Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-10-31 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

 Y '... para perezosos'? :o)

Que tal '... para vagos' ?

Es más corto y al fin y al cabo, el que quiere buscar información sobre
algo, va a la documentación y lo busca... y luego estamos los vagos que
vamos a la página de Manel y usamos sus chuletas.  :-)

Gracias Manel.

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: X Window Snapshot

2000-10-31 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Emilio wrote:


 ¿Alguien sabe bien cómo se utiliza el Snapshot para guardar la imagen de
 la pantalla en un archivo de imagen? Yo ejecuto el Snapshot que aparece en
 el menú Apps-tools-X Window Snapshot y, al poco rato, me aparece la imagen
 de la pantalla en una ventana nueva, pero sólo consigo maximizarla y
 minimizarla, no sé cómo guardar esa imagen a un archivo.

No conozco el snapshot ... pero si utilizas gnome, te recomiendo que te 
actualices al helix
gnome (hay paquetes para potato en La Espiral: deb 
helixcode) y uses el aplique (applet) llamado screenshooter ... ¡es una caña!


JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALI would have left the world all bleeding,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I could I only help you love?
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA The fleeting shapes so many years ago,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  so young and beautiful and brave.
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.Everything was true, it couldn't be a story.
Phone: +34 964 728361   I wish it was all true,
Fax: +34 964 728435 I wish it couldn't be a story.
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The words all left me lifeless, hoping,
breathing like the drowning man.
Oh, Fushia! you leave me
breathing like the drowning man.
Robert Smith (The Cure)
-The Drowning Man, Faith, 1981, Fiction Rec-


2000-10-31 Thread Jaume Sabater

que tengo un pequeño problemilla...

Tengo rulando el mysql, y le he metido una base de datos a piñón. Para
arancar el mysql tengo que poner en /etc/init.d/mysql el safemysqld
--skip-grant-tables, sino no me arranca.

El /var/log/mysql.err me dice:

mysqld started on  Tue Oct 31 12:11:35 GMT 2000
001031 12:11:35  Found old style password for user 'dbuser'. Restart using
mysqld ended on  Tue Oct 31 12:11:35 GMT 2000

Pues metiendo --old-protocol arranca, pero parece que no rulez :-( el php
no se conecta ni a tiros... ¿Cómo soluciono yo eso? 

Merci por adelantado...

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Problemas grabadora

2000-10-31 Thread Miguel Angel Ordoñez Moya
Muy buenas.

Estoy intentando configurar una grabadora HP7200i en mi Debian Potato.
La configuración de mi equipo es:
Pentium 166 MMX con 96M de Ram
1er. disco duro (/dev/hda)
cd-rom (/dev/hdb)
2º. disco duro (/dev/hdc)
grabadora HP (/dev/hdd)

He compilado el kernel (2.2.17) con las siguientes opciones
BLOCK SCSI emulation support ide-scsi M
BLOCK Loopback device loop M
SCSI SCSI support scsi_modM
SCSI SCSI CD-ROM support sr_mod M
SCSI Enable vendor-specific Y
SCSI SCSI generic support sg M
FS ISO 9660 CDROM filesystem iso9660 M
FS Microsoft Joliet cdrom... joliet Y

en /etc/lilo.conf  añadí despues de label=Linux (en la linea siguiente)

En  /etc/modules.conf añadí
options ide-cd ignore=hdd
alias scd0 sr_mod
pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd

Extraje de un CD-audio una canción para posteriormente grabarla con
cdrecord (en un regrabable, claro). Hago un cdrecord -scanbus y  veo mi
lectora de CD y mi grabadora detectada.
Escribo cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,1,0 -audio track01.wav, y empiezo a
alucinar, mi grabadora comienza a escribir y de repente  Violación
de Segmento ¿? Leí algo de convertit del *.wav a *.cdr con el programa
sox, así que fuí a instalarlo con apt-get install sox, pedía uno de los
cd's de potato, lo puse, enter, pero de nuevo me pedía que insertara
el CD, así que supuse que era cosa del modulo ide-scsi, tecleé  modprobe
-r ide-scsi, quitado de enmedio, y pude instalar sox.
Convierto el *.wav a *.cdr, hago cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0
-black=fast, para borrar el regrabable, y esto funciona.
Pruebo de nuevo cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -audio track01.cdr, y de
nuevo Violación de segmento.

Hasta aquí he podido llegar. Si alguien me puede ayudar, se lo
agradeceré eternamente.
He buscado información en la lista, leido el Howto Cd-Writing, .,
pero no doy con la tecla.
Tened paciencia con los novatos como yo.
Muchísimas gracias a todos.

Miguel Ángel Ordóñez
CervanTeX, grupo de usuarios de TeX hispanohablantes
Usuario registrado de Linux Nº 193029 (

RE: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?

2000-10-31 Thread Diego Mariani
Aca en Uruguay se les dice Trencitos o Trenes.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ugo Enrico Albarello [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 22:43
 To:   Lista Debian Castellano
 Subject:  Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?
 El Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 08:12:37PM +0100, Manel Marin dijo:
  Hola a todos,
  Nunca me he parado a pensar si en sudamérica se entiende la palabra
  con la idea de la esencia de una materia, lo que te apuntas en los
  antes de los examenes vaya ;-)
 En la vida se me habría ocurrido que las 'chuletas' eran las 'copialinas',
 'comprimidos' o 'chivas' (todos, términos colombianos, eso si)
  Es que estamos hablando de expandir esa idea en la espiral y alguien ha
  sugerido el palabrejo nanoCOMOs pero me suena fatal
 Se me acabó de ocurrir rapiCOMOs, pero me late a que es peor que los
  Si chuleta no se entiende quizas mejor Guia rápida de instalación de
  pero es muy largo...
 Y '... para perezosos'? :o) 
  Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa  A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: escaneo

2000-10-31 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas

A mi personalmente me gusta ethereal, ya que desglosa gráficamente los
diferentes protocolos, soporta bastantes protocolos y además permite
filtros muy faciles de crear.

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Jaume Sabater wrote:

 Prueba con iptraf. 
 At 18:57 30/10/00 +0100, you wrote:
 hola a todos (y gracias por adelantado ;))
 necesito hacer un escaneo de toda la red, porque creo que algo está
 colapsando muchos servicios. Actualmente utilizo sniffit, pero no veo nada
 extraño. ¿Sabéis de algún otro escaner que muestre absolutamente todos los
 paquetes de la red? ¿Se pueden escanear los paquetes que envía o recibe un
 JetDirect (creo que es el causante de mis males)?
 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
Josep Llauradó Selvas   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


OT: configuracion backup MX-dns

2000-10-31 Thread Jaume Sabater

debo hacer que el dns redireccione MX a una IP, y si esa IP no responde que
redireccione a otra IP.

El caso es que he hecho un dns como asín: IN  MX  10 IN  MX  20
mail2   IN  A
mail3IN Aaaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

Ta bien eso? Lo de prioridad 10 y 20 es correcto?

El caso es que a veces, en el /var/log/messages me aparece algo como

Oct 31 13:05:11 www sendmail[23980]: MAA23462: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED],
delay=00:47:37, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=smtp,,
stat=Deferred: No route to host

para cada uno de los mensajes que tengo en /var/spool/mqeue, que no son
pocos! ¿Porqué no se van todos esos mensajes a por el

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-10-31 Thread Roberto Lopez
Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
  Y '... para perezosos'? :o)
 Que tal '... para vagos' ?
 Es más corto y al fin y al cabo, el que quiere buscar información sobre
 algo, va a la documentación y lo busca... y luego estamos los vagos que
 vamos a la página de Manel y usamos sus chuletas.  :-)
 Gracias Manel.
 Ignacio García Fernández

Pues a mi lo de nanoCOMOs me parece bien, y si no en esa casi cualquier

microCOMOs (por ahi lo que querais: nano, pico, femto,
QuantaCOMOS (por cuantico, no por ...)
LinuFichax - LinuCardx
COMOfichas - HOWTOCards (record-HOWTOCards)

Ahora que me voy a poner con Patata (y a lo mejor actualizando con
Wudy) me voy a llenar de fichas (esta bien, chuletas), ¿Que tal definir
un formato ademas de un nombre? Debiera ser como un MAN o u FAQ pero en
pequeño. Yo 'realmente' tengo fichas tamaño tarjeta, nunca habia pensado
en electrificarlas o bitearlas, pero creo que para ello y para
generalizarlo debieramos definir un formato y no dejarlo muy anarquico,
de modo que realmente se extienda y sea funcional. 
Pienso que no debieran superar el formato A5=A4/2 y por una sola cara o
2xA6(=A5/2 por las dos caras), para que no pase a ser un miniCOMO.
 Para empezar con algo podemos fijar:
una linea de NN caracteres.
Empezar con una linea de Cuestion/Commando/Tema alineado DCHA/IZDA
Linea de Definicion/Problema
Cuerpo de Procedimiento/Solucion

Hala! A discutir que esto no creo que sea un [AL MARGEN] = [OFF TOPIC]

Roberto Lopez Lopez   I love this game!
Optical Engineer, Technology Division  Tel#: +34 922 605200
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias   Fax#: +34 922 605210
38200 - La Laguna[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tenerife, SPAIN

Re: Trabajo en grupo?

2000-10-31 Thread Roberto Meyer

CL Domino Server  Lotus Notes. Es lo mejor que hay y
CL funciona a la perfección con Linux (con RedHat no
CL tanto). 

Mmm... se me hace _demasiado_ para nuestros objetivos... no somos mas de 60
personas y nunca han trabajado con este tipo de herramientas.

Creo que debi aclarar que podria ser algo sencillo en ppio... ir agregando
funcionalidades con el tiempo... me resulto interesante iOffice2000
(, donde una licencia para 50
usuarios cuesta U$S 2.200 si recuerdo bien.

Otro que estoy evaluando es Twig (GPL)
En freshmeat encontre Eridu, en desarrollo y si bien promete, recien

Alguien encontro algo mas por alli?

 Quisiera saber si alguien ha pasado por el proceso
 de escoger algun software
 para trabajo en grupo (correo, tareas, citas,
 reserva de recursos, c.),
 preferentemente orientado a la web y OS por supuesto


Re: Acceder a internet en windows a trav?s de un linux

2000-10-31 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 30 Oct 2000 a las 10:23PM -0300, Daniel H. Perez escribio:
 * [20001030 21:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
  Me gustaría montar en casa una micro-red con un debian linux y un windows.
  El modem y por tanto la conexión de internet estarían por supuesto en el 
  debian, pero me gustaría que se pudiera acceder a internet también desde 
  el windows.
  ¿como se puede hacer esto? ¿que paquetes tengo que instalar?
  Saludos y muchas gracias.
 Hace ya un tiempo yo estaba en tu situacion, despues de probar el diald me
 dije Ni en pedo uso esto! :) es insoportable ver como se conecta porque al
 windows se le ocurre mandar un paquetito y al final no encontre la forma de
 que se conecte solo cuando alguien quiere conectarse.

Una buena currada de filtros en diald lo soluciona, lo que pasa es que no
resulta muy rápido ni sencillo. Si alguien tiene dudas, le puedo hechar
una mano.

 Lo malo es que no esta empaquetado (vamos a ver si encuentro tiempo y lo
 empaqueto yo y me hago maintainer y famoso y multimillonario)

¡me apunto contigo! ;-)

 Ahh por cierto, el programa ha pasado por muchas etapas asi que quiza en
 lugar de linecontrol lo encontras como dialsrv o dialcontrol proba en

Buscaré, igual mola para el diald-Howto.


Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Queries a postgres

2000-10-31 Thread Gabriel Tabares Barreiro
Una nueva pregunta sobre postgres. Tengo Potato instalado con
Postgres 7.0.2 (antes del cambio de librerias) y va bastante
bien. El problema que tengo es que me exige que para nombrar un
campo, tabla o lo que sea tengo que rodearlo de 
(ejemplo: 'SELECT campo FROM tabla' tiene que ser
'SELECT campo FROM tabla) . ?Alguien sabe por que? Me lo
hace hasta en PGAccess.

   Otra mas (ya puesto). Tengo postgres-java y drivers jdbc para
Java 1.1 (en caso que los de 7.0.2 sean para 1.2, que no me
extrannaria), pero al compilar me dice que no encuentra (el driver) aunque le ponga import sql.*;
?Alguna idea?

   Muchas gracias de antemano.


FREE! The World's Best Email Address
Reserve your name now at

Re: LaTeX en dos pasadas (o pattern rules en make)

2000-10-31 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:

 ¿Alguien conoce algún metodo para hacer que los 'pattern rules'
 ejecunten mas de un comando?

títuloVarios comandos en una regla del fichero Makefile/título

objetivo: requisito
comando1; comando2; comando3

O si lo prefieres:

objetivo: requisito
comando1; \
comando2; \

En tu caso quieres algo así:
TEX = latex
%.dvi:%.tex # pattern rule para LaTeX
  $(TEX) $ ; $(TEX) $


P.S. Perdón por el XML, pero es que tenemos que irnos acostumbrando :-)

Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Carlos


Lo primero saludar a todo el mundo, soy nuevo en la lista.
Tengo un problema con lilo.

Bueno tengo asi las cosas:
/dev/hdc1 - /boot (10mb)
/dev/hdc2 - /
/dev/hdc3 - swap

Cambie el lilo.conf para arrancar tambien el nt (en /hda1)
y tras ejecutar lilo da el warning de que hdc no esta
en el primer disco.. pero se ejecuta bien:
Added debian *
Added nt

En la bios lo tengo para que arranque hdc y arranca bien,
pero el lilo se queda colgado en LI.

He probado a pasar el e2fsck a /hdc1 y volver a ejecutar
lilo pero nada... sigue igual :(

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Re: Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Carlos wrote:


 Lo primero saludar a todo el mundo, soy nuevo en la lista.
 Tengo un problema con lilo.

 Bueno tengo asi las cosas:
 /dev/hdc1 - /boot (10mb)
 /dev/hdc2 - /
 /dev/hdc3 - swap

 Cambie el lilo.conf para arrancar tambien el nt (en /hda1)
 y tras ejecutar lilo da el warning de que hdc no esta
 en el primer disco.. pero se ejecuta bien:
 Added debian *
 Added nt

 En la bios lo tengo para que arranque hdc y arranca bien,
 pero el lilo se queda colgado en LI.

 He probado a pasar el e2fsck a /hdc1 y volver a ejecutar
 lilo pero nada... sigue igual :(

 Muchas gracias de antemano.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sacado de la pagina
Según el manual de LILO:


 El cargador de primera etapa ha cargado el cargador de segunda etapa, pero 
no lo ha
podido ejecutar. Esto
 puede ser causado por un desajuste de geometría o por haber movido 
/boot/boot.b sin
correr el instalador
 de mapa.

Aparte de eso también es un problema que aparece en los discos IDE con una bios 
que tenga un
límite de 1024
cilindros (504Mb) en la geometría real (sin remapeados tipo LBA) del disco, en 
los que la
BIOS no puede llegar
más allá sin trucar la geometría.

Según el manual, LILO depende de la BIOS para cargar:

 /boot/map (creado al correr /sbin/lilo)
 Todos los kernels.
 Los sectores de arranque de todos los otros sistemas operativos que lanza.
 El mensaje de arranque, si se ha definido.

Normalmente esto implica que el sistema raíz base de linux debe estar en zona 
segura (por
debajo de los 1024
cilindros). Puede ser suficiente mantener el contenido de boot y los kernels en 
un directorio
seguro en una
partición segura y hacer /boot un link a ese directorio (creo).

Si tu BIOS te lo permite utiliza una geometría de disco remapeada (lo que la 
BIOS llama modo
LBA, de forma que
la BIOS se crea que las cosas están por debajo del cilindro 1024, a ver si eso 
resuelve el

Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Usuario Linux Registrado: 150750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza

Samba y carácteres 8bit

2000-10-31 Thread Jordi Mallach

Mi servidor de Samba debe estar haciendo algo mal, porque los windows ven
mal los carácteres de 8bits (acentos, etc) y al copiar lloriquean de que el
fichero no existe (y ya se sabe que cuando peta uno, peta la copia
entera). Los clientes Unix van bién.

Alguna idea? Sospecho que puede que no sea cosa de Samba, sino del sistema,
que no está exportando bien los carácteres o vete a saber.

Ah, los shares están en una partición de VFAT, puede estar relacionado con
el codepage que está usando?

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compilación optimizada de fuentes

2000-10-31 Thread Gorka Olaizola
On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 09:58:41PM -0300, Daniel H. Perez wrote:
 Yo hace un tiempo en el trabajo optimice en forma increible una Red Hat...
 la reemplace con una debian :)
No, si a mí no me tienes que convencer. Yo ya estoy optimizado por
Woody!!! Pero aunque el mini-Como habla de Redhat las opciones de 
compilación del GCC son estándar para todos los Linux e igual les pueden 
ser útiles a alguien más que a mí.

  musg0 @ irc
_-(_)-  _-(_)-  _-( )-   (o__-(_)-  _-(_)-  _-(_)-  _-(_)-
  `(___)  `(___)  `(___) //\  `(___)  `(___)  `(___)  `(___)
   // \\   // \\   // \\ V_/   // \\   // \\   // \\   // \\
Like penguins among sheeps we live. -=[Debian GNU/Linux Woody]=-

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Jaume Sabater
Tienes /dev/hdb? A mi me dio problemas por no tenerlo (mismo síntoma: LI),
pero fue meter otro disco (uno de 380MB) y se solucionó. También me fijé
que si pasaba el hdc a hdb funcionaba correctamente. Lo que no se es si
teniendo hdb el cdrom te dara problemas o no...


At 18:50 21/10/00 +, you wrote:

Lo primero saludar a todo el mundo, soy nuevo en la lista.
Tengo un problema con lilo.

Bueno tengo asi las cosas:
/dev/hdc1 - /boot (10mb)
/dev/hdc2 - /
/dev/hdc3 - swap

Cambie el lilo.conf para arrancar tambien el nt (en /hda1)
y tras ejecutar lilo da el warning de que hdc no esta
en el primer disco.. pero se ejecuta bien:
Added debian *
Added nt

En la bios lo tengo para que arranque hdc y arranca bien,
pero el lilo se queda colgado en LI.

He probado a pasar el e2fsck a /hdc1 y volver a ejecutar
lilo pero nada... sigue igual :(

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Acceder a internet en windows a trav?s de un linux

2000-10-31 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 10:23:40PM -0300, Daniel H. Perez wrote:
 Ahh por cierto, el programa ha pasado por muchas etapas asi que quiza en
 lugar de linecontrol lo encontras como dialsrv o dialcontrol proba en

Y cual es la última etapa?

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: xserver-svga 3.3.6 ¿alguien ha notado algo raro?

2000-10-31 Thread carlos saldaña
Ricardo Villalba dijo:
 A mi me va muy lento, pero que muy lento. 


 Mi tarjeta gráfica es una SiS 6205.

Al menos en woody tienes el xserver-sis, que vá bastante bien (yo
tengo esa misma tarjeta). Mira si lo tienes en potato. Con el blackbox
funciona de maravilla; incluso a 800x600 (el xserver-svga necesitaba
calentarse para verse mínimamente bien a dicha resolución).
Lo tienes en non-free:

carldeb:~\carlos(*)apt-cache show xserver-sis
Package: xserver-sis
Version: 0.990907-2
Priority: optional
Section: non-free/x11
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: xserver-common (= 3.3.5), makedev (= 1.6-8), libc6 (=
Provides: xserver
Replaces: xbase (
Architecture: i386
Size: 980894 
Description: X server for some graphic cards with a SiS chipset
 This X server supports the SiS 86c201, SiS 86c202, SiS 86c205,...

 Cuando se incluya xfree 4.0 en Woody ¿se dejará también alguna versión
 3.3.x? Porque si la versión 3.3.6 ya es lenta la 4.0 ni quiero ni

Yo en la slak tengo las 4.0 con xserver-svga y vá bien, aunque
continúa el problemilla de la resolución 800x600.


carlos saldaña [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ?Decis chuletas en sudamerica?

2000-10-31 Thread MC_Vai
if ( Mexico )


Re: ?Decis chuletas en sudamerica?

2000-10-31 Thread Alberto Brealey

en Costa Rica se les llama 'forros'.


Re: Samba y carácteres 8bit

2000-10-31 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jordi Mallach 
  Cuando:   martes, 31 de octubre del 2000, a las 07:22, 
  Qué:  Samba y carácteres 8bit 

 Mi servidor de Samba debe estar haciendo algo mal, porque los windows ven
 mal los carácteres de 8bits (acentos, etc) y al copiar lloriquean de que el
 fichero no existe (y ya se sabe que cuando peta uno, peta la copia
 entera). Los clientes Unix van bién.
 Alguna idea? Sospecho que puede que no sea cosa de Samba, sino del sistema,
 que no está exportando bien los carácteres o vete a saber.

Dejame adivinar: ¿Tienes los juegos de caracteres cargados como
módulos ..?   ...  si es así, ponlos en el kernel ...

(Si adiviné a la primera, me debes una cerveza más en el
congreso ;)

 Ah, los shares están en una partición de VFAT, puede estar relacionado con
 el codepage que está usando?

¿Que haces tú jugando con windows ...?  }:-)

Post: A este paso, no me voy a enterar de lo que hablen en el
congreso... }:-)

Mi frase del dia:

La ciencia no me interesa. Ignora el sueño, el azar, la risa, el sentimiento y 
la contradiccion, cosas que me son preciosas.
-- Luis Buñuel. 

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  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
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Description: PGP signature

pregunta sobre correo

2000-10-31 Thread Carlos Mestre

Hola quisiera preguntar una duda:
Cuando ejecuto fetchmail para bajarme el correo me lo baja 
pero despues si ejecuto algun programa como el mutt no tengo ningun mensaje ni 
tampoco se me crea el archivo inbox en la carpeta mail de mi usuario, ¿a que 
puede ser debido?


Muchas gracias

Re: Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Carlos

Jaume Sabater wrote:

Tienes /dev/hdb? A mi me dio problemas por no tenerlo (mismo síntoma: LI),
pero fue meter otro disco (uno de 380MB) y se solucionó. También me fijé
que si pasaba el hdc a hdb funcionaba correctamente. Lo que no se es si
teniendo hdb el cdrom te dara problemas o no...


En /dev/hdb y /dev/hdd no tengo nada,
el cdrom y la grabadora son scsi. He probado
a ponerlo en /dev/hdd y /dev/hdb pero sigue igual la
cosa :(

Re: Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Carlos

Sergio Valdivielso Gomez wrote:

Sacado de la pagina
Según el manual de LILO:


 El cargador de primera etapa ha cargado el cargador de segunda etapa, pero 
no lo ha
podido ejecutar. Esto
 puede ser causado por un desajuste de geometría o por haber movido 
/boot/boot.b sin
correr el instalador
 de mapa.

Aparte de eso también es un problema que aparece en los discos IDE con una bios 
que tenga un
límite de 1024
cilindros (504Mb) en la geometría real (sin remapeados tipo LBA) del disco, en 
los que la
BIOS no puede llegar
más allá sin trucar la geometría.

Según el manual, LILO depende de la BIOS para cargar:

 /boot/map (creado al correr /sbin/lilo)
 Todos los kernels.
 Los sectores de arranque de todos los otros sistemas operativos que lanza.
 El mensaje de arranque, si se ha definido.

Normalmente esto implica que el sistema raíz base de linux debe estar en zona 
segura (por
debajo de los 1024
cilindros). Puede ser suficiente mantener el contenido de boot y los kernels en 
un directorio
seguro en una
partición segura y hacer /boot un link a ese directorio (creo).

Si tu BIOS te lo permite utiliza una geometría de disco remapeada (lo que la 
BIOS llama modo
LBA, de forma que
la BIOS se crea que las cosas están por debajo del cilindro 1024, a ver si eso 
resuelve el

Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Usuario Linux Registrado: 150750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza

El /boot esta por debajo del 1024, esta al principio de todo
en /dev/hdc1, antes con suse funcionaba todo bien, estaba puesto
de la misma forma.

Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?


en Chile les llamamos torpedos ...

nos leemos,

Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?

2000-10-31 Thread Enzo Dari
Tal parece que va a ser difícil ponerse de acuerdo.

Qúe tal si las bautizamos chapas? (acrónimo de Cómo HAcer PAra).

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

[Offtopic] Asado de chuletas

2000-10-31 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, siendo el offtopic pero es que me parece que este es uno de
los hilos más geniales de los últimos meses.

Resumo los sinónimos y el lugar de uso que han aparecido en los últimos dos
o tres días por esta lista:
Argentina: Machetes o ayudamemoria.
Chile: Torpedos.
Colombia: Copialinas, comrimidos o chivas.
Costa Rica: Forros.
España: Chuletas.
Méjico: Acordeones.
Uruguay: Trencitos o trenes.

¿Alguien da más? ;-)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: [Offtopic] Asado de chuletas

2000-10-31 Thread J. Carlos Romero
 vigu == rrez  Javier writes:

vigu Argentina: Machetes o ayudamemoria.
vigu Chile: Torpedos.
vigu Colombia: Copialinas, comrimidos o chivas.
vigu Costa Rica: Forros
vigu España: Chuletas.
vigu Méjico: Acordeones.  Uruguay:
vigu Uruguay: Trencitos o trenes.

¡¡ Y es que la riqueza del español es sencillamente la hostia !!

J. Carlos

Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-10-31 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 31 Oct 2000 a las 12:18PM +, Roberto Lopez escribio:
   Pienso que no debieran superar el formato A5=A4/2 y por una sola cara o
 2xA6(=A5/2 por las dos caras), para que no pase a ser un miniCOMO.

En hay una ficha/chuleta/tarjeta rápida o como lo
querais llamar que resulta impresionante. En la vida he tardado tanto en
leer el contenido de una tarjeta rapida de esta tipo. Doble cara, A4,
letras canijas...

Era una curiosidad.

  Para empezar con algo podemos fijar:
   una linea de NN caracteres.
   Empezar con una linea de Cuestion/Commando/Tema alineado DCHA/IZDA
   Linea de Definicion/Problema
   Cuerpo de Procedimiento/Solucion

Coña, os podiais unir al LDP (Linux Documentation Project) y añadir
documentos (o crear las fichas estas si no existe un tipo de documento
como este).

 Hala! A discutir que esto no creo que sea un [AL MARGEN] = [OFF TOPIC]

Yo creo que un poco si, pero está resultando divertido.


Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas con LILO: LI

2000-10-31 Thread Carlos

Hue-Bond wrote:

 Si en el lilo.conf tienes la opción linear, quítala. Si no la
 tienes, ponla  jeje. Ejecuta  lilo y prueba.  No sé  si funcionará,
 pero te aseguro que no estoy de puteo :^).

Probado y tampoco :(

Re: Acceder a internet en windows a trav?s de un linux

2000-10-31 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [20001031 23:34] Andres Seco Hernandez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 El 30 Oct 2000 a las 10:23PM -0300, Daniel H. Perez escribio:
  * [20001030 21:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
   Me gustaría montar en casa una micro-red con un debian linux y un windows.
   El modem y por tanto la conexión de internet estarían por supuesto en el 
   debian, pero me gustaría que se pudiera acceder a internet también desde 
   el windows.
   ¿como se puede hacer esto? ¿que paquetes tengo que instalar?
   Saludos y muchas gracias.
  Hace ya un tiempo yo estaba en tu situacion, despues de probar el diald me
  dije Ni en pedo uso esto! :) es insoportable ver como se conecta porque al
  windows se le ocurre mandar un paquetito y al final no encontre la forma de
  que se conecte solo cuando alguien quiere conectarse.
 Una buena currada de filtros en diald lo soluciona, lo que pasa es que no
 resulta muy rápido ni sencillo. Si alguien tiene dudas, le puedo hechar
 una mano.

Si, sabia de los filtros, y confieso que no los he mirado mucho, pero el
problema que se me presentaba era mas o menos asi:
Supongamos que en la maquina cliente esta instalado el real audio
(cliente=windows) y el muy hdp cada tanto quiere comprobar si hay una
version nueva, pos manda un paquetito y me levanta la conexion, yo bien
podria decirle hey diald, si jode un paquetito para la direccion tal no
levantes la conexion pero el problema es que indefectiblemente la conexion
realmente no la causa el paquete destinado al lugar del cual el realaudio
comprueba si existe una nueva version sino que la levanta el paquete
destinado al servidor de nombres que va a resolver la ip del destino del
paquete que manda el realaudio. Y, obviamente no debo poner un filtro que
diga no levantes una conexion si el paquete saliente va al puerto 53 ya
que entonces no levanta una conexion ni a patadas (a menos claro esta que
uno pida una ip directamente)
Esta claro que en este caso en particular lo mejor es matar al realaudio y
al tipo al que se le ocurrio eso de que chequee cada tanto (o una solucion
menos drastica es desactivar el chequeo) pero ese no es el punto.
Quiza el diald tiene forma de decir si el paquete va al puerto 53 y lo que
intenta resolver es tal cosa, no levantes la conexion pero no he mirado
tanto. Despues de todo conceptualmente no queria algo que llame
automaticamente bajo demanda sino algo para poder discar explicitamente
cuando un cliente asi lo requiera.
De cualquier manera si no te molesta me interesa saber como resolviste el
Gran problema DNS(tm).

  Lo malo es que no esta empaquetado (vamos a ver si encuentro tiempo y lo
  empaqueto yo y me hago maintainer y famoso y multimillonario)
 ¡me apunto contigo! ;-)

Ahh pero ni loco divido la fortuna ;)


Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (2.2.17) Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: Queries a postgres

2000-10-31 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [20001031 23:35] Gabriel Tabares Barreiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 Una nueva pregunta sobre postgres. Tengo Potato instalado con
 Postgres 7.0.2 (antes del cambio de librerias) y va bastante
 bien. El problema que tengo es que me exige que para nombrar un
 campo, tabla o lo que sea tengo que rodearlo de 
 (ejemplo: 'SELECT campo FROM tabla' tiene que ser
 'SELECT campo FROM tabla) . ?Alguien sabe por que? Me lo
 hace hasta en PGAccess.
tenes mayusculas en el nombre del campo? o caracteres raros?


de la otra paso

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (2.2.17) Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-10-31 Thread Manel Marin

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 09:53:49AM +0100, you wrote:
  Y '... para perezosos'? :o)
 Que tal '... para vagos' ?

Esto está degenerando mucho ;-)

Bueno tenemos chuletas, trencitos, trenes, forros, acordeones, torpedos,
copialinas, comprimidos, chivas, machetes, ayudamemorias y sopletes

Definitivamente hay que buscar algo más estandar...

Javier propone recetas, a mi me suena a Hospital y enfermos, de lo que habeis
propuesto creo que me gusta más (pero aún dudo):
rapiCOMOs (si alguna vez hay que traducirlos fastHOWTOs o quickHOWTOs) 

Los rapiCOMOs explican COMO hacer algo de forma RÁPIda, ya sea
configurar un demonio, un paso concreto de seguridad, etc...

¿Que os parece?, ¿receta?, ¿rapiCOMOs?, ¿rapidCOMOs?, ¿COMOrapido?, ¿otro?
Con lo fácil que es la idea... Y lo que cuesta encontrarle un nombre bien

Saludos y gracias,
Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Nombchuletas XML en discusión en la espiral (era re para las chuletas de Manel)

2000-10-31 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Roberto,

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 12:18:37PM +, Roberto Lopez wrote:
   Pues a mi lo de nanoCOMOs me parece bien, y si no en esa casi cualquier
   microCOMOs (por ahi lo que querais: nano, pico, femto,
   QuantaCOMOS (por cuantico, no por ...)
   LinuFichax - LinuCardx
   COMOfichas - HOWTOCards (record-HOWTOCards)

Gracias por tantas ideas ;-)

   Ahora que me voy a poner con Patata (y a lo mejor actualizando con
 Wudy) me voy a llenar de fichas (esta bien, chuletas), ¿Que tal definir
 un formato ademas de un nombre? Debiera ser como un MAN o u FAQ pero en
 pequeño. Yo 'realmente' tengo fichas tamaño tarjeta, nunca habia pensado
 en electrificarlas o bitearlas, pero creo que para ello y para
 generalizarlo debieramos definir un formato y no dejarlo muy anarquico,
 de modo que realmente se extienda y sea funcional. 
   Pienso que no debieran superar el formato A5=A4/2 y por una sola cara o
 2xA6(=A5/2 por las dos caras), para que no pase a ser un miniCOMO.
  Para empezar con algo podemos fijar:
   una linea de NN caracteres.
   Empezar con una linea de Cuestion/Commando/Tema alineado DCHA/IZDA
   Linea de Definicion/Problema
   Cuerpo de Procedimiento/Solucion
 Hala! A discutir que esto no creo que sea un [AL MARGEN] = [OFF TOPIC]

Estamos discutiendo en la espiral el formato, me insisten en que debe ser XML,
no es dificil y es facilmente convertible a cualquier formato y archivable en
una base de datos

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Conecção com ISND, Regras do ipchains aparecendo do nada.

2000-10-31 Thread Diorgenes B. de Mello
Fala thurma...
Consegui me conectar com o isdn da telemar e a placa da teles,
seguindo o microhowtoque tem lá em
Mas Quando eu me conecto quando dá uns 10 a 20 segundos aparece lá
na saída do commando ipchains -nL como tudo sendo negado, e isto está
me atrapalhando de onde isto está vindo, como posso alterar estas
regras para o minhas regras.
. Eu estou usando o Debian 2.2(Potato) em um 486 DX4-100MHz-12MB
RAM HD de 540MB, Placa de rede NE2000 e modem ISDN da TELES.
Sem mais gradeço qq ajuda

Diorgenes B. de Mello
ICQ: 45102991

Problema no NFS

2000-10-31 Thread Christiano Anderson

Alguem aqui ja esta utilizando o kernel 2.4?

Problema eh o seguinte:

Tenho um servidor com Potato instalado, kernel 2.4.0-test7. 

Frequentemente pego a seguinte mensagem no messages:
received erroneous SM_UNMON request from srv1 for

Algumas vezes a maquina simplesmente trava depois de aparecer este
erro. Alguem ja teve algum problema parecido?

Muito obrigado,

Christiano Anderson

Re: Comecar com ma revista on-line

2000-10-31 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Poucas pessoas realmente começaram a botar a mao na massa na revista.
Uma ideia seria incrementar a atual
Grande abraço,  PH
Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 05:55:53PM -0200, Lalo Martins wrote:
  Eu posso oferecer uma hospedagem e infra-estrutura,
  infelizmente o link não é grande coisa mas estamos migrando
  para um link direto com a Embratel.
  O site é feito em Zope e tem uma proposta bem
  semelhante em dois aspectos:
  1: ele é voltado para comunidade software livre, os GNUheads;
  2: tem um sistema de scoring onde os usuários votam nos
  artigos; nesse caso pra fazer uma revista impressa seria só
  selecionar os N artigos mais votados do mês (ou trimestre,
  Finalmente, o autor da matéria pode editá-la online, tornando a
  solução ideal para a revista (ou quase).
  Se todo mundo concordar que a idéia é legal, basta decidirmos o
  nome da revista e eu crio um folder lá (vai ficar algo como,
  por exemplo, ou, se
  preferirem, algo como )
   Hack and Roll  ( )
 News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  pgp key:
 Brazil of Darkness (RPG)---
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problema no NFS

2000-10-31 Thread Edson Y. Fugio
Se vc precisa usar kernel 2.4 use pelo menos a -test9, ou
-test10pre*. Nenhum dos 2.4-test* eh confiavel para servidores em

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Christiano Anderson wrote:

 Alguem aqui ja esta utilizando o kernel 2.4?
 Problema eh o seguinte:
 Tenho um servidor com Potato instalado, kernel 2.4.0-test7. 
 Frequentemente pego a seguinte mensagem no messages:
 received erroneous SM_UNMON request from srv1 for
 Algumas vezes a maquina simplesmente trava depois de aparecer este
 erro. Alguem ja teve algum problema parecido?

Re: Problema com o Debian 2.2

2000-10-31 Thread Guilherme Oliveira
Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:
 # This files tells the `kbd' package:
 # - whether to load a specific font and boot and/or to setup a default screen
 # mapping. This may be useful, if not using SVGATextMode, to load a font with
 # an another encoding than default.
 # Example:

Aqui está o problema !

Consegui resolvê-lo  usando o lat1u-16.psf.
O que continuo sem perceber é como raio foi desaparecer ?!

O outro problema da impressora, também já descobri: foi mesmo avaria que deu na 
minha HP :(

Já vou comprar uma laser, eheh, boa desculpa !

Obrigado pessoal.
on the net no one knows your a dog

Re: Comecar com ma revista on-line

2000-10-31 Thread Lalo Martins
Se o formato for ser esse mesmo (todo mundo escreve, todo mundo
vota, e viva o peer review), eu vou criar a pasta no
hackandroll. Idéias quanto ao nome? Só eu gosto de gnuts? :-)

(Se o projeto acabar morrendo, tudo bem, criar um folder não é
um trabalho tão colossal assim...)

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 02:23:28PM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Poucas pessoas realmente começaram a botar a mao na massa na revista.
 Uma ideia seria incrementar a atual
   Grande abraço,  PH
 Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 05:55:53PM -0200, Lalo Martins wrote:
   Eu posso oferecer uma hospedagem e infra-estrutura,
   infelizmente o link não é grande coisa mas estamos migrando
   para um link direto com a Embratel.
   O site é feito em Zope e tem uma proposta bem
   semelhante em dois aspectos:
   1: ele é voltado para comunidade software livre, os GNUheads;
   2: tem um sistema de scoring onde os usuários votam nos
   artigos; nesse caso pra fazer uma revista impressa seria só
   selecionar os N artigos mais votados do mês (ou trimestre,
   Finalmente, o autor da matéria pode editá-la online, tornando a
   solução ideal para a revista (ou quase).
   Se todo mundo concordar que a idéia é legal, basta decidirmos o
   nome da revista e eu crio um folder lá (vai ficar algo como,
   por exemplo, ou, se
   preferirem, algo como )

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key:

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)---


2000-10-31 Thread MailMatic

Chegou o MailMatic 1.01, o único sistema de pesquisa de e-mails e envio de 
mensagens pela internet do mercado brasileiro.

Alguns recursos do MailMatic:
- Pesquisa de e-mails em sistemas como o Cadê e Radar UOL
- Pesquisa de e-mails em endereços informados e em seus links
- Envio de mensagens sem limite de destinatários
- Recebimento de mensagens de resposta
- Operação em interface moderna e intuitiva
- Ajuda on-line para todas as telas e operações do sistema
- Controle de e-mails com restrição: não envie mensagens para e-mails 
inexistentes ou para destinatários que não desejam receber

Com o MailMatic você constrói e gerencia seu próprio cadastro de e-mails. Nunca 
mais gaste dinheiro com listas de e-mails.

Obtenha maiores informações e retire uma cópia demonstração gratuita no 

Caso não queira receber mais mensagens sobre este produto, por favor responda 
com a palavra REMOVER no assunto.

Agradecemos sua atenção,

NexSys Sistemas


Esta mensagem foi enviada com a complacência da nova legislação sobre correio 
eletrônico, Seção 301, Parágrafo (a) (2) (c) Decreto S. 1618, Título Terceiro 
aprovado pelo 105 Congresso Base das Normativas Internacionais sobre o SPAM. 
Este E-mail não poderá ser considerado SPAM quando inclua uma forma de ser 

New Motherboard

2000-10-31 Thread Jack Morgan
I need to get a new Motherboard, I want to use my Celry 566 MHZ.
Any suggestions? Has anyone got the intel 815e chip to work under
with Debian? 

Jack Morgan Debian GNU/Linux

Upgrade problems...

2000-10-31 Thread Matthew Gibbins
 Hi folks.
 In spite of best intentions I experienced corruption of a Reiserfs partition.
 This was particularly noticable while running 'apt-get dist-upgrade' on a 
 woody system.
 To put it briefly apt couldn't remove certain files during install and halted
 at the point. I rebuilt the filesystem tree which fixed the file deletion 
 However, I have been unable to install later packages, particularly slib and 
 any dependent packages.

 I've tried 'apt-get -f install slib' and the following occurs...
 Any assistance appreciated.


Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 78 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/504kB of archives. After unpacking 2287kB will be used.
Selecting previously deselected package slib.
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/slib_2c9-1_all.deb (--unpack):
 files list file for package `xviewg' is missing final newline
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Re: X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire OS--!!newbie warning!!

2000-10-31 Thread Edward Craig
On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Jim Merante wrote:

 Is there a keystroke combination that will prompt the
 boot commands and allow me to skip the load X windows
Actually, what I find works is Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (repeat as
necessary). Apparently (judging by other answers) XDM is
stubborn. Ctrl-Alt-F1 thru F6 will bring up a console even though X is up
on Alt-F7 (or in my case, broken on Alt-F7).
Eventually, I'll configure X. Right now, I've other fish to fry.

TaxiLinux   FreeBSD
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...Hunter/Garcia

[OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Damon Muller
Hi gang,

Is anyone else using junkbuster (vanilla potato version) and Mozilla
(recent/latest nightlies)? I'm using the above combination and
junkbuster doesn't seem to work very well anymore. I can't see how it
could be possible, but I was wondering if maybe junkbuster didn't work
as well with Mozilla... 

What I mean by `not working' is that lots of banner ads are getting
through that shouldn't. A page (, for example), where
logging junkbuster at level 1 (shows all objects fetched), and where all
the ad URLs are followed by `crunch!' (ie., junkbuster has recognised
them as an ad and replaced them with a 1x1 pixel) still show up the ads.

Likewise I'm getting alerts about cookies even through I've set
junkbuster to ignore all cookies.

The issue seems intermitant, rather than constant. Using an older
version of navigator (4.7something) to look at similar sites gives me
none of these problems. I don't think it's worth including the config
files, as it's working at least for one version of the browers.

Anyone else experiencing similar problems, or am I just going mad?



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Re: ftponly

2000-10-31 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:33:20PM -0200, Flavio Alberto wrote:
 I'm find ftponly shell for intall in my Debian box?

i use /sbin/nologin from OpenBSD, the source compiles just fine on
GNU/Linux, its about 10 lines of C source, i can send it privately if
you want.  i don't want to spam the list.

you could also use /bin/true adding it to /etc/shells (leaving
/bin/false out and reserved for truely locked accounts)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: password protect a directory?

2000-10-31 Thread Brian May
 kmself == kmself writes:

kmself If you're looking at single-user work, my understanding is
kmself that the licensing stuff doesn't really kick in.  Though
kmself single-user BitKeeper is a bit like having a one-seat
kmself arena.  It pretty much defeats the purpose.  Still, the
kmself idea is to make the restrictions important to
kmself organizations, not single users.

Ok, I can see that now.

However, It seems that BitKeeper is aimed at very big organisations,
open-source programmers, and individual users, but nothing in-between.

For instance, if I wanted to create a repository for changes specific
to Debian (or perhaps just a private test package - eg. say I was
Brandon Robinson and packaging a complicated program like X 4.0), and
wanted a few others to have access to, I could do so, but then there
would be potentially confusing information logged on the
server. People might think I am maintaining the official version of X,
when I am not. They might get confused when they see logs about Debian
specific problems, which may not have anything to do with the upstream
Or, I maintain my configuration for each computer (and perhaps other
people) with cvs. Now, I couldn't care less if all my config changes
are logged to the open logger server, but if everybody did this...

I think the point I am trying to make, is that this information which
gets logged is only going to cause confusion, created in an unscalable
manner (ie. what happens if two projects happen to have the same
name?), and doesn't benefit anyone. IMHO the logged information is
useless without the source. The assumption that projects are either
open source, or large scaled commercial operations is not always
correct, and I think this is the major limitation with the license.

Spending $800 to $3,000 for a commercial license seems a bit of an
overkill for these other projects.

Which is a real pity, because it does look like a good management

Re: aegis

2000-10-31 Thread will trillich wrote:
 on Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 11:56:32AM -0600, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 02:39:58PM -0800, wrote:
   BitKeeper is a scalable configuration management system, supporting
   globally distributed development, disconnected operation, compressed
   repositories, change sets, and named lines of development (branches).
   It's written by Larry McVoy, written in part to address the problem of
   Linus doesn't scale, and is aimed at being the version control system
   for Linux kernel development.  Larry's been involved with GNU/Linux for
   ages, and is the author of The Sourceware Operating System Proposal,
   an early formative document regarding options for a free software OS:
  how about aegis? any comments? suck-o-rama? awesome?
 Never heard of it.

apt-get install aegis:)

or for pre-install info, hop to

delightfully, the linux version is free; the shareware for
windows is $300. dang, ain't that a bitch?  ;)


Re: compile network driver

2000-10-31 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 09:28:21AM +0800, Gilbert.Li (§õ«Â¾§) wrote: 

 I am sorry, I don't describe my question clearly.
 I issue the command to compile the network drive.
 gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c viarhine.c -DMODVERSIONS

For what card do you try to compile? Did you make check if there is a
kernel-module for this card?
This would be much easier.

 I believed the reason why there were so many errors is that I missed some
 Or I missed some symbol link.  And I once compiled this in RedHat 6.2. It
 was Ok. 

Well, you still didn't tell us much about the driver, the card, your
system. It may be that te driver you have got was written for a
specific kernel and now you got a newer kernel so the driver won't
It would be helpful if you answer the questions in my prior mail.

Re: [OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 05:40:37PM +1100, Damon Muller wrote: 

 Is anyone else using junkbuster (vanilla potato version) and Mozilla
 (recent/latest nightlies)? I'm using the above combination and
 junkbuster doesn't seem to work very well anymore. I can't see how it
 could be possible, but I was wondering if maybe junkbuster didn't work
 as well with Mozilla... 

It should, did you specify HTTP-Proxy as localhost and the correct
junkbuster-port in the Netscape-Menu?

RE: compile network driver

2000-10-31 Thread 李威儒

 -Original Message-
 From: Philipp Schulte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 3:50 PM
 Subject: Re: compile network driver
 On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 09:28:21AM +0800, Gilbert.Li (李威儒) wrote: 
  I am sorry, I don't describe my question clearly.
  I issue the command to compile the network drive.
  gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -Wall
  -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c viarhine.c -DMODVERSIONS
 For what card do you try to compile? Did you make check if there is a
 kernel-module for this card?
 This would be much easier.
I just installed debian 2.2. I use dlink 530TX  version B card.
I use kernel image 2.2.17-idepci for installation. There was no
kernel-module for this card. I believed that the problems happened 
because of headers and include files because I successfully compiled
in the RedHat 6.2.  But I don't know how it happened. It seemed have
some relation with glibc2 or libc5 ( the header problems ).
Now I installed the kernel-source-2.2.17. 
The attachment is the source code for dlink 530TX version B.
any suggestions?


  I believed the reason why there were so many errors is that 
 I missed some
  Or I missed some symbol link.  And I once compiled this in 
 RedHat 6.2. It
  was Ok. 
 Well, you still didn't tell us much about the driver, the card, your
 system. It may be that te driver you have got was written for a
 specific kernel and now you got a newer kernel so the driver won't
 It would be helpful if you answer the questions in my prior mail.
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Re: [OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Philipp Schulte, 
  Is anyone else using junkbuster (vanilla potato version) and Mozilla
  (recent/latest nightlies)? I'm using the above combination and
  junkbuster doesn't seem to work very well anymore. I can't see how it
  could be possible, but I was wondering if maybe junkbuster didn't work
  as well with Mozilla... 
 It should, did you specify HTTP-Proxy as localhost and the correct
 junkbuster-port in the Netscape-Menu?

Should have mentioned this, sorry.

Yes, junkbuster (on port 5865, as it comes by default in debian) is up
and running, and the browser is using it as it's http proxy. If it
wasn't, I'd be a bit worried about the fact that the junkbuster log was
still logging everything that I access through the web browser!



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Re: anyone knows DIAL-BACK ppp??

2000-10-31 Thread Andre Berger

  i dont know whether the word DIAL-BACK really exist,i need this
  function:  when i dial to a ppp server,and the server can dial
  back to my pc,so i can use  less telephone fee,can anyone tell me
  how to config the ppp server to implementation this function

mgetty, but don't ask me how this crap works :( mgetty-docs is a
separate package. 

-- Andre

Re: [OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Rob
There were problems with Mozilla and proxies in the past,
perhaps there's been a regression somewhere. Please 
search for/file a bug at

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 07:19:43PM +1100, Damon Muller wrote:
 Quoth Philipp Schulte, 
   Is anyone else using junkbuster (vanilla potato version) and Mozilla
   (recent/latest nightlies)? I'm using the above combination and
   junkbuster doesn't seem to work very well anymore. I can't see how it
   could be possible, but I was wondering if maybe junkbuster didn't work
   as well with Mozilla... 
  It should, did you specify HTTP-Proxy as localhost and the correct
  junkbuster-port in the Netscape-Menu?
 Should have mentioned this, sorry.
 Yes, junkbuster (on port 5865, as it comes by default in debian) is up
 and running, and the browser is using it as it's http proxy. If it
 wasn't, I'd be a bit worried about the fact that the junkbuster log was
 still logging everything that I access through the web browser!
 Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
 Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
 PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

RE: libc6 header problems

2000-10-31 Thread 李威儒

I also have the same problem. 
Is there a better solution?

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 11:08 AM
 To: Pat Mahoney;
 Subject: Re: libc6 header problems
 On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 06:31:05PM -0600, Pat Mahoney wrote:
  I keep getting these parse errors when trying to compile programs.
  compiling xmms (latest cvs):
  /usr/include/netinet/in.h:236: parse error before ('
  /usr/include/netinet/in.h:237: parse error before ('
  /usr/include/netinet/in.h:239: parse error before ('
  /usr/include/netinet/in.h:241: parse error before ('
  and when compiling ocsalib:
  /usr/include/string.h:37: parse error before `?'
  /usr/include/string.h:55: parse error before `?'
  I have latest (woody) deb's of libc6, libc6-dev, and gcc.  
 Anyone else
  have the same problem?  Are these bugs or is something on 
 my system out
  of date?  (I'm between woody and potato).
 I had something like this going on a while ago.  It turned 
 out that I had
 moved /usr/include/linux/stddef.h to /usr/include which 
 royally screwed
 things up.  Try looking around in /usr/include to find a header file
 that shouldn't be there.  If you can't find anything, I found that
 getting rid of all instances of -I/usr/include in Makefiles (usually
 with sed) did the trick.
 Good luck,
 IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it.  There's
 got to be a better way.
   -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-10-31 Thread Engelen
|  There are those who would have you believe that V.Micic wrote:
|   Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av Debian i ISO format,jag 
|   letat men inte hittat...
|   Tack i Förhand
|  I am the only one who tried to rot13 this?
| Well, if that doesn't work, you can always try double-rot13 encoding ;-)
| I believe that's Dutch, though I won't swear to it.

Looks more like Finnish or Norwegian to me. It surely isn't Dutch (I am Dutch).

Arnout Engelen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian GNU/Linux - when code matters, not commercials

Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-10-31 Thread Paul Dwerryhouse
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 07:39:59AM +0100, Engelen wrote:
 |  There are those who would have you believe that V.Micic wrote:
 |   Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av Debian i ISO format,jag 
 |   letat men inte hittat...
 |   Tack i Förhand

 Looks more like Finnish or Norwegian to me. It surely isn't Dutch (I am 

Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. But definitely not Finnish...

[not that I know any of them].



Paul Dwerryhouse|
Amsterdam   | 
The Netherlands | 

Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-10-31 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On tisdag 31 oktober 2000 10:02, Paul Dwerryhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. But definitely not Finnish...

I try one more time: it's Swedish.

Trust me ... I know.

Jan Erik Moström mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Elektron

Re: x will not let me log in as anything but root

2000-10-31 Thread Shaul Karl
 X will not let me log in as a regular user. I would greatly
 appreciate some guidance on this one. I can go to console
 and log in as a regular user, but not in X.
 Thanks for your help,

Maybe this has something to do with /etc/X11/Xserver:

[12:10:38 /tmp]$ cat /etc/X11/Xserver  

The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)
[12:10:58 /tmp]$ 

 Bob Edwards
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Re: anyone knows DIAL-BACK ppp??

2000-10-31 Thread Shaul Karl
  i dont know whether the word DIAL-BACK really exist,i need this function:
 when i dial to a ppp server,and the server can dial back to my pc,so i can use
 less telephone fee,can anyone tell me how to config the ppp server to 
 implementation this function

I am not sure but perhaps you should let mgetty handle the phone calls 
(including the call back) and only then run ppp?

 »¶Ó­Ê¹Óà 21CN µç×ÓÓʼþϵͳ
 Thank you for using Email system
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Re: Multiple e-mail personalities

2000-10-31 Thread loki
On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 11:11:54PM -0500, Ryan Claycamp wrote:

 The problem is that I have several e-mail addresses that I want to use
 to send and receive mail with my home computer.  I currently use mutt
 as my reader and exim as my transport.  Does anyone know how to
 configure mutt to use multiple names and how to configure exim so it
 sees how the message is addressed and uses the smarthost for the right
 from address?

I've had this same problem but have always been putting off finding the
solution.  I figured I needed to feed my From: address directly into
exim using the -f switch, and configure mutt to use -f when calling
sendmail (changing its sendmail line using folder hooks).  However, the
address rewriting feature of exim proved a stumbling block, since it
rewrote it every time in my testing, despite using -f.  Perhaps it's
possible and I simply wasn't approaching it in the right way.

In the end, I realised it was much simpler to go with merely what Brian
May posted, with the addition of a single line to your exim rewriting
rules. Previously I had just the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} bcfrF

as my rewriting rule.  Supposing you want to send sometimes as
[EMAIL PROTECTED], I'd put something like:


before the generic rule, which tells exim not to rewrite addresses
matching the first field.

Using folder hooks as in Brian May's mail, just make sure your From:
header is set to [EMAIL PROTECTED] when you change to the appropriate
folders.  Seems to work for me now,


Dare I disturb the universe?  You bet I do! :)

Re: [OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Krzys Majewski
Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Likewise I'm getting alerts about cookies even through I've set
 junkbuster to ignore all cookies.

Maybe make  sure the  user-agent and referer  config params  are doing
what you want. -chris


2000-10-31 Thread Donar
sehr geehrte damen und herren, 

da ich normalerweise mit windows arbeite, jedoch auf linux umsteigen wollte, 
habe ich eine partition auf meiner festplatte für linux reserviert. Das problem 
ist nun, daß ich keine zeit mehr fand um mich in die umfangreiche software von 
linux einzuarbeiten. jetzt habe ich noch das problem das sich mein rechner 
von der linux cd booten lässt und ich die linux partition gerne wieder löschen 
möchte, leider aber erkennt windows diese partition nicht an und in dos heißt 
immer nur das diese nicht löschbar sei, wenn man es mit fdisk versucht. 
vielleicht können sie mir einen guten rat geben. 

mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Dominik Fichtner

Sawmill config Gnome CC

2000-10-31 Thread Jonathan Wheelhouse

Nothing happens when I click on the 'Run configuration tool for
Sawmill' within the Gnome Control Center.

What gives?


INIT respawning too fast when loading a keyboard map table

2000-10-31 Thread Costas Koulierakis
I recently installed Official Debian 2.2 r0. When the init process starts I
get the following messages:

Loading /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/gr.kmap.gz
findfile(): timeout waiting for undead child(ren) ?

After several repetitions, I get the message:

INIT: Id 1 respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

And then I repeatedly get the same messages.

Through an alternate console, I checked for the existence of the specified
file (gr.kmap.gz) and it
exists in the above mentioned path.

Any suggestions?

Please cc to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I'm not a list subscriber (yet).

Costas Koulierakis

Re: partition

2000-10-31 Thread hypo crite

I thought the common language in this list is english!
By chance I speak german as well...

 da ich normalerweise mit windows arbeite, jedoch auf
 linux umsteigen wollte, 
 habe ich eine partition auf meiner festplatte für
 linux reserviert.

Nur eine? Man braucht mindestens zwei. Eine swap und
eine für die Daten.

 Das problem 
 ist nun, daß ich keine zeit mehr fand um mich in die
 umfangreiche software von 
 linux einzuarbeiten.

Tja, die braucht man sonst kann man es eigentlich
direkt lassen.

 jetzt habe ich noch das problem
 das sich mein rechner nicht 
 von der linux cd booten lässt und ich die linux
 partition gerne wieder löschen 
 möchte, leider aber erkennt windows diese partition
 nicht an und in dos heißt es 
 immer nur das diese nicht löschbar sei, wenn man es
 mit fdisk versucht. 

DOS-fdisk kennt keine Unix/Linux/sonstige außer FAT
Partitionen. D.h. Du musst eine Linux-Partition mit
Linux-fdisk löschen. Dazu mußt Du z.B. eine
Linuxbootdiskette mit fdisk drauf haben und so die
Partition killen. Eine solche Diskette ist z.B. bei zu finden, oder bei
Deinem Debian dabei?
BTW wie hast Du denn die Partition angelegt? So kannst
Du sie nämlich auch wieder löschen, also auch aus
einer Installation heraus.
Kann Dein Rechner nicht von CD booten, weil er zu alt
ist, oder weil es im BIOS nicht eingestellt ist?
Noch was. Falls Lilo installiert ist: Den wird man los
indem man (im DOS!!!) fdisk /mbr eingibt.

 vielleicht können sie mir einen guten rat geben. 

Äh, you can say you to me!



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OT: common language

2000-10-31 Thread Geordie Birch

said hypo crite, on Oct 31,

 I thought the common language in this list is english!
 By chance I speak german as well...

one of the little things that i like 'bout this list is the non-english
posts and responses.

gives it a real global feel.


Re: man page question

2000-10-31 Thread Shaul Karl
 i have a cryptogram solver that i want to release to freshmeat (it's a
 console/ncurses application).
 i'd like to write a man page for it, but don't want to learn troff.
 are there any applications that lets you write a text, latex or staroffice
 file and turn it into a man page?

Not an app but will let you have a reasonable man page after a short while:
I mean to look at an already existent man page (any one) + the Man-Page mini 

 ps- if anyone wants to take a look, i'd appreciate comments on code and UI.
 i'm cleaning up code right now, but should be done in another hour or
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Re: Help: Loading Netscape 4 off Potato CD?

2000-10-31 Thread Shaul Karl
 I've posted some msgs but have yet to get Netscape 4 loaded. I've tried
 apt-get netscape and it defaults to netscape3. f I try netscape4, which I
 see on the package list is there, I get the base system and nothing to run.
 Is Netscape 4 on the official Debian 2.2 CD ROM? If so, how do I get it..
 Someone suggested using deslect, and I got the base only again.

You probably want netscape-smotif-473 or something similar.
Within dselect I would try to search for netscape (using /netscape) and then \ 
to look for further results.

 PS How do I also request Mozilla M18 in the unstable instead of the default
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Re: what's /initrd ?

2000-10-31 Thread Shaul Karl
 On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:22:35PM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
  [12:19:02 /tmp]$ dpkg -S /initrd/
  dpkg: /initrd/ not found.
  [12:20:09 /tmp]$ locate initrd
  [12:20:15 /tmp]$ zcat 
  .gz | head
  Using the initial RAM disk (initrd)
  Written 1996 by Werner Almesberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
  initrd adds the capability to load a RAM disk by the boot loader. This
  RAM disk can then be mounted as the root file system and programs can be
  run from it. Afterwards, a new root file system can be mounted from a
  [12:20:28 /tmp]$ 
  BTW: Is it a bug that dpkg -S can not locate the owner of the /initrd dir?
 i wouldn't think so --
 % dpkg -S /initrd
 dpkg: /initrd not found.
 % dpkg -S initrd
 manpages: /usr/share/man/man4/initrd.4.gz
 isapnptools: /usr/share/doc/isapnptools/README.initrd
 the slash is not part of the filename pattern that
 dpkg -S searches for.

Is it consistent?

[12:49:09 /tmp]$ dpkg -S /etc/nut  
nut: /etc/nut
[12:50:06 /tmp]$ 

here the slash did not bother it. 

 self-reference, n: see self-reference.
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Re: libc6 header problems

2000-10-31 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 04:47:37PM +0800, Gilbert.Li (??) wrote:
 I also have the same problem. 
 Is there a better solution?

Wait for libc6 2.1.96-1

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: what's /initrd ?

2000-10-31 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 12:52:20PM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
 Is it consistent?
 [12:49:09 /tmp]$ dpkg -S /etc/nut  
 nut: /etc/nut
 [12:50:06 /tmp]$ 
 here the slash did not bother it. 

dpkg -S searches the database for the package owning the file you
specify, the file can be either a simple name or an absolute path.  

the reason /initrd is unknown (no matter how you search for it you
will not find /initrd in any package) is because it only exists in the
base2_2.tgz tarball. no package creates nor maintaines it.  its part
of the base system itself.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

detecting and loading modules

2000-10-31 Thread Andrew Dixon
HI All,
I was trying to figure out how to look at which
modules I am running and if one is not running force
it to load.  

The module that I am specifically interested in is the
tulip.o module for my pcmcia card.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

RE: libc6 header problems

2000-10-31 Thread 李威儒

I use Debian 2.2.
I found a solution.
check /usr/share/doc/libc6/README.Debian.gz
You can use the -I/usr/src/linux/include on the gcc command. 
But you must have installed kernel-source or kernel-headers packages

 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:14 PM
 To: Gilbert.Li (??)
 Cc: 'Debian User List'; Pat Mahoney
 Subject: Re: libc6 header problems
 On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 04:47:37PM +0800, Gilbert.Li (??) wrote:
  I also have the same problem. 
  Is there a better solution?
 Wait for libc6 2.1.96-1
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  
 Debian GNU/Linux   \

ppp problem, who can help?

2000-10-31 Thread Peter O. Fedichev

I am trying ppp connection in between two linux boxes (basically to
exchange files).
1) I am able to connect from the one computer to the other. When run
with the debug option, pppd informs that the connection is istablished
and both ip-up scripts are fired up.
2) I  am able to make ping on the boxes and route command lists the
route to the other host correctly
3) both telnet and ftp say
e.g. ftp
connection refused

any ideas what I should look up to get through?

Re: How to set the Perl include path?

2000-10-31 Thread Bernd Worsch
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:11:59PM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 06:44:33PM +0200, Bernd Worsch wrote:
  Question A: Where are those paths defined? 
  ($PERLLIB and $PERL5LIB are not set!) 
 In the source code, at compile time. 
 Check out the use lib pragma. You can prefix the @INC list. 

Well, maybe that will do.

  Question B: May i run into problems when actually using the newer locals?
  Would it be safe to set:
  @INC = /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux   
 I wouldn't set the entire thing manually no. Use the lib pragma. 

Yep, I thought people would say so! Let's be careful!

  Question C: Could anybody tell me, why the Perl-Module-Tree seems to
  be such a mess? 
  Where can i find out about it's inherent logic?
 Ask that question on comp.lang.perl.misc. I'm sure you'll get an earfull.

I'd think so, but the Question has kind of two different aspects to me:

  First it is about understanding CPAN structure and how parts of it
  get imported to my local computer using Perls' CPAN module for example.
  (this is what comp.lang.perl.misc will teach me)

  Second is about the debian way of doing things. Ok, Perl-Policy tells me
  i'm allowed to install several Perl Versions at the same time. 
  That is fine and has consequences on directory structure, i see.
  Perl-policy seems a bit out of date because the
  directory-structure presented there does not match my local install.
  But it works, which is great! 
  On the other hand the policy does not tackle the problem of how to 
  handle additional Perl modules not packaged for Debian. 
  Which is bad, because people need such packages.
  (i hoped debian-user would teach me on this problem)

  I even thought about finding out and proposing some patch to Debians'
  perl-policy, but at the moment i lack the necessary understanding to
  do so.

  Maybe i'll nevertheless give it a try... (comments welcome)




Re: How to set the Perl include path?

2000-10-31 Thread Bernd Worsch
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:11:59PM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 06:44:33PM +0200, Bernd Worsch wrote:
  Question A: Where are those paths defined? 
  ($PERLLIB and $PERL5LIB are not set!) 
 In the source code, at compile time. 
 Check out the use lib pragma. You can prefix the @INC list. 
  Question B: May i run into problems when actually using the newer locals?
  Would it be safe to set:
  @INC = /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux   
 I wouldn't set the entire thing manually no. Use the lib pragma. 

One more remark:

Some time ago i asked on how locally installed Perl-Modules behave,
when one upgrades Perl. Which module will be used when official
and local variants are available? How CPAN module integrates with
Debian? etc.

Some people seemed interested and asked me to find out. Well Mike,
you answered the question: If one doesn't add the local modules to
ones standard libpath, they naturally won't affect anything. 
When including them by hand everytime you need them the CPAN module
beeing not integrated seems ok.




Re: ppp problem, who can help?

2000-10-31 Thread Known Human Nick Rusnov
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED]it was written:

I am trying ppp connection in between two linux boxes (basically to
exchange files).
1) I am able to connect from the one computer to the other. When run
with the debug option, pppd informs that the connection is istablished
and both ip-up scripts are fired up.
2) I  am able to make ping on the boxes and route command lists the
route to the other host correctly
3) both telnet and ftp say
e.g. ftp
connection refused

By default debian doesn't install telnetd, which is required to accept
incomming telnets. It appears your ppp connection is working fine.

To transfer files you probably need the ftpd package or ssh package on both
ends to use scp (though if this is a physically secure connection ftpd would
probably work fine for you).


as always,
Developer - Systems Engineer - Mad System Guru - MOO Sales
he picks up scraps of information/he's adept at adaptation
because for strangers and arrangers/constant change is here to stay

Re: detecting and loading modules

2000-10-31 Thread Moritz Schulte
Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was trying to figure out how to look at which
 modules I am running and if one is not running force
 it to load.  

see man lsmod, modprobe (have also a look at the SEE ALSO

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

PPPD and default route

2000-10-31 Thread Vincent Gaines
My pppd network connection will not work. I am using linux-2.4.0-test9
with ppp support compiled in and used pppconfig to set up my connection
using static DNS addresses provided by my isp My modem
connects and negotiates a link, aassigns me an ip address however, every
ping I do to an internet address gives me the message Network is
unreachable. Is this related to the line in mysyslog file where it

Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: default route ioctl(SIOCADDRT):
Network is unreachable(101)
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: Cannot determine ethernet address
for proxy ARP
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: local  IP address
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: remote IP address

Rest of  the listing:
Oct 30 16:50:27 overseer chat[431]: login:
Oct 30 16:50:27 overseer chat[431]:  -- got it
Oct 30 16:50:27 overseer chat[431]: send (ELN/zyoxoyz^M)
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]: expect (ssword:)
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]:  ELN/zyoxoyz^M
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]: Password:
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]:  -- got it
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]: send (??)
Oct 30 16:50:28 overseer chat[431]: send (\d)
Oct 30 16:50:29 overseer pppd[430]: Serial connection established.
Oct 30 16:50:29 overseer pppd[430]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 30 16:50:29 overseer pppd[430]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Oct 30 16:50:30 overseer pppd[430]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
0x0 magic 0xd1bdcd5f pcomp accomp]
Oct 30 16:50:30 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap
0x0 magic 0xd1bdcd5f pcomp accomp]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
0x0 pcomp accomp  13 09 03 00 c0 7b 8c 49 a1]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  13 09 03
00 c0 7b 8c 49 a1]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 asyncmap
0x0 pcomp accomp]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 asyncmap
0x0 pcomp accomp]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 deflate
15 deflate(old#) 15 bsd v1 15]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x0]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 compress
VJ 0f 01 addr]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 compress
VJ 0f 01 addr]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 addr]
Oct 30 16:50:32 overseer pppd[430]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x3 80 fd 01 01
00 0f 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00 15 03 2f]
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: default route ioctl(SIOCADDRT):
Network is unreachable(101)
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: Cannot determine ethernet address
for proxy ARP
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: local  IP address
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: remote IP address
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer wwwoffled[198]: WWWOFFLE Connection from host
overseer (
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer wwwoffled[198]: WWWOFFLE Online.
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer wwwoffled[198]: WWWOFFLE Connection from host
overseer (
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer wwwoffled[198]: WWWOFFLE Fetch.
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer wwwoffled[198]: WWWOFFLE Fetch finished.
Oct 30 16:50:33 overseer pppd[430]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid
433), status = 0x100
Oct 30 16:51:02 overseer pppd[430]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1
Oct 30 16:51:02 overseer pppd[430]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x0]

Setting Reply-To From fields dynamically

2000-10-31 Thread Sven Burgener

This is rather urgent: does anybody know how I can simply set the
Reply-To: and the From: fields for mails dynamically?

This is on a Linux machine and mail is sent using mailx's mail program.
The MTA is sendmail (which I know little about).

If there's anything as simple as setting an appropriate environment
variable, that'd be just cool. The mail sending is done inside a
(bourne) shell script.

Sven (please CC me)

Re: [OT] Mozilla and JunkBuster

2000-10-31 Thread Brendan Cully
On Tuesday, 31 October 2000 at 17:40, Damon Muller wrote:
 Hi gang,
 What I mean by `not working' is that lots of banner ads are getting
 through that shouldn't. A page (, for example), where
 logging junkbuster at level 1 (shows all objects fetched), and where all
 the ad URLs are followed by `crunch!' (ie., junkbuster has recognised
 them as an ad and replaced them with a 1x1 pixel) still show up the ads.
 Likewise I'm getting alerts about cookies even through I've set
 junkbuster to ignore all cookies.
 The issue seems intermitant, rather than constant. Using an older
 version of navigator (4.7something) to look at similar sites gives me
 none of these problems. I don't think it's worth including the config
 files, as it's working at least for one version of the browers.
 Anyone else experiencing similar problems, or am I just going mad?

hmm, interesting. I've been getting more banners and cookies since I
started using mozilla, too. I figured it was because evil web
advertisers had wised up and were using javascript to do all their
devilish cookie/banner code (I don't think junkbuster attempts to edit
javascript). But if the old netscape is doing better, I suppose it
must be something else. It might be worth trying to block outgoing
access to port 80 to everything but junkbuster (not too tricky if you
can run junkbuster on a different machine than your webbrowser,
otherwise I don't know). Then you could see if mozilla was always
using the proxy...

Don't make Godzilla mad!

Description: PGP signature

Inconsistent Emacs behavior in X

2000-10-31 Thread Chris Gray
I have two machines set up with Woody.  When I run X Windows on one I can
use Alt as the Meta key in Emacs, on the other machine I just get a beep and
have to use ESC.  I'd like to use Alt as Meta on both.  Alt works as Meta on
the console on both.  Any idea what I might have done differently to cause
the difference in behavior?


Persona non grata

2000-10-31 Thread guran remberg

I'm a newbie to Potato, and I want to get some programs off my computer.

Is there a file that I can edit, and save to a removable media, that
constitutes all allowed files.

Ex: I removed emacs19, because I detest it. Used it on an ATARI 1040ST
in the eighties, and concludeed that if there was a computer underneath
- why not use it to tell me of the alternatives. To me a religieous and
amish program.
When I tried to socialize with dselect or apt-get, 80 MB was downloaded
and  I now have emacs20 and a bunch of other programs, but no
spellchecking, which I was searching for.


Re: Setting Reply-To From fields dynamically

2000-10-31 Thread Anthony Fox
 This is on a Linux machine and mail is sent using mailx's mail program.
 The MTA is sendmail (which I know little about).
 If there's anything as simple as setting an appropriate environment
 variable, that'd be just cool. The mail sending is done inside a
 (bourne) shell script.

You could call sendmail itself from the shell script.  i.e.



/usr/sbin/sendmail -t EOF
To: $TO
From: $FROM
Subject: Whatever

The message


This way, you could dynamically set TO and FROM variables to whatevery you


dselect klobbers custom kernel image.

2000-10-31 Thread Tricky Rick

Everytime I run dselect and do Install it installs a kernel image and I
have to reinstall my custom image. I try making my custom image 5.5 and
it still does it.  I tried to find the kernel image 2.2.17 in dselect
and uninstalling it but it doesn't have have it marked installed. 
 If it makes a difference, I recently upgraded to woody so I could run

Re: dselect klobbers custom kernel image.

2000-10-31 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 08:31:25AM -0600, Tricky Rick wrote:
 Everytime I run dselect and do Install it installs a kernel image and I
 have to reinstall my custom image. I try making my custom image 5.5 and
 it still does it.  I tried to find the kernel image 2.2.17 in dselect
 and uninstalling it but it doesn't have have it marked installed. 
  If it makes a difference, I recently upgraded to woody so I could run

fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=5:whatever.2.2.0 kernel_image

this sets an epoch on your package which will override debian

the current 2.2.17 kernel images have an epoch of 1 which makes them
newer then any package you create no matter what version you use,
unless you use a greater epoch.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Setting Reply-To From fields dynamically

2000-10-31 Thread Sven Burgener
Anthony Fox wrote:
  This is on a Linux machine and mail is sent using mailx's mail program.
  The MTA is sendmail (which I know little about).
  If there's anything as simple as setting an appropriate environment
  variable, that'd be just cool. The mail sending is done inside a
  (bourne) shell script.
 You could call sendmail itself from the shell script.  i.e.
 /usr/sbin/sendmail -t EOF
 To: $TO
 From: $FROM
 Subject: Whatever
 The message
 This way, you could dynamically set TO and FROM variables to whatevery you

Thanks tons! Exactly what I was looking for!!

Amazing list this is!


KDE 2 for potato

2000-10-31 Thread Dominique Rousset

Does anyone know where I can find a http site for apt-getting
kde 2 for potato ?

the deb entry in sources.list is welcome !


| Dominique Rousset| Tel: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 71|
| Imagerie Géophysique UMR 5831| Fax: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 86|
| Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|   BP 1115 - F-64013 Pau Cedex - France  |

Re: KDE 2 for potato

2000-10-31 Thread Irger Armin
Dominique Rousset wrote:


 Does anyone know where I can find a http site for apt-getting
 kde 2 for potato ?

 the deb entry in sources.list is welcome !


 | Dominique Rousset| Tel: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 71|
 | Imagerie Géophysique UMR 5831| Fax: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 86|
 | Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |   BP 1115 - F-64013 Pau Cedex - France  |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file to get the
latest and greatest Debian potato KDE 2.0 packages.

deb potato kde2


cu armin irger

how to change the window manager??

2000-10-31 Thread oacl
 i can fint the xinitrc in my HOME dir,how can i change the window manager
in debian,i want to use gnome,not the GnuStep
//bow all
»¶Ó­Ê¹Óà 21CN µç×ÓÓʼþϵͳ
Thank you for using Email system

RE: Hiding an X submenu

2000-10-31 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 31-Oct-2000 Martin Godisch wrote:
 I want to hide the submenu Games of the X menu tree (package menu).
 This shall be done as root to affect all users. Is there a possibility
 to do this in a central and reversible way? - Thanks in advance!

a) in /usr/lib/menu, remove all entries that are in Games, place them somewhere
else for safe keeping

b) modify the menu-method scripts of the window manager(s) in use to not output
the Games section

c) make your own menu

RE: dselect klobbers custom kernel image.

2000-10-31 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 31-Oct-2000 Tricky Rick wrote:
 Everytime I run dselect and do Install it installs a kernel image and I
 have to reinstall my custom image. I try making my custom image 5.5 and
 it still does it.  I tried to find the kernel image 2.2.17 in dselect
 and uninstalling it but it doesn't have have it marked installed. 
  If it makes a difference, I recently upgraded to woody so I could run

dselect has a feature called hold.  Press the '=' symbol on a package (as
opposed to insert / delete) and the package will be held.  This will prevent it
from being upgraded for as long as it is held.  Ethan's answer is also correct.
 By using an epoch (the 5: part of the version) your package is always newer
than others.  Debian reads numbers by first looking at epochs, so 1.2.3 is less
than 1:1.2.3 which is less than 5:1.2.3.

Re: New Motherboard

2000-10-31 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Jack Morgan wrote:

 I need to get a new Motherboard, I want to use my Celry 566 MHZ.
 Any suggestions? Has anyone got the intel 815e chip to work under
 with Debian? 

A week ago I bought an ASUS CUSL2 815e. Works fine once I turned off the
Boot virus detect in the BIOS. My ATA66/7200RPM drive went from 9.0 to
23.6 MB/sec with the ATA66/100 support, according to hdparm.

I didn't try to use the on-board intel video (815). Oh, I had to pop out
the battery to clear the BIOS before it would recognise my PCI video card.
Don't know why.


RE: Persona non grata

2000-10-31 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 31-Oct-2000 guran remberg wrote:
 I'm a newbie to Potato, and I want to get some programs off my computer.
 Is there a file that I can edit, and save to a removable media, that
 constitutes all allowed files.
 Ex: I removed emacs19, because I detest it. Used it on an ATARI 1040ST
 in the eighties, and concludeed that if there was a computer underneath
 - why not use it to tell me of the alternatives. To me a religieous and
 amish program.
 When I tried to socialize with dselect or apt-get, 80 MB was downloaded
 and  I now have emacs20 and a bunch of other programs, but no
 spellchecking, which I was searching for.

if you remove them from dselect, it will not add them again.  the dselect tries
to install all packages with priority standard, which emacs is.  If you remove
it, dselect should not add it again.

Please, submit a wishlist bug on emacs, asking that it not be priority standard.

RE: how to change the window manager??

2000-10-31 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 31-Oct-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i can fint the xinitrc in my HOME dir,how can i change the window manager
 in debian,i want to use gnome,not the GnuStep

if you can not find it, it means it does not exist, which is true by default. 
Simply create one.  Mine looks like:

geisha [~] $ cat ~/.xinitrc
bbkeys -w -m 
bbpal -p turtle -w 
wmmixer -w 

blackbox is the wm I use.

debian equivalent of rc.local

2000-10-31 Thread Keith S Marshall
I was wondering what the debian equivalent to rc.local is.  I want to put
this setting

hdparm -c 1 -d 1 /dev/hda

 which speeds up hard disk access in one of the start up files and was under
the impression that on non debian systems it would go into the bottom of

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: debian equivalent of rc.local

2000-10-31 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Keith S Marshall wrote:

 I was wondering what the debian equivalent to rc.local is.  I want to
 put this setting
 hdparm -c 1 -d 1 /dev/hda
  which speeds up hard disk access in one of the start up files and was
 under the impression that on non debian systems it would go into the
 bottom of rc.local

Tweaks like those go in:


There's already a spot for it.


Re: how to change the window manager??

2000-10-31 Thread Glyn Millington
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 07:51:15AM -0800, thus spake Sean 'Shaleh' Perry:
 On 31-Oct-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   i can fint the xinitrc in my HOME dir,how can i change the window manager
  in debian,i want to use gnome,not the GnuStep
 if you can not find it, it means it does not exist, which is true by default. 
 Simply create one.  Mine looks like:
 geisha [~] $ cat ~/.xinitrc
 bbkeys -w -m 
 bbpal -p turtle -w 
 wmmixer -w 
 blackbox is the wm I use.
If you are using xdm to start your X session you might need to call it

~/.xsession rather than .xinitrc.  here's mine!

# This is the file to alter if starting up via xdm (graphical log-in)
# Multi-purpose xinitrc/xsession Uncomment the Window Manager you want!
# I want an xterm straight away
 xterm -geometry 80x20+10+50 -fn 7x14 -fg white -bg black 
# ~/vital/tkdial 
# below sets background for fvwm2
# xsetroot -solid darkslateblue  
# for xscreensaver
xscreensaver -timeout 2 -cycle 2  -no-splash 
# should enable switchoff screen after inactivity
xset dpms  0 1200  2400  
# exec fvwm2
# exec wmaker
# exec gnome-session
exec blackbox


Glyn M
   * None can love freedom heartily but good men; *
   *the rest love not freedom but license *
   *John Milton   *

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