Re: Errores en los CDs oficiales

2000-08-24 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Antonio,

On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 12:00:38PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Tengo entendido que en alg?n CD oficial de la Potato
 (No se si la i386 est? afectada) existe alg?n fichero
 corrupto. Es decir que su md5sum parece no coincidir
 con el obtenido directamente del mirror ftp.
 Lo siento mi ingles no es muy bueno y por eso pregunto.
 Si alguien sabe algo de esto me gustar?a ser informado.
 Sobre todo me interesa saber que CDs est?n afectados y si 
 se conoce que tipo de soluci?n est? prevista para estos

En (English) dicen que el
 binary-i386-2.iso tiene un error de un bit que impide instalar pdksh,
 ya hay una imagen corregida que se está propagando (lentamente) a los mirror

En (English) te explican como saber si las
 imagenes que tienes (o tiene tu mirror) son las buenas o no.
 Se trata de comparar el MD5SUM del master site y del mirror que usas (el
 mirror que uso yo *NO* esta actualizado aun)
 Creo que en esta faq hay un enlace al master site (ahora no recuerdo la URL)

 Un saludo
 Antonio Castro
 /\ /\  Ciberdroide Inform?tica (Tienda de Linux)
_|0 0|_
 |  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
 |  . . . . . . . . . . | 
 | M?s de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
 | |

Otro saludo ;-)
Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.15

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Imagenes ISO

2000-08-24 Thread Quique
Jordi Mallach escribió:
 On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 06:50:48AM -0500, Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
  Desafortunadamente la única quemadora de C.D a la que tengo acceso
  en una máquina con W2000, así que me surge una duda, ¿las imágenes ISO
  de Debian, se pueden usar para quemar los C.D en una máquina NT? De no
  ser así, ¿donde consigo imágenes que se puedan usar en NT?
 El que uso en un servidor de la universidad es el Easy CD Creator. Ese
 entiende el formato .raw (renombralo a .iso, que es un poco tonto).

se explica como quemar CDs ISO bajo Windows y MacOS.


Scaner (y configuración de Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread José Luis Ayala

¿Me podéis echar una mano con la instalación del scanner? Tengo
instalados xscanimage y scanimage y, al ejecutarlos, me dice que no tengo
ningún dispositivo SANE instalado (no se equivoca, no he instalado el
dispositivo ni el driver del scanner). Tengo un scanner de esos
antigüillos, de mano y 256 niveles de grises (pero me sirve!!), de marca
Primax o Mustek o alguna  otra (ahora no recuerdo exactamente). A ver si
me podéis guiar por los pasos de instalación del driver y del dispositivo.

Otra cosa. ¿Dónde narices se configura el color del backgroud de
Emacs y, sobre todo, EL TAMAÑO DE LAS FUENTES? Estaré un poco despistado,
pero no encuentro el archivo de configuración.

Y nada más. Muchas gracias por la ayuda.

José Luis Ayala


José Luis Ayala Rodrigo e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Linux Registered User #182215   


2000-08-24 Thread Carlos López
Hola a todos.

Tengo un problema un pelín pesadillo ya que me quiero
quitar de encima. ¿Alguien ha probado a configurar un
servidor con FreeS/Wan para que se  conecten a él
clientes con SecureRemote?. Según la documentación que
he leido tanto en Chceckpoint como en sí
se puede. Lo único que he conseguido hacer bien es la
recompilación del kernel con IPSec.

Muchas gracias desde ya.

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Re: Errores en los CDs oficiales

2000-08-24 Thread antonioangel . sanzarrospide

El problema que tengo yo es que el md5sum tanto del primer disco como del
segundo de i386 SI coincide con lo que me dice el (de
donde lo he bajado), pero al ver los ficheros el mc parece que falla. Pero
también estoy pensando que puede que los programas que use mc para ver los
paquetes deb sean incompatibles con la nueva forma de ver los paquetes deb.
Puede que todo se arregle cuando instale la potato.
De todas formas, al margen de los problemas con el mc. El propio programa
apt-get (ya de potato) para realizar la instalación me falla en algún
paquete de Xcommon.
También pensé que podía estar mal grabado el CDROM, por eso quiero
actualizar a potato montando directamente el fichero *.iso con la opción -o
loop, pero estoy en ello porque no me vale entonces el procedimiento de
multicd (porque parece que monta y desmonta CD pero no tiene en cuenta lo
de la opción -o loop que yo necesitaría). Le tengo que decir al apt que lo
tome de una lista de ficheros, y en eso estoy.


Re: Conflicto gpm - X

2000-08-24 Thread Amaya
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez decía:
 Parece que hay cierta falta de coherencia entre el ratón en consola y en las
 X, ¿alguien sabe como solucionar el problema?.

Yo en Slink, Potato y (ahora) Woody lo tengo así:



En las X:

Section Pointer
# Logi con rueda:
   Device  /dev/psaux
   ZAxisMapping4 5
   Buttons 3

No he tenido ningún problema y hay en esta oficina otra decena de ratones de
esta calaña ;-)

Por supuesto, donde dice /dev/psaux puedes poner /dev/modem 0:-)

  Amaya M. Rodrigo Corporation  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Orense 28, 1ºB   28020 Madrid
  Webmistress  ;-)   Tfno - 915567357 | Fax - 915971484

Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.

Re: Conflicto gpm - X

2000-08-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, ago 24, 2000 at 11:17:19 +0200, Amaya wrote:

Parece que se me reolvió al hacer:

1) En /etc/gpm.conf:

append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\

2) En /etc/X11/XF86Config:

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/mouse
   ZAxisMapping4 5

3) Instalar el paquete de potato imwheel.

Me dieron la pista ayer en #debian, gracias a la gente del canal.

Lo que sigo sin resolver es lo del las tildes, eñes y demás animales latinos
y gnome, me los ignora y sigue poniendo caracteres extraños.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Scaner (y configuración de Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 24 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 08:55:27 +0200, José Luis Ayala contaba:

Tengo un scanner de esos
antigüillos, de mano y 256 niveles de grises (pero me sirve!!), de marca
Primax o Mustek o alguna  otra (ahora no recuerdo exactamente).

 Pues eso es imprescindible. Mírate luego el man correspondiente
 (sane-mustek, y  el otro  no lo  veo por  aquí) y  a ver  si tienes
 suerte. Consulta también el Hardware-HOWTO. Yo tengo funcionando un
 Umax Astra  1220S con una  tarjeta SCSI Adaptec... no  recuerdo qué
 modelo era. La  tarjeta que venía con el scanner  no funcionaba. Si
 el scanner  es paralelo,  te veo  muy mal. Si  es SCSI,  tienes que
 preocuparte antes de que funcione la tarjeta, luego el scanner.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sonido en KDE2

2000-08-24 Thread Antonio

Pues mira, yo probé esa versión de kde2 hace una semana y la verdad es que
está realmente verde. A mí no me funcionaba prácticamente nada. No me
extraña que tú tengas problemas :-) Creo que el Helix de gnome está
bastante más avanzado. Lo tengo instalado y... bueno, también hace cosas
raras pero va mucho mejor que el kde2... por le menos de momento.


Un saludo.


On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Emilio Tejedor wrote:

 Hola lista.
 Llevo bastante tiempo instalando los paquetes de KDE2 de en mi
 portátil para ver cómo va evolucionando. NUNCA me ha funcionado el sonido,
 pero como últimamente parece que ya es bastante estable, pensaba que debería
 funcionar. No me carga el artsd, y si lo hago yo a mano, lo más normal es
 que las aplicaciones de sonido de KDE o las utilidades del arts no funcionen
 o no arranquen (me sale la aplicación de Bug Report).
 ¿Alguien ha tenido éxito en este aspecto y sabe si hay que hacer alguna
 configuración especial?
 Mi ordenador es:
   portatil HP Omnibook XE2
   Sonido: Maestro 2
   Versión: Debian 2.2
   Kernel: 2.4.0-test-4
 Aplicaciones de sonido como el XMMS sí que funcionan.
 Muchas gracias
 Emilio Tejedor
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re[2]: Scaner_(y_configuración_de_Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread Luis Taboada

 ¿ Y si es USB ?


Re: Scaner (y configuración de Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread Jose Luis Ayala
Pues lo veo un poco negro... La marca es Mustek (Hand-Held
Scanner) y venía con su propia tarjeta controladora (como tiene sus
añitos, me imagino que será ISA). He mirado el man sane-mustek y sólo
nombra los scanner de sobremesa y los de puerto paralelo, así que me
imagino que no habrá soporte para éste. ¿Se os ocurre algo o más bien lo
dejo por imposible?

De nuevo, mchas gracias



José Luis Ayala Rodrigo e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Linux Registered User #182215

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El jueves 24 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 08:55:27 +0200, José Luis Ayala 
 Tengo un scanner de esos
 antigüillos, de mano y 256 niveles de grises (pero me sirve!!), de marca
 Primax o Mustek o alguna  otra (ahora no recuerdo exactamente).
  Pues eso es imprescindible. Mírate luego el man correspondiente
  (sane-mustek, y  el otro  no lo  veo por  aquí) y  a ver  si tienes
  suerte. Consulta también el Hardware-HOWTO. Yo tengo funcionando un
  Umax Astra  1220S con una  tarjeta SCSI Adaptec... no  recuerdo qué
  modelo era. La  tarjeta que venía con el scanner  no funcionaba. Si
  el scanner  es paralelo,  te veo  muy mal. Si  es SCSI,  tienes que
  preocuparte antes de que funcione la tarjeta, luego el scanner.
  Just do it.
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User 
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

qmail, vpopmail y smtp auth

2000-08-24 Thread Hilario Ortigosa monteoliva
alguien ha sido capaz de echar a andar satisfactoriamente qmail, con el
parche para autentificacion smtp, usando vpopmail con multiples dominios de
correo, y toda la zarandaja ?

Estoy desesperado... lo he intentado todo, lo he mirado todo, intento
tracear la conexion via telnet 'a pelo', me da un maravilloso 'out of

en fin, que agradeceria infinitamente que alguien me ayudara a salir del
atolladero, maxime cuando mi responsable ya 'sugiere' que si da mucho por
saco el tema, se pasa el correo a nt, y santas pascuas.

y como es normal, no me hace mucha ilusion.

Description: PGP signature

About AHA 2940 UW Pro

2000-08-24 Thread Dennis Rivera Alarcon
About AHA-2940 UW Pro (Ultra Wide Pro) and NT SERVER 4

I have reviewed the HCL (Hardware Compatibility List) from Microsoft
and It says that : The SCSI adapte AHA-2940 UW Pro is compatible
with NT SERVER 4, but there's a trick, which is written in your web site
and says that the someone has to copy the AIC78XX.SYS to the Disk 3 of
the NT Server.
well I have done that one; but I get an error :

STOP:0x0007b device no accessible

I think it happens by the SCSI driver, because of I had 'Windows 98' in
Hard disk with this self SCSI adapter ( AHA-2940 UW Pro ) without
What's going on with NT Server 4.0 ??

Also I have worked with the 7800WNT.EXE file (expanded of course),
This is other Trick of your Web; but I get the same effect.

furthermore What´s mean :
adequate terminator or ( active terminator , passive terminator)
in the Windows NT Server Manual is written in this way.

I'll regard you for your response

please may you send me the reply to :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and to this mail

Thank you.

Dennis Rivera
Macola Inc.

PD. The machine is an Pentium-III 350, Hard Disk 15 GB
SCSI adapter AHA-2940 UW Pro.

Creacion de C.D's de potato

2000-08-24 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Hola todos:

Tengo mas dudas sobre la creación de los C.D's. He estado revisando los
sitios donde se encuntran las imágenes de los C.D's, pero ninguno
incluye non-us, ni siquiera los sitios fuera de estados unidos.

¿Existen imágenes de los C.D's que se incluyan non-us, o tengo que bajar
el cd-image? En caso de ser así, ¿alguien lo ha usado ya? ¿permité
incluir también el non-free? ¿se puede ejecutar en un sistema que no
tenga debian (i.e. ret hat)?


Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Unidentified subject!

2000-08-24 Thread Gonzalez, Oscar \(SUPP\)

Re: Scaner (y configuración de Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread Han Solo
Hash: SHA1

José Luis Ayala [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Otra cosa. ¿Dónde narices se configura el color del backgroud de
 Emacs y, sobre todo, EL TAMAÑO DE LAS FUENTES? Estaré un poco despistado,
 pero no encuentro el archivo de configuración.

Yo lo tengo en el fichero .Xresources. Así:

emacs20*Background: #1d421d
emacs20*Foreground: Wheat
emacs20*pointerColor: Orchid
emacs20*cursorColor: Orchid
emacs20*bitmapIcon: on
emacs20*menubar.background: #1d421d
emacs20*menu*background: #1d421d
emacs20*Dialog.Command.background: #1d421d
emacs20*font: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
emacs20*menubar.font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
emacs20*menu*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
emacs20*Dialog.Command.font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

- -- 
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Emacs is not on every system

So what? [...] Do you tell your administrative people to stick with
notepad.exe? Do you tell your fat kids they can only have the crummy
games that come with their video games or plain dress that comes with
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard


punto y coma!!!

2000-08-24 Thread sumpex trade s a
Buenos Aires 24 de Agosto de 2000
SRES. usuarios:

llegar a Usted, nuestro nuevo plan  uno, dos y para siempre, el mismo 
en ofrecerle a las empresas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires que utilicen 
el servicio de copiado GRATUITO en calidad de DEMO.
El plan es muy sencillo, con solo solicitarlo por este medio o telefónicamente 
usted y su empresa pueden contar con uno o varios equipos de fotocopiadoras 
a prueba, en forma GRATUITA durante el período de 60 días, para que pueda 
por sus propios medios el rendimiento y la performance de estos equipos, como 
así también el respaldo de nuestro servicio técnico y de atención a clientes.
SUMPEX TRADE S.A. le entrega una fotocopiadora MINOLTA sin cargo fijo durante 
60 días* y solo a costo por copia, $ 0.029.* con todos los consumibles sin 
(excepto papel), con servicio técnico full free.
Creemos que sabrá interpretar los beneficios de esta oferta que le da la 
de probar los prestigiosos productos MINOLTA, sin ningún tipo de inversión 
algo que en los tiempos que corren es dificil de encontrar, por ello le decimos 
solo ponga una hoja del resto nos encargamos nosotros!
Esperamos su llamado PREFERENTEMENTE a los siguientes números telefónicos: 
4326-5883/4393-2612/4322-3735/4326-0361/4328-4602 o vía email [EMAIL 

(*)renovación automática por un período de doce meses con el cargo fijo de 
por Usted realizado mensualmente.
(*)no incluye el IVA
(*)oferta válida para las primeras cien empresas que adopten la promoción.-

este email se envía por única vez, no hace falta borrarse de la lista desde ya 
le pedimos disculpas, pero no queriamos que se perdiera esta promo.

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: Glib-Gtk y controles de Edición de Texto

2000-08-24 Thread Luis Taboada Rivas
Jon Noble wrote:

 Yo tengo un simple P-200/64MbRAM y no me va tan mal. ¿Qué tema tienes
 configurado para GTK? Los temas pixmap, por ejemplo, son horriblemente lentos.

No se que habré tocado, pero ya no me pasa.. Por cierto, entre los temas, he 
uno llamado pixmap, peros supongo no será el único basado en ellos.
¿Hay alguna forma de saber si un tema específico los usa?



2000-08-24 Thread Octavio Rueda
Hola, mi nombre es Octavio y necesito bootear una estacion de trabajo (que no 
tenga disco duro) desde CD-ROM para que levante 
aplicaciones basicas y corra un servidor Linux. Deseo saber si Debian esta 
preparado para soportar dicha aplicaion , y de ser 
asi cual es el procedimiento y configuracion tanto del lado del cliente como 
del servidor para realizar esto.



problemas :-? con ftp en PLIP. Consejo MODEMS

2000-08-24 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
tengo configurados mis terminales para poder utilizar la conexión mediante
PLIP y realizar NFS, ftp... entre ellos. El NFS todavía no lo he provado,
pero cuando hago ftp, y sobre todo si es con un archivo grande, me empiezan
a aparecer los siguientes mensajes:
plip1: transmit timeout (1,8f)
plip1: transmit timeout (1,87)

Si el archivo tarda en pasar, se llenan varias pantallas con estos mensajes
e incluso aparecen si me cambio de consola. He utilizado el ftp desde la
facultad (con la misma distro) pero para coger archivos de una dirección ftp
de internet y no me pasaba esto. ¿Es normal?

Otra cosa(un poco offtopic), ya aprovecho para pedir consejo sobre MODEMS
que sean compatibles con Debian GNU/Linux, ya que hasta ahora os estoy
escribiendo desde Win98 dado que mis dos modems son winmodems. He buscado
en la documentación, pero me lio más aun. ¿Alguien utiliza modem y puede
ayudarme a elegir uno? A ver si ya me olvido del windows de una vez por
todas :)

Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink.
Usuario Linux #184967

compilando el núcleo

2000-08-24 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
Hola de nuevo,
estoy intentando compilar un nuevo kernel (el 2.2.4 que viene con Slink) y
de como me salga esto, dependerá que haga lo mismo con el 2.2.14 para ya
dejarlo instalado. Como es lógico no me fío de lo que hago ya que es la
primera vez y he decidido probar primero a crear la imagen en un diskete.
Así, he hecho make zdisk, y tras unos 15 minutos apareciendo letras en
pantalla ha salido un mensaje diciendo que era muy grande, que utilizase
bzImage. Pero yo lo que quiero es tener el núcleo nuevo en un diskete por
si falla arrancar con el antiguo.¿Cómo hacerlo? Porque he intentado hacer
make bzdisk :-? y se ha colgado. Otra opción sería arrancar con LILO el
núcleo nuevo y tener la opción de arrancar con el antiguo, pero tampoco se
como hacerlo para mantener la imagen antigua y crear una nueva que no me la
¿Alguna propuesta?


Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink
Usuario Linux #184967

Re: Scaner (y configuración de Emacs)

2000-08-24 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 24 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 14:09:17 +0200, Jose Luis Ayala contaba:

   Pues lo veo un poco negro... La marca es Mustek (Hand-Held
Scanner) y venía con su propia tarjeta controladora (como tiene sus
añitos, me imagino que será ISA). He mirado el man sane-mustek y sólo
nombra los scanner de sobremesa y los de puerto paralelo, así que me
imagino que no habrá soporte para éste. ¿Se os ocurre algo o más bien lo
dejo por imposible?

 Inténtalo... pero primero, que el  núcleo te vea la tarjeta. Si
 no es SCSI, mejor vas ahorrando para un scanner.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: problemas :-? con ftp en PLIP. Consejo MODEMS

2000-08-24 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 24 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 21:02:58 +0200, Fermín Manzanedo contaba:

¿Alguien utiliza modem y puede ayudarme a elegir uno? A ver si ya me olvido
del windows de una vez por todas :)

 Módem externo, sin más. De PLIP ni idea... lo siento.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

RE: compilando el núcleo

2000-08-24 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
pues después de todo tampoco era tan dificil ;-) aunque desde luego no me ha
salido todo lo bien que hubiera querido ya que no se por qué razón solo me
aparecen los módulos ppp y slhc, aunque había marcado plip y otros para que
se cargasen como módulo. Habrá que seguir instentandolo hasta que salga,
pero esta vez con menos miedo ;-D. Y luego a por el 2.2.14 !!


Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink.
Usuario Linux #184967

- Original Message -
From: Fermín Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:22 PM
Subject: compilando el núcleo

 Hola de nuevo,
 estoy intentando compilar un nuevo kernel (el 2.2.4 que viene con Slink) y
 de como me salga esto, dependerá que haga lo mismo con el 2.2.14 para ya
 dejarlo instalado. Como es lógico no me fío de lo que hago ya que es la
 primera vez y he decidido probar primero a crear la imagen en un diskete.
 Así, he hecho make zdisk, y tras unos 15 minutos apareciendo letras en
 pantalla ha salido un mensaje diciendo que era muy grande, que utilizase
 bzImage. Pero yo lo que quiero es tener el núcleo nuevo en un diskete
 si falla arrancar con el antiguo.¿Cómo hacerlo? Porque he intentado hacer
 make bzdisk :-? y se ha colgado. Otra opción sería arrancar con LILO el
 núcleo nuevo y tener la opción de arrancar con el antiguo, pero tampoco se
 como hacerlo para mantener la imagen antigua y crear una nueva que no me
 ¿Alguna propuesta?

 Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink
 Usuario Linux #184967

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Conflicto gpm - X

2000-08-24 Thread 31
Hue-Bond wrote:

  Yo hace  tiempo casi vivía en  el ciber de mi  primo, donde los
  ratones no tienen  rueda, pero sí un  mecanismo similar consistente
  en un  botón basculable para darle  hacia arriba y hacia  abajo. Al
  principio me parecía también tonto, pero luego le cogí el truquillo
  y lo echaba de  menos en un ratón normal, de la  misma forma que se
  echa de menos el tab en ms-dos :^).

Asi tengo yo uno, pero o me funiona el doble boton del medio o la
emulacion de los 3 botones con los dos. Aun no ha conseguido que
funcionen las dos cosas a la vez..y si tengo que escojer escojo la
emulación, porque lo de cortar y pegar...

Saludos borxa ;)

Re: problemas :-? con ftp en PLIP. Consejo MODEMS

2000-08-24 Thread Antonio

Pues mira Fermín, desesperado llevo yo una temporada con el mismo
problema. Pregunté en los grupos del ecol y me dijeron que el problema
estaba en la configuración de syslog, en el archivo /etc/syslog.conf, pero
no creo que el problema sea ese. Hice una de esas pruebas estrictamente
científicas que me caracterizan: copié el syslog.conf de una Suse que
tengo instalada por ahí con conexión plip y que no me da
problemas. Resultado: siguen los mensajes en la consola, con lo que eso
fastidia. A ver si alguien nos ilumina. Por cierto, veo que hablas en tu
mensaje de plip1... entonces o tienes más de una conexión plip o un kernel
muy antiguo, porque el dispositivo debería ser plip0. Por si caso
acuerdate de esto cuando compiles el kernel nuevo no vaya a ser que te
pases -como hice yo- una tarde tratando de buscar el plip1 sin

Respecto a lo del módem cualquiera externo te puede valer. Mejor que no
sea interno, no vayas comprar un tercer winmodem ;-) Repecto a los USB
creo que no todos funionan. Para más seguridad mira en la página de
Debian donde encontrarás (creo) una lista de todo el hardware soportado.


Un saludo.


Re: punto y coma!!!

2000-08-24 Thread Antonio

Mira, pues dicho delicadamente, creo que que no vas a vender una escoba
mandando spam a las listas de correo.

Por cierto, ¿que querrá decir con SE EMBROMA?? Spam con faltas de
ortografía... esto debe de ser nuevo. Supongo que dentro de nada empezarán
a llovernos ofertas de cientos de empresas como esta que no quieren que
nos las perdamos.


Un saludo.


On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, sumpex trade s a wrote:

 Buenos Aires 24 de Agosto de 2000
 SRES. usuarios:

Re: Documentación de postfix

2000-08-24 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Wed, Aug 23, 2000,
Santi Moreno...

 Alguien   conoce   algunsite   donde   pueda   encontrar
 documentación de Postfix en castellano?

No, pero  pregunta, que yo me  he estado peleando con  él para
que funcione y si no es muy complicado podré ayudarte.


PD: También leo  `es.comp.os.linux.*'. Quizás en una  lista de
_Debian_ sea off-topic, }:-)

  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


Borrando mensajes de un servidor POP3 sin leerlos

2000-08-24 Thread belcebu

Sabe alguien alguna manera sencilla (posiblemente mediante fetchmail)
de borrar todos los mensajes de un servidor POP3 sin tener que
bajárselos del mismo, y sin conectarme de forma interactiva mediante
telnet -- aunque sí admitiría un script (no interactivo sino por


P.D.: Sí Hue, soy Wu ;-)

J. Carlos

Re: Problema.

2000-08-24 Thread Pablo Sabatino
Mas constructivo seria que me de la solucion a mi problema y no como debo
escribir un
subjetc, que no me aporta de nada a mi, ni aporta de nada a nadie este mail
que usted ha mandado!!!

- Original Message -
Cc: Lista Debian
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: Problema.

 No es por meterme con la forma de escribir de la gente, pero en esta
 lista últimamente algunos ponen unos topics o asuntos que no dicen nada,
 como es este ejemplo. Si todos lo que no nos funciona algo ponemos
 Problema como topic...todo serían Problemas y los topics pasaría a ser
 totalemente inutiles.
 Saludos borxa ;)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problema.

2000-08-24 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 09:55:31PM -0700, Pablo Sabatino wrote:
 Mas constructivo seria que me de la solucion a mi problema y no como debo
 escribir un
 subjetc, que no me aporta de nada a mi, ni aporta de nada a nadie este mail
 que usted ha mandado!!!

Interesante. Entonces, este miembro de su servicio técnico anuncia que
borrará cualquier email sin subject del mbox 'debian-user-spanish'.

Mejor así?


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unas preguntitas II

2000-08-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, ago 23, 2000 at 02:34:16 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Puse LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1 en /etc/enviroment y me pone todos los menús
 en español pero el juego de caracteres parece que no lo pilla pues todo lo
 que son tildes y eñes lo muestra como un caracter que no corresponde. 

Problema resuelto, había definido en algún momento (maldito... o no, así se
aprende) como fuente para el tema de escritorio predeterminado una fuente
personalizada, helvetica (cronyx). Mirando las propiedades de la fuente vi
que usaba por defecto la codificación koi8-r (no se cual es pero no me olió
bien), la cambié a ISO-8859-1 y no se dejaba, lo probé con helvetica (adobe)
y se corregió el problema al aceptarme ISO-8859-1.

La pista me la dió gnomecard dado que los menús aparecían con las tildes mal
pero los apartados de las tarjetas bien, me incliné no por un problema de
localización de gnome sino de gtk, me fuí directo entonces a las fuentes del
tema de escritorio y voila :)

La insistencia es la madre de las ciencias :-D

Saludos de uno que ya tiene potato perfectamente fino.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Description: PGP signature

desligar o hd

2000-08-24 Thread giordano
salve pessoal!

tenho uma dúvida:
antes de instalar o linux, ao desligar o computador
(qdo aparecia a mensagem seu computador já pode ser
desligado com segurança no windows) os HD's desligavam
automaticamente antes de eu apertar o botão power.

depois que eu instalei o linux pela primeira vez (q foi
um slackware) ele nunca mais desligou o HD
automaticamente, só qdo eu desligo o computador mesmo.

depois disso eu ainda instalei outras distribuições
linux e mesmo o windows, mas continua com o mesmo

alguém sabe resolver isso?
não é prejudicial ao disco desligar o computador sem
que ele tenha recolhido o cabeçote?

mail falho... =(

2000-08-24 Thread Lord KoV
Ae pessoal!! to escrevendo pq tem dois dias que o balsa me passa raiva e 
some meus e-mails... ou seja, naum recebi nenhum email enviado nem ontem
nem hj... mandem qualquer coisa que possa ser de importancia para mim 
de novo... 

PH, o lyx naum tah conseguindo importar o tutorial, serah que eh pq to
sem o tex ou pq tem algum erro?? diz que naum encontra o debian.layout
dentro de seus diretorios de configuracao...

Dephinit, como eh q eh? q q tah decidido?? sobre a traducao... a msg do 
debian-news naum parece ter chegado pra mim... alguem me manda??


Re: desligar o hd

2000-08-24 Thread Silvio Jose Costa Silva
Olá Giordano

Sua placa mãe suporta o recurso de desligamento automático da CPU
Por qualquer motivo vc desativou o recurso de desligamento automático do
computador na CMOS , para resolver isso entre na configuração da CMOS e
ative esse recurso
Já no linux, isso só aconteçerá se o kernel tiver compilado com a opção de
desligar assim que apareçe
o power down.
não lembro bem onde ativar isso na configuração do kernel, mais se quizer te
digo, é que não estou em casa agora.
qualquer dúvida mail-me!

-Mensagem original-
Data: Quinta-feira, 24 de Agosto de 2000 16:04
Assunto: desligar o hd

salve pessoal!

tenho uma dúvida:
antes de instalar o linux, ao desligar o computador
(qdo aparecia a mensagem seu computador já pode ser
desligado com segurança no windows) os HD's desligavam
automaticamente antes de eu apertar o botão power.

depois que eu instalei o linux pela primeira vez (q foi
um slackware) ele nunca mais desligou o HD
automaticamente, só qdo eu desligo o computador mesmo.

depois disso eu ainda instalei outras distribuições
linux e mesmo o windows, mas continua com o mesmo

alguém sabe resolver isso?
não é prejudicial ao disco desligar o computador sem
que ele tenha recolhido o cabeçote?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Unidentified subject!

2000-08-24 Thread dlopes

  Esta mensagem foi enviada usando OndaMail Express.
  O Onda nao se responsabiliza pelo conteudo deste e-mail

Re: mail falho... =(

2000-08-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Eu já iniciei o trabalho de divulgação da lista (vcs devem estar vendo a 
quantidade de subscribe em alguns mensagens que chagam na
Debian-news...) e 
enviando convites de inscrição a WebSites especializados do Linux (menos
o Paulo Henrique e Eduardo Marcel Maçam que já participam da lista e
acompanhando o desenrolar das discussões). 

O ideal serial uma nova reunião sábado ou domingo no canal #debian-br

Lord KoV wrote:
 Ae pessoal!! to escrevendo pq tem dois dias que o balsa me passa raiva e
 some meus e-mails... ou seja, naum recebi nenhum email enviado nem ontem
 nem hj... mandem qualquer coisa que possa ser de importancia para mim
 de novo...
 PH, o lyx naum tah conseguindo importar o tutorial, serah que eh pq to
 sem o tex ou pq tem algum erro?? diz que naum encontra o debian.layout
 dentro de seus diretorios de configuracao...
 Dephinit, como eh q eh? q q tah decidido?? sobre a traducao... a msg do
 debian-news naum parece ter chegado pra mim... alguem me manda??
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: mail falho... =(

2000-08-24 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Proponho uma sábado de tarde as 16:00.
Que tal?
Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Eu já iniciei o trabalho de divulgação da lista (vcs devem estar vendo a 
 quantidade de subscribe em alguns mensagens que chagam na
 Debian-news...) e 
 enviando convites de inscrição a WebSites especializados do Linux (menos
 o Paulo Henrique e Eduardo Marcel Maçam que já participam da lista e
 acompanhando o desenrolar das discussões). 
 O ideal serial uma nova reunião sábado ou domingo no canal #debian-br
 Lord KoV wrote:
  Ae pessoal!! to escrevendo pq tem dois dias que o balsa me passa raiva e
  some meus e-mails... ou seja, naum recebi nenhum email enviado nem ontem
  nem hj... mandem qualquer coisa que possa ser de importancia para mim
  de novo...
  PH, o lyx naum tah conseguindo importar o tutorial, serah que eh pq to
  sem o tex ou pq tem algum erro?? diz que naum encontra o debian.layout
  dentro de seus diretorios de configuracao...
  Dephinit, como eh q eh? q q tah decidido?? sobre a traducao... a msg do
  debian-news naum parece ter chegado pra mim... alguem me manda??
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

2000-08-24 Thread Nate Amsden
Yes, i had a similar problem over a year ago with Slink(2.1) i got a 2
cd set and not only did they only send me 1 cd out of the 2, the 1 cd
they sent was useless, it was FULL of curropted archives.

cheapbytes is cheap shit, they will never get my business again(they
never returned calls or emails about my stuff), i suggest using if you want cheap linux cds(i haven't had any problems
with them yet) also i'd avoid CDRd cds as well as they are sometimes
difficult to read in normal cdroms, getting the real pressed cds can
take several weeks from release but it is worth the wait.


Eric Hanchrow wrote:
 I just received my Debian 2.2 CDs from Cheapbytes -- 3 binary
 CD-ROMS.  I could not boot off the first one (the installation program
 complained that it couldn't mount the rescue image).
 I decided to run `md5sum' on each file on the CD-ROM, and compare its
 output with the file /cdrom/md5sum.txt.  I was surprised to find that
 they differed.  Here's how I did it:
 (cd /cdrom; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum)
 Here's one file whose sum isn't what the md5sum file says it should be
 (there are many other such files):
 Some of the files seem to be random data; one file whose name ends in
 `.tgz' is actually text.
 Has anyone else had this problem?
 PGP Fingerprint: 3E7B A3F3 96CA 8958 ACC5  C8BD 6337 0041 C01C 5276
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: Debian packages..

2000-08-24 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Michael == Michael Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Hi, Problem I am having is with packages. I have an old
Michael machine that is still running Slink, and at this time I do
Michael not wish to upgrade it.

Michael With potato changing to stable, I have since modified my
Michael sources.list to reflect the fact that stable is not what I
Michael want, but rather slink

Michael deb slink main etc etc

Michael I then do a apt-get update and to update my package lists.

Michael This works somewhat fine, the problem happens when I wish to
Michael install a package for slink,

Michael apt-get install package

Michael At this point it fails badly, because the stuff that I
Michael downloaded with apt-get update, all the paths in this file
Michael contain the path
Michael blah/dists/stable/binary-i386-package/net/ntop-3-4.deb

Michael Which means it will fail, as stable of course is now the
Michael potato tree, shouldn't the package list files change to
Michael reflect the codename of the release, rather then stable. As I
Michael wouldn't be having this problem.

Michael Can anyone tell me if the maintainers expect to update the
Michael package lists files for slink, so that the paths are right,
Michael as since potato is out, it FAILS big time.

Michael Please email me anyone if you can help me out.

Me too :-(

I'm doing this just to make whoever replies post the reply to the
list, and not send to Michael alone.  There must be more of us in this

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

RE: You are a Linux Guru!

2000-08-24 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
I beg to difer...but then again, it's only my opinion based on my
experiencesmaybe someone else may have differing viewshey it only
makes us humans!

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 From: Jaldhar H. Vyas [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:43 AM
 To:   Morten Liebach
 Cc:   Debian GNU/Linux User
 Subject:  Re: You are a Linux Guru!
  YAY! I've allways wanted to be that when I grew up!
  BTW Debian is about the same in ease of installation as RedHat, SuSE and
  others, but it's so much easyer to understand, end therefore to admin,
  that I prefer it.
 I don't know.  I recently had the opportunity to install Debian on a
 server and  I went through hell.  And I _am_ a Linux Guru! :-)  Eventually
 I had to give up and put Mandrake 7.1 on there which installed
 with no problem whatsoever.  Their installer is the slickest I've ever
 seen, better than Windows even.
 The good news is that we have some very capable people working on the
 boot-floppies.  I predict that it won't be long till we catch up and even
 overtake the other distributions.
 But we're not there yet IMO.
 Jaldhar H. Vyas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
Your example shows local IP addresses for the refused hosts, if this
is the case it is possibly just network noise.

Paranoid rant follows:

The (unfortunately) more likely case is that you are being scanned for
the latest statd vulnerability.  If you have the latest nfs-common
package you are safe (you should also have a kernel version of 2.2.16
minimum).  I lost 50+ machines to this about a week ago (they were all
shutdown before mr. skriptkiddie came back, but the break-in went
through 6 class c subnets in about 3min setting up back doors)

My particular instance setup root shells listening on port 199,
entered in /etc/inetd.conf so you might want to look there and see if
there's a suspicious smux line.  This is what was done once they got
root, not the vulnerability, so lack of this line may simply indicate
a different use of it.

If you have a new kernel an nfs-common Version: 1:, no
worries, you can just laugh the scan off (if that's what it was)

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:49:13PM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
:Dear all,
:I've been seeing entries like below in my logs for a while.
:  Aug 24 12:38:01 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
:  Aug 24 12:38:04 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
:  Aug 24 12:43:34 bilbo portmap[27659]: connect from 172.16.a.b to 
getport(300598): request from unauthorized host
:I've implemented a default deny-all policy in /etc/hosts.deny with
:  ALL : ALL
:My /etc/hosts.allow effectively reads
:  nmbd smbd : 172.16.
:From the log messages I assume that the portmap connect attempts fail
:(as per policy), but what do these connect attempts mean?  Is someone
:trying to crack my server or something?  I did challenge our network
:admin ...
:Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development
:Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Latop to Desktop ethernet

2000-08-24 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
Set both ip addesses to a private one...say 192.168.0.X and use a
cross-wired network cable and you shoudl be off...also make sure you have
ftp-server software running on the hostgood luck

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 From: Marvin Stodolsky [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 10:52 AM
 To:   debian_user
 Subject:  Latop to Desktop ethernet
 To just do simple FTP between my laptop and desktop without any other
 network, what are the appropriate script settings?
 PCMCIA ethernet cards are functional in each.
 Please copy to me as well as the LIST.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: unapproved query -- dns/named8 after power-failure

2000-08-24 Thread Nate Amsden
Will Trillich wrote:

 restricting queries is kinda goofy for an internet nameserver, huh?

yes it can be :)

 thanks for your response. good thing my isp is acting as secondary
 nameserver... your stuff is getting through, and visitors are finding
 my websites...

my stuff wouldn't of gotten through until you fixed it..seems the
secondary NS wouldn't give out the MX record either, not sure why. I
looked into it and it seems that your secondary NS
OVCWEB1.SPEEDEX.NET, is not giving authoritative responses for your
domain.  That could be why it didn't work when your NS was (effectivly)
down. Sounds like a configuration issue on your isp's end. Now I'm not a
DNS expert i can only compare responses between your servers and mine,
both my primary and secondary NS give authoritative responses for
domains hosted by me(but non authoritative responses for domains not
hosted by me) whereas your primary NS gives authoritative for your
domain( but the secondary does not. I checked this using

 lookie what i found in my named.conf, which i'd pasted from some
 manpage/faq/howto i ran across eons ago, and i managed to
 uncomment the 'allow' part... but hadn't ever 'ndc restart'ed...

 allow-query { 192.168/16;;; };
 i'm feeling much better, now.

Funny how rebooting/shutting down a unix box can cause problems like
this isn't it :)) I find it quite..ironic that such problems can arise.
a few weeks ago i upgraded one of my servers to 2.2.16(actually probably
more like a month or 2 ago), it was runnin fine for..25 days ..? then a
hdd overheated and the system crashed. the system would _NOT_ come back
up. a bug in 2.2.16 with raid caused the system to crash every time it
tried to come up.  And if that wasn't enough theplace where it is
co-located at was closed! it took 3 days to get to the #$(# box! and
another hour to trakc down the problem and downgrade the kernel. All
because of a reboot 

   named[338]: bad referral (com !
   named[338]: bad referral (net ! above.NET)
   named[364]: bad referral ( !
  i haven't seen that before, not sure what it is..
 i'd still like to know, if anyone has an idea.

I looked it up ..
bad referral ( !  SOS.STATE.IL.US) 
CATEGORY: response-checks 

Indicates that while querying the SOS.STATE.IL.US name servers, your
name server was referred to the name servers. Since a
referral should always point to name servers authoritative for
descendant zones, this is an error. The name server that sent the
referral is probably misconfigured, and not authoritative for the zone
delegated to it. 

So this could be tied to your ISP not giving authoritative responses for
your domain, and passing the request onto you(yes i am talking out of my
ass but it makes sense to me! :) )

 i've had the 172.* denials ever since getting my dns registered
 with internic, long before the 'allow-query' snag.

ask your ISP to fix your secondary NS. and see if the ping messages go

 so i should allow icmp? i think i'm using most of the defaults
 from the impasq.deb package...

in most cases yes you probably should, it doesn't matter though, usually
i don't log icmp stuff, the logs can get big(and aren't very useful

 thanks, nate, for helping me see the moron in the mirror!

lol! sure


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

2000-08-24 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 09:01:27PM -0700, Nate Amsden wrote:

 cheapbytes is cheap shit

Let me plug my favorite vendor of Debian CD's, Linux System Labs:

They have CDR's now of 2.2. In the past I have never had a problem with
their stuff, CDR or CD, and that's going back to bo or hamm (which was
first? - I forget!)

They answer the phone too.

Bob Bernstein
at  OpenBSD  *** 2.7 ***
Esmond, R.I., USA

Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Nate Amsden
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
   Aug 24 12:38:01 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
 callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
   Aug 24 12:38:04 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
 callit(390109): request from unauthorized host

looks suspicious..

   Aug 24 12:43:34 bilbo portmap[27659]: connect from 172.16.a.b to 
 getport(300598): request from unauthorized host
 I've implemented a default deny-all policy in /etc/hosts.deny with
   ALL : ALL

are you running portmap from inetd ? or anything that uses tcp_wrappers?
every configuration i've seen this is not the case, so hosts.deny
hosts.allow don't do anything in terms of protecting portmapper.

 My /etc/hosts.allow effectively reads
   nmbd smbd : 172.16.
ok..also is nmbd and smbd launched from inetd ? usually they are
launched as daemons if this is the case hosts.allow would have no impact
on them.

 From the log messages I assume that the portmap connect attempts fail
 (as per policy), but what do these connect attempts mean?  Is someone
 trying to crack my server or something?  I did challenge our network
 admin ...

it is possible, when portmapper or any rpc services are concerned i am
paranoid about them(got cracked by them once 2 years ago), i always
completely turn them off(yes that means not being able to have quotas)
OR at least firewall them completely so nobody on the outside can access
them. If you are concerned about people breaking into your system I
highly reccomend installing nmap and port scanning yourself, portmapper
and rpc services don't have a pretty security history on linux. 


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Exploring the possibilities of cron

2000-08-24 Thread Mike Werner wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 09:37:05PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote:
  Brent Harding wrote:
   How would cron do something such as, emailing a file once and awhile, 
   the file empty, and wait until the next run, but not mail anything if it's
   empty. I've never done much with emailing besides piping echo to mail, but
   it's limited to one line.
  What I would do is put all of the work into a shell script, and have cron
  call the shell script.  Just off the top of my head, something like:
  if [ -s /path/to/file ]
mail -s Here's_the_file [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /path/to/file
rm -f /path/to/file
touch /path/to/file
 Mike:  how are you planning on authenticating that the user actually
 created the file, that its permissions don't allow modification by
 others, and that there is nothing in the file which might cause a
 cron-initiated adduser script to crash, fail, overflow, or otherwise do
 Bad Things®?

Well, if you look at Brent's question, none of this is asked.  All I
answered was what he asked.  If he's worried about such things, then he can
ask about them and I'll see what I can come up with.  Until then, I won't
worry about it.  Besides, like I said numerous times in my reply, I'm sure
that there are better ways to do it.  I said that numerous times
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Code Page 437

2000-08-24 Thread J.P. Larocque

I'm trying to set up Falken, a BBS program for Linux.  It excessively uses
ANSI graphics, in other words, ASCII text graphics done with characters from
the Code Page 437 character set, with ANSI coloring.  CP-437 is the same
character set DOS uses and sometimes known as the IBM PC character set.

My problem is Linux seems to use the Latin-1 character set, both on the
console, and in xterms.  Therefore ANSI graphics look corrupted, in both
Falken, as well as viewing ANSI files (*.ans) and calling dial-up BBSs that
make use of CP-437 (as most do) from minicom.  How can I either start an xterm
with the CP-437 character set, or set the console font for CP-437?

As for console fonts, I can't find anything suitable in
/usr/share/consolefonts/.  Could anyone suggest a place to download CP-437
console fonts?

As for xterms, I know about the '-fn' option, but I don't know how to find
what fonts I have available in X.  As I'm sure you all can tell, I don't know
much about X.  =)  I would certainly prefer finding a way to use CP-437 in
an xterm than in the console, as I mostly use X.

DOSEMU's 'xdos' uses the correct font but I don't know if the font is part of
X--and therefore accessible to xterm--or proprietary to xdos.

I should note that I still use slink.  It's hard to upgrade when your Internet
connection is a 14.4kbps modem.

Thanks a lot in advance to anyone who can reply with information.

 J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha

Problem installing Debian 2.2 from CD

2000-08-24 Thread Chris Peterson
I'm having trouble installing Debian 2.2 on a i386 with an IDE CD-ROM. I'm
installing from the CD, but Setup complains that it can't find the rescue

I boot from the CD and start Setup without problem. I can partition my HD
without problem. The problems begin during the Install Operating System
Kernel and Modules'' step. I choose to install from the CD-ROM and Setup
asks me for the path to the Debian archive. The default is /instmnt, where
Setup automatically mounted the CD. I verified that the CD is correctly
mounted from another virtual console while Setup is running. Setup asks me
for the path to the images-1.44/rescue.bin. I choose the default, which
seems to find the file at
/instmnt/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/rescue.bin. Then
Setup pops up an error message saying that it is unable to mount the rescue
floppy. At this point, Setup is hosed. I cannot continue because Setup
insists on finding a rescue floppy that does not exist.

Why is Setup trying to find a rescue floppy on /dev/fd0 when I told it to
install from the mounted CD-ROM? How can I get around this broken Setup step
and install the operating system and kernel modules?

thanks for your help!

Re: old versions

2000-08-24 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 04:52:14AM -0400, Gregg C wrote:
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.

About 7-8 months ago, I was getting similar problems doing some upgrades
with Potato.  I haven't seen the problem since.  My solution isn't for the
faint of heart but you may find it useful.

What I did was hand-edit the /var/lib/dpkg/status file (now everyone's going
to scream at me) to change the status of the package to 'purge ok
not-installed', then I hand-ran the prerm script (in
/var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.prerm) then deleted all the files that the
package installed: 'cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.list|xargs rm -f', 'cat
/var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.list|xargs rmdir' and ran the postrm script
(I'm sure you can guess where to find it by now).

Then I installed the package again... no problems.

I never investigated _why_ I was getting these errors, but they have not
plagued me since.

I make no guarantees about the solution above except that I guarantee that
it's a bad solution that worked for me a few times.  It may not work for
you, and I'm not responsible if you accidentally delete your whole
filesystem with it.  (putting a -r in the rm statement will do just that).

Hope this helps, and hope you don't have to resort to this.

... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 1.2.2

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem installing Debian 2.2 from CD

2000-08-24 Thread Chris Peterson
After reading some email from today's debian-user digest, I think I found my
problem. I am using CD-Rs from Cheapbytes and other people are complaining
of exactly the same missing rescue floppy problem during setup.


- Original Message -
From: Chris Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 9:40 PM
Subject: Problem installing Debian 2.2 from CD

 I'm having trouble installing Debian 2.2 on a i386 with an IDE CD-ROM. I'm
 installing from the CD, but Setup complains that it can't find the rescue

 I boot from the CD and start Setup without problem. I can partition my HD
 without problem. The problems begin during the Install Operating System
 Kernel and Modules'' step. I choose to install from the CD-ROM and Setup
 asks me for the path to the Debian archive. The default is /instmnt,
 Setup automatically mounted the CD. I verified that the CD is correctly
 mounted from another virtual console while Setup is running. Setup asks me
 for the path to the images-1.44/rescue.bin. I choose the default, which
 seems to find the file at
 /instmnt/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/rescue.bin. Then
 Setup pops up an error message saying that it is unable to mount the
 floppy. At this point, Setup is hosed. I cannot continue because Setup
 insists on finding a rescue floppy that does not exist.

 Why is Setup trying to find a rescue floppy on /dev/fd0 when I told it to
 install from the mounted CD-ROM? How can I get around this broken Setup
 and install the operating system and kernel modules?

 thanks for your help!

Re: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

2000-08-24 Thread Ron Farrer
Bob Bernstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 09:01:27PM -0700, Nate Amsden wrote:
  cheapbytes is cheap shit
 Let me plug my favorite vendor of Debian CD's, Linux System Labs:
 They have CDR's now of 2.2. In the past I have never had a problem with
 their stuff, CDR or CD, and that's going back to bo or hamm (which was
 first? - I forget!)

I had a opposite reaction to lsl. Back when ham was stable and slink was
just about ready, I ordered the full ham set (2 CD's I think) and 4
slink CD's (for Alpha and i386). What they sent was: 4 corrupt CDR's of
slink and instead of ham CD's I got 2 more blank slink CDR's... I
emailed them and about 2 months later they sent me 8 working slink CD's
- 4 i386 binary CD's, 2 contrib CDR's, and 2 source CD's. I never got
the Alpha or ham CD's. I started using cheapbytes after that and haven't
had any problems (yet). As someone else pointed out: it is best to wait
until you can get real CD's instead of CDR's. 


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ICQ: pulsar 26276320
Debian GNU/HURD on Alpha:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

2000-08-24 Thread Chris Peterson
Yes, I apparently have the same problem. I bought Debian 2.2 CD-Rs from
Cheapbytes and Setup complains about missing rescue floppies. blah... I
guess that's $$ down the drain.


- Original Message -
From: Eric Hanchrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 8:53 PM
Subject: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

 I just received my Debian 2.2 CDs from Cheapbytes -- 3 binary
 CD-ROMS.  I could not boot off the first one (the installation program
 complained that it couldn't mount the rescue image).

 I decided to run `md5sum' on each file on the CD-ROM, and compare its
 output with the file /cdrom/md5sum.txt.  I was surprised to find that
 they differed.  Here's how I did it:

 (cd /cdrom; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum)

 Here's one file whose sum isn't what the md5sum file says it should be
 (there are many other such files):


 Some of the files seem to be random data; one file whose name ends in
 `.tgz' is actually text.

 Has anyone else had this problem?

 PGP Fingerprint: 3E7B A3F3 96CA 8958 ACC5  C8BD 6337 0041 C01C 5276

RE: You are a Linux Guru!

2000-08-24 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] wrote:

 I beg to difer...but then again, it's only my opinion based on my
 experiencesmaybe someone else may have differing viewshey it only
 makes us humans!

Take for example RAID support which is what tripped me up in this
case.  It's rather complicated to set up Debian for RAID (and this
something practically any decent server will need.)  In Mandrake it's all
graphical and point-and-click.  I would really love to see something like
this in Debian.

Of the Debian-based distributions, Storm Linux has a very nice
installer.  However the one in the Rain release did not work well with
SCSI devices at all.  I hope this is fixed in hail.

Don't get me wrong, the Debian installer is very powerful and easy to use
for me.  I've done countless installs with it.  But it's not state of the
art.  We should try and be careful to avoid the Not invented here
syndrome and learn from wherever and whomever we can.


Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Thanks for the quick reply!

Jonathan D. Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Your example shows local IP addresses for the refused hosts, if this
 is the case it is possibly just network noise.
 Paranoid rant follows:
 The (unfortunately) more likely case is that you are being scanned for
 the latest statd vulnerability.  If you have the latest nfs-common
 package you are safe (you should also have a kernel version of 2.2.16
 minimum).  I lost 50+ machines to this about a week ago (they were all
 shutdown before mr. skriptkiddie came back, but the break-in went
 through 6 class c subnets in about 3min setting up back doors)

I don't have NFS packages installed, running 2.2.17 generic kernel.  I
installed potato afresh right after it became stable from a local
mirror and made sure all md5sums were OK (before installing from a
freshly downloaded Packages file).  Haven't installed much: base
tarball, tob/afio/cron/exim, samba and apache.  Even purged telnet,
ftp, ppp, pppconfig, pump and pcmcia-cs.

 My particular instance setup root shells listening on port 199,
 entered in /etc/inetd.conf so you might want to look there and see if
 there's a suspicious smux line.  This is what was done once they got
 root, not the vulnerability, so lack of this line may simply indicate
 a different use of it.

No smux in there.

 If you have a new kernel an nfs-common Version: 1:, no
 worries, you can just laugh the scan off (if that's what it was)
 On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:49:13PM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 :Dear all,
 :I've been seeing entries like below in my logs for a while.
 :  Aug 24 12:38:01 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
 callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
 :  Aug 24 12:38:04 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
 callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
 :  Aug 24 12:43:34 bilbo portmap[27659]: connect from 172.16.a.b to 
 getport(300598): request from unauthorized host
 :I've implemented a default deny-all policy in /etc/hosts.deny with
 :  ALL : ALL
 :My /etc/hosts.allow effectively reads
 :  nmbd smbd : 172.16.
 :From the log messages I assume that the portmap connect attempts fail
 :(as per policy), but what do these connect attempts mean?  Is someone
 :trying to crack my server or something?  I did challenge our network
 :admin ...

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

RE: DHCP and Debian 2.2?

2000-08-24 Thread Huggel, Andreas
 how well does your laptop work with dhcp ? i tried with multiple dell
 laptops (Xircom 10/100 pcmcia) and had major problems (with debian,
 slackware and mandrake) trying to get an ip on boot..seems we 
 could get
 one after the machine was warmed up for 5-10 mins but it never could
 during boot(and yes dhcp was loaded after the pcmcia/ethernet stuff)
 assigning an ip manually at boot worked fine ..

In my case (Dell Inspiron/Xircom Realport Ethernet and Modem card), 
inserting 'sleep 3' in /etc/init.d/dhcpcd before it starts the daemon 
does the trick. Looks like it takes a moment for the network to come up.


Re: KDE2 debs from TDYC

2000-08-24 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Michael == Michael Epting [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael There have been some new .debs made available from tdyc the
Michael last couple of days.  These *almost* work for me, unlike the
Michael ones available before yesterday.  If anybody else is
Michael successfully using these, could you please tell me how you
Michael got a panel to appear?

Michael By the way, I had to modify /usr/bin/startkde to get much of
Michael anything to work.  I added:

Michael kdeinit +dcopserver kdeinit +klauncher

Michael and, later on

Michael kdesktop

Michael but no joy on the panel.

Hmmm.  I installed KDE for the first time this last weekend, and it
pretty much works outta the box (including the panel, which I have
immediately auto-hidden :)

What I found interesting after reading your post:

kronstadt:~$ file /usr/bin/startkde 
/usr/bin/startkde: broken symbolic link to /kde

I use kdm (of course), do you?
And this is on potato, with the potato debs from tdyc.  These
shouldn't really change from now on, should they?

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Printer Trouble

2000-08-24 Thread Debian User
Hi guys,

Where can I find some docs on how to install a printer on Debian (woody)?  I 
just picked up a Lexmark Optra E312, plugged it in, booted up, and it naturally 
did not work.  A couple things to share...

As a users I typed: cat file  /dev/lp1 and received a permission denied 
message.  So I tried it as root and was told: /dev/lp1: No such device.  Uh 
oh...I have the magicfilter package and lpr installed.  

Can anyone help with this?


Re: You are a Linux Guru!

2000-08-24 Thread John Foster
Previ wrote:
 Hi all,
 Here is a Press clip  about Debian in Aug 2000 edition
 of Chip Magazine here in India.
 Debian is one of the roughest Linux Distributions to install,
 and that's why anyone who has managed to configure and
 install Debian is considered to be a Linux guru
Not So! The problems with installation are very overstated and often the
laments of beginners. Alas, we all have to start somewhere!Perhaps it
would be best if they started with the instructions.

I have been a Linux fan since it first became  available. There were no
real applications then, only the base system. I can tell you simply...if
you are not 100% certain what type of hardware you are using...and
exactly what it's specifications and requirements are: you will have
problems. Pretty much the same with using any piece of equipment. 
If you think Linux is difficult, try getting Windows 2000 server running
using dedicated DSL network connections.. :-) Even harder: try finding
support for installing it that is equal to the level of support
available for Linux!

There are indeed Linux Guru's... in fact we owe to them the existence of
the myrid GNU applications, Debian, RedHat, Helix, Gnome, KDE, Apache,
Perl...need I continue? My point is this, the term Guru is accepted
worldwide to mean someone who is an inovator, a teacher, the master of a
skill...not simply a person who can manage to function properly.

John Foster

Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
Aug 24 12:38:01 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
  callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
Aug 24 12:38:04 bilbo portmap[27641]: connect from 172.16.x.y to 
  callit(390109): request from unauthorized host
 looks suspicious..
Aug 24 12:43:34 bilbo portmap[27659]: connect from 172.16.a.b to 
  getport(300598): request from unauthorized host
  I've implemented a default deny-all policy in /etc/hosts.deny with
 are you running portmap from inetd ? or anything that uses tcp_wrappers?
 every configuration i've seen this is not the case, so hosts.deny
 hosts.allow don't do anything in terms of protecting portmapper.

No, but `man portmap` says it is protected by the tcp_wrapper
library, so hosts.deny should have effect.  From another system I
know I had to set portmap : some_host to get NFS mounts to work.

  My /etc/hosts.allow effectively reads
nmbd smbd : 172.16.
 ok..also is nmbd and smbd launched from inetd ? usually they are
 launched as daemons if this is the case hosts.allow would have no impact
 on them.

Not anymore (see my post Samba via inetd, not a good idea?).  These
setting are now in smb.conf and I run both as daemons.

  From the log messages I assume that the portmap connect attempts fail
  (as per policy), but what do these connect attempts mean?  Is someone
  trying to crack my server or something?  I did challenge our network
  admin ...
 it is possible, when portmapper or any rpc services are concerned i am
 paranoid about them(got cracked by them once 2 years ago), i always
 completely turn them off(yes that means not being able to have quotas)
 OR at least firewall them completely so nobody on the outside can access
 them. If you are concerned about people breaking into your system I
 highly reccomend installing nmap and port scanning yourself, portmapper
 and rpc services don't have a pretty security history on linux. 

My latest port scan (nmap running through all -s options) results show

  9 opentcp discard
 13 opentcp daytime
 25 opentcp smtp
 37 opentcp time
111 opentcp sunrpc
139 opentcp netbios-ssn
  9 openudp discard
111 openudp sunrpc
137 openudp netbios-ns
138 openudp netbios-dgm

And I'm behind a firewall, though my machine is not firewalled itself,
not yet at least.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: Mapping keys to console

2000-08-24 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Dave == Dave A [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dave Hi, Can anyone help with this problem. I need to map keys to
Dave mean different things depending on which console I am on. For
Dave example, I need to have a menu screen on one session and an POS
Dave order taker on the other.

Dave Each has to have keys setup to mean different things. So far it
Dave appears that linux only supports a global change. If I map to
Dave one console it applies to all sessions. I need them to act
Dave independently.

If you're a C programmer, Linux has an ioctl that allows a program to
set up notifications (with a selectable signal) whenever the virtual
terminals are switched.  So you can write something that runs in the
background, traps these switches and reloads the keymap based on a
config file.

Start by looking at /usr/include/linux/vt.h if you decide to take the
challenge. :)

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Re: Linux Mail Client (was: Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error))

2000-08-24 Thread Seth Cohn
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, John Pearson wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 07:31:07AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote
  Technically, yes.  However, if your boss says that work email is not to
  touch outside SMTP servers as a matter of policy how far do you think Well,
  the SMTP server will route it correctly anyway, that is what they do will
  fly?  There are reasons other than technical to different servers.
 *sigh* bosses, bosses, bosses.  All other arguments in this thread
 aside, this one is a bit weird.  Does your boss realise that any 
 non-local mail you send via your work SMTP server will be handed,
 unencrypted and with only the most rudimentary checks, to an outside
 SMTP server for forwarding or delivery?

Um, reverse that.  Steve was saying _work_ email touching _outside_
servers.  In other words, company email shouldn't pass thru outside mail
servers.  This is actually a sound practice, if a bit paranoid, but I can
understand the requirement.

I might have plonked Steve, but don't misstate what he asked.


3dfx Banshee installation

2000-08-24 Thread Stephen Joynt

I'm relatively new to linux, so please excuse the

I've recently installed potato, and I'm trying to add
support for my 3dfx Voodoo Banshee card. I've found
the 3dfx device driver on the CD and installed it, but
it seems to need to be compiled into the kernel. So I
found and installed the kernel source (v. 2.2.17), and
unzipped it into /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17, and
added a symlink from /usr/src/linux. All ok so far.
But I then tried doing a make-kpkg modules_image
from there (this was from the instructions
somewhere... in /usr/share/doc/device3dfx I think),
and there was an error - no .config file.

Searching further, I eventually ran make menuconfig,
which created the .config file. So I ran make-kpkg
again, and this time it says I'm missing a file

On a hunch I installed the kernel-headers-2.2.17
package, which seems to have the file in it, but since
it installs into /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.17, it
doesn't seem to be visible when I try to make from the
/usr/src/linux dir.

Can anyone help me? Is there something obvious I'm

- Steve.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

weird ssh message

2000-08-24 Thread Ian Zimmerman
Starting today, for no obvious reason, when I ssh out from my (one and
only remaining) slink box, I get this message twice:

Warning: cannot stat authentication directory /tmp/ssh-itz

after that, the connection proceeds successfully.

I notice there's a directory /tmp/ssh-blahblah (or similar:) on the
destination box, owned by me and permed 700, but of course no

The destination machines are potatoes :-)

This does not happen for connections in the other direction, nor did I
ever notice it before in this direction.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Re: 3dfx Banshee installation

2000-08-24 Thread Aaron Maxwell
you're close, me thinks.  take a look here:

it's a step-by-step write-up i did of how i got my voodoo3 board working,
with the help of this list.


On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Stephen Joynt wrote:

 I'm relatively new to linux, so please excuse the
 I've recently installed potato, and I'm trying to add
 support for my 3dfx Voodoo Banshee card. I've found
 the 3dfx device driver on the CD and installed it, but
 it seems to need to be compiled into the kernel. So I
 found and installed the kernel source (v. 2.2.17), and
 unzipped it into /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17, and
 added a symlink from /usr/src/linux. All ok so far.
 But I then tried doing a make-kpkg modules_image
 from there (this was from the instructions
 somewhere... in /usr/share/doc/device3dfx I think),
 and there was an error - no .config file.
 Searching further, I eventually ran make menuconfig,
 which created the .config file. So I ran make-kpkg
 again, and this time it says I'm missing a file
 On a hunch I installed the kernel-headers-2.2.17
 package, which seems to have the file in it, but since
 it installs into /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.17, it
 doesn't seem to be visible when I try to make from the
 /usr/src/linux dir.
 Can anyone help me? Is there something obvious I'm
 - Steve.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Linux Mail Client (was: Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error))

2000-08-24 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 10:39:01PM -0700, Seth Cohn wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, John Pearson wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 07:31:07AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote
   Technically, yes.  However, if your boss says that work email is not 
   touch outside SMTP servers as a matter of policy how far do you think 
   the SMTP server will route it correctly anyway, that is what they do will
   fly?  There are reasons other than technical to different servers.
  *sigh* bosses, bosses, bosses.  All other arguments in this thread
  aside, this one is a bit weird.  Does your boss realise that any 
  non-local mail you send via your work SMTP server will be handed,
  unencrypted and with only the most rudimentary checks, to an outside
  SMTP server for forwarding or delivery?
 Um, reverse that.  Steve was saying _work_ email touching _outside_
 servers.  In other words, company email shouldn't pass thru outside mail
 servers.  This is actually a sound practice, if a bit paranoid, but I can
 understand the requirement.
 I might have plonked Steve, but don't misstate what he asked.

Except the policy should be 'through outside networks' if they're
serious about it.

(Although your local ISP probably couldn't care less what the contents
of your mail are... if they have a different user that's been naughty,
perhaps the feds are using their new toys to snoop email even if it
doesn't touch the ISP's server.)

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: old versions

2000-08-24 Thread Gregg C
I'll try that tonite. I grabbed a later version of the package and was going 
to try to touch the files it would install, and hope the old version's 
remove script would accept the existence of those (empty) files, and not 
think the package was such a bad state.

But I didn't realize that status was noted in the file you mentioned. I've 
wanted to dig around a bit in the dpkg info for a while, but just haven't 
gotten around to it. I'll check the locations you mentioned.


From: Dan Brosemer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: old versions
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 00:42:10 -0400

On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 04:52:14AM -0400, Gregg C wrote:
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.

About 7-8 months ago, I was getting similar problems doing some upgrades
with Potato.  I haven't seen the problem since.  My solution isn't for 

faint of heart but you may find it useful.

What I did was hand-edit the /var/lib/dpkg/status file (now everyone's 

to scream at me) to change the status of the package to 'purge ok
not-installed', then I hand-ran the prerm script (in
/var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.prerm) then deleted all the files that the
package installed: 'cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.list|xargs rm -f', 

/var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgname.list|xargs rmdir' and ran the postrm script
(I'm sure you can guess where to find it by now).

Then I installed the package again... no problems.

I never investigated _why_ I was getting these errors, but they have not
plagued me since.

I make no guarantees about the solution above except that I guarantee that
it's a bad solution that worked for me a few times.  It may not work for
you, and I'm not responsible if you accidentally delete your whole
filesystem with it.  (putting a -r in the rm statement will do just that).

Hope this helps, and hope you don't have to resort to this.

... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: I've got me a sourceforge project for something I really don' t think exists, but haven't much any coding experience

2000-08-24 Thread Schalk Klee

For a streaming server under Linux look at the Darwin Streaming server from
Apple It can stream audio and/or video.

They only list Redhat 6.2 as a linux distro, but the source is alo
available.  Haven't tried it yet myself but hopefully will find time

Schalk Klee

-Original Message-
From: Brent Harding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 August 2000 04:42
Subject: I've got me a sourceforge project for something I really don't
think exists, but haven't much any coding experience

I don't think there's much of anything 
for linux to do streaming audio,
(I mean broadcast it, plenty to play it, freeamp, mpg123, etc). There's
nothing that has the ability to have a playlist that fades from 
1 song to
another like winamp in windows could. I've heard of icecast, 
but it doesn't
let you talk live after songs, and the like, and broadcast it 
to the net.
There's so many Windows products, but you can spend thousands on, but
nothing open source. Something usable over a remote connection would be
nice, but you can't get audio over telnet. I wonder what the 
answer to this
is? I can't get my sblive to overlap two mp3's, but it will do 
a wave over
an mp3, at least with freeamp and mpg123. I'd prefer something 
for use at
the text console prompt to make the remote aspect easier. One could use
hotkeys to add songs to a playlist, tell the program to 
broadcast the mike
after a song finishes, and go on after you hit another key. I've not the
greatest idea how to do coding for sound and stuff like that, 
I'd be more
the want to be user of something like it. It'd be a thought for a
revolution in linux.

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R: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-24 Thread marco frattola
hi sergio,
thank you for your answer

 One or two days ago I had the same problem.
 First I installed SO *without* the /net switch. It generated 

you mean you ran the so52-..-xx.bin file, right?

 two files in the home directory of every user that started 
 the setup program, the files being .sversionrc and .user52.rdb.

uhm, i'm almost sure i've never found those 2 files you mention ..
but i'll check it.

 Having encountered the problem you mentioned, I removed all 
 of SO's installation
 (/usr/local/office52 in my case), as well as the mentioned files. 
 Then I installed it again with the /net switch. From that 
 moment on, every user could do a workstation installation.
 To sum it up:
 1) do a clean install with the /net switch

this is my problem .. how do i do this? the so52-..-xx.bin file doesn't
accept switch .. and after it's done, the setup script will not allow me
to use the net switch. how do you do this? using the bin file or the

i have the impression we don't have the same staroffice archive .. where
did you get yours?
 2) remove any existing configuration files in the home 
 directories of the users
that tried to install SO
 3) run setup as user
 I did this without looking at existing doc, so my explanation 
 may not be 100% accurate. If you do have another explanation 
 just tell me.
 Anyway, hope the above mentioned will help you. 
i hope so. the procedure you outline is exactly the procedure i followed
so51. but i can't do that with so52

i hope you don't mind if i cc the list, just in case somebody is interested
in this

thanks for your help

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

RE: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-24 Thread Schalk Klee

Use /NET not /net.  It is case sensitive.  Tried it on another distro (Suse
6.4) and it worked.

Schalk Klee

-Original Message-
From: marco frattola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 August 2000 09:02
To: 'Debian User List'
Subject: net install of staroffice 5.2

hi all,
this is not debian specific, but maybe somebody can help me. 
i'm trying to
install staroffice 5.2 using
the 'net' switch, so every user  doesn't need to install 
his/her own copy of
i already did it successfully with so 5.1, but i'm unable to do 
that with
5.2. sun gives you a whole .bin
file. by executing that file you start installation .. but 
there's no way of
passing the /net switch. without
switch, it installs the one-user only. reading the docs from sun doesn't
help much .. they refer to a setup
script, which doesn't exist before running the .bin file, and 
that doesn't
do anything after: it just gives you
option to repair/uninstall/modify, but not to reinstall. so if 
anybody knows
if there's anything i can try ..


Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

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Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Nate Amsden
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:

 My latest port scan (nmap running through all -s options) results show
   9 opentcp discard
  13 opentcp daytime
  25 opentcp smtp
  37 opentcp time
 111 opentcp sunrpc
 139 opentcp netbios-ssn
   9 openudp discard
 111 openudp sunrpc
 137 openudp netbios-ns
 138 openudp netbios-dgm
 And I'm behind a firewall, though my machine is not firewalled itself,
 not yet at least.

What ports did you scan? i usually specify -p 1-65535 when using nmap. 
if it were my machine i would for sure firewall all those
services(except smtp).


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Anyone else have CheapBytes CD trouble?

2000-08-24 Thread Gary Jones

I just received my Debian 2.2 CDs from Cheapbytes

I decided to run `md5sum' on each file on the CD-ROM, and compare its
output with the file /cdrom/md5sum.txt.  I was surprised to find that
they differed.

(there are many other such files):

I'm really not surprised. I had CheapBytes RH and had all sorts of
problems with the CDs. It was these problems that convinced me that I
needed to get some new Linux CDs, from there it was a small matter to
decide to move everything to Debian (rather than just have it on my
laptop). CheapBytes have guaranteed no repeat business from this

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

R: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-24 Thread marco frattola
hi schalk,

 Use /NET not /net.  It is case sensitive.  Tried it on 
 another distro (Suse
 6.4) and it worked.

thanks for the tip. i'll try that.
we're talking about passing the switch to the so52-..-xx.bin thing,
or to the setup script?

FWIW, i checked again sun's docs and they state that you should use the -net
(lower case) switch (but with the setup script, and this is something that
seem to work for me: once the so52-..-xx.bin has finished, the installation
stanalone and doesn't allow anything except uninstall/modify/repair)

thank for your help

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

Re: Win Potato on LAN

2000-08-24 Thread Vitux
hogan wrote:
  cabling problem or a hub problem. id try swapping the cables around to
  see if the problem shows up on the linux box with the cable from the
  win* box. if it doesn't im not sure what to suggest other then
 Just a suggestion...
 If you have DOS utility disk for both network cards and a DOS boot disk, try
 running the Network card diagnostics - all the RealTek, 3Com and SMC cards
 I've used have a little DOS config program with inbuilt diagnostics.
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Hmmm. I know what you mean. The little program (in *very* bad
english!?) tells me the MAC-adress of the card, duplex mode, etc.
and hangs the damn thing hard on doing the diagnostics.
I hate Windohs.

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

PPP logs analysis.. recommended options?

2000-08-24 Thread hogan
I'd like to start analysing my PPP connections..

How often they drop out, how many bytes they transfers in a session, how many
errors they encounter.

I'm sure someone's already made a package to analyse one's log files - what
are the recommended options?

Running (/proc/version):
Linux version 2.2.16 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.2 2313 (Debian
GNU/Linux)) #2 Fri Jun 16 23:15:28 EST 2000
Latest unstable from (well excluding the kernel obviously :)

Had a play with egrep/grep -E from CLI but I figure there's no point
reinventing a perfectly good wheel :)

R: R: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-24 Thread marco frattola
hi russ,

 Marco, You may have the same problem that i had initially.
 I downloaded the file ftp from an the au. mirror and it would not run.

well, my problem is that it runs :)
 Then via netscape from Sun (after about four retrys and 
 overwrites 'cos
 I am on a 33K dialup, finally  it took eleven hours from 1am ;-(( )
 and the file sizes were different.
 The one I have that works is so-5_2-ga-linux-en.bin  95333K
 the dud isditto100213K

i'll try to check this .. i have one copy (so-5_2-ga-linux-it.bin) is quite
smaller than yours .. 88M (91041856) .. i'll check the other one.

 just tried it again  from an xterm and the install page has come up.
 All i did was make it executable and run it as root.
 Select the net option when it asks .

i hope so.
can you please give me a step by step description of what you did?
i'll try to download the same version that you use (i don't care if it's in 
english or italian)

thanks for your time

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

need help with installation

2000-08-24 Thread Jake Hoban

Hi there

I'm installing Debian 2.1 (slink) via floppies on an IBM Thinkpad 360 with 
12 MB RAM  and 340 MB HDD. I was able to partition the hard drive and mount 
filesystems without any problem (I chose /dev/hda1 mounted on /, /dev/hda2 
swap partition and /dev/hda3 on /usr). When I get to install the kernel and 
modules from the floppy, I get an error message: unable to mount the rescue 
floppy, followed by Floppy error! The attempt to extract the rescue floppy 
I tried to mount it manually by launching a terminal and mounting /dev/fd0 
but I got the message /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device.
I have read the help files on the rescue floppy, and I noticed that some 
extra parameters may be needed for Thinkpads. However, the default 
installation doesn't seem to let you add any parameters. If you add 
parameters it seems to think you're going for a ramdisk installation, which 
I'm not. I want to use the floppies (rescue floppy, driver floppy, plus 7 
installation floppies) to install slink on the hard drive.

Can anyone help?
PS I know a bit about GNU/Linux but I'm not an expert! (Otherwise I probably 
wouldn't be asking for help...)

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2000-08-24 Thread Goeman Stefan

Probably a stupid question.

I am running WindowMaker under Gnome.
I want to have the wmitime icom appear on my desktop when I log in.
Putting a line like:
exec wmitime in my .xsession file does not work.

How should this be done?


Stefan Goeman.

Re: [Q] what do these portmap log entries mean?

2000-08-24 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
  My latest port scan (nmap running through all -s options) results show
9 opentcp discard
   13 opentcp daytime
   25 opentcp smtp
   37 opentcp time
  111 opentcp sunrpc
  139 opentcp netbios-ssn
9 openudp discard
  111 openudp sunrpc
  137 openudp netbios-ns
  138 openudp netbios-dgm
  And I'm behind a firewall, though my machine is not firewalled itself,
  not yet at least.
 What ports did you scan? i usually specify -p 1-65535 when using nmap. 
 if it were my machine i would for sure firewall all those
 services(except smtp).

Didn't specify anything, so that'd be 1-1024 according to `man nmap`.
Just ran nmap -sT -p 1-65535 and that didn't turn up anything new.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: windowmaker

2000-08-24 Thread kmself
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 09:45:10AM +0200, Goeman Stefan wrote:
 Probably a stupid question.
 I am running WindowMaker under Gnome.
 I want to have the wmitime icom appear on my desktop when I log in.

Is this a docked icon?  How about launching the app, dragging it to the
dock, right-clicking on it, and selecting Start when WindowMaker is
started from the Settings menu?  You may have to save your WM

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Exploring the possibilities of cron

2000-08-24 Thread kmself
On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 09:17:48PM -0500, Brent Harding wrote:

 If the script makes the file, say for example

 echo enter a username to create
 read $USER
 echo enter user's password
 echo $USER:$PASSWORD /etc/requested.users

 Then on the hour in cron have it mail to me the file with a subject of
 requested users, or piped the file to that newusers utility that
 parces mass user entries. How can this actually break and do something
 I don't want? Supposing the /etc/requested.users file were owned by
 the group requestusers with my friend being a member, with permissions
 of 750, so outsiders can't get the file modified?

If you *really* want to do it that way, Brent, I'm not going to stop

However, I wouldn't.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Lars O . Grobe

First - I'm new to the list. I used debian some time ago and now
I'm thinking about installing it on a server machine at university.

How many groups can a user have? I want to use a private groups
concept with 300 users, and my admins must be members of all private
groups because I want them to be able to r/w into the 2770ed-homes
of the users - and avoid that one must change owner every time an
admin has copied into a user's home.

In SuSE, the number of groups is limited (AFAIK to 20), so I can't use
this concept. What about debian?

Thank you, CU, Lars.


2000-08-24 Thread Hashem Azem

Dir Sir:
 Please can you send to me 
the driver of 
to the following address

thanks very much
Anas S. Rimawi
From CCS Company

Re: Linux Mail Client (was: Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error))

2000-08-24 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 10:39:01PM -0700, Seth Cohn wrote
 On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, John Pearson wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 07:31:07AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote
   Technically, yes.  However, if your boss says that work email is not 
   touch outside SMTP servers as a matter of policy how far do you think 
   the SMTP server will route it correctly anyway, that is what they do will
   fly?  There are reasons other than technical to different servers.
  *sigh* bosses, bosses, bosses.  All other arguments in this thread
  aside, this one is a bit weird.  Does your boss realise that any 
  non-local mail you send via your work SMTP server will be handed,
  unencrypted and with only the most rudimentary checks, to an outside
  SMTP server for forwarding or delivery?
 Um, reverse that.  Steve was saying _work_ email touching _outside_
 servers.  In other words, company email shouldn't pass thru outside mail
 servers.  This is actually a sound practice, if a bit paranoid, but I can
 understand the requirement.

My misunderstanding.  To me, work email is email either to or
from work.  Even so, if they don't trust an ISP to recieve and
forward mail, they have little reason to trust it to receive and
forward packets.

 I might have plonked Steve, but don't misstate what he asked.

Never my intention.

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Nate Amsden
the limit is 32, it is on slink, assume it is on potato as well. to
eliminate the need to change owner or group every time anybody copies
into a user's home directory(or any directory for that matter) make the
directory suid, and sgid. that way all files in that directory should
inherit the same ownership as the directory itself.


Lars O. Grobe wrote:
 First - I'm new to the list. I used debian some time ago and now
 I'm thinking about installing it on a server machine at university.
 How many groups can a user have? I want to use a private groups
 concept with 300 users, and my admins must be members of all private
 groups because I want them to be able to r/w into the 2770ed-homes
 of the users - and avoid that one must change owner every time an
 admin has copied into a user's home.
 In SuSE, the number of groups is limited (AFAIK to 20), so I can't use
 this concept. What about debian?
 Thank you, CU, Lars.
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ICQ: 75132336

Re: Code Page 437

2000-08-24 Thread Damon Muller
Hi JP,

I have a font that I think is what you are after, called VGA. It's
actually a lot more readable that a lot of the standard X fonts, IMHO,
but of course doesn't display all of the characters properly (I used to
use it as my font for mutt in an Eterm).

On my system, it's:


if you do an xlsfonts|grep vga, you may already have it. I seem to
recall having found it on the net somewhere originally, so you could try
searching on google.

This is only an X font, I don't know of any equivalent for the console.



Quoth J.P. Larocque, 
 I'm trying to set up Falken, a BBS program for Linux.  It excessively uses
 ANSI graphics, in other words, ASCII text graphics done with characters from
 the Code Page 437 character set, with ANSI coloring.  CP-437 is the same
 character set DOS uses and sometimes known as the IBM PC character set.
 My problem is Linux seems to use the Latin-1 character set, both on the
 console, and in xterms.  Therefore ANSI graphics look corrupted, in both
 Falken, as well as viewing ANSI files (*.ans) and calling dial-up BBSs that
 make use of CP-437 (as most do) from minicom.  How can I either start an xterm
 with the CP-437 character set, or set the console font for CP-437?
 As for console fonts, I can't find anything suitable in
 /usr/share/consolefonts/.  Could anyone suggest a place to download CP-437
 console fonts?
 As for xterms, I know about the '-fn' option, but I don't know how to find
 what fonts I have available in X.  As I'm sure you all can tell, I don't know
 much about X.  =)  I would certainly prefer finding a way to use CP-437 in
 an xterm than in the console, as I mostly use X.
 DOSEMU's 'xdos' uses the correct font but I don't know if the font is part of
 X--and therefore accessible to xterm--or proprietary to xdos.
 I should note that I still use slink.  It's hard to upgrade when your Internet
 connection is a 14.4kbps modem.
 Thanks a lot in advance to anyone who can reply with information.
  J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 11:34:37AM +, Lars O. Grobe wrote:
 First - I'm new to the list. I used debian some time ago and now
 I'm thinking about installing it on a server machine at university.
 How many groups can a user have? I want to use a private groups
 concept with 300 users, and my admins must be members of all private
 groups because I want them to be able to r/w into the 2770ed-homes
 of the users - and avoid that one must change owner every time an
 admin has copied into a user's home.

first, why should the admins have write permission to everyones home
directory? why do they need to go mucking around in your user's files?
personally i would find this quite obnoxious and besides that i never
leave my $HOME writable by anyone but me. (also remember ssh will
bitch about those unsecure permissions)

now ignoring the above, adding an admin to 300 groups is both
inefficient and silly, it would be better to simply set the
permissions on the home directories to 770 group `users' and make the
admins members of that group (or maybe group staff) 

however i would suggest going about this differently, give users a
private group, but set the home directory permissions to 750 or 710
group users.  make everyone a member of group users and put a
directory ~/incoming with permissions like 3775 group users (or group
staff if you only want admins to have writability here)  (you can use
/usr/local/sbin/adduser.local to take care of fixing the permissions
when the user is created, see man adduser)

i really think giving all the admins write permission to all users
$HOME is a bad idea, what if one accidently runs rm -rf / as themself?
ordinarily all that would remove is thier own files, but in your
scheme every user on the system will lose data, you might as well have
all your admins running around as root all the time. 

 In SuSE, the number of groups is limited (AFAIK to 20), so I can't use
 this concept. What about debian?

this is a kernel issue not a distribution one, this limit will likely
be the same on all distributions. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Lars O . Grobe
Addressed to: Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:43:16 

Hi Nate!

 the limit is 32, it is on slink, assume it is on potato as well. to eliminate 
 the need to change
 owner or group every time anybody copies into a user's home directory(or any 
 directory for that
 matter) make the directory suid, and sgid. that way all files in that 
 directory should inherit the
 same ownership as the directory itself.

I would have to be root than, because I can't read or write as admin in the 
dir. The problem
is that my admins shouldn't be root users... (Netatalk doesn't support a 

CU, Lars.

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 02:43:16AM -0700, Nate Amsden wrote:
 the limit is 32, it is on slink, assume it is on potato as well. to
 eliminate the need to change owner or group every time anybody copies
 into a user's home directory(or any directory for that matter) make the
 directory suid, and sgid. that way all files in that directory should
 inherit the same ownership as the directory itself.

not quite, sgid will cause new files to inherit the group of the
parent directory a la BSD.  but nothing will cause the owner to be
changed.  suid on directories does nothing.  only way to change owners
is to be root or have CAP_CHOWN. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

How to convert multiple pages html doc to other formats?

2000-08-24 Thread Shaul Karl
What are the methods for converting multiple pages html document to other 
formats like single page html doc, ps, pdf, latex, anything else?
That is, if I have 188 html files that are all parts of the same document, how 
can I convert it into one or more of the mentioned formats?

The 2 things I have encountered with are html2ps and html2latex. However can 
they convert a document that is composed of multiple html files? Perhaps I am 
better semi manually have the document made of only one file and then use this 

--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Lars O . Grobe
Addressed to: Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:43:16 

Hi Nate!

 the limit is 32, it is on slink, assume it is on potato as well. to eliminate 
 the need to change
 owner or group every time anybody copies into a user's home directory(or any 
 directory for that
 matter) make the directory suid, and sgid. that way all files in that 
 directory should inherit the
 same ownership as the directory itself.

I would have to be root than, because I can't read or write as admin in the 
dir. The problem
is that my admins shouldn't be root users... (Netatalk doesn't support a 

CU, Lars.

Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Lars O . Grobe
Addressed to: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 24 Aug 2000 
01:47:32 -0800


The admins want to read / write, because we have services like burning cd's,
printing / plotting etc. The user comes, the admin takes the file from the
user's home, ready. And if a user has deleted his windows-profiles or other
settings, the admin needs write.

I don't want all users be able to read in other users home. But admins must
be able to read.

If I would use the incoming-dir, I would also need an outgoing, and all users
would have to understand this concept. Users are not computer freaks here, but
students of architecture, and most don't know what is unix. On the admin side,
some admins work with windows clients, others with apple clients, they don't
want to learn unix permissions.

Thank you, CU, Lars.

Re: Code Page 437

2000-08-24 Thread Shaul Karl
I am not an expert but as a start point I would try (for bash)
export TERM=ansi
There also might be more appropriate entries, take a look at the terminfo docs.
Doesn't the kernel have some CODEPAGE_437 stuff?

 I'm trying to set up Falken, a BBS program for Linux.  It excessively uses
 ANSI graphics, in other words, ASCII text graphics done with characters from
 the Code Page 437 character set, with ANSI coloring.  CP-437 is the same
 character set DOS uses and sometimes known as the IBM PC character set.
 My problem is Linux seems to use the Latin-1 character set, both on the
 console, and in xterms.  Therefore ANSI graphics look corrupted, in both
 Falken, as well as viewing ANSI files (*.ans) and calling dial-up BBSs that
 make use of CP-437 (as most do) from minicom.  How can I either start an xterm
 with the CP-437 character set, or set the console font for CP-437?
 As for console fonts, I can't find anything suitable in
 /usr/share/consolefonts/.  Could anyone suggest a place to download CP-437
 console fonts?
 As for xterms, I know about the '-fn' option, but I don't know how to find
 what fonts I have available in X.  As I'm sure you all can tell, I don't know
 much about X.  =)  I would certainly prefer finding a way to use CP-437 in
 an xterm than in the console, as I mostly use X.
 DOSEMU's 'xdos' uses the correct font but I don't know if the font is part of
 X--and therefore accessible to xterm--or proprietary to xdos.
 I should note that I still use slink.  It's hard to upgrade when your Internet
 connection is a 14.4kbps modem.
 Thanks a lot in advance to anyone who can reply with information.
  J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

Re: Debian packages..

2000-08-24 Thread Shaul Karl
  Michael == Michael Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Michael Hi, Problem I am having is with packages. I have an old
 Michael machine that is still running Slink, and at this time I do
 Michael not wish to upgrade it.
 Michael With potato changing to stable, I have since modified my
 Michael sources.list to reflect the fact that stable is not what I
 Michael want, but rather slink
 Michael deb slink main etc etc
 Michael I then do a apt-get update and to update my package lists.
 Michael This works somewhat fine, the problem happens when I wish to
 Michael install a package for slink,
 Michael apt-get install package
 Michael At this point it fails badly, because the stuff that I
 Michael downloaded with apt-get update, all the paths in this file
 Michael contain the path
 Michael blah/dists/stable/binary-i386-package/net/ntop-3-4.deb
 Michael Which means it will fail, as stable of course is now the
 Michael potato tree, shouldn't the package list files change to
 Michael reflect the codename of the release, rather then stable. As I
 Michael wouldn't be having this problem.
 Michael Can anyone tell me if the maintainers expect to update the
 Michael package lists files for slink, so that the paths are right,
 Michael as since potato is out, it FAILS big time.
 Michael Please email me anyone if you can help me out.
 Me too :-(
 I'm doing this just to make whoever replies post the reply to the
 list, and not send to Michael alone.  There must be more of us in this

Perhaps you should file a bug against saying that should contain slink too.

 Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
 In his own soul a man bears the source
 from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: fetchmail gives me headache (was: Strange things like drwx--S--- with elm...)

2000-08-24 Thread Neil L. Roeth
On Aug 22, Andreas Hetzmannseder ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  This looks like it should work, don't you think? Instead I always get
  an SMTP Transaction error. It reads the first incoming message for a
  few seconds, then it exits with connection failed and I tried it over
  and over again...

I had a similar problem, and it took me a while to realize that the
SMTP error was not on the mail server end, it was on my local
machine.  Fetchmail delivers to port 25, which is the smtp port, which 
is what your local MTA listens to.  I bet your fetchmail
configuration is fine, and that you need to look at your MTA.  Try
/etc/init.d/sendmail reload if using sendmail, or similar for another

Neil L. Roeth

reasonable documentation -- found some!

2000-08-24 Thread Will Trillich
i was looking for a way to get procmail to lowercase all its
domain names so that the ~/.procmailrc recipe

* ^(To|Envelope-to):[EMAIL PROTECTED]/.*

doesn't get zealous and create different instances of, say:

and i found it --

but what was so delightful was the documentation that got me there!



[the fact that she used to work for microsoft is significant;
i.e. she doesn't any more, which helps explain why microsoft doesn't
generate documentation like this.]

Re: Apache and Php (Was Re: apt-get)

2000-08-24 Thread Mark Janssen

 From: John Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: apt-get

 OK this answers my first question and i do appreciate it.
 which leaves with the second issue of installing and configuring
 apache/php on debian potato.

That shouln't be too hard... let me dig up my memory...

 in 2 days time some friends and i are sitting down to configure some
 servers for our own use. we know how to get things running under
 linux-for-dummies (mandrake) and will if we have to.

Oh no... don't do it...

 but if someone could point me at the resources for doing this in debian
 (i have a full potato CD set) or walk me slowly through it. i would
 appreciate it.

AFAIK you only need to install some packages (I have apache/php/mysql, all
running nicely together on potato/woody)

apache, apache-doc, apache-common
php4 (optional php4-mysql)

Php will either detect you have apache, and ask if it should install
itself in apache, or you have to add 1 line to httpd.conf to load the php
module into apache (Loadmodule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
If you also want mysql the php4-mysql package will load itself into php4

It didn't use to go so easy up to some 2 months ago i think, but last time
I tried it was just regular debian-packages to get it all going instead of
having to compile apache, php and mysql myself...

Mark Janssen  Unix Consultant
Unix Support Nederland / PSInet Netherlands
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Fax/VoiceMail: +31 20 8757555 Finger for GPG and GeekCode

problem with installation

2000-08-24 Thread Jake Hoban


I'm new to the list - I've joined to get some help 
with installation!
I have an IBM Thinkpad 360 with 12 meg RAM and 340 
meg HDD. It only has a floppy drive so I downloaded the floppy images (for 
slink). I booted the rescue floppy and got as far as partitioning the hard drive 
and mounting the filesystem (I mounted /dev/hda1 on /, /dev/hda2 as swap, and 
/dev/hda3 on /usr). But when I get to install the kernel and modules, I get an 
error mounting the rescue floppy. I tried to mount it manually by firing up a 
console, but it told me "/dev/fd0 is not a valid block device".
I did notice in the help pages on the rescue floppy 
that Thinkpads may need some extra parameters when booting, but if I try any of 
them it seems to think I'm going for a ramdisk option and asks me for a root 
floppy. Of course I'm trying to install to the hard drive, but it only seems to 
want to do that as the default installation, which doesn't seem to accept any 
Any ideas? I know a bit about GNU/Linux from other 
distributions but I'm new to Debian.


Re: max n of groups per user?

2000-08-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:10:42PM +, Lars O. Grobe wrote:
 Addressed to: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ** Reply to note from Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 24 Aug 2000 
 01:47:32 -0800
 The admins want to read / write, because we have services like burning cd's,
 printing / plotting etc. The user comes, the admin takes the file from the
 user's home, ready. And if a user has deleted his windows-profiles or other
 settings, the admin needs write.
 I don't want all users be able to read in other users home. But admins must
 be able to read.
 If I would use the incoming-dir, I would also need an outgoing, and all users
 would have to understand this concept. Users are not computer freaks here, but
 students of architecture, and most don't know what is unix. On the admin side,
 some admins work with windows clients, others with apple clients, they don't
 want to learn unix permissions.

in this case i would just create the users with primary group users
and set the home directory permissions to 2770 group staff (or some
other group, if you use staff be sure to fix the broken permissions on
/usr/local/* and /var/local) 

you will probably have to play with samba a bit to get it to perserve
the permissions properly, i have done it once but don't have access to
the smb.conf at the moment. 

the private group system is really only helpful when the users are
knowledgable of unix permissions.  unix perms don't translate well
into macos and win* anyway (especially given those OSes don't have
much of a concept of permissions)

all users will have to have a umask of 007 as well, not sure how you
do that in netatalk...

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: need help with installation

2000-08-24 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 07:42:10AM +, Jake Hoban wrote:

:I tried to mount it manually by launching a terminal and mounting /dev/fd0 
:but I got the message /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device.

the physical disk is probably hosed, happens to me about 1 time in 10
even when the floppies are right out of the box...

rawrite or dd the diskimage on another floppy and things will probably
get better real quick.


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