Re: Nettoyage du spam dans les listes de diffusion Debian francophones

2011-01-02 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Sunday 02 January 2011 07:03:05 Christian PERRIER wrote:

J'ai relu de 2007 inclu à 2010 inclu

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread TISSET Mathieu

Oui, je me suis notamment aidé du site formation-debian pour en comprendre les 
rouages, mais pas de résultats pour l'instant...

Là je ne pige pas, le serveur X affiche toujours un écran noir mais aucune 
erreur, comme s'il fonctionnait normalement...



On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 05:20:20PM +0100, Thierry Chatelet wrote:
 On Saturday 01 January 2011 17:11:28 TISSET Mathieu wrote:
  Tout d'abord, merci pour ta réponse.
  Alors, l'install est une lenny, choisie parce qu'elle est stable (du coup,
  je ne me suis pas posé la question de la stabilisation de squeeze).
  L'install basique est volontaire, je cherche à comprendre le
  fonctionnement de chaque brique d'un OS et souhaite donc installer étape
  par étape...
  Tu comprends donc mes réticences face à tes propositions d'installation
  auto ;)
  En tout cas, merci et je reste à l'écoute si tu as d'autres idées.
 D'accord, c'est une très bonne raison. Tu devrais donc trouver là:
 tout plein de bonnes info, en particulier dans la section 3, qui traite du 
 serveur graphique. 
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TISSET Mathieu

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 10:35:59 +0100
TISSET Mathieu wrote:

 Oui, je me suis notamment aidé du site formation-debian pour en comprendre 
 les rouages, mais pas de résultats pour l'instant...
 Là je ne pige pas, le serveur X affiche toujours un écran noir mais aucune 
 erreur, comme s'il fonctionnait normalement...

Essaies d'installer un gestionnaire de fenêtre simple, par exemple icewm, par
  aptitude install icewm

Ensuite, essaies de lancer le serveur X avec, par exemple par
  startx /usr/bin/icewm

(il faut donner le chemin complet du client X initial)

Bonne année

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread TISSET Mathieu

Bonjour Basile,

j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané écran 

En parallèle, j'ai tenté une install debian avec installation du serveur 
graphique au moment de l'install : pas plus de vie sur mon écran...


On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:02:42AM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
 On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 10:35:59 +0100
 TISSET Mathieu wrote:
  Oui, je me suis notamment aidé du site formation-debian pour en comprendre 
  les rouages, mais pas de résultats pour l'instant...
  Là je ne pige pas, le serveur X affiche toujours un écran noir mais aucune 
  erreur, comme s'il fonctionnait normalement...
 Essaies d'installer un gestionnaire de fenêtre simple, par exemple icewm, par
   aptitude install icewm
 Ensuite, essaies de lancer le serveur X avec, par exemple par
   startx /usr/bin/icewm
 (il faut donner le chemin complet du client X initial)
 Bonne année
 email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
 *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

TISSET Mathieu

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Re: xen + debian lenny + sauvegarde VM

2011-01-02 Thread Thierry B
Le 01/01/2011 15:01, Jean Baptiste FAVRE a écrit :
 Le 01/01/2011 14:32, Thierry B a écrit :
 Le 01/01/2011 13:40, Jean Baptiste FAVRE a écrit :
 Tout dépend de ce que tu utilises. Mais dans le cas d'un LVM, un
 snapshot VM arrêté suivi d'un gros dd est amplement suffisant :-)
 Tu obtiens une image disque que tu peut restaurer sur ton nouveau LV.

 Ou alors tu joues avec des fichiers images et tu peux même utiliser le
 Copy-On-Write (QCOW).
 Du coup ton image de base ne change jamais et chacun de tes domU
 n'utilise en espace disque que le delta avec l'image de base.
 Ok donc ton domU vu depuis le dom0 est soit
 - un LV : sauvegarde avec dd par exemple
 - une image de base et là tu peux utiliser la Copy On Write (je sais pas
 trop encore ce que c'est lol)
 Pourquoi l'image ne changerait pas?
 Si tu installes des nouveaux paquets dans ton domU par exemple, l'image
 va grossir ou bien l'espace utilisé par le LV depuis dom0 va augmenter
 aussi non?
 Il faut considérer l'image de base comme le plus petit dénominateur
 commun à tous tes domU (en gros, une install système de base debian).
 Le Copy-On-Write est aux fichiers image ce que le snapshot est à LVM: le
 snapshot initial prend très peu de place. Il va dériver au fil du temps
 puisque chaque modif dans le LV d'origine provoque la modif inverse dans
 le snapshot.
 Dans le cas de images, si l'image en lecture seule est le système de
 base, l'image en écriture contiendra toutes les modifications de conf et
 les paquets supplémentaires que tu auras installé: exemple d'un serveur
 Web, le serveur HTTP n'est pas présent dans l'image de base, mais il est
 ajouté dans l'image spécifique au domU.

 Reste le problème des data: de mon point de vue, il faut séparer les
 partitions data du système. Donc par exemple un LV data dédié. Du coup,
 on fait les backups depuis le domU.

 Ouais, j'ai essayé de séparer le data du système mais en créeant le LV
 data coté dom0 : par exemple, un LV pour stocker le mail, un autre pour
 le web et ensuite ces LV sont mappés vers des partitions virtuelle

 Si les backups sont justement sur le domU, j'ai du mal à voir comment en
 cas de crash de la VM, tu peux récupérer ces backups vu qu'ils sont dans
 le domU?

 Euh... Le fait que tu sois en environnement virtualisé ou non ne change
 rien au besoin de gestion des backups.
 Que tu fasse les backups depuis le dom0, depuis un domU dédié ou dans
 chaque domU ne change rien au problème: il faut les séparer des data

 Chez moi, j'ai un domU dédié aux backup qui dispose d'un accès NFS sur
 un NAS. Quand j'ajoute une machine (domU ou non) J'ai juste besoin
 d'ajouter le nom de la machine à la liste des backups à faire.
 Ensuite, tous mes serveurs et domU sont organisés de la même façon:
 installation en PXE avec preseed + configuration par Puppet. Tout est
 dans /data. Du coup, pas de questions existentielles à se poser pour
 savoir quoi backuper:
 /etc (au cas où, même si en fait je n'en ai pas besoin grâce à Puppet)
 /usr/local (pour les scripts que j'ajoute. Là encore, en fait pas besoin
 car déployé par Puppet)

 Les backups sont faits avec rdiff-backups et stockés sur le NAS.

 Et voilà :-)
 Euh pas compris cette histoire de /data.
 /data est monté à partir d'une partition qui se trouve où? sur ton dom0,
 sur chaque domU?
 En fait peu importe: soit tu fais un LV particulier dans le dom0 que tu
 exporte au niveau du domU (le plus propre selon moi), soit tu fais un
 LV ou une partition à l'intérieur du domU.
 Par exemple pour le mail, j'ai un LV Mail crée depuis le dom0 et depuis
 le domU dédié, ce LV est vu comme une partition virtuelle.
 Donc tu utilises mon premier exemple
 Donc ces datas là, pour le moment, je les sauvegarde depuis le dom0 dans
 le dom0.
 Si je voulais sauvegarder ces datas dans un domU, faudrait que je linke
 ce LV là (qui a été crée coté dom0), dans le domU à partir duquel je
 souhaite faire la sauvegarder de ces datas.
 Mais du coup, si je fais ma sauvegarde depuis le domU, la sauvegarde
 sera stockée dans le domU.
 Rien ne t'empêche de faire un snapshot depuis ton domU s'il est installé
 en LVM. En revanche, il faut toujours sortir les data du domU, d'où
 l'intérêt d'avoir une machine (virtuelle ou non) qui soit dédiée à cela.
 Tu ne peux pas linker 1 LV sur 2 domU (sauf avoir un FS cluster, mais de
 toute façon je ne pense pas que Xen te l'autorise).
 En revanche, rien ne t'empêche de faire un rsync depuis un autre domU
 (man rdiff-backup :) )
 Si tu as un peu de temps à l'occcasion, tu pourrais me donner un exemple
 concret et simple (création d'un LV toto depuis tel domX...) pq j'ai
 toujours du mal à voir comment ta conf marche lol.
 Ma conf n'a rien de sorcier: je fais en virtualisé ce que je faisais
 déjà en physique: un serveur se charge de backuper tous les autres et
 stocke les backup sur un NAS.
 Au pire, pour optimiser, tu peux considérer que les domU sont
 jetables (surtout 

Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:46:35 +0100
TISSET Mathieu wrote:

 j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
 Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané écran 

Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent

En fait, le startx te permets juste de décomposer un peu le problème. 

As tu compris que Xorg (ou X11) est un serveur?

Il existe aussi un gestionnaire de session comme gdm

mais startx lance le serveur avec un client quelconque, celui que tu spécifies. 
Le lancer avec icewm (par exemple) permet de séparer les problèmes liés au 
serveur (Xorg) de ceux liés au client (gdm)

As tu fais des recherches sur le Web? linux eeebox 1501 donne pleins de 

Enfin, as tu essayé d'installer une Debian testing, voire une Unstable, ou bien 
d'essayer de booter une Ubuntu récente?

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread TISSET Mathieu
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:58:54AM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
 On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:46:35 +0100
 TISSET Mathieu wrote:
  j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
  Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané 
  écran noir...
 Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent

Pas d'erreur ou de choses qui paraissent anormales à mes yeux (de néophytes par 
contre ^^); j'ai mis mon Xorg.0.log en PJ.

 En fait, le startx te permets juste de décomposer un peu le problème. 
 As tu compris que Xorg (ou X11) est un serveur?

Oui, j'avais pigé le principe en consultant les docs sur internet (wikipedia et 
autres sources)

 Il existe aussi un gestionnaire de session comme gdm
 mais startx lance le serveur avec un client quelconque, celui que tu 
 Le lancer avec icewm (par exemple) permet de séparer les problèmes liés au 
 serveur (Xorg) de ceux liés au client (gdm)
 As tu fais des recherches sur le Web? linux eeebox 1501 donne pleins de 

Oui, j'ai vu ttes ces pages et étrangement, personne ne semble avoir mon 

 Enfin, as tu essayé d'installer une Debian testing, voire une Unstable, ou 
 bien d'essayer de booter une Ubuntu récente?

Je suis entrain de tester l'install de la dernière Ubuntu

 email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
 *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

TISSET Mathieu

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 12:09:34 +0100
TISSET Mathieu wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:58:54AM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
  On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:46:35 +0100
  TISSET Mathieu wrote:
   j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
   Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané 
   écran noir...
  Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent
 Pas d'erreur ou de choses qui paraissent anormales à mes yeux (de néophytes 
 par contre ^^); j'ai mis mon Xorg.0.log en PJ.

C'est sûr que tu l'as bien joint. Je ne le vois pas!

  Enfin, as tu essayé d'installer une Debian testing, voire une Unstable, ou 
  bien d'essayer de booter une Ubuntu récente?
 Je suis entrain de tester l'install de la dernière Ubuntu

Tu pourrais peut-être avoir un problème de réglage du BIOS. Là, je ne peux pas 

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread TISSET Mathieu

Oups, le grand classique... le voilà joint

On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 01:10:08PM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
 On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 12:09:34 +0100
 TISSET Mathieu wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:58:54AM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
   On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:46:35 +0100
   TISSET Mathieu wrote:
j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané 
écran noir...
   Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent
  Pas d'erreur ou de choses qui paraissent anormales à mes yeux (de néophytes 
  par contre ^^); j'ai mis mon Xorg.0.log en PJ.
 C'est sûr que tu l'as bien joint. Je ne le vois pas!
   Enfin, as tu essayé d'installer une Debian testing, voire une Unstable, 
   ou bien d'essayer de booter une Ubuntu récente?
  Je suis entrain de tester l'install de la dernière Ubuntu
 Tu pourrais peut-être avoir un problème de réglage du BIOS. Là, je ne peux 
 pas t'aider!
 email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
 *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

TISSET Mathieu

X.Org X Server 1.4.2
Release Date: 11 June 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux Debian (xorg-server 2:1.4.2-10.lenny3)
Current Operating System: Linux boxie 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 01:53:57 
UTC 2010 i686
Build Date: 25 September 2010  12:05:44PM
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Sun Jan  2 11:43:15 2011
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(==) ServerLayout Configured
(**) |--Screen Screen0 (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Monitor0
(**) |   |--Device Card0
(**) |--Input Device Mouse0
(**) |--Input Device Keyboard0
(==) Automatically adding devices
(==) Automatically enabling devices
(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(==) Including the default font path 
(**) FontPath set to:
(**) RgbPath set to /etc/X11/rgb
(**) ModulePath set to /usr/lib/xorg/modules
(II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
(II) Loader magic: 0x81e3800
(II) Module ABI versions:
X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.3
X.Org Video Driver: 2.0
X.Org XInput driver : 2.0
X.Org Server Extension : 0.3
X.Org Font Renderer : 0.5
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: pcidata
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module pcidata: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.4.2, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(--) using VT number 7

(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 10de,0a82 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 06,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:00:1: chip 10de,0a88 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 05,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:03:0: chip 10de,0aad card 1043,83e9 rev b3 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:03:1: chip 10de,0aa4 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 05,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:03:2: chip 10de,0aa2 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 0c,05,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:03:3: chip 10de,0a89 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 05,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:03:5: chip 10de,0aa3 card 1043,83e9 rev b1 class 0b,40,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 

Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread TISSET Mathieu

dans le même temps, j'ai installé une Ubuntu 10.10, l'affichage fonctionne...

Je pars en comparaison...

On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 01:10:08PM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
 On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 12:09:34 +0100
 TISSET Mathieu wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:58:54AM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
   On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:46:35 +0100
   TISSET Mathieu wrote:
j'ai tenté une install de icewm, qui se déroule sans problème.
Par contre, le 'startx /usr/bin/icewm' me conduit toujours à mon satané 
écran noir...
   Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent
  Pas d'erreur ou de choses qui paraissent anormales à mes yeux (de néophytes 
  par contre ^^); j'ai mis mon Xorg.0.log en PJ.
 C'est sûr que tu l'as bien joint. Je ne le vois pas!
   Enfin, as tu essayé d'installer une Debian testing, voire une Unstable, 
   ou bien d'essayer de booter une Ubuntu récente?
  Je suis entrain de tester l'install de la dernière Ubuntu
 Tu pourrais peut-être avoir un problème de réglage du BIOS. Là, je ne peux 
 pas t'aider!
 email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
 *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

TISSET Mathieu

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 1501, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 13:33:28 +0100
TISSET Mathieu wrote:

 Oups, le grand classique... le voilà joint
 On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 01:10:08PM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

Regardes alors dans le fichier /var/log/Xorg*.log le plus récent
   Pas d'erreur ou de choses qui paraissent anormales à mes yeux (de 
   néophytes par contre ^^); j'ai mis mon Xorg.0.log en PJ.

Ton Xorg.0.log contient notamment

(--) PCI:*(2:0:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x087d) rev 177, Mem @ 
0xfa00/24, 0xe000/28, 0xf600/25, I/O @ 0xdc00/7, BIOS @ 

Il pourrait être utile d'installer un pilote propriétaire Nvidia, et une 
version récente du noyau et du serveur Xorg.

Peut-être que Debian Unstable pourrait marcher... mais je n'en sais rien.

Google sur nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x087d) rev 177 semble donner 
des résultats pertinents, que je n'ai pas la patience d'explorer.


email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Redimensionner la partition /

2011-01-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Je prends le temps de te répondre rapidement. J'ai réglé le souci en retaillant
la partition /dev/sda2 avec un LiveCD de Debian. C'est là que ça coinçait : je
ne comprenait qu'il s'agissait d'une partition contenant les autres partitions
et surtout que je pouvais la retailler après avoir libéré de l'espace.

Dans l'idéal, j'aurais bien aimé installé tout ça sous LVM que je ne connaissais
pas avant ton mail. Mais là très honnêtement, je suis un peu court dans le temps
pour tout reprendre.

En tous cas, merci pour toutes ces infos.

Daniel Caillibaud a dit dans un souffle :

Le 01/01/11 à 13:52, Christophe Gallaire a écrit :
CG  Faudrait en dire un peu plus...
CG  - que donne un fdisk -l ?
CG Voilà le résultat :
CG Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
CG 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
CG Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
CG Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
CG I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
CG Disk identifier: 0x0005a521
CG Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
CG /dev/sda1   *   1 851 6835626   83  Linux
CG /dev/sda2 852   60801   4815483755  Extended
CG /dev/sda5   16452   202763072   82  Linux swap / 
CG /dev/sda6   20304   39426   153605466   83  Linux
CG  - comment essaie-tu d'allouer cet espace ? (parce que sans LVM, à part 
supprimer et
CG  recréer la partition, je vois pas...)
CG J'essaie de prendre l'espace libre non alloué sur /dev/sda2. J'essaie de 
CG cette manipulation avec GParted.

sda2 n'est pas une partition primaire, c'est juste une partition qui emballe 
les partitions
étendues (les autres, regarde les frontières, elle démarre juste après sda1 
mais fini bien
après sda6).

Donc, tu peux créer une nouvelle partition étendue de 852 à 2000 (par ex), mais 
elle va
probablement retrouver sda7. C'est pas très grave que les n° soient pas dans 
l'ordre du disque,
m'enfin si on évite c'est pas plus mal (j'ai toujours la crainte d'outils qui 
tout seul, mais c'est surtout le risque humain d'emmêlage de pinceaux).

Avec fdisk tu peux les renuméroter dans l'ordre (dans le menu expert).

CG Comment je sais si LVM est supporté par mon noyau ? Et puis, je n'ai pas
CG formaté mon disque en LVM. Si ce n'est pas le cas, je ne peux rien faire. 
Si ?

Oui, pour créer le pv faut virer les données.

Ensuite, je sais pas si tu peux stocker tout ton / et ton home ailleurs. Si oui 
tu peux mettre
tout le disque en LVM, mais sinon, tu peux aussi laisser en l'état et
- virer le swap (30Go c'est beaucoup non ?)
- essayer de recréer une partition primaire entre 852 et 20303 (avec ton 
gparted, essaie de
 réduire sda2 au max vers la fin puis de créer une primaire avant, sinon essaie 
avec avec
 fdisk, cfdisk ou sfdisk, y'a p'tet moyen, ça te ferait une vraie sda2 
primaire, puis une sda3
 extended pour emballer ton sda6 actuelle)
- mettre cette partition en LVM et y créer un pv (physical volume) puis un vg 
(volume group) et
 tes lv (logical volume, qui jouent le rôle de tes partitions actuelle).

Si tu arrive pas à la créer en primaire, mets là en étendue (ça revient à 
agrandir ton sda5 en
lui donnant toute la place dispo), puis lvm pareil...

Si tu peux stocker temporairement sda1 dans sda6, réduit sda1 à 50~100Mo pour 
un /boot et prend
le reste dans ta partition LVM.
Tu peux aussi garder ton sda1 pour y mettre un linux de secours, ça peut 
toujours servir si
l'autre démarre plus.
Après, tu met ton / et ton swap dans le lvm, et tu garde ton home comme il est
là (ou tu le déplaces dans le lvm, au choix, mais maintenant qu'il est là...).

Autre solution peut-être plus intéressante pour toi, c'est de créer cette 
partition LVM plutôt
entre 1500 et 20303, créer tes lv, copier temporairement sda1 dedans et 
agrandir sda1 jusqu'à
1499, ça te garde ton / sur une partition primaire, et le lvm pour le reste.

Si tu veux ensuite ajouter le sda6 au lvm, faut y créer un 2e pv que tu ajoute 
dans le vg
existant (comme si c'était un 2e disque). Je sais pas trop ce que ça donne en 
(d'avoir 2 pv sur le même disque), mais je pense pas que ça gêne bcp...

Sinon, y'a d'autres solutions, comme mettre /var ou /usr à part, mais je trouve 
que ça
complique sans avoir d'intérêt pour du desktop.

Bon courage (et évidemment, tout ça depuis un live CD)


L'utopie ne signifie pas l'irréalisable, mais l'irréalisé.
T Monod

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Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 

Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire


Les leds de mon clavier, Cap Lock (verrouillage majuscule) et verrouillage du
défilement, s'allument et effectivement les deux fonctionnalités sont activées.
Je désactive et l'activation se fait d'elle-même.

Dans Clavier, je n'ai qu'un seul agencement : France (Obsolète) Autre alors
que dans mon xorg.conf :

Section InputDevice
Identifier Generic Keyboard
Driver kbd
Option XkbRules   xorg
Option XkbModel   pc105
Option XkbLayout  fr
Option XkbVariant latin9

Je ne vois pas bien ce qu'il s'est passé... le problème est récent, de ce matin.

Il faut attendre plusieurs minutes pour que l'activation/désactivation soit


Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

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Linux On The Root :
Clé de chiffrement : 34AA23BB

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread bernard . schoenacker

Les leds de mon clavier, Cap Lock (verrouillage majuscule) et verrouillage du
défilement, s'allument et effectivement les deux fonctionnalités sont activées.
Je désactive et l'activation se fait d'elle-même.

Dans Clavier, je n'ai qu'un seul agencement : France (Obsolète) Autre alors
que dans mon xorg.conf :

Section InputDevice
Identifier Generic Keyboard
Driver kbd
Option XkbRules   xorg
Option XkbModel   pc105
Option XkbLayout  fr
Option XkbVariant latin9

Je ne vois pas bien ce qu'il s'est passé... le problème est récent, de ce matin.

Il faut attendre plusieurs minutes pour que l'activation/désactivation soit




alors le gallairien , toujours en arrière en train de ramer ? 

la solution se trouve dans le fichier de conf du clavier ...

que donne dpkg -l |grep kbd 

ii  kbd 1.15.2-2  Linux console font and keytable utilities
ii  libgnomekbd-common  2.30.2-2  GNOME library to manage keyboard 
configuration - common files
ii  libgnomekbd42.30.2-2  GNOME library to manage keyboard 
configuration - shared library

en cas de souchis reprendre la conf du clavier en utilisant :

dpkg-reconfigure kbd 


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire
Le 02/01/11, a écrit :

 Les leds de mon clavier, Cap Lock (verrouillage majuscule) et verrouillage
 défilement, s'allument et effectivement les deux fonctionnalités sont
 Je désactive et l'activation se fait d'elle-même.

 Dans Clavier, je n'ai qu'un seul agencement : France (Obsolète) Autre
 que dans mon xorg.conf :

 Section InputDevice
 Identifier Generic Keyboard
 Driver kbd
 Option XkbRules   xorg
 Option XkbModel   pc105
 Option XkbLayout  fr
 Option XkbVariant latin9

 Je ne vois pas bien ce qu'il s'est passé... le problème est récent, de ce

 Il faut attendre plusieurs minutes pour que l'activation/désactivation soit




 alors le gallairien , toujours en arrière en train de ramer ?

Clairement !

 la solution se trouve dans le fichier de conf du clavier ...

 que donne dpkg -l |grep kbd

 ii  kbd 1.15.2-2  Linux console font and keytable utilities
 ii  libgnomekbd-common  2.30.2-2  GNOME library to manage keyboard
 configuration - common files
 ii  libgnomekbd42.30.2-2  GNOME library to manage keyboard
 configuration - shared library

dpkg -l | grep kbd
ii  kbd 1.15.2-2 Linux console font and keytable utilities
ii  libgnomekbd-common 2.30.2-2  GNOME library to manage keyboard
configuration - common files
rc  libgnomekbd2  2.22.0-1 GNOME library to manage keyboard
configuration - shared library
ii  libgnomekbd4   2.30.2-2 GNOME library to manage keyboard
configuration - shared library
rc  libgnomekbdui2 2.22.0-1 User interface library for libgnomekbd -
shared library
ii  xserver-xorg-input-kbd1:1.4.0-2
X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver

 en cas de souchis reprendre la conf du clavier en utilisant :

 dpkg-reconfigure kbd

Ça ne change rien du tout !



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Linux On The Root :

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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread bernard . schoenacker

solution radicale tout mettre à la benne et recommencer ...

mode opération :

apt-get install kbd-compat et les dépendances 

bref faut quand meme pas déclarer un clavier apple USB 

ensuite, quitter la session et gdm et tout en TTY 

rendre compte ...

marre, y a pas un ssh pour que je puisse le faire à distance ?


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Re: Nettoyage du spam dans les listes de diffusion Debian francophones

2011-01-02 Thread Serge Cavailles
Le Sunday 02 January 2011 02:45:27 Alain Vaugham, vous avez écrit :
 Le Saturday 01 January 2011 23:33:47 Serge Cavailles, vous avez écrit :
  Le Saturday 01 January 2011 22:42:23 Alain Vaugham, vous avez écrit :
   Sous KMail, il n'y a pas de lien en bas pour signaler
   le spam. --- C'est pénalisant...
  Ce n'est pas propre à Kmail.

 Je me corrige :
 Si, il y a un lien depuis le 14/02/2010 en bas des posts :
 En suivant ce lien on trouve le bouton report as spam.
 --- C'est rapide et simple pour moi.

Arff... Je l'avais raté. 
Merci, ça va me faire gagner du temps. ;)


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Re: Demande d'aide : Eeebox 15 01, Debian et xorg : écran noir

2011-01-02 Thread bernard . schoenacker

voici en plus digeste ton fichier log :

for i in WW '(--)' EE ;do grep $i Xorg.0.log ;done 

(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
(WW) VESA(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(--) using VT number 7
(--) PCI:*(2:0:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x087d) rev 177, Mem @ 
0xfa00/24, 0xe000/28, 0xf600/25, I/O @ 0xdc00/7, BIOS @ 
(--) Chipset vesa found
(==) VESA(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16
(--) VESA(0): Virtual size is 1600x1200 (pitch 1600)
(--) Mouse0: PnP-detected protocol: ExplorerPS/2
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER

résultat :

pas de polices de caractères  cyrillique 
essaye de forcer le mode vesa 

et change  de valeur sur le xorg.conf :

Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Device  Carte vidéo générique
SubSection Display
Depth   16
Modes   800x600 720x400 640x480

sur eeepc c'est 

Section Monitor
   IdentifierGeneric Screen
VendornameGeneric LCD Display
ModelnameLCD Panel 800x600
Vertrefresh56.0 - 65.0
  modeline  640x...@60 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync
  modeline  800x...@56 36.0 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync
  modeline  800x...@60 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync

Section Screen
IdentifierDefault Screen
DeviceIntel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics 
Monitorà‰cran générique
SubSection Display

autrement, prière de régénerer un fichier de conf :

dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

source :
Dernière modification par wiscot (Le 15/02/2008, à 18:27 )


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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Rien n'y fait ! a dit dans un souffle :


solution radicale tout mettre à la benne et recommencer ...

mode opération :

apt-get install kbd-compat et les dépendances 

J'ai tout viré et réinstallé. 

bref faut quand meme pas déclarer un clavier apple USB

ensuite, quitter la session et gdm et tout en TTY

rendre compte ...

Je dois remettre certains paquets comme nautilus, brasero et acpi, etc.

marre, y a pas un ssh pour que je puisse le faire à distance ?

Jamais installé ça...

Ce qui est vraiment étrange, c'est que le clignotement et le blocage s'arrêtent
au bout de 5 bonnes minutes.

Et dans le terminal user, j'ai un problème d'affichage : les lettres se
superposent. Pas en admin.



Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

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Linux On The Root :
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Description: Digital signature

Re: Problème de clavier

2011-01-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Bon... je suis confus... c'est de ma faute, j'ai installé keybled et
manifestement c'est ce qui bloquait la majusculation !

Mille excuses

Christophe a dit dans un souffle :


solution radicale tout mettre à la benne et recommencer ...

mode opération :

apt-get install kbd-compat et les dépendances 

bref faut quand meme pas déclarer un clavier apple USB

ensuite, quitter la session et gdm et tout en TTY

rendre compte ...

marre, y a pas un ssh pour que je puisse le faire à distance ?


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

Nouveau carnet de route :
Linux On The Root :
Clé de chiffrement : 34AA23BB

Description: Digital signature

Re: Ayuda con configuracion de servidor x

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 02 Jan 2011 01:05:38 -0500, Edgar Vargas escribió:

 Hola amiga, eso mismo hago, siempre actualizo, hasta hace un tiempo
 trate de generar ese xorg.conf, y fue igual
 El 01/01/11, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 01 Jan 2011 02:34:37 -0500, Edgar Vargas escribió:

 Hola lista, he actualizado siempre debian tetsing y siempre viene los
 cuelgues inesperados, ahora hice una configuracion manual, he generado
 un xorg.conf, aqui esta, que debo modificar, mi vga es intel:


 Están sacando muchas actualizaciones para el driver de intel. Lo
 primero que volvería a intentar es a iniciar el sistema sin xorg.conf
 (renombra el archivo pero no lo borres), y dejar que el servidor Xorg
 intente configurar automáticamente todo.
 Hola amiga, antes que genere ese xorg.conf en la ruta:
 ed...@debian:/etc/X11$ ls
 app-defaults twmxorg.conf   Xsession 
 Xwrapper.config default-display-manager  X  Xreset  Xsession.d
 fontsxinit  Xreset.dXsession.options rgb.txt
  xkbXresources  XvMCConfig
 no estaba el xorg.conf, pero como ya me incomodaba los cuelgues,
 entonces leyendo mas por ahi generé el archivo, un debianista por aqui
 en la lista me dijo que cambiara el intel por vesa, lo cambie y la
 pantalla negra nunca inicio interfaz grafica, 

Sí, creo que fui yo misma la que te lo dijo... es que no hay muchas más 
opciones: o intel o vesa y si no te funciona con uno, siempre te queda el 
otro :-(

 asi q en modo recovery le
 puse intel como antes y ahi recien pude tener interfaz grafica
 nuevamente :(, amiga camaleon si renombro ese archivo quedaría como
 antes sin xorg.conf, y solo me quedaría esperar mas actualizaciones,
 verdad?¿, pero tengo esto:


 tengo lo necesario, verdad?¿, pero se sigue colgando pasado un tiempo :(

Pues creo que sí, al menos esa es la última versión disponible en 
squeeze, pero vamos, prueba a iniciar sin archivo sin xorg.conf a ver 
qué hace, si se vuelve a quedar colgado siempre puedes volver a cambiarlo.

Además, si te vuelve a pasar sería interesante que generaras un informe 
de fallo en el BTS de Debian. A estas alturas (Squeeze va a salir dentro 
de poco) no deberías tener esos problemas.



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Re: kfreebsd + zfs pools

2011-01-02 Thread mmejiav
El día 31 de diciembre de 2010 11:54, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 31 de diciembre de 2010 13:13, mmejiav escribió:
 La pregunta es sencilla y puntual
 Alguno de vosotros a probado o tenido alguna clase de experiencia con
 kfreebsd + zfs pools?
 Motivo de consulta? veo que Debian soporta zfs, pero no quiero ir a
 arriesgar mis datos con zfs y que los mismos se pierdan (seria una
 lastima que la musica  fotos y videos desaparecieran...)

 Supogo que harás y tendrás respaldos ?

El zfs es para mi servidor de respaldos... mmm y lo peor es que no e
recibido mas comentarios al respecto... enton cero pruebas?


J Mauricio Mejia Vargas
Linux User # 381752

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Re: kfreebsd + zfs pools

2011-01-02 Thread Felix Perez
El día 2 de enero de 2011 20:18, mmejiav escribió:
 El día 31 de diciembre de 2010 11:54, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 31 de diciembre de 2010 13:13, mmejiav escribió:
 La pregunta es sencilla y puntual
 Alguno de vosotros a probado o tenido alguna clase de experiencia con
 kfreebsd + zfs pools?
 Motivo de consulta? veo que Debian soporta zfs, pero no quiero ir a
 arriesgar mis datos con zfs y que los mismos se pierdan (seria una
 lastima que la musica  fotos y videos desaparecieran...)

 Supogo que harás y tendrás respaldos ?

 El zfs es para mi servidor de respaldos... mmm y lo peor es que no e
 recibido mas comentarios al respecto... enton cero pruebas?

No sé que tal andará zfs en debian o linux en general pero yo optaría,
sobre si es para respaldos, algo archi probado como ext3 o por último


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: reconhecer teclado

2011-01-02 Thread Rogerio R. Silva

É um Semp Toshiba IS 1253, Processador Intel Pentium Dual Core T2060,
controlador de vídeo Intel GMA950, teclado com 85 teclas (cedilha e AltGr).

Abs. e obrigado,


Em 1 de janeiro de 2011 18:22, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Rogerio, me passa o modelo, marca do seu notebook por favor.vou
 pesquisar sobre o assunto

 Em 1 de janeiro de 2011 15:12, Rogerio R. Silva 

Re: reconhecer teclado

2011-01-02 Thread Rodolfo
Cara, não encontrei nada referente a esse problema no googlesério, vou continuar procurando...enquanto isso queria pedir que
você coloque seu xorg.conf exatamente como está abaixo: (não esqueça de
fazer backup do seu xorg.conf atual). Usei algumas informações do seu
próprio xorg só faça backup do seu xorg atual, apague todo o conteúdo
que tem nele e cole o que eu postei aqui e veja se resolve alguma coisa.
flw.. E uma perguntaele veio com o Vista certo ? Voce verificou se no
windows vista seu teclado funcionava (pergunto isso porque já trabalhei em
uma loja de informatica e já vi notebooks Toshiba virem com problemas de
fábrica, assim como Acer) ? E como você instalou o Debian ai ? por cd ?

Section Device
 Identifier Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express
Integrated Graphics Controller
 Driver  vesa
 BusID  PCI:0:2:0

Section Monitor
Identifier Generic Monitor
Option DPMS
HorizSync 28-96
VertRefresh 43-60

 Section InputDevice
   Identifier Generic Keyboard
   Driver keyboard
   Option CoreKeyboard
   Option XkbRules xorg
   Option XkbModel abnt2
   Option XkbLayout br
   Option XkbVariant abnt2

Section Screen
   Identifier Default Screen
   Device Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated
Graphics Controller
   Monitor   Generic Monitor
   DefaultDepth   24
SubSection Display

Em 2 de janeiro de 2011 14:59, Rogerio R. Silva


 É um Semp Toshiba IS 1253, Processador Intel Pentium Dual Core T2060,
 controlador de vídeo Intel GMA950, teclado com 85 teclas (cedilha e AltGr).

 Abs. e obrigado,


 Em 1 de janeiro de 2011 18:22, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Rogerio, me passa o modelo, marca do seu notebook por favor.vou
 pesquisar sobre o assunto

 Em 1 de janeiro de 2011 15:12, Rogerio R. Silva 

Re: reconhecer teclado

2011-01-02 Thread Rogerio R. Silva

Obrigado pela ajuda em pleno domingo! Dia 02 de janeiro de 2011!

Verificarei suas sugestões. O note veio originalmente com XP, mas já uso-o
há três anos e ocasionalmente tenho problemas com o teclado (essa é a
segunda vez), após atualizações do x org.

Abs. - rogério

Em 2 de janeiro de 2011 21:21, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Cara, não encontrei nada referente a esse problema no googlesério, vou continuar procurando...enquanto isso queria pedir que
 você coloque seu xorg.conf exatamente como está abaixo: (não esqueça de
 fazer backup do seu xorg.conf atual). Usei algumas informações do seu
 próprio xorg só faça backup do seu xorg atual, apague todo o conteúdo
 que tem nele e cole o que eu postei aqui e veja se resolve alguma coisa.
 flw.. E uma perguntaele veio com o Vista certo ? Voce verificou se no
 windows vista seu teclado funcionava (pergunto isso porque já trabalhei em
 uma loja de informatica e já vi notebooks Toshiba virem com problemas de
 fábrica, assim como Acer) ? E como você instalou o Debian ai ? por cd ?

 Section Device
  Identifier Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express
 Integrated Graphics Controller
  Driver  vesa

  BusID  PCI:0:2:0

 Section Monitor
 Identifier Generic Monitor
 Option DPMS
 HorizSync 28-96
 VertRefresh 43-60

  Section InputDevice
Identifier Generic Keyboard
Driver keyboard
Option CoreKeyboard
Option XkbRules xorg

Option XkbModel abnt2
Option XkbLayout br
Option XkbVariant abnt2

 Section Screen
Identifier Default Screen
Device Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express
 Integrated Graphics Controller
Monitor   Generic Monitor
DefaultDepth   24
 SubSection Display

Re: Serious filesystem bug?

2011-01-02 Thread steef

Slobodan Aleksić schreef:

Hello everyone,

I don't know how to catogorize this:
I am using Debian/Squeeze on a laptop with an encrypted ext3 
filesystem. (Encryption done through the debian-installer).
I have a h2-database running. It got corrupted many times. I had to  
touch /forcefsck and after a reboot and the forced filesystemcheck 
all was again okay.
The same problem appeared with downloaded ISOs. I ran md5sum checks on 
the ISO and they were wrong. After forcing a fsck at boottime the 
md5sum of the ISOs were correct!

Does anyone got similiar problems?



a hardware problem? corrupted disk?


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Re: [OT] Re: - NetBSD

2011-01-02 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 01 ian 11, 23:35:34, Brad Alexander wrote:
 Look, I am as much for free software as the rest, but I think the FSF
 tends to start brush fires to justify their own existence. I believe
 they have done some good work, but many things they do seem to be
 counterproductive to the cause. For instance, their latest attack, on
 Linus Torvalds, claiming that the Linux Kernel is Open Core, and that
 Linux Kernel Is Torvalds' 'Bait and Switch'
 and Why? Because you can install
 binary blobs on your Linux system if you _choose to_? That makes the
 kernel Open Core? And Linus is intentionally drawing people in to
 software heresy?

There might come a day when most of the systems in the world will be 
running free software, but we are still not there. Actually, at the 
moment it's (almost?) impossible to run a completely free system, so 
there is still work to do. Even more, it's important to not let people 
think it's just the firmware, because even the firmware does have 
source code somewhere[1].

Unfortunately the method used (attacking other members of the free 
software community) is IMVHO not the best...

[1] except maybe some hex tables used to initialize the hardware, but 
even then, those hex tables should be thoroughly documented

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Greg Madden

On Saturday 01 January 2011 05:42:28 pm Michael Fothergill wrote:

 Here is what I did here:

 The google search suggestion was to do this:

 gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen
 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

 What is peculiar here is that man gs and info gs find the NOPAUSE
 QUIET and BATCH commands or options or whatever they are called but
 the DEVICE=pdfwrite isn't obvious in there at all...  Neither is
 PDFSETTINGS.  Nevertheless someone knew this...

I don't use this stuff often enough to remember the options, each project I do 
have a learning curve.  The package 'ghostscript-doc' is a good source for the 




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Re: Squeeze. apt-get update failed to fetch .../binary-i386/Packages.gz

2011-01-02 Thread Mark Goldshtein
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Mark Goldshtein wrote:
 Is that temporary problem or there is need to change something in
 source.list? Before this, all updates went smooth.

 Those kinds of errors tend to be temporary.  The
 and names are mapped to multiple addresses so that
 you will round-robin among them.  If one address is down then if you
 try again you will likely get a different server.

Thanks Bob!

Does the ' squeeze/contrib i386
Packages/DiffIndex' and ' squeeze/contrib
i386 Packages/DiffIndex' are contain the same packages for update?

'Ftp' is accessed normally, so should I continue with an update? Or,
it is necessary to wait until # apt-get update will return no errors
at all?
Maybe this is just a bug?

In addition, as I am monitoring 'Debian User Mailing list', nobody
else has reported that problem in Squeeze.

Sincerely Yours'
Mark Goldshtein

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Re: Packages - what's the best way?

2011-01-02 Thread Lisi
On Monday 15 November 2010 03:54:42 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Rob Hurle wrote:
  Does anyone have advice on the best way to handle a .deb package?

 The easiest way is to not handle .deb files at all.  Instead allow
 apt-get to install the package and any dependencies from the network.

I use aptitude at the command line.  aptitude and apt-get seem to leap-frog 
round each other as to which is best.  Mostly it is largely a matter of 
personal choice.

 Yes.  For Opera on Debian see the instructions on the wiki which go
 into detail what you should do.

I use aptitude for this as well.  Opera supplies a debian repository which can 
be added to your sources list.  Then Opera gets updated by aptitude too.  The 
only snag to this approach is that it doesn't automatically update its key.


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Re: can grub on one disk boot OS on another disk?

2011-01-02 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 21 November 2010 21:04:43 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 In, Doug wrote:
 This may be my stupidity, but shouldn't a scsi disk be referred to as
 sdx? (Where x is a number, like 0 or 1.)

 Not in GRUB.

Not anywhere on my system.  I have sda, sdb etc.  The partitions have numbers: 
sda1, sdb1 etc.


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Re: Packages - what's the best way?

2011-01-02 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 10:05:38AM +, Lisi wrote:
 On Monday 15 November 2010 03:54:42 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Rob Hurle wrote:
   Does anyone have advice on the best way to handle a .deb package?
  The easiest way is to not handle .deb files at all.  Instead allow
  apt-get to install the package and any dependencies from the network.
 I use aptitude at the command line.  aptitude and apt-get seem to leap-frog 
 round each other as to which is best.  Mostly it is largely a matter of 
 personal choice.
  Yes.  For Opera on Debian see the instructions on the wiki which go
  into detail what you should do.
 I use aptitude for this as well.  Opera supplies a debian repository which 
 be added to your sources list.  Then Opera gets updated by aptitude too.  The 
 only snag to this approach is that it doesn't automatically update its key.

Please note: if I remember correctly, the upgrade procedure from Debian 5.x to 
6.0 will _require_ the use of apt-get for the actual upgrade itself.

When you come to upgrade a machine, PLEASE read the release notes carefully and
follow the commands listed. Doing anything otherwise may result in your machine
being difficult to set up / you may get into a situation where you cannot 
/ downgrade.

Oh, and did I say to please read and follow the upgrade instructions carefully?

All best,


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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Michael Fothergill:
  Just in the last day or two, someone wrote to the list (probably
  this one) that there are a couple of repos you can get to from
  Debian that hold proprietary software, and probably Adobe Acrobat.
 I have the debian non free mulltimedia link set up in my apt sources
 file. I did
 apt-get update  apt-get install acroread
 and successfully installed Acrobat 9 but when I tried it although it
 read the pdf file in fine the google search tip of using the file
 reduction option in the document menu option didn't seem to appear.

You're confusing Adobe Reader with Adobe Acrobat.  The latter, meant
for manipulating pdfs (not just reading them), is only commercially

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Re: access point using 3945

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 10:22:40 -0800, briand wrote:

 On Sat, 1 Jan 2011 16:30:52 + (UTC) Camaleón
 OTOH, it seems that iwl3945 driver does not allow the card to be set
 in master mode (AP), as you said:
 Additional documentation on this can be found here:
 aargh.  I think I finally figured out what's going on - the web pages
 were quite confusing.  looks like I'm SOL, and that I do _have_ to use
 the iwl3945 driver for the device.  I thought it had been superceded by
 an open-source driver which provided AP functionality.

Let's see... Yes, the docs are quite confusing. 

As I understand, nl80211 is not a driver per se but an API for 
drivers to use of it. It seems it will replace wext extentions and 
that's all its role.

If we continue reading, we get:

All new mac80211 based drivers that implement AP functionality are 
supported with hostapd's nl80211 driver.

Note the that implement AP functionality, because I think that's the 
key point here. So we if we go to the drivers table we can see that Intel 
drivers support cfg80211 but not all modes are available.
 I was wrong.  don't buy this card if you want to turn it into an AP. All
 you folks that think closed-source drivers don't matter - this is why it
 does.  I can't do this precisely because this goofy card uses a closed
 source binary firmware load.

Yes, that's right. I'm afraid your hardware/firmware combo does not 
support AP mode :-(

The why, I dunno. Note that Broadcom cards (b43) or Ralink (rt2800, 
some models) also need a closed or non-modificable firmware but still 
they provide AP capabilities :-?



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Re: access point using 3945

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 10:17:21 -0800, briand wrote:

 On Sat, 1 Jan 2011 16:30:52 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:
 Additional documentation on this can be found here:
 Which tells me this:
 #change wlan0 to your wireless device interface=wlan0
 If that config errors out with something like:
 hostapd $ sudo hostapd ./hostapd.conf Configuration file: ./hostapd.conf
 Line 2: invalid/unknown driver 'nl80211' 1 errors found in configuration
 file './hostapd.conf'
 that means that your distro is not shipping hostapd with nl80211 driver


No, I explain a bit more in the other post :-)



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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 02:42:28 +, Michael Fothergill wrote:

 Here is what I did here:
 The google search suggestion was to do this:
 gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen
 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf


 The info and man write ups are a bit babbitesque/delphic for me.   I
 will look at the ghostscript documentation package I installed and see
 if I can figure out what this set of commands are doing here a bit more
 clearly while being glad that they worked.

When it comes to PDF size, it's all about resolution and images 
compression method. 

What does the above command is outputing a PDF with lower quality and a 
higher compression method for images and you get all that by using -
dPDFSETTINGS=/screen which is a shorcut for a mode that automatically 
reduces the whole dpi of the document (maybe from 1200dpi to 300/600dpi) 
and sets images to 72dpi resulting in a reduced PDF file size.

Other preset modes are -dPDFSETTINGS=/print and -dPDFSETTINGS=/press 
which provides higher quality PDF and so, a bigger file size.



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Re: udev question

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:13:34 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 04:56:50PM +, Camaleón wrote:

 Those steps are about how to sync your music/photos, but I think the
 most important part is the ifuse package that allows the device to be
 mounted as a mass storage devices. If you already have it installed,
 plug the device and check if it is listed as external unit.
 When plugged in I get just the output shown in my original post which
 includes a 40 digit serial number so I tried
 ifuse /media/ipod -u The_40_digit_serial_number
 The device was not found.

Then I dunno what can be failing... maybe you are facing some kind of 
bug? :-?

ifuse: Fails to recognize connected iPod touch



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Re: Not able to update using apt

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 00:04:18 +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:

 On 01/01/2011 09:09 PM, David Sastre wrote:

 Could not resolve ''

 I've only selected laptop and webserver with tasksel during

 I'm able to ping and the mirror is working on my other
 laptop. /etc/resolv.conf is updated correctly, I get an IP from my
 router. It does not help getting a new lease using dhclient.

 Any ideas?

 How does your /etc/apt/sources.list (or any files under
 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) look like?

 I chose as mirror during installation, but I get the same
 error message for

Type host; cat /etc/resolv.conf

It looks like a dns server error, you can try by setting up another ones.



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File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Albretch Mueller
 ... or ls not properly displaying them in some cases.
 I got this compressed file that seems to be the metadata snapshot of
a file system you get by running:
 ls -lR
 but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
are (or seem to be) files in the same directory
 Why would that be?

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Re: Not able to update using apt

2011-01-02 Thread David Sastre
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 12:04:18AM +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:
 On 01/01/2011 09:09 PM, David Sastre wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 08:14:08PM +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:
 I just installed Debian Squeeze on a Eee PC. The installer
 downloaded all the packages during the install but when I want to
 install more packages at the prompt I only get:
 Could not resolve ''
 I'm able to ping and the mirror is working on my other
 laptop. /etc/resolv.conf is updated correctly, I get an IP from my
 router. It does not help getting a new lease using dhclient.
 How does your /etc/apt/sources.list (or any files under
 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) look like?
 deb squeeze main
 deb-src squeeze main

Can you try:

-another mirror
-apt-get/aptitude update
-apt-get/aptitude install some.package

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Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 12:41:38 +, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  ... or ls not properly displaying them in some cases.
  I got this compressed file that seems to be the metadata snapshot of
 a file system you get by running:
  ls -lR
  but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
 Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
 are (or seem to be) files in the same directory ~
  Why would that be?

I get the same:

s...@stt008:~/Documentos/dsc-fotos/2010/sony$ ls -lR | tail
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 533809 ago 21 18:12 DSC02335.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 484485 ago 21 18:12 DSC02336.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 517789 ago 21 18:14 DSC02338.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 495196 ago 21 18:15 DSC02339.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 541253 ago 28 13:00 DSC02340.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 538118 ago 28 13:00 DSC02341.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 558677 ago 28 13:01 DSC02342.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 546987 ago 28 13:01 DSC02343.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 543089 ago 28 13:01 DSC02344.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 527500 sep 12 21:00 DSC02347.JPG

If you need accuracy, better use --full-time parameter.

s...@stt008:~/Documentos/dsc-fotos/2010/sony$ ls -l --full-time |tail
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 533809 2010-08-21 18:12:16.0 +0200 DSC02335.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 484485 2010-08-21 18:12:36.0 +0200 DSC02336.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 517789 2010-08-21 18:14:54.0 +0200 DSC02338.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 495196 2010-08-21 18:15:08.0 +0200 DSC02339.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 541253 2010-08-28 13:00:38.0 +0200 DSC02340.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 538118 2010-08-28 13:00:52.0 +0200 DSC02341.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 558677 2010-08-28 13:01:14.0 +0200 DSC02342.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 546987 2010-08-28 13:01:28.0 +0200 DSC02343.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 543089 2010-08-28 13:01:52.0 +0200 DSC02344.JPG
-rwxr--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 527500 2010-09-12 21:00:20.0 +0200 DSC02347.JPG



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Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Claudius Hubig
Albretch Mueller wrote:
 ... or ls not properly displaying them in some cases.
 ^ I don’t even want to know what these are doing here…

 but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
are (or seem to be) files in the same directory

The latter is simply a way to get more information in there – if
there’s no year, it either means the current year (i. e. 2011) or the
last 365 days (i. e. January 3rd, 2010 – now). I don’t know which of
these, although I’d guess it is the former again to avoid ambiguities
when dealing with broken file systems.

Best regards,

Put your trust in those who are worthy.

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Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Chris Jackson
Albretch Mueller wrote:

  ... or ls not properly displaying them in some cases.
  I got this compressed file that seems to be the metadata snapshot of
 a file system you get by running:
  ls -lR
  but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
 Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
 are (or seem to be) files in the same directory
  Why would that be?

Under the C or POSIX locale, timestamps which are near to now are shown
with the time and without the year; those well removed show the year,
but not the time. I'm not sure of exactly how far into the future or
past the cutoff point is. This is generally useful to human readers but
a pain for automated parsing. With GNU ls, you can pass --full-time or
--time-style=various options (see the ls man page for details);
alternatively stat can be useful. Other locales may vary.

Chris Jackson
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.

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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Brian
On Sun 02 Jan 2011 at 02:42:28 +, Michael Fothergill wrote:

 So I tried the above command substituting my pdf file as input.pdf and
 creating a suitable name for output.pdf and then hit return in a
 sheepish ignorant kind of way and amazingly enough it worked.  I got a
 pdf file that was much smaller in size but looked fine in evince.

Using the same command my experience with a variety of pdf documents has
been very mixed. One or two are reduced to 10% of the original sizes,
most have no significant reduction and one is three times larger.
 The info and man write ups are a bit babbitesque/delphic for me.   I
 will look at the ghostscript documentation package I installed and see
 if I can figure out what this set of commands are doing here a bit
 more clearly while being glad that they worked.

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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Brian
On Sun 02 Jan 2011 at 11:33:48 +, Camaleón wrote:

 Other preset modes are -dPDFSETTINGS=/print and -dPDFSETTINGS=/press 
 which provides higher quality PDF and so, a bigger file size.

-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer and -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress with Ghostscript 8.62.

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Re: Radeon 8500, kdetv, and xawtv broken - no video overlay device

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 23:25:01 -0500, Robert Braddock wrote:

 I have a Radeon 8500 video card which I use as video-in for my computer
 to act as my tv monitor.  Sometime since the Summer, this has stopped
 working and I am having no luck finding any helpful information by
 searching.  Most searches just refer to the old GATOS project, which
 hasn't done anything for years, but supposedly has been rolled into
 xorg's drivers.


 Now, it seems as though my overlay device just isn't there.  Kdetv says
 there's no video device at all and xawtv reports no usable video port


If the card used to work and now suddenly stopped creating the /dev/
video0 device, I would look into dmesg log, maybe there is any hint on 
why the video device is not being created (missing module, kernel change, 
firmware needed, conflicting drivers, radeon driver changes...). 



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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 13:39:59 +, Brian wrote:

 On Sun 02 Jan 2011 at 11:33:48 +, Camaleón wrote:
 Other preset modes are -dPDFSETTINGS=/print and
 -dPDFSETTINGS=/press which provides higher quality PDF and so, a
 bigger file size.
 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer and -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress with Ghostscript

That must be then... I was speaking from memory O:-)



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Re: Packages - what's the best way?

2011-01-02 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 02 January 2011 10:29:14 Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 10:05:38AM +, Lisi wrote:
  On Monday 15 November 2010 03:54:42 Bob Proulx wrote:
   Rob Hurle wrote:
Does anyone have advice on the best way to handle a .deb package?
   The easiest way is to not handle .deb files at all.  Instead allow
   apt-get to install the package and any dependencies from the network.
  I use aptitude at the command line.  aptitude and apt-get seem to
  leap-frog round each other as to which is best.  Mostly it is largely a
  matter of personal choice.

 Please note: if I remember correctly, the upgrade procedure from Debian 5.x
 to Debian 6.0 will _require_ the use of apt-get for the actual upgrade

I believe that that is so.

 When you come to upgrade a machine, PLEASE read the release notes carefully
 and follow the commands listed. Doing anything otherwise may result in your
 machine being difficult to set up / you may get into a situation where you
 cannot upgrade / downgrade.

 Oh, and did I say to please read and follow the upgrade instructions

This is why I shall not upgrade, but rather reinstall, except possibly on a 
test-bed machine.  It would take me until Wheezy is stable to read the 
Squeeze notes!


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build your own ... (primarily Linux/Debian multiboot box)

2011-01-02 Thread Albretch Mueller
 this is not a hardware community but you will see why I ask this q here:
 At sites like these:
 you find pretty good outlines/step-by-step guides on how to build a
PC on your own. The thing is that these guidelines mostly follow the
money instead of doing a use case analysis of the hardware (e.g.
optimal balance of quantity and type/quality of memory + SSD and
harddrives (+ mainboard/processor)) that would let you grow as you go
 Even though I almost exclusively work on Linux/Debian, I need to
build a multiboot PC and one of the critical points to me is for the
box to easily go into hibernation (and back ;-)) in no time and with
no problem whatsoever. I know the combination of right hard- and
software is very important for that to happen safely
 Any other (better) build-your-own places out there considering such
aspects, or any suggestions in general?

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Re: Not able to update using apt

2011-01-02 Thread Daniel Andersson

On 01/02/2011 01:50 PM, David Sastre wrote:

On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 12:04:18AM +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:

On 01/01/2011 09:09 PM, David Sastre wrote:

On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 08:14:08PM +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:

I just installed Debian Squeeze on a Eee PC. The installer
downloaded all the packages during the install but when I want to
install more packages at the prompt I only get:

Could not resolve ''

I'm able to ping and the mirror is working on my other
laptop. /etc/resolv.conf is updated correctly, I get an IP from my
router. It does not help getting a new lease using dhclient.

How does your /etc/apt/sources.list (or any files under
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/) look like?

deb squeeze main
deb-src squeeze main

Can you try:

-another mirror
-apt-get/aptitude update
-apt-get/aptitude install some.package

I finally figured it out. The cheap router I share with my neighbor does 
not handle IPv6. After disabling IPv6 all is good:

echo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1  /etc/sysctl.d/disableipv6.conf

edit /etc/modprobe.d/aliases.conf and
  * Comment out:
alias net-pf-10 ipv6
  * Add:
alias net-pf-10 off
alias ipv6 off

and also setting network.dns.disableIPv6 to true for Iceweasel and 

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X Keyboard layout trouble

2011-01-02 Thread Robert Latest
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 How does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf InputDevice section look like?

Like this:

Section InputDevice
       Identifier      Generic Keyboard
       Driver          kbd
       Option          XkbRules      xorg
       Option          XkbModel      pc102
       Option          XkbLayout     de
       Option          XkbVariant    nodeadkeys


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Re: X Keyboard layout trouble

2011-01-02 Thread Robert Latest
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 Mine (under lenny) is this:

 Section InputDevice
    Identifier  Generic Keyboard
    Driver              kbd
    Option              XkbRules      xorg
    Option              XkbModel      pc105
    Option              XkbLayout     es

 So try by commenting (#) the XkbVariant line (the full line,
 starting in #Option) and the restart the X server, relogin or reboot.

Tried it all. It really isn't that simple in this case.

Best regards,

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Re: build your own ... (primarily Linux/Debian multiboot box)

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 15:27:12 +, Albretch Mueller wrote:


  Even though I almost exclusively work on Linux/Debian, I need to
 build a multiboot PC and one of the critical points to me is for the box
 to easily go into hibernation (and back ;-)) in no time and with no
 problem whatsoever. I know the combination of right hard- and software
 is very important for that to happen safely 

Hibernation is not bullet-proof because hardware manufacturers do not 
certify their drivers for linux (no Energy Star compliance here). It 
can work for sometime and then break (due to a kernel or VGA/wifi driver 
upgrade) so my advice is that you select the components that best suit 
your needs and budget, ensure all the components are more or less linux-
friendly and the try to solve the problems you encounter in the way. 

Of course, the more open drivers you use, the better to get this working 
(proprietary VGA or wifi drivers can be hard to debug and there are many 
chances developers reject a bug when using these closed drivers).



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Re: making a pdf file smaller the debian way....

2011-01-02 Thread John Hasler
What you have is some sort of image format inside a PDF container.  It
is probably already compressed, which is why Zip had little effect on
it.  You need to extract the image, use image software to shrink it, and
put it back in a PDF container.
John Hasler

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Re: set privoxy to rewrite http to https

2011-01-02 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 03:46:09AM -0800, S Mathias wrote:
 The problem is: e.g.: facebook...
 if i go to
 that's ok, it's https.
 But all the links are http on the site..
 if i click on a http link, it will request the page on http, and THEN
 it switches to https. Heres the problem. 
 How/where could i write a privoxy rule, to rewrite all the http links
 to https? [so that it would by always trully over https]

Here's how you would do it with a filter in Privoxy, but it won't actually
work. I'll explain below, and give a better solution. This would go in a
.filter file in /etc/privoxy/ (probably user.filter):

FILTER: https_dammit Make explicit http links into https links

Now, in some .action file (probably user.action):

{ +filter{https_dammit} }

You can add as many domains, one per line, below as you like.
This will modify, on the fly, the HTML you receive from the domains listed.
It won't work, however, because if you are requesting the HTML via HTTPS
then it isn't passing through Privoxy at all. Privoxy isn't an HTTPS proxy,
just an HTTP proxy (it will pass a connection to an HTTPS server, but it
will not actually do SSL).

Instead, you can set up Privoxy to respond to requests to a particular
domain with a 301 (or 302, I forget) response and the https:// version of
the URL. This may or may not cause trouble with POST requests, so you may
have to add likely POST paths to an action turning off the redirect (this
goes in user.action):

{ +redirec...@http://@https://@} }

( -redirect }

Note that none of this is tested, so you may have to play with it a bit to
get it working.

 thank you for any information
 Happy New Year!

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Re: X Keyboard layout trouble

2011-01-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 17:03:22 +0100, Robert Latest wrote:

 Mine (under lenny) is this:
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier   Generic Keyboard
 Driver   kbd
 Option   XkbRules  xorg
 Option   XkbModel  pc105
 Option   XkbLayout es

 Tried it all. It really isn't that simple in this case.

Run xev and type the combo of one of the characters you are not 
getting, like [ to see what you get instead. 

Also, review your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.

BTW, how do you setup your keyboard/mouse settings in dwm?

Hum... There was a bug about this:

dwm: Almost unusable with a french keyboard.

But is hard to believe dwm cannot be setup easily to work with a non-US 
keyboards :-?



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Re: build your own ... (primarily Linux/Debian multiboot box)

2011-01-02 Thread briand
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 15:27:12 +
Albretch Mueller wrote:

  this is not a hardware community but you will see why I ask this q
 here: ~
  At sites like these:
  you find pretty good outlines/step-by-step guides on how to build a
 PC on your own. The thing is that these guidelines mostly follow the
 money instead of doing a use case analysis of the hardware (e.g.
 optimal balance of quantity and type/quality of memory + SSD and
 harddrives (+ mainboard/processor)) that would let you grow as you go
  Even though I almost exclusively work on Linux/Debian, I need to
 build a multiboot PC and one of the critical points to me is for the
 box to easily go into hibernation (and back ;-)) in no time and with
 no problem whatsoever. I know the combination of right hard- and
 software is very important for that to happen safely

sleeping properly is one of the things I have a great deal of trouble
with on Linux systems.  Usually it's the video card, so I would pay
special attention to that.

Having said that, older hardware tends to work better in this regard,
and as Camaleon says, try to use things which have free software


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Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Bob Proulx
Albretch Mueller wrote:
  but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
 Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
 are (or seem to be) files in the same directory
  Why would that be?

Because the original Unix ls command many years ago did this to
compress the information give to you.  If it is a recent file then you
get the time down to the minute and the year is assumed to be the most
recent year.  But if the file is much older then you don't really care
about the minute but you do care about the year.  You are a human,
this is the way humans talk.  That is how the ls command has always
been on Unix systems.

If you don't like it then you can supply a ls option
--time-style=STYLE or TIME_STYLE variable and change the format to
your liking.

But there is no need to guess at this.  It is all documented.  Start
at the top node of the documentation.

  $ info coreutils 'ls invocation'

Press the spacebar to page through the documentation until you get to
the section 10.1.6 Formatting file timestamps where all is

  By default, file timestamps are listed in abbreviated form.  Most
  locales use a timestamp like `2002-03-30 23:45'.  However, the default
  POSIX locale uses a date like `Mar 30  2002' for non-recent timestamps,
  and a date-without-year and time like `Mar 30 23:45' for recent

 A timestamp is considered to be recent if it is less than six
  months old, and is not dated in the future.

And the documentation goes on to the formatting controls that affect
the time format.  Good stuff.


Description: Digital signature

Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Carl Johnson
Chris Jackson writes:

 Albretch Mueller wrote:

  ... or ls not properly displaying them in some cases.
  I got this compressed file that seems to be the metadata snapshot of
 a file system you get by running:
  ls -lR
  but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
 Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
 are (or seem to be) files in the same directory
  Why would that be?

 Under the C or POSIX locale, timestamps which are near to now are shown
 with the time and without the year; those well removed show the year,
 but not the time. I'm not sure of exactly how far into the future or
 past the cutoff point is. This is generally useful to human readers but
 a pain for automated parsing. With GNU ls, you can pass --full-time or
 --time-style=various options (see the ls man page for details);
 alternatively stat can be useful. Other locales may vary.

You can also use the same options in the environment variable

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Re: Squeeze. apt-get update failed to fetch .../binary-i386/Packages.gz

2011-01-02 Thread Bob Proulx
Mark Goldshtein wrote:
 Does the ' squeeze/contrib i386
 Packages/DiffIndex' and ' squeeze/contrib
 i386 Packages/DiffIndex' are contain the same packages for update?

When I read your message I was going to comment upon some of your
/etc/apt/sources.list entries.  But I didn't have the time to double
check to see if what I was going to say was going to be wrong and so
didn't make the comment.  They were your entries after all.  I assumed
that you had some reason to put them there.  But here you are asking
about them so I will say something regardless.

You had the following entries:

 deb squeeze/updates contrib non-free main
 deb squeeze/updates contrib
 deb squeeze main contrib non-free

Double check those.  Or maybe just clean out your file and start
again.  You appeared to have a significant amount of lint collected in
your file.

For Lenny I have:

  deb lenny main contrib non-free
  deb-src lenny main contrib non-free
  deb lenny/volatile main contrib 
  deb-src lenny/volatile main 
contrib non-free
  deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src lenny/updates main contrib non-free

For Squeeze I propose (squeeze is not released yet):

  deb squeeze main contrib non-free
  deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free
  ## available after release: deb 
squeeze/volatile main contrib non-free
  ## available after release: deb-src squeeze/volatile main contrib 
  deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

Try that and you should have better luck.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Radeon 8500, kdetv, and xawtv broken - no video overlay device

2011-01-02 Thread Robert Braddock
  Now, it seems as though my overlay device just isn't there.  Kdetv
  says there's no video device at all and xawtv reports no usable
  video port found.

 If the card used to work and now suddenly stopped creating the /dev/
 video0 device, I would look into dmesg log, maybe there is any hint
 on why the video device is not being created (missing module, kernel
 change, firmware needed, conflicting drivers, radeon driver

Sorry if it was unclear, but the video overlay thing through X/Xvideo is
different from /dev/video0.  I've never had a /dev/video0 device, even
when it was working (this is why xawtv and kdetv were the only programs
that work -- they are the only ones I've found that recognize the
overlay instead of needing a /dev/video0).

I'd like to have a /dev/video0, but as I said, I have no idea how to
get that to happen, and my searches never turn up anything but old
references to GATOS.  I haven't seen errors in the boot log either.


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sleeping the system vs hibernate or suspend

2011-01-02 Thread briand

Someone posted (to this list) a simple command line for sleeping the

Sleeping, to me, is separate from hibernate or suspend which tries and
save the state of the machine to disk or ram.  This was simply setting
the machine to low power state.

I've been going through the list archives and can't find the command.

Anyone know what I'm talking about ? ;-)



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Re: Squeeze. apt-get update failed to fetch .../binary-i386/Packages.gz

2011-01-02 Thread Mark Goldshtein
On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Mark Goldshtein wrote:
 Does the ' squeeze/contrib i386
 Packages/DiffIndex' and ' squeeze/contrib
 i386 Packages/DiffIndex' are contain the same packages for update?

 When I read your message I was going to comment upon some of your
 /etc/apt/sources.list entries.  But I didn't have the time to double
 check to see if what I was going to say was going to be wrong and so
 didn't make the comment.  They were your entries after all.  I assumed
 that you had some reason to put them there.  But here you are asking
 about them so I will say something regardless.

 You had the following entries:

 deb squeeze/updates contrib non-free main
 deb squeeze/updates contrib
 deb squeeze main contrib non-free

 Double check those.  Or maybe just clean out your file and start
 again.  You appeared to have a significant amount of lint collected in
 your file.

 For Lenny I have:

  deb lenny main contrib non-free
  deb-src lenny main contrib non-free
  deb lenny/volatile main contrib 
  deb-src lenny/volatile main 
 contrib non-free
  deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src lenny/updates main contrib non-free

 For Squeeze I propose (squeeze is not released yet):

  deb squeeze main contrib non-free
  deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free
  ## available after release: deb 
 squeeze/volatile main contrib non-free
  ## available after release: deb-src squeeze/volatile main contrib 
  deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
  deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

 Try that and you should have better luck.

Thanks for your time, Bob! Everything is fine now.

Sincerely Yours'
Mark Goldshtein

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Re: File systems' timestamps apparently formatted in a wrong way ...

2011-01-02 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Albretch 
Mueller wrote:
 ls -lR

 but not all timestamps are formatted the same. You get them as, say,
Mar 24 2004, but also as Dec 26 09:55 (without the year!) and they
are (or seem to be) files in the same directory

 Why would that be?

From the Single Unix Specification version 2:
If the -l option is specified, the following information will be written:

%s %u %s %s %u %s %s\n, file mode, number of links, owner name, group 
name, number of bytes in the file, date and time, pathname

The date and time, field will contain the appropriate date and timestamp of 
when the file was last modified. In the POSIX locale, the field is the 
equivalent of the output of the following date command: 

date +%b %e %H:%M

if the file has been modified in the last six months, or: 

date +%b %e  %Y

(where two space characters are used between %e and %Y) if the file has not 
been modified in the last six months or if the modification date is in the 
future, except that, in both cases, the final newline character produced by 
date is not included and the output is as if the date command were executed at 
the time of the last modification date of the file rather than the current 
time. When the LC_TIME locale category is not set to the POSIX locale, a 
different format and order of presentation of this field may be used.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: sleeping the system vs hibernate or suspend

2011-01-02 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, wrote:
Someone posted (to this list) a simple command line for sleeping the

Sleeping, to me, is separate from hibernate or suspend which tries and
save the state of the machine to disk or ram.  This was simply setting
the machine to low power state.

If you are talking about a low-power ACPI state, then you are indeed talking 
about suspending the system or hibernating the system.  Specifically, ACPI S3 
: Suspend to RAM : Sleep Mode :: ACPI S4 : Suspend to Disk : Hibernate.  
The kernel has support for entering C3 (and I think S1) automatically.  I 
don't know how a Linux-based system can go into S2.

If you just want to turn off the monitor, search for DPMS.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: udev question

2011-01-02 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 11:49:06AM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:13:34 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 04:56:50PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  Those steps are about how to sync your music/photos, but I think the
  most important part is the ifuse package that allows the device to be
  mounted as a mass storage devices. If you already have it installed,
  plug the device and check if it is listed as external unit.
  When plugged in I get just the output shown in my original post which
  includes a 40 digit serial number so I tried
  ifuse /media/ipod -u The_40_digit_serial_number
  The device was not found.
 Then I dunno what can be failing... maybe you are facing some kind of 
 bug? :-?
 ifuse: Fails to recognize connected iPod touch
This bug describes my problem exactly - I'll track it and await

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What happened to consolechars?

2011-01-02 Thread Thomas H. George
Some characters are not displayed correctly on my monitor.  The command
consolechars -d used to correct this problem but now it is unknown.

Specifically the problem is typically with the arrows which mutt uses to
indicate the subject threads.  Instead of lines and arrows the display
uses the letter a with a circumflex, the 3/4 character, the copywrite
symbol and another special symbol.

In text occasionally odd symbols appear in the middle of words and in
place of numbers or bullets in lists of items.

Normally I just ignore all this as I know what is meant but occasionally
it results in some ambiguity.  In the past when this was a problem I
used the command consolechars -d where the -d was to restore a default
character set.  Since lang=en.US,UTF-8 has always been specified in
locale I have no idea what this default character set was, I only knew
it fixed the problem.

Now the command is gone and apt-cache search consolechars returns


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Re: set privoxy to rewrite http to https

2011-01-02 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 01 January 2011 06:46:09 S Mathias wrote:
 I use the

 KB SSL Enforcer

 so i could browse the net safer [i mean webserver - me] with using https,
 if available.

  Note that there is an EFF-authored Firefox extension that's supposed 
to have this functionality -- see here:

  It works the same way that your privoxy works, by rewriting 
HTML pages on the fly according to a rule set, with the goal
of putting https links on https-loaded pages, where https links
are known to exist and work.

  You may be able to use this directly, if you're willing to 
switch to firefox, but even if you're not, it may be useful as
a source of rules to apply to the tool you're using.

  I should probably disclaim that I don't actually use this
extension, and that while I am a member of the EFF, I don't work
for them, and am not affiliated with https-everywhere.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Why is Evolution and Epiphany now a part of gnome-core?

2011-01-02 Thread Mike Bird
On Sat January 1 2011 03:50:54 Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2011-01-01 12:26 +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:
  I'm running Debian Squeeze, and I have only gnome-core installed so
  that I would not have Evolution or Epiphany installed since I do not
  use them.
  But it seems that both Evolution and Epiphany has been moved from
  gnome-desktop-environment to gnome-core. They were not a part of
  gnome-core until I ran an update yesterday (but only Evolution got
  installed automatically). So why have they been moved?

 Basically because gnome-desktop-environment is too big to fit on CD 1.
 See bug #608098 for more information, especially

Creating a new package to depend upon evolution and ephiphany
and gnome-core would be a less harmful solution.

--Mike Bird

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squeeze audio cd and automount

2011-01-02 Thread Filipe Freire
hi debianers,

automounting is not working since my upgrade to squeeze.  the loader is now

I can mount usb and, dvd's and data cd's only manually from the command
line.  /etc/fstab and nautilus options are as they should be.
Only for dvd's nautilus creates a folder.

besides this audio cd are not detected ay least by sound-juicer and totem.
tried all audio devices.

Will be very grateful for any help.


Re: Debian GNU/Linux Lenny server automatically reboot

2011-01-02 Thread Csanyi Pal
Miles Fidelman writes:

 Csanyi Pal wrote:
 I have Debian GNU/Linux Lenny system as a server machine.
 I run on it Apache2 webserver, Moodle, etc..

 I notice that that it did reboot sometimes automatically.
 Why could this happen? How can I inspect the cause of this event?

 Understanding Linux crashes is a royal pain in the rear.

 You have several options:

 3. install a kernel that supports crash dumps and a crash dump utility 
 note that this is a bit of a pain in Linux, less so in BSD and Solaris
 based systems - with this approach you can set your machine to save a
 crash dump, then reboot - you can analyze the dump at your leisure --  
 sort of important if people depend on your server  being up

 Linux does NOT make crash analysis easy.

I have had installed the linux-image-2.6.26-1-686 package but my PC Box
reboot automatically often. 
So I install linux-source-2.6.26 package and compiled it with
CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP=y option, and installed it. 
I did the following:

 $ sudo aptitude install linux-source-2.6.26 zlib-bin zlib1g zlib1g-dev

 $ cd /usr/src/
 $ sudo -E tar xvfj linux-source-2.6.26.tar.bz2
 $ cd linux-source-2.6.26/

 Copy the /boot/config-2.6.26-1-686 to the /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.26 
 as .config and edit the line to be: CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP=y

 $ sudo -E make oldconfig

 $ sudo -E make-kpkg -initrd kernel_image

I want to install kexec-tools for crash dump analysis.
Is it enough or must I install more packages, say: crash,
crash-whitepaper, watchdog? 
How can I use these tools for crash dump analysis?

Regards, Paul

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Re: Re: insserv + apache2 + bind9 = pain

2011-01-02 Thread Stefan Fritsch
 The rcN.d format is an excellent design if we can just keep insserv
 from mangling it.

As I haven't converted one of my systems to dependency based boot yet, 
there still has to be some way to keep the old way. No idea why there 
is no documented way to switch that on...

It could be that 

touch /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering
dpkg-reconfigure -plow sysv-rc

does the trick, but I haven't tried it.

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variable in loop

2011-01-02 Thread S Mathias
$ ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') )); echo $a 
$ASDF$(for i in {1..$a}; do printf .; done)
65 hello.

Why doesn't it print:
65 hello.

What am i missing?


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Re: insserv + apache2 + bind9 = pain

2011-01-02 Thread Mike Bird
On Sun January 2 2011 13:59:01 Stefan Fritsch wrote:
  The rcN.d format is an excellent design if we can just keep insserv
  from mangling it.

 As I haven't converted one of my systems to dependency based boot yet,
 there still has to be some way to keep the old way. No idea why there
 is no documented way to switch that on...

You should be able to preserve the old way by correctly answering
the question when insserv is installed or sysv-rc is updated.

We haven't tested that yet so I can't vouch for it.  If you try it
please let us know if it's safe.

For our first three test upgrades we assumed insserv would not
destroy the boot order as there is no warning in the debconf
question or the release notes.  Our third test upgrade was the
first server test upgrade, and that was when we realized that
insserv is a disaster.

--Mike Bird

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Re: [OT] Stupid consumers and inferior hardware

2011-01-02 Thread Enrico Weigelt
* schrieb:

 yes i am capable of modifying drivers, and have done so, although
 not for video. 

Same for me. It's one of the things I earn my money with.

 having source means not (necessarily) having to wait on nvidia to apply
 a patch.  sometimes patches to fix a problem are very simple and even
 somebody not that familiar with the subsystem in question can fix it.
 when the graphic card, or any other hardware, gets old enough which is
 common for MANY linux systems, nvidia will stop fixing bugs completely
 for old cards. planned obscelence and all that.


BTW: Nvidia's binary blobs never really worked for me.
(okay, 10yrs ago, the riva128 X-server somehow worked, but badly)
Last time I had the unpleasant experience was on my previous notebook,
the blob kernel module crashed the whole system as soon as X came up.
A little analysis showed up funny things like self-modifying code.

No, these guys simply cannot be trusted. I don't let any proprietary
code into privileged areas (not even speaking of the kernel)
whatsoever. Period.

In recent years I've warned by customers not to buy nvidia stuff
anymore. My little contribution that about 1k of nvidia boards
did not get sold. Not enough for them to care, but if more and more
people do so, they will have to, or get optimized away by the market.

 why do companies keep source secret for their old tech 10/100 cards.

That happens when excelsheet jerks rule over things they dont 
understand. They simply can't imagine that there're really valid
reasons for some people bying mainframes worth 100k$ which run
seamlessly for decades.

BTW: one of the funniest arguments for not releasing the sources I
got back from NV jerks was the fear that leaks could be found.
Well, seems they *know* how bad their code is ;-o

 They have bugs because they rev the silicon to save 0.005 on the
 price of the chip and then don't tell anybody.

Funny: these excelsheet jerks are really good in calculating the
total of their milicent-per-unit savings, but they dont have the
slightest idea to what damage do themselves with their bad quality.

 lack of robustness is due to cost cutting and general ass-hattery
 on the part of the mfrs.  it will always be thus unless source is
 available, or even better, open hardware.

Well, better hardware would probably be the better approach in
the long run. Why does every GPU require its own kernel driver ?
Why can't they simply have one generic hardware interface/protocol
for attaching shared memory and command channels and let the 
rest be done via some standardized highlevel language ?

Todays GPUs are so powerful that they can easily render whole 
hires 3D scenaries completely on their own, but making them
complete display servers speaking some standard protocol would
be too expensive ? Absurd.

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service --

 phone:  +49 36207 519931  email:
 mobile: +49 151 27565287  icq:   210169427 skype: nekrad666
 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme

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Re: variable in loop

2011-01-02 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 02:27:19PM -0800, S Mathias wrote:
 $ ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') )); echo 
 $a $ASDF$(for i in {1..$a}; do printf .; done)
 65 hello.
 Why doesn't it print:
 65 hello.
 What am i missing?


  for i in {1..$a}
echo $i


because of the order of evoluation - {1..$a} is evaluated BEFORE $a is

A more portable way would be using the seq command:
  for i in `seq 1 $a`
echo $i

hope this helps
Karl E. Jorgensen
IT Operations Manager

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Re: What happened to consolechars?

2011-01-02 Thread Phil Requirements
On 2011-01-02 14:23:55 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
 Some characters are not displayed correctly on my monitor.  The command
 consolechars -d used to correct this problem but now it is unknown.
 Specifically the problem is typically with the arrows which mutt uses to
 indicate the subject threads.  Instead of lines and arrows the display
 uses the letter a with a circumflex, the 3/4 character, the copywrite
 symbol and another special symbol.
 In text occasionally odd symbols appear in the middle of words and in
 place of numbers or bullets in lists of items.

I don't know the answer to where consolechars is hiding, but I wanted
to give you something else to think about. The problem you are
describing, where special characters, like line-drawing characters and
bullets, have been replaced with weird characters, is the classic
symptom of an application not supporting UTF-8.

In this case, I think it is your terminal emulator which is not
supporting UTF-8. What terminal emulator are you using? Try running
mutt in xterm and see if the arrows improve.

 Normally I just ignore all this as I know what is meant but occasionally
 it results in some ambiguity.  In the past when this was a problem I
 used the command consolechars -d where the -d was to restore a default
 character set.  Since lang=en.US,UTF-8 has always been specified in
 locale I have no idea what this default character set was, I only knew
 it fixed the problem.
 Now the command is gone and apt-cache search consolechars returns

I don't know about consolechars.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [OT] Stupid consumers and inferior hardware

2011-01-02 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Mon, 3 Jan 2011 00:13:24 +0100
Enrico Weigelt dijo:

 why do companies keep source secret for their old tech 10/100

That happens when excelsheet jerks rule over things they dont 
understand. They simply can't imagine that there're really valid
reasons for some people bying mainframes worth 100k$ which run
seamlessly for decades.

BTW: one of the funniest arguments for not releasing the sources I
got back from NV jerks was the fear that leaks could be found.
Well, seems they *know* how bad their code is ;-o

It has far more to do with the legal department than the coding folks.
These days chips are so complex that it is difficult to design one
without inadvertently infringing on someone else's patent. If the
source code for the driver is available it makes it a lot easier for
competitors to figure out the design of your chip. Keeping the driver
binary and secret makes it a lot harder for them to make legal claims.
And these days suing a competitor into bankruptcy is just as effective
for your bottom line as making a better product at a lower cost. Either
way the competitor is not around any more, and the legal approach is
usually more cost effective than the expense of designing a better and
cheaper product.

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Re: variable in loop

2011-01-02 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14976ième jour après Epoch,
S. Mathias écrivait:

 What am i missing?

Saying Hello, this post is Off Topic, but can someone help me, please,

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Re: can grub on one disk boot OS on another disk?

2011-01-02 Thread Doug

On 01/02/2011 05:27 AM, Lisi wrote:

On Sunday 21 November 2010 21:04:43 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:, Doug wrote:

This may be my stupidity, but shouldn't a scsi disk be referred to as
sdx? (Where x is a number, like 0 or 1.)

Not in GRUB.

Not anywhere on my system.  I have sda, sdb etc.  The partitions have numbers:
sda1, sdb1 etc.


Yes, of course.  I don't know what I was thinking!  Thanx for the heads-up!


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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Re: variable in loop

2011-01-02 Thread Andrew McGlashan


S Mathias wrote:

$ ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') )); echo $a 
$ASDF$(for i in {1..$a}; do printf .; done)
65 hello.

Why doesn't it print:
65 hello.

What am i missing?

Don't know, but the following works:

ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') ))  
echo -n $a $ASDF;for i in {`seq 1 1 $a`}; do printf '.'; done;echo


Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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firewall package for laptop wi-fi client

2011-01-02 Thread Russell L. Harris
I need recommendations for a Debian firewall package to be installed
on a laptop or notebook which is used for web browsing and web-based
email in public wi-fi hotspots.

My concern is to prevent infection or compromise of the laptop, so
that the laptop may be connected safely to a home or
office LAN which is protected by a dedicated firewall.  

My previous experience with firewalls has been limited to dedicated
machines running firewall software such as SmoothWall.


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Re: Radeon 8500, kdetv, and xawtv broken - no video overlay device

2011-01-02 Thread Robert Braddock
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 12:59:54PM -0500, Robert Braddock wrote:
 Now, it seems as though my overlay device just isn't there.  Kdetv
 says there's no video device at all and xawtv reports no usable
 video port found.

FYI, someone on the xorg list gave me a tip to put radeon.modeset=0 on
the kernel command-line at boot.  After doing that, the overlay device
is back, but kdetv and xawtv still don't work:
kdetv shows some red lines instead of video
xawtv can only show video at the default tiny window size.  Any resizing
 will resize the image, but be black everywhere that wasn't visible through
 the default window (even if I start it with -fullscreen).

Is there any other program that understands the video overlay device
thing?  Kdetv and xawtv just don't seem to prioritize working...  

Can I get a /dev/video0 for a Radeon 8500's input?  Xorg obviously isn't
going to bother to keep it working, and it would be really nice to be
able to use a better program than xawtv.


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Re: sleeping the system vs hibernate or suspend

2011-01-02 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 02:18:40PM EST, wrote:
 Someone posted (to this list) a simple command line for sleeping the


$ xset dpms force suspend # ..?


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