Client debian avec PDC windows 2008R2

2011-08-26 Thread stephane.lebegue


Je dois mettre en des clients debian avec un AD 2008 (imposé !)

Après l'installation de kerberos, winbind, samba, tout est ok
j'obtiens correctement un ticket de service avec kinit
De même, les commandes wbinfo -t / -u / -g fonctionnement 

J'utilise pam_mount pour le montage des homes.
En console tty, tout est ok.

Par contre avec gdm, l'authentification est ok mais avec gnome, xfce 
ou fluxbox, j'obtiens des erreurs.
ce qui implique qaue je n'ai pas le gnome-panel ou aucun menu 
contextuel sous fluxbox 

Extrait du fichiers .xessions-errors:

gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 
gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 

gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Forking extra process: /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
gdm[2945]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: xdmcp/Enable=false
gdm[2945]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 
gdm[2945]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 
gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 
gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 
gdm[2944]: DEBUG: Running /etc/gdm/Xsession gnome-session for slebegue 
on :0

/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
/home/slebegue/Bureau was removed, reassigning DESKTOP to homedir
/home/slebegue/Téléchargements was removed, reassigning DOWNLOAD to 

/home/slebegue/Modèles was removed, reassigning TEMPLATES to homedir
/home/slebegue/Public was removed, reassigning PUBLICSHARE to homedir
/home/slebegue/Documents was removed, reassigning DOCUMENTS to homedir
/home/slebegue/Musique was removed, reassigning MUSIC to homedir
/home/slebegue/Images was removed, reassigning PICTURES to homedir
/home/slebegue/Vidéos was removed, reassigning VIDEOS to homedir
gnome-session[2944]: WARNING: Could not parse desktop file 
/home/slebegue/.config/autostart/xfconf-migration-4.6.desktop: Le 
fichier de clés n'a pas de clé « Name »
gnome-session[2944]: WARNING: could not read 

Avertissement du gestionnaire de fenêtres : La lecture du fichier de 
session enregistré 
a échoué : L'ouverture du fichier « 
» a échoué : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

MCS-Xfconf settings migration complete

Failed to create secure directory: Permission non accordée
E: core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory: Permission non 

W: lock-autospawn.c: Impossible d'accèder au verrou autonome.
E: main.c: Failed to acquire autospawn lock

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:3042): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 
cannot register existing type `_PolkitError'

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:3042): GLib-CRITICAL **: 
g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

** (gnome-volume-control-applet:3038): WARNING **: Connection failed, 


Linux tokyo 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 04:13:06 UTC 2011 i686 

Je peux transmettre le fichier pam_mount.xml et les fichiers 
/etc.pam.d/common* si nécessaire

Merci de votre aide

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Re: Client debian avec PDC windows 2008R2

2011-08-26 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:11:08 +0200, a écrit :

 Je dois mettre en des clients debian avec un AD 2008 (imposé !)
 Après l'installation de kerberos, winbind, samba, tout est ok
 j'obtiens correctement un ticket de service avec kinit
 De même, les commandes wbinfo -t / -u / -g fonctionnement 
 J'utilise pam_mount pour le montage des homes.
 En console tty, tout est ok.
 Par contre avec gdm, l'authentification est ok mais avec gnome, xfce 
 ou fluxbox, j'obtiens des erreurs.
 ce qui implique qaue je n'ai pas le gnome-panel ou aucun menu 
 contextuel sous fluxbox 
 Extrait du fichiers .xessions-errors:


j'ai trouvé le tuto pour la partie active-directory :

autrement, quels sont les paquets pam installés ?


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[HS] gnome-disk-utility

2011-08-26 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Est-ce que le test en écriture de Gnome Disk Utility peut-être lancé
sans  crainte ?
Je me pose la question car quand on clique sur le bouton pour lancer le
test il y a une demande de confirmation alors que pour le test en
lecture seule il ne demande rien ...
Et comme la doc est inexistante je ne sais pas trop ce que ça fait.


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Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Altair Linux

a veces al arrancar me sale ese mensaje, y no queda otro remedio que
reiniciar. He leido cosas dispares por Internet.

Aqui indican que es un bug grave, algo del kernel segun entiendo

Aqui apuntan a un error en /boot/grub/menu.lst

usando el comando diff con ambos archivos menu.lst ha salido esto:

 timeout 25
 timeout 20
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda3 ro quiet
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda3 ro


En la documentacion oficial de grub ( no sale
quiet, pero en la no oficial de ubuntu mencionan que es solo cosmetico.

En dicen que la opcion
quiet es para ordenar los mensajes en pantalla.

Mi menu.lst

Mi fstab

Mi dmesg cuando ha arrancado esta mañana, despues de necesitar reiniciar por
el congelamiento

Re: Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Pere Casas
Por lo que sé quiet no es relevante por tu problema.
Si quitas el parametro quiet la unica diferencia que veras sera en el
momento de arrencar, que vas a veer como se inician todos los servicios y si
lo hacen correctamente [ok].

Si inicias con otro kernel tambien te pasa lo mismo?

2011/8/26 Altair Linux


 a veces al arrancar me sale ese mensaje, y no queda otro remedio que
 reiniciar. He leido cosas dispares por Internet.

 Aqui indican que es un bug grave, algo del kernel segun entiendo

 Aqui apuntan a un error en /boot/grub/menu.lst

 usando el comando diff con ambos archivos menu.lst ha salido esto:

  timeout 25
  timeout 20
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda3 ro quiet
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda3 ro

 En la documentacion oficial de grub ( no sale
 quiet, pero en la no oficial de ubuntu mencionan que es solo cosmetico.

 En dicen que la opcion
 quiet es para ordenar los mensajes en pantalla.

 Mi menu.lst

 Mi fstab

 Mi dmesg cuando ha arrancado esta mañana, despues de necesitar reiniciar
 por el congelamiento Y47s

Re: Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Altair Linux
Si, llevo probados varios kernels y se ha repetido.

Re: Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Altair Linux
El mensaje que aparece entre las lineas  129 y 132 podria ser la causa?. O
es algo residual?.

Me da bastante respeto tocar ese archivo, aver si me voy a cargar algo y no
arranca luego.

[O.T.] Charlas con talleres sobre OpenVz y Servers Debian

2011-08-26 Thread Tio Oscar
Buenas, para los que vivan en Argentina y por Zona Sur del Conourbano, les
puede interesar, pertenezco al grupo de usuarios de Lanús (Lanux) y estamos
dando charlas con talleres casi mensualmente, este mes la tematica es sobre
servidores vps y yo doy una sobre como armar una granja de servidores usando
Debian, cosa que puede ser de interes para los lectores de esta lista :-)

aca dejo el aviso oficial, gracias y perdón por el OT:

El grupo de usuarios de GNU/Linux de la ciudad de Lanús “LANUX”,
los invita el sábado 27 de agosto próximo a su reunión mensual con charlas
técnicas a realizarse en la sede de la Universidad Kennedy ubicada
en la Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen 4651 a 50 mts, de la estación Lanús.
La temática este més será SYSADMIN con dos charlas complementarias

- 13:00 hs: Virtualizando con OpenVZ. Taller de Openvz mostrando
diferentes implementaciones exitosas de OpenVZ en el ámbito público y

- 14:30 hs: La granja virtual. Como crear nuestra propia granja de
servidores con vps y sus principales ventajas


- Instalación basica del SO (Debian)
- Configuracion de los servicios
- Permisos de red y administracion
- Balanceo de carga simple (bonus)

La entrada como siempre es LIBRE y GRATUITA. Están todos invitados.

El Tio ~ Programador, hacker y filósofo
Twitter: @exos,
Tels: [+54 11] 638-LINUX (54689) - [+54 9 11] 6799-4797

Re: Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2011/8/26 Altair Linux

 El mensaje que aparece entre las lineas  129 y 132 podria ser la causa?. O
 es algo residual?.

 Me da bastante respeto tocar ese archivo, aver si me voy a cargar algo y no
 arranca luego.

Eso es parte del chainload a grub2, primero carga el grub clásico, de
ahí el grub2 y de ahi carga el sistema.

Es para que pruebes que grub2 funciona sin problemas, una vez probado,
el comando que indica debería quitar el grub clásico y dejar solo el

Sobre tu problema principal, haz hecho algún cambio en hardware últimamente?

Linux Registered User # 386081
A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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2011-08-26 Thread Jorge Merino S.

Hola, ¿qué tal'. Soy Jorge Merino y tengo una pregunta respecto al video.

Resulta que siempre me había mantenido en la versión estable de Debian 
con kernel 2.6.32-5-686
,actualmente Squeeze, y no había tenido nunca un problema o algo 
parecido con los drivers de video de una Ati HD4200, instalaba todo 
impecable según la Wiki de Debian y perfecto.

Resulta que hace unos días quise pasar a Debian Testing, Whezzy con 
kernel 3, como sabía que este kernel trae integrado el núcleo fgrlx y no 
era necesario tenerlo desintalé previa actualización los drivers 
privativos. Todo andaba perfecto, impecable diría yo con los drivers 
libres, de hecho, creo que andan mejor que los privativos, mucho más 
suave y fluido. En cuanto a eso no tengo problemas.

El problema que tengo es que con el kernel 3 no tengo las opciones del 
Catalys control Center que sí tenía un menú donde se podía equalizar 
los colores con el driver privativo de ATI, y por lo tanto, al no tener 
ese menú tengo una pantalla con poca viveza de colores, la verdad como 
debería estar por defecto, pero no me gusta y  no puedo modificar los 
colores del escritorio y calibrarlos. Mi pregunta es más bien estética 
que técnica.

¿Cómo puedo controlar los colores del entorno Gnome sin tener que volver 
a instalar los drivers prvativos y retroceder en el Kernel?, he buscado 
mucho por la web pero no funciona.

He tratado con Xcaliber, ICC, pero no me resulta nada.

Espero no incomodar y que ojalá respondan, soy usuario de Debian hace 2 
años app.

De antemano muchas gracias, feliz aniversario y felicitaciones por todo 
el trabajo desarrollado.


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Re: [O.T.] Charlas con talleres sobre OpenVz y Servers Debian

2011-08-26 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 26 de agosto de 2011 10:38, Tio Oscar escribió:
 Buenas, para los que vivan en Argentina y por Zona Sur del Conourbano, les
 puede interesar, pertenezco al grupo de usuarios de Lanús (Lanux) y estamos
 dando charlas con talleres casi mensualmente, este mes la tematica es sobre
 servidores vps y yo doy una sobre como armar una granja de servidores usando
 Debian, cosa que puede ser de interes para los lectores de esta lista :-)

 aca dejo el aviso oficial, gracias y perdón por el OT:

 El grupo de usuarios de GNU/Linux de la ciudad de Lanús “LANUX”,
 los invita el sábado 27 de agosto próximo a su reunión mensual con charlas
 técnicas a realizarse en la sede de la Universidad Kennedy ubicada
 en la Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen 4651 a 50 mts, de la estación Lanús.
 La temática este més será SYSADMIN con dos charlas complementarias

 - 13:00 hs: Virtualizando con OpenVZ. Taller de Openvz mostrando
 diferentes implementaciones exitosas de OpenVZ en el ámbito público y

 - 14:30 hs: La granja virtual. Como crear nuestra propia granja de
 servidores con vps y sus principales ventajas


 - Instalación basica del SO (Debian)
 - Configuracion de los servicios
 - Permisos de red y administracion
 - NFS
 - Balanceo de carga simple (bonus)

 La entrada como siempre es LIBRE y GRATUITA. Están todos invitados.

 El Tio ~ Programador, hacker y filósofo
 Twitter: @exos, @exos
 Tels: [+54 11] 638-LINUX (54689) - [+54 9 11] 6799-4797

Gracias por el dato, si se pudiera grabar y subir a algún lado lo agradecería.

Saludos y suerte.
Marcos Delgado.

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Re: [O.T.] Charlas con talleres sobre OpenVz y Servers Debian

2011-08-26 Thread Roberto Quiñones
El día 26 de agosto de 2011 14:23, Marcos Delgado escribió:
 El día 26 de agosto de 2011 10:38, Tio Oscar escribió:
 Buenas, para los que vivan en Argentina y por Zona Sur del Conourbano, les
 puede interesar, pertenezco al grupo de usuarios de Lanús (Lanux) y estamos
 dando charlas con talleres casi mensualmente, este mes la tematica es sobre
 servidores vps y yo doy una sobre como armar una granja de servidores usando
 Debian, cosa que puede ser de interes para los lectores de esta lista :-)

 aca dejo el aviso oficial, gracias y perdón por el OT:

 El grupo de usuarios de GNU/Linux de la ciudad de Lanús “LANUX”,
 los invita el sábado 27 de agosto próximo a su reunión mensual con charlas
 técnicas a realizarse en la sede de la Universidad Kennedy ubicada
 en la Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen 4651 a 50 mts, de la estación Lanús.
 La temática este més será SYSADMIN con dos charlas complementarias

 - 13:00 hs: Virtualizando con OpenVZ. Taller de Openvz mostrando
 diferentes implementaciones exitosas de OpenVZ en el ámbito público y

 - 14:30 hs: La granja virtual. Como crear nuestra propia granja de
 servidores con vps y sus principales ventajas


 - Instalación basica del SO (Debian)
 - Configuracion de los servicios
 - Permisos de red y administracion
 - NFS
 - Balanceo de carga simple (bonus)

 La entrada como siempre es LIBRE y GRATUITA. Están todos invitados.

 El Tio ~ Programador, hacker y filósofo
 Twitter: @exos, @exos
 Tels: [+54 11] 638-LINUX (54689) - [+54 9 11] 6799-4797

 Gracias por el dato, si se pudiera grabar y subir a algún lado lo agradecería.

 Saludos y suerte.
 Marcos Delgado.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Seria ideal para muchos ya que es de utilidad.


Roberto Quiñones

Owner - Service Manager and System
ACShell.NET – Internet Services -
San Martin #311 Santiago – CL (Chile)

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Re: Sistema congelado: waiting for /udev to be fully populated

2011-08-26 Thread Altair Linux
Ningun cambio.

¿Entonces ejecuto ese comando y que quedo solo con grub2?

Re: conocen alguna función en bash para ofuscar/ocultar contenido de variables?

2011-08-26 Thread Manuel Soto
El día 11 de agosto de 2011 10:12, Flako escribió:
 El 11 de agosto de 2011 02:29, Fernando C. Estrada

 ¿Para que necesitas escribir la variable en tu script?, se me ocurre que
 si la variable de por si ya estará en tu archivo de texto ya que lo
 utilizas para otras cosas y suponiendo aparezca de esta forma:


 ..., en tu script únicamente asignes el valor a una variable e invoques
 el comando con dicha variable, por ejemplo:

 password=$(grep ^'clave=' ~/.topsecret | tr -d '\n''\r' | cut -d '=' -f 2)
 comando -U user -P $password

 Para el tema de ofuscar pues tendrías opciones infinitas ya que tu
 establecerías el algoritmo, pero entre las cosas más simples puedes por
 ejemplo pasar los valores a hexadecimal con algo así:

 password=$(echo secreto | xxd)
 echo $password | xxd -p -r

 ..., ó a base 64 por ejemplo de esta forma::

 password=$(echo secreto | base64)
 echo $password | base64 -d

 Sin mayor información del problema a resolver espero esto te sea de

 Saludos y buen día,

 P.D. Jamás se me había ocurrido hacer un script combinando Bash, AWK y
 ¿MS-DOS? (imagino te refieres a la sintaxis de un archivo batch), esto
 obviamente me tiene asombrado así que por favor cuando termines te
 agradeceré me permitas conocer el resultado de tal hazaña ;-)
 Fernando C. Estrada

 Consejo 34 de Debian: Si quiere seguir Debian sid y tiene una conexión
 o una cuota de descarga pequeña, vea el paquete debdelta.

 Disculpen si no quedo claro..
 La idea es correr un comando de vmware que los parámetro son:
 vmware-cmd.bat    -U administrador -P EsteEsMiPassword -mas parametros
 Lo que hace necesario, colocar el password en texto plano y tenerlo un
 archivo plano (sin encriptacion).

 Yo lo que quiero es ofuscar/ocultar  (no encriptar) a la vista de mirones la
 contraseña.. sumado a permisos de archivos no puedo hacer mucho mas. la idea
 es no hacérselas tan facil.

 Lo que me dice  Fernando de  base64, es lo que ando buscando..  gracias
 Anoche replanteando la busqueda tambien encontre que permite
 encriptar codigo, o textos.

 Lo de ps ax  que dice santiago, es verdad.. se me habia escapado, igual el
 script es para iniciar/bajar VMWares sobre un server  windows, por lo que el
 script solo corre en el servidor de forma desatendida y ese caso seria de
 bajo el riesgo, en ese caso, solo se me ocurre usar cpau, pero habria que
 ver la seguridad.. para cpau no vi doc de como encripta.

Amigo, si quieres soporte para programar scripts en Windows al menos
ten la decencia de colocar OFFTOPIC en el subject

 Y por la ultima pregunta, el script es bash/awk/msdos porque corre sobre
 windows, es un script de bash/awk  (toda la logica con ellos), pero igual
 que en Linux, bash se queda corto y terminas corriendo comando del S.O, en
 este caso msdos/windows :)
 Se logra GNUsear windows con  y  :)

 Gracias a todos..
 Encontre para windows, cuando
 ofusque mis password les comento

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Re: conocen alguna función en bash para ofuscar/ocultar contenido de variables?

2011-08-26 Thread Flako
El día 26 de agosto de 2011 22:16, Manuel Soto escribió:
 Lo de ps ax  que dice santiago, es verdad.. se me habia escapado, igual el
 script es para iniciar/bajar VMWares sobre un server  windows, por lo que el
 script solo corre en el servidor de forma desatendida y ese caso seria de
 bajo el riesgo, en ese caso, solo se me ocurre usar cpau, pero habria que
 ver la seguridad.. para cpau no vi doc de como encripta.

 Amigo, si quieres soporte para programar scripts en Windows al menos
 ten la decencia de colocar OFFTOPIC en el subject

Hola Manuel,
primero: gracias por leer el mail (realmente se agradece),
segundo: yo nunca pedí soporte para programar un script en windows, si
lees detenidamente mi primer mail yo hago una  pregunta conceptual
de programación en bash (donde corro bash no va al caso) porque
necesitaba ideas de como solucionar una situación de programación en
bash, mi mail inicial ni siquiera dice windows.. dice msdos :)

Bueno solamente eso.. asumo que tengo derecho hacer una replica de lo
que escribiste. Luego  quien tiene razón en el tema yo de mi parte se
lo  dejo a los abogados.. yo paso en la discusión..
Saludos, Flako

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Re: Microsoft Natural Keyboard och numeriska tangenter

2011-08-26 Thread Peter Krefting

Anders Jackson:

Konstigt.  Har du tryckt ned NumLock-tangenten?

Nu hittade jag det: Långt nere i en GNOME-konfigurationsdialog var valet 
Tillåt styrning av muspekaren med tangentbordet påslaget. Inte för att det 
fungerade att styra muspekaren, men det stängde av det numeriska 
tangentbordet åt mig...

\\// Peter -

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Re: problem med user ID och NFS

2011-08-26 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 26 augusti 2011 07:15 skrev
 Jag har installerat en NFS-server på en dator med Xubuntu 11.04 för att
 kunna föra över filer på ett enkelt sätt. Jag har samma numeriska
 user ID (1000) både på den datorn och min Debian-dator som jag vill föra
 över filer från. Döm om min förvåning när överförda filer får user ID
 4294967294 (-2) när jag tittar på dom från Debian-datorn och 1000
 lokalt på Xubuntu-datorn.

Det verkar ju ok.  Samma uid och gid på server och klient brukar underlätta.

Men om du skrivit rätt ovan, så vore det bättre att ha NFS-servern på
Debian-maskinen som du skall överföra filen från, och NFS-klient på
Xubuntu-maskinen som du vill ha filen till.

 Jag har flera andra datorer med NFS och har aldrig upplevt det här
 fenomenet. Någon som har något tips?

Men då återstår frågan, hur exakt exporterar du filsystemen, vilken
version av Debian kör du samt hur monterar du filsystemen på den andra

Dvs hur undviker vi att gissa relevant innehåll i /etc/exports,
/etc/fstab samt vilka kommandon som du använder för att montera
filsystemen.  Gärna även med information om på vilken maskin du gör
dessa kommandon. Eller använder du auto-fs (rekommenderas för mer
permanent användning av NFS på en klient).


Mvh Jackson

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Re: problem med user ID och NFS

2011-08-26 Thread Jonas Birgander
 Döm om min förvåning när överförda filer får user ID
 4294967294 (-2) när jag tittar på dom från Debian-datorn och 1000
 lokalt på Xubuntu-datorn.

Om idmapd inte är igång så testa att starta den, det hjälpte när vi
hade samma problem på jobbet.

Jonas Birgander

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problem med user ID och NFS

2011-08-26 Thread Carl-Fredrik Enell
Jag har upplevt just detta problem med en Debianserver och en klient
på Arch Linux och tror tom att det diskuterades här på listan :)

Minns jag rätt så var det en ändring i kärnan som orsakade att idmapd
eller någon annan av nfs-demonerna inte längre funkade. Lösningen var
att vänta på uppdaterade nfs-paket i Arch. Kanske debian unstable (om
det är klienten) har fått samma problem.

Det kan också vara bra att kolla /etc/idmapd.conf

Carl-Fredrik Enell (SM2YHP / OH9GNX)

Tähteläntie 70B
FIN-99600 Sodankylä, Finland
Work URL:
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
pub  1024D/E3930C6C 
Key fingerprint = 
6D46 6879 5826 0219 08FC 0F5E 97FD 06D6 E393 0C6C

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Re: problem med user ID och NFS

2011-08-26 Thread jan
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:28:07 +0200
Anders Jackson wrote:

 Den 26 augusti 2011 07:15 skrev
  Jag har installerat en NFS-server på en dator med Xubuntu 11.04 för
  att kunna föra över filer på ett enkelt sätt. Jag har samma
  numeriska user ID (1000) både på den datorn och min Debian-dator
  som jag vill föra över filer från. Döm om min förvåning när
  överförda filer får user ID 4294967294 (-2) när jag tittar på dom
  från Debian-datorn och 1000 lokalt på Xubuntu-datorn.
 Det verkar ju ok.  Samma uid och gid på server och klient brukar
 Men om du skrivit rätt ovan, så vore det bättre att ha NFS-servern på
 Debian-maskinen som du skall överföra filen från, och NFS-klient på
 Xubuntu-maskinen som du vill ha filen till.

Av olika skäl vill jag ha en NFS-server på Xubuntu burken. Tex att det
kommer att landa filer från flera olika datorer på den. Rimligen borde
det väl inte spela någon roll vilken som är server.

  Jag har flera andra datorer med NFS och har aldrig upplevt det här
  fenomenet. Någon som har något tips?
 Men då återstår frågan, hur exakt exporterar du filsystemen, vilken
 version av Debian kör du samt hur monterar du filsystemen på den andra

Debian 6.0.2

 Dvs hur undviker vi att gissa relevant innehåll i /etc/exports,
 /etc/fstab samt vilka kommandon som du använder för att montera
 filsystemen.  Gärna även med information om på vilken maskin du gör
 dessa kommandon. Eller använder du auto-fs (rekommenderas för mer
 permanent användning av NFS på en klient).
Xubuntu (nikolai)

exportfs -a
nikolai:/sda4/export/nikolainfs rw,hard,intr,bg

mount /nikolai

auto-fs? Que? Är det något man kan leva med eller något i stil med
Avahi och Grub2? Den här hunden är för gammal för dagens
nymodigheter :o) NFS är en permanent del av mitt liv. Det är i
normalfallet ett helt underbart system. SMB? Vem behöver SMB?

Tack för visat intresse.

 Mvh Jackson

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Re: problem med user ID och NFS

2011-08-26 Thread jan
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 16:08:19 +0200
Jonas Birgander wrote:

  Döm om min förvåning när överförda filer får user ID
  4294967294 (-2) när jag tittar på dom från Debian-datorn och 1000
  lokalt på Xubuntu-datorn.
 Om idmapd inte är igång så testa att starta den, det hjälpte när vi
 hade samma problem på jobbet.

Hmmm, verkar obehagligt. Den här griniga gamla gubben tycker att det
verkar alldeles för modernt med användarnamn i det här sammanhanget.

Men tack ändå för förslaget, jag kanske hamnar där till slut...


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Re: Adaptador sem fio usb intelbrás (atheros) no debian squeeze

2011-08-26 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em Sex, 2011-08-26 às 01:59 -0300, Bruno Buys escreveu:
 Fala povo,
 Comprei um adaptador usb pra rede sem fio intelbrás, baseado no
 chipset atheros (lsusb: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros
 Communications, Inc. AR9271 802.11n).
 Está funcionando, depois dos passos que fiz pra instalá-lo no debian
 squeeze. Se for relevante posso postar os passos aqui.
 Só que, durante o uso, aparecem estas linhas no dmesg da máquina:
 [ 2335.184014] usb 1-7: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 4
 chutando eu diria que aparece uma linha dessas a cada dois ou três
 minutos, mais ou menos. A conexão parece não ser afetada.
 Devo me preocupar? O que posso fazer para isso parar de acontecer?

Para complementar suas informaçãoes: eu tenho um com o mesmo chipset há
algum tempo e não me lembro de ter observado uma linha como esta. 



Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos.   Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Adaptador sem fio usb intelbrás (atheros) no debian squeeze

2011-08-26 Thread Rodolfo
Já que não afeta o device wireless, acho que não precisa se preocupar.

Mas todavia digite como root: lsusb e nos mostre a saída do comando (use o
comando sem o adaptador plugado e depois com o adaptador plugado).

Dei uma pesquisada também em relação aos bugs e olha o que achei, talvez te


Em 26 de agosto de 2011 00:59, Bruno Buys escreveu:

 Fala povo,
 Comprei um adaptador usb pra rede sem fio intelbrás, baseado no chipset
 atheros (lsusb: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications,
 Inc. AR9271 802.11n).
 Está funcionando, depois dos passos que fiz pra instalá-lo no debian
 squeeze. Se for relevante posso postar os passos aqui.
 Só que, durante o uso, aparecem estas linhas no dmesg da máquina:

 [ 2335.184014] usb 1-7: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 4

 chutando eu diria que aparece uma linha dessas a cada dois ou três minutos,
 mais ou menos. A conexão parece não ser afetada.
 Devo me preocupar? O que posso fazer para isso parar de acontecer?



RE: Debian não faz Login

2011-08-26 Thread Guih Martins

Boa tarde pessoal , desculpe por não dar todos os detalhes.
Instalei o Sistema via DVD1 do debian,
O sistema estava funcionando perfeitamente,
existe o meu usuario guilherme o qual fazia login normalmente
ao apertar  CTRL + ALT + F7 ..F6,F5  vai para uma tela preta , sem opção de 


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:30:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Debian não faz Login

Complementando o que o Fábio escreveu. Se você respondeu não lá no início, 
quando aparecer a tela de login, aperte e segure CTRL + ALT + F1 (ou os outros 
Fs até o 6)
vc irá para o terminal tty. Lá entre como usuário root e crie um novo usuário.
adduser teste
após isso preencha a senha e vá terminando a configuração do usuário 
Logo após volte a tela gráfica  CTRL + ALT + F7 e entre com o usuário que você 
acabou de criar.
Nos de retorno dos teste.

Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:19, Fábio Rabelo 

Boa tarde .

O Sr. não forneceu detalhes suficientes para permitir um verdadeiro 
diagnóstico, pto eu vou chutar uma possibilidade, feito ?

Caso não seja este o problema, por favor volte à lista com mais detalhes ...

O Sr. acabou de instalar, e está executando seu primeiro login após o boot ?

Se for este o caso, o Sr. está tentando usar o usuário root para fazer um 
login gráfico ?

Caso afirmativo, este é o problema !

O usuário root é bloqueado na interface gráfica por padrão em quase todas as 
distribuições Linux por razões de segurança !

Durante o processo de instalação, após o sistema ter perguntado a senha para o 
usuário root ele perguntou se o Sr. queria criar um usuário para uso geral, e 
o Sr. respondeu não, correto ?

Pois o Sr. deveria ter respondido sim, e este usuário que seria criado poderia 
fazer o login no modo gráfico sem problemas ...

Existem duas soluções, a mais rápida, porém mais complexa, é executar um boot 
com algum CD de Live boot , fazer um chgroot para o Debian instalado, e 
criar um usuário qualquer .

A outra solução é mais demorada, porém mais simples, reinstale o Debian, e 
desta vez responda SIM qdo ele perguntar se o Sr. quer criar um usuário para 
uso geral .

Como disse lá no começo, se não for este o seu problema, então por favor 
retorne à lista com mais detalhes ...

Fábio Rabelo

Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:55, Guih Martins 

Boa tarde Pessoal
Muito prazer , é a primeira vez que escrevo para a lista e estou com um 
problema no meu Debian Squeeze.
Ao carregar o sistema ele entra na tela de login, mas apos digitar o usuario e 
senha  a tela fica preta , e logo em seguida , volta a tela de login 
não consigo acessar os terminais em moodo texto tt1, tt2 ...
alguem tem alguma sugestão ??
desde ja Muito Obrigado!!


Re: Debian não faz Login

2011-08-26 Thread Rodolfo
Caramba, se nem os TTYs da vida funcionam aí a bronca é alta hein. será
que seu DVD está com algum problema de leitura ou algo parecido ? Agora vc
falou que o Sistema estava funcionando normalmente.quer dizer que ele
parou de funcionar então ? Porque como vc falou deu a entender que vc acabou
de instalar o sistema e ele já apresentava o problema que vc tinha
explicadose puder de detalhes do que vc utilizava ou o que aconteceu
antes de acontecer este problema abraços


Em 26 de agosto de 2011 11:15, Guih Martins

  Boa tarde pessoal , desculpe por não dar todos os detalhes.

 Instalei o Sistema via DVD1 do debian,
 O sistema estava funcionando perfeitamente,
 existe o meu usuario guilherme o qual fazia login normalmente
 ao apertar  CTRL + ALT + F7 ..F6,F5 * vai para uma tela preta , sem
 opção de login!*

 Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:30:10 -0400
 Subject: Re: Debian não faz Login

 Complementando o que o Fábio escreveu. Se você respondeu não lá no início,
 quando aparecer a tela de login, aperte e segure CTRL + ALT + F1 (ou os
 outros Fs até o 6)

 vc irá para o terminal tty. Lá entre como usuário root e crie um novo

 adduser teste

 após isso preencha a senha e vá terminando a configuração do usuário

 Logo após volte a tela gráfica  CTRL + ALT + F7 e entre com o usuário que
 você acabou de criar.

 Nos de retorno dos teste.


 Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:19, Fábio Rabelo

 Boa tarde .

 O Sr. não forneceu detalhes suficientes para permitir um verdadeiro
 diagnóstico, pto eu vou chutar uma possibilidade, feito ?

 Caso não seja este o problema, por favor volte à lista com mais detalhes

 O Sr. acabou de instalar, e está executando seu primeiro login após o boot

 Se for este o caso, o Sr. está tentando usar o usuário root para fazer um
 login gráfico ?

 Caso afirmativo, este é o problema !

 O usuário root é bloqueado na interface gráfica por padrão em quase todas
 as distribuições Linux por razões de segurança !

 Durante o processo de instalação, após o sistema ter perguntado a senha
 para o usuário root ele perguntou se o Sr. queria criar um usuário para
 uso geral, e o Sr. respondeu não, correto ?

 Pois o Sr. deveria ter respondido sim, e este usuário que seria criado
 poderia fazer o login no modo gráfico sem problemas ...

 Existem duas soluções, a mais rápida, porém mais complexa, é executar um
 boot com algum CD de Live boot , fazer um chgroot para o Debian
 instalado, e criar um usuário qualquer .

 A outra solução é mais demorada, porém mais simples, reinstale o Debian, e
 desta vez responda SIM qdo ele perguntar se o Sr. quer criar um usuário para
 uso geral .

 Como disse lá no começo, se não for este o seu problema, então por favor
 retorne à lista com mais detalhes ...

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:55, Guih Martins escreveu:

  Boa tarde Pessoal

 Muito prazer , é a primeira vez que escrevo para a lista e estou com um
 problema no meu Debian Squeeze.

 Ao carregar o sistema ele entra na tela de login, mas apos digitar o
 usuario e senha  a tela fica preta , e logo em seguida , volta a tela de
 não consigo acessar os terminais em moodo texto tt1, tt2 ...

 alguem tem alguma sugestão ??

 desde ja Muito Obrigado!!

Experiências ruins com GTK

2011-08-26 Thread Erick Andrade
Com certeza não é algo que acontece somente comigo.

Aplicativos GTK que exigem um consumo de memória considerável,
frequentemente travam.

Isso tem acontecido há tempos, em diversas instalações, com aplicativos como
Nicotine, w3af, Hydra, Nessus...

Os widgets somem, fica só o container e a GUI não volta a ser renderizada

Apesar de não gostar do KDE, como desenvolvedor estou utilizando Qt, pois
GTK já está dando no saco.
Inclusive o Gnome já abandonei há tempos.

Alguém por aqui tem passados por situações semelhantes?


Network-manager autoconnect

2011-08-26 Thread André Nunes
Olá a todos,

Estou com um problema que não consigo resolver:

Eu configurei acesso remoto ssh em minha máquina, que está conectada à
internet por meio de um roteador vagabundo da TPLINK. O problema é que
quando o PS3 é ligado, por algum motivo que não sei qual é, a minha
máquina perde o sinal do roteador e a conexão cai.

O network-manager está configurado para reconectar automaticamente,
porém em alguns casos ele desiste de reconectar após algumas
tentativas. Com isto, a máquina fica inacessível via ssh e eu não
tenho como reconectar a não ser que volte para casa e faça o
procedimento manualmente.

Existe alguma forma de forçar o network-manager a continuar buscando
conexão sem limites de tentativas? Li a documentação e não encontrei
nada sobre isso. Em tese, o propósito do network-manager é justamente
garantir que a conexão esteja ativa o tempo todo, mas não é isto que
venho observando.

Pensei também em magic packets para ressucitar a conexão, mas, até
onde entendo do assunto, o roteador precisaria ser capaz de fazê-lo
sozinho, o que não é o caso.

Alguma idéia?

Desde logo, muito obrigado.

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

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Re: Network-manager autoconnect

2011-08-26 Thread China
Eu desisti de vez do network-manager, hoje uso o wicd para gerenciar
minhas redes. Não sei se ele tem um recurso que faça o que você
precisa, experimenta e veja se dá certo!

Em 26 de agosto de 2011 17:03, André Nunes escreveu:
 Olá a todos,

 Estou com um problema que não consigo resolver:

 Eu configurei acesso remoto ssh em minha máquina, que está conectada à
 internet por meio de um roteador vagabundo da TPLINK. O problema é que
 quando o PS3 é ligado, por algum motivo que não sei qual é, a minha
 máquina perde o sinal do roteador e a conexão cai.

 O network-manager está configurado para reconectar automaticamente,
 porém em alguns casos ele desiste de reconectar após algumas
 tentativas. Com isto, a máquina fica inacessível via ssh e eu não
 tenho como reconectar a não ser que volte para casa e faça o
 procedimento manualmente.

 Existe alguma forma de forçar o network-manager a continuar buscando
 conexão sem limites de tentativas? Li a documentação e não encontrei
 nada sobre isso. Em tese, o propósito do network-manager é justamente
 garantir que a conexão esteja ativa o tempo todo, mas não é isto que
 venho observando.

 Pensei também em magic packets para ressucitar a conexão, mas, até
 onde entendo do assunto, o roteador precisaria ser capaz de fazê-lo
 sozinho, o que não é o caso.

 Alguma idéia?

 Desde logo, muito obrigado.

 André Nunes Batista
 PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

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Re: Network-manager autoconnect

2011-08-26 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 26-08-2011 17:03, André Nunes escreveu:

Olá a todos,
Estou com um problema que não consigo resolver:
Eu configurei acesso remoto ssh em minha máquina, que está conectada à
internet por meio de um roteador vagabundo da TPLINK. O problema é que
quando o PS3 é ligado, por algum motivo que não sei qual é, a minha
máquina perde o sinal do roteador e a conexão cai.
O network-manager está configurado para reconectar automaticamente,
porém em alguns casos ele desiste de reconectar após algumas
tentativas. Com isto, a máquina fica inacessível via ssh e eu não
tenho como reconectar a não ser que volte para casa e faça o
procedimento manualmente.
Existe alguma forma de forçar o network-manager a continuar buscando
conexão sem limites de tentativas? Li a documentação e não encontrei
nada sobre isso. Em tese, o propósito do network-manager é justamente
garantir que a conexão esteja ativa o tempo todo, mas não é isto que
venho observando.
Pensei também em magic packets para ressucitar a conexão, mas, até
onde entendo do assunto, o roteador precisaria ser capaz de fazê-lo
sozinho, o que não é o caso.
Alguma idéia?
Desde logo, muito obrigado.


Também tenho esse cenário com um TPLINK e quando liga-se algum 
aparelho que usa a Wi-Fi, a placa de um dos notes entra em parafuso e 
entope a frequência derrubando todos: outros notes e smartphones.

Dei uma procurada na net e vi que esse problema está inerente 
ao chipset da placa Wi-Fi e o módulo deste note em específico, agora não 
lembro o modelo. No Windows, visto que o note tem dual boot com Win7 e 
Ubuntu, isso não ocorre.

Dizer então que o problema é do roteador ou de outro 
dispositivo não faz sentido. Instale o Win7 para testar e veja se 
procede o caso tal como o meu. Fiquei de fazer um teste com o 
ndiswrapper usando o driver para Win, mas ainda não tive tempo para 
isso. Se puder fazer este teste, também seria bem válido.

  Junior Polegato

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Re: Network-manager autoconnect

2011-08-26 Thread Fabricio Cannini
Em sexta-feira 26 agosto 2011, às 17:19:39, China escreveu:
 Eu desisti de vez do network-manager, hoje uso o wicd para gerenciar
 minhas redes.


A única coisa que falta pro wicd-kde é integração com o kwallet, de resto é 
sem comparação!

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Re: Network-manager autoconnect

2011-08-26 Thread China
Em 26 de agosto de 2011 17:44, Fabricio Cannini escreveu:
 Em sexta-feira 26 agosto 2011, às 17:19:39, China escreveu:
 Eu desisti de vez do network-manager, hoje uso o wicd para gerenciar
 minhas redes.
 A única coisa que falta pro wicd-kde é integração com o kwallet, de resto é
 sem comparação!

Pra mim isso passa a ser uma vantagem, pois tanto o kwallet quanto o
equivalente do gnome só foram criados para matar de raiva.


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RE: Debian não faz Login

2011-08-26 Thread Guih Martins

Sim estava funcionando e configurado , usei 1 semana sem problemas tinha 
instalado os pacotes.
Eu estava tentando compilar o driver da rede Wireless da minha Realtek rtl 8187.
Rodei os Make da vida, dai rebootei e ferrou tudo.

Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:49:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Debian não faz Login

Caramba, se nem os TTYs da vida funcionam aí a bronca é alta hein. será que 
seu DVD está com algum problema de leitura ou algo parecido ? Agora vc falou 
que o Sistema estava funcionando normalmente.quer dizer que ele parou de 
funcionar então ? Porque como vc falou deu a entender que vc acabou de instalar 
o sistema e ele já apresentava o problema que vc tinha explicadose puder de 
detalhes do que vc utilizava ou o que aconteceu antes de acontecer este 
problema abraços

Em 26 de agosto de 2011 11:15, Guih Martins 

Boa tarde pessoal , desculpe por não dar todos os detalhes.
Instalei o Sistema via DVD1 do debian,
O sistema estava funcionando perfeitamente,
existe o meu usuario guilherme o qual fazia login normalmente
ao apertar  CTRL + ALT + F7 ..F6,F5  vai para uma tela preta , sem opção de 


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:30:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Debian não faz Login

Complementando o que o Fábio escreveu. Se você respondeu não lá no início, 
quando aparecer a tela de login, aperte e segure CTRL + ALT + F1 (ou os outros 
Fs até o 6)
vc irá para o terminal tty. Lá entre como usuário root e crie um novo usuário.
adduser teste
após isso preencha a senha e vá terminando a configuração do usuário 
Logo após volte a tela gráfica  CTRL + ALT + F7 e entre com o usuário que você 
acabou de criar.
Nos de retorno dos teste.

Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:19, Fábio Rabelo 

Boa tarde .

O Sr. não forneceu detalhes suficientes para permitir um verdadeiro 
diagnóstico, pto eu vou chutar uma possibilidade, feito ?

Caso não seja este o problema, por favor volte à lista com mais detalhes ...

O Sr. acabou de instalar, e está executando seu primeiro login após o boot ?

Se for este o caso, o Sr. está tentando usar o usuário root para fazer um 
login gráfico ?

Caso afirmativo, este é o problema !

O usuário root é bloqueado na interface gráfica por padrão em quase todas as 
distribuições Linux por razões de segurança !

Durante o processo de instalação, após o sistema ter perguntado a senha para o 
usuário root ele perguntou se o Sr. queria criar um usuário para uso geral, e 
o Sr. respondeu não, correto ?

Pois o Sr. deveria ter respondido sim, e este usuário que seria criado poderia 
fazer o login no modo gráfico sem problemas ...

Existem duas soluções, a mais rápida, porém mais complexa, é executar um boot 
com algum CD de Live boot , fazer um chgroot para o Debian instalado, e 
criar um usuário qualquer .

A outra solução é mais demorada, porém mais simples, reinstale o Debian, e 
desta vez responda SIM qdo ele perguntar se o Sr. quer criar um usuário para 
uso geral .

Como disse lá no começo, se não for este o seu problema, então por favor 
retorne à lista com mais detalhes ...

Fábio Rabelo

Em 25 de agosto de 2011 12:55, Guih Martins 

Boa tarde Pessoal
Muito prazer , é a primeira vez que escrevo para a lista e estou com um 
problema no meu Debian Squeeze.
Ao carregar o sistema ele entra na tela de login, mas apos digitar o usuario e 
senha  a tela fica preta , e logo em seguida , volta a tela de login 
não consigo acessar os terminais em moodo texto tt1, tt2 ...
alguem tem alguma sugestão ??
desde ja Muito Obrigado!!


Re: Adaptador sem fio usb intelbrás (atheros) no debian squeeze

2011-08-26 Thread Eden Caldas
Esse bug aí tem é a respeito de cópia de arquivos entre dispositivos usb, e
descobriram que era o cabo com defeito.

Eden Caldas
Consultor de TI
(81) 9653 7220
LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

Em 26 de agosto de 2011 08:05, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Já que não afeta o device wireless, acho que não precisa se preocupar.

 Mas todavia digite como root: lsusb e nos mostre a saída do comando (use o
 comando sem o adaptador plugado e depois com o adaptador plugado).

 Dei uma pesquisada também em relação aos bugs e olha o que achei, talvez te


 Em 26 de agosto de 2011 00:59, Bruno Buys bruno.gru...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Fala povo,
 Comprei um adaptador usb pra rede sem fio intelbrás, baseado no chipset
 atheros (lsusb: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications,
 Inc. AR9271 802.11n).
 Está funcionando, depois dos passos que fiz pra instalá-lo no debian
 squeeze. Se for relevante posso postar os passos aqui.
 Só que, durante o uso, aparecem estas linhas no dmesg da máquina:

 [ 2335.184014] usb 1-7: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 4

 chutando eu diria que aparece uma linha dessas a cada dois ou três
 minutos, mais ou menos. A conexão parece não ser afetada.
 Devo me preocupar? O que posso fazer para isso parar de acontecer?



Re: Problema com envio de email Lista de spam

2011-08-26 Thread Helio Loureiro

 *Estou com problemas em minha residencia, estou enviando email e me retorna 
 esta resposta : *

 *Technical details of permanent failure: *

 *Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient 
 domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further 
 information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server 
 returned was: 550 550-O endereço de IP 209.x.x.x está na lista negra de SPAM 
 550- Se isto for um engano sua mensagem de reclamação para
 550 postmaster será aceita. (state 14).*

 *Alguém sabe o que pode ser ? E como fazer a correção ? *



Esse é um tipo de site que mantém (ou mantinha) um black list de máquinas,
ou IPs, abertos para SPAM.  Em geral redes domésticas, como ADSL e cable,
estão dentro desses blacklists.  Então mails dessas origens não são aceitos.
 É necessário enviar através de outro servidor de mail.

Mas se vc tentou enviar pelo gmail e deu falha, então pode ser problema de
configuração no receptor.

Helio Loureiro

Re: sharing one r/w unix filesystem between different machines and users

2011-08-26 Thread Christoph Groth
Robert Blair Mason Jr. writes:

 Christoph Groth wrote:

 Blair Mason writes:
  Permission schemes on removable media are not too powerful annyway,
  as anyone with root on any machine can change them... my $0.02.
 Exactly -- I wonder whether there are any decent (modern features,
 public specification, nice free implementation, etc.) filesystems
 which allow to ignore permissions when mounted by a user.
 Will something like the following work? This works on any filesystem
 using standard unix permissions (such as ext*, ufs, reiserfs*, btrfs,

 Suppose your filesystem is mounted on /media/usb0.

 # chmod -R a+rwx /media/usb0

 This does, however, seem the Wrong Way To Do It, as it will not work
 for files created after issuing the command.

That's the point.  If user A creates some directory, and user B (who has
a different uid on his machine) wants to delete a file in this
directory, user B will have first to become root and override the
permissions.  This is an unnecessary hassle and requires the user in
question to be fairly technical.  And it won't work if the user is
unable to become root.

 Unfortunately, there isn't an elegant way to do this. It seems like it
 should be an option to mount (something like ignoreperms).  Looking at
 the internet, it appears that OSX has a mount option to do this:
 (search for 'noowners')

 This option does not appear to exist on Linux or BSD, however.

Thanks, I've been looking for something like this (though an OSX
solution doesn't help me).  I really wonder why no one has ever fixed
this issue for Linux -- probably everybody is happy simply using FAT and
NTFS on shared removable media.  And their importance is fading anyway.


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Re: sharing one r/w unix filesystem between different machines and users

2011-08-26 Thread Christoph Groth
shawn wilson writes:

 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 19:02, Christoph Groth wrote:
 Blair Mason writes:

 Permission schemes on removable media are not too powerful annyway, as
 anyone with root on any machine can change them... my $0.02.

 Exactly -- I wonder whether there are any decent (modern features,
 public specification, nice free implementation, etc.) filesystems which
 allow to ignore permissions when mounted by a user.

Thanks, but any solution requiring to run additional servers to solve
this simple issue doesn't feel like the proper one.

I think the idea that a user should be able to control _fully_ the
devices which he attaches himself is not really supported well in Linux.
The issue is not trivial to solve, because who should own a newly
attached device if several users are logged in?  (It should be the
current user of the physical terminal to which the new device has been

Is anyone aware of an emerging solution to this?


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Re: sharing one r/w unix filesystem between different machines and users

2011-08-26 Thread Lars Maes

Hi Christoph,

Why not use an UDF filesystem, that is used on DVD discs?

Christoph Groth  schreef in bericht 


I'd like to share the data saved on an external USB drive between
different (GNU/Linux) machines, each having different users.  Each user
should be able to mount the drive and read and write any files as he or
she pleases.  The users aren't necessary root themselves.

Is there a way to implement such a scheme with a non-windows filesystem
like ext3?

I understand how Unix file permissions work.  However, for a removable
drive which might be connected to different systems (with completely
unrelated uids/gids), assigning fixed uids/gids to files just doesn't
make any sense.

What's the best FS for sharing data between unrelated Linux systems?  Is
it really FAT or NTFS?


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unfriendly function from aptitude(hold and upgrade)

2011-08-26 Thread sppmg

Hi all.
I found a unfriendly function from aptitude(0.6.3-4).

I hold a package,and this package in the upgradable too.

now I upgrade by command ,I don't upgrade this package.
But,If I upgrade by ncurses (move point to upgradable and press + ) ,I 
will upgrade this package.

Should I send this ideal to maintainer ?

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wheezy installation

2011-08-26 Thread Borys Takunov
Hello everyone!

I tried to get Debian testing working on my Asus F8Sa laptop with Core2Duo
and Ati Radeon Mobility HD2600. Unforutantly i failed whatever I tried.

Installing Squeeze works fine with both Gnome and KDE. The modification of
sources.list and apt-get update  apt-get dist-upgrade failed.

So I tried install from netinstaller and mini cd image. I chose testing or
sid and tried gnome and kde. Both with same result:
The installation works fine, but after rebooting the system cant access DE.
All I see is snow instead of the splashscreen. The same applies when I
install Debian without DE --- it's snow again and no terminal...
Oh, and I tried different 3.0 kernels and 32 / 64 bit versions. Also tried
to set a kernel option nomodeset. Nothing helped.

While booting I get the same error:

[0.215148] pci_root PNP0A08 :00: adress space collision: host bridge window
[mem {some numbers here}] conflicts with adapter ROM [mem {some more numbers}]

If it's of any concern, Mint LMDE (based on debian testing) fails to install
too, but different *ubuntus work just fine.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Best regards,
Borys Takunov

Dipl.-Ing. Borys Takunov, M.Sc.

fon  +49 561 4302102
mob  +49 176 20691093

Re: [OT] Booting from USB

2011-08-26 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 07:03:17PM +0100, Joe wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:59:35 -0400
 John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  Hello, all.  This is off-topic because I'm not asking how to create a
  Debian boot stick.  There seem to be good how-to documents for that.
  However, we are thinking of creating a large number of Debian boot
  sticks and neither I nor may staff have any experience using them and
  we have a limited number of devices for testing.
  Our concern is the end user experience and how most PCs (probably
  widely varies based upon the age) react to them.  Is using them
  typically as simple as plugging it in and turning on the computer or
  are we going to have a nightmare of support calls walking people
  through their BIOS settings to get their systems to boot from their
  Debian USB stick? Thanks - John
 I have one computer with every boot device disabled in BIOS except the
 primary hard drive, but if I leave a USB storage device connected to
 it, even a camera, it will attempt to boot from it, and will *not* fall
 back to the hard drive if it doesn't find a bootloader. It's a plug
 pull and three-finger salute job.

I might be wrong here, but I think that's a problem with the boot sector
on the camera. I think that BIOSes assume that any storage device has a
boot sector and, upon finding a disk connected to the system, will start
executing the code at the start of that disk. For most 'data' disks,
that will just be the equivalent of PRINT Insert boot disk and press
any key.

Then, harking back to the days of booting from floppy drives, you're
expected to change disks and either CTRL+ALT+DEL to go back to the bios
or press a key to go back around the loop (hopefully booting from the
new disk). I don't know if it's possible to get the BIOS to restart its
scan, but if so it's almost never used.

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

zabbix-client abruptly closes connection with zabbix server on localhost in squeeze

2011-08-26 Thread Siju George

I am running

root@zabbix-squeeze:~# dpkg -l |grep zabbix
ii  zabbix-agent1:1.8.2-1squeeze2
  network monitoring solution - agent
ii  zabbix-frontend-php 1:1.8.2-1squeeze2
  network monitoring solution - PHP front-end
ii  zabbix-server-mysql 1:1.8.2-1squeeze2
  network monitoring solution - server (using MySQL)


zabbix-squeeze 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 14 12:46:30 UTC 2011
x86_64 GNU/Linux

on AWS with an AMI provided by Rightscale.

These are the repositories I use.

root@zabbix-squeeze:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

When I enabled monitoring for localhost on the zabbix-server I get
these error messages in the zabbix-server.log file.

 1179:20110826:164531.270 Item [Zabbix] error: Got
empty string from []. Assuming that agent dropped connection
because of access permissions

Zabbix Agent listens on port 10050

root@zabbix-squeeze:~# netstat -ntpl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
State   PID/Program name
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1086/master
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  2780/zabbix_agentd
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  494/rpc.statd
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1120/zabbix_server
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  858/mysqld
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  482/portmap
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1101/sshd
tcp6   0  0 :::80   :::*
LISTEN  463/apache2
tcp6   0  0 :::22   :::*
LISTEN  1101/sshd

and the zabbix-agentd configuration is..

root@zabbix-squeeze:~# grep -v # /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf

Telneting to localhost port 10050 ends the connection abruptly.

root@zabbix-squeeze:~# telnet localhost 10050
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

What could be the trouble?



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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-26 Thread RiverWind

Hey There,

I wish to sincerely thank everyone who has responded to my queries
concerning the Linux Cookbook. Very few if any of your instructions
and/or descriptions have interfered with my screen-reader. I would
have disclosed initially the fact that I was a speech user, but I
honestly thought that everyone in the group was blind. This is
chiefly because I tend to subscribe to blind user groups for
technical issues. I have been disabused of the misguided notion
that all sighted people use windows and to hell with everything
else. Many blind computer users turn to Linux in order to escape
the necessity of having to use MS Windows.

If I am not mistaken, in order to run any script, it must be saved
in a certain format. How is that done?


Feel free to visit my website and my blog and learn more about me
and what I stand for.
My Website @
My Blog

On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Bob Proulx wrote:

RiverWind wrote:

You see, the files have a bit of an unconventional extension, to
wit cookbook3.html#SEC1 or cookbook14.html#SEC2 and so on. You
see, the first number before the .html I believe designates the
part, and the number following the #SEC indicates the different
sections in the respective parts of the book.

I see your problem now.  You are being confused by the types of links
used in the document.  This is simply a misunderstanding.  I think I
can clear this up for you.  When I look at this next URL:

I see a table of contents in 45 parts.  But each link has an id tag
associated with it to jump into the middle of the part.  Each link
jumps to the sub-section of the chapter.  This is how it is making it
convenient for readers to jump to the sub-part of the document.  But
you should ignore those.  They are not separate files.  They are
anchor tags in the middle of the section.

Let me dive into a little detail of the anchors.  But do keep reading
because after this I will show you how to solve your problem.

Let me repeat the html of the very first link on the page.  This might
confuse your screen reader and if so give me a hint on how I should
represent verbatim html text and I will be happy to do so.

 A NAME=TOC1 HREF=cookbook_1.html#SEC1Preface/A

That generates a link to cookbook_1.html#SEC1 as you already know.
But that #SEC1 part is simply an anchor with an id attribute to jump
into the middle of a page.

Here let me repeat the html of the part it jumps to:

 H1A NAME=SEC1 HREF=cookbook_toc.html#TOC1Preface/A/H1

Each sub-section is referenced in this way.
You can read and learn more about these here at this URL to the World
Wide Web Consortium reference documentation page.  It itself uses an
id anchor to jump to the particular part of the document that
references these.

This would tend to make the use of wild cards a bit ticklish.

Actually, no.  Even if those were the filenames you could simply match
them with a wildcard with no problem.  But let's not talk about that
for a moment since it isn't important.  Let's help get you going in
the direction of solving your actual problem and not the side tracking

If I could just figure around this problem however, I would be in
business, because html2txt conversions would be easy, and the
concatenation even easier.

There are 45 links on the page.  They are named and numbered very
regularly.  You can simply write a for-loop to walk over all 45 of
them.  Let me say a three line shell script snippet that will do this
for you.

 for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do

Let me describe it with some verbosity hoping that it will make it
easier for your reader.  The 'seq' command generates a sequence of
numbers.  Here I am calling seq 1 45 to generate the numbers from 1
through 45 inclusive.  Those are called within a dollar-parenthesis
command substitution to place those 45 numbers on the comand line for
the for-loop to iterate over.  Then the for-loop walks through each in
turn setting the variable named chapternum to the current index
value.  Then the wget command uses that dollar chapter num variable to
create the URL to pull each chapter in turn.  The #SEC parts are not
really in the filename nor should they be in the filename.

Running that three line shell script snippet should produce 45 files
called chapter_1.html through chapter_45.html in the current
directory.  I think at that point you should be okay to convert each
in turn to plain text.

Hope that helps,

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Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tablet and Debian

2011-08-26 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

Has anyone have any experience with this tablet, specifically whether
squeeze can be installed on it, as apparently can be done with the Asus
eee?  I want to buy a tablet and these two are on my short list.

Regards, Ken Heard
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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2011-08-26 Thread Christopher Judd

This morning I downloaded and installed google-earth-
stable_current_amd64.deb from the google site.  When I run it, a blank screen 
appears, which is pretty useless.  

I have an nvidia graphics card with nvidia-kernel-173xx and nvidia-
glx-legacy-173xx installed.  I also have nvidia-glx-legacy-ia32 installed, 
which used to be required for googleearth.  The output from strace is shown 

Does anyone have an idea as to how I can proceed to resolve this?


$ strace google-earth
execve(/usr/bin/google-earth, [google-earth], [/* 48 vars */]) = 0
brk(0)  = 0xc84000
access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access(/etc/, R_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/x86_64/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No 
such file or directory)
stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/x86_64, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)
stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/x86_64/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/x86_64, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=123193, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 123193, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x7f72a8e69000
close(3)= 0
access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, O_RDONLY) = 3
\177ELF\2\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\0\1\0\0\0\300\357\1\0\0\0\0\0..., 832) 
= 832
fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1570832, ...}) = 0
mprotect(0x7f72a8a61000, 2097152, PROT_NONE) = 0
mmap(0x7f72a8c61000, 20480, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|
MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x17a000) = 0x7f72a8c61000
mmap(0x7f72a8c66000, 18520, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|
MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f72a8c66000
close(3)= 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7f72a8e67700) = 0
mprotect(0x7f72a8c61000, 16384, PROT_READ) = 0
mprotect(0x7f72a8e8a000, 4096, PROT_READ) = 0
munmap(0x7f72a8e69000, 123193)  = 0
getpid()= 10534
0x7f72a8919480}, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
geteuid()   = 1000
brk(0)  = 0xc84000
brk(0xca5000)   = 0xca5000
getppid()   = 10533
stat(/home/cdj/download/linux/Google, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755, 
st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
stat(., {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
open(/usr/bin/google-earth, O_RDONLY) = 3
fcntl(3, F_DUPFD, 10)   = 10
close(3)= 0
fcntl(10, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)  = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x40f540, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480}, 
NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, {SIG_DFL, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480}, 
NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {SIG_DFL, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480}, 
NULL, 8) = 0
read(10, #!/bin/sh\n# Always run Google Ea..., 8192) = 1112
pipe([3, 4])= 0
child_tidptr=0x7f72a8e679d0) = 10535
close(4)= 0
read(3, /opt/google/earth/free\n, 128) = 23
read(3, , 128)= 0
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
close(3)= 0
wait4(-1, [{WIFEXITED(s)  WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0, NULL) = 10535
chdir(/opt/google/earth/free) = 0
child_tidptr=0x7f72a8e679d0) = 10544

|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist III |
|   NYS 

Re: googleearth

2011-08-26 Thread Patrick Wiseman
Install libgl1-nvidia-glx-ia32.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Christopher Judd wrote:

        This morning I downloaded and installed google-earth-
 stable_current_amd64.deb from the google site.  When I run it, a blank screen
 appears, which is pretty useless.

        I have an nvidia graphics card with nvidia-kernel-173xx and nvidia-
 glx-legacy-173xx installed.  I also have nvidia-glx-legacy-ia32 installed,
 which used to be required for googleearth.  The output from strace is shown

        Does anyone have an idea as to how I can proceed to resolve this?


 $ strace google-earth
 execve(/usr/bin/google-earth, [google-earth], [/* 48 vars */]) = 0
 brk(0)                                  = 0xc84000
 access(/etc/, F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 access(/etc/, R_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/x86_64/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No
 such file or directory)
 stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/x86_64, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such
 file or directory)
 open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
 or directory)
 stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/tls, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
 open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/x86_64/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such
 file or directory)
 stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/x86_64, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
 file or
 open(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
 stat(/home/cdj/rvplayer5.0, 0x735b4ab0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
 open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)      = 3
 fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=123193, ...}) = 0
 mmap(NULL, 123193, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x7f72a8e69000
 close(3)                                = 0
 access(/etc/, F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, O_RDONLY) = 3
 \177ELF\2\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\0\1\0\0\0\300\357\1\0\0\0\0\0..., 832)
 = 832
 fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1570832, ...}) = 0
 mprotect(0x7f72a8a61000, 2097152, PROT_NONE) = 0
 mmap(0x7f72a8c61000, 20480, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|
 MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x17a000) = 0x7f72a8c61000
 mmap(0x7f72a8c66000, 18520, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|
 MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f72a8c66000
 close(3)                                = 0
 arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7f72a8e67700) = 0
 mprotect(0x7f72a8c61000, 16384, PROT_READ) = 0
 mprotect(0x7f72a8e8a000, 4096, PROT_READ) = 0
 munmap(0x7f72a8e69000, 123193)          = 0
 getpid()                                = 10534
 0x7f72a8919480}, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
 geteuid()                               = 1000
 brk(0)                                  = 0xc84000
 brk(0xca5000)                           = 0xca5000
 getppid()                               = 10533
 stat(/home/cdj/download/linux/Google, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755,
 st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
 stat(., {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
 open(/usr/bin/google-earth, O_RDONLY) = 3
 fcntl(3, F_DUPFD, 10)                   = 10
 close(3)                                = 0
 fcntl(10, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)          = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x40f540, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480},
 NULL, 8) = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, {SIG_DFL, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480},
 NULL, 8) = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
 rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {SIG_DFL, ~[RTMIN RT_1], SA_RESTORER, 0x7f72a8919480},
 NULL, 8) = 0
 read(10, #!/bin/sh\n# Always run Google Ea..., 8192) = 1112
 pipe([3, 4])                            = 0
 child_tidptr=0x7f72a8e679d0) = 10535
 close(4)                                = 0
 read(3, /opt/google/earth/free\n, 128) = 23
 read(3, , 128)                        = 0
 --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
 close(3)                                = 0
 wait4(-1, [{WIFEXITED(s)  WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0, NULL) = 10535
 chdir(/opt/google/earth/free)         = 0
 child_tidptr=0x7f72a8e679d0) = 10544


black screen after install menu.

2011-08-26 Thread jeremy jozwik
hello list. i have decided to make the plunge from installing linux on
my secondary computers, machines that dont matter if they are down for
weeks at a time, to installing on my main workstation.

unfortunately it is not going well so far. with bootable cds inserted,
i get to the debian installer menu [install, graphical install, ...].
after choosing and option, any option i am greeted with a big black
screen. in which nothing happens. no spinning drives, no blinking
lights, nothing. not even after 8 hours.

my though was perhaps it is my 6.0.2 cd, so i attempted to install
from my known-to-be-good 5.0.2 cd. same issue.
gparted also behaves this way after choosing its menu option.

has anyone attempted a debian install using a quadro 5600 card? i
suspect that for some reason.

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Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Jung
Hi list,

I am trying to build the linux kernel myself... it's one of the things I 
always wanted to do ;-) plus I submitted some bugerports against the kernel 
and would like to test the patches there were written to fix them.

I found tons of documentation on the net, but most of it is horribly outdated. 
Essentially there seem to be two methods:

a) installing kernel-package and then calling
make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers
in the source directory (I first forgot the --initrd, gave me quite a 
headache^^). That seems to work fine, however it's doing a lot of black magic. 
Also, each time I do this, it's touching the .config file resulting in a 
complete re-build even if just some files changed.

b) Using make deb-pkg. This gives me two more debian packages than make-kpkg 
(with firmware and libc stuf), however both conflict or even replace existing 
packages so I just ignore them. I also used to get dkms errors here, for some 
reason these are gone now... whatever.
However, one problem remains: The linux-image package is *HUGE* (250MiB 
compared to 20MiB when I use make-kpkg) and takes a considerable amount of 
time to be created. The header-package is just 1MiB larger, I hardly care. The 
initrd in /boot however is also five times the size (almost 60 MiB), slowing 
down the boot quite noticeably.

I'd prefer to directly use make deb-pkg to have less black magic between me 
and what's actually happening (and to be able to apply small patches without a 
re-build). Is there anything I can do to make those files smaller? Obviously, 
make-kpgk does something different than I do.

Kind regards,

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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-26 Thread Curt
On 2011-08-26, RiverWind wrote:

 If I am not mistaken, in order to run any script, it must be saved
 in a certain format. How is that done?

I just tried the following out and it seems to work quite well
(from Bob and Shane).

curty@einstein:~$ file=cookbook.txt
curty@einstein:~$ for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do 
curl$chapternum.html | html2text  

I just typed it all out at the command line as the command in its
present form seems to be more a less a one shot deal.  If you wanted to
make a script out of it, you'd put the following in a file, let's say

 for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do 
 curl$chapternum.html | html2text  

Then make the file executable:

chmod +x

Then you either run it by typing ./ in the directory where is located, or you put the file somewhere in your path
(I believe /usr/local/bin would be appropriate), and simply type at the command line.

Anyway, I'm pretty ignorant and should've let somebody else pick up the

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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Jung

   at the risk of a bit of self-promotion, i wrote an online course for
 beginners to kernel programming, the first part of which is free and
 walks you through how to configure, build and reboot a new kernel:
 i avoid all the nonsense involving packages and packaging, and just go
 with cloning the git tree and manually installing the end result.
 this works for me just fine on ubuntu, so i assume it should be just
 as easy under debian.
Thanks for the link. I am using a git clone, too (want to get the actual 
vanilla kernel), however I'd prefer the end-result to be in package form for 
easier uninstallation. And, most importantly, I rely on dkms for two kernel 
modules (namely the VirtualBox and fglrx modules), so this has to be triggered 

Kind regards,

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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011, Ralf Jung wrote:


at the risk of a bit of self-promotion, i wrote an online course for
  beginners to kernel programming, the first part of which is free and
  walks you through how to configure, build and reboot a new kernel:
  i avoid all the nonsense involving packages and packaging, and just go
  with cloning the git tree and manually installing the end result.
  this works for me just fine on ubuntu, so i assume it should be just
  as easy under debian.

 Thanks for the link. I am using a git clone, too (want to get the
 actual vanilla kernel), however I'd prefer the end-result to be in
 package form for easier uninstallation. And, most importantly, I
 rely on dkms for two kernel modules (namely the VirtualBox and fglrx
 modules), so this has to be triggered somewhere.

  with respect to DKMS, i run a manually hand-rolled kernel all the
time and i am constantly updating virtualbox, and the rebuild is done
automatically since i have the dkms package installed.  so that by
itself shouldn't be an issue, but i appreciate that some folks prefer
to work with packages.



Robert P. J. Day Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA


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A Question about Journalling File Systems and Flash Drives

2011-08-26 Thread Martin McCormick
How hard is the ext3 file system on present-day flash
drives? I have some older Dell systems that run lenny and I put
a flash drive on as the boot drive on one of those systems and
it works great, but for how long?

What got me to thinking was that I have a system using
conventional magnetic-based hard drives and ext3 file systems.
The second hard drive is not used as often and I noticed that
the system shuts it down to rest until one calls for a file off
the secondary drive. If the journal for all drives is on the
boot drive, then that explains everything. If not, one would
expect the secondary drive to be awake all the time since the
journal would write every five seconds or so.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

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Re: [OT] Booting from USB

2011-08-26 Thread Joe
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:26:16 +0100
Darac Marjal wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 07:03:17PM +0100, Joe wrote:
  I have one computer with every boot device disabled in BIOS except
  the primary hard drive, but if I leave a USB storage device
  connected to it, even a camera, it will attempt to boot from it,
  and will *not* fall back to the hard drive if it doesn't find a
  bootloader. It's a plug pull and three-finger salute job.
 I might be wrong here, but I think that's a problem with the boot
 sector on the camera. I think that BIOSes assume that any storage
 device has a boot sector and, upon finding a disk connected to the
 system, will start executing the code at the start of that disk. For
 most 'data' disks, that will just be the equivalent of PRINT Insert
 boot disk and press any key.

It's not a big deal, and only causes confusion when my wife leaves her
MP3 player charging and later boots the computer.

But the point is that the BIOS has been explicitly instructed to boot
from the internal hard drive before any add-in bootable devices, and
removable devices and media are specifically excluded from the boot
sequence. I might be relying on that configuration (with password
protection, of course) to prevent someone maliciously booting a
business computer with an alien OS.


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problem with [SiS] AC'97

2011-08-26 Thread SZERVÁC Attila

I've selected LXDE in a Hungarian Squeeze install. All relevant
controls are up in alsamixer, but there is no sound. Pls, hlp, thx!


# alsactl init; cat /dev/sndstat
Unknown hardware: ICH Realtek ALC655 rev 0 AC97a:414c4760
0x1043 0x810f
Hardware is initialized using a guess method
Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v1.0.21 emulation code)
Kernel: Linux kata 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 04:13:06 UTC 2011 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 10: ALSA emulation

Card config:
SiS SI7012 with ALC655 at irq 18




31: system timer



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Re: How to control network speed?

2011-08-26 Thread Artur Frydel
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 5:42 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  For some reason, I have a linux machine that has to have a network
 bandwidth limitation for the whole system. So I looked into command

That is why, because you using wrong filters. And limiting download on
single machine is not easy - you must use some bigger than simply tc
AFAIK in debian kernel is IFB module, and you always can use IMQ, but
this is not default in kernel.

Best regards.
Artur 'Bzyk' Frydel
Always look on the bright side of life.

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Re: Fwd: Billion 7800N

2011-08-26 Thread Heddle Weaver
On 26 August 2011 05:05, D G Teed wrote:

 On a re-read of what I wrote earlier, it might be a little confusing where
 I say you
 need static network set up and then instruct on how to do DHCP.  Perhaps I
 can just make an assumption or two and give you some simple steps.

 Assuming your ISP does use PPPoE, and you are using the router device
 to connect your system to the ISP/Internet:

All ISPs in Australia employ PPPoE.
PPPoA is available, in many instances also.

 1.  Disable pppd.  This is important.  I think the command would be:
 update-rc.d disable pppd

No, that's not it.
I'm getting a read-out that says it's not available.

 2. Ensure eth0 network device will be able to get an IP from the router
 via DHCP.  This would be the entry in /etc/network/interfaces I mentioned

 allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

I placed this into that file and nothing has changed.
If anything, connectivity is a little worse.

 3. Reboot to allow pppd to go away and dhcp client to kick in.

 4. Verify your IP and routing are good:

 route -n

 (Here is mine:

 route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface U 0  00
 eth1 UG0  00


 Yours would be similar except 192.168.1 everywhere and likely eth0.

Bandit:/home/weaver# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface U 0  00 ppp0 UH0  00 ppp0

eth0 used to be in there.

 ifconfig -a

 Bandit:/home/weaver# ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:15:60:c2:63:46
  inet6 addr: fe80::215:60ff:fec2:6346/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:2895 errors:0 dropped:7 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:3480 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:2053262 (1.9 MiB)  TX bytes:668068 (652.4 KiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  LOOPBACK  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:262 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:259 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:177245 (173.0 KiB)  TX bytes:8 (86.8 KiB)

The upside is that I only have one ppp action .at present.

 I think the output of that is covered previously.

 5. Start up a web browser and visit your Billion router at whatever IP the
 router documentation says it is running on.

No, that still doesn't happen.
Though I'm posting this from that same laptop.

 6. Configure the router for Internet (WAN) access according to the ISP's

 7. The Internet should now work from the Debian system.

It always has.
The problem has been that access has been only intermittent and inconsistent
when I have gained access.
I managed an aptitude cli update/safe-upgrade two nights ago, with about two
dozen attempts. Download speeds varied from 8 Bytes/s to 1,686 Kb/s. All
over the place.
But, at least we can be safe in assuming that the higher speeds weren't by
way of your standard dial-up facility.

Oh, well. never mind.
I get a fully checked out, brand new, second-hand pc in two days.
I expect no problems with connectivity with the installed windows whatever,
or with the Debian partition I'll install from a downloaded netinstall ISO.

It's all very simple here in Australia.
The vast majority of ISPs automatically allocate Primary and Secondary DNS
as well as IP addresses, so basically all that's required with initial
config is username and password. That hasn't been the case this time.
I won't give up on the old laptop until I know it's completely hopeless -
maybe once I get reconnected I'll try a wireless card.

I also need to understand a lot more about networking than I do, also.
Regards and thanks,


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

Re: A Question about Journalling File Systems and Flash Drives

2011-08-26 Thread green
Martin McCormick wrote at 2011-08-26 11:25 -0500:
 How hard is the ext3 file system on present-day flash drives?

Not much worse than without a journal I think, but 

   What got me to thinking was that I have a system using
 conventional magnetic-based hard drives and ext3 file systems.
 The second hard drive is not used as often and I noticed that
 the system shuts it down to rest until one calls for a file off
 the secondary drive. If the journal for all drives is on the
 boot drive, then that explains everything.

Normally, the journal for a filesystem is stored in the same partition as the 

 If not, one would
 expect the secondary drive to be awake all the time since the
 journal would write every five seconds or so.

If nothing is being written to the drive, nothing needs to be written to the 
journal. A sync does nothing if there is nothing in the buffers.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fwd: Billion 7800N

2011-08-26 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 08/26/2011 04:08 PM, Heddle Weaver wrote:

 All ISPs in Australia employ PPPoE.
 PPPoA is available, in many instances also.

And elsewhere too, but your modem appears to be a router. In this case,
it handles PPPoE by itself, and all you need is to get an ip from it via

It probably has a bridge mode in which your computer has to establish
the PPPoE connection, but unless you have a specific reason to want it,
let the modem do it.

In other words, get rid of ppp. You don't need it.

Mother is the invention of necessity.


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Re: A Question about Journalling File Systems and Flash Drives

2011-08-26 Thread green
green wrote at 2011-08-26 15:06 -0500:
 Martin McCormick wrote at 2011-08-26 11:25 -0500:
  How hard is the ext3 file system on present-day flash drives?
 Not much worse than without a journal I think, but 

...that is just the feeling I have gotten from trying in vain to answer that 
question definitively for myself.

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to control network speed?

2011-08-26 Thread green
Artur Frydel wrote at 2011-08-26 14:03 -0500:
 On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 5:42 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
   For some reason, I have a linux machine that has to have a network
  bandwidth limitation for the whole system. So I looked into command
 That is why, because you using wrong filters. And limiting download on
 single machine is not easy - you must use some bigger than simply tc

Ingress policing should work; it can be set up with tc.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Mardorf
   Forwarded Message 
  From: Ralf Jung
  To: debian-user
  Subject: Building the kernel myself
  Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:18:10 +0200

  I found tons of documentation on the net, but most of it is horribly 
  Essentially there seem to be two methods:
  a) installing kernel-package and then calling
  make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers
  in the source directory (I first forgot the --initrd, gave me quite a 
  headache^^). That seems to work fine, however it's doing a lot of black 
  Also, each time I do this, it's touching the .config file resulting in a 
  complete re-build even if just some files changed.

You need to run

make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers

It's not doing any black magic and it never touches the configuration.
Perhaps there's an issue with preparing Debian for the very first time.

You only need to run this one time and then never ever again

apt-get update
apt-get install fakeroot build-essential crash kexec-tools makedumpfile
kernel-package kernel-wedge
apt-get build-dep linux
apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libelf-dev asciidoc

Take care of the emails wrapping.

Does anybody know where to get Quick Calculus by 
Daniel Kleppner and Norman Ramsey translated to German?

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Re: A Question about Journalling File Systems and Flash Drives

2011-08-26 Thread Brad Alexander
All I can offer is some almost-on-target empirical evidence. My daughter has
had an Acer Aspire One for 3 or 4 years. Her /home was an 8GB Sandisk SD
card. It never had any problems...until her husband noticed he had an SD
card slot on his brand new win7 laptop...and grabbed her card and Windows
partially formatted (corrupted) it. Admittedly she was running XFS on it,
but it is still a journaling filesystem.

Since that 8GB card was broken, she upgraded to a 16GB card, which is
running ext4. its been a year and no problems thus far.

For the record, I believe drive quality has improved in the past few years.
I have heard that the limit on these drives is now a non-issue...


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 4:06 PM, green wrote:

 Martin McCormick wrote at 2011-08-26 11:25 -0500:
  How hard is the ext3 file system on present-day flash drives?

 Not much worse than without a journal I think, but

What got me to thinking was that I have a system using
  conventional magnetic-based hard drives and ext3 file systems.
  The second hard drive is not used as often and I noticed that
  the system shuts it down to rest until one calls for a file off
  the secondary drive. If the journal for all drives is on the
  boot drive, then that explains everything.

 Normally, the journal for a filesystem is stored in the same partition as

  If not, one would
  expect the secondary drive to be awake all the time since the
  journal would write every five seconds or so.

 If nothing is being written to the drive, nothing needs to be written to
 journal. A sync does nothing if there is nothing in the buffers.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


[OT] Nagios question

2011-08-26 Thread Brad Alexander
I have beat my head against this for a couple of days now, and I can't
figure it out. I have an OpsView (nagios3) server. Two of the servers I am
monitoring are running Proxmox-VE, which is a Debian-based distro that
allows easy management of KVM and OpenVZ machines, though my CPU only allows
it to run OpenVZ.

There is a nagios plugin called check_ubc, which checks for increasing
/proc/user_beancounters. This is an indication of a spec that needs to be
tuned for the vm. In any case, I can run the check_ubc from the command line
on both machines, but on the original server, hornet, when I run it from
nrpe on the nagios server:

# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H hornet -c check_ubc

On the new server, built two days ago, same configuration, I get

# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H akagi -c check_ubc
NRPE: Command 'check_ubc' not defined

I have the check_ubc script in /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nrpe_local on both,
the command is defined in/usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe_local/override.cfg with
an include in /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg. Everything is the same on both
servers. Why does the command work on one but not the other?


Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-26 Thread Lisi
On Friday 26 August 2011 13:47:07 RiverWind wrote:
 Many blind computer users turn to Linux in order to escape
 the necessity of having to use MS Windows.

I think that that statement could be more accurately written:  Many computer 
users turn to Linux in order to escape the necessity of having to use MS 


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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Jung
 You need to run
 make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers
I put the fakeroot into the kernel-pkg.conf file, should have mentioned that, 

 It's not doing any black magic and it never touches the configuration.
 Perhaps there's an issue with preparing Debian for the very first time.
Well, as far as I can tell it runs make oldconfig each time. At least 
whenever I ran make-kpkg, it took almost an hour, the full compilation time, I 
don't know why - I thought it was due to the configuration. Besides that, 
kernel-package is working great and the resulting kernel boots fine.
By black magic I mean it does a whole lot of stuff that I don't understand 

Anyway, I found out why make deb-pkg creates so large files: the kernel was 
build with debug information, and kernel-package obviously strips it away 
somehow. So after disabling DEBUG_INFO, everything works as expected and the 
initrd is even much smaller than the one shipped with Debian (I disabled a lot 
of stuff I don't need).

Thank you all for your replies!

Kind regards,

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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Jung

 No, since I compile by self written scripts and I have to run make
 oldconfig by the scripts, because I wish to do this, it isn't done
 automagically. It's essential to do this or something similar, when
 switching to another kernel version. If you stay at the same version
 nothing will happen, if you run make oldconfig a second time.
Okay, then i probably miss-read the configuration output. And the reason for 
the (almost) complete re-build on each run is another one.

Kind regards,

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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2011-08-27 at 00:19 +0200, Ralf Jung wrote:
 Well, as far as I can tell it runs make oldconfig each time.

No, since I compile by self written scripts and I have to run make
oldconfig by the scripts, because I wish to do this, it isn't done
automagically. It's essential to do this or something similar, when
switching to another kernel version. If you stay at the same version
nothing will happen, if you run make oldconfig a second time.

Does anybody know where to get Quick Calculus by 
Daniel Kleppner and Norman Ramsey translated to German?

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Re: Building the kernel myself

2011-08-26 Thread Ralf Mardorf

I believe that you say the truth, but something seems to be broken for
your Debian.

Speeding Cars - Imogen Heap (cover)

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Re: [OT] Nagios question

2011-08-26 Thread David Parker
- Original Message -
From: Brad Alexander
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:07 pm
Subject: [OT] Nagios question
To: Debian-user List

 There is a nagios plugin called check_ubc, which checks for increasing 
 /proc/user_beancounters. This is an indication of a spec that needs to be 
 tuned for the vm. In any case, I can run the check_ubc from the command line 
 on both machines, but on the original server, hornet, when I run it from nrpe 
 on the nagios server:
 # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H hornet -c check_ubc

 On the new server, built two days ago, same configuration, I get

 # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H akagi -c check_ubc
 NRPE: Command 'check_ubc' not defined
 I have the check_ubc script in /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nrpe_local on both, 
 the command is defined in/usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe_local/override.cfg with 
 an include in /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg. Everything is the same on both 
 servers. Why does the command work on one but not the other?
Just to clarify, the configs are *exactly* the same?  Are these two machines 
different architectures (32-bit vs. 64-bit, etc.)?

    - Dave

Re: A Question about Journalling File Systems and Flash Drives

2011-08-26 Thread Scott Ferguson

On 27/08/11 02:25, Martin McCormick wrote:

How hard is the ext3 file system on present-day flash
drives? I have some older Dell systems that run lenny and I put
a flash drive on as the boot drive on one of those systems and
it works great, but for how long?

What got me to thinking was that I have a system using
conventional magnetic-based hard drives and ext3 file systems.
The second hard drive is not used as often and I noticed that
the system shuts it down to rest until one calls for a file off
the secondary drive. If the journal for all drives is on the
boot drive, then that explains everything. If not, one would
expect the secondary drive to be awake all the time since the
journal would write every five seconds or so.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

Based on my experiences using ext3 as a file system for running Debian 
on USB sticks. Single partition (no swap), logging redirected to vt12.

2 identical sticks (major brand) - identical builds - noatime enabled on 
one, not on the other, both got roughly the same amount of use.
The one without noatime died earlier this year after approx 2 years of 
use - the other has been upgraded to Squeeze and still works fine.

Hardly empirical evidence but... I bought a larger USB stick (cheap and 
nasty) early this year - installed Debian onto it, forgot to enable 
noatime - it died last week.

I'm not certain of the answer - but would strongly suggest enabling 
noatime on the flash drive - and moving /tmp and /var to a non-flash drive.

When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side.
— Bill Hicks

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Re: Fwd: Billion 7800N

2011-08-26 Thread D G Teed
I started another reply, and it had lots of steps to try to repair
this situation, but then I rethought.

If this is a fresh install, and you have no data to keep on the Debian
here is a bulletproof solution:


When you reinstall, don't do anything fancy with network.  Just let
it do the default with DHCP.  Plug it into the router LAN jack as you
do the install.

Once Debian is installed, run a web browser and go to the webpage
on your router as documented in the router manual.  In the router's
web site (something like, set up the Internet connection
to login via PPPoE.  If you have already set up the router from
your Mac or Windows system and a web browser, you don't need to do
it again from Linux, it will just work.

If the Debian system can see the router website, but not the Internet after
setting up the router with the ISP info, try one reboot of Debian to give
it a chance to load the networking since the router had its configuration

This is the shortest and simplest path to fixing up the botched Linux
networking setup you have.

Remember, the idea is to allow the router to be your path to the Internet.
will handle everything, and the Linux system only needs to get on the LAN,
behind the firewall on the router.

Debian   Billion Router  ISP Modem -- Internet

Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

2011-08-26 Thread Scott Ferguson

On 27/08/11 08:10, Lisi wrote:

On Friday 26 August 2011 13:47:07 RiverWind wrote:

Many blind computer users turn to Linux in order to escape
the necessity of having to use MS Windows.

I think that that statement could be more accurately written:  Many computer
users turn to Linux in order to escape the necessity of having to use MS


There's only two industries that call their clients users ;-p

Do you know how much JAWS costs?
Have you ever tried to do anything with it?
JAWS is like methadone - relieves the symptoms but does nothing to solve 
them, and the relief it offers is just an illusion that disguises the 
increased dependency.
In my country the government does much of the promotion for JAWS (and 
actively discourages alternatives), and the taxpayer picks up the tab. 
Same marketing model that Lily uses for methadone. :-(

GNU/Linux provides superior alternatives to JAWS - the only reason more 
sight impaired people don't ditch MS is because they don't hear about it 
- and because they get stupid advice (you need to learn things - 
learning shouldn't be necessary).

MS users, are.
Linux *operators*, are.

Treadmills and waterwheels - they both go around.

My rant in E-minor for the day! :-)



When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side.
— Bill Hicks

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Re: [OT] Nagios question

2011-08-26 Thread David Parker
- Original Message -
From: Brad Alexander
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011 8:13 pm
Subject: [Spam: 5.2] Re: [OT] Nagios question
To: David Parker

 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 6:41 PM, David Parker wrote:
  - Original Message -
 From: Brad Alexander
 Date: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:07 pm
 Subject: [OT] Nagios question
  To: Debian-user List

  There is a nagios plugin called check_ubc, which checks for increasing 
  /proc/user_beancounters. This is an indication of a spec that needs to be 
  tuned for the vm. In any case, I can run the check_ubc from the command 
  line on both machines, but on the original server, hornet, when I run it 
  from nrpe on the nagios server:
  # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H hornet -c check_ubc
  On the new server, built two days ago, same configuration, I get

  # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H akagi -c check_ubc
   NRPE: Command 'check_ubc' not defined
  I have the check_ubc script in /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nrpe_local on 
  both, the command is defined 
  in/usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe_local/override.cfg with an include in 
  /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg. Everything is the same on both servers. Why 
  does the command work on one but not the other?
 Just to clarify, the configs are *exactly* the same?  Are these two machines 
 different architectures (32-bit vs. 64-bit, etc.)?

 Nope. Both are Dell PE 1850s with dual 3.2GHz Xeons. The only differing 
 factor is that one has 2GB of RAM and the other has 6GB. 
That's really strange.  This may seem obvious, but are the permissions on the 
config file correct, and is it readable by the user who is running this 
command?  Also, is the Nagios version the same on the two boxes?

Does strace show anything?  Try:

    strace -o strace.out /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H akagi -c 

Then check strace.out and see if it shows anything along the lines of 
permissions errors, parsing errors, etc.

    - Dave

free software accessibility

2011-08-26 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 Scott Ferguson writes:

[Cross-posting to both sfd-discuss@ and planning-ru@.]


  GNU/Linux provides superior alternatives to JAWS - the only reason
  more sight impaired people don't ditch MS is because they don't hear
  about it - and because they get stupid advice (you need to learn
  things - learning shouldn't be necessary).

I wonder, could the upcoming Software Freedom Day be a kind of
opportunity to spread the word of Free Software to them?

Our team would probably have joined the deal, but,
unfortunately, we don't apparently have anything to offer to the
sight impaired at our disposal (no embossers, no Braille
terminals, and I don't even know if the speech synthesizers
provided with Debian support Russian.)

[To the Russian teams: or do we have anything of this sort,


FSF associate member #7257  Coming soon: Software Freedom Day planning-ru (ru), sfd-discuss (en)

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Re: free software accessibility

2011-08-26 Thread Scott Ferguson

On 27/08/11 13:57, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

Scott  writes:

[Cross-posting to both sfd-discuss@ and planning-ru@.]


GNU/Linux provides superior alternatives to JAWS - the only reason
more sight impaired people don't ditch MS is because they don't hear
about it - and because they get stupid advice (you need to learn
things - learning shouldn't be necessary).

I wonder, could the upcoming Software Freedom Day be a kind of
opportunity to spread the word of Free Software to them?

Our team would probably have joined the deal, but,
unfortunately, we don't apparently have anything to offer to the
sight impaired at our disposal

I'd argue that you do, and have.
Debian and w3 make it easier for developers to build to standards. The 
community helps developers make apps useable. Without those things 
assistive technology is just a cart waiting on a horse.

  (no embossers, no Braille
terminals, and I don't even know if the speech synthesizers
provided with Debian support Russian.)

Festival and espeak do - I don't know how well though (ваша оценка может 

[To the Russian teams: or do we have anything of this sort,


Great idea.
GNU/Linux has the tools - but that's only part of the requirements. 
Support and community is the rest of the equation - and that's one of 
Debian's greatest strengths.


When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side.
— Bill Hicks

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Re: free software accessibility

2011-08-26 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 On 27/08/11 13:57, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

  [Cross-posting to both sfd-discuss@ and planning-ru@.]


  Our team would probably have joined the deal, but, unfortunately, we
  don't apparently have anything to offer to the sight impaired at our

  I'd argue that you do, and have.  Debian and w3 make it easier for
  developers to build to standards.  The community helps developers
  make apps useable.  Without those things assistive technology is just
  a cart waiting on a horse.

Well, that's certainly something to offer.  However, I doubt
that there would be enough (or even any) developers interested
in that in our locality.

  (no embossers, no Braille terminals, and I don't even know if the
  speech synthesizers provided with Debian support Russian.)

  Festival and espeak do - I don't know how well though

ACK.  I'd try to check it out.

Any particular examples of software these could be used with?

[You should've kept To: planning-ru@, BTW.]

  (ваша оценка может измениться)

Is that YMMV as translated by Google?  Funny enough, but it
reads rather like Your Mileage May Change.  (“May vary” would be
“может отличаться” in Russian in this case.)


FSF associate member #7257  Coming soon: Software Freedom Day planning-ru (ru), sfd-discuss (en)

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