Re: Mail clients (and text editors)

2002-02-23 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 09:38:37PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:

> Evolution:
  No comment other than lots of eye candy and resource demands.
  Several like it.  It and its brethren nautilus are just to
  resource intensive for my old hardware.
> Mahogany:
  No idea.

> Aethera:

  No idea.
> Balsa:

  Possibly dead?

> Sylpheed: (which I just read about on this list).

  Works pretty well.  Is fairly lightweight.  I noticed it leaks a
  significant amount of memory over time (days).  No idea about
  IMAP support (think it's supported, don't know how well).

Several people like kmail, I haven't looked at it in year(s). I've gone
back to mutt and VIM after playing with GUI's for a few months...

> And not related to email, anyone have a replacement suggestion (other than
> Emacs ;) for my old basic friend on the windows side of Program File Editor
> (pfe)?

Too many possibilities.  I'm a VIM fan, so that's about all I can say...

> I'd also like to find a nice client like SecureCRT for linux.  Something a
> little more feature rich than xterm.

Which features are missing?

Eric G. Miller 

Re: Mail clients (and text editors)

2002-02-23 Thread Timothy R. Butler

> I was using RedHat 7.2 for a while and I actually liked the KDE setup,
> although a bit heavy weight.  But I also like how light-weight of a setup I
> now have with Debian.  (I suppose I'll need a desktop environment at some
> point.)

  You might give KDE 2.2.2 (from unstable) a try. It feels much lighter in 
Debian than RedHat. The nice thing is you could stick to a very light weight 
KDE here - maybe just kdebase, konqueror, and konsole - or something like 

> So, for graphical mail clients:  Knowing that I'm coming from a simple life
> with Eudora (and have never liked Outlook), any comments or simple
> overviews of the following:

  That makes things easier than for Outlook users...

> Evolution:

  Nice, although I hear it has a number of annoying bugs. Also it doesn't 
seem to handle GPG/PGP very well. If you use KDE, prepare for the fact it 
won't integrate at all.

> Mahogany:

  Can't remember why I didn't like this one - I think it's contact manager 
was too light for my taste, IIRC.

> Aethera:

  Personally, I see theKompany as a company without a clear vision. Aethera's 
latest beta is the buggest yet from what I have heard. It'd probably be wise 
to look elsewhere. This is a pure QT app now, it does not integrate with KDE, 
and Palm syncing requires a proprietary $10 product.

> Balsa:

  Fine, although like Mahogany if you want anything more then the most basic 
contact management, look elsewhere.

  Let me recommend KMail. It's light weight, has a nice selection of features 
(including IMAP), a very nice contact manager, good speed on even very large 
folders (I'm on the SuSE list, and it only takes a matter of maybe 10 sec. on 
my old 450 MHz desktop for a 50,000 message folder to load). Small folders 
are very responsive.
  I moved from Outlook to KMail and I've been very pleased with it - it has a 
great interface. Oh, and the filters are very good too!

> And not related to email, anyone have a replacement suggestion (other than
> Emacs ;) for my old basic friend on the windows side of Program File Editor
> (pfe)?

  If you are looking for a text-based interface, I'd recommend nano (a "pico" 
clone). For a GUI, Kate provides a very nice MDI interface, that seems like a 
light IDE. I really like both of these editors a lot.

> I'd also like to find a nice client like SecureCRT for linux.  Something a
> little more feature rich than xterm.

  Well, if you want some kind of better shell, take a look at Konsole. It is 
nicely customizable, and you can run a bunch of sessions concurrently in one 
window. It works great.



Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Open Source Migration Guide:
= "Christian Web Services Since 1996" ==

Mail clients (and text editors)

2002-02-23 Thread Bill Moseley
My head is swimming a bit trying to limit my choices of mail clients to test.

I'm wondering if someone can help narrow my choices.

Background: Like many, I'm coming from a Windows environment.  I've got
three linux machines under my desk and for a year now I've booted Win98
used basically only browsers and Eudora (3.0) on my Win98 machine, and
spent all day  with SecureCRT ssh'ed into my Linux machines and to other
machines I work with.

So, to start off with, I'm looking to make the transition to full-time
Linux easy by finding similar tools to I'm used to using.

I was using RedHat 7.2 for a while and I actually liked the KDE setup,
although a bit heavy weight.  But I also like how light-weight of a setup I
now have with Debian.  (I suppose I'll need a desktop environment at some

So, for graphical mail clients:  Knowing that I'm coming from a simple life
with Eudora (and have never liked Outlook), any comments or simple
overviews of the following:

I know it's a lot to ask, but please no flame wars on which client stinks
or is best.  I guess I'm looking for someone with a similar history as mine
that can say "try this", or "Evolution is cool, but it's too huge and slow..."

Sylpheed: (which I just read about on this list).

Also, on my home machines (I think) I'd like to switch to IMAP to make
managing mail from different locations a bit better.  I know very little
about IMAP.  Currently I think I've got about 50,000 messages in my Eudora
folders, so I'm not clear if IMAP will be slow working with that many

And not related to email, anyone have a replacement suggestion (other than
Emacs ;) for my old basic friend on the windows side of Program File Editor

I'd also like to find a nice client like SecureCRT for linux.  Something a
little more feature rich than xterm.

Sorry for the wide open question, but any pointers to reduce the time to
evaluate various mail (and other) packages will be greatly appreciated.


Bill Moseley

Re: make-kpkg with -j switch?

2002-02-23 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Richard" == Richard Cobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Richard> Is it possible to have make-kpkg supply the -j switch to
 Richard> make?  I've got a dual-processor machine, and I'd love to
 Richard> build the kernel with `-j 2'.

KERNEL-PKG.CONF(5)   Debian GNU/Linux manual   KERNEL-PKG.CONF(5)

   kernel-pkg.conf   -   site  wide  configuration  file  for

   /etc/kernel-pkg.conf or ~/.kernel-pkg.conf

  If  defined,  this  variable  sets  the concurrency
  level of make used to compile  the  kenel  and  the
  modules  set  using -j flags to the sub make in the
  build target of make-kpkg.   Should  be  a  (small)
  integer, if used.

 The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
 discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..."
 Isaac Asimov
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: access to IP address for a machine on inet behind a firewall?

2002-02-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 13:33:40 +1000 Alan E. Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 4 machines in my classroom are attached to a private IP LAN, which is
> attached through a gateway to the Inet.  I can FTP and so forth from
> these machines, but I cannot access them directly through the IP
> addresses I have been assigned.  I want to set up a web server and
> also to have access to these machines from home.  

Because your "interior" LAN boxen have private addresses, you can
not directly address them from the outside.  That's why they have
private, or non-routable addresses.  Otherwise, if you could access
them, then there's a route, so they'd need public, routable addresses!
Get it?  Or am I rambling incoherently?

Along comes port-forwarding.  Configure it on the firewall and it 
allows you to, well, forward all the incoming packets directed at
port X on the firewall to port Y (which may equal X) on an interal

So, If the firewall has IPs and, and 3
internal machines, and, then
I could put an externally accessably http daemon on 
and ftp daemon on

The ftp and http could both be on, but can not have
http daemons on &

Note!! ftp is almost as evil as telnet, since it is just as insecure.

> Is it possible to discover what INET IP addresses are assigned to
> these machines (if any)?  How can I learn what IP address a machine
> outside the LAN associates with my machine? 

No, but ssh is your friend!  ssh to the firewall, then from there,
ssh to any other internal 

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Jefferson, LA  USA|
| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.|
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.   |

Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread will trillich
On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 03:41:43PM +1300, Cameron Kerr wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, will trillich wrote:
> >there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
> >3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
> >respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or
> >out.
> I was dealing to this very kind of card the other day, and I have two
> things to say.

excellent. nice to know it's not just me.

> Go to 3Com's site, and get the DOS driver disk (Disk 2), make a DOS
> bootable disk, and stick all the files in the root of the self-extracting
> archive (you can decompress under Linux using lha, or dosemu), and boot
> from the floppy. Run the program PNPDSABL.BAT to disable Plug and Pray,
> and then run the E3C5X9CFG.EXE program, and change/note the IO and IRQ
> values. You should also run the tests.

okay, once i detect the io/irq via qdos, how do i replicate that
under linux? is it lilo? i never have understood the "command
line args" portion of modconf: "Please enter any command-line
arguments for the XYZ module. Many modules can autoprobe and do
not require additional parameters." i don't understand the
syntax needed.  can this be overridden via lilo.conf somehow?
or can you 'do it by hand' via left-shift at startup? then again
maybe it's in a config file somewhere...

> If it still doesn't work in Linux, cat /proc/interrupts and take note of
> the 2nd column (if your device is sharing interrupts, ignore this). If its
> zero, then no interrupts have been received. Send some pings to your
> interface from outside the box, and reexamine this statistic. If its still
> zero, your card may be dropping interrupts. The testing program will show
> this.

i keep forgetting about the amazing power behind the /proc area.
i'll check this out -- cool idea.

> A symptom of this fatal condition is that the lights on the hub flicker,
> meaning data is sent, and the ping target gets the frames, and sends them
> back, but nothing happens.
> PS. Send the dmesg output regarding the 3c509 module load.

i can do this. [ i even know what you're talking about! :) ]
next time i'm at the office...

DEBIAN-FRIENDLY? Many perl modules are already Debianized:
apt-get install lib-perl
apt-get install libdbi-perl libmd5-perl libmime-base64-perl
To recover from using CPAN installs directly, reinstall all the
perl debs on your system.  If you use the --reinstall option to
apt-get, it is almost easy, even.
  To create Debian-friendly *.deb packages from Perl modules,
apt-get install dh-perl-make
and then you can build your own.

Also see ...

Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread will trillich
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 07:40:45PM -0200, Rafael Sasaki wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 02:30:28PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig eth0
> > eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:8C:82:CF:3B  
> >   inet addr:  Bcast:  
> > Mask:
> >   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >   TX packets:590 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
> >   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 
> Hi,
>   maybe here you got an error. IIRC, your broadcast address must be
>, and your Network Mask if you have
>   a class C internet address.

we've got a 'mini commercial' cluster from our isp
which included our own subnet of 8 ip addresses
(with ...0 and ...7 being used for listen and

so yes, the netmask is supposed to be (binary)
where class C subnets are normally (binary)

we've got a windon't box that's got the same
subnet mask ( and [unfortunately
:)] it works without a snag.

but apparently the netmask CAN be just about
anything you choose, for your private in-house
nets... it's just easier to maintain if you
keep all the zeroes together at the right
end of the binary string. at least that's
what i've read--

but next time i'm at the office, i could
experiment with trying a different netmask
if y'all think it would really help...

Wouldn't it be nice to SEE YOUR TABS WHILE YOU EDIT? With Vim,
you can do this with
:set listchars=tab:+-,trail:$
:set list
and format them via ":highlight NonText ...". (See ":help listchars"
and ":help highlight" for more info.) Put them in your ~/.vimrc if
you decide you like that setup.

Also see ...

Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread will trillich
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 03:28:42PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 14:30:28 -0600, will trillich wrote:
> >there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
> >3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
> >respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or
> >out.

> When you refer to 'self ping', is that "ping localhost" "ping
> " or "ping"?  That might give someone a clue.

PING ( 56 data bytes 
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms 
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.2 ms

but pings sent anywhere else are dropped...

PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss


> My only real suggestion is to "whack it back to where it works."  That
> is, lose all the ipchains/NAT/firewall stuff and just go with
> /etc/network/interfaces, and appropriate NIC driver.  If that doesn't
> work, at least the area of investigation is much smaller.  If it does,
> then add your other stuff one de-bug-able line or stanza at a time.

had this problem even before "apt-get install ipmasq" but to be
certain, i "apt-get --purge remove ipmasq" and then "reboot" and
still no luck.

> Not much, but it's all I've got.

i appreciate the effort! we'll nail this reall soon now, i

Would you like to use SHUTDOWN AS NORMAL USER?  Install appropriate
entries into /etc/sudoers (assuming that 'sudo' is installed:
User_Alias  SHUTDOWNERS = 
Cmnd_Alias  SHUTDOWN = /sbin/shutdown /sbin/halt /sbin/reboot

Also see ...

access to IP address for a machine on inet behind a firewall?

2002-02-23 Thread Alan E . Davis
4 machines in my classroom are attached to a private IP LAN, which is attached 
through a gateway to the Inet.  I can FTP and so forth from these machines, but 
I cannot access them directly through the IP addresses I have been assigned.  I 
want to set up a web server and also to have access to these machines from 

Is it possible to discover what INET IP addresses are assigned to these 
machines (if any)?  How can I learn what IP address a machine outside the LAN 
associates with my machine? 

I'm learning, slowly but surely.  Please point to the FM?


Alan E. Davis, Science Instructor
Marianas High School
PMB 30, Box 10006,
Saipan, MP  96950
Northern Mariana Islands

"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent."   
 ---Lord Raleigh(aka John William Strutt),or else
 his son, Jr., who was also a scientist.

Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 01:42:21 +0100 Andreas von Heydwolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 00:22:01 +0100 Andreas von Heydwolff <[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
[big snip] 
> I looked at Sylpheed and liked it the other day, is it already stable 
> enough for everyday use? I noticed that there was also Sylpheed-claw 
> which sounded like it was still under heavy development. It did not 
> display umlauts but this may be a .gtkrc issue.

Don't use claws.  By definition, it's bleeding edge.  v0.7.2 is
"good enough".  For an american language pop3 user, it's never

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Jefferson, LA  USA|
| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.|
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.   |

xlib updating problem

2002-02-23 Thread Charles Blair

   I have version 2.2 of Debian, running on a laptop.  I recenty
tried using dpkg to install the version of xlibs in "testing" and
got the messages:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: no, cannot remove xlib6g (--auto-deconfigure will help):
> aalib1 depends on xlib6g (>= 3.3.5)

   When I tried adding the auto-deconfigure option, I got:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: yes, will remove xlib6g in favour of xlibs.
> dpkg: /home/wichert/sources/dpkg-1.6.14/main/archives.c:601:
>   check_conflict: Assertion `fixbyrm->clientdata->istobe == itb_normal' 
>   failed.

   I am tempted to try dpkg --remove xlib6g, but would like some
assurance that this won't damage my system.

   Thanks for any help!

Re: Using the "menu" system

2002-02-23 Thread Timothy R. Butler
> I am now finishing my un-glade-ization (I cannot work on code I don't
> understand =P and glade confuses my head)... I'll start working on the
> real issues soon (like avoiding the program edition of /usr/lib/menu/
> files directly) that seems to be a great effort, but It is doable.. =)

  Ah, that's great news! :-) Well, I guess I wouldn't be much help on the 
code, but if you need help on testing or docs or something - let me know.



Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Open Source Migration Guide:
= "Christian Web Services Since 1996" ==

Re: Using the "menu" system

2002-02-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 18:59:44 -0300
Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FYI, I managed to build menudrake without gtk+mdk and am now working
> on hacking it to work correctly on Debian systems... I'll probably fork()
> it to menudeb, instead of menudrake as I think I don't want to maintain
> that "mandraked" code, so I'll simplify things for Debian, if anyone wants
> to help/discuss, feel free to mail me
I am now finishing my un-glade-ization (I cannot work on code I don't
understand =P and glade confuses my head)... I'll start working on the
real issues soon (like avoiding the program edition of /usr/lib/menu/
files directly) that seems to be a great effort, but It is doable.. =)


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha 
Debian:  * 

chkconfig --add equivalent

2002-02-23 Thread Xeno Campanoli
Okay, I'm swinging on thin rope here, but I'm looking at a line that

chkconfig --add fwconfig

on 467 of Mann's and Mitchell's LSS book (where fwconfig is a setup
and it says this is supposed to put in all the nice startup and kill
connections in your rc*.d and init.d directory.  I'm sorry, but I'm at
the present an ignorant RedHatphobe and apparently not that great at
Debian either.  Is there an equivalent of this chkconfig thingy in
Physically I'm at:  5101 N. 45th St., Tacoma, WA, 98407-3717, U.S.A.

Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread Bob Underwood
On Saturday 23 February 2002 19:59, dman wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 12:22:01AM +0100, Andreas von Heydwolff wrote:
> | Am fed up with Windows on a single workstation in a small non-profit
> | organization, used mainly for word processing and mailing. This weekend
> | I have to reinstall the OS, data are on a second HDD since the last
> | major crash so it won't be too much trouble. I intend to make it dual
> | boot with Debian as fallback or even soon primary OS.
> |
> | Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and 48Mb
> | RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?
> Go for woody.  It's newer.  I don't think you'll see any significant
> performance difference.  (FWIW I just upgraded a 486sx 25MHz 8MB RAM
> from potato and kernel 2.2.19 to woody and kernel 2.4.17.  Both thrash
> just as hard while installing packages :-).  It is only going to be a
> router anyways, and maybe a secondary MX.)
> | Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail merges, or
> | has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address book that can be
> | used for mail merges?
> StarOffice is big and, IMO, ugly.  I'd go for something lighter
> weight, more up-to-date (SO 5.2 was "latest" in '98 or so), and more
> open (I don't think the SO 5.2 source is available).
> What type of user is going to use the system?  My preferences are
> mail  :  mutt
> word processing  :  gvim (for LaTeX)
> For a less geeky user, though, I think that the following are good
> choices :
> mail :
> balsa  (nice and light and intuitive, fully functional and
> integrates "gnome-card" as the address book manager)
> sylpheed (haven't used it but hear good things)
> mozilla
> word processing :
> abiword
> kword
> -D

IMHO, a major drawback abiword is that it doesn't handle tables in .rtf at 
all.  kword just doesn't handle rtf, period.

but, even on my 512 mb, 1.2 ghz Athlon system, both staroffice and openoffice 
are dogs.


Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread Cameron Kerr
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, will trillich wrote:

>[didn't get any response on this last time -- i'm reposting with
>a new subject line hoping to get some assistance... thanks]
>there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
>3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
>respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or

I was dealing to this very kind of card the other day, and I have two
things to say.

Go to 3Com's site, and get the DOS driver disk (Disk 2), make a DOS
bootable disk, and stick all the files in the root of the self-extracting
archive (you can decompress under Linux using lha, or dosemu), and boot
from the floppy. Run the program PNPDSABL.BAT to disable Plug and Pray,
and then run the E3C5X9CFG.EXE program, and change/note the IO and IRQ
values. You should also run the tests.

If it still doesn't work in Linux, cat /proc/interrupts and take note of
the 2nd column (if your device is sharing interrupts, ignore this). If its
zero, then no interrupts have been received. Send some pings to your
interface from outside the box, and reexamine this statistic. If its still
zero, your card may be dropping interrupts. The testing program will show

A symptom of this fatal condition is that the lights on the hub flicker,
meaning data is sent, and the ping target gets the frames, and sends them
back, but nothing happens.

PS. Send the dmesg output regarding the 3c509 module load.

Hope this helps.

Cameron Kerr

How to use the Linux Progress Patch (Splash Screen)?

2002-02-23 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hi everyone,
  Has anyone here tried the Linux Progress Patch on a recent 2.4.x-series 
kernel? I was thinking about getting a little eye candy for my boot messages, 
but I can't seem to find LPP for anything newer than Linux 2.4.2 (I'm runing 
2.4.17). I tried applying the old patch to the new kernel, but my attempt 
failed with several sections not being patched.

  Does anyone know of a way to get LPP to work on more recent kernels?



Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Open Source Migration Guide:
= "Christian Web Services Since 1996" ==

update problem

2002-02-23 Thread Seneca Cunningham
I just did my semi-frequent update of my system. Because of a hardware
problem, I currently rely upon floppies to do all of my file transfers
(the affected system has not connected to another system since 5 years
or so), so I can only do a large transfer every couple of weeks or so.
Before I could install the large packages, I encountered some

- every time I start up the system, fsck tries to run on root file
  system, which is mounted
- /dev/hda2 (/usr) and /dev/hda7 (/var) never unmount cleanly
- xdm is "not" running while top reports it as running, and it looks and
  functions like it is running
- ps catches Signal 11 every time I try to use it, and while shutting
- chkrootkit reports:
Checking `lkm'...

Signal 11 caught by ps (procps version 2.0.7).
Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You have21 process hidden for ps command
Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed
- pcmcia never starts
- nothing goes to xconsole anymore
- root's path statement is ignored

umount: /dev/hda2: not mounted
umount: /usr: Illegal seek
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /var: device is busy

The list of packages that have been updated and newly installed is
below. Does anyone have _any_ idea (other than downgrading these
packages or reinstalling my entire system) on how to deal with this? At
the moment, I am most concerned about the problems with my root account,
mount, ps, and the output from chkrootkit. For some reason, I have a
sneaking suspicion that there is some connection between them.

















Thanks for any help,


Re: Help installing Jitterbug tracking system

2002-02-23 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Kapil Khosla wrote:

> Hi, We are trying to install Jitterbug tracking system on our system but
> have problems in Step 6 on the INSTALL file , It says

Is there some reason you are not just doing apt-get install jitterbug?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's a girl! See the pictures -

Re: mozilla and vnc

2002-02-23 Thread Matt Garman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 01:27:26AM +1100, Paul Hampson wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:13:09PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
> > However, mozilla is a bit strange: it will load, and the window will
> > be created, but the content of the window is entirely black!  xrefresh
> > doesn't do anything.  The mouse will appear over the blackness.  It
> > appears as though mozilla is actually working---I did a bunch of
> > random clicking with the mouse, and got mozilla's half pointer/half
> > stopwatch to appear.
> > 
> > Furthermore, this problem exists with both the linux xvncviewer client
> > and the windows nt vncviewer program.  I'm guessing this has something
> > to do with mozilla... but I don't know what that would be.
> I just setup mozilla and vnc and they're working together fine
> for me... So it's not neccessarily an endemic problem...
> What bit-depth are you running your vnc server at?

I'm running it at a bit-depth of 32.  Although I just tried it at a
bit depth of 24 and now mozilla works.

I guess it works now :)


``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
-- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

Re: CD-RW as user; newbie question.

2002-02-23 Thread Barry Mathieu

Description: PGP message

Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 12:22:01AM +0100, Andreas von Heydwolff wrote:
| Am fed up with Windows on a single workstation in a small non-profit 
| organization, used mainly for word processing and mailing. This weekend 
| I have to reinstall the OS, data are on a second HDD since the last 
| major crash so it won't be too much trouble. I intend to make it dual 
| boot with Debian as fallback or even soon primary OS.
| Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and 48Mb 
| RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?

Go for woody.  It's newer.  I don't think you'll see any significant
performance difference.  (FWIW I just upgraded a 486sx 25MHz 8MB RAM
from potato and kernel 2.2.19 to woody and kernel 2.4.17.  Both thrash
just as hard while installing packages :-).  It is only going to be a
router anyways, and maybe a secondary MX.)

| Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail merges, or 
| has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address book that can be 
| used for mail merges?

StarOffice is big and, IMO, ugly.  I'd go for something lighter
weight, more up-to-date (SO 5.2 was "latest" in '98 or so), and more
open (I don't think the SO 5.2 source is available).  

What type of user is going to use the system?  My preferences are
mail  :  mutt
word processing  :  gvim (for LaTeX)

For a less geeky user, though, I think that the following are good
choices :

mail :
balsa  (nice and light and intuitive, fully functional and
integrates "gnome-card" as the address book manager)
sylpheed (haven't used it but hear good things)

word processing :



Windows, hmmm, does it come with a GUI interface that works or just
pretty blue screens?

Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread Andreas von Heydwolff

Ron Johnson wrote:

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 00:22:01 +0100 Andreas von Heydwolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Am fed up with Windows on a single workstation in a small non-profit 
organization, used mainly for word processing and mailing. This weekend 
I have to reinstall the OS, data are on a second HDD since the last 
major crash so it won't be too much trouble. I intend to make it dual 
boot with Debian as fallback or even soon primary OS.

Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and 48Mb 
RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?

As long as you stay with a 2.2 kernel, it should not make a difference.
Still, I'd go upgrade to woody, just to get newer packages.

Note: Stay away from GNOME & KDE!!!  Try a window manager like fvwm
or xfce or blackbox.  Sylpheed is a good, lightweight GUI email

There's a _possibility_ that you could use WordPerfect 6.0 DOS in
the Debian DOS emulator.  That way, you could stay in console mode.

Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail merges, or 
has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address book that can be 
used for mail merges?

Even though I'm old enough to know what mail merge is (did it with
WordStar and DataStar on a KayProII CP/M "transportable"), I 
couldn't tell you about SO52.

Thanks, Ron, and nate (sorry for posting directly to you - Mozilla does 
this as default).

I've tried in the past to get hold of a copy of WP for DOS. EBay sells 
it, to my astonishment, at respectable prices. Will have to think about 
compatibility with what's already there. I followed WordPerfect mailing 
lists when Corel got into Linux and there were discussions about WP and 
DOS emulator. I cannot remember whether someone actually tried using it 
and had success.

I looked at Sylpheed and liked it the other day, is it already stable 
enough for everyday use? I noticed that there was also Sylpheed-claw 
which sounded like it was still under heavy development. It did not 
display umlauts but this may be a .gtkrc issue.


Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 08:18:43PM +, Stephano Mariani wrote:
| I have access to a computer with a fast net connection (DSL 2Mbit),
| would it be possible for me to download and burn these CDs rather than
| buying them? If so, could you please tell me where I could get them?

Or just get the "rescue" and "root" floppies and put your machine on
the fast connection.  With a good connection all you need for
installing is the 2 floppies.



Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for;
through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.
Proverbs 16:6

Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 12:58:47PM -0500, Faheem Mitha wrote:
| I'd use grub. Easy to use, but be careful to modify menu.lst before you
| reboot;

If you don't, it is no problem.  Just enter the "command line" mode at
boot time and enter the info.  That way you can boot and after booting
record the correct steps in the menu.lst for next time.



Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
but a faithful man who can find?
Proverbs 20:6

Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 00:22:01 +0100 Andreas von Heydwolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Am fed up with Windows on a single workstation in a small non-profit 
> organization, used mainly for word processing and mailing. This weekend 
> I have to reinstall the OS, data are on a second HDD since the last 
> major crash so it won't be too much trouble. I intend to make it dual 
> boot with Debian as fallback or even soon primary OS.
> Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and 48Mb 
> RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?

As long as you stay with a 2.2 kernel, it should not make a difference.
Still, I'd go upgrade to woody, just to get newer packages.

Note: Stay away from GNOME & KDE!!!  Try a window manager like fvwm
or xfce or blackbox.  Sylpheed is a good, lightweight GUI email

There's a _possibility_ that you could use WordPerfect 6.0 DOS in
the Debian DOS emulator.  That way, you could stay in console mode.

> Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail merges, or 
> has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address book that can be 
> used for mail merges?

Even though I'm old enough to know what mail merge is (did it with
WordStar and DataStar on a KayProII CP/M "transportable"), I 
couldn't tell you about SO52.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Jefferson, LA  USA|
| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.|
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.   |

Re: apt-get grade have problem, please help

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 11:37:28AM -0500, eric wrote:
| Dear Debian users:
| When I apt-get upgrade, I meet the following error:
| Selecting previously deselected package bind9-host.
| Unpacking bind9-host (from .../bind9-host_1%3a9.2.0-4_i386.deb) ...
| dpkg: error processing
| /var/cache/apt/archives/bind9-host_1%3a9.2.0-4_i386.deb (--unpack):
|  trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/host', which is also in package dnsutils
| dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
| Errors were encountered while processing:
|  /var/cache/apt/archives/bind9-host_1%3a9.2.0-4_i386.deb
| E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
| since it did not hint how to fix it, and there are many package did not
| install before this error occur, so please help

I don't know why it would try to install bind9-host, but my
potato->woody upgrade did the same thing.  You can't remove it either
because dpkg claims it isn't installed.  (I haven't seen this happen
on any of my woody->woody upgrades, though)  My solution was to change
/var/lib/dpkg/status to say "purge" instead of "install" for the
package bind9-host.

The relevant part of the status file now looks like :

Package: bind9-host
Status: purge ok not-installed
Priority: optional
Section: non-US
Version: 1:9.2.0-4



Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly.
It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.
   -- Dave Parnas

Re: CD-RW as user; newbie question.

2002-02-23 Thread csj
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 14:44:41 -0500 (EST)
Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Maybe I'm missing something, but there is already a group called cdrom,
>  and my impression is that is group is intended for writing operations to
>  cds.
>  faheem ~>ls -la /dev/scd0
>  brw-rw1 root cdrom 11,   0 Apr 14  2001 /dev/scd0

My impression is that the cdrom group is used just to allow the user to
read the device. Otherwise you'd be a member of the disk group, which is
a BAAD idea. CD writing is a special operation that isn't a part of
any mainstream kernel (though I remember reading about some exotic
packet writing project that would allow you to turn your CDRW into a
better and bigger floppy).

Re: Complied into debs please (Python/Emacs packagers take note)

2002-02-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 15:11:41 + Adam Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 02:19:49PM +, Lazarus Long wrote:
> > What is the point of pre-compiling C code before packaging it into
> > .debs?  If you can answer that, apply that answer to Python code.
> First off, in python the source IS the program.  Like perl, it
> byte-compiles as an optimization at runtime.  But unlike perl, it has
> the ability to cache the byte-compiled version to the disk to speed up
> future runs.

This _only_ happens to IMPORTed modules, not the main script.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Jefferson, LA  USA|
| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.|
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.   |

Get the Lowest Rates While You Can! Let Us Help!83

2002-02-23 Thread bjohnson8










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Re: 233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread nate

> Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and
> 48Mb  RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?

i cannot imagine any difference. 48MB ram for star office
IMO is not enough. I wouldn't use it seriously unless I had
at least 128MB ram, even then its slow.  The slowest desktop
i have built in recent memory was a Dual P2-233 with 384MB
ram. and to get it run at a decent speed i had to install
2 7200RPM SCSI drives and put them in Raid0. And another
5400RPM SCSI drive for /home. This machine runs SuSE 7.3
professional for my sister.

> Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail
> merges, or  has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address
> book that can be  used for mail merges?

don't know about this, don't know what a mail merge is
and i don't use address books much at all anyways.


Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Simon Hepburn
Forgot to mention something important, kmail can only apply filters 
automatically to incoming and outgoing messages. You need to run this filter 

click on mail folder
edit|select all
messages|apply filters

Not ideal ...but acceptable.


On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 6:30 pm, Simon Hepburn wrote:
> Settings|Configure Filters
> Filter Criteria
>  is greater than XXX
> Filter Actions
> move to folder trash
> Simon Hepburn

Re: dh-client setup problems

2002-02-23 Thread hanasaki

See below for dpkg -l pump dhcp-client.  Not sure what it means :|

What are the pro/con of dhcp-client vs pump?  dhcpcd is a dead tool?

ii  pump0.8.11-3 
Simple DHCP/BOOTP client.

pn  dhcp-client  
(no description available)

dman wrote:

On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 01:25:48PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
| I put the below in my /etc/network/interfaces and presto!
| This seems to be running pump.  What is dhclient.conf?

What does 
dpkg -l pump dhcp-client


If you have pump, it will be used.  If you have dh-client (in package
'dhcp-client') instead, it will be used.  Same for dhcpcd, though it
is no longer packaged.

dhclient.conf is the config file for dh-client.


Spam : Unhealthy and High in Sodium and Cholesterol

Re: [Fwd: PAM Critical error, but no logging]

2002-02-23 Thread Xeno Campanoli
Okay, (Doh!) it looks like I don't have the cracklib_dict.pwd file
installed on the system where PAM doesn't work with cracklib.  I've
tried apt-get remove-ing and re-installing any crack-related packages
I've been able to find using apt-cache, but still no *_dict.* files. 
I've also searched the old mailing list archives for this, so either
this is a bug or anomaly in the progression of packages, and in either
case there's no evidence anybody has known about it up until now.  I'm
betting it's a part of some normal package I'd put in on a complete
install but which I just cannot presently think of.  At any rate, I'd
like two forms of feedback:

1)  What is the stable package I need to install to get these *_dict.*
2)  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better search for this
kind of problem using the apt-* facilities?

TIA.  I'll forward the final results to the pam-list, as I presume most
of you are not on that.  See Igmar's comments below for more

Sincerely, Xeno

> Igmar Palsenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> This is the actual problem :
> stat("/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict.pwd", 0xbfff9a1c) = -1 ENOENT
> It's also consitent with the code (pam_cracklib.c) :
> if (!stat(buf,&st) && st.st_size)
> return PAM_SUCCESS;
> else {
> if (ctrl & PAM_DEBUG_ARG)
> _pam_log(LOG_NOTICE,"dict path '%s'[.pwd] is invalid",
> return PAM_ABORT;
> }
> In other words : It can't find your dicts file. What I do find strange it
> the path it is looking for : /var/cache/cracklib. On all RH systems I've
> been on it's in /usr/lib
> You have two options : Make a symlink, copy the files, etc, or recompile
> the cracklib module.
> Igmar

Physically I'm at:  5101 N. 45th St., Tacoma, WA, 98407-3717, U.S.A.

233 MHz CPU system - Debian and SO 5.2 question

2002-02-23 Thread Andreas von Heydwolff
Am fed up with Windows on a single workstation in a small non-profit 
organization, used mainly for word processing and mailing. This weekend 
I have to reinstall the OS, data are on a second HDD since the last 
major crash so it won't be too much trouble. I intend to make it dual 
boot with Debian as fallback or even soon primary OS.

Would it make a difference in performance on the 233MHz MMX CPU and 48Mb 
RAM system whether I choose potato or Woody?

Is the Star Office 5.2 address book reliable enough for mail merges, or 
has any other word processor (Applixware?) an address book that can be 
used for mail merges?


Andreas von Heydwolff

Cannot open display: Success

iproute, potato & error ???

2002-02-23 Thread Michael D. Schleif

Just installed iproute on a potato system (i.e., apt-get install
iproute), which indicated:

using .../iproute_991023-2_i386.deb

There are no visible install errors and no other files were changed to
support dependencies.

However, when I try to use it:

# ip addr show
Cannot send dump request: Connection refused

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

Re: apt error

2002-02-23 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 10:21:31PM -0500, Igor Gueths wrote:
> Hi. Sorry for all the re-postings. If anyone couldn't read any of the posts, 
> this was probably do to the fact I was using plain text instead of html. I 
> have changed the settings, and hope to have solved this problem. Anyway, my 
> problem is that when I try to add one of my source distribution Cds to apt 
> sources, Apt terminates with the following: Found 0 package indexes and 4 
> source indexes. Reading source indexes. Done. W: 0 records were written. E: 
> Handler silently failed. Why could I be experiencing this? I am running 
> potato 2.2 with 2.2r5 packages and the 2.2r2 base system and 
> 2.2.18pre21-idepci kernel. The reason for this is that I am a blind Linux 
> user running Speakup, a TTS (Text to Speech) package. It was pre-compiled 
> into the 2.2r2 distribution, but not r5. So I installed the base system from 
> 2.2r2, and then proceeded to install the other packages such as Lynx, gcc, 
> from the 2.2r5 binary distribution set. Could this have anything to do with 
> the problem I am experiencing with adding source disks to apt's sources.list? 
> I am relatively new to Debian, but not to Unix in general however. Any help 
> on this would be apreciated. Thanks! 

The only messages I've seen on this problem indicated the solution was
to upgrade apt. Try reinstalling apt from the 2.2r5 distribution set.


Description: PGP signature

Re: dh-client setup problems

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 01:25:48PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
| I put the below in my /etc/network/interfaces and presto!
| This seems to be running pump.  What is dhclient.conf?

What does 
dpkg -l pump dhcp-client

If you have pump, it will be used.  If you have dh-client (in package
'dhcp-client') instead, it will be used.  Same for dhcpcd, though it
is no longer packaged.

dhclient.conf is the config file for dh-client.



The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold,
but the Lord tests the heart.
Proverbs 17:3

Re: Howto change ownership of device under devfs

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 04:07:01PM -0500, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
| On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 11:04:44PM -0600, Michael Heldebrant wrote:

| > I created a file in the conf.d directory for my system that contains the
| > following lines:
| > 
| > REGISTER ^tts/0 PERMISSIONS root.nut 0660
| > REGISTER ^ttyS0 PERMISSIONS root.nut 0660
| I have tried this. After running update-devfsd or reboot, /dev/tts/0 ends 
| up as root.nut 0660. However, the symlink /dev/ttyS0 is still root.root
| 0555.

It doesn't matter.  Symlinks' permissions don't matter at all, it is
the permission of the file they point to that matters.

Just try it with ordinary files.

| Is there something else that needs to be done to files in /etc/devfs to
| make /dev/ttyS0 owned by root.nut with mode 0660?

Ideally you aren't going to use /dev/ttyS0 anymore since you have

(realistically, though, the compatibility links are important for an
unknown amount of time)



He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20

Re: Exim in Woody

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 04:38:15PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
| correct.. its built as root.  I couldnt figure out how to build it to 
| run as mail.

One of the problems is that exim needs to change it's UID for
deliveries so that it uses the user's UID instead of 'mail' or 'root'.

You can, however, set the "exim user" to something else in exim.conf
if you want (option 'exim_user').

| So how do I get the one that runs as root to be able to 
| auth.  I think you just educated me that non-root apps cant auth against 
| PAM?

Read /usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz for all you will ever need to
know about exim.  (well, maybe not quite, but it _is_ a complete

In particular, chapter 35 will be of interest to you.  I haven't done
anything with AUTH myself, though.



Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,
and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.
Proverbs 16:20

Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Simon Hepburn
Hi, I'm running sid, kmail 1.3.2, didn't realise woody was that far behind.
I guess your options then are:

a)wait for kmail 1.3.2 to make it into woody
b)apt-get install kmail/unstable. I dont think the libkmid bug I mentioned in 
another post to debian-user today will prevent this.

Have fun, Simon.

PS - no need to cc: me I'm subscribed

On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 10:38 pm, you wrote:
> I don't have that option. I'm up to date with kmail under woody. I've got
> Settings/Configuration, and Settings/Filter Rules. This is kmail 1.2
> Dougie
> On Saturday 23 February 2002 6:30 pm, Simon Hepburn wrote:
> > Settings|Configure Filters
> >
> > Filter Criteria
> >  is greater than XXX
> >
> > Filter Actions
> > move to folder trash
> >
> > Simon Hepburn
> >
> > On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 5:25 pm, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> > > Is it possible to do this automatically? I've been using kmail for a
> > > while, but now a lot of my folders are getting a bit big and
> > > unmanagable. Can I configure kmail (woody) to delete all messages older
> > > than a certain number of days, or do I need to find an alternative way
> > > to do
> > > housekeeping? What do others do?
> > >
> > > Dougie

Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Saturday 23 February 2002 05:38 pm, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> This is kmail 1.2

It might be a new option as of kmail 1.3, which is in unstable.  You might 
consider upgrading -- I've found unstable to be much more stable than woody 

Re: CD-RW as user; newbie question.

2002-02-23 Thread Caleb Shay

> The external SCSI CD-RW is attached to scd0, so I made that device
> file a member or group, 'cdrw'. eg.
> brw-rw1 root cdrw  11,   0 Feb  2 23:16 /dev/scd0
> I believe the driver /dev/sg* is needed, so I also made those dev files
> a member of 'cdrw', eg.
> crw---1 root cdrw  21,   0 Feb  2 23:16 /dev/sg0
> I don't believe I need to change the group of the binaries cdparanoia
> and cdrdao.
> Unfortunately when I issue either cdrdao or cdparanoia commands, I don't
> have access to the SCSI device.

You are almost there.  There is a group 'cdrom', which I usually use for
this, but your solution works fine.  However, you need write access to
the generic scsi device (sg0), so you need to give the 'cdrw' group
write access to /dev/sg0, I recommend 'chmod 660 /dev/sg0'.  Then anyone
in the cdrw group will have write access to sg0.

Oh, and here is a quick tutorial on using numbers for permissions. 
We'll use your /dev/scd0 as example.

brw-rw1 root cdrw  11,   0 Feb  2 23:16 /dev/scd0

Looking at the first section (brw-rw) we can break this into it's

b  This is the file type.  On regular files this will just be '-', in
this case the 'b' stands for block, cdroms are a block device.  On sg0
it is a 'c', since it is a character device

next we have 9 characters, these can be thought of as 3 groups of 3

rw- : owner
rw- : group
--- : world

With me so far?  Good.

Now how do the numbers work into this?  Well, do this.  Think of x=1,
w=2, and r=4.  We, can now add these numbers together to get the
permissions we want for each of owner,group, and world.

rw- = 4+2+0 = 6

So both the owner and group permissions can be represented by the number
6, giving us a numeric permission on this file of '660'.  If we wanted
to make a file executable by anyone we would simply add 1(x) to each of
the fields, giving us 771 or rwxrwx--x.  Fairly simple, yes?  In your
example of 4111 you'll notice that there is a fourth number (4 in this
case), this number works the same way.  In this case think of suid=4,
sgid=2, sticky=1, so setting the file to 4111, make's it readable and
writable by nobody, executable by everybody, and suid.  The permissions
on a file like this would look like ---s--x--x.  The s signifies that
this file, when executed, will run as the userid of the file.  If you
were to set the file to 2111, it would look like ---x--s--x, which means
it would run as the same group as the file.  If you were to set it to
sticky ( or ---x--x--t) it would do...nothing.  Older unices used
the sticky bit to keep the file in swap space, but Linux and most modern
unices (as far as I know), ignore it.  However, setting the sticky bit
on a directory makes it so that files in that directory may only be
deleted or renamed by the file's owner or root (you'll notice that /tmp
has the sticky bit set, for this very reason).

Wow, that turned into something slightly longer than I intended :)



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

xlib upgrade problem

2002-02-23 Thread Charles Blair

   I have version 2.2 of Debian, running on a laptop.  I recenty
tried using dpkg to install the version of xlibs in "testing" and
got the messages:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: no, cannot remove xlib6g (--auto-deconfigure will help):
> aalib1 depends on xlib6g (>= 3.3.5)

   When I tried adding the auto-deconfigure option, I got:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: yes, will remove xlib6g in favour of xlibs.
> dpkg: /home/wichert/sources/dpkg-1.6.14/main/archives.c:601:
>   check_conflict: Assertion `fixbyrm->clientdata->istobe == itb_normal' 
>   failed.

   I am tempted to try dpkg --remove xlib6g, but would like some
assurance that this won't damage my system.

   Thanks for any help!

Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Dougie Nisbet
I don't have that option. I'm up to date with kmail under woody. I've got 
Settings/Configuration, and Settings/Filter Rules. This is kmail 1.2


On Saturday 23 February 2002 6:30 pm, Simon Hepburn wrote:
> Settings|Configure Filters
> Filter Criteria
>  is greater than XXX
> Filter Actions
> move to folder trash
> Simon Hepburn
> On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 5:25 pm, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> > Is it possible to do this automatically? I've been using kmail for a
> > while, but now a lot of my folders are getting a bit big and unmanagable.
> > Can I configure kmail (woody) to delete all messages older than a certain
> > number of days, or do I need to find an alternative way to do
> > housekeeping? What do others do?
> >
> > Dougie

Re: Exim in Woody

2002-02-23 Thread hanasaki
correct.. its built as root.  I couldnt figure out how to build it to 
run as mail.  So how do I get the one that runs as root to be able to 
auth.  I think you just educated me that non-root apps cant auth against 

Tim Dijkstra wrote:

hanasaki wrote:

Does anyone have information as to what options this was built with?  
It does not seem to support PAM.  I installed exim via apt-get and it 
could not authorize users to send mail.  I built exim from source and 
it authenticated fine.


You should be able to see it from the scripts that are used to build the 
.deb, which you get when
you 'apt-get source exim'. But I think PAM _is_ compiled in, cause I use 
it know. The only problem
I had, is that it couldn't auth against /etc/shadow because exim runs as 
mail:mail out of the .deb.
Am I right when I think you have compiled exim to run as root, that 
would explain why it works

now all of a sudden.

grts Tim

Spam : Unhealthy and High in Sodium and Cholesterol

Re: Exim in Woody

2002-02-23 Thread Tim Dijkstra

hanasaki wrote:

Does anyone have information as to what options this was built with?  It 
does not seem to support PAM.  I installed exim via apt-get and it could 
not authorize users to send mail.  I built exim from source and it 
authenticated fine.


You should be able to see it from the scripts that are used to build the 
.deb, which you get when
you 'apt-get source exim'. But I think PAM _is_ compiled in, cause I use 
it know. The only problem
I had, is that it couldn't auth against /etc/shadow because exim runs as 
mail:mail out of the .deb.
Am I right when I think you have compiled exim to run as root, that 
would explain why it works

now all of a sudden.

grts Tim

Cable Television Boxes - E- C o u p o n #

2002-02-23 Thread Leah

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wish to remove yourself from this E-mail Subscription
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Making my HaM modem work in Debian.

2002-02-23 Thread camilo

I just want to know if somebody could give me some links, advice, 
or anything else, in reference to making my Internal PCI Ambient 
HaM DataFax Winmodem work with Debian potato...

I think its now Intel HaM, right?

Well, any links, experiences are very much appreciated!


"Tu es stultior quam asinus. Pudor tu."

"Nunca pierdas la santa curiosidad"
-Albert Einstein

Registered Linux User #231105

Re: dh-client setup problems

2002-02-23 Thread James Mayer
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 02:18:20PM -0500, Ayman Haidar wrote:
> most cable providers authenticate based on either the MAC address of
> the NIC or by setting up the host name. in the commented
> /etc/dhclient.conf file there is some entries for both. uncomment the
> apropriate ones and try again.

If one is using /etc/network/interfaces, you could also use the
"hostname" and "client" options for a dhcp configured interface:

>From "man interfaces"
  client client_id
 Client identifier (dhcpcd)

  hostname hostname
 Hostname to be requested (pump, dhcpcd)

upgrading potato to woody

2002-02-23 Thread Sam Varghese
Thank you Osamu Aoki for your go-woody script. Without it I would never
have upgraded to woody until it became the stable release. It took 48
hours over a ppp connection - with nobody to hit a return key at times
because I was away at work - but it worked.

Thanks dman for your helpful posts - when I screwed up things soon
after the upgrade, I went to the mailing lists archive and three of your
old postings helped me wriggle out.

And finally, thanks to Kevin who pointed out to me that I had
inverted the syntax for creating a sym link to get X going.

People like you three are one of the reasons Debian is what it is.

Sam Varghese
Linux and all free software is not about the smell of money but the
improvement of community

Re: Adding Groups

2002-02-23 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Rodney Agha ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020221 18:47]:
> What would be the procuder to add groups to user emails ?
> how would you check for email groups?
> for eg, on workstation using outlook, to : #allstaff ?

You probably want an alias. The procedure for setting this up will be
dependent on your MTA. Most likely, you'll need to look at your
/etc/aliases file and related documentation. (Dependent on your MTA,
again.) The default Debian MTA is exim, and its /etc/aliases file is
pretty self-explanatory. You probably need a line something like this:

allstaff: mike sam jaime

Ask if you need more help.

good times,

Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
Please see
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using the "menu" system

2002-02-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:51:39 -0600
"Timothy R. Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > h... anyone familiar with mandrake's repositories could get a download
> > URL for this program's source?
>   I put it up on my new Debian package page - 
> . After installing 
> the needed alien made packages, Menudrake works, although it looks like it 
> needs some tweaking to display the right menus. I haven't had a chance to 
> play with it much more yet.
FYI, I managed to build menudrake without gtk+mdk and am now working
on hacking it to work correctly on Debian systems... I'll probably fork()
it to menudeb, instead of menudrake as I think I don't want to maintain
that "mandraked" code, so I'll simplify things for Debian, if anyone wants
to help/discuss, feel free to mail me


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha 
Debian:  * 

Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread Rafael Sasaki
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 02:30:28PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
> there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
> 3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
> respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or
> out.
> any pointers are appreciated -- here's the output from several
> various related commands that i know about, so you who've
> travelled this road might be able to direct me in my efforts:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig eth0
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:8C:82:CF:3B  
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:590 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
>   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 

  maybe here you got an error. IIRC, your broadcast address must be, and your Network Mask if you have
  a class C internet address.

  Rafael Sasaki

Re: any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread Gary Turner
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 14:30:28 -0600, will trillich wrote:

>[didn't get any response on this last time -- i'm reposting with
>a new subject line hoping to get some assistance... thanks]
>there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
>3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
>respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or
>any pointers are appreciated -- here's the output from several
>various related commands that i know about, so you who've
>travelled this road might be able to direct me in my efforts:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig eth0
>eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:8C:82:CF:3B  
>  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>  TX packets:590 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:  TX bytes:  <---none at all, T or R? 
>  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 

Will, I won't pretend to have a clue.  Can I assume your interfaces file
looks ok?  What about ifconfig lo?

When you refer to 'self ping', is that "ping localhost" "ping
" or "ping"?  That might give someone a clue.

My only real suggestion is to "whack it back to where it works."  That
is, lose all the ipchains/NAT/firewall stuff and just go with
/etc/network/interfaces, and appropriate NIC driver.  If that doesn't
work, at least the area of investigation is much smaller.  If it does,
then add your other stuff one de-bug-able line or stanza at a time.

Not much, but it's all I've got.

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

Re: RAID 1 setup on woody

2002-02-23 Thread Richard Weil
One last question ... how can use the swap partitions
on both /dev/hda8 and /dev/hdc8? I did _not_ put the
swap partitions in a RAID setup. Should I simply list
both swap partitions in /etc/fstab? Thanks.


--- Richard Weil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It took a little bit of experimenting, but the basic
> steps you laid out worked. Success!
> For anyone else who might want to try this, I found
> I
> had to do two things differently:
> 1.  I had to use mkraid instead of raidstart to get
> the RAID devices working on /dev/hdc.
> 2.  After copying root and /boot over to the
> /dev/md1
> and /dev/md0 and following the steps in the howto, I
> couldn't get the system to boot on the RAID -- it
> kept
> booting on /dev/hda. So, after making sure all of
> root
> and boot was on the RAID devices, and updating the
> /etc/fstab and Lilo on the RAID devices, on reboot,
> at
> the Lilo boot prompt, I said "root=/dev/md1" and
> that
> worked -- into the RAID device I went. Then I
> followed
> the other steps of adding the /dev/hda partitions.
> Thanks for the help.
> Richard
> --- Dave Sherohman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 04:28:46PM -0800, Richard
> > Weil wrote:
> > > Thanks, this is great. A couple of follow-up
> > > questions:
> > > 
> > > 1. How do I get to single user mode without
> > rebooting?
> > > (I know I should already know this.)
> > 
> > init 1
> > 
> > > 2. Do I need to do anything special to copy the
> > > partitions from /dev/hdaX to /dev/mdY? Once I'm
> in
> > > single user mode can I just "cp -R /dev/hdaX
> > > /dev/mdY"?
> > 
> > You definitely do _not_ want to just run cp -r;
> that
> > would destroy
> > all of your file ownership and permission
> settings. 
> > cp -a is better,
> > since it preserves those, but I'm not sure how
> well
> > it handles links
> > and device files.  Not well, I suspect.
> > 
> > > - create /mnt/newroot
> > > 
> > > - then:
> > > 
> > > cd /
> > > find . -xdev | cpio -pm /mnt/newroot
> > 
> > This is a much saner option.  Personally, I mount
> > the device directly
> > on /mnt, then use:
> > 
> > find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pvdm0 /mnt
> > 
> > If the other version came from the HOWTO, I
> suppose
> > it should work,
> > but it could have problems with filenames
> containing
> > spaces or
> > certain other odd characters (prevented by the
> > -print0 / -0).  The -d
> > on cpio ensures that leading directories will be
> > created, which is
> > mostly just paranoia in this case, and -v is the
> > ever-popular verbose
> > flag, because I like to see what it's doing.
> > 
> > -- 
> > When we reduce our own liberties to stop
> terrorism,
> > the terrorists
> > have already won. - reverius
> > 
> > Innocence is no protection when governments go
> bad.
> > - Tom Swiss
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Diagnosing poor performance

2002-02-23 Thread Patrick Kirk
On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 12:14, Matthew Sackman wrote: 
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:30:53PM +, Patrick Kirk wrote:
> with it. I tried windowmaker for about a day and then came across xfce and
> xfwm ( Try it: I'm sure you'll like it.
> Have fun.
I'm trying it now.  The overall impression is nice but there are some
real oddities. 

1. I can't change the default buttons.
2. Menus are really difficult to edit and don't accept png images.  If I
edit xfce3rc by hand, the sodding thing reverts to the default settings
next time I login.

3. There is no place to configure useful things like what Alt-Tab does. 
Currently it shows ative windows on this desktop which really isn't much
use if the application I want is on another.

4. It says on man xfce you can drag programs onto the Add to Menu
button.  How?  All I can achieve is moving the program about the
screen.  ITs like the button is waitng for some event that I don;t know

I like xfce but would like to see a way to sort out these bugbears. 
Thanks for the url.

syncing debian packages on two machines

2002-02-23 Thread Peter Kocks
Hi... new debian user here...

I have a development debian box and production debian box
and I want the packages installed on each synced.

For the moment, I'm fine with the production box have the
exact same packages installed as the development box.
Unfortunately, I've used dselect on both machines to do the
original install and the machines are now out of sync.

So, you do I sync the package list on both machines easily?

I'm assuming that people must deal with this problem all the
time, so I figured I'd ask here...



Re: Howto change ownership of device under devfs

2002-02-23 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 11:04:44PM -0600, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 22:14, mdevin wrote:
> > I need to change the ownership of my 2nd serial port for nut to work
> > properly with my ups.  I am using devfs which is enabled at boot.
> > 
> > I can set the ownership with a command like:
> > chown root.nut /dev/tts/1
> > That works no problem, but I need it to continue to have those
> > ownerships when the computer is rebooted.
> > 
> > Now, I have looked in /etc/devfs but there are several files here which
> > it seems I can edit.
> > 
> > For example there is a file called /etc/devfs/perms, but this seems to
> > register old style device names and is used by devfsd.
> > 
> > There is also another file called: /etc/devfs/conf.d/devfs_extra_perms
> > And it seems most probable since it has the following lines in it:
> > # serial devices (temporary - later I will make a hack to the MAKEDEV 
> > parsing)
> > REGISTER^tts/[^/]*$ PERMISSIONS root.dialout0660
> > 
> > But again I am not sure if this is where I need to change it since it
> > seems to be a file that is generated by a package and will thus be
> > overwritten later when the package is updated.
> > 
> > Also, I would prefer to change the devfs configuration rather than just
> > the devfsd one.  Since I may be able to do without devfsd if I can get
> > everything configured properly.
> > 
> > Can someone tell me the correct Debian way of changeing device
> > ownerships permanently.
> > 
> > Cheers.
> > Mark.
> devfsd.conf contains these lines:
> # Include the compatibility symlinks
> OPTIONAL_INCLUDE  /etc/devfs/compat_symlinks
> # Include the standard permissions settings for devices
> INCLUDE   /etc/devfs/perms
> # Include package-generated files from /etc/devfs/conf.d
> OPTIONAL_INCLUDE  /etc/devfs/conf.d
> Which should allow you to place your own file in the conf.d directory
> that will be applied after the perms file is parsed.
> I created a file in the conf.d directory for my system that contains the
> following lines:
> REGISTER ^tts/0 PERMISSIONS root.nut 0660
> REGISTER ^ttyS0 PERMISSIONS root.nut 0660

I have tried this. After running update-devfsd or reboot, /dev/tts/0 ends 
up as root.nut 0660. However, the symlink /dev/ttyS0 is still root.root

Is there something else that needs to be done to files in /etc/devfs to
make /dev/ttyS0 owned by root.nut with mode 0660?

> Just alter to suit your needs.  You'll probably want to restart devsd to
> make sure it will work.  For some reason I remember having to run
> update-devfsd to cement the changes.  I don't completely understand it
> all but I think this is what you need to do.  I've got nut and devfsd
> working well together.
> --mike
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: PGP signature

RE: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Stephano Mariani wrote:

> I have access to a computer with a fast net connection (DSL 2Mbit),
> would it be possible for me to download and burn these CDs rather than
> buying them? If so, could you please tell me where I could get them?

Actually, an even better way would be to take your computer to where you
have a fast net connection, and try to install it over the net. This
(I think) requires only floppies. See

You'll want to substitute the word woody or testing for stable in
/dists/stable/main/disks-/. See also instructions in

Disclaimer: I've never tried doing a floppy-only installation. I have some
potato CDs and I usually use those and upgrade to woody as soon as I have
a working net connection.

You'll need an ethernet card for this, and you'll need to find out which
driver is needed for the card, because Debian isn't terribly helpful about
telling you those things.


RE: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Stephano Mariani wrote:

> I have access to a computer with a fast net connection (DSL 2Mbit),
> would it be possible for me to download and burn these CDs rather than
> buying them? If so, could you please tell me where I could get them?

I already gave you a link. and also I've only used linuxiso myself. You don't say which
country you are in, but you should use a local mirror if possible.

As I've said already, you'll want to go with woody. I am pretty sure
2.4.17 is not in potato. It might not even be in older versions of woody,
so you would want to get a recent version of the cd images. The versions
produced by (and its mirrors) seem to be pretty recent; the
current one is 02/18/02. (see links off


Re: RAID 1 setup on woody

2002-02-23 Thread Richard Weil
It took a little bit of experimenting, but the basic
steps you laid out worked. Success!

For anyone else who might want to try this, I found I
had to do two things differently:

1.  I had to use mkraid instead of raidstart to get
the RAID devices working on /dev/hdc.

2.  After copying root and /boot over to the /dev/md1
and /dev/md0 and following the steps in the howto, I
couldn't get the system to boot on the RAID -- it kept
booting on /dev/hda. So, after making sure all of root
and boot was on the RAID devices, and updating the
/etc/fstab and Lilo on the RAID devices, on reboot, at
the Lilo boot prompt, I said "root=/dev/md1" and that
worked -- into the RAID device I went. Then I followed
the other steps of adding the /dev/hda partitions.

Thanks for the help.


--- Dave Sherohman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 04:28:46PM -0800, Richard
> Weil wrote:
> > Thanks, this is great. A couple of follow-up
> > questions:
> > 
> > 1. How do I get to single user mode without
> rebooting?
> > (I know I should already know this.)
> init 1
> > 2. Do I need to do anything special to copy the
> > partitions from /dev/hdaX to /dev/mdY? Once I'm in
> > single user mode can I just "cp -R /dev/hdaX
> > /dev/mdY"?
> You definitely do _not_ want to just run cp -r; that
> would destroy
> all of your file ownership and permission settings. 
> cp -a is better,
> since it preserves those, but I'm not sure how well
> it handles links
> and device files.  Not well, I suspect.
> > - create /mnt/newroot
> > 
> > - then:
> > 
> > cd /
> > find . -xdev | cpio -pm /mnt/newroot
> This is a much saner option.  Personally, I mount
> the device directly
> on /mnt, then use:
> find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pvdm0 /mnt
> If the other version came from the HOWTO, I suppose
> it should work,
> but it could have problems with filenames containing
> spaces or
> certain other odd characters (prevented by the
> -print0 / -0).  The -d
> on cpio ensures that leading directories will be
> created, which is
> mostly just paranoia in this case, and -v is the
> ever-popular verbose
> flag, because I like to see what it's doing.
> -- 
> When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism,
> the terrorists
> have already won. - reverius
> Innocence is no protection when governments go bad.
> - Tom Swiss
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Rick Pasotto
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 08:18:43PM -, Stephano Mariani wrote:
> I have access to a computer with a fast net connection (DSL 2Mbit),
> would it be possible for me to download and burn these CDs rather than
> buying them? If so, could you please tell me where I could get them?

Two possibilities are:

"If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills, that would not be so
 violent and bloody a measure as it would be to pay them and enable the
 state to commit violence and shed innocent blood." - Henry David Thoreau

any ideas? no network traffic gets through

2002-02-23 Thread will trillich
[didn't get any response on this last time -- i'm reposting with
a new subject line hoping to get some assistance... thanks]

there's probably something simple that's wrong here, but my
3c509 connection won't cooperate no my potato system. it'll
respond only to self-pings; no other traffic seems to get in or

any pointers are appreciated -- here's the output from several
various related commands that i know about, so you who've
travelled this road might be able to direct me in my efforts:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:8C:82:CF:3B  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:590 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 

Interfaces found:
/sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -F input
/sbin/ipchains -F output
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i !lo -s -l
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 160
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -s -d -l
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j DENY -s -d -l
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j DENY -s -d -l

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ipchains -nvL
Chain input (policy DENY: 255160 packets, 23735195 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize  
sourcedestination   ports
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  lo n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  !lo n/a
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  * n/a
Chain forward (policy DENY: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize  
sourcedestination   ports
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  * n/a
Chain output (policy DENY: 510311 packets, 35223165 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize  
sourcedestination   ports
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  lo n/a
173 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  * n/a

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface U 0  00 eth0 UG0  00 eth0
Kernel IP routing cache
Source  Destination Gateway Flags Metric RefUse Iface  00 eth0  00 eth0  l 0  02 lo  10 eth0  00 eth0

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface U 0  00 eth0 UG0  00 eth0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface U 0 0  0 eth0

Re: firewall: linux vs. freebsd

2002-02-23 Thread Dimitri Maziuk
* nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> i haven't heard much on people using
> linux to do bridged stuff, so i didn't
> investigate it when i made the decision,
> i knew a lot of folks who used free/open
> bsd for bridged networking.

Apparently it can be done on Linux, with appropriate kernel 
options, but I haven't heard any success (or failure) stories, 

Backwards compatibility is either a pun or an oxymoron.  -- PGN

RE: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Stephano Mariani
I have access to a computer with a fast net connection (DSL 2Mbit),
would it be possible for me to download and burn these CDs rather than
buying them? If so, could you please tell me where I could get them?


> -Original Message-
> From: Faheem Mitha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 23 February 2002 5 59
> To: Paul McKinley
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Newbie install help
> On 23 Feb 2002, Paul McKinley wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am new to Debian Linux. I have a very slow internet access and its
> > flat rate. How would I go about downloading the bare minimum in
order to
> > get a Linux box to boot? My system is an AMD Athlon 1.33GHz, with
> > RAM. I need no sound, I do need Ethernet drivers, my cards are
> > KNE100TX, and AMD PCnet. I need a bare minimum kernel with which I
> > build the 2.4.17 kernel; I therefore need GCC and the kernel
package. I
> > need not have X to begin with, just be able to get it once the
kernel is
> > booted.
> >
> > My mainboard is ASUS A7V 133, my harddisks are on a Promise ATA100
> > controller and two are in RAID-0, two are in RAID-1. My cdrom drives
> > on the standard IDE controllers.
> I would have thought that the best thing to so was to burn Debian CDs.
> sounds like you will need woody. There are unofficial woody CD images;
> check out Of course you will need access to a CD
> and a fast connection, but you can also buy the CDs.
> Keeping Woody up to date over a slow non flat rate connection would be
> drag, though. If you have somewhere with a fast connection, perhaps
> can take it there to be updated periodically.
> > I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like
> > dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
> > overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?
> I'd use grub. Easy to use, but be careful to modify menu.lst before
> reboot; read the documentation carefully. The Debian packages doesn't
> create quite the right menu.lst automatically. Grub will write over
> MBR but you should be able to boot Windows anyway. My understanding is
> that it hands over the booting process to the Windows bootloader.
This is
> called chainloading. Check out the documentation. The default for
> generated in menu.list always works for me, but note that I've always
> Windows installed in the first partition. I think it is a little bit
> complicated (but not much) if you don't have Windows installed in the
> first partition.
>Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: make-kpkg with -j switch?

2002-02-23 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Saturday, February 23, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry did write:

> On 23-Feb-2002 Richard Cobbe wrote:
> > Hello, all.
> > 
> > I've done a fair amount of searching on this topic, but a search key of
> > -j confuses a lot of the search engines, so I've not been able to find a
> > conclusive answer here.
> > 
> > Is it possible to have make-kpkg supply the -j switch to make?  I've got
> > a dual-processor machine, and I'd love to build the kernel with `-j 2'.
> > 
> > (FWIW, I'm using kernel-package 7.04.potato.3 from potato.)
> > 
> man kernel-pkg.conf and look for 'CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'.  Not sure if the potato
> version has the option but it does exist under newer versions.

Yes, it's there in potato as well.

Thanks to you and Faheem for the pointer.


Re: firewall: linux vs. freebsd

2002-02-23 Thread nate

> I love Linux, but I believe in
> finding the best solution for a
> problem. My question is not which OS
> is better for a firewall, but which
> one you would use (or do use).

depends. is this a TRUE firewall or is
it a FAKE firewall bywhich it does NAT ?

if its a TRUE firewall, then i would
probably use freebsd because of the
good bridging support. I only started
playing with bridging back in november
of last year, and its great. IPFW in
freebsd works on bridged interfaces,
DUMMYNET works on bridged interfaces
which allows VERY EASY traffic shaping..

i haven't heard much on people using
linux to do bridged stuff, so i didn't
investigate it when i made the decision,
i knew a lot of folks who used free/open
bsd for bridged networking.

Bridged networking, incase you don't know,
runs the NIC cards in IP-less mode, so
they pass traffic between the 2 interfaces,
but have no IP address, so you cannot
connect to the interfaces. Makes for
much more security. At the same time,
because they are transparent, you
don't have to change any routing, just
plug it in and it goes. thats one
of the biggest advantages. at the
company where i work at I run freebsd
servers with 4 port NICs to sniff
traffic on the t1s, if i need to
take the machine down for some reason,
i unplug the routers from them and
plug them into the switch, within
seconds the network is available again
and i don't have to touch a thing in
the routing tables on any machine.

Now if your a linux newbie then
freebsd may not be the best thing,
it is much more complicated to use,
and to maintain compared to debian
in my experience thus far. less
hardware is supported, compiling
a kernel is harder due to lack
of documentation on available kernel
options, and you have to do manual
dependency checks on the kernel config,
unlike menuconfig on linux.

that said, i like freebsd for it's
kernel-level features like bridging,
high speed networking, but i
really hate the distribution. i don't
like ports, i don't like the fact
if i want to install a package via
sysinstall that it has to redownload
the INDEX file and parse it(which takes
a long time even on  a t1 with a 1Ghz
P3). there are several other complaints
i have about the freebsd distribution,
so i'd kill for a debian freebsd.

if your building a NAT box, and if
its ONLY a NAT box i would use freebsd
too for the reasons(networking) outlined
above. but if its more then a NAT box
(my home NAT runs dozens of services and
has a gig of ram in it), i would use

oh and i would rather use freebsd,
then use linux kernel 2.4 at this point,
if you need the "features" of 2.4.


Re: sending a mail message to a new user when account has been created

2002-02-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 19:19, Faheem Mitha wrote:

> > In your account creation script:
> >
> >   cat README | mail -e -s "Subject of your message" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Would /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local be an appropriate place to put this?
> Man adduser says " If the file /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local exists, it
> will be executed after the user account has been set up in order to do any
> local setup.  The arguments passed to adduser.local are:  username uid gid
> home-directory".
> So perhaps something like
> cat README | mail -e -s "please read this information for new users" [EMAIL 

It sounds like a sensible place to put it.

Try it and see!

Isle of Wight
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C

 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is 
  profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, 
  for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God 
  may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good 
  works." II Timothy 3:16,17 

Re: CD-RW as user; newbie question.

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On 23 Feb 2002, Barry Mathieu wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been been successful at hooking-up a external SCSI CD-RW and
> using the following utilities as root:
> cdrecord
> cdrdao
> cdparanoia
> I would prefer user accessibility to these resources.
> In haste, I issued the following (according to CD-Writing HOWTO):
> chown 4111 /usr/bin/cdrecord
> Now, the sole user of this machine, me (barry), can use cdrecord without
> being root. This is a home machine, only typically used by me.
> I'm not sure what the '4111' accomplishes. As an example, I'm more
> accustomed to something like 'u+w', etc. I am aware there is an
> alternate scheme of chown options using numeric arguments.
> In my reading I've seemed to come across statements that '4111' is
> associated with running the process as root, and this opens some
> potential security gaps.
> I've now made a group, 'cdrw', and put myself in the group. From
> /etc/group:
> cdrw:x:102:barry
> I am user barry.
> The external SCSI CD-RW is attached to scd0, so I made that device
> file a member or group, 'cdrw'. eg.
> brw-rw1 root cdrw  11,   0 Feb  2 23:16 /dev/scd0
> I believe the driver /dev/sg* is needed, so I also made those dev files
> a member of 'cdrw', eg.
> crw---1 root cdrw  21,   0 Feb  2 23:16 /dev/sg0
> I don't believe I need to change the group of the binaries cdparanoia
> and cdrdao.
> Unfortunately when I issue either cdrdao or cdparanoia commands, I don't
> have access to the SCSI device.
> I'm using Debian Potato.

Maybe I'm missing something, but there is already a group called cdrom,
and my impression is that is group is intended for writing operations to

faheem ~>ls -la /dev/scd0
brw-rw1 root cdrom 11,   0 Apr 14  2001 /dev/scd0

You should also check out the thread "group video?" in group
linux.debian.devel (using Google advanced group search), which seems to
have some bearing on your question.

   Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: 3c905c-TX-M hangs with much traffic (UPDATE)

2002-02-23 Thread nate

> On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:

> I removed a TV card, and all is left is the video card and the
> network card, but still the same problem.

i reccomend joining the 3c59x mailing list and posting there.
this is a very common problem on eepro cards(im on the
eepro mailing list), and may be a common problem on
the 3c59x cards(im not on that list). the benefit is you
will probably get the feedback of the driver maintainer himself,
donald becker who personally answers(or at least helps) a
lot of questions on the eepro list.

it is likely you will not find an easy solution other then
swap cards, swap MBs, run diagnostics, maybe switch to
another vendor. problems like this are hard to diagnose
and even harder to solve in my reading of the eepro mailing

most of my systems use eepro or 3c59x cards but their
bandwidth utilization is so low(most average under 10kB/s)
that i do not encounter this problem.

should be the list you want.

good luck


Re: dh-client setup problems

2002-02-23 Thread hanasaki

I put the below in my /etc/network/interfaces and presto!

This seems to be running pump.  What is dhclient.conf?

cat /etc/network/interfaces
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Ayman Haidar wrote:

Once upon a time Stephen Nosal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   > Folks -
   > I recently got Time Warner Road Runner installed. It seems to be a straight forward dhcp install but I'm having a problem getting dh-client running. I've manageed to make it work with the same box running NT, as well as an old Macintosh I have, so I'm pretty sure it's my dhcp setup that's causing the problem (currently it runs pppoe/dsl just fine)
   > I've been through the man pages and the dhcpcd how-to and I think I've covered the basics, but when I run dhclient (or dhclient eth1) I get no connectivity, no messages, nothing. I'm currently at a loss as to where to look.
   > Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm quite frustrated at this point in time trying doing something that should be so simple I'm sure I've been hit with the stupid stick.

most cable providers authenticate based on either the MAC address of
the NIC or by setting up the host name. in the commented
/etc/dhclient.conf file there is some entries for both. uncomment the
apropriate ones and try again.


Spam : Unhealthy and High in Sodium and Cholesterol

Re: Help installing Jitterbug tracking system

2002-02-23 Thread nate

> but there is no /etc/httpd/auth/apache.auth in our machine ? Has
> anyone else installed this bug tracking system or know of any other
> which is easy to isntall and configure.

i have installed it once, its pretty easy.  your question is
easy too. the instructions refer to a user file, which
can be any file generated by htpasswd. it can be anywhere,
i reccomend it be outside anyplace accessable to web browsers.
If only root will be modifying this file then /etc/apache
is probably a good place to put it.  if non root users
need access, put it somewhere where they can access it.
it can be named anything too, apache.auth, or htpasswd,
or htaccess, etc etc..

then change the config to point to that.  I haven't setup
jitterbug in almost a year, but it was very painless to do
compared to the system that we are using that replaced
jitterbug for us - RT 2. which took a long time to get


Re: Connecting to Port 631 - THANKS

2002-02-23 Thread Bob Underwood
On Saturday 23 February 2002 13:58, ben wrote:
> On Saturday 23 February 2002 10:51 am, Bob Underwood wrote:
> > I installed cups and kprint on a different machine and can't connect to
> > localhost:631.  The error message says: "Could not connect to host
> > localhost (port 631)"
> [snip]
> check the location section of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to see that you have
> appropriate permission to make the connection.

Thanks.  I missed the obvious, even checking against a different machine.  
For some reason, cupsd.conf did not install.  A quick purge/reinstall cleared 
the problem


Re: sending a mail message to a new user when account has been created

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On 23 Feb 2002, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 18:42, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> >
> > Dear People,
> >
> > I'm adminstering a small Debian system and I want to know how to
> > automatically send new users a README in the form of an email when their
> > account has been created. What would be an elegant way of doing this? I
> > did a perfunctory search for this in Google but didn't come up with
> > anything. I can think of some not very elegant methods, but I'm sure this
> > has come up before, so there must be a good way of handling it.
> In your account creation script:
>   cat README | mail -e -s "Subject of your message" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Would /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local be an appropriate place to put this?

Man adduser says " If the file /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local exists, it
will be executed after the user account has been set up in order to do any
local setup.  The arguments passed to adduser.local are:  username uid gid

So perhaps something like

cat README | mail -e -s "please read this information for new users" [EMAIL 

Thanks for your reply.


Re: dh-client setup problems

2002-02-23 Thread Ayman Haidar
Once upon a time Stephen Nosal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   > Folks -
   > I recently got Time Warner Road Runner installed. It seems to be a 
straight forward dhcp install but I'm having a problem getting dh-client 
running. I've manageed to make it work with the same box running NT, as well as 
an old Macintosh I have, so I'm pretty sure it's my dhcp setup that's causing 
the problem (currently it runs pppoe/dsl just fine)
   > I've been through the man pages and the dhcpcd how-to and I think I've 
covered the basics, but when I run dhclient (or dhclient eth1) I get no 
connectivity, no messages, nothing. I'm currently at a loss as to where to look.
   > Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm quite frustrated at this 
point in time trying doing something that should be so simple I'm sure I've 
been hit with the stupid stick.

most cable providers authenticate based on either the MAC address of
the NIC or by setting up the host name. in the commented
/etc/dhclient.conf file there is some entries for both. uncomment the
apropriate ones and try again.


Re: Connecting to Port 631

2002-02-23 Thread Ayman Haidar
Once upon a time Bob Underwood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   > I installed cups and kprint on a different machine and can't connect to 
   > localhost:631.  The error message says: "Could not connect to host 
   > (port 631)"
   > /etc/services has these lines:
   > ipp631/tcp #Internet Printing Protocol
   > ipp631/udp #Internet Printing Protocol
   > /etc/hosts has localhost
   > root is specifically listed in group lpadmin in /etc/groups.
   > This box has kernel 2.4.17.  The printer will use ipp to print to a 
   > netprinter on a different box.
   > I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but have no clue.  Any help?

check to see that the interface lo is up:


loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:341 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:341 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:31121 (30.3 KiB)  TX bytes:31121 (30.3 KiB)

if not jsut do 
#ifup lo

hope that helps


Re: sending a mail message to a new user when account has been created

2002-02-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 18:42, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> Dear People,
> I'm adminstering a small Debian system and I want to know how to
> automatically send new users a README in the form of an email when their
> account has been created. What would be an elegant way of doing this? I
> did a perfunctory search for this in Google but didn't come up with
> anything. I can think of some not very elegant methods, but I'm sure this
> has come up before, so there must be a good way of handling it.

In your account creation script:

  cat README | mail -e -s "Subject of your message" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Isle of Wight
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C

 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is 
  profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, 
  for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God 
  may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good 
  works." II Timothy 3:16,17 

Re: Connecting to Port 631

2002-02-23 Thread ben
On Saturday 23 February 2002 10:51 am, Bob Underwood wrote:
> I installed cups and kprint on a different machine and can't connect to
> localhost:631.  The error message says: "Could not connect to host
> localhost (port 631)"

check the location section of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to see that you have 
appropriate permission to make the connection.

Help installing Jitterbug tracking system

2002-02-23 Thread Kapil Khosla
We are trying to install Jitterbug tracking system on our system but have 
problems in Step 6 on the INSTALL file , It says

our system is Debian Woody 2.2.20
INSTALL file says: 
6) Set up secure access to the jitterbug binary through your web
server. I normally only setup authentication for PACKAGE.private and
leave out authentication for PACKAGE. This way you will have a public
interface called PACKAGE and a private interface called
PACKAGE.private. To do this under Apache edit the file access.conf
like this:

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth/apache.auth

require user PACKAGE

but there is no /etc/httpd/auth/apache.auth in our machine ? Has anyone else 
installed this bug tracking system or know of any other which is easy to 
isntall and configure.

Thanks in advance,

Connecting to Port 631

2002-02-23 Thread Bob Underwood
I installed cups and kprint on a different machine and can't connect to 
localhost:631.  The error message says: "Could not connect to host localhost 
(port 631)"

/etc/services has these lines:

ipp 631/tcp #Internet Printing Protocol
ipp 631/udp #Internet Printing Protocol

/etc/hosts has localhost

root is specifically listed in group lpadmin in /etc/groups.

This box has kernel 2.4.17.  The printer will use ipp to print to a 
netprinter on a different box.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but have no clue.  Any help?



sending a mail message to a new user when account has been created

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

Dear People,

I'm adminstering a small Debian system and I want to know how to
automatically send new users a README in the form of an email when their
account has been created. What would be an elegant way of doing this? I
did a perfunctory search for this in Google but didn't come up with
anything. I can think of some not very elegant methods, but I'm sure this
has come up before, so there must be a good way of handling it.

Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: 3c905c-TX-M hangs with much traffic (UPDATE)

2002-02-23 Thread Sebastiaan
On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:

> * Sebastiaan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> The other possibility is that it's sharing an interrupt with some
> other card, and mobo can't handle it. Check /proc/interrupts and
> try swapping cards and marking interrupts as "used by ISA" in BIOS.
I removed a TV card, and all is left is the video card and the network
card, but still the same problem.


apt-get grade have problem, please help

2002-02-23 Thread eric
Dear Debian users:

When I apt-get upgrade, I meet the following error:

Selecting previously deselected package bind9-host.
Unpacking bind9-host (from .../bind9-host_1%3a9.2.0-4_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/bind9-host_1%3a9.2.0-4_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/host', which is also in package dnsutils
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

since it did not hint how to fix it, and there are many package did not
install before this error occur, so please help

thanks in advance, eric

Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Simon Hepburn
Settings|Configure Filters

Filter Criteria
 is greater than XXX

Filter Actions
move to folder trash

Simon Hepburn

On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 5:25 pm, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> Is it possible to do this automatically? I've been using kmail for a while,
> but now a lot of my folders are getting a bit big and unmanagable. Can I
> configure kmail (woody) to delete all messages older than a certain number
> of days, or do I need to find an alternative way to do housekeeping? What
> do others do?
> Dougie

Re: make-kpkg with -j switch?

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On 23 Feb 2002, Richard Cobbe wrote:

> Hello, all.
> I've done a fair amount of searching on this topic, but a search key of
> -j confuses a lot of the search engines, so I've not been able to find a
> conclusive answer here.
> Is it possible to have make-kpkg supply the -j switch to make?  I've got
> a dual-processor machine, and I'd love to build the kernel with `-j 2'.
> (FWIW, I'm using kernel-package 7.04.potato.3 from potato.)

I don't actually use multi-processor stuff myself, but what you are
looking for *might* be in kernel-pkg.conf (see the appropriate man page
and look for CONCURRENCY_LEVEL). You'll probably want to set this to 2.

This has actually come up before on debian-user. Check google with
"concurrency level make-kpkg" and you'll get some hits. I'm using the
version of kernel-package, though. I don't know whether this option is in
the kernel-package in potato.

 Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

upgrading debian 2.1

2002-02-23 Thread Rick Pasotto
I've got a machine on my local network that I've installed 2.1 on (I
tried to install 2.2 from a cd on which I had burned a d/l iso but this
machine can't read the cd. The machine I burned it on has no problem
reading it.)

Anyway, I installed apt and dpkg from the upgrade directory on the
2.2 cd but when I run 'apt-get update' it can't resolve

nslookup resolves it. ftp connects. nsftp connects. 

Why is apt-get's problem?

"Once the principle of government -- judicial monopoly and the power
 to tax -- is incorrectly accepted as just, any notion of restraining
 government power and safeguarding individual liberty and property is
 illusory." -- Hans-Herman Hoppe


2002-02-23 Thread mukalazi kalanzi
 Dear export manager,

>  NOKIA:,3310,3210,3330,5110, 6110,
>  8310,8210,8890,8850,
>  SIAMEN:A35, C35,M35,C40,S40,SL45
>MOTOROLA:V8088, V66
>  ERICSSION:T10, T18, T28
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 64MB 8X64 PC 133
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 128MB 16X64 PC 133
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 256MB 32X64 PC 133
> NEC 
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 64MB 8x64 PC100 CL2
> NEC 
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 128MB 16X64 PC 133 CL3
> NEC 
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 256MB 32X64 PC 133 CL3
> NEC 
> 184 PIN DIMM**
> 128MB RAMBUS PC 800
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 128MB 16X64 PC 133
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 256MB 32X64 PC 133
> 168 PIN DIMM
> 512 MB 64X64 PC 133
> DDR 128MB
> DDR 256MB
> 128MB RAMBUS PC 800
> 256MB RAMBUS PC 800
> CPU's 
> Brand Type Description Unit Price 
> Socket A
> Socket A
> Socket A
> Socket A
> T-BIRD 1GHZ A266
> Socket A
> T-BIRD 1GHZ A200
> Socket A
> T-BIRD 1.2GHZ A200
> Socket A
> T-BIRD 1.3 GHZ A200
> PIII-800EB(256K/133MHZ)
> PIII-850E(256K/100MHZ)
> PIII-866EB(256K-133MHZ)
> PIII-900E(256K/100MHZ)
 PIV-1.4GHZ 423 Pin OE
 PIV-1.4GHZ 423 Pin BOX
> PIV 1.7 GHZ 423 Pin OEM
> PIV 1.7 GHZ 423 Pin BO
633celron PROCESSOR
 64MB RAM ,


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RE: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread James McDonald

> > I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like
> > dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
> > overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?
> i don't know if the win2k bootloader can boot linux, but lilo can boot
> win2k.

The Win2k/NT bootloader can boot Linux, but it's a bit convoluted. It's
documented (for NT at least) in the Linux+NT-Loader Mini Howto.

Frankly, I always find it an awful lot easier to just use LILO. It used
to cause no end of grief, but I've found in recent versions it'll boot
damn near anything.


James McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Faheem Mitha

On 23 Feb 2002, Paul McKinley wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to Debian Linux. I have a very slow internet access and its not
> flat rate. How would I go about downloading the bare minimum in order to
> get a Linux box to boot? My system is an AMD Athlon 1.33GHz, with 1GB
> RAM. I need no sound, I do need Ethernet drivers, my cards are Kingston
> KNE100TX, and AMD PCnet. I need a bare minimum kernel with which I can
> build the 2.4.17 kernel; I therefore need GCC and the kernel package. I
> need not have X to begin with, just be able to get it once the kernel is
> booted.
> My mainboard is ASUS A7V 133, my harddisks are on a Promise ATA100 RAID
> controller and two are in RAID-0, two are in RAID-1. My cdrom drives are
> on the standard IDE controllers.

I would have thought that the best thing to so was to burn Debian CDs. It
sounds like you will need woody. There are unofficial woody CD images;
check out Of course you will need access to a CD burner
and a fast connection, but you can also buy the CDs.

Keeping Woody up to date over a slow non flat rate connection would be a
drag, though. If you have somewhere with a fast connection, perhaps you
can take it there to be updated periodically.

> I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like to
> dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
> overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?

I'd use grub. Easy to use, but be careful to modify menu.lst before you
reboot; read the documentation carefully. The Debian packages doesn't
create quite the right menu.lst automatically. Grub will write over the
MBR but you should be able to boot Windows anyway. My understanding is
that it hands over the booting process to the Windows bootloader.  This is
called chainloading. Check out the documentation. The default for Windows
generated in menu.list always works for me, but note that I've always had
Windows installed in the first partition. I think it is a little bit more
complicated (but not much) if you don't have Windows installed in the
first partition.

   Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Martin Wuertele
Hi Paul!

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Paul McKinley wrote:

> I am new to Debian Linux. I have a very slow internet access and its not
> flat rate. How would I go about downloading the bare minimum in order to
> get a Linux box to boot? My system is an AMD Athlon 1.33GHz, with 1GB
> RAM. I need no sound, I do need Ethernet drivers, my cards are Kingston
> KNE100TX, and AMD PCnet. 

the absolute minimum i can think of is the install disks plus basedebs (if
you use woody). 

> I need a bare minimum kernel with which I can build the 2.4.17 kernel; I
> therefore need GCC and the kernel package. 

to compile a debian conform custom kernel you need make, libc6, fileutils,
kernel-package, perl5, dpkg, dpkg-dev, debianutils, gcc, cpp, kernel source 
(~22 mb tar.bz2, ~28 mb tar.gz), tar, gzip and (or?) bzip2

> I need not have X to begin with, just be able to get it once the kernel
> is booted.

apt-get is your friend, if you want to install x it will download and
install what's necessary

> My mainboard is ASUS A7V 133, my harddisks are on a Promise ATA100 RAID
> controller and two are in RAID-0, two are in RAID-1. My cdrom drives are
> on the standard IDE controllers.

the id raid stuff does not work with linux. you need a seperate disk to
partition or use existing partitions from the raid-1 disks. if you want
raid-1 with linux use software raid.

> I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like to
> dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
> overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?

i prefere linux to overwrite the win2k installer, you can easily configure
lilo for dual boot by adding win2k to the other section. however the
debian install explicitely asks you if you want to make the system
bootable from harddisk. if you say no lilo won't be installed, you should
make a boot disk to access you linux installation.

i don't know if the win2k bootloader can boot linux, but lilo can boot

yours martin
 PGP/GPG encrypted and signed messages preferred

Description: PGP signature

Re: make-kpkg with -j switch?

2002-02-23 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 23-Feb-2002 Richard Cobbe wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I've done a fair amount of searching on this topic, but a search key of
> -j confuses a lot of the search engines, so I've not been able to find a
> conclusive answer here.
> Is it possible to have make-kpkg supply the -j switch to make?  I've got
> a dual-processor machine, and I'd love to build the kernel with `-j 2'.
> (FWIW, I'm using kernel-package 7.04.potato.3 from potato.)

man kernel-pkg.conf and look for 'CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'.  Not sure if the potato
version has the option but it does exist under newer versions.

Re: Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 05:30:43PM +, Paul McKinley wrote:
| Hello,
| I am new to Debian Linux. I have a very slow internet access and its not
| flat rate. How would I go about downloading the bare minimum in order to
| get a Linux box to boot?

Buy a set of CDs from somewhere.  They are very cheap and will more
than make up for the $$ cost of your connection and the time you will
spend waiting for it to download.

If I were you, I would buy Potato CDs since it is an official
distribution, and I would buy Woody CDs from somewhere since it has
newer stuff.

| I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like to
| dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
| overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?

Some installers ask if you want to write the bootloader to the MBR and
some don't.  IIRC RH 6.2 just overwrites it regardless.  If LILO is
the bootloader installed, it stores a copy of the previous MBR so that
you can restore it.

In any case, I recommend installing grub on the MBR and using it to
chainload windows when you want.  I tried to get LILO to chainload
win2k once, and it was a headache and didn't work.  Grub was flawless
(even though I had never used it before).

Still, make backup boot floppies for both systems!

The grub config to chainload windows looks like (regardless of 95/98
or NT/2k) :

title   M$ Windo~1
chainloader +1  # Chainload from the first sector

(assumes windows is on /dev/hda1)



If you hold to [Jesus'] teaching, you are really [Jesus'] disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:31-32

rescue + driver discs

2002-02-23 Thread Medovarszky Zoltán
I've downloaded the custom udma66 install disk-set from debian's ftp.
A cannat use the driver-x.bin files. If I dd them on a floppy, the install
system cannot read it.
Any ideas?

Re: application exits as 'Killed'

2002-02-23 Thread Simon Hepburn
Well I have not run testing for yonks but iirc most of the KDE probs are due 
to the curious mix of 2.1.x/2.2x that it contains. The solution appears to be 
to upgrade everything KDE to unstable. However. kde in unstable is 
presently uninstallable because libkmid depends on libglib1.3-12 which is no 
longer available in testing or unstable. You will need to track down a copy 
of libglib1.3-12 and install it with dpkg prior to doing an upgrade, or wait 
until a newer version of libkmid that fixes this dep gets uploaded.

Good Luck
Simon Hepburn.

On Saturday 23 Feb 2002 1:11 pm, Shriram Shrikumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> Im running testing with KDE and when running galeon / konqueror - it
> just exits. When running it from console - it just displays Killed where
> I might have expected it to say Segfault.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ konqueror
> Killed
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ galeon
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> Killed
> I haven't killed them from another console or such and there is noone else
> connected to this machine. It also does this every single time. Konqueror
> only crashed when surfing the web though.
> Another interesting thing to note perhaps would be that evolution also
> crashes (the mail component) when starting either galeon or konqueror.
> I must admit that these problems started when I installed enlightement.
> I originally thought that it may be because I was running then from
> enlightenment instead of KDE but having same problem in KDE.
> Running on Athlon 1GHz with 128Mb RAM, 520Mb Swap custom Kernel-2.4.17.
> Any ideas.
> Shri

Re: firewall: linux vs. freebsd

2002-02-23 Thread dman
On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 10:18:03PM -0500, timothy bauscher wrote:
| I am planning on building a firewall
| here. There is a lot of hype about
| Freebsd being great for firewalls,
| and books regarding Linux firewalls.
| I love Linux, but I believe in
| finding the best solution for a
| problem. My question is not which OS
| is better for a firewall, but which
| one you would use (or do use).

I use Debian, kernel 2.4.17 and iptables.


I like Debian and use it on my workstation.  Thus it is the only
choice for a firewall on my workstation.  (Same goes for the laptop at
work).  It also happens that with my current hardware, my workstation
is the only system that can perform the masquerading on the DSL line
(the only box with 2 NICs, the other *nix box needs an ISA NIC and the
other systems are my dad's and brother's windows machines).

Since I'm going to be moving soon I'm going to take the ISA NIC out of
my dad's old machine and put it in my old machine and use that as the
router.  It will also run Debian+2.4.17+iptables because I know and
like the system.  I've never used *BSD.  The only other unices I've
used are RedHat (still linux, anyways) and Solaris.



A)bort, R)etry, B)ang it with a large hammer

Re: Help with printing

2002-02-23 Thread Cam Ellison
Thank you, Dima

* Dimitri Maziuk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> * Cam Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > I have been trying to get my Canon BJC-4000 running, with no success.  CUPS 

> cat somefile > /dev/lp0. Can you get your old dot-matrix printer
> to work? If yes, I'd try rebuilding cups from source. If not, I'd
> try to fiddle with BIOS settings, kernel boot options and different
> kernel versions. It looks like the problem you're having is very
> uncommon, so it's likely you won't find a ready-made fix anywhere 
> (unless you're making some silly "too obvious" misteak somewhere). 
> Did you read printing howto? -- it had lots of useful info back when 
> (dunno what's in there now).
I removed all of CUPS and printtool, reinstalled lprng, hooked up my 
dot-matrix, and it works fine.  I re-installed printtool and tried it.  
It continues to tell me I don't have a parallel port enabled.  I consider 
that a bug, so it's now gone.

I'd prefer to use CUPS, and do it the Debian way, but perhaps your 
suggestion to install from source is the best idea.

The "too obvious mistake" is always a great possibility.



Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

Re: firewire cards

2002-02-23 Thread Martin Wuertele
Hi Sheldon!

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Sheldon Lee-Wen wrote:

>   Does anyone know where I can find a list of compatible firewire cards for 
> linux? Or are they all the same?

check at, the list is basen on
chip and vendor, model.

yours martin
 PGP/GPG encrypted and signed messages preferred

Description: PGP signature

Newbie install help

2002-02-23 Thread Paul McKinley

I am new to Debian Linux. I have a very slow internet access and its not
flat rate. How would I go about downloading the bare minimum in order to
get a Linux box to boot? My system is an AMD Athlon 1.33GHz, with 1GB
RAM. I need no sound, I do need Ethernet drivers, my cards are Kingston
KNE100TX, and AMD PCnet. I need a bare minimum kernel with which I can
build the 2.4.17 kernel; I therefore need GCC and the kernel package. I
need not have X to begin with, just be able to get it once the kernel is

My mainboard is ASUS A7V 133, my harddisks are on a Promise ATA100 RAID
controller and two are in RAID-0, two are in RAID-1. My cdrom drives are
on the standard IDE controllers.

I have Windows 2000 (SP2) installed already, so ideally would like to
dualboot. I have had some bad experiences with Linux installers
overwriting the windows bootloader, how do I avoid this?


archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Dougie Nisbet
Is it possible to do this automatically? I've been using kmail for a while, 
but now a lot of my folders are getting a bit big and unmanagable. Can I 
configure kmail (woody) to delete all messages older than a certain number of 
days, or do I need to find an alternative way to do housekeeping? What do 
others do?


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