of a MDK to appear magically in the /ect/fstab of a Debian ?

2000-08-13 Thread Alain Reinhardt


I work with a Debian which takes half the partitions of a disk, and my
daughters surf along with a Mandrake that takes the other half of the
partitions on the same disk.

I boot normally from hard drive with /dev/sda2 mounted as /.  They were, up
to a few days ago, booting from floppy with /dev/sda1 mounted as /.

We shared some partitions, that is : /dev/sda3-ext2 mounted as /espace on that
same hard disk, and /dev/sdb2-ext2 mounted as /ziplinux and /dev/sdb4-fat
mounted as /zipdos on a zip drive.

I recently transfered a lot of stuff between our respective partitions using
those shared partitions.  I have also copied a lot on floppies.  At one point,
the Mandrake requested fsck on the zip and maybe other partitions, and I
answered yes to all question asked by this utility program.

I dont know if it is related, but I cannot boot the Mandrake from the floppy
no more.  At boot, just after loading of the linux label or rescue label, I get
an 0x10 error message (I have also seen 0x80 at one point.


Question 1 : is it fatal ?
Question 2 : What matters most are the documents of my daughters.  How then
can I have the partition /dev/sda11 which is the /home of their Mandrake distrib
appear magically in the /etc/fstab of my Debian ?
Question 3 : If I reinstall either my Debian or their Mandrake, can I still 
recover my old or
their old /home, /usr/local... ?

Thanks for your precisious help.  At this point, I feel broken because I can't
find a solution in my readings and I am wearing out.


Re: cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 07:58:28PM +, Pollywog wrote:
  Hmm, well, if you're following the tip I posted, the only file you need
  from there is mozilla-devel-M17-2.i386.rpm.  I don't know why you'd be
  having trouble downloading it... what are you trying to download it
 I tried downloading it with Netscape and it starts to download but eventually
 (every few kb) it stops.
  When I have weird download problems that aren't obviously
  net/lag-related, I try it with a downloader that I trust:  wget.
 I tried that too.
Andrew, is your E-mail address set correctly?  I tried replying to you
directly but my mails were returned.

Anyway, to answer some things you asked me, the official place to get
Galeon (source and rpm, but the rpm doesn't seem to work in Debian) is  But to compile Galeon's source you need
either Mozilla's source compiled (unless you make symlinks to dozens of
spread out headers yourself), or the mozilla-dev rpm which provides
just Mozilla's headers.

I honestly don't know why you're having trouble downloading.  I wouldn't
mind sending you my alienized Deb of the headers if you'd like, but like
I said your E-mail address doesn't seem to be working for me.


Module Autoloader not working

2000-08-13 Thread Ronald Castillo
Hi.  I had kernel version 2.2.12 but I patched it up to version 2.2.16, and
now my module auto-loaderisn't working.  I get some error messages when I
boot Debian saying that it can't fine module serial lp and some more.  How
can I do to solve this?  Thanks..

Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread John Pearson
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 10:23:41AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote
 I just got through installing Potato on my HP Pavilion 133 computer with
 80 meg of ram and a 8gig HD.
 When I come back to it from letting it sit idle for about 8 hours this is
 on the tty1 screen:
 DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0,
 New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0;
 Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
 --Relation pg_rewrite--
  DEBUG:  Pages 3: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 5:
 Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 2568, MaxLen 4609;
 Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0

I'm now running the 'woody' version of Postgresql, and on my setup
this is fixed by setting
(or, for that matter, PGDEBUG=anything).

If PGDEBUG or PGECHO are set the Postmaster's output is redirected
to a log file, whereas if they aren't then the output is not so
redirected, presumably in the mistaken belief that if you don't
set those options then no output is produced.

The offending code is in /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-startup,
which on my system includes this chunk starting at line 232:

# Ready to go: stand clear...
echo Starting PostgreSQL postmaster
if [ -n ${DEBUGLEVEL} -o ${PGECHO} = yes ]
touch ${POSTGRES_LOG:=/var/log/postgres.log}
chown postgres.postgres ${POSTGRES_LOG}
chmod 660 ${POSTGRES_LOG}
su postgres -c ${POSTMASTER} -b ${POSTGRES} ${BUFFERS} ${BACKENDOPT} \
su postgres -c ${POSTMASTER} -b ${POSTGRES} ${BUFFERS} ${BACKENDOPT} \


John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: Apache -- SSL and normal on same system?

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 09:19:20AM -0300, John Ackermann wrote:
 I've been running Apache successfully for a long time, and would like 
 to add a secured virtual site to my collection.  I tried installing 
 Debian apache-ssl but ran into a brick wall figuring out how to make it 
 work both for normal http on port 80, and https on port whatever.  
 Could some kind soul give me a pointer on how to set this up.  All the 
 documentation I've found for apache-ssl seems to assume that you're 
 going to run only a secure site, and not a mix.

Run apache (regular) on port 80 and apache-ssl on 443.  I've got my box
at work set up like this.  Just roll out the packages and start flying.
Nothing tricky.  If you get stuck, post back to the list (and maybe ping
me on the side).

 (By the way -- I know that in an e-commerce setting you'd want the 
 secure server to be on a separate box.  I'm not doing anything nearly 
 that critical, so don't mind the risk of having both secure and 
 unsecure servers running on the same machine.)

Not necessarily, AFAIK [1].  Regular-mode apache and apache-ssl don't share
address space, and if configured properly, are working from different
document roots.  The risk is about the same as having multiple accounts
on the same system.  Apache is pretty bulletproof -- there aren't a
whole mess of security problems associated with it (security tends to be
compromised through CGIs instead).

Here's a different analogy:  apache and apache-ssl are like having
telnet and ssh on the same box.  The fact that telnet is inherently
insecure in terms of data and session *doesn't* mean that ssh is
insecure, *so long as* no data are allowed to traverse the telnet
channel which would allow a compromise through ssh (eg:
userid/password).  So if the telnet were configured for unprivileged
user access in a chroot jail with very little command functionality (an
approximation of a standard http session), the risk is low.

Not that I'm advocating use of telnet to anyone.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

[1] Though I claim no expertise.

Description: PGP signature

Re: scrambled chars on tty

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 12:08:42PM +0700, Umum Wijoyo wrote:
 I'd just like to ask:
 Why do several of my tty-s display scrambled characters?
 I can't login using them; if I do, I also get a scrambled shell prompt.
 What's happening?

 - reset usually does.
 - Running top (and hitting space several times) may clear what reset
 - Running vi may return your cursor if it's vanished.

Don't ask me why, it just works that way.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing Debian on 486

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 06:22:59PM -0400, Spinfire Magenta wrote:
 on Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 03:12:13PM -0700, spewed
 forth on stone tablets:
  Servers, workstations, or what?  While I could see a departmental
  file/print/mail server, or a firewall system with reasonable
  traffic, and possible a limited task workstation or X terminal,
  based off of a 486, I'd have a really hard time seeing someone using
  this as a full locally-homed GUI workstation.
 Actually, a 486 is surprisingly capable.  I manage a small switched
 fast ethernet network of debian machines, consisting of a fast
 application server/workstation machine (Athlon 800) and a 3 486's and
 low end pentiums as X stations (with 'X --query fooserver').  With the
 switched network the performance is incredible and is nearly
 transparent to the user.
 Also, my site ( performs quite a few tasks
 including mail server, web server, mysql server, stereo :), and more i
 can't think of at the moment.  This machine is only a pentium 133.
 Goes to show that linux can surely save an old machine from the dump.

This I could believe.  The problem with a fully homed workstation is
that the combination of typically desired userland apps and support
tend to pig out anything with less than 48-64 MB RAM, and performance
may benefit from 128+ with sufficient memory intensive apps.  Eg:
Gnome, Netscape, StarOffice, etc.  Running the station as an X terminal
is very believeable.  Have you considered VNC by any chance?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Failed reboot after upgrade

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 12:37:05AM -0400, charles kaufman wrote:
 I have just upgraded from 2.1 to frozen. I had some difficulty with
 apt but the list helped me past it and all seemed well. 
 So I tried to reboot but the reboot failed.
 Some of the messages at reboot were about looking for a cdrom-
 one brand after another, at 0x340 or 0x280 or 0x638 and on and on;
 others were about attempts to load modules 
 and others about kernel mismatches. It finally hung.
 I pushed reset and choose a different kernel at the lilo prompt
 and that did boot but only after many 'unable to handle kernel
 paging request' messages during 'process modpobe.'
 The kernel that worked is 2.0.36; the one I normally use is 2.0.34 and
 that is what was running when I upgraded.
 I did not change anything, that I know of, that had to do with modules.
 The release notes say if upgrading from Debian 2.0 or earlier that
 'update-modules force' should be run, but since I had 2.1 I did not
 do that. 
 I do have the script record of the upgrade.

More helpful would be 'dmesg' output.  Followup posting this to the

Have you run or re-run lilo, with an appropirate /etc/lilo.conf file?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread André Dahlqvist
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 02:13:06PM -0400, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:  But to compile Galeon's source you need
 either Mozilla's source compiled (unless you make symlinks to dozens of
 spread out headers yourself), or the mozilla-dev rpm which provides
 just Mozilla's headers.

If you guys are using Woody there's now a new package called mozilla-dev
that probably contains what you need.

// André

Re: dselect shows all packages to be removed?

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 02:53:55AM +0200, null void wrote:
 Suddenly...dselect now shows all packages pending removal...this is
 dangerous...Can I make dselect somehow correct itself?

I've seen this before, am not quite sure how I bailed out of it.  Take
the following as advisory but not necessarily correct.

First, *don't* allow dselect to commit those changes.  You'll have a lot
of recovery to do.

Under /var/lib/dpkg, you'll see a bunch of files matching status*.
I believe I've moved status to something like status.bak, and tried
looking at various prior versions until I've found something that
doesn't want to perform drastic surgery on my system. 

This may be covered under docs somewhere, I'd try prowling through dpkg,
dselect, or apt-get manpages.

Good luck.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: non-packaged daemons

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 06:16:14AM +0930, David Purton wrote:
 What is the correct way to get a non-packaged daemon (ie on I've compiled
 from source) to start on startup like the packages with an entry in
 Can I just add a file to here that does what I want?
 What about the rc.x directories?

Copy and modify /etc/init.d/skeleton to match your daemon requirements.

You'll want to add appropriate S**foo and K**foo scripts under
/etc/rc?.d  See the /etc/init.d/README file for details and further

You can update rc?.d options with the /usr/sbin/update-rc.d script.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75

2000-08-13 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 02:51:41PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
 Does anyone have a good Modeline for this monitor? I can get X running @
 1024x768 with 16bpp, but there's a bit of shadowing around eterm windows

Have you fiddled with xvidtune?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: cannot get all the galeon files

2000-08-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Aug-2000 Thomas J. Hamman wrote:
 Andrew, is your E-mail address set correctly?  I tried replying to you
 directly but my mails were returned.

I checked my logs and it appears your mail server IP does not resolve
correctly, that is why your mails bounced.  Sorry about that.

 Anyway, to answer some things you asked me, the official place to get
 Galeon (source and rpm, but the rpm doesn't seem to work in Debian) is  But to compile Galeon's source you need
 either Mozilla's source compiled (unless you make symlinks to dozens of
 spread out headers yourself), or the mozilla-dev rpm which provides
 just Mozilla's headers.

The Galeon rpm seems to work for me, I just used Alien to make a deb from it.

 I honestly don't know why you're having trouble downloading.  I wouldn't
 mind sending you my alienized Deb of the headers if you'd like, but like
 I said your E-mail address doesn't seem to be working for me.

Thanks.  I have everything working now.


Re: Problem with potato

2000-08-13 Thread Marko Cehaja

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 08:46:41AM +0930, John Pearson wrote:
  DEBUG:  Pages 0: Changed 0, Reapped 0, Empty 0,
  New 0; Tup 0: Vac 0, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 0, MaxLen 0;
  Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. Elapsed 0/0
 this is fixed by setting
 (or, for that matter, PGDEBUG=anything).

Hmm, I found finally how to turn that off in potato as well. When I looked in 
the file /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init there were lines like:

# Debugging level at which the backend servers are to operate.  
# 1: trace connection traffic only; =2: turn on debugging in the backends  
# giving more information according to the debug level. Debug logs are  
# sent to $POSTGRES_LOG 

# Whether to echo queries to the debug log: yes/no  

Well those lines were commented, and I just had to uncomment them. I tought 
that was default. But it isn't.

Marko Cehaja

Re: fetchmail configuration

2000-08-13 Thread Marko Cehaja

On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 08:22:47PM -0400, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:
 Normally, fetchmail displays the following output when I invoke it from
 the command line in a terminal window:
 5 messages for user at (11495 octets).
 reading message 1 of 5 (3031 octets) .. flushed
 Is it possible to include in the above output, the sender of the message
 ? In other words, I'd like to be able tell fetchmail to also display the
 From: field of each message so I can quickly decide whether or not to
 open my email client if there isn't an important message or a message
 from an important sender.

hmm, just run fetchmail -v -d0 and see. But that is not the way to check 
that. You should rather check program procmail and configure it to 
tell you or bell you or play a song, when you get message from someone
you expect.

Marko Cehaja

Re: Failed reboot after upgrade

2000-08-13 Thread Charles Kaufman
Thanks for the help.

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 12:37:05AM -0400, charles kaufman wrote:
  I have just upgraded from 2.1 to frozen. I had some difficulty with
  apt but the list helped me past it and all seemed well. 
  So I tried to reboot but the reboot failed.

 More helpful would be 'dmesg' output.  Followup posting this to the

I tried to summarize it. Of course I could only run dmesg for the 
version that did boot. Now I don't have that one either since 
I got past the problem (go down three lines) so dmesg is routine.

 Have you run or re-run lilo, with an appropirate /etc/lilo.conf file?
Yes, when the installation script offered.


I have discovered what I did wrong.

(I have already sent this explanation to the list. But I'm not
subscribed and I keep getting 404's when I try to read the
August  archives so I don't know if that got there.) 

I reread the upgrade transcript, and found a reference to the change 
in format of the path statements in modules.conf. Because I had added
a line to that file (about the irq and memory address for my network
card) the upgrade did not convert that file to the new format and
the required modules couldn't be found.

Why the reboot failed completely for one kernel but not for
another I don't know. 
But I booted the one that did work, followed 
the update-modules directions and they now both boot just fine. 

Some of the messages that fly by during the upgrade are critical, but it's 
not easy to tell which those are. The release notes 
said if you're updating from 2.0 or earlier, than do 
(something about update-modules, that I didn't want to know if 
I didn't have to). 
Since I was updating from 2.1, that made 
me think I didn't have to study update-modules too carefully. 
That was wishful thinking.

The 2.1 was itself an update from 2.0. Maybe that's why the 
configuration file was not in the required format.

Charles Kaufman

Re: NETSCAPE works, while PING does not

2000-08-13 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 03:41:58PM -0400, Alessandro Ghigi wrote:
  There are some addresses I cannot ping, while I can access them with
  Netscape, ftp or finger (depending on the type). I can't figure out what
  is difference between these addresses and the ones which I can ping
 This may be a result of firewalling at the remote site.  It's possible
 to disable ping replies.  I believe through ICMP accept/deny rules,
 though I'm new at this.

But if I ping these addresses (e.g.,, from
the account I have on the server (the same server to
which I connect via PPP) the addresses respond. Therefore I guess it's my
fault. Another strange thing (strange for me, I mean) is that when ping
knows and displays the IP corresponding to the address (but does nothing

Any other idea?

Thank you very much

 Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

procmail - filtering already received mails

2000-08-13 Thread Florian Friesdorf
Hello all,

I'm trying to filter already received mails (in a maildir) through procmail.
My latest approach is executing

for i in `ls`; do
  echo -n $i: ;
  procmail  $i  rm $i;
  echo done.;

in SomeMaildir/cur

advantage: it is working
disadvantage: it is incredibly slow (5 seconds per mail)

Does anybody know a better solution.


 Florian Friesdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP key available on public key servers

-- Save the future of Open Source --
- Online-Petition against Software Patents -
-- ---

Description: PGP signature

Internet only for root

2000-08-13 Thread Ronald Castillo
Greetings...  I would like to know how to give internet access to all normal
users, because when I connect only root has the access, and netscape doesn't
roon as root, so I'm having a pretty big problem...



RE: Netscape 6 PR2 with Debian 2.2

2000-08-13 Thread Ronald Castillo
To everybody who wants to use netscape:  to make instalation easy, just
download it using apt-get!!  I did it today, and it configured
automatically!! Configure the sources.list file to get files from the
Internet (netscape is's in the packages stable contrib and non-free) and
apt-get install netscape.  It will show a list of versions you can
install, hassle free!!

-Original Message-
From: André Dahlqvist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 3:50 PM
To: Corey Popelier
Cc: Debian User Mailing List
Subject: Re: Netscape 6 PR2 with Debian 2.2

On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 09:41:12PM +0800, Corey Popelier wrote:
 Heh, Mozilla (M16 iirc) is completely unusable for me too - doesn't
 segfault, but won't download anything because it completely screws up the
 reporting of the download (winds up with about a 30k rate, about 20Mb
 completed of a 2Mb file and about -300 minutes to go :)

And this has been fixed a long time ago.

// André

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