spice en Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, ¿alguien sabe donde encontrar un paquete Debian del simulador spice?

Un saludo,


Re: problemas con el correo

2000-10-01 Thread Jesús Carrete Montaña
El sáb, 30 de sep de 2000, a las 08:37:21 -0500, MC_Vai dijo:
 Lo llamaba desde el ~/.bashrc, de cada userHome pero a pesar de que se 
 ejecutaba en el background no recogia los mensajes del ISP. Lo que no 
 entiendo es que si me pasaba como superUsuario y desde linea de comandos 
 llamaba a fetchmail entonces si les llegaban los correos a los usuarios 
 no-privilegiados. Al root le puse un ~/.fetchmail que tenia las 
 configuraciones necesarias para todos los usuarios, es decir algo como esto:

Se me vienen 2 cosas a la cabeza, a ver si alguna funciona:
a)Creo que el archivo de fetchmail se llama .fetchmailrc, ¿no? Al
menos yo lo tengo así.
b)En debian, cuando se crea un usuario normal, para que se ejecute lo
que pone en el .bashrc, has de descomentar estas líneas en el
.bash_profile del usuario en cuestión:
# include .bashrc if it exists

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc

Un saludo.
Jesús Carrete Montaña  Kuantiko
/V\ jrcarmon at teleline.es
   // \\Linux Registered User #158442
  /(   )\   Clave PGP disponible por e-mail

Mutt y busqueda de correo nuevo

2000-10-01 Thread VerdeOliva

Pues al final he decidido instalarme el procmail y ya me 
ordena los mensajes como yo quiero. 


Pero ahora surge el problema. Quiero que el 'mutt' detecte al 
arrancar los mensajes nuevos y, que de alguna forma, me avise o me los
muestre para que no se me quede ninguno sin leer.

He leido en las páginas del manual que esto funciona con 
mailboxes nombre fichero nombre fichero

en el .muttrc. También he visto un ejemplo donde se especifica
un directorio entero para buscar en todos las carpetas que este
mailboxes $HOME/Mail/*

sin embargo yo he intentado ambas cosas y no me muestra, o no se ver, donde
me avisa que en tal carpeta hay correo nuevo.

Me interesa la segunda opción, ¿alguien me puede echar una mano?




Debian 2.1 Citius LINUX


permisos del /home/*

2000-10-01 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Si no me equivoco, lo he probado en 2 Debian Potato (2 ordenadores

Como root hago adduser pepito, pongo la información que me pide, entonces
supongo que él pone el nuevo uid, modifica el /etc/passwd, el /etc/shadow,
lo añade al grupo users, etc. y hace el directorio /home/pepito

Pues los directoris $HOME de los usuarios se pueden leer desde cualquier
usuario. Por defecto se me ha creado así:

drwxr-sr-x2 josepjosep4096 Sep 24 22:21 josep

pq? es más lógico que no se pueda leer ni entrar, no? se hace por los
ficheros tipo .forward y demás? no le veo la lógica... 

a alguien más le pasa?

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   ­Horror! Mi disco duro se ha ablandado

Re: Extraño comportamiento de CD-ROM

2000-10-01 Thread Antonio Calvo
Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia wrote:
 Hola. ¿Me recuerdan? Soy el que al ir a actualizarse de slink a potato 
 cederrones le fallaba el apt en el momento cumbre.
 Bien, ahora un amigo y colega se ha actualizado con esos mismos cederrones, 
 problemas. Él tenía en slink el núcleo 2.0.36, y después de la actualización 
 puso el 2.2.17 que trae potato.
 Entonces fue a instalarse algún paquete y dio la orden habitual
 apt-get install PAQUETE
 Todo bien, le pide que meta el CD Nº x  (1 = x = 4), lo mete, le endiña un
 dedazo a la tecla Intro y... ¡error y horror! Vuelve a repetirle que meta el 
 Nº X, y así ad nauseam y ad infinitum.
 O sea, resumen: con el 2.0.X puede instalar paquetes desde el CD-ROM.
 Con el 2.2.x (también hemos probado con el 2.2.14) no puede, por el problema
la serie 2 gestiona el cdrom de distinta manera y no coinciden las
firmas de los cd's
Borra de sources.list las lineas de cdrom y con el kernel de la version
2 haz apt-cdrom add

 (Esto quizá ya no es específico de Debian...)
 Al recompilarle el núcleo, el gcc falló lamentablemente dando un error 
 Al repetir la orden, pasó por ese sitio sin problemas pero volvió a fallar más
 adelante. Al volver a repetir, acabó la compilación bien. Mosqueante. Los 
 exhaustivos de memoria en el arranque de la BIOS no muestran ningún problema
 con sus 128 MB.

Los test de la BIOS no son tan exhaustivos,  compilar el kernel si que
le pasa un repaso brutal
a la memoria.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Re: permisos del /home/*

2000-10-01 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 01:09:48PM +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Pues los directoris $HOME de los usuarios se pueden leer desde cualquier
 usuario. Por defecto se me ha creado así:
 drwxr-sr-x2 josepjosep4096 Sep 24 22:21 josep
 pq? es más lógico que no se pueda leer ni entrar, no? se hace por los
 ficheros tipo .forward y demás? no le veo la lógica... 

Que tiene de ilógico?
El que tenga algo que ocultar, que haga un chmod. Dejar los homes abiertos a
lectura es bastante lógico en mi opinión. Yo en las máquinas donde tengo
cuenta normalmente tengo pocas cosas que no deban leer los demás.
De este modo, otros usuarios pueden mirar mis archivos de configuración, por
si les interesa sacar algo para los suyos, o mis Mp3, o las prácticas del
año pasado.


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

GnuPG y Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Unas cuantas preguntas sobre el GPG y algunas cosillas de Debian.
(Estoy intentando dejar de lado mi viejo PGP):

- ¿Que keyserver utilizais? Yo uso el que venía en la configuración.
Lo que no sé es si da igual a que servidor te conectes, que todos
comparten la información.

- En teoría 'dpkg-buildpackage' soporta tambien el GPG. ¿Como
obligarlo a usar el GPG? 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Description: PGP signature

Re: GnuPG y Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 03:45:41PM +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 - ¿Que keyserver utilizais? Yo uso el que venía en la configuración.
 Lo que no sé es si da igual a que servidor te conectes, que todos
 comparten la información.

wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net uso yo.

 - En teoría 'dpkg-buildpackage' soporta tambien el GPG. ¿Como
 obligarlo a usar el GPG? 

Que yo sepa, gpg es el default, pero puedes decirselo explícitamente con 
-sgpg the sign-command is called like GPG

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Javier_Vi=F1uales_Guti=E9rrez?= wrote:

 On sáb, sep 30, 2000 at 06:41:39 +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Yo creo que si Debian fuera m?s abierta en este sentido seguramente
  tendr?a much?simos m?s colaboradores de los que tiene actualmente.
 Tu mismo, vete a www.laespiral.org y colabora, no hay excusas para mejorar
 Debian, todo el mundo puede, todo el mundo es Debian ;-)

No estoy de acuerdo y tampoco me excuso por ello. Todo el mundo es 
Debian, pero Debian es sobre todo para usuarios cada vez más técnicos.

Yo no he hablado de que Debian necesite mejoras. Incluso he dicho que
me parece perfecto lo que hace Debian. Yo estoy desarrollando alguna
cosa en GPL pero porque tendría que hacerlo para Debian? Respuestas como
la tuya (sin ánimo de ofender) es la que ayuda a que Debian sea cada vez 
más especial. Es bueno que los gurús tengan su distribución pero dentro 
de unos años el fenómeno de Linux llegará a todas partes y lo hará de la 
mano de aquellos que se interesen un poco por facilitar las cosas a los 
usuarios más normalitos. Entre otras cosas estoy desarrollando un curso 
para novatos brutos y extremadamente torpes. :-) Je Je Je. Algún 
interesado por aqui ?  :-) Es broma :-) Es broma :-)

Entonces porque doy la vara de vez en cuando con esto ? Porque Debian
es la distribución 100% libre más fuerte del momento y sería muy malo
que la mejor distribución libre de dentro de unos años (sea Debian u otra)
no tuviera el peso necesario dentro de la comunidad Linux. La comunidad
Linux nos guste o no será muy distinta dentro de unos años debido a la
enorme velocidad de crecimiento y a la incorporación de usuarios cada vez
menos técnicos. Es lo que ocurre con Internet y seguramente no es una 
casualidad que ambas cosas Internet y Linux evolucionen de forma paralela.

 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webs: http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
 PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| Más de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
|  http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html |

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, oct 01, 2000 at 01:04:10 +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 m?s especial. Es bueno que los gur?s tengan su distribuci?n pero dentro 
 de unos a?os el fen?meno de Linux llegar? a todas partes y lo har? de la 
 mano de aquellos que se interesen un poco por facilitar las cosas a los 
 usuarios m?s normalitos. Entre otras cosas estoy desarrollando un curso 
 para novatos brutos y extremadamente torpes. :-) Je Je Je. Alg?n 
 interesado por aqui ?  :-) Es broma :-) Es broma :-)

Perdona pero por reducción al absurdo tu razonamiento fracaso 100%: Yo no
soy desarrollador Debian y mucho menos un gurú de nada, soy un usuario
medio al que le gusta que le faciliten la vida, pero que también cree que un
granito de arena de un supuesto no gurú puede hacer mucho pues somos inmensa
mayoría con estas características.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: permisos del /home/*

2000-10-01 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Pues los directoris $HOME de los usuarios se pueden leer desde cualquier
 usuario. Por defecto se me ha creado así:
 drwxr-sr-x2 josepjosep4096 Sep 24 22:21 josep
 pq? es más lógico que no se pueda leer ni entrar, no? se hace por los
 ficheros tipo .forward y demás? no le veo la lógica... 

La lógica es que en un mundo libre y cooperativo, todos permitimos ver
nuestros ficheros e incluso ejecutar los programas (porque nosotros mismos
no nos vamos a crear binarios que nos puedan perjudicar).

Si esto no te satisface, no hay más que ser algo paranóico e ir poniendo
chmod 700 a todos los directorios privados de nuestro home, o directamente
en /home/usuario. 

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gradha.infierno.org
 Other web pages:  http://glub.ehu.es/  -  http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

Re: permisos del /home/*

2000-10-01 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Si quieres que, por defecto, los permisos de los directorios de los
usuarios sean otros, puedes hacer un script en el fichero
/usr/local/sbin/adduser.local que te los cambie. Échalñe un ojo a la
página de manual de adduser.



On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:

 Si no me equivoco, lo he probado en 2 Debian Potato (2 ordenadores
 Como root hago adduser pepito, pongo la información que me pide, entonces
 supongo que él pone el nuevo uid, modifica el /etc/passwd, el /etc/shadow,
 lo añade al grupo users, etc. y hace el directorio /home/pepito
 Pues los directoris $HOME de los usuarios se pueden leer desde cualquier
 usuario. Por defecto se me ha creado así:
 drwxr-sr-x2 josepjosep4096 Sep 24 22:21 josep
 pq? es más lógico que no se pueda leer ni entrar, no? se hace por los
 ficheros tipo .forward y demás? no le veo la lógica... 
 a alguien más le pasa?
 Carles Pina i Estany
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
­Horror! Mi disco duro se ha ablandado
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Acentos en Netscape

2000-10-01 Thread Chafar
Dado que Jordi me responde:
 On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 06:13:56PM +, Chafar wrote:
Pues eso, que soy usuario compulsivo de acentos y me gustaria usarlos en
el correo y mi Netscape no los traga.
   Que versión estás usando?
  La 4.73 de potato. Me deja usar la ñ, la ¿, la ¡ y, pruebo ahora, la ç,
  pero nada de acentos (´a´e´i´o´u).
 Mira a ver que no tengas el navigator_4.73-*-libc5. Si tienes ese, instala
 el no libc5. Fijate en las dependencias, necesitas el de glibc2 para poner

Muchisimas gracias. Me pongo a ello.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Buscar mensajes con Mutt

2000-10-01 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Hmmm... pues eso, querria saber como buscar mensajes conteniendo algo
dentro de una o varias carpetas, ya que con / me parece que solo busca en
las cabeceras y ami me interesario hacerlo tb en el cuerpo del mensaje.


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CDs de Potato+KDE+Helixgnome

2000-10-01 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Resulta que tengo montado un mirror de debian para hacerme unos cuantos
CDs, probablemente de varias arquitecturas, pero en los que me gustaría
meter también el KDE y Helixgnome, de los que también tengo mirror. ¿Es
posible? El KDE me lo bajo de debian.mur.at/kde, para más señas, y el
helixgnome del ftp de Helixcode.

 Gracias de nuevo y saludos.


Re: Mutt y busqueda de correo nuevo

2000-10-01 Thread carlos saldaña
VerdeOliva dijo:
 Pero ahora surge el problema. Quiero que el 'mutt' detecte al 
 arrancar los mensajes nuevos y, que de alguna forma, me avise o me los
 muestre para que no se me quede ninguno sin leer.

 ... También he visto un ejemplo donde se especifica
 un directorio entero para buscar en todos las carpetas que este
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/*

Yo tengo la siguiente línea en el .muttrc

mailboxes `echo $HOME/Mail/*`


carlos saldaña [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Configurar correo modo texto

2000-10-01 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 30 Sep 2000 a las 05:21AM +0200, Fermín escribio:
 Como se puede ver, me mando el correo a mi dirección @teleline.es, pero, 
 aunque parece que lee del servidor yo no recibo nada. Y digo que no recibo 
 nada porque luego me conecto con netscape para recoger el correo.

¿No habrás puesto en el /etc/aliases una referencia con tu nombre en tu
equipo y tu dirección de correo real?

Yo he usado mucho tiempo exim y con el eximconfig me ha bastado (quizá
algún retoque despues al exim.conf, pero apenas).

Repite el eximconfig y deja el /etc/aliases sin nada en referencia a tu
dirección. Quita tambien el .procmailrc de tu directorio, por si acaso, y
si lo tienes.


Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ctv.es/USERS/andressh
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway - http://www.alamin.es.org
Debian GNU/Linux   - http://www.debian.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: GnuPG y Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 01 Oct 2000 a las 03:45PM +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos escribio:
 Unas cuantas preguntas sobre el GPG y algunas cosillas de Debian.
 (Estoy intentando dejar de lado mi viejo PGP):
 - ¿Que keyserver utilizais? Yo uso el que venía en la configuración.
 Lo que no sé es si da igual a que servidor te conectes, que todos
 comparten la información.

Yo uso pgp.rediris.es

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ctv.es/USERS/andressh
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway - http://www.alamin.es.org
Debian GNU/Linux   - http://www.debian.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 01 Oct 2000 a las 01:04PM +0200, Antonio Castro escribio:
 On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Javier_Vi=F1uales_Guti=E9rrez?= wrote:
  On s?b, sep 30, 2000 at 06:41:39 +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
   Yo creo que si Debian fuera m?s abierta en este sentido seguramente
   tendr?a much?simos m?s colaboradores de los que tiene actualmente.
  Tu mismo, vete a www.laespiral.org y colabora, no hay excusas para mejorar
  Debian, todo el mundo puede, todo el mundo es Debian ;-)
 No estoy de acuerdo y tampoco me excuso por ello. Todo el mundo es 
 Debian, pero Debian es sobre todo para usuarios cada vez m?s t?cnicos.

No me parece así. Esa es la fama que tiene. Es mi opinión personal.
Despues de enseñar a varias personas a montar Debian me estoy convenciendo
de que no es más dificil que montar un Windows 9x, pero ¿existe gente que
se monta todavía un Windows el mismo? Venga ya, cada vez menos. La
solución está pasando a ser llamar al colega más cercano para que te lo
ponga: ¡a ver si te pasas por casa y me montas el windows 98 un dia de
estos, tengo preparadas unas cervezas! Lo usan porque tienen quien se lo
monte. Algunos no, pero los que se lo montan ellos mismos, no tendrian
problemas en montarse una Debian. Estoy seguro. (o Red Hat, o Suse, o...
qué mas da. Son todas casi iguales).

 Yo no he hablado de que Debian necesite mejoras. Incluso he dicho que
 me parece perfecto lo que hace Debian. Yo estoy desarrollando alguna
 cosa en GPL pero porque tendr?a que hacerlo para Debian? Respuestas como

Es distinto desarrollar una aplicación que mantenerla para una
distribución. Son tareas diferentes. Puede hacerlas la misma persona, pero
quizá no fuera ni recomendable.

 la tuya (sin ?nimo de ofender) es la que ayuda a que Debian sea cada vez 
 m?s especial. Es bueno que los gur?s tengan su distribuci?n pero dentro 
 de unos a?os el fen?meno de Linux llegar? a todas partes y lo har? de la 
 mano de aquellos que se interesen un poco por facilitar las cosas a los 
 usuarios m?s normalitos. Entre otras cosas estoy desarrollando un curso 

¿y qué? hasta ahora parece que no llegaba a ningún sitio, y el resultado
es que todo el mundo está interesado. Otras distribuciones son mas
sencillas y Debian sigue creciendo. Que cada cual use lo que le parezca.
Yo no veo esto como una competición.

 Entonces porque doy la vara de vez en cuando con esto ? Porque Debian
 es la distribuci?n 100% libre m?s fuerte del momento y ser?a muy malo
 que la mejor distribuci?n libre de dentro de unos a?os (sea Debian u otra)
 no tuviera el peso necesario dentro de la comunidad Linux. La comunidad

¿Debian tiene un peso determinado? No se, igual el peso no importa a
nadie. Debian trabaja tratando de coordinar, consensuar, elegir lo mejor y
más seguro... sin prisa, no es un producto comercial. El que tenga prisa
que haga lo que le falte o se una al trabajo en equipo. Debian cede
servicios de listas, ftp, etc. a otros proyectos y ayuda a la comunidad.
¿Qué más se puede pedir? El mundo está lleno de opciones para que cada uno
elija lo que quiera. Estoy seguro de que Debian no sería lo que es si no
existiera Red Hat, Windows, Suse, etc.

 Linux nos guste o no ser? muy distinta dentro de unos a?os debido a la
 enorme velocidad de crecimiento y a la incorporaci?n de usuarios cada vez
 menos t?cnicos. Es lo que ocurre con Internet y seguramente no es una 
 casualidad que ambas cosas Internet y Linux evolucionen de forma paralela.

Todo será muy distinto en el futuro. Quien sabe.

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ctv.es/USERS/andressh
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway - http://www.alamin.es.org
Debian GNU/Linux   - http://www.debian.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Buscar mensajes con Mutt

2000-10-01 Thread Blu
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 10:42:17PM +0200, Lluis Vilanova wrote:
 Hmmm... pues eso, querria saber como buscar mensajes conteniendo algo
 dentro de una o varias carpetas, ya que con / me parece que solo busca en
 las cabeceras y ami me interesario hacerlo tb en el cuerpo del mensaje.

Con /~b expresion regular te busca en el cuerpo de los mensajes.

Read the funny manual :)


Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 01 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 13:04:10 +0200, Antonio Castro contaba:

el fen?meno de Linux llegar? a todas partes y lo har? de la 
mano de aquellos que se interesen un poco por facilitar las cosas a los 
usuarios m?s normalitos.

 Cliente: Oye, ¿puedes venir a ayudarme en una cosita?
 Yo: Cómo no, a ver.
  [Vamos al  ordenata donde  está sentado y  leo: El  texto del
  archivo Sin  título ha  cambiado. ¿Desea guardar  los cambios?
  Sí No Cancelar]
 Yo: A ver, ¿quieres guardar esto que has escrito?
 Cliente: No
 Yo: Entonces, ¿a qué le tienes que dar?
 Cliente: Hm ¿a... No?

 Ni  siquiera el  bloc  de  notas está  hecho  para  que lo  use
 cualquier usuario normalito, y prueba de  ello es esto, que me ha
 pasado ya más  de una vez. Nótese  que la última frase  va con tono
 dubitativo. Él  sabe lo que  quiere, pero  le falta seguridad  a la
 hora de pulsar el botoncito.

 Para sacar el coche a la calle hace falta currarse un carnet de
 conducir. Para  manejar el vídeo  hay que  darse una vuelta  por el
 manual.  Me consta  también que  mi padre  hojeó el  librito de  la
 lavadora y  luego le dijo  a mi madre  Para hacer esto  tienes que
 darle  aquí.  Pues creo  que  para  usar  un ordenata  también  es
 necesario chapar un rato antes. Y a veces no basta con eso. Conozco
 a una persona que hizo un curso de word. Sabe hacer a medias lo que
 le enseñaron en el curso, pero de lo demás ni idea.

 Apuesto a que  un usuario normalito no distingue  un güindons +
 word de un linux + staroffice.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

P.D.: Por cierto Antonio, revisa el charset de tus mensajes, que está en
  US-ASCII y salen interrogantes en lugar de tildes y eñes.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Codigo Fuente.

2000-10-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

La mayor parte de las utilidades básicas del sistema (la shell, cp,
ls...) son parte del proyecto GNU, mira en http://www.gnu.org. En Debian
puedes obtener las fuentes de un paquete haciendo 'apt-get source' si
previamente has puesto una línea 'deb-src' en /etc/apt/sources.list (mira el
manual de apt)

Un saludo


On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 06:47:58AM -0400, Kion_ wrote:
   Alguien me podria decir, en que parte se encuentra el codigo fuente de 
 utilizadades mas sencillas de Linux, como WC, more, etc.
 Las tareas cotidianas jamás impidieron a alguien seguir sus sueños.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

blackbox, bug?

2000-10-01 Thread Leonardo Thozo
Oi! Pessoal,
Sou usuário do `blackbox' estava usando ele com `LANG=C' sem maiores
problemas até que resolvi entrar no projeto de tradução e passei para
`LANC=pt_BR \ LC_ALL=pt_BR'
Quando reiniciei o X, minha font do menu e dos titlebar que eram com a
font `snap.pcf.gz' passaram para fonte default.. Logo retornei ao sistema
`LANC=C' e tudo ficou no normal...
Para ver se não era a font eu retonei ao `pt_BR' e coloquei a font no
menu do gnome mas o mesmo não teve problemas...E agora...Isso é considerado um
bug não?...

Leonardo Thozo Vieira (leotho)

AnO2001.COM - Codigo aberto para mentes abertas.

Re: (linux-br) FONTE

2000-10-01 Thread Marcos Aurelio da Silva
Eu enfrentei este problema quando instalei as fontes para o Mozilla, no
arquivo /etc/X11/fs/config quando eu colocava a linha 
/usr/local/lib/fonts/Mozilla:unscaled na primeira ou segunda linha abaixo
do catalogue as fontes ficavam grandes no Netscape (menu), para resolver
coloquei esta linha na terceira posicao ai ficou beleza.

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, cosmo wrote:

 Estou com problemas de fonte no XFree, 3.3.6. Quando vou executar 
 qualquer aplicativo,
 como o Netscape ou o XMMS, as fontes parecem grandes, como se estivesse com a 
 640x480.  Pensei inicalmente que o XFree estivesse configurado server para 
 vga16, entao
 executei o XF86Setup e vi que o server era SVGA. Entao executei o comando 
 startx com o
 parametro  /tmp/xfree e tive como resultado o seguinte:
 (**) FontPath set to
 As fontes de 75 e 100 bps foram instalados. Por acaso alguem ja teve esse 
 problema ?!?
 Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
 repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar 
 assistencia tecnica 
 Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 Assinantes em 01/10/2000: 2303
 Mensagens recebidas desde 07/01/1999: 80788
 Historico e [des]cadastramento: http://linux-br.conectiva.com.br
 Assuntos administrativos e problemas com a lista: 

Marcos Aurelio da Silva
Tecnico em Telecom e Informatica
Sao Paulo - SP

Powered by:
Linux RedHat 6.2
User: 179251
Kernel: 2.2.14-50


2000-10-01 Thread cosmo

Estou com problemas de fonte no XFree, 3.3.6. Quando vou executar qualquer 
como o Netscape ou o XMMS, as fontes parecem grandes, como se estivesse com a 
640x480.  Pensei inicalmente que o XFree estivesse configurado server para 
vga16, entao
executei o XF86Setup e vi que o server era SVGA. Entao executei o comando 
startx com o
parametro  /tmp/xfree e tive como resultado o seguinte:

(**) FontPath set to

As fontes de 75 e 100 bps foram instalados. Por acaso alguem ja teve esse 
problema ?!?

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

latest libc does NOT fix everything

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser

Exim is still broken. As a matter of fact, I had it working until I loaded
the latest libc tonite:

I have a bazillion of these in my exim paniclog:

2000-09-30 21:25:09 queue run: process 31436 crashed with signal 15 while
delivering 13dnoh-xq-00


2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser

I guess I should have looked at it for more than three seconds :-)

Those errors were from a kill sent to exim when it was stopped and
restarted. I have a ton of connections to a site that is down right now
and these got logged when exim shut down.

Sorry to have jumped the gun but I am spring loaded to blame libc at
this point for any weirdies I see.

IGNORE latest libc does NOT fix everything

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
My bad ... jumped the gun.

Re: latest libc does NOT fix everything

2000-10-01 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 09:28:58PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 Exim is still broken. As a matter of fact, I had it working until I loaded
 the latest libc tonite:
 I have a bazillion of these in my exim paniclog:
 2000-09-30 21:25:09 queue run: process 31436 crashed with signal 15 while
 delivering 13dnoh-xq-00

Indeed. Exim was broken by the upgrade a few minutes ago... I believe that the
post-install script didn't restart all the necessary services. Restarting
*all* services seemed to work...

(Not only exim; I tried installing smail and it was also broken)


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: oops

2000-10-01 Thread Ben Collins
 Sorry to have jumped the gun but I am spring loaded to blame libc at
 this point for any weirdies I see.

which helps nothing, to say the least about making an already
overworked libc maintainer stop what he's doing and take time to
investigate half-investigated bug reports...

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: oops

2000-10-01 Thread Joey Tsai
Firstly, thanks to Ben for his work, the speed at which the libc6 issues were
resolved calls for high praise.

The only issue that seems to remain for me is with exim - after fetchmail grabs
my SMTP mail, exim doesn't deliver it.  Exim's logs say

Unable to get root to set uid 1000 and gid 8 for local delivery to joeytsai:
uid=8 euid=8

However, I can force exim to deliver the mail with exim -qff.  Does anyone
know if this problem's been resolved or if there's a fix I can apply?

Thanks so much for your time,

// joey tsai

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-10-01 Thread Nate Amsden
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 How would I get a real-time CPU load information?  I found
 /proc/loadavg, but that's not what I need, since it only gives average
 load values.

though i dont know how to interpet it look at /proc/stat. i found it by
running top and running lsof to see what top was using:

top   30949  root3r   REG0,10  3
top   30949  root4r   REG0,10 17
top   30949  root5r   REG0,10  4
top   30949  root6r   REG0,10  2

looking at the source for top may help ..


ICQ: 75132336

Re: optimizing the hard drive? (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Nate Amsden
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 ObeseWhale [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  okay here goes...  UDMA66 is simply a bandwidth limit on your HD. It allows
  your hard drive to transfer at 66 megs per second instead of UDMA33, which
  iss 33 megs per second.  While Debian supports udma33 right out of the box
  you have to compile udma66 support into the kernel.  However, your hard
  drive won't transfer faster than 33 megs per second very much, so the
  performance gain from enabling isn't as big as you might expect...  You'll
  likely see something like a 15% gain in speed by enabling udma66.
 Hm,  15% gain is  better than  nothing.. I  looked through  the kernel
 config but found no mention of udma66, where is it? -chris

quite possible u need a 3rd party patch see www.linux-ide.org


ICQ: 75132336

Re: oops

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser

But I WAS quick to point out my error. Sorry about that but I also tried
to respond as soon as I knew I was in error. Please check the times on the

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

  Sorry to have jumped the gun but I am spring loaded to blame libc at
  this point for any weirdies I see.
 which helps nothing, to say the least about making an already
 overworked libc maintainer stop what he's doing and take time to
 investigate half-investigated bug reports...
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Installing driver for Linksys Ether16

2000-10-01 Thread Dwight Johnson
modconf does not recognize my Linksys Ether16 as a NE2000 clone, so I need
a manual way to install the module. I am sure the Ether16 is working,
because I have been using it for the past three years already under Red Hat
and SuSE.

I am trying to complete my first Debian install.

Thanks in advance,

Dwight Johnson

Re: Canon BJC-1000 problem

2000-10-01 Thread Willy Lee
John == John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Willy Lee writes:
 I installed magicfilter, set up the BJC-600 driver, scratched my
 head for awhile, then installed a2ps and enscript, but now when I
 send off my newly PostScriptized files to be printed, I get
 ... silence.

 I had to edit /etc/magicfilter/bj600-filter and add this as the last

 default fpipe /usr/bin/a2ps --silent --user-option=lp -o -

 John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

There was already a line there appearing to do the same thing, but
using enscript instead of a2ps.  

Now the problem is worse: after fiddling with it a bit and restarting
lpd several times, I get this error:

geldar:~# a2ps dbootstrap_settings
[dbootstrap_settings (plain): 1 page on 1 sheet]
lpr: connect: Connection refused
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
[Total: 1 page on 1 sheet] sent to the default printer
geldar:~# lpq
waiting for lp to become ready (offline ?)
Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
1stroot   11   (standard input)  14164 bytes

I wonder if apsfilter, lprng, or CUPS would be better
choices... anyone have any experience with them?  The guy who wrote
the Printing HOWTO seems to think they are better...


Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: Installing driver for Linksys Ether16

2000-10-01 Thread John L . Fjellstad
On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 10:47:42PM -0700, Dwight Johnson wrote:
 a manual way to install the module. I am sure the Ether16 is working,
 because I have been using it for the past three years already under Red Hat
 and SuSE.


email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648

#  I'm subscribed to this list, no need to cc:  ##

Description: PGP signature

Re: ISDN/ipppd problems

2000-10-01 Thread Michael Steiner
in /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0
is a variable called name
the name given there has to be equal to the name given in 
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets or /etc/ppp/chap-secrets


Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria 

Wolfram Kruschel wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ISDN-Card with Debian 2.2 . I didn't have any
 problems until I tried to dial the first time. /var/log/messages tells
 me that ipppd:no pap/chap-secrets defined for this user although
 pap-secrets exists. Everything else looks fine. May be somebody could
 help me to fix this. Thanks a lot, Wolf
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Helix GNOME and Debian GNOME incompatible

2000-10-01 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
Hi folks, hi Peter,

I just had sawfish malfunction in a strange way: I've bound M-F10 to
Popup Window Menu.  But that suddenly stopped working... and worse,
even clicking into the window icon for the popup window did nothing.

So I investigated... reinstalling a couple things.  And, this morning,
I found it: there were updated packages for the Debian version of the
rep lisp interpreter which sawfish is built on.  Now I had rep from
Debian and sawfish from helix (the Debian upgrade is not installable

I removed all sawfish and rep packages, and installed the helix
versions only... and everything's back to normal.


Bye, J

PS: Peter, could you get the name change of the Helix packages done
some time soon?  Would have avoided this...

PPS: Another thing that failed was when clicking on any sawfish item
in the GNOME CC the capplet hung (using up all CPU it got).

PPPS: More details on request...

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
  Mesa - Free OpenGL API (http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~brianp/Mesa.html)
   No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up.  -- Bruce Schneier

Description: PGP signature

Re: New to Debian, boot problems

2000-10-01 Thread Willy Lee
David == David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quoting Willy Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 including the root partition, on the 2nd drive.  Now,
 unfortunately, LILO won't boot to the slave drive.  I have to boot
 from the boot floppy I thankfully didn't skip making during the
 The only other idea I have is to make an ext2 partition on hda,
 make it bootable, copy all the files that would be in a root
 partition over, then make lilo boot from there.  I already have
 ext2 partitions on hda, left over from a RedHat install.  My Debian
 install on hdb consists of /, /usr, and /home partitions.

 Only a few files have to be accessible to lilo, and I think they're
 all in /boot (as long as you install your kernel there too).

 There's no reason why /boot can't be a symlink to anywhere
 accessible on hda (= 1023 cylinders), even if it's not an ext2
 partition (which you happen to have). What *is* important is that
 you rerun lilo if you move any of these critical files (e.g. if they
 were in a DOS partition which you defragged).

Now that I've got some time to think about this a bit (to tell the
truth, I've been avoiding thinking about it, the whole thing scares me
a bit), let me see if I'm understanding everything:

1). I move the contents of /boot to a partition on /dev/hda, e.g.,

2). tell lilo to install itself to the mbr on hda (in lilo.conf:

3). tell lilo to boot from /dev/hda5 ('root=/dev/hda5'); should this
partition be otherwise empty?

4). tell the kernel to look for /etc and everything else on /dev/hdb1
('append=root=/dev/hdb1 ro').

5). Once in, update /etc/fstab to mount /dev/hda5 as /boot at
startup.  Or, use symlinks.

This should work, right?  I am chicken :-), I want confirmation before I
actually try this.

thanks for the help,

Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Problems with samba / printing

2000-10-01 Thread Sven Burgener

Whereabouts do you think the following problem lies?

I can print on the system directly using lpr, but when accessing 
the printer via its Samba share, there is only a file written to the 
printer spool directory (with the correct permissions and all), but
nothing is actually printed out.

I then have to do a lpr $THATFILENAME and the thing gets printed out; 
just as originally intended.

lpd is up and running.  The printer is a Canon BJC-4550.

I can't provide you with any further details just now, as I don't have 
access to that system now.

I'd be glad for any hints on things to look into.

Thanks in advance
The program required me to install Windows 95 or better ...
... so I installed Linux.

exim can not post email to my /var/spool/mail

2000-10-01 Thread Ben Luo
hello, debian-user,

My debian/woody have a big problem. Today i use
apt-get update;apt-get upgrade 
as before. But i got nightmare.

When run upgrade, it said that libpam-modules
sould be revome templately, i follow this advise,
use below,
apt-get remove libpam-modules
apt-get upgrade

but everything became worst. I can not upgrade
libc, it said that it can not find date command.
I want to reinstall libpam-modules, but failed.

So, I format my debian box and reinstall all system
from potato install files(include base,driver).

When i have reinstalled my potato debian, I use
dselect to choice woody path. Then I use

apt-get -o APT::Loop*(I forget)=on upgrade

system look ok. 

After that, I install exim and choose 2nd item
(satellitic) as before. then install fetchmail and 
use previous .fetchmailrc in root count.

Fetchmail can fetch my email from my ISP mailbox,
but my exim can not deliver these to /var/spool/mail.
It create a /var/spool/exim derectory and save all
email and some infomation in it by itself.

Then I try to use

mail benluo(my normal account)

in root account, but there is nothing in /var/spool/mail. 

Then I use
ls -l /var/spool/mail

lrwxrwxrwx  rootroot/var/spool/mail- ../mail

Thanks for your help.


Ben Luo

Re: ISDN/ipppd problems

2000-10-01 Thread Wolfram Kruschel
Thanks for the hint, he doesn't complain about a missing pap-secrets any
more, although he says 'unknown comman in ipppd.ippp0: - name -'. 
But know i have the next problem: i get the message that
isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find a (free) connection to the ipppd daemon .
How could i fix this? Thanks for the help + hints, Wolf

Michael Steiner wrote:
 in /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0
 is a variable called name
 the name given there has to be equal to the name given in
 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
 Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria
 Wolfram Kruschel wrote:
  I'm trying to configure my ISDN-Card with Debian 2.2 . I didn't have any
  problems until I tried to dial the first time. /var/log/messages tells
  me that ipppd:no pap/chap-secrets defined for this user although
  pap-secrets exists. Everything else looks fine. May be somebody could
  help me to fix this. Thanks a lot, Wolf
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Re: Canon BJC-1000 problem

2000-10-01 Thread John Hasler
Willy Lee writes:
 There was already a line there appearing to do the same thing, but using
 enscript instead of a2ps.

Then you are using a newer version of magicfilter then I am.

 lpr: connect: Connection refused jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.

Looks like an unrelated problem.

 I wonder if apsfilter, lprng, or CUPS would be better

Lprng is not a replacement for magicfiler.  It replaces lpr.  I'm using it.

Could someone who knows about printers help Willy?  It isn't my area.  I
just spoke up because I have a BJC-1000.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread debian-isp

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 21:28:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: firewall

Hello All,
Has anyone found making a debian machine with firewall support useful?
What are firewalls useful for? Do they simply prevent packets from passing
through the firewall into the rest of the network? Would a firewall
necessarly have to be also configured to be a router? Any info you guys
can provide would be useful. I was thinking about making one of my debian
machies a firewall, but don't really know what I would do with it:)


D. Ghost

How to set Xserver resolution

2000-10-01 Thread Philipp Lehman
I noticed that xdpyinfo reports a resolution of 75x75 dpi for my
Xserver.  When I calculate the real resolution however, it is
about 90 dpi. Can I override this somehow?

The reason I'm asking is that some apps (Gimp, LyX) query the
Xserver for the resolution and adjust things like zoom factors
and fonts accordingly. TIA

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Load balancing on ethernet.

2000-10-01 Thread David Boisvert

Hi folks!

 My question is related to load 
balancing. In other word, I have two DOCSIS cable modems+ 2 network card 
and I need to balance IP packets on these. I've read the EQL howto but it seems 
to work only with PPP. 

May someone can help me to 
find some information about it?


Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread mario
 Has anyone found making a debian machine with firewall support useful?

Yes, very much so

 What are firewalls useful for? Do they simply prevent packets from passing
 through the firewall into the rest of the network?

It depends. Firewall can mean different things:
It may be a packet filtering firewall which does what you think it does.
This functionality is built into the kernel (needs a recompile,
probably). The interface to change its behavior is ipchains (for the
2.2.x-kernel, 2.0.x and 2.4.x use other means), i.e. you write a shell
script that gets executed in a runlevel, which sets your config.
Another type of firewall is a proxying firewall. There is a package
called SOCKS that does this (maybe others too). Proxies work on the
application level, IIRC, and so can know things that apacket filtering
firewall can't know. They need the ability to use the proxy compiled
into client programs too, though.

 Would a firewall
 necessarly have to be also configured to be a router?

Again, it depends. A proper firewall should be a standalone machine
without user accounts, without network services running and with as
little SW as possible installed (no compilers, ...). If behind the
firewall you have a network then, yes, it can do routing, too. It can
also do IP masquerading. Note that there are much more sophisticated
setups with demilitarized zones around the firewall and all kinds of
stuff. What to build depends on your security requirements.

OTOH, you can have packet filtering enabled on a standalone workstation
with dial-up or cable/dsl access. No routing in this case, of course.
This way, you at least can stay out of random script-kiddie portscans
(or your cable provider's scans). It's also great to be able to control
what's allowed to go /out/, e.g., when you're configuring network stuff
and don't want your MTA to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead to

Note that you should never rely on firewall security alone, but have
your services configured properly, too (tcp wrappers, etc.). You don't
want your machines completely open when the firewall is compromised.

 Any info you guys
 can provide would be useful. I was thinking about making one of my debian
 machies a firewall, but don't really know what I would do with it:)

I recommend the book Linux Firewalls by Robert L. Ziegler, New Riders,
ISBN 0-7357-0900-9. He has also a webpage
http://www.linux-firewall-tools.com/ with lots of info and a nifty tool
where you answer questions and it will generate a firewall script for
you. If you're security requirements are modest, this is maybe all you
need. There are other books too, like Building OpenBSD and Linux
Firewalls (IIRC), but I don't know them.

There are also some GUI firewall tools for gnome, like firestarter and
others (see www.gnome.org), probably for KDE, too. Note, however, that
at least firestarter is AFAIK made to work with RedHat, so it needs a
bit tweaking to work with the debian way of init.

Very good reading is also Securing and Optimizing Linux,
http://www.openna.com/books/book.htm Note that it's for RedHat, but it's
easy to apply it to debian

A nice exercise is to scan/attack your machine/network from the outside
before and after the firewall is in place. If you're lazy ;o) a quick
way to get a portscan on the well known ports done is to use Shields Up!
at http://www.grc.com/ (disable your isp's proxy in your browser
settings before, otherwise not you but your isp's proxy will be
scanned!). You want it to report stealth for every port you don't need
available from the outside

Hope this helps (well, I'm sure)

I did not vote for the Austrian government

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit http://www.gnu.org/

Re: Installing driver for Linksys Ether16

2000-10-01 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 modconf does not recognize my Linksys Ether16 as a NE2000 clone, so I need
 a manual way to install the module. I am sure the Ether16 is working,
 because I have been using it for the past three years already under Red Hat
 and SuSE.
 I am trying to complete my first Debian install.

It sounds like Debian isn't auto-detecting the ethernet card.  At the
moment, that only works reliably for PCI cards - I'm guessing yours is
ISA PnP.  Do you know what IRQ and IO port the card is using?

Another solution would be to wait until after you have Debian installed to
configure the ethernet card.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


ssh configure error

2000-10-01 Thread Willi Dyck
Hi all,

i get an error message when doing a ./configure with ssh.

checking for xauth... no
configure: error: configuring with X but xauth not found - aborting

what's wrong here? i have no X installed and also don't want to do it.
which file to edit for doing it right?


Netscape - libstdc++

2000-10-01 Thread ObeseWhale
It seems as if I can't install netscape 4.75 on my Potato box because the
version of libstdc++ that comes with debian is too high.  I get a dependency
error when trying to run netscape.  Has anyone had a similar problem, or
better yet, a solution?

Matt ObeseWhale Grinshpun

Site Director: The Darker Sector

Coming soon...
Hyperleap - An opensource Quake 3 mod from Team Corrosive

Extended descriptions of non-free/non-US packages.

2000-10-01 Thread Matthew Tuck
This message may or may not be pertinent in future given the uncertain
status of both non-free and non-US, but here goes anyway ...

When I see a package that's in non-free or non-US I often wonder exactly
why it's there.  It would be really nice if every package explained why
it was where it was.  And for this to be required by policy if such a
thing was appropriate.

In detail, I want this at the bottom of every package description in

- if it's in non-US, explain what parts of the software use crypto,
since it's not always obvious.
- if it's in non-free for patent reasons, give the patent numbers and
the locations in which the patents are held.  If it is DFSG compliant,
explain this.  Explain which parts of the software embody the patents.
- if it's in non-free for DFSG non-compliance, explain which points of
the DFSG are violated and specifically why not.

Is this the best list?  Should I take this to policy/devel?

If there is agreement that this is a good idea where should I take it
from here?

 Matthew Tuck: Software Developer  All-Round Nice Guy
 My experience is that in general, if there's jobs programming
 in it, it's not worth programming in.
Ultra Programming Language Project: http://www.box.net.au/~matty/ultra/

Re: optimizing the hard drive? (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Krzys Majewski
  Hm,  15% gain is  better than  nothing.. I  looked through  the kernel
  config but found no mention of udma66, where is it? -chris
 quite possible u need a 3rd party patch see www.linux-ide.org

Hm, before I do that, how can I be sure I actually have
udma66-capable hardware? -chris

Re: Extended descriptions of non-free/non-US packages.

2000-10-01 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 01:12:17 +0930, Matthew Tuck wrote:
 In detail, I want this at the bottom of every package description in
 - if it's in non-US, explain what parts of the software use crypto,
 since it's not always obvious.
 - if it's in non-free for patent reasons, give the patent numbers and
 the locations in which the patents are held.  If it is DFSG compliant,
 explain this.  Explain which parts of the software embody the patents.

Personally, I think this would clutter the package descriptions to little
benefit. A much more appropriate place IMO is /usr/share/package/copyright.

RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  not be a better one than the one
the blocks  live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread William Jensen
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 03:50:04PM +0200, mario wrote:
  Has anyone found making a debian machine with firewall support useful?
 Yes, very much so
  What are firewalls useful for? Do they simply prevent packets from passing
  through the firewall into the rest of the network?
 It depends. Firewall can mean different things:
 It may be a packet filtering firewall which does what you think it does.
 This functionality is built into the kernel (needs a recompile,
 probably). The interface to change its behavior is ipchains (for the
 2.2.x-kernel, 2.0.x and 2.4.x use other means), i.e. you write a shell
 script that gets executed in a runlevel, which sets your config.
 Another type of firewall is a proxying firewall. There is a package
 called SOCKS that does this (maybe others too). Proxies work on the
 application level, IIRC, and so can know things that apacket filtering
 firewall can't know. They need the ability to use the proxy compiled
 into client programs too, though.
  Would a firewall
  necessarly have to be also configured to be a router?
 Again, it depends. A proper firewall should be a standalone machine
 without user accounts, without network services running and with as
 little SW as possible installed (no compilers, ...). If behind the
 firewall you have a network then, yes, it can do routing, too. It can
 also do IP masquerading. Note that there are much more sophisticated
 setups with demilitarized zones around the firewall and all kinds of
 stuff. What to build depends on your security requirements.
 OTOH, you can have packet filtering enabled on a standalone workstation
 with dial-up or cable/dsl access. No routing in this case, of course.
 This way, you at least can stay out of random script-kiddie portscans
 (or your cable provider's scans). It's also great to be able to control

OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would they be looking

Even though I didn't ask the question, thanks for the info Mario!


 what's allowed to go /out/, e.g., when you're configuring network stuff
 and don't want your MTA to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead to
 Note that you should never rely on firewall security alone, but have
 your services configured properly, too (tcp wrappers, etc.). You don't
 want your machines completely open when the firewall is compromised.
  Any info you guys
  can provide would be useful. I was thinking about making one of my debian
  machies a firewall, but don't really know what I would do with it:)
 I recommend the book Linux Firewalls by Robert L. Ziegler, New Riders,
 ISBN 0-7357-0900-9. He has also a webpage
 http://www.linux-firewall-tools.com/ with lots of info and a nifty tool
 where you answer questions and it will generate a firewall script for
 you. If you're security requirements are modest, this is maybe all you
 need. There are other books too, like Building OpenBSD and Linux
 Firewalls (IIRC), but I don't know them.
 There are also some GUI firewall tools for gnome, like firestarter and
 others (see www.gnome.org), probably for KDE, too. Note, however, that
 at least firestarter is AFAIK made to work with RedHat, so it needs a
 bit tweaking to work with the debian way of init.
 Very good reading is also Securing and Optimizing Linux,
 http://www.openna.com/books/book.htm Note that it's for RedHat, but it's
 easy to apply it to debian
 A nice exercise is to scan/attack your machine/network from the outside
 before and after the firewall is in place. If you're lazy ;o) a quick
 way to get a portscan on the well known ports done is to use Shields Up!
 at http://www.grc.com/ (disable your isp's proxy in your browser
 settings before, otherwise not you but your isp's proxy will be
 scanned!). You want it to report stealth for every port you don't need
 available from the outside
 Hope this helps (well, I'm sure)
 I did not vote for the Austrian government
 Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit http://www.gnu.org/
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread Randy Edwards
I ran into some trouble using a Debian box as an IP Masq gateway (also
running Squid) to a network which uses a VPN box employing IPsec.  The
ISP's tech support said that GNU/Linux was incapable of doing NAT properly
with IPsec and that I'd have to kill the NAT and proxy to make things

I have no experience with IPsec, but this sounded strange.  Can anyone
confirm or deny this?  I can't understand why a Windows machine can plug
into the net but that GNU/Linux doing Masquerading or using Squid can't do
the same.  Could someone whack me with a clue bat?  TIA.

 Regards,| Why would anyone want to run an operating
 .   | system that is open source and is developed
 Randy   | by hundreds of hackers worldwide? Find out
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | why at http://www.golgotha.net/why-linux/

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Pollywog
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 11:40:16 -0500
William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would they be 

My ISP scanned my box once, and I asked them about it and they told me it was 
an accident, done by a new Linux box they had just set up because they were 
considering switching to Linux.  They told me the box would be shut down until 
they found the problem, and that it would not happen again.


Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Mike Leone
 OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would they be 

My ISP scanned my box once, and I asked them about it and they told me it was 
an accident, done by a new Linux box they had just set up because they were 
considering switching to Linux.  They told me the box would be shut down until 
they found the problem, and that it would not happen again.

@home, the largest cable ISP in the US, *routinely* scans their customers, 
aggressively checking that no one is breaking their service agreement by 
running a server OF ANY KIND.

Michael Leone 
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

about to install Debian - help me through the dark.. :)

2000-10-01 Thread Aviad

Hi all

I'm about to install debian for the first time, and i just fear that i wont be
able to load up some of my cards - now, i know this is not a debian-specific
question, but i was wondering if anyone here had a clue where i could find
information on how to install Asuscom's ISDNLink 128k on linux? Cause i really
dont want to get stuck with no internet when trying to configure debian.. :-)

Thats only one of my fears, but if ill have internet i suppose i can take care
of the rest - i just couldnt find a decent documentation on how to install one


Re: HELP! xconfig won't give access to modules

2000-10-01 Thread Cam Ellison
Thanks for the tip (and also thanks to Brad for the more detailed

That works.

There is still a problem.  Though the card and the driver are
recognised on startup, modprobe complains that it cannot find the
driver.  It does exist -- it's in /usr/src/.../drivers/net, but it does
not appear in /lib/modules/2.2.17.  For that matter, neither does
modules.dep, and modprobe complains about that as well.

I have watched the screen while making modules, and it enters and
leaves /drivers/net, reporting nothing to do (or words to that

Attempts to ping the only other machine on the (so far ineffective)
network get blips on the ethernet card's activity light, but nothing
received.  (The same thing happens at the other end, which is (gack...)
Win98.  As for that, I have not ruled out a faulty connection, even
though the link lights are on.

I guess that's two problems.  Does anyone have any ideas, please?

Thanks for the help


On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 10:08:44 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

did you enable expermintal driver support? that should make the rtl8139
driver show up ..i use htat card in a lot of systems too.


Cam Ellison, Ph.D., R.Psych.


From the lovely Sunshine Coast, where it only SEEMS to rain.


Re: IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 12:49:12PM -0400, Randy Edwards wrote:

 I ran into some trouble using a Debian box as an IP Masq gateway (also
 running Squid) to a network which uses a VPN box employing IPsec.  The
 ISP's tech support said that GNU/Linux was incapable of doing NAT properly
 with IPsec and that I'd have to kill the NAT and proxy to make things

It shouldn't pose any problems - we use exactly this setup at work
without ill-effects.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread mario
William Jensen wrote:

 OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would they be 
 Even though I didn't ask the question, thanks for the info Mario!

My cable provider has a no servers policy for their standard accounts
(if you want to run servers, you need to pay more). To enforce this,
they seem to scan their new customers. The first few weeks after I
signed up, they scanned me daily. It has stopped now, so I guess I'll be
able to open ssh on time :)
Mario, who did not vote for the Austrian government

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit http://www.gnu.org/

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-10-01 16:47:26, Pollywog wrote:

  OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would
  they be looking for?
 My ISP scanned my box once, and I asked them about it and they told
 me it was an accident, done by a new Linux box they had just set up
 because they were considering switching to Linux.  They told me the
 box would be shut down until they found the problem, and that it
 would not happen again.

MediaOne (now ATT) probes for open relays on port 25 frequently.

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   icq: 44214251

Re: optimizing the hard drive? (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Nate Amsden
Krzys Majewski wrote:
   Hm,  15% gain is  better than  nothing.. I  looked through  the kernel
   config but found no mention of udma66, where is it? -chris
  quite possible u need a 3rd party patch see www.linux-ide.org
 Hm, before I do that, how can I be sure I actually have
 udma66-capable hardware? -chris

check your MB manual ..and the hdd specs on the www.


ICQ: 75132336

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
 My cable provider has a no servers policy for their standard accounts
 (if you want to run servers, you need to pay more). To enforce this,
 they seem to scan their new customers. The first few weeks after I
 signed up, they scanned me daily. It has stopped now, so I guess I'll be
 able to open ssh on time :)

Well, if you can tell where the scans are comming from, you can just block
those addresses and still open some services. Just block off your ISP's
scanning addresses or network.

gpm locks out console keyboard

2000-10-01 Thread Dale Amon
Does anyone know why gpm would completely hang
console logins on a machine? I can still login remotely,
and if I kill gpm I can then get a console.

This would seem to be very bad behavior on gpm's part.

It first happened after a dselect update on the
woody dist back in August. I've been doing updates
on a regular basis hoping the problem would just go
away (the few hours I had to play with it were what
led me to the above remote login solution, which has
been enough to get by with this machine for awhile)
as they usually do.

Even if things have drastically changed, even if the
config file is f***ed, one would not expect a mouse 
daemon to completely block console command line logins!

Any suggestions for a bandaide until the underlying
problem goes away?

Use Linux: A computerDale Amon, CEO/MD
is a terrible thing  Village Networking Ltd
to waste.Belfast, Northern Ireland

Re: Netscape - libstdc++

2000-10-01 Thread Mario Vukelic
ObeseWhale wrote:
 It seems as if I can't install netscape 4.75 on my Potato box because the
 version of libstdc++ that comes with debian is too high.  I get a dependency
 error when trying to run netscape.  Has anyone had a similar problem, or
 better yet, a solution?

Worse yet, no problem at all :)


Mario, who did not vote for the Austrian government

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit http://www.gnu.org/

Re: How to set Xserver resolution

2000-10-01 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: How to set Xserver resolution
Date: Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 02:53:46PM +0200

In reply to:Philipp Lehman

Quoting Philipp Lehman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I noticed that xdpyinfo reports a resolution of 75x75 dpi for my
 Xserver.  When I calculate the real resolution however, it is
 about 90 dpi. Can I override this somehow?
 The reason I'm asking is that some apps (Gimp, LyX) query the
 Xserver for the resolution and adjust things like zoom factors
 and fonts accordingly. TIA

startx  -bpp 16 -dpi 120

Would be one way.

HTH=Hope This Helps, YMMV=Your Mileage May Vary, HAND=Have A Nice Day

On-line, adj.:
  The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.  

Re: How to set Xserver resolution

2000-10-01 Thread William Jensen
How do you determine what the proper dpi should be?  How do you calculate it?


On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 01:38:36PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
   Subject: How to set Xserver resolution
   Date: Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 02:53:46PM +0200
 In reply to:Philipp Lehman
 Quoting Philipp Lehman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I noticed that xdpyinfo reports a resolution of 75x75 dpi for my
  Xserver.  When I calculate the real resolution however, it is
  about 90 dpi. Can I override this somehow?
  The reason I'm asking is that some apps (Gimp, LyX) query the
  Xserver for the resolution and adjust things like zoom factors
  and fonts accordingly. TIA
 startx  -bpp 16 -dpi 120
 Would be one way.
 HTH=Hope This Helps, YMMV=Your Mileage May Vary, HAND=Have A Nice Day
 On-line, adj.:
   The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

more sound difficulties

2000-10-01 Thread Christopher Fonnesbeck
Unfortunately, I have been unable to get the ALSA sound working either
in an IBM thinkpad, or on a desktop system with a standard
soundblaster.  I have installed all of the relevant alsa packages, but
the alsaconfig utility doesnt detect the card in either case (very bad
sign), nor does it accept any of my configurations for setting the sound
card manually.  A typical error is as follows:

Loading driver:
Starting sound driver:  (cs4232)
Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the Master output volume to 50%
The ALSA sound driver was not detected in this system.
Could not initialize the mixer, the card was probably
not detected correctly.

Note that sound was configured perfectly first time on both machines on
Redhat 6.2.  These are both production machines, so if I am unable to
get this problem resolved today or tomorrow, I will have to abandon
Debian.  Any help is most appreciated.

Chris Fonnesbeck


2000-10-01 Thread Hans-Christian Armingeon
is there anybody out there who kan help me start building a masquerading and
dialin and fax and firewall box with potato?

Thanks Johnny

Re: about to install Debian - help me through the dark.. :)

2000-10-01 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Aviad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm about to install debian for the first time, and i just fear that i wont be
able to load up some of my cards - now, i know this is not a debian-specific
question, but i was wondering if anyone here had a clue where i could find
information on how to install Asuscom's ISDNLink 128k on linux? Cause i really
dont want to get stuck with no internet when trying to configure debian.. :-)

Not familiar with this card, but I'd suggest that you check the
very comprehensive isdn4linux FAQ (the Debian isdnutils package
is isdn4linux) at http://www.isdn4linux.de/faq and query Deja for
de.alt.comm.isdn4linux. That's a group in the German Usenet
hierarchy, but English posts have always been welcome and there
should already be some archived information in English. Also try
de.alt.comm.isdn4linux for more specific questions, very decent
signal/noise ratio there. HTH

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

exim and libdb.so.3

2000-10-01 Thread lbredeso
When I try to load exim, it says:

exim:  error while loading share libraries:  libdb.so.3:  cannot open
shared object file:  No such file or directory

If I type locate libdb.so.3 it says that /gnu/lib/libdb.so.3 and
/usr/lib/libdb.so.3 exist, but when I check myself, they actually
don't.  I upgraded libdb to libdb2.  Does anyone know how to fix this?
 Shouldn't exim want libdb2.so.2 instead of libdb.so.3?  I have the
newest version of exim.

Re: exim and libdb.so.3

2000-10-01 Thread Mario Vukelic

 If I type locate libdb.so.3 it says that /gnu/lib/libdb.so.3 and
 /usr/lib/libdb.so.3 exist, but when I check myself, they actually

Don't know about exim, but if locate thinks it's there, it probably was
until recently. locate maintains a database that gets updated from cron
(or anacron?). You can update it yourself with upatedb. So, your
libdb.so.3 disappeared probably recently, maybe you know what you've
done last?


Mario, who did not vote for the Austrian government

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit http://www.gnu.org/

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread William T Wilson
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Mike Leone wrote:

 @home, the largest cable ISP in the US, *routinely* scans their
 customers, aggressively checking that no one is breaking their service
 agreement by running a server OF ANY KIND.

This isn't necessarily the case.  It certainly appears to vary by
region.  They don't do it here (Denver, Colorado).  Perhaps this is
because DSL is so easily available :}

Re: IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I ran into some trouble using a Debian box as an IP Masq gateway (also
 running Squid) to a network which uses a VPN box employing IPsec.  The
 ISP's tech support said that GNU/Linux was incapable of doing NAT properly
 with IPsec and that I'd have to kill the NAT and proxy to make things

They're almost right - Kernel 2.2 doesn't like to do NAT on IP protocols
other than TCP and UDP.  I think that may change for 2.4, but don't quote
me on that.

However, it can be done, with special tools and relatively minor and
well-tested kernel modifications.

ftp://ftp.rubyriver.com/pub/jhardin/masquerade/ip_masq_vpn.html has all
the information you need.

You do need to realise, however, that there can be one and only one IPsec
device behind the NAT firewall.  Ditto with MS' PPTP VPN stuff.

Another solution would be to put IPsec on Linux: http://www.freeswan.org.  
I've heard good reports on this implementation, but I've not yet used

 I have no experience with IPsec, but this sounded strange.  Can anyone
 confirm or deny this?  I can't understand why a Windows machine can plug
 into the net but that GNU/Linux doing Masquerading or using Squid can't do
 the same.  Could someone whack me with a clue bat?  TIA.

The problem is, as I said before, kernel 2.2 doesn't like to do NAT on IP
protocols other than TCP and UDP.

When the kernel does NAT, it translates the source address of the
connection to be that of the interface, and does the reverse when packets
come back through.  However, to be able to do that, the NAT subsystem
needs to be able to track the connection.

IP protocols 47 (GRE, used by PPTP), 50 (IPsec ESP), and 51 (IPsec AH) do
not carry this connection tracking information, therefore these
connections can not be forwarded automatically, like a POP3 connection
can.  You must basically do port forwarding on these alternate IP
protocols to get the packets to the correct host.

As to why Windows just works but Linux doesn't... Windows is build to
work only on way, so it's easy to get working just right.  Linux has
more flexibility, therfore requires more work to get the details right.


- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Bitchx and screen do NOT cooperate in 2.2

2000-10-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i get the same...never used /window create before though, never needed it
looks like it loads a new screen for me i just detach and load a new
screen. also have you tried this using bitchx's internal screen code
rather then screen itself?

use /detach to detach and scr-bx to re attach ..again i dont use this
either :)


On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Gecco wrote:

gecco Hi,
gecco I've got debian 2.2 installed on TWO computers with all security updates
gecco applied. However, when I run bitchx under screen and try to create new
gecco window (/window create) it ends up with:
gecco -:- Opening new screen...
gecco -:- The screen is now dead.
gecco child signaled with 11
gecco Errno is 4
gecco -:- Cannot create new screen!
gecco on both machines.
gecco I've circumvented it already by creating windows different way, but the
gecco error *seems* to be a bug (as it didn't happen in earlier versions of
gecco bitchx and screen).
gecco Could you check the command in your boxes?
gecco Regards,
gecco Gecco
gecco PS. bitchx is Version (BitchX-1.0c16) -- Date (19990221). (dselect says-
gecco 1.0-0c16-2) and screen is 3.9.5-9.
gecco -- 
gecco Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

11:48am up 15 days, 19:44, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.04, 0.00

traceroute ping fail

2000-10-01 Thread William Jensen
I think it's my firewall blocking them going _out_ because when I take the
firewall offline both ping and traceroute work fine.  Ping works on localhost,
though traceroute does not when the firewall is up.  Unfortunetly I am too new
at both debian and firewalling to know where I went wrong.  I'm trying to set
it up so I can ping and traceroute to other boxes but other 'bad' boxes can't
do it to me.  What information can I follow this msg up with that will be

I call the firewall from /etc/rc2.d/S90firewall_up which is just a sym link to

On a side note, when I added the logging line:

$IPT -A Firewall -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix Firewall:

It produces a TON of the following as fast as it can put them in the log file.
How do I read this and even more importantly how can I make it log the rejects
properly so that I can actually catch people trying to scan the box etc.

Oct  1 13:28:11 stimpy kernel: Firewall:IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:20:78:cb:ce:05:08:00 SRC= DST= 
LEN=576 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=2 PROTO=UDP SPT=68 DPT=67 LEN=556

If it would help I can attach the actual firewall script.

Was my system cracked? (retry 2)

2000-10-01 Thread Ron Hale-Evans
I just realised my earlier tries at sending this message were full of
almost 300K of control characters. I am trying again. Apologies if it


Hi all--

I arrived home tonight to see the following message plastered across all my
terminal windows on my webserver, ludism.org:

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep 30 19:10:53 2000 ... ludism

??? I thought, and checked the system logs, which read as follows for the
period in question:

Sep 30 19:04:50 ludism inetd[219]: smtp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Sep 30 19:08:01 ludism /USR/SBIN/CRON[32062]: (mail) CMD ( if [ -x
/usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q /dev/null
21; fi) Sep 30 19:09:00 ludism innd: ME time 599939 idle 599938(2)
artwrite 0(0) artlink 0(0) hiswrite 0(0) hissync 0(3) Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism
Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism syslogd: Cannot glue message parts together Sep 30
19:10:53 ludism 173Sep 30 19:10:53 /sbin/rpc.statd[205]: gethostbyname
error for
Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism «^F/bin«F^D/shA0¿àF^Gâv^LçV^PçN^Lâۃ^KÕă^AÕÄ˝
Sep 30 19:14:01 ludism /USR/SBIN/CRON[32067]: (news) CMD (rnews -U) Sep 30
19:14:01 ludism innd: ME time 300548 idle 300544(2) artwrite 0(0) artlink
0(0) hiswrite 0(0) hissync 0(3)

I am far from a security expert, but it looks as though someone might have
been running some sort of shell script (/bin/sh appears somewhere near
the end of the garbage) via rpc. I also read the IP address
near the beginning, but can't locate that machine via host or ping.

Was this one of the famous sysklogd exploits? Yes, I was lazy and did not
upgrade until tonight, but I fear it may be too late.

I also found a file dated Friday, 22 September 2000, 6:03 PM in my /var/log
directory, reading thusly:

[...a whole lot of invisible characters...]
НÀ9tty1F*¥9tty2ÿâã8ttyp4c1019188-a.fedwy1.wa.home.comÖd 8tty2®v

So, do you think my machine has been cracked? It looks as though they've
been trying to cover their tracks, but not doing it very well. If it is a
crack, what can I do about it apart from wiping the machine and rebuilding
from the ground up?


Ron Hale-Evans

   Ron's Info Closet: Center for Ludic Synergy, Kennexions Glass Bead Game,
Positive Revolution FAQ, Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List, and links...
   Ron Hale-Evans ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/
Further up and further in! fnord

Re: firewall (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
 This isn't necessarily the case.  It certainly appears to vary by
 region.  They don't do it here (Denver, Colorado).  Perhaps this is
 because DSL is so easily available :}

One interesting thing that many providers are doing is not allowing any
VPN traffic. If you want to telecommute and work from home, your company
is going to have to buy you a commercial VPN capable account. The
reasoning from the ISP standpoint is that the pricing on home accounts is
very low. They are designed for private personal use. If you want to put
these accounts into commercial service (they view a company offering
employees a VPN connection into the company net for purposes of performing
work to be commercial use) then you are going to need to buy a commercial
account (or, rather, your EMPLOYER will need to purchase the account).

Individual home internet accounts are a loss leader for most ISP's. They
don't make beans from them and make their real money offering services to
business. In that light, I really can't blame them. 

It is going to get much more difficult as time goes by to find a basic
home account that will let you do much more than act as a basic client.

exim problems with latest version

2000-10-01 Thread David Bellows
Hello all,

I just today upgraded my version of exim (I didn't mean to, upgrading
kword caused exim and I just let it happen).  I did have exim working
perfectly, now it does nothing.  Here is the error:

 2000-10-01 14:46:49 13fp4T-Su-00 Failed to create spool file\
/var/spool/exim/input//13fp4T-Su-00-D: Permission denied

2000-10-01 14:46:49 13fp4T-Su-00 Failed to create spool file\
/var/spool/exim/input//13fp4T-Su-00-D: Permission denied

2000-10-01 14:46:49 13fp4T-Su-00 Failed to create spool file\
/var/spool/exim/input//13fp4T-Su-00-D: Permission denied

here is ls -l /var/spool/exim
drwxr-x---5 mail mail 4096 Aug 22 01:28 exim

here is ls -l /var/spool/exim/input
drwxr-x---2 mail mail 4096 Oct  1 14:13 input

I added me (as user) to group mail and I still get the same error.

Here is ls -l /var/spool/exim/input//*
-rw---1 mail mail   22 Aug 27 17:42 
... [same for all the other entries]

Something is very wrong.  Even if I change the permissions, the errors
still occur in /var/spool/exim/input//*

Thanks for any help,
David Bellows

Re: IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
 The problem is, as I said before, kernel 2.2 doesn't like to do NAT on IP
 protocols other than TCP and UDP.

Almost true. Using the iproute2 tools, you can do a static NAT of an
inside box to outside. You can then use standard packet filter firewall
rules to block various ports you don't want access to from outside. It is
the Linux masquerading code that has the problem, regular NAT works just
fine. Problem is that it burns another external IP address.

Re: Problem with Lucent winmodem on debian 2.2

2000-10-01 Thread Francesco Bochicchio
On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 11:25:30AM -0400, Shaji N V wrote:
 I am trying to configure Lucent Winmodem on my HP Pavillion (6735) box with
 Debian 2.2. I have followed the instructions from www.linmodems.org for 
 installing the binary only driver provided by Lucent, but still have problems 
 loading the driver.
 The following bits should tell the story.. Can someone help me out? The
 modem is working fine with Windows ME.
 I am not able to understand what exactly the problem is. 
 1. Why kernel module is not getting loaded. (Lucent's driver is supposed to 
 support shared IRQ - Shouldn't it probe for the IRQ? Windows ME uses IRQ 3)
 2. Why setserial complains about No such device
 Thanks in advance,
I have ltmodem working on my Potato boxes ( both laptop and desktop ), and
will try to help. Check also archives of debian-user and debian-laptop :
there have been others thread on this subject with some interesting info.

 From insmod -f ltmodem
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/ltmodem.o
 Warning: kernel-module version mismatch
  /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/ltmodem.o was compiled for kernel version
  while this kernel is version 2.2.17

BIG PROBLEM : ltmodem.o works fine up to kerner 2.2.14. After that, changes
in ppp.o broke someting. With 2.2.17, I am  able to load
it and to dial, but the kernel panics as soon as ppp.o module is loaded.

There is a 'dirt-trick' whis works for somebody ( not for me, until now ):
it consists of compiling two kernels, say 2.2.17 and 2.2.14, with the same
options, then substitute the ppp.o in 2.2.14 to the ppp.o in 2.2.17.
I currentrly use 2.2.13. :-(

Note : when I compile the kernel, I include the following options:

Support more than 4 serial ports
Support for sharing serial interrupts

Dunno if this matters. I checked the options after having seen this message 
from ltmodem :

Lucent Modem driver version with MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT SHARE_IRQ 

 /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/ltmodem.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters

Strange. I currently don't have any option in /etc/modules and the module
install fines ( I do have option for ltmodem on my Laptop, but that has
the ISA version of ltmodem ).

 From cat /proc/pci
 Communication controller: Lucent (ex-ATT) Microelectronics Unknown
 (rev 0).
   Vendor id=11c1. Device id=44e.
   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.
 Min Gnt=252.Max Lat=14.
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf410 [0xf410].
   I/O at 0x3400 [0x3401].
   I/O at 0x3000 [0x3001].

This is mine ( different, but it could be because I have ltmodem loaded):

  Bus  0, device  16, function  0:
Communication controller: Lucent (ex-ATT) Microelectronics L56xMF (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 9.  Master Capable.  No 
bursts.  Min Gnt=252.Max Lat=14.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xef00 [0xef00].
  I/O at 0xc400 [0xc401].
  I/O at 0xc000 [0xc001].

 From /etc/serial.conf
 # These are two spare devices you can use to customize for
 # some board which is not supported above
 /dev/ttyS14 uart 16450 port 0x0260 irq 3
 #/dev/ttyS15 uart X port  irq X

No. I still have both commented. I'd bet this is the problem.

 From setserial -agv /dev/ttyS*
 /dev/ttyS0, Line 0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
  Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
  closing_wait: 3000
  Flags: spd_normal skip_test
 /dev/ttyS1, Line 1, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
  Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
  closing_wait: 3000
  Flags: spd_normal skip_test
 /dev/ttyS14: No such device
 /dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
  Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
  closing_wait: 3000
  Flags: spd_normal skip_test
 /dev/ttyS3, Line 3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3
  Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
  closing_wait: 3000
  Flags: spd_normal

This is mine (skipping unimportant bits):

/dev/ttyS14, Line 14, UART: 16950/954, Port: 0xc000, IRQ: 2
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000
Flags: spd_normal skip_test

 From ls -l /dev/ttyS*
 crw-rw1 root dialout4,  64 Jul  5 23:14 /dev/ttyS0
 crw-rw1 root dialout4,  65 Jul  5 23:14 /dev/ttyS1
 crw-rw1 root dialout62,  78 Sep 28 05:42 /dev/ttyS14
 crw-rw1 root dialout4,  66 Jul  5 23:14 /dev/ttyS2
 crw-rw1 root dialout4,  67 Jul  5 23:14 /dev/ttyS3

Here it's mine:

crw-rw-rw-1 root tty4,  14 Mar 25  2000 /dev/tty14

!!Note the difference in minor number.



Re: Was my system cracked? (retry 2)

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
 So, do you think my machine has been cracked? It looks as though they've
 been trying to cover their tracks, but not doing it very well. If it is a
 crack, what can I do about it apart from wiping the machine and rebuilding
 from the ground up?

wiping and rebuilding is the safest thing to do. You can not, at this
point, be sure of anything on your system. Any binary could have been
replaced. Simply doing an ls might now launch a service to allow the
attacker a back door onto your system.

I would suggest rebuilding the base OS and modify your
/etc/apt/sources.list file to also point to security.debian.org and
running update rather often so that you can pick up security changes as
they are released.

Re: How to set Xserver resolution

2000-10-01 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do you determine what the proper dpi should be?  How do you calculate it?

Take a ruler and mesure the visible screen width of you monitor.
Convert this value to inches if you're using a cm ruler (multiply
by 2.54). Then divide the number of vertical pixels (like 800,
1024, 1280, depending on the mode you're using) by the visible
screen width in inches. Then go

xdpyinfo | grep resolution:

to compare that to what your Xserver thinks the resolution is.

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim problems with latest version

2000-10-01 Thread Brent Buchholz
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, David Bellows wrote:

2000-10-01 14:46:49 13fp4T-Su-00 Failed to create spool file\
/var/spool/exim/input//13fp4T-Su-00-D: Permission denied

Something is very wrong.  Even if I change the permissions, the errors
still occur in /var/spool/exim/input//*

One of the bug reports says that exim should be suid.

# chmod u+s /usr/sbin/exim is the work-around.


Re: How to set Xserver resolution

2000-10-01 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 01:38:36PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 startx  -bpp 16 -dpi 120
 Would be one way.

Is there a way to make that permanent as well? Something in

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

last log?

2000-10-01 Thread steve winston
in /var/logs, what is lastlog?
Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: last log?

2000-10-01 Thread Pollywog
It shows recent logins; when people last logged in to their accounts.
see 'man lastlog'


On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 12:20:16 -0700
steve winston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 in /var/logs, what is lastlog?
 Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  The problem is, as I said before, kernel 2.2 doesn't like to do NAT on IP
  protocols other than TCP and UDP.
 Almost true. Using the iproute2 tools, you can do a static NAT of an
 inside box to outside. You can then use standard packet filter firewall
 rules to block various ports you don't want access to from outside. It is
 the Linux masquerading code that has the problem, regular NAT works just

The ip neigh {add|del|change|replace} ... sequence?

 Problem is that it burns another external IP address.

Um... not good.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Netscape - libstdc++

2000-10-01 Thread Brad
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 11:12:04AM -0700, ObeseWhale wrote:
 It seems as if I can't install netscape 4.75 on my Potato box because the
 version of libstdc++ that comes with debian is too high.  I get a dependency
 error when trying to run netscape.  Has anyone had a similar problem, or
 better yet, a solution?

The Debianized netscape packages depend on libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1, which
is in oldlibs on woody (probably on potato as well?). It seems to
coexist peacefully with newer libstdc++ packages.

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: last log?

2000-10-01 Thread montefin
Also, it 'appears' enormous, but if you do

du -k /var/log/lastlog

you will see that it's actually quite small.


Pollywog wrote:
 It shows recent logins; when people last logged in to their accounts.
 see 'man lastlog'
 On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 12:20:16 -0700
 steve winston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  in /var/logs, what is lastlog?
  Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[OFFTOPIC] small fetchmail problem with popsneaker

2000-10-01 Thread Pollywog
I have no problems retrieving mail with fetchmail, but when I try to do this in 
conjunction with popsneaker, fetchmail issues these complaints:

(d3) Connected to postoffice.myisp.com
(d3) Disconnected from postoffice.myisp.com
fetchmail: pre-connection command failed with status 256
fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)

the pertinent .fetchmailrc lines are:

poll mercury.myisp.net with proto POP3
  user pollywog password mypasswdhere
  preconnect /usr/local/bin/popsneaker --only mercury.myisp.net
  to pollywog

and the .popsneakerrc lines:

popserver mercury.myisp.net pollywog mypassword

Does anyone know what the problem might be?



Re: [OFFTOPIC] small fetchmail problem with popsneaker - SOLVED :)

2000-10-01 Thread Pollywog
On Sun, 01 Oct 2000 19:27:56 +
Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no problems retrieving mail with fetchmail, but when I try to do this 
 in conjunction with popsneaker, fetchmail issues these complaints:

Nevermind folks   All of a sudden, it hit me what I had done incorrectly 
and I fixed it.


Re: IPsec and IPMasq/Proxy

2000-10-01 Thread George Bonser
 The ip neigh {add|del|change|replace} ... sequence?

Yeah. Look in /usr/share/doc/iproute and print off one of the cref
(command reference) docs (note the .ps file wants A4 paper)

  Problem is that it burns another external IP address.
 Um... not good.

Well, yeah. That is the thing with NAT as opposed to Masq but NAT is a lot
faster. If you have the addresses to spare, you assign one for the
internal IPSec or PPTP or whatever VPN unit and NAT it at the
firewall. The thing is that a lot of these protocols use things like GRE
that Linux does not like to masquerade. Heck, Linux doesn't like UDP all
that much ... try running a CIPE VPN from behind a firewall ... no can do.

Re: tr '\verb|\|000' '\verb|\|\n'?

2000-10-01 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 12:49:04PM -0400, David Z Maze wrote:
 Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 JS but what is '\verb|\|000'?  And the use of |\|?  
 Are you reading this out of the source of a LaTeX document?  

No. It is a postscript document.

J.H. Spies - Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery 
  trial which is to try you, as though some strange 
  thing happened unto you; But rejoice, inasmuch as ye 
  are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his 
  glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with 
  exceeding joy.   I Peter 4:12,13 

Re: offtopic: OCR on linux

2000-10-01 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 06:45:41PM -0300, Carlos Menezes wrote:
 Try this:
 More informations, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:

  Does anyone have any good ocr-package for Linux which gives very good
  results on all kinds of texts including the somewhat worse cases like
  badly printed manuals and newspaper-articles.

About a 18 months ago on a different mailing list someone provided
this url referring to a commercial package:


I did not check it out.

J.H. Spies - Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery 
  trial which is to try you, as though some strange 
  thing happened unto you; But rejoice, inasmuch as ye 
  are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his 
  glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with 
  exceeding joy.   I Peter 4:12,13 

RE: Masquerading

2000-10-01 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis
Assuming you're using a stock kernel or kernel with support for
IP masquerading, these three lines should get you started with masq:

/bin/echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/ipchains -P forward REJECT
/sbin/ipchains -I forward -s -d ! -j MASQ

You may need to change that last line, depending on what internal
IP addresses you use.  As far as firewalling is concerned, there's an
excellent howto guide available on ipchains at http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/.

I can't help you any with setting it up for dialin or FAX, as I don't use 



Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From:   Hans-Christian Armingeon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sunday, October 01, 2000 3:09 PM
To: Debian List

is there anybody out there who kan help me start building a masquerading and
dialin and fax and firewall box with potato?

Thanks Johnny

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RE: Was my system cracked? (retry 2)

2000-10-01 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis
At first glance, this appears to be an attempt to exploit rpc.statd.

If they *DID* get in, you have no way of knowing what may or may
not have been modified.  I just dealt with a machine about two weeks
ago that had a very extensive rootkit installed.  The only way it was
noticed that the machine had been compromised was that the admin
noticed many processes named tfn-daemon installed, which, for the
uninitiated, is the Tribal Flood Network DDoS tools.

Reinstall your system.  It sucks, but it's a learning experience.


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From:   Ron Hale-Evans [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sunday, October 01, 2000 1:53 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject:Was my system cracked? (retry 2)


Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism syslogd: Cannot glue message parts together 
Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism 173
Sep 30 19:10:53 /sbin/rpc.statd[205]: gethostbyname
error for
Sep 30 19:10:53 ludism «^F/bin«F^D/shA0¿àF^Gâv^LçV^PçN^LâÛ?^KÕÄ?^AÕÄË???
Sep 30 19:14:01 ludism /USR/SBIN/CRON[32067]: (news) CMD (rnews -U) Sep 30
19:14:01 ludism innd: ME time 300548 idle 300544(2) artwrite 0(0) artlink
0(0) hiswrite 0(0) hissync 0(3)

So, do you think my machine has been cracked? It looks as though they've
been trying to cover their tracks, but not doing it very well. If it is a
crack, what can I do about it apart from wiping the machine and rebuilding
from the ground up?


Ron Hale-Evans

   Ron's Info Closet: Center for Ludic Synergy, Kennexions Glass Bead Game,
Positive Revolution FAQ, Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List, and links...
   Ron Hale-Evans ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/
Further up and further in! fnord

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Re: more sound difficulties

2000-10-01 Thread Chris Gray
On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 10:01:30AM -0400, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:
 Unfortunately, I have been unable to get the ALSA sound working either
 in an IBM thinkpad, or on a desktop system with a standard
 soundblaster.  I have installed all of the relevant alsa packages, but

There is an emu10k1 driver out there that is not by alsa at

 the alsaconfig utility doesnt detect the card in either case (very bad
 sign), nor does it accept any of my configurations for setting the sound
 card manually.  A typical error is as follows:
 Loading driver:
 Starting sound driver:  (cs4232)
 Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the Master output volume to 50%
 The ALSA sound driver was not detected in this system.
 Could not initialize the mixer, the card was probably
 not detected correctly.

The ALSA cs4232 driver is a real pain.  You have to specify everything
for it and then it might still not work.  Here is what I had in my
/etc/modules in the hope that it helps: 

snd-card-cs4232 snd_port=0x530 snd_irq=11 snd_dma1=0 snd_dma2=3
snd_cport=0x120 snd_mpu_port=-1 snd_fm_port=-1 snd_mpu_irq=9 

(All on one line of course).  Using the plain OSS driver now seems like
a better solution to me and I only need to specify the io, irq, dma, and
dma2 for it.

 Note that sound was configured perfectly first time on both machines on
 Redhat 6.2.  These are both production machines, so if I am unable to
 get this problem resolved today or tomorrow, I will have to abandon
 Debian.  Any help is most appreciated.

First off, why does a production machine *need* sound unless you are
doing sound work?  Servers probably shouldn't even have sound cards.
Secondly, ALSA is still beta software and you really shouldn't blame
Debian for its failings.  Thirdly, if you are doing sound programming,
you might as well stick with OSS since alsa-lib is changing so rapidly.


It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.
-- Benjamin Disraeli

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