Re: Kernel Panic ...

2010-12-05 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, 4 Dec 2010 23:47:42 +0100
Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:

 On Sat, 4 Dec 2010 22:57:16 +0100, wrote:
 utiliser memtest86+ et laisser tourner au minimum 3 cycles complets de
  Je voudrais pas acheter une barette (DDR) pour rien :-)

Il y a cinq ans, sur un portable MSI S270, une barette était mauvaise
alors que memtest ne trouvait rien. C'est en échangeant la barette
(temporairement) avec une autre (prêtée par un ami) que j'ai compris
qu'elle est defectueuse!

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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2010-12-05 Thread ANNIE MARCHAND
A votre attention,

   Je tiens dans un premier temps à m’excuser pour cette intrusion dans votre 
vie même si j’avoue que cela est très important pour moi. Je suis Annie 
Marchand, d’origine Française, née le 10 Novembre 1965 à Paris. Je souffre d’un 
Cancer à la Gorge depuis maintenant plus de 3 ans et demi et là 
malheureusement, mon médecin traitant vient de m’informer que je suis en pleine 
phase terminale et que mes jours sont comptés du fait de mon état de santé 
assez dégradé. Je suis veuve et je n’ai pas eu d’enfants, ni de proche, chose 
que je commence à regretter amèrement.
Au fait, la raison pour laquelle je vous contacte, est que je souhaite faire 
Don d’une partie de mes biens vu que je n’ai personne qui pourrait en hériter. 
J’ai presque vendu toutes mes affaires dont une Compagnie de location de Yacht 
de luxe et une Sidérurgie en Afrique où je vis depuis maintenant 33 ans. Une 
grosse partie de tous ces fonds récoltés a été versée auprès de différentes 
associations à caractères humanitaires un peu partout dans le monde mais 
surtout ici en Afrique. Pour ce qui est du reste de la somme qui s’élève 
exactement à Un Million Trois Cent Dix Huit Mille Euro (1.318.000 €) 
présentement sur un Compte Personnel Bloqué, mon dernier souhait serait de vous 
en faire Don afin que vous puissiez investir dans votre secteur d’activité et 
surtout dans l’humanitaire. Je suis tout à fait consciente de ce que je compte 
faire et je crois malgré le fait que nous ne nous connaissons pas, que vous 
saurez faire bon usage de cette somme. Je vous prie donc de bien vouloir a
 ccepter ce legs sans toutefois ne rien vous demander en retour si ce n’est de 
toujours penser qu’à faire le Bien autour de vous, chose que je n’ai pas su 
faire durant mon bon état de santé. Et pour ne pas que mes avoirs deviennent la 
propriété de ce gouvernement ou je réside présentement.
 Ceci dit, étant rassurée d’être tombée sur une personne Responsable et surtout 
de Bonne Foi, je vous demanderais de bien vouloir me recontacter au plus vite 
afin de vous mettre en contact avec le notaire qui s’occupera de la procédure 
de cette donation et du transfert des fonds jusqu'à vous.


Annie Marchand

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2010-12-05 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Sun, 5 Dec 2010 14:30:16 +0100, ANNIE MARCHAND wrote:

 peu partout dans le monde mais surtout ici en Afrique. Pour ce qui est du
 reste de la somme qui s’élève exactement à Un Million Trois Cent Dix Huit
 Mille Euro (1.318.000 €) présentement sur un Compte Personnel Bloqué, mon

Pfff, on ne va sûrement pas se déranger pour un malheureux million alors
qu'on en gagne déjà des dizaines sur le commerce légal avec les pays
violateurs des droits de l'Homme - et, dès que la greffe sera au point, 
ce seront des milliards avec les greffes de cerveaux issus de politiques: 
intégralement reprogrammables du pieu mensonge à la commission occulte;
comme le pied d'ailleurs...

A joint is just tea for two.

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Re: Dell XPS m1330 impossible à réveiller

2010-12-05 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:24:50 +0100,
Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

 Le 29/11/2010 23:08, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

  Sous debian lenny, je n'arrive pas à rallumer l'écran de mon
  portable Dell XPS m1330 après mise en veille.

 fn + luminosité ?

Ça aurait pu, mais ça fait rien...


Des erreurs, j'en ai fait. D'abord, je suis né. Première erreur!
Woody Allen

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Re: Dell XPS m1330 impossible à réveiller

2010-12-05 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le Wed, 01 Dec 2010 18:34:19 +0100,
Jérôme a écrit :

 Le lundi 29 novembre 2010 à 17:08 -0500, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :
  Sous debian lenny, je n'arrive pas à rallumer l'écran de mon
  portable Dell XPS m1330 après mise en veille. 
 Il me semble qu'il y a une blacklist pour obliger un driver réticent à
 se recharger. Peut-être regarder par là ?

La blacklist, c'est plutôt pour empêcher un driver de se charger non ?

Mais apparemment, mon pb n'est pas un pb de driver (aucun message
d'erreur dans les logs que l'on peut consulter via ssh), juste un écran

Je suis avec un swap en LVM sur une partition chiffrée (luks), mais je
ne vois pas trop le rapport (vu que la machinne se réveille


Tout est relatif, excepté l'infini.
Gaston, duc de Lévis

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live-magic et dvd debian

2010-12-05 Thread Kohler Gerard


j'aimerai construire une cle usb live en utilisant live-magic

le problème : j'ai un débit quasi nul et j'ai stopé la creation du 
fichier iso après plus de 20h de chargement
j'aimerai savoir s'il est possible d'utiliser mon dvd debian comme 
source ? (debian-507-amd64-DVD-1) sans avoir accès à l'internet



2010-12-05 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 05 Dec 2010 15:50:02 +0100, ANNIE MARCHAND a écrit :

 Annie Marchand

c'est un spam à accents. D'habitude ils n'en ont pas (ils ont du investir 
dans un clavier azerty).

pour rester en charte l'accent qui sort bizarrement chez moi (en fait 
l'apostrophe ’) c'est codé en quoi ?

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2010-12-05 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On 05 Dec 2010 17:55:29 GMT, moi-meme wrote:

 c'est un spam à accents. D'habitude ils n'en ont pas (ils ont du investir 
 dans un clavier azerty).

Ils font des progrès: j'ai reçu hier un net demandant les login/pw 
gmail sous prétexte de restructuration où il n'y avait aucune faute
d'orthographe mais par contre qq fautes de syntaxe et d'accord - le geek
spammer/fisher a le tort de ne pas avoir eu de bonnes notes en français:)

 pour rester en charte l'accent qui sort bizarrement chez moi (en fait 
 l'apostrophe ’) c'est codé en quoi ?

Content-Type: text/plain;

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Re: Dell XPS m1330 impossible à réveiller

2010-12-05 Thread Jérôme
Le dimanche 05 décembre 2010 à 12:10 -0500, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :
 La blacklist, c'est plutôt pour empêcher un driver de se charger non ?

J'ai oublié où il y avait une blacklist (hal ?) mais je pensais à un
truc genre dans /etc/pm/config.d/reloaded_modules une ligne :


ça marche pour forcer le rechargement du module d'une carte wifi, pour
la video je ne sais pas.

Jérôme -

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Re: [OT] broadcom bcm4312

2010-12-05 Thread arele
El Sat, 4 Dec 2010 23:22:34 -0300
Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 Hola amigos, instalé debian en una máquina con el mismo hardware wifi
 que la mía, broadcom bcm4312, recordé que había leído algo sobre que
 ahora era más fácil la instalación de los controladores y me puse a
 probar, voy a dejar acá los que hice por si le sirve a alguien:
 aptitude install firmware-brcm80211
 modprobe b43
 aptitude install firmware-linux
 aptitude install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer
 Creo que sería bueno que alguien con más experiencia igual pueda
 criticar un poco esto en el sentido de indicar que hubo algun paso
 que está demás y que sólo bastaría con los otros.
 Bueno y obvio después cambié el archivo /etc/network/interfaces y
 agregué: auto wlan0
 iface wlan0 inet dhcp
 wireless-essid miEssid
 Eso espero sirva a los más nuevos que yo, saludos,

En un portátil hice lo mismo que tú. Y me funcionó a la primera. Siento
no poder mejorar el proceso :)
Sólo que yo uso wicd para gestionar las redes.
Un saludo

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Re: [OT] Duda de PHP Orientado a Objeto

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 04 Dec 2010 20:29:17 -0500, islanis escribió:

 hola amigos tengo una duda de php que a lo mejor algunos de ustedes
 puede ayudarme con eso,, hice lo siguiente


PHP tiene una lista de correo en español. Creo que hay que apuntarse vía 
web, pero si te interesa y no tienes acceso, te puedo suscribir.

El error que te aparece suele indicar que estás iniciando una sesión 
(session_start()) antes de haber incluido la clase.



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Re: [OT] broadcom bcm4312

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 04 Dec 2010 23:22:34 -0300, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 Hola amigos, instalé debian en una máquina con el mismo hardware wifi
 que la mía, broadcom bcm4312, recordé que había leído algo sobre que
 ahora era más fácil la instalación de los controladores y me puse a
 probar, voy a dejar acá los que hice por si le sirve a alguien:


En la wiki de Debian también lo pone:



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Modem Serie no responde

2010-12-05 Thread cosme


Tengo un servidor con Debian lenny el mismo tiene un solo COM1 para conectar 
el modem que tenía puesto pero el mismo se rompió, por aqui se daba servicio 
a los usuarios remotos.

Recientemente  se compraron unos modem serie y una tarjeta LAVA pci que 
teniene dos series más. Según el CD que trae esta tarjeta no tiene drivers 
para Linux pero la puse en un PCI o sea que ya podía habilitar tres modem 
serie, pero resulta que ahora niguno de los 3 responde, o sea cuando el 
usuario marca para conectarse el modem hace como que va a responder y 
seguidamente se cae.

Despues le quité la tarjeta y probe con el COM1 solo y nada hace lo mismo.

Cual puede ser el problema
Por qué el modem hace como que va a responder y se cae??


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Re: paquete roto en squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Vean Debianeros: tire lo propuesto y nada.

$ sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq pidgin-ppa
(Leyendo la base de datos ...  00%
171370 ficheros y directorios instalados actualmente.)
Desinstalando pidgin-ppa ...
gpg: clave 67265EB522BDD6B1C69E66ED7FB8BEE0A1F196A8 no encontrada: eof
gpg: 67265EB522BDD6B1C69E66ED7FB8BEE0A1F196A8: delete key failed: eof
dpkg: error al procesar pidgin-ppa (--remove):
 el subproceso installed post-removal script devolvió el código de salida de
error 2
Se encontraron errores al procesar:

voy y miro este
y alli no hay nada


Re: paquete roto en squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 05 Dec 2010 14:14:52 -0500, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda

 Vean Debianeros: tire lo propuesto y nada.
 $ sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq pidgin-ppa (Leyendo la
 base de datos ...  00%
 171370 ficheros y directorios instalados actualmente.) Desinstalando
 pidgin-ppa ...
 gpg: clave 67265EB522BDD6B1C69E66ED7FB8BEE0A1F196A8 no encontrada: eof
 gpg: 67265EB522BDD6B1C69E66ED7FB8BEE0A1F196A8: delete key failed: eof
 dpkg: error al procesar pidgin-ppa (--remove):
  el subproceso installed post-removal script devolvió el código de
  salida de
 error 2
 Se encontraron errores al procesar:

Ese es el mismo error que pone en el mensaje del foro.

 voy y miro este
 y alli no hay nada

Me parece que te falta un paso.



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[OT] broadcom bcm4312

2010-12-05 Thread Paulo Riquelme
El 5 de diciembre de 2010 07:22, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 04 Dec 2010 23:22:34 -0300, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 En la wiki de Debian también lo pone:

Camaleon, Sí, tienes razón y si puedo hacer una consulta para el futuro,
comparado lo que dice en la wiki con lo que yo hice acá supongo que hice un
par de pasos que no tuvieron que ver con mi solución cierto?, lo digo por lo
aptitude install firmware-brcm80211
y aptitude install firmware-linux  #sobre todo por esta línea


Re: Modem Serie no responde

2010-12-05 Thread Juan Lavieri

Hola Cosme

El 05/12/10 10:51, cosme escribió:


Tengo un servidor con Debian lenny el mismo tiene un solo COM1 para 
conectar el modem que tenía puesto pero el mismo se rompió, por aqui 
se daba servicio a los usuarios remotos.

Recientemente  se compraron unos modem serie y una tarjeta LAVA pci 
que teniene dos series más. Según el CD que trae esta tarjeta no tiene 
drivers para Linux pero la puse en un PCI o sea que ya podía habilitar 
tres modem serie, pero resulta que ahora niguno de los 3 responde, o 
sea cuando el usuario marca para conectarse el modem hace como que va 
a responder y seguidamente se cae.
Hace mucho tiempo que no trabajo con ese tivo de dispositivos, pero por 
lo que recuerdo de esa época, siempre había problemas con los IRQ's del 
sistema ya que cada puerto serial tiene asignado un IRQ que debe estar 
libre al momento de ser usado.

Trata de ver cuales IRQ's están intentando usar y si no hay conflictos 
(En el bios se puede ver algo)

También puedes usar

dmesg | grep irq

para ver cuales se usan al momento de iniciar.

Espero haberte servido de ayuda.

Despues le quité la tarjeta y probe con el COM1 solo y nada hace lo 

Cual puede ser el problema
Por qué el modem hace como que va a responder y se cae??



Juan Lavieri

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[no subject]

2010-12-05 Thread liuberperez . mtz

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Duda de PHP Orientado a Objeto

2010-12-05 Thread juan alejandro martines linares
El dom, 05-12-2010 a las 10:17 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 04 Dec 2010 20:29:17 -0500, islanis escribió:
  hola amigos tengo una duda de php que a lo mejor algunos de ustedes
  puede ayudarme con eso,, hice lo siguiente
 PHP tiene una lista de correo en español. Creo que hay que apuntarse vía 
 web, pero si te interesa y no tienes acceso, te puedo suscribir.

Camaleón si me interesa, me gustaría mucho la suscripción, dime que
tengo que hacer para facilitarte dicho proceso.
 El error que te aparece suele indicar que estás iniciando una sesión 
 (session_start()) antes de haber incluido la clase.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Instalación, detecci ón de tarjeta de red broadcom netlink (T M) gigabit ethernet

2010-12-05 Thread Juan Carlos Claypool

saludos debianitas!!!
necesito su ayuda, saben estos dias en intentado instalar debian a una laptop 
gateway NV53A
intento instalar debian lenny 5.0.7
sin embargo en cuanto llega al momento de detectar hardware de red, no me 
detecta ninguno
y en la lista no me aparece mi tarjeta de red broadcom netlink (TM) gigabit 
debo descargar algun driver extra?
como lo instalo?
espero pueda ayudarme :/
les agradeceria mucho, llevo buen tiempo queriendo instalar debian y siempre 
batallo por alguna u otra razon.

Re: Rotas dinâmicas

2010-12-05 Thread Márcio H . Parreiras
Olá todos,

Tente este tutorial, já fiz assim e rodou blz:


    Márcio H. Parreiras

    GNU/Linux Professional


    Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

  Faça a mudança:;

  Livre-se dos vírus e outras ameaças digitais:;

  Get rid of viruses and other digital threats:;


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Re: Unable to load repositories as IPV6 (97 address family not supported)

2010-12-05 Thread Helio Loureiro
Não.  Mas deve ser falta de rotamento no seu POP.  Provavelmente eles não
tem troca de tráfego em IPv6.

Quem usa redes do eixo Rio-SP, que faz troca nos PTTs, não tem esse

Helio Loureiro

Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 10:19, Flávio Barros flaviobar...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Bom dia.
 Alguém já recebeu esse mensagem quando executa um apt-get update ?

 Desde já agradeço,
 Flávio de Oliveira Barros
 Manaus - Amazonas - Brasil

 Copiar é bom!
 Seja Legal
 Use Software Livre
 Ubuntu User number is # 28558
 Linux Registered User# 278223

Re: Velocidade de conexão ao mysql

2010-12-05 Thread Helio Loureiro
Normalmente não respondo mails que têm a palavra Windows, mas vou abrir
uma excessão.

Tente evitar o reverso do endereço.  Isso deve aumentar a velocidade de
conexão.  Parâmetro  --skip-name-resolve.

Helio Loureiro

Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 17:06, Eden Caldas escreveu:

 Você está tentando acessar via IP ou via nome? Tenta via IP.

 Eden Caldas
 Consultor de TI
 (81) 9653 7220
 LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

 Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 16:04, Roberto Torres

 Tenho um Debian Lenny rodando um servidor MySql.

 Quando vou acessar o MySql do meu note (Windows) ou qualquer outra maquina
 da rede através de algum cliente (Mysql-admin ou Navicat) ele demora uns 60
 segundos ou mais.

 Essa demora é normal ?

 Segue conf do meu my.cnf


 # The MySQL database server configuration file.


 # You can copy this to one of:

 # - /etc/mysql/my.cnf to set global options,

 # - ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.


 # One can use all long options that the program supports.

 # Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with

 # --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.


 # For explanations see


 # This will be passed to all mysql clients

 # It has been reported that passwords should be enclosed with ticks/quotes

 # escpecially if they contain # chars...

 # Remember to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf when changing the socket


 port  = 3306

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 # Here is entries for some specific programs

 # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

 # This was formally known as [safe_mysqld]. Both versions are currently


 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 nice  = 0



 # * Basic Settings


 user  = mysql

 pid-file  = /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port  = 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language  = /usr/share/mysql/english



 # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on

 # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.



 # * Fine Tuning


 key_buffer  = 312M

 max_allowed_packet   = 256M

 thread_stack = 256K

 thread_cache_size= 8

 # This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed

 # the first time they are touched

 myisam-recover   = BACKUP

 max_connections= 1

 table_cache= 2

 thread_concurrency = 10


 # * Query Cache Configuration


 query_cache_limit   = 4M

 query_cache_size= 128M


 # * Logging and Replication


 # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.

 # Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.

 #log  = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log


 # Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)


 # Here you can see queries with especially long duration

 #log_slow_queries= /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

 #long_query_time = 2



 # The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for

 # note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about

 #   other settings you may need to change.

 #server-id  = 1

 #log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

 expire_logs_days = 10

 max_binlog_size = 100M

 #binlog_do_db= include_database_name

 #binlog_ignore_db= include_database_name


 # * BerkeleyDB


 # Using BerkeleyDB is now discouraged as its support will cease in 5.1.12.



 # * InnoDB


 # InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.

 # Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!

 # You might want to disable InnoDB to shrink the mysqld process by circa



 # * Security Features


 # Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!

 # chroot = /var/lib/mysql/


 # For generating SSL certificates I recommend the OpenSSL GUI tinyca.


 # ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem

 # ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem

 # ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem




 max_allowed_packet   = 32M


 #no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition


 key_buffer  = 64M


 # * NDB Cluster


 # See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-*/README.Debian for more information.


 # The following configuration is read by the NDB Data Nodes (ndbd

 # not from the NDB Management Nodes (ndb_mgmd 

Re: Velocidade de conexão ao mysql

2010-12-05 Thread Helio Loureiro
E ainda mandei um excessão... PQP. s/ss/ç/.

Helio Loureiro

Em 5 de dezembro de 2010 15:35, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Normalmente não respondo mails que têm a palavra Windows, mas vou abrir
 uma excessão.

 Tente evitar o reverso do endereço.  Isso deve aumentar a velocidade de
 conexão.  Parâmetro  --skip-name-resolve.

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 17:06, Eden Caldas edencal...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Você está tentando acessar via IP ou via nome? Tenta via IP.

 Eden Caldas
 Consultor de TI
 (81) 9653 7220
 LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

 Em 3 de dezembro de 2010 16:04, Roberto Torres

 Tenho um Debian Lenny rodando um servidor MySql.

 Quando vou acessar o MySql do meu note (Windows) ou qualquer outra
 maquina da rede através de algum cliente (Mysql-admin ou Navicat) ele demora
 uns 60 segundos ou mais.

 Essa demora é normal ?

 Segue conf do meu my.cnf


 # The MySQL database server configuration file.


 # You can copy this to one of:

 # - /etc/mysql/my.cnf to set global options,

 # - ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.


 # One can use all long options that the program supports.

 # Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with

 # --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.


 # For explanations see


 # This will be passed to all mysql clients

 # It has been reported that passwords should be enclosed with

 # escpecially if they contain # chars...

 # Remember to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf when changing the socket


 port  = 3306

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 # Here is entries for some specific programs

 # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

 # This was formally known as [safe_mysqld]. Both versions are currently


 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 nice  = 0



 # * Basic Settings


 user  = mysql

 pid-file  = /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port  = 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language  = /usr/share/mysql/english



 # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on

 # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.



 # * Fine Tuning


 key_buffer  = 312M

 max_allowed_packet   = 256M

 thread_stack = 256K

 thread_cache_size= 8

 # This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed

 # the first time they are touched

 myisam-recover   = BACKUP

 max_connections= 1

 table_cache= 2

 thread_concurrency = 10


 # * Query Cache Configuration


 query_cache_limit   = 4M

 query_cache_size= 128M


 # * Logging and Replication


 # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.

 # Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.

 #log  = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log


 # Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)


 # Here you can see queries with especially long duration

 #log_slow_queries= /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

 #long_query_time = 2



 # The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for

 # note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian

 #   other settings you may need to change.

 #server-id  = 1

 #log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

 expire_logs_days = 10

 max_binlog_size = 100M

 #binlog_do_db= include_database_name

 #binlog_ignore_db= include_database_name


 # * BerkeleyDB


 # Using BerkeleyDB is now discouraged as its support will cease in



 # * InnoDB


 # InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.

 # Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!

 # You might want to disable InnoDB to shrink the mysqld process by circa



 # * Security Features


 # Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!

 # chroot = /var/lib/mysql/


 # For generating SSL certificates I recommend the OpenSSL GUI tinyca.


 # ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem

 # ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem

 # ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem




 max_allowed_packet   = 32M


 #no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition



captura de streaming vídeo e som

2010-12-05 Thread Carlos Alberto
Boa noite,

Alguém conhece um bom programa para linux para captura de streaming (de som
e vídeo) de sites da internet?


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Problema com identificação de portas seriais

2010-12-05 Thread Fabiano Kist
Boa noite,

Estou com problemas na identificação das portas seriais.
Meu problema é o seguinte:
Tenho um conversor usb-serail que cria  /dev/ttyUSB0. Também tenho um modem
3g que cria outras duas portas seriais e toda a vez que
reinicio a máquina não sei quem é quem...

No debiann lenny fazia o seguinte:

em /udev/rules.d/40-usb.rules criava uma entrada.

ACTION==add, BUS==usb, SYSFS{idVendor}==10c4,
SYSFS{idProduct}==ea60, KERNELS==1-1, NAME=ttyUSB4

Assim podia nomear a  serial da maneira que eu queria.
Só que agora no squeeze isso não está mais funcionando.

Alguém teria uma idéia de como fixar os nomes das portas seriais?



Fabiano Kist

Re: captura de streaming vídeo e som

2010-12-05 Thread Eden Caldas
Uso aqui quase diariamente o pŕoprio firefox com o complemento

Muito bom.

Eden Caldas
Consultor de TI
(81) 9653 7220
LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

Em 5 de dezembro de 2010 18:06, Carlos Alberto camotacas...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Boa noite,

 Alguém conhece um bom programa para linux para captura de streaming (de som
 e vídeo) de sites da internet?


 Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
 Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Re: problems with grub2 and usb-keyboard

2010-12-05 Thread Geronimo
Hi Bob,

first of all thank you for your attention.

Bob Proulx wrote:
 It sounds like your BIOS is not supporting legacy usb devices.  Boot
 to your BIOS setup page and look for an option that says something
 like Enable Legacy USB Devices.  

My BIOS was dated from this year and it had no option about Legacy USB 
Devices - only Legacy Storage Devices, which had been enabled already.

  In which case an update to the BIOS may be needed.

I was pretty faithless about your hint. But ...
... I went to hell for that fu...nny BIOS update (without any M$-System and 
without floppy - no way :( 
I had to dig for my old floppy drive) and after update, I could not see any 
visual difference ...

... but - it works :)

So thanks a lot for your hint!

kind regards


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Re: grub2 hangs / freezes when external USB hard drive is connected

2010-12-05 Thread Chris Bannister
[Please don't top post in this list.]

On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 01:38:56AM -0500, shawn wilson wrote:
 either way, if you're not going to be booting off of usb devices on a
 regular basis, go into the bios and put usb lower in the boot order. i've
 seen things like usb mice and hubs mess with usb at boot time (not kidding).

If I leave my USB stick in when booting it confuses grub about the
video modes which are available. 

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: no x windows

2010-12-05 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:12 AM, shawn wilson wrote:

 yes, thanks. that did the trick nicely.

 i did an:
 apt-cache show openssh-server | grep Depends | sed -e 's/,/\n'
 which of course didn't show the 'Recommends' so i totally missed looking
 for that.

 though, i don't think i'll forget this one again any time soon :)

 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Phil Requirements wrote:

 On 2010-12-04 23:07:31 -0500, shawn wilson wrote:
  so, i go to install openssh-server on a machine that i intend to be a
  development environment and it wants to install libx11-6, x11-common,
  libx11-data and some other stuff. i went to track down what was
 depending on
  x libraries, but i decided it really doesn't matter - why do i need x
  libraries to run an ssh server?

 You certainly don't need X to have a ssh server. I only looked at it
 it briefly, but I'm guessing it tried to install the package xauth,
 which is a recommends of openssh-server.

 The new default for aptitude is to say yes to recommends. There is a
 way to configure your machine so that it says no by default to
 recommends. That has been discussed recently on this list.

  i've spent two hours googling (and even bing) on how to keep x windows
  of debian. i've found tons of stuff about x windows problems which is
  since my problem is keeping a minimalistic system which doesn't include
 x. i
  know one of the options gentoo's ports offers is not installing x (or
  to offer).

 I can see that you would have trouble find that information in a web
 search.  I think that getting a system with X should be as simple as
 not allowing it to be installed. I think the problem you are running
 into is that the package system is pulling in recommends

  i've found some options in dpkg, but nothing in apt-get. i don't see
  to pass dpkg's --ignore-depends with apt-get. i'm thinking i'm looking
  something in /etc/apt/apt.conf or apt-config but i can't come up with

 You can ignore a recommends at the time of installing by doing:

aptitude install openssh-server -R

 I don't use apt-get, but when I search inside the man page...

man apt-get

 ...I see the option --no-install-recommends. So that would translate

apt-get install openssh-server --no-install-recommends

 If you want to set an option so that aptitude says no by default
 to recommends, you can try this tutorial:

since i prefer apt-get;
after messing around with this stuff for a while;
apt-get() {if [[ $1 == install ]]; then command apt-get $@
--no-install-recommends ; else command apt-get $@; fi; }

i decided to look at apt.conf and between google and
/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz i came up with this:
# cat apt.conf
APT::Install-Recommends 0;
APT::Install-Suggests 0;

which could probably be written better as:
APT  {
 Install-Recommends False;
 Install-Suggests False;

thanks again for the help

  is it possible to have a functioning debian install without x windows? if
  so, why isn't this documented maybe in the debian faq or something?

 Yes, many computers do not use X, especially server computers.

 I think one reason it is not documented is because many people setting
 up CLI-only computers, or server computers, are already experienced
 with wrangling their package management software.

 Hope this helps,


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Re: Google Earth error?

2010-12-05 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Sunday 05 December 2010 00:49:42 Curt Howland wrote:
 Hi. Up-to-date Sid.
 In fact, because of a power failure on Tuesday that somehow scrambled
 something to do with X, this is on a freshly installed and up to date
 Installed googleearth-package, ran make-googleearth-package, came back
 with unrecognized version like it usually does, so I ran
 make-googleearth-package --force and it seemed to work.
 Installed the resulting DEB, sudo dpkg -i
 $ googleearth
 /usr/bin/googleearth: 14: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: not found
 $ dir /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5452 Nov 23 21:49
 /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin =
 $ /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin
 bash: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: No such file or directory
 Any suggestions?

aptitude install lib32nss-mdns lsb
should solve the problem

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Re: Re: Re: where is the gdm.conf

2010-12-05 Thread abdelkader belahcene
* thanks
that is the problem,  no gdm.cong on centos,  since it is working, the file
exits elsewhere, may be with another name.
thanks again

weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread wolf python london
Hey, all,

Recently , I install Mandriva 2010 spring and openSUSE 11.3 in my desktop
computer.Now , I hava 4 OSs(3 distros) in my desktop computer
--- Debian Squeeze(/dev/sda1), Debian Sid(/dev/sda10), Mandriva 2010 spring
(/dev/sda11), openSUSE 11.3(/dev/sda12) .

r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xa8a8a8a8

  Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   1 608 4881408   83  Linux
   #this partion is mounted on the Debian Squeeze's root
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 608 851 1952768   83  Linux
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda3   * 852  121602   969925632+   5  Extended
/dev/sda5 852449929295616   83  Linux
/dev/sda64499814629295616   83  Linux
/dev/sda781469362 9764864   83  Linux
/dev/sda893629726 2928640   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda99727  109419   800780288   83  Linux
/dev/sda10 109419  11562049803264   83  Linux
 # Debian Sid
/dev/sda11 115620  11761316016742   83  Linux
  # Mandriva
/dev/sda12 117614  12160232034816   83  Linux

the bootloader I use to boot all the OSs is the grub2 shipped with Debian
Squeeze.After I installed all the OS, I execute the command  update-grub
It did probe  all the OS ,the output is :
r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found background image: moreblue-orbit-grub.png
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
Found Debian GNU/Linux (squeeze/sid) on /dev/sda10
Found Mandriva Linux 2010.1 (2010.1) on /dev/sda11
Found openSUSE 11.3 (i586) on /dev/sda12

but when I reboot, and chose the Mandriva  menu , it doesn't work ,
something was wrong , the error message just like this:
VFS:cannot open root device UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 or
panic +0x5b/0x10b
I check the UUID, the /dev/sda11's uuid is ok(at ) ,but   the openSUSE can be boot very well.

The config of mandriva (done by the upate-grub) is(the whole grub.cfg is at :
menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img
menuentry failsafe (on /dev/sda11) {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=failsafe
root=UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 failsafe
initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

I had to write a config in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom :
menuentry 'Mandriva 2010 Spring' {
set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda11
initrd (hd0,msdos11)/boot/initrd.img
It works .

However ,I was wondering what's wrong with the auto-probe configuration of
grub2 (the part of mandriva)


wolf python london(WPL)
Do as you soul should do !

Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 03:39:12 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm searching for an easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny.


I've worked with Vsftpd in the past and found it very easy to setup and 
manage (only one config file) but people tend to prefer ProFTPD for multi-
host sites (maybe is more complete or has more features, I dunno :-?).

If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as it 
provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as other FTP 

P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are thinking 
in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package.



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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:15 AM, wolf python london wrote:

 Recently , I install Mandriva 2010 spring and openSUSE 11.3 in my desktop
 computer.Now , I hava 4 OSs(3 distros) in my desktop computer
 --- Debian Squeeze(/dev/sda1), Debian Sid(/dev/sda10), Mandriva 2010 spring
 (/dev/sda11), openSUSE 11.3(/dev/sda12) .

 r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# fdisk -l

 Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0xa8a8a8a8

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sda1               1         608     4881408   83  Linux
                        #this partion is mounted on the Debian Squeeze's root
 Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
 /dev/sda2             608         851     1952768   83  Linux
 Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
 /dev/sda3   *         852      121602   969925632+   5  Extended
 /dev/sda5             852        4499    29295616   83  Linux
 /dev/sda6            4499        8146    29295616   83  Linux
 /dev/sda7            8146        9362     9764864   83  Linux
 /dev/sda8            9362        9726     2928640   82  Linux swap / Solaris
 /dev/sda9            9727      109419   800780288   83  Linux
 /dev/sda10         109419      115620    49803264   83  Linux
                  # Debian Sid
 /dev/sda11         115620      117613    16016742   83  Linux
                   # Mandriva
 /dev/sda12         117614      121602    32034816   83  Linux

 the bootloader I use to boot all the OSs is the grub2 shipped with Debian
 Squeeze.After I installed all the OS, I execute the command  update-grub
 It did probe  all the OS ,the output is :
 r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# update-grub
 Generating grub.cfg ...
 Found background image: moreblue-orbit-grub.png
 Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
 Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-
 Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
 Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
 Found Debian GNU/Linux (squeeze/sid) on /dev/sda10
 Found Mandriva Linux 2010.1 (2010.1) on /dev/sda11
 Found openSUSE 11.3 (i586) on /dev/sda12

 but when I reboot, and chose the Mandriva  menu , it doesn't work ,
 something was wrong , the error message just like this:
 VFS:cannot open root device UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 or
 panic +0x5b/0x10b
 I check the UUID, the /dev/sda11's uuid is ok (at, but   the openSUSE can be boot very well.
 The config of mandriva (done by the update-grub) is (the whole grub.cfg is at :
 menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
     insmod part_msdos
     insmod ext2
     set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
     linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
     initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img
 menuentry failsafe (on /dev/sda11) {
     insmod part_msdos
     insmod ext2
     set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
     linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=failsafe
 root=UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 failsafe
     initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

 I had to write a config in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom :
 menuentry 'Mandriva 2010 Spring' {
 set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
 linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda11
 initrd (hd0,msdos11)/boot/initrd.img

 It works.

 However, I was wondering what's wrong with the auto-probe configuration of
 grub2 (the part of mandriva)

The problem comes from the initrd line:
menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

It should be either initrd /boot/initrd.img or initrd

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Re: where is the gdm.conf

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 09:40:05 +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

 * thanks
 that is the problem,  no gdm.cong on centos,  since it is working, the
 file exits elsewhere, may be with another name. thanks again

But this is a Debian list, how can we know? :-)

Well... let's see. Google says CentOS 5 does not have a gdm.conf file, 
instead it is placed under /etc/gdm/custom.conf so you'll have to edit 
that file.



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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread wolf python london
On 5 December 2010 18:53, Tom H wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:15 AM, wolf python london wrote:
  Recently , I install Mandriva 2010 spring and openSUSE 11.3 in my desktop
  computer.Now , I hava 4 OSs(3 distros) in my desktop computer
  --- Debian Squeeze(/dev/sda1), Debian Sid(/dev/sda10), Mandriva 2010 spring
  (/dev/sda11), openSUSE 11.3(/dev/sda12) .
  r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# fdisk -l
  Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
  255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
  Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  Disk identifier: 0xa8a8a8a8
    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1               1         608     4881408   83  Linux
                         #this partion is mounted on the Debian Squeeze's root
  Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
  /dev/sda2             608         851     1952768   83  Linux
  Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
  /dev/sda3   *         852      121602   969925632+   5  Extended
  /dev/sda5             852        4499    29295616   83  Linux
  /dev/sda6            4499        8146    29295616   83  Linux
  /dev/sda7            8146        9362     9764864   83  Linux
  /dev/sda8            9362        9726     2928640   82  Linux swap / Solaris
  /dev/sda9            9727      109419   800780288   83  Linux
  /dev/sda10         109419      115620    49803264   83  Linux
                   # Debian Sid
  /dev/sda11         115620      117613    16016742   83  Linux
                    # Mandriva
  /dev/sda12         117614      121602    32034816   83  Linux
  the bootloader I use to boot all the OSs is the grub2 shipped with Debian
  Squeeze.After I installed all the OS, I execute the command  update-grub
  It did probe  all the OS ,the output is :
  r...@debian:/etc/grub.d# update-grub
  Generating grub.cfg ...
  Found background image: moreblue-orbit-grub.png
  Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
  Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-
  Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
  Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
  Found Debian GNU/Linux (squeeze/sid) on /dev/sda10
  Found Mandriva Linux 2010.1 (2010.1) on /dev/sda11
  Found openSUSE 11.3 (i586) on /dev/sda12
  but when I reboot, and chose the Mandriva  menu , it doesn't work ,
  something was wrong , the error message just like this:
  VFS:cannot open root device UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 or
  panic +0x5b/0x10b
  I check the UUID, the /dev/sda11's uuid is ok (at, but   the openSUSE can be boot very well.
  The config of mandriva (done by the update-grub) is (the whole grub.cfg is 
  at :
  menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
      insmod part_msdos
      insmod ext2
      set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
      search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
      linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
      initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img
  menuentry failsafe (on /dev/sda11) {
      insmod part_msdos
      insmod ext2
      set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
      search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
      linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=failsafe
  root=UUID=f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940 failsafe
      initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img
  I had to write a config in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom :
  menuentry 'Mandriva 2010 Spring' {
  set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
  linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda11
  initrd (hd0,msdos11)/boot/initrd.img
  It works.
  However, I was wondering what's wrong with the auto-probe configuration of
  grub2 (the part of mandriva)

 The problem comes from the initrd line:
 menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
 linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
 initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

 It should be either initrd /boot/initrd.img or initrd

much thanks Tom H.
yes , and I notice that the config of openSUSE in grub.cfg is

menuentry Desktop -- openSUSE 11.3 - (on /dev/sda12) {
   insmod part_msdos
   insmod ext2
   set root='(hd0,msdos12)'
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set bff01541-50d4-4428-9c65-4d0cdb25cfb8
linux /boot/vmlinuz-
splash=silent quiet showopts

Exim 4 appends CR to subject line

2010-12-05 Thread Joel Roth
Hi all,

The subject line says it all.

I think having ^M show up in my mutt display looks
dorky, and would like to configure my way out of this,
if possible.

Any ideas where to poke around?


Joel Roth

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Re: Problems configuring wireless with wicd on amd64 lenny

2010-12-05 Thread Lisi
On Friday 05 November 2010 01:27:45 Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
 I have just installed lenny from cd-1 (5.0.6), but I cannot get wireless
 network to work. I have installed wicd from lenny-backports, and followed
 the instructions on
 the page
 but wicd does not recognize the wireless network (which is there,
 I am sending this via it, from a live cd of ubuntu).

 Any ideas?

Have you tried installing a more recent kernel form backports?  If not, that 
would be worth a try.

 If is is relevant, I am using a laptop
 HP Pavillion dv69211a Notebook,
 with TL-60 AMD Turion 64.

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Re: Looking for software to manage snail-mail subscriptions

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 02:50:38 +, Alex Gould wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 This may sound a bit overwhelming but have you thought in a CMS (like
 Drupal or Joomla) and a module for managing those subscriptions? :-?
 Thanks. I'd consider it -- but do you know of any such module or add-on?
 It's hard to just do a web-search for this kind of thing because terms
 like mailing list, newsletter subscription etc. all refer to email
 list management software, which is much easier to find.

Hum... maybe they are located under e-commerce category. For example:

Ubercart looks quite complete.

You can also look under ERP software:

Basically I guess you need a database (offile/online) which handles users 
data (subscription type: magazine, newspaper... periodicty: weekly, 
monthly, quarterly... client postal address for delivering, etc...) :-?



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Re: grub2 hangs / freezes when external USB hard drive is connected

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 22:04:23 -0800, Peter Tenenbaum wrote:

 My squeeze home machine cannot boot when an external hard drive is
 connected via USB.  When the drive is disconnected, booting occurs
 normally; but when it is connected, I get a Welcome to Grub! message
 and then nothing further happens.


Here there are some hints:

I also think Grub goes nuts with the USB attached disk and messes the 
root device so it cannot boot properly.

You can confirm this point by falling into editing mode (e) and play 
with the current root (hd0,2) line to fit the current setup (i.e., 
change hd0 with hd1 and see if you can boot normally).

This should not happen, though, and if you confirm the error, it should 
be reported.



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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Csanyi Pal
Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 03:39:12 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm searching for an easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny.

 I've worked with Vsftpd in the past and found it very easy to setup
 and manage (only one config file) but people tend to prefer ProFTPD
 for multi- host sites (maybe is more complete or has more features, I
 dunno :-?). 

 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as it 
 provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as other
 FTP servers.

On Debian GNU/Linux Lenny and on Squeeze the command:
aptitude search webmin give to me no results.

One can download webmin debian package from here:

Why isn't it in the Debian repository?

Is it safe to install it from there?

I have tried gforge-ftp-proftpd; I have installed it on my server box
but then I don't know how to use it?

 P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are
 thinking in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package.

I have installed it on Lenny with command:
'sudo aptitude install proftpd' so I think it is unaffected because I
trust to Debian maintainers that Debian is the most secure operating
system, right?

Regards, Paul Chany

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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 12:55:59 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as it
 provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as other FTP
 On Debian GNU/Linux Lenny and on Squeeze the command: aptitude search
 webmin give to me no results.
 One can download webmin debian package from here:
 Why isn't it in the Debian repository?
 Is it safe to install it from there?

Safe? Dunno, last time I installed from upstream it worked just fine (I 
was running openSUSE). But the safest solution is manually editing the 
configuration files ;-)
 I have tried gforge-ftp-proftpd; I have installed it on my server box
 but then I don't know how to use it?


But I don't know what the program is aimed for (gadmin-proftpd seems to 
be a front-end for setting up proftp but the one you mention looks like 
another thing) :-?

 P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are
 thinking in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package.
 I have installed it on Lenny with command: 'sudo aptitude install
 proftpd' so I think it is unaffected because I trust to Debian
 maintainers that Debian is the most secure operating system, right?

The bug was tracked here:

It seems lenny packages were not affected.



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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread Chris Bannister
[Please trim your posts!]

On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 07:07:42PM +0800, wolf python london wrote:
 and why does the auto-probe  fail ?

Is os-prober installed?

apt-cache policy os-prober

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Looking for software to manage snail-mail subscriptions

2010-12-05 Thread Wackojacko

On 05/12/10 11:23, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 02:50:38 +, Alex Gould wrote:

Camaleón writes:

This may sound a bit overwhelming but have you thought in a CMS (like
Drupal or Joomla) and a module for managing those subscriptions? :-?

Thanks. I'd consider it -- but do you know of any such module or add-on?
It's hard to just do a web-search for this kind of thing because terms
like mailing list, newsletter subscription etc. all refer to email
list management software, which is much easier to find.

Hum... maybe they are located under e-commerce category. For example:

Ubercart looks quite complete.

You can also look under ERP software:

Basically I guess you need a database (offile/online) which handles users
data (subscription type: magazine, newspaper... periodicty: weekly,
monthly, quarterly... client postal address for delivering, etc...) :-?


If I have understood you correctly then you are looking for 'mail merge' 
which is available for openoffice (and word in the windows world)



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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 12:55:59PM +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 One can download webmin debian package from here:
 Why isn't it in the Debian repository?

 Is it safe to install it from there?

As with any unsupported repository, there are risks ... 

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Csanyi Pal
Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 12:55:59 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as
 it provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as
 other FTP servers.

 I have tried gforge-ftp-proftpd; I have installed it on my server box
 but then I don't know how to use it?


I'm reading it now.

 But I don't know what the program is aimed for (gadmin-proftpd seems
 to be a front-end for setting up proftp but the one you mention looks
 like another thing) :-?

Yes, it is a gui front-end for manage users on proftpd server but it's
very hard to use. The problem isn't that that one must run it remotely
logging in with ssh on server box but that that the interface isn't good

Regards, Paul Chany

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Re: Exim 4 appends CR to subject line

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 01:09:58 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 The subject line says it all.

 I think having ^M show up in my mutt display looks dorky, and would like
 to configure my way out of this, if possible.
 Any ideas where to poke around?

What makes you think Exim4 is adding a carriage return in the subject 
line? :-? Does it happen for _all_ the e-mails passing through your Exim4 
server or just for _some_ of them?



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Debian 5 installation

2010-12-05 Thread Harry Scott
I wanted help to install a nvidia legacy graphics driver for TNT 2  AGP
so I thought to contact the user lists for guidance. This was not
possible because:
1 When I tried to use evolution after asking permission (used windows
mail to confirm) I couldn't move its window up to click on forward. The
default vga video setting making the window too large.
2 I thought, having read the installation instructions, Lenny would note
that a nvidia driver was needed. Looking at the xorg.conf file it
obviously couldn't. Configured device was all it said.
3 I read the Debian wiki after downloading appropriate driver from
Nvidia. And downloaded nvidia-xconfig the missing piece of the puzzle.
I think your help on the installation is ego-centric. Is it possible to
get easier assistance?

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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread wolf python london
On 5 December 2010 21:24, Chris Bannister wrote:
 [Please trim your posts!]

 On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 07:07:42PM +0800, wolf python london wrote:
 and why does the auto-probe  fail ?

 Is os-prober installed?

 apt-cache policy os-prober

Thank you for your answer .  os-prober is installed on my Debian Squeeze
w...@debian:/tmp$ apt-cache policy os-prober
  Installed: 1.41
  Candidate: 1.41
  Version table:
 *** 1.41 0
500 squeeze/main i386 Packages
500 squeeze/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

 Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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wolf python london(WPL)
Do as you soul should do !

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Re: Strange problem with DNS resolving on Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le samedi 04 décembre, Pascal Hambourg écrivit :

 Andrew Wood a écrit :
  First of all, if I try and SSH into one of our internal servers (which 
  works from other clients) I get:
  and...@debian:/$ ssh a...@sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
  ssh: Could not resolve hostname sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local: Name or 
  service not known
  but if I do a DNS query it resolves:
  and...@debian:/$ host sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local
  sambatest1.wrinehillvilla.local has address
 .local is used by mDNS/zeroconf. Don't use it for regular domains.

Also, the order of the resolvers are not right by defaut (Personnal
I put only that in my /etc/nsswitch.conf :
hosts:  files dns

I don't use multicast DNS (Zeroconf).

Description: Digital signature

Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Csanyi Pal
Csanyi Pal writes:

 Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 12:55:59 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as 
 it provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as
 other FTP servers.

 I have tried gforge-ftp-proftpd; I have installed it on my server
 box but then I don't know how to use it?


 I'm reading it now.

I can't figure out on what http address can one open the web interface
for gforge?

Regards, Paul Chany

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Re: Debian 5 installation

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 12:36:20 +, Harry Scott wrote:

 I wanted help to install a nvidia legacy graphics driver for TNT 2  AGP
 so I thought to contact the user lists for guidance. This was not
 possible because:
 1 When I tried to use evolution after asking permission (used windows
 mail to confirm) I couldn't move its window up to click on forward. The
 default vga video setting making the window too large. 

You can post over http.

 2 I thought,
 having read the installation instructions, Lenny would note that a
 nvidia driver was needed. Looking at the xorg.conf file it obviously
 couldn't. Configured device was all it said. 

You don't need the nvidia driver, nv is the default and should work 
just fine.

 3 I read the Debian wiki
 after downloading appropriate driver from Nvidia. And downloaded
 nvidia-xconfig the missing piece of the puzzle. I think your help on the
 installation is ego-centric. Is it possible to get easier assistance?

Nothing in linux concerning closed source drivers is easy by definition 

I installed nvidia proprietary drivers by following Debian wiki steps:

Just ensure you install the nvidia driver suitable for your card.

OTOH, I did not install nvidia-xconfig package, just edited my /etc/
X11/xorg.file to tell X server to load the nvidia driver instead the 
open one:

Section Device
Identifier  Configured Video Device
Driver  nvidia



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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le dimanche 05 décembre, Csanyi Pal écrivit :

 I'm searching for an easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny. 
 Sofar I tried out many ftp servers for Lenny but none of them has an
 easy manager (creating users, etc.):
 ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, vsftpd, wu-ftpd.
 Has anyone a good experience with ftp server on Debian Lenny?
 Which ftp server is the most easy to setup and manage?
 Any advices will be appreciated!

I use pure-ftpd with this web application :

USers must be stored in a MySQL database. Not very light compared to
simply using the command-line pure-pw useradd.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Mozilla products in Debian

2010-12-05 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 07 November 2010 23:24:17 Camaleón wrote:
 - What is the current status of Iceweasel in Lenny?
 - Are all the recent bugs of Firefox -that can affect 3.0 branch- fixed/
 backported to Iceweasel 3.0.6?
 - Does 3.0.6 versioning number follow the upstream numbering?

I have Lenny, and Iceweasel 3.5.15.  Any updating has been done by aptitude.


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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread Tom H
 On 5 December 2010 18:53, Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:15 AM, wolf python london wrote:

 The problem comes from the initrd line:
 menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
 linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
 initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

 It should be either initrd /boot/initrd.img or initrd

 much thanks Tom H.
 yes , and I notice that the config of openSUSE in grub.cfg is

 menuentry Desktop -- openSUSE 11.3 - (on /dev/sda12) {
       insmod part_msdos
       insmod ext2
       set root='(hd0,msdos12)'
       search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set bff01541-50d4-4428-9c65-4d0cdb25cfb8
        linux /boot/vmlinuz-
 resume=    /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EADS-65M2B0_WD-WMAV51524747-part8
 splash=silent quiet showopts
        initrd /boot/initrd-

 in the initrd line, it avoid using the (hd0,msdosx) to refer to the
 position of initrd. So it works .

 and why does the auto-probe  fail ?

You don't need (hd0...)/ on the initrd line because the set
root... line sets the location of /boot.

So it looks like you've stumbled onto a bug. grub-mkconfig is adding
(hd0...)/ to the Mandriva initrd line and picking the wrong
(hd0...). linux-boot-prober's doing something strange when it probes
the Mandriva partition...

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update manager wants admin password

2010-12-05 Thread John Lindsay
All of a sudden I am getting the following message when I click on the 
update manager icon ---

| enter password for keyring 'default' to unlock
| the application 'gksu' (/usr/bin/gksu) wants access to the keyring 
'default' but it is locked

I can do two actions -- enter the admin password and click OK or click deny

If I click deny I get a popup that say enter the administrator password 
and the statement

the application 'update manager' lets you modify essential parts of 
your system.

Remember Password is checked.
Save in keyring is checked.

Did I get 'hit' by some keystroke/phishing malware?  Is this some new 
security that has been implemented?
I'm running Debian Lenny and this is something that has recently 
occurred. Before I enter my password to
do the updates I want to be sure its not someone thats hacked into my 



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previous message re:gksu

2010-12-05 Thread John Lindsay

As a further update I clicked -System-Administration-Update manager from 
the toolbar and got the list of updates available.
The 9 available updates consist primarily of 'LIBHAMLIB' utilities and 
'man-db -- on-line manual pager.
I have to assume that it is a legitimate request for my admin password 
since I am an amateur radio operator and
occasionally run applications that access the libhamlib utilities but I 
want to be absolutely certain before I do these updates.



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Re: weird stuff about grub2

2010-12-05 Thread wolf python london
On 5 December 2010 21:14, Tom H wrote:
 On 5 December 2010 18:53, Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:15 AM, wolf python london wrote:

 The problem comes from the initrd line:
 menuentry linux (on /dev/sda11) {
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd0,msdos11)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f4deab0a-b37c-426f-bb35-f997fd2c9940
 linux /boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux
 initrd (hd0,10)/boot/initrd.img

 It should be either initrd /boot/initrd.img or initrd

 much thanks Tom H.
 yes , and I notice that the config of openSUSE in grub.cfg is

 menuentry Desktop -- openSUSE 11.3 - (on /dev/sda12) {
       insmod part_msdos
       insmod ext2
       set root='(hd0,msdos12)'
       search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set bff01541-50d4-4428-9c65-4d0cdb25cfb8
        linux /boot/vmlinuz-
 resume=    /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EADS-65M2B0_WD-WMAV51524747-part8
 splash=silent quiet showopts
        initrd /boot/initrd-

 in the initrd line, it avoid using the (hd0,msdosx) to refer to the
 position of initrd. So it works .

 and why does the auto-probe  fail ?

 You don't need (hd0...)/ on the initrd line because the set
 root... line sets the location of /boot.

 So it looks like you've stumbled onto a bug. grub-mkconfig is adding
 (hd0...)/ to the Mandriva initrd line and picking the wrong
 (hd0...). linux-boot-prober's doing something strange when it probes
 the Mandriva partition...

so it maybe a bug , thanks ~~
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wolf python london(WPL)
Do as you soul should do !

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Re: Mozilla products in Debian

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:14:12 +, Lisi wrote:

 On Sunday 07 November 2010 23:24:17 Camaleón wrote:
 - What is the current status of Iceweasel in Lenny? - Are all the
 recent bugs of Firefox -that can affect 3.0 branch- fixed/ backported
 to Iceweasel 3.0.6?
 - Does 3.0.6 versioning number follow the upstream numbering?
 I have Lenny, and Iceweasel 3.5.15.  Any updating has been done by

Then you should have backports repository enabled ;-)



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Gforce (was: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?)

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:58:42 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Csanyi Pal writes:
 Camaleón writes:

 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as
 it provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as
 other FTP servers.

 I have tried gforge-ftp-proftpd; I have installed it on my server box
 but then I don't know how to use it?


 I'm reading it now.
 I can't figure out on what http address can one open the web interface
 for gforge?

I don't even know what that program is for, but it seems to be the FTP 
part for a bigger project which manages many services and modules :-?

I don't know how can you use that module for setting up proftpd, managing 
users and so.



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Modem Serien no responde

2010-12-05 Thread cosme


Tengo un servidor con Debian lenny el mismo tiene un solo COM1 para conectar 
el modem que tenía puesto pero el mismo se rompió, por aqui se daba servicio 
a los usuarios remotos.

Recientemente  se compraron unos modem serie y una tarjeta LAVA pci que 
teniene dos series más. Según el CD que trae esta tarjeta no tiene drivers 
para Linux pero la puse en un PCI o sea que ya podía habilitar tres modem 
serie, pero resulta que ahora niguno de los 3 responde, o sea cuando el 
usuario marca para conectarse el modem hace como que va a responder y 
seguidamente se cae.

Despues le quité la tarjeta y probe con el COM1 solo y nada hace lo mismo.

Cual puede ser el problema
Por qué el modem hace como que va a responder y se cae??


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Re: update manager wants admin password

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 08:20:33 -0500, John Lindsay wrote:

 All of a sudden I am getting the following message when I click on the
 update manager icon ---


I always get asked for root password when there are updates available in 
the update manager icon. If you get a keyring unlock message maybe is 
because you are using sudo instead plain su and then you have to 
provide your user password, not root's one.

BTW, I'd be worried if the update manager does not ask me for the root 
password ;-)



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Re: Problems configuring wireless with wicd on amd64 lenny

2010-12-05 Thread Rob Owens
 On Friday 05 November 2010 01:27:45 Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
  I have just installed lenny from cd-1 (5.0.6), but I cannot get wireless
  network to work. I have installed wicd from lenny-backports, and followed
  the instructions on
  the page
  but wicd does not recognize the wireless network (which is there,
  I am sending this via it, from a live cd of ubuntu).
  Any ideas?

I missed the beginning of this thread, so this may already have been
mentioned, but did you set the wireless interface in wicd's preferences?


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Re: Google Earth error?

2010-12-05 Thread Curt Howland
Thierry Chatelet wrote,
 aptitude install lib32nss-mdns lsb

Thank you! That solved half the problem.

lib32nss-mdns is not availble in Sid. Is there a misspelling? I did a
few searches for variations, but didn't see anything.

lsb did install, and googleearth did launch and give me the splash
scree, but then objected to being run with the neoveau driver, and
then crashed.

$ googleearth
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
 This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
 circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
 to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.

That crash report is simply a list of libraries, Strace from glibc:
that I figure are not interesting to anyone on Debian-User.

I will try installing the nvidia driver and post my results.


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Re: Google Earth error?

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 18:49:42 -0500, Curt Howland wrote:

 Installed the resulting DEB, sudo dpkg -i
 $ googleearth
 /usr/bin/googleearth: 14: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: not


JFYI, there is a bug report:



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用 得上f.a p.ia.o 就打: 一三四1012 零 一零零 小李

2010-12-05 Thread ary_8676

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 03:39:12 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

  I'm searching for an easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny.


 I've worked with Vsftpd in the past and found it very easy to setup and
 manage (only one config file) but people tend to prefer ProFTPD for multi-
 host sites (maybe is more complete or has more features, I dunno :-?).

 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as it
 provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as other FTP

 P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are thinking
 in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package.

 I'll second vsftpd (as well as proftpd) for ease of use. I didn't know
about the proftpd exploit though (I don't use ftp anymore so might have
skimmed over it). That said, if it's personal or your users are nice enough
i'd recommend ssh / scp. Otherwise, i'd setup a webui for transferring data
over ssl/tls. Remember, there is nothing secure about ftp.

Re: TB for amd64?

2010-12-05 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Jimmy Johnson wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

- Original Message 
From: Angus Hedger
Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 9:44:52 AM
Subject: Re: TB for amd64?

On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 07:23:58 -0800 (PST)
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


I switched to amd64 Sid. So I can't use the i686 version of
Thunderbird. But where is the amd64 version to download?

See package icedove

Mozilla does not do 64bit build at the moment, which is just one of the
reasons debian forked the branding of Thunderbird.

Thanks. Good info. I missed that somehow.
On to icedove

Also if you are like me and prefer the older 64bit version you 
can get the deb from Ubuntu and install it using 'gdebi', works swell.

I had get libhunspel-1.1-0 also but then gdebi installed TB ok.


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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Csanyi Pal
shawn wilson writes:

 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 03:39:12 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm searching for an easy to manage FTP server for Debian


 I've worked with Vsftpd in the past and found it very easy to setup
 and manage (only one config file) but people tend to prefer ProFTPD
 for multi- host sites (maybe is more complete or has more features, I
 dunno :-?). 

 If you need a GUI for user handling, webmin could be an option, as it 
 provides modules for proftpd (and vsftp, IIRC) as well as other
 FTP servers.

 P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are
 thinking in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package. 

 Otherwise, i'd setup a webui for transferring data over
 ssl/tls. Remember, there is nothing secure about ftp.

OK, and which one webui would you setup and how for this purpose?

Regards, Paul Chany

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Re: Exim 4 appends CR to subject line

2010-12-05 Thread Joel Roth
On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 12:46:08PM +, Camale??n wrote:
 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 01:09:58 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  The subject line says it all.
  I think having ^M show up in my mutt display looks dorky, and would like
  to configure my way out of this, if possible.
  Any ideas where to poke around?
 What makes you think Exim4 is adding a carriage return in the subject 
 line? :-? Does it happen for _all_ the e-mails passing through your Exim4 
 server or just for _some_ of them?

Good question. Some internally generated emails (i.e. from 
Cron jobs) don't show them. Sending from mailx 
appends CR in some cases, not in others. Sending from mutt 
appends CR.

I wonder if perhaps the answer is buried deeply in ancient
C libraries, the Dead C Scrolls, perhaps. :-)


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Joel Roth

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Re: Recommended, easy to manage FTP server for Debian Lenny?

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 12:14:23 -0500, shawn wilson wrote:

 P.S. There was a recently exploit in ProFTPD package, if you are
 thinking in installing, just ensure you get an unaffected package.

 I'll second vsftpd (as well as proftpd) for ease of use. I didn't know
 about the proftpd exploit though (I don't use ftp anymore so might have
 skimmed over it). That said, if it's personal or your users are nice
 enough i'd recommend ssh / scp. Otherwise, i'd setup a webui for
 transferring data over ssl/tls. Remember, there is nothing secure about

Well, ftp servers can also use encryption (TLS/SSL) so you can give your 
users both options (plain ftp for public uploads -no username/password- 
and ftps for private usage without the needing of using systems users).



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Re: Exim 4 appends CR to subject line

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 07:45:28 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 12:46:08PM +, Camale??n wrote:

  Any ideas where to poke around?
 What makes you think Exim4 is adding a carriage return in the subject
 line? :-? Does it happen for _all_ the e-mails passing through your
 Exim4 server or just for _some_ of them?
 Good question. Some internally generated emails (i.e. from Cron jobs)
 don't show them. Sending from mailx appends CR in some cases, not in
 others. Sending from mutt appends CR.
 I wonder if perhaps the answer is buried deeply in ancient C libraries,
 the Dead C Scrolls, perhaps. :-)


I would try to find an error pattern, maybe by looking into messages 
encoding. Are all the generated messages using the same character 
encoding (us-ascii, iso-8859-1, utf-8...) or they differ?

I'm more inclined in thinking MUA (or any script that is generating the 
messages) being the guilty here.



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Re: Extremely large level 1 backups with dump

2010-12-05 Thread Jochen Schulz
Peter Tenenbaum:
 In thinking this over, I think that the best approach is to simply have a
 daily rsync --archive from my main hard drive to the backup drive.  While I
 understand that more sophisticated backup systems are often useful in a
 large system, the system in question is a home computer with only 2 users.

Almost the same here.

 The file complement changes but slowly, and we never delete and rarely
 overwrite files, so there's no need to be able to, say, recover the 3 days
 ago version of a file.

Then you even have one reason less for not making incremental backups.
In your case it's almost free storage-wise. The nice thing about
rsnapshot is that you get a complete tree of your backed-up directories
for all increments. This is done using hard links, so it uses very
little space.

 Do you concur that a simple rsync makes more sense in this context, or do
 you think that I would still benefit from using either the --link-dest
 option or rsnapshot?

It might be enough, but as soon as you need more than a one-liner for
backups in your crontab, I suggest moving to rsnapshot. Don't start
scripting your own backup solution. (It should be mentioned, though,
that rsnapshot supports custom scripts to collect the files to be backed
up. This is useful for databases and other files which you don't want to
copy verbatim while the system is running.)

I wish I could do more to put the sparkle back into my marriage.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Google Earth error?

2010-12-05 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Sunday 05 December 2010 17:14:06 Curt Howland wrote:
 Thierry Chatelet wrote,
  aptitude install lib32nss-mdns lsb
 Thank you! That solved half the problem.
 lib32nss-mdns is not availble in Sid. Is there a misspelling? I did a
 few searches for variations, but didn't see anything.

No spelling mistake, it is available in squeeze, which I run.
 lsb did install, and googleearth did launch and give me the splash
 scree, but then objected to being run with the neoveau driver, and
 then crashed.
 $ googleearth
 Google Earth has caught signal 11.
 We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
  This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
  circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
  to this text file:
 Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
 That crash report is simply a list of libraries, Strace from glibc:
 that I figure are not interesting to anyone on Debian-User.
 I will try installing the nvidia driver and post my results.

Make a search on nvidia, googleearth, black screen and so on. I found from 
ubuntu a bench of files to install that solved the problem. But that computer 
is gone by now, and I did not keep trace of what I did. Sorry. If you do not 
find anything, come back, I will call the owner of the boxe to know what I did. 
But, bassically, googleearth is a 32 bits software, so you need 3é bits lib 
from nvidia. That's the general idea.

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Re: [OT] Making CPU fans spin [was: Re: Seeking advice...]

2010-12-05 Thread peasthope

 Is WD40 suitable for such fans?

The bearing is covered by a plastic cap or a sticker or both.  Very little of 
any sprayed 
lubricant will reach the bearing.  Very similar to spraying a jet of oil at the 
of a car to fix a bad wheel bearing.  Also, the spray will coat parts which 
need it.  That will collect more dust and help polymers deteriorate.

If you really want to fix it, the fan must be dismantled.  Not difficult; just 
patient  careful effort.  Once it is apart the repair must be appropriate to 
problem.  As mentioned a few days back, a ball bearing will need cleaning and 
or replacement, depending on condition.  A sintered bushing will need to have 
particles cleaned out.  Fresh oil in a dirty bushing won't help for long.

More here.

Regards,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  7785886232 is gone.
Shop pages accessible as long as the old drives survive.
Personal pages .

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Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Stephen Powell
Well, I'm not exactly a newbie.  I've been using Linux for more than 10 years.
But I must be doing something wrong.  I can't seem to get a floppy disk to

My i386 system has a standard floppy disk controller with two floppy drives:
a 3.5-inch high density drive (1.44M in DOS format) and a 5.25-inch high
density drive (1.2M in DOS format).  I'm trying to mount a double-sided,
double density 5.25-inch floppy disk (360K in DOS format) in
the 5.25-inch high density drive.  I am running the latest Debian Squeeze.
As root, I issue the command:

   mount -t msdos /dev/fd1 /media/floppy1

I receive a warning message

   FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem 
will be case sensitive!

but I'm used to that.  That's just a warning.  But when I then issue


with no operands, it does not show the floppy as mounted.  And when I try to
unmount it with

   umount /media/floppy1

It tells me that /media/floppy1 is not mounted!  When I try to read the data
directly with

   dd if=/dev/fd1 count=1

It successfully reads the boot sector into the file; so the drive and
the disk itself seem to be OK.  I tried other disks and also tried 3.5-inch
disks in the other floppy drive, but I can't seem to get any floppy disk
to mount.  Am I doing something wrong?  Or is there a bug here?  I am running
stock Debian kernel 2.6.32-5-686 version 2.6.32-28.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 15:07:20 -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:

 Well, I'm not exactly a newbie.  I've been using Linux for more than 10
 years. But I must be doing something wrong.  I can't seem to get a
 floppy disk to mount.


Weird :-?

I would try with the simplest command:

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt

If you get no error, run mount to ensure your floppy has been mounted. 
Also, check for dmesg output.



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Re: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:09:52 -0500 (EST), Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 15:07:20 -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:
 Well, I'm not exactly a newbie.  I've been using Linux for more than 10
 years. But I must be doing something wrong.  I can't seem to get a
 floppy disk to mount.
 Weird :-?
 I would try with the simplest command:
 mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
 If you get no error, run mount to ensure your floppy has been mounted. 
 Also, check for dmesg output.

No dice.  I tried your suggested command, except that I changed /dev/fd0
to /dev/fd1, since I need the 5.25-inch drive, not the 3.5-inch drive,
but other than that it was just as you suggested.  No mount, no error
message.  The only output from dmesg is the original warning message:

   FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem 
will be case sensitive!

which also comes out on the terminal, since I am issuing the command
from an active Linux virtual console, not a terminal emulation window
in X.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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problems with sound

2010-12-05 Thread Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen

This is debian squeeze on amd64.

Today, sound stopped functioning on my system! Such problems often
atre solved by a reboot,
but today that did'nt help.

Any ideas?


If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
human face - forever.

George Orwell (1984)

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Automount without desktop

2010-12-05 Thread Joel Roth
Hi all,

I'm finding all the repetitive mount/unmount operations
I do to be somewhat tedious.

Can I get some reasonable automount functionality without
installing a heavy-weight desktop? I currently use only
light stuff: stumpwm or fvwm.

I imagine I could write scripts to do it myself, but
it seems impossible that someone else could not have
done it before.

As I write, I'm thinking of something simpleminded, like
creating UUID fstab entries for each device, and having a 
cron job 'mount -a' everyone every 10 second or so.

Let me know!



Joel Roth

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Re: Automount without desktop

2010-12-05 Thread Doug

On 12/05/2010 06:32 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

Hi all,

I'm finding all the repetitive mount/unmount operations
I do to be somewhat tedious.

Can I get some reasonable automount functionality without
installing a heavy-weight desktop? I currently use only
light stuff: stumpwm or fvwm.

I imagine I could write scripts to do it myself, but
it seems impossible that someone else could not have
done it before.

As I write, I'm thinking of something simpleminded, like
creating UUID fstab entries for each device, and having a
cron job 'mount -a' everyone every 10 second or so.

Let me know!



Can't you put your devices in fstab and have them automount?
I think most of the Linuxes (except PCLINUXOS--BOO, HISS)
still use an fstab that's written in English.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
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Re: Automount without desktop

2010-12-05 Thread Ron

maybe this would help:


On 12/6/2010 8:39 AM, Doug wrote:

On 12/05/2010 06:32 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

Hi all,

I'm finding all the repetitive mount/unmount operations
I do to be somewhat tedious.

Can I get some reasonable automount functionality without
installing a heavy-weight desktop? I currently use only
light stuff: stumpwm or fvwm.

I imagine I could write scripts to do it myself, but
it seems impossible that someone else could not have
done it before.

As I write, I'm thinking of something simpleminded, like
creating UUID fstab entries for each device, and having a
cron job 'mount -a' everyone every 10 second or so.

Let me know!



Can't you put your devices in fstab and have them automount?
I think most of the Linuxes (except PCLINUXOS--BOO, HISS)
still use an fstab that's written in English.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides.
--A. M. Greeley

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Re: Automount without desktop

2010-12-05 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 06. 12. 2010 00:32:03 je Joel Roth napisal(a):

Hi all,

I'm finding all the repetitive mount/unmount operations
I do to be somewhat tedious.

Can I get some reasonable automount functionality without
installing a heavy-weight desktop? I currently use only
light stuff: stumpwm or fvwm.

I imagine I could write scripts to do it myself, but
it seems impossible that someone else could not have
done it before.

As I write, I'm thinking of something simpleminded, like
creating UUID fstab entries for each device, and having a
cron job 'mount -a' everyone every 10 second or so.

Are you talking about automounting CDs and DVDs or something else? I  
find 'autofs' very practical. Although I use it for automounting  
network shares via ssh, it would probably work as well, or even better,  
with local drives. There are quite some HowTos on the Net too.


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saslauthd in squeeze requires restart once in awhile

2010-12-05 Thread D G Teed

I'm using sasl support with postfix for TLS/SSL support.
saslauthd is set for pam authentication, and this is configured
to use winbind.  It all works!

Once in awhile - twice a month I think it has been - users
report logins to SMTP is failing.  When I test saslauthd,
with testsaslauthd -s smtp, it fails.  If I restart only saslauthd
and run the same testsaslauthd from my command line history,
it works.  The test command is run local and is using authentication
which would rely on the chain of : saslauthd- pam - winbind .

I don't see any easy way to control the logging from saslauthd - it seems
to be run it in debug mode and therefore in the foreground or nothing.

Are there any suggestions on how I can trace what is happening
while at the same time not causing too much disruption for users?
Generally I have to get the service back up for them quickly,
but I might have a minute or so to gather some sort
of information when the thing fails.

The information I see in the mail logs looks like normal authentication
failures, which happen once in awhile for the normal reasons,
so there isn't much to see there.


Re: problems with grub2 and usb-keyboard

2010-12-05 Thread Bob Proulx
Geronimo wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
   In which case an update to the BIOS may be needed.
 I was pretty faithless about your hint. But ...
 ... I went to hell for that fu...nny BIOS update (without any M$-System and 
 without floppy - no way :( 
 I had to dig for my old floppy drive) and after update, I could not see any 
 visual difference ...
 ... but - it works :)
 So thanks a lot for your hint!

I always hate it how poor vendors are at publishing changelogs for
BIOS updates.  We never really know what is in them.  It is
disconcerting to do an update on blind faith that it won't be worse
than before.  Maybe one day all computers can use a free software BIOS
that we can see and understand.


Description: Digital signature

Re: please correct me on my code?

2010-12-05 Thread Bob Proulx
hadi motamedi wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  ... trimmed ...

In the future please trim quoted messages.  That was a lot of text
that shouldn't be posted repeatedly.

 Thank you very much for your technical support.

Of course you know that this is a user discussion list and NOT paid
technical support.  Debian is a community of people who work together.
I found your problem interesting, I have been programming the shell
for a long time, and so looked at it.  David Sastre and Camaleón also
contributed significantly for similar reasons.

 I found many important notes inside your message that I wrote them
 for future usage.

I am glad you found it useful.

 I tried for your new code but if you do me favor and try by your own
 then you will see difference in MTP3 and SCCP modules (between ones
 obtained from the code and ones found manually). I appreciate your
 reply if you can let me know why and how?

I did try it myself and posted the result.  Your test case does not
include any MTP3 or SCCP data.  Therefore I cannot know what it
looks like and I cannot test it on data that I do not have.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Bob Proulx
Stephen Powell wrote:
mount -t msdos /dev/fd1 /media/floppy1
 It tells me that /media/floppy1 is not mounted!  When I try to read the data
 directly with
dd if=/dev/fd1 count=1
 It successfully reads the boot sector into the file; so the
 drive and the disk itself seem to be OK.

Since you can read the disk try reading the entirety of the floppy
over to your filesystem.  Then try mounting the resulting file using
the loopback device.

  mount -o loop,ro /path/to/floppy-image /media/floppy1

Perhaps that will give a clue.

 I tried other disks and also tried 3.5-inch disks in the other
 floppy drive, but I can't seem to get any floppy disk to mount.  Am
 I doing something wrong?  Or is there a bug here?

As an alternative try the 'mtools' on it.  It accesses the data
without mounting.

  Description: Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
   Mtools is a collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks from Unix
   without mounting them. It supports Win'95 style long file names, OS/2
   Xdf disks, ZIP/JAZ disks and 2m disks (store up to 1992kB on a high
   density 3 1/2 disk).

The you could try something like mdir a: and similarly.  I am not
suggesting this is better (or worse) but just different and may
produce different output which may provide clues.

I suspect that the data on the floppy is corrupted.  But you will need
more digging to find out the root cause.

You might try taking a different floppy and try formatting it.

  mkfs -t msdos /dev/fd1


Description: Digital signature

Re: Extremely large level 1 backups with dump

2010-12-05 Thread Peter Tenenbaum
Well, after having some difficulty getting rsync to do exactly what I want,
I've become convinced to try rsnapshot.  I'll let you know how it goes.


On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Peter Tenenbaum

 Jochen, Paul --

 In thinking this over, I think that the best approach is to simply have a
 daily rsync --archive from my main hard drive to the backup drive.  While I
 understand that more sophisticated backup systems are often useful in a
 large system, the system in question is a home computer with only 2 users.
 The file complement changes but slowly, and we never delete and rarely
 overwrite files, so there's no need to be able to, say, recover the 3 days
 ago version of a file.  The backup system is mainly there for disaster
 recovery, with daily backups preferred just so that we don't lose many
 e-mail messages in the event of a catastrophic failure.

 Do you concur that a simple rsync makes more sense in this context, or do
 you think that I would still benefit from using either the --link-dest
 option or rsnapshot?


Re: problems with grub2 and usb-keyboard

2010-12-05 Thread Geronimo
Bob Proulx wrote:
 Maybe one day all computers can use a free software BIOS that we can see and

Nice project.

Although I love your idea, I believe, as long as MB-manufactors don't use that 
project - or at least support it, your idea will stay a dream. The list of 
supported MBs is too small and too old to have a chance to success.

kind regards


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Files in the /tmp dir.

2010-12-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

I have a bunch of such files:
-rw--- 1 rootroot 0 2010-10-26 12:14 /tmp/tmp.VpjBPrFKtT

What can these be? From whence they come?
It seems they are created every minute after some period of days.

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Files in the /tmp dir.

2010-12-05 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello List,

have you checked which software uses it (`lsof',`ps',...  ?

On 06/12/10 13:21, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good day.

I have a bunch of such files:
-rw--- 1 rootroot 0 2010-10-26 12:14 /tmp/tmp.VpjBPrFKtT

What can these be? From whence they come?
It seems they are created every minute after some period of days.

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2010-12-05 Thread Doug

On 12/05/2010 09:26 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Stephen Powell wrote:

mount -t msdos /dev/fd1 /media/floppy1
It tells me that /media/floppy1 is not mounted!  When I try to read the data
directly with
dd if=/dev/fd1 count=1
It successfully reads the boot sector into the file; so the
drive and the disk itself seem to be OK.

Since you can read the disk try reading the entirety of the floppy
over to your filesystem.  Then try mounting the resulting file using
the loopback device.

   mount -o loop,ro /path/to/floppy-image /media/floppy1

Perhaps that will give a clue.

I tried other disks and also tried 3.5-inch disks in the other
floppy drive, but I can't seem to get any floppy disk to mount.  Am
I doing something wrong?  Or is there a bug here?

As an alternative try the 'mtools' on it.  It accesses the data
without mounting.

   Description: Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
Mtools is a collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks from Unix
without mounting them. It supports Win'95 style long file names, OS/2
Xdf disks, ZIP/JAZ disks and 2m disks (store up to 1992kB on a high
density 3 1/2 disk).

The you could try something like mdir a: and similarly.  I am not
suggesting this is better (or worse) but just different and may
produce different output which may provide clues.

I suspect that the data on the floppy is corrupted.  But you will need
more digging to find out the root cause.

You might try taking a different floppy and try formatting it.

   mkfs -t msdos /dev/fd1


The suspicion about corruption is likely to be correct if the floppy has
been hanging around for a while. A lot of old floppies, programmed or
not, seem to have a lot of defects.  This is too bad if you're trying to
install or read a program that you copied down 10 years ago!  (Yes, I'm
the same guy that said just a couple of hours ago that we should _not_
get rid of floppies.)  OTOH, I've heard stories about short lifetimes of
homebrewed CDs also.  At the moment, I believe even professionals
and governments are having trouble trying to find a long-lasting medium
for preserving data over decades and maybe centuries.  The only long-
lasting recordable media holds far too little data--think phonograph
records!  (Chiseling in rock works too.)
A lot of us--I definitely include myself--have been very sloppy about
caring for floppy media.  It doesn't like dust or magnetic fields, for
instance, and I suspect it doesn't like direct sunlight (the heat)
either.  But I am far from sure that this is the whole story.  Old
magnetic tape doesn't store very well either.  I found a cassette
that's probably 30 years old, and all the treble is gone.  I'll bet there's
nothing over 500 hertz on the tape.  Maybe not even that high.
Of course, tape is wound on itself, and that can't help.

Just some observations.  YMMV, as they say.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread Mike
I have in installation in which the linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
package is stuck in aptitude at 2.6.26-25lenny1.  There's a
-26lenny1 security release that my other installations are seeing.  It
has no hold on it.  Security is in sources.list.
apt-get {update,upgrade} doesn't change anything.  Nor does
apt-get install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2.-xen-amd64.


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Re: Files in the /tmp dir.

2010-12-05 Thread shawn wilson
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 12:30 AM, Jerome BENOIT g62993...@rezozer.netwrote:

 Hello List,

 have you checked which software uses it (`lsof',`ps',...  ?

 to add to that list: stat, fuser

what would be nice is if there were some sort of wtmp for file access
history as that's not going to show you what a program might have left
behind... maybe i should look into selinux or apparmor logging
capabilities... you can always do cursory stuff with 'file' as well.

 On 06/12/10 13:21, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good day.

 I have a bunch of such files:
 -rw--- 1 rootroot 0 2010-10-26 12:14 /tmp/tmp.VpjBPrFKtT

 What can these be? From whence they come?
 It seems they are created every minute after some period of days.

 Thank You for Your time.

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Re: aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread shawn wilson
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Mike wrote:

 I have in installation in which the linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
 package is stuck in aptitude at 2.6.26-25lenny1.  There's a
 -26lenny1 security release that my other installations are seeing.  It
 has no hold on it.  Security is in sources.list.
 apt-get {update,upgrade} doesn't change anything.  Nor does
 apt-get install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2.-xen-amd64.


 apt-get dist-upgrade

i'd do an:
apt-get update
apt-cache search linux-image
and see what comes up before messing with anything else.

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Re: aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 05 dec 10, 22:30:08, Mike wrote:
 I have in installation in which the linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
 package is stuck in aptitude at 2.6.26-25lenny1.  There's a
 -26lenny1 security release that my other installations are seeing.  It
 has no hold on it.  Security is in sources.list.
 apt-get {update,upgrade} doesn't change anything.  Nor does
 apt-get install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2.-xen-amd64.

Compare the output of 'apt-cache policy' on the different systems.

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Re: aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread Mike
shawn wilson wrote:
 I have in installation in which the linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
 package is stuck in aptitude at 2.6.26-25lenny1.  There's a
 -26lenny1 security release that my other installations are seeing.  It
 has no hold on it.  Security is in sources.list.
 apt-get {update,upgrade} doesn't change anything.  Nor does
 apt-get install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2.-xen-amd64.

 apt-get dist-upgrade

No effect.

 apt-cache search linux-image

Nothing that I hadn't already seen in /var/lib/dpkg/available; no

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Re: aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 2:06 AM, shawn wilson wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Mike wrote:

 I have in installation in which the linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
 package is stuck in aptitude at 2.6.26-25lenny1.  There's a
 -26lenny1 security release that my other installations are seeing.  It
 has no hold on it.  Security is in sources.list.
 apt-get {update,upgrade} doesn't change anything.  Nor does
 apt-get install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2.-xen-amd64.

 apt-get dist-upgrade

Or apt-get -s dist-upgrade to check whether dist-upgrade would pull it in.

Also, check the output of apt-cache policy linux-image-...

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Re: aptitude not upgrading linux-image-2.6...

2010-12-05 Thread Mike
Andrei Popescu wrote:
 Compare the output of 'apt-cache policy' on the different systems.

1st is good system, 2nd is bad one.  Interesting.  What does it mean?

*** 20,31 
   release v=5.0,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian-Security,c=main
   500 lenny/contrib Packages
!  release v=5.0.7,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=contrib
   500 lenny/non-free Packages
!  release v=5.0.7,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=non-free
   500 lenny/main Packages
!  release v=5.0.7,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=main
  Pinned packages:
--- 20,31 
   release v=5.0,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian-Security,c=main
   500 lenny/contrib Packages
!  release v=5.0.6,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=contrib
   500 lenny/non-free Packages
!  release v=5.0.6,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=non-free
   500 lenny/main Packages
!  release v=5.0.6,o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian,c=main
  Pinned packages:

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