Re: Connexion ssh non permanente

2009-11-14 Thread Grégory Bulot
Yves Rutschle à écrit le Sat, 14 Nov
2009 01:07:52 +0100

 un bricolage peut donc
 être d'ajouter une redirection de port à la connexion ssh,
 et de mettre 2 programmes qui s'échangent un octet de temps
 en temps par ce tunnel.

j'avais eu le même problème (hôtels lors de mes nombreux déplacements

while true; do time ; sleep 2m ; done

je n'ais plus jamais eu de déco ensuite :-D
l'idéal étant ed faire cela dans un screen pour garder un console

J'ai découvert plus tard avec screen le hardstatus : c'est
l'équivalent de la boucle ci-dessus mais avec un sleep 1m ;-)  

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Re: résolution écran (sous lenny)

2009-11-14 Thread Grégory Bulot
Louis-Philippe Gauthier à écrit le Fri, 13 Nov
2009 19:00:50 -0500

 ou Gnome, je n'ai aucune option plus élevée que le 1024x768 ...
 Dans /etc/X11/xorg.conf, j'ai rajouté quelques résolutions
 (supportées par l'écran et la carte vidéo) pour  tester mais sans
 Que puis-je faire d'autre ?

retirer les mentions de résolution dans ton xorg (sauf si bureau étendu)
tu relance xorg, et normalement tout se passe au mieux .

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Re: Connexion ssh non permanente

2009-11-14 Thread Guillaume Caron

En conjonction avec « TCPKeepAlive », il y a l'option «
ClientAliveInterval » qui est l'intervalle en secondes entre les envois
de paquets de maintien.
J'avais eu ce problème sur RedHat et l'avais résolu en m'apercevant que
même si « TCPKeepAlive » est à yes, « ClientAliveInterval » est par
défaut à 0, ce qui signifie qu'aucun paquet n'est envoyé. Je l'avais
fixé à 30 et je n'ai plus eu de soucis de déconnexion.


Le samedi 14 novembre 2009 à 00:48 +0100, Goldy a écrit :

 J'ai un soucis avec un serveur ssh qui déconnecte systématiquement les
 utilisateurs après un certain temps de non-activité dans le terminal.
 C'est un peu gênant car la déconnexion se fera même si un programme est
 en cours d'exécution mais qu'il ne renvoie aucune sortie.
 Je ne pense pas qu'il s'agisse d'un problème avec le client, car je n'ai
 pas ce problème lorsque je me connecte à un serveur dédié sous lenny. Ce
 problème que j'ai toujours eu sur cette machine (sous testing, dont
 l'installation date d'environs 12 mois) commence à me gêner, j'ai pensé
 que ça pouvait venir du fait que la connexion se faisait dans un réseau
 locale, mais il s'avère que le problème est présent même si je me
 connecte depuis un autre endroit.
 J'ai comparé les fichiers sshd_config des deux machines pour voir si une
 option serait manquante, mais à part un port supplémentaire en écoute
 sur le serveur qui pose problème, ils sont identiques, l'option
 TCPKeepAlive yes étant présente.
 Je ne sais pas d'où peut venir ce problème, le plus gros problème étant
 que j'utilise un tunnel ssh pour accéder à des services web sur ce
 serveur, et que ce tunnel finit par se fermer au bout d'un moment, de
 même je suis obligé de lancer la connexion ssh avec des -vv pour que
 quelque chose s'affiche dans le prompt et maintienne la connexion.
 Si vous avez une idée, merci d'avance.

Il lui est arrivé quelque chose de terrible

2009-11-14 Thread Andre

On vient de me raconter une histoire extraordinaire,

et j'aimerais vous en parler...

Connaissez-vous Marcel Béliveau? Vous

savez, c'est l'auteur de l'émission

Surprises sur Prise qui passait à la télé

il y a quelques années.

Il lui était arrivé quelque chose de terrible :

Un beau jour, lors d'un examen de routine,

son médecin change de visage, et ne veut rien

lui dire tout de suite.

Pouvez-vous attendre le résultat des analyses?

Oui bien sûr, pourquoi?

Je préfère ne rien vous dire pour l'instant 

Peu après, le verdict arrive, implacable :

Monsieur Béliveau, nous sommes désolé,

mais il ne vous reste plus qu'1 ou 2 mois

à vivre.

Vous imaginez le choc d'une telle nouvelle ?

Qu'auriez vous fait à sa place ?

Vous pouvez y réfléchir, mais Marcel Béliveau,

lui, a fait une chose insensée... Inimaginable :

Il s'en est sorti ! et a profité de la vie

pendant de nombreuse années.

Comment a-t-il fait ?

On lui a tellement posé la question,

qu'il a décidé d'expliquer tout cela dans

un livre :

52 Petites Choses

Qui Font De Grandes Différences

Dans La vie

J'ai obtenu l'autorisation de Marcel Béliveau

lui-même alors qu'il était encore parmi nous

d'en offrir un exemplaire à mes

correspondants les plus fidèles.

J'ai naturellement pensé à vous.

Si vous voulez connaître le secret qui lui a fait

gagner ce combat impossible, téléchargez son livre

gratuitement ici :


Vous avez la chance aujourd'hui de passer

autant de temps que vous voulez avec l'un de ces

miraculés que la médecine classe dans les guérisons

spontanées... incompréhensibles.

Et son secret s'applique dans tous les domaines

de la vie:

 Vous voulez éviter de perdre de l'argent?

 Vous voulez éviter de perdre celui ou

celle que vous aimez?

 Vous voulez éviter de perdre un jour votre santé?

 Vous voulez éviter la colère, la rancoeur,

la déception, le manque, l'échec, l'impression

d'être victime et de n'arriver à rien?

La réponse est dans son secret, téléchargez-le

ici :


Même si ce n'était que pour savoir ce qu'il a

fait pour s'en sortir, et gagner plusieurs années

de vie de joie et de bonheur cela en vaudrait déjà

la peine.

Mais il y a plus -- BEAUCOUP plus dans :


Maintenant, vous pouvez oublier ce mail,

et laisser passer cette occasion - ou télécharger

gratuitement le secret que Marcel Béliveau veut

vous transmettre.

Le choix vous appartient !

Bien amicalement


P.S. Si vous téléchargez ce livre, j'aurai

la preuve que vous ne faites pas partie de ceux

qui traversent la vie portés par leurs

habitudes et qui se contentent du sort

réservé aux perdants de la vie.

Ce simple geste me prouvera que vous

cherchez à vous améliorer et à

développer votre potentiel.

Je vous tiendrai donc au courant de

découvertes stupéfiantes qu'on a fait

ces dernières années dans le domaine

du mental.


Un Gagnant Ne Lâche Jamais - Un Lâcheur Ne Gagne Jamais

Pour vous desinscrire cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous:

Re: Il lui est arrivé quelque chose de terrible

2009-11-14 Thread François Boisson
Le Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:45:59 +0100
Andre a écrit:

 On vient de me raconter une histoire extraordinaire,
 Connaissez-vous Marcel Béliveau? Vous 
 Peu après, le verdict arrive, implacable :
 Monsieur Béliveau, nous sommes désolé, 
 mais il ne vous reste plus qu'1 ou 2 mois 
 à vivre.
 Vous pouvez y réfléchir, mais Marcel Béliveau, 
 lui, a fait une chose insensée... Inimaginable :
 Il s'en est sorti ! et a profité de la vie
 pendant de nombreuse années.

Il est mort 11 mois après avoir appris son cancer du poumon!?!

J'ai déjà vu des spams imbéciles mais celui là est gratiné. Désolé du bruit, 

François Boisson

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Re: Intérêt de Sidux par rapport à Sid

2009-11-14 Thread Cristian

Je m'incruste, ça m'intéresse aussi, j'étais justement là dessus hier soire.

Le 14/11/09, Le poulpe qui bloppe ! a écrit :
 L'avantage de sidux comparé a une sid, c'est la possibilite d'avoir
 une sid stable, sans reflechir lors de mises a jour.

Autrement dit, quasiment pas de risque d'avoir des gros bugs même en
ne réfléchissant pas ? Pas d'apt-listbugs ? On fait un aptitude update
 aptitude upgrade et généralement tout roule nickel ?

Si oui, ça veut dire qu'il y a un certains temps de test des paquets
pour voir s'ils plantent, et seulement quand ils voient que ça va, la
Sidux les propose ?

 L'incoveniant: il est impossible d'installer gnome, c'est bloqué. Y'a
 quelques autres trucs bloqués.

Comment ça bloqués ? Genre on ne peut pas avoir Gnome sur sa Sidux ?
C'est une distro en ligne de commande ?

 C'est pas une debian standard, vu que y'a des patchs,

Et les patches c'est pour corriger les bugs de la Sid et faire passer
les paquets dans la Sidux sans le bug et plus vite (sans devoir
attendre que ça soit corriger en Sid) ?


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tomcat i18n-fr

2009-11-14 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


J'en avais assez des hiéroglyphes : alors j'ai modifié, et corrigé
parfois, le fichier de langue fr pour tomcat6

J'ai mis sur
le produit de mes modifications. Le jar a été créé avec le jdk1.6.0_13
de Sun (je dois changer mes aliases, mais tant pis, ça va le faire avec
cette version).

Quelqu'un de l10n reprend le bébé ? Ou bien dois je contacter
directement le responsable du paquet ?


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Re: Intérêt de Sidux par rapport à Sid

2009-11-14 Thread Cristian
Je me réponds à moi-même pour un point.

Le 14/11/09, Cristian a écrit :
 L'incoveniant: il est impossible d'installer gnome, c'est bloqué. Y'a
 quelques autres trucs bloqués.

 Comment ça bloqués ? Genre on ne peut pas avoir Gnome sur sa Sidux ?

Gnome n'est pas supporté par la Sidux. Ils disent que cet
environnement est connu pour son instabilité dans les dépôts Sid. Par
contre, KDE, XFCE et Fluxbox, ça on peut installer.

Dommage, bye bye Sidux. :(


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Re: Intérêt de Sidux par rapport à Sid

2009-11-14 Thread claude poupelier
Le samedi 14 novembre 2009 à 08:30 +0100, Le poulpe qui bloppe ! a
écrit :
 L'inconveniant: il est impossible d'installer gnome, c'est bloqué. Y'a
 quelques autres trucs bloqués.


 Pour quelqu'un qui sais un minimum faire attention aux mises a jours,
 y'a aucun interet a mes yeux, une fois que t'as apt-listbug, que tu
 fais un peu gaffe, une sid ca reste stable aussi.

Je partage cet avis

Merci pour les infos


On constate que les règnes longs sont toujours déplorables. Dieu est
éternel. Jugez vous-même. -+- Sebastien Roch Nicolas, dit Chamfort -+-

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2009-11-14 Thread Zuthos

Je viens d'installer squid.

Ce dernier fonctionne bien sur le serveur.

Toutefois, il refuse les autres ordinateurs de mon reseau.

Pourtant, j'ai bien ajouter:

acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

j'ai essayer aussi:
acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

Qui ne fonctionne pas plus.

Je précise que l'ordinateur testé a comme adresse ip:

Une idée
D'avance merci

Description: Digital signature

Re: Connexion ssh non permanente

2009-11-14 Thread Goldy
Guillaume Caron a écrit :
 En conjonction avec « TCPKeepAlive », il y a l'option «
 ClientAliveInterval » qui est l'intervalle en secondes entre les envois
 de paquets de maintien.
 J'avais eu ce problème sur RedHat et l'avais résolu en m'apercevant que
 même si « TCPKeepAlive » est à yes, « ClientAliveInterval » est par
 défaut à 0, ce qui signifie qu'aucun paquet n'est envoyé. Je l'avais
 fixé à 30 et je n'ai plus eu de soucis de déconnexion.

Cette solution a fonctionné. J'ai ajouté l'option ClientAliveInterval
dans sshd_config et mes connexions sont maintenues même en cas de non
activité dans le terminal.

Merci beaucoup.

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2009-11-14 Thread Zuthos

Je viens d'installer squid sur une Debian Testing.

Squid fonctionne bien sur le serveur.

Toutefois, il refuse les autres ordinateurs de mon reseau.

Pourtant, j'ai bien ajouter:

acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

j'ai essayer aussi:
acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

Qui ne fonctionne pas plus.

Je précise que l'ordinateur client testé a comme adresse ip:

Une idée
D'avance merci

Description: Digital signature

Re: Squid

2009-11-14 Thread franck
Hash: SHA1


Normalement... ça marche  :)

Restart de squid ?
Configuration des clients correct?
Que disent les logs ?
Firewall ?



Zuthos a écrit :
 Je viens d'installer squid sur une Debian Testing.
 Squid fonctionne bien sur le serveur.
 Toutefois, il refuse les autres ordinateurs de mon reseau.
 Pourtant, j'ai bien ajouter:
 acl BogoBogo src
 http_access allow BogoBogo
 j'ai essayer aussi:
 acl BogoBogo src
 http_access allow BogoBogo
 Qui ne fonctionne pas plus.
 Je précise que l'ordinateur client testé a comme adresse ip:
 Une idée
 D'avance merci

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RE : Squid

2009-11-14 Thread srigoulot

Bonjoir, quelques pistes

port 8080 ?
Pas de firewall qui bloquerait le port ?
As-tu une acl type Safeports : acl Safe_ports port 80 
avec : http_access deny !Safe_ports 

 Message d'origine
De: Zuthos []
Date: sam. 14/11/2009 21:53
À: Liste Debian
Objet : Squid

Je viens d'installer squid sur une Debian Testing.

Squid fonctionne bien sur le serveur.

Toutefois, il refuse les autres ordinateurs de mon reseau.

Pourtant, j'ai bien ajouter:

acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

j'ai essayer aussi:
acl BogoBogo src
http_access allow BogoBogo

Qui ne fonctionne pas plus.

Je précise que l'ordinateur client testé a comme adresse ip:

Une idée
D'avance merci

Re: Actualizaciones individuales [Convertido en OT]

2009-11-14 Thread Sylvia Sánchez

El sáb, 14-11-2009 a las 00:27 -0300, Facundo A escribió:

 On Viernes 13 Noviembre 2009 22:39:39 Sylvia Sánchez escribió:
  El vie, 13-11-2009 a las 18:27 -0300, Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:
   donde vivis que haora es verano???
  En Montevideo, Uruguay; en la parte sur de Sudamérica.  Por aquí ya es
 Querrás decir primavera. Por lo que tengo entendido, es la misma estación en 
 todo el hemisferio, salvo que Montevideo sea como San Luis de Argentina, que 
 el gobernador decide qué en que hora y en que estación estamos cuando se 

No, la estación es la misma para todo el mundo y es verano.  Es un error
común el decir que el verano empieza el 21 de diciembre pero no es así.
Las estaciones son una cuestión astronómica  (más allá de la temperatura
que a veces no corresponda con la época).  Entre el 21 y el 23 es el
Solsticio de verano, esto es, que es el día en que la noche es más corta
y el día más largo.  Ése es el punto *máximo* del verano.  A partir de
entonces las noches, lentamente empiezan a alargarse y los días a
acortarse.  El verano no puede empezar el día de su mayor esplendor, éso
es una bobada.
Pero como ya lo dijo Göebels  una mentira contada muchas veces, se
convierte en verdad.

PD:  Qué complicado vivir en una estación por decreto, pobre
sanluisenses o como se les llame...

Re: Actualizaciones individuales

2009-11-14 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El vie, 13-11-2009 a las 23:39 -0200, Sylvia Sánchez escribió:
 El vie, 13-11-2009 a las 18:27 -0300, Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:
  donde vivis que haora es verano???
 En Montevideo, Uruguay; en la parte sur de Sudamérica.  Por aquí ya es

es primavera


Description: Esto es una parte de mensaje firmado digitalmente

Epson 3490 scanner

2009-11-14 Thread Conny
Hej jag har fått problem med att min scanner inte längre fungerar, med 
Ubuntu 8.10 fungerade den utan problem. Nu körs scannern tydligen via 
'libusb' eller nåt, det syns om jag kör 'lsusb' (Bus 001 Device 005: ID 
04b8:0122 Seiko Epson Corp. Perfection 3590 scanner)  jag har lagt in 
usb 0x4b8 0x122 /etc/sane.d/epson.cfg

Men det hittas ingen scanner iaf då jag startar xsane varken som root 
eller som användare.

Kör nu Ubuntu 9.04

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Epson scanner igen

2009-11-14 Thread Conny
Det har blivit nåt skumt med mitt Ubuntu 9.04 ang USB, nu när jag 
startar om (eller pluggar i scannern) kommer detta i dmesg:

64.356051] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[   64.572056] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and 
address 5

[   69.592150] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110
[   74.712158] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110
[   74.928052] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and 
address 6

[   79.948145] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110
[   85.068145] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110

Scannern fungerar inte heller i 8.10, är det nåt som hänt med de senaste 
kärnorna som ställer till det?


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Vsftpd nao conecta fora da empresa

2009-11-14 Thread Leandro Moreira
Instalei um servidor ftp usando vsftpd com TLS, na empresa conecta sem
problema algum, fora da empresa quanto mando conectar ele me retorna a
seguinte mensage:

Falhou em recuperar a listagem de diretórios

No log do vsftpd vi a seguinte mensagem:

Sat Nov 14 22:18:33 2009 [pid 14765] [lmoreira] OK LOGIN: Client

Pelo que entendi ele conecta no servidor mas nao lista o conteudo do
diretórios, estou usando nodo ativo para o ftp, com as devidas portas
liberadas nos firewall, abaixo segue o meu vsfptd.conf:

ftpd_banner=Bem vindo a Selva

Agradeço desde ja a atenção.


Leandro Moreira
Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Vsftpd nao conecta fora da empresa

2009-11-14 Thread Fabiano Pires
2009/11/14 Leandro Moreira
 Instalei um servidor ftp usando vsftpd com TLS, na empresa conecta sem
 problema algum, fora da empresa quanto mando conectar ele me retorna a
 seguinte mensage:

 Falhou em recuperar a listagem de diretórios

 No log do vsftpd vi a seguinte mensagem:

 Sat Nov 14 22:18:33 2009 [pid 14765] [lmoreira] OK LOGIN: Client

 Pelo que entendi ele conecta no servidor mas nao lista o conteudo do
 diretórios, estou usando nodo ativo para o ftp, com as devidas portas
 liberadas nos firewall, abaixo segue o meu vsfptd.conf:

 ftpd_banner=Bem vindo a Selva

 Agradeço desde ja a atenção.


 Leandro Moreira
 Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
 Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

A conexão é via NAT? Você liberou a porta 20? Ativou o módulo ftp_conntrack?

Fabiano Pires
Profissional Linux LPIC-2
Livrando você da escória da Internet!

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Re: debian-5.0.3 on ThinkPad A21e : dude, where's my RAM ?

2009-11-14 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,14.Nov.09, 00:21:58, Ionreflex wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've just installed a fresh debian on an old IBM ThinkPad A21e (see cpuz
 info in attachement) and I'm kinda bedazzled - in the wrong sense! - at how
 much an idle system seems to hog RAM : out of 256, half of it is always

If the system is idle than you don't really need the RAM, don't you?  
Watch the swap usage, because it's a better indicator.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Weird mirrors error on fresh Lenny installation

2009-11-14 Thread Artur Frydel

On Fri, 13 Nov 2009, Lisi wrote:

I always install the base system, let the standard system be set up
automatically and then install anything else I want manually after rebooting.
Today, that didn't work.

Check if you have transparent proxy through way to your mirror. Try to use 
ftp:// instead of http:// in sources.list

Artur 'bzyk' Frydel
Always look on the bright side of life.

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Re: debian-5.0.3 on ThinkPad A21e : dude, where's my RAM ?

2009-11-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-11-14 06:21 +0100, Ionreflex wrote:

 I've just installed a fresh debian on an old IBM ThinkPad A21e (see cpuz
 info in attachement) and I'm kinda bedazzled - in the wrong sense! - at how
 much an idle system seems to hog RAM : out of 256, half of it is always

It is used as a cache for files from the hard disk.  The services
running on the system take only 17 Megabyte, as can be seen in the third
line of the free output:

 frosties:~# free
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:256396 125280 131116  0   7908  99752
 -/+ buffers/cache:  17620 238776
 Swap:   369452  0 369452

This is absolutely fine.


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Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread Jochen Schulz
Please don't top-post.

hadi motamedi:

 Thank you very much for your reply . Can you please do me favor and let me
 know what is the equivalent of Linux /etc/rc.local bootup script in Debian

Debian uses /etc/rc.local as well. It's a Linux system, after all. ;-)

I use a Playstation to block out the existence of my partner.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread hadi motamedi
Sorry . Why my Debian server does not contain /etc/rc.local bootup file ?
Thank you in advance

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Jochen Schulz wrote:

 Please don't top-post.

 hadi motamedi:
  Thank you very much for your reply . Can you please do me favor and let
  know what is the equivalent of Linux /etc/rc.local bootup script in

 Debian uses /etc/rc.local as well. It's a Linux system, after all. ;-)

 I use a Playstation to block out the existence of my partner.
 [Agree]   [Disagree]

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Re: OT - multitail - Connecting a video camera

2009-11-14 Thread
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 In, wrote:
 Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 What does 'watch' deliver that 'tail -f' does not? 'tail -f' is even
 realtime, something that watch is not.
 Nothing I guess, thanks for pointing this bashism. Time for a man tail
 (that's interesting...).
 The -f option to tail is not a bashism.  The -f option to tail is 
 specified in the Single UNIX Specification, version 2 (and possibly other 
 Bashisms are features of *bash* that are not required features of the Shell 
 Command Lanaguage part of the POSIX/SUS lines of specifications.  It is not 
 an alias for stuff you didn't know.

Sorry you took it the other way round, that's the watch blabla I was
was pointing to, not the perfectly fine tail -f, I am always more than
happy to leave behind a stupidity (watch blabla) and learn the proper
way to do things (tal -f) ;-). My English may be the problem here.

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Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread Jochen Schulz
Please don't top-post.

hadi motamedi:

 Sorry . Why my Debian server does not contain /etc/rc.local bootup file ?

I don't know, but nothing keeps you from creating it. The default file
looks like this:

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will exit 0 on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

exit 0

When standing at the top of beachy head I find the rocks below very
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Ctrl Alt F11 gives me trouble

2009-11-14 Thread Jason Filippou
Never having fully understood what the trouble was, I achieved to
solve the grief produced by playing with the kde fonts through system
settings and, of course, uninstalling pulseaudio, which I had thought
to have been already uninstalled.

Thank you all for your time.

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Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread hadi motamedi
Sorry . According to you , I created my own /etc/rc.local and put my own
bootup script in it . But when I reboot my Debian server I don't see my
intended startup scripts being effective on my Debian server . Can you
please let me know why ?
Thank you in advance

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Jochen Schulz wrote:

 Please don't top-post.

 hadi motamedi:
  Sorry . Why my Debian server does not contain /etc/rc.local bootup file ?

 I don't know, but nothing keeps you from creating it. The default file
 looks like this:

 #!/bin/sh -e
 # rc.local
 # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
 # Make sure that the script will exit 0 on success or any other
 # value on error.
 # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
 # bits.
 # By default this script does nothing.

 exit 0

 When standing at the top of beachy head I find the rocks below very
  [Agree]   [Disagree]

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread Jochen Schulz
hadi motamedi:

 Sorry . According to you , I created my own /etc/rc.local and put my own
 bootup script in it . But when I reboot my Debian server I don't see my
 intended startup scripts being effective on my Debian server . Can you
 please let me know why ?

Did you read the comments in the example file I posted?  And why do you
keep top-posting?

I want to keep my skin looking good but I believe all computers do the
same job.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: unable to configure ati fglrx driver

2009-11-14 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Umarzuki Mochlis skrev:
I had been doing (installing  reinstalling) this more than 5 times, 
before I reinstall my whole Debian Lenny, I would like to know if anyone 
ever get pass this problem

# aticonfig --initial
Unable to open /etc/ati/control, please reinstall the driver.
Uninitialised file found, configuring.
Segmentation fault

I have used that method successfully.
I do not remember ever getting a segmentation-fault from aticonfig.
I now run squeeze, but I believe it worked for me with lenny as well.
I no longer use the fglrx driver, so I have not tested anything now.

(My card is ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 2400 XT according to lspci)

/ johan

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Re: setting screen resolution to 1366x768

2009-11-14 Thread Bob
Modern xorg doesn't need a .conf file on the whole but I find that with 
funky screen sizes and quirky multi-monitor set-ups they are still 

I never quite got 1366x768 the best I've done is 1360x768, I've 
frequently seen it said that horizontal resolutions must be divisible by 
8 and thus have tried 1368x768 but I never got that to work.

Section Monitor
Identifier  Monitor
Option  DPMS  true
VendorName  sharp
ModelName   Aquos LCD LC-32G2W
HorizSync24.0 - 70.0 # From Xorg.log
VertRefresh  49.0 - 86.0 # From PixClock max 110 MHz
# Modline for Sharp Aquos
#Modeline 1368x768   86.3605   1368 1378 1410 1788   768 778 
783 805  -hsync -vsync
Modeline 1360x768   85.974   1360 1370 1402 1780   768 778 
783 805  -hsync -vsync

Modeline 1024x768 78.26 1024 1056 1352 1384 768 783 792 807

The above modeline results in a 60Hz refresh rate, with the radeon 
driver at least I have to put

Option PanelSize 1360x768
in my Device section, a useful resource for calculating modelines is

God luck.

Alexander Kaphuk wrote:

I have installed Debian Lenny on a Compaq Presario. The screen 
resolution was automatically set to 1024x768.
This resolution seems to be the highest available based on the output of 

The native screen resolution for my laptop is 1366x768.
I'd appreciate anyone suggesting how to go about it.
Thanking you all in advance.
Alexander Kapshuk.

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Re: samba query

2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Dalton
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:50:10PM -0500, David Parker wrote:
This works fine for me.  You might simply be missing a line in your config
file or something.
In your smb.conf:

Thanks:) I'll give that a shot and see how it goes. On a home network
with wpa encryption, and a firewall that drops just about everything,
except out going, and receiving of data from a connection that was
established from behind the router, am I pretty safe to not worry about
password encryption? I do trust everyone currently on the network. Or is
it still a good idea. I'll enable it for another level of security, but
just wondering how necessary this is for a small home network?


Description: Digital signature

Re: Weird mirrors error on fresh Lenny installation

2009-11-14 Thread Lisi
On Friday 13 November 2009 14:34:36 Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:05:51PM +, Lisi wrote:
  This morning I installed Lenny using netinstall.  I have done this with
  Debian many times over the years without problem.
  I always install the base system, let the standard system be set up
  automatically and then install anything else I want manually after
  rebooting. Today, that didn't work.

 Maybe mirrors are in some bad situation.

  The mirrors are said to be uncontactable and the reason is given as 101
  network unreachable.
  In desperation I did a fresh installation.  Same problems.  I am out of
  ideas - can anyone suggest anything??

 Can you point your browser and see something at mirror site?

Thanks Osamu and Artur.  The computer actually belongs to a client, and I have 
not at this moment got access to it.  I am still very grateful for your 
suggestions and shall try to put them into practice when I can.


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re: setting screen resolution to 1366x768

2009-11-14 Thread Alexander Kaphuk
I'd like to thank all those that have responded to my email about 
setting screen resolution to 1366x768 the other day.

Here's what I did...

1. Stopped gdm;
2. Downloaded the nVidia driver off their website (;

3. Downloaded and installed the linux-headers and gcc-4.1;
4. Ran the installation script;
5. Restarted gmd;

I ended up with a screen divided into six parts (that's the best way i 
can put it).

I've done some googling looking for an answer, but haven't found 
anything in particular so far.

I'd appreciate anyone giving me some leads with regards to what needs to 
be done.

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Kapshuk.

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Hooking Debian to a Windows VM VPN connection

2009-11-14 Thread Cassiano Leal
Hi list,

I would like to know if it is possible to achieve what I am trying to.

Here's the situation.. In my work I have a few tools that only work on
Windows. Apart from that, to hook to the company's VPN I need some
proprietary tools that again only run on Windows. To work around these
issues I have installed Win XP on a VM using VirtualBox. This way I
can use most stuff on Debian and the few tools that are Win-only I run
inside the VM.

The problem is that I need to work from home sometimes and, again, the
VPN only works on Windows. I can use the VPN on the VM all right, but
wanted to be able to hook my Debian network to the VPN that's running
on Windows.

The VM's network is set to bridge mode, which means that it connects
directly to the router and has its own LAN IP. It is using the same
interface as Debian (the wifi card in this case), but they have
different IP addresses and can talk to each other. I even set up an
SSH server on the VM and could connect to it from Debian.

The problem seems to be that when I connect Windows to the VPN it
grabs a VPN IP address and changes the routing table. From that point
on I cannot talk to the Windows machine from Debian anymore.

Does anybody have any idea how could I achieve VPN connectivity on
Debian in this scenario?

I appreciate any comments.

Cassiano Leal

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Re: [Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#521323: fglrx-driver: Failed to open DRM connection (ATI 9.10 + xserver-xorg 1:7.4+4)

2009-11-14 Thread Raphael Bossek
Hi all,

I'm sorry. I used xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd and switched back to
fglrx-driver and can not reproduce my previous problem. I colose the
bug report now.

# aticonfig --install

Here my /etc/X11/xor.conf file (see attachment).


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' | grep obsolete

2009-11-14 Thread bossekr


is it true that this call `dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' | grep obsolete` 
show all obsolate files which can be removed ?

I read about this at 
while upgrading sysv-rc for dependency booting.

My script to detect obsolate files is:


trap rm $tmpf EXIT QUIT

dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' | grep obsolete | sed -e 
's,[[:space:]]\+\([^[:space:]]\+\)[[:space:]]\+\([^[:space:]]\+\).*,\2  \1,g' |md5sum -c 2/dev/null| 
grep : OK$ | sed -e 's,: OK$,,g' $tmpf
vi $tmpf


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Hooking Debian to a Windows VM VPN connection

2009-11-14 Thread Joe

Cassiano Leal wrote:

Hi list,

I would like to know if it is possible to achieve what I am trying to.

Here's the situation.. In my work I have a few tools that only work on
Windows. Apart from that, to hook to the company's VPN I need some
proprietary tools that again only run on Windows. To work around these
issues I have installed Win XP on a VM using VirtualBox. This way I
can use most stuff on Debian and the few tools that are Win-only I run
inside the VM.

The problem is that I need to work from home sometimes and, again, the
VPN only works on Windows. I can use the VPN on the VM all right, but
wanted to be able to hook my Debian network to the VPN that's running
on Windows.

The VM's network is set to bridge mode, which means that it connects
directly to the router and has its own LAN IP. It is using the same
interface as Debian (the wifi card in this case), but they have
different IP addresses and can talk to each other. I even set up an
SSH server on the VM and could connect to it from Debian.

The problem seems to be that when I connect Windows to the VPN it
grabs a VPN IP address and changes the routing table. From that point
on I cannot talk to the Windows machine from Debian anymore.

Does anybody have any idea how could I achieve VPN connectivity on
Debian in this scenario?

You just say 'VPN', which is becoming a generic term for any kind of 
remote access protocol. Do you actually mean a VPN such as OpenVPN, 
PPTP, L2TP or IPSec, or do you mean a remote desktop system such as 
provided by X, Windows RDP or Citrix? The default Windows true VPN, 
obtained without any third-party software or certificate configuration, 
is PPTP.

One important use of a true VPN is to connect to a secure Internet proxy 
from a physical location in an insecure network, such as a public Wi-Fi 
facility. In this case, it is necessary for all traffic from the client 
to pass through the proxy once the VPN is open, and to facilitate this, 
Windows clients have a tickbox in the VPN configuration called 'Use 
default gateway on remote server' or something similar. This is selected 
by default.

If what you are using really is a Windows VPN, then look for this 
tickbox in the configuration dialog box and untick it. The Windows 
client will then only route traffic intended for the remote LAN through 
the VPN. Make sure, as always with routed networks, that physical 
network addresses at both ends of the VPN are different. By default, the 
VPN itself bridges from the client VPN endpoint to the remote VPN 
server, but routes between the client's physical LAN and that VPN endpoint.

Some information which you may not have and which may extend your options:

-Windows XP Professional and Vista Business (or higher) workstations can 
be remotely controlled using Remote Desktop Protocol. If your workplace 
has an unused machine running one of these operating systems (or a 
Terminal Server), either Linux or any version of Windows may be used as 
a client to login remotely. This uses a single TCP port, unlike the 
Windows VPNs which use an additional IP protocol, and can be tunnelled 
over SSH where a remote server exists. It is also (recent versions) 
considered secure enough to work directly across the Internet.

-Linux has a client which can connect to a Windows PPTP VPN server. This 
can be used to operate web-based software on the remote LAN, to access 
files, or to tunnel RDP if the company has a policy not to allow RDP 
directly from the Net.


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Re: [OT] Old machine bsd vs. linux

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 09:36:03AM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:54:08 -0600
 Javier Vasquez wrote:


 Sorry to ask specially through this list...

 I've been a linux user for around 10 years now, however lately some
 800MHz Coppermine machines are not performing as well as they used to.

 What I've read in this same list in the past, is that for the purpose
 of still not letting them die, using openBSD, or perhaps freeBSD, is
 the way to go.
 If any one could share pointers to more up to date benchmarks, 
 are as well oriented not just to networking and servers, it'd be
 great.  The idea is to find data supporting the initial idea of
 freeBSD or openBSD providing better performance for old machines...
 Well, that might be a wrong assumption to start with, but that's what
 I've read...
 NetBSD is the distribution most focused on portability across lots of  
 (older) platforms.

Though the system in case is not such an ancient platform. i386 is
alive and well. Even FreeBSD supports it. Linux surely does.

 Can't help re. banchmarks, other than to note that googling on -   
 benchmarks linux bsd - seems to yield LOTS of seemingly useful results  

Hmm... benchmarks of 2003. Both Linux and FreeBSD have radically changed
since. Furthermore, those tests are intended to test scalability, which
is not exactly what you care if you want to run a simple, low-end

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: [OT] Old machine bsd vs. linux

2009-11-14 Thread Nuno Magalhães
Why not using a minimal linux distro? Or LFS?

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cyrus mail + saslauthd + pam_winbond

2009-11-14 Thread Alex Samad

has nay one got this working, I have spend the last 2 week stracing /
debug and not getting anywere

i have tested the samba side of things wbinfo -i -a -K work I can

when I try testsaslauthd it fails

Just like to know somebody has (current packages) working environment.  

note it used to work a couple of version of samba/sasl2-bin used to


Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Old machine bsd vs. linux

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 08:31:09PM +, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
 Why not using a minimal linux distro? Or LFS?

Why would you want to use LFS?

What's wrong with running Debian on it?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 07:44:57AM +, hadi motamedi wrote:
 Thank you for your reply . Please be informed that I checked for my Debian
 server version , as the followings :
 #more /proc/version
 Linux version 2.4.27-2-386 ( (gcc version
 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)) #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005
 #more /etc/debian_version
 #cat /etc/issue
 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 \n \l

You are aware that Debian 3.1 (Sarge) is no longer supported. Now would
be a good time to upgrade to Etch. And from it: to Lenny.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Inquiry:How to set the Debian server to be automatically rebooted at pre-specified times ?

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 05:32:42AM +, hadi motamedi wrote:
 Thank you very much for your reply . Can you please do me favor and let me
 know what is the equivalent of Linux /etc/rc.local bootup script in Debian
 ? In Linux , I put the crontab crontab.txt in /etc/rc.local bootup script
 but where I am expected to put it under my Debian server ?
 Thank you in advance

That's a bad solution for a simple problem. Why not put the entry you
need in a file under /etc/crontab.d/ ?

BTW: why would you want a daily reboot?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Include a ftp client in initrd

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:02:52AM -0800, Kushal Koolwal wrote:
 I just need a client program.
 Also I figured that just copying an ftp program would not be sufficient. I 
 will need to copy the shared libraries also. I was wondering what is the best 
 way to find out the shared libraries. Just doing:
 # ldd ftp
 should be sufficient?
 Alternatively, I can compile the ftp program statically but I am not sure 
 what is the best way to do that in Debian.

Why not use a more complete busybox?

Anyway, why would you need an FTP client in the initrd?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Hooking Debian to a Windows VM VPN connection

2009-11-14 Thread Chris Davies
Cassiano Leal wrote:
 [...] to hook to the company's VPN I need some proprietary tools that
 again only run on Windows [...]

Do you know for a fact these VPN connection tools only work on
Windows? (And more importantly, would you prefer to run your VPN
connection from your Debian system is you could?)

 Does anybody have any idea how could I achieve VPN connectivity on
 Debian in this scenario?

You need to provide some details, like the type of VPN connection you're
using, for a start. CISCO IPSec works fine for me (including the use of
a security token). As does any flavour of OpenVPN.


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Can't build from a CD-RW made by dfsbuild

2009-11-14 Thread Jiří Paleček


I use dfsbuild to create live ISO images I sometimes boot from to test  
some things. Recently, I ran into problems with the generated ISOs.

I use a CD-RW disc to boot from. The problem is, that the computer doesn't  
boot from the CD - it stops after disc drive detection, the CD starts  
spinning slowly and that's it. I have to turn the computer off. What's  
interesting about it, is that the disc seems to be erased after this.

Could you help me finding the cause? I'd quite like a CD that would boot  
rather than erase itself when booted from...

I suspect this is caused by some of the packages installed on the CD,  
because when I remove all the optional packages, the CD does boot. I can  
post the list of the installed packages (or even the whole ISO) if  

I have eliminated the kernel from the suspects, because I use the same  
kernel as on a previous version of the ISO that booted; also, the  
behaviour is the same with a newer kernel.

The ISO boots fine in QEmu.

I've tried different media and all do the same.

  Jiri Palecek

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

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Re: [OT] Old machine bsd vs. linux

2009-11-14 Thread Chris Jones
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:54:08PM EST, Javier Vasquez wrote:
 Sorry to ask specially through this list...
 I've been a linux user for around 10 years now, however lately some
 800MHz Coppermine machines are not performing as well as they used to.

650 MHz Coppermine + 386M RAM.

How much RAM do you have installed?

 What I've read in this same list in the past, is that for the purpose
 of still not letting them die, using openBSD, or perhaps freeBSD, is
 the way to go.

Or maybe turn them into servers, and optionally install one of the BSDs?

 However I was looking for benchmarks, or some data that would support
 that idea.  The only benchmarks based on data I found, are pretty old,
 and pretty much based on networking/servers, such as:

 I don't use a desktop manager, but still use X with window manager
 (fluxbox has been my choice for all these years).

At first glance, the above benchmark attempts to compare the performance
of the respective kernels, apparently focusing on aspects that would
affect the throughput of an Internet server. If that's what you have in
mind, I'm not sure to what degree switching to one of the BSDs would
have any relevance to the performance of an interactive user-oriented
local system and make any difference to the user's perception of the
responsiveness of a full-fledged 'modern' desktop running the usual CPU

Taking an artificial example to illustrate, if for instance you are
running an instance of Firefox with a few tabs open, and something like
90-95% of the total CPU time is spent executing JS and a few instances
of the flash plugin under the covers, slightly optimizing the 5-10
remaining percent is not going to make much difference. 

Even if you switched to a kernel that's globally twice as 'fast' (!)
so-to-speak, you would only see a performance improvement of 5% at most,
which is hardly noticeable.

 If any one could share pointers to more up to date benchmarks, which
 are as well oriented not just to networking and servers, it'd be
 great.  The idea is to find data supporting the initial idea of
 freeBSD or openBSD providing better performance for old machines...
 Well, that might be a wrong assumption to start with, but that's what
 I've read...

I have a ubuntu 9.10 partition on the side that features the default
gnome desktop and it takes less than a minute to go from power-up to a
working desktop. If I start text-mode applications on top of xterm +
gnu/screen, the system is quite responsive. If, on the other hand, I run
FF or Seamonkey, things tend to be a little sluggish, but all in all it
is still quite usable. If anything, recent versions of both debian and
ubuntu and large GUI apps such as FF are faster to start and have an
altogether crisper feel to them than their counterparts of 2-3 years

Since my CPU is about 25% slower, and since you use the word 'lately' to
qualify the slowdown, what I'm thinking is that something else may be
hogging your CPU, or you have a memory leak somewhere that eventually
causes your system to spend most of its time paging.

Does performance degrade over time?

If you implement one of the slimmer desktops and turn off unnecessary
bells and whistles in your applications, I can't see any good reason why
a recent version of debian/linux could not provide a decent interactive
experience on your hardware.


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Re: Hooking Debian to a Windows VM VPN connection

2009-11-14 Thread Cassiano Leal
Joe, thanks for your comments. See my own below:

2009/11/14 Joe
 Cassiano Leal wrote:

 Hi list,

 I would like to know if it is possible to achieve what I am trying to.

 You just say 'VPN', which is becoming a generic term for any kind of remote
 access protocol. Do you actually mean a VPN such as OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP or
 IPSec, or do you mean a remote desktop system such as provided by X, Windows
 RDP or Citrix? The default Windows true VPN, obtained without any
 third-party software or certificate configuration, is PPTP.

The VPN I am referring to is a CISCO VPN that's provided by a
vpnc-compatible dialer and that provides access to the corporate
network of the company I work for.

 If what you are using really is a Windows VPN, then look for this tickbox in
 the configuration dialog box and untick it. The Windows client will then
 only route traffic intended for the remote LAN through the VPN. Make sure,
 as always with routed networks, that physical network addresses at both ends
 of the VPN are different. By default, the VPN itself bridges from the client
 VPN endpoint to the remote VPN server, but routes between the client's
 physical LAN and that VPN endpoint.

By Windows VPN I mean the VPN connection that I have established on Windows.


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Re: Hooking Debian to a Windows VM VPN connection

2009-11-14 Thread Cassiano Leal
2009/11/14 Chris Davies
 Cassiano Leal wrote:
 [...] to hook to the company's VPN I need some proprietary tools that
 again only run on Windows [...]

 Do you know for a fact these VPN connection tools only work on
 Windows? (And more importantly, would you prefer to run your VPN
 connection from your Debian system is you could?)
 Does anybody have any idea how could I achieve VPN connectivity on
 Debian in this scenario?

 You need to provide some details, like the type of VPN connection you're
 using, for a start. CISCO IPSec works fine for me (including the use of
 a security token). As does any flavour of OpenVPN.


The connector is actually a vpnc-compatible CISCO VPN Client. I can
actually establish a connection to the VPN gateway from Debian, but it
does not allow me to reach any hosts.

On Windows, after the VPN connection is established, a Cisco Clean
Access Agent does a few checks and then validates the connection.
There is no agent that runs on Linux and the only way to get access to
the network is after validating the Windows machine via this CCA

There used to be an authentication page for when somebody connected
from a non-Windows OS, but that's gone too, so I am really stuck to
using the VPN from Windows. Stupid, I know...

Any other ideas?

Thanks for all comments so far!

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Re: Inquiry:How to disable my Debian server firewall ?

2009-11-14 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 07:50:29AM +, hadi motamedi wrote:

 Dear All Can you please do me favor and let me know how can I disable
 my Debian server firewall ? As I know , on the Linux server , I can

There is no firewall by default, so you must have installed something.
Grep through /etc/init.d to see what is running iptables or some other
firewall front-end.

If all else fails, you can temporarily flush all your iptables rules
with iptables -F to remove all chains, but if you have a dyanmic
firewall they may be reinstantiated at some point.

Good luck!

Oh, look: rocks!
-- Doctor Who, Destiny of the Daleks

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Re: which package can help me bypass Internet censorship

2009-11-14 Thread Long Wind
The Chinese government  even block facebook is in Chinese

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:03 AM, brownh wrote:
 Long Wind,

 I suspect there may be ways to alleviate your problem somewhat, but it
 may depend on what sites you need to visit. It would help if you were
 to specify some of them (in English - my Chinese is almost
 non-existent). Is it domain names that are being blocked, specific
 URLs? or IP addresses?

 Haines Brown

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Inquiry:How to enable Telnet SSH on my Debian 3.1 server?

2009-11-14 Thread hadi motamedi
Dear All
Can you please do me favor and let me know how can I enable telnet  ssh on
my Debian 3.1 server (as it does not support them at now) ?
Let me thank you in advance

Network automatic installation with custom mirror

2009-11-14 Thread Ding Honghui
Hash: SHA1

Hi list,

I try to install my server from pxe boot and encounter some issue.

Because my network bandwidth is very limited and I can't wait too long
to install a server, so I collect all I need packages include packages
from and and run apt-move to get a
proper archive hierarchy that can be act as a mirror.

The command apt-move above generate a modified Release file in
/debian/dists/lenny/Release, and I have to sign this file to make the
installer trust me. So I sign the /debian/dists/lenny/Release with my
gpg key, then I custom the /var/lib/tftpboot/./initrd.gz and add my
gpg key to initrd's /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg

Then I use pxeboot and preseed to install the Debian system. The new
issue raised because in target system, my key does not added as trusted key.

It seems the target's trusted key is generated at debootstrap step in
debian-installer, I don't know how can I hack into it to add my gpg key
as trusted key.

Anyway, I think what I did it too complicated and there should be an
easy way to fit my requirement. I appreciated if you can give me some
clue to resolve this problem.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Inquiry:Where to download Debian 3.1 kernel iso image for x86 platform?

2009-11-14 Thread hadi motamedi
Dear All
Please be informed that I needed to install Debian 3.1 kernel
for x86 platform but my current kernel is as 2.4.27-2-386 . Can you please
do me favor and let me have the link to download its iso image for x86
platform ?
Let me thank you in advance

acpitool vs acpi-support

2009-11-14 Thread T o n g

The acpitool and acpi-support look very similar to me:



The primary target audience are laptop users, since these people are most 
interested in things like battery status, thermal status and the ability 
to suspend (sleep mode). The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /
sysfs entries to get or set ACPI values. It also supports various 
extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and IBM Thinkpad laptops.

 It is able to:
  * Detect loss and gain of AC power, lid closure, and the press of a
number of specific buttons (on Asus, IBM, Lenovo, Panasonic, Sony
and Toshiba laptops).
  * Suspend, hibernate and resume the computer, with workarounds for
hardware that needs it.
  * On some laptops, set screen brightness.

The overlapping functionality makes me don't know which one to choose. 

Anyone can help?


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Weird mirrors error on fresh Lenny installation

2009-11-14 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 02:00:45PM +, Lisi wrote:
 Thanks Osamu and Artur.  The computer actually belongs to a client, and I 
 not at this moment got access to it.  I am still very grateful for your 
 suggestions and shall try to put them into practice when I can.

You mean no X connection?  Then use w3m etc as client to http.

There were some ipv6 problem with some consumer router.  If you are
chasing latest sid, you may be hit by it.


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Re: asterisk-1.6.2 broken on debian squeeze

2009-11-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:27:56AM +0300, Rustam Kovhaev wrote:
 Hello there,
 It's been broken for 2 months already. 

What do you mean by broken? Could you please be more specific?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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