Re: The right way to power off a computer as non-root

2002-01-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 08:45:43PM -0500, P Prince ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Well, what about su?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] shutdown -h now
> > I had two ideas of making this possible. The one is to make it sudo-able and
> > the other is to put the executable into a special group (e.g. poweroffer)
> Sudo is a security hole.  

In the context of what you've just stated, it's less a security hole
than the alternative you've provided.  If your alternative to sudo is
su, you've just addressed the problem of providing a user unintentional
full root providing her intentional full root access.

Because of the inherent granularity of the GNU/Linux security model,
implementing controlled security on a GNU/Linux system takes some

For those wanting more background on this topic, Ethan Benson and I
discussed the topic on list some time back.

> There are three ways to use it, one good, one questionable, and one
> stupid.

Note that the sudoers manpage itself makes the same observation.

> The good way is to set your user account to have full root privs via
> sudo.  This is very handy to have, because you can do root things
> without having to su.

You also log *all* sudo events, the command issued, and its arguments.

> The questionable way is to allow certain users to execute a certain
> set of programs as root.  

If the alternative is direct root access (which is denied or otherwise
prohibited), this accomplishes two things:

  - All root accesses are tied to a user account.  With appropriate
(this means off-system) logging, you can at least retroactively
restrict that user's access to systems.  The problem of "mystery
root events" (I've seen same, in an environment where workstation
root passwords were shared...not mine however) is at least reduced
to "root event from account X".

  - A shared root password isn't needed.  Users with sudo root access
need to practice good password discipline, but the cleanup required
after (or before) a problem / transfer / termination is greatly

  - The solution is scalable.  A users permissions can be increased or
decreased within sudo.  su doesn't offer this same level of control.

> It works well, but if you are not extremely careful about write
> permissions on the executables and all of their parent directories,
> you can make it possible to overwrite an allowed program with one of
> your own.  Even more likely, you can force trusted programs to execute
> non-trusted programs with the same effective UID.

There are more problems with this, and they're the same ones you'd have
with a shared root account, excepting the comments I've made above.

> The stupid way to use it is to allow a user full root privs, with some
> restrictions.

Agreed.  From man (5) sudoers:

   It is generally not effective to "subtract" commands from
   ALL using the '!' operator.  A user can trivially
   circumvent this by copying the desired command to a
   different name and then executing that.

Other things to watch for are *any* command that allows shell access.
This restricts the utility of sudo with, say, editors and other
interactive tools.  But it should generally be rarely required with

Note that if a user is allowed to create or move arbitrary files with
root privileges, they can replace files to provide themselves a root

Security is a process, not a state.


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?  Home of the brave of the free
We freed Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: Solved: Re: gv: various font errors, "code 1 in findfont"

2002-01-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 04:23:07AM -0800, Eric G. Miller ( wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:00:00 -0800, "Karsten M. Self"  
> wrote:
> > on Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 09:03:18AM -0800, Craig Dickson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > wrote:
> > > Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I'm finding gv is almost unusable under Sid due to font errors, e.g.:


> > > Do you have the GS_LIB environment variable set to these two directories?
> > > If not, try that and see if it helps.
> > 
> > Interesting.  I've got that in my /etc/profile (I *thought* I'd added
> > something like it), added Dec 13:
> > 
> > export GS_LIB=/usr/share/gs/6.51:/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts
> > 
> > ...but the value doesn't seem to be getting propogated (I'm starting via
> > wdm).  I've changed /etc/environment to just source /etc/profile.
> > 
> > Setting that value (forced in my ~/.bashrc) seems to fix things.
> After updating gs-aladdin & gs-common today, I started to see these
> errors as well.  But, the problem is not that you should need a GS_LIB
> environment variable, but that gs-common seems to not invoke the
> proper "defoma" install/update script.  So, I looked at the
> README.defoma for gs-common, and right there is a line about updating
> defoma via "defoma update gs" -- sure enough, it works.


I just ran that as root, launched a new shell, unset GS_LIB, and tried
viewing a ps page:

$ df | mapage -1 | gv -letter -magstep -1 -

...which doesn't work.  I get the same font errors.

Restoring the environment variable works.


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?  Home of the brave of the free
We freed Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to get rid of sendmail X-Authentication-Warning?

2002-01-03 Thread Andy Spiegl
> >  O PrivacyOptions=needmailhelo,novrfy,noexpn,noreceipts,noverb
> > 
> > But it still generates these lines.
> Are you sure that sendmail is reading /etc/mail/trusted-users.db?  Did
> you rebuild trusted-users.db after edited /etc/mail/trusted-users?

Hm, actually I thought that it's trusted-users is not a database but just a
plain text file.  But just to be sure, I edited my
 Ft/etc/mail/trusted-users %[^\#]

And it _still_ generates the X-Authentication-Warning.  I don't get it.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 War doesn't decide who is right, only who is left.

Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Erik Steffl
Richard Cobbe wrote:
> Lo, on Thursday, January 3, Erik Steffl did write:
> > what's the difference? the point is you can assign almost anything to
> > anything, and yet there is no segfault - i.e. the strength of types has
> > nothing (sort of) to do with segfaults... the resource allocation is
> > crucial...
> Type safety (plus dynamic allocation) implies advanced memory
> management.  The converse is not true: you can slap Boehm's conservative
> GC onto a C++ program, but you can still get segmentation faults:
> char str[] = { 'b', 'a', 'd', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' };
> // note the lack of a terminating '\0'!
> cout << str;
> No allocation issues involved.  As Ben Collins pointed out elsewhere in
> this thread (bit of a tree-shaped thread, isn't it?), this won't
> necessarily cause a segfault, but it can.  It's also a violation of
> type-safety: cout expects a null-terminated string, and as far as the
> compiler is concerned, str fits this.  However, there's no runtime check
> in the output routine to verify that this is, in fact, the case.  Ooops.

  that's not really good analysis of what's actually going on. the str
is actually array of characters, it's not really a string (there's no
such thing in c++ language, there is a string as part of standard
library (runtime?-))

  so the problem here is that the actual value of the variable is not
according the specs for cout, it's of correct type (char *). And str
certainly evaluates to char *, not a random collection of bits (it's not
really a char * but it doesn't matter in this case)

  I don't see any type related problem here. cout assumes something
about the value, it's not true, BOOM!

> Therefore, I claim that type safety is a more fundamental concept than
> resource mangement.

  well, why?

> > that's all interesting, but the point was that the perl type system is
> > as weak as I can imagine yet it doesn't lead to segfaults... it's the
> > resource allocation!
> Type safety != `strong' types.  They're orthogonal.  (Well, sort of.  It
> turns out that `strong types' isn't a very well-defined concept;
> language researchers prefer to discuss compile-time type verification.
> *That* definitely has nothing to do with type safety.)
> > If you cannot make sure that MyUserType variable will only be assigned
> > MyUserType values then you have (almost) NO type safety.
> That's only meaningful if you can declare a variable to be MyUserType at
> runtime.  This does not apply to a whole variety of languages, many of
> which are still type-safe.
> (I think I'm just going to decide that Perl's type system is on crack.

  pretty much, it's quite strange.

> But what do you expect when a linguist designs a programming language?)


> > > In any case, memory allocation errors aren't the only cause of
> > > segmentation faults---how about walking off the end of an array?  Here,
> > > I claim that Perl *does* maintain type-safety, although in a seriously
> > > fscked-up way: it simply expands the array to make the reference valid.
> >
> >   it's not the types! it doesn't care about types at all. it just makes
> > sure you always have a place to store whatever you are about to store.
> > what does that have with types? not much. it has to know what are you
> > trying to store but it doesn't care at all what was there before, what's
> > the type of variable where you are storing it. again, I find it pretty
> > strange to call that kind of behaviour 'type safety'.
> Yes, it *is* types.  Remember the definition of type-safety:
> If an expression E is determined at compile time to have type T,
> then evaluating E will have one of two results:
> 1) The value of E is a valid object of type T and not just some
>random collection of bits we're misinterpreting as a T.

  perl definitely doesn't satisfy this one, or only in very pervert way.
the objects (any variables, not objects as in OO) can evaluate as
different things (e.g. scalar versus array context), even as nothing,
it's just that perl handles nothing better then C (it doesn't do
anything with nothing, because it knows what's allocated).

  the other thing is that often it is not evaluated at compile time...

> 2) a well-defined runtime error occurs (e.g., Java's

  or segfault? just kidding...

  is java type-safe?

  perl often does not give you any error message, it just does something
it consider OK to do...

> There are no other possibilities.
> In this particular case, Perl chooses to use the memory allocation
> system to satisfy type safety (it creates a new T, initializes it, and
> returns it).  It's not the only possibility, though; Java would throw an
> exception in this case.  No allocation involved.

  you just wrote there are no other possibilites and then two lines
later you list another possiblity (what perl does).


Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread John Hasler
Gary Turner writes:
> As a matter of possible general interest, NIST makes available source and
> binaries (Mac & Win) on their site.


 This program connects to the daytime service on the NIST time
 server using tcp/ip port 13.

Pretty limited.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: ssh2 denials

2002-01-03 Thread Petre Daniel

perhaps you should put something from /lib/security ..

At 10:13 PM 1/3/02 -0600, shock wrote:

* nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > I'm using ssh2 (, and I'm trying to login to my home
> > machine from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented
> > with the password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented
> > with the
> is ssh2 from on the server or on the client?
> if its on the server be sure its compiled with pam otherwise
> it probably will not authenticate right with the password ..

this may be obvious to many, but not to me.  configure --help reveals:


what the heck to do i do with this?  what do i use for 'name'?
 ) ,_),_)
(-(__  |_  _  _ |/
 ) | |(_)(_ |\
( \_,
| hard to find|
| : he's the man|
| Moe: Wanna play poker tonight? Joe: I can't.  |
| It's the kids' night out. Moe: So? Joe: I |
| gotta stay home with the nurse.   |
| Version: 3.1  |
| GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL P+++ L+++ E--- W++|
| N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ |
| R tv+@ b+ DI D+ G++ e h r+++ y+++ |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Petre L. Daniel,System Administrator
Canad Systems Pitesti Romania, email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:+4048220044 +4048206200

Re: ssh2 denials

2002-01-03 Thread shock
* nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > I'm using ssh2 (, and I'm trying to login to my home
> > machine from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented
> > with the password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented
> > with the
> is ssh2 from on the server or on the client?
> if its on the server be sure its compiled with pam otherwise
> it probably will not authenticate right with the password ..

this may be obvious to many, but not to me.  configure --help reveals:


what the heck to do i do with this?  what do i use for 'name'?
 ) ,_),_)
(-(__  |_  _  _ |/
 ) | |(_)(_ |\
( \_,
| hard to find|
| : he's the man|
| Moe: Wanna play poker tonight? Joe: I can't.  |
| It's the kids' night out. Moe: So? Joe: I |
| gotta stay home with the nurse.   |
| Version: 3.1  |
| GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL P+++ L+++ E--- W++| 
| N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ |
| R tv+@ b+ DI D+ G++ e h r+++ y+++ |

Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread Gary Turner
On Thu, 03 Jan 2002 10:47:21 -0800, Paul E Condon wrote:

>I want to automate the time/date setting on my computer( Potato ).
>I suppose there is a program that accesses NIST time server and
>allows me to update.
>What is the name of the debian package to do this?

As a matter of possible general interest, NIST makes available source
and binaries (Mac & Win) on their site.  Makefiles are also available.
I use the automated updates on a couple of winboxes, but not on the
linux yet.

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

Opera and anti-aliasing fonts

2002-01-03 Thread shock
i've finally become enamored with KDE's anti-aliasing fonts.  they look
great in konqueror.  opera, however, seems to use it's own font scheme.
does anyone know what needs to be done to make opera use the
anti-aliasing fonts?
 ) ,_),_)
(-(__  |_  _  _ |/
 ) | |(_)(_ |\
( \_,
| hard to find|
| : he's the man|
| It is far better to be deceived than to be|
| undeceived by those we love.  |
| Version: 3.1  |
| GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL P+++ L+++ E--- W++| 
| N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ |
| R tv+@ b+ DI D+ G++ e h r+++ y+++ |

iptables redir of 80 to 8080

2002-01-03 Thread Petre Daniel
how can i redirect the 80 port to 8080,like i want all clients that try to 
browse web pages to collect data from my squid.. instead of direct access..?


Petre L. Daniel,System Administrator
Canad Systems Pitesti Romania, email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:+4048220044 +4048206200

Re: problems with php4 in woody....

2002-01-03 Thread Alexander Wallace
Thanks nate Well, I'm not trying to use virtual hosts... I'm trying
to run php from users directories (ie ~username), and instead of
executing the php files, the browser asks what to do with the files and
let's you download them... This same files work fine with apache and
php4 under potato, but I can't make it work in woody...

Any ideas?


On Fri, 2002-01-04 at 03:28, nate wrote:
> > Hello there! I'm having problems getting php4 to work in woody...
> > It all installs good, the httpd.conf file has the line to load the
> > module, etc... But php files don't run, thet get downloaded when
> > looked at with a browser... Mime types has an entry for php, so...
> > Can anyone help me here???
> what does it say? heres how i have a virtualhost
> setup to use php:
> NameVirtualHost
> ServerName
> DocumentRoot /home/squirrel/public_html
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/squirrel/cgi_bin/
> ErrorLog /var/log/apache-ssl/
> CustomLog /var/log/apache-ssl/
> combinedAddType application/php4script .php
> Action application/php4script /cgi-bin/php
> DirectoryIndex index.php
> in the /home/squirrel/cgi_bin directory i have a link:
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 Dec 23 19:10 php ->
> /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4
> in my config symlinks only are followed if the ownership
> is the same, so it must be root if /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4
> is root.
> i do the same on other systems..always worked. don't know
> where i saw it, i too had problems when i first started to
> try to use php ..
> nate
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Samba printing problem

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 10:07:48PM -0500, Jeff Self wrote:
| On Thu, 2002-01-03 at 13:03, dman wrote:
[bunch of stuff]
| Thanks for the info. I tried what you recommended and the Windows
| machine doesn't even see a printer now.

That's no good.  Here's parts of my smb.conf :

printing = cups
load printers = yes

; A "magic" section.
comment = All Printers
available = yes
; spool dir
directory = /tmp
printable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
create mode = 0666
browseable = yes

guest ok = yes
guest account = nobody



Python is executable pseudocode. Perl is executable line noise.

Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Gary Turner
On Thu, 03 Jan 2002 17:34:00 -0600 (CST), Richard Cobbe wrote:
>Lo, on Thursday, January 3, Erik Steffl did write:
>> what's the difference? the point is you can assign almost anything to
>> anything, and yet there is no segfault - i.e. the strength of types has
>> nothing (sort of) to do with segfaults... the resource allocation is
>> crucial...
>Type safety (plus dynamic allocation) implies advanced memory
>management.  The converse is not true: you can slap Boehm's conservative
>GC onto a C++ program, but you can still get segmentation faults:
>char str[] = { 'b', 'a', 'd', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' };
>// note the lack of a terminating '\0'!
>cout << str;

>No allocation issues involved.  As Ben Collins pointed out elsewhere in
>this thread (bit of a tree-shaped thread, isn't it?), this won't
>necessarily cause a segfault, but it can.  It's also a violation of
>type-safety: cout expects a null-terminated string, and as far as the
>compiler is concerned, str fits this.  However, there's no runtime check
>in the output routine to verify that this is, in fact, the case.  Ooops.

Neophyte that I am, I feel like I'm bringing a knife to this gunfight.
This example looks to be a cheat, in that you've defined an array and
then treated it as a string (legal).  Had you defined a string, it would
be null terminated and index addressable.  In any normal array operation
wouldn't you be checking for array limits?  The fact that you *can*
screw up doesn't mean you have to.  This strikes me as falling under the
heading of programmer or logic error, just as is freeing the pointer
that another pointer points to.  If you are nesting pointers, don't you
create a means to track dependencies?  In a relatively low-level
language like c/c++, isn't the programmer responsible for code
>Therefore, I claim that type safety is a more fundamental concept than
>resource mangement.
Is there a difference?  Again, my ignorance knowing no bounds.  Doesn't
the type define the required allocation?  And if typing is loose or
undefined doesn't allocation depend on ad hoc testing?  In the example
above, is it a type, or allocation error if the *programmer* decides to
access str[10]?  (If I counted right, that's the next byte after the
array bloc.)

This discussion has merit, not from the religious aspect of angels
dancing on pinheads, but rather will the pin hold my note on the cork

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

Re: problems with php4 in woody....

2002-01-03 Thread nate

> Hello there! I'm having problems getting php4 to work in woody...
> It all installs good, the httpd.conf file has the line to load the
> module, etc... But php files don't run, thet get downloaded when
> looked at with a browser... Mime types has an entry for php, so...
> Can anyone help me here???

what does it say? heres how i have a virtualhost
setup to use php:

DocumentRoot /home/squirrel/public_html
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/squirrel/cgi_bin/
ErrorLog /var/log/apache-ssl/
CustomLog /var/log/apache-ssl/
combinedAddType application/php4script .php
Action application/php4script /cgi-bin/php
DirectoryIndex index.php

in the /home/squirrel/cgi_bin directory i have a link:
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 Dec 23 19:10 php ->
in my config symlinks only are followed if the ownership
is the same, so it must be root if /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4
is root.

i do the same on other systems..always worked. don't know
where i saw it, i too had problems when i first started to
try to use php ..


Re: ssh2 denials

2002-01-03 Thread nate

> I'm using ssh2 (, and I'm trying to login to my home
> machine from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented
> with the password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented
> with the

is ssh2 from on the server or on the client?
if its on the server be sure its compiled with pam otherwise
it probably will not authenticate right with the password ..


Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Erik Steffl
Phil Beder wrote:
> I wish I was a good enough programmer to contribute to this great project.
> Maybe one day when I understand more about Linux I could write a more user
> friendly help interface with clear syntax, option, and flag usage.

  by that time you'll swear by man pages! :-))


Re: Samba printing problem

2002-01-03 Thread Jeff Self
On Thu, 2002-01-03 at 13:03, dman wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 12:34:51PM -0500, Jeff Self wrote:
> | I'm having a heckuva time getting a Win 2K machine to print. On my
> | debian system, I have CUPS installed and its working. I've got an Epson
> | Stylus Color 600 connected to /dev/lp0 and I'm using the gimp printer
> | drivers. I've installed cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsys-client,
> | cupsys-driver-gimpprint, and cupsys-pstoraster. I'm running Debian
> | unstable.
> | 
> | My /etc/printcap.cups file contains the following line in it:
> | 
> | epson600:
> | 
> | Is this all it needs?
> It doesn't even need to exist.
> | I made one change to my cupsysd.conf file. I added the following line to
> | the  section:
> |   Allow From *
> This is for the web interface.
> | I've added the following lines to my smb.conf file:
> | 
> | [Global]
> | load printers = yes
> | printing = cups
> so far so good
> | printcap name = /etc/printcap.cups
> irrelevant since you have already told it that cups is the printing
> backend
> | [printers]
> | comment = All Printers
> | path = /var/spool/cups/tmp/
> Bad choice.  Don't mess with cups' spool.  I use /tmp.  This path is
> just a temporary holding place for the file while the client machines
> sends it.  Once it is there it is spooled using 'lp' or 'lpr'.
> | printer name = epson600
> You don't need this line -- the [printers] section is a magic one that
> holds general printer config.  samba will create entries named for
> each of the printers that exist according to the above confing (cups
> in your case).
> | public = yes
> | create mode = 0700
> | print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P %p -o raw %s
> | lpq command = /usr/bin/lpstat -o %p
> | lprm command = /usr/bin/cnacel %p-%j
> These three lines aren't neede if you have the cupsys-bsd package
> installed.  Setting "printing=cups" above sets the commands
> appropriately (for the *BSD interface).  Also note that your print
> command is incorrect -- it is the command's responsibility to delete
> the temporary file when it is done sending it to the spooler.
> | available = yes
> | 
> | Windows 2000 sees the printer and lets me install the drivers for it,
> | but won't let me print to it. It says 'Access Denied, Unable to Connect'
> | 
> | My /var/spool/cups directory is owned by lp and the group is sys. It has
> | 700 privileges. My log file is telling me I have insufficient
> | permissions to open spool file /var/spool/cups/tmp.
> This is what is causing the "Access Denied" message in windows.  
> | This is driving me crazy.
> Use /tmp as the path instead and all should be well.
> HTH,
> -D

Thanks for the info. I tried what you recommended and the Windows
machine doesn't even see a printer now.

problems with php4 in woody....

2002-01-03 Thread Alexander Wallace
Hello there! I'm having problems getting php4 to work in woody... It all
installs good, the httpd.conf file has the line to load the module,
etc... But php files don't run, thet get downloaded when looked at with
a browser... Mime types has an entry for php, so... Can anyone help me


Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Daniel Freedman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002, Phil Beder wrote:
> Thank you!!
> The diversity of point of view and depth of knowledge of the participants
> of this group is truly phenomenal.  A simple question (in essence "where
> should I start") yielded me not only an interesting variety of response to
> that question, but a road map, complete with pitfalls and milestones and a
> vision of where I should end-up.  
> Questions I would have never though to ask were answered, as the ping pong
> ball of opinion flew around.  Why use a low level language like "C" for GUI
> applications -vs.- why not when one language will do the trick.  The
> benefits of being able to allocate and access memory locations directly.
> Old standards -vs.- ANSI 99. Types, Classes,  Portablilty!!   . . .  WOW
> I understand now why "C" was creating such a stir back in 1989 when I first
> started into programming.  It's abilities both as a low level and high
> level language are, I believe, what make it so universally accepted.  With
> "C" a programmer enjoys the flexibility to write a function many different
> ways, which means I don't think I would look forward to maintaining "C"
> code written by a bunch of programmers with diverse views (but I guess I
> sure would learn a lot).  
> Thanks for your help, . . . all of you.  I'll be sure to avoid the rest of
> Herb Schildts books (I got a small inexpensive programmers reference of "C"
> keywords & functions and some common "C++" functions that has comes in
> handy for figuring-out usage and syntax).  After what you guys said, I‘ll
> bet his ears are ringing.  I haven't found the Kernighan and Ritchie book
> in my local bookstore. I have been using a "C for Linux" book which seems
> to get right to the point and I appreciate the direct application to Linux
> and the gcc compiler.


No comments to add about the language wars, but as far as books go, I
find often the easiest method by which to determine what books are
worth looking at and what are junk, is by publisher.  I don't think
it's an anomoly that out of 30+ computer science books I have around,
almost all are published by O'Reilly, Addison Wesley, PTR/Prentice
Hall, John Wiley, and New Riders.  These publishers, IMHO, uniformlly
produce much higher quality CS/IT books than most others.  I've found
generally that Que, Sams, IDG/Hungry Minds, and others (I can't
remember right now) are significantly worse, and rarely even consider
them.  I suggest a similar strategy might prove useful to you as well.
I also recommend (standard no affiliation disclaimer) as
a great place to shop online, especially for price and customer



> I wish I was a good enough programmer to contribute to this great project.
> Maybe one day when I understand more about Linux I could write a more user
> friendly help interface with clear syntax, option, and flag usage.
> Thanks again
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Re: location of mysql files?

2002-01-03 Thread Craig Holyoak
Jason M. Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i would like to know as well... how to back-up a mysql database.

Try mysqldump:

$ mysqldump nuke >nuke.sql



Craig Holyoak

Re: location of mysql files?

2002-01-03 Thread Jason M. Harvey

i would like to know as well... how to back-up a mysql database. i have
php-nuke installed it comes with a .sql file. you first create the
new database, then

mysql nuke < nuke.sql

i'm hoping there's some way to do the opposite... to create an .sql file
to be later re-imported to another mysql server.

any thoughts?


On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 06:36:59AM -0800, Abner Gershon wrote:
| I recently have begun using MySQL on my desktop
| non-networked pc. I have created several tables and
| databases. I would like to know the location in my
| file system I could find these for back up puposed. I
| tried to use find utility but could not find these on
| my hard drive.
| Please email cc: as I am subscribed only to digested
| forum. Thanks.

registered linux user #202942

DWN:Pinnign Unstable and APT::Default-Release.

2002-01-03 Thread Shaul Karl
Last issue of DWN had a piece which included a suggestion about using 
apt to follow testing (or stable) but still have some packages from 
unstable (testing).
In short, it was suggested to have the following in /etc/apt/prefernces:

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 50

When I tried to follow this suggestion I got apt trying to have me use 
many packages from unstable.

The solution was to add

// Options for APT in general
  Default-Release "testing";

to my /etc/apt/apt.conf file. This let me actually follow testing, 
which is what I want.

Shaul Karl
email: shaulka(at-no-spam) 
   Please replace (at-no-spam) with an at - @ - character.
   (at-no-spam) is meant for unsolicitate mail senders only.

ssh2 denials

2002-01-03 Thread shock
I'm using ssh2 (, and I'm trying to login to my home machine
from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented with the
password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented with the
password prompt again.  This occurs three times, then the connection is
broken.  Following is an excerpt from the lg files on my home machine:

Jan  3 13:48:26 exitwound sshd2[8715]: DNS lookup failed for
Jan  3 13:48:32 exitwound sshd2[8715]: password authentication failed.
Connection from denied. Authenticationas user stephen was

I've never had this problem before, although I've never attempted to
connect from this particular office.  (I have successfully connected
from other locations.)

Any thoughts on what I need to do to correct whatever the problem might
be would be greatly appreciated.

 ) ,_),_)
(-(__  |_  _  _ |/
 ) | |(_)(_ |\
( \_,
| hard to find|
| : he's the man|
| The hardest thing is to disguise your |
| feelings when you put a lot of relatives on   |
| the train for home.   |
| Version: 3.1  |
| GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL P+++ L+++ E--- W++| 
| N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ |
| R tv+@ b+ DI D+ G++ e h r+++ y+++ |

Re: Linux Networking Books

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 12:31:47PM +1000, Penguin wrote:
| I would like to do these things:
| - Setup a 128K ISDN multilink PPP connection
| - Build a firewall with ipchains or iptables
| - Run a web server and an FTP server
| - Run a private service on port 666
| - Log all traffic going in and out (the data part of TCP and UDP packets) of 
| my ISDN modem connection, except for web, FTP and mail ports (But I would 
| like to investigate what happens when I use the web, but only log for a 
| little while and see what happens, then turn it off to prevent my log files 
| bloating to 100's of megabytes when I run my webserver!)
| - Get a general knowledge of networking with Linux and security issues
| Can anybody recommend a book (or books) for me to read, suitable for someone 
| who is not very clueful on these things?

I don't know of any dead-tree books, but the IPTABLES and NAT howto's
(from "Rusty", the guy who wrote ipchains and iptables) are really
good at explaining (some of) the details of IP networking.  With that
info you'll be able to create the firewall and log traffic.

As for running a web server, 'apt-get install apache' and stick your
files where it can find them.  There are apache manuals on the web if
you want to get more into it.

FTP is not recommended, unless perhaps it is anonymous ftp and then
you might as well just serve the files with apache.  One of the main
problems with ftp is it sends your password in cleartext.  Anyone with
a packet sniffer will then have your password.

Running a "private service" is just a matter of running the daemon,
then disallowing public use of it.  That can be done via firewall
rules and/or the protocol of the service.



The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold,
but the Lord tests the heart.
Proverbs 17:3

Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Phil Beder
Thank you!!

The diversity of point of view and depth of knowledge of the participants
of this group is truly phenomenal.  A simple question (in essence "where
should I start") yielded me not only an interesting variety of response to
that question, but a road map, complete with pitfalls and milestones and a
vision of where I should end-up.  

Questions I would have never though to ask were answered, as the ping pong
ball of opinion flew around.  Why use a low level language like "C" for GUI
applications -vs.- why not when one language will do the trick.  The
benefits of being able to allocate and access memory locations directly.
Old standards -vs.- ANSI 99. Types, Classes,  Portablilty!!   . . .  WOW

I understand now why "C" was creating such a stir back in 1989 when I first
started into programming.  It's abilities both as a low level and high
level language are, I believe, what make it so universally accepted.  With
"C" a programmer enjoys the flexibility to write a function many different
ways, which means I don't think I would look forward to maintaining "C"
code written by a bunch of programmers with diverse views (but I guess I
sure would learn a lot).  

Thanks for your help, . . . all of you.  I'll be sure to avoid the rest of
Herb Schildts books (I got a small inexpensive programmers reference of "C"
keywords & functions and some common "C++" functions that has comes in
handy for figuring-out usage and syntax).  After what you guys said, I‘ll
bet his ears are ringing.  I haven't found the Kernighan and Ritchie book
in my local bookstore. I have been using a "C for Linux" book which seems
to get right to the point and I appreciate the direct application to Linux
and the gcc compiler.

I wish I was a good enough programmer to contribute to this great project.
Maybe one day when I understand more about Linux I could write a more user
friendly help interface with clear syntax, option, and flag usage.

Thanks again

Re: emergency shutdown?

2002-01-03 Thread P Prince
I, like at least 75% of people, don't run telnetd.


On 2 Jan 2002, Brian Nelson wrote:

> "Karsten M. Self"  writes:
> > on Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 12:38:34PM +, Simon R Tod ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Don't cross-post.  Reply sent to debian-user only.
> >
> > > My laptop's been left on for the past 48 hours.
> >
> > Six days here.  Uptimes of up to 22 days.
> >
> > > When I came back to it this morning it was very hot, the fan was
> > > kicking in evert minute or two and everything was working really
> > > slowly
> >
> > Not unusual if it's working hard or swapping heavily.
> >
> > > It's now just ceased up completely. The text has disappeared off my
> > > xterm and I can't get any movement out of the mouse.
> >
> > Ditto.
> >
> > > I don't see how I can do anything but just turn the power off, leave
> > > it for a few hours to cool down then reboot.
> >
> > Try switching to a console.  Sometimes your X session is less
> > responsive.  If you've got a network, try ssh'ing into the box.
> Actually, telnet's better if the box is really struggling, presumably
> because setting up an encrypted session takes more CPU power.
> When my box has been really unresponsive, I could usually get in with
> telnet, but ssh would time out.
> --
> Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: emergency shutdown?

2002-01-03 Thread P Prince

rescue.bin is the size of an *unformatted* floppy.


On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Simon R Tod wrote:

> That should be perfectly straightforward... but while a floppy has
> 1457664 bytes on it, rescue.bin is 1474560 bytes, so won't fit! The
> rescue.bin file on http:///images-1.20/ will fit on a standard
> floopy, but how does this differ from the /images-1.44/ version?
> Thanks.
> Jason Wood wrote:
> >
> >
> > You can download a linux rescue disk from debian.
> >
> > Take a look in here :
> >
> >
> >
> > Download rescue.bin and then, if your on windows, use rawrite2 to put it 
> > onto
> > a floppy. DON'T just copy the file onto the disk or it won't work.
> >
> > You can download rawrite2 if you look in :
> >
> >
> >
> > Have fun...
> >
> > Jason Wood
> --
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: emergency shutdown?

2002-01-03 Thread P Prince

Is this thing still on, while you wait to see what to do with it?

Just reboot it.  It's not a problem.

If it turns out to be a problem (5% chance), you can download a rescue floppy
image from the internet and create a rescue disk with a Windows machine.

If you have any Debian install cd's or floppies around, they'll have a rescue


Re: The right way to power off a computer as non-root

2002-01-03 Thread P Prince
> Hello,


> I use my computer as a workstation and thus I think it would be a good idea
> to be able to switch it of as user without being root.

Well, what about su?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] shutdown -h now

> I had two ideas of making this possible. The one is to make it sudo-able and
> the other is to put the executable into a special group (e.g. poweroffer)

Sudo is a security hole.  There are three ways to use it, one good, one
questionable, and one stupid.

The good way is to set your user account to have full root privs via sudo.
This is very handy to have, because you can do root things without having to

The questionable way is to allow certain users to execute a certain set of
programs as root.  It works well, but if you are not extremely careful about
write permissions on the executables and all of their parent directories, you
can make it possible to overwrite an allowed program with one of your own.
Even more likely, you can force trusted programs to execute non-trusted
programs with the same effective UID.

The stupid way to use it is to allow a user full root privs, with some

This is off topic, but most likely useful.

> and then make the binaries suid-root executable for this group and put the
> users which ought to be allowed to poweroff the workstation into this group.

This sounds like the best way.  It seemes simpler just to su root.

> Of course this would be possible with gdm, but due to some other problems
> with gdm I reported a time ago which I still have not fixed I don't want to
> use gdm.


> thanks,
> thomas


> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread Bud Rogers
On Thursday 03 January 2002 19:03 pm, Seneca Cunningham wrote:

> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl
> ls: /usr/bin/perl: No such file or directory

There's your problem.  

> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl*
> /usr/bin/perl-5.6  /usr/bin/perl5.6.1  /usr/bin/perldoc.stub

I'd guess there should be a symlink from one of the specific versions of 
perl to /usr/bin/perl.   In any case, I wouldn't be surprised if you have 
other problems with perl scripts.  Fixing your perl installation may solve 
lots of problems for you.

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: dpkg files list errors

2002-01-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 05:18:10PM -0800, ben wrote:
> On Thursday 03 January 2002 05:02 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 04:36:05PM -0800, ben wrote:
> > > where does dpkg read its files lists from? i'm getting empty files list
> > > errors when i attempt to use dpkg in almost any form, specifically for
> > > files that are installed and functional.
> >
> > Sounds like /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list is corrupted.
> is there any way i can reconstruct the particular files mentioned in the 
> errors?

Somebody might disagree with me here, but I think the safest way is
probably to remove /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list and reinstall .


FW: ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

2002-01-03 Thread justin cunningham

-Original Message-
From: justin cunningham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

Ati's site said linux= denied.  So try

-Original Message-
From: Penguin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

Can I use this video card with Potato, on a Potato 2.2r4 CD set without 
having to download any extra software for it? Is it listed in the list
video cards when I use `XF86Setup?' What about the PCI version, ATI
32MB PCI 3D Card (with video out) SDR? What is DDR and SDR? Which is the
card, the AGP one or the PCI one?

Thanks heaps!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread Seneca Cunningham
D-Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]; on behalf of; dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think you can just hardlink /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 (or
> /usr/bin/perl-5.6) to /usr/bin/perl.
> # ln /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 /usr/bin/perl

I did it, and it works now. Thanks.


Re: dpkg files list errors

2002-01-03 Thread ben
On Thursday 03 January 2002 05:02 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 04:36:05PM -0800, ben wrote:
> > where does dpkg read its files lists from? i'm getting empty files list
> > errors when i attempt to use dpkg in almost any form, specifically for
> > files that are installed and functional.
> Sounds like /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list is corrupted.

is there any way i can reconstruct the particular files mentioned in the 

Linux Networking Books

2002-01-03 Thread Penguin
I would like to do these things:

- Setup a 128K ISDN multilink PPP connection
- Build a firewall with ipchains or iptables
- Run a web server and an FTP server
- Run a private service on port 666
- Log all traffic going in and out (the data part of TCP and UDP packets) of 
my ISDN modem connection, except for web, FTP and mail ports (But I would 
like to investigate what happens when I use the web, but only log for a 
little while and see what happens, then turn it off to prevent my log files 
bloating to 100's of megabytes when I run my webserver!)
- Get a general knowledge of networking with Linux and security issues

Can anybody recommend a book (or books) for me to read, suitable for someone 
who is not very clueful on these things?

With Thanks

Re: ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 11:56:40AM +1000, Penguin wrote:
| Can I use this video card with Potato, on a Potato 2.2r4 CD set without 
| having to download any extra software for it?

You can use nearly any card in SVGA mode (they're all still
backwards compatible, right?) or the framebuffer is a great way to
forget about the headaches of X.

| Is it listed in the list of video cards when I use `XF86Setup?' What
| about the PCI version, ATI Radeon 32MB PCI 3D Card (with video out)
| SDR?

PCI vs. AGP is a small matter of hardware bridges.  The X server
doesn't see the difference, I don't thihk.

| What is DDR and SDR?

Likely Double Data Rate and Single Data Rate.  The new "DDR RAM" is
memory (SDRAM) that has twice the throughput capacity (hence "Double"
Data Rate).  SDR RAM is regular old SDRAM.

| Which is the best card, the AGP one or the PCI one?

AGP because the AGP bus is faster than the PCI bus and it is a
dedicated bus.  Whether or not that makes a difference in your usage
of it, I don't know.  Likely it doesn't for me, but why waste a PCI
slot when you can't use the AGP slot for anything else anyways?



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 08:03:14PM -0500, Seneca Cunningham wrote:
| Steve Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > make-kpkg is a perl script.  Make sure that you have perl installed in
| > the location specified on the first line of the make-kpkg script.
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis perl
| perl: /usr/lib/perl  /usr/share/perl
| first line of make-kpkg is #! /usr/bin/perl
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl
| ls: /usr/bin/perl: No such file or directory
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl*
| /usr/bin/perl-5.6  /usr/bin/perl5.6.1  /usr/bin/perldoc.stub

Ooh, there's the problem.  Steve wins the prize :-).  On my system

$ ls -l /usr/bin/perl*
-rwxr-xr-x3 root root   707692 Dec  3 10:05 /usr/bin/perl
-rwxr-xr-x3 root root   707692 Dec  3 10:05 /usr/bin/perl-5.6
-rwxr-xr-x3 root root   707692 Dec  3 10:05 /usr/bin/perl5.6.1

$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/perl
perl-base: /usr/bin/perl

$ dpkg -l perl-base
ii  perl-base  5.6.1-6The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister.

$ diff -b /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 


I think you can just hardlink /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 (or
/usr/bin/perl-5.6) to /usr/bin/perl.

# ln /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 /usr/bin/perl

| I don't know perl yet, so I'm not sure about it. If you want, I can attatch
| my copy of make-kpkg, but it is 978 lines long.

No need to, the problem is not with make-kpkg itself, but that
/usr/bin/perl doesn't exist on your system.


If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I John 1:9

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread Seneca Cunningham
Sorry about the delay, but I left the computers for a moment, and everyone
wanted me to have a byte to eat. So in the order that I received the
questions and responses, I have my response and/or output.

J.A.Serralheiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just compile the kernel the generalw way. make-kpkg will create a package
> that u install as if some some software package.
> cd to /usr/src/linux and read README file. There u will find all the
> instructions u need to compile the kernel without relying on the debian
> weay

Right now, I want to try to get the debian way to work for me.

D-Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]; on behalf of; dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is /usr/bin in your PATH?  Is /usr/bin/make-kpkg executable?

/usr/bin is in my PATH

icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls -l /usr/bin/make-kpkg
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root30651 Dec 21  16:27 /usr/bin/make-kpkg

ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> use the full path, ie /usr/bin/make-kpkg clean

icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# /usr/bin/make-kpkg clean
bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory

Steve Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> make-kpkg is a perl script.  Make sure that you have perl installed in
> the location specified on the first line of the make-kpkg script.

icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis perl
perl: /usr/lib/perl  /usr/share/perl

first line of make-kpkg is #! /usr/bin/perl

icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl
ls: /usr/bin/perl: No such file or directory
icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# ls /usr/bin/perl*
/usr/bin/perl-5.6  /usr/bin/perl5.6.1  /usr/bin/perldoc.stub

Rick Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, by the error message it's finding make-kpkg fine or you'd get "bash:
> qwer-qwerq: command not found". It's a perl script, and it's also finding
> perl fine, or you'd get "bad interpreter: No such file or directory". I
> think the perl script is executing a command or loading or accessing
> something that isn't being found.

I don't know perl yet, so I'm not sure about it. If you want, I can attatch
my copy of make-kpkg, but it is 978 lines long.

I want to get my system fully working eventually, so I might try the
non-debian way later on, but for now I want to continue trying with the
debian way. Should I see about downloading kernel-package from potato?

Thanks for any help,


Re: dpkg files list errors

2002-01-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 04:36:05PM -0800, ben wrote:
> where does dpkg read its files lists from? i'm getting empty files list 
> errors when i attempt to use dpkg in almost any form, specifically for files 
> that are installed and functional.

Sounds like /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list is corrupted.


RE: Debian Lists, USENET & Spam

2002-01-03 Thread justin cunningham
Something interesting I read that might interest you too

-Original Message-
From: Joey Hess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joey Hess
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: Debian Lists, USENET & Spam

John Hasler wrote:
> I'd rank the Web equal to or above Usenet.  I receive a substantial
> of spam at my address, and it can only be obtained via the

Well, or on cd.

see shy jo, who sees a new market for debian source cd's :-)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access....

2002-01-03 Thread Alexander Wallace
Hello there! I just installed woody on one of my servers, and everytime
i do something like with apt-get or restarting a service or almost any
other thing i get the following message:

shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
parent directories: No such file or directory

the task seems to perform ok but that message bothers me...

Can anyone help me with this?


ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

2002-01-03 Thread Penguin
Can I use this video card with Potato, on a Potato 2.2r4 CD set without 
having to download any extra software for it? Is it listed in the list of 
video cards when I use `XF86Setup?' What about the PCI version, ATI Radeon 
32MB PCI 3D Card (with video out) SDR? What is DDR and SDR? Which is the best 
card, the AGP one or the PCI one?

Thanks heaps!


x authority problems

2002-01-03 Thread Greg Fischer
Given root access on a remote machine, I'd like to be able to execute an
x application on the remote machine's local desktop.  

For example, if I secure shelled into a remote machine as "user" and
"user" happened to be logged onto X, I'd like to be able to execute
"export DISPLAY=:0" from my secure shell terminal and then be able to
execute any X app and have it show up on user's desktop.

X security seems to be rather complicated.  Could someone point me in
the direction of some relatively concise documentation?  Or...

Another way to do it, I suppose, would be to see who presently is
running X and then do a "su $XOWNER".  Given root access, subsequent
commands would then work.  Is there a simple way to see who owns the X

Any other solutions to the problem would be appreciated.  Thanks.


dpkg files list errors

2002-01-03 Thread ben
where does dpkg read its files lists from? i'm getting empty files list 
errors when i attempt to use dpkg in almost any form, specifically for files 
that are installed and functional.

Re: Debian Lists, USENET & Spam

2002-01-03 Thread Joey Hess
John Hasler wrote:
> I'd rank the Web equal to or above Usenet.  I receive a substantial amount
> of spam at my address, and it can only be obtained via the Web.

Well, or on cd.

see shy jo, who sees a new market for debian source cd's :-)

RE: /var/log/messages notifyd on MUA server

2002-01-03 Thread justin cunningham
Excerpt from:

Mailing List
There is a mailing list for discussion of BlitzMail system
administration. To join the list send a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word "subscribe" in the body
of the message. To send mail to the list send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . You can also send mail directly to the
BlitzMail developers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

-Original Message-
From: Ted Knab [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thedore
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:14 AM
Subject: /var/log/messages notifyd on MUA server

I have found the following error in /var/log/messages:

Does anyone know what this mean ?

This machine is running blitzmail an MUA.

Jann  3 10:05:31 blitzhost notifyd: atpread: short packet
Jan  3 10:06:06 blitzhost last message repeated 2 times 
Jan  3 10:06:16 blitzhost notifyd: atpread: short packet
Jan  3 10:06:52 blitzhost last message repeated 2 times
Jan  3 10:08:31 blitzhost last message repeated 6

Ted Knab

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian Lists, USENET & Spam

2002-01-03 Thread Wendell Cochran
Alec writes:
>> Debian mailing lists are mirrored on (interfaced to) USENET under
>> linux.debian.*, and our email addresses aren't even scrambled!
>> Debian mailing lists are archived on the Web and our email addresses aren't
>>even scrambled!

John writes:
> USENET is probably the number one source for the email address snooping
> spammers.
> I'd rank the Web equal to or above Usenet.  I receive a substantial amount
> of spam at my address, and it can only be obtained via the Web.

So far, so true -- for the initial harvest.  Then the rascals sell,
rent, share, lend, trade, & otherwise broadcast their loot.

Wendell Cochran
West Seattle

Re: how to get rid of sendmail X-Authentication-Warning?

2002-01-03 Thread Mark Ferlatte
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 04:23:26PM -0500, Andy Spiegl wrote (1.00):
> > my sendmail configs use these privacy options:
> > O PrivacyOptions=novrfy,noexpn
> And mine - as I already wrote :-)
>  # privacy flags
>  O PrivacyOptions=needmailhelo,novrfy,noexpn,noreceipts,noverb
> But it still generates these lines.

Are you sure that sendmail is reading /etc/mail/trusted-users.db?  Did
you rebuild trusted-users.db after edited /etc/mail/trusted-users?


Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, dman wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 06:23:43PM -0500, Seneca Cunningham wrote:
> | Right now my system is half-working and is a combination of potato and
> | woody. I am trying to compile a new kernel after having a number of problems
> | with my system. The instructions for compiling a new kernel say to enter in
> | "make-kpkg clean", but that doesn't work on my system.
> | 
> | icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg clean
> | bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
> | icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis make-kpkg
> | make-kpkg: /usr/bin/make-kpkg
> | icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# cd /usr/bin
> | icosagon:/usr/bin/# ls make-kpkg
> | make-kpkg
> | 
> | First it claims that make-kpkg isn't a file or directory, then it tells me
> | where it is. Unlike make-kpkg, the manpage can be accessed. I have
> | reinstalled kernel-package three or four times, with the most recent time
> | being from a second download. I am attempting to use the version of
> | kernel-package that is in woody. What do I need to do to get further in my
> | attempt to compile a kernel?
> Is /usr/bin in your PATH?  Is /usr/bin/make-kpkg executable?

No, by the error message it's finding make-kpkg fine or you'd get "bash:  
qwer-qwerq: command not found". It's a perl script, and it's also finding
perl fine, or you'd get "bad interpreter: No such file or directory". I
think the perl script is executing a command or loading or accessing
something that isn't being found.


guppi package

2002-01-03 Thread David Wright

Are there any plans to make a stand-alone guppi package (currently only 
libguppi exists, essentially for invocation by gnumeric and gnucash)? As a 
sysadmin for a scientific lab, it would be a nice tool for my users, but 
given the hell that is compiling bonobo applications, I won't 
realistically be compiling it myself.

PCMCIA: MegaHertz modem and init/getty

2002-01-03 Thread Calyth
I got this MegaHertz XJ2288 modem, and when i insert it to see if it
could detect the card, it fires off a bunch of message about the usage
of getty, then it says
init: ID "S" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.
It seems that cardmgr can recognize the card, but how can I get this
thing to work?


Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread John Hasler
Paul E Condon writes:
> I guess it is not NTP...

It is NTP.

> ...since that requires that the other host is running NTP deamon.

It does.  Chronyd is both an NTP server and an NTP client.

> What method does it use.


> Maybe it should be substituted for NTP.

For most purposes chrony is an interoperable plug-in replacement for ntpd.
However, ntpd supports esoteric hardware such as atomic clocks, and is also
the reference implementation of NTP.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 06:23:43PM -0500, Seneca Cunningham wrote:
| Right now my system is half-working and is a combination of potato and
| woody. I am trying to compile a new kernel after having a number of problems
| with my system. The instructions for compiling a new kernel say to enter in
| "make-kpkg clean", but that doesn't work on my system.
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg clean
| bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis make-kpkg
| make-kpkg: /usr/bin/make-kpkg
| icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# cd /usr/bin
| icosagon:/usr/bin/# ls make-kpkg
| make-kpkg
| First it claims that make-kpkg isn't a file or directory, then it tells me
| where it is. Unlike make-kpkg, the manpage can be accessed. I have
| reinstalled kernel-package three or four times, with the most recent time
| being from a second download. I am attempting to use the version of
| kernel-package that is in woody. What do I need to do to get further in my
| attempt to compile a kernel?

Is /usr/bin in your PATH?  Is /usr/bin/make-kpkg executable?



If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I John 1:9

Re: make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread J.A.Serralheiro
just compile the kernel the generalw way. make-kpkg will create a package
that u install as if some some software package.

cd to /usr/src/linux and read README file. There u will find all the
instructions u need to compile the kernel without relying on the debian

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Seneca Cunningham wrote:

> Right now my system is half-working and is a combination of potato and
> woody. I am trying to compile a new kernel after having a number of problems
> with my system. The instructions for compiling a new kernel say to enter in
> "make-kpkg clean", but that doesn't work on my system.
> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg clean
> bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg --help
> bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg
> bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis make-kpkg
> make-kpkg: /usr/bin/make-kpkg
> icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# cd /usr/bin
> icosagon:/usr/bin/# ls make-kpkg
> make-kpkg
> First it claims that make-kpkg isn't a file or directory, then it tells me
> where it is. Unlike make-kpkg, the manpage can be accessed. I have
> reinstalled kernel-package three or four times, with the most recent time
> being from a second download. I am attempting to use the version of
> kernel-package that is in woody. What do I need to do to get further in my
> attempt to compile a kernel?
> Thanks for any help,
> Seneca
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: iptables ruleset

2002-01-03 Thread Walter Hofmann
On Thu, 03 Jan 2002, Martin A. Hansen wrote:

> any suggestions on how to set up a strong firewall rule set will be 
> appreciated!

I don't believe the standard ipmasq setup provides any form of

I have attached the script that I'm currently using. Feel free to use it
if it suits you. A couple of notes:
 o I'm running this on an old 486. Ipmasq is by default set up so that
   it will reinitialize the iptable rules whenever a new interface is
   set up. This took to long on my computer, so I have disabled it. This
   means that my script needs to be able to work without knowing the
   IP address of my server. This isn't really a problem.
 o I deleted all the files from /etc/ipmasq/rules and installed the
   script as /etc/ipmasq/rules/A00doitall.rul mode 755. Yet another
   optimization for my old computer...
 o This need a 2.4 kernel
 o The script currently assumes that eth0 and ppp0 are internal, and
   that ppp1 and ippp* are external. You need to change the line
   starting with "EXTERNAL=" to change this and delete the line with
   ppp0 at the end if it is an external interface.
 o The script works with multiple external interfaces if needed. 
 o My internal network uses Search and replace if you use
   a different block.
 o I allow the following connections from the outside: 
TCP:  ssh to the server
  gnutella and napster connections will be forwarded to a
   specific computer ( in the private network
UDP:  two ports are open for replies to get DNS and ntpdate working.
  you need to configure bind to use 1053 as source port if you
  have it installed.
ICMP: Incoming pings are blocked, everything else gets through
 o All the rules that log information should be rate-limited, but
   currently aren't. This could be used for a DoS attack.

I'd be very interested to hear comments about the security of this


# wh, 11.9.2001
# === Set variables and do sanity checks ===
EXTERNAL=`enumerate-if | grep -E '^(ippp|ppp1)'`

if [ ! -e /proc/net/ip_forward -a ! -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ]; then
echo "IP Forwarding has not been enabled in the kernel."
exit 1
if [ ! -e /proc/net/ip_masquerade -a ! -e /proc/net/ip_tables_names ]; then
echo "IP Masquerade has not been enabled in the kernel."
exit 1

# === Put everything to the default state first ===
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
#echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag


# === Allow everything over loopback and ppp0 ===
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOG -i ! lo -s
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -j DROP -i ! lo -s

# === Allow everything with correct IP in over eth0 ===
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d -p ! tcp

for i in $EXTERNAL; do
  # === Drop incoming packets with local addresses ===
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOG -i $i -s
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j DROP -i $i -s

  # === Check everything else that comes in from the outside ===
  # Allow TCP if initiated from the inside
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $i --protocol tcp \! --syn

  # Allow incoming ssh, but log it
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOG -i $i --protocol tcp --destination-port ssh
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $i --protocol tcp --destination-port ssh

  # Reject identd lookups: Gives better performance and prevents clutter in the 
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j REJECT -i $i --protocol tcp --destination-port auth
  # Allow incoming UDP to port 1053. Bind is configured to use
  # 1053 as the source port for its queries
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $i --protocol udp --destination-port 1053

  # Allow incoming UTP to port 123. This is for ntpdate.
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $i --protocol udp --destination-port 123

  # Log other people's pings
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOG -i $i --protocol icmp --icmp-type echo-request
  # Allow ICMP but no pings
  $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $i --protocol icmp --icmp-type \! echo-request
  # Everything else coming in is logged and denied

  # Masquerade packets to the outside
  $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o $i -s 

screen capture

2002-01-03 Thread Nori Heikkinen
on Thu, 03 Jan 2002 12:53:36PM -0800, Chad Morgan insinuated:
> I know there is a way to capture the screen, I just don't know how
> to do it. 

use xv, the "grab" option.


Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Thursday, January 3, Erik Steffl did write:

> what's the difference? the point is you can assign almost anything to
> anything, and yet there is no segfault - i.e. the strength of types has
> nothing (sort of) to do with segfaults... the resource allocation is
> crucial...

Type safety (plus dynamic allocation) implies advanced memory
management.  The converse is not true: you can slap Boehm's conservative
GC onto a C++ program, but you can still get segmentation faults:

char str[] = { 'b', 'a', 'd', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' };
// note the lack of a terminating '\0'!
cout << str;

No allocation issues involved.  As Ben Collins pointed out elsewhere in
this thread (bit of a tree-shaped thread, isn't it?), this won't
necessarily cause a segfault, but it can.  It's also a violation of
type-safety: cout expects a null-terminated string, and as far as the
compiler is concerned, str fits this.  However, there's no runtime check
in the output routine to verify that this is, in fact, the case.  Ooops.

Therefore, I claim that type safety is a more fundamental concept than
resource mangement.

> that's all interesting, but the point was that the perl type system is
> as weak as I can imagine yet it doesn't lead to segfaults... it's the
> resource allocation!

Type safety != `strong' types.  They're orthogonal.  (Well, sort of.  It
turns out that `strong types' isn't a very well-defined concept;
language researchers prefer to discuss compile-time type verification.
*That* definitely has nothing to do with type safety.)
> If you cannot make sure that MyUserType variable will only be assigned
> MyUserType values then you have (almost) NO type safety.

That's only meaningful if you can declare a variable to be MyUserType at
runtime.  This does not apply to a whole variety of languages, many of
which are still type-safe.

(I think I'm just going to decide that Perl's type system is on crack.
But what do you expect when a linguist designs a programming language?)

> > In any case, memory allocation errors aren't the only cause of
> > segmentation faults---how about walking off the end of an array?  Here,
> > I claim that Perl *does* maintain type-safety, although in a seriously
> > fscked-up way: it simply expands the array to make the reference valid.
>   it's not the types! it doesn't care about types at all. it just makes
> sure you always have a place to store whatever you are about to store.
> what does that have with types? not much. it has to know what are you
> trying to store but it doesn't care at all what was there before, what's
> the type of variable where you are storing it. again, I find it pretty
> strange to call that kind of behaviour 'type safety'.

Yes, it *is* types.  Remember the definition of type-safety:

If an expression E is determined at compile time to have type T,
then evaluating E will have one of two results:

1) The value of E is a valid object of type T and not just some
   random collection of bits we're misinterpreting as a T.
2) a well-defined runtime error occurs (e.g., Java's
There are no other possibilities.

In this particular case, Perl chooses to use the memory allocation
system to satisfy type safety (it creates a new T, initializes it, and
returns it).  It's not the only possibility, though; Java would throw an
exception in this case.  No allocation involved.


Re: down?

2002-01-03 Thread Brian Potkin
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 11:54:13AM +0100, Franois Chenais wrote:

> Happy new year !
> the seems to be down. any idea ? was also poorly earlier today.  Both seem ok at the


make-kpkg exists, right?

2002-01-03 Thread Seneca Cunningham
Right now my system is half-working and is a combination of potato and
woody. I am trying to compile a new kernel after having a number of problems
with my system. The instructions for compiling a new kernel say to enter in
"make-kpkg clean", but that doesn't work on my system.

icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg clean
bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg --help
bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# make-kpkg
bash: /usr/bin/make-kpkg: No such file or directory
icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# whereis make-kpkg
make-kpkg: /usr/bin/make-kpkg
icosagon:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16# cd /usr/bin
icosagon:/usr/bin/# ls make-kpkg

First it claims that make-kpkg isn't a file or directory, then it tells me
where it is. Unlike make-kpkg, the manpage can be accessed. I have
reinstalled kernel-package three or four times, with the most recent time
being from a second download. I am attempting to use the version of
kernel-package that is in woody. What do I need to do to get further in my
attempt to compile a kernel?

Thanks for any help,


FW: (Fwd) Re: Lost in apt-get

2002-01-03 Thread justin cunningham
...forgot to post to list

-Original Message-
From: justin cunningham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 2:39 PM
To: 'Hélio Perroni Filho'
Subject: RE: (Fwd) Re: Lost in apt-get

-Original Message-
From: Hélio Perroni Filho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Lost in apt-get

> I dont quite get it, lets say i apt-get install a package... so it
> fetches the necessary files, downloads, and installs them.. but,
> where does apt-get leaves the binaries? i mean for example, i apt-
> get'ed xmms , and it downloaded and installed.. but i have no clue
> on how to launch it.

Most of the times binaries will be at /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin or
/usr/X11R6/bin -- which hopefully are in your $PATH -- and have the same
as the program itself, with all letters in lower-case. So, the first
thing to
try after installing a new package is just to type its name in a
window (in your example, just try entering "xmms" and see what happens).
that doesn't work, you can try "dpkg -L ", which
will list
the files (with complete path) owned by the package, and then search for
something that looks like a binary.

Until we meet again...

Hélio Perroni Filho

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Xfree 4.1 Sig 11 (woody)

2002-01-03 Thread Christoph Simon
On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 14:25:46 -0800 (PST)
"nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > Just guessing: Maybe a hardware error? Maybe something related to
> > java threads?
> i suppose its possible its a hardware error..(hope not!!)
> i don't think i had anything java related running. i was
> using a www-based program called DEMARC( its
> fully server-side though ..i was doing some intensive
> table rendering in the browser though(3000-6000 rows per
> table). though that shouldn't of crashed X haven't
> had any crashes since my post ..

Fortunately, RAM isn't that expensive anymore; if memtest86 doesn't
find anything, maybe you triggered a rare race in X.

Christoph Simon

SOLVED Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread Chad Morgan
It turns out it was in fact a firewall problem. I discovered that I wasn't
resetting the firewall to no restrictions right. I thought that resetting
the policy would reset all of the rules and didn't realize I needed to do a
flush first. Now that I think about it makes good sense to do it this way.

Now I just need to go in and see which rule was causing the problem.

Thanks for the help


anyone have experience with portslave ?

2002-01-03 Thread nate
i'm looking to build a dialup server using debian,
and would like radius/radius accounting support,
from the looks of it, 'portslave' can do this.

sourceforge says the status is pre alpha ..and
there are no bugs filed against it in the debian

has anyone used it? is there a better way ?



Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Erik Steffl
Richard Cobbe wrote:
> Lo, on Thursday, January 3, William T Wilson did write:
> > On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> >
> > > I'll agree that the two are related; in fact, I'd go so far as to say
> > > that if a language supports dynamic memory allocation and type-safety,
> > > it *has* to have some sort of automatic storage management system.
> >
> > I don't think that necessarily follows; a manual mechanism for freeing
> > resources would then just set the reference to a NULL value.
> Not in the general case, no.
> std::string *s = new string("foo");
> std::string *s2 = s;
> delete s;
> If we assume a variant of C++ that extends delete to set its argument
> pointer to NULL, you still have the problem of s2 hanging around.  In
> the general case, it's not so obvious that you've got two pointers to
> reset.

  unless, of course, you also keep track of who points to given piece of
memory ;-) whoops...


Re: APT failing installing kdebase-crypto on Woody

2002-01-03 Thread Pontus Edvardsson
OK, I will try to do that in the future. Thanks for answering anyway!


On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 23:12:57 +0100
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> also sprach Pontus Edvardsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [2002.01.03.2235 +0100]:> I'm trying to install and enable SSL on my
> Woody (2.4.17) without luck.> I've tried a few times now, and everytime
> the following error occurs... I> installed OpenSSL wich went fine,
> thinking that would help, but didn't.> Please tell me what can be done?
> How do I fix it or where can I find info> about it?
> please do make an effort to read the archives and/or bugreports on a
> package, before you post to the list. this question has been asked a
> number of times!
> anyway, it's a bug and it's been filed, and it's been fixed, so either
> jist --force-overwrite, wait until it reaches woody, or get
> kdebase3-crypto from unstable...
> -- 
> martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
>   \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> you will be run over by a beer truck.

Re: Xfree 4.1 Sig 11 (woody)

2002-01-03 Thread nate

> Just guessing: Maybe a hardware error? Maybe something related to
> java threads?

i suppose its possible its a hardware error..(hope not!!)
i don't think i had anything java related running. i was
using a www-based program called DEMARC( its
fully server-side though ..i was doing some intensive
table rendering in the browser though(3000-6000 rows per
table). though that shouldn't of crashed X haven't
had any crashes since my post ..




Howto print from Opera using CUPS?

2002-01-03 Thread Pontus Edvardsson
I have just found the excellent browser Opera 6.0 (TP2), but cannot seem
to print. Has anyone configured this to work with CUPS installed?

Thanks, Pontus

Re: NVidia GeForce MX problems - "no screens found"

2002-01-03 Thread Gregory Soyez

>Current (as of today) Woody system, NVidia GeForce MX AGP card,
>Debian packaged nv driver. XF86cfg starts fine and allows me to build
>the XF86Config file, but when I try to start the server I get the "no
>screens found" error. /var/log/XFree86.0.log is below.

Hi Michael

don't know if this can help you but I installed the driver for my Geforce2
MX400 from the drivers I found on their website ( ... their
package also provide a README where typical problems are discussed.


Re: pine?

2002-01-03 Thread Michael Jinks
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 01:12:31PM -0600, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 11:43:59AM -0600, Michael Jinks wrote:
> > The "./debian/rules" command fails; the first error I notice is:
> > 
> > cc -O2  -g  -DLNX -DSYSTYPE=\"LNX\" -DMOUSE   -c -o addrbook.o addrbook.c
> > make[1]: cc: Command not found
> The gcc package should install a link in /usr/bin/cc. What does
> '/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --display cc' say?

sh-2.03# /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --display cc
cc - status is manual.
 link currently points to /usr/bin/gcc
/usr/bin/gcc - priority 20
 slave cc.1.gz: /usr/man/man1/gcc.1.gz
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/gcc.

But /usr/bin/cc didn't exist; I made the link manually.  Solved that problem,
but now I get different ones:

ar ru libpico.a attach.o ansi.o basic.o bind.o browse.o buffer.o composer.o 
display.o file.o fileio.o line.o osdep.o pico.o random.o region.o search.o 
spell.o tinfo.o window.o word.o
ranlib libpico.a
cc  -O2 -g -Dlnx -DPOSIX -DJOB_CONTROL -DMOUSE -DTERMCAP_WINS main.c libpico.a  
-lncurses -o pico
/opt/bin/ld: /usr/lib/ mkdir: invalid version 2 (max 0)
/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [pico] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-3.96M/pico'
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-3.96M/pine/osdep'
cc -o includer includer.c
/opt/bin/ld: /lib/ _dl_sysdep_start: invalid version 7 (max 6)
/lib/ could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [includer] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-3.96M/pine/osdep'
rm -f os.c
ln -s osdep/os-lnx.c os.c
cc -O2  -g  -DLNX -DSYSTYPE=\"LNX\" -DMOUSE   -c -o os.o os.c
cc: os.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
make[1]: *** [os.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-3.96M/pine'

Further down there are more errors as a result of pine not being built.

So, missing libraries maybe, or a version mismatch of some kind?



Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Paul E Condon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Craig Dickson wrote:
> > Sam Varghese wrote:
> >
> > > i used ntpdate initially but have now swicthed to chrony. the same
> > > guy who wrote pppconfig has written this utility and like pppconfig
> > > it is simple and works well.
> >
> > Is ntpdate not simple, or does it not work well? What caused you to want
> > to switch? I use ntpdate and it seems to do the job nicely, but if there
> > is a real advantage to chrony, I might give it a try.
> >
> > Craig
> >
> My experience with this issue may be interesting to others...
> 1. ntp-simple does not exist in Packages.gz as downloaded today from
> 2. It was not clear from the messages in dselect that ntp.deb and
> ntpdate.deb are cryptically incompatible. Both need to listen on a
> particular socket that is dedicated to the NTP protocol. During rc2,
> ntpdate is run first and ntp is then started.  This is fine, because
> ntpdate really doesn't start a deamon. It just runs ntpdate once to
> update the system clock, and then ntp deamon gets started. But if you
> try to run ntp from the command line, it gives an error message. So be
> sure NOT to install ntp.deb, if you want to be able the check your
> ntpdate installation from the command line.

I don't know if I'd use the word incompatible. The two are really
complimentary. They're designed to work as you stated. First you sync
with ntpdate and then start the ntp daemon to run continuously and
keep your clock in sync. In fact, if your time/date is too far off the
ntp daemon will refuse to reset your clock. That's one of the reasons
to run ntpdate prior to starting the ntp daemon, and once you're
running the ntp daemon there's no reason to run ntpdate. ntpdate is
used to get your clock in the ballpark, and the ntp daemon is designed
to keep it there. Also, I believe, the daemon doesn't make large
changes to the time, but instead incrementally adjusts your clock to
match the ntp server. ntpdate just sets your clock to the correct

If you do install ntp before ntpdate, you can always:

/etc/init.d/ntp stop
/etc/init.d/ntpdate start
/etc/init.d/ntp start

> 3. My reading of stuff on the NIST time web site leads me to believe
> that NTP (the protocol) is poorly designed and obsolescent. But don't
> ask me to defend that. Read what they say, and draw your own
> conclusions.

I think it's more the case that it's serious overkill for someone that
just wants reasonable accuracy on his/her desktop system, like on the
order of milliseconds, instead of picoseconds. It's a very complex
protocol, from what I understand, but pretty accurate. Also, because
of it's complexity, it's become a nightmare to maintain/expand it's
features. From

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is the most complex and
sophisticated of the time protocols, and the one that provides the
best performance.

> 4. Documentation for ntp indicates that the software has been updated
> with a view to working on future very fast LANs, very fast
> Internet. I, personnally, think this is a foolish waste of effort. The
> time information that is available from GPS will always be somewhat
> better, and never worse, than what is available via land lines and
> packet forwarding.

I guess I'm a little confused by this. I agree with the conjecture,
but how does the GPS time get translated to computer? Last time I
looked, admittedly a long time ago, hardware to perform such a
function was rather pricey. 

I think the idea behind the development of the ntp protocol and the
software to support it was to work on fast LANs for organizations
where time accuracy/synchronization on/between computers is critical
to something they do. I don't think the idea behind it's design was to
sync your desktop computer at home. Just turns out it is (or was) the
only thing available to perform that function.

> IMO, the best next step in development of time on the internet would
> be to introduce a protocol that did not require a special socket
> assignment on the client. I think NIST has already made some progress
> on this (see point 3, above)

I agree here. Such a system makes much more sense for those of us
where picosecond accuracy isn't necessary. But ntp will certainly have
a role to play in other arenas.


scam warning (FW: IMPORTANT)

2002-01-03 Thread dman

I just got this message.  Looks like the scammers are getting smarter
-- sent directly to me with no trail in the Received: headers (all the
received headers are my school accounts forwarding to other school
accounts and eventually to my house).  Just beware :-).

Funny, as I snipped out most of the noise, I noticed that james wants
a "trust wordy" partner.  Hehe.


- Forwarded message from james langa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Received: from ([])
by localhost with esmtp (Exim 3.33 #1 (Debian))
id 16MGB3-i7-00
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 03 Jan 2002 17:17:33 -0500
Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id RAA03543
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 3 Jan 2002 17:10:06 -0500 (EST)
Received: from conversion.ritvax by (PMDF V5.2-32 #40294)
 (ORCPT rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Thu, 3 Jan 2002 17:10:06 EST
Received: from by (PMDF V5.2-32 #41784)
 (ORCPT rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Thu, 03 Jan 2002 17:10:05 -0500 (EST)
Received: from conversion.ritvax by (PMDF V5.2-32 #41784)
 (ORCPT rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Thu, 03 Jan 2002 17:10:04 -0500 (EST)
Received: from ([])
 by (PMDF V5.2-32 #41784)
 with SMTP id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for
 03 Jan 2002 17:10:04 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 23:02:27
From: james langa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Dear Sir,


Please Permit me to make your acquaintance in so
informal a manner. This is necessitated by my urgent
need to reach a dependable and trust wordy foreign

[ lots of stuff snipped ]
- End forwarded message -


How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
1 John 3:1 

Re: Pause

2002-01-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 01:48:44PM -0800, L Vogtmann wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 January 2002 09:09 pm, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > on Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 07:26:13PM -0800, Paul A. Thomas 
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > Searching reveals ways to pause help files if you don't wish to use a
> > > pipe command... is there  a keyboard stroke which corresponds to the
> > > 'pause' key when the initial boot takes place?  The commands ^S ^Q or
> > > Left Shift PgUp & PgDn would seem to be made for browsing help files or
> > > other text displays.
> >
> > ^S and ^Q were far more useful on 300 baud modems.
> >
> > Use a pager -- more, less, most, etc.
> I think he means for the boot up messages from the kernel.  You can't use a 
> pager there.

You can, however, use ^S and ^Q - at least on any Linux machine I've
ever used.


Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)

2002-01-03 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Thursday, January 3, William T Wilson did write:

> On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> > I'll agree that the two are related; in fact, I'd go so far as to say
> > that if a language supports dynamic memory allocation and type-safety,
> > it *has* to have some sort of automatic storage management system.
> I don't think that necessarily follows; a manual mechanism for freeing
> resources would then just set the reference to a NULL value.

Not in the general case, no.

std::string *s = new string("foo");
std::string *s2 = s;

delete s;

If we assume a variant of C++ that extends delete to set its argument
pointer to NULL, you still have the problem of s2 hanging around.  In
the general case, it's not so obvious that you've got two pointers to

Re: APT failing installing kdebase-crypto on Woody

2002-01-03 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Pontus Edvardsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.03.2235 +0100]:
> I'm trying to install and enable SSL on my Woody (2.4.17) without luck.
> I've tried a few times now, and everytime the following error occurs... I
> installed OpenSSL wich went fine, thinking that would help, but didn't.
> Please tell me what can be done? How do I fix it or where can I find info
> about it?

please do make an effort to read the archives and/or bugreports on a
package, before you post to the list. this question has been asked a
number of times!

anyway, it's a bug and it's been filed, and it's been fixed, so either
jist --force-overwrite, wait until it reaches woody, or get
kdebase3-crypto from unstable...

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
you will be run over by a beer truck.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pause

2002-01-03 Thread L Vogtmann
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 January 2002 09:09 pm, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 07:26:13PM -0800, Paul A. Thomas 
> > Searching reveals ways to pause help files if you don't wish to use a
> > pipe command... is there  a keyboard stroke which corresponds to the
> > 'pause' key when the initial boot takes place?  The commands ^S ^Q or
> > Left Shift PgUp & PgDn would seem to be made for browsing help files or
> > other text displays.
> ^S and ^Q were far more useful on 300 baud modems.
> Use a pager -- more, less, most, etc.

I think he means for the boot up messages from the kernel.  You can't use a 
pager there.

"dmesg" will show you the last kernel messages.  Use it after boot to see 
what the kernel spits out when it boots.
- -- 
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))
GnuPG/PGP Fingerprint CE80 018B D825 6DF1 4990  C15F E11A B17E 4A0C D133
Sair Linux and GNU Certified Administrator #563619
Whidbey Linux Users Group -

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: LNX-BBC (was Re: emergency shutdown?)

2002-01-03 Thread L Vogtmann
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 03 January 2002 04:30 am, dman wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 06:50:30PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> | (and the compressed loopback filesystem means I can't see what's
> | actually there).
> Couldn't you use dd to dump it to a file, then uncompress it and mount
> it?

Nah, they use one of them new fangled compressed loop (cloop) filesystems.
It's not your ordinary gzipped ramdisk image.  (Block level compression, they
include a cloop.o module on the disk to be able to mount it when the disk

I agree with earlier posts, LNX-BBC is a great rescue system.  Everyone in
our user group has one.
- --
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda
 x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b'))) GnuPG/PGP Fingerprint CE80
 018B D825 6DF1 4990  C15F E11A B17E 4A0C D133 Sair Linux and GNU Certified
 Administrator #563619
Whidbey Linux Users Group -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread L Vogtmann
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 January 2002 07:02 pm, Jason M. Harvey wrote:
> yes, ipmasqadm should work for the port forwarding. actually, i know
> someone else who uses ipmasqadm to forward telnet traffic from his
> external ip to another pc with a private ip.
> having other users who may/will want pcanywhere may definitly be an
> issue for you to consider! i've never used it myself... one of these
> years i have to install it just to see what options it has - like
> specifying other ports! (yes, i'm stuck with that other os at my job!)

I know this isn't much to add, but it is an idea to look at if other users
might want pcanywhere access.

(Mind you, I'm not very experienced with advanced routing configurations, but
I'm fairly certain this is possible.)

Find out the IP address of the user with DSL who wants in to his system.
Then write a rule specifying that a request for the pcanywhere port on the
firewall from this (and only this) IP should go to _his_ internal machine.
Add more rules like this for other users.

I would say that is more secure than having multiple ports open for
pcanywhere, and much easier for your clients, as they wouldn't have to

(Mind you, each person would require another line in your firewall script,
and no dynamic IP's)

- --
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda
 x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b'))) GnuPG/PGP Fingerprint CE80
 018B D825 6DF1 4990  C15F E11A B17E 4A0C D133 Sair Linux and GNU Certified
 Administrator #563619
Whidbey Linux Users Group -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Can I set up a kde desktop background with xearth and xfishtank

2002-01-03 Thread L Vogtmann
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 January 2002 03:51 pm, Alan Chandler wrote:
> I would like to set up my kde desktop  (all of them?) with xearth (as the
> desktop background) and xfishtank as either a background on top of xearth
> or as a screensaver.  Failing all of that I would like to set up xearth as
> a screen saver

K -> Preferences -> Look & Feel -> Desktop
Fourth check box down on Desktop tab, "Support Programs in Desktop Window"
must be checked.

- --
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda
 x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b'))) GnuPG/PGP Fingerprint CE80
 018B D825 6DF1 4990  C15F E11A B17E 4A0C D133 Sair Linux and GNU Certified
 Administrator #563619
Whidbey Linux Users Group -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Debian and ture64 alpha compatibility

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 03:50:26PM -0500, Torovezky, Gili wrote:
| Hi
| Does Debian "stable" for Intel 
| compatible with Alpha True64   

No.  Intel makes the x86 architecture processors, which are different
from the DEC (now Compaq) Alpha.  The alpha port of Debian (stable or
otherwise) should work.



He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20

Re: Pakage debian

2002-01-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
[I don't actually speak Italian, so count yourself lucky if this makes

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 20:33:38 +0100, Denis wrote:
>   1 Il nome di un programma per gestire la posta elettronica simile
> all'Outlook che trovo all'interno della distribuzione Debian.

Evolution ( is available in
the "testing" and "unstable" distributions.

>   2 Il nome di un programma simile al Windows Media Player che visualizzi 
> i
> filmati in tutti i formati

Video is still problematic. There is no single dominant file format; and
most popular file formats are encumbered by patents. Popular video players
include xanim, smpeg-gtv, xmps, ucbmpeg-play (all packaged) and mplayer
( ; packages available outside Debian

>   3 Nn riesco a trovare il koffice all'interno del cd di Debian. Pu essere
> che nn c'? Se invece  presente qual  il nome del pakage?

koffice packages for potato can be found near

>   4 Il nome di una interfaccia grafica per masterizzare i cd audio e dati.


Does Kibo SEE the FNORDS?

Re: how to print to a printer connected to win2000prof

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Macdonald

Kent -

I may have had a similar problem such as the "cat" errors and
stair-stepping. At one time I think I found that it was the last line of
the magicfilter driver (the default) that was the problem (when printing
plain text). I think I found that I could cat a file directly to
smbclient using the command line args from the smbprint script. Try that
to see if it works. I also remember running smbclient interactively and
getting it to print. These two things led me to the dj550c-filter being
the problem.

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Kent West wrote:

> Hans Steinraht wrote:
> > hi all,
> > 
> > The thing I try to figure out is how I can print from my Debian sid to a
> > printer that's connected to a windows 2000 proffesional machine.
> > 
> > I have read something about it and saw that there are different ways that 
> > might
> > work.
> > Maybe someone has already experience with it and can point me to the right
> > direction.
> > 
> > thanks,
> > Hans
> > 
> > 
> > 
> I'm not using CUPS (just lprng and samba), and have been trying for a 
> year and a half (off-and-on of course) to print from a Linux box to a 
> printer hanging off a Windows box. I'm confident that it can be done, 
> but the documentation is sadly lacking, or perhaps I'm just too dense to 
> get it.
> However, for your perusal, here's what I have, and it's fairly close:
> Contents of /etc/printcap:
> lp
>  :lp=/var/spool/lpd/hplj3-remote/.null
>  :cm=Helpdesk 3 HP LaserJet 3
>  :sd=/var/spool/lpd/hplj3-remote
>  :sh
>  :pw#80
>  :pl#66
>  :px#1440
>  :mx#0
>  :if=/etc/samba/smbprint
>  :af=/var/spool/lpd/hplj3-remote/acct
>  :lf=/var/log/lp-errs
> Output of "ls -ld /var/spool/lpd/hplj3-remote":
> drwx--2 daemon   lp   1024 Jan  3 11:43 hplj3-remote/
> Output of ls -la /var/spool/lpd/hplj3-remote":
> drwx--2 daemon   lp   1024 Jan  3 11:43 .
> drwxrwsr-x5 lp   lp   1024 Nov 13 09:06 ..
> -rw---1 daemon   lp 60 Dec 11 15:58 .config
> -rw---1 daemon   lp  0 Nov 26 17:01 .null
> Contents of ".config":
> server=helpdesk3
> service=zel319hp
> password="myuser%myuser'spassword"
> .null is simply a "holding place" for a lock file for the "lp=" line in 
> my printcap as per some footnote to a HOWTO I read somewhere along the way.
> The real magic apparently takes place in the smbprint file. This file is 
> in the /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/examples/printing/smbprint 
> directory on my box, but I copied it to /etc/samba, although it might 
> more properly go into a /bin directory.
> The core magic of this script seems to be this section:
>  if [ $TRANS -eq 1 ]; then
>echo translate
>  fi
>  echo "print -"
>  cat
> ) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile
> I'm able to successfully connect to the share/service, but according to 
> the log file (which I set earlier in the smbprint file to be 
> /tmp/smb-print.log) shows this:
> SERVER = helpdesk3
> SERVICE = zel319hp
> added interface ip=xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq nmask=
> Got a positive name query response from xxx.yyy.zzz.dns ( xxx.yyy.zzz.nn )
> Domain=[ACU] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
> smb: \> smb: \> echo: command not found
> smb: \> cat: command not found
> smb: \> ): command not found
> smb: \> smb: \> echo: command not found
> smb: \> smb: \>
> In addition to this problem, I haven't been able to find any 
> documentation as to what the option "-P' means, which makes me suspect 
> that the script was written for an older version of samba that no longer 
> works with this script, but being a non-coder, I haven't been able to 
> figure out how to modify the script to work.
> In addition, I once got something out of the printer, but I had to force 
> a formfeed at the printer's front control panel to get the page to spit 
> out, and it suffered from the common stair-step problem. When I tried to 
> incorporate magicfilter to compensate, things just got worse, as the 
> documentation I found for that method seems to conflict with the docs 
> for this method, and in trying to figure out how things worked just 
> found that an if filter is apparently not treated as a script, even 
> though it looks (to me) like a script (try creating a "Hello world!" 
> script and then referencing it in the if= line in printcap -- you'd 
> expect to see "Hello world!" when you "print" something, but it never 
> worked for me, so I just got frustrated and gave up, until you asked 
> this question and now I'm playing again -- maybe in another half year 
> I'll have it figured out and can help you then).
> I could give up on lprng/magicfilter/samba and just use CUPS, but I'm 
> strapped for memory, and have just barely enough for X and Galeon 
> without any extraneous stuff -- if I ever get it working i

Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread Paul E Condon
Craig Dickson wrote:

> Sam Varghese wrote:
> > i used ntpdate initially but have now swicthed to chrony. the same
> > guy who wrote pppconfig has written this utility and like pppconfig
> > it is simple and works well.
> Is ntpdate not simple, or does it not work well? What caused you to want
> to switch? I use ntpdate and it seems to do the job nicely, but if there
> is a real advantage to chrony, I might give it a try.
> Craig

My experience with this issue may be interesting to others...

1. ntp-simple does not exist in Packages.gz as downloaded today from

2. It was not clear from the messages in dselect that ntp.deb and ntpdate.deb
cryptically incompatible. Both need to listen on a particular socket that is
to the NTP protocol. During rc2, ntpdate is run first and ntp is then started.
This is fine, because ntpdate really doesn't start a deamon. It just runs
ntpdate once
to update the system clock, and then ntp deamon gets started. But if you try to
run ntp
from the command line, it gives an error message. So be sure NOT to install
ntp.deb, if you want to be able the check your ntpdate installation from the
command line.

3. My reading of stuff on the NIST time web site leads me to believe that NTP
(the protocol)
is poorly designed and obsolescent. But don't ask me to defend that. Read what
they say,
and draw your own conclusions.

4. Documentation for ntp indicates that the software has been updated with a
view to
working on future very fast LANs, very fast Internet. I, personnally, think this
is a foolish
waste of effort. The time information that is available from GPS will always be
somewhat better,
and never worse, than what is available via land lines and packet forwarding.

IMO, the best next step in development of time on the internet would be to
introduce a protocol
that did not require a special socket assignment on the client. I think NIST has
made some progress on this (see point 3, above)

Re: How can I get the Euro symbol?

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:06:08PM +0100, Roberto Diaz wrote:
| > > It is 'language-env'.  According to 'apt-cache policy' I don't think
| > > it is in potato.  (potato is _really_ _really_ old)
| > Many thanks, dman. What you have written makes sense to me - I shall read
| > it over the next day or so and attempt to put it into practice. Shame
| > about GTK, since this is what most of the apps I run use :-(
| So for sort... should we (euro-zone potaotes) upgrade to testing so we can
| have our loved euro-symbol working smoothly?

In GTK+ apps?  Not yet.  Supposedly GTK+ 1.3 (the current devel
version) supports multibyte fonts.  I certainly hope they release a
new stable release soon!  Perhaps, though, X4 will be better than X3?



Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

APT failing installing kdebase-crypto on Woody

2002-01-03 Thread Pontus Edvardsson

I'm trying to install and enable SSL on my Woody (2.4.17) without luck.
I've tried a few times now, and everytime the following error occurs... I
installed OpenSSL wich went fine, thinking that would help, but didn't.
Please tell me what can be done? How do I fix it or where can I find info
about it?

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# apt-get install kdebase-crypto
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  kdebase-crypto kdelibs3-crypto 
0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3  not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/254kB of archives. After unpacking 860kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
(Reading database ... 36884 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking kdelibs3-crypto (from .../kdelibs3-crypto_4%3a2.2.1-11_i386.deb)
Adding `diversion of /usr/lib/kde2/ to
/usr/lib/kde2/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Adding `diversion of /usr/lib/kde2/ to
/usr/lib/kde2/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Adding `diversion of /usr/lib/ to
/usr/lib/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Adding `diversion of /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/ by
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs3-crypto_4%3a2.2.1-11_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/kssl/caroot/ca-bundle.crt', which is
also in package kdelibs3
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Removing `diversion of /usr/lib/kde2/ to
/usr/lib/kde2/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Removing `diversion of /usr/lib/kde2/ to
/usr/lib/kde2/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Removing `diversion of /usr/lib/ to
/usr/lib/ by kdelibs3-crypto'
Removing `diversion of /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/ by
Selecting previously deselected package kdebase-crypto.
Unpacking kdebase-crypto (from .../kdebase-crypto_4%3a2.2.1-7_i386.deb)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Thanks, Pontus

Re: Is up?

2002-01-03 Thread Osamu Aoki
It does load now.  But I had some problem recently :)

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 12:46:23AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 09:10:25PM -0500, Seneca Cunningham ([EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Is up? I've tried to get through, but each
> > time I've tried in the past little while my connection timed out.
> Pings and loads from here.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self
>  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?  Home of the brave
> of the free
> We freed Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
> Geek for Hire

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,  +

Re: Signatures

2002-01-03 Thread Osamu Aoki
I had same question here and someone pointed out had been
moved to proprietary service. service is still OK.  (I am based on my memory)

MIT site loses packet from me.  PING is erratic.  May be you have same

Good luck.

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 02:17:12AM -0400, William Burrow wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 08:58:32PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > Peace.
> OK, so here is one of the few places that I get signed email fairly
> often, so it is the first time it is getting a real workout.  For some
> reason, gnupg is unable to verify the signatures however (for example,
> Karsten's).  I am beginning to wonder what it is I am doing wrong?  
> Here is the result from mutt running gnupg on Karsten's sig:
> gpg: Signature made Thu Jan  3 00:58:31 2002 AST using DSA key ID 55F2B9B0
> gpg: requesting key 55F2B9B0 from ...
> gpg: [fd 9]: read error: Connection reset by peer
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> I have setup as the default keyserver to fetch
> keys, but it seems to not give a response.  When I go to
> and manually enter the key ID, after a long pause I
> get a blank screen.  So, what is being done wrong here?
> -- 
> William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,  +

Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread John Hasler
Sam Varghese writes:
> i used ntpdate initially but have now swicthed to chrony. the same guy
> who wrote pppconfig has written this utility and like pppconfig it is
> simple and works well.

Thank you, but I did not write chrony.  Richard Curnow is the author.  I
am merely the maintainer of the Debian chrony package.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: how to get rid of sendmail X-Authentication-Warning?

2002-01-03 Thread Andy Spiegl
> the fastest way would be to edit and
> change
> O PrivacyOptions=authwarnings
> to
> O PrivacyOptions=
> or maybe
> #O PrivacyOptions=authwarnings
> my sendmail configs use these privacy options:
> O PrivacyOptions=novrfy,noexpn
And mine - as I already wrote :-)
 # privacy flags
 O PrivacyOptions=needmailhelo,novrfy,noexpn,noreceipts,noverb

But it still generates these lines.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Q: How many McKinsey consultants does it take to change a light bulb? 
 A: How many can you afford?

Re: smbclient -P

2002-01-03 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko

Well, $smbclient --help gives the following answer:
"-Pconnect to service as a printer"


Oleksandr Moskalenko
pub  1024D/6C5F196B 2001-08-17 /* */
Oleksandr V. Moskalenko (Alex) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fingerprint = EE63 C471 ADBA 5D80 ADFB  1054 DA28 6F32 6C5F 196B

RE: What is option "-P" to smbclient?

2002-01-03 Thread Greg Berenfield
Per "smbclient --help",  -P connect to service as a printer.


-Original Message-
From: Kent West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 3:30 PM
To: debian-user
Subject: What is option "-P" to smbclient?

In trying to print to a printer hanging off a Windows box, I find that 
the smbprint script has this line:

 echo "print -"
) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile

I have been unable to find any documentation that explains what the 
option "-P" is for (am I just blind?). Anyone know?



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: how to print to a printer connected to win2000prof

2002-01-03 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko
* Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hans Steinraht wrote:
> >hi all,
> >
> >The thing I try to figure out is how I can print from my Debian sid to a
> >printer that's connected to a windows 2000 proffesional machine.
> >
> I'm not using CUPS (just lprng and samba), and have been trying for a 
> year and a half (off-and-on of course) to print from a Linux box to a 
> printer hanging off a Windows box. I'm confident that it can be done, 
> but the documentation is sadly lacking, or perhaps I'm just too dense to 
> get it.

 Unfortunately, I am in a similar situation. I have to use CUPS, but
it takes too much resources from my old laptop.

It's a shame that it is so difficult.


Oleksandr Moskalenko
pub  1024D/6C5F196B 2001-08-17 /* */
Oleksandr V. Moskalenko (Alex) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fingerprint = EE63 C471 ADBA 5D80 ADFB  1054 DA28 6F32 6C5F 196B

Re: how to print to a printer connected to win2000prof

2002-01-03 Thread dman

Hi Kent.

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 02:28:07PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
| I'm not using CUPS (just lprng and samba), and have been trying for a 
| year and a half (off-and-on of course) to print from a Linux box to a 
| printer hanging off a Windows box.

I suggest you try CUPS then.  It is as simple as making a symlink
(could be done automatically, maybe it is now) and telling CUPS that
the printer is smb:///.

| The real magic apparently takes place in the smbprint file.

Perhaps, but my CUPS system is using '/usr/bin/smbspool' for handling
the data transfer.

| This file is 
| in the /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/examples/printing/smbprint 
| directory on my box, but I copied it to /etc/samba, although it might 
| more properly go into a /bin directory.
| The core magic of this script seems to be this section:
| if [ $TRANS -eq 1 ]; then
|   echo translate
| fi
| echo "print -"
| cat
| ) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile
| I'm able to successfully connect to the share/service, but according to 
| the log file (which I set earlier in the smbprint file to be 
| /tmp/smb-print.log) shows this:
| SERVER = helpdesk3
| SERVICE = zel319hp
| added interface ip=xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq nmask=
| Got a positive name query response from xxx.yyy.zzz.dns ( xxx.yyy.zzz.nn )
| Domain=[ACU] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
| smb: \> smb: \> echo: command not found
| smb: \> cat: command not found
| smb: \> ): command not found
| smb: \> smb: \> echo: command not found
| smb: \> smb: \>

This appears to be a messed up shell script.  I'm looking at my copy
of smbprint and I don't see any (syntactical) problems though.

| I could give up on lprng/magicfilter/samba and just use CUPS, but I'm 
| strapped for memory, and have just barely enough for X and Galeon 
| without any extraneous stuff -- if I ever get it working it'll go into 
| production along with 3 clones as a web-browsing-only kiosk.

On my system right now cupsd has an RSS of 1768.  gvim is using more
than that!  (for the large files I have open)  (BTW, you still need
samba to use CUPS over samba, it just plugs together really easily and
works too!)



If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not
in us.
I John 1:8

Re: What is option "-P" to smbclient?

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Kent West wrote:

> In trying to print to a printer hanging off a Windows box, I find that 
> the smbprint script has this line:
>  echo "print -"
>  cat
> ) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile
> I have been unable to find any documentation that explains what the 
> option "-P" is for (am I just blind?). Anyone know?

timshel:~$ /usr/bin/smbclient

Usage: /usr/bin/smbclient service  [options]
Version 2.2.2debian-2
-s smb.conf   pathname to smb.conf file
-O socket_options socket options to use
-R name resolve order use these name resolution services only
-M host   send a winpopup message to the host
-i scope  use this NetBIOS scope
-Ndon't ask for a password
-n netbios name.  Use this name as my netbios name
-d debuglevel set the debuglevel
-Pconnect to service as a printer
-p port   connect to the specified port
-l log basename.  Basename for log/debug files
-hPrint this help message.
-I dest IPuse this IP to connect to
-Ewrite messages to stderr instead of stdout
-U username   set the network username
-L host   get a list of shares available on a host
-t terminal code  terminal i/o code
-m max protocol   set the max protocol level
-A filename   get the credentials from a file
-W workgroup  set the workgroup name
-TIXFqgbNan  command line tar
-D directory  start from directory
-c command string execute semicolon separated commands
-b xmit/send buffer   changes the transmit/send buffer (default:


Re: What is option "-P" to smbclient?

2002-01-03 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Kent West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In trying to print to a printer hanging off a Windows box, I find that
> the smbprint script has this line:
>  echo "print -"
>  cat
> ) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile
> I have been unable to find any documentation that explains what the
> option "-P" is for (am I just blind?). Anyone know?

% smbclient --help
-P  connect to service as a printer


Re: Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread Chad Morgan
On 2002.01.02 22:19 Jor-el wrote:

> The hostnames in your prev. post were truncated and it was hard to guess
> how the routing was setup.
Here is an easier to read routing table:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0  00
eth0 UH0  00
eth0   U 0  00
eth1   U 0  00
eth0 UG1  00

>   Also try the following : from B / C, do 
> 1.  traceroute A
> 2.  traceroute A -s C
traceroute A works as expected. However traceroute A -s C results in:

 1 traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1
 *traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1
 *traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1

Note: each of the above lines were preceded by:
traceroute: sendto: Operation not permitted

which for somereason wasn't included in the output oftraceroute A -s C
> traceroute

I've noticed this on a few other procedures I've tried to do, but it isn't
really that big of a deal to add the other information. But I know there is
a way to capture the screen, I just don't know how to do it. 

>   On A, monitor the traffic using a filter for src = A or dst = A
> and post the results.

I don't think that I can do this. A is a D-Link Wireless cable modem/dsl
router. I tried it anyway and didn't pick up anything from things that I
know work.
> > Jan  2 15:23:46 hostname kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1
> > MACHINEA:8 IPADDRC:0 L=92 S=0x00 I=0 F=0x4000 T=43 (#9)
> > 
>   I dont know what this log entry means. Its possible that you have
> a firewall problem but your symptoms are more indicative of a routing
> problem. Perhaps the output of 'ipchains -L -v -n' would help (Note: I
> run
> iptables and I'm guessing that its options are similar to ipchains. The
> -n
> will produce numeric, rather than symbolic output).

That worked just fine, here is the output:

Chain input (policy ACCEPT: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize
 sourcedestination   ports
39536 3757K ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  lo n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  !lo n/a
89474 7888K ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 204K   21M ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth1 n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 234K  189M ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0
17858 1487K DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  * n/a
Chain forward (policy DENY: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize
 sourcedestination   ports
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 4464  690K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
  443 66229 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
  257 38564 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
   58  4837 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 2606  571K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 2641  367K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
Chain output (policy ACCEPT: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifna

Re: ISDN on Potato

2002-01-03 Thread Eamon Roque
Am Don, 2002-01-03 um 01.02 schrieb Penguin:
> Does it work? I would like to hook up a PCI ISDN-S card for a 128k dialup 
> ISDN connection. I will be using Potato 2.2r4.
> Cheers
> James


With a Fritz! PCI card I've not had any problems. You need to have
task-isdn-dialup,isdnutils and preferably ipppd.  Take a look at the
"Debian GNU/Linux Guide," for some details. There's also a faq for i4l(
it explains canal bundeling.


Eamon Roque.

Debian and ture64 alpha compatibility

2002-01-03 Thread Torovezky, Gili

Does Debian "stable" for Intel 
compatible with Alpha True64   


Re: What is option "-P" to smbclient?

2002-01-03 Thread Andrew Perrin
In older (pre-2.0) samba versions, -P flagged the connection as a printer
(as opposed to disk) share. According to man smbclient,

   -P This option is no longer used. The code in Samba2.0
  now  lets  the server decide the device type, so no
  printer specific flag is needed.

so you can probably safely remove it (assuming you're using 2.0 or later).


Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Kent West wrote:

> In trying to print to a printer hanging off a Windows box, I find that 
> the smbprint script has this line:
>  echo "print -"
>  cat
> ) | smbclient "$server\\$service" -U $password -N -P >> $logfile
> I have been unable to find any documentation that explains what the 
> option "-P" is for (am I just blind?). Anyone know?
> Thanks!
> Kent
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xfree 4.1 Sig 11 (woody)

2002-01-03 Thread dman
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 06:24:56PM -0200, Christoph Simon wrote:
| On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 12:04:53 -0800 (PST)
| "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > this is odd. its NEVER happened before. i was doing
| > normal stuff in X and all of a sudden X crashed.
| > Fatal server error:
| > Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
| Just guessing: Maybe a hardware error? Maybe something related to java
| threads?

I've crashed my X server fairly consistently when exiting a Java3D
app.  I'm using the fbdev driver.  I haven't seen any error messages
though, just the gdm screen again.



Microsoft: "Windows NT 4.0 now has the same user-interface as Windows 95"
Windows 95: "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot"
Windows NT 4.0: "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to login"

Re: NIST time

2002-01-03 Thread Craig Dickson
Sam Varghese wrote:

> i used ntpdate initially but have now swicthed to chrony. the same
> guy who wrote pppconfig has written this utility and like pppconfig
> it is simple and works well. 

Is ntpdate not simple, or does it not work well? What caused you to want
to switch? I use ntpdate and it seems to do the job nicely, but if there
is a real advantage to chrony, I might give it a try.


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