lm-sensors, atk0110-acpi-0 et température MB un peu haute...

2011-12-18 Thread Yann Cohen

voici le sortie de sensors sur ma machine
Adapter: ACPI interface
Vcore Voltage:+1.16 V  (min =  +0.85 V, max =  +1.60 V)
 +3.3 Voltage:+3.41 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
 +5 Voltage:  +5.05 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.50 V)
 +12 Voltage:+12.30 V  (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V)
CPU FAN Speed:   2812 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CHASSIS FAN Speed:   1412 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CHASSIS FAN 2 Speed:  815 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CPU Temperature:  +36.0°C  (high = +60.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)
MB Temperature:  +106.0°C  (high = +45.0°C, crit = +75.0°C)

le problème que je vois est la différence de température entre la CPU
et la Carte mère (MB) et une température à 106° c'est : 1/ pas bon du
tout, 2/ pas réaliste me semble-t-il puisque je peux poser ma main sur
le châssis et sur les radiateurs de la carte mère sans me bruler.

Je trouve la machine bruyante (ventilo du bloc alim à bonne vitesse),
je me suis donc dis que cela devait venir de la température MB.

Sur une autre carte mère la différence de température entre les deux
est beaucoup plus faible :
CPU Temperature: +25.0°C  (high = +60.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)  
MB Temperature:  +24.0°C  (high = +45.0°C, crit = +75.0°C)  

même si 25° pour la CPU au bout d'une heure de fonctionnement semble un
peu faible).

Donc je me suis dis que j'ai une sonde de température qui déconne et je
voulais lui affecter un offset d'au moins -70° histoire qu'elle soit
dans la gamme de la CPU.

Je comptait utiliser la commande compute dans /etc/sensors3.conf mais
je ne trouve pas de section :
chip atk0110-acpi-0

En plus lorsque je fais un sensors-detect le seul chip qu'il trouve est

Je suis perplexe !

Comment affecter mon offset sur temp2 ?

Merci de vos lumières.


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Re: Installation sur du LVM crypté...

2011-12-18 Thread David BERCOT

 Je ne dois visiblement pas avoir les yeux en face des trous
 de balle, mais il y a une chose qui m'échappe...
 Je viens donc d'installer Debian sur du LVM crypté (via le mode
 expert install. Tout s'est bien passé.
 A présent, je veux refaire l'installation (en fait, pour changer la
 taille de l'une des partitions du volume chiffré).

PTDR, tu utilises du LVM, qui est quand même quelque part un ch'tit
peu dévolu à l'agrandissement des partoches, et tu utilises la
procédure d'installation pour faire ça!!?

OK, j'avoue, j'ai choisi une mauvaise formulation :-(
Disons plutôt que je souhaite refaire une installation pour voir si, à
cette occasion, je peux conserver mes partitions chiffrées comme on
conserve ses partitions (au moins /home) dans une ré-installation

 Et c'est là que quelque chose m'échappe : je ne vois pas, dans
 le programme d'installation de Debian, comment je peux saisir ma clé
 pour accéder au volume et changer les partitions !!! Il ne me propose
 que de re-créer un volume chiffré...

La réponse est dans le § 3: si tu refais une install c'est normal
qu'il ne te demande rien, puisque c'est... une install (qui se passe
à bas niveau).

Et l'installateur Debian, même s'il permet de réparer ou de ne pas
tout réinstaller, n'est pas un outil chirurgical.

Sans compter que tu ne précises même pas s'il s'agit d'un
agrandissement de partition ou d'un rétrécissement...

Alors, sans parler d'agrandissement ou de rétrécissement, l'objectif
est juste de conserver /home.
Ainsi, j'ai /boot à part (en ext2) et tout le reste dans un volume
chiffré. Ce dernier est découpé en 3 : /, swap  /home.

Maintenant, admettons que mon système soit instable, cassé, etc... et
que j'ai donc besoin de le ré-installer. Mon objectif est bien de
reformater /boot  / (sans parler de swap), mais de conserver /home.

Et là, dans l'installateur, je n'y arrive pas (peut-être que je me
débrouille mal)... Il me propose uniquement de tout casser et de tout
re-créer, mais bien sûr, dans ce cas, il n'y a plus de conservation
de /home...

Est-ce que ces explications sont plus claires ?



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Re: aptitude full-upgrade casse beaucoup de choses

2011-12-18 Thread gardouille

Aaaah fin septembre, ça aurait pas été la maj vers gnome3?

Même quand full propose de virer des trucs je ne passe pas en safe, 
j'attends un peu (2-3 jours) voir si ça passe ou j'upgrade juste ce qui 
ne pose pas problème (comme dis dans ton premier message). Le soucis 
avec testing, c'est que les réparations arrivent moins vite.

mail/gtalk: gardoui...@gmail.com

Le 17/12/2011 18:23, nicolas patrois a écrit :

Le 17 décembre 2011 17:56, gardouillegardoui...@gmail.com  a écrit :

Je pense aussi qu'il aime pas passer d'une suite de safe-upgrade à un
full-upgrade d'un coup.
PS: full-upgrade en testing sur un autre pc ne bloque pas non plus.

J’utilisais full-upgrade jusqu’à fin septembre, jusqu’à ce qu’il me
propose de virer une tripotée de paquets. En attendant la fin de
l’orage, j’utilise safe-upgrade.


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Re: aptitude full-upgrade casse beaucoup de choses

2011-12-18 Thread nicolas patrois
Le 18 décembre 2011 11:23, gardouille gardoui...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Aaaah fin septembre, ça aurait pas été la maj vers gnome3?

Oui, c’est ça.

 Même quand full propose de virer des trucs je ne passe pas en safe,
 j'attends un peu (2-3 jours) voir si ça passe ou j'upgrade juste ce qui ne
 pose pas problème (comme dis dans ton premier message). Le soucis avec
 testing, c'est que les réparations arrivent moins vite.

Bon, je vais encore attendre, parce que là, il refuse carrément de
mettre à jour, ou propose de gérer les dépendances manuellement. :-/

En science, ce qui est démontrable ne doit pas être admis sans démonstration.
        -+- Richard Dedekind -+-

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Re: Installation sur du LVM crypté...

2011-12-18 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:24:52 +0100
David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org wrote:

 OK, j'avoue, j'ai choisi une mauvaise formulation :-(
 Disons plutôt que je souhaite refaire une installation pour voir si, à
 cette occasion, je peux conserver mes partitions chiffrées comme on
 conserve ses partitions (au moins /home) dans une ré-installation

La seule poss actuellement, c'est que lesdites partoches soient

 Alors, sans parler d'agrandissement ou de rétrécissement, l'objectif
 est juste de conserver /home.
 Ainsi, j'ai /boot à part (en ext2) et tout le reste dans un volume
 chiffré. Ce dernier est découpé en 3 : /, swap  /home.
 Maintenant, admettons que mon système soit instable, cassé, etc... et
 que j'ai donc besoin de le ré-installer. Mon objectif est bien de
 reformater /boot  / (sans parler de swap), mais de conserver /home.

Nope; par contre s'il est séparé, l'installer permettra de conserver
sa partition intacte. 

 Et là, dans l'installateur, je n'y arrive pas (peut-être que je me
 débrouille mal)... Il me propose uniquement de tout casser et de tout
 re-créer, mais bien sûr, dans ce cas, il n'y a plus de conservation
 de /home...

C'est un installer, pas un cheval de course; si tu veux conserver ton 
/home (ou plus exactement ton home, puisqu'il n'est pas séparé),
soit tu fais régulièrement des rsync (ou des snapshots(zfs, ...)), 
soit un tar que tu déplaces ailleurs.

Oh, I've seen copies [of Linux Journal] around the terminal room at
The Labs. -- Dennis Ritchie

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Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...

2011-12-18 Thread David BERCOT

Comme j'ai changé d'ordi et que je réinstalle différemment, d'autres
questions arrivent ;-)

Donc, comme j'utilise guessnet (j'ai plusieurs configurations
différentes suivant le lieu : maison, bureau 1, bureau 2, etc...,
avec, non seulement un réseau différents, mais des applications
configurées autrement), j'ai signalé à ifplugd qu'eth0 était géré par
lui statiquement. C'est donc, à partir du fichier interfaces que la
connexion filaire est configurée.

Ainsi, au niveau de network-manager, il m'indique que, pour la
connexion filaire, il ne voit rien (ce qui est normal). Toutefois, je
garde network-manager pour les connexions wifi.

Le problème est que plusieurs applications (claws-mail, liferea,
etc...) ont l'impression d'être hors-ligne.

Savez-vous s'il est possible de faire en sorte que, bien que ne gérant
pas la connexion filaire, network-manager considère qu'il est bien
connecté ?

Merci d'avance.


P.S. : j'espère que, cette fois-ci, mes explications ont été plus
claires ;-)

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Re: Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...

2011-12-18 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Le Sun, 18 Dec 2011 13:34:25 +0100, David BERCOT, vous avez écrit :

 P.S. : j'espère que, cette fois-ci, mes explications ont été plus
 claires ;-)

J'ai compris car je suis dans la même problèmatique, les réponses
m'intêressent aussi !
Merci pour cette question.

Grégory BULOT

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Re: aptitude full-upgrade casse beaucoup de choses

2011-12-18 Thread nicolas patrois
Avec aptitude tout court, je pense avoir résolu les problèmes de dépendance.
J’espère qu’il ne m’a pas viré initrd-tools.

En science, ce qui est démontrable ne doit pas être admis sans démonstration.
        -+- Richard Dedekind -+-

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re: Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...

2011-12-18 Thread Jacques BRIQUET

 Message du 18/12/11 13:34
 De : David BERCOT 
 A : debian-user-french@lists.debian.org
 Copie à : 
 Objet : Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...
 Comme j'ai changé d'ordi et que je réinstalle différemment, d'autres
 questions arrivent ;-)
 Donc, comme j'utilise guessnet (j'ai plusieurs configurations
 différentes suivant le lieu : maison, bureau 1, bureau 2, etc...,
 avec, non seulement un réseau différents, mais des applications
 configurées autrement), j'ai signalé à ifplugd qu'eth0 était géré par
 lui statiquement. C'est donc, à partir du fichier interfaces que la
 connexion filaire est configurée.
 Ainsi, au niveau de network-manager, il m'indique que, pour la
 connexion filaire, il ne voit rien (ce qui est normal). Toutefois, je
 garde network-manager pour les connexions wifi.
 Le problème est que plusieurs applications (claws-mail, liferea,
 etc...) ont l'impression d'être hors-ligne.
 Savez-vous s'il est possible de faire en sorte que, bien que ne gérant
 pas la connexion filaire, network-manager considère qu'il est bien
 connecté ?
 Merci d'avance.
 P.S. : j'espère que, cette fois-ci, mes explications ont été plus
 claires ;-)

je profite de la discussion,
en 64 bits on peut rajouter également:

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Re: Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...

2011-12-18 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 18 Dec 2011 13:34:25 +0100
David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit:

 Savez-vous s'il est possible de faire en sorte que, bien que ne gérant
 pas la connexion filaire, network-manager considère qu'il est bien
 connecté ?

Essaie de mettre ceci dans /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf



Chez moi ça fonctionne.


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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20111218193754.1044059245a5fe6a652e6...@neuf.fr

Re: cron bavard avec munin-node

2011-12-18 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 07/12/11 à 08:12, Grégory Bulot debian.list200...@batman.dyndns.org a 
écrit :
GB Bonjour, 
GB J'utilise munin pour 'monitorer' mes pc. un process est lancé toute les
GB 5 minutes : (extrait du /etc/cron.d/munin-node)
GB /USR/SBIN/CRON[18633]: (root) CMD (if
GB [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all
GB update 7200 12 /dev/null; elif [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt ];
GB then /etc/munin/plugins/apt update 7200 12 /dev/null; fi)

C'est juste le lancement du plugin apt_all, il t'es utile ?

Sinon, vire le et commente cett ligne de log (ce que j'ai fait car j'utilise 
cron-apt pour ça,
apticron le fait aussi).

Si oui, alors regarde la doc de ton logger.

Avec rsyslog, tu peux filtrer avec par ex

:msg, contains, ce que tu veux filtrer /var/log/tonlog
 ~ # pour le virer du reste

ou pour le virer sans le garder dans un log à part
:msg, contains, ce que tu veux filtrer ~

(mais vaut mieux commencer par la 1re solution pour vérifier ce que l'on filtre)


Ce qui, probablement, fausse tout dans la vie, c'est qu'on est
convaincu qu'on dit la vérité parce qu'on dit ce qu'on pense
Sacha Guitry

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Re: Configuration de network-manager avec eth0 non géré...

2011-12-18 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:37:54 +0100,
Gaëtan PERRIER gaetan.perr...@neuf.fr a écrit :
Le Sun, 18 Dec 2011 13:34:25 +0100
David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit:

 Savez-vous s'il est possible de faire en sorte que, bien que ne
 gérant pas la connexion filaire, network-manager considère qu'il est
 bien connecté ?

Essaie de mettre ceci dans /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf



Chez moi ça fonctionne.

En effet, c'était très simple !!! Encore fallait-il le savoir ;-)

Merci beaucoup ! Ca faisait un moment que j'attendais ça...


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Re: Installation sur du LVM crypté...

2011-12-18 Thread Bastit Benoît
Le 18 décembre 2011 13:08, Jean-Yves F. Barbier 12u...@gmail.com a écrit :

 On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:24:52 +0100
 David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org wrote:

  OK, j'avoue, j'ai choisi une mauvaise formulation :-(
  Disons plutôt que je souhaite refaire une installation pour voir si, à
  cette occasion, je peux conserver mes partitions chiffrées comme on
  conserve ses partitions (au moins /home) dans une ré-installation

 La seule poss actuellement, c'est que lesdites partoches soient

 Ou alors la jouer en finesse :)

J'ai eu cette difficulté sauf que moi je souhaiter garder le /data

 Il y a deux solutions.

1) Debootstrap

Pas besoin explication, je pense :)

2) Installateur debian

Commence ton installation et lance le début de la configuration d'une
partition crypter ( pour forcer installateur a chargé les modules

Sur un TTY décrypte ta partition cryptée avec cryptsetup ( cryptsetup
luksOpen /dev/sdxx sdx_crypt )

Retourne a l'install et relance le scan des disques

Faire la même chose avec le LVM

Après continue l'instable comme tu le ferais normalement

Re: cron bavard avec munin-node

2011-12-18 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Le Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:52:08 +0100, Daniel Caillibaud, vous avez écrit :

 C'est juste le lancement du plugin apt_all, il t'es utile ?
 Sinon, vire le et commente cett ligne de log (ce que j'ai fait car
 j'utilise cron-apt pour ça, apticron le fait aussi).

C'est vrai, j'oublie que j'ai apticron qui tourne ...

Merci pour ces infos (y compris celles que je n'ais pas repris en

Grégory BULOT

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Re: Problemas al cargar modulo IPW2X00 en Debian Testing

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 17 Dec 2011 21:54:58 -0300, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:

 Cuando intento cargar el modulo ipw2x00 en Debian Testing
 (3.1.0-1-686-pae) me da el siguiente error:
 cfg80211: failed to add phy80211 symlink to netdev!
 el firmware esta instalado (firmware-ipw2x00), lo que he buscado en
 Google no me da soluciones sino tan solo he llegado a preguntas.


Parece que es un error común... ¿te funciona la tarjeta 
independientemente del mensaje? 

El cfg80211 es muy verboso pero más allá del los mensajes no parece que 
tenga efectos secundarios.



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Re: Distancia de cables de red

2011-12-18 Thread Manuel Soto
Pues lo lógico sería hacer un presupuesto de todas las opciones y comparar 
costo/beneficio sobre la base de cumplir con las limitaciones de las 
tecnologías de manera de poder certificar (no sólo probar si tiene pocas 
fallas) el enlace. Cat-5 a más de 100 metros no puede ser certificado ni que 

distribuidor independiente Herbalife 

-Original Message-
From: Jorge A. Secreto jorgesecr...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 16:02:46 
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Distancia de cables de red

2011/12/16 Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.com:
 2011/12/15 yordanis yordan...@sd.vc.rimed.cu:
 Saludos amigos listeros. Es posible conectar 2 switch a una distancia ma=
 de 100 metros. En este caso ser=EDa con un cable de par trenzado con un
 conector rj45. Por ejemplo a unos 150 metros aproximadamente. Eso ser=ED=
a para
 un gran flujo de datos.

 Depende de lo bueno(caro) que sea el cable:

 CAT-5 is rated to 100M
 CAT-5e is rated to 350M
 CAT-6 and CAT6e is rated to 550M or 1000M depending on your source
 CAT-7 is supposedly rated to 700M or presumably 1000M

Solo para experimentar, y porque parece que lo ten=EDas medio decidido.
Que te parece poner dos switches intermedios, alimentados por POE,
desde los extremos. Es decir, dividir la distancia en tres partes
iguales. De mas o menos 100 metros cada una, lo que va a mantener la
velocidad alta, y dejar a los switches la funci=F3n de recomposici=F3n de
la se=F1al.
Me parece que eso tiene que funcionar. Pero lo veo un poco expuesto a
quemarse por rayos. Aunque no les den de lleno.
Si tenes l=EDnea de vista, no lo dudar=EDa. Como ya te aconsejaron ,
pondr=EDa un par de Nanos de Ubiquiti y, si te quer=E9s recontra asegurar,
con par=E1bolas y todo.
Suerte y cont=E1nos como termin=F3.

Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

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Re: Distancia de cables de red

2011-12-18 Thread Diego Sanchez
Sin ánimos de ofender a nadie, tengan en cuenta que Yordanis está en Cuba.
Hay que ver a qué productos tiene acceso, y su costo. Digo, nosotros le
decimos compra x, compra y ... tal vez nada llegue a la isla ;D

Yordanis, contanos un poco mas.
Diego - Yo no soy paranoico! (pero que me siguen, me siguen) |

Re: snort no reporta alertas

2011-12-18 Thread troxlinux
El día 17 de diciembre de 2011 08:58, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 Si has instalado el paquete desde los repos de Debian, yo empezaría por
 leer la documentación que tienes en /usr/share/doc/snort/*.



upss parece que esta version de snort no fue compilada con mysql y por
eso no me graba datos en la bd. , probara con una q este para mysql.




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Re: snort no reporta alertas

2011-12-18 Thread carlopmart

On Sun, 18 Dec 2011, troxlinux wrote:

El día 17 de diciembre de 2011 08:58, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:

Si has instalado el paquete desde los repos de Debian, yo empezaría por
leer la documentación que tienes en /usr/share/doc/snort/*.



upss parece que esta version de snort no fue compilada con mysql y por
eso no me graba datos en la bd. , probara con una q este para mysql.



Descarga las versiones directamente de www.snort.org. Son las únicas 
soportadas y para las únicas que tendrás reglas ...


CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

[OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-18 Thread Darío
Hola lista, estoy pensando en comprar una netbook y quisiera saber
cuál me pueden recomendar, el uso que le voy a dar es esencialmente
uso de programas de cálculo numérico (como Octave/Scilab/Maxima) y
también Internet obiviamente, y de paso probar distros con OpenVZ.
Preferencia de marcas no sé, pero me cae muy bien Samsung porque es
uno de los pocos que hace reproductores digitales que soportan .ogg



|-| Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
|-| bio de documentos, como DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3,  DWG,
|-| MOV,  FLV,  WMV, etc.  sino  HTML, ODT,  ODT,  DJVU,  PDF, TXT,
|-| CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, GZIP o cualquier otro que no obligue  a utilizar
|-| un programa de un fabricante concreto.
|-| Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html
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Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-18 Thread Eduardo Giannattasio (EGIA)
Hola Dario,

La mayoría de las configuraciones que vi son similares, tengo muy buenas
experiencias con las sony serie w y x, las samsung tienen un par de
problemas con las configuraciones que se resuelven rápido, pero un punto a
tener en cuentra, creo, es la placa de wifi, la broadcom 4313 en mi caso me
trajo algunos contratiempos,


2011/12/18 Darío dario...@gmail.com

 Hola lista, estoy pensando en comprar una netbook y quisiera saber
 cuál me pueden recomendar, el uso que le voy a dar es esencialmente
 uso de programas de cálculo numérico (como Octave/Scilab/Maxima) y
 también Internet obiviamente, y de paso probar distros con OpenVZ.
 Preferencia de marcas no sé, pero me cae muy bien Samsung porque es
 uno de los pocos que hace reproductores digitales que soportan .ogg



 |-| Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
 |-| bio de documentos, como DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3,  DWG,
 |-| MOV,  FLV,  WMV, etc.  sino  HTML, ODT,  ODT,  DJVU,  PDF, TXT,
 |-| CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, GZIP o cualquier otro que no obligue  a utilizar
 |-| un programa de un fabricante concreto.
 |-| Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html
 |-| también http://www.vaslibre.org.ve/publicaciones/odfvsooxml-es.pdf


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Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-18 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El dom, 18-12-2011 a las 16:05 -0300, Darío escribió: 
 Hola lista, estoy pensando en comprar una netbook y quisiera saber
 cuál me pueden recomendar, el uso que le voy a dar es esencialmente
 uso de programas de cálculo numérico (como Octave/Scilab/Maxima) y
 también Internet obiviamente, y de paso probar distros con OpenVZ.
yo tengo una asus eeepc 900, claro se quedó en el tiempo, pero cuando la
compré ya le funcionaba todo el hardware en debian y al día de hoy sigue
funcionando (serán unos 3 ó 4 años)
en todo caso, decidas lo que decidas comprar, este es un buen punto de
partida para instalarle debian y hacer andar el hardware 'raro' que
pueda tener: http://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn

 Preferencia de marcas no sé, pero me cae muy bien Samsung porque es
 uno de los pocos que hace reproductores digitales que soportan .ogg
no son pocos, todos los mp3/4/5/.../X chinos que se consiguen en
mercadolibre (o e-bay o equivalentes) reproducen, aunque algunos todavía
no lo dicen entre sus características.
También muchos teléfonos, especialmente los que tengan algo derivado de
linux (p.e. android)

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Re: Formato de Disco para usar en Windows también

2011-12-18 Thread Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

On 07/12/11 11:08, Camaleón wrote:

El Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:10:19 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

Tengo un disco duro de 500 Gb que uso para hacer backup automáticos de
mis archivos con la herramienta Deja Dup (se las recomiendo, está en los
repositorios) y para guardar algunas cosas que casi nunca uso, como
instaladores de programas de Windows.

Hum... 500 GiB dan para hacer un par de particiones: una para windows con
NTFS y otra para linux con etx3/4 o cualquier otro sistema de archivos
nativo. Así no tendrás problemas :-)

La cosa es que ahora mismo estoy teniendo un problema que al parecer
está relacionado con que el formato de ese disco sea NTFS.  Ya encontré
por ahí la solución para lo cual debo reiniciar mi computador en
Windows, pero antes de hacer eso quise dejar esta pregunta acá... y me
gustaría encontrar una respuesta al regresar... jejeje.

¿Reiniciar el sistema por un problema con el sistema de archivos en NTFS?
Raro... ¿Podrías detallar el problema?

¿Qué formato debería tener esa partición? Antes la tenía con FAT32, todo
muy bien, pero no permite archivos de más de 4 Gb (para los que piensan
que no es normal tener un archivo de ese tamaño les recuerdo que las
imágenes de los DVD de Debian son más grandes que eso)... ¿es entonces
NTFS la única opción?

Yo creo que la mejor opción pasa por separar las particiones: al windows
lo que es del windows y al linux lo que es del linux, es decir, cada uno
con su propio sistema de archivos y todos contentos.
No lo había pensado... muchas gracias... en cuanto tenga un tiempito lo 


Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

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Re: Going to 64bit

2011-12-18 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 17 dec 11, 18:07:21, Bob Proulx wrote:
 about Sun Java too but that is gone now.)  Any proprietary binary ATI
 or NVIDIA graphics drivers?  Usually the 64-bit support is poor.

Never had issues with nvidia. fglrx is a pain irrespective of arch :p

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted

2011-12-18 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 17 dec 11, 15:15:11, Regid Ichira wrote:
   Quoting changelog of some recent deb:
 Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted

Sorry, my cristal ball is not working to find out which deb you are 
talking about :-)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to refresh Nautilus file view.

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 19:04:20 +, Russell Gadd wrote:

 I have just set up a NAS box and sometimes it comes up from sleep too
 late for Nautilus to see it so when I look for it in Nautilus the
 mounted drive isn't there, I just see the folder where it should be
 mounted. I'm sure it is mounted since I can check this with the mount
 command, although if using the Gnome terminal I still can't see it with
 a ls command. I can reboot and it will be ok. I wondered if there's a
 quicker way to get Nautilus/Gnome to refresh its view of this.

How is the mount point set? Dynamically or statically?

Does Ctrl+R (reload) do the trick? If not, how about closing/opening 
Nautilus? Or just by relogin?



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Re: Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:46:02 +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 On Sb, 17 dec 11, 15:15:11, Regid Ichira wrote:
   Quoting changelog of some recent deb:
 Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted
 Sorry, my cristal ball is not working to find out which deb you are
 talking about :-)


Google returns a snippet for the changelog of krb5:


krb5 (1.10+dfsg~alpha1-5) unstable; urgency=low

* Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted by the
evil forces of wishful thinking and forward progress

-- Sam Hartman hartm...@debian.org  Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:09:55 -0500 

Though its full meaning is unknown to me. I can barely understand that 
new packaging requirements are in place.



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Re: Enabling ehci_hcd

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 22:27:43 -0500, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 I was having problems w/ a USB drive and traced the problem to the drive
 enclosure using USB1.1 and the computer requiring USB2.0.  I disabled
 the ehci_hcd with the following set of commands:


 OK, it worked.  Now I have another enclosure that runs USB2.0.
 How do I now re-enable the ehci_hcd?

Mmmm, if you enable it again your enclosure will stop from working :-?

Okay, my wild guess (not tested) is that it should be the same command but 
sending it to the opposite → bind

sudo sh -c 'echo -n :00:xx.x  bind'



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Re: Unable to install or uninstall hptraidconf RAID command-line mgmt util for RocketRaid 622

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 20:41:53 -0500, Andrew Phillips wrote:

 I am trying to install the command-line RAID management utility
 available at HighPoint-Tech's website:

Those packages are targeted for lenny, are you running lenny?
 I have installed the hptsvr utility, and I am trying to install the
 hptraidconf utility, but when I execute dpkg -i hptraidconf I get the
 following error messages:
 Selecting previously deselected package hptraidconf. (Reading database
 ... 103059 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to
 replace hptraidconf 3.5 (using hptraidconf_3.5_amd64.deb) ... dpkg
 (subprocess): unable to execute old pre-removal script
 (/var/lib/dpkg/info/hptraidconf.prerm): No such file or directory dpkg:
 warning: subprocess old pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
 dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ... dpkg (subprocess):
 unable to execute new pre-removal script (/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/prerm):
 No such file or directory dpkg: error processing


 I am still getting the errors about the files not existing when trying
 to install. Any ideas how to uninstall this as cleanly as possible?

Google returned a similar situation in this thread, not sure if it will 


Anyway, have you considered in using linux raid (software raid md) 
instead? The card seems (not sure about this, though) to use what is 
called a fakeraid chipset which is synonym of problems in the near 



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Re: X Window: Setting up mouse scroll for OOo Calc to one raw

2011-12-18 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 12:05:53 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux SID and my X Window uses Window Maker as a
 window manager.
 I'm using OpenOffice.org Calc very often and I want to setup mouse
 scroll in X so when I scroll with mice then in OOo Calc raws goes
 up/down only one raw and not three raws.

So what you are basically seeking is a way for setting the mouse scroll 
to a different value other than three lines at a time, right? 

I recall this could be set from KDE mouse configuration settings but this 
was in the times of KDE3... now in GNOME I see no option under mouse 
settings to configure this :-?
 My short search in Google gives to me no answers for this issue except
 one must setup mouse scroll somewhere in X configurations.
 For wheel button there is the option
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Mmm, AFAIK that's for mapping the wheel button to another one or another 
axis (vertically/horizontally), not for controlling the number of the 
lines to scroll up/down.

 in xorg.conf but this setup only the wheel button and not it's speed or
 what that is needed for for setup scrolling in Calc or in other
 applications. (Ah, my English! I hope that this explanation was clear..)

I'm not sure how to achieve this. There has to be an option for the 
current mouse driver you are using (mouse, evdev...?) but e.g., man 
evdev returns no option available to control this setting.



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what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread lina

which media player is your favoriate and love to recommend.

I have a problem in using movie player, it's kinda of funny when open
some song with it, all the process just being killed and came to login
interface. (more like the new-started laptop without truely re-start).

Thanks with best regards,

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Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread Tutku Dalmaz

As a default player i use gnome-mplayer.I recommend that you to use it.

Best Regards.

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 5:44 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:


 which media player is your favoriate and love to recommend.

 I have a problem in using movie player, it's kinda of funny when open
 some song with it, all the process just being killed and came to login
 interface. (more like the new-started laptop without truely re-start).

 Thanks with best regards,

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Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread Javier Vasquez
 As a default player i use gnome-mplayer.I recommend that you to use it.


 I have a problem in using movie player, it's kinda of funny when open
 some song with it, all the process just being killed and came to login
 interface. (more like the new-started laptop without truely re-start).


Well, I don't know what moview player is, perhaps mplayer is what
has been referred?  BTW, m stands for media, if that is the case,
not movie, :-)

Now gnome-mplayer is not a player by its own.  It's just a front end
to mplayer.  And mplayer has different front ends, like KDE ones, GTK+
ones, etc.

To watch video I've been using mplayer for quiet a while, and I've
found no reason to change.  Even when VLC came on board, I just kept
with mplayer with no regret.  Regarding a front end, gnome-player is
what I use given it's the one installed for the gecko plugin, and
besides it works well.

For audio I'm afraid I prefer MPD with mpc, ncmpc, and gmpc as client
front ends, for most of the stuff (including listenning to streaming).
 And for local audio listening I prefer just MOC.  Alsaplayer
sometimes comes in handy as well...

I'm not sure if one alone media player fits all purposes, :-)

At any rate, there's bunch of information about media players on the web...


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Re: X Window: Setting up mouse scroll for OOo Calc to one raw

2011-12-18 Thread Csanyi Pal
Camaleón noela...@gmail.com writes:

 On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 12:05:53 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux SID and my X Window uses Window Maker as a
 window manager.
 I'm using OpenOffice.org Calc very often and I want to setup mouse
 scroll in X so when I scroll with mice then in OOo Calc raws goes
 up/down only one raw and not three raws.

 So what you are basically seeking is a way for setting the mouse scroll 
 to a different value other than three lines at a time, right? 

The way to setup scrolling only one raw in OpenOffice.org Calc using
mouse wheel button is to setup somehow the X Window, eg. to setup mouse
driver to different value then the default, right? If one setup this
successfully I don't know how would this appeares in other applications
than OOo?

 in xorg.conf but this setup only the wheel button and not it's speed or
 what that is needed for for setup scrolling in Calc or in other

 I'm not sure how to achieve this. There has to be an option for the 
 current mouse driver you are using (mouse, evdev...?) but e.g., man 
 evdev returns no option available to control this setting.

From the Xorg.0.log I find these lines:

(II) config/udev: Adding input device ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Applying InputClass evdev pointer
(II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse' 
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: always reports core events
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Device: /dev/input/event4
(--) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Found 3 mouse buttons
(--) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Found scroll wheel(s)
(--) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Found relative axes
(--) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Found x and y relative axes
(II) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Configuring as mouse
(II) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Adding scrollwheel support
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: YAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5 
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: EmulateWheelButton: 4,
EmulateWheelInertia: 10, EmulateWheelTimeout: 200 
(**) Option config_info
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse
(type: MOUSE, id 9) 
(II) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: initialized for relative axes. 
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration profile 0
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
(**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
(II) config/udev: Adding input device ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse
(II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)

Searching with Google using keywords 'evdev scroll wheel' gives to me no
answer for this. Thanks!

Regards, Pal

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Re: upgrading lenny to squeeze question

2011-12-18 Thread John Lindsay

This is in reply to Brian and Pete

'Enter' and/or 'Tab' has no affect. What did happen was the Update icon 
showed up with something like 1700 files to update. I decided to go with 
that to see what would happen -- looks like everything went reasonably 
smooth with just some minor annoyances which I managed to fix back to 
working condition.

Thanks for the replies.


On 17/12/11 06:42 PM, Brian wrote:

On Sat 17 Dec 2011 at 18:07:47 -0500, John Lindsay wrote:


I have been following the following info on


My last root teminal command was

apt-get dist-upgrade

It seems to be working ok up to this screen ---

Package configuration

 Configuring grub-pc
│ │
│ In order to replace the Legacy version of GRUB in your system, it is
│ recommended that /boot/grub/menu.lst is adjusted to load a GRUB 2 boot
│ image from your existing GRUB Legacy setup. This step can be
│ automatically performed now.
│ It's recommended that you accept chainloading GRUB 2 from menu.lst, and
│ verify that the new GRUB 2 setup works before it is written to the MBR
│ (Master Boot Record).
│ Whatever your decision, you can replace the old MBR image with GRUB 2
│ later by issuing the following command as root:
│ upgrade-from-grub-legacy
│ │




It seems to have stopped there as theOk  is not highlighted -- how do
I proceed from this point?

If you are still staring at that screen have you tried pressing the
'enter' key?


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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2011-12-17 18:55:45 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Sometimes I see people file bugs to the BTS against a package asking
 for the package to provide a /etc/default/ file as part of the
 package.  When I see those I usually counter with a request that it
 not be made part of the package.  If the file is part of a package
 there there will always need to be handling of modifications to it.

But if they are not part of the package, how can clashes between
packages (e.g. 2 packages using the same name for the /etc/default
file) be handled?

Vincent Lefèvre vinc...@vinc17.net - Web: http://www.vinc17.net/
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: http://www.vinc17.net/blog/
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-18 Thread Marc Aymerich
Today I've tried to connect my mouse through +10meters USB cable.
Seems that it works pretty well despite of what the RFC says about
maximum cable lenght :) the only problem I have is that ~5% of mouse
clicks are lost. I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate.
Is this posible ? for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in
USB1.0 mode or something like that?


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Re: upgrade-report: errors from squeeze tar unpacking packages from testing (Re: Upgrade from stable to testing problem)

2011-12-18 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
 This sounds reminiscent of http://bugs.debian.org/642802.

 It would be a serious bug, except the necessary version of tar had been in
 squeeze for more than a year already.  What version of tar were you
 using when you ran into this?  (/var/log/dpkg.log should say.)  What
 error message did you get from aptitude when problems arose?  (I think
 aptitude keeps this kind of information somewhere in /var/log, such as
 aptitude.log or term.log, but I'm not sure.)

Hi Jonathan, 

yes, you are right! It is exactly the problem/behaviour described in the bug 
above. And it is the same error message I got. 

Sorry, I cannot send a log, as the notebook I discovered this, was not mine 
and is already changed to testing.

I suppose, to change squeeze to the version of tar in wheezy would do the 
trick, but it would break debian stable rules. However, this is a bug, which 
might inhibit the next release, so it should be fixed.

Best regards



Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Sometimes I see people file bugs to the BTS against a package asking
  for the package to provide a /etc/default/ file as part of the
  package.  When I see those I usually counter with a request that it
  not be made part of the package.  If the file is part of a package
  there there will always need to be handling of modifications to it.
 But if they are not part of the package, how can clashes between
 packages (e.g. 2 packages using the same name for the /etc/default
 file) be handled?

The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)


Description: Digital signature

Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 18 dec 11, 10:12:12, Javier Vasquez wrote:
 Well, I don't know what moview player is, perhaps mplayer is what
 has been referred?  BTW, m stands for media, if that is the case,
 not movie, :-)
 Now gnome-mplayer is not a player by its own.  It's just a front end
 to mplayer.  And mplayer has different front ends, like KDE ones, GTK+
 ones, etc.
As far as I understand the recommended frontend is now smplayer.

 To watch video I've been using mplayer for quiet a while, and I've
 found no reason to change.  Even when VLC came on board, I just kept
 with mplayer with no regret.  Regarding a front end, gnome-player is
 what I use given it's the one installed for the gecko plugin, and
 besides it works well.
 For audio I'm afraid I prefer MPD with mpc, ncmpc, and gmpc as client
 front ends, for most of the stuff (including listenning to streaming).
  And for local audio listening I prefer just MOC.  Alsaplayer
 sometimes comes in handy as well...

+1, just prefer ario as a graphical frontend (not that I use it much, I 
have keyboard shortcuts tied to mpc actions) for mpd.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 23:44:16 +0800
lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:

 which media player is your favoriate and love to recommend.

vlc or mplayer. vlc has its own native gui, and in my experience, has
proven much more effective for streaming audio, invariably working even
on urls that mplayer fails on.

Celejar cele...@gmail.com

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Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-18 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 18 dec 11, 23:44:16, lina wrote:
 which media player is your favoriate and love to recommend.
 I have a problem in using movie player, it's kinda of funny when open
 some song with it, all the process just being killed and came to login
 interface. (more like the new-started laptop without truely re-start).

For watching TV shows I use xbmc because it keeps track of which 
episodes I have already watched.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2011-12-18 13:18:02 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
 named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
 different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
 it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
 though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)

OK, so for these files, that's another way to know what package
they may be associated with. :)

Vincent Lefèvre vinc...@vinc17.net - Web: http://www.vinc17.net/
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: http://www.vinc17.net/blog/
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20111218212107.gc5...@xvii.vinc17.org

Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread John Lindsay
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted 
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in trash 
and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window with a bar 
graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything is still there. 
There is some 20G of folders and files that need to be removed to free 
up HD space. Any suggestions?


Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only permission 
-- I know I should change ownership to read/write -- before I try this 
-- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash'  Is that where Trash resides and is 
that the correct format?

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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
  named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
  different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
  it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
  though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)
 OK, so for these files, that's another way to know what package
 they may be associated with. :)

Uhm...  Yes.  They may have the name of the package they are
associated with in the filename.  But I thought that was too obvious
to require a mention!  :-)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread John Lindsay

I just did a google on my little problem and found this

rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of available 
space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free originally and despite 
deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected to see 44G of free space 

On 18/12/11 04:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted 
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in 
trash and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window with a 
bar graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything is still 
there. There is some 20G of folders and files that need to be removed 
to free up HD space. Any suggestions?


Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only 
permission -- I know I should change ownership to read/write -- before 
I try this -- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash'  Is that where Trash 
resides and is that the correct format?

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Re: Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread John Lindsay

Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this

find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I 
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in 
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.

On 18/12/11 05:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:

I just did a google on my little problem and found this

rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of available 
space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free originally and 
despite deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected to see 44G of 
free space available.

On 18/12/11 04:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted 
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in 
trash and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window with 
a bar graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything is 
still there. There is some 20G of folders and files that need to be 
removed to free up HD space. Any suggestions?


Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only 
permission -- I know I should change ownership to read/write -- 
before I try this -- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash'  Is that where 
Trash resides and is that the correct format?

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Re: Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
John Lindsay wrote:
 John Lindsay wrote:
  I just did a google on my little problem and found this
   rm -fr /home/user/.trash
  That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of
  available space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free
  originally and despite deleting some 20G of folder/files, I
  expected to see 44G of free space available.

 Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this
  find -name '*rash'
 and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I
 looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in
 figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.

A typical problem is that someone will have have large logfile from a
running process.  They remove the file.  That doesn't free up space
because a process is still running and writing to it.  The file can
only really be removed when the reference count to it goes to zero.

I don't know if that is your problem or not.  It might be.  It might
not be.  But if you happen to have any running processes that are
still talking to a very large file then removing the file won't help.

I always recommend finding big files and truncating them first.  You
can truncate a file using the shell by redirection nothing into it.

  :  largelogfile.log

Or you can use 'true' as the same thing since ':' is an alias for
'true'.  So shell programmers always tend to use : since that is the
traditional value.  It isn't obvious to new people though.

Of course one way to guarantee that no processes are still running is
to reboot.  A little harsh.  But effective.

Also a place where disk space is often lost is in the apt package
cache /var/cache/apt.  You can clean up old cached files there with:

  # apt-get clean

A useful tool to determine where disk space has gone is the du
visualizer 'xdu'.

  apt-get install xdu

Then run it on du output.  It will take a while for du to run across a
large filesystem so some patience while it collects data is useful.

  du -xm / | xdu

I usually redirect the du output to a file and let it run then after
iti s done run xdu on the file.

  du -xm / | tee /tmp/du-xm.out
  xdu  /tmp/du-xm.out

Click the mouse left button on the areas to explore.  It is somewhat
interactive.  Simple.  But quite useful.

There are a number of different disk space visualizer programs
available such as filelight and others but xdu is the most mature and
simplest of them.

Good luck!

Description: Digital signature

Re: xfce4-panel often stops running?

2011-12-18 Thread Freeman
On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 07:42:56PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   Is anyone else seeing a lot of crashes of xfce4-panel in stock Squeeze
   stable?  It frequently drops off the screen and stops running.
  I don't run Squeeze but Sid and have xfce4-panel 4.8.6-1.
  No crashes of panel. Sometimes crashes of wmdock plugin.
 Hmm...  I am getting reports from users of two xfce4-panel crashes a
 day out of about fifty users using xfce working on Squeeze.  This
 environment uses NFS mounted home directories and so I am always
 suspicious of nfs locking problems but otherwise everything seems to
 be okay.  Restarting it with Alt-F2 xfce4-panel restores it to the
 screen but is just a workaround.
 I am thinking I might need to instrument it for debugging and then set
 a trap for the problem.  Not looking forward to that effort.

No crashes. Although I am seeing panels get stuck open until I click on
them a second time although they are set to hide.  Annoys me to no end but it
is probably because I have pushed it beyond normal use with four loaded

Here is a list of all my installed packages and versions:

desktopnova-module-xfce/stable uptodate 0.8-2
glade-xfce/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
gtk2-engines-xfce/stable uptodate 2.6.0-2
libxfce4mcs-client3/oldstable uptodate 4.4.2-4
libxfce4mcs-manager3/oldstable uptodate 4.4.2-4
libxfce4menu-0.1-0/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfce4menu-0.1-dbg/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfce4ui-1-0/testing uptodate 4.8.0-3
libxfce4ui-1-dbg/testing uptodate 4.8.0-3
libxfce4util-common/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfce4util4/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfce4util4-dbg/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfcegui4-4/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
libxfcegui4-4-dbg/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
libxfconf-0-2/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
libxfconf-0-2-dbg/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
remmina-xfce/stable uptodate 0.8.1-1
xfburn/stable uptodate 0.4.3-1+b1
xfce-keyboard-shortcuts/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
xfce4-appfinder/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
xfce4-artwork/oldstable uptodate 0.1-2
xfce4-battery-plugin/stable uptodate 0.5.1-1+b1
xfce4-cellmodem-plugin/stable uptodate 0.0.5-1+b1
xfce4-clipman/stable uptodate 2:1.1.3-3
xfce4-clipman-plugin/stable uptodate 2:1.1.3-3
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin/stable uptodate 0.2-3+b1
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.0-2+b1
xfce4-datetime-plugin/stable uptodate 0.6.1-1+b1
xfce4-dev-tools/stable uptodate 4.7.2-3
xfce4-dict/stable uptodate 0.6.0-3+b1
xfce4-dict-plugin/oldstable uptodate 0.4.0-2+lenny1
xfce4-diskperf-plugin/stable uptodate 2.2.0-3+b1
xfce4-fsguard-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.2-1+b1
xfce4-genmon-plugin/stable uptodate 3.2-3+b1
xfce4-goodies/stable uptodate
xfce4-hdaps/stable uptodate 0.0.5-2+b1
xfce4-icon-theme/oldstable uptodate 4.4.2-1
xfce4-indicator-plugin/stable uptodate 0.0.1-2
xfce4-linelight-plugin/stable uptodate 0.1.6-2+b1
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin/stable uptodate 1.1.0-2+b1
xfce4-mcs-manager/oldstable uptodate 4.4.2-3
xfce4-messenger-plugin/stable uptodate 0.1.0-4+b1
xfce4-minicmd-plugin/oldstable uptodate 0.4-3
xfce4-mixer/stable uptodate 4.6.1-2+b1
xfce4-mixer-alsa/oldstable uptodate 4.4.2-3
xfce4-mount-plugin/stable uptodate 0.5.5-1+b1
xfce4-mpc-plugin/stable uptodate 0.3.5-1
xfce4-netload-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.0-4+b1
xfce4-notes/stable uptodate 1.7.6-1+b1
xfce4-notes-plugin/stable uptodate 1.7.6-1+b1
xfce4-notifyd/testing uptodate 0.2.2-1
xfce4-panel/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
xfce4-panel-dbg/stable uptodate 4.6.4-1
xfce4-places-plugin/stable uptodate 1.2.0-1+b1
xfce4-power-manager/stable uptodate 0.8.5-2
xfce4-power-manager-data/stable uptodate 0.8.5-2
xfce4-power-manager-plugins/stable uptodate 0.8.5-2
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin/stable uptodate 1.9.4-8+b1
xfce4-radio-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.2-1+b1
xfce4-screenshooter/stable uptodate 1.7.9-1+b1
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin/stable uptodate 1.7.9-1
xfce4-sensors-plugin/stable uptodate 1.0.0-1+b1
xfce4-session/stable uptodate 4.6.2-3
xfce4-settings/stable uptodate 4.6.5-2
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.2-3+b1
xfce4-systemload-plugin/stable uptodate 0.4.2-3+b1
xfce4-taskmanager/stable uptodate 0.4.1-1
xfce4-terminal/stable uptodate 0.4.5-1
xfce4-timer-plugin/stable uptodate 0.6.1-3+b1
xfce4-utils/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
xfce4-verve-plugin/stable uptodate 0.3.6-1+b1
xfce4-volumed/stable uptodate 0.1.8-1
xfce4-wavelan-plugin/stable uptodate 0.5.5-3+b1
xfce4-weather-plugin/stable uptodate 0.7.3-3+b1
xfce4-wmdock-plugin/stable uptodate 0.3.2-1+b1
xfce4-xfapplet-plugin/stable uptodate 0.1.0-3+b1
xfce4-xkb-plugin/stable uptodate
xfconf/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
xfdesktop4/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1+b1
xfdesktop4-data/stable uptodate 4.6.2-1
xfkc/oldstable uptodate 0.2-2
xfmedia/oldstable uptodate 0.9.2-5
xfmpc/stable uptodate 0.2.0-1
xfprint4/stable uptodate 4.6.1-1
xfsprogs/stable uptodate 3.1.4
xfswitch-plugin/stable uptodate 0.0.1-2
xfwm4/testing uptodate 4.8.2-1
xfwm4-dbg/testing uptodate 4.8.2-1
xfwm4-themes/stable uptodate 4.6.0-2


Re: Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread Don Juan

On 12/18/2011 02:44 PM, John Lindsay wrote:

Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this

find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I 
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in 
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.

On 18/12/11 05:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:

I just did a google on my little problem and found this

rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of available 
space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free originally and 
despite deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected to see 44G of 
free space available.

On 18/12/11 04:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted 
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in 
trash and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window with 
a bar graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything is 
still there. There is some 20G of folders and files that need to be 
removed to free up HD space. Any suggestions?


Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only 
permission -- I know I should change ownership to read/write -- 
before I try this -- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash'  Is that where 
Trash resides and is that the correct format?

Have you tried something like bleachbit? just put the setting to only 
clear out the user trash then run as root and then clean out the rest? 
Just a thought, does not really solve much as to why its not working 
now, but maybe will give you back the space you think you should be 
getting. I have always been happy using bleachbit to clean up my 
personal systems


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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2011-12-18 13:18:02 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
 named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
 different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
 it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
 though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)

It's not always the case:

/etc/default/alsa created by alsa-base
/etc/default/apache2 created by apache2.2-common
/etc/default/bluetooth created by bluez
/etc/default/bootlogd created by initscripts
/etc/default/cacerts created by ca-certificates-java
/etc/default/cryptdisks created by cryptsetup
/etc/default/decnet created by dnet-common
/etc/default/devpts created by initscripts
/etc/default/halt created by initscripts
/etc/default/keyboard created by keyboard-configuration
/etc/default/locale created by locales
/etc/default/nss created by libc-bin
/etc/default/saned created by sane-utils
/etc/default/ssh created by openssh-server
/etc/default/tmpfs created by initscripts
/etc/default/useradd created by passwd
/etc/default/wicd created by wicd-daemon

Vincent Lefèvre vinc...@vinc17.net - Web: http://www.vinc17.net/
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: http://www.vinc17.net/blog/
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20111219000222.gd5...@xvii.vinc17.org

Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
  named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
  different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
  it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
  though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)
 It's not always the case:
 /etc/default/alsa created by alsa-base
 /etc/default/apache2 created by apache2.2-common
 /etc/default/bluetooth created by bluez
 /etc/default/bootlogd created by initscripts
 /etc/default/cacerts created by ca-certificates-java
 /etc/default/cryptdisks created by cryptsetup
 /etc/default/decnet created by dnet-common
 /etc/default/devpts created by initscripts
 /etc/default/halt created by initscripts
 /etc/default/keyboard created by keyboard-configuration
 /etc/default/locale created by locales
 /etc/default/nss created by libc-bin
 /etc/default/saned created by sane-utils
 /etc/default/ssh created by openssh-server
 /etc/default/tmpfs created by initscripts
 /etc/default/useradd created by passwd
 /etc/default/wicd created by wicd-daemon

Okay I was wrong on the strictly exact names.  But most of those do
exist within the expected namespace of the parent package.  The only
ones that are a stretch are devpts and tmpfs.  The others are pretty


Description: Digital signature

automating execution of script; was Re (3): automating x permission on a file.

2011-12-18 Thread peasthope
*   From: Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com
*   Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:43:07 -0700
 A process listens through inotify on the receiving end 
 for the control file.  ... When control files appear 
 the incoming handling process reads the file and
 acts upon the instructions included in the file.

Thanks.  I've got the general idea.

Package inotify-utils is installed.  Suppose ~/.bashrc ends with these 5 lines.

exec while 1 do
if (inotifywait -e modify ~/control.sh) = 0 
  then { chmod u+x ~/control.sh; ~/control.sh; }  controlresult 

Whenever a fresh version of control.sh is put into ~ it is executed with 
results kept in controlresult.  

Any further tips before I shoot myself in the foot?
   Thanks,  ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Former telephone 1 360 450 2132.  
bcc: peasthope ... shaw.ca

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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2011-12-18 17:09:35 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
  /etc/default/alsa created by alsa-base
  /etc/default/apache2 created by apache2.2-common
  /etc/default/bluetooth created by bluez
  /etc/default/bootlogd created by initscripts
  /etc/default/cacerts created by ca-certificates-java
  /etc/default/cryptdisks created by cryptsetup
  /etc/default/decnet created by dnet-common
  /etc/default/devpts created by initscripts
  /etc/default/halt created by initscripts
  /etc/default/keyboard created by keyboard-configuration
  /etc/default/locale created by locales
  /etc/default/nss created by libc-bin
  /etc/default/saned created by sane-utils
  /etc/default/ssh created by openssh-server
  /etc/default/tmpfs created by initscripts
  /etc/default/useradd created by passwd
  /etc/default/wicd created by wicd-daemon
 Okay I was wrong on the strictly exact names.  But most of those do
 exist within the expected namespace of the parent package.  The only
 ones that are a stretch are devpts and tmpfs.  The others are pretty

But this not sufficient to avoid a possible clash for some of them.

Vincent Lefèvre vinc...@vinc17.net - Web: http://www.vinc17.net/
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: http://www.vinc17.net/blog/
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Unable to install or uninstall hptraidconf RAID command-line mgmt util for RocketRaid 622

2011-12-18 Thread Andrew Phillips
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 Those packages are targeted for lenny, are you running lenny?

 Actually, I'm using squeeze and feeling adventurous...

 Google returned a similar situation in this thread, not sure if it will


Thanks, this worked. A good introduction to advanced package troubleshooting. :)

 Anyway, have you considered in using linux raid (software raid md)
 instead? The card seems (not sure about this, though) to use what is
 called a fakeraid chipset which is synonym of problems in the near

Yes, absolutely. But in this case I need to recover some of the data
managed by this rr220. It's a JBOD, so I'm curious if I'd have any
luck having mdadm recreate the JBOD without data loss.

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Re: Can't empty trash

2011-12-18 Thread John Lindsay
Thank you Bob and Don for the info. I will certainly look into this 
sometime this next week and let you know how I make out.


On 18/12/11 06:42 PM, Don Juan wrote:

On 12/18/2011 02:44 PM, John Lindsay wrote:

Well, I guess it really helps to do some digging -- found this

find -name '*rash'
and it seemed to give me every instances where trash is located. I 
looked at each file and they are empty. I guess I was mistaken in 
figuring I could gain an extra 20G of space.

On 18/12/11 05:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:

I just did a google on my little problem and found this

rm -fr /home/user/.trash
That seemed to clean out trash however checking the size of 
available space shows no increase in space. I had 24G free 
originally and despite deleting some 20G of folder/files, I expected 
to see 44G of free space available.

On 18/12/11 04:21 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
Since my upgrade to Squeeze, I have discovered ALL previous deleted 
files and folders plus recently deleted (since upgrade) show up in 
trash and I can't delete them. I get a 'file operations' window 
with a bar graph that says preparing but when checked -- everything 
is still there. There is some 20G of folders and files that need to 
be removed to free up HD space. Any suggestions?


Just checked some files and I as the user have only read only 
permission -- I know I should change ownership to read/write -- 
before I try this -- 'chown ve3sjv /Desktop/Trash'  Is that where 
Trash resides and is that the correct format?

Have you tried something like bleachbit? just put the setting to only 
clear out the user trash then run as root and then clean out the rest? 
Just a thought, does not really solve much as to why its not working 
now, but maybe will give you back the space you think you should be 
getting. I have always been happy using bleachbit to clean up my 
personal systems


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Inconsistent failures to resume from hibernation / suspend-to-disk on a Thinkpad T61

2011-12-18 Thread Celejar
I recently installed Squeeze onto a T61. Hibernation (via the
'hibernate' command, or 'pm-hibernate') always seems to work, but the
system doesn't always come back up. The first time after a reboot it
seems to always come back, but it often / usually fails the second or
third time. I'm running amd64, and I've had the same problems with both
the Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 kernel as well as the 2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64 from

I never get any sort of progress report, but when the system comes up
properly, first the cursor flashes large (console, no framebuffer
style), then I get a beep (or several), the cursor shrinks to
framebuffer size, and then the system comes back. When it doesn't, the
cursor stays large, and there are no beeps. [I usually try from within
X, but I'm pretty sure I've seen the same problem when trying from the

I've checked /var/log/pm-suspend, and there's never anything there past
a report of successful hibernation.

Hardware info:

Intel GM965 graphics
Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 abgn

FWIW, I'm currently running the system without any battery.

Hibernation is to a swap partition. Disk is partitioned with /boot on a
primary ext3 partition, and everything else on logical volumes of an
LVM volume group atop an encrypted (dm-crypt / LUKS) volume atop a
second primary partition.

Any ideas, fixes, or troubleshooting suggestions?

Celejar cele...@gmail.com

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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Okay I was wrong on the strictly exact names.  But most of those do
  exist within the expected namespace of the parent package.  The only
  ones that are a stretch are devpts and tmpfs.  The others are pretty
 But this not sufficient to avoid a possible clash for some of them.

Well...  We are all friends here.  Have you hit a problem with one of
them?  I am sure something could be worked out.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Unable to install or uninstall hptraidconf RAID command-line mgmt util for RocketRaid 622

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
Andrew Phillips wrote:
 Yes, absolutely. But in this case I need to recover some of the data
 managed by this rr220. It's a JBOD, so I'm curious if I'd have any
 luck having mdadm recreate the JBOD without data loss.

You may have to grab an empty scratch disk, unplug your jbod to keep
the data there safe and install the fresh scratch disk, install lenny
on it, install the HighPoint raid management software you need to talk
to the disks, then using that recover the data from the jbod, then
with data recovered evaluate where you want to go in the future,
probably by going with software raid.


Description: Digital signature

Re: cron and MAILTO

2011-12-18 Thread Bob Proulx
T o n g wrote:
 How does cron decide whom the email will send to? 

It sends mail to the owner of the crontab.  Who's crontab are you
talking about?

  /etc/crontab= root crontabs BSD style
  /etc/cron.d/*   = system crontabs Vixie Cron style
  /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*  = user crontabs System V style

Note that /etc/cron.{daily,hourly,monthly} are chained from
/etc/crontab and are not built into vixie-cron.

Mail is sent to the process owner.  Effectively the same as 'whoami'
would return.  This silly example shows what I mean.

  echo I am $(whoami) | mailx -s 'Who am I?' $(whoami)

 I know setting MAILTO is effective for individual crontab jobs, since the 
 whole cron job will be run under a single user id. But how about the cron 
 jobs under /etc/cron.d/? 

Those have an extra field to specify the user.  The sixth field is the
user that the job will run under.  Since that is the user then that is
where the mail is sent.

 I know normally cron will send emails to whoever the job is owned/
 launched by, but if I put a MAILTO at the top of the file, will all 
 emails be then sent to my designated MAILTO user id, instead of to 
 different users that own/launch the jobs? 

Yes.  That is a Vixie cron specific feature.  It does not exist in
either the old System V or BSD cron daemons.


Description: Digital signature

Re: php 5.2 as cgi automatically changes protocol !!!

2011-12-18 Thread J. Bakshi
On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 13:03:01 -0700
Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com wrote:

 J. Bakshi wrote:
  Whenever I set any site to work with 5.2 cgi, the http:// protocol
  automatically changes to https:// and the link becomes as
  any clue is very much appreciated.
 You have something installed that is configured to require https and
 is generating an http redirect.  I will guess it is in
 /etc/apache2/conf.d/ somewhere.  This is probably in conjunction with
 SSLRequireSSL and probably uses RedirectMatch or similar from that
 family of redirect commands.
   grep -r -i SSLRequireSSL /etc/apache2/
   grep -r -i redirect /etc/apache2/
 You can verify this effect with wget (and other commands).  Use the -S
 option to see the headers.
   wget -O/dev/null -S http://your.hostname.or.ip/path/path
 The Location: header is the redirect.
 You can read the documentation on Apache redirect here:

Hello Bob,

Thanks for your response and clarification. 
Indeed with the grep -r -i SSLRequireSSL /etc/apache2/ I have found

FilesMatch \.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$
  SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
   Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
  SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl file

and my wrapper script is

ScriptAlias /php5-cgi  /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php52/php52.fcgi
Action application/x-httpd-php5  /php5-cgi
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 .phtml
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

Does the above section of /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl
make the redirect ?


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Re: ddclient not working

2011-12-18 Thread T o n g
On Tue, 06 Dec 2011 22:24:43 +, Camaleón wrote:

 Instead I started looking for when it worked correctly and what the
 ddclient.config was at that moment. Then I copied that .config over and
 that made it work correctly.
 Which brings up an interesting question: what are the answers you have
 to give to dpkg-reconfigure in order to end up with a desired
 ddclient.config? I.e. I know the .config I want but I don't know how to
 get that through dpkg-reconfigure.

I get the similar result and interested in it too.
So I looked further into it. 

 By using reverse engineering? :-)
 Make a diff between the two files and you will have a clue on what can
 be the changes/differences.
 The desirec ddclient.config is:
 use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com, web-skip='IP Address'
 But I don't know how to get there with dpkg-reconfigure.

These are all questions that dpkg-reconfigure asked, with sample answers 
and required answer types.

ddclientddclient/password   password
ddclientddclient/fetchhosts select  From list
# Run ddclient as daemon?
ddclientddclient/run_daemon boolean true
ddclientddclient/hostslist  multiselect
ddclientddclient/interface  string
ddclientddclient/protocol   select  dyndns2
# Run ddclient on PPP connect?
ddclientddclient/run_ipup   boolean false
ddclientddclient/username   string
ddclientddclient/blankhostslist error
ddclientddclient/names  string
ddclientddclient/modifiedconfig error
ddclientddclient/checkipboolean true
ddclientddclient/server string  members.dyndns.org
# Interval between ddclient runs:
ddclientddclient/daemon_intervalstring  300
ddclientddclient/serviceselect  www.dyndns.com

Put in proper values and put it in a file, say ddclient.answers.

Then run 'debconf-set-selections ddclient.answers' before running

Hope it will work. Please post back.


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: cron and MAILTO

2011-12-18 Thread T o n g
Thanks for your answer Bob.

On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 21:38:05 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

 I know normally cron will send emails to whoever the job is owned/
 launched by, but if I put a MAILTO at the top of the file, will all
 emails be then sent to my designated MAILTO user id, instead of to
 different users that own/launch the jobs?
 Yes.  That is a Vixie cron specific feature.  It does not exist in
 either the old System V or BSD cron daemons.

Hmm... I'm still not too sure what you meant.

Let me explain with an example. 

Say I have a file under /etc/cron.d/ with the following entry:

42 4 1 * * user1 echo This command is run 4:42 am every 1st of the month
01 * 19 07 * user2 echo This command is run hourly on the 19th of July

Usually, when the jobs do get fired up, each user receives the 
corresponding message in their email. 

Now, if I put 'MAILTO=user3' at the top of the file, what will happen? 


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-18 Thread Bob

On 12/19/2011 02:28 AM, Marc Aymerich wrote:

Today I've tried to connect my mouse through +10meters USB cable.
Seems that it works pretty well despite of what the RFC says about
maximum cable lenght :) the only problem I have is that ~5% of mouse
clicks are lost. I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate.
Is this posible ? for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in
USB1.0 mode or something like that?


I have a webcam that with older versions of the UVC drivers only worked 
well on USB 1.1  the easiest way I found to force it into that mode was 
to plug it into a USB 1.1 hub.

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Re: Gnome 3 problemen

2011-12-18 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 17-12-11 21:55, Teus Benschop schreef:
 Wat die tekst betreft, bij mij waren er eerst ook stukjes weg. Als de
 muis er dan overheen gaat, dan komt die tekst weer terug. 

Dat is bij mij niet zo.

 Dit was binnen virtualbox. 

Ik draai het direct op een wat oudere laptop.

 Toen ik 3D emulatie had ingeschakeld op de virtualbox, toen
 was het probleem weg.
 Als 'Activiteiten' er niet staat, dan lijkt het erop dat Gnome in
 fall-back mode draait. Is de grafische kaart goed genoeg voor Gnome 3?

laptop:/etc/X11# lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM
Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)

glxgears zegt ca. 59.970 FPS
De default test van gtkperf (test all) zegt 17.34

 de kaart schijnt bepaalde 3D dingen te moeten kunnen doen. Voordat ik 3D
 had aangezet binnen virtualbox verscheen 'Activiteiten' bij mij ook niet.

Ik zie bepaalde effecten functioneren, dit zou echter 2D kunnen zijn.

Misschien moet ik maar eens een live-CD met Gnome3 proberen, daar heb ik
een beetje naar gekeken.

In mijn zoektocht daarna kwam ik overigens een programma van Novell
tegen waarmee je een CD ISO bootbaar op een USB stick kunt zetten
(abock image usb stick. Dat vond ik erg interessant. Kent iemand een
dergelijk programma in Debian?
http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/  (onderaan kun je het programma

Jammer dat er geen live-cd's van sid/testing zijn.

Bedankt voor het meedenken!


 On 12/17/2011 08:51 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

 Op mijn laptop draai ik testing en enige tijd geleden werd Gnome3

 Wat me opvalt is dat veel tekst incompleet is. Zo wordt mijn naam in de
 rechterbovenhoek geschreven als P uld r Vl s. En, terwijl ik een
 terminalvenster open heb, verschijnt er wat verder naar links een tekst
 T rm   l  s  r. Ook in sommige menu's is de tekst incompleet.
 Na verloop van tijd verdwijnt dit meestal en zie ik de tekst wel
 correct. Weet iemand wat hieraan te doen is?

 Verder moet er linksboven Activiteiten staan, schijnt, zoiets zie ik
 tenminste op de Youtube video's over Gnome3 op Debian:
 Bij mij staat er echter niets, en moet je maar weten dat je daar moet
 klikken. Ook na verloop van tijd verschijnt er niets.

 Ik heb van een testuser de home directory leeg gemaakt en ingelogt als
 die user. Ook daar dezelfde problemen.

 Iemand een idee?



Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Beast attack kwetsbaarheid van webservers

2011-12-18 Thread Paul van der Vlis

SSLlabs zegt dat de Debian stable servers die ik beheer kwetsbaar zijn
voor de beast attack. Heeft hier iemand al eens uitgezocht wat dat nu
precies is, en hoe ernstig dat is?  Zijn er ook mensen die Apache zo ver
gekregen hebben dat die kwetsbaarheid er uit is?

Als ik het eerste advies op onderstaande site uitvoer dan ben ik nog
steeds kwetsbaar volgens SSLlabs. En het tweede advies is niet eenvoudig
realiseerbaar, omdat er voor Debian stable geen TLS 1.2 libraries
beschikbaar zijn voor zover ik weet.



Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Beast attack kwetsbaarheid van webservers

2011-12-18 Thread Jens Van Broeckhoven
Op Sun, 18 Dec 2011 15:19:57 +0100
Paul van der Vlis p...@vandervlis.nl schreef:

 SSLlabs zegt dat de Debian stable servers die ik beheer kwetsbaar zijn
 voor de beast attack. Heeft hier iemand al eens uitgezocht wat dat
 nu precies is, en hoe ernstig dat is?  Zijn er ook mensen die Apache
 zo ver gekregen hebben dat die kwetsbaarheid er uit is?
 Als ik het eerste advies op onderstaande site uitvoer dan ben ik nog
 steeds kwetsbaar volgens SSLlabs. En het tweede advies is niet
 eenvoudig realiseerbaar, omdat er voor Debian stable geen TLS 1.2
 libraries beschikbaar zijn voor zover ik weet.


TLS 1.2 is enkel een optie indien alles aan client zijde compatibel is. 

Die RC4 cipher is niet perfect maar wel beter dan niets.
Met Apache geeft dat zoiets:

SSLProtocol TLSv1
SSLHonorCipherOrder On


Jens Van Broeckhoven  

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Re: Beast attack kwetsbaarheid van webservers

2011-12-18 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 18-12-11 16:25, Jens Van Broeckhoven schreef:
 Op Sun, 18 Dec 2011 15:19:57 +0100
 Paul van der Vlis p...@vandervlis.nl schreef:

 SSLlabs zegt dat de Debian stable servers die ik beheer kwetsbaar zijn
 voor de beast attack. Heeft hier iemand al eens uitgezocht wat dat
 nu precies is, en hoe ernstig dat is?  Zijn er ook mensen die Apache
 zo ver gekregen hebben dat die kwetsbaarheid er uit is?

 Als ik het eerste advies op onderstaande site uitvoer dan ben ik nog
 steeds kwetsbaar volgens SSLlabs. En het tweede advies is niet
 eenvoudig realiseerbaar, omdat er voor Debian stable geen TLS 1.2
 libraries beschikbaar zijn voor zover ik weet.



 TLS 1.2 is enkel een optie indien alles aan client zijde compatibel is. 
 Die RC4 cipher is niet perfect maar wel beter dan niets.
 Met Apache geeft dat zoiets:
 SSLProtocol TLSv1
 SSLHonorCipherOrder On
 SSLCipherSuite RC4-SHA:HIGH:!kEDH

Ook met deze configuratie ben je nog steeds kwetsbaar volgens ssl labs.
Dus vandaar mijn vraag hoe ernstig dat nu eigenlijk is.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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