deseandote lo mejor para el 2001

2000-12-31 Thread Roberto Vilches
 Desgraciadamente no podre contar con tu ayuda de un modo mas cercano pero 
igualmente agradezco tu intencion. Creo haber cometido un error al pedir ayuda 
del modo en que lo hice. Deje a varios heridos en el camino, igualmente les 
agradezco a todos ellos sus valiosas respuestas. Por ahora solo quiero 
agradecer tu amabilidad y ya te molestare indicando los datos que necesitas. 
Quiero aprovechar esta nota para saludar a todos y cada uno de ellos y 
desearles lo mejor para el proximo siglo.Y en especial a ti.
 un abrazo desde ChileRoberto Vilches A

Free, BeOS-friendly email accounts:
love and pixels .:.


2000-12-31 Thread Manel Marin
Os deseo un feliz año/siglo/mileno nuevo a todos los debianeros/as,
espiralos/as y aguiluchos ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: StartOffice

2000-12-31 Thread Manel Marin
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 09:17:13PM -0500, Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:
 Si tengo un computador potente y maquinas peqeñas puedo exportar el display y
 correr StartOffice y aparesca en el monitor de la maquina pequeña, mi
 pregunta es si tengo en una maquina pequeña abierto un StartOffice, puedo en
 otra iniciar tambien StartOffice.

No se, nunca lo he probado, si te funciona dilo en la lista ;-)

 Otra pregunta es como comparto la impresora en una red unix.

Mira mi chuleta I-impresora2, URL abajo...

Otra alternativa es a través de samba como para los Win (pero si no tienes Win
en tu red no te compliques la vida ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Posible troyano ¿fallo de ipfwam? ¿donde lo reporto?

2000-12-31 Thread Manel Marin

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 01:23:56PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 11:36:21PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  Hola a todos,
  Intentando montar cortafuegos en los clientes Linux me he encontrado esto 
  Dec 28 12:12:21 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=0 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:12:24 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=3840 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:12:27 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=5632 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:38:44 host -- MARK --

Bueno me he asegurado de que los paquetes no salen de mi red, aunque ipfwadm
no los registra (las luces del router ADSL no se mueven), ya me quedo mas

   Ummm... no se yo si son troyanos. Lo que parece que hace es que te
 está enviando multicast y las reglas de cortafuegos lo está denegando.

Lo que me mosquea es que ya he encontrado un w95 y dos w98 que lo hacen y un
w95 que no, y siempre al encenderlos. Yo no he instalado nada que requiera
multicast (que yo sepa) :-?

Tendré que buscar si hay algún RFC del multicast... (no se como funciona)

   ¿Por qué no pones un analizador de red? (ie. un tcpdump ;) para ver
 qué tráfico de paquetes est´a gener´andose.. y haces un nestat -an en los
 Win para ver si algo ha abierto puertos que no debiera...

Creo que el netstat -an ya lo hice y no vi nada, pero lo compruebo el martes...

   Un saludo

Gracias ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Presentación de mi firewall-easy_0.30.deb

2000-12-31 Thread Manel Marin

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 01:19:34PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Um... creo que te han cogido (casi) el nombre:
   y hay más en:
 (aunque supongo que lo conoeces)

Me lo miro, todo lo relacionado con cortafuegos me interesa :-)

   En cualquier caso me parece un programa estupendo (tengo que
 probarlo de todas formas) y me gustaría empaquetarlo (junto con las
 chuletas)... ¿podrías poner las fuentes del paquete en la misma página? Así
 puedo descargarmelas, chequarlo con lintian y enviarlo a Debian (si todo
 está ok).

Bueno, son scripts bash, awk y perl, asi que los fuentes ya van en el deb...
bueno he creado el paquete creando los directorios y archivos y haciendo un
dpkg --build a pelo, ya se que no es lo correcto O:-)

Ahora estoy probando el debhelper y me acabo de leer el maint-guide-es, con lo
clarito que lo explica todo ¿como no me lo he leido antes?

Bueno ahora el problema que tengo es hacer un tar.gz con un makefile
¿Hago el makefile a lo debian? ¿O lo hago mas generico y luego creo un diff?
¿Y si lo hago generico que uso para los scripts? ¿/usr/local/bin?

   ¿No te interesaría ser desarrollador??

Pues la verdad es que si que me gustaria,
pero tengo poco tiempo libre, no puedo dedicarle horas al dia, ni apuntarme a
listas de correo con mucho trafico :-(

Si fuera posible ser desarrollador dedicandole poco tiempo si que estoy
interesado (esto se mereceria otra chuleta ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)


2000-12-31 Thread Cesar

 Nas peña : 

 Tengo una pregunta sobre la librería Mesa. 
 Cuando depuro un programa que la usa me encuentro con cosas
del estilo de estas :

glPolygonMode (face=3221223228, mode=134518128) at api2.c:176
176 api2.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) step
DrawPyramid () at filobjects.c:118
118  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
(gdb) step
glBegin (mode=3221223228) at api1.c:122
122 api1.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) step

  Me mosquean mucho esos No such file or directory.
  Lo curioso es que el programa corre(en determinadas 

  Me alivia (ligeramente) comprobar que en los ejemplos
de las demos de las propias librerias ocurre algo similar:

$gdb texsub
 glClearColor (red=-1.99978399, green=3.98975089e-34, blue=-1.99978304, 
alpha=-1.9999) at api1.c:209
209 api1.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) step
gl_ClearColor (ctx=0x402aea09, red=2.01821327, green=1.40129846e-45, 
blue=3.98875355e-34, alpha=-1.99978304) at glmisc.c:69
69  glmisc.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) step

  Alguien que domine el tema puede encenderme una luz.

 Gracias anticipadas y Feliz Año.


Re: saludos

2000-12-31 Thread José María Gálvez Aguiló


si quieres permiso total para el propietario, y solo de ejecucion para 
el resto, ¿no debería ser 751?

La S que aparece en la lista de permisos, parece ser el bit de 
identificación de usuario.  No tengo claro los que es pero parece que 
solo es informativo y referente a los permisos relativos


Lemus Moreno Jose A wrote:

Una duda siempre que creo un directorio bajo uan cuenta mortal me pone por
default los permisos drwxr-sr-x y yo quiero que sean drwxr-x-x en el umask
tengo 022 pero aunque lo cambie a 000 me da drwrwsrwx y no quiero esa s 

Como le hago para que respete los permisos


C Corp

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: StartOffice

2000-12-31 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:
 Si tengo un computador potente y maquinas peqeñas puedo exportar el display y
 correr StartOffice y aparesca en el monitor de la maquina pequeña, mi
 pregunta es si tengo en una maquina pequeña abierto un StartOffice, puedo en
 otra iniciar tambien StartOffice.
Como poderse se puede, pero o bien tienes una conexión de red muy rapida
o el SO te irá a pedales. No tienes ni idea de la de recursos X que usa.

Hasta más bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Dept. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

No em funciona PPP de Gnome

2000-12-31 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
Hola a todos.
Tengo un pequeño problemilla con el PPP de Gnome... cada vez que intento 
marcar me dice que el demonio murió de forma inesperada Supongo que será 
un roblema de permisos pero no lo tengo muy claro ¿alguna ayuda?
Gracias y Feliz Milenio

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Posible troyano ¿fallo de ipfwam? ¿donde lo reporto?

2000-12-31 Thread Manel Marin
Hola otra vez,

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 01:23:56PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 11:36:21PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  Hola a todos,
  Intentando montar cortafuegos en los clientes Linux me he encontrado esto 
  Dec 28 12:12:21 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=0 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:12:24 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=3840 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:12:27 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=5632 F=0x T=128 (#6)
  Dec 28 12:38:44 host -- MARK --
   Ummm... no se yo si son troyanos. Lo que parece que hace es que te
 está enviando multicast y las reglas de cortafuegos lo está denegando.

Efectivamente, ahora ya se lo que es multicast, y estos paquetes parecen los
Win avisando de que tienen capacidad de recibir multicast para ver la tele o
oir la radio cuando esto esté disponible en la intranet via multicast

Supongo que ipfwadm no soporta multicast, y por eso no aparecen los paquetes...

(parece que al final mi mensaje si que ha resultado una inocentada ;-P )

Os adjunto la chuleta que acabo de hacer del tema:

teoria-multicast: (0.01)
Breve descripción del MULTICAST


- Multicast permite que muchos sistemas reciban el mismo paquete a la vez
- Hay un rango de IPs para este fin:
- La IP se usa para enviar al grupo de todos los sistemas
- La IP se usa para enviar al grupo de todos los routers
- Se emplea el protocolo IGMP para informar a los router multicast de los
miembros del grupo multicast, hay dos tipos:
1   = Host Membership Query (petición de miembros)
2   = Host Membership Report(informe de miembros)
- Hay dos nuevos tipos ICMP:
10  = Router Solicitacion Message   (petición de router multicast)
9   = Router Advertisement Message  (anuncio de router multicast)


- Multicast-HOWTO.txt.gz Multicast over TCP/IP HOWTO
- RFC1112 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
- RFC1256 ICMP Router Discovery Messages (para redes multicast)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: No em funciona PPP de Gnome

2000-12-31 Thread Christian García
El dom 31 dic 2000 12:36:40 GMT, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano escribió:
 Hola a todos.
 Tengo un pequeño problemilla con el PPP de Gnome... cada vez que intento 
 marcar me dice que el demonio murió de forma inesperada Supongo que será 
 un roblema de permisos pero no lo tengo muy claro ¿alguna ayuda?
 Gracias y Feliz Milenio

debes ser miembro del grupo 'dip' para arrancar pppd

Christian García Gómez

Re:Modem Robotics...

2000-12-31 Thread c d
Antes de nada tienes que mirar que no sea un winmodem. Aunque parezca mentira, 
una compañía más o menos seria como 3Com también fabrica esas castañas. Busca 
tu modem con su referencia en la página:
Si es winmodem no podrás conectarte desde Linux y tendrás que cambiar el modem. 
Aún así, en la página:
encontrarás un enlace a la página de linmodems y es posible que esté hecho el 
driver para algunos modems.
Si es un modem de verdad (pone OK a la izda.) no tendrás problemas para 
A mí me pasó lo mismo con un diamond interno y me pasé a un externo (lo   
seguro). Estoy muy contento con él.
Salu2 y feliz año nuevo!!

--- Mensaje Original ---
Tema: Modem Robotics...

 Hola a todos... he estado intentando conectar el modem que me compré (un US 
 Robotics OEM Full Interno PCI) pero leyendo tanta documentación y tantos 
 textos, la verdad es que ya me mareé. Anduve tocando cosas y demás (para 
 variar solo conseguí hacer mas lío), y por eso me dirijo a ustedes ahora para 
 conseguir algo de orientación al respecto.
 Lo que quisiera saber son los pasos a seguir, nada detallado... simplemente 
 lo que tengo que tocar y configurar para que el modem quede listo para 
 conectarme. Ya sabiendo a ciencia cierta lo que tengo que modificar y 
 configurar, le iré perdiendo el miedo e iré a paso seguro hasta poder 
 conectarme al final. Les agradezco mucho toda la ayuda que me puedan dar... 
 serán bienvenidos textos y cosas por el estilo que me ayuden a ir paso a paso 
 por todo esto de la conf del modem. Un abrazo a todos, Feliz Año Nuevo!

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META content=MSHTML 5.50.4134.600 name=GENERATOR
BODY bgColor=#ff
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2 Hola a todos... he estado intentando conectar 
el modem que me compré (un US Robotics OEM Full Interno PCI) pero leyendo 
documentación y tantos textos, la verdad es que ya me mareé. Anduve tocando 
cosas y demás (para variar solo conseguí hacer mas lío), y por eso me dirijo a 
ustedes ahora para conseguir algo de orientación al respecto./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2 Lo que quisiera saber son los pasos a seguir, 
nada detallado... simplemente lo que tengo que tocar y configurar para que el 
modem quede listo para conectarme. Ya sabiendo a ciencia cierta lo que tengo 
modificar y configurar, le iré perdiendo el miedo e iré a paso seguro hasta 
poder conectarme al final. Les agradezco mucho toda la ayuda que me puedan 
dar... serán bienvenidos textos y cosas por el estilo que me ayuden a ir paso 
paso por todo esto de la conf del modem. Un abrazo a todos, Feliz Año 

_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

Re: help

2000-12-31 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 04:17:42PM -
Sujeto: Roberto Vilches A.
Comunicaba sobre: help
 Estimados Sres.:
   Despues de muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, logre instalar via CD
 debian gnu/linux 2.1 (i386).Despues de lo cual llegue a un punto de
 no retorno cuando el  sistema se carga y deja un  prompt ? y apartir
 de ese momento  nada sucede no reconoce archivos, la  pantalla es al
 mas puro  estilo de DOS (cuando  no existia Windows)y para  colmo el

¿Que esperabas? ¿Una orquesta tocando? El espectáculo es para vender y
Linux _NO_ necesita venderse, es libre y su máxima funcionalidad y
potencia está en esa pantalla negra de antes de Windows... el cual
estaba ya superado, todas sus versiones, por *nix...

Tal vez es de los que crees que la informática e Internet son creación
de [BG]illy Puertas...

 manual de instalacion como solucion me dice que ahora tengo que ir a
 comprar libros y  visitar sitios.  Todo esto me parece  una burla de
 los desarrolladores ,  que hablan de las maravillas del  SO ( talvez

¿Comprar? Hombre, si quieres comprar, pero
se creó para tener documentación en castellano sobre el sistema y te
vale lo que te cueste descargarla... aparte de la propia documentación
que se instala con el sistema o que está en el CD.

Pero claro, hay que leerla...

Y los desarrolladores, efectivamente se burlan... del software
propietario, realizando programas y aplicaciones que funcionan de
verdad, sin cobrar un duro...

 Bill Gates tenga razon) y espero que no sea cierto que los programas
 y/o SOs valen lo que se paga por ellos.

Sobre lo de si Bill Gates tendrá razón... teniendo en cuenta que dijo
lo de 640 Kb de RAM tendrían que ser suficiente para todo el mundo y
en vista de los requisitos que exigen sus productos... es un mentiroso
muy hábil para hacer pasta a base de engaños...

 ¿podran Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de linux.

Fácil, si tienes ganas de aprender, en la dirección que doy más arriba
encontrarás toda la ayuda que te es necesaria.

Si no tienes ganas, también lo tienes fácil por unos 150 ¤ tienes lo
último del timador...


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
Never leave anything to chance; make sure all your crimes are

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Posible troyano ¿fallo de ipfwam? ¿donde lo reporto?

2000-12-31 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Ah... por si no los sabiais, el multicast-howto está traducido desde
hace dos años... disponible en

Desafortunadamente la gente de insflug no lo ha puesto aún en la
parte oficial (lo que me molesta profundamente) y está todavía en
revisiones :(


On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:48:02PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 - La IP se usa para enviar al grupo de todos los sistemas
 - La IP se usa para enviar al grupo de todos los routers
 - Se emplea el protocolo IGMP para informar a los router multicast de los
 miembros del grupo multicast, hay dos tipos:
   1   = Host Membership Query (petición de miembros)
   2   = Host Membership Report(informe de miembros)
 - Hay dos nuevos tipos ICMP:
   10  = Router Solicitacion Message   (petición de router multicast)
   9   = Router Advertisement Message  (anuncio de router multicast)
 - Multicast-HOWTO.txt.gz Multicast over TCP/IP HOWTO
 - RFC1112 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
 - RFC1256 ICMP Router Discovery Messages (para redes multicast)
 Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17
 GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
 fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5
 Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
 Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
  (Pasate por ;-)

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Posible troyano ¿fallo de ipfwam? ¿donde lo reporto?

2000-12-31 Thread Carlos Valdivia
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 04:34:16PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Desafortunadamente la gente de insflug no lo ha puesto aún en la
 parte oficial (lo que me molesta profundamente) y está todavía en
 revisiones :(

Sí, también me ha pasado a mí. Traducí el Winmodems-HOWTO en octubre y
ni siquiera figura en la web como por revisar. Y eso que lo mandé con
formato SGML.

Es una pena, porque con las últimas novedades ya no vale para casi nada.
Sólo para tener una idea general del asunto.

No es una crítica al INSFLUG, ya que bastante hacen con lo que ya hacen,
pero es probable que necesiten más gente.


Carlos Valdivia Yagüe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Debian/GNU supporter -
GnuPG key DCA0C461 - 13A4 0E99 9A24 05D7 E9B8  0B7F 624A DC44 DCA0 C461

RE: No em funciona PPP de Gnome

2000-12-31 Thread Fede

- Original Message -
From: Christian García [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Aurelio Díaz-Ufano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Lista Debian; Lista Linux Madrid
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: No em funciona PPP de Gnome

El dom 31 dic 2000 12:36:40 GMT, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano escribió:
 Hola a todos.
 Tengo un pequeño problemilla con el PPP de Gnome... cada vez que intento
 marcar me dice que el demonio murió de forma inesperada Supongo que
 un roblema de permisos pero no lo tengo muy claro ¿alguna ayuda?
 Gracias y Feliz Milenio

A mi me pasaba eso con el Linux-Mandrake en KDE, mi problema era que me
conectaba con autentificacion basada en servidor o en script, y debia
hacerlo con Chap o PAP. Ademas debes poner el username seguido de la arroba.
Espero que te sirva de algo.
Salu2 y Feliz año

debes ser miembro del grupo 'dip' para arrancar pppd

Christian García Gómez

  Lista de correo Linux-Madrid
  Para borrarse envie un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con
  el subject unsubscribe

iptables y masquerading

2000-12-31 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Estoy pasando de ipchains a iptables.
Basicament solo hago masquerading en una red del tipo 192.168.0.x a
Internet y cierro una serie de puertos...

Para el Masquerading, supongo que debería hacer por seguridad:

iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -s -j MASQUERADE


Así solo haré el NAT de las direcciones locales... y no haré ningun
forward ni nada de gente que no quiera, creo yo...

Pues no funciona entonces Internet en los otros ordenadores.

Si hago un:


Sí que funciona

No entiendo, son todos un 192.168.0.x ¿?

Gracias y hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Si quieres usar Windows a más velocidad... tiralo desde más alto.

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Posible troyano ¿fallo de ipfwam? ¿donde lo reporto?

2000-12-31 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 30 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 17:03:29 +0100, Carlos Valdivia 

Sí, también me ha pasado a mí. Traducí el Winmodems-HOWTO en octubre y
ni siquiera figura en la web como por revisar. Y eso que lo mandé con
formato SGML.

 Resulta tentador :^(. Y yo que tenía pensado traducir algo...


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apache

2000-12-31 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 30 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 09:00:59 +, Cesar contaba:

 Se podrían obtener privilegios de root a traves de apache?

 Siendo  paranoicos, se  pueden  obtener privilegios  de root  a
 través de cualquier  cosa; el tema es saber cómo  :^). En Apache lo
 peor viene por los CGIs. Borra  los ejemplos que tengas (o quítales
 los permisos de ejecución) y quédate tranquilo, pero siempre atento
 a las actualizaciones de seguridad por si acaso. Ah, los CGIs están
 en /usr/lib/cgi-bin/.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

dpkg -l | grep ^rc

2000-12-31 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Los paquetes marcados como rc son los que he eliminado y quedan ficheros
de configuración?

si los quiero eliminar como lo tendría que hacer? (eliminar del todo, se


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Si quieres usar Windows a más velocidad... tiralo desde más alto.

x free 4.0.1

2000-12-31 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


para las xfree necesito el xserver-svga de la 3.3.6? supongo que no, no?

alguien me puede pasar su:

dpkg -l | grep   x por favor?

o los paquetes que se necesitan...

despues del dist-upgrade hago startx (aun sin configurar) (viene con el
paquete xbase-clients, tengo el de la 4.0.2-1 pero en la primera linia
dice que está ejecutnado xfree 3.3.6 ¿? es algun servidor viejo que tengo,
supongo, no?

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Si quieres usar Windows a más velocidad... tiralo desde más alto.

Re: dpkg -l | grep ^rc

2000-12-31 Thread Kynes

  Hola a todos,

Carles Pina i Estany escribió:
 Los paquetes marcados como rc son los que he eliminado y quedan ficheros
 de configuración?

  Yo suelo hacer de vez en cuando dpkg -lgrep -v ^ii

 si los quiero eliminar como lo tendría que hacer? (eliminar del todo, se

  Pues con dpkg --purge paquete

  Hasta otra, y feliz milenio!
_  _
|/ \/ |\ | |_ |_  Eduardo Borja Ramírez Ronco
|\ /  | \| |_  _| Debian  2.3 y Kernel 2.4.0-test12
Usuario de Linux #156307  Maquina #68965
El cambio es inevitable, excepto en las cabinas de telefonos

Description: PGP signature

Re: x free 4.0.1

2000-12-31 Thread Kynes
Carles Pina i Estany escribió:
 para las xfree necesito el xserver-svga de la 3.3.6? supongo que no, no?

  No, no lo necesitas, tienes que sustituirlo por el xserver-xfree86.

 alguien me puede pasar su:
 dpkg -l | grep   x por favor?

  Claro, aqui lo tienes:

 ii  xaw-wrappers   1.10   allow use of programs with xaw replacements
 ii  xaw3dg 1.5-2  cute 3D replacement for the X Athena widget
 ii  xbase-clients  4.0.2-1miscellaneous X clients
 ii  xfonts-75dpi   4.0.2-175 dpi fonts for X
 ii  xfonts-base4.0.2-1standard fonts for X
 ii  xfonts-scalabl 4.0.2-1scalable fonts for X
 ii  xfree86-common 4.0.2-1X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
 ii  xlib6g 4.0.2-1pseudopackage providing X libraries
 ii  xlib6g-dev 4.0.2-1pseudopackage providing X library developmen
 ii  xlibmesa3  4.0.2-1XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
 ii  xlibosmesa34.0.2-1XFree86 version of Mesa off-screen rendering
 ii  xlibs  4.0.2-1X Window System client libraries
 ii  xlibs-dev  4.0.2-1X Window System client library development f
 ii  xscreensaver   3.26-7 Automatic screensaver for X
 ii  xserver-common 4.0.2-1files and utilities common to all X servers
 ii  xserver-xfree8 4.0.2-1the XFree86 X server
 ii  xterm  4.0.2-1X terminal emulator
 ii  xutils 4.0.2-1XFree86 utility programs

 despues del dist-upgrade hago startx (aun sin configurar) (viene con el
 paquete xbase-clients, tengo el de la 4.0.2-1 pero en la primera linia
 dice que está ejecutnado xfree 3.3.6 ¿? es algun servidor viejo que tengo,
 supongo, no?

  Esto pasa por lo he dicho antes, hasta que no cambies el antiguo por el nuevo 
no lo tendras.
  Con apt-get install xserver-xfree86 sera suficiente.

  Esto no se hace por defecto, porque las X 4 no soportan todas las tarjetas de 
las 3.3; porque despuésde una actualizacion te podrias encontrar que las X no 

  Hasta otra, y feliz milenio!
_  _
|/ \/ |\ | |_ |_  Eduardo Borja Ramírez Ronco
|\ /  | \| |_  _| Debian  2.3 y Kernel 2.4.0-test12
Usuario de Linux #156307  Maquina #68965
La tinta con la que se escribe la historia es prejucio liquido - Mark Twain

Description: PGP signature

Feliz año 2001, ¡que el próximo sea más debianero aún!

2000-12-31 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
Os deseo a todos vosotros, compañeros que os leo dirariamente sin falta
todos los días, un feliz y próspero año nuevo. Que el próximo año sea más
debianero, libre software, mente abierta y tolarante.

Os doy a todos un fuerte abrazo antes de atragantarme con la uvas, nos
seguimos leyendo... 
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-31 Thread José Esteban

Yo tambien.

Manel Marin wrote:

Os deseo un feliz año/siglo/mileno nuevo a todos los debianeros/as,
espiralos/as y aguiluchos ;-)

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Pregunticas de Sendmail

2000-12-31 Thread Ruben Aquino Luna


On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:

 1. Como puedo enmascarar los correos, digamos en la intranet son
 @intranet.mia y quiero que los mensajes que mande lleguen con

Debe haber una l'inea DM en tu, que probablemente est'e
vac'ia. Ah'i tienes que especificar el enmascaramiento:

 2. Lo que pude entender es que en especifico los correos que
 quiero manejar local
 ej @intranet, @intrenet.mia, @oficina.mia
 La pregunta es como le especifico a sendmail que utilize esto.

Hay tambi'en una l'inea en el como la siguiente:


para que recibas correo para otros dominios adicionales, tienes que
especificarlo en 'esta l'inea. Por ej:

Cwlocalhost intranet intranet.mia

 3. Lo de access.db lo pude hacer, pero lo mismo como le especifico a
 sendmail que lo utilize

Esto lo haces con la l'inea:

Kaccess hash /etc/mail/access

en tu hash es si est'as usando ese tipo de mapa, si no,
entonces en lugar de hash es dbm.

Espero que sirva

Saludos y feliz an~o.

Ruben Aquino Luna   Departamento de Seguridad en Computo
PGP Key:
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel. (52-5)622-81-69

mozilla and .mailcap (and realplayer)

2000-12-31 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez


Does Mozilla read .mailcap? It looks to me that it doesn't. I am trying 
to incorporate support for the realplayer and a few other applications 
and I want to believe that there is an automatic way of doing this other 
than manually adding each mime type entry using the mozilla dialogs. Is 
this possible?



2000-12-31 Thread Mircea Luca

I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
2.2.18 and without devfs

Any ideas welcome

Re: putting Apache into chroot()-prison

2000-12-31 Thread Nate Amsden
Nathan E Norman wrote:

 Do you realise you quoted 40 lines of the original message and added 1
 meaningful line?  What a waste of bandwidth.

hah. my 1meg dsl line runs average at 2.8% for the past week,
i got plenty of bandwidth to spare :P


ICQ: 75132336

Re: imwheel

2000-12-31 Thread Rob VanFleet
I'm assuming that since your KDE apps work correctly you have the ZAxisMapping
line in you XF86Config.  You don't need imwheel to make the wheel work with
netscape, just use this Xdefaults file kindly provided to me by Andrea

You just need to gunzip into your home directory and add the following line to
your ~/.xsession file:

xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults


On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 10:50:59PM -0800, Mircea Luca wrote:
 I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
 simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
 imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
 do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
 AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
 I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
 I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
 2.2.18 and without devfs
 Any ideas welcome
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Java???

2000-12-31 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:15:27AM -0500, D-Man wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:18:16PM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
  I thought that the JRE was depricated. That's what I read on the Java
  homepage anyway. 
 I highly doubt that.  The JRE is just the VM without the compiler.
 You can't deprecate the VM for an interpreted language :-).

The article I read said that they didn't want to support a separate
package anymore, and were telling people to just grab the JDK. *shrug*


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Esound Festival

2000-12-31 Thread Paul Clark
On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 13:48:36 -0800, Eric G. Miller wrote:

Try running esd with the -as secs parameter.  That'll free the audio
device after secs seconds which should allow festival to play
directly without esd mucking it up.  You can do that in your
~/.xsession.  Alternatively, if you run gnome-session, just turn off
sound server in the control panel.

Eric G. Miller

But festival reports an error and exits if esd is not available.

Paul Clark

Re: Imac CD install problem

2000-12-31 Thread Hans
Probably of little help, but I saw the same problem occur at an install
party recently but on an Intel machine. Turned out the problem was a CD
burned when Potato wasn't stable yet or a wrong ISO-image, we never found
out. I popped in my copy of stable Potato and it worked. 

Did you burn the CD from an ISO-image? --Hans

At 03:47 PM 12/30/00 -0500, Dippy Black wrote:
I am trying to install debian 2.2 from the CD on my Imac DV (slotloading). I
burned the CD myself. It boots okay and enters the install process.

The problem arises after Install Op System Kernel and Modules. I choose
It then says, Please choose path inside the cdrom where the Debian Archive
resides. It defaults to /instmt.  Clicking okay it does nothing. I then tried
just listing from root. It then gives me 2 options: list and manual. I try
and it reports that it can not find a directory on the cd containing file
rescue.bin.  I then try manual and have tried several trees here.  the one
would seem appropriate is

This does not seem acceptable either. Any help  would be appreciated.
Sorry if
this has been covered before. I could find nothing at the web site. I
tried IRC
and there was no one that could help there. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It's nice to be liked, but better by far to get paid -- Liz Phair

Re: named problems: locally served pages hang

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 05:11:38AM +0100, Preben Randhol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
wrote: wrote on 31/12/2000 (04:03) :
  ...and I specify my hostname in /etc/hosts.
  There don't appear to be any bind or named messages in system logs
  (daemon.log, messages, debug).  Unless I'm missing something (and I
  think I am).
  I'd like to figure out why this is happening and how to fix it.
 I installed bind and it removed my problems (that is, it is only a
 workaround), but do you have a db.navel in /etc/bind containing the same
 as db.local except that the second last lines is:
 @   IN  NS  navel.
 and in named.conf
 zone navel {
 type master;
 file /etc/bind/db.navel;
 If not try it :-)


  oOoThanks, that's *really* been bugging me.  I may 
 ,|oOeven know where to start looking now.
//| |
\\| |I owe you.
 `| |

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: [debian-user] Scrolling the mouse wheel of Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer (again) in Corel Linux 1.2

2000-12-31 Thread Marco Herrn

- Original Message -
From: Rüdiger Kuhlmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: [debian-user] Scrolling the mouse wheel of Microsoft
Intellimouse Explorer (again) in Corel Linux 1.2


 --[Rob VanFleet]--[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 10:13:16AM +0100, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

   Modifying your ~/.Xdefaults file you can use the wheel in Nestcape 4.x
too without
   I've posted mine some time ago on the list...
  Could you possibly repost it?  I searched the archives back to 97 and I
  got two results.

 I'd like to have it, too. I can't get the wheel to work at all - the funny
 thing is, when I do something like cat /dev/psaux/ | od -tc, it starts
 printing characters for moving the mouse or clicking the buttons, but not
 for moving the wheel! What can I do? If there is no response to the wheel
 that low level, of course it can't work anywhere else...

To use the wheel you must add line for ZAxisMapping in your XF86Config.
Look at That is a good
source for information how to get your wheelmouse working.

Marco Herrn

Re: [OT] See you next year...

2000-12-31 Thread Justin B Rye
will trillich wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 11:36:16PM -0800, wrote:
 on Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 09:50:47PM +, sena ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'll be going in a new-year vacations until 3 January. As someone suggested
 in another thread, I'll be using procmail to redirect debian mailing lists
 to /dev/null... I hope it works...
 Make sure to check the latest 2.4.0 pre kernels for the /dev/null patch
 to prevent a /dev/null overflow, particularly with the Debian lists.

If the machine's going to be up over this weekend, /dev/random might
be more of a problem since /etc/cron.millennial/standard will be
introducing extra chaos into the system.  The best fix is to install
anarcron, which runs cronjobs at random intervals.

 i was wondering about that. my /dev/zero and /dev/null have been
 growing above their usual restrictions lately -- but i'm still
 on potato (2.2.17). who's responsible for this anomaly?

Well, who's got root on your machine?
Justin B Rye - writing from but not for Datacash Ltd
grep gullible /usr/share/dict/words

How to apt to testing-distribution

2000-12-31 Thread Gernot Bauer

just wanted to ask what I have to put into my apt-conf file to get the
testing distribution? Would this be enough?

 deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
 deb potato main

Thanx, Gery
Gernot Bauer, University of Linz, Austria
The answer is yes, me.

Re: imwheel

2000-12-31 Thread Thibaut Cousin
Le Dimanche 31 Décembre 2000 07:50, Mircea Luca a écrit :
 I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
 simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
 imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
 do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
 AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
 I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
 I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
 2.2.18 and without devfs

 Any ideas welcome

  Imwheel is, in principle, not necessary to make the wheel work. The wheel 
support can be implemented directly in applications. KDE has built-in wheel 
support, so the only required thing is the line ZAxisMapping 4 5 in 
XF86Config. The same is true for Gnome apps or Staroffice, for example. 
Imwheel is therefore needed only for apps without built-in wheel support.
  Netscape 4.X doesn't have wheel support, whereas Mozilla or Netscape 6 
have. So two solutions :

1) launch imwheel in .xsession, not .xinitrc with a line like exec 
/usr/bin/X11/imwheel . If gdm is Debian-compliant, it should use .xsession.
2) abandon imwheel, as most modern apps have built-in wheel support. 
Konqueror and Mozilla are very good now, even for Java, PHP or plugins.

  Hope it helps,

Thibaut Cousin
web   :
Teach me passion for I fear it`s gone. Show me love, hold the lorn.
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me. I`m sorry.
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you
And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore...


Re:psql doesn't work in GUI (solved)

2000-12-31 Thread Dragón
   Connection to database 'mibsedatos' failed.
  ERROR: connectDB() - connect() failed: ConexiCn rehusada
  Is the postmaster running (with -i) at 'localhost' and 
  accepting connections on TCP/IP port '5432'?
   With psql no problem but the problem comes out with
  mpsql and pgaccess.
It sounds as though mpsql is trying to connect to the socket in
its old location.  make a symbolic link:

  ln -s  /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432  /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432

(Why is mpsql doing this? Is it compiled with a static library?)

pgaccess without mpsql works fine.

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would 
  borrow of thee turn not away. 
  Matthew 5:42 


Leave the hostname and just about everything blank for the connection
configuration.  That should force the use of UNIX sockets rather than
TCP/IP sockets.

See /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf for changing security
configuration, and /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init for options for the
postmaster (like listening for TCP/IP connections).

Eric G. Miller

Thanks Very Much to both of you.

It works now. I 've just left everything blank except the 'database name'
and works fine with pgaccess but no with mpsql, because mpsql doesn't 
let me keep anything blank.


Do You Yahoo!?
Consiga gratis su dirección en

Re: psql doesn't work in GUI (solved)

2000-12-31 Thread Oliver Elphick
=?iso-8859-1?q?Drag=F3n?= wrote:
  Leave the hostname and just about everything blank for the connection
  configuration.  That should force the use of UNIX sockets rather than
  TCP/IP sockets.
  See /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf for changing security
  configuration, and /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init for options for the
  postmaster (like listening for TCP/IP connections).
  Eric G. Miller
  Thanks Very Much to both of you.
  It works now. I 've just left everything blank except the 'database name
  and works fine with pgaccess but no with mpsql, because mpsql doesn't 
  let me keep anything blank.

Then change /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init so that the postmaster allows
TCP/IP connections.  If you want to prevent access from other machines,
you can edit /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf to allow access only from localhost.

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love 
  thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto 
  you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do 
  good to them that hate you, and pray for them which 
  despitefully use you, and persecute you;  
 Matthew 5:43,44 

No setup signature found...

2000-12-31 Thread Debian Ghost
Hey Guys,
I was compiling a 2.4 kernel (test5) and put the info in lilo.conf, ran
lilo and now on boot if I try to boot the image, I get a message saying:

No setup signature found...

the system then halts. Does anyone know what may be causing this?
I buit another kernel from the same 2.4 source and it boots fine.

Thanks for any info!



2000-12-31 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato

I`m tryieng to install the potato with a CDROM debian. But, when I`m going
to install the Kernel and Modules, the dbootstrap does not take-me the
option of install it with the CDROM, only: fd0, fd1, hard disk and
mounted. Is it not recognizing my CDROM. Detail: my CDROM reader is very
old. It`s a Creative SB 2x (Panassonic).

I`d have a idea: I can Download the Kernel and modules from internet to
my Windows partition. Then, I choose the hard disk. Who does can help-me

Connect script failed

2000-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini

I have two ISP. Both of them have the same configuration file in /etc/ppp/peers
with pppconfig. The only difference is the telephone number. I use pon to 
connect to them, but while with one of them everything goes fine, with the 
other I get 

Dec 31 10:50:07 micron pppd[810]: Connect script failed
Dec 31 10:50:08 micron pppd[810]: Exit.

what could be wrong. I think that the script is the same for both ISP.

Thanks is advance for the help!!!

Regards and happy new millenium!!



2000-12-31 Thread A R
What is it that must be added to sources.list to get kde?

Log rotation, how to set it ?

2000-12-31 Thread Benj
Hi, my log rotation happens once a week on sunday.
Which file should I edit to have it lets say happen each day ? How do I set
log rotation ?


Re: kde

2000-12-31 Thread A R
A R wrote:

 What is it that must be added to sources.list to get kde?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps

Now, to indicate that you want only that, and say, downloaded, not installed,
apt-get -d (what packages?)
That is, is there a name that allows downloading all kde for debian without
listing every single package (I beleive about 300 of them)?

How to use Exim with GMX and other quests

2000-12-31 Thread Raffaele Sandrini
Hi all

I have some Exim questions. I comming from a SuSE system wich uses 
Sendmail so i have very little knoledge about exim. First of all: I use 
Kmail to get my mail via POP3. I use a relay,, for outgoing 
mail so i chose option 3 in eximconfig. If i try to send a local email 
(via Kmail) i.e to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then exim doesn't send anything. 
If i type sendmail -bp i get the mail in the queue... How can i say exim 
to deliver the mail.?
Secnd problem. GMX uses the today non-standard to login via SMTP 
(RFC-2554) as lots of cliants can do that. Is it possible to give exim a 
username and a password to login in the smarthost?

General question: Is better to use sendmail than exim i thought to use 
exim because the debian developpers would have thought something before 
they decided to use it apart of sendmail...
Thanks a lot.


Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: kde

2000-12-31 Thread Colin Watson
A R wrote:
 What is it that must be added to sources.list to get kde?

deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps

Now, to indicate that you want only that, and say, downloaded, not installed,
apt-get -d (what packages?)
That is, is there a name that allows downloading all kde for debian without
listing every single package (I beleive about 300 of them)?

Try task-kde. I don't think it will get everything, but it will get a
large amount of useful stuff. Try dselect or an apt front-end to select



apsfilter message

2000-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Hi to all!

I am trying to setup the printer facility in my potato box at home, using 
However, when I try to print an ascii file nothing happens. But by now I am 
about a weird message I got from my ISP! apparently apsfilter sent an email to 
my ISP
administrator, who is in vacations and sent to me automatically the email 
sent to him. Below is the email the guy got from my box. My ISP is, 
my account in my ISP is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why did apsfilter sent an email 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], instead [EMAIL PROTECTED] (micron is the name of my 
machine) or 
Does it has to do with the exim.conf file? If it is the case, I want the emails 
with logs from applications send to [EMAIL PROTECTED], how can I do it?

Thanks in advance for the help!!!



From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Dec 31 12:08:19 2000
Received: from micron ( [])
by (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id eBVE8Ik21905
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:18 -0200 (EDT)
Received: from chiappa by micron with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14Cj9w-TW-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:28 -0200
Subject: apsfilter: printer fault
From: Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:28 -0200

apsfilter: unsupported filetype
ascii text from chiappa
or missing filter !
or perhaps you have to type lpr -Pascii to print an ascii
file containing control characters or lpr -Praw to print
a file in your printers native language, when printing data
files (pcl3, pcl5, ...) ?!

Re: Log rotation, how to set it ?

2000-12-31 Thread Denis Kosygin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Benj) writes:

 Hi, my log rotation happens once a week on sunday.
 Which file should I edit to have it lets say happen each day ? How do I set
 log rotation ?

I do not know how the details vary from version to version but on my
system (potato, logrotate-3.2) there is a script
/etc/cron.daily/logrotate.  Perhaps yours is in /etc/cron.weekly?  In
that case move it to /etc/cron.daily.  Various parameters for log
rotation may be set in /etc/logrotate.conf.

HTH.  Denis

Re: Log rotation, how to set it ?

2000-12-31 Thread Benj

 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:37:08PM +0100, Benj wrote:
  Hi, my log rotation happens once a week on sunday.
  Which file should I edit to have it lets say happen each day ? How do
  I set log rotation ?
 Assuming you use 'logrotate', there is the config file

Ok i'v specified in this file to logrotate daily instead of weekly.
Should I restart anything ?


Re: potato_install

2000-12-31 Thread John Foster
Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:
 I`m tryieng to install the potato with a CDROM debian. But, when I`m going
 to install the Kernel and Modules, the dbootstrap does not take-me the
 option of install it with the CDROM, only: fd0, fd1, hard disk and
 mounted. Is it not recognizing my CDROM. Detail: my CDROM reader is very
 old. It`s a Creative SB 2x (Panassonic).
When the rescue disk is loading, does the boot kernel find the cdrom? It
should show up if the bios is finding it. If so then you should be able
to mount the cdrom as /dev/hdc for this purpose (providing you only have
1 hard disk). 
We specialize in multi-processor computing systems!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Re: newbie: 3c905C eth0 card not detected

2000-12-31 Thread Gerjan Teselink

At the company I work we had the same problem (with the 2.0 kernel) and we
fixed it with a patch suplied by 3Com (the don't give any support on it) and
it seemed to go ok.. but then i generated kernel crashes. And it was on the
systems with the 3c905c cards. We have replaced them with 3c905b cards (wich
are a llitle bit expensiver in The Netherlands) but they work ok (after i
recompiled the kernel). I believe they are supported in the 2.2 kernel so I
will advise you if you want to stay with debian 2.1 to upgrade the kernel or
else the whole distribution.

Kind regards,

Gerjan Teselink

- Original Message -
From: M K Saravanan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian List
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 2:42 PM
Subject: newbie: 3c905C eth0 card not detected


 I have been using RH linux. after reading several success stories of
 decided to switch over to deb.  I installed Debian2.1.  It is not
detecting my
 ethernet card [3Com 3c905c 10/100]. how to activate it?

 -- mks --

 M K Saravanan,
 Member Research Staff,
 The AU-KBC Centre for Internet  Telecom Technologies,
 Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University,
 Chromepet, Chennai 600 044.
 Tamilnadu, INDIA

 Tel (O): 91 44 2417885 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Telefax (O): 91 44 2402711 URL  :

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: How to use Exim with GMX and other quests

2000-12-31 Thread Felix Natter
Raffaele Sandrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all
 I have some Exim questions. I comming from a SuSE system wich uses 
 Sendmail so i have very little knoledge about exim. First of all: I use 
 Kmail to get my mail via POP3. I use a relay,, for outgoing 
 mail so i chose option 3 in eximconfig. If i try to send a local email 
 (via Kmail) i.e to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then exim doesn't send anything. 
 If i type sendmail -bp i get the mail in the queue... How can i say exim 
 to deliver the mail.?
 Secnd problem. GMX uses the today non-standard to login via SMTP 
 (RFC-2554) as lots of cliants can do that. Is it possible to give exim a 
 username and a password to login in the smarthost?
 General question: Is better to use sendmail than exim i thought to use 
 exim because the debian developpers would have thought something before 
 they decided to use it apart of sendmail...
 Thanks a lot.

I don't have a clue what you are referring to when you say relaying,
but your setup sounds closer to eximconfig's (2)-option: accept local mail
(fetchmail from your pop3-host) and send mail via smart-host (
I configured it like this, and now exim sends my mail in an ip-up script.

Felix Natter

Re: newbie trying to run anXious - lots of Xwoes

2000-12-31 Thread Hall Stevenson

 Potato install runs in a 16 color VGA mode, so I don't know why I
 can't even get something that simple to run. I have tried xf86config
 but apparently something goes wrong. Among other things, SuperProbe
 finds a Yamaha chip, which doesn't appear on xf86config's list of
 options. So, I am trying to run anXious. I can migrate to /usr/bin and
 type anXious; nothing happens.

I believe that anXious, with no other commandline options, runs 
non-interactively. That is, it won't ask you any questions, and uses some 
default settings, *if* they work at all. It's possible that anXious has created 
an XF86Config file for you.

You may want to try running it this way:

anXious --forcesetup --forceconfig.

Typing anXious --help includes this info:

This program will automatically guess which step is needed based on what
is available on your system. You can force anXious to start from scratch
by using the --forcesetup and --forceconfig options.

Regards and good luck

Re: potato_install

2000-12-31 Thread Antonio A. Lobato
  Antonio wrote:
  I`m tryieng to install the potato with a CDROM debian. But, when I`m
  to install the Kernel and Modules, the dbootstrap does not take-me
  option of install it with the CDROM, only: fd0, fd1, hard disk
  mounted. Is it not recognizing my CDROM. Detail: my CDROM reader is
  old. It`s a Creative SB 2x (Panassonic).

 jfoster wrote:

 When the rescue disk is loading, does the boot kernel find the cdrom? It
 should show up if the bios is finding it.

How can I know it ? Where do I see it ?

If so then you should be able to mount the cdrom as /dev/hdc for this
purpose (providing you only have 1 hard disk).

How do I mount it ? Must I have to use the bash (Crtl+Alt+F2) and write
mount  /cdrom from it ? Or Have I to use other method ? (I have only one
hard disk)

I`m waiting. Thanks !


Difficulties with FvwmPager in fvwm2 (potato)

2000-12-31 Thread Richard Cobbe
Hello, all.

I'm running fvwm 2.2.4-2 on Debian 2.2r2 (potato), and there's something
that's been bugging me for a while.

I don't have an .fvwm2rc in my home directory, so fvwm looks at Debian's
/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc and then reads the various hook files in
~/.fvwm.  This generally works OK.  The only problem is the FvwmPager---I
don't like some of the options that are set in system.fvwm2rc, like the
font size and the geometry.

I've put the following properties in ~/.fvwm/post.hook:

*FvwmPagerGeometry  +894+42
*FvwmPagerFont  none
*FvwmPagerSmallFont none
*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale  25

and, as specified in the docs, the following in ~/.fvwm/init-restart.hook:

+ I Wait FvwmPager
+ I KillModule FvwmPager
+ I Module FvwmPager 0 0

However, this usually doesn't take.  I haven't been keeping careful
records, but probably 2/3 of the time, when I start fvwm, the pager is
started with the properties as set in system.fvwm2rc, not my overrides.
Usually, restarting fvwm will case my props to stick, but this isn't
consistent---this morning, I had to restart fvwm 5 or 6 times to get the
pager where I want it.

Since this is apparently not deterministic behavior, I suspect that there's
a race condition in there somewhere.  Has anyone found a reliable solution
for this?



Re: potato_install

2000-12-31 Thread David Steinberg
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, John Foster wrote:

 Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:
  Detail: my CDROM reader is very old. It`s a Creative SB 2x (Panassonic).
 When the rescue disk is loading, does the boot kernel find the cdrom? It
 should show up if the bios is finding it. If so then you should be able
 to mount the cdrom as /dev/hdc for this purpose (providing you only have
 1 hard disk). 

What makes you think that a very old Creative (Panasonic) 2x CD-ROM is
going to be IDE?

Isn't /dev/sbpcd a better bet?  

I would try doing an lsmod, and checking to make sure that the sbpcd
module is loaded.  If not, try modprobe sbpcd.

David Steinberg

Can't get X server working in unstable with Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro

2000-12-31 Thread Bart Szyszka
(( If you've gotten this message twice, reply to this one. I had
sent this from my dad's account. Please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and not [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Thanks! ))

I'm trying to setup my X server on a different computer and am having
trouble getting it to work. I have an Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro
graphics card with 32MB and have gotten the latest XFree86 stuff
from the unstable branch, but it just won't work. All the X11 messages
that I get when it doesn't work just say something to the effect that I
didn't select the right graphics card. There are several that seem to
be able to fit both on the SVGA server and Mach64. In Windows
when I view info on the card, it says some things about it being
Ati Rage 128 Pro so I tried the 'Ati Rage 128 (generic)' option and
that didn't work. I've also tried 'Ati All-In-Wonder' and 'Ati
All-In-Wonder Pro' without any success.

I'd appreciate some help with this. Is the problem on my end or the
packages in the unstbale branch? I want to setup KDE 2.1 since
I'm at home on vacation from my university and my dad has an
800mhz computer.   : )

- Bart

4 Mouse buttons with gpm?

2000-12-31 Thread Sam Vilain

I've got a Logitech 4 button MouseMan (according to the label) mouse, and I 
can't get gpm to repeat the fourth button; it keeps being repeated as button 2.

This X configuration works (sacrificing gpm, of course):

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Protocol  MouseManPlusPS/2
Option  Device/dev/psaux
Option  Buttons   4

The configuration that doesn't work properly is:
append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\ -b 9600 -S 

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Protocol  Intellimouse
Option  Device/dev/gpmdata
Option  Buttons   4

Does anyone know if this is possible?  There seems to be no -4 option to gpm 
(or -5 or ...), but it says in places it does allow wheel repeating, which 
IIRC are just 'buttons' as well.  I've tried the mman gpm mouse type, but it 
doesn't work at all.

Any ideas?
GPG public key:

Re: XFree Packages

2000-12-31 Thread Branden Robinson
Klaus, please direct your questions to debian-user.

On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 03:27:07PM +0100, Klaus Naumann wrote:
 Ugh, I was that close :/
 dh_shlibdeps -Nxlibs --exclude=usr/X11R6/lib/modules
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find path for
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find path for
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find path for
 BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dl-version.c: 217: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed !=
 *)0)' failed!
 dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: ldd on
 `debian/xbase-clients/usr/X11R6/bin/glxinfo' gave error exit status
 dh_shlibdeps: command returned error code
 make: *** [debian/stampdir/binary-arch] Error 1
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/X4/xfree86-4.0.2# ldd 
 BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dl-version.c: 217: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed !=
 *)0)' failed!
 Is there any work around for that ? Do I need to build the package
 again now (it took over 5 hours even on that machine ...) ??
   CU, Klaus
 Full Name   : Klaus Naumann | ( (Germany)
 Nickname: Spock | Org.: Mad Guys Network
 Phone / FAX : ++49/177/7862964  | E-Mail: ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 PGP Key :

G. Branden Robinson|Any man who does not realize that he is
Debian GNU/Linux   |half an animal is only half a man.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |-- Thornton Wilder |

Description: PGP signature

RE: imwheel

2000-12-31 Thread Marc Wilson
Netscape 4.x knows perfectly well what a mouse wheel is... add this to

!Wheel stuff
Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
Btn1Down: ArmLink()   \n\
Btn2Down: ArmLink()   \n\
~ShiftBtn1Up: ActivateLink()  \n\
~ShiftBtn2Up: ActivateLink(new-window)\
ShiftBtn1Up:  ActivateLink(save-only) \
ShiftBtn2Up:  ActivateLink(save-only) \
Btn1Motion:   DisarmLinkIfMoved() \n\
Btn2Motion:   DisarmLinkIfMoved() \n\
Btn3Motion:   DisarmLinkIfMoved() \n\
Motion:   DescribeLink()  \n\
Btn3Down: xfeDoPopup()\n\
Btn3Up:   ActivatePopup() \n\
CtrlBtn4Down: PageUp()\n\
CtrlBtn5Down: PageDown()  \n\
ShiftBtn5Down:LineDown()  \n\
AltBtn4Down:  xfeDoCommand(forward)   \n\
AltBtn5Down:  xfeDoCommand(back)  \n

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #override\n\
ShiftBtn4Down: LineUp()\n\
ShiftBtn5Down: LineDown()\n\

AltBtn4Down: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
AltBtn5Down: xfeDoCommand(back)\n

Marc Wilson

 -Original Message-
From:   Thibaut Cousin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sunday, December 31, 2000 4:06 AM
Subject:Re: imwheel

Le Dimanche 31 Dicembre 2000 07:50, Mircea Luca a icrit :
 I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
 simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
 imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
 do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
 AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
 I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
 I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
 2.2.18 and without devfs

 Any ideas welcome

  Imwheel is, in principle, not necessary to make the wheel work. The wheel
support can be implemented directly in applications. KDE has built-in wheel
support, so the only required thing is the line ZAxisMapping 4 5 in
XF86Config. The same is true for Gnome apps or Staroffice, for example.
Imwheel is therefore needed only for apps without built-in wheel support.
  Netscape 4.X doesn't have wheel support, whereas Mozilla or Netscape 6
have. So two solutions :

1) launch imwheel in .xsession, not .xinitrc with a line like exec
/usr/bin/X11/imwheel . If gdm is Debian-compliant, it should use
2) abandon imwheel, as most modern apps have built-in wheel support.
Konqueror and Mozilla are very good now, even for Java, PHP or plugins.

  Hope it helps,

Thibaut Cousin
web   :
Teach me passion for I fear it`s gone. Show me love, hold the lorn.
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me. I`m sorry.
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you
And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: What /potato/main/disks-i386/ image to burn into CDR

2000-12-31 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Dec 30 2000, csj wrote:
 Now, what I want to know is: what floppy image from
 debian/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/ do I need
 to download so I can burn my own CDR installer?

The 2.88 rescue.bin image.

HTH, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Can't get X server working in unstable with Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro

2000-12-31 Thread mik

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:38:31 -0500, Bart Szyszka said:

 (( If you've gotten this message twice, reply to this one. I had
  sent this from my dad's account. Please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and not [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Thanks! ))
  I'm trying to setup my X server on a different computer and am having
  trouble getting it to work. I have an Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro
  graphics card with 32MB and have gotten the latest XFree86 stuff
  from the unstable branch, but it just won't work. All the X11 messages
  that I get when it doesn't work just say something to the effect that I
  didn't select the right graphics card. There are several that seem to
  be able to fit both on the SVGA server and Mach64. In Windows
  when I view info on the card, it says some things about it being
  Ati Rage 128 Pro so I tried the 'Ati Rage 128 (generic)' option and
  that didn't work. I've also tried 'Ati All-In-Wonder' and 'Ati
  All-In-Wonder Pro' without any success.
I got my ATI 128 Rage Pro card working with XFree-4 by
following the hints at :
It will help you set up XF86Config manually or with a script
called 'setrage'.

how to grep without changing timestamps?

2000-12-31 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
Hello all,

Is it possible to grep a ton of files without modifying their date/timestamps?
Currently if I use grep, it changes the access time of all files touched,
which causes mutt to lose track of the folders which have new mail (I guess it
looks at the timestamp last modified and last accessed to figure this out).
Occasionally I do want to include the mail folders in my greps, so bypassing
the mail directory is not a solution.

Maciej Kalisiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread JD Kitch
Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
can find out where this is coming from?

Security Violations
Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)
Dec 31 11:06:53 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7712 F=0x T=127 (#43)
Dec 31 11:06:59 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7713 F=0x T=127 (#43)
Dec 31 11:07:06 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7716 F=0x T=127 (#43)
Dec 31 11:07:13 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7724 F=0x T=127 (#43)
Dec 31 11:07:19 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7725 F=0x T=127 (#43)

I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
the same port.


Re: potato_install

2000-12-31 Thread Xucaen

--- John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:
 Detail: my CDROM reader is very
  old. It`s a Creative SB 2x (Panassonic).

 When the rescue disk is loading, does the boot
 kernel find the cdrom? It
 should show up if the bios is finding it. If so
 then you should be able
 to mount the cdrom as /dev/hdc for this purpose
 (providing you only have
 1 hard disk). 

the old soundblaster cd roms were proprietary and
ran off the sound card's controller. Because of
this, it doesn't show up in the bios.
see the CD ROM HOWTO:
and see the section 3.3 Proprietary CD-ROM
the soundblaster should use the spbcd kernel
I believe the lilo boot parameter
should work. see section 4.3 Creating Device
Files and Setting Boot Time Parameters in the CD
hope this helps...


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Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread ktb
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
 can find out where this is coming from?
 Security Violations
 Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:06:53 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7712 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:06:59 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7713 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:06 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7716 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:13 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7724 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:19 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7725 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
 every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
 the same port.

You can do a search for the port at -

shows -
 can't find Non-existent host/domain

Can't help you any more than that.

  In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe.  
 - Carl Sagan

Re: imwheel

2000-12-31 Thread Pablo de Vicente
El Dom 31 Dic 2000 13:06, Thibaut Cousin escribió:

Le Dimanche 31 Décembre 2000 07:50, Mircea Luca a écrit :
 I'm running unstable ,KDE2 ,gdm,kernel 2.4test12,X4 . My problem is
 simple.The wheel won't work in Netscape unless I open an xterm and start
 imwheel .The wheel works fine otherwise in other KDE apps altough if I
 do an ps aux | grep imwheel  it will show only the grep which means
 AFAIK that imwheel doesn't work.
 I tried to make .xinitrc and exec imwheel -that didn't work .
 I know it's not related to kernel since it did the same thing with
 2.2.18 and without devfs

 Any ideas welcome

  Imwheel is, in principle, not necessary to make the wheel work. The wheel
support can be implemented directly in applications. KDE has built-in wheel
support, so the only required thing is the line ZAxisMapping 4 5 in
XF86Config. The same is true for Gnome apps or Staroffice, for example.
Imwheel is therefore needed only for apps without built-in wheel support.
  Netscape 4.X doesn't have wheel support, whereas Mozilla or Netscape 6
have. So two solutions :

Indeed if your mouse is a PS/2 this is the entry you should have:

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/psaux
   ZAxisMapping 4 5

 Never use Emulate3Buttons, it spoils the wheel behaviour.


Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Jeff Green
   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
   Information Sciences Institute
   University of Southern California
   4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695

   Netblock: -

from what I remember 61662 is the favoured port of some form of widnoise

ktb wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
  Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
  can find out where this is coming from?
  Security Violations
  Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 
  Dec 31 11:06:53 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7712 F=0x T=127 
  Dec 31 11:06:59 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7713 F=0x T=127 
  Dec 31 11:07:06 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7716 F=0x T=127 
  Dec 31 11:07:13 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7724 F=0x T=127 
  Dec 31 11:07:19 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7725 F=0x T=127 
  I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
  every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
  the same port.
 You can do a search for the port at -
 shows -
  can't find Non-existent host/domain
 Can't help you any more than that.
   In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
   you must first create the universe.
  - Carl Sagan
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Sunday, December 31, JD Kitch did write:

 Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
 can find out where this is coming from?
 Security Violations
 Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:06:53 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7712 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:06:59 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7713 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:06 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7716 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:13 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7724 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 Dec 31 11:07:19 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7725 F=0x T=127 (#43)
 I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
 every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
 the same port.

Someone (xx.xx.xx.xx) is poking at your SNMP port.

Use /etc/protocols to map from PROTO=17 to udp, and then /etc/services to
map from 161/udp to SNMP.  (For those who don't know, SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) is a protocol system originally intended for
monitoring and administering networked devices remotely.)

I'm having to guess, based on RFC 760, but I think the other fields are:

* L: packet length
* S: type of service -- see RFC 760
* I: identification #; aids in reassembling fragments
* F: fragment offset, possibly with the IP flags thrown in?
* T: time to live.
* and I don't know what (#43) represents.

(If someone knows better, I'd love to hear corrections.)  These are most
probably not relevant here.

Did you change your IP address in the above report?  IIRC, 172.16.*.* is
a block of private addresses.  Packets to this address should be dropped
automatically by an upstream router.  My guess, therefore, is that these
transmissions are coming from somewhere else in your network---probably a
misconfigured SNMP manager who thinks you're an agent.

If it's *not* somewhere else in your network, then to try to find out where
it's coming from, do an nslookup on the source IP (the address you've
blocked out) to get its domain, then try doing a whois lookup on that
domain to see who's responsible for it.  (And bug your sysadmins to drop
packets coming in from outside your network addressed to the private
address ranges.)

For example, try typing `whois' to see the kind of information you
should be able to get.



Re: Installing KDE 2 using apt-get

2000-12-31 Thread Dean
A thousand pardons. I obviously misread  last week. Dean

Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 09:49:47PM -0600, Dean wrote:
  Hi Thiago:
   I could be wrong, but I heard
  you need to be on a woody instead
  of potato installation. hth Dean
 you heard incorrectly.
 Ethan Benson
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:16:59 MST, JD Kitch writes:
Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
can find out where this is coming from?

port 161 is snmp, so it looks like someone´s trying to get information 
 about your machine (or something at your ISP or the like is 
 misconfigured), proto 17 is UDP which fits snugly since snmp is 

Security Violations
Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 xx.xx.xx
x.xx:61662 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)
I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
the same port.

look for the ip-adress with
whois -h whois.[ripe|arin|apnic].net ipaddress
and complain to the ISP/organization responsible for it.

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread mikpolniak

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 13:34:02 -0600, ktb said:

 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
   Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
   can find out where this is coming from?
   Security Violations
   Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   Dec 31 11:06:53 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7712 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   Dec 31 11:06:59 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7713 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   Dec 31 11:07:06 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7716 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   Dec 31 11:07:13 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7724 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   Dec 31 11:07:19 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7725 F=0x T=127 (#43)
   I've been unable to track it down.  I've had pages and pages of this
   every hour since early yesterday, always coming from the same IP, to
   the same port.
run  $whois
   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
   Information Sciences Institute
   University of Southern California
   4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695

run $ cat  /etc/services|more
snmp161/udp # Simple Net Mgmt Proto

Probably harmless.

Linux Progress Patch for Debian available!

2000-12-31 Thread Raphael Bossek

hi Debian users,

for all of you looking for a graphical start screen, this is the right patch. 
I've modified it a little bit
so more init scripts are supported and a additional patch against the latest 
linux-2.4.0-test12 is part of
this tarball too!

The official project page from the Linux Progress Patch is

You can find here the latest informations about the implementation and some 
additional themes ( of course!

Applying the patch against your kernel (you need a VESA2.0 or compilant 
graphics card to get framebuffer device working!) you get the following result:

If you are now thinking about XDM and how to make it more Debian GNU/Linux 
compilant, take a look at ! I've found some interesting 
configurations for XDM there :)

Raphael Bossek [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ICQ #40047651]

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Pollywog

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 13:55:26 -0600 (CST), Richard Cobbe said:

  Did you change your IP address in the above report?  IIRC, 172.16.*.* is
  a block of private addresses.  Packets to this address should be dropped
  automatically by an upstream router.  My guess, therefore, is that these
  transmissions are coming from somewhere else in your network---probably a
  misconfigured SNMP manager who thinks you're an agent.

I would ask my ISP if it was coming from them or from their upstream
I had some odd stuff appearing in my logs once, coming from the same
IP address, and it was in fact coming from my ISP's upstream


Re: Connect script failed

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 10:58:20AM -0200, Marcelo Chiapparini ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I have two ISP. Both of them have the same configuration file in 
 with pppconfig. The only difference is the telephone number. I use pon to 
 connect to them, but while with one of them everything goes fine, with the 
 other I get 
 Dec 31 10:50:07 micron pppd[810]: Connect script failed
 Dec 31 10:50:08 micron pppd[810]: Exit.
 what could be wrong. I think that the script is the same for both ISP.

Could be a lot of things.  For starters, set debug on -- you can do this
through pppconfig by modifying your existing script.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Sunday, December 31, ktb did write:

 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
  Security Violations
  Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 

   shows -
    can't find Non-existent host/domain
   Can't help you any more than that.

Sorry, should have clarified this in my post, but is the
*destination* address---i.e., the IP address of the machine doing the
logging.  Doing lookups on this aren't going help (even if it weren't a
private IP address.)  The source address was blocked out by the original


Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Sunday, December 31, Pollywog did write:

 On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 13:55:26 -0600 (CST), Richard Cobbe said:
   Did you change your IP address in the above report?  IIRC, 172.16.*.* is
   a block of private addresses.  Packets to this address should be dropped
   automatically by an upstream router.  My guess, therefore, is that these
   transmissions are coming from somewhere else in your network---probably a
   misconfigured SNMP manager who thinks you're an agent.
 I would ask my ISP if it was coming from them or from their upstream
 provider.  I had some odd stuff appearing in my logs once, coming from
 the same IP address, and it was in fact coming from my ISP's upstream

Either way, it's still a private IP address range.  NOBODY should let
packets with one of these addresses, either as source or destination, cross
a network boundary.  If the ISP is getting this traffic from its upstrea
provider, it should configure the router between it and the provider to
drop all private address ranges, and let the provider know it's leaking
private IPs.


Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:

 Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 (#43)

I don't know what tool generated this log entry. This is a situation where a
good IDS such as snort would shed a lot of light. For example, grepping a
set of snort rules for that port yields:

misc-lib:alert udp any any - $HOME_NET 161 (msg: SNMP public access; 

misc-lib:alert udp !$HOME_NET any - $HOME_NET 161 (msg:BUGTRAQ ID 1009 - 
Possible attempt at Bay/Nortel Nautica Marlin DoS); dsize:0;) 

netbios-lib:alert udp !$HOME_NET any - $HOME_NET 161 
(msg:NETBIOS-SNMP-NT-UserList; content:|2b 06 10 40 14 d1 02 19|;) 

vision.conf:alert UDP $EXTERNAL any - $INTERNAL 161 (msg: 
IDS333/SNMP-NT-UserList; content: |2b 06 10 40 14 d1 02 19|;)

Follow up by surfing to (see last line above)

and also that Bugtraq ID looks interesting.

What I gather is that this could be a student at, which is
apparently part of the Univ. of California, trying his or her hand at
configuring an NT box in some weird way. Who knows?

I would send a very nice comment to someone there along with your data and
see what comes of it.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, Rhode Island, USA  

Re: kde

2000-12-31 Thread Jonathan Markevich
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 08:53:46AM -0500, A R wrote:
  What is it that must be added to sources.list to get kde?
 deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps
 Now, to indicate that you want only that, and say, downloaded, not installed,
 apt-get -d (what packages?)
 That is, is there a name that allows downloading all kde for debian without
 listing every single package (I beleive about 300 of them)?

Usually kdebase.

However, where is the same line for kde2?  I have a moldy kde2 installation
now, and tdyc doesn't seem to respond to it...

Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
== It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See ==

Re: imwheel

2000-12-31 Thread Mircea Luca
Thibaut Cousin wrote:

  Imwheel is, in principle, not necessary to make the wheel work. The wheel

 support can be implemented directly in applications. KDE has built-in wheel
 support, so the only required thing is the line ZAxisMapping 4 5 in
 XF86Config. The same is true for Gnome apps or Staroffice, for example.
 Imwheel is therefore needed only for apps without built-in wheel support.
   Netscape 4.X doesn't have wheel support, whereas Mozilla or Netscape 6
 have. So two solutions :

I have the line in XF86Config-4 .Problem is imwheel works great with all
Netscape components.
The Xdefaults files on the net I've tried either didn't work when numlock was
pressed or the wheel
didin't work in composer.

 1) launch imwheel in .xsession, not .xinitrc with a line like exec
 /usr/bin/X11/imwheel . If gdm is Debian-compliant, it should use .xsession.

This didn't work.(is /usr/bin/imwheel btw)I tried also exec xterm   and this
didn't work either.So apparently the helix-gdm ingnores the .xsession

 2) abandon imwheel, as most modern apps have built-in wheel support.
 Konqueror and Mozilla are very good now, even for Java, PHP or plugins.

   Hope it helps,

Konqueror is OK as a replacement for Netscape at those pages where Netscape
crasps out..As for Mozilla
not there yet.Too slow and the mail app crashes intermitent.And what can I
say,I've been using Netscape
since version 2 .I like it.!:-)
I'll try kdm and see what that does.

Thanks anyway

Re: Connect script failed

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
Please respond to list.

on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 06:29:10PM -0200, Marcelo Chiapparini ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:17:01PM -0800, wrote:
  on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 10:58:20AM -0200, Marcelo Chiapparini ([EMAIL 
  PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I have two ISP. Both of them have the same configuration file in
   /etc/ppp/peers genrated with pppconfig. The only difference is the
   telephone number. I use pon to connect to them, but while with one
   of them everything goes fine, with the 
   other I get 
   Dec 31 10:50:07 micron pppd[810]: Connect script failed
   Dec 31 10:50:08 micron pppd[810]: Exit.
   what could be wrong. I think that the script is the same for both
  Could be a lot of things.  For starters, set debug on -- you can do
  this through pppconfig by modifying your existing script.
 It is already on. I would appreciate very much any suggestion.

In which case, you should have rather more verbose output.  Post it.

My general suggestion is to look at the Network Administrator's Guide
(NAG).  You should have a version under /usr/docs/ldp-nag (or can
install it with the appropriate package).

You can also access the PPP chapter online at:

If you can't identify the problem through your ppp/chat scripts, try
manually connecting to your ISP via minicom.

When I say could be a lot of things, there may be specific
modifications in your ISP configurations, such as how you specify,
quote, or preface your userid and/or password.  Seeing the interactive
output is very helpful in debugging these issues.  See also your ISPs
support pages.  Almost *all* ISPs now provide instructions on how to
connect via GNU/Linux, even if they don't officially support it.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt -- compressed mailboxes, exerimental breaks 'open-hook', etc.

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 03:04:39AM -0800, 
( wrote:
 on Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 02:56:46AM -0800, 
 ( wrote:
  Package: mutt
  Version: 1.3.12-2
  I'd recently added the following lines to my ~/.muttrc to allow use of
  (and access to) compressed mailboxes.  They're now coming up as unknown
  commands on mutt invocation on an update to the latest mutt in Woody.
  Anyone know the problem or got a fix?  Bug tracking lists nothing
  appropriate on the topic.
 It appears that the gzip patch was lost in the shuffle.

Officially, even.  It's listed in the README, as Marco d'Itri (mutt
maintainer) pointed out in response to the bug report.  I've requested
it be added, as this breaks backward compatibility.

Meantime, I'm about to learn how to compile from sources and apply the
patch myself.  Tips, anyone?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: kde

2000-12-31 Thread Bud Rogers
On Sunday 31 December 2000 08:36, Jonathan Markevich wrote:

 However, where is the same line for kde2?  I have a moldy kde2
 installation now, and tdyc doesn't seem to respond to it...

Here's what I use.

deb potato main crypto beta 

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what this person is looking for here, and how I
 can find out where this is coming from?


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: potato_install

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:41:38PM -0200, Antonio A. Lobato ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
   Antonio wrote:
   I`m tryieng to install the potato with a CDROM debian. But, when
   I`m going to install the Kernel and Modules, the dbootstrap
   does not take-me the option of install it with the CDROM, only:
   fd0, fd1, hard disk and mounted. Is it not recognizing my
   CDROM. Detail: my CDROM reader is very old. It`s a Creative SB 2x
  jfoster wrote:
  When the rescue disk is loading, does the boot kernel find the
  cdrom? It should show up if the bios is finding it.
 How can I know it ? Where do I see it ?

$ dmesg | more

...should show up with context such as cdrom, panasonic, atapi,
etc, early in the output.

 If so then you should be able to mount the cdrom as /dev/hdc for this
 purpose (providing you only have 1 hard disk).
 How do I mount it ? Must I have to use the bash (Crtl+Alt+F2) and
 write mount  /cdrom from it ? Or Have I to use other method ? (I
 have only one hard disk)

Once the CDROM is properly detected, the mounting/unmounting is handled
within the installation process.  Manually mounting/umounting the device
is likely to fubar the process (nothing irreperable, the installer just
expects to find the device in one state or the other and gets upset when
it's not).  Yes, you can switch to another virtual console and mount the
device.  Usually specifying filesystem type, device, and moutpoint:

$ mount -t iso9660 /dev/device /cdrom

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

new user in group=reboot?

2000-12-31 Thread serge delorme
I added my user account to some groups both with adduser
and gpasswd and on their respective files in /etc user was added
to the groups but I had to reboot to make the changes effective...

There must be a way of making the system read the changed files without

Serge Delorme   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Un autre utilisateur GNU/DEBIAN

Re: new user in group=reboot?

2000-12-31 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 04:07:24PM -0500, serge delorme wrote:
 I added my user account to some groups both with adduser
 and gpasswd and on their respective files in /etc user was added
 to the groups but I had to reboot to make the changes effective...
 There must be a way of making the system read the changed files without

Yeah, you log out, then back in.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: new user in group=reboot?

2000-12-31 Thread serge delorme
Le dimanche 31 déc. 2000 à 04:12:29 -0500, Ben Collins a écrit:
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 04:07:24PM -0500, serge delorme wrote:
  I added my user account to some groups both with adduser
  and gpasswd and on their respective files in /etc user was added
  to the groups but I had to reboot to make the changes effective...
  There must be a way of making the system read the changed files without
 Yeah, you log out, then back in.

 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Serge Delorme   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Un autre utilisateur GNU/DEBIAN

Re: apsfilter message

2000-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
I found the solution myself! I added the following entry in the /etc/exim.conf 

qualify_recipient = localhost

now the errors from apsfilter are mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Happy new year!


On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:32:10PM -0200, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 Hi to all!
 I am trying to setup the printer facility in my potato box at home, using 
 However, when I try to print an ascii file nothing happens. But by now I am 
 about a weird message I got from my ISP! apparently apsfilter sent an email 
 to my ISP
 administrator, who is in vacations and sent to me automatically the email 
 sent to him. Below is the email the guy got from my box. My ISP is, 
 my account in my ISP is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why did apsfilter sent an email 
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED], instead [EMAIL PROTECTED] (micron is the name of my 
 machine) or 
 Does it has to do with the exim.conf file? If it is the case, I want the 
 with logs from applications send to [EMAIL PROTECTED], how can I do it?
 Thanks in advance for the help!!!
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Dec 31 12:08:19 2000
 Received: from micron ( [])
 by (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id eBVE8Ik21905
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:18 -0200 (EDT)
 Received: from chiappa by micron with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
 id 14Cj9w-TW-00
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:28 -0200
 Subject: apsfilter: printer fault
 From: Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:08:28 -0200
 apsfilter: unsupported filetype
 ascii text from chiappa
 or missing filter !
 or perhaps you have to type lpr -Pascii to print an ascii
 file containing control characters or lpr -Praw to print
 a file in your printers native language, when printing data

Re: How to use Exim with GMX and other quests

2000-12-31 Thread Michael Steiner
Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
 Hi all
 I have some Exim questions. I comming from a SuSE system wich uses
 Sendmail so i have very little knoledge about exim. First of all: I use
 Kmail to get my mail via POP3. I use a relay,, for outgoing
 mail so i chose option 3 in eximconfig. If i try to send a local email
 (via Kmail) i.e to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then exim doesn't send anything.
 If i type sendmail -bp i get the mail in the queue... How can i say exim
 to deliver the mail.?
 Secnd problem. GMX uses the today non-standard to login via SMTP
 (RFC-2554) as lots of cliants can do that. Is it possible to give exim a
 username and a password to login in the smarthost?
 General question: Is better to use sendmail than exim i thought to use
 exim because the debian developpers would have thought something before
 they decided to use it apart of sendmail...
 Thanks a lot.
 Sent through GMX FreeMail -
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have experience with sendmail and you know how to handly it use
your sendmail knowledge. There is no reason to change to exim. Help you
can find best at comp.mail.sendmail group. Lets see the other answers,
maybe I will change to sendmail too ?


Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria

Re: Connect script failed

2000-12-31 Thread John Hasler
Karsten M. Self writes:
 Almost *all* ISPs now provide instructions on how to connect via

However, it is usually best not to follow those instructions as they are
usually garbled.  Just mine them for information.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: putting Apache into chroot()-prison

2000-12-31 Thread brian moore
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:01:48AM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote:
 Nathan E Norman wrote:
  Do you realise you quoted 40 lines of the original message and added 1
  meaningful line?  What a waste of bandwidth.
 hah. my 1meg dsl line runs average at 2.8% for the past week,
 i got plenty of bandwidth to spare :P

Oh, so you're now hosting the Debian mailing lists?

(hint: unless you are, you are not providing the -real- bandwidth needed
to carry this list.  Your comment is about as appropriate as responding
to a hungy person with oh, but I have lots of food, it's okay for me to
throw it away)

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Bob Bernstein
*** Retraction ***

On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 03:36:13PM -0500, Bob Bernstein wrote:

 What I gather is that this could be a student at, which is
 apparently part of the Univ. of California,

File this message under: Big Dummy Posts We Wish We Never Made

It's all brain-dead nonsense, based on me not recognizing the private ip
range, and doing the following:

# dig -x

;  DiG 2.2  -x 
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 56478
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; Ques: 1, Ans: 0, Auth: 1, Addit: 0
;;, type = ANY, class = IN

16.172.IN-ADDR.ARPA.575 SOA (
19971501; serial
10800   ; refresh (3 hours)
900 ; retry (15 mins)
604800  ; expire (7 days)
86400 ) ; minimum (1 day)

;; Total query time: 7 msec
;; FROM: to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Sun Dec 31 17:19:49 2000
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 44  rcvd: 125

A blackhole is just that. Duh Bob.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, Rhode Island, USA  

Re: Tracking down IP's

2000-12-31 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 03:36:13PM -0500, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 12:16:59PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
  Dec 31 11:06:47 tower kernel: Packet log: output REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=106 S=0x00 I=7632 F=0x T=127 
 I don't know what tool generated this log entry. This is a situation where a
 good IDS such as snort would shed a lot of light. For example, grepping a
 set of snort rules for that port yields:

While I agree snort is a good tool, I fail to see why the poster
blanked out the source address but left the dest address.  Therefore
all speculation about where this packet came from is a bit

 What I gather is that this could be a student at, which is
 apparently part of the Univ. of California, trying his or her hand at
 configuring an NT box in some weird way. Who knows?

Come ON people, is part of RFC 1918 Private Network
Addresses.  Also, in this case it's the poster's IP address (must be
using NAT somewhere along the way).

My (worthless) guess:  the provider just got a new HP Openview box and
it's doing autodiscovery on the network.


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: Connect script failed

2000-12-31 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 04:16:15PM -0600, John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Karsten M. Self writes:
  Almost *all* ISPs now provide instructions on how to connect via
 However, it is usually best not to follow those instructions as they are
 usually garbled.  Just mine them for information.

Like he said g.

The usefull stuff is:

  - userid specification
  - password specification
  - phone number
  - DNS
  - Any initialization strings or modifications to the standard 'ogin'
'assword' expect strings.  That's '(Login|login)', usually, and
'(Password|password)', trimming off the initial letter usually
insures standard handling.

The scripts provided are almost always broken or incompatible with
current GNU/Linux configurations.  Check them for the above information.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to grep without changing timestamps?

2000-12-31 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:04:57PM -0500, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 Hello all,
 Is it possible to grep a ton of files without modifying their date/timestamps?
 Currently if I use grep, it changes the access time of all files touched,
 which causes mutt to lose track of the folders which have new mail (I guess it
 looks at the timestamp last modified and last accessed to figure this out).
 Occasionally I do want to include the mail folders in my greps, so bypassing
 the mail directory is not a solution.

I doubt it. The point of the timestamps are to be accurate. However, you 
be able to hack the inode afterwards, not that I'd recommend it. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up for ipppd ?

2000-12-31 Thread Felix Natter

I was pleased to see that there is a file in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d that
does the dynamic nameserver-assignment (option usepeerdns) for pppd
(probably created by pppconfig).

Now I would like to know if there is anything similar for ipppd
(option ms-get-dns) ? The above file would most probably work
except for the fact that the environment variables are called MS_DNS1/2
instead of DNS1/2.


Felix Natter

a dpkg for windows?

2000-12-31 Thread Dan Pomohaci

I saw that in cygwin there is a rpm. Is something similar for dpkg?
Let's say I want to use the same packaging system (Debian of course
:-) in Linux and Windows. It is possible?

A happy new year to all Debian users!


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